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University of South Carolina
Dance Marathon Benefitting Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital Our local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital
Allison Held Finance Director USCDM.org 513.967.2764 sodmf@email.sc.edu
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What is Dance Marathon at the University of South Carolina? Dance Marathon at the University of South Carolina (USCDM) is a student-led philanthropy organization that benefits Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital, our local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. Students involved with USCDM raise awareness and funds through year-round community and campus wide events for the kids (FTK) culminating in our Main Event during the Spring Semester.
About Main Event USCDM’s Main Event is a no-sitting, no-sleeping 14hour challenge in honor of the Miracle Children and their families. Participants learn a line dance, listen to and watch various entertainers, and hear stories from our Miracle families. Miracle families from the hospital join participants in games, fun and celebration before the final total is revealed in an emotionally rewarding closing ceremony. This year, Main Event will take place on March 21st from 10 a.m. to midnight at the Strom Thurmond Wellness Center on the University of ! South Carolina’s campus. !
USCDM By The Numbers !
3,134 Facebook Likes 1,478 Twitter Followers 443 Instagram Followers
$318,649! $224,510!
Who Do We Help? !
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Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital ! ! The money that USCDM raises each year goes straight to Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital, our local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital located in Columbia, South Carolina. ! ! ! !
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Did you know… Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital treats over 80,000 children each year. That’s enough to fill every seat in William’s Brice Stadium!
! ! ! ! ! This! year, all of the money that USCDM raises is dedicated to funding the Child Life ! program at Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital. Child Life is a program dedicated to ! helping children and families master healthcare experiences and cope with the ! stress of hospitalization through play, preparation/support, education and self! expression. ! ! Child ! Life Specialists are experts in child development, provide emotional support for !the families and encourage ! optimum development of children facing a broad
Child Life Program !
range of challenging experiences, particularly those related to healthcare and hospitalization.
Child Life Specialists play in integral role throughout the hospital, in areas including Inpatient floors, the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), Outpatient Surgery and the Cancer and Blood Disorders Clinic. !
How Can You Help?
USCDM wants to thank you for your kindness and consideration in supporting our cause. By sponsoring USCDM, you will have an alliance with one of the largest student led philanthropies on USC’s campus. You will gain exposure on USC’s campus to the entire student body and local Columbia community as well as media exposure through USCDM events. Most importantly, you will have the opportunity to support Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital, your local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital.
The Campaign !
This ! year, USCDM is challenging our organization, our campus and our community to raise half a million dollars with our new 2015 campaign ! “Half a Million in Half the Time”. ! In the past, USCDM has held a 24-hour event. This year, by shortening the time of the event to just 12 hours plus opening and closing ceremonies, we hope to create a more invigorating, high-energy event for our participants.
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! In exchange for your support and sponsorship, we would like to make you part of ! ! Dance Marathon and recognize your business in the following ways: ! ! ! ! by a Miracle C hild: Your Company will receive a Miracle Child’s story and thank you from Note sig ! ned
! Half a Million in Will you help us raise Half the Time?!
the child and Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital. Recog nition on Website: Your sponsorship will be recognized on USCDM.org. Your name and logo will remain on the site until the end of the school year. Recog nition at Main Event: USCDM directors will recognize and thank your company for its sponsorship during Main Event. Name on Partic ipant T-Shirt: Your company name will appear on the back of each participant’s T-shirt at Main Event Log o on Participant T-Shirt: Your company logo will appear on the back of each participant’s T-shirt at Main Event Soc ial Media Interac tions: Your Company will have the opportunity to reach our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram followers through mentions by our Public Relations team. Banner at Main Event: A banner with your name or logo will be visible for the entirety of Main Event. Sponsored Portion of Main Event: Your Company will be the title sponsor for a portion of the event. C heck Presentation at Main Event : Your Company will have the chance to present your donation check at the event. Log o in all Pre-Event Publicity: Your logo or name will be present in all pre-event publicity including social media, flyers, on campus events, etc. Promotional Table at Main Event: Your Company will be able to interact with all of our participants by having a table set up at Main Event. Personalized Plaque: USCDM will produce and deliver a personalized plaque thanking your company for its generous sponsorship of Dance Marathon at the University of South Carolina.
Sponsorship Levels !
Spirit Sponsor: $500 – 999 Garnet Sponsor: $1000 – 1999 Palmetto Sponsor: $2000 – 2999 Carolina Sponsor: $3000 – 3999
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FTK Sponsor: $4000 – 4999 Miracle Sponsor: $5000 – 5999 Super Hero Sponsor: $6000 +
A monetary value will be attributed to any In-Kind donations your company wishes to contribute, and your company will be awarded sponsorship benefits accordingly.
Note signed by Miracle Child Recognition on Website Recognition at Main Event Name on Participant T Shirt Logo on Participant T-shirt Social Media Interactions Banner at Main Event Sponsored portion of Main Event Check Presentation Main Event Logo in all pre-event publicity Promotional Table at Main Event
Spirit Sponsor $500-999
Garnet Sponsor $1000-1999
Palmetto Sponsor $2000-2999
Carolina Sponsor $3000-3999
FTK Sponsor $4000-4999
Miracle Sponsor $5000-5999
Super Hero Sponsor $6000+
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Personalized Plaque
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Meet Keldon Hemingway A Miracle Child treated at Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital
“I do like dancing, so I took this as an opportunity, and these guys have changed my life. ”
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! ! In April 2008, after a trip to the emergency
room, Keldon Hemingway, age 6, was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor that is located in the center of his brain. Immediately after diagnosis, Keldon went to Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital. !!“We wanted to make sure Keldon was at the best hospital receiving the best care. We found out that ! Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital was the best place, and they continue to give Keldon the best care,” said Sheila Hemingway, Keldon’s mom. Since his initial diagnosis, Keldon has undergone brain surgery, had two shunt implant surgeries, two port surgeries, at least 10 MRIs and a year and a half of two types of chemotherapy. Today, Keldon is 13, and the MRIs show that the tumor that changed his life remains stable. Keldon continues to be limited to what activities he can participate in because of his shunt implants. Keldon’s future is bright! He attends school full-time and looks forward to playing in the school band and playing basketball. Keldon also enjoys singing, dancing, drawing and painting. He performs and gets the crowd excited each year at USCDM’s Main Event! He and his brother, Kendale, always look forward to attending CAMP KEMO, a week-long summer camp for kids with cancer and their siblings. Early in 2014, Keldon was selected as the South Carolina winner of Champions Across America. He is one of 50 Champions selected nationwide by Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. He will be honored during Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals’ Celebration events in November 2014 in Orlando and Washington, D.C and has been the representative for South Carolina throughout the year with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals initiatives at the four Children’s Hospitals in the state.!
USC Dance Marathon 2015 Sponsorship Commitment Form YES! My company would like to sponsor USC Dance Marathon for the 2014-2015 school year at the following level: Super Hero Sponsor: $6000+ Miracle Sponsor: $5000-5999 FTK Sponsor: $4000-4999 Carolina Sponsor: $3000-3999 Palmetto Sponsor: $2000-2999 Garnet Sponsor: $1000-1999 Spirit Sponsor: $500-599 OR In-Kind Donation (Please list donated item __________________________)
My company wishes to make a contribution of $ _____________ (OR list monetary value of in-kind donation).
Please choose a payment method: !
Send me a payment reminder at a later date Our check is enclosed (Payable to USC Dance Marathon) Charge to this credit card number # _____________________________________ Name on card _______________________________________________________ Card Type _________________
Expiration Date _____________________
Authorized Signature: _________________________________________________ Today’s Date________________________
Please print how you would like your sponsorship to be recognized in promotional materials: Company Name: ____________________________________________________ Contact Person: _____________________________________________________ Contact Telephone: __________________________________________________ Email Address: ______________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________________
Please send your commitment form to the following address by February 10, 2015 to ensure activation of all sponsor benefits: USC Dance Marathon RHUU Suite 115 1400 Greene St. Columbia, SC 29208 Thank you for your sponsorship of Dance Marathon at the University of South Carolina! You will be contacted to initiate sponsorship benefits upon our reception of your commitment form. Questions? Please contact Allison Held at SODMF@mailbox.sc.edu