1960-61_ v1,n09_Coryphaeus

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th e -UC.

Engineering Q ueen You have probably read that the annual Engineering Weekend is coming up, and, as usual, an Engineering Queen will be chosen. In past years, she has been selected at the dance, but this year a different programme will be followed. Full length pictures of the candidates will be submitted and displayed on The Engineering campus. student body will then vote for their favourite candidate. The queen-elect and her runners-up will then be notified before the dance. She will be crowned at the dance as the highlight of the evening. The candidate will be nominated by a class or a group of at least five persons. She must be at least eighteen years of age and planning to attend the dance. A full length formal or informal photograph must be submitted. Her address must be enclosed so that she may be notified if she should win. All nominations must be turned in to Herb Alexander, 3A Mechanical, or the Engineering Society Offices no later than February 8, 1961. H. Alexander.


Where is Your Directory?


Due to production problems, lack of experience, and the absence of co-operation of campus organizations in general, the 1960-61 edition of the University Student’s Handbook (or Directory, if you choose) is about two months late in publication. The Handbook contains an outline of all student organthose izati .ons on campus who were interested enough to submit copy - as well & a listing of all students and faculty. Copies of the Directory should be available to all Arts and Science Students within the next week. Listings are being compiled at present of all Engineering students in the Winter-Summer quarter, which will provide a supplement to the Directory. These will be distributed to the Engineering students presently attending school (along with the main Directory) as soon as they have been printed The Board of Publications regrets the delay in providing this publication to you. In future years it would be appreciated if student orwould submit aanizatiohs Copy immediately upon request. It would also be &ghly advantageous to have more than one student doing all the work of compiling the copy.

The Ontario Regional Conference of the NFCUS was held last week-end at the University of Ottawa and a general exchange and clearing of the problems and projects was achieved. These extensive and ambitious projects include the Writer’s , Workshop (Toronto) ; the U. S. S. R. Photography Exchange (Western) ; the Canadian University Songbook (MeMaster); the High School Investigations (Queen’s); the Fourth National Seminar (MeMaster) ; Commission meeting at the the C. N. E. display report: Dick Gathercole, V-ce-President the regional seminar for 1962 _-.--- the 35th anniversary of compilation of a Canadian N. F. C. U. S. and the University Songbook, a colregional finances. lection of University, FacAt the National Congress in Halifax, Toronto was manulty and Folk songs of Canada. Due to the problems dated to investigate the posinvolved in editing, copysibilitv of a Writer’s Workrighting, advertising, printshop, “a * gathering of people ing layouts and preparations who are interested in writing of drawings, anecdotes and so that they can exchange background history, this song ideas, discuss problems and talk to experts in the field. book will not be completed until at least next year. Then The organizational plans have been completed, only it is hoped that the book will be sold either at registration, the financing remains before the project becomes a reality. or through college bookstores. Western reported that all Queen’s has been continutheir correspondence with the U.S.S.R. regarding an ing w:th their mandate to investigate the disinterest of exchange of photographs had remained unanswered ; in High School students in continuing with University eduview of this it was felt to be cations, and are continuing pointless to send the Canawith their speaking tours of dian display, or to expect High Schools in their disone in return. MeMaster has been continuing with their trict. Now that the essential

Next Year’s


There is some discussion among the Faculty of Arts members as to whether ‘Arts Students’ should wear gowns to lectures next year. Having only seen gowned students at Trinity College (U of T) with its high arches and dark, stone corridors, I thought at first that gowns at Waterloo would look as out of place as Whistler’s Mother in a space ship. However, just because we are so new, and are forming so many of our own traditions, we have all the more reason to become a part of one tradition that is as old as university life itself. If you are violently against the idea, at least know something of its interesting history before you speak. Gowns are assumed to be an adaptat,ion of the monastie costume, since universities in the 12th and 13th centuries were under the wing of the church and most mediaeval scholars were either clerks in holy orders, monks or priests. As the church’s influence slowly exited from the university brightly coloured scene, gowns took on a leading role. The style and colour of a gown, though at first it told nothing of the distinction between non-graduates and graduates, mgde clear one’s In the 13th social rank. century, only sons of noblemen could wear gowns of any colour. Gowns are usually fur-lined or fur-trimmed, but from about 1350-1500, all

to be Robed

Rebels ?

those without a master’s degree, except those of a high income, were forbidden to use the more costly furs and had to stick to common fur or black lamb’s wool. During the Reformation, academic dress became much more sober and uniform, and “excess of apparel” was severely discouraged. In the United States, starting in the late 1880’s, (academic costume had been in use there since colonial days) there was an increasing demand by students for greater use of gowns by senior classes ---They like the idea of a distinctive dress for students and the atmosphere that gowns lent to lectures and halls. (One college noted a marked increase in at.tendante at assemblies and ceremonies after the Faculty began to wear gowns. Think then of the soaring heights which class attendance might reach if all of us were to be gowned!) Aside from the many jokes that can be (and u;iZZ be) made about gowns, it is a subject to be taken very seriously. It is considered a privilege to wear one, and whether we wish to accept that privilege or not, I hope we all give it the thoughtful consideration it deserves. Once we realize how impressive we look in flowing black, the Engineer hoots of “Batman”, “Zorro” and “Superman” will wilt in the face of our dignity !


Regional is Chairman.


I_ ---II_--__ requirements are becoming known they are planning on an expansion to include all the Universities and High Schools in Ontario in this program. The possibility of a C.N.E. display was investigated, but, postponed for the time-being. Two reasons were stated; the cost of approximately$lO,000.00, and a desire to inelude all Canadian Universities due to the national aspect of the C.N.E. The purpose of this display is to familiarize the public with the Universities in Canada, what they are doing, how they operate, what t&y do, their aspirations and their problems. A Regional Seminar is being planned by O.A.C. and Western, on the topic of

‘French Canada Today.’ It is a little too premature to hold this Seminar this year as there are too many organizational and financial problems to be solved yet. These Seminars are not financed by the N.F.C.U.S., and there is always the problem of getting adequate financial support from local industries and organizations. Plans being drawn up to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the N.F.C.U.S. inelude the publication of a booklet, to be handed out at registration to all University students, explaining the history and benefits that have accrued to them through years of work by the N.F.C.U.S. But two of the most important topics discussed at this Regional Congress have not been included here, though, because it is impossible to include them in such a brief report. There is the Fourth National Seminar, being sponsored this year by MeMaster University, concerning ‘The Individual and Society.’ Secondly, there is the National Scholarship Plan, a petition to the government for funds so that, students who cannot now attend University will be able to attend. Both of these topics will be discussed in considerable detail in further articles.

DADDY - BIG HERBlESTOLEMY HAWK Last week an article appeared in the K-‘W Record stating that the Waterloo Univeriity College Hawk had been stolen. Emphasis was placed in the belief that it was the University of Waterloo Arts Faculty who had perpetrated the “crime”. I’m sure the artsmen are quite flattered by this accusation ! Since the article appeared, it has been reported that our premises were searched by some of the W.U.C. students. Some say that the search revealed nothing; others that ‘the hawk was found. In addition, it has been stated that the first revelation of the theft came, oddly enough from the College Publicity Director who made a speech to the students in the Torque Room! In my eyes, the article is nothing more than mudslinging and may just be an underhanded publicity stunt. Nevertheless, I think that their interpretation of this prank is extremely immature and I would truly be ashamto admit association with an institution which encouraged the writing of such a defamatory article. I just wonder how they would regard the pranks pulled on their own campus “cop” last year by the Willison Hall boys or the painting of the stadium by O.A.C.?-pranks in which personal and property damage were incurred? Harmful pranks are most definitely frowned upon by everyone but a good honest-

to-goodness prank can be appreciated even by the faculty. It seems inevitable that with our two institutions located in such close proximity to one another several pranks should occur. However, in vi&w of the college’s lack of appreciation for a practical joke (as manifested by accusations which have no basis in fact) it might be advisable to limit our association with the college to football and basketball games, and to devote our ingenuity to our more sportsmanlike rivals such as O.A. C. and MeMaster. (By the way, we owe the Aggies a deficit of gratitude for “painting” our stadium. But, let’s keep it, clean and sportsmanlikewe don’t want an all-out war !) Chief Tall-Moose and Oslow Junk, M.P.


I 0




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The CORYPHAEUS Published by the undergraduate student body of the University of Waterloo. under the authorization of the acting Board of Publications. Publications Office, Annex 2, The University of Waterloo, Phone SH 5-0571 and SH 3-2681. The opinions expressed herein represent the freedom of expression of a responsible, autonomous society. Editor-in-Chief: George Welsh Associate Eclitor: Theodore Rushton Assistant Editor: Harry Johnson Arts Editor: Sandy Saunders Science Editor: Dennis Cann Engineering Editors: Bill Schneider, Peter Barnes Feature Editor: Marg. Townsend Circulation and Producfion: Ron Mu&y, Joe Eskitt, Dave Messham Typist: Joanne Rice Photographers: Mike McBirnie, Theodore Rushton

EDITORIAL Coming back to Waterloo from Toronto on Sunday night it struck me t.hat there is not one gas station on any part of that windswept superhighway 401. Out of curiosity I inquired into this situation and discovered that a provincial law prevents the building of gas stations, restaurants, etc., on this highway. Apparently I am not the first person this has troubled for I venture to say that more than one large oil company has spent untold time and millions trying to open up stations on it. It is just not sensible not to have some kind of refueling and rest area every once in a while. Granted there are exit highways every 8 or 10 miles but if you were a tourist, which one of those highways would you take in order to find a gas pump? You might go for miles on an exit highway before finding a filling station. There are no warning signs as to “No Gas For Next 50 Miles” etc., nor is there “Accommodation, Food and Fuel” signs at any of the exit highways. Perhaps the government is considering the safety angle in that gas station exits represent hazards to oncoming traffic, or, they could be worried about showing favortism to one particular oil company, but these possibilities are not even sensible enough to be given serious consideration. I dislike doing this as it is done so often, but consider the “Look at what they do in the U.S.” On the old chestnut, best and fastest turnpikes there are rest areas every 20 miles and as you leave there are always large signs stating how far it is to the next one. This to me seems the sensible thing to do, but before blasting our own provincial law as being non-sensical, I think it merits further investigation. Somewhere in this paper next week there will be a fuller explanation, perhaps even a copy of the law if it proves to be interesting enough.



penditure for defence amounted to only 8y0 of the budget. All these things point to the ambitious undertaking of lifting Mexico from the ranks of the so called underprivileged countries into the class of a nation which is industrialized and literate. At the lecture there were of course several questions asked on Cuba and the problems it presented. It was at this point that Don Rafael showed why he has been in his country’s diplomatic corps for forty years. Each question on Cuba was easily parried in such a charming manner that the author of the question barely felt cheated of an answer. In summation he said this: “In our troubled planet, torn by racial hatreds, class conflicts, glaring economic and social inequalities and discriminations, the example of contemporary Mexico holds a fruitful, a reassuring promise.”

Last Thursday evening, the first in a series of lectures by Latin American diplomats was held in the Physics ampitheatre, the first leeturer being his excellency Don Rafael de al Colina, Ambassador of Mexico to Canada. His subject was “Contemporary Mexico: An Example of Enlightened Development.” He spoke with enthusiasm on the rapid strides taken by the Mexican economy in the last few years and in doing so he brought out a number of surprising facts. For example, to students the most amazing fact would probably be the enrollment at the University of Mexico, designed for less than 35,000 students, it is now being accommodate enlarged to more than 50,000, last year’s Mexico allot,s enrollment. 20% of government expenditure to education and 457, to public works. It was interesting to note that ex-






Whiskey and Beer. ............... Wife’s Beer ............................ Meat, Groceries .................... Rent ........................................ ............. Mid-Week Whiskey. Movies .................................... Coal ......................................... ....... Life Insurance (Wife’s). Hot Tips on Horses ............. Tobacco. ................................. ... Poker Game ........................



.. ,... _..... ...... ,,....



......... ................ $ 8.80 .......................... 1.65 ..................... On Credit .......... Pay Next Week .......................... 2.50 ......B.;row .Neighbour's .60 ......................... .......................... .......................... ..........................

.50 .50 .45 1.65 $16.65










Letters At the end of his three months term in industry the engineering student’s work during that quarter is evaluated by his employer or his supervisor. This is done by filling out an appraisal form which is provided by the co-ordination department. Any criticism of the student’s efforts during the past three months is to be reported on this form. If his performance was laudable, it is graded on the appraisal form. This information combines to give an evaluation of the student’s work during the past three months and he receives a grade. This grade may range from a fair work quarter to an excellent one. In this manner the eoordination department is able to follow the student’s progress quite well. After reading the appraisals of a few work terms of one student, the department knows exactly what the student is or is not capable of. But does the student know? Does he know what his shortcomings are? I am not suggesting that we need a “pat on the back” at the end of a work term, we can do without that. But I do think if there is any criticism of his work, the student should always be told, so that he can improve his performance.

The following is based on the article “Winterset in the Canadian Economy” by Philip Siekman, Fortune, January 1961. Let ally facing The based hard ally

us consider realistieproblems presently Canadian economy. cause for concern is on the following cold facts which are generknown to many of us:


1. In November, 1960, unemployment was running about 6y0 of the labour force, there are signs that it may reach 10 or 12y0 early this year. In view of this, the federal government has proposed the formation of a National Productitivy Council to look into better use of manpower and resources. It has also indicated it would increase the scope of its usual winter works program to help overcome seasonal unand has ememployment, barked on a governmentbacked crash program to stimulate new home building. 2. Private U.S. investment in Canadian economy is eurvalued at over rently $16,000,000,000 - some 2/3 of which represents American ownership of Canadian eompanies. While this investment has been one of the more important factors in Canada’s spectacular postwar growth, current misfortunes have brought out into the open some of the national resentment of this influence. This feeling was exemplified in Mr. Fleming’s Baby Budget wherein he proposed to increase the taxes on profits earned by American investments. Such measures are encouraging to Canadian businessmen, but they could discourage the present flow of U.S. dollars into our country.




to the Editor

The co-ordination department provi des a space oh the evaluation report in which the employer may signify whether the information given should be held in confidence. This may indicate that the co-ordinator cannot tell the student what is lacking in his work to make it excellent. Even if only one student is deprived of constructive criticism because the evaluation report is to be held confidential, then the form for the evaluation report should be revised. If his employer or his coordinator won’t eritisize the student’s work, when it becomes necessary to do so, then the value of working in industry for three months decreases. As far as I am concerned: If I get a fair appraisal of a past work quarter, I want to know why I didn’t get a good one, if I get a good grade, I want to know why my work was not evaluated as excellent. W. L. Kreuder, Civil Engineering 4A Dear Sir: Perhaps the shoes anyone amount in both situation


it just depends on you wear, but has noticed the great of static ele&icity the libraries? The has progressed from

3. We are presently experiencing a short-term eyelial rec.ession which seems to be worrying many Canac’ians more than any c’ecline since the Thirties. Even before the recession set in, the longterm economic growth had begun to trail off. A few Canadian businessmen are optimistic, pointing out that consumer and government spending have not been declining. But many are pessimistic, basing their feelings on such facts as the Dominion Bureau of Statistics report which showed that corporate profits went into “one of the sharpest declines in recent years” in 1960. Perhaps the unemployment problem is not just a cyelial symptom, but a reflection of a long-range ailment in the economy. I say this because the unemployment situation has never been really good since 1958, and further ge’nera1 job opportunities have not increased as consistently as Canada’s growing pop&ation. In per capita terms there has been very little growth since 1956, ‘In fact, if the GNP (grog3 national product) . is c&ulated as eonstant dollars per capita, the economy has actually lost ground. 4. Perhaps the most important clue to the current dCeat;;a,seantraFe found in position. Canada is highly dependent on its exports ~ which represent some 207& of its GNP. However, while exports rose approximately $l,OOO,OOO,OOO since 1953, imports have risen $1,300,000,000. Much of this rise represents consumer goods, which do not contribute to the growth of the economy. Moreover, we have been running a steadily increasing deficit in invisibles, which

a mild joke worth the oceasional laugh to stark apprehension when one wants to leave. Upon touching the metal handle of the door, or picking through a metal bookcase it is downright painful to have the spark jump out three eentimeters and give you a iolt half way to the elbow. It is a situation which is not completely devoid of humour, for when an adult has to sidle up to the door and slide his coated arm along the handle in order to avoid the belt, one can’t help but laugh when he still gets a shock despite his efforts. So what then is the remedy for the situation. To stay away from the library altogether woyld be too extreme, perhaps old fashioned wooden latches on the doors would suffice or everybody purchase a pair of shoes which would not be eondusive to the eontraction of static electricity. It has been suggested that the problem stems from the extreme lack of moisture in the air so we could perhaps place pails of boiling water at various points to humidify the air. The great clouds of steam may prove to be uncomfortable but as far as I can see, it is the lesser of two evils. Please tender your suggestions as to how we can erase this final spark of life from the libraries. Shocked.

come from a heavy foreign debt. As a result. the total 1959 goods and ser’vices trade deficit rose to a record of $1,400,000,000. To correct this balance of trade, we sFoJJld have an export surplus of around $l,OOO,OOO,OOO -Acquiring such a surplus will be a problem. The solution is to create new Canadian export industries and increase domestic production in order to replace imports. We must resume our long-term growth -- but at lower costs: Since the domestic market is too small for many Canadian industries to obtain production efficiencies anywhere near those aeh.ieved by our neighbours to the south (or even members of the European trading blocs in the near future), and since this country carries a heavy burden of social and government Costs, and since the wage level in Canada is well above that of other industrial countries (exeept the U.S.), how may we ever hope to achieve further growth on our own? I say this because we are apparently behind the eightball already, as indicated by mounting imports. As the president of the CPR recently pointed out, the country’s long-term difficulty (so dramatically emphasized this winter by the unemployment situation) is mostly the result of our “failure to perceive early enough the consequences of inflation and the wage spiral, as well as to discern the dramatic developments abroad which are having such an impact upon patterns of international trade.” There is no turning back. Some people advocate a retreat to protectionism. But the drawback in this idea Continued

on Page 3






F1[NTIPATHY and DELIGHT By Yump I just refuse to be a SLOB, for all that, so I shall return to me old haunt. Poor Yimminy’s gone where all the good doggies go .- out for his labour period. Hurry back, sage friend. * * * * * Who stole the ding-gong ? The inhabitants of yon Sausage Factory claim that we honest, industrious souls have smitten their pride with offence. To you I say ‘go back into your hovel of lowliness, ye seekers of false fame. You are causing an unearned grief in the rectum? If you insist on seeking petty publicity through exploitation of our honourable name, we may, in the future, make the publicity worth our while. Have you never heard of peaceful negotiation?’ * * * * * Where are all the papers? . . . According to reports, the Board of Publications cut circulation by 200 copies last week, apparently in an effort to provide year-round newspaper service. With the present budget and costs of printing we can only afford 28 to 30 issues --- 7 or 8 per quarter -- at regular circulation. This new outlook would provide more issues but less copies. Students are asked to consider the facts and rebel accordingly. * * * * * With an extremely thrilling Kentucky Derby finish, our basketball Warriors bolted down the home stretch to win going away over O.A.C. Aggies at the gym Friday night. It was particularly heart-warming to watch Bill Jones come into the game in the dying minutes and provide the necessary encouragement and leadership of the team. A wonderful display of human determination, inspiration and confidence. A lesson to all. * * * * * Overheard on a local bus: Two W.U.C. students discussing “Promiscuous chained to the rock.”




aPQuestion of the Week? Should CanadaTrade Yes.

Dr. P. .G. Cornell, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Confusion in the public debate on the Cuba-trade question arises from a failure to recognize the three distinct , though inseparable, issues involved. These are: (1) Do we approve of Castro? (2) Should we trade with a non-democratic country? (3) Should we encourage any policy offensive to the United States. The question can be answered only in terms of all three issues. Question (1) is a matter of opinion. My own view is that although I prefer Castro to Batista I still do not approve of Castro. Question (2) has been answered by the facts. Canada has always traded with non-democratic countries, ineluding the corrupt Batista regime, and she continues to

trade with the Soviet Union, Communist China, Saudia Arabia, the Dominican Republic of Spain. As to Question (3): America is democratic enough not to demand slavish conformity from her allies. While a few emotionwarped partisans may be offended, long-term Canadian America friendship will suffer no more than longterm British Canadian friendship suffered from differences of opinion over Suez. If Canadian businessmen wish to trade with Cuba I see no reason for stopping them. T. H. Qualter. Canada should continue to trade with Cuba provided that such trade is limited to non-military goods I and services. In considering the controversy over whether Canada should trade with Cuba, it is well to remember that the United States is


itill carrying on a substanial volume of trade with that :ountry. United States ex)orts to Cuba are currently lunning about 8 million dolars a month. The latest estimate for Canada is that exports to Cuba will total 13 million dollars in 1960. There are some who would argue that maintaining trade belations with Cuba is solely 1 matter of economic exlediency and as such is norally indefensible. These critics should remember, lowever, that Canada trades with many countries which lave governments of which ;he does not approve. Such :ountries, for example, in:lude, China, Russia, Spain, md all of the iron curtain countries of Eastern and western Europe. To cease ;rading with these countries nerely as a matter of prin;iple would have serious em)loyment consequences be:atise one out of every three obs in Canada is directlv )r indirectly dependent upon exports. Apart from this, refusing ;o maintain trading relations mould only increase Castro’s mger and drive Cuba further nto the Communist camp. [f Canada wants to improve Canadian-Latin American reations it is not in her best nterest to follow an Ameri:an foreign policy which in ,he past, especially with respect to Cuba, has been, at best, inept. (1) It would be more helpful if Canada were to use her influence as a middle power to mediate disputes between Havana 2nd Washington. (1) In this connection see Dr. J. C. McKegney’s article, “The Background of Cuba’s Anti-Americanism”, in the Xobe and Mail for December 26, 1960. Dr. F. C. Miller, Dept.



The University of British Columbia. ‘Temporary’ tar-paper buildings put up in 1945, housing administration and faculty offices.

The University of British Columbia. Present quarters of the Sopron Faculty of Forestry, which fled Hungary after the revolt in 1956.

Sometimes, after slipping off the board-walks into the mud, or after regarding the squat white annexes, a wondering arises of other Universities long established where mud is forgotten and temporary quarters no longer exist. But what with the overcrowding in Canadian Universities today and the frantic rush to expand to provide facilities, few University campuses exist without problems similar to those we have here. The University of British Columbia, for example, is on a giant building program; yet they are still so cramped for space that they have to use the tar-papered huts put up after the war to handle the influx of servicemen. The Faculty of Forestry, which fled the University of Sopron in the Hungarian revolt of 1956, is still housed in temporary quarters. Even though the University of British Columbia

has many magnificent buildings, they still expect to have to continue to use these temporary quarters for many years to come. The University of Saskatchewan, has a new Physics Building. Cut stone like this is the motif for the building;, but the style varies from traditional to modern of this Physics Building. The University of Albertma’s new Physics Building is brick in the motif of the university. Some of the students at the University of Waterloo have criticized the ‘card-board box style’ of buildings here as being unimaginative; students at the University of Alberta have nicknamed this building ‘The Jail’. Rumour has it that the only experience that the designing architect had before this building was on a new provincial prison, and he borrowed heavily from those plans.

The University of Alberta. The new Physics Building, ‘The Jail,” in August, 1960. Part of their fifty million dollar expansion program. Photography

by T. A. Rushton.

of Economics.



cont’d are pointed out above; it would only result in higher Canadian consumer prices and cause inefficient manufacturing operations. Another aspect of the economic nationalism is agitation to restrict U.S. investments (which have increased about $700,000,000 a year for the last decade). U.S. interests now own or control some 27y0 of total industry, much of which is highly concentrated in the dynamic sectors of the economy (e.g., petroleum, mining and smelting, and major manufacturing). Canadians are upset by ‘the fact that U.S. investment covers our trade deficit. Besides, some feel it is un-’ healthy to Canada’s trade position to be so dependent on this investment. Suppose the flow slowed down or stopped some day? What then? Most Canadian businessmen recognize that disaster would result if the Americans packed up and went home. What policies should we follow in the near future to ensure economic growth or even stability? I ieave you to ponder this question over your bridge game.

GRAND The University of Saskatchewan. The new Physics Building, in August, 1960. Mosiacs represent different aspects of Science.



10 King Street S. Waterloo Special Student’s Meal Ticket

Page 4


EWS EDITORIAL This is the first week in office for a large x>ortion of the eYdil;brship is no Coruphneus staff and the Engineering excefition. Peter Barnes and myself want to say hello on our first week in office. We hope we can bring some new points of view to Engineering students and present the Engineering standpoint to the rest of the school. We will certainly welcome letters from various students who want to express opinions in the Engineering portion of the paper. One valuable thing this article could do would. be to come to the rescue of the Engineering student in the Hunter vs. University of Waterloo ease. On consulting the American College Dictionary it was rather amusing to note that one of the meanings given for “smug” is “sleek and trim”. Indeed if this were his intent the “Jackets and Ties” article of the same issue would have been ine&. I think “Jackets and Ties” are a fine introduction toAgood grooming for students who spend sUmmers working at resorbs or oui;door jobs. I think, however, that the Eniineering student who spends his work terms in an office where he must present a neat and pleasant appearance benefits from the casual at-homeness of his tie-less class rooms. An effect of long work terms and short rushed school terms is that most extra reading and following of world political news is done off campus. This mean; that any hiseussion of current problems doesn’t show up as the studen-t movements urged by Mr. Hunter. The situation will never put our sehooFin t&e ranks of reformers but I do think it helps maintain our reputation in Industry for being well balanced persons. The argument then turns to whether extreme balance and conformitv to the norm and the resulting is a go”od thing, but that remains n v lack . of distinction for another time. Maybe on the other hand Mr. Hunter is looking too far afield in digging up the trite U. S. problems that every “writer of articles” uses. Perhaps we could do ourselves as much good by rushing over and telling the Kitchener Aldermen more about their newly discovered university. One would tend to think that people so closely connected with the planning of the commumity would know more about the available educational facilities. By the way, the Engineering dance of the term is coming up on February 18, as the last paper stated, but the theme has been changed from the overworked (if it isn’t now it will be by then) Valentines theme to a Riverboat theme. Various committees are getting preparations underway. In the next few weeks and certainly on the day of the dance the help and co-operation of many will be needed so let’s all get together to make this tradition the biggest and best yet. W. Schneider.



The Warriors won their third league game defeating Guelph O.A.C. last Friday night by the score of 72 to 63. It was an extremely hard fought game with Bob Pando pacing the Warriors with 22 points. Bill Jones, whose left hand was in a east played for a few minutes at the end as a morale booster and still he managed to sink 9 points.

GO WARRIORS On Thursday,




the University of Waterloo Warriors meet the W.U.C. Hawks for a hockey game. In the past, at these functions, W.U.C. has turned out in force to cheer or egg on (or whatever hockey fans do) their team. We should also turn out to give our team the support it needs to win. Let’s all be there and cheer our Warriors on to another victory for the University of Waterloo!



Thursday, January 26, 1961 1.30 - 3.00 p.m. Music.. _._, _. PI45 4.00 - 5.45 p.m. University Chorus PI45 8.00 p.m. Film ~ courtesty Fisher Scientific Company --“Techniques of Organic Chemistry“ ~ featuring Prof. Louis Fieser, Harvard Univeristy . . P145 7.30 p.m. Lecture ---- Mr. P. S. Milsom of BreithauptMilsom Limited will address a general meeting of the Retailing & Marketing Classes. Daytime students are welcome to attend ,. Pl45 Friday, January 2’7, 1961 6.30 p.m. Basketball . Hamilton Institute of TechSeagram nology vs. Waterloo Jayvees. _. Gym 8.00 p.m. Basketball __ Osgoode Hall (Toronto) vs. Seagram Waterloo Warriors.. . . . Gym






Occasionally one hears the question : “Is the scientific outlook one which is completely unmindful of those qualities which make life worthwhile?” Are we providing power without purpose and producing a mechanized civilization in which life becomes drab and sterile? Some humanists would agree with this idea, in fact they have an opinion that perhaps there exists a conflict between science and the humanities. Fortunately, though, a more common attitude is real, in which science and the humanities are complementary and each plays an important part in education. Science is an integral part of our existence. Science is a never-ending search for a better understanding of man himself, and of the total world, both animate and inanimate, in which he lives. Science teaches us how little we know .----how much there is to be learned; there is a body of statements of varying degrees of certainty, some almost sure, some nearly sure and none absolutely certain. Human knowledge has become too great for the human mind to encompass and understand it completely, and so Philosophy has tried to provide us with a coherant image of the world, a synthesis of knowledge. As we understand it the Philosopher has become a speculator characterized by one who learns less and less about more and more and in the end will know nothing about something. On the other hand Science is an analytical description wishing to resolve the whole into parts, the organism into organs, the obscure into the known. The Scientist concentrates on the one little spot in which he is interested, and his knowledge is broken into smaller and smaller parts. These parts are frequently referred to as isolated, and so we begin to reeognize the scientist as one who is learning more and more about less and less and in the end will know something about nothing. In Canada, as in any other country, there are three main streams of scientific effort; namely those flowing through Universities, through industry, and through government research establishments. The University constitutes the traditional home for basic scientific activity and from the Universities we look for intellectual leadership, and the inspiring teaching of future generations of scientists. Basic research may be referred to as that type of research which is directed towards an increase of knowledge in science. In Canada, our University reserach is strongest in chemistry, and Canadian medical research has been outstanding, particularly at the University of Toronto; in basic research our Canadian Universities have been quite good, but unfortunately Canadian Universities are rather weak in the field of Engineering research. But generally in Canada research expenditures are only a fraction of that in the U.S.A. and U.K. In Canada research and development expenditures amount to about 0.45oj of the G.N.P., whereas in the U.S.A. and

the U.K. they amount to about lsojg of the G.N.P. This difference is due to Canadian industry being largely owned by foreign interests, and having their research done outside of Canada. Consider the Mining and Metallurgical field, in which about 17y0 of Canada’s labour force is employed. The development of Canada’s mineral resources is dependent upon scientific research in four broad fields. The first is associated with techniques explorations and the search for minerals. The second is associated with improvement of our mining methods. The third is in the extraction methods, the means of getting the metals out of the ores. And the fourth is in the fabrication of the rrletals, the development of alloys and the improvement of existing alloys. Today’s prospector uses scientific tools that were developed in scientific research for the search information concerning the nature of matter, geiger counters for the detection of radioactive ores, and magnetometers for the detection of ferrous metals. Most of the mines producing today were found by the old method of locating outcrops; now it is possible to locate ore bodies even though they may be entirely hidden underground. Canada today is only 3001, mapped geologically, it will be another 25 years before a geological map of Canada is completed. Today Canada leads the world in mining, but that does not mean that we will always remain so. We are fortunate so far that our mines are still shallow, but even now we are starting to run into troubles with something known as ground-mechanics. We have the richest source of hydro-carbons in the world, but still no teehniques to extract the oil from these sands. Atomic energy is being considered as a possible answer, not only for the Athabaska tar sands but for extracting minerals from low grade ore deposits. And then there is the extraction of metals from the ore, an extremely complex and difficult problem. We used to think entirely in terms of heat, but now the process of leaching the metals out of the ores is becoming more prevalent. In Sudbury there are the huge belching stacks of the nickle refineries, in Edmonton the plant is just a huge chemist’s shop. Finally there is the improvement of the metals, the science known as “solid-state physics,” the study of the basic structures of the metals. The theoretical strength of steel is one thousand times greater than the present practical strength ; such that the huge suspension bridges could be made from knitting needles rat#her than the huge bundles of cables. But variables abound on every side, an impurity of 1/1,000,000~0 can affect the strength of the metal. Or add l/l,OOOyO magnesium to cast iron, and it behaves as a certain type of steel. We need new and better metals -- a metal to withstand the Canadian winter . . . the high temperatures of a rocket engine . . . the


rigours of an atomic reactor. Why? We passed through two world wars and we live in constant fear of a third world war; as long as this situation exists, then we definately need more metal. And to develop these we need in Canada research organizations such as the type popular in Great Britain, namely the British Iron and Steel Association, and the British Non-Ferrous Metals Association. These are commercial non-profit laboratories, and the time is fast approaching in Canada when we must make a decision on this matter; in other words we should bring into existence similar non-profit organizations to assist in metals research in Canada. Mining in Canada employs 17’:‘, of our labour force, and the success of mining in Canada depends on putting metals to use: in doing so we sincerely hope that the research effort in Canada which is really just beginning will produce new and better metals not only for Canada but for the world and in doing so will mean an improvement of the country as a whole.

SWANCleaners and Shirt


Same-Day Cor.


Service & Dearborn


Self Importance Sometime when you’re feeling important Sometime, when your ego’s in bloom, Sometime, when you take it for granted You’re the best qualified in the room, Sometime, when you feel that your going Would leave an unfillable hole, Just follow this simple instruction And see how it humbles your soul. Take a bucket and fill it with water, Put your hand in it upto the wrist Pull it out and the hole that’s remaining Is a measure of how much you’ll be missed. You may splash all you wish when you enter, You can stir up the water galore, But stop ~ and you’ll find in a minute That it looks quite the same as before. The moral in this quaint example Is to do the best that you can Be proud of yourself, but remember There is no indispensible man . . . Author unknown.

SWEENEY’S GROCERY 170 King St. North SH Z-1970





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