OSM newsletter 2014

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October 2014

Overseas Missions Department - UPCA

OVERSEAS MISSIONS United Pentecostal Church of Australia ~ www.upca.org.au

Along the way, there have been evangelistic visits and teaching seminars in remote areas such as Nabire (Irian Jaya), Kalimantan, Bali, Salatiga and the list goes on. When you mention the name of Sister Margaret Bellette to brothers and sisters in the Indonesian church, there is sense of awe and a heartfelt reverence towards her. To Sister Bellette and the other directors who served before me, we honour your efforts and give glory to God! In my new role as Overseas Missions Director, I was recently privileged to participate in the graduation ceremony of the SAAA Bible School in Jakarta (Sekolah Alkitab Apostolik Asia), which was established by Sister Bellette. In my address to the graduates, I challenged them to pause and ask themselves, ‘what it really is that has been placed in their hands’? God challenged Moses with a similar question. Exodus 4:2 says And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, a rod. (KJV) We understand that this rod was not a magic wand, nor did it have power of itself. But the Lord used Moses and the rod to demonstrate His power to Pharaoh: to part the Red Sea and to strike the rock. In fact the scripture even refers to it as the rod of God (Exodus 4:20; 17:9).

TRUSTED WITH THE GOSPEL 1 Timothy 1:11 According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust. (KJV) As I sit to write my first newsletter article as Overseas Missions Director, I cannot help but reflect on the work of those who have gone before me in this office. Their vision, their passion, their desire to see the gospel of Jesus Christ truly go into all the world, and be heard by every creature. Having been privileged to travel to various parts of Indonesia and Timor Leste with Sister Margaret Bellette on several occasions, I have witnessed firsthand her determination to overcome many obstacles and saw the work of God established. As the Lord has worked through her, we have seen a church born and a sanctuary built in Jayapura (Irian Jaya), a DVD Bible School produced in Jakarta, missionaries commissioned and sent to Timor Leste, a new church born on Rote Island (with a recently dedicated new church building) and the beginnig of new works in Kupang (West Timor) and Baucau (Timor Leste).


Simon and Caterina Butcher 1

October 2014

Overseas Missions Department - UPCA

God also challenged Elisha when he took up the mantle that had fallen after Elijah was taken by the fiery chariot in 2 Kings chapter 2. The bible says that he struck the waters of the Jordan River with this question, where is the LORD God of Elijah? God answered the question by miraculously parting the water just as He had done before! The mantle itself was powerless, but it represented the office, the calling and the anointing of the prophet. message contained within the word of God. However, he soon understood that its power was not released if it remains within the covers of a closed bible. The responsibility of activating the power is placed in our hands! 1 Corinthians 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God… Vs 21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. (KJV)

The Apostle Paul on many occasions wrote of the implications that arose from being trusted with the gospel. He fulfilled God’s calling in his life, despite persecution and affliction. God’s word was the only tool in his hand. He wrote about the urgency attached to the saving

Today something has been placed in our hands and it is not an object, it is not a rod or a mantle. It is a mandate from God to preach the gospel and to carry its life changing power to the whole world. This commission rests heavily upon the church. Will you go? Will you give? Will you pray? Have you considered what God has placed in your hands today? I challenge every reader as I challenged the graduates of the SAAA Bible School ‘what it really is that has been placed in your hands?’ According to apostle Paul it is the Gospel of Christ and this is the power that the Lord has placed in each one of our hands. Romans 1:16 says For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. (KJV)

Sekolah Alkitab Apostolik Asia Graduation Ceremony

On behalf of the Overseas Missions Department of the UPCA, I would like to thank you for your involvement in missions. We value all your support and challenge you to continue to bless the work of God. Simon Butcher 2

October 2014

Overseas Missions Department - UPCA

BLESSED TO GO… By Stephanie and Greg Hackathorn We were honoured to be invited to go on a mission’s trip to Indonesia in August of this year. Being our second mission’s trip to Indonesia, we were more prepared this time for the copious amounts of travel, people and rice! We flew into Bali very late on Friday night and proceeded to make our way to the hotel where we would be staying for the next 3 days. Somewhere through the process of Brother Butcher booking our rooms, the hotel was led to believe that Greg and I were on our honeymoon (we have been married nearly 5 years). We were greeted by swans made out of towels and rose petals everywhere! This made us laugh! Most who were there had come from churches that had only have limited visitation before and some had travelled up to six hours to be there. It was an honour to worship and be in the presence of God with them.

We had the opportunity to minister at the Youth Services (Saturday and Sunday Night) as well as the Sunday morning service at Brother Thomson’s church and the Sunday evening service at Brother Fredik’s. There was a tremendous move of God with an ex-Muslim dedicating her life to Jesus!

From there, we took a taxi ride to Salatiga, in Central Java. Our taxi driver seemed to be in a hurry so most of our rides were quite an adventure. We were accompanied by Bro Amin’s translator, Bro Gery who was a fantastic help throughout the trip. We were able to minister at the UPC Bible College in Salatiga. The students there were so hungry for God and it was evident in their worship and response to the Word. It truly was a blessing to spend the morning with them, teaching and praying for them.

From Bali, we headed to Jakarta where we were greeted by Brother Amin and Sister Fi. Even though we have met before, this was a great delight to finally see them at their home church. We were blessed to minister at a revival service at JSS. God showed up and did what only He can do! Our next stop was Semarang in Central Java where Bro Butcher and Bro Nightingale conducted Ministers and Leaders training sessions.

After ministering at the Bible College, we headed back to Jakarta for the weekend services. Bro Greg and I were able to minister at the Youth Service at Bro Amin’s Church, as well as at Bro and Sis Khubani’s church on Sunday. They were a lovely couple and have a great church in Jakarta. It was a fantastic trip! We encourage young people across Australia to get involved in Missions and see what God will do through your life!


October 2014

Overseas Missions Department - UPCA

TO OUR PRECIOUS YOUNG PEOPLE Do you ever feel you are walking in shoes that are a little too big for you to fill? This is just how Jeremiah felt as a young person about to answer the call of God. Fear is a natural emotion, however it can have paralysing consequences if we yield to it. Read God’s response to this young man’s hesitation in the book of Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 7: But the LORD said unto me, Say not, I am a child (a youth): for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak. 8 Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the LORD. 9 Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth. 10 See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant. (KJV) God not only corrected him, more or less rebuked him, for despising his age and lack of life experiences, but He put forth His own hand and touched the young man’s lips reassuring him that from then onwards he didn’t have to worry about his own words any longer. In a paraphrased way, the Lord was saying ‘it will be My words in you. It will be My favour alone that will elevate you to the right place at the right time to do the job I am sending you to do. And that time is today, Jeremiah’. And it is the same with you. Only God can empower you to pull up and tear down the spiritual barriers, to take apart and demolish strongholds so new things can start over. You will build and you will plant, for the Kingdom of God needs you NOW! The time to take on the baton from the previous generation is today. You don’t have to worry about trying to fill someone else’s shoes: God is giving you your own shoes to fill...

“... Then the LORD put forth His hand, and touched my mouth....”

Is it ok if we pray together? Dear Jesus, you have dreamed us into existence. Every step in our lives has been ordered of You, and we acknowledge that Your grace alone has kept us this far. We yield to Your will and give You our rights: You choose the path and we’ll walk in it, as You have promised that You will be beside us all the way. Give us the strength and courage to walk by faith and stay committed until You come back for us. We love you, Jesus... In your precious Name... Amen! Marcela Ferrari 4

October 2014

Overseas Missions Department - UPCA

WOW WOW WOW… By Paul Nightingale What an awesome and humbling experience it was to travel to Indonesia with the Overseas Missions team this past August. As it was my first time traveling internationally, it would be right to say I was a little apprehensive as we approached customs and immigration. Brother Butcher probably felt like he was travelling with a 5 year old: what will they ask me? how will I answer? what if I don't know the answer?... and the questions went on. Once we passed through customs without any problems, Praise the Lord, we met those who welcomed us and it hit me: the people, the cars, the bikes, the rules... were there any rules? It didn't seem to matter as every car trip was a new adventure. First in Bali and then later in the week in Jakarta. Traveling by car will never be the same.

Bible school students in Salatiga

It was an honour to meet and work with this great man of God that I have heard so much about. We drove to Bekasi where we had a couple of teaching sessions and Sis Hackathorn blessed the church in song. After taking a wrong turn here and there, another driving adventure, we made it to the end of another day feeling blessed.

We had our first service on the same night we arrived. It was a Youth Outreach service in Bali with Bro Thomson Manafe’s youth called Freedom Generation. Sis Hackathorn sang a greatly anointed song in Indonesian followed by Bro Hackathorn ministered the word of God amongst the youth. It was amazing to find out that there were some youth which had recently come into the church from a Muslim background. A young Muslim lady was touched by God’s presence and began weeping in repentance and seeking God with all her heart. With great persecution, it’s amazing how these young people are still willing to surrender themselves to the Lord.

The following day, we flew to Semarang where over the next couple of days there were a number of teaching sessions geared to those in ministry. Some had travelled for over six hours to be there. We were blessed to meet one of the first men to be baptised in Jesus name in the nation of Indonesia. As we saw the power of conviction and tears rolled down his face while he encouraged us all to be faithful to the truth, it was very humbling. From there, we drove to Salatiga to the Bible School where we had the opportunity to speak and strengthen the students. I was so encouraged by them when I realised the sacrifices they had made to attend the session. God is moving in these great young people.

The next morning, Bro Butcher and I ministered in Bro Thomson’s church and Bro Fredik’s church, while in the evening Sis Hackathorn ministered at the Youth meeting at Bro Manafe’s church. We felt His presence sweep through the sanctuary in all services. I felt so blessed by the worship of the saints and witnessed God doing a great work in Bali.

Our last day in Jakarta was extremely busy and so rewarding at the same time. We attended a Chinese service, a couple of Indonesian services and a Bible School Graduation. What a great way to finish an Amazing time in the field!

We then travelled to Jakarta where we met up with Bro Amin, Superintendent of the UPC Indonesia and pastor of JSS church in Jakarta. 5

October 2014

Overseas Missions Department - UPCA


I remember well when my husband was courting me – he was miles away to the north – what his expressions of affection, emotion, intent, written by his own hand, meant to me. Yes, I could pour over it again, and again, make sure it was real. There was somehow even a ‘presence’ about his written word, bringing comfort in the waiting.


And it is this form, through His Word, that our beloved Saviour chose to express His deepest and unchanging intents, affections, His plans for a future, and a hope for us and to us. His written Word is forever real, reassuring, revealing, alive and more intimate than any other form of expression.

“He does have surprising, secret purposes. I open a Bible, and His plans, startling, lie there barefaced. It’s hard to believe it, when I read it, and I have to come back to it many times, feel long across those words, make sure they are real. His love letter forever silences any doubts”

What a component of depth and power and experience we would have missed, had we not been able to read His words... In this manner our beloved, Jesus, is brought closer to us. Of course I realise that this is why that during some moments in my work in Timor Leste, time seems to stand still, tears rise up with feelings of hope and overwhelming joy. These moments happen when a precious creature of the living God makes a transition from reading single letters of the alphabet to comprehending and experiencing the Author of those words – and it is then that ‘His presence’ arrives and changes them through the power of His written word... His love letter to us.

― Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are

He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love Songs of Solomon 2:4


October 2014

Overseas Missions Department - UPCA

THE LITERACY PROGRAM IN TIMOR-LESTE When we were asked to share a simple story of one of our daily experiences or how God touched someone we’ve ministered to, both of us agreed that we would write about the Literacy program. While it would be remiss to leave readers with the impression that every day in the work of literacy support in Timor Leste is as described in the previous article, as with any work or study program, much of the day to day is routine both for the teacher as well as the student. Literacy programs based on the Word of God do yield great rewards and importantly eternal outcomes. On a certain day in August 2014, a student learnt and experienced not only to be able to READ the Word of God, but also meditate on it and later express her thoughts, feelings and gratitude to her God IN WRITING. It was then we knew that this was a breakthrough. Isabel, an adult literacy student, was able to not only read and comprehend the Book of Acts in her mother tongue, Tetum, but she was able to express in writing her thoughts about it. This is such a wonderful experience that we knew we had to share it with you at this time, as well as to thank you for your generosity through Overseas Missions. Your giving made this possible. We would also like to thank the SPBC Graduates Association, National Women’s Ministries and Calvary Chapel Canberra for their support this year for the literacy program or related activities. It is making a difference! Dianne and Michael Perry

Isabel, holding her ‘love letter’: the Book of Acts in Tetum, along with her written response.

Your giving this year has also contributed to the following in 2014 and much more:  Ongoing bible education (1 graduated Diploma level student & 2 other Certificate level students in Dili; and 4 Certificate level students in Baucau, 1 Pastor in Baguiaisolated area in the district)  1 new preaching point outside of Dili  6 baptised in Jesus’ name for the remission of their sins  3 filled with the Holy Ghost  16 participants taught at ‘Pastors and Their Leaders’ workshop Thank you once again for your support and commitment to the work of God in Timor-Leste.


October 2014

Overseas Missions Department - UPCA



The Overseas Missions Department of the United Pentecostal Church of Australia has touched many nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ since its inception in 1973. The purpose of the Overseas Missions is to:      

preach the whole gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world; to establish new churches; to send forth missionaries; to endeavor to perform any other duties connected with religious work; to help in any way possible to meet the needs of local churches; to translate, publish and distribute religious literature.

The success of the Overseas Missions Department of the UPCA is a direct result of a co-operative effort between local assemblies, missionaries and this Department. We sincerely appreciate the involvement of the many churches and individuals throughout Australia.



Rev. Simon Butcher PO Box 2216 Malaga 6944 WA AUSTRALIA p: +61 421 699 549

e: simon.butcher@upca.org.au

PO Box 199 Hampton Park 3976 VIC AUSTRALIA

Please forward all cheques to the OSM office


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