UPLB Perspective Volume 42 issue 3

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UPLB PERSPECTIVE | Volume 42 Issue 3 | June - August 2016











UPLB PERSPECTIVE | Volume 42 Issue 3 |June - August 2016

Manuel elected as 34th Student Regent Raoul Manuel was selected as the 34th student regent (SR) during the 42nd General Assembly of Student Councils (GASC) last July 16-17 at the Nicolas P. Lansigan Auditorium, College of Forestry and Natural Resources (CFNR), University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB). Manuel is UP Visayas’ first Summa cum Laude from the College of Arts and Sciences who finished BS Applied Mathematics and is currently taking his masters at UPD College of Science. The 3rd SR select is Josiah Gil Hiponia, a UP Diliman College of Mass Communication student currently taking up BA Film, while the 2nd SR select is Omid Siahmard, a Magna cum Laude in BS Biology of College of Science and Mathematics, UP Mindanao. Manuel had four points in his General Plans of Action: Information and Communication, Student Collaboration, University Policies and New Administrations. He entitled the aforementioned Prospects and Challenges for the Student Movement. “It will be the mission of the Office of the Student Regent to spearhead systemwide campaigns and activities that will contribute to the attainment of tactical victories for the student movement,” Manuel stated. Pangalangan’s end of term report Miguel Enrico Pangalangan, the 33rd student regent, presented his four-point end of term report with a sub headline by discussing some issues that the UP community is facing and the provisions that the Office of the Student Regent have offered to help the students fight


PHOTO | VICENTE MORANO III these concerns. On the P2.2 billion budget cut, Pangalangan reported that more than 3500 students participated in the system-wide campaign last August 27 and September 24, 2015 against the approved budget of the Department of Budget and Management for the UP system of P10.9 billion – P2.2 billion less than the approved budget compared last year. “This campaign was not just against a budget cut, but campaign for the state to provide the people our right to education, a campaign to stop profiteering from our education, an assertion that education is

a right and not a commodity, and most definitely not a privilege,” Pangalangan said. Meanwhile, he also discussed the issue on the org registration in UP Los Banos and the 2014 code of student conduct. Pangalangan challenged the delegates not to get daunted and not to apologize when standing up and speaking against repression. “The administration wants to divide us between organization and fraternity or sorority. Belittling the freshmen and their capacity, repressing our right to peacefully assemble, our right to organize, and our freedom

of expression, our democratic rights are under siege by the administration through the implementation of the code of student conduct,” Pangalangan said. The former student regent ends his report at 6:00 PM with a resounding challenge that gained applauses and clenched fists in the assembly hall: “What use is your perfect attendance [in classes] if you are absent in times of action? Why raise your hand for recitation if you do not raise a clench fist in times of protest? What is the use of being an Iskolar ng Bayan if we do not persevere to serve the people?”


BS Biology Graduate Leads this Year’s UPLB Graduation WORDS | JJ AZUCENA

Christian Jirard Custodio, BS Biology magna cum laude, led this year’s University of The Philippines Los Banos (UPLB) graduates in the 44th Commencement Exercises held this June 25 at the DL Umali Freedom Park Grounds, UPLB. Among the 2,245 graduates from the undergraduate and graduate degrees, 177 graduated with honors with 20 magna cum laude and 157 cum laude. The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) registered the most number of honor graduates with a total of 9 magna cum laude and 59 cum laude. Among these honor graduates is Christian Custodio, BS Biology major in Molecular Biology with a general weighted average of 1.28, leading this year’s graduation as the batch 2016 valedictorian. On his valedictory address, Custodio tackled how the University of the Philippines binded the diverse views and aspirations of its students leading to the realization of our identity. In his opening statements, he remarked “Class of 2016, we cannot deny this diversity, for this is what has determined the choices we have made; whichever GE course or elective to take up in our plan of study; which groupmates to pick and trust for our projects; whether we would stay up all night to finish a requirement or sleep for the night and obtain the energy we need to finish it in the morning.” He also asked the graduates, “Has the University of the Philippines equipped us with what we need so that we could survive the reality outside that is constantly becoming something that has not been expected?” In his closing remarks, he left a challenge to this year’s graduates as he remarked, “Let someone lead the battle. Let it be you.” This year’s commencement speaker was University of the Philippines President Alfredo E. Pascual. In his welcoming remarks, he highlighted the characteristic which make UP graduates extraordinary,



PHOTO | VICENTE MORANO III that is placing the country above self. He further reminded the graduating class to do no forget honor in UP’s motto as this according to him will be the one to define their integrity. He also remarked, “We take our slogan seriously, “UP: Shaping the Minds that Shape the Nation”. He then left a challenge to this year’s graduates as he emphasize that from their point of graduation, they will need more than just intellect, and that is to connect: to connect to the Filipinos. Graduation Protest Rally: The Tejada Story Raising their fist and placards echoing different calls for movements regarding different national and campus issues

including STS, K-12 implementation, Lumad Killings, privatization and commercialization of basic social services, various progressive organizations held a protest rally right after the end of the graduation ceremony. Simultaneous with this rally is the call for the graduates to fight for a nationalist, scientific, and mass-oriented education, commemorating Kristel Tejada’s story and her supposed graduation. The rally speech narrated how the university system hindered Tejada’s right for free education. The rally unitedly called for the graduates to “Serve the People.” The commencement exercises formally started at 6:00 A.M and ended at 1:00 P.M., 10 hours earlier than the traditional 4:00 P.M. - 11:00 PM commencement exercises. [P]

UPLB PERSPECTIVE | Volume 42 Issue 3 | June - August 2016

Philippines wins arbitration case against China over West Philippine Sea by Philippines boycotted by Beijing. Starting in January 22 2013, Philippines filed a case against China. Followed by submitting a 4,000page pleading or memorial on March 30, 2014 wherein China refused to accept the arbitration. They later published a position paper that same year to explain why the tribunal has no jurisdiction over the case. Last 2015, the country appeared before the arbitral tribunal in The Hague from July 7-13, 2015, to argue that the tribunal has the right to hear the Philippines’ case. Finally, returning to The Hague to discuss the merits of the case against China last November 24-30, 2015.


DFA requests for sobriety Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) secretary Perfecto “Jun” Yasay Jr. called the ruling a “milestone decision” which helps in the ongoing efforts in addressing the dispute in the West Philippine Sea. “Our experts are studying the Award with care and thoroughness that this significant arbitral outcome deserves. In the meantime, we call on all those concerned to exercise restraint and sobriety,” he said. Yasay further said that the Philippines is open to bilateral talks, following the PCA’s ruling. According to Supreme Court (SC) Associate Justice Francis Jardaleza, after winning the award from The

Hague, the next necessary actions to secure maritime entitlements will now be up to president Rodrigo Duterte. “The next move must be political and diplomatic... The disputes must be resolved diplomatically, by agreement between various states,” Jardaleza said. While China has said it will not accept the decision of the panel it may have bilateral talks with the new Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte to settle the territorial row. The panel is chaired by Judge Thomas Mensah of Ghana, president of the tribunal. Its members include Judges Jean-Pierre Cot (France), Stanislaw Pawlak (Poland), Rüdiger Wolfrum (Germany), and Professor Alfred Soons (Netherlands).[P] GRAPHICS JANDELLE CRUZ

The Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) ruled in favor of the Philippines in a case against China’s claim over the disputed West Philippine Sea last July 12, 2016. The Hague-based, five-member arbitral tribunal ruled that China’s ninedash line maritime claim is invalid and violated the Philippines’ 200-nautical mile exclusive economic zone (EEZ). “China had violated the Philippine sovereign rights in its zone by (a) interfering with the Philippine fishing and petroleum explorations, (b) constructing artificial islands, and (c) failing to prevent Chinese fishermen from fishing in the zone.”, the tribunal said. The tribunal also stressed that China’s vast land reclamation activities in the region imposed irreparable damage to the marine environment and built an artificial island in the EEZ. ‘No biding force’ After the ruling, China said that they will neither accept nor recognize as the award has no biding force. They further insisted that it will not respect the decision of the tribunal and claimed that the arbitration case filed by the Philippines under the former Aquino administration was illegal from the beginning. According to China’s defense ministry, “No matter what kind of ruling is to be made, Chinese armed forces will firmly safeguard national sovereignty, security and maritime interests and rights, firmly uphold regional peace and stability, and deal with all kinds of threats and challenges.” China has abstained from the hearings at the tribunal, saying it does not have jurisdiction over the dispute. A three-year battle This ruling issued by the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) comes after a three- year process pursued

Duterte sworn as the 16th President of the Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte took his oath as the 16th President of the Philippines in the Rizal Ceremonial Hall of the Malacanang Palace at exactly 12 noon last June 30, 2016. Duterte sworn his oath in English as administered by Supreme Court Associate Justice Bienvido L. Reyes while his youngest daughter Veronica “Kitty” Duterte held the bible of the President’s mother, Soledad. His elder children, Davao City Vice Mayor Paolo, Davao Mayor Sara, and Sebastian stood by his side. In his inaugural address, the President started off by saying that “No leader, however strong, can succeed

at anything of national importance or significance unless he has the support and cooperation of the people he is tasked to lead and sworn to serve.” He also added that he is ready to start his work for the nation. Reduced processing time Duterte issued his first orders to his Cabinet secretaries and heads of agencies to “reduce the requirements and processing time of all applications from submission to release” and “to refrain from changing and bending the rules of government contracts, transactions and projects already approved and awaiting implementation.”

The President stressed that he abhors secrecy and ordered transparency in government contracts and transactions. Unorthodox Methods and Limitations Duterte vowed his campaign to be “persistent and sustained”, sticking by his touch stance against corruption and criminality. The President addressed the concerns of those who do not approve his unorthodox and illegal methods and said “I have seen how corruption bled the government of funds, which were allocated for the use in uplifting the poor from the mire that they are in. I have seen how illegal drugs destroyed individuals and ruined family relationships. I have seen how criminality, by means all foul, snatched from the innocent and the unsuspecting, the years and years of accumulated savings.” He further proved his point by saying, “Look at this from that perspective and tell me that I am wrong.” Despite this, the President said he knew the limits of presidential authority and assured that “my adherence to due process and the rule of law is uncompromising.” He also addressed the reminders of the Commission on Human Rights in violating basic rights in fighting crime, telling them: “You mind your work and I will mind mine.” On Diplomatic Relations


Duterte guaranteed the international community that the country will honor treaties and international obligations and as for the domestic front, he assured that his administration is committed to


implement all signed peace agreements in step with constitutional and legal reforms. “I am elated by the expression of unity among our Moro brothers and leaders, and the response of everyone else to my call for peace. I look forward to the participation of all other stakeholders, particularly our indigenous peoples, to ensure inclusivity in the peace process.” He added. The president deviated from his speech and offered his deepest condolences to Turkey over the recent terrorist attack on an international airport that killed 41 people. No friends to serve, no enemies to harm As his inaugural speech came to a close, Duterte assured that he will serve the entire nation. “I was elected to the presidency to serve the entire country. I was no elected to serve the interests of any one person or any group or any one class. I serve every one and not only one.” With borrowed words, he said. “I have no friends to serve, I have no enemies to harm.” Duterte ended his speech in asking everyone to “join me as we embark on this crusade for a better and brighter tomorrow.” President Duterte was scheduled for the turnover rites of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) last July 1, wherein he met Vice President Leni Robredo for the first time. [P]



UPLB PERSPECTIVE | Volume 42 Issue 3 |June - August 2016


ORGWATCH Third Biennial Grand ReunionUP Los Banos Biological Society held in Memphis Contribution by: Alwyn Galela

The Third Biennial Grand Reunion of SYMBIOSIS, the University of the Philippines at Los Banos Biological Society –USA Chapter was held in Memphis, Tennessee on July 9-10, 2016. Symbiosis is the first student organization founded in the Institute of Biological Sciences at UPLB. It commemorated its 40th year anniversary with celebrations both in Los Angeles, UPLB, Australia and the Middle East back in 2014. Participants represented this time around were from the following batches: Synthesis, Polytene, Breakdown, Platelets, Synapsis, Linkage, Isozymes, Chiasma, Sapiens and Neurons. This event was hosted by Dr. Bernadette Deogaygay, a nephrologist based in Memphis. Alumni members came from all over the United States including Florida, California, Texas, Ohio and Arizona. The two-day event was highlighted by visits to the following landmarks in the Home of the Blues/Birthplace of Rock and Roll- Memphis: The Civil Rights Museum, Graceland, Beale Street, and the Peabody Hotel; it also included trips to the famous Gerry’s Sno-Cone, Gus Chicken and Rendezvous Ribs Restaurants.




22nd Pride March held at Luneta Park


Last June 25, 2016, the streets of Luneta Park were painted with every color of the rainbow as the Filipino LGBTQIA+ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual and other sexual orientations and gender identitieS (LGBTQIA+) community celebrated the 22nd Pride March. “Let Love In : Kahit Kanino, Kahit Kailan” was the theme of this year’s march. “This year we need everyone to come together and advance the campaign for love. We call on all Filipinos to let love into their homes, their communities, and the whole country.” said the organizers of Metro Manila Pride. “We want a future where all LGBTQIA+ people are able to freely live their authentic selves and love without fear of prosecution. To achieve this, everyone

inside and outside the LGBTQIA+ community needs to end hate and let love in” added the organizers. People who joined the march also proudly shared their advocacies. “Love is more than self expression. Love is about acceptance, regardless of your sexuality. Love is love.” said Cody Cepeda, one of the participants of the march. With recent cases of discrimination and hate crimes such as the death of a Filipino transgender, Jennifer Laude and the recent mass shooting in Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando wherein 49 people were killed and dozens injured, the LGBTQIA+ community reiterates the call for passage of anti-discrimination policies which will protect their interests and prevent cases as these to happen again.

Aaron Bonette, Sec.Gen of Bahaghari in an interview with GMA News To Go, said that they were expecting more participants in this year’s pride march, “Mas inaasahan natin na yung LGBT community ay magma-march as united talaga na movement para isulong yung karapatan…yung pagpapahalaga sa buhay ng LGBT community at solidarity nga rin po para sa iba pang biktima ng hate crime hindi lang sa Pilipinas kundi sa ibang bansa.” The LGBTQIA+ movement has come a long way - from the historic Stonewall Riots in 1969 which is treated as the most important turning point of contemporary LGBTQIA+ organizing, to the first pride march held in 1970 to commemorate the Stonewall Riots, to the recent US Court ruling legalizing same sex marriage, but the battle for equality has still a long way to go. [P]

The Miting de Avance was held at the Student Union Ampitheater where SAKBAYAN and BUKLOD - UPLB’s candidates for the University Student Council were grilled with hard hitting questions. Merwin Jacob Alinea and Shaira Patricia Cledera of Samahan ng Kabataan Para sa Bayan (SAKBAYAN) have won the chairmanship and vice-chairmanship, respectively in the Univesity Student Council (USC) elections held on April 20-21. Alinea won by garnering 2,560 votes as opposed to 2,252 votes for Ivan Aguilar, BUKLOD-UPLB’s standard bearer for the chairmanship. Cledera, meanwhile, garnered 2,710 votes. Her opponent, BUKLOD’s Ian Lucas, got 2,161 votes. [P]

UPLB PERSPECTIVE | Volume 42 Issue 3 | June - August 2016

SAIS replaces SystemOne SAIS VS SystemOne First developed in 2004, SystemOne has been serving for the past 12 years as UPLB’s official online registration system (ORS). Over this course of time, various local IT-skilled students, professors, alumnis, etc. have contributed to develop SystemOne into the user-friendly software it is today. According to SystemOne Administrator, Mr. Rommel V. Bulalacao, what makes it so user-friendly is its capability of guiding students towards courses in the university, available subjects, allowed number of units to take, and more. “[SystemOne] works in conjunction with REGIST and most of the features na sinasabi nilang studentfriendly ay nanggaling din sa REGIST,” said Bulalacao. However, with the arrival of the new academic year is the arrival of SAIS – a program that is “being used at over 800 campuses in more than 20 countries.” When asked to compare SAIS with SystemOne, Prof. Bulalacao had this to say, “As a web developer, as an IT practitioner, nung tinignan ko yung site, meron talagang mga points of concern. And I’m not saying this because of my bias for being the administrator of SystemOne and developer ng SystemOne.” “Kung makikita nyo dun sa first page pa lang, you’re given this warning na yung operating system mo ay hindi supported ng system. It is very rare nowadays na meron kang web application na dependent sa operating system,” added Bulalacao. “That is so 90’s.” Bulalacao explained that the reason operating systems were developed and upgraded was to patch up the security holes in the older versions and that

Palparan continues to deny allegations after 10 years

but was able to escape last August 2007, witnessed how the two were hung upside-down, raped, tortured and harassed. Last 2011, the Bulacan regional trial court issued a warrant of arrest against Palparan who was accused of the kidnapping and the illegal detention of the two UP students. However, after Palparan went into hiding for almost three years, he was arrested in Manila by the National Bureau of Investigation last August 2014. GRAPHICS JANDELLE CRUZ

June 26, 2016 marked the 10th anniversary of the disappearance of two University of the Philippines students, Karen Empeno and Sherlyn Cadapan in Hagonoy, Bulacan. Empeno was serving as a community organizer for the Alyansang Magbubukid ng Bulacan, and Cadapan was researching on the plight of farmers in Bulacan when they were abducted by gunmen and were reputedly placed under the custody of the military. Raymond Manalo, who was also abducted and tortured by the military by order of Jovito Palparan in 2006

these older operating systems were no longer as secure as the newer ones. “Now to ask the users to go back and install Windows 7, Windows XP; hindi sya magandang sign…. It’s a web application so it should work regardless of the [operating system].” Students react to SAIS




University of the Philippines’ Electronic UP (eUP) Project makes Student Academic Information System (SAIS) to be the new official online registration system of UPLB in lieu of SystemOne for the 1st semester, A.Y. 2016-2017. A pilot run for SAIS was made during April 2013 in the UP System Office, and two UP campuses: UP Manila (UPM) and UP Open University (UPOU). On October 2013, SAIS was officially launched in UPM and UPOU. Moreover, an online mock enrollment with SAIS was held during the dates of April 26-28 and was extended until May 8 in UPLB. With a five-year budget of P751.9 million, eUP makes use of imported system software from PeopleSoft Campus Solutions program, which is created and developed by the United States’ Oracle Database. Big companies such as the Electronic Philippines Long Distance Telephone (ePLDT) Incorporated, Beacon Systems, and Smart Communications Incorporated, are main investors of Oracle and eUP. Under Oracle are five information management systems, which included SAIS. SAIS has a lot more features than its predecessor, SystemOne, which will allow students not only to enroll in their preferred subjects, but to also pay for fees, to request for documents, and to view unofficial grades. Faculty and staff will also more easily manage enrollment and student requests online. SAIS and eUP are all part of the “UP Strategic Plan 2011-2017: The Path to Greatness” which intended to turn UP into a globally competitive university alongside other top Asian campuses.

UPLB students have various opinions regarding the implementation of SAIS in the first semester. Despite its notoriety in universities and companies abroad, SAIS does not seem to be well-liked within the Elbi campus. A student from the College of Arts and Science (CAS) has deemed SAIS as a hassle and questioning why SystemOne must be replaced when it was finally operating quickly and smoothly. Coincidentally, one student from the College of Veterinary Medicine The “Butcher” tag Palparan, who was the commanding general of the Army’s 7th Infantry Division during the time of abduction denied that he, along with the military had any involvement in the disappearance of the two students. He also stated that Empeno and Cadapan were not really students, but members of the communist group, the New People’s Army. Furthermore, this was not the first case of enforced disappearance linked to Palparan. He was also accused for his supposed involvement to the murder of human rights defenders, Eden Marcellana, and Eddie Gumanoy in Southern Tagalog. Even with 71 extrajudicial killings, 14 victims of frustrated murder, and five massacre incidents, Palparan was praised by former president, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo in 2006 for his accomplishments in the counterinsurgency campaign of the Arroyo administration. Political prisoners and desaparecidos According to a statement of Samahan ng mga Ex-detainees Laban sa Detensyon at Aresto (SELDA) Kicker Daily News, there are 561 political

(CVM) finds the new ORS to be more complicated than its predecessor, saying that SystemOne was more comfortable to use because of the simple user interface. From the College of Development Communication (CDC), a student states that it was “infuriating… because it was implemented in such short notice even though it is technically and aesthetically subpar.” Another CAS student disliked the fact that SAIS was not user-friendly and says, “bukod sa sobrang hirap aralin kung papaano gamitin, ay napakamahal – mahal para sa klase ng serbisyong binibigay [nito].” Many students are still dubious of using SAIS instead of SystemOne due to the imperfect user-experience. With this in mind, Prof. Bulalacao advises the students to study the mechanics of SAIS instead, since it is what is available. [P] prisoners currently in jail. 304 of which were arrested during the term of former president, Benigno Aquino III. Moreover, Karapatan, a Philippinebased human rights organization, recorded a total of 1205 extrajudicial killings and 206 cases of enforced disappearances under the 9-year reign of Arroyo. Extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances increased during the reign of Aquino with his counterinsurgency program, Oplan Bayanihan. Cry for justice UP students, with the family of Cadapan and Empeno, and human rights group Karapatan continued to call for justice in the cultural protest held in UPD, June 24. However, Erlinda cadapan, mother of Sherlyn Cadapan said that no justice will be given to their daughters until Palapran admits that he abducted the two students. Until now, Palparan remains to be detained in the Philippine Army Custodial Center in Fort Bonifacio, denying the allegations against him and the students remain missing. [P]



UPLB PERSPECTIVE | Volume 42 Issue 3 |June - August 2016

Mas Mataas pa sa Tayog ng Puno ng Niyog WORDS | MONICA LABOY

Sa ilalim ng matinding init ng araw, milyon-milyong mga Pilipno ang nagsusumikap na magtrabaho sa pag-asang maitatawid nila ang kanilang mga sarili at ang pamilya mula sa kahirapan. Ang iyak ng kanilang mga sikmurang nagnanais na makakain tatlong beses sa isang araw ay binabalewala. Ang halos malata-latang katawan ay pinipilit pa rin pagtrabahuhin. At ang kanilang mga kaluluwang pagod na sa araw-araw na pakikipaglaban ay bumabangon pa rin. Mahigit na apatnapung taon na ang nakalipas mula ng ang mga magsasaka ng niyog sa Pilipinas ay sapilitang ipinagbayad ng mataas na buwis sa pangako na mapapalago nito ang produksyon ng niyog, mapapalawak ang lupaing taniman, at mabibigyan ang mga magniniyog ng mas mataas na kita. Mahigit na apatnapung taon na rin naghihintay ang mga magsasakang biktima ng scam para sa pagkakatupad ng mga naipangako sa kanila. Ang industriya ng niyog ay 25% ng kabuuan ng sector ng agrikultura, ang pinakamalaki sa bansa. Ang niyog ang pangalawa sa mga nangungunang produkto na ineexport ng Pilipinas na may 37 na produktong ipinapadala sa 114 na bansa. Kahit ganito ang demand sa niyog, ang mga magniniyog ay nanananatiling mga magsasakang may pinakamababang kita sa buong sector ng agrikulutura. Sila ay kumikita ng halos P 3,000 sa isang buwan. Mapagkumbising mga mata at mga salita ang hinarap at ipinakain ng mga makapangyarihang tao sa mga Pilipinong hinangad lamang ay tulong mula sa gobyerno. Sa halip na sila ay tulungan, ang mga magsasaka ng niyog ay ninakawan sa paraang pagpapatong ng buwis at kunwarian pa’y ilalagay sa pondong ngalan ay “Coco Levy Fund.” Ang naipong pera rito’y ginamit para bilhin ang United Coconut Planters Bank (UCPB) at majority stake sa San Miguel Corporation (SMC) sa kaalamang na ang investment na ito ay para sa pagpapabuti ng



industriya. Subalit ito pala ay ginamit para sa pansariling interes. Tatlong taon na ang nakaraan mula nang mapagdesisyunan ng Korte Suprema na ang 24% ng sequestered shares sa SMC na ang halaga ay hindi bababa sa P 70B ay pag-aari ng gobyerno. Matapos ang isang t a o n , s a m a s a m a n g nagmartsa ang iba’t ibang grupo ng mga magniniyog patungo sa Korte Suprema upang maghain ng petisyon para isabatas ang Coconut Farmers’ Trust Fund Act na may pakay na gamiting ang nabawing coco levy funds para sa para mapaunlad pa ang industriya ng niyog sa bansa, at para makapagbigay benepisyo rin sa mga magsasaka ng niyog. Halos 3.5 milyong magniniyog ang naghihintay sa pagdating ng araw na opisyal na mapagkakaloob sa kanila ang hiling nila sa petisyon. Ilang beses pa nila kakailanganing magtiis ng gutom? Gaano katagal pa bago maginhawaan ang kanilang mga pagod na katawan at dismayadong diwa? Mahigit na apatnapung taon na ang nakalipas. At patuloy pa rin na binibilang sa daliri ang bawat araw, bawat buwan, at bawat taon na lumilipas na hindi natutupad ang mga pangakong ikinamatay na ng mga ninuno ng magniniyog ng Pilipinas. [P]

UPLB PERSPECTIVE | Volume 42 Issue 3 | June - August 2016

Kababaihan: Diwa ng Pakikibaka


“Di na ako muling mag-iisa tulad sa kamatayan sa halip ay may alab ang buhay sa sarili at kapwa”. Ito ang isa sa mga nakasulat na pahayag na bubungad sa may pasilyo ng dormirtoryo para sa mga babaeng bilanggo sa Camp Bagong Diwa. Kabilang sa mga bilanggo rito ay iyong mga tinatawag na bilanggong pulitikal na ayon sa mga organisasyon tulad ng National Democratic Front – Philippines (NDFP), Anakbayan, Karapatan, at Selda ay mga naaresto bunga ng sinasabing kaugnayan sa pagtutol sa pamahalaan. Iligal na pagdadala ng mga armas at mga pampasabog, pagpaslang, o pag-aakusa na miyembro ng New People’s Army (NPA) ang ilan sa mga nakasampang kaso laban sa kanila at ang mga ito ay pawang mga non-bailable offenses. Ayon kay Rhea Pareja, isang boluntaryong guro, ang mga akusasyon sa kanila ay pawang mga gawa-gawang kaso lamang, ang mga ebidensiyang nakuha mula sa kanila ay tinanim lang. Wala ring ipinakitang warrant of arrest bago pa man halughugin ang kanilang mga tinutuluyan at samsamin ang kanilang mga gamit. Liban sa mga ito ay mabagal din ang pag-usad ng mga kaso kaya naman ang iba ay inaabot na ng katandaan, karamdaman, o kamatayan sa bilangguan. Bukod sa hindi umano ay hindi makatarungang pag-akusa at iligal na pag-aresto sa kanila ay hindi rin maayos ang kalagayan sa bilangguan. Hindi sapat ang bentilasyon at pagbibigay-liwanag ng mga bintana sa tabi ng masikip na pasilyo, ang rasyon ay kapirasong kanin, isda o gulay, at pagkakait ng sapat na medikal na tulong. Bunga nito ay maraming nagkakasakit sa bilangguan at ayon pa sa mga bilanggo, sa mga seldang pinagsisiksikan ang humigit-kumulang sa tatlumpung tao ay magkakahalo ang mga matatanda, bata, at maysakit. Ilan sa mga lubhang nabiktima nito ay sina Maria Miradelle Torres na noong panahon ng kanyang pag-aresto ay apat na buwang buntis, at Andrea Rosal, anak ng dating tagapagsalita ng Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) na si Ka Roger Rosal. Siya ay nabilanggo habang nagdadalang-tao at doon sa bilangguan na niya isinilang ang kanyang anak na sa kasamang-palad ay binawian din agad ng buhay dahil sa oxygen deficiency. Hindi man maayos ang kalagayan ay nagpapatuloy sa buhay. Sinulid, karayom, at rosaryo, ito ang mga makikitang hawak ng mga palad ng mga taong inakusahang ng pagdadala sa mga iligal na armas at mga pampasabog saka pagpaslang. Liban dito ay nagoorganisa sila ng mga pag-aaral at mga pagpupulong patungkol sa kanilang kalagayan at sa mga karapatang dapat ay natatamo nila. Sa kabila ng mga kasawiang naranasan sa labas at loob ng bilangguan ay hindi nawawala ang kanilang diwa sa pakikibaka. Kasama ang kanilang pamilya, mga kaibigan, at mga kasama ay patuloy silang kumikilos para makamit ang hustisya, nanawagan para sa suporta ng mga tao at pagdinig ng pamahalaan sa daing ng bayan. [P]



UPLB PERSPECTIVE | Volume 42 Issue 3 |June - August 2016


As early as 6:30 in the morning, Mona* leaves for work. She commutes via jeepney to get to the office, which is roughly a 20-minute ride from her house. She arrives at the office on time. She props down at her chair and opens her computer. All day long she has to communicate with clients either personally or through Skype. She enjoys lunch break at 12 noon, goes back to work at 1 in the afternoon, and leaves the office at 4pm. Ben* starts his day early too. However, he has twice as many tasks to fulfill. Ben starts the day by mixing animal feeds, which are then distributed to his livestock. After taking care of the animals, he manually plows the field. A fellow farmer is seen scattering fertilizer on his own crops. Before planting the rice seedlings, Ben gives the carabao a bath. On his way home he grabs some nearby kangkong which will serve as his lunch. Later his son helps him catch a catfish from their own fishing pond. After eating lunch with his folks, he takes the binilad (palay placed under the sun for drying) and brings it to the rice mill. After selling the sacks of rice, he resumes planting seedlings. At the end of the day, he enjoys a nice drink with his friends. Both scenarios feature the life of the daily Filipino. The differences can be traced to one source- they have different jobs. Mona is an accountant, a white collar worker. Ben is a farmer. This gives way to another thing they do not have in common- wage. Despite having to fulfill a greater number of tasks, Ben gets the lower wage. As unfair as it may seem, it is how it was always been. According to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), about 30 percent of the land in the Philippines is agricultural. It is not surprising that people will tap this resource in order to provide for their families. They plant crops and provide themselves and others with food. A good harvest ensures that their families will not go hungry, and also offers them a profit. This profit, however, is just enough to sustain the family members’ basic needs.



Indirect Relationship Tasks and Wage


In 2013, the National Statistical Coordination Board announced that in the Philippines, farmers are among the lowest paid. Supporting this is the PSA report on Agricultural Wage Rates of Farm Workers in the Philippines from 2012 to 2014, farmer wages range from 144.19 to 292.68 pesos, depending on farmer type (palay, corn, coconut, sugarcane) and location (NCR and non-NCR). However, as of June 2016, increases in basic pay in several regions are observed. Current regional daily minimum wage rates in the agriculture sector are from 230 to 454 pesos (plantation) and 227 to 454 pesos (nonplantation). Despite the increase, it is still undeniable that white collar workers earn more than farmers, which is quite unfair. There are a lot of pains involved in being a farmer. First, what they do is literally back-breaking work. Take for example rice farmers. They cannot simply scatter the seeds; they have to put each seedling into the ground, which involves bending multiple times in order for their hands and for the seedlings to make contact with the soil. They also cannot sit while planting; doing so is impractical- it dirties the pants and makes movement harder. Second, they have to deal with the environment and the weather. Before planting, they make the soil ready by plowing it. They plant rice during the rainy season when it is wet and the soil is easy to plant in.

Then they proceed with the harvest and the mill work during the summer. Without enough sunlight, they cannot dry the palay, which in turn delays the trip to the mill (it has to be dried the day before otherwise the grains will soften and crumble when placed in the mill, producing low quality rice). The weather can make or break a harvest. According to a PSA report on the Performance of Philippine Agriculture from January to March 2016, there has been a 4.53 percent drop i n production due to the typhoons encountered earlier in the year. In addition to the typhoons, the “prolonged dry spell� caused a drop in productivity in sectors such as crops and fisheries. Pests such as rats are also

UPLB PERSPECTIVE | Volume 42 Issue 3 | June - August 2016

NO GRAIN bad news for farmers and their crops. Third, the pay is not constant- they have to produce more in order to earn more. The country’s location may sometimes put farmers at a disadvantage, as typhoons frequently make visits. Also, land ownership is a matter of great importance. Farmers with their own land do not have to share the profit with anyone else; farmers who work under landlords have to split the profit: 40-60, 3070, and in an extreme case, 20-80. More often than not, the landlord gets the bigger share. Production-Related Injustices Aside from being treated unfairly by their landlords,

farmers also suffer injustices from unlikely sources such as private institutions and the government. For example, a local farmer who worked for a private institution suffered from many diseases caused by the chemicals they use on the plants, under the instruction of his superiors; the low wage made him unable to provide for his family, much less have proper treatment for his illnesses. Another example is a farmer who got killed while fighting for his rights to have his own land. Both the Hacienda Luisita and the Kidapawan Massacres had farmers as casualties. Instead of giving the workers what they needed in order to improve production and profitmaking, the restrictive units in the form of police officers offered them a violent way of dispersal. Although the police were successful in silencing the protesters, there were no winners in the two incidents. Lives were lost. Workers were once again treated unfairly. Farmers who once bathed in sweat while slaving away in scorching fields were left to bathe in their own blood on the streets where the dispersals took place. Innovative, Better Farming Factors such as low wage, lack of land, and violent protester disposals cause the number of farmers in the Philippines to dwindle. Who would want to work in a sector where one is overworked, underpaid, and underappreciated? Fortunately, some still had high hopes for the future of agriculture and employment in the Philippines. The FarmOn.ph Movement is a result of these hopes mixed with innovative thinking. It

is an idea developed and spearheaded by Sproads, a web publishing company based in NCR. Lending a hand in this project is the Department of Agriculture. According to the FarmOn. ph website, it is established in 2014 and “has developed its own concept in reintroducing farming with the use of social media and online applications, thru virtual farming.” The farm work is done in real time, funded by online contributors. The developers said they got the idea from the boom of the game Farmville among Filipino netizens. Other farms thrive using the old way; they are not as technology-dependent as FarmOn.ph but are still beneficial to farmers. The Arc Golden Farm where Ben works in employs the organic farming approach. This is a safe alternative for farmers and it greatly reduces the risk of farmers having diseases due to chemical pesticides which damage bodies in the long run. Although these “grains of hope” do not address the issue of the low wage, they prove that farming is still very much alive in the Philippines, albeit struggling for breath. They showcase the idea that in helping farmers, the country and its people are also being helped. Perhaps there is hope for a pay higher than the minimum. There is a chance of increase, as shown in the data provided by PSA. For now, farmers content themselves with the pay they are given. It’s just a sad thing that in our country, reptiles go fat while farmers starve. [P]




UPLB PERSPECTIVE | Volume 42 Issue 3 |June - August 2016


Hindi lingid sa kaalaman ng mga Pilipino na ilang linggo bago nagsimula ang termino ni Pangulong Rodrigo Duterte ay bukas siya sa opinyon na malipat ang mga labi ni Dating Pangulong Ferdinand E. Marcos sa Libingan ng mga Bayani (LNMB), Taguig at tingnan ito sa anggulo ng pagiging dating “sundalo” ni Marcos at hindi bilang isang diktador – presidente. Maraming mga Pilipino, lalo na ang mga kamag – anak at mga taga suporta ng mga biktima ng Batas Militar ang tumutol dito. Matagal na itong isinusulong ng Pamilya Marcos at kanilang mga taga suporta ngunit ang mga nagdaang presidente ay tutol dito. Sa kasalukuyan, nakasilid sa isang refrigerated na glass – topped na kabaong ang kanyang mga labi sa Batac, Ilocos Norte sa loob ng 23 na taon. Sinu-sino nga ba ang mga kwalipikadong ilibing sa Libingan ng mga Bayani? Ayon sa Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), ang mga nagtataglay ng mga sumusunod na katangian ay pinapayagan ilibing dito: a.Mga ginawaran ng Medal of Valor award, b.Mga naging Presidente/ Commanderin-Chief ng AFP, pati na rin ang kanilang mga biyudo/biyuda, c.Mga naging kalihim ng Department of National Defense (DND), d.Mga naging Chiefs-of-Staff ng AFP, e.Heneral/ Opisyal na Marinero ng AFP, f.Mga aktibo at retiradong opisyal ng AFP, g.Mga dating miyembro ng AFP na kinalauna’y pumasok o sumali sa Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) at Philippine National Police (PNP), h.Mga beterano ng 1890 Philippine Revolution, World Wars I at II, at mga kinikilalang gerilla, i.Government Dignitaries, statesmen, national artists, at iba pang mga yumaong Pilipino na ang libing at paglilibing ay inaprubahan ng Commander-in-Chief, Kongreso o ng kalihim ng DND,

Kung susuriin natin, kwalipikado naman talagang ilibing si Marcos sa LNMB dahil siya ay naging presidente ng bansa. Ngunit ayon sa isang artikulo ng GMA news,



napatunayan ng mga mananaliksik at lumabas pa sa New York Times na dinoktor ni Marcos ang kanyang mga “parangal” at kredensyals bilang isang sundalo. Hindi naman talaga sya naging fieldman ng militar na nakikipagbakbakan sa gera; bagkus siya’y isang intelligence personnel. Napakaraming karahasan, kakurakutan, at kasinungalingan ang naganap sa ilalim ng Batas Militar. Isa na rito ang istorya ni Liliosa “Lily” Hilao, 23 taong gulang na manunulat mula sa Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (PLM) na dinukot ng military noong Abril 1973. Sa harap ng kanyang 16 na taong gulang na kapatid, siya ay hinalay at pinahirapan. Tinanggal ang kanyang mga laman – loob at ang kanyang sensitibong bahagi ay tinanggal para matakpan ang mga bakas ng panghahalay at pang – aabuso sakanya. Ang kanyang labi ay may mga bakas ng sigarilyo, mga marka ng injection at gun barrel, at pasa sa kanyang braso. Sabihin na natin na ika’y anak ng isang nabiktima ng karahasan noong panahon ng Batas Militar, matatanggap mo ba na ang utak ng lahat ng iyon ay bigyan ng pinakamataas na pagpupugay sa kabila ng mga kabalintunaan ng kanyang mga aksyon? Ganun na nga lang ba kadali para sa atin na kalimutan na lang ang lahat ng nangyari noong panahon ng Batas Militar lalong lalo na ang sakripisyo ng mga kababayan nating yumao sa pakikibaka para sa tinatamo nating demokrasya at kalayaan sa kasalukuyan? Ah, kung buhay si Jose Rizal at ang mga kalaban ng diktadurya noon, mapapa – facepalm nalang sila sa mga nangyayari ngayon.

Sabihin na natin na ika’y anak ng isang nabiktima ng karahasan noong panahon ng Batas Militar, matatanggap mo ba na ang utak ng lahat ng iyon ay bigyan ng pinakamataas na pagpupugay sa kabila ng mga kabalintunaan ng kanyang mga aksyon?

Huli na ba ng lahat para sa bago nating presidente? Kaya niya lang ba nasabi ang pahayag na ‘yun dahil “kaibigan” nya si Bongbong Marcos na anak ng yumaong diktador at “ayaw” nyang masaktan ito? Maraming mga kabataan ang malilito at mag – aakalang kinikilala ng Pilipinas si Marcos bilang isang pambansang bayani kapag nangyari ito. Ang Batas Militar at ang mga pinagdaanan ng mga Pilipino noon ay hindi biro. Nawa’y pagnilayan ng presidente ang kanyang naunang pahayag, pag – isipan ito ng mabuti at panindigan nya ang kanyang pahayag na “My loyalty to my friends ends when my loyalty to my country begins.” at habambuhay manaig ang interes ng sambayanang Pilipino. [P]

UPLB PERSPECTIVE | Volume 42 Issue 3 | June - August 2016

Paano Sumayaw sa Himig ng Tang-ina? WORDS | PLOFFY PLOFINO

Mocha. Pangalang kasing tamis ng kanyang mga titig. Ang kanyang bawat indayog sa nota ng mga seksing awitin ay kasabay ang mga kalabog ng mga pintong pinilit binuksan, tinulak ng tinulak. Kasabay ng mga yabag ng mga walang sapin na paa at dabog ng mga nagniningning sa kintab na itim na bota naghahabulan sa gitna ng daan, “Taas mo ang inyong mga kamay!” sabi ng isa. Kasabay ng mga iyak ng mga lalaki’t babaeng bangag na habang nakaposas ag mga kamay ay pilit pa ding itinatago ang puting Kristal at hiringgilya. Kasabay ng mga sirena ng mga sasakyan ng mga pulis. Kasabay ng mga pangtatangkang “Patayin ko yan!” Kamakailan lang ng tila mga langgam sa na nagsilabasan sa kanilang lunga ang mga drug pushers at users matapos ang mga mapangahas na pagbabanta ng bagong luklok sa Pangulong Rodrigo Duterte at bago pa man ito’y nakakapit sa kanyang laylayan ang isang babaeng tila tagapaghatid ng magandang balita patungkol sa kanya. Ang babaeng nais tayong turuan ng mga hakbang sa ika ay tamang indak sa pagbabalita. Si Mocha Uson, ang babaeng sumasayaw sa himig ng mga tang-ina. Lesson # 1: Piliin ang angkop na uri ng sayaw. Si Mocha Uson ay lider ng sikat na female group na Mocha Girls. Sa saliw ng mga seksing tugtugin sila’y sumasayaw at kumakanta na makadalang libog sa iilan. Matunog ang pangalan niya ngayon, dahil sa mga kontrobersyal nitong mga FB Posts mula sa kanyang MOCHA USON BLOG na patungkol kay Pres. Duterte. Ang blog na ito ay dating tila “SEX BLOG” kung saan dito ay nagbabahagi siya ng kaalaman at kanyang saloobin patungkol sa usaping sex. At ngayon ang blog na ito ay kinikilala niyang ng “alternative source” ng mga balita tungkol kay Pres. Duterte Naging tanyag ang blog na ito, simula pa ng pangangampanya ng pangulo at nanatiling maingay magpasahanggang ngayon sa Facebook. Ang page na ito ay umabot na ng mahigit 3 million likers.

NA TULAD NG PINANGGALINGAN MONG PARTIDO,” pagbabanta niya kay Bise-Presidente Leni Robredo ilang araw matapos makumpirma ang pagkapanalo nya laban sa mahigpit na katunggaling si Bong-bong Marcos. Lesson # 3: Finale na kawinda-windang sa mga tao. Sa oras na tumugtog na ang awitin, at sa saliw ng mga tak-tak sa keyboard, click-click ng mouse at ting ng mga likes,

Lesson 2: Ang himig na magpapaindak. Kung gusto mong mapansin sa facebook mahalaga ang sarili mong identity dito. Ngunit paano nga ba humatak ng atensyon sa Facebook? Ano sa tingin mo ang pinakamabisang paraan? Profile Picture at Cover Photo? Pagkabanggit mo ng pangalang Mocha Uson, lider ng Mocha Girls, anong unang-unang imaheng papasok sa utak mo? Kung di umaabot sa news feed mo ang mga posts niya, pagkatatak na pagkatatak ng ganitong imahe sa utak mo ay ma-iintriga ka at diretso ka sa search bar? Ngunit, bilang tagapaghatid ng magandang serbisyo para sa mamamayan makikita mong hindi tulad ng iniisip mo ang profile picture nito. At ano ang naging dahilan para manatili ka doon at magbasa? TONO, ang himig na kanyang sinasayawan. Ang tinig ng pangkaraningwang taong-bayan ang sinasabing niyang ritmo na pinili nyang sayawin. Isa sa pinakamahalagang hakbang upang mapansin sa Facebook ay ang tono ng mga fb posts. At ano nga ba ang tonong madalas nakakaagaw ng pansin sa isang netizen katulad mo? Mas kaintri-intriga mas maganda, o yun tipong ‘click-bait’ sa mata ng mga tao, kaya’t nang maglabas ng pambabanta si Mocha Uson kay VP Leni Robredo, naging maingay ito. “TANDAAN MO ISA SA DAHILAN KAYA NANALO SI MAYOR DUTERTE AY DAHIL SAWA NA KAMI SA MGA TRADITIONAL POLITICIANS

porma ito ng pamamahagi ng impormasyon. Kaya’t nang pina-unlakan ni Pres. Duterte ang interbyu ni Mocha Uson sa kabila ng sinabi niyang di sya magpapa-interbyu sa kanyang buong termino sa mga alagad ng media, ang mga “eksperto” sa pamahayag, katulad marahil ni Ed Lingao, anchor ng TV5 ay nainis, at natiling may dalawang kaliwang paa. “Fascinating. So now, a visit by an avid supporter is defined as journalism.” Paano nga ba magpahayag? Paano maging isang mamamahayag? Pano ba dapat magbalita? Para masagot ang mga katanungan ito, minarapat kung pumunta sa page ng dalawang pinakasikat sa bansa na kompanya sa pamamayayag. Nang binasa ko ang mga balita, at sa mga headlines na ito mas madami pa ang patungkol sa showbiz o kung may di man tungkol sa showbiz ang mga headlines ng mga balita ay naglalaro sa utak ng mambabasa. Bilang hamon, subukan mong bilangin ang mga showbiz na balita sa fb page ng 2 sikat na media companies, at tingnan natin. Marahil maaring wrong timing ako sa pagbubukas ng mga page nila dahil sa unang 10 balita para sa unang estasyon ang proporsyon ng showbiz kasama ang sports (entertainment sa pangkalahatan) laban sa hard news ay 7:3 samantalang ang sa pangalawang estasyon 6:4, subalit alam kong di naman ito sapat na basehan kaya’t hahayaan kitang humusga. Kapansin-pansin ang panipis na panipis na pader sa pagitan ng entertainment at news. Oo nga naman, ang pagtotono mo ng balita ay nakasalalay sa nais mabasa ng mambabasa. At sa pahanong itong nandyan si facebook, twitter, at instagram, ‘the wittier wins’, hindi mo ito masisisi sa midya mismo. Ngunit, paano kung kaya nakokontento sa ganitong kababaw na balita at madalas na misleading o click-bait na mga balitang nakakabawas ng halaga ng balita ay dahil ito lang ang binibigay sa kanila. Di nabibigyan ng maayos na pagsusuri. Ang midya ay dati pang pauntiunting nagiging kasing estilo ng sayaw ni Mocha ngunit sa ibang tugtugin, magpasimula sa pagpili ng uri na sayaw, sa tono, at sa finale o wakas. Not a Lesson # 1: Ang pagcha-cha ng dalawa sa magkaibang awitin.

angry, haha, at ng comments at replies ng mga netizeng nakatago sa likod ng kanilang mga laptop at maglalabas ng kanilang mga saloobin. Patuloy na patuloy siyang sumayaw sa atensyon, at bilang finale? Mocha vs. Media : Sexy Star wants to be Alternative Source of Duterte News Mocha Uson interviews Duterte, declares support for president-elect’s media boycott. Lesson # 4: Mapasayaw ang mga may dalawang kaliwang paa. Nang simulan pa lamang patunugin ang awitin kasabay ng kanyang sayaw, may mga sumabay sa kanyang indak at sumang-ayon sa bawat kampay ng kanyang bewang. At sa sarisaring reaksyon nila’y nariyan ang mga taong kwinekwestyon ang karapatan at ng kanyang abilidad sa pagbabalita o kung ano mang tinaguriang

Sa opinyong sinulat ni Isagani Cruz sa 2006 issue ng Philippine Daliy Inquirer, “The indiscriminate audience eagerly laps them up because it has not been taught to be selective and more demanding of better quality shows for their pastime. In fact, the easily satisfied fans have been taught the exact opposite reaction — to accept whatever garbage the industry offers them and, to add insult to their injury, to pay for it too.” Sa pahayag nyang ito di ko maiwasang sumang-ayon, dahil sa pagtingin ko ay kung pano sumayaw si Mocha Uson sa isipan ng mga tao, ay siya ding sayaw ng ibang mamamahayag. At buong pagsusuring ito sa pamamahayag ay sya ding pagsusuri din kaya ng midya sa pangkalahatan? Di ko tuloy maiwasang isipin na paano kaya kung ang politika at midya ay kapit-bisig sa pagpapabobo ng mga mamamayan? Na habang tumatagal ang tindi ng sensationalism ng midya patungkol sa mga balitang dapat pumupukaw ng atensyon ng mga tao at nagpapagalaw na naayun sa dapat gampanin nila bilang mamayang Pilipino ay lumalala. At paano, pansinin ang mga may-ari ng mga malalaking media companies na ito, ang pamamahayag ay nagsilbi ng isang uri ng negosyo at hindi sa layunin at pinakalayunin nitong magpaalam at pumukaw ng damdaming makabayan. [P]



UPLB PERSPECTIVE | Volume 42 Issue 3 |June - August 2016

Fighting for Transparency and Accountability

Established in 1973, the UPLB Perspective, the official student publication of the University of the Philippines Los Baños, has been keeping its tradition in being a student institution that serves a “training ground for students in alternative journalism and responsible leadership in thought, opinion, and action,” It has been in the forefront of campus press freedom and has been fulfilling its duties to raise awareness and mobilization of the UPLB community for a pro-people and pro-student university. In line with the move for transparency and accountability, the UPLB Perspective would like to officially release the total funds it has accumulated for the past years. As of A.Y. 2015-2016 a total of P4.8 million in funds has been collected by the publication from the student funds. In the past academic years, the publication of the UPLB Perspective, traditionally released twice every month had seemingly come to a halt. Some issues were never published and news updates released though our Wordpress blog. Although the publication’s online presence is good, the presence of a “tangible newspaper” was barely felt. However, during the period of A.Y. 2013-2014 there was a questionable deduction of P311,600 from the publication’s funds for printing. It was during this time that the UPLB Perspective has not released any new issues. The UPLB Perspective would still like to settle this issue with the concerned offices in order to track down where the P311,600 went.

The procurement process that the publication undergoes is very tedious. For one document needed for procurement, their needs to be at least four different people from four different offices to sign and not all of them are in their offices regularly. The business management staff of the publication tries very hard to procure the issues on time aside from balancing their academic load. There are where they do not attend classes just to accomplish “Nevertheless, the instances the documents needed for procurement. Nevertheless, the publication never publication never backs down on these challenges for we that we are working for the students and the people backs down on know whom we will fight for till the very end.

these challenges for we know that we are working for the students and the people whom we will fight for till the very end.”

The UPLB Perspective still holds an unsettled balance which amounts to P90,000 due to the two regular issues (for May and June 2011) published during UPLB Perspective A.Y. 2011-2012 EIC Samuel Jay Pacia’s term who is currently out of the country working. It has been discovered that the transaction was apparently made only between



the editorial staff and the printing company’s proprietor, Ding Quintos. For the record, the editorial staff of Pacia did not try to settle this matter and had to be settled by the current UPLB Perspective editorial staff through Chancellor Sanchez.

Some may have notice that the publication has an irregular release of tangible copies, the UPLB Perspective editorial staff is aware that it has failed in releasing timely copies that may be helpful in times where social issues of grave importance are needed to be understood. It may come as a surprise that the publication does not actually hold the 4.8 million it currently has. This 4.8 million is actually just listed on a piece of paper that is combined with the funds of the University. Clearly, the funds provided for us and for the students are just written on a piece of paper.

The UPLB Perspective calls for the support of the students in fighting for the publication’s fiscal autonomy. This is just one of the pressing issues in the university that every Iskolar ng Bayan should be aware of and is the main reason why the student publication continues its struggle to raise awareness and mobilize UPLB students. [P]

UPLB PERSPECTIVE | Volume 42 Issue 3 | June - August 2016


Kung tunay na suki nga ang mga freshies, lalong nakakabahala ang mga susunod na dalawang taon ng TERC sa kadahilanang malaki ang ibababang bilang ng mga papasok sa kanila, epekto ng K to 12.


GABRIEL DE LOS SANTOS ilan sa mga empleyado ng Library, napagtagumpayang maitatag ang TERC noong Pebrero 1978. Hindi na maitatanggi ang malaking ambag nito sa aspetong pang-akademiko ng mga magaaral ng UPLB. Ngunit sa nalalapit na ikaapat na dekada ng institusyong ito, nakikita na rin ang unti-unti nitong paghina. Matumal na ang TERC lalo na sa mga upperclassmen. Hindi dahil sa tinatamad nang mag-aral ang mga ito (dahil kita naman kung gaano magpursige sa paggapang este pag-aral ang mga ito), kundi dahil (1) sa Library ang takbo nila kailangan nila ng reference book (2) sa orgmate/tropa/gf/bf/kalandian ang punta nila para manghiram na lang at (3) mukhang papasa na sila sa isang subject kaya wala na silang time para mag-arkila pa. Iisang mukha na lang ang nagiging suki ng TERC – ang mga masisipag nating mga freshies na handang gawing unan ang librong



Kapag sinabing atleta o manlalaro, sino o sinu-sino nga ba ang unang pumapasok sa ating mga limitadong isipan? Sino pa e ‘di syempre si IDOL: si Stephen Curry man yan o ang mga sariling atin kagaya nila Fajardo at Romeo. Kung hindi ka naman masyadong mahilig sa basketbol at mas trip mo ang futbol, pwede na rin si Cristiano Ronaldo. Pero kung sa tennis ka naman mas interesado, sige idamay na rin natin sina Sharapova at Williams.

inarkila, ma-absorb lang ang mga leksyong inaaral nila. Kung may iba pa sigurong suki, marahil malaki ang pangangailangan ng isang estudyanteng humihiram na iyon na makapasa. Kung tunay na suki nga ang mga freshies, lalong nakakabahala ang mga susunod na dalawang taon ng TERC sa kadahilanang malaki ang ibababang bilang ng mga papasok sa kanila, epekto ng K to 12. Nitong nakaraang UPCAT, matatandaan na 263 lamang ang bilang ng mga mag-aaral na pumasa sa UPLB. Maaari pa itong bumaba dahil hindi naman lahat nang ito ay magagawang makapag-enroll nang tuluyan dito sa kampus. Kaya inaasahan naman ang pagbaba ng kita ng TERC sa nasabing mga taon. Sa kasamaang palad, nakadepende ang maaaring maiabot sa tagapangalaga ng TERC na si Gng. Raquel Malaborbor sa kikitain ng institusyong ito. Ayon sa kanya, nagsisilbi siya bilang isang volunteer na kung mabigyan man,

ay malaking pasasalamat niya na. Idinagdag din niya na kahit ganito na ang kanyang nararanasan, mahirap na ring umalis sa TERC dahil napamahal na siya sa mga estudyanteng nakasalamuha niya at napagsilbihan niya na mula pa noong 2010. Kaugnay nito, sa kita rin ng TERC nakasalalay ang mga librong idinadagdag nila sa mga librong nauna na nilang ipinapaarkila. Pahayag pa rin ni Gng. Malaborbor, matagal na mula nang huling makapagpundar ito ng mga libro. Ang huling idinagdag pang libro sa TERC ay nanggaling pa sa donasyon mula sa organization na regular nang nagbibigay dito. Tanging hiling na lamang ng mga bumubuo ngayon sa TERC ang buong pagsuporta ng mga estudyante sa proyektong nagsilbi na sa napakaraming henerasyon sa UPLB, at sana’y mas palakasin pa ng kasalukuyang USC ang proyektong sinimulan nila. [P] GRAPHICS JANDELLE CRUZ

Gigil na gigil ang mga Pinoy sa paghataw kapag narinig na nila ang trumpeta. Yung tipong kapag chorus na, hala sige sa paggiling pababa na parang macho dancer sa pagkalambot ng katawan. Mahihiya ka na lang kapag hindi ka sumakay sa hamon ng bagong henerasyon – ang Trumpets Challenge. Pero may mas nauna diyan. Ang pagte-twerk. Na sa tingin ko ay ibinatay lang sa inimbento nating Otso-Otso noong 2004 at hinaluan lang ng kaunting pagbukaka. Ewan ko ba, ang hilig bumukaka ng mga Pilipino. Dito sa kampus, panis na ang ganitong sayaw – ang Twerk. Pero mukhang may mas mapapanis pa kapag pinabayaan itong isa. Ang TERC. Textbook Exchange and Rental Center naman kung mas pahahabain. Kilala ang TERC bilang rentahan ng mga libro ng mga estudyante, lalo na ng mga freshmen at mga nagdyi-GC GC-han mga tao sa UPLB. Kadalasan kasi ng mga librong pang-acads na mainstream ay naririto katulad ng Leithold, Reading into Writing 1 and 2, mga pang-Econ courses na babasahin at yung iba ay pangmatataas na inaaral na. At para hindi raw hassle sa mga estudyante na magpabalikbalik sa Library para magpa-renew ng hiniram na libro, mas pinipili na lang nilang rentahin ang libro na pang isang semestre na ang tagal. Samantala, ang pag-usbong ng TERC ay hindi parang si crush na bigla na lang susulpot na agad mong makikilala at akala mo naman, tadhana ang nagtagpo sa inyo. 1970s, noong makita ang matinding kakulangan ng reference materials sa UPLB Library na kadalasang hinihiram ng maraming mga mag-aaral. Upang maging tugon sa suliraning ito, nagsimulang magbahagi ng P21,000 na donasyon ang UP Students’ Welfare Fund, at sa tulong ng dating USC pati na ang

Alam mo nga ang istorya ng IDOL mo, pero kilala mo ba yung mga IDOL ko? Tara at pakinggan mo rin ang ‘biased’ kong kwento kung saan ang tanging bida ay ang IDOL ko na malamang ay nakahalubilo mo na rin kung saan-saan pero masyado ka lang talagang busy sa sarili mong mundo kaya hindi mo siya masyadong napansin. Ang Unang Pagtatagpo

Oo, tama yung nababasa mo, nagtagpo na ang mga landas naming Malamang sa hindi kapag feeling ni IDOL. Ikaw, nasilayan mo na ba yung mo’y sports enthusiast ka ay alam na sinsabi mong Idol mo? alam mo ang standing ng paborito Naglalakad ako noong araw na mong team sa semi-finals o elimination yun papunta sa susunod kong klase round. Kabisado mo rin syempre ang sa PhySci nang may makasalubong schedule ng susunod nilang laro at akong naka PE shorts at kulay puting kung sino ang kanilang makakalaban. t-shirt na may nakasulat na varsity in Kayang-kaya mo rin ikwento habang bold letters. Sa totoo lang hindi ko tulog ang naging huling laban ng naman talaga masyadong napansin si paborito mong kupunan sa mga kuyang naka-PE kung hindi lang dahil kaklase mo sa isang GE class. Syempre dun sa ‘varsity’ nakasulat sa t-shirt niya. sa kwento mo ay bidang-bida si IDOL At katulad ng ilan pagtatagpo, na para bang siya lang ang nag-iisang miyembro ng team pero sa totoo may mga pagtatagpo na hindi mo na lang ay wala naman siya masyadong inaasahang mauulit pa. Nagpatuloy naiambag sa overall points nila at ang araw na iyon na parang isang payak na araw lang ng isang simpleng biased ka lang talaga magkwento.

Kapag isa kang manlalaro, hindi naman talaga maiiwasan ang injury kaya dapat lagi ka ng handa.

estudyante: predictable at routinary. Ngunit ng dahil sa hindi maipaliwanag na batas ng kalawakan ay nakita ko ulit si kuyang varsity na kaklase at karecit ko pala sa isang GE class ko.

Nagising ako hindi dahil sa nakakarinding tunog ng alarm clock ko; nagising ako dahil sa ngalay na naramdaman ko sa kanang braso ko. Sa pagkakatanda ko ay natulog ako ng nakatihaya pero malamang ay habang Ang kwento ni IDOL tulog ay naiba ang posisyon ko kaya ‘Sampu, labing-isa, labindalawa, nahigaan ko ang may pilay kong kanang braso. labintatlo…’ Kumikirot na naman yung kanang Patuloy akong nagbibilang sa braso’t balikat ko. Injury. Yan ang isip ko habang sinusubukan kong madalas ko paliwanag sa mga kaibigan makatulog muli. Sa pagsapit ng ika tatlumpu’t limang numero ay idinilat kong nagtatanong kung bakit hindi ko na nang tuluyan ang aking mga na daw ako nakakapaglaro ngayon mata at tinaggap na hindi na muli ng basketball. Medyo mahabang ako dadalawin ng antok. Tumambad paliwanagan pa kasi kung gagamitin sa aking harapan ang kisameng may ko yung medical term ng naging mapusyaw na kulay asul na pinta at injury ko kaya dun nalang ako sa tinitigan ko ito nang husto na para less hassle na one word explanation. bang may nakakawiling tanawin na Tatango naman sila kapag sinabi ko ipinapakita sa akin ang blangko nitong ang magic word na iyon na para bang alam na alam nila ang pakiramdam ng pabalat. may injury. 5:00 am. Napabuntong-hininga na Kapag isa kang manlalaro, hindi lamang ako nang makita ko ang oras. Mamaya pang 8:30 ang unang klase naman talaga maiiwasan ang injury ko kaya masyado pang maaga para kaya dapat lagi ka ng handa.[P] magising ako. Paniguradong aantukin na naman ako nito sa klase kong pang-hapon dahil kinulang nang mga mahigit sa isang oras ang tulog ko ngayon.



UPLB PERSPECTIVE | Volume 42 Issue 3 |June - August 2016


Ang seguridad ay dapat isauna bago sa lahat sapagkat ito ang pinaka-importante upang mamuhay ang mga estudyante ng kumportable.

ANGELICA PAZ hindi siya ganoon kasabik mag-aral dito sa LB. Muntik na siyang hindi payagan magkolehiyo sa UP, hindi lamang dahil sa kakulangan ng pera pati na rin sa banta sa seguridad. Hindi na ako nagulat. Normal lang na mangamba. Noon pa man ay balibalita na ang mga krimen na nangyari sa loob at labas ng campus. Mga kaso ng pagnanakaw, panghahalay, at pagkawala ng

sa pambabastos at kung babanggitin ko pa ito ay tila matagal pang matatapos ang kwento. Bakit ganito? Ang mga estudyante ay may karapatang maging ligtas sa sarili nilang pamantasan. Ang seguridad ay dapat isauna bago sa lahat sapagkat ito ang pinaka-importante upang mamuhay ang mga estudyante ng kumportable. Sabihan man kaming “OA” o “paranoid” pero ito ang katotohanan. Hindi ganoong kahirap mamulat sa mga nangyayari sa unibersidad. Kitangkita na marami pang kailangan ayusin sa sistema. Naiintindihan ko na kung bakit ganoon na lamang ang pangambang nararamdaman ng aking roommate. Masama ang kanyang loob sa pag-iwan sa kanyang tirahan, ngunit ang mas masakit isipin niya siya ang may kasalanan kung bakit namomoblema ang kanyang mga magulang. Problemang dulot ng takot sa seguridad, at takot na hindi siya makakapagtapos ng pag-aaral. Ito ay laban ng bawat Iskolar ng Bayan hindi lamang ng aking kaibigan. Sa panahon ngayong hindi tayo dapat maging kampante sa ating kalagayan. Ang mga problemang ating nararanasan ay ang dahilan upang tayo’y maging maalam. Kailangan natin ng solusyon para sa mga problemang ito, at tayo ang dapat umaksyon tungo sa pagbabago. “Kakayanin natin to, girl” sabi ko sa aking roommate pagkatapos niya magkwento. Alam kong marami siyang pinagdadaanan at hindi basta-basta itong masosolusyunan. Ngunit sinabi ko sa kanyang magagawan din ng paraan ang lahat; na sasamahan ko siyang harapin ang kanyang mga problema. Kakayanin namin ang anumang pagsubok na darating sa aming buhay dito sa unibersidad. [P] GRAPHICS JANDELLE CRUZ

“Uy, san ka magcocollege?” Ito ang tanong naming mga magkakaibigan sa isa’t-isa bago kami magtapos ng hayskul. Halos lahat kaming magkakaibigan ay nais makapag-kolehiyo sa UP. Hindi na bale kung saang campus, basta’t masabing “Iskolar ng Bayan” ay sapat na para sa amin. Karamihan sa aking mga malalapit na kaibigan ay sa UP Diliman mag-aaral. Ako man ay malungkot nung una dahil mapapahiwalay ako sa kanila, alam kong mapalad parin ako sapagkat sa UPLB ako magkokolehiyo. Bagong tirahan, bagong kaibigan, at bagong kapaligiran ang sasalubong sa akin LB. “Ange, sa Elbi ka na talaga?” “Eh di ba delikado doon?” “Magiingat ka lagi ah.” Yan ang mga madalas kong marinig mula sa kanila. Tila sila pa ang mas kinakabahan umalis kaysa sa akin. Ako’y nagtaka, anong mayroon sa UPLB na dapat kong katakutan? Aaminin kong ako’y kinabahan nung una. Hindi pa ako handa manirahan mag-isa, malayo sa aking pamilya. Laging tumatakbo sa aking isipan: kakayanin ko ba dito? Dumating na ang araw na kailangan ko nang mag-check in sa dorm. Nilibot muna namin ang campus – “woah ang ganda dito.” Sabi ko sa aking sarili. Napakalawak, napakaganda, napakapayapa ng LB sa aking paningin. Ngunit unang impression lamang ito, hindi ko pa natutuklasan ang bawat sulok ng unibersidad. Inabot na kami ng dapit-hapon; kailangan ko nang magpaalam sa aking magulang. Walang tigil nilang sinabi sa aking: “Mag-iingat ka ha, be strong lagi” niyakap ko sila at sinabing “Kaya ko na to, ma.” Nakilala ko na ang aking mga roommates. Di nagtagal ay nakapagkwentuhan na rin ako sa kanila. Ang isa naming kasama ay sinabing

mga estudyante. Ito ang rason kung bakit maraming magulang ang nagdadalawangisip na pakawalan ang kanilang mga anak. Mataas ang kalidad ng edukasyon dito sa UPLB at hindi na ito mapagkakaila. Ngunit ang banta sa seguridad ang naghahadlang sa mga magulang na pakawalan ang kanilang mga anak upang mag-aral sa unibersidad. Malaki ang posibilidad na karamihan sa mga estudyante ay nakakaranas ng ganitong problema. May mga ilang pagkakataon na maraming tumitig sa akin habang ako’y naglalakad sabay tawag ng “hi miss”. Ito ay ilan lamang sa mga maaring maranasan ng mga estudyante, lalo na sa kababaihan. Maraming mag-aaral ang nakaranas na ng mas grabe pa



Labor Day Commemoration Crossing Calamba, Calamba City May 2016


CONTACT [P]! Email us at uplbperspective@gmail.com for your messages or contributions. Always include your full name, address and contact details.


UPLB PERSPECTIVE | Volume 42 Issue 3 | June - August 2016


Ala-ala ng Kahapon

Sapagkat ang aking kaluluwa’y noon pang inapakapakan ng mga taong ayaw kumilala ng iba maliban sa kanilang sarili.


Buhay na buhay parin ang alaala ng kahapon. Ang kanyang yakap, haplos, at halik ay patuloy ko paring inaasam. Natagpuan ko na siya, ang taong kapareho ko ng kulay, ang taong tinaggap ang aking buong pagkatao. Ngunit bakit ko siya nilisan? Bakit ako bumitaw? Labag man ito sa aking kalooban, marahil ito na ang nararapat kong gawin. Napakahirap tanggapin ang mga masasakit na mensaheng ipinapahiwatig ng kapalaran. Ako’y nakatulala, naghihintay na kami’y magtapo muli ng landas at sabihing hindi kami maaring magsama. Ako’y nakatulala sa kawalan, gamit ang aking mga basang mata dulot sa walang humpay na pag iyak. Napakahapdi; hindi lang ng aking mga mata, pati ang aking pusong nababalot ng sugat. Nakatagpo man ako ng taong kapareho kong bahaghari, siya’y lumisan rin sa huli. Ako man ay nabubuhay ngunit tila matagal na akong pumanaw sa mundong ito. Sapagkat ang aking kaluluwa’y noon pang inapakapakan ng mga taong ayaw kumilala ng iba maliban sa kanilang sarili. Napakasakit pagmasdan na ang mga taong ito ay nakakalipad ng malaya, nakakagalaw ayon sa kanilang kagustuhan. Samantalang ako’y patuloy na nakakulong sa sarili kong lipunan – pinaguusapan, hinahalakhakan, at hinuhusgahan. Mahirap mabuhay sa isang lipunan kung saan kasalanan ang iyong pagkakakilanlan. Nararapat bang magkulong muli at magpanggap upang mapalaya ng lipunan? Kailangan bang isakripisyo ang sariling kaligayahan para lamang sa kagustuhan ng nakararami? Dapat ko bang takpan ang aking tunay na kulay gamit ang maskarang ito?

maikling pagsasama.

Papalapit na ako sa kanyang kinaroroonan nang biglang tumayo siya patungo sa akin. Bumilis ang takbo ng aking puso, nanlamig ang aking mga kamay, bakit ko ito nararamdaman? Lumapit siya sa akin at ako’y nagulat sa aking nakita – kadiliman. Ang noong nakilala kong bagharing prinsipe ay ngayo’y natakpan ng madilim na maskara. Madali kong naipinta ang poot na kanyang nararamdaman. Marahil tuluyan na niyang tinago ang kanyang kulay sa takot ng panghuhusga ng mga tao. Pabilis ng pabilis ang takbo ng aking puso. Umupo siya sa aking tabi at dahang dahang hinawakan ang aking mga kamay, hinaplos ang aking palad at humingi ng tawad sa biglaan niyang pag-alis noong nakaraan. Ako’y kanyang niyakap ng mahigpit, kasabay nito ang pagtulo ng kanyang mga luha sa aking likuran. Hindi man niya ito sabihin, alam ko na ang dahilan sa kanyang pag-iyak – pag-aalinlangan, kalungkutan, takot. Ipinahayag niyang siya’y kinakain na ng buhay ng katakutan. Ikinulong niya muli ang kanyang sarili upang lisanin ang mapang-aping buhay na nakatadhana sa aming mga bahaghari. Ang dating malayang prinsipe ay ngayo’y nakakulong sa sarili niyang lipunan. Siya’y nabighani sa aking lakas ng loob sa paglabas ng tunay kong kulay. Hinawakan ko ang kanyang dibdib, tapat sa kanyang puso; at aking sinabing panahon na para palayain ang mga sarili sa takot ng panghuhusga ng nakararami. Hindi nararapat magpanggap para lamang matanggap ng iba. Sa kabila ng aking mga salita ay patuloy parin ang kalungkutang kanyang nadarama. Ika niya’y hindi pa siya handang harapin ang pagsubok ng pagiging bahaghari. “Ako’y mahina hindi lamang sa pag-iisip kung hindi pati na rin sa pisikal na kalagayan. Paano ako lalaban kung ang aking katawan ay ako mismo ang kinakalaban?”

Ngunit alam ko na ang sagot sa mga tanong na ito. Sa kabila ng mga pangungutya ay tanggap ko ang aking tunay na anyo.. Kahit ako ay Hindi ako makapagsalita. Pilit kong iniintindi ang kanya mga mag-isa ay buong puso ko ilalabas ang aking pagiging bahaghari. Buo na ang aking isipan na ipamalas ang aking tunay na kulay, subalit hindi ipinapahayag. Ano? Ano ang magiging hadlang sa aming pagsasama? Sa aming paglaban? ko matanggal sa aking isipan: dapat ko ba siyang balikan? Kami man ay muling pinagtagpo ng kapalaran, subalit ang Sadyang mapaglaro nga ang tadhana. Nagtagpo kami ng landas magkaibang landas kami itinakda ng tadhana. ni prinispeng bahaghari rin ang kulay. Mag-isa siya isang sulok, di kalayuan kung saan ako naroon. Siya’y aking pinagmasdan, hindi ko Biglang tumigil ang pag-ikot ng aking mundo. Ako’y nakatulala mawari ang kanyang nararamdaman. Kami ay nagkatinginan, nagtagpo nanamang muli. Tatlong letra lamang ang kanyang sinabi subalit alam ang aming mga matang nababalot ng kalungkutan. Biglang tumakbo sa ko na ang ipanapahiwatig nito –ang tuluyang magwawakas sa aming aking isip: dapat ba akong lumapit sa kanya? Ngunit siya nga ang unang pagsasama. Ito na nga ba ang pagpapaalam namin sa isa’t-isa? [P] bumitaw. Kakausapin ko ba siya? Pero siya ang unang lumisan sa aming


Mas Malala sa Singko


Tanong ni isko, “San na napunta ngayon ang pinag-ipunang P745 milyon niyo mula sa’min?”

Maagang nakaraan nitong Nobyembre ay sabi-sabi na ang pagiimplementa ng bagong online registration na papalit sa ating pinakamamahal na SystemOne, ang Student Academic Information System o kilala bilang SAIS sa karamihan. Ito ay isa sa mga pinakong plano ni President Pascual para sa naturang overtake upang tuluyang ikomersalisya ang edukasyon sa UP— sa pamamagitan ng eUP (Electronic UP) na may katagang “One university, one UP”. Ito lamang ay pinagkagastosan ng naglalakihang P745 milyon sa unang taong implementasyon lamang, para i-konekta at pamahalaan ang mga information systems at database sa buong UP system. Itong kontrobersiyal na proyekto ng UP at PLDT ay nagpadilim ng tingin sa administrasyon ng UPLB; dagliang winakasan ang ating sariling SystemOne. Ang pagimplementa ng SAIS sa iba’t ibang campus tulad ng UP Manila at UP Cebu ay nagdulot ng maraming glitches na nakapag-delay ng pagsimula ng klase sa UPM. Dagdag pa rito, hindi rin ito nakapagbigay ng

buong listahan ng mga dapat bayaran sa matrikula ng maga estudyante; at sa problemang ito, iisa lamang ang nagawang damage control kundi ang manomano na registration.

UPLB sa mga features at makabagong iskema nito. Tuluyang nagbigay-linaw at ilaw sa estudyante na may kapakinabangan pala ang mga binabayarang matataas na tuition sa UP at buwis ng mga Sa dinami-dami ng paasa mamamayang Pilipino. sa mundo, wala nang mas sasakit pa sa paasang Ngunit nakaligtaan ng pagtanggal ng mga serbisyo administrasyon ang butas at pagbawas sa kalidad ng sa mga kapitalistang edukasyon. Isa ang eUP panaginip, hindi raw handa sa mga nagpa-preview ng ang UPLB sa eUP project— literal, ng mga disensyo may mga problemang nito. Agarang nabighani teknikal at isyung seguridad ang mga estudyante ng na hindi pa naaayos. Kaya

wala na ang SystemOne kung saan walang kahassle-hassle para sa kanya; sinasamantalahan niya ito gamit ang high-speed internet nila sa bahay. Burgis ka at burgis na dahilan, sabi nila. Pero matatawag bang burgis at laki sa layaw kung may substansya ang reklamo? Ipaglaban mo isko; nagbabayad tayo at hindi papayag na bawasan ang kalidad ng serbisyo dahil lang sa kasakimang mga pangarap ng administrasyon.


May mas lalala pa ba sa singko ko? Tanong ni isko.

biglaang tinalikdan ng administrasyon ang SAIS— isang pagtalikod sa mga pinangakong serbisyong kay dami rami, at pag-iwan ng isang pitakang walang laman. Tanong ni isko, “San na napunta ngayon ang pinag-ipunang P745 milyon niyo mula sa’min?” Sa pagtigil ng SystemOne, wala nang babalikan pa ang administrasyon kundi bumalik sa dating gawi: ang manual registration. Si Iskong nasa Facebook feed nito sa internet ay nabalitaang pipila na siya sa susunod na semestre at

Noong 13 Nobyembre, nagtalaga ng malawakang walkout sa Unibersidad upang labanan ang komersiyalisasyon sa UP at pagkundena sa negosyong iskema ng eUP at SAIS. Iilang araw bago ang petsa ng naturang walkout, binalik ng administrasyon ang SystemOne, sa malamang na kadahilang hindi na matuloy ang walkout dahil nabigay na ng alternatibo; ngunit wala sa agenda ang tumahan para sa naghahagulgol na sistema. Hindi maanig ni elitistang isko ang punto ng walkout, pero patuloy na nagmartsa palabas ang mga kaklase niya—at ipinaglaban at ipinagtanggol siya. Anong mas malala pa sa singko? Syempre, ‘ung dinagdagan—SAIS. [P]


UPLB PERSPECTIVE | Volume 42 Issue 3 |June - August 2016


The UPLB Perspective AY 2015-2016 Editor in Chief Jil Danielle M. Caro Associate Editor Jose Lorenzo E. Lim Managing Editor Miguel Carlos C. Lazarte Associate Managing Editor Caren Joy B. Malaluan News Editor Albert John Enrico A. Dominiguez Features Editor Mary Anne V. Gudito Culture Editor Diane Jane M. Plofino Production and Layout Editor Vicente C. Morano III Business Manager Czarina Joy B. Arevalo

Disturb the Status Quo Since the election of Rodrigo Duterte as the 16th President of the Philippines, every Iskolar ng Bayan of UPLB has a critical role in forwarding the issues of the masses that propelled him into position. Subsequently, the people have become tired of former President Benigno Aquino III and his Daang Matuwid. The people have spoken and they want change anchored on upholding peace and order by eliminating criminality within three to six months.

president, he initiated peace talks to address the harassment and poverty of minorities that led rebel groups to revolt. Moreover, duterte set his term on a good start by welcoming progressive people into different seats of power, giving the masses the priority of being served by the same people who have fought with them in their struggle. His cabinet is composed of Rafael Mariano for the Department of Agarian Reform (DAR) and retired UP Professor Judy Taguiwalo for the Department of Social Work and Development (DSWD).

“Iskolar’s should give support where it is needed, criticize when the Duterte administration has taken the wrong path, and disturb when the status quo drowns the cries of the masses.”

President Rodrigo Duterte’s first task is to iron out the issues left behind by the Aquino administration. Currently there are around 7.7 million Filipinos left underemployed due to contractualization. Also, the K-12 program is in full implementation even with the lack of teaching facilities and preparation of teachers and students. Even more, Human rights violations rose with at least 31 cases of desaparecidos, and military attacks against thousands of Lumads in Mindanao.

In other words, the Philippines needs a shift from neoliberal policies that are only beneficial to the upper class to one that truly address the needs of the masses. Likewise, President Rodrigo Duterte’s platform reflects this. For instance, he promises to provide free irrigation for farmers, increase salaries of teachers, end contractualization and establish health care facilities for the poor using government funds. One thing about Duterte is that even before he was voted as

News Staff Ysabel Dawn B. Abad

However, Iskolar’s ng Bayan should be vigilant due to his summary killings in which he sees nothing wrong with. The President’s solution to ending the problems of the Philippines lies in killing the perpetrators, a move which is similar to that of the Marcos Regime. Duterte’s admiration and close ties to the late president fails the thousands of activists that were killed and tortured by the dictator, which is alarming if he is claiming to be the first leftist president of the Philippines.

As Duterte gave his first State of the Nation Address, the youth must be reminded to make his administration accountable for the promises it has made and for the misguided choices it has taken so far. Iskolar’s ng Bayan should give support where it is needed, criticize the Duterte administration when it has taken the wrong path, and disturb when the status quo drowns the cries of the masses. Futhermore, UPLB students should be one with the people whom they should serve. [P]

Features Staff Joleen Aira R. Estella Monica C. Laboy Elisha V. Padilla Jey Filan C. Reyes Culture Staff Karl Gabrielle B. De Los Santos Deniel Sean V. Macapal Production Staff Paul Christian A. Carson Business Management Staff Charity Faith D. Rulloda Julianne Q. Afable Apprentices: Vincente Guiller G. Amores Ranielle P. Averion John Joshua A. Azucena Jandelle S. Cruz Juvelle Villanueva Ana Dominique S. Pablo Angelica Marie M. Paz Franicis Joseph A. Rafa



The UPLB Perspective is a member of College Editors Guild of the Philippines (CEGP) and UP Solidaridad UP systemwide alliance of student publications and writers’ association




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