Overseas Missions Focus Newsletter

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overseas Missions T HE W H O L E


I recently read


an article The Whole Truth


story about a Mormon who


had been

Rev. Margaret Bellette

persuaded by a Christian friend that News from the field


Rev. Silverster Randut 5

Missions Statement


Camp Rev. Jonathan Downs

the Mormon had subsequently left his

ex-Mormon had joined a New Age religion.

like lambs among wolves. That is

mankind is sinful and can be fully

clearly not a comfort zone. Mission

forgiven through the atoning sacrifice

work, whether overseas or at home is

of Jesus and this is appropriated

not carried out in our comfort zone.

and the receiving of the gift of the

everywhere, who teach the “Whole

Holy Spirit.

truth and Nothing but the Truth,” those

If we fail to convey to them the hope

to East Timor, Brother and Sister Perry,

that lies within us, then we have not

who despite opposition to teaching

helped them. However, to do so is not

baptism in Jesus Name have preserved

without risk. Evangelism can be a

resulting in three more baptisms last

delicate act. Many missionaries risk


their very lives by evangelizing in

witnessed to friends who adhere to

countries to which it is a crime to do so. The Lord has opened this door in East

false religious teachings. Sometimes, in our zeal to disprove the doctrines of this false religion, we forget to follow up with the truth of the gospel of Jesus

Other Christians face charges of

Timor and until He closes it the work

“divisiveness” and “intolerance” for

of the Bible School, the Literacy

teaching the truth of salvation.

School and our proposed orphanage will continue to advance, people will

Christ. Remember, to serve Christ costs

continue to be baptized in Jesus Name

everything. There is an element of rick and people will continue to be taught

When we are able to show that there

involved, but Jesus has called us out of the whole truth about salvation.

are not three people in the Godhead p: +61 418 469 412 e: margaret.bellette@upca.org.au

orders. Jesus wants us to serve him

that Jesus is God with us, that

like our own Australian missionaries

well-intentioned Christians have

DIRECTOR: Rev. Margaret Bellette PO Box 373 Minto, NSW 2566 Australia

that Jesus is God manifest in the flesh

discovered too late that the

Nature abhors a vacuum. Many


you have it. There are our marching

Name of Jesus for forgiveness of sings, Praise God for all missionaries,

religion. Unfortunately, the friend Jakarta Youth & Family

full plan of Salvation which includes

through repentance, baptism in the

his religion was a false religion. The friend was delighted later to hear that

Photo Gallery


relating a

Rev. Margaret Bellette An Open Door


our comfort zones when he tells us to

and that the Trinity is a corruption of the Apostles teachings of who God is, we have only done part of our job. The Great Commission has not yet been

“take up your cross daily and follow

To our Australian Brethren, thank you

me.” In Luke 10:2-3, Jesus said “the

for your wonderful support, your

harvest is plentiful, but the workers

prayers and encouragement.

are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest,

fulfilled by this action.

In obedience to God, we MUST

therefore, to send out workers into his

Rev. Margaret Bellette.

harvest fields. Go! I am sending you


out like lambs among wolves.” There

follow this up by teaching them the




In the Book of Acts we read of the Apostle Paul, accompanied by his fellow

many hours in deserted airports without air conditioning because an

workers travelling many miles over periods of years to evangelize and

important personage has had our plane delayed because he is at a meeting.

establish churches. As he went he appointed elders and deacons, leaders

But there is an open door...

who would care for his small flocks of believers he would leave behind until he or another of his team would be able to revisit to encourage and

We are still in the book of Acts! Nothing has changed! Jesus is still guiding

strengthen their faith. There is an open door....

and blessing the efforts of His people! The building of God’s Kingdom will continue until He returns for His Church.

Today, we have read between the lines, glean from history or the writings of those who have already gleaned, to understand the time frames and the

God bless every one of you who sacrifice in your support of Overseas

often appalling conditions that would have been experiences on those

Missions and our Australian Youth Missions to make it all possible. There

missionary journeys. Many times, thoughts of Paul’s missionary journeys

is an open door...

have sprung to mind as our missionary teams have had to cope with being stranded on waterfronts in unbearable heat, sitting on baggage praying and waiting for the rough seas to abate so that our ship can sail, or waiting for




Greetings in the precious name of Jesus to all our brethren & supporters of the work of God in Timor-Leste. It is our privilege to have been asked to write an article on our experiences in partnership with the church in Australia, since our bible college graduation in Queanbeyan. We do this with Br. and Sr. Perry’s help with our English!

In relation to the Timor-Leste missions’ bible education component, we graduated at Certificate level in 2011. We did that full time so that we could after graduation start to teach others in Timor-Leste through the bible school. And while we did that we continued on to Diploma level part time. Praise God we graduated in December 2012.

Words cannot express the impact the bible education from Australia has had on us personally as well as in Timor-Leste. People here take a long time to trust people from outside and any new teaching. But we have already two other people from Dili who have undertaken successfully the Certificate level. In this time, both were baptised in Jesus’ name and they are both now studying Diploma level.

We also currently have two further students in Dili. We have also started a campus this year in Baucau, which is quite a drive from Dili so we go there every fortnight, teach on Saturdays and then minister on Sunday before returning again to Dili. There are people responding as trust in gained there. One couple in August were baptised in Jesus’ name. The husband feels a calling to the ministry.

Our first graduation in Dili

Our current Baucau students

We also want to thank you for all your support for the establishing of bible education here. Knowing that churches, families and individual church members gave so generously for us last year fills us with gratitude, courage and strength to go on.

When we first tried to do bible education with people from districts outside of Dili we came across a big problem with illiteracy. With your help we have started a Timorese Association involving other invited community members here in Timor-Leste. This program will reach out in the community. Already there are many people who have been helped to begin to learn to read.

Through your giving we have also been able to lease an interim house in an area of Dili called Moris Foun. This name means new life!

(Continued on Page 4)



Here is a photo of the outside area of our current base: We would like to thank you also because your giving allows for us to have special visitation and revival meetings. Many times it is at these events that people receive the Holy Ghost. It cannot be estimated in this world what this visitation does for the work of God here.

Photos taken during our April & July 2013 revival weekends:

Your giving also allows for us to have teaching and advice during special visitation by Sr. Margaret Bellette and Br. and Sr. Downs. Their wisdom and encouragement helps us here in Timor-Leste so much. The work of God would not progress so much without such visitation which could not have happened without your giving last year.

Sis. Bellette about to start special workshops on

Bro. Downs praying for Pastor Bernardo.

doctrine for Pastor and Leaders, including reaching out to churches outside of ourselves.


Thank you for this opportunity to share with you what we are doing because of your support and the goodness of God. We thank you again for your strong prayers and your support until Jesus comes again.

Maromak fo bensa (God bless you!)






The Overseas Missions Department of the United Pentecostal Church of Australia has touched many nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ since its inception in 1973.

The purpose of the Overseas Missions is to:

Preach the whole gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world;

to establish new churches;

to send forth missionaries;

to endeavor to perform any other duties connected with religious work;

to help in any way possible to meet the needs of local churches; and

to translate, publish and distribute religious literature.

The success of the Overseas Missions Department of the UPCA is a direct result of a co-operative effort between local assemblies, missionaries and this Department.

We sincerely appreciate the involvement of the many churches and individuals throughout Australia


In June 2012, I had the

The leadership of the youth department and

camp was held in a beach side resort, where

extreme pleasure of being

many of the youth had been in prayer and

families had a time of fellowship, rest and

the guest speaker at the

fasting for this camp. God moved in a mighty


annual youth camp and

way with around 15 young people filled with

family camp at Jemaat

the Holy Spirit in our evening service. A good

We had a wonderful time of fellowship with the

Suara Sangkakala JSS (UPC Jakarta). The

number of these were then baptised on their

families of the JSS church and God moved in a

youth camp was held in a village called Pacet

arrival back in Jakarta, after we failed to find

wonderful way in the services. I would like to

Cipanas Puncak which is situated in mountains

enough water on the mountain top to baptise

thanks Pastor Lie Amin and his staff for the

3 hours from Jakarta.


wonderful hospitality.

The family camp was held at Cirita Beach

After ministering at a morning teaching session

It is fantastic to see what God is continuing to

which is on the western coast of the island of

and an evening service, it was time for a late

do in Jakarta and to hear that they are now able

Java, approximately 4 hours from Jakarta. I was

night trip back to Jakarta. Given the congestion

to send missionaries across Indonesia and even

accompanied on this trip by one of the young

on the roads in and around Jakarta, travelling in

East Timor.

men in our local church, Bro Winnon Brunson,

the early hours of the morning seems to be the

who was able to get leave from his job for this

only option.

short-time in Indonesia. The youth camp was attended by approximately 70 young people and

We arrived in Jakarta in the early hours of the

there was a definitely atmosphere of

next day and were able to sleep in a bit before


heading off to the family camp. The family


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