OPEN SPACE CREATE QUALITY GREEN SPACE, PARKS, AND RECREATION AMENITIES IN WESTERN HEIGHTS The residents identified the need for parks and spaces to enjoy being outdoors in the beautiful Western Heights setting. The steep hills in Western Heights make the existing spaces unusable. Residents want to walk with their children and friends, gather for social events in park spaces, and enjoy amenities that serve young children, older children, teens, and adults. STRATEGY 1 Build beautiful parks with places for children to play and adults to gather, with connected walking paths 88
» Build a destination world-class public park in the Western Heights neighborhood that will offer amenities that will serve all ages and abilities. The park will feature an area near the middle of the neighborhood, with play equipment, splash pads, picnic shelters, barbecue areas, accessible walking paths, and convenient parking. Another park area will take advantage of the slope to create a unique climbing park with slides and climbing structures. This hillside park will connect to the community-benefit restaurant where parents and families can eat in outdoor patios and enjoy the views of downtown Knoxville and the Smoky Mountains while children play. » Create small neighborhood pocket parks that provide play areas throughout the community and close to homes PARTNERS • City of Knoxville • Legacy Parks Foundation • University of Tennessee Faculty
The Neighborhood Plan / Open Space
» Provide easy-to-access community gardens, designed for everyone, including immigrant residents (such as dedicated spaces for Burundi crops) » Build a safe, well-lit walking path to Beaumont Magnet Academy STRATEGY 2 Actively program parks and green spaces to provide residents with rich, safe experiences » Program the lawn space with concerts, movie nights, seasonal parties, etc. » Encourage families to eat outdoors at the community restaurant while watching and playing with their children » Expand the resident community gardening program so that residents can have increased access to healthy, fresh foods » Establish outdoor fitness activities, such as walking clubs and exercise classes
OUTCOMES • Western Heights residents have beautiful, safe, and well-used parks and green space that serve all ages and abilities • The parks in Western Heights are unique in the City of Knoxville, offering special amenities that residents can enjoy and feel proud of and that drive economic development by attracting visitors to support local businesses