1959-60_ v2,n13_Cord_Weekly

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Presidential candidate Richard J. Hobson is twenty-one years of age and is a native of Waterloo, After attending Kitchener-Water100 Collegiate for two years serving on many varied activities he enrolled at Ridley College and served on the Students’ Council and was Captain of the debating team. For several summers hf was a stti member of a loca’ Y.M.C.A. camp and, during the fall months took active part iI 1 many of the Y.M.C.A.‘s charitable 3 campaigns. Rich is now a sophomore, ma joring in Psychology at Waterloo In the fall he was a member oh the Varsity football team. After r the football season he took active 3 part in the Purple and Gold show r and served on the business com- mittee. In the winter Rich plays jl a dominant role on our Varsity T ski team and has taken part ir 1 two major ski competitions. Be. sides his active part in the athletic 3 activities of the school he is als< ) a member of the Athenaeum So tie ty.

Eric Manning is a third year student in Honours Applied Mathematics at the University of Waterloo. He took the first and second years of his course at the 3niversity of Western Ontario. At Western, he was active in ;he Institute of Radio Engineers, :he Debating Society, and was President of the Radio Amateurs’ Club there. Eric is now President Df the TJniversity of Waterloo Radio Amateurs’ Club, and played .in the Dixieland combo in the P. and G. show. Eric feels that it is of vital importance that the needs and re;quests of all of the student bodies which make up our University 1oe given equal and, fair consideraIZion in the Students’ Council. Bejng a Science student, he is in a unique position to see both sides ( 3f a dispute fairly and objectively, 1being neither wholly Arts or 7wholly Engineering, although he 1is, academically and socially, in 1close touch with both groups. As President of the Western 8 “ham” club, and a member of the PLATF’ORM Institute of Radio Engineers, he f : As candidate for president o: was often in contact with student government at Western. This exthe Union Council of the Univers ity of Waterloo, I pledge, if elect - perience should be valuable to the 11 ed to represent your interests ir Students’ Council at Waterloo. Eric feels that the Students’ all issues that arise while I am ir 1 office. My platform is to promote E? Council should represent india closer fellowship and co viduals fairly and equally, as well as groups. It should therefore be operation of all students on thi campus, regardless of faculty am ; a clearing house, where students 1 to provide a strong foundation of any faculty can go with their criticisms, and ideas for the development of a pro .J objections, To assure this, he feels that the gressive student body through thee President should be readily availexchange of ideas. It is also m: Y (Continued page 6,’ col. 4) (Continued, page 6, col. 4) -



Ron was born and educated .ocally. He is a twenty-year-old sophomore in Honours Economics Ron was responsible for the organizing of the partisan politica: clubs on campus. He has been ar active member of both the Poli. tics Club and the Newman Club Recently Ron won the Ontaric championship in public speakins for the Canadian University Liberal Federation. With the forthcoming federation of the various colleges with the University of Waterloo, the Union Council will have great significance. The president of the future council has a formidable task facing him. I believe that the position of the presidency demands a person who will acknowledge the autonomy and individual rights of the various faculties. However, such a statement may appear to as one which advocates division among the faculties. On the contrary, it is only through autonomy that a strong, unified, stable Union council will develop. The University of Waterloo student body must take a foothold in the community. Locally many people do not know what we are doing here or what the University is. If I am elected I should like to speak to community groups and service organizations, in order to acquaint them with the student community’ and its problems. Furthermore I would urge them to consider seriously the need for scholarships and bursaries at the University level. (Continued page 6, col. 5)

Recently, considerable controversy has accompanied the question of retaining the NFCUS organization on this campus. In response to the controversy, two NFCUS representatives appeared at Waterloo last week to explain the function and purpose of this organization to the students. Previous to the student meeting, this reporter had an interview with one of the representatives, Mr. Jacques Gerin, the National President of NFCUS. Mr. Denis Halliwell, the President of the Ontario Region and a student at Western: was also present. The aims of NFCUS can be placed under three general headings: Representation, Communication and Services.

-“a?1 prospective fer elsewhere, change your pro- Dean Schais gram (from Arts to Honours for graduates in 1961 (Available for example), attend summer school, consultation from 2 to 5 Monand the courses you intend to take d.ay, Wednesday, and Friday there, or clear admission requireafternoons). ments at the Grade XIII examinaMiss Hedrich - students entering tions in June. ’ Freshman, Sophomore, Junior In order that we may have years (A to L inclusive) (from complete and accurate informa2 to 5 afternoons only except tion to draft the 1960-61 time4 to 5 Tuesday). table, and also to order books and supplies, all students are required Mr. Damman - students entering Freshman, Sophomore, Junior to have the outlines checked individually, before March 25. See years (WI to Z inclusive) (from the schedule below. 2 to 5 afternoons only).


NFCUS services include a life insurance plan which offers students the lowest premiums in North America, discounts on traREPRESENTAT’ION: vel, and national contests to proIn order for student interest: mote good literature. A program to be recognized, protected and for obtaining discounts for stufurthered, it is necessary for the dents from national merchandisstudents to speak with a strong ing firms has been inaugurated and unified voice. This, they arf and will be expanded. able to do through NFCUS. Re. NFCUS maintains a research presentation made to national bureau which gathers data perprovincial and municipal govern. tinent to education in Canada. merits is more effective through The data obtained is used by the NFCUS than it would be if the Dominion Bureau of Statistics and Universities petitioned individualother governmental organizations. It would seem to this reporter 1Y. NFCUS represents the Canadiar that NFCUS plays an important, students on various national and if not always a direct part, in the international committees. The lives of the students. There are Canadian Committee on Educatimes when it is imperative that tion, which also is comprised oJ the students speak with a comrepresentatives from Labour mon voice in order to make their Management and Business is one influence felt. This is the case in of these. NFCUS also works ir Quebec where the students are liaison with UNESCO, WUS, anc fighting for their share of governthe Association of Universit) ment money. It is also the case in Teachers. ’ Ottawa, where NIXUS is petiCOMMUNICATIONS: tioning the government for more NFCUS provides a vehicle fol scholarships and bursaries. IF the exchange of information ant NFCUS DID NOT EXIST, THZZLE campuser personnel between WOULD BE A PRESSING NEED within Canada, and betweer TO CREATE AN= ORGANIZACanada and other countries. There TIGN SIMILAR TO IT. If the are national seminars, inter students are dissatisfied with cerregional scholarships and an ex tain features of the NFCUS prochange of international, nationa gram, changes can be made withand regional leaders. This pro in the framework of the organigram creates an effective mean zation by the student representaof communication between stu tives. Nothing will be gained by dents of diverse national, cultural [abandoning the whole structure. and political backgrounds. NFRon Berenbaum.

Chapel Students who did not attend the program discussion lectures during the Conference Week are requested to pick up course lists and blank outlines (for PreTheology, Jr. Group 2, and Senior Group) at the Reception Office. _ For detailed information concerning the content of courses, please contact department heads or instructors. Then check the program requirements in the Arts indicate Calendar and your choices on the blank outlines, also noting w(hether you plan to trans-

XJS’s exchanges with foreign students has the blessing and enfouragement of the Canadian department of External Affairs. t?he importance of these ex:hanges cannot be over-estinated. The International Student zonference of which NFCUS is 1 member, is competing with the Communist controlled, Internaional Union of Students for the friendship and loyalty of the students of South and Latin America. Exchange programs are the strongest of weapons in this war.


Friday, March 25-The Rev. Ken- Monday, April d-The Rev. Vinneth J. Conyard, Rector, St. cent Trimmer, pastor of First Baptist Church, Waterloo. George’s, Kitchener, and St. George’s, New Hamburg. Lec- I Tuesday, April 5 - Mr. George turer in Religious Knowledge, Strack, Waterloo Seminary student. Rennison College. Monday, March 28 - Professor Wednesday, April 6-The Rev. L. Frederick Little. F. Hatfield, Secretary Social Tuesday, March 29 - Mr. Walter Service Dept., Anglican Church Ludwig, Waterloo Seminary of Canada, Toronto. student. Thursday, April 7 -Dr. Arthur Wednesday, March 30 -The Rt. Little. Friday, April 8-The Rev. Lloyd Rev. Tom Greenwood, Lord Bishop of the Yukon, WhiteK. Sider, pastor of Bethany horse, Yukon Territory. United Missionary Church. Thursday, March 3;lc - Chaplain Monday, April 1 l-Chaplain MarMartin Dolbeer. tin Dolbeer.




As the last issue of this year’s Cord is going to press and Room 105, Willison Hall, is drawing its final breath for this term, I should like to devote this editorial to retrospective and speculative comments. This issue of the Cord marks the end of the first full term The Union Council has finally drawn up its constitution of publication. In reviewing this past year, a few comments and will submit it to the student body in the near future. are in order. Plans for the Student Union Building are in their preparatory First of all, a word to the many “Torque Room” critics stages. The Keystone will be given to the stude,nts before who had nothing but criticism and condemnation for the Cord, school closes. Various people have contributed intelligent, but were unable to disentangle their fingers from the coffee rational and unbiased articles to the paper. NFCUS and cups long enough to make their own contributio,n. The staff WUS, in spite of provincial opposition, have put into practice has no apologies to make for its part in producing this paper. their respective organization’s principles. These things and We undertook the job of putting out a weekly journal without many more have occurred on this campus. the benefit of past experience, and without past, precedents The question which each student must face is: “What to guide us. In spite of this, techniques were developed, prohave I done ?” The organizations which serve the student body cedures were adopted and deadlines were met. The newsrepresentation for the students on this campus, paper staff is responsible primarily for the technical end of and provide are established, maintained, and operated by a very small the paper. The content is supposed to consist of contributioas of the student body. Many people will affirm that from the student body. If the content was not up to par, it is percentage such a situation will always prevail, as only those people who the student body which must remedy the problem. have interest and are capable of leadership are willing to The support of the student body was somewhat less, than work and sacrifice for these organizations. If this is the case, During the course of the year, the staff resorted inspiring. then, at least, the remainder of the studem body should to pleas, threats and bribes to motivate students to submit moral support to these people. articles. For the most part, it was all in vain. With the ex- render The community of students is a unique and distinctive ception of a few industri.ous Engineers and a handful of Arts within society. Nevertheless, in any community, students, few seemed willing to submit their opinions or community responsibility must be shared and authority must be delecriticisms for print. gated. A community of students allows the free expression The content of this year’s Cord was not of a particularly of opinion and the tolerant recognition of criticism. Basic, high calibre and the staff is the first to admit it. We have fundamental liberties such as these should not be ignored been our own critics. We can only hope that the experience and allowed to lie dormant; but rather, they should be gained this year will result in a more successful effort next strengthened through exercise. year. But we can’t do it alone. A capable job of editing, Frequent reference to the state of affairs in student acauditing, lay-out, typing, circulation and advertising was tivities has been made under one word: apathy. I think that done. It is up to the students to co,ntribute material. such a term is inadequate in describing the situation and is Ron Berenbaum, also only a manifestation of something which lies much Editor 1960-61. deeper in the student community and in our society as a whole. We are being slowly overcome by a kind of creeping paralysis which renders us as a people content with the ‘status quo’. The infection culminates in a feeling of smug Published by the Undergraduate students of the University of Waterloo and Waterloo University College, at the Board of Publications, Room 105, Willison self-satisfaction and we care little of those things beyond Hall, Waterloo University College. Phone SH. 4-8471. The opinions expressed are which indirectly affect our lives. those of the editorial and publication staff, and are not official opinions of the ourselves Students’ Council, or the Administration, unless otherwise stated. University life or living in a student community should Hardboiled Harry Brewer Chief Lackey ........................................................ provide us with the antidotes for this disease. I think it does. Whitehead Managing Lackey.. ............ Mike (Your Horse has Diabetes) Business Lackey .................................. Tom (The Pork Chop Kid) Freure However, many students prefer the state of paralysis as Berenbaum Advertising Lackey ..,.................................. Ron (Pool Shark) opposed to the growth experience which is available through Merry11 (Lefty) Graham Sports Lackey .......................................................... Hans (Dizzy) Helding Circulating Lackey .................................................... the use of the antidotes. If criticism is one of the functions Perrin Women’s Lackey ........................................ Dale (Grapho-Analyst) community then we must turn it upon ourJohnson and Ginny Leon of the student Typing Lackies ...................................... Carolyn Miss Johnson’s wardrobe .................................... by Bald Prairie Furs Ltd. selves from time to time. Miss Leon’s wardrobe ............................ by the Elves of the Black Forest Frequent derogatory statements have been uttered and Staff this week: printed regarding the two national organizations o’n our camCharles Tindall Relations .................................................................................. of London (currently unemployed) Photographer ...... Jones-Armstrong pus: NFCUS and WUS. If we look at these arganizations with Heather McL’ennan .............................................................................. Bushing the view that they are here primarily to give US something, Ramon Dyero Bullfight Tickets.. ........................................................................ .......................................................................... Zelda of I Felta Thi then we shall find many Cartoons flaws in their fabric. However, if Burke Sugden Movie Critic ................................................................................ we consider ourselves as probably the most fortun’ate students .................................................................................. Stanley Mole Beer Buyer Bob Enns in the world, .......................................................... (considering our relative freedom and economic Torque Room Correspondent ........................................................ Jack Pajala Conrad Hall Correspondent circumstances), then we have no choice to take the view that Lloyd Weber .......................................................................... House Detective Andrene Shearer Pizza Pie Chef ........................................................................ we have a responsibility’to these organizations. They repreSharon Holt sent other Soup on Toast ................................................................................ communities of students who are fighting to get Carol Munro Crib Lessons .................................................................................. Ronald Smeaton what we have and are nlot interested in maintaining. New Jokes ............................................................................... Nora Schedler Old Jokes .................................................................................... Our own country is yet low oa the’ stairway to the pinCarling’s and a south wind Deodorants .......................................................... nacle of enlightenment. As students, we should be interested and John Dipple Charity .............................. Dave Perry, Bruce McIntyre Jim French Orgies ................................................................................................ not only in our own education, but also that of those who are Relena Hubenstein Make-Up ............................................................................ not in a position to achieve a high level of ................................................................................................ Nobody! ! ! economically Payola schooling. Canada is a wealthy country, yet only 8% of those students who have the ability to attend university do attend. BLAYNEY PHARMACY The remainder leave school because of the lack of finances to continue. Surely our government and the stude$nt community The Place for Good Food OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Your Closest Drug Store has a responsibility in this area. Our national student organi323 King St. W. zations are.working very hard to rectify this deplorable state of affairs. We must not lose sight elf the ideals which have made it possible for us to be in the situation we are now in. Rather, we should build upon these ideals and help to improve the lot of others. Harold Brewer, Editor 1959-60. 0








RD. W.


On Thursday, March 17, in the early evening an unusual occasion took place under the cameras of CKCO-TV. Representatives of College and the WaterWaterloo loo Committee of the World University Service were presented with a donation from the Amalgamated Workers Union, an independent labour organization affiliated with the National Council of Labour. This contribution was to help



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in the fund drive to send Mr. .Wm. Tremaine to the W.U.S.C. Seminar in Israel. Present for the ceremony were Mr. Walter Monlk, President of the Amalgamated Workers Union; Dr. Axford, President of Waterloo College; Mr. Robert Wyckham, Chairman ‘of W.U.S.C.; Mr. Bill Tremaine, seminar delegate, and Mr. J. W. Hamlen, campaign chairman.

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Congratulations to Miss Marilyn Fisher. We are all happy with the selection of this year’s Frosh Queen. Please don’t miss the Spring Tea, Saturday, March 26. If you would’ be willing to help, contact Andrene Shearer. Let’s all get behind the Politics Club in its attempt to introduce individual political organizations on campus. Obviously this is something which is long overdue. Well, we didn’t improve conditions much by our beefs, but, we tried. One word to that person who is “away out in left field”, congratulations on your “coming” engagement. Or didn’t you know you were getting engaged? We wish you all the best of luck in the coming exams. For those of you who will be graduating, it’s been nice knowing you. And, for the rest of us who may not be around next year it’s been great. PHI DELTA PI The big project on hand right now is the tea we are planning for all the .girls, the faculty, the alumni and mothers. We want everyone to come to the Torque Room between 3:00 p.m. and 5:QO p.m. on Saturday, March 26th, and talk your mother into coming along. This is not only an opportunity for good fellowship, but also a chance for the mothers to get a look at what we are talking about when we mention ‘school’. A tour of the new buildings, a white elephant sale, and a china display are also scheduled for the afternoon: Please be cooperative when we solicit your help because this is going to take a lot of work and we want it to be successful. On Thursday we ratified the constitution and discussed changing the name of our organization at an o,pen meeting. Notice of the result of the vote (for the name) will be posted today. These things are all important for the girls as a group. Our final fudge sale did not have too much support, but it helped us to coime closer to our goal for an award which we hope to presenit. This award is to be in the form of a $50.00 scholarship for some deserving girl in the Sophomore, Junior or Senior class of ‘60 - ‘61. After the tea, the big event will be our Phi Delta dance. This will take place during the week after Easter and the date will be announced later. This will be the last event for the group and therefore we suggest that you plan to attend. To be sure of’ getting him, you might as well ’ invilte your favourite guy nowor perhaps we could all turn the tables and do our inviting the night before. We have had a terrific year. I am sure that all the girls who have taken the trouble to participate, have benefitted a lot from this organization this year. It is quite clear that we have progressed tremendously in the year of ‘59 - ‘60 and I am sure that we will continue to do so next year too. CUES FROM CONRAD The whole of Conrad Hall has been involved in very shocking conduct lately. The contact of a hand with almost anly object in the dorm produces simultaneously a startling crackle, a sudden spark and a yelp of surprise from the unsuspecting receiver of the jolt. Not as shocking, but equally irritating is the rapid succession of (Continued page 3, col. 3)








. VOX LIBRORUM’ I While you are a student, beware of the fallacy of thinking, “When I graduate and have no more essays to write, exahs to study for and deadlines to meet, I’ll read that book.” Read it now! After graduation there are other kinds of deadlines to meet. The time will never come when you will sit down with a mind free from pressure and say, “Now I’ll read that book which Professor X recommended.” If the information will be valuable, read it now. If the knowledge gained will add to your slender store, read it now. If the experience of reading that book will add to your stature as a person, read it now. There has been some talk of books falling into disuse in the future because of new methods of I audio-visual communication. This will never happen unless it should be made possible to stop the program as you would put your fingers between the pages of a book, think through the problem or dream a while, and then start it again! just wh,ere you left off. It will have to be possible to have that part again as you would reread a paragraph or a page for better understanding of it or in order to memorize the material. Although it may be very easy to learn by watching a presentation on a screen (T.V. or other), and information presented through a picture is a sugar-coated pill, 1 there is no joy quite like that of touching, examining and owning a book. There is pleasure in opening a new book. The printer’s ink is fresh and black and fragrant between the unmarked white margins. The paper is smooth or a little rough. The title page bears its message of “where”, “when” and “what others”. The dedication piques the curiosity or offers a crumb of verse, and the preface answers the question “why”. You scan the table of contents or chapter headings and check to see if there is an index. There are all these points of interest and epjoyment before you begin to unravel the mystery of the book it-



Revenue: Ticket Sales . ... .. ... .... ... .. ... .... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . Program and Ticket Advertising .... .. ... ... ... ... ... . Waterloo University College (see note l).... Cast (see note 2) .. .. .... .. ... .... ... .. ... ... .... .. ... ... ... ... ... .

$1’550.50 175.00 22.14 30.55


TOTAL REVENUE ... ... .., ... ... . Expenditures: Theatrical Expense Make-up .... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . $ 20.74 .. ... ..*.................................... 36.00 ’ Costumes Script . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 10.20 $ \ Musilcal Expense 75.00 Choreography ...*...*....*.........*............. .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....*.. 815.00 Piano Rentals Piano Tuning and Moving . ... ... ... ... . 63.00 Stage Expense Renovation ... ....*................................ Sets . .... ... .. .... ... ..i..............................*... Lighting .. .... ....t...........*.......*...............



50.60 103.45 102.72, 256.77

General Expenses Gifts .. .... .. ... ... .... .. .... .. .... .. ... ... .... .. ... ....I Prizes (Ticket Sales Promotion) .. Printing and Duplicating ... ... ... ... ... . .. .... ... ... .. .... ... ... .. ... .... ... ...*...... Publicity Miscellaneous .. .. .... ... ... .. .... ... ... .. .....*.. TOTAL


51’.44 75.00 Z&$.~~ 109:03


812.28 l’358.99

.. ..

$ 419.20



Balance, Deduct,

OF ACCUMULATED~ PROlFIT As at March 15, 1960 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. ... ... ... . September 1, 1959 Expenses paid for 11958-1959 Show .... ... ... .. ... .... .. ... ... .

$ 234.3,2 88.35 $ 145.97


Net Profit from (per statement

1959-1960 Show of Revenue and


.. ... ... ... ... ..:...


Balance, March, 115, 1960’ . ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... .... ... .. ... .... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... . $ 565.17 I Notes: 1. Waterloo University College donated toward the cast party held at, the close -of the show. 2. The cast contributed towards the gifts given to the Producer, Director and Chorus Director. . I ’ - 3. This Financial Report, consisting of a Statement of Revenue and Expense and a Statement of Accumulated Profit, is presented so as to exhibit a true and correct view of the state of the affairs resulting from the 1959-1960 production of the Purple and Gold Review. Lindsay M. Scott, Arthur Machel, Accountant., Business Co-Producer.



self. For some people, old books hold a keener enjoyment than new ones. In old books there are book plates of delicate design or overornate taste, signatures of note or little homely messages. “For Tommy on his 12th birthday, with best wishes from Aunt Bessie.” The smell of the yellowing\paper and the stiffening calf binding is a penetrating, pleasant one. The imprint of a famous printer, long gone, sometimes adds value, or the stamp of a famous book shop, “The Newberry Book Shop, St. Paul’s Churchyard.” Sometimes a date is an all-important factor in the actual value of a book. The date of a printing may have other points of interest. One such as “La deuxieme an&e de la premiere republique” opens a wide field of conjecture. One’ can imagine that there was difficulty in getting it printed because of the turmoil accompanying the Revolution. The printer’s apprentices kept running out to watch the tumbrils carrying the aristos to the Place de 1’Execution. Part of the fascination of an old book is in the search for clues to the personality of its former owners. The personality is revealed in the ,passages underlined and in marginal notations. There is a story told of an old scholar who was a fierce Southern sympathizer. The public library was forced to suspend his membership because of his fiery notations beside any passage which disagreed with his views. In speaking of the joy in books, I’ve dealt only with the physical aspects; the pleasure of touching a well-,bound book, turning the pages to enjoy the illustrations and the design; the distinctive fragrance of a book whether new or old. The intellectual enjoyment of the book, - the search for information, the stimulation of the entertainment new ideas, value, all this is a well-known tale to students in a Liberal Arts college. Remember Chaucer said “On book& for to read, I me delight.”

PURPLE AND GOLD REVIEW ‘Statement of Revenue and Expense for 1959-1960 Production


APPLICATION *FOR TEACHING POSkIYON (Cont. from page 5, col. 5)

But I always made it. Further more: for info our stnadards here are real high. We got a high failing rate and a lot of people get the axe in the first or 2nd year. So it bears mention to say that avrage is worth like my “D” about a “B” from other secular places with librarys. I wasn’t much fjor extra ciriculum actions. This place dosnt have a spirit of the school any way yet. I was gonna sing in the glee club but I dont like Christiansan. Then I was gonna help on Students Council. But I couldn’t deside which one. And I don’t play bridge or chess yet.’ These non academic actions arnt much for all round education anyway we are told. So I spent my time in profound debates in our coffee room and so we’ll soon have politicallclubs up here. I’ve been married for some years happlily my wife works and if you choose to find out more about me ask around. The guy in our book store knows me good. When you write me back tell me about costs and living in your town. Are they high? And if you got culture there. If you take me Berttie I’ll try real hard and faithful: go to your church, your club and do as ylou say, etc. I’m average student age and I had lots of experience in the business field and I thought of going into it once. But I seen that the trend is now ‘toward education and I’m all dedicated to it. Most sincerelly yours (IDIOT #W.H. 2) , A Sltudent P.S. By’ the way. I’m attending what used to be Waterloo College. Nobody seems to know just sure yet what it is now. But I’ll be getting the degree from Western anyhow. And I figure thats what counts. See you, Bertha. CUES FROM CONRAD (Cont. from page 2, col. 5) short-lived fuses which par,ade in and out of the fuse-box.: Even in this modern age our temperamental electrical system does not permit the operation of both heaters and lights in all rsooms at the same time. This minor annoyance reaches catastrophic proportions when the main heating system refuses to function. Conrad’s capacity for refrigeration has been well proven. I We were very pleased to have this year’s Frosh Queen chosen from the dorm. Those silver le,tters are the. kind of w’allpaper we’re proud to see! The end of Conference Week found us too exhausted to take advantage of the termination of quiet hours. Despite our good intentions and academic efforts the week has been best described by the slogan, “When day is done, one often ‘discovers that very little Nevertheless in else has been.” regard to both study and leisure the week was a welcomed innovation. LETTER TO THE FRESHMEN I would like to extend a very warm “thank you” to the people who helped to make the Freshman Formal a success. From the ticket takers to the people who assisted in the clean-up . . thanks! From all reports everyone enjoyed the big band sound of Ronn Metcalfe and his Orchestra and I hope in future we may hear more / of him. Congratulations are in order for Marilyn Fisher on her being crowned Fresh Princess, and also the four finalists: Bonnie Cottrill, Denise Moylan, Donna Muir and Heather McLennan. Bruce L,umsden, President, Frosh Class.


To Hlaveor,’ The.Age$ of ‘+ t Not To Have Cdture What is a flag but a piece oJ cloth in a rectangular shape? Canada does not have an official flag. A large number of clearminded, intelligent citizens make a fuss about it. If we really wan1 a flag. we can always use the Union Jack. Don’t we pay taxe to Britain? Why shouldn’t we fly the flag of our protector? The faci that a bunch of Canadian heroes risked their lives, fortune and fame around 186:O to make Canada a self-governing, independent nation doesn’t make any difference, If these patriotic Canadians who want a flag, don’t want the Union Jack let them take the “Star Spangled Banner,’ as their symbol of Unity, Strength, -and Liberty. If the United States 03 America had not developed our trade, industry, and commerce we would, never have become the nation we are now. Let’s become part of the U.S.A. and we won’t have any further worries about flags, etc. For this privilege we will have to give up a few things such as our citizenship, our freedom, our friendly relations with all the countries in the world, and our relations to the Commonwealth, etc. What are they compared ta the benefits we will reap from “Uncle Sam”, such as municipal taxes, state taxes, federal taxes, ai1 American taxes? I think it would be much easier to forget the foolishness about a piece of cloth. What have we as Canadians to be proud of? It is a nuisance to salute a flag and see that same flag from coast to coast; a symbol of much needed unity, What type of flag should we have? Any type is better- than none! But Beaver Canuck would like to see a flag distinctly Canadian such as a golden leaf or a beaver on a red background; or other distinctly Canadian any symbol. Please, no Stars and Stripes! Beaver Canuck.


TO OUR ADVE;RTiSERS Although this is the last issue of the Cord for this year, several advertising contracts have not been completely fulfilled. Any accounts which remain unfulfilled will be forwarded to next year’s staff and the ads will run until the contract obligations are met. Ronald Berenbaum, Advertising Manager. 9


Launderers Bridgeport


79 King St. S. f






’ I

Michael Valeriote This year at !Waterloo, evidence of a contemporary revolution can be found in the college book store. This revolution, however, is not unique; it is only one step in a long serJes which forms, the evolution of man’s culture. I might name our age the “Age of Ct.& ture”, an age in which everyone has. an opportunity to be educated. I base this assumption, not on the advances in science and education, but on the popular demand for good paperback books that are now available to the general public. This trend might arise from a tendency for people to spend more of their leisure time reading books, instead of watching teievision. If this is true, there must be an increased desire in\ the average person to understand better the complex world in which he lives. No matter ho,w emphatically the proponent of visual learning asserts that “a picture is worth a thousand words,‘, television will never replace a book as the ultimate either for the transfer of knowledge or for entertainment. The beauty of a good book is found in the way that it can completely absorb one, and make him part of its setting. In this way, it becomes part of one’s own experience and is “a joy forever,,. Man’s egotism and desire for recognition drives some men to achieve great unique experiences; sbmething that very few ever accomplish. Blooks, however, can fulfil1 this selfish desire for a great adventure or a beautiful love affair. A person’s voluntary reading reflects his dreams,. and the greater his enjoyment, the more he has satisfied his needs. Passive visual experiences of most movies, on the other hand, can’t give one the privacy necessary to be involved in a great experience; the experience is not unique, if it has to be shared with millions of others. The limitations of the stage and screen also hamper and restrict the imagination, so that complete catharsis is hot possible. With a (book, one is in a world Bf his own and his feelings are not as greatly restricted, by his society’s inhibitions. Reading allows one to feel all the emotion that is repressed in a .crowded ,_? theatre. For example, take, the uneasy feeling’that one gets when he sees a movie that is “loaded with sex”. Sex in some societies does not have the unpleasant connotations that it has in ours because of puritan factors in our background. Therefore, because of our ingrained inhibitions and prejudices, this uneasy feeling is dften a feeling of guilt, and one does not really know why he disliked ’ the movie. The need for privacy, in this case, is expressed in the common saying, “Sex is not a spectator sport”. I am hoping that the better quality and increased quantity of paperbacks is a popular expression of dissatisfaction with both the limitations and ’ the poor quality of ,most of today’s television and some of today’s movies. Visual entertainment and education, of course, does have its place, and there appears to be, a growing awareness of its past failings. I don’t mean, however, the growing affliction of ADULT westerns, which, I feel, have outlived their usefulness. I refer to the new enlightened stand on censorship; this reflects a more realistic outlook on life. Let us hope that everyone takes. advantage of this new ‘revolution, and helps to make our age, truly, the “Age of Culture”.



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AS you read this another three months has dragged b; for mast of /you, six for others and n’ine for a few. It has bee -: _, an eventful three months. The Winter-Summer Quarter hell “_,,’ i , its fourth’ “Billionaires’ Weekend” and it was bigger an ( better than ever. The Engineering Basketball Squad unde . the coaching of Tom Troughto_n remained undefeated for th : second straight year in co,mpetition with the Arts team. Alsl __ ,- j */, . this term, the second president in the history of this Term’ ,: Engineering Society (which had existed since July, 1958) tooj Engineering Society (which has existed since July,‘1958) tool1 includes many promising newcomers, have do,ne, an excellen ’ ‘I ‘I_ 1 job this term and there is pr,omise of greater things to come / i: , I Also this year, the Engineering Society and the Art Council were for the/first time operating under a mutuall: ‘ti I / ,accepted U,niversity Council: Furthermore we tried to co / , ordinate the publications of the two faculties. Sttil there i 1 j r ’ I 1 mistrust between engineering and arts, and it is taken advan \ tage of by many of the school’s. politicians. The coming elections to the office of _President of thl - $,Uniyersity Council assume importance because o.f this facl . ‘We are now assuming that ‘you are interested i’n th Univers@y a& a whole and not in petty rivalry. The Engineer .’ ‘ing Society and the Arts Council willlook after the individua --.,__ ’ needs of the two faculties. If you have any concern at al abqut the University rising to take its rightful place amon, . t ’ the great universities of Canada, please, we beg of you, do no ‘vote for any person from either faculty for the job of headin / a Univetisity Council. No matter what the candidates promis ‘2i ~’ ’ they cannot truly remain neutral. The writer has worked 0~ various councils at ,this University long enough to know wha . he is talking about. i Your only choJce for a neutral candidate is either .fron St. Jerome’s or from Science. Joe Brown, president of th (r studentorganization at St. Jerome’s, declined to, run but l third-year student of honours mathematics in science, Eri did decide tot accept the challenge because hc sin * I Manning, eerely believes in, the’ future/ of the Utiiversity. z/ -I ~ Now we want you to think b.ack. Remember back’ in ‘5 c _ a;nd ‘all the way through ‘59’ when we built an Engineerin, build it, you did! Yol Society from scratch ? We ‘didn’t elected people to: lead ‘you and you supported them, helpei with them and then a University. You wantec _ . I build a Society a Billionaires’ Weekend, engineering jackets, an engineerin newspaper a.nd*a spo,rts program - and you got them becaus ‘1 yo4u believed in your Society and your elected representative: Well, ‘we beg you once again, trust us once more as you dil i then. We didn’t let yau down; don’t you let us down. Vot / I for a neutral represent,ative, vote for MANNING from Scienc - the fate of theUniversity is in your hands. ‘\ Jack Kruuv, ’ Editor of Enginewz






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I would like to take issue .with Mr. Johnson, the Assistant Editor of the Enginews, on his E,ditorial in the last issue- of the Cord Weekly. I was told 59 years ago, ‘that ’ The Professional Exam Passer: you couldn’t put old heads on and that saying The progessional exam passer, young shoulders, exists, and around a place such applies as well to-day’ as it did as’ Waterloo, he is usually a top 50 years ago. student, I have heard many comMr. Johnson says that he hasn’t plaints recently about the type of fought in battle under the Union student who can- only do otie thing Jack as many Canadians have at university and that thing is to done. He doesn’t have to do that pass examinations. Apparently to know what the Union Jack this sort of fellow learns nothing stands for. Why do all these throughout his ‘school years ex- hundreds of thoutiands of differwept what is necessary to pass ent nationalities flock to Canada, examinations. Well, for the beneand Australia, and New Zealand, Et of those professors’who think and other countries over ,which that this sort of thing can exist, the Union Jack flies? It is belet me say that I fully agree. It cause, (even if Mr. Johnson does exist ! I +know this because doesn’t know it), the Union Jack I am one of them. However, offers them security and peace. gentlemen, if .being a professional If Mr.’ Johnson had been bombed exam passer means that on.e out of his home; if he had had his knows nothing except what is boots frozen to his feet, so that going to be on the exams and he couldn’t take them off; if he then forgets even this after the had seen his father., and ‘perhaps exam is over, how in the blazes elder brother and sisters (subjectdoes he pass? ed to , treatment, meted out by Surely the lecturers and, profeshooligans and rapists; perhaps he sors don’t tell us what is going to would have a little more thought be on the exam; we have no old and respect for the freedom which exams to predict accurately from he now enjoys. because. most of the chaps in 3,A After the Battle of Britain, are going through the course for September 1940, Winston Churchthe first time at Waterloo. Well, hill said,. “Never in the history of then for the benefit of the chemthe whole world, have so many ists I ieave the following thought. owed so much ,to so few.” Yes, It is the Professional exam pas- Mr. Johnson, you happen to be sers that pass *and nobody else. one of the many. Have you ever If you want the type of student thought. for one moment what that can do ‘anything but pass FREEDOM you would now. be exams, try recruiting them from enjoying if those few ‘British kint ergart en. ’ Boys’ had failed in their duty? While on the subject of exams And what about those thousands let me pass a few words of advice of Britons who died in the’ far to those people writing exams’ for East fighting to keep the Australithe first time. Although an exam ans and New Zeaianders free does not indicate fully the potenfrom oppression ? I ask you Mr. tial of all students it is now the Johnson, just why did all these only method of indicating how thousands, bay, hundreds of thou-’ well a student knows his stuff. sands, ’ (including my -own relaMost e,xaminers are generous in tives) of Britons Youth give their giving ’ out their marks, so the lives? ’ We sing at Remembrance following points should be ob- Day “All, They Had They Gave”served in writing exams: L 1. Al- just why did they die? Only to ways place units after your be abused by you, and you who answers-without units your an- have no respect for those who swers have no physical meaning, have gone before doing their and nothing irritates a prof .more Duty? “Greater love hath no man than to see no units. 2. In all than this, that a man lay down mathematics exams there is nothhis life for his friends.” If ever ing more senseless than a mumboyou have a few solitary moments, jumbo of arithmetic apd algebra. Mr. Johnson, just think of those Explain on your exam what you words, ’ and then count Your intend to, do, and even if your Blessings, and thank God thart solution is wrong you may show you are able to go <about your the examiner you have at least every day work and pleasures , some clue. 3. If you are trying a with no. Secret Police to watch question and can’t achieve a solu- your every moment-and, all this , tion, for Pete’s sake, don’t cross under the Union Jack. ’ it out, leave it on the paper; it You talk of Canadian Nationalmight be w(orth full marks even ism, If the English people hunthough it is@ the standard dreds of years ago, had told the method. 4. Do not talk to the scats, “We don’t want anything examiner as if he was your per- to do with you or your flag”, if sonal friend because as far as the Scats had told the Irish the exams are concerned; he doesn’t same, if the Irish had told the / give a damn’ how many beers Welsh the same, there would you’ve had with him; you can increase your friendslhip more by passing (and who knows-he may buy you a beer). 5. Bribery does not help-I’ve tried it. 61.Use ink. 7. B’e neat, illegibility confuses The Engineers Basketball team people, if you can’t write, print. 8. Don? apologize on an exam for coached by Tom Troughton, kicknot .being able to do it properly. ed the Billionaires Weekend off the In, this case a supplemental’is i,n to a flying start by defeating ord,er, and being sorry won’t help Arts team in the second annual you pass that one either. 9. Don’t basketball game. Doing this will help panic, relax. A large’ crowd saw the Enginyou 1think better, that is if’ you eers squeeze out a 401-38 win-in a can think. ’ 10. Finally, and above close, hard-fought contest. Alf all, if you are not sure, cheat; Spricienieks netted three to give but be sure you don’t get caught. the Arts an early 6 point lead. The Engineers were quick to bounce back and were behind with a 13-12 count at ha.lf-time. (Early in* the second half the Engineers <built up a 6 point lgad and never looked back until ‘the final buzzer. . :



never have been a Union Jack. But what, did they do? They got together and settled their differences, and became a United people, under one Flag, and ,one Constitution, and one Monarchy. And, as we to-day talk about the

Roman Empire, left (for better

and the effects it or for worse). on

Clivilization, years will

so in a thousand they be talking of the British tipire. But, even now the British Empire is a’ thing of the past, and has been replaced with the Commonwealth of Nations. And this Mr. Johnson is where I think you are wrong. It is not Canadian Nationalism, or Australian Nationalism, or New Zealand Nationalism, that you should be advocating, but a much closer integration of all the Nations composing the Commonwealth of .Nations. (W&at an op’portunity for all you students.) The closer the ties that knit together the peoples of the Co-mmonwealth, the more &ure the Peace of the world will be. If ever the Commonlwedlth’ disintegrates (which the , Communists are hoping for) then (the Communists will pick you off one byone at their leisure. ’ Wit%21 regard to the idea of a Canadian Flag (why not an Australian flag: as well? ), to my mind, it is not- a Canadian Flag that is wanted but a Commonwealth Flag, a Flag that all freepeoples throughout the world can look up to and feel united under. AS to your abuse of the Monarchy Mr. Johnson, it is not so much the Queen’s person that we sing for, but the Que’en as head of the Constitution which she represents. Have you ‘ever thqught why there is still a Monarchy in Britain, after all the Monarchies that have fallen in the world? It is because they that - occupy .the Throne of Britain stand for everylthing that is pure and sim$le, straight and honest in life. The fact that they threw out l3dward VIII as they did isI clear proof that the British people have respect, only for those that uphold the rights. and dignity of the Christian faith. In conclusion, Mr. Johnson, I would tell you this. All writers, be they Political writers, Sports writers, or Edito$rs of the Enginews can do either a lot of good, or a lot of harm. (Thopsands of people who read papers, magazines, etc., think that ‘whatever they see in print must be right.) So before you write anymore Editorials, just think of these lines: “Wise people think before they speak (or write). Fools speak before- they think.” “Vic” Caretaker, Seagram’s Stadium Editor’s Note: We note with appreciation and respect, the contribution of this article.

Alf Spricienieks led the Arts with 19 points while Barry Ried was, top man for. the Eagineers with18 points. Other point-getters were: ’

Engineers: B. Reid (8)) T. Pettypiece (7), T. Lavender (7), R. Svazas (6), P. Sullivan (6), B. Norcross (4); Lafferty (2), B. Green, E. Pajur, M. Lumley,. Arts: Spricienieks ( 19)) Rosenberg (ll), Archer (4), Sheil (4), Buchanan, McLeish, Hales, Hogg, .Brechner, *Morton, Chandler. Congratulations, gentlemen! 1 . Let’s come up with another winner next year.

j 1














kiave the exclusively human famust be made that a university IIear Slir : I believe that a motion of con- C ulty of reasoning. Why not use embodies at least two colleges or i t sensibly ? Why not go deeper similar institutions whereas we ratulation is in order for John iave only one. Here I go again, ‘lant, NFCUS’ *representative for t han the skin or social status or Iear Sir: Dear Sir: he Faculty of Engineering, for Eexternal happiness in search of expressing the inferiority comA short time ago, an article I should like to point out to happi)lex that we from Waterloo have. peaking out for what is right at r meal beauty and enduring vas printed in the Cord Weekly you that you are wasting student r less. t is not really necessary, for we he expense of his own personal urging the male students to pay money each week in publishing jleasure. Most women are ambitious and ,hould be a university in minianore attention to their dress and a column of rubbish. I refer to ure, having everything one has, I myself see no reason why a t his is good and of importance jehaviour. I was not surprized to the so-called Bridge Column by jut not in the same quantity. But S tudent should be compelled to t:lecause of its use in strengthenind that the only published reMr. Morley Rosenberg. The caland personalilo we? No! Is it our fault? Yes! j oin an organization and pay dues i ng the characters iction to this article was the next ibre of Mr. Rosenberg’s bridge and their Whom else can we blame but our- 'c vhen he has no interest in the t ,ies of their husbands ssue’s Nearly News column. Mr. can be judged by the claim in his That is the way it has ;elves? It is we who are at WatC Jrganization and derives no ben- (:children. 3rittle very seldom has a good i always been and I’m not devoting last column that, under normal ?rloo now who are to b’lame; not fflt from it. Let me remind and .he ones who preceded circumstances, the bidding se- vord to say for anything, effort towards changing us or the ,; TFCUS supporters that there are r nuch his column was no exception. quence of-l spade, 2 no trump1ihat, believe me, I’m not! I guess group sitting at the other table r nany people in this university caricature of the t;hat this “over-ambitiousness” is means that the responder has a n a ruthless n the Torque Room. \vho do not have enough money original article, he mercilessly very strong hand with a minimum and a part of Take for example the Clubs, t o buy three square meals a day, I3 part of living idiculed all it stood for. of 16 to 17 points. The most ele3rganizations and Services of 1et alone support a salaried staff 1.earning about life because a perRon Smeaton’s comments about 5son without mistakes isn’t human. mentary bridge book could tell Waterloo College. The Underrollicking conventions i n Ottawa, .he Sword and his anonymous anyone that this is not normal It’s a fact that women spend graduate Society should be the i it distant points, and aid well‘riends received the same treatbridge. 1 nillions of dollars on cosmetics, nost powerful on the campus. 1leeled students on their Grand should publish nenlt. His views, too, were held r 1 oeauty aids and so forth, so in reA newspaper But do we hear of it? . . . never! I’our through the Continent. Mr. rp to the most scolrnful ridicule. either articles which are factual comment, the What function does the World I?lant stated that the $625.00 1 gards to Colton’s There seems to be a minority or which are expressions of opiniUniversity Service perform? I 7which was sent to Ottawa for ( 3nly nail that he hit on the head 7 was group on this campus which that of, “Tell a woman that on. By its very nature, a bridge Learned of the National Federa1VFCUS registration could have , she is beautiful ;tands for disregard of rules and bion of Canadian column must be a factual article and you have cerUniversity Stu- 1leen used to better advantage *egulations, a low standard of 1tainly to disseminate information. There made a friend.” Ergo, dents through their insurance ser- 1lere on campus. I, myself, know norals “and ridicule of all that “There is one love, but it has a can be no possible justification for vice. We do have a few clubs (If several students here on cam;tands as desirable behaviour in assigning space to Mr. Rosenberg guises.” which are active, such as the I3~s who could put that money to 1thousand )ur society. This group feels it is Psychology, in which to spread his own very James McLaughlin, Geography, Philharrnuch better use than any NFCUS ;mart to deface bulletin board personal and very weird ideas (Non-cleric) monic, and Politics Clubs. Two (committee. lotices and hide behinld false concerning bridge. Bridge among St. Jerome’s College. years ago the Politics Club It is time that the student body lames; i4t feels it is “smart” to college students is usually bad emerged and now it has grown :ame to realize that there are write smutty articles and support 1 Dear Sir; enough without Mr. Rosenberg’s and wants to expand to individual nany organizations. which should Ithers who do the same; it feels political clubs. But the University assistance. In the last issue, one stalwart exist on campus that don’t, and t is smart to ridicule decent be1lad took it upon himself to critiYours very sincerely, Students’ Council voted “no”. ;everal existing on campus which R. G. STANTON saviour under the pretense of Have any of .these people been !size the appearance of Waterloo I believe NFCUS are superfluous. Deing “non-conformist.” 1males. I chose the word “stalout to a Politics Club meeting? .s one of the latter. I call on the This type of “non-conformity” wart” because of its origin. (Stall: , . . no! Yet they have the power To the Editor: student body to insist on a plebisimmaturity. The stuj .s merely 1 horse’s abode wart: malignant to stop other people from learning In the February 19 issue of the :ite to determine whether NFCUS ( dents in Ithis group are concerned (outgrowth). Really this fellow is how their country runs and what Cord Weekly, Mr. Ron Berenshould be permitted to remain on ( only with a childish, egocentric Iquite off base. The males of other exactly the party system means. baum wrote a highly interesting Similar action of campus or not. desire to be noticed. They can 1 universities1 seem to follow the A point for discussion is that a but, I think, highly dangerous , ( this nature is being taken by the i cind nothing constructive to dc Communist t angry young man theory to obClub could be formed. letter on the subject of parliastudents at O.A.C. right now. , scene extremes, from sandals to Council! You mentary democracy. Mr. Beren- 1 (3r say, so they make a name for Wake up, Students’ And may I point out that, if facial soup strainers. by their obnoxious be- are at college where The beards freedom of baum stated that “The problems ; ’ themselves 3 protest against NFCUS, by a haviour. Instead of construction I on the bards of Waterloo are thought and speech are expressed of government today . . . have be- I NFCUS representative, such as , cultured destruction, instead to the nth degree. and tolerated. Keep your narrowcome so complex that armies of ! 1 they advocate that which was printed in last ! ( of good writing, they produce offThat is only half of my ,beef. mindedness and immaturity out specialists and an immensity of Cord, is not enough to Why instead of commor do males bedeck themof council meetings. I beg of you. week’s data are required to ‘make a de- t colour articles; provoke serious consideration on selves in splendor? courtesy, they produce manner: For the exstudents of Waterloo, to be macision in any particular field of the part of the student body, then a child would be ashamed to cal: press reason of attracting the opture when you elect your 1960-61 ” Therefore, he infers ; / I government. of that body have no / posite gender ! The proximity Already these student; of University Students’ Council. DC members that, “The layman is incapable of i / : his own! right to refer to themselves as an attractive closing female causes a renot make a mistake. making an intelligent evaluation 1 have forced the temporary university students. , of the Men’s Common Room. How Everyone of you belongs to E flex action. Combs appear, Chlorof such problems.” Mr. Beren- ! Of the societies which should do they propose tc Class. ets go to work subduing beer Has it done anything for baum doesn’t make it clear 1 much further exist on campus and don’t: I bego? breath and snow is brushed from you? Have you done anything for whether or not he believes thai tl lieve that political organizations Is this’college to get a bad name it. One class president realizes hc the broad broad shoulder pads. for this reason, the common mar A lot because of the immature behavi. Why is it the Torque Room has has not contributed, but feel: are the most outstanding. should stay out of politics. There of people leave home for univerour of a minority group of it: stopped selling combs, Chlorets _ there was no reason to, for desire are a few people on the campu!: like and wisk-brooms? students? The standards of thir for student activities was un- sity and learn how to drink Mr. Miller who do adhere to this belief. They men . . . but how abaout learning college are set at a high level b3 would say there was no demand. expressed. If you are a leader believe that the intelligent minorthe combined efforts of man3 you have us look further into the ity of the population should forw the responsibility oJ to think like men? You are old Let enough now to have your own men. Are they to be destroyec fostering the potential withir market values of such articles. an elite oligarchy to govern the political opinions even; if you are through the irresponsible action: There is no demand because there your group. Leaders, do no1 mob. of a handful of immature stu is no stimulation. They wander It is unforunate that morf underestimate the students o: not old enough to vote. The Liberals have taken the dents? Waterloo. about saris rouge, no colour, people do not read the works o: lead in florming a political organiIf this group’s influence is tc wearing baggy sweaters and long Until the college gets out of thi: Niccolo Macchiavelli. Macchia. zation, but it is off campus. Why be overcome, tho#se who stand fol skirts. velli, an astute observer of tht rut of thinking small and start: not on? Although the College does mature, responsible behaviou: to think big, we will continue tc When the girls of Waterloo do Renaissance Italian political scene “parties” on campu: of college students, shoulc something about their appearance, be mediocre. The only one whc not permit made two observations that seen worthy the University has no formal do so actively. We have a campu: the men will do likewise. to me to be pertinent. In the firs can do anything is the student on the matter as yet newspaper to represent our co1 That’s you! Next term we will bt policy This column was written by an place, he ubserved that a prince Liberals, some people may be lege. Let us use it constructively enraged coward who doesn’t dare one college of a university. Let’: who is not capable of deciding looking to you to break the ice so that it, and we, can once more sign his name. wisely should choose an hones not be just an arts college. Let’: Bruce Woodrufl hold our heads high. be “The Arts College”. “A Spectator” and competent advisor who woulc David Bake: Fred Jacobie. be ordered always) to speak frank SAMPLE LETTER OF ly when in private conference 3 Dear Editor: Dear Sir: APPLICATION FQR A with the prince. Second, he re - I Dear Sir, After reading article, “Men I have just examined the pas Although I cannot agree wit1 POSITION marked that a republic will gen You’re Being Watched!” in The TEACHING March, 1960 erally by its nature tend to choost 2 fourteen issues of your paper wit1 Mr. R. Dlavidson in his generali Cord Weekly edition, of February zation that this is -a Christian Cl01 12, ‘60, I began to wonder Main Street East, more wisely than a prince or ar 1 a high powered, super-sensitive abou. magnifying glas lege (? ) , I am equally disappoint Kitcherloo, Can. aristocracy and that, further, ar all revealing whether or not ANY man has go’ uncontrolled mob will act les: and have found to my conster ed that such purposely ambigu a chance with college girls. 1 Bertha Hlatchmerc, School Secertary, foolishly than an uncontrollec nation and disgust that possibly ous language (sic) appears in The d,on’t wish to be misunderstood there may have been somethin& Cord, e.g. the “joke” placed under tyrant. for every man should be neat. Toronto. Whether these observations arc immoral in one of the issues . . “More Letters To The Editor” clean, sinlcere, honest, etc. But. Dear Bertha. I hope you don’t mind my caltrue or not, of course, is ‘a matter perhaps. I think, maybe, but 1 Feb. 19. I realize that you have from the tone of this article, I However, they dc can’t .be sure that it might have freedom of the Press, so let% USE ling you Bertha right off like. of opinion. feel that its writer has gone overseem to have held good for Can- been the ad. for Sweeney’s Groc. that freedom not to print such board somewhat, particularly ir But right from the first I figured we’d get along real great. ada in its short history. Certainly ery. It says “Sweeney’s Grocery’ stuff. If someone tells a joke like the realm of physical features the family compact was incorn. 170, King Street North, Waterloo that it is! done, however you have sportsmanship I seen your ad in a Toronto and background. parably unjust, especially il Surely this ad has contrapunta more than twice to think abouj Concerning the lists of desirpaper the other week and so I’d like to take it. I’ve always wanted judged beside our present govern. and risque overtones. I haven’t it before printing. ables sought‘for in men by college ment. Parliamentary democracy as yet, decided what they are, bu, As to your quote ‘To the Pure to teach and I think I can do it. girls, I think that it was somehas not let us down in the past I am sure there are many virtuou: all things are Pure’ one may cite what of a contradiction to men- You said there you’d like’a teachWell I bet I can there are no insuperable strain: students on this campus who art St. Basil’s saying that the King. tion moral virtues when the en- er in history. on it in the present; therefore WC as anxious as I am to eliminate dom of Heaven is not reserved fol tire list boiled down to and pointteach in any field. Say Geography, should not frivolously abandon i, this smut. I urge each and ever) f 001s. ed to excessive love of life, self- English, german still (cause of in the future, The working man one of them to dust off his high Kenneth E. Wagner ishness, materialism and downmy back ground). And I got A’s if unable to decide for himself powered super-sensitive all re Knowledge every right hedonism. It’s a stupid and in Religious exactly what tariff should bc vealing magnifying glass and joir Deer Sur, unnecessary tragedy that womer year-they place a pile of emplaced on steel, seems at leas the crusade to stamp out sex or I thinc a poiper of the classo: allow themselves to believe thal phasis upon religion, brotherhood, quite competent to decide who i: the Waterloo campus. and all that up herethe Chord Weakly shoodl try ant their men must be “knights ir orthodoxy the most reliable and competen. Truly, improov’ the pruf reeding of thi! shining armour.” It’s a shame and I was good I guess. But seeins agent that he can choose for sucl A. Prude. self same poiper. The artickle: that they don’t realize the differas I’m rolled in the Honers history matters. If he is not, then I dart are great and I likes to reed al ence between things that are goal set up thats why I offer my servsay that no oligarthic.elite is ver3 Mr. Editor: the funnies every week, but wyt (Their still giving and things that sparkle. I do noi ices for history. likely to choose honorably OI I have been attending univer is the edditing and pruf reeding feel that all bad things sparkle OI a couple honers courses here). competently for him. sity, excuse me, I mean college allweighs so bad? that all good things have no lus My grades ain’t no great shakes. Jack Horman. E;fwood for one year. A clear distinctior tre. What I mean is that womer . (Cont. page 3, col. 3)



As the 1959-60 National Hockey League schedule nears its end, the time seems appropriate for an unbiased look at what has taken place during the season, and what the play-offs hold in store. It stands to reason that the team which can defeat the defending champions will most likely become the new holders of the Stanley Cup. The Montreal Canadiens are a great hockey club, but this looks like the year that they can be ousted. 0f the league’s other five teams, only one appears to have the offensive and defensive strength necessary to overcome the Habs in a seven-game series. Care to take a guess? You’re absolutely right-the Boston Bruins. A quick glance at the Bruins tells you that they have the kind of hockey club that is capable of dumping the Canadiens. They are the only team in the NHL with scoring punch to compare with the Montrealers, and their rugged style of play will prevent the Habs from running wild offensively. Boston’s Uke Line ‘is far and away the league’s most outstanding, having thus .far fired home 77 goals and added 106 assistsa scoring record which cannot be approached by any other trio in the NHL. The duminant member of this line is the loop’s top goal scorer, Bronco Horvath, who, incidentally, hails from Welland County. Bronco is the trigger man for two of the league’s smoothest passing, hardest skat: ing wingers: Johnny Bucyk and Vic Stasuik. This threesome has the ability to keep pace with any line the Canadiens can ice. Behind the top offensive unit in hockey, the Bruins have two other well-balanced lines whi&h will keep tinadiens’ big guns off -bala rice. Don McKenney, one of the league’s, slickest centres, - operates between two solid wings, Jerry Topp&zzini and Les Labine on the second line, while Charlie Burns, Grey Gendron and Fleming Mackell make up the third unit. As well as being fine defensive players; all six are adept scorers, as McKenney’s 58 points and Gendron’s 22 goals will attest. The Bruins also possess a solid ’ defence which needs take a back seat only to that of Montreal. In the capital of New France alone

On Feb. 26, at the University of ?oron.to Heart House, the Waterloo University Table Tennis team gave an amazing demonstration of power against the four other competing schools. Unfortunately, Bill Pond found himself snowbound on the morning of the trip. As a result the team was forced to play with one player short; automatically losing four out of a possible In spite of the twenty points. overwhelming handicap, the Waterloo team perfurmed admirably, winning 13 out of their 16 matches to earn a second place tie with McMaster. The surprise victory of a substitute Ryerson player, loaned to Waterloo gave us the extra point needed to pass Mat, but

The Waterloo College Bowling League wound up its regular schedule on Feb. 16 and play-offs will begin on Feb. 23. The League will there be found defensive will be divided into an “A” group units to compare with the Flamancomprised of the top 8 teams, and Mohns, Boivin - Armstrong com- a “B” group made up of the botbinations. Captain Flaman’ and tom 8 teams. There will be five Les Boivin are certainly two of weeks of play-offs, with the winhockey’s hardest hitters, while ners decided on a total pins basis. Doug Mohns is the league’s top Final results show the standings rushing rearguard. as follows: In goal, Boston platoons the 1. Sernasie . .... .. ... ... ... 59 veteran Harry Lumley and steady 2. Mole . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 Don Simmons, both proven play. ... ... ... ... ... 50 3. Schaffer off competitors. 4. Macmaster ... ... ... ... 49 A look at the Canadiens’ roster 5. Graham .,................ 48 shows that they are nut to be .... .. ... ... ... ... 47 6. Rarnett lightly regarded. Any NHL team ...._. ... .* . .... .. 44 7. Rickert that can carry a N-year-old man 8. Reucassel .. ... .... ... .. 41 who @ends most of his time sit9. Pajala ... ... ...*.......... 41 ting on the ice must indeed be a 10. Sherer ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 4U powerhouse. 11. Huber ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 27 Up front the Montrealers have 12. Weland . .... .. ... ... ... .. 27 a potent offense, with Jean Beli... ... ... ... .. 24 13. Davidson veau, Henri Richard and Bernard 14. Rosenburg . .... .i ... .. 24 Geoffrion leading the way. Beli15. McLean .. ... ... ... .. .... . 19 veau and Geoffrion are, however, .. ... ... ... .... .. . 10 ’ 16. Holman very injury-prone, and should In the men’s section, individual either of them suffer from a broleaders were as follows: ken fingernail or an earache, he High Single-Paul Rempe1365, might miss the play-offs. Ross Reucassel 326, Jim Sernasie The Canadiens’ defence, with 323. its backbone of Harvey and JohnHigh Doubles1 - Jim Sernasie son is solid, but in goal, the story 610, Paul Rempel 573, Walt Henis different. If Jacques Plante is kel 572. ever called upon to stop as many High Averages - Jim Sernasie shots as his defensemen, he has 221, Stan Mole 211, Al Macmaster trouble. The only goaltender to 210, Phil Schaffer 207, Tom Freure whom Plante can be compared is 201. no longer in this country, having In the ladies’ division, the leadrkcently embarked for Egypt. ers were: The other two teams competing High Singles -Mary Hogg 290, in the play-offs will be, in all Dot McLeod 262, Peggy Keicher likelihood, Chicago and Toronto, 241. neither of which appears capable High Daub&-Mary Hogg 499, of ousting the Canadiens. Dot McLeod ’ 481, Peggy Keicher The Leafs are a collection of 463. mediocre hockey players who are High Averages Mary Hogg probably wondering what is keep181, Dot McLeod 176,, Peggy ing them in second place. The Keicher 152. only standouts on this lack-lustre The high team score for the club are Frank Mahovlich, Bob season was recorded by Merrill Pulford and Carl Brewer; and Graham’s i team with 1203. MemMahovlich, on his bad nights, bers of this team are Merrill Grawhich can be altogether to6 freham, Bob Wilkinson, De1 Anderquent, plays like a poor man’s Ross son, Tom Freure, Fred Martin and Reucassel. mlford is a fine twoLiz Stone. Phil Schaffer’s team way centre, while Brewer will no was next with 1202. doubt be a good defenseman when Members of the team which he grows up: finished first in the League are Thus, it’s the Bruins and CanaJohn Flatt, Eric Ruuth, Joanne diens in the Stanley Cup Final, Thompson, John Vermeulen, Andy with the series going seven games. Spowart and Jim Sernasie. Look for Vic Stasiuk to score the Prizes will be awarded on April winning goal in the deciding 5 at the bowling banquet. game at 13.19 of the third period. The Fork. CLUB NOTICES (Dues The Fork still Newman Club: figure Boston can win the Stanley On Sunday, March 27th, NewCup?) man Club is sponsuring a one-day Retreat fur all Catholic students on campus. The Retreat program will consist of: Mass followed with a still left us 3 points short of the Communion Breakfast ’ first place U of Toronto team. Conferences Fred R&se, playing in the Discussion periods number one spot against the top Benediction player from each of the other The Retreat Master will be Rev. schools won 3 out of his 4 matches Brunk. for 3 points. Tom Ramautarsingh N.B.: There will also be at least and Bob French playing in the one more regular meeting benumber 2 and 3 spots respectively, fore the end of the termswept all their matches for a total Sunday, April 3rd, is the next of 4 points each. and very important meeting. ‘Ron Berenbaum, in the number Please plan to attend! 4 slot, split games, winning 2 and losing 2. Had the snowfall not stranded Pond, there is little doubt that Waterloo would have walked off with top honours. 0ther teams competing were U of Toronto, Mchaster, Osgoode and Ryerson.

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ROLL0 I am firmly convinced that partisan political clubs would be very healthy for this campus. This issue has been voted down by our present Union Council. I would have the issue re-opened and in conjunction with it’ advocate the establishment of a Model Parliament on this campus each year. The parties could take definite stands’ on definite issues. Political ty. experience such as this is very How I propose to achieve this valuable. ideal is as follows: The amount of money now in 1. Too often the student organithe student union building fund zations have centred mainly warrants direct action and attensome specific faculty, sround tion. I propose to organize an whereas it is my intention to stimactive committee to deal with the llate integrated inter-faculty ac- establishment of this building. bivities and club+ thereby using If I am elected I shall, to the talent from all channels. best of my ability carry out the This will include the promotion aforementioned platform. I beIf an increased inter-faculty lieve that such a platform will sports programme to stimulate a result in individual, social, polinealthy rivalry within the student tical, and cultural prosperity here 3ody and improve the calibre of 2t Waterloo. Jarsity sports at Waterloo. 2. Each student, on registering gives $10.00 to the Student Union Building Fund. To date approximately $18,OOO.OO h&s been collected, but there has been little tangible result. T h e Student JOHN SCHmL Union Building is a necessary My campaign for vice-presidency Eabet of university life, as a meetis based on a platform of student ing place, for recreation, for inunion. I believe that this very tellectual stimulation and fraternecessary cohesion can be built nization, as well as a centre for on the foundation of an adequate all student administration. It is Student Union building, with fa3ur intention to make this buildcilities for the many orga&ations ing a reality in a minimum period on campus. It is only with this 3f time. ’ structure that further liaison be3. Many engineers of the winter tween other universities can be quarter, felt that by hot sharing formed. in the major inter-faculty pro&other plank in my platform duction of the’ year, the P. & G. would be that of an effective Show., they are not receiving their publicity organization, formed to share of university life. A first advertise the activities on campus. class suggestion h,as been offered I feel that this is an apparent need to me to rectify this situation and that could be remedied in the new provide an interfaculty attraction administration. This would furfor all students in the winter sea- ther encourage and facilitate more 3011. This is a Winter Carnival effective participation in campus along the lines of the Winter activities. Carnivals of Western and McGill. I would also hope to promote This would include wiliter sportan Interfaculty Organization, ing events, a Monte Carlo Night, created by the Studen’t Athletic a Formal Dance to crown the Directorate. In addition I would Winter Carnival queen, cultural propose, in conjunction with our events and many other entertainrecent union, the event of a full ing activities. dress formal “The Inaugural $. There have been many students Ball”, to be held in Cktober. sCerquestioning the benefit of the tainly our new status could only National Student Organization on be enhanced by such an event. campus. I feel that a thorough To further strengthen my platinvestigation into these organizaI would encourage better tions should be held and if they form, interfaculty co-operation. It is in do not merit retention, will seek this way that our University can to have them removed. evolve as a whole and grow in 5. The lack of university spirit, stature. at Waterlou, warrents immediate I believe the creativity of my attention and therefore it is my campaign platform today will desire to set up a committee in mean the solidarity of the Uniconjunction with the Undergraduversity tomorrow. I would ask ate Society to meet this problem. you to consider wisely the choice These are a few of the many of candidates, and vote for those progressive ideas which will be best fitted for office, carried out, if I am elected. During these years of @namic expanDONALD ARCHER, sion at Waterloo, an equal exVice -Presidential candidate pansion in student activity is a B. Archer is twenty-two prerequisite to a successful uni- Donald years of age and is a resident of versity. Give me your support He attended Kitchenerand we will all be proud of Kitchener. Waterloo Collegiate for five years RICHARD H0BSUN Waterloo. where he served both on the Students’ Council and Athletic lHA.NNING Council. Active part was ‘also able to any and all students for taken in Y.M.C.A. work and he discussions. This will ensure that was a member of the Beta Gamma the Student Council works for the Hi Y club for several years. wishes of the student body, not After graduating from Kitchmerely for the wishes of a few ener-Waterloo Collegiate he atcampus organizations. This is, of tknded the University of South course, only one ,application of Carolina where he was a member his central platform of equal and of Sigma Chi Fraternity. I$e is fair representation. presently taking a honours hiStory Eric would like to thank the course at Waterloo. At Waterloo many people who have helped he has played Varsity football for greatly with his campaign. two years and has participated in many of the inter-mural activities. Don has taken part in the Purple NOTICE TO STUDENTS and Gold show for the last two Voting for the Union Council years. He is a member of Circle candidates will be held on K and serves as programme, chairman. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23. intention to remove unhealthy barriers created by animosity which have been built up‘ 2t this university over the past few years. It must be the feeling of many of you, that this immature bickering is not desirable st Waterloo. A healthy rivalry is progressive, but antagonism is regressive. Therefore I stand on the platform of progress through uni-


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