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Relevant Policies
• Why – Driving Force - The importance of the school/ unit’s implementing the work arrangement plan • Current State Analysis § X % of employees are on-site § Y% of employees are hybrid-fixed § Z% of employees are hybrid § A% of employees are fully remote • Process used to come to future state – The thought process/ideas/pilots that have guided the vision for the future work arrangement plan • Future State / Future Work Arrangements § X % of employees will be on-site, hybrid-fixed, hybrid, fully remote – Short rationale if there is a change from current state § Y% of employees are on campus, off-campus § Z% of employees by days of the week and building location • Alignment to Business Objectives and Fulfilling the Mission – Short description on how the work arrangement plan is aligned to accomplishing school/unit business objectives and change will fulfill the mission of the university • Optimizing Work Arrangement Plans – The activities that will be put in place to ensure the work arrangement will be effective
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HRIS team pulls WD report(s) of workforce data for all units
ü Report(s) should include all active employees and those who have become inactive in the semester in which the report is pulled ü Fields should include (but are not limited to): § Worker § Employee ID § Division § Department § Position § Work arrangement § Location § Employee status § Employee start date § Employee end date § Open roles HRIS team sends report to HREC Strategy team
ü HRIS team sends report via email to HREC Strategy ü HREC Strategy aggregates data and forwards school/unit report to each Dean/SVP ü Data to may include: § % of flexible work arrangements per unit by work persona § Comparison of work arrangements for same/similar job codes § Employee turnover per unit/department HREC Strategy team (on behalf of Work Arrangements Committee) performs assessment of work arrangements
ü HREC Strategy team will meet with each unit leader to understand business impacts of the work arrangements ü Conduct constituent feedback interviews with Faculty, Staff, and
Students to understand constituent impacts HREC Strategy team delivers analysis to unit leaders
ü Figures are prepared and added to an ongoing status report, updated each semester ü HREC Strategy team identifies any risks, issues, and mitigation strategies
• Human Resource Contacts - https://employees.usc.edu/human-resources-contacts/