UPLB Perspective Volume 39, Issue 2

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K-12 as unconstitutional 2nd SOYA assesses youth concerns in education


When is a nation peaceful? Is it peaceful enough when armed elements ‘guard’ a community? How about concealing the conflicts between the marginalized sectors and the ruling class? On its second issue cover, the UPLB Perspective puts an emphasis on the pressing militarization issues experienced by our fellows from Quezon and how the government, despite the tenacious calls to put an end on this, ignores the grievances of both peace-loving sectors and human rights advocates.


In response to PNoy Aquino’s third State of the Nation Address (SONA), different sectors from various provinces in Southern Tagalog including student groups launched their very own version of SONA – the second State of the Youth Address (SOYA). SOYA, pioneered by Kabataan Party List – Southern Tagalog in 2011, is a system of fora in the CALABARZON region which primary objective is to educate the people, especially the youth, of the current status of the country. It also aims to inform the youth of their roles in several issues and to unite them in spearheading the region for social reform and movement. Laguna’s leg of the SOYA was held last July 2012 at the DL Umali Auditorium with Los Baños Municipal Councilor Jay

Rolusta introducing the main speaker, Kabataan Party List (KPL) representative Raymond Palatino. In his keynote address, Palatino first gave a brief history of the KPL and its struggle to become the voice of the youth in the Congress. It was preceded with a discussion of various issues involving the Filipino youth and how they can take part to the nation’s progress. Palatino then went on criticizing the unconstitutionality of the K-12 program. According to him, K-12 apparently discourages students to pursue education in the tertiary level by providing technical and vocational courses in junior and senior high school. Moreover, he said that it only hurries the youth into serving foreign interests instead of the country’s. Lastly, Palatino delved into the issue of state funding for education by saying that if the administration

STPC aids Habagatstruck communities in Southern Tagalog


It was August 8, 2012 when the Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) reported an unusual weather disturbance barreling towards the Philippines through the Southern Tagalog region. However, no one foresaw the damage it was about to inflict upon the region in its 4-day rampage. As early as dawn of August 9, families near the seas, lakes, other water bodies and mountainous areas were already self-evacuating in search of higher ground as that day’s unusual weather disturbance quickly gained momentum and developed into a stronger than usual northern wind convergence or Habagat. It was early morning of August 9 that the situation ballooned into a larger scale as the Habagat not only struck the ST region (its projected route towards its exit, on the other side of the country) but also hit Bulacan, Pampanga and Metro Manila en route to its destination. Metro Manila easily gave into the heavy rains and in just a few hours 85% of the country’s capital was submerged in flood water. Most of the country’s major highways became unusable as they were swallowed whole by flood-water. Most classes were automatically cancelled that day, and in lieu of an official statement from the Malacañang Palace, city and municipal local government units or LGUs were vested with the power to cancel classes in their respective districts.



Meanwhile, UPLB students organized relief operations to help their fellows especially in the Laguna area. The Serve the People Corps (STPC), originally the STPB or Serve the People Brigade was reformed from its last formation in the wake of super typhoon Ondoy in 2009. Now in the midst of an almost another super typhoon Habagat, the STPC, composed of UPLB students, staff and faculty alike came together to gather donations for the Habagat victims. What started in the 1980’s as an organization calling for a pro-people government and institutional services, the Serve the People Corps once again brings multi-sectoral entities regardless of political colors, beliefs and ideologies and rally for the people’s need. Even nowadays, after almost 30 years the context has turned to relief operations, STPC’s trademark, the Serve the People ideology burns bright in its campaign to aid the people. The relief operation has gathered more than 500 relief gooda bags, which include clothes, rice, canned goods, noodles and milk in adherence to current United nations protocol in the quality of relief packs worldwide, and distributed them to key flooded municipalities, mostly ones that the LGU’s themselves couldn’t reach. Within August 8-16, day-in and day-out volunteers flooded STPC’s relief centers at the Vega Center and Christian School International’s (CSI) United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP) Among the Palms as individual’s and various student organizations and movements gave time to gather relief goods and repack them into the STPC’s standard relief packs. [P]

really wanted progress and stability for the country, PNoy should prioritize funds for education above anything else. SOYA was closed by Bagong Alyansang Makabayan - Timog Katagalugan Chairperson Leo “XL” Fuentes with a discussion on the two views of activism – progressive and reactionary. [P]



GEs concur with K-12 program

Various curriculum changes implemented


This academic year, UPLB to train the student’s expertise via This academic year, the College students witnessed a number of service related to his or her field. of Engineering and Agrochanges in the undergraduate The College of Arts and Sciences industrial Technology (CEAT) courses’ curricula, some of (CAS), however, offered NSTP just introduced the BS Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (BS ABE), which already took effect first this second semester. replacing Bachelor of Science semester, 2012-2013. RESPONSE TO BIOTECHNOLOGY in Agricultural Engineering (BS CHANGES IN RGEP and NSTP In 2010, BS in Agricultural AE) effective this academic year. COURSES Biotechnology (BS ABT) was Panopio said that this change was At the beginning of second offered under College of made to make the AE graduates semester of AY 2011-2012, PI Agriculture. Former UP President be recognized abroad, as the 100 (Life and Works of Rizal), a Emerlinda Roman endorsed the Philippines is the only country subject with a junior standing as program for its advantages in offering the mentioned degree prerequisite, was renamed into PI the field of modern agriculture program name. 10 making it a required GE (General and environmental science. Education) course under the SSP According to Panopio, formation Panopio furthered that the (Social Sciences and Philosophy) of the said course promotes revision of the BS AE curriculum domain. As a GE course, it became agriculture as a “program of and the addition of BS ABT are available to students from all year national importance,” having responses to support the growth of levels. According to Prof. Rolando biotechnology as an emerging biotechnology as a developing field Panopio, Assistant to the Vice and developing field in under agriculture, emphasizing its national importance. [P] Chancellor for Instruction, this agriculture. change was implemented as a “centrepiece” of GE courses, in commemoration of Dr. Jose Rizal’s UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES LOS BAÑOS 150th birthday last June 2011. UNIVERSITY OFofTHE LOS BAÑOS Rm. 10, Student Union Building, University the PHILIPPINES Philippines Los Baños, 4031 “Who could be more [qualified uplb.usc1213@yahoo.com as a] GE [oriented person]? Who could be the icon of GE kundi si Rizal mismo, isang holistic FINANCIAL REPORT person,” said Panopio. st Semester 2012-2013) (for 1 Other changes with the GE YnikENG B. Ante courses include 1 (College CHAIRPERSON INFLOW English) and ENG 2 (College Writing in English) as required for all degree programs, with the Abegaille D. Dela Cruz Council Shirt Php4400.00 former being the prerequisite of VICE-CHAIRPERSON Revolving Fund Php1325.00 the latter. Further, additional 6 FRA.Sacri Dinner Php625.00 units for Philippine Studies are COUNCILORS now required which previously Freshmen Reg Assistance 2012 Php200.00 Josef GregoriY. Criador contained PI 10 only. Students will USSC Term Planning Fee Php200.00 Ma.Jhenzel S. Go HIST now have to choose among UP Shirt Design Contest Profit Php2621.00 Jereneal B. Hipolito 1 (Philippine History), POSC 1 Active Vista Film Showing Profit Php4725.00 Arthur Kent M. Holt (Reimagining Philippine Politics), SOSC 4 (Seeing Society the Lives Paolo Nicolo M. in Furigay TOTAL: Php14,096.00 of Contemporary Filipinos), NASC Kimberlee Anne M. Melu 5 (Environmental Biology), and Katherine Louise L. Miller RECEIVABLES NASC 10 (Forests as Source of Life) Marjorie D. Resuello for the remaining 3 units and will Albertfor Aubrey O. Valencia be effective students of Batch Council Shirt Php1900.00 Sarah Mae This, G. Villarmino 2011 onwards. according Revolving Fund Php1175.00 to Panopio, is in line with one FRA.Sacri Dinner Php1050.00 COLLEGE REPRESENTATIVES of the main objectives of RGEP Delta Lambda Sigma Sorority Sponsorship Fee Php200.00 which is to “foster commitment to nationalism balancedF.by sense TOTAL: Php4,325.00 Mari Misheelen delaa Cruz of internationalism.” College of Agriculture Panopio added that a second OUTFLOW Mark Angelo C. Bucay wave of revision in the RGEP courses College in of Arts Sciences will take place AY and 2015-2016, in Office Stuffs Php115.00 accordance with the K-12 program. UP Summit Php1620.00 This is because courses such Aiveebasic C. Tesorero UPLB Pride March Php136.00 as MATH MATH 14, MATH 17, College11, of Development Communication FRA.Sacri Dinner Php1060.00 STAT 1, ENG 1 and ENG 2 will now be taught in senior school. UP Shirt Design Contest Php1166.00 Kevin Renzhigh P. Mercado FBA Php475.00 College of Engineering and As of first semester 2012-2013, each college handledTechnology its own NSTP Agro-Industrial TOTAL Php4,572.00 courses, previously supervised by the Ugnayan ng Pahinungod. This CarinaPeñaranda Remaining Balance Php6,824.00 idea, according to Panopio, caters College of Economics and Management



Paul Asuelo

College of Forestry and Natural Resources

Prepared by: KIMBERLEE ANNE M. MELU UPLB PERSPECTIVE . VOLUME USC Councilor and Finance Committee Head

39 .





Ante discusses issues on Philippine education

For 39 years, the UPLB Perspective, the official student publication of the University of the Philippines Los Baños, has been keeping its long held tradition in serving as the “training ground for students in impartial journalism and responsible leadership in thought and opinion,” and representing the students’ voice on various social concerns. Being one of the student institutions in the university, it has taken the forefront in delivering balanced news and raising the awareness of students on local and national issues. However in the past academic years, the publication of the UPLB Perspective, traditionally released twice every month, had seemingly come to a halt. Some issues were never published and news updates are currently read only in the Internet. Although online versions are uploaded from time to time, the presence of a “tangible newspaper” was barely felt. This, along with other circumstances concerning the student publication, was caused by a number of reasons that deal with issues on fiscal autonomy and irregularities with the disbursement process which, in turn, led to inconvenient transition of the terms of editorial staff that followed. It is only fitting that you, beyond being an Iskolar ng Bayan, know what happened to your student publication.



In a May 8, 2009 letter addressed to Christian Ray Buendia, UPLB Perspective (AY 2008-2009) Editor in Chief, former Office of Student Affairs (OSA) Director Vivian Gonzales stated that the UPLB administration will no longer collect the student fund beginning the first semester of AY 2009-2010. Forty pesos of the student fund, pegged at Php 45.50 per student, is for the publication of the newspaper. Gonzales, in one of the dialogues with the Perspective staff, suggested that in order to gain funds for the publication, advertisements from private companies may be entertained – a suggestion that Perspective never considered, affirming that the publication was meant for students’ interests only. The non-collection of student fund was met with negative feedbacks due to the memorandum being implemented without proper student consultation. Furthermore, it greatly paralyzed the publication’s transactions, resulting to several issues having been printed in half-size bond paper through donations of the UPLB studentry. This repression to Perspective’s access to funds led to the creation of a memorandum of agreement (MOA) between the Perspective and the administration to set a new disbursement scheme for the publication funds which will reflect its full fiscal autonomy.



Estel Lenwij Estropia, along with three other applicants, took the examination for the UPLB Perspective’s EIC on June 19, 2010, a three-month delay from what was stated in Article 4 of the Revised Rules and Regulations Governing the Publication of the UPLB Perspective which is to conduct the editorial examinations one month before the end of the classes in the second semester. Estropia, after topping the examinations, finally got her appointment as the Editor in Chief from the Office of the Chancellor (OC) only after July 1, 2010. On October 4, 2010, the OC, through former Chancellor Luis Rey Velasco, stated that the MOA will be signed only after the publication has registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This new requirement resulted to another batch of papers needed to be processed and ultimately, to another delay in publication, with its first regular issue released on February 2011.


SR brings UP Summit Series to UPLB WORDS | NEIL DARWIN FELEO CABUYAO Student Regent (SR) Cleve Kevin Robert Arguelles held in UPLB last July 12, 2012 the UP Summit 2012 with the theme, “U-Fee Fight! Our Continuing Struggle for Our Right to Education” – a UP systemwide forum addressing the need of the UP community to be informed about the current status of Philippine education. Ynik Ante, UPLB University Student Council (USC) chairperson opened the first part of the forum with a discussion of Philippine education’s status quo. According to her, 152,000 classrooms, 13 million armchairs, and 45 million textbooks have been long needed by the country. She also cited that in 2009, only 48 percent of the original number of elementary employees actually finished Grade 6, and from them, only 48 percent made it to high school. Issues concerning education were also discussed, particularly the budget cuts on state universities and colleges (SUCs) and the newly-implemented K-12 program. Citing that the United Nations (UN) mandated 7 percent gross domestic product (GDP) appropriation to all its member nations, Ante criticized the Aquino government with the latter providing only 3 percent of its GDP. This is also true for the social services which is mandated to be 5 percent but the government provides with less than 2 percent. Further noting that tuition hikes in all SUCs are the consequences of these budget cuts and misappropriations, Ante revealed that most educational institutions fabricate a lot of activities in order to generate income, with dorm and tuition increases as examples


Weeks after Mark Ian Billante, the current UPLB Perspective Editor in Chief, got his appointment from the OC last March 30, 2012, UPLB Chief Accountant Joan Mendoza informed that Perspective (during the previous term) had already been registered with the SEC. However, the MOA has not been signed yet, therefore the proposed disbursement process still cannot be implemented. Mendoza explained that the UPLB administration cannot be guaranteed that all business transactions will be transparent to both parties, especially because the de-facto members of the board of directors, the UPLB Perspective AY 20112012 Editorial Staff, are no longer part of the current term. The chief accountant also added that there are no representatives from the UPLB administration in the Board of Directors to make it legally binding. Mendoza also informed that Perspective holds an unsettled balance which amounts to an approximate of Php 90,000 due to the two regular issues (one in May 2011, followed by another in June) published during UPLB Perspective AY 2011-2012 EIC Samuel Jay Pasia’s term. Unbeknownst to the UPLB administration, the transaction was apparently made only between the editorial staff and the printing company’s proprietor, Ding Quintos. As of April 18, 2012, the total publication funds of the UPLB Perspective had already amounted to Php 2,692,707.78. In order to proceed with the normal operations of the publication, we were told to formulate a budget proposal as early as possible. The initial draft was completed first week of June 2012. However, the budget proposal underwent several revisions and document processing in order to be affixed with proper signatories. Adding to that, the present editorial staff was instructed to settle the remaining balance for the proposal to be signed. This greatly caused the delay in the budget proposal’s approval since we don’t have contacts to the previous editorial staff since they were the ones who incurred the debt. The OC also admitted that the balance is very difficult to settle due to its nature as an unofficial business transaction. After a series of dialogues with OSA and the OC, the budget proposal was finally approved by Chancellor Rex Victor Cruz on November 2012. As of this writing, the balance has not been settled yet.

of such. On the other hand, she stressed that the Php 10M increase on the budget for SUCs should be attributed to youth protests and their assertion for their right to education. Ante concluded her speech by saying that the Philippines has all the resources it needs and that the people should just maximize its fullest potential, for and by the Filipino people. She also stated that UP students should steer the country’s education scheme away from its current reactionary, commercialized and colonial direction into one that is prostudent, democratic, and equal. Meanwhile, Arguelles opened the main discussion of the summit with a brief history of UP – of how the Philippine Normal University (PNU) and the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) were both established by the Americans in preparation for the foundations of UP. He then discussed problems on representation as students from far-flung provinces and some students can’t even afford the financial costs of studying in UP. It served as a briefer for the next part of his speech – his assessment of the Socialized Tuition and Financial Assistance Program (STFAP). Arguelles then went on his discussion of the faults in the Revitalized General Education Program (RGEP) courses saying that the RGEP is currently being revised as some of the GE courses would now be prescribed per course. The UP Summit concluded with an open forum participated by the students who relayed questions to the SR with regards to other UP-related issues. [P]














SK ETC HP AD Mga Sining

UPLB PERSPECTIVE APPRENTICES! James Israel Alim Robert Dave Alonzo Maria Ophelia Cariño Paul Christian Carson Ma. Alyssa Caugma Arlene Dizon Peter James Dequiña Guien Eidrefson Garma Angeli Ann Llantos Romar Joshua Laurel Loraine Alshifa Martinez Roberto Santos IV Ezekiel Trogillo Reginel Valencia Justine Willauer

ni Makaraig*

Hindi ko akalain na ang aga-aga, sasabak agad ako sa takbuhan. Bonus pa dahil first day of classes ko sa UP. Bakit kasi hanep sa tagal magsiligo yung mga tao sa dorm? Naglalaba ata yung mga yun eh. Sa susunod nga aagahan ko pa ‘yung gising ko. Mga 3 AM. Ewan ko nalang sa kanila. Ako si Umi Javier, BS Applied Physics. Umi as in mayumi yan ah. Ha-ha! Joke lang. Ang ikli ba? Ayoko kasi ng pangalan ko. Kung sa’yo ba naman ipangalan ang pangalan ko, ewan ko na lang kung hindi mo pa gustuhing lamunin na lang ng lupa. Parang pinanganak lang ng maling century. *** Tiningnan ko yung relo ko, 7:00AM na. Lalo ko tuloy binilisan yung takbo ko, recit pa man din agad ang first subject ko, small class kaya halata kapag late. “ HUM 2, CAS A2 102. HUM 2, CAS A2 102.” Natawa lang ako, lahat pala ng sinabi ko may ‘2’. Hinihingal na ko at bumabagal na ang takbo ko, buti na lang halos nasa harap na ako ng building. Nahanap ko kaagad yung room ko. Yes, room 102, may sense of direction ako! Pagbukas ko ng pinto may lecturer na sa harap at nagchecheck ng attendance, yung mga kaklase ko may papers na binabasa. Kinabahan ako bigla. hinanap ko kaagad si Mike, yung blockmate at super classmate ko. Pagupo ko sa tabi nya, siniko ko siya nang mahina. “Ano na ginawa niyo?” “Wala pa, namigay lang ng course guide, tapos nagpakilala si sir.” “And you are?”, tanong sakin ng professor. “Javier po sir.” Tinitigan niya yung listahan niya. “Javier, Maria Illuminada?”, tanong niya nang medyo nangingiti. “Y-yes sir.” At nabuko na ang pangalan ko. Kill me now. “Unique name,” sabi niya sabay abot ng course guide.

Natawa yung mga kaklase ko, may nagsabi pa nga, ‘Ang cool! ‘Yan din name ng kapatid ng lola ko!’ Nilingon ko nga tapos. . .wala, nilingon ko lang. Kaasar lang eh. Bumukas ulit yung pinto, may pumasok na lalaki at umupo sa likod. “At least ‘di ako yung pinaka-late,” sabi ko kay Mike habang tinitingnan ko yung course outline. Maya-maya, tumayo si sir at naglecture nang konti tungkol sa kung sinu-sinong pintor. Da Vinci, Luna, Van Gogh. Patay, art nga pala ‘tong klase ko. Ayoko talaga ng art. . .dahil ayaw din ng art sa akin. Kaya nga Bachelor of Science ang kinuha. Speaking of standing, si sir na nakatayo at nagsusulat sa board ng requirements ay biglang nagsalita. “Where are you going?” Lumingon ako at saktong nakita ko (at ng buong klase) ang isang lalaki na akala mo nahuling nakatapak sa kung ano mang landmine. “The boy near the door, I said where are you going?” Napaka-epic ng expression ni kuya! Priceless! “Um, sir, C.R. lang po,” sabi ni kuya na namumula na sa hiya. At isang di inaasahang pambabara ang ginawa ni sir, “To the C. R. with your bag?” Nagtawanan kami lahat, oo nga naman, ba’t kailangan ng bag? May man-purse? “Ah, sir kasi po, maling klase po ata ako. ENG 1 po dapat klase ko eh.” At kahit mukhang imposible ay mas lalo pang namula si kuya. Tawanan ang buong klase. “Ay grabe lang, epic fail!” sabi ko habang pinipigilan namin ni Mike ang tawa namin. “Ano ‘yon, Miss Illuminada?” Natigilan ako. The fudge, napalakas ata. [P] *Para kay Makaraig, kuntento na siya sa piling ng anime at kahit anong libro na kanyang mabasa. At taliwas sa iyong akala, siya ay isang lehitimong dalaga.

Ang Kilabot kong KWENTONG

Propesor ni Baby Z*

Umaga noon nang unang araw ng Summer Bridge Program, dali-dali ang lahat sa pagsilip sa natatanging bulletin board na makikita sa lobby ng dormitory upang malaman ang seksyon na kabibilangan hanggang matapos ang programa. “English class, section c! Instructor...instructor...? instructoooooor...” (natulala) Nakita ko lang naman ang pangalan ni Prof. A sa kanang bahagi ng listahan ng mga estudyante na napapaloob sa klase nya, ang kinapipitagang propesor at kilala bilang isa sa mga pinaka-terror na propesor sa unibersidad – mga detalyeng nalaman ko noong una pa mula sa aking mga kasamahan. Nakatulala akong tumalikod sa bulletin board at tahimik na naglakad patungo sa canteen upang kumain ng almusal. Sa mga paahong iyon, ramdam ko ang mabilis na kabog sa aking dibdib habang kinikinita na ang magiging malagim na buhay sa loob ng klase ni Prof. A sa buong buwang pananatili sa programa. Tatlongpong minuto pa bago ang takdang klase namin kay Prof. A, ngunit lahat kaming mga estudyante niya ay nasa loob na ng silid at naghihintay. Napakatahimik, walang kumikibo na kahit galaw man lang ng paa o kahit bulungan ay wala akong naririnig. Sa mga panahong iyon ay para kaming mga presong ibibitay, naghihintay at nakikiramdam sa yapak ni kamatyan na mamayamaya ay amin nang maririnig, papalapit at kami ay iisa-isahing susupilin. Pak! pak! pak!, naririnig ko na ang palakas na palakas na tunog ng mga tapak patungo sa aming silid. “Nandito na siya”, ang bulong ko sa aking sarili. Narinig narin ito ng aking mga kaklase kaya




naman nagmamadali ang bawat isa sa pag-ayos ng kanilang pag-upo. Bago man lang namin nasilayan ang mukha ng paparating ay isang malalim na paghinga ang narinig ko sa bawat isa na sinabayan ng muling mahabang katahimikan. “Ayan na siya…ayan na siya…ayan na siya…”. Ang natatangi kong iniisip habang nakatitig sa pinto. Biglang nagkaroon ng sigla ang klase ng masilayan namin si Prof. M. Prof M: Good morning class. Ngayong araw ako muna ang magtuturo sa inyo dahil hindi makaka… ( pumasok ang isang matandang babae sa silid at ngumiti kay Prof M). Mabilis na bumalik ang kaba at ang katahimikan sa bawat isa sa amin. Mas matinding kaba kumpara sa naramdam bago masilayan si Prof. M. Prof M: Hello ma’am, akala ko hindi ka makakapasok ngayon. Prof A: (ngumiti) Prof M: (Nagmamadaling umalis ng silid) Prof A: (Kinuha ang isang papel sa folder na dala at isa isang binanggit ang pangalan ng mga estudyante. “Present!”, Ang nanginginig na tinig ng bawat isa pagkatapos banggitin ni Prof. A ang kanya kanyang pangalan. Pagkatapos banggitin ni Prof. A ang huling esudyanteng nakalista, Prof A: (dahan dahang tumingin papakanan at papakaliwa at nagsalita habang tumititig sa bawat

isa na tila liyong sabik kumain ng bibiktimahin) “You are not here to compete with other students! You are here to compete with the standard of the university!” (sabay tingin uli papakanan at pakaliwa) Lumakad patungo sa kabilang sulok ng silid, pagdating ay sabay bigkas ng malakas – “Anyone here who has not already been baptized?”sabay ngiti. Ewan ko ba kung paano naintindihan ng mga kaklase ko na ang ibigsabin pala ni ma’am ng salitang ‘baptized’ ay ‘tuli na’. Dahan-dahang tinanong ni ma’am ang bawat isa sa amin as in isa isa, “You?! Baptized?!”. Takot na takot na nagsipagsagutan ang aking mga kaklase ng yes habang ako naman ay tila naguguluhan hanggang sa dumating sa aking harapan ang malaking boses ni ma’am, “Y-O-U?! BAPTIZED?!”, alam ko na hindi pa ako nababawtismuhan dahil ang relihiyon namin ay di tulad ng sa katoliko na sanggol pa lamang ay binibinyagan na. Gulong gulo ang aking mukha ng isagot ko ang natatanging… “I have not already been baptized ma’am.” (sumunod ang isang mahabang katahimikan ng buong klase) Sabay ang dumadagundong na halakhak ni prof A na tila wala ng bukas na sinabayan narin ng buong klase. Kung di ako nagkakamali umabot iyon ng 15 segundo – tawa pa lang ni prof. [P] *Mahaba ang kwento ng pinanggalingan ni Baby Z. Pero sabihin na lang nating graduating na siya para masaya.



















CAMPUSFORUM Sa mga naging pahayag Kung magkakaroon ng bagong course ni PNoy sa kanyang sa UPLB... BOOM! SONA nitong July 23, alin Ano ito at bakit? ang hindi mo bet? Puro papuri. Wala man lang nabanggit na masamang nangyari sa administrasyon nya kahit isa man lang. Venson Cai, BSCE 2012 Napaisip lang ako kung gaano katotoo ung mga statistics na pinresent niya. JR Urbano, BS Biology 2012 His SONA was just a rearranged and revised SONA. Just the same with his last year’s, just a piece of shit. :) David Relao, BSEE 2011




‘Di ako nanuod ng SONA kasi i don’t believe in anything that he would have said during the event. It’s not that i don’t care, I just don’t trust his words anymore. John Agustin Cramen, BS Biology 2010 Sa SUC budget, magkaiba ang tumaas sa SAPAT na budget. :) Nathaniel Paolo Cabatan, BSEE 2012 ‘Yung bang... Nakakatigil ng pagbaha sa Pilipinas, directly... Eruel Malihan, BS Math 2011


BS Waste Management, ito ‘yung napapanahon para maresolba ang issue ng flashflood sa Pilipinas dahil sa improper way or process ng pagdidispose nito. Christian Joshua Dio, BS ChE 2012 BS Forensics, yung reason ko sa forensics eh interesting s’ya para sakin. yung examine those evidences from the crime scene like the hair, blood, etc. pati sa dami ng mga hindi malutas na crime, maganda kung may course na magsspecialize dun. :) Carol San Jose, BS Chem 2012 BS Oceanography. Since the Philippines is an Archipelagic country. Venson Cai, BS CE 2012 Kung ako, BS Bioinformatics. We need courses na multi-disciplinary. This gives us more specialized skills. :) Rick Jason Obrero, ICS-CAS 2011 Accountancy! HAHA. Lagi nilang hinahanap. Kahit related na s’ya sa AMath, hindi sila naniniwala.:) Joshua Randolph Germita, BS ABE 2012 MedTech! Kasi Public Health sa UPM, Edi MedTech sa LB! :)) Nathaniel Paolo Cabatan, BS EE 2012 Kung magkakaroon ng bagong course sa UPLB, siguro LAW. Mag si-shift agad ako kung mangyari yun. John Agustin Cramen, BS Bio 2010 Kung magkakaroon ng bagong course sa UPLB, pwedeng dagdagan ang Engineering like Metallurgical, Mechanical and Geodetic Engineering :)) Lalo na sa Metallurgical, tayo ay nasa probinsya na kung saan mas marami dito ang nagmining. Mas magiging effective kasi nakikita mo talaga ung process at malapit lang sa mga bundok-bundok. :)) Ralph Carlo Evidente, BS ABT 2012




Iisang Mungkahi

kuha ni Trista Isobelle Gile


Scary Truth ni Trisobelle







One of a hundred




kuha ni Maria Ophelia Cariño






Sa loob ng isa’t kalahating oras WORDS | MAYOR FILIPI*

Matapos ang nagdaang weekend ay heto na naman ang araw na kinaaayawan ng karamihan — Martes. Martes ang unang araw ng linggo para sa karamihan ng mga estudyante sa UPLB. Tuwing Martes, abala na ang lahat para sa bagong linggo ng madugong pakikipagbuno sa acads: papers, exercises, surprise quizzes, lab reports, long exams — ilan ito sa mga ayaw ngunit ‘di matatakasang tungkulin ng bawat estudyante. Gaya ng nakasanayan, papasok ako, makikinig sa bagong ituturo ng prof, at muling mag-aabang sa pagdating ng Biyernes, ang kadalasang araw ng uwian. Pero dahil sa Martes pa lang, kailangan munang dumaan sa isang nakakapagod na linggo upang gampanan ang tungkulin ko bilang estudyante. Pumatak ang alas dies ng umaga, ikalawang klase ko sa araw na iyon, ang klaseng kinatatakutan ang prof na kilalang mahilig mambagsak sa mga kursong tinuturo niya. Habang wala pa siya, abala naman ang klase kung paano sasagutan ang bilang na iniwan niya sa amin nitong huling meeting. Sa paghihintay sa kulang-kulang tatlumpung minuto ay nakikiramdam na ang bawat isang umalis sa klase dahil hindi pa siya dumarating, nang walang pasubaling bumukas ang pinto. Nagulat ang lahat na may halong pagka-inis. Pumasok si Sir, ibinaba ang kanyang mga gamit at bumati ng “Magandang umaga.” Tinanong niya kami kung mayroon daw bang makakapagbigay ng sagot sa bilang na iniwan niya nitong huling meeting. Walang kumikibo, nakasubsob ang lahat sa kanya-kanyang kwaderno, ilan siguro ang pilit na nag-iisip kung paano iyon sasagutan (o nagpapanggap na nag-iisip) at mas marami sigurong naghihintay sa isa at tanging kaklase na maglalakas ng loob na ipakita ang kanyang sagot. Biglang binasag ni Sir ang katahimikan sa kanyang nakakagulat na pagsalita, sa tonong galit at pasermon, sabay labas ng kwarto. Natigilan kami. Nagtinginan ang bawat isa, balot ang lahat ng pagtataka. Isaisa rin kaming umalis, wala na rin kaming nagawa sa nangyari. Iniisip ko kung anong dapat gawin habang naglalakad pauwi. Gusto kong sagutan ‘yung naiwang assignment pero hindi ko talaga alam kung paano. Natapos ang araw na umiikot sa isipan ko kung paano kakaharapin ang susunod naming meeting. *** ...Sadyang Nang nagising ako tatlumpung minuto bago ang klase ko kay Sir, madali akong nag-ayos ng sarili para hindi mahuli sa may mga klase. Tama namang dumating ako sa oras at wala pa ang prof, tahimik ang paligid habang nag-aabang sa kanyang bagay pagdating. Halatang nakatuon ang lahat sa pag-iisip kung na hindi paano sasagutin ang naiwang bilang na naging dahilan ng kanyang pagkagalit. kailangang Muling nabasag ang katahimikan sa paglangitngit ng idaan sa kahoy na pintuan sa marmol na sahig ng silid. Pagdating at pagkababa ng kanyang mga gamit, kumuha siya ng salita bago whiteboard marker sa kanyang bulsa at nagsimulang magsulat ng mga tamang sagot para sa mga hindi maunawaan. nasagutang bilang. Tutok na tutok ang klase sa bawat pagguhit ng marker habang nagtataka sa hindi niya pagsasalita. Walang minutong lumipas ang hindi ginugol sa pagkopya ng nasa pisara. Nang matapos magsulat, masusi niyang sinuri ang kanyang mga sinulat, hinahanapan ito ng mali, kung mayroon man, kahit wala. Nang mukhang kuntento na sa kanyang mga sinulat, binura niya ang mga ito, kinuha ang kanyang mga gamit, at lumabas ng pintuan. Natulala kami sa pangyayari, nangyari ang lahat ng ito sa loob ng isa’t kalahating oras: isa’t kalahating oras na walang pagpapalitan ng salita sa pagitan ng guro at ng klase, isa’t kalahating oras na nakikiramdam lang ang bawat isa sa kung anong maaring mangyari. Kung maari lang talagang ako na lang ang sumagot sa naiwang tanong nitong huling meeting, bakit hindi? Kahit naman hindi sabihin ni Sir, alam ko ang pagka-dismaya niya sa klase. At kahit naman hindi sabihin ni Sir, ang hindi niya pagkibo ay isang paalalang may hakbang na kailangang magmula sa amin. Sadyang may mga bagay na hindi kailangang idaan sa salita bago maunawaan. *** Hinangin ang pinto at sumarang may malakas na tunog. Nagising ako sa aking pagkabalisa. Panaginip lang pala ang lahat. Nakita ko na lang ang cellphone ko sa sahig, nahulog malamang sa likot kong matulog. Alas-nwebe, sabi ng orasan: isang oras pa bago ang klase ko kay Sir. Tanaw ko rin ang nakabuklat na kwadernong hindi ko pa rin nasagutan. Bahala na, nagmadali na lang ako para sa pagpasok sa klase niya. Sa hindi inaasahang pangyayari ay naganap ang lahat ayon sa aking panaginip, mula sa pagbaba ni Sir ng kanyang mga gamit hanggang sa kanyang paglabas, lahat ng iyon sa loob ng isa’t kalahating oras. Kinilabutan ako ng matapos ang klase, pero hindi ko na ito pinansin. Ang tanging palaisipan sa akin ay kung ano ang dapat kong gawin sa mga susunod niyang pagtuturo kung hindi pa rin siya magsalita. Siguro isa lamang ang malinaw ngayon, kailangan kong pagbutihan ang pag-aaral sa kursong ito. [P]


*Tagapaglingkod ng bayan. Namumuhay kasama ang diyos ng sugkisan, tatsihaan at panandaan. Kasapi sa kulto ng pili at pinyahan.





Ano ang Apektado ka ba theme song ng ng Sin Tax Law? first sem mo? Bakit o bakit hindi?


I-comment ang iyong sagot sa Facebook Page ng [P] o i-tweet sa @uplbperspective. ‘Wag kalimutang ilagay ang pangalan, course at batch!

HODGEPODGE The Mañana Habit


Sa Hacienda Luisita: maririnig ang talumpati niya - mga paninisi ng halos walang hinto at maka-alab-damdaming lahat ng negatibong naranasan ng mga paghagulgol ng isang paslit sa kanyang Pilipino hanggang sa gitna ng kanyang magulang. Itinatanong niya kung bakit termino. Puno rin ng mga pangako niya hindi tulad ng maraming batang ka- sa mga nauna niyang SONA na wari edad niya ay hindi siya pumapasok sa niya at ibinabalita niyang “natupad na” paaralan. Matagal nang idinadaing ng at ilan pang mga bagong pangakong paslit ito sa kanyang magulang at alam pinalibutan nya ng matatamis at ng magulang na nakahahalata na ang mabulaklak na salita upang kumbinsihin kanilang anak sa paulit-ulit ang sagot ang mga tao (at ang kanyang sarili) na nila: nag-iipon pa sila ng tamang halaga gagawin at ginagawa nga niya ang mga upang siya’y makapag-aral. Hindi nila pangakong iyon. masabi ang totoo sa anak na kulang pa sa Inilahad ng tatlong eksena ang ilan sa pang-araw-araw na pagkain ang kinikita ibat-ibang anyo ng pangako na mayroon ng mag-asawa para sa kanilang pamilya. tayo. Dalawa ang kasalukuyang umiiral Ang kita ng magulang na maghapong na paniniwala natin sa kung ano ang nagbabad sa marubdob na init ng pangako Una: ito ay marapat na tuparin, araw sa lupang hindi pa nila lubusang ano man ang mangyari dahil katumbas pagmamay-ari, upang masustentuhan ito ng ating dangal. Ikalawa, isa itong ang mga pangangailangan na salita na pampayabong lamang, ito ang magkakasya (na kadalasa’y kulang pa) mga sinasabi nating gagawin o hindi sa kakarampot na sweldo sa buong gagawin na hindi lang dahil binigkas araw na paghahanapbuhay. Dahil sa natin ay kailangan nating tuparin. halong pagka-irita at awa, nagbigkas ng Dalawang pamantayan ang nalilikha pangako ang magulang - na sa susunod sa pagtupad ng mga pangako na pasukan ay papapasukin dahil naging pang-araw-araw na nila sa eskwelahan ang ...Kailangan na sa atin ang mangako. anak. Agad na tumahan Masyado na tayong kong gamitin ang paslit. nasanay sa pagsambit ng nang tama Sa isang tahanan sa salitang “pangako” sa halos siyudad sa probinsya: may lahat ng ginagawa natin ang oras dahil magkapatid na maririnig na mula sa malalaking bagay isa lamang nag-aaway dahil sa laruang hanggang sa pinakamaliit. itong barya na Ang masama dito, hindi robot. Ang nakatatandang lalake, pilit na ginagamit ang natin sineseryoso ang ipinahiram laki at lakas upang maagaw ang mga maliliit na pangakong laruan sa kapatid. Si bunso naman ay sa akin. binibigkas natin dahil ang pilit binibigay ang lahat ng makakaya para tingin nga natin sa mga ito ay maliit makuha ang laruan sa kanyang kuya. Dala lamang. Dito maipapasok ang isang ng kabataan, walang gustong magbigay personal na paniniwala ko na “practice sa isa’t isa; walang nais magsakripisyo makes permanent,” mahirap ituwid para sa kapatid, hanggang sa maisip ng ang mga maling gawing kinasanayan kuya na gamitin ang kanyang isip upang na nating gawin . Dahil nasanay tayo makalamang sa kapatid. Ipinangako niya sa hindi pagtupad ng maliliit nating na kapag binitawan ni bunso ang robot, pangako, nadadamay na rin ang bibigyan niya ng pera ang kapatid upang malaking pangako na marapat nating pambili ng kendi – batid niyang ito ang tuparin. kahinaan ni bunso. Walang pag-iimbot Hindi lang basta salita ang “pangako.” na binitawan ni bunso ang laruan at Ito ay may kaukulang tungkulin at tiwala napunta nang buong-buo sa kanyang na gagampanan mo sa lahat ng iyong kuya. Pagkatapos nito, nagmamadaling makakaya, maliit man ito o malaki. Isa tumakbo si kuya palabas ng bahay, palayo ito sa mga katangiang naghihiwalay sa papalakas nang pag-iyak ni bunso. sa atin sa ibang nilalang ng Diyos: Sa Batasang Pambansa: Hinatid binigyan tayo ng isipan at konsyensya ni Noynoy Aquino ang kanyang upang gumawa at gumampan ng mga ikatlong State of the Nation Address pangako natin. Simple lang ang sagot (SONA). Muling napuno ng kritisismo sa mga pangakong napapako: kung sa nagdaang administrasyon ang hindi kayang gawin, ‘wag mangako. [P]








A CRIPPLED PERSPECTIVE With virtually no funds to start with, the present editorial staff, initially composed of more or less than 10 student journalists, still pushed through and made use of what was left with us. There were also some changes in our usual presswork, as we were instructed that our permit to work beyond office hours can be approved only until 10PM. From then on, writing for a newspaper while balancing our academic load became a burden since 7PM is the only common time for us to meet and three hours is seemingly not enough to accomplish all our tasks. It is very ironic that we, the members of the editorial staff, were provided with millions to spend on our operations and yet, we hold our staff meetings in an office with burnt electrical lamps, guarded with defaced walls and a door that can be opened in a gentle push. We don’t even have any desktop computers and printers or a decent whiteboard in our editorial office. Clearly, the funds provided for us and for the students are just written on a piece of paper. While completing all the necessary documents for the approval of our budget proposal, the first regular issue of the UPLB Perspective Volume 39 was released online on the first week of September 2012. Prior to that, the initial roster of writers was added by 16 more student journalists, working as apprentices for the publication. Currently, the production of the next few issues of Volume 39 is in the final stage of layout and proofreading and will be released soon as back-to-back online copies through our accounts in major networking sites. On the other hand, the publication’s counterpart literary folio, Pananaw, and its lampoon issue, UPLB Defective, are being reviewed and evaluated by our section editors. Timeliness of the articles is one of the most important factors to be considered in news writing. With this nature of irregular release periods at hand, we are aware that we failed in releasing timely copies that may be

helpful in times like these that social issues of grave importance are needed to be understood. For this, we, the UPLB Perspective Editorial Staff AY 20122013, humbly apologize for these shortcomings. Rest assured, while we continue to assert for a more democratic and smoother flow of all business transactions concerning the publication, the succeeding issues of UPLB Perspective Volume 39 will be released as soon the final production stage is completed. In order for the succeeding issues to be published, we had already accomplished forms for purchase request, purchase order, and the Annual Procurement Plan (all due last February 5) which are needed in the usual disbursement process in the university. However, these forms are not yet signed and approved by the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) as of this date because of a number of reasons that we believe we have already complied with. We believe that the usual disbursement process in the university, which usually takes up to 3-5 weeks per transaction, cannot be conveniently applied to the normal operations of the UPLB Perspective being a bimonthly newspaper. Thus, a call is also being made to the UPLB administration to review the current process and help us bring back the newspaper that had already become part of the university’s history. The issue on fiscal autonomy of the UPLB Perspective is just one of the pressing situations in the university that every Iskolar ng Bayan should be aware of and is the main reason why the publication continues its struggle to be eye and the voice of UPLB students. Through the best of our efforts to keep the articles as socially relevant as possible,albeit late, may you still find the succeeding issues of UPLB Perspective Volume 39 useful and take pride of what the students can do amidst financial difficulties. But then again, our struggle doesn’t end here. [P] For the students and the people, UPLB PERSPECTIVE Editorial Staff (AY 2012-2013)


arts. Socio-political and sociocivic organizations instill in its members a sense of responsibility to our fellows and develop social awareness. In the end, students who belong to organizations are work on papers and readings. more likely to end up as more With the time constraint I faced, well-rounded individuals than I had to focus and spend my those who are not. To hinder time wisely. Come to think of it, freshmen from acquiring these having time divided between perks by disallowing them to many obligations can lead join organizations would be to the development of more taking from them a year’s worth responsible of experiences individuals they can learn ...To hinder who know the from. Personally, essence of time. I regret having freshmen waited a year It has been said from acquiring before joining that education an organization these perks... must not be of this. limited to the would be taking because I feel I would four corners of have learned from them a the classroom. and experienced This is the reason year’s worth of so much more why there exist already if I had . organizations not waited. that aim to hone the students beyond Also, being part of an classroom training. Therefore organization is like being part organizations must not be seen of a family. Members do not call as hindrances to adjustment; if each other “brods and sisses” anything, they push for growth for nothing. Perhaps this is and excellence. Academic one of the main attractions of organizations give students organizations: they promote training that classroom a sense of belonging among discussions do not usually students, most of whom had to offer, in the form of seminars leave their homes to study in and workshops. Socio-cultural the university. Organizations organizations train students can serve as a support group in other fields of interest like for these students, especially literature, music, and visual because they will have upper

From a student’s point of view WORDS | PAULINE ANGELA REYES

In an interview with the UPLB Perspective, Dr. Leticia Afuang, Director of the Office of Student Affairs, said that it is clearly stated in the UP Student Guide under the Revised Rules and Regulations Governing Fraternities, Sororities, and Other Student Organizations that officers of fraternities and sororities who are found to have recruited new freshmen will be suspended for a year. And although there is no such rule for other organizations, those who are proven to have done the same will not be recognized the following academic year. According to her, these preventive measures are not imposed to constrain the freshmen, but rather, to give them time to adjust to their new environment. But as a student who is a member of an organization, I do not find being affiliated to a group a hindrance to adjusting. When I was a freshman I did not join any organization yet, but was a volunteer for the



student council of my college. Being a volunteer entailed basically the same obligations as that of a member of an organization. But it did not, in any way, burden me while I was settling in my new niche in the university. Instead, it was a big help for me in terms of meeting new people, and in training me to balance my time between academic and extracurricular pursuits. I consider it very fortunate that at an early point in my college life, I already had this training because it has helped me balance my obligations now that I am part of an organization. Contrary to what most people outside organizations are led to believe, belonging to one is not equated to poorer academic performance. As a freshman, my duties as a council volunteer certainly did not count as a major factor that affected my grades. I had less time to dedicate to reviewing my notes compared to those who had no extracurricular activities, yes, but that also meant I had no time to waste procrastinating and dilly-dallying before starting to




class brods and sisses who can help answer some of their questions or could give advice about life in the university. It seems ironic to me to think that having this sort of family would be a hindrance to a student’s adjustment period when in fact, belonging to a group of people who share the same beliefs or interests with you would make adjusting a lot easier. It may be true that the Office of Student Affairs only have good intentions in putting into place regulations against NF recruitments of fraternities, sororities, and organizations. Still, this does not alter the case that they may have overlooked a simple fact: that we are college students, old enough to know how and what to prioritize. We are old enough to be trusted to know what is best for ourselves, or at least be responsible enough to be held accountable for our decisions. Also, college is supposed to be the final training ground for individuals before we step into the outside world. Having organizational obligations alongside academic work would train us to handle and excel in real life situations, where no one will put constraints on anything out of good intentions for your sake. [P]



A Plan of Biblical Proportions... Continuation from Page 7

All data acquired from these mini-projects will be uploaded and made available to the public through the Internet, using the official site of the project (noah.dost. gov.ph), with statistics coming from different monitoring agencies such as the Philippine Atmospherical, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) and the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS), DOST-Advanced Science and Technology Institute (ASTI), in partnership with the UP National Institute of Geological Sciences and the UP College of Engineering. This is made possible through the Weather Hazard Information Project (WHIP) within Project Noah. With these technologies, local governments will have better data in delivering real-time updates more effectively to their constituents through various information dissemination services such as through the short message service (SMS), and will also create long-term reforms or local projects for future use. Other environmental organizations may also use these data for their researches. Also, Dr. Mahar Lagmay, the project’s executive director, and also a professor in the National Institute of Geological Sciences, encouraged, in a recent symposium to representatives from various municipalities in Laguna, to use Project NOAH as a “way of life, parte ng kultura, parte ng ating sistema (part of our culture, part of our system).” He said that through Project NOAH, they are trying to develop and encourage a culture of preparedness and safety to all citizens of the Philippines. Optimism on the project has been expressed by certain people like the President, Benigno Aquino III, and said that this project “would put an end to the ordeal that people have been accustomed to in rainy weather,” with the convenience brought in by technology. However, only a month since its launch, it has been defeated by disaster. During the onslaught of typhoon Gener and the monsoon after, Project NOAH lost its sources of power caused by the weather disturbance. Whether it may be an unforeseen event or an effect of negligence in planning, this may be the birth pangs of a newly-born nationwide program. With all its promises and also its shortcomings, Project NOAH is a new and commendable step in closing the gap in information and is a new standpoint in future meteorological endeavors. However, in its sophistication, laymen need simpler terms to be familiar with these data, which fortunately is included in the project. It is now on the shoulders of mass media to spread information drives so these technologies can be put into use by the majority. With this, there is newfound optimism on the direction of our progress, which must be furthered through time and space. [P]


Truth that is not presented The media is and always has been the most influential agent of socialization. Through its wide range of forms that continue to expand with the passing of time, it is able to disseminate information to a large audience. It is powerful enough to affect the way individuals would think and act; it could even be the primary influence to the formulation of one’s stand on various issues. And as the cliché saying goes, “with great power comes great responsibility”. The press has no bigger obligation than to deliver the truth to the people at all costs, free from censorship and anomalous rigging. Unfortunately, it seems that facts are not well reflected by the mainstream media of today. Everyday, people are bombarded with news that does not paint the entire image of the situation of our country. The truth is censored and tampered with to fulfill the needs of the elite few and to hide the monstrosities committed by some high-ranking officials. A manifestation of this fact is what’s exactly happening in the Bondoc Peninsula, which received probably the worst end of President Aquino’s Oplan Bayanihan. Civilians residing there, majority of which are farmers and peasants, are constantly in fear for their safety because of the presence

of no less than eight battalions of the Armed forces of the Philippines in their towns. Many have reported being tortured by soldiers who try to make them confess as members of the New People’s Army. Many have also been killed because they were suspected members and leaders of the guerilla group. These reports are alarming since the ones who are doing these are the same entity that swore to serve and protect the people.

civilians- a family with their driver- who were allegedly mistaken as part of the convoy. The Maguindanao Massacre has been tagged by the international Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) as the single deadliest event for journalists in history. 71 deaths of journalists have been documented in the country since 1992. This is enough to label the Philippines as the second most dangerous place for journalists in the world, next only to Iraq.

What have we heard about this from the mainstream media of today? Almost nothing. Oplan Bayanihan is being painted as a humanitarian project of our government. The military is still decorated as heroes that protect and defend our people. Nothing is said about the civilians who are killed and tortured.

With all these deaths, it is hard to believe that there is genuine press freedom in the country. These are manifestations of how the State tries to suppress the propagation of truth among the people. And as journalists and citizens of today, we must not allow this state of things to continue. The more the government tries to screen what the media will show us, the more we need to search for the truth that is not presented. And that truth lies with the fact that there is something wrong in the way this nation is being governed, something our leaders are trying to keep from us. As journalists and citizens of today, we must participate in the fight and stand up for the basic human rights that these people and many others have died for. We have no business keeping silent and ignoring the call for action only because we are afraid of losing the comforts we now enjoy. [P]

These media blackouts are not the only manifestations of the horrid situation of the press in the Philippines today. On November 23, 2009, at least 34 journalists were kidnapped and mercilessly killed along with 16 others in Maguindanao. The entire convoy, which consisted of the journalists and 11 family members and friends of Esmael Mangudadatu, were on their way to file a certificate of candidacy when they were abducted. The other 5 people who were also killed were

...We have no business keeping


and ignoring the call for


EDITOR IN CHIEF Mark Ian Billante ASSOCIATE EDITOR Mark Angelo Ordonio MANAGING EDITOR Neil Darwin Feleo Cabuyao NEWS EDITOR Pauline Angela Reyes FEATURES EDITOR Princes Bulaclac CULTURE EDITOR Ladylove May Baurile PRODUCTION EDITOR Trista Isobelle Gile BUSINESS MANAGER (OIC) Ryan Jeff Andaya FEATURES STAFF Joanna Cerrille Calapine CULTURE STAFF Jean Erica Sarmiento PRODUCTION STAFF Jerome Oliver Aligora, Franz Patrick Cubero APPRENTICES Robert Dave Alonzo, Paul Christian Carson, Ma. Alyssa Caugma, Arlene Dizon, Peter James Dequiña, Guien Eidrefson Garma, Angeli Ann Llantos, Romar Joshua Laurel, Roberto Santos IV, Ezekiel Trogillo, Rejinel Valencia, Justine Willauer Editorial office:

Rm. 11, 2nd Floor, Student Union Building, UPLB, College, Laguna uplbperspective1213@gmail.com



UPLB Perspective is a member of:


College Editors Guild of the Philippines (CEGP) and UP Solidaridad: UP systemwide alliance of student publications and writers’ organization





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