Page 3 ..................................... Publisher Page Page 5 .......................... Columbus Go Lunch Page 6 .................... Ohio Black Expo Recap! Page 7 ......................................... Black Farmer Page 8 .....................................UPFAD Festival Page 9 ......................... Accelarted Centenial Page 10..........................................Juneteenth Page 16.............. Stellar Music Nomination Page 18.................................... Youth Over Us Page 20......................... Forever Free Fitness Page 21.............. Cooking with Chef Cobre’ Page 22..........................Black Music Honors Page 23.............................The Covidpreneur
TEAM TRENDSETTERS Publisher / CEO Sharon S. Gordon Editor-At-Large / LaTasha R. Chubbs V.P. Sales & Marketing / Alfred Battle Creative Arts Director / Mykayla Bryant Graphic Arts Direcotry / Ivory Payne Distribution Manager / W. Cobre’ Gordon Advertising Sales / Conia Almon Events Management / Melinda Payne Digital Manager/ Sharon N. Lynch Entertainment Editor/ Angelique Scales Audio/Visual Manager/ Michael Dean
2 • URBAN TRENDSETTERS • JUNETEENTH 2022 • www.urbantrendsetters.com
Welcome Back to Urban Trendsetters News Magazine! Print is dead! Everyone is reading online! You’re wasting money; you should go digital! I’ve never been the type to follow the lead or pack. I’ve always danced to the beat of my own drum,” so why then did I listen to the advice of others when it came to something so significant as shutting down Urban Trendsetters News Magazine? My answer, and ultimately my lesson, I let the opinion of others dictate what I was going to do. Big lesson… HUGE MISTAKE! One of my favorite sayings is, “once God has spoken; I need no additional endorsements. I don’t need surveys, questionnaires, or polls to do what I know God has put in my heart. tto do! I was given a vision for Urban Trendsetters, and without consulting with my Co-Creator, I shut it down. Now, this is not to say that I have been sitting around twiddling my fingers, as; as a matter of fact, I have been busier than ever before! The paper was only the publishing arm of the brand. Now my sights were set on TV! But did this mean that I had to let go of one to pursue the other? It has been four years since the last edition of Urban Trendsetters News Magazine was in circulation. To say that time flies would be an understatement. The decision to cease printing in 2018 after 15 years was a hard one hard to make. In the absence of print, we continued our digital marketing and sending Trend E-Blasts our email marketing service and began to focus our efforts on brand expansion through other media outlets. After partnering with a local television channel WCSN Channel 32, in Columbus, we launched Urban Trendsetters Television on the 32.10 sub-digital channel. In addition to TV, we launched Urban Trendsetters Radio, Urban Trendsetters CityView Indoor Digital Billboards, B.A.M.! (Branding. Advertising and Marketing) Studios, and Best B.A.M.! Videos , a new online video production software. All of this was a way of what I felt was, at the time, evolving to become a 360° integrated media house. Our stance was that if you wanted to access information or advertise to the urban market in Central Ohio, we have got you covered. Or did we? In a twist of fate, WCSN was purchased by an organization based in Louisville. I had a nontraditional business arrangement with the current owner, and I was confident that the new owners would have other plans in mind that would not include UTS TV. To my surprise, however, not only did they keep us on-air, but they expanded our reach to include five additional markets (Louisville, Nashville, Baton Rouge, Houston, TX, and
Sharon S. Gordon, Publisher / CEO
New Orleans, LA), making us a national broadcast network overnight. In February 2020, we became the 1st national Black-Owned and Operated broadcast (digital antenna) television network in the country, and in March 2020, we were shut down to COVID. As you can imagine, I was devasted.
Time to pivot!
I must admit my first reaction to COVID was to shut down everything completely. I had become a term I initially had only heard about… depressed. Yes, MS. MOTIVATOR HERSELF could not find the strength to motivate me. I had put everything I had into the launch of UTS TV. All my eggs were in this one basket. Although I have weathered many storms, I did not think that I had it in me to move beyond that situation mentally, physically, or financially. The fact of the matter is I had run out of money, time, and patience with myself. I was burnt out and over it! Besides, who did I think I was anyway? The audacity to believe that I could start a TV network in the first place was insane, to be able to do it with virtually NO MONEY DOWN was unheard of, and, if the big boy networks, with all of their money and resources, we’re suffering, like the big magazines who had shut down prior, why on earth would I believe or think that I was going to make it through this? And then, I had a But GOD moment… I saw a zoom interview. And just like
that, (well maybe not just) we were back in business. It hit me at that moment what God was doing through COVID was leveling the playing field. COVID presented an opportunity to sit back, reflect, regroup, and recharge. I realized that there are times when God will remove some things for you to see other things (I’ll let you decide what that means for you). But the key in my eyes to surviving my storm is knowing that if you can shake off the debris (depression) and hold firmly to your faith, it too shall pass. To make a 2-year long story short, I am happy to report that we are still LIVE and on-air. With the combination of hours of online learning from mentors, utilizing resources I did not know I had, including our OTT (Over the Top) ROKU, Firestick channels, and our Live Stream (airing 24-7 online), the network survived. But something was missing. During the pandemic, Black Americans and especially Black Women were opening businesses om droves. One of the main reasons for the launch of Urban Trendsetters initially was to give small business owners a chance to advertise their business, products. Now with the addition of television, although we can now “Put Your Business in the Streets”through commercials, the challenge, most small businesses do not have a video spot. I realized that I had lost the advantage of truly working with any budget, which is a reputation I had developed with UTS print. Now, everyone could NOT advertise with me because my business expenses were more than ever due to industry and licensing fees, content acquisition, distribution, and production costs. What we have to charge now, are our rates with little to no wiggle room. I had become the reason I launched UTS, expensive advertising. In addition to that, I had shut down my advertising source. I now had to rely on other newspapers to advertise UTS! “I know you do TV now, but what happened to the paper?”,“When are you going to bring back the paper”“, I am ready to advertise; do you still have the paper?” these are just a tiny sample of the questions I have been asked and asked often about UTS print. I never really imagined that it would be missed. Advertising for some seemed expensive in print until they tried television.
Print is Trusted and Tangible
I never realized that UrbanTrendsetters meant so much to our readers and the community. When we ceased printing, there was no announcement or press releases; I honestly didn’t think anyone would notice; besides, we still had the website
for news, resources, and information. However, I was wrong once again. What I soon learned is (thanks to constructive feedback), in a nutshell, downloading an article featuring your grandson from a digital website doesn’t present the same warm and fuzzy feeling and appeal as seeing the report from a newspaper hanging onin your living room wall. I also realized, as did many of our reader,s that no other publication in the city covered the urban community and small black-owned businesses quite like Urban Trendsetters News Magazine did and, does. But what had me SMH at myself was we had all these amazing things going on, new content and programs were being added to the network, new market launches, and praise God we can go back outside, but now because I decided to listen to others, I like my clients didn’t have the advantage of being able to spread the word about what we were doing because I had shut down the source.
We needed to get back to print.
Well, we asked for it and, we got it! I say we because I, too have missed Urban Trendsetters News Magazine. I am excited to jump back in the swing of things with this special Juneteenth edition. We will follow our original bi-weekly print and circulation schedule and look forward to giving you the best of Black Excellence in our
community as we always have – No negative news allowed, as always. As before, we are also a digital interactive publication with hyper-links to our valued advertisers’webpages, social media, audio, and now videos commercials. Check out this edition’s digital version here. I have learned a lot in the past 4 years. I cherish every lesson regardless of how painful, and I have no regrets. I am so thankful to have made it through my storm and we are tickled pink to be back in print! The lessons I leave with you. If you are unsure of the messenger be unsure of the message. And lastly, don’t believe everything you hear in the media. The“word on the streets”does not necessarily apply to you. You must stay on the path and purpose of what you were called and created to do. This is how the Trendsetter in you is developed. NOBODY can do what you do like you do! See you in two!
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COMMUNITY NEWS City of Columbus Launch the Go Lunch! Summer Food Program
Summer can be one of the most challenging months for children who rely on meals served at school throughout the academic year. This week I visited Dodge Community Center, one of several sites for our Go Lunch! summer food
program, which is hosted by the Recreation and Parks Department and provides free, nutritionally balanced meals at Columbus community centers and other convenient locations across our neighborhoods. Additionally, we know that families are struggling to find healthy fruits and vegetables at affordable prices. Thankfully, our Recreation and Parks Department also offers a free mobile produce market throughout the year. Simply drive up to the mobile market, and our volunteers will load up your vehicle with fresh produce.
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Premium Services LLC, Connectivity to Low-Income Families as Lifecare Distributor of Free Cell Phones, Tablets and Broadband Internet Services
STAFF WRITER Columbus, OH — Millions of Americans on low-income, including those receiving unemployment benefits amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, may qualify to receive a free smartphone, in addition to free cell service, under a new government partnership with TruConnect, a nationwide wireless service provider and Premium Services, LLC. The Federal Communication Commission explains: “Since 1985, the Lifeline program has provided a discount on phone service for qualifying low-income consumers to ensure that all Americans have the opportunities and security that phone service brings, including being able to connect to jobs, family and emergency services. “Lifeline is part of the Universal Service Fund. The Lifeline program is available to eligible low-income consumers in every state, territory, commonwealth, and onTribal lands.,” the commission adds. “Lifeline, is a government program offering affordable wireless service to lowincome customers launched by President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, which most Americans don’t know about”, according to the co-founder and chief executive officer of TruConnect, Matthew Johnson.
TruConnect’s free service includes“talk, text, and 3GB of data each month plus free international calling to select countries. You may even qualify for a free 5” LTE Android smartphone,”the company website states. “Across the U.S., the two basic programs that automatically qualify you are Medicaid and Snap, so if you’re on one of those two programs you automatically qualify,” Johnson noted. TruConnect currently offers Lifeline service to residents through distribution partnerships with community businesses such as Premium Services, LLc in Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The service is expected to be offered in additional areas soon, the company notes on its website. Residents in Ohio can register and receive their services at Premium Services located at 2102 Cleveland Avenue, Columbus, OH 43211. Visit the website at www. premiumservicesllc.com
COMMUNITY NEWS New Reality Docu-Series The Unapologetic 12 to begin production for Fall TV Programming
The featured women of The Unapologetic 12 Season One
Unapologetic 12 is a powerful, enlightening, riveting series based upon twelve women and their journey from rejection to redemption. Each woman represented within this docu series was convicted and served time for various crimes. Each episode shares the story of an individual’s determination, pain, heartache, integrity, and finally success after their release from prison. Viewers will meet these women in each episode that depicts the crimes committed, the obstacles that they were confronted with from inside prison walls, followed by their release, and into the fight and willpower to beat all odds stacked against them. Comparable to the popular mini-series Love after Lockup and Life after Lock-Up, Unapologetic 12 trailer received over 1 million YouTube views within days of its release.. Admittingly, there is no shortage of life after prison programming available on television. The Unapologetic 12 difference is that empowerment factor that comes with each episode for both the imprisoned as well as viewers in general who need motivation. From overcoming the stigma of being formerly/presently incarcerated to dealing with the many challenges and barriers facing
all women including but not limited to, rape, incest, domestic violence, verbal and physical abuse, poverty and other PTSD encounters that lead to mental health issues that for most are at the root of most bad decisions when mental health issues go untreated. The Unapologetic 12 examines how these women navigate their newfound freedom. From business owners to writing, producing, acting, and creating all of the content for the show. Each episode is uniquely crafted to exhibit the crime, consequence, and obstacles each woman found herself confronting once released. The struggle, rejection, hardships, tenacity that are quintessential to the success of each woman’s 30 min. episode. Complete with questions, answers and solutions to the alarming rising rate of recidivism in the United States, The Unapologetic 12 is a game-changer. Production for the Unapologetic 12 will begin the last week of June and will debut on Urban Trendsetters Television this fall on Thursdays at 8:00 PM.
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NAACP Ohio Conference President, Tom Roberts of Dayton, LaRese Purnell of Cleveland, State Rep. Dontavius Jarrells, Founder Rhonda D. Robinson, CEO Sherri Hamilton, Butch Hamilton and a representative who accepted award accepted on behalf of Hamilton County Commissioner Alicia Reece.
Shirley Murdock receives the Ohio Black Expo Honors
African performance by Candice Flows, led by Candice Igeleke.
Recording Artisit and Actor Rotimi
Visionary and Founder Rhonda Robinson receives the City Proclamation by State Representative Dontavius Jarrells (D-Columbus)
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Performing Artist Kelly Price
NATIONAL NEWS Food Deserts Are Deliberate, But Black Farmers Are Fighting Back Fresh, affordable food produced on local, Black-owned farms is one solution to the health inequities caused by segregation and racist grocery practices. BY ALEXA SPENCER SOURCE:Word in BLack The days of legal segregation in the U.S. are past us, but Black folks continue to feel the health effects of racist policies that took place when it was law. Practices such as “redlining” — where the federal government mass-produced housing subdivisions for white people in the 1930s and required that none of the homes be sold to Black people — continue to contribute to poor health outcomes in our communities. During that time, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) refused to insure mortgages in and around Black neighborhoods, which were colored red on maps to indicate“risky”for lending. According to the FHA, property value declined wherever we lived — which is not true. Now, decades after white people secured homes in the suburbs while we were pushed into urban housing projects, the health effects have become clear. Black communities once deprived of lending and investment suffer from lower life expectancy, higher rates of chronic diseases, and worse COVID-19 outcomes. “Food deserts,” or communities that lack access to affordable fresh fruits and vegetables, are just one consequence of segregation. Compared to 31% of white people, only 8% of Black people live in a census tract with a supermarket. The result: It’s hard for us to access fresh, affordable food. But a new crop of Black farmers is closing the gaps. The Connection Between Segregation and Health Outcomes Medical doctor and professor of equity in health and healthcare at Johns Hopkins University, Lisa E. Cooper, was shocked when
she learned there was a connection between segregation and poor health outcomes in her Black patients. “I was seeing [Black] people coming in with high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, cancers, at much younger ages than I would see white people,” she recalls. Cooper took a closer look at the lives of her patients and realized the neighborhoods they lived in were a part of the problem. On top of transportation issues making it hard to get back and forth to medical care, she noticed they struggled with“terrible life circumstances that would make it stressful for anybody to really be healthy.” Cooper says these circumstances include people“not being able to afford their rent or their family members being incarcerated,”as well as “there being violence in their neighborhoods that kept them from being able to exercise.” Cooper, a native of Liberia, dug into the history of segregation in the U.S. and realized the conditions of Black neighborhoods didn’t have anything to do with Black people — it has everything to do with policy. “They didn’t just end up like that by happenstance.They ended up like that because there were policies that have been put in place like 40, 50 years ago and longer,” she says. One-in-five Black residents — or about 8.3 million — lack easy access to fresh food, according to data from the McKinsey Global Institute and McKinsey Institute for Black Eco-
nomic Mobility. These Black communities also tend to have more convenience stores selling foods low in nutritional value versus farmers markets, restaurants, and grocery stores. “What I’ve found to be the solutions are really in the people in communities that are impacted by this,” Cooper says about solving health inequalities caused by segregation. Opening a Certified Naturally Grown Farm Bobby Wilson, CEO of the Metro Atlanta Urban Farm, is one of many residents around the country who got tired of watching his predominantly-Black city struggle to access fresh food. In 2009, he used his retirement funds to buy five acres just minutes from downtown Atlanta and started planting seeds. During the pandemic, when the local food system was impacted, and it was harder to utilize indoor stores, the farm fed 25,000 families with boxes of tomatoes, okra, greens, swiss chard, and other crops that were in season. “I like to think and feel that I am having one of the greatest impacts that one individual can have on marginalized and underserved communities across this country,”Wilson says. Since Wilson has operated the certified naturally grown farm, Atlanta has seen growth in the city’s access to fresh food. As of 2020, 75% of city residents now live within a halfmile of fresh food, compared to 32% in 2015. The farm is located on the north end of College Park, a town that’s 80% Black with
a 29.5% poverty rate, and on the south end of East Point, which is 77.5% Black with a 23% poverty rate. Wilson says some people in those communities don’t have cars and will walk to the farm “with their buggies and their baskets so that they can be loaded up in wagons so that they can take them back to their home.” A supermarket accessibility map created by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) confirms several households in College Park and East Point lack vehicles and are more than one-half mile from a supermarket. The disparity of Black neighborhoods lacking supermarkets has been coined as “supermarket redlining,” when chain markets refuse to plant stores in impoverished communities or relocate existing stores to wealthier areas. Sound familiar? “We see people commuting on the sidewalk on a regular basis going to this grocery store that’s on the north side of the farm. And so it’s the only grocery store within miles from the area of the farm,”Wilson says looking out the window of the home that sits on the land. By understanding his community, Wilson and his supporters at the farm have been able to accomplish a lot. They’ve been recognized by politicians and agriculture organizations like the Natural Resource Conservation Service, an agency part of the USDA. And while he’s had an “impact on those who have power and privilege,” Wilson says supporting those in need is most important. “In my mind, that little lady that walks up here pushing her basket that needs food for her and her grandchildren — those are the people that I really want to have an impact on,” he says. “Those are the people that I really want to be able to make a difference in their lives.” The Metro Atlanta Urban Farm is part of a network of Black-led farms, gardens, and organizations working to solve food inaccessibility in Black communities. To name a few, Soul Fire Farm in Petersburg, New York, Soilful and Dreaming Out Loud in Washington, D.C., Feed Our Soul in Los Angeles, and FreshLifeOrganic in Houston are committed to planting seeds in their regions. “Food is the tool. Community organizing is what we really do,” Wilson says. “We use agriculture as the tool to get to the hearts and the souls of the people and to fight for injustice that is permeated within our society.”
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DIVERSITY TRENDSETTERS UPFAD - Unlimited Possiblities for ALL Disabilities Community Festival a day of Family Celebration
Nicole Carter, Founder/CEO UPFAD
COLUMBUS, OHIO - On Sunday, July 17, 2022 from 9am-6pm, Unlimited Possibilities For All People (UPFAD) will present the 5th Annual All Disabilities Festival at Genoa Park located in downtown Columbus. The All Disabilities Festival is aimed at increasing the social inclusion of people with disabilities. ADF is a great gathering that brings our disabled citizens into the community to interact while enjoying various activities. This full-day of events and opportunities are geared to inspire, empower and educate attendees. “This year we are excited to have an entire day to ourselves as we initially began as a bonus event for the Gospel Festival. We are organizing an amazing festival this year and are excited that more and more people ae taking interest in this great cause “states UPFAD’s Founder and CEO Nicole “Lady Xtreme” Carter. The All Disabilities Festival has added a new component with the inclusion of a Tribute to Our Veterans. As a US Veteran herself Nicole Carter saw the importance of honoring United States Veterans for their service to our country. “We know from experience how necessary it is to know what services and resources are available for us. A festival of this type is a LIVE one stop resource guide”, says Carter. Following the Annual All Disabilities Walk at 10am, a full day of excitement includes but are not limited to:
• All Inclusive “Missy B” of Joy 107.1 Talent Showcase featuring music by Shopworks, The Blue Spectrum Band and The Baby Shark Family • UPFAD Marketplace featuring local vendors • Food Trucks • Children’s Fun Place and Bounce House • Special Sensory Friendly Activities that cater to children with special needs • Arts and Crafts Stations • So Much More! This year’s All Disability Festival is sponsored by CareSource, The Columbus Greater Arts Council, COSI, The Columbus Gospelfest, Kidslinked, Columbus Parks and Recreation, The Praise Reporter, Urban Trendsetters Television and News Magazine . For more information and to register for the conference visit: WWW.UPFAD.ORG
FAMILY TRENDS Accelerated Laboratory and Logistics Celebrate Centennial with Ohio Historical Marker and Preview of the Columbus Museum of African American History and Culture COLUMBUS, OH – The definition of generation and legacy building was on display as Accelerated Laboratory Logistics hosted its 100th Anniversary as one of the oldest BlackOwned businesses in Central Ohio. This 2-day celebration was held at the ALL headquarters located at 4100 Refugee Road on Friday, June 10th and Saturday, June 11th. Hosted by Dr. Iris Cooper, the highlights
of the event included remarks from community leaders including City Council President, Shannon Hardin, Ray Miller, Judge Terri Jamison, and Curtis Jewel as ALL received the prestigious Ohio Historical Marker. In addition, attendees enjoyed a prequel tour and sneak preview of the memorabilia, artifacts, and art to be displayed at the home of the future Columbus Museum of African
ALL CEO and President Todd Wilson and his great aunt Eleanor Jacobs Warfield,
Artifacts and memorbilia were available for a sneak preview of the museum
American History and Culture was also on display. Set to launch during Black History Month 2025, The CMAAHC will share the 70,000 sq feet building located at the ALL headquarters. “I am both honored and excited about the anniversary celebration and my ancestor’s commitment to passing on the legacy of ALL. This is only the beginning of phase one. As we move closer to the official opening, we intend to share
The ALL Ohio Historical Marker
this space with the community for other events. My hope is that the attendees feel that they can share their family history and artifacts at the new museum” states Todd Wilson, CEO and President of Accelerated Laboratory Logistics. For more information about Accelerated Laboratory Logistics visit https://acceleratedmoving.com/
Community Leaders and local Masons were present to celebrate.
City Council President Shannon Hardin gave remarks Opening prayer by Pastor Mike Reeves Congratulatory remarks from Ray Miller
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JuneteenthOhio Glen Jones
SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 2022 • D.J. Out Law & Issaid and The Advance Party • Elder Tony West opening Drum Call for peace & Unity • DJ Out law (Roots & Reggae Music) • 2:00 pm Slave Sound Check • 3:00 pm Community Talent Show • 6:00 pm Mike Bezzy • 7:00 pm Al Fatz • 7:30 pm D.O.T.Y • 8:00 pm Glen Jones • 9:00 pm Slave SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 2022 • 1:00 pm D.J. Out Law Roots & Reggae • 3:00 pm Gospel Trinity • 3:30 pm Mr Afro Jazz • 5:30 pm Jimmy Mcghee • 7:00 pm Michelle‘le • 8:00 pm Dripp Da Don • 9:00 pm Adina Howard
JUNETEENTH BOOK REVIEW In this classic study, Pulitzer Prize-winning author James M. McPherson deftly narrates the experience of blacks--former slaves and soldiers, preachers, visionaries, doctors, intellectuals, and common people--during the Civil War. Drawing on contemporary journalism, speeches, books, and letters, he presents an eclectic chronicle of their fears and hopes as well as their essential contributions to their own freedom. Through the words of
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these extraordinary participants, both Northern and Southern, McPherson captures African-American responses to emancipation, the shifting attitudes toward Lincoln and the life of black soldiers in the Union army. Above all, we are allowed to witness the dreams of a disenfranchised people eager to embrace the rights and the equality offered to them, finally, as citizens. The Negro’s Civil War is available at Ujamaa Book Store Today.
Adina Howard
The Juneteenth Vendors are comprised of a variety of Black Owned Businesses and Community Organizations. This events and those like Juneteenth are not possible without the support of sponsors, advertisers, volunteers and great people like you! Support those that support us! • CEA • CAPITAL SCHOOL • FRANKLIN COUNTY AUDITOR • THE GUMBO DUDE - FOOD • ALI ALSTON FOOD • BLACK ORCHID • TAQUALA FOOD • ALLEN • UNIQUE TEES & MORE • KAYS KREATION
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WELCOMETOTHEJUNETEENTHOHIOFESTIVIAL Welcome to the 25th Annual JuneteenthOhio Festival in Columbus Ohio the place where African American history is always being told. One hundred and fifty-seven years ago, our African American ancestors in Galveston Texas celebrated the first Juneteenth Festival in in the nation. General Gordan Granger read official order #3 to the remaining African American captives of Galveston Texas June 19th 1865. Two and a half years earlier President Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation January 1, 1863 supposedly freeing captives in the rebellious south. The celebratory act became the symbol of all people’s freedom day. (African American were not free July 4,1776) June 19th became the date for the All People’s Freedom Day. Historical festival activities included, family gatherings, enjoying great soul food, drinking red pop, singing spiritual hymns, dancing to the rhythms of the drums, story-telling for the children of the mighty Buffalo Soldiers or Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad, John Brown, and black inventor stories.
Today Juneteenth is a National Holiday and continues to be celebrated in over 250 cities throughout the country. Juneteenth has evolved into an annual gathering that gives 40 million African Americans a unified voice. JuneteenthOhio is the 3rd largest celebration in the country symbolizing among us Unity, self-determination, cooperative economics, collective work and responsibility, creativity, purpose and faith. Young people and families are indeed experiencing too much confusion and lacking culturaly competent knowledge to calm their storm. Proceeds from the festival will support Factual Literacy initiatives and programs that helps remove or reduce confusing barriers to our children’s knowledge and education of their history.
As organizer of the 25th Annual Juneteenth Ohio Festival, We would like to thank our sponsors: Performance Academies, First Common Wealth Bank, Urban Trend setters Television and News Magazine, Curb Ball Game, The Social Club, King “T” IDL Financial Systems LLC, TLT Auto Center, GCAC, And Ujamaa Bookstore. The Juneteenth Ohio program booklet recognizes you for your community support, may your weekend of cultural discovery be as beautiful as you! Mustafaa Shabazz
Best regards! Mustafaa Shabazz , Organizer
4419 Crossroads Ctr, Columbus, OH 43232 (614) 762-7505 • www.thesocialclub614.com
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THE JOURNEY UTS TV to Broadcast the 37th Annual Stellar Gospel Awards The theme this year for the 37th Annual Stellar Gospel Music Awards is “Renew, Revive and Rejoice.” The Stellar Awards will be taped before a live audience at the Cobb Energy Center in Atlanta, GA at the Cobb Energy Center. Hosted by Kierra Sheard Kelly and Jekalyn Carr, the Stellar Awards features the nationally acclaimed gospel music artists as it serves as a beacon of light in our world today. This year CeCe Winans leads the nominations with 8 opportunities to take home the coveted award. The 2022 nominees include
CeCe Winans
Kelly Price
Artist of The Year n CeCeWinans;BelieveForIt;PureSpringsGospel / Fair Trade Services / Red Alliance Media n Jonathan McReynolds and Mali Music; Jonny x Mali: Live in L.A. EP; Life Room/K Approved/RCA Inspiration/MNRK n MaverickCityMusic;Jubilee:JuneteenthEdition; TRIBL Records n Pastor Mike, Jr.; I Got It: Single’s Ministry Vol 1; Black Smoke Music Worldwide/ Rock City Media Group n Tamela Mann; Overcomer; Tillymann Music Group 2. Song of the Year n All Of My Help; Nathaniel Zaccheus Bean & Ricky Dillard; Motown Gospel n Amazing; Michael McClure Jr., Adia Andrews, Giano Piero Reverberi, Brian Joseph Burton, GianfrancoReverberi&ThmosaDecarloCallaway; Black Smoke MusicWorldwide / Rock City Media Group n Believe For It; CeCe Winans, Dwan Hill, Kyle Lee&MitchWong;PureSpringsGospel/FairTrade Services / Red Alliance Media n Help Me; Bartholomew Orr, Justin Pearson, La’Tia Mann, Phillip Bryant,Tamela Mann &Tiffany Mann; Tillymann Music Group n Jireh(FeaturingChandlerMoore&NaomiRaine); Naomi Raine, Chandler Moore, Steven Furtick & Chris Brown; TRIBL Records 3. Album of the Year Anthems & Glory; Todd Dulaney; MNRK Believe For It; CeCe Winans; Pure Springs Gospel / Fair Trade Services / Red Alliance Media n n
Jonathan and Mali Music
I Got It: Single’s Ministry Vol 1; Pastor Mike, Jr.; Black Smoke MusicWorldwide / Rock City Media Group n Jonny x Mali: Live in L.A. EP; Jonathan McReynolds and Mali Music; Life Room/K Approved/RCA Inspiration/MNRK n Overcomer; Tamela Mann; Tillymann Music Group n
4. Rap/Hip Hop Song of the Year n Heal The Land; G.I.; BGA Music Group n My God; Jor’Dan Armstrong; Encouragement Music n One Call; 1K Phew & Lecrae; Reach Records nRedeemedft.MaliMusic;Amethyst;Independent n Sick World; Deitrick Haddon X Zaytoven; Black Own Black / Tyscot 5. Praise and Worship Song of the Year Believe For It; CeCe Winans; Pure Springs Gospel / Fair Trade Services / Red Alliance Media n Great; Kelontae Gavin; RCA Inspiration n Joyful; Dante Bowe; Bethel Music n Residue; Jason Nelson; Jaelyn Song / Tyscot / Fair Trade Services n You’re All I Need; Jason Clayborn & The Atmosphere Changers; Jay Clay Music / Tyscot n
6. Albertina Walker Female Artist of the Year n Bri Babineaux; The Encounter Continues; Bri Babineaux Music/Tyscot n CeCe Winans; Believe For It; Pure Springs Gospel / Fair Trade Services / Red Alliance Media n Kelly Price; Grace; Motown Gospel n Kim Person; Journey 2.0; KLP Music Enterprise n Tamela Mann; Overcomer; Tillymann Music
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Kirk Franklin and Maverick City Music
Group 7. New Artist of the Year n E. Dewey Smith; God Period; Pebble Street Records n Evvie McKinney; This Is Evvie McKinney EP; Motown Gospel n Jason McGee &The Choir; Power; My Block Inc. n Josh Copeland; No Fear; Anointed Sounds / MNRK n Lasha’ Knox; God of Miracles; Black Smoke Music Worldwide 8. Male Artist of the Year n Israel Houghton; Feels Like Home, Vol. 1; District 11 Entertainment n Kelontae Gavin; The N.O.W. Experience; RCA Inspiration n Pastor Mike, Jr.; I Got It: Single’s Ministry Vol 1; Black Smoke Music Worldwide/ Rock City Media Group n Todd Dulaney; Anthems & Glory; MNRK n Travis Greene; Oil + Water; RCA Inspiration 9. Duo/Chorus Group of the Year 1K Phew & Lecrae; No Church In A While; Reach Records n Dawkins & Dawkins; Never Gets Old Vol 2; Legacy Music Group n Israel And New Breed; Feels Like Home, Vol. 1; District 11 Entertainment n Jonathan McReynolds and Mali Music; Jonny x Mali: Live in L.A. EP; Life Room/K Approved/RCA Inspiration/MNRK n Maverick City Music, Jubilee: Juneteenth Edition, TRIBL Records n
10. Quartet of the Year n Alphonso D. Bowen; He’s A Wonder; Kelsi 29 Music n The Brown Boyz; The Reintroduction; SIX19 Music n The Mighty Gospel Warriors; The Live Virtual Experience; 4clouds Records n Tim White & ReFocused; Always There: Live Virtual Experience; Independent 11. Choir of the Year Charles Jenkins & Fellowship Chicago; Praise Party Vol 1; Inspired People n Jason Clayborn & The Atmosphere Changers; God Made It Beautiful; Jay Clay Music / Tyscot n Kevin Lemons & Higher Calling; Third Round; Hez House Entertainment / RCA Inspiration n Pastor David Wright & NY Fellowship Mass Choir; Miracles; Godfather Records n Ricky Dillard; Breakthrough: The Exodus; Motown Gospel n
12. Youth Project of the Year n Alana Inez; Thank You Lord; Law Ent n Janessa Smith; Finish This Race; Inspired Recording n Rodney Iler; Secrets; Independent n Sa’Vannah Aaliyah; I Got It; BGA Music Group
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Youth over us! Helping youth rebuild their future one project at a time
YouthBuild is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to changing lives and offering those who qualify a second chance! “We are an equal opportunity program that serves young adults to become productive leaders in the community! We want you to be all you can be!” states Director/Founder Pastor Mike Dean. Youth Over Us manages the Franklin County YouthBuild Program. The program’s mission is to promote social and educational
development of disadvantaged youth and provide support for their families. Youth Over Us is a community of positive individuals dedicated to changing lives. We support the personal, social and academic growth of individuals by providing a pathway for young people to continue their education, be involved in skills training, entrepreneurship and personal development. The goal is to instill hope and optimize potential so youth can excel and impact their community. We help youth pursue learning
and training that will help them become informed and empowered citizens. Youth Over Us provides cash assistance (stipends) and non-cash assistance such as food and school supplies to YouthBuild participants and their families.Franklin County YouthBuild caters to youth between the ages of 18 and 24. We offer GED, High School Diploma, Construction, Supportive Services and Healthcare (Phlebotomy, EKG, and STNA Services. Students who complete all three of the health care components
are awarded a Patient Care Management Certification. For more information visit: https:// fcyouthbuild.org/ Youth Over Us – YouthBuild 303 E. 6th Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43201 614-607-5641 info@fcyouthbuild.org WATCH THE VIDEO https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=Op6WCtqH1B0
Hot Off The Grill For Father’s Day This Father’s Day, why not treat dad to an outdoor feast by grilling some steaks, seafood or veggies? You can make a simple holiday meal a gourmet event on the barbecue. But before you break out the charcoal and the funny hat, here are some things to consider from the gourmet experts at 1-800-FLOWERS.COM. Marinades: the longer something sits in a marinade, the stronger the flavor. Marinades with an acid content like citrus or tomato juice act as a natural tenderizer. Therefore, dense meat like beef benefits from overnight marinating, whereas seafood, being porous, should marinate only about 20 minutes. e Any marinating time over 15 to 20 minutes should be done in the refrigerator. Never leave a grill unattended, as it will get very hot and can cause burns. Flare-ups are common and could start a fire. Always
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keep a fire extinguisher handy. Clean the grill before you start with a long-handled wire brush on a heated surface. Fire up the grill in advance. fi Beeeel You can make a simple holiday meal a gourmet event by grilling on the barbecue. Whenthe charcoalis hot, it will have a thin white ash coating. While it’s heating, prepare your food. Allow it to become room temperature before cooking (but don’t let it sit longer than 20 to 30 minutes) and make sure any excess fat is trimmed off the meat. As a general rule, cook thin pieces of meat at a high temperature and fast; grill thicker pieces slowly on indirect heat, so the inside can cook completely. For Father’s Daygifts, such as a delicious steak sampler or a selection of barbecue sauces and marinades, click on 1800flowers.com on the Web.
Brothers Empowered to Teach is a Solution to Lack of Black Male Teachers New Orleans education leader Larry Irvin Jr. offers a new and fresh take on the importance of teacher diversity while also igniting a global conversation around how Black male teachers are recruited, trained and perceived as educators in his new TED Talk. Now LIVE. BY STAFF WRITER New Orleans, LA - A newly released study reveals that there is a 30% drop in aspiring teachers in Louisiana. Further alarming is the lack of diversity in the K-12 classroom --23.5% of teachers in Louisiana are Black and of that number only 5% are Black men. The findings, compiled by the 17-member Teacher Recruitment, Recovery and Retention Task Force, were presented during a joint meeting of the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education and the state Board of Regents. The panel said one goal for both BESE and the Board of Regents should be more diversity in the classroom.
Brothers Empowered to Teach is a solution. Starting as an idea in 2012, BE2T is an organization recruiting and training Black men to become teachers in Louisiana while working to return the prestige and honor to the profession. Through innovative programming, mentorship and paid fellowships, BE2T is increasing the number of Black male teachers in United States public schools -- starting with Louisiana. Research shows that just 1 Black male teacher in 3rd, 4th or 5th grade for young Black men substantially decreases his chances of dropping out of high school by 40%. This is the message of BE2T Co-founder and CEO, Larry Irvin Jr.’s TED Talk: A program to empower Black teachers in the US.Released last month, Irvin’s talk is at nearly 800,000 views. “We are in such a pivotal moment in education, and I hope this talk further ignites the
discourse around teacher training, development, and demographics. My own personal leadership journey is parallel to the struggles of Black men in education. Most times our value assessment starts from a deficit, and we work upward from there,” said Irvin, a rising education thought leader and 2021 TED Fellow. Irvin has been holding a series of conversation on the subject via Instagram LIVE. So far, he has talked with Jamar McKneely, CEO of InspireNola network and acclaimed educator, researcher and author, Lisa Delpit, Ph.D. Andre Perry, senior Fellow at The Brookings Institution, said: “As a former school network leader, professor and researcher within a college of education in New Orleans, I know too
well the value of Black teachers, particularly male educators. For years, researchers such as Gloria Ladson-Billings, Pedro Noguera, Lisa Delpit, Adrienne Dixson, Christopher Emdin, and James A. Banks — all people of color — validated the need for Black teachers in New Orleans schools through their studies on teachers of color. The scholarship serves as the foundation for inquiries like one by Stanford University researcher Thomas Dee who, the year before Katrina, found that Black students of both sexes who had a Black teacher scored 3 to 6 percentile points higher on standardized tests in reading than those who did not. Dee found a similar increase in the math scores of Black
students taught by a Black teacher. However, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the city realized a significant decline in Black teachers, throttling academic growth. I saw up close how Brothers Empowered to Teach developed interest and talent, nurturing a pool of male teachers that would not have existed otherwise. BE2T provided candidates with technical, cultural and professional supports to maximize outcomes for students and themselves. I fully support BE2T efforts of getting more Black men in the classroom.” For more information, visit www.corpcominc.com.
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HEALTH / WELLNESS Forever Free Fitness LoveHerHeart Challenge Fabulous is one thing; Fit & Fabulous is a Whole Other Level!
Forever Free LoveHerHeart Challenge Vendor
LaTanya M. Settles motivates attendees
Forever Free Fitness founder LaTanya M. Settles kicked off Minority Health Month with the 90-Day The Love HerHeart Challenge. This quarterly wellness challenge supports the physical and mental wellness of African American Women Owners, Entrepreneurs, and Executives. The Forever Free Fitness, LLC wellness program is based on lifestyle and behavioral change. “We believe with the right education, skills, tools, motivation, and support, people are empowered to create a better lifestyle for themselves and their family,” states Settles. In March, the LoveHerHealth Challenge presented a Wellness Jam to celebrate National Women’s History Month to encourage women in business to take charge of their health and fitness LaTanya M. Settles, Founder of Forever Free Fitness
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Guests get ready for a great workout!
and their business and wealth. “It is known that people who eat healthily and exercise regularly are more likely to be more productive at work and home.” Healthy lifestyle behavior leads to lower health risks, less chronic disease,d fewer healthcare costs. – LaTanya Settles, CEO, and Founder of Forever Free Fitness, LLC The Love HerHeart Challenge is a combination of combines of combining wellness programs and business workshops to assist women business owners in empowering their total selves by adopting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and business practices. LO V E H E R H E A R T C H A L L E N G E ENGAGEMENT Each quarter features group fitness sessions
and business workshops in-person, virtual, and televised, and seminars featuring business tools, tips, and resources of up to 100 women. The goal is to reach and engage over 500 businesswomen as members of the movement in 2022. The March 2023 graduation will feature the Fit & Fabulous Women in Business Conference. The kick-off presenting partner for the Love HerHeart Challenge is the Women’s Center for Economic OpportCEOy (WCEO). To register for the June LoveHerHeart Challenge and Wellness Jams ,visit www. myforeverfreefitness.com
Columbus Ohio Native, Victor G Harvey, Launches Victor George Vodka, “VG” Statewide
Choppin It UP with Chef Cobre’ premieres Fall 2022 on UTS TV W.”Chef” Cobre’ Gordon has been cooking since the age of 10 . During summer visits to his grandmother’s in Nashville, TN Chef Cobre’ would assist his grandmother Anne in the kitchen. “I was clearly born to cook because I can’t imagine doing anything else. The men and women in my family can all cook very well, this is where my love for cooking and providing a great food experience comes from”. For the past 20 years Chef Cobre’ worked in various restaurants in Central Ohio from the Columbus Hilton to The Refectory, beginning his professional career in the family business Black Orchid Catering
where he prepared catered meals alongside his grandfather Clyde Wright. In fall of 2022 Chef Cobre’ will host his first television show “Choppin It Up with Chef Cobre’ where he will restaurants and eateries throughout the country in search of the best food and cooks in town! For more information on how you and your restaurant can be featured on Choppin It Up contact Chef Cobre’ at chefcobre@gmail. com today.
FORT LAUDERDALE — Black-owned Victor George Vodka “VG”, announced it has launched its award-winning vodka throughout the State of Ohio. Based in South Florida, VG is also distributed throughout the U.S. including Florida, Georgia, Nevada, New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Illinois, Tennessee and more than ten additional states with new distributors and major retailers continuing to introduce VG Vodka this Spring. VG Vodka is making history! VG is distributed in Ohio by Heidelberg Distributing and carried at major retailers such as Kroger, Giant Eagle, and several other retail outlets. “We are extremely excited about our recent growth and going into a state that I am from and remain deeply rooted. I was born there, went to college there and still have family and many close friends throughout the state,” said Victor G Harvey, CEO and Founder of VG Vodka. “Ohio has given us the opportunity to expand our brand during a historic month and at a time when everyone can use a little hope.” In 2021, Mr. Harvey plans to build a 13,000 square foot facility housing a 4500 square foot distillery on historic Sistrunk Boulevard in Fort Lauderdale along with a cigar bar, wine bar, lounge, and restaurant. Mr. Harvey was born in Columbus, Ohio, and graduated from Licking Heights high school where he was a standout athlete. He attended and graduated with a business degree from Bowling Green State University where he also played basketball. For more on VG Vodka, please visit http:// victorgeorgevodka.com
Victor George Vodka “VG”
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ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Black Excellence Showcased at 2022 Black Music Honors (CHICAGO, IL.) –The 7th Annual Black Music Honors offers an incredible roster of performers for a star-studded celebration of influential music legends. Urban Trendsetters will air the program on June 23rd at 8:00 pm EST in celebration of Black Music Month. There will be a special Juneteenth highlight recognizing the national federal holiday. Performers gracing the stage at this year’s power-packed televised show includes popular late 80’s Hip-Hop Duo Kid N’ Play; GRAMMYAward-Winning Supergroup 112; Multi-AwardWinning Music Veteran Carl Thomas; Three-Time GRAMMY-Nominated, “The Love King,” Raheem DeVaughn; Compton-Bred Actress and Songbird Amber Riley; Multi-Hyphenate Crooner and Penman Eric Bellinger; Powerhouse Songster and Serenader Avery Wilson; Multi-GRAMMY-Award-Winning Artist PJ Morton; Multifaceted Entertainer and Rising Artist Jade Novah; Viral Vocal Teen Prodigy Keedron Bryant; Gospel Sweethearts Ajah and Rhea Walls from Multi-GRAMMY-Nominated and Stellar-Award-Winning The Walls Group; MultiTalented Vocalist and Sunday Best Season Six Winner Tasha Page-Lockhart; Gospel Songstress and Sunday Best Season One Winner Crystal Aikin; NAACP-Image-Award-Nominated Singer and Actress Sheléa; Billboard-Chart-Topping SingerSongwriter Kevin Ross; and Two-Decade-Spanning Independent Artist and GRAMMY Award-Nominee Eric Roberson. Kicking off the 2022 BMH Honorees is AwardWinning Singer-Songwriter Keri Hilson who is tapped to receive the Music and Songwriter Icon Award. Multi-Award-Winning Gospel Duo Mary Mary will be presented with the Gospel Icon Award; Five-Time GRAMMY Nominee Tevin Campbell is set to receive the R&B Icon Award; Award-Winning Supergroup Dru Hill is to be recognized with the Urban Music Icon Award and a planned special performance in celebration of their 25th anniversary; NAACP Image Award-Winning Singer Karyn White will be honored with the Soul Music Award; and the Legendary R&B Group The Whispers will take home the Legends Award for their incredible nearly six decade music career. Two-Time GRAMMY Winner LeToya Luckett and Comedian DeRay Davis are co-hosting the show.
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What Happens When Isolation Spurs Creation By Staff Writer According to research by the Gallup organization, thousands of people started businesses during the thick of the COVID-19 pandemic, even as many businesses struggled. More than half of the businesses started during the pandemic were Black Americans and Women. A recent LA Times article reported that based on the Kauffman Foundation’s annual study, last year there were newer Black-owned businesses proportionate to the total population than at any time in the last quarter-century. Black entrepreneurism ranked higher than for white-owned and Asian-owned companies. On average 380 out of every 100,000 Black adults became new entrepreneurs during the 2020 pandemic, up from 240 in each of the prior two years according to the study, based on census data. However, let’s be clear, COVID-19 crisis hit Black Ameri-
cans particularly harder due to pre-pandemic barriers that were already plaguing the Black community. The fact that Black Americans have had to survive severe conditions and circumstances is not new. Having to create and make something out of nothing is not new to the Black community either. One star to rise above the pandemic clutch is Mykayla Bryant, CEO of Brands by MK. Mykayla was not new to the media industry when she started her digital media business. The daughter of Urban Trendsetters Media founder Sharon S. Gordon, Mykayla has assisted in every aspect of her mother’s business at one time or another. “One of the things that always stuck out to me while listening to my mother consult with her clients was the importance of a business brand. How do you want to present your brand to potential clients and what does that look like?” states Mykayla. Mykayla was raised in Ohio and is a proud
graduate of Central State University, an Ohio HBCU. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications and Broadcast Media. Mykayla began honing her skills as a content creator and social media director when her then employee discovered her talent after requesting, she “help” them with social media. This favor soon became a new position and title for Mykayla as a Social Media Director. During her off-time, Mykayla began assisting her mother on client projects while taking on small projects from other family members and friends. In 2021 she launched Brands by MK to help passionate business owners make an impact with great content and design. “I understand that in today’s business climate, it’s not just enough to open your business, you have to be ready to go to market and promote your business. A well-designed logo, social media content, and branding materials are a must-have”.
Mykayla Bryant, CEO, Brands By MK
In addition to her content and branding business, Mykayla is also Co-Founder of OPUS (The Official Pop-Up-Shop). This quarterly event features over 50 vendors per event and was created to allow small businesses and many of her clients the opportunity to promote and sell their products, goods and services. For more information and business branding services visit www.brandsbymk.com.
Urban Trendsetters TV to air HBCU Games through Distribution Deal with HBCUTO GO Urban Trendsetters Television will bring HBCU games to broadcast this Fall with HBCU ToGO TV. Entertainment Studios will be offering a syndicated sports package starting this Fall. The HBCUGo Sports Network is made up of historically black colleges and
universities (HBCUs). America loves its free live sports and now we can enjoy the talents of students and athletes from Historically Black Colleges every week. For more information on how your company can partner with Urban Trendsetters Televison visit www.
Current Scheduled Games Time for the 2022 Football Season *Albany St at Florida A&M- 6pm *Southern at Texas Southern-TBD *Arkansas Pine-Bluff at Alcorn State-TBD *Grambling State at Prairie View-6pm *Grambling State at Alabama A&M-1pm *Jackson State at Bethune Cookman-TBD
*Campbell at Jackson State-Homecoming-TB *Arkansas-Pine Bluff at Florida A&M-4pm *Alabama State at Bethune Cookman-TBD *Bethune Cookman at Alcorn State-TBD *Texas Southern at Alabama A&M-TBD
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