BUSINESS CASE FRAMEWORK • Why – Driving Force - The importance of the school/ unit’s implementing the work arrangement plan • Current State Analysis § X % of employees are on-site § Y% of employees are hybrid-fixed
Z% of employees are hybrid § A% of employees are fully remote §
• Process used to come to future state – The thought process/ideas/pilots that have guided the vision for the future work arrangement plan • Future State / Future Work Arrangements § X % of employees will be on-site, hybrid-fixed, hybrid, fully remote – Short rationale if there is a change from current state § Y% of employees are on campus, off-campus § Z% of employees by days of the week and building location • Alignment to Business Objectives and Fulfilling the Mission – Short description on how the work arrangement plan is aligned to accomplishing school/unit business objectives and change will fulfill the mission of the university • Optimizing Work Arrangement Plans – The activities that will be put in place to ensure the work arrangement will be effective