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MARIA KOUTSARI_ architect_


MARIA KOUTSARI_ architect_ mkoutsari@teemail.gr_ +30 6972690797_


diploma thesis_ O.T. 388_A THEATRE SCHOOL_8 architectural design_LANDSCAPE, SPACE, FORM AND SPACES OF CULTURE_14 architectural design_THE ARCHITECTURE OF INTEGRATION AND TRANSFORMATION_18 urban design_URBAN DESIGN STUDIO_22 urban design_PARIS BATIGNOLLES_24 conservation/restoration_RESTORATION OF 1ST MALE HIGH SCHOOL_28 conservation/restoration_ARCHITECTURAL MEASURE DRAWING_30 conservation/restoration_THESSALONIKIS PORT_32 competitions_UIA INFO POINT_34 competitions_HOUSING PROJECT IN PELOPONESE_38 competitions_BORD GAIS DESIGN COMPETITION_42 competitions_FLEXICON_46 master seminars_DIGITAL FABRICATION_50 master seminars_(DIS)CONNECTED TERRITORIES_54 master seminars_SELF SUFFICIENT BUILDINGS_58 master thesis_OSCILLATION_62 other interests_THEATRE COSTUME DESIGN_66


curriculum vitae_6


MARIA KOUTSARI Date of birth Nationality Address Contact details

26 May 1983 Greek 21, Kapetan Douka Str., 55236, Thessaloniki, Greece Tel: +30 2310 344219, Mobile: +30 6972690797 e mail:

6 EDUCATION_ 2008-2009 2001-2007 2005 1995-2001

Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), Barcelona Master in Advanced Architecture, Self-sufficient Habitats Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th) Diploma of the Department of Architecture, School of Engineering (graduation grade 8.72/10, excellent) Diploma Thesis Dissertation, graded 10/10 - Diploma Thesis Project, graded 9.88/10 Technische Universitaet (TU) Berlin - School of Architecture Participation in the international exchange students program “Erasmus-Socrates”, March-July, 2005 German School of Thessaloniki High School Diploma - Greek graduation grade 18,6/20 - German graduation grade (Abitur) 1.4/1

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE_ 2008 2005-2008 2002-2004

Cooperation with Prof. Lefaki Architectural research, analysis and design of under cultural protection buildings Architectural office ‘‘OFFICE 25 architects’’, since September 2005 Architectural design and construction Educational Organization Papiotis Teaching experience in Architectural drawing (technical-drawing) by hand, preparing candidate students for the National Panhellenic Exams


Participation in the “4th Architecture Festival, eme3 COLAPSE”, in the CCCB/MACBA, Barcelona Participation in the “Solar Decathlon Europe 2010” for the IaaC entry “FabLabHouse” Scholar of the international exchange students program “Erasmus-Socrates” European Youth Parliament Certificates

CV 7

COMPETITIONS_ June 2008 April 2008 March 2008 February 2007

Bord Gåis Networks – National Distribution Control Building Competition OFFICE 25 architects Housing project in Peloponese, for the burn villages in summer 2007 OFFICE 25 architects INFO POINT: International Competition for architects under 35 (XXIII World Congress of architecture, Torino 2008) Irini Iliopoulou, Maria Koutsari, Mili Kyropoulou, Antigoni Manolaki International Convention Centre of the city of Madrid OFFICE 25 architects

ADDITIONAL SKILLS_ Computer skills: Proficient in the use of: Office, AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, Artlandis, Photoshop, InDesign, Rhino, Grasshopper, Monkey, ECOtect Beginner in the use of: Sketch up, 3d Max, CorelDRAW, Flash, Illustrator Languages: Greek (Native) English (Fluent), Certificate of Proficiency in English by the University of Michigan German (Fluent), Grosses Deutsches Sprachdiplom Spanish (Beginner), 6-month-seminar with private lessons OTHER INTERESTS_ 2000-2002

2003-2008 2008 2008

European Youth Parliament Participated as a member at the European Youth Parliament (E.Y.P). Participated at the International Session in Athens (2000, as delegate), in Bern (2000, as delegate),and in the National Sessions in Thessaloniki (2001, as interviewer) and in Athens (2002, as committee president) Member of the student theatre group of architecture (construction and design of costumes and theatrical settings) Handmade Jwellery Lessons Sailing diploma

O.T.388_THEATRE SCHOOL_ faculty: Aleka Alexopoulou, Sasa Lada_ project team: Maria Koutsari, Antigoni Manolaki_ october 2007 8

The thesis project theme was a Theatre School in the district of “Fragon”. This district has been connected with trade and small industry for many years, because of its close relation to the port of Thessaloniki. Recently it has been upgraded because of its proximity to the city centre and started to attract artists who found big and cheap spaces to live and work. This realization along with the University proposal to build a new Theatre school very far away from the city centre, led to the proposal of a new building for the public theatre school, based on the belief that a theatre school has to be in constant interaction with the city and its citizens. The chosen plot lays between two important squares: “Emporiou square” and “Chrimatistiriou square” and consists of buildings of different periods. The proposed building is trying to expand on the whole block in the sense of a parasite, that at some points is trying to work with the existing buildings and at some others is replacing them.

School main entrance, view from Chrimatistiriou square model detail





The organization of the building program was classified in three categories: (1)Theoretical education, (2)Acting and (3)Theatre Laboratories (stage design, costume design, direction etc.) The three directions are given a certain independence, but they keep the sense of interaction and communication between them as they are organized around a central atrium. The main entrance to the building is done from “Chrimatistirou square”. Apart from the main uses the building is equipped with administration, library, cafeteria, a multifunctional space, a dancing hall and a music hall. Special attention was paid to the “Acting” sector. A big double height wing was hanged over the 1-storey buildings of Katouni str. Four different halls with separate supporting spaces for lockers and showers. The four spaces are able to change positions and influence the remaining space, thus giving a certain degree of flexibility and inspiration for creation of events.

acting classroom and storage room, model details

acting department, model detail


plans_levels +0.00, +3.00, +6.00, +10.00, +14.00



Finally, the theatre of the school is occupying the southwest corner of the block. The entrance to the theatre can be served either from the main atrium or the “Emporiou square”. The volume of the theatre is not only characterizing the square but is also visible from “Tsimiski”, the main city centre street, thus attracting visitors and serving the extroverted side of the school. The theatre is designed according to the “black box” typology, thus giving a large degree of flexibility to the space and allowing the theatre productions to experiment with the space. The theatre space can be easily transformed allowing many different interrelations of actors and audience. Additionally the theatre can communicate directly with the school and be easily accessible underground from the scenery laboratory. Finally, its working in cooperation with one of the neoclassical buildings, which is serving for the actors’ dressing rooms and at the same time as hosting space for visiting students.

interior aspect of theatre, model details

Theatre entrance, view from Emporiou Square, model detail




LANDSCAPE, SPACE, FORM AND SPACES OF CULTURE_ faculty: Rena Sakellaridou, Claudio Conenna_ project team: Maria Koutsari, Dimitris Chatzopoulos, Sasa Cheli_ october 2006 14

Museum of Music The project is about a new Museum of Music that the city is lacking, next to the Municipal Concert Hall of Thessaloniki. The idea behind the Museum Program is that it will be supplementary to the Music Hall, which is designed to host only big events. The Music Museum apart from hosting its permanent exhibition is thought to host small music events and temporary exhibitions. The plot is at a very exceptional place and is strongly characterized by two main facts: The horizontality and the calmness of the sea and the imposing sea view in contrast with the strong existence of the huge Music Hall. Both the music Hall and the Museum share the same plot, which occupies an artificial pier at Thessaloniki’s waterfront. In contrast to the Music Hall that doesn’t seem to take into consideration the strong existence of the water, the proposal’s main attempt is to integrate it in the design.

plan_underground floor


plan_ground floor

plan_1st floor



The analysis of the site was extended in a short analysis of the whole waterfront of Thessaloniki and an attempt to discover and explore the relationship of the city to the water. The idea is based on two waves that are connected through a transparent glass “neck”, thus allowing to the visitor to enjoy the view in different ways. The view is canalized and framed through the building’s volume and is evident in different degrees according to the spaces use. This was based on the ascertainment of the fact that the city’s relation to the water is differentiated strongly along the coast and the desire to project this on the building’s concept. For example, the amphitheatre has a hostile relationship to the sea, while the cafeteria has a more direct relationship to it. The exhibition space ,on the other hand, is a two storey space, which is allowed to have only visual relation to the water through openings, thus framing the view and intergrating it to the exhibtion.






1 17




THE ARCHITECTURE OF INTEGRATION AND TRANSFORMATION_ faculty: Tasos Kotsiopoulos, Rena Sakellaridou, Claudio Conenna_ project team: Maria Koutsari_ february 2006 18

The central idea of the design was based on the division of the uses in three distinguishable volumes and their composition in height. The double height entrance volume, is including reception, information desk and administration office and is placed on street level. The amphitheatre, accompanied by a small cafeteria and an exhibition space is placed right above. Last, on the higher levels the threestorey library is placed so that maximum lighting is achieved. The three main volumes are connected through a vertical facilities volume. Moreover, a free floor between the amphitheatre and the library can serve openair events and exhibitions. Main goals of the concept were the integration of the building in the existing urban environment and its adequate functional and aesthetical organization. Therefore, the height of the neighboring buildings was kept, while the backing of the three last floors allows better lighting conditions for the touching housing units.

library auditorium

main entrance


construction detail

east facade



20 Special care was taken for the ancient ruins that were discovered in the plot and which are part of a roman arena. The methodology that was chosen was the “hanging� of the building from the neighboring buildings, so that the minimization of the first floor would be possible. Thus, adequate lighting for the ruins and visible contact with the pedestrians is achieved. The materials that are chosen are mostly metal, glass and concrete. The first floor of the library plays the role of a huge beam that allows the building to be hanged from it. As for the library, the bookshelves are organized on a single three storey high wall. The stairs to reach to all the selves are also the means to go to all three floors. According to the readers needs, three different rooms are designed, for magazine reading, media and traditional reading. Finally the transparent volume of the amphitheatre allows visual contact of the visitor with the street, while night lighting gives the character of a symbol to the building.


1st level_plan


2nd level_plan

3rd level_plan

4th level_plan

5th level_plan

6th level_plan

URBAN DESIGN STUDIO_ faculty: Kiki Kafkoula, Aleka Gerolimpou_ project team: Maria Koutsari, Antigoni Manolaki_ february 2006 22

The purpose of the studio was to design a new plot for housing, to extend the overloaded area of Toumpa. The design of the blocks was based on two main concepts: the detersion of high speeds in car circulation and the promotion of the neighborhood scale. The result allowed the formation of a green zone and a small centre with school and commercial use. Three main typologies were designed: _The tower typology with office, housing and commercial use on the street level. _The typology of the three level buildings, offering a large variety of housing units and _The single housing typology proposed along the park zone. Finally special care was given to the parking spaces, the circulation of cars and pedestrians and the green spaces with sport facilities.

general plan


main types of housing single houses, 3 storey, towers

PARIS-BATIGNOLLES_ faculty: Claus Steffan, Verena Kyrein_ project team: Maria Koutsari, Michaela Roth-Boggis, Alessandro Agrimonti_ june 2005 24

The purpose of the studio was to redesign a plot in Paris Batignolles. Batignolles is outside the center of Paris and has a reputation for being a fashionable place to live. Batignolles was supposed to be the location for the Paris Olympic Games in 2012 and the plot, which was a former train station, was supposed to be redesigned to host sport facilities for the Olympic games. Though, after the organization of the Olympics was assigned to London, the plot is presenting a high opportunity for the district to develop a new housing district. The studio visited the plot and made an on site analysis of the plot, as parallel action with a workshop co-organized with the School of Architecture of La Villette. The purpose of the workshop was to explore the perspectives of the “Watergy� project, a system for water treatment, building climate control and food production for single housing, on mass housing.

general plan








The approach on the site was based on the main concept of building at the edges of the site and leaving a green core in the heart of the site. The circulation of the cars was designed in closed loops, so that cars would not be able to cross the site. At the same time the idea for the formation of the blocks is based on the traditional four-sided block, with the difference that in this case the side towards the heart of the site is open. Additionally, the height of the buildings is decreasing, as we get closer to the park. This way a gradual transition from the city-scape to the park-scape is achieved. A detailed proposal for the north side of the plot was based on the south orientation. This could allow the integration of the greenhouses in the design of the buildings. Finally, a module like method was chosen for the house units, and based on the concept of the gradual decrease of the build surface as getting on higher levels, houses with nice terraces which all have access to the sunlight resulted.

typical plans

self sufficiency diagram


3d section

RESTORATION OF 1ST MALE HIGH SCHOOL_ faculty: Mili Stefanidou project team: Antigoni Manolaki, Maria Koutsari february 2005 28 1st Male high school of Thessaloniki The site is on one of the historic streets of Thessaloniki, at Vasilisis Olgas Avenue 5 and the two neoclassical buildings that it contains are under historical preservation. Though, only one of them has been restored and is currently being used as secondary school. The proposal aims at the restoration and reuse of the second, almost identical building, to support the rising needs of the school. The seminar’s first part aims on the analysis of the current condition of the building and the survey on specific restoration methods. The second part focuses at the proposal of reusing the building and redesigning the whole plot in order for the school’s needs to be covered. More specifically, the addition of an underground building is being proposed for the hosting of the school’s cafeteria and a multifunctional space. The two buildings host the teaching spaces and a library, always based on their original design.

west elevation


underground level

gound level

ARCHITECTURAL MEASURE DRAWING_ faculty: Maria Arakadaki project team: Antigoni Manolaki, Maria Koutsari february 2004 30

Survey and documentation of traditional housing The seminar focuses on the survey on historic and traditional buildings, through architectural measure hand drawing. The building chosen is a two-storey house in Vasilika, a small settlement near the city of Thessaloniki. The house has a main elevation to the street and a small internal courtyard, through which one can enter the house. A small space and a wooden stair lead to the upper floor where the main living spaces are gathered. The first floor is divided in four rooms, one of which facilitates the kitchen. The building materials are mainly stone and wood and only few interventions with modern materials have been made. Through detailed measurement and drawing of the building the seminar aims to analyze the building methods and the general condition of the building and to provide documentation for future research.

south elevation

east elevation

north elevation


ground floor 1st level


NINE BUILDINGS IN THESSALONIKIS PORT_ project leader: Styliani Lefaki project team: Lampros Antaras, Ioannis Oikonomou, Giannis Tsoukalas, Maria Koutsari february 2008 32

The measuring, analysis and research on the harbor buildings was a project for the Ministry of Culture. Because of the new underwater high-speed road that the Municipality of Thessaloniki wanted to build to minimize traffic in the city center, the demolition of nine buildings in the area of Thessaloniki’s port was proposed. The cultural meaning of these buildings is great, as they have been part of the city’s history for many years. Nowadays, the port uses have been decreased, leaving these buildings, which were former storage buildings, without use. A big effort though has started since 1997, when Thessaloniki was the cultural capital of Europe, to introduce cultural uses in the harbor, with the International Film Festival of Thessaloniki being the greatest at the moment. The project focused on the measurement and drawing of the nine buildings, thus proving their great value to the cultural heritage of Thessaloniki.

building 15_section


building 15_plans

building 14_north elevation

building 14_east elevation

building 14_south elevation

building 14_west elevation

UIA INFO POINT_ project team: Irini Iliopoulou, Maria Koutsari, Mili Kyropoulou, Antigoni Manolaki_ march 2008 34

The project aims at the creation of a conceptual path through architecture, an end-to-end way to which different uses are attached. Within this objective, the emergence of three spatial types has been persistently attempted based on two criteria: (a) protection from weather conditions and (b) accessibility to public. Thus, the following three qualities have arisen: (1) semi-outdoor / 24-hour accessible, (2) semi-outdoor / daytimeaccessible, (3) indoor / daytimeaccessible. The first type of space is reflected in the lounge area where activities such as having a coffee, taking a rest and meeting other people take place on a 24-hour basis. Further, the exhibition area embodies the second type of space; in addition, it encompasses the indoor facilities, which materialize the third type of space. The construction hull is made of paper tubes that allow solar lighting, natural ventilation and visual contact, while at the same time presenting an eco-friendly touchable skin.

assemblage scheme





With reference to the hull construction specifications, vertical columns IPB 100x100mm and horizontal beams create 4x6msized Î -shaped frames that are bolted together with 1,5m-long horizontal beams of 80x80mm cross section. Diagonal stainless steel ropes provide static support to the framework, so that it is easy to dismantle, transport and reassemble in a different urban environment. On top of the framework, chipboard (OSB panels) is applied in order to make the Info Point rainproof. Wooden deck covers the floor. 80mm-diameter paper tubes cover both sides of the framework. The Info Point doors open and close mechanically, folding onto the roof. One of the door leaves slides open vertically, thus playing the role of a totem-sign. The design considerations behind the UIA Info Point have targeted at the creation of an architecture emblem for the city wherein people are invited and whence architecture is transmitted.

longitudinal section



3D longitudinal section

HOUSING PROJECT IN PELOPONESE_ project team: OFFICE 25 architects_ april 2008


Concept The proposed housing unit, of 80sqm, is designed in one single level, with 5,4m maximum height. The proposal was based on the concept of two courtyards, which enter the main volume of the house, bringing the “nature� in it. This move, apart form its symbolic meaning, giving the sense of embracing and protecting the trees planted, has a major positive influence on the thermal and visual comfort of the building. The courtyard at he north side of the house, provides with a cool space during summer, while the second one on the south side provides with protection during the summer months and allows the sun to reach the small greenhouse, in order to contribute to the houses heating.


concept organisation

warming process in winter

cooling process in summer





Bioclimatic design The greenhouse placed in the core of the building is oriented to the south and channels the air to all the spaces that are adjusted to it. Behind the high glass surface a thick wall is absorbing the heat and attributes it to the building during night. During summer the glass faรงade is designed to open in order not to overheat the house. More over photovoltaic panels are proposed on the south oriented roof that are able to cover 30% of the house needs in electricity and all its needs in hot water. Additionally, water collection is being proposed from the flat parts of the roof. The water collected can serve with little filtering to cover the needs in almost all the uses apart from potable water.


east elevation

south elevation


west elevation

north elevation

BORD GAIS DESIGN COMPETITION_ project team: OFFICE 25 architects_ june 2008


Concept The first raw idea about this building was nothing but the image of a huge gas pipe that can be bent several times in order to form an office building and serve the needs of the company and the people that will be using it. Exactly like the use of a real gas pipe, which is the medium through which the gas company delivers its product and serves the community. The second symbolism of this scheme is a strong image of a huge snake facing the highway. The snake is a symbol of ‘’mother earth’’ for many cultures, as it derives from it, exactly the way that gas does. But then again, there lies the sarcasm and humor of the case as we all know that ‘’there are no snakes in Ireland ‘’. But maybe Ireland has got one after all.


sustainability diagram longitudinal section




OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT (A) Manager-150m2 (B) Services-760m2 (C) Maintenance-335m2 (D) Stores-325m2 (E) Gas control-200m2 (F) Facilities-50m2 (G) Insurance claims-30m2 (H) Business regulation and planning45m2 (I) Aurora telecom-55m2 (J) Safety & Quality-260m2 (K) Training school-500m2

Building Organisation The building is organized in a single level, which facilitates good communication throughout the organization and provides easy interaction of staff. It is articulated around a pivot point which consists the core of the facility. Hanging corridors emerge from its first floor distributing access to the several sectors. This was a design decision that was made to accommodate the need for easy interaction of staff between various departments. The user is not obliged to walk around the perimetric corridor of the building in order to reach the preferable destination but can easily shortcut using the pivot building.

CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT (L) Manager-150m2 (M) Renewals-135m2 (N) Local authorities-35m2 (O) Design-240m2 (P) GIS/Drawing office-210m2 (Q) Construction-390m2 SHARED SERVICES DEPARTMENT (R) Finance-120m2 (S) IT-14m2 (T) HR-14m2

1st floor_plan

2nd floor_plan



INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTRE OF THE CITY OF MADRID_ project team: OFFICE 25 architects_ february 2007


CICCM, or Flexicon, will be a meeting point for the celebration of meetings and cultural events. It is located in the final section of the Castellana axis, in a high strategic value area of the city, recovered as a new financial centre. The concept of flexicon is based in the linking of the two green spaces that surround the plot, with a “bridge” building, on the rooftop of which a great urban space gives continuity to the “Parque de la Ventilla”. The building and the parking spaces are developed under the skin of the park, contrasting this way the four skyscrapers. The second goal of this project is to create a convention centre that meets high flexibility and interchangeability requirements. For this reason, two main spaces are created to host the two convention halls, both of which could be split into more halls, thanks to the use of hydraulic systems and moving pannels, allowing this way to the CICCM to host a variety of events. This flexibility justifies the centres name: Flexicon

general plan


level +16,50m


level +13,00m

level +8,00m

level +0,00m main entrance

level -5,00m




flexibility scheme for S-auditorium

longitudinal section



DIGITAL FABRICATION_ faculty: Marta Male Alemany project team: Maria Koutsari december 2008 50 The objective of the seminar is to introduce students to the digital fabrication processes, focusing on the techniques of the available fabrication machines. Each student is given the chance to work directly with the machines, use the specific CAM software and oversee his/her own job. CNC laser-cutting team_Javier Martinez _Maria Koutsari The intention of the class is to produce a large-scale lighting installation, where each student contributes by fabricating one of its parts. The challenge of the assignment is to produce a three-dimensional pipe, constructed with planar sections and assembled like a cage with planar ribs. Students are given standard part typologies and geometric constraints for the end sections of their individual part to facilitate the overall assembly and allow for possibilities of variation in the final arrangement, while at the same time producing a unique design.

form definition

vertical sections

final ribs

design process

fabrication process





3D printing team_Gokcen Demirkir _Maria Koutsari The class intents to produce a series of small crayon cases, that are going to be able to fit 4 crayons each. The students are given the chance to explore the potentials of fabricating parts without geometric limitations. The modeling of these cases considers issues like complex curvature and detail intricacy, in order to investigate the possibilities of 3D printing. CNC milling team_Raquel Gallego Lorenzo _Nathaniel Velez _Maria Koutsari The intention of the class is to explore milling processes as a way of producing unique molds, and explore the potentials of creating differentiated tile assemblies, the elements of which will be casted in these molds. The modeling of these tiles will consider issues like surface curvature and relief, in order to investigate the possibilities of CNC Milling.

form definition

model to 3D print pattern application

design process

fabrication process


design process

combination options

fabrication process

(DIS)CONNECTED TERRITORIES_ faculty: Vicente Guallart, Willy Mueller, Marta Male Alemany project team: Kalpit Ashar, Cesar Cruz Cazares, Niovi Ketonis, Maria Koutsari december 2008 54

Our selected location considers points of intersection between the Collserola Park and the Serralada de Marina Park. Our intentions lie in connecting the two territories by bridging the city of Montcada, specifically the composition of the transportation lines. While infrastructure lines create a network of urban connection, we propose a network of natural connections bridging across urban areas. The geometrical strategy outlines two existing factors; green areas and water flows: _The (dis)connected green areas are connected together through ecological connectors. _The (un)interrupted flows of water are interrupted through aviaries.

definition of the intervention area


connect betwenn existing green areas

locate aviaries along the existing water flows


topografic plan


56 The routes follow a ‘tunnel’ strategy through which the slopes develop an ecological environment . As a result, a landscape of tunnels is created below the motorways and railways, which may represent an independent intersection or symbolize a network of crossing agents. The landscape becomes a porous passage with accessibility, visibility, light and air circulation. The main system for the construction of the tunnels is a Mechanically Stabilized Earth system (MSE) that is achieved by the use of gabion baskets and horizontal wire mesh panels that provide soil reinforcement. The potential to vegetate a gabion basket wall offers unique landscaping potential. Once established, the vegetation will add even greater strength to the structure. Other advantages to the system are that gabion structures can be built with speed and economy in all circumstances; they are virtually maintenance free; they are highly permeable and form flexible, permeable, monolithic structures.

section type A

section type B

section type C

7 section 1




section 2

2 section 3 3

section 4

section 5

section 6

section 7




SELF SUFFICIENT BUILDING_ faculty: Vicente Guallart, Areti Markopoulou, Luis Fraguada project team: Maria Koutsari february 2009 58 The building is perceived as an organism that is sufficient in energy, food and water. For the energy sufficiency, solar panels are proposed on the building’s south façade. For the food needs of the 400 inhabitants, 2000sqm vertical farming of hydroponics are proposed. The water consumption strategy is combining two systems: rainwater harvesting and recycling of blackwater and greywater. Blackwater and greywater is going to serve the hydroponic gardens, while the rainharvesting systems cover 95% of the buildings needs. The optimization of the building shape has taken into account three main parameters: The optimum sun angle for the solar panels, resulted the inclination of the south facing surfaces. The other three facades, are intended to be the medium of harvesting the rain water, so they have to be inclined as well. Last, the air coming from NNW, helps the ventilation of the building, while during summer the north façade opening allows the north breeze to enter the building and cool it.

topografic diagram

level 0-3


optimizing shape


level 4-6

level 7+17

level 8-16

level 18-28


60 The program is distributed along the height of the tower just like the distribution of the uses in a neighborhood along its main street. Starting from commercial uses at the bottom, to recreation, offices, housing and ending with the gardens. A wider base host the commercial uses, maximizing the profitability at street level, while common public spaces at levels 7 and 17 are create a boundary between different uses. The differentiation at the towers depth allows the creation of different typologies of housing units. The units are sharing the vertical garden on the top and have their own integrated water harvesting system, creating each a self-sufficient system itself. For the solar skin design, a script was used. Following the distribution of uses, “attractors� were placed, according to which the perforations were scaled. This results to smaller openings for office and commercial and bigger for housing and more regular for housing and office, while more random for commercial and gardens.

ecotect analysis

north elevation

west elevation

scripting the skin


model details

OSCILLATION_ faculty: Miquel Mesa project team: Maria Koutsari june 2009 62 The city of Thessaloniki is a coastal city that hasn’t explored yet the potentials of water, the natural element that is dominating the city. The relationship of the city to the waterfront remains underdeveloped and few proposals have been materialized until now. At the same time, while the demand for energy is constantly increasing and there is a global tendency towards the renewable energy resources, the potentiality of the presence of water in the city is rising. Therefore the possibility of harvesting the wave energy needs to be explored. The proposal tackles with the issue of near-shore wave energy harvesting and the social impact or the aesthetic influence that an infrastructure like this can have to the city. Therefore a structure that can be integrated in the social life of the citizens is proposed, by means of public spaces and open-air public uses such as exhibition spaces, municipal pools and open-air concert theater that can be visited by all the citizens of Thessaloniki.

concept diagram


design process




The proposed floating structure is conceived as a multidisciplinary project which is trying to deal simultaneously with the three layers of environmental, social and economic self sufficiency. Its dual function as public space and energy generator is trying to merge two apparently controversial features in one, with the purpose of raising the public awareness on environmental issues. The energy harvesting mechanisms, among which the public space is developed, accumulate the necessary wave energy and feed it to the city. At the same time an interactive system is embedded to arise public awareness. According to the amount of energy that is being collected throughout each day the public spaces are being lit more intensively or not during night, thus projecting to the citizens the issue of the lack of energy resources. Finally, its ability to float provides with the necessary flexibility and adaptability, which allows the structure to be movable whenever needed.

swimming pool

open air concert

topografic diagram


section 3

section 1

level +9

section 2

level +3

level +0

DESIGN OF THEATRE COSTUMES_ project team: Maria Koutsari, Mili Kyropoulou, Anna Manta, Antigoni Manolaki_ june 2007- may 2008 66

The theatre play “Pervertimento y otros gestos para nada” based on the original script of the spanish writer Jose Sanchis Sinistera, was presented in May 2007, in the small theatre space of the School of Architecture in Thessaloniki. The play was based on several monologues, describing the characters of the theater’s contributors and their relationships. The costumes were designed on the concept of the “absurd” theatre, on which the writer is referred several times. In May 2008, the student theatre group of architecture presented an adaptation of three plays of Mariveau, under the title “Obscene comedy”. The play was divided in three main parts, placed in different time period. That gave the inspiration for the design of the costumes. Additionally, the pairs that were formed were characterized by a different costume color and a unique identity that helped to structure the play.

Costume sketches for performance “Obscene comedy” Student theatre group of architecture May 2008


Instance from performance “Pervertimento y otros gestos para nada” Student theatre group of architecture May 2007


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