
Page 1



p.m. Blueridge





Coffee College.


Fed Flicks

and -



Probe private,

Bombshelteropens Others, Attack.


(Friday) 1:30


PEERS Counselling to 8 p.m. and


and isntitutions the need


12noon.D.J.after9p.m.Feds:nocover; 9:00 p.m. Spot the




Prayer. p.m.

Sponsored 2:30 p.m.

Centre 1 p.m.


and Conflict

Social for

Imprinter by 135.


open Monday - 3 p.m. CC


Change in relating commitment


and to




-Thursday: 138A.


The Debating out


and learn Grebel

learn speak Rm.



holds regular meetings where the art of debate. Develop in public and have a lot of fun.

Party - Geology Halloween party Chem. Geolosv. $3 without. Prizes,

how have



We’re starting to pre-Hallowe’enpartiesingood for Feds, $1 for

The Earthen

Mug -

coffee, 8 p.m.



WCF excellent

Coffee music.

for so you and time. Ticketsat 180.

Assorted Come toCC


Show. not tohit


the 1:00

your we can the

starts instruction! hallowe’en





noon. Bring costume.




Beginners 1 p.m.

Start a compass Meet


“Mohammed Amr Sadeque. served.

(p.b.u.h.) 7:OO

if you at PAC outside

Association the


Fed Flicks



Worship Morbey.

Outers No


to speaker




9 p.m.

donuts Patrons

Free your a talk, Br. wil be wtth

10.30 Kayakmg. experience

a.m. Free needed.

instruction 4 p.m.




and practice 6 p.m. PAC

Ann Freecoffeeand 170.








If you would


you can tripsign - 4 p.m.


of the

Bhaktl Yoga Club (Krishna Consciousness) Invites you to an Introductory lecture on self-realizatlon through Mantra Meditation. Sumptuous vegetarian feast fol ows Free. All Welcome. Popular mantras available. For further Informanon call 888 7321 5 p.m. 51 Amos Avenue



Profession Grebel

controversial supports determined a.m. Psych

of College.



invites Bagels.


new or just - 9:OO

you to our 11:30 a.m.

conversation. A great way some new people. Sponsored - I:30 p.m. ML 355.

ideas p.m.

Interviewing and

Campus liminaries first, second

for bar.



Centre happpening. and



seminar Bring


See on ale.


last Friday. TactlessTamperingwith

Counselling Bring 5:30


along p.m.

Club a big Psych


is having appetite 3005.

Club Meeting. 7 p.m. Supper Meeiing. What Evangelism included.





last it’s



Sponsored the Arts.




Co206. Prefor





Sot. and


exam” All

and welcome.




Have Sandra

In Jesus. Ricketss.




viola Auditorium

R. B. Hibbard

talk on Shakespeare sentiment describing long. 12:30 p.m.

of no

on the Mount Graham MorbeyLecture HH

of 280.


finals. oboe; College.

is holding



invited 116.




french and meet Dejeuner your lunch ML 355.

Department a Sob Events

and when


wil give a a Giggle, a it’s this

U. of T.and

is a Privelege


not a Right


Trip CC





spnosored Mathies$l.50,Others$2.8p.m.




Grad -


Entertainment Equators. Dance Madness miss it. 8 p.m. Feds $5, Others Click Kin:Eng, (MC’6004.)

$2.50 Office

to a screening Donations: Feds


Ruby’s, $3.50

Waterloo Aliens.


of $1,

presents at the Waterloo $6.


Motor Available

on the Roof. $2 are

in Concert. Live CBC from Greece. Sponsored Humanities Theatre. Tickets


Inn. in the



taping of this by WLU Music $6 Students/



6 -

Bombshelter, K-W Probe, Jumua’a, International Veggies, Earthen Mugs, See last Friday. The


awareness interested? tonight.

Chris Roxy many Motor Visiting



are of On Campus CC 135.

stricing to develop and the Bahai Faith. Are you are hosting a fireside

extraordinaire. Session man Armatrading, Robert Gordon jamboree. 8:00 p.m. Ruby’s, Waterloo on page 17 this issue. Feds

The Stuntman Barbara Hershey.


Peter 8 p.m.

O’Tooie, AL 116.

with and $6,

Steve Feds



Saturday Christmas Church. Saturday Church, Kitchener family.


understanding Bahais 7:00 p.m.

Spedding guitarist Music, Eno, Joan more. It’sa guitar Inn. See preview Firemen $7.

Fed Flicks Railsback, others


and The us.


Lounge. Board






pianist 8 p.m.



English Between Campus

5 p.m. See

available. Math

Tickets or KSA

remarkable Faculty. seniors






Kin Eng Pub featuring

are AL



a debate






9:30 p.m.



You p.m.

of the

Education 1:30

Munchies 5th Floor



Telemann Concert II: Victor record and baroque flute; Peggie Barrie Cabena, organ. WLU Admission Free and everyone

entitled Imprint 373.


Club in late

8:00 Orifice




Week Bring

leave CC at 530 p.m. $2 - Science Students; admission, ska!e rental, ESC 101A.


with feature Susan Prior, da gamba; 12 noon.





For north.


- Friday,




people. Bake


Production C.E.‘s. Table


Held p.m. up

7 p.m.


and 6


Solodancepage 19this $2 general

us for lunch and way to practice your French Sponsored by Cercle Fraincais. Sale - Drop by and supplement goodies. 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Federation’s Villains and the Motor Inn. Don’t

by AL




Man 4:30

A great



a Friend





at Noon

bartens, Sampson, Theatre welcome.

Math Ball). a.m.



All the regulars: Birth ,Control Centre, K-W Probe, Ski Club, shelter - lust see Monday. You know. Campus Centre Games Room pinball tournament Free Noon Hour Concert featuring James Mason, p.m.


_ -



Tuesday. 7:00


a long

Bombshelter - See me there. Dejeuner en Francais - Join conversation. some new en Francais with homebaked





Legends. India. See Theatre.


Kooistraand meal,

- Thursday,

The Debating of W. Resolution: Great Hall.

Brunch 110.

“feasting some


and delegate party members encouraged

Trip Meeting.

Discussion 22. Rem Common

and Church,





Professor To 9 p.m.

Difference?A the research basic biologically (30minutes). Studies.’

and sociology

Speakers 7 p.m. HH


Hull, piano Theatre




Society is sponsoring for all Sociology students Come out and meet other 1:30 p.m. PAS 2030.



4. Trophiesawarded



the Waiting -

Sponsored 1:00 p.m.



Room Finalsare places.


in AL




K-W Probe, Birth Control Ski Club - See Mondav.


Join us for lunch and some French to practice your French and meet by Cercle Francais. 11:30 a.m.



Kenneth 12:30



3 -



Pub Night. Buses p.m. Tickets are include busride, at SciSoc Office,



Outers weekend



Jan 3 (approx.) 5 p.m. CC 110.

at 8:15 Prices Tickets





Genesis 6:00 p.m.



weekly 1:30





en Francais


4:30 Catholic

Gay Liberation of Waterloo(GLOW)sponsoresacoffee house. For further info call 884-GLOW anytime. D.rn. cc 110.

Those 8 p.m.



at Pub Aliens. charge. -









- Myths and Kathak dancer from 4:30 p.m. Humanities





- What’s surveys some of that there are between thesexes. by the Women’s

film which the position differences 2083. Sponsored


luck. Free.


the Lord Chaplains.


beqinners F;ee. T--

and For Kooistra.

The Ski Club - See last Mondav. Brown Bag Film Series - Sexes

majors. profs.




Aaloka, preview.




for evervone. meditatibn.


K-W Probe. See last Friday. Birth Control - See last



p.m. Roman

of officers be elected. All students) are



of Dance

Arrive $3 cover



Western 334.


December brass

in Mozambique discusses and development planning for Mozambique and surcountries, using slides to il ustrate conditions. Part 4 Southern Africa: The Next Stepseries.$l.50admission. United Church, 22 Bridgeport Road West, 7:30 p.m. $1.50 admission. Sponsored by WPIRG, Oxfam, Global Community Centre.

and time. pool


is involved in planning like to share your you toattend. 7:00

would like

- Tuesday,

WCF FrIendship Supper

plst -

Chaplains HH 280.


have 11 a.m.

The History Society presents the film Black Holiday at7:00p.m.Thisisoneinaseriesofclassicfilmspresentedeach Monday evening. Cost is $1.00 p&r film, or $5.00 for series.






speaker Nigeria. 2, Rm.

students,exercise&d 135.


manager near the


- Sunday, Graham




The Vegetarian

opens 7 p.m. nocover;patronswithoutcostumes,$lafter9p.m. awarded to most unusual


Registration Cost $2. one, wear red north.

CUSO guest teachingin p.m. Chem





welcome. 3 p.m. have

invites of Islam”with Coffee and

Prophet CC 110.

Bombshelter costumes: Prize


WJSA lo:30


- Saturday,


& by

Election to and


in HH

dramas issue admission.



Centre. learn, 113.

and CC

Women’s Week Films - The Visible Woman - The history of Canadian women from the pioneer days to now, contains rare film footage - shows the struggle of our women for equal political and social rights. Union Maids-a short N.F.B. filmon women and unions. 7:30 p.m‘. CC Great Hall. Followed by Folks Dancina and Folks Sinaina.




Make Conrad

teasand 1lOfrom

8 p.m. and the projectionist


(staff, p.m.



meeting. convention faculty, HH 346.


World p.m.


have a booth in the Great We (they) wil sell memberships, fun. Drop by and say hello. Great Hall.



Rockey Horror 116. Feds $l,lizards$Z. much popcorn..

AL too

experiences p.m. -

on her 12:30

housing rounding of the Emmanual Waterloo. CUSO,

to or

Priceis$l.OO HH 260, p.m. -





speaks donuts.

advanced CC 110


Limited 886-1707


8 p.m.



improventertainment early this week

Fed Flicks p.m. with



Fass Writers Meeting. 7:30 Barry Pinsky, planner/architect

Club and SciSoc are holding their annual tonight. Get tickets in advance from BUGS, and Phvsicsclubs. Sci Sot. $1 with costume. D.J. 8:OO p.m. 5ih Floor Math Lounge.


superb to midnight.

cook live


The English SocietypresentsaHallowe’enPub. or $1.50 uncostumed. Tickets are available English Society office. Everyone welcome. a.;. HH 373, Grad Lounge.amusement. all get out door, 75C


Bombshelter Information



Vegetarian Cuisine - learn from around the world. We recipes and group participation. For more info call Madhavi p.m.

favourite dishes strations, exotic fifteen persons. 88%7321.6:OO


information on Birth Control,VD, more. Campus Centre 206. Hours: lo:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Tuesday - 3:30 p.m. Ext. 2306. Other times


Women’s come p.m.

now “The

can conp.m.





The Ski Club meet us (them). ups, raffles and Campus Centre

The Women’s


you your 5:30


7 p.m.



Campus Centre Games Room Pinball Tournament. Preliminatires Nov. 2 and 3, Finals Nov. 4. Let your expertise shine forth or just enter for the fun of it. No fee. Everyone welcome. Sign up in the Games Room, Campus Centre before Tuesday, November 2. Trophies awarded for first, second and third places. come fidence, Conrad





Charito Planas former director, Philippines Chamber Commerce, Political Prisoner of the Marcos Regime, exiled in the U.S., lawyer and businesswoman. Philippines Struggle for Liberation: Peaceful or Violent?“3:30 p.m. Conrad Grebel College Auditorium.



3 p.m.



confidential and much Thursday: 12:30 p.m.


Women’s Week. Women, the repsonsibility of educational responding to social problems change. 11 a.m. CC 135.



Free, Monday Wednesday apointment.



St. Francis Kitchener.


attend provincial on campus attend. 2:30



8:30 p.m. Avenue,



November Bazaar




sponsored by Blessed Sacrament Crafts, baking, plants, and more wil be on sale November 7.9 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Blessed Sacrament corner of Blockline Road and LaurentIan Drive, A winter wonderland theme with fun for the entire


W :

of Students



presents.. .



, .

with the;..


Thurs. November 5. 800 Waterloo Motor Inn Feds. $5 Others $6

Tjckets avai,,b,e at m and FED Office

Friday Novemb Bingeman Park ballroom Fe&.$6 Others $7 7Zckets avail&b/e

at m

and FED Office


OFS Referendum Open Forums 8 - 930 p.m. Village 1 Red Dining Hall Sunday, Nov. 1 Monday, Nov. 2 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Arts Coffee Shop (HH) Tuesday, Nov. 3 fk30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Campus Centre Gt. Hall


Society SponsoredPanelDebate Thursday,


1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. AL 113 COMMITTEE



Federation of Students




OFS forum yields little feedback J

Few people who were in the second floor lounge of the Math and Computer Building Wednesday even noticed that a political event was going on. Or at least that is the way it watching students seemed read books, do homework, and eat, as Wim Simonis, Federation of Students President, and Bob Elliott, Federation Vice President, argued the pros and cons of membership in the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS). Simonis is openly critical of OFS and is an advocate of withdrawing from the organizatiorL. Elliott is chairperson for the Yes for OFS committee. Both were taking part in the first of a series of general informational meetings being held to promote discussion on the upcoming OFS referendum to be held November 10. Simonis emphasized that, “the students at the University of Waterloo have not been represented at all by the OFS.” He qualified the statement by saying that Wilfrid Laurier which is not a University, member of OFS, has had more meetings with Premier William Davis in the past three years than has OFS.

Elliott contended that OFS was a necessary and valuable “The march organization. (meaning, the Day of Protest march at Queen’s Park this past Thursday) adds to the total package the government will see,” he said, adding that OFS is an “excellent” research group that has completed 55 research projects. Staff salaries make up 59.9% of OFS’budget according to Elliott which compares with the 58.0% that he says Waterloo’s student federation is spending on its employees. Simonis countered by asking the audience to look at the services they were getting from both OFS and the Federation. Elliott concluded his statement urging students that the most important thingforthem to do above all else was to be informed of the issues at hand. Simonis ended by saying that Waterloo should be, “getting away from some of the politcal bullshit of the past few years,‘* and that Waterloo had never gotten more than token responses from OFS. The two then fielded half a dozen questions from the largely unresponsive audience before ending the meeting. Peter Saracino

Nuke referendum Total Honest in Nuclear Knowledge (T.H.I.N.K.), a Waterloo safe energy group, will be holding a referendum on the question of nuclear power on April 24th, in an unspecified Kitchener ward. The group says that the aim of this project is first to educate the members of the group and then the people in the designated ward on nuclear power issues. To this end, (T.H.I.N.K.) wants to canvass each home in the ward three times. In addition, one of the aims is to win a vote on this issue to show that people are concerned about the implications of nuclear energy. The group is seeking fifty volunteers who are willing to help in the canvas&g and the project in general. The volunteer work would involve attending and participating in four workshop training sessions during the months of January and February and canvassing sixty homes three times during the months of March and April, 1982. If you are interested please call either Dave Porter at 744-4972 or Dave Assmann at 884-2547 (CKMS), or 8849342. Julie George

Food could be better Food served at Conrad Grebel College could be directed more towards students’ tastes,’ according to Lorna President of the College’s Student Schwartzentruber, Council. In a recgnt student council meeting, residents of the college met with the head cook, Enid Gilbert, concerning the quality of the food. Schwartzentruber stated that the meeting was “to open communication lines”. According to Schwartzentruber, students were “suggesting things they’d like to see, how they’d like them cooked. Things like cutting down on sugar, more salads.” Schwartzentruber stated that Gilbert responded well to the suggestions and asked about the sorts of dishes the students liked. “We feel good about the service we get, and they (the cooks) are sensitive to our comments”, Schwartzentruber explained. “I think the food is better (than in the past), there’s more variety. She (Gilbert) tries new things, new casseroles”, said one resident. Gilbert became head cook as of May of this year. Grebel is the only church college that has an independent food service. Anna Lehn

..- . Chuck Williams, Board referendum informational

of External meeting.



was one of the few who asked questions

Ethics committee Incidences of sexual harrassment, abuse of authority, and misuse of record confidentiality have become issues on many campuses in the past year. Heightened interest in the ethics of these situations prompted former University of Waterloo President Matthews to initiate the formation of an ad hoc Committee to Recommend a Policy for Ethical Behaviour. Procedure in this area had not previously existed, requiring the formation of this type of committee.


The ten member committee comprised of faculty, staff and students was initally culled from various sources. President Matthews approached Mike McDonald to chair this committee and he accepted. To date, the committee has been seeking informal suggestions and documentation of areas requiring ethics policy, and although the response has been less than expected, two areas of concern have been singled out. The abuse of supervisory authority and

at Wednesday’s OFS Photo by Dan Ayad

seeking advice problems of confidentiality ment, it is hoped that feedwill be the focus of the report back from the University popto be issued by the committee ulation will provide the imon December first. petus for consideration by the Areas which have not been university of strict procedures considered by the committee for the future. are those where policy already exists to deal with problems. The committee is still open In many cases existing policy is to comments, suggestions and documentation of incidents not widely known or strictly enforced, causing confusion as related to their task. They to whether there exists policy can be contacted through at all. McDonald, whose office is in Hagey Hall room 323, ext. While the report issued by 3594. the committee is not meant to be a legally binding docuPat Shore


Midwives One Women’s Week event which attracted a number of participants was midwife Margaret Hess’s presentation on the birth process. Over 35 people turned out and, when at the beginning of the session Hess asked some attendees why they had come, most said that they ha=d come because they were planning on having children sometime themselties and were interested in the home birth alternative. Hess began with a rundown on the physiology of birth, with some comment on how home births differ from hospital births. For instance, in a hospital birth when the baby’s head is about to emerge from the vagina, it is common to make a cut (episiotomy) in the epidural tissue so as to avoid having the tissue tear during the infant’s passage. A midwife would take a different approach to this problem. In fact, they don’t see it as a problem at all! It has been found that, in fact, it is better for the tissue to tear if necessary than for it to be cut, because if it tears it will tear along the line of least resistance, avoiding tearing nerves, and tearing the tissue only as much as is needed. As well, a mother at a home birth attended by a midwife virtually never tears. The midwives work as a team, and during this part of the birth process one of the attendants massages the epidural tissue with oils, which assists the muscles in stretching to accommodate the baby’s head.

an alternative Another way in which home birth differs from most hospital births is that the midwife spends a lot of time with the couple during the, pregnancy so as to establish a rapport. As well, the woman has the baby at home surrounded by her friends and family. She has the time and comfort to relax and to flow with the birth process. In contrast, a hospital birth is often like an assembly line process, with the woe&n hooked up to machines, injected with drugs to speed up or slow down labour and, increasingly often in this country and the United States, subjected to unnecessary caesarean sections. In a home birth, everyone present gives to the mother and baby. In a hospital birth, the procedures are often for the convenience of the doctor. However, Hess emphasized that the most important factor for a woman to consider when deciding where and how to give birth is what situation she would be most comfortable with. While in many hospitals the birth process is becoming increasingly mechanized, there are also some in which it is becoming increasingly humane. As well, the attitudes of doctors vary widely. It is important for prospective parents to talk to their doctor so as to develop a clear understanding with the physician. Though any midwife will agree that births with potential problems should occur in hospitals, a midwife is perfectly equipped to handle a

pregnancy (with the exception of certain kinds of lab work) and birth of a mother with no contra-indications for home birth. Unfortunately, even if a woman decides that a home birth is what she tiants, she can’t always have one. No midwife will work without being associated with a doctor - to do lab work and, in the unlikely event of a complication, to admit the mother to hospital. But it is difficult to find doctors-- who will be associated with home births. Doing home births is not economically feasible for most doctors, because of the time involved during which they cannot be at their office, seeing other patients. As well, there is pressure from their colleagues, for whatever reasons, to not do home births. In addition, midwives are not licensed in Canada, with the exception of some remote areas where there are no doctors. In these areas the midwives practise and collect fees from provincial hospital insurance. However, as soon as a doctor moves into the area, the midwives lose this standing. In the more populated areas of Canada, a woman has the right to invite whomever she wants into her home to assist her at a birth, but a midwife cannot open an office and charge a set fee. In addition, there is a slight risk that, if something does happen to the mother or the baby, the midwife and/or the parents might be charged with ne-

to MDs gligence. Indeed, one of the reasons a midwife spends a lot of time with the couple before the birth is to create a spiritual understanding of shared re-

sponsibility. Midwives also cannot legally carry prescription drugs which are necessary for the safety of mother or child in an emergency situation. If a midwife is arrested and found to be carrying these drugs, she can be charged with practising medicine without a license. Canada is‘ behind almost every other country in its attitude toward midwives and home birth. In England, home birth is the rule for normal pregnancies and in the United States, each state makes its own regulations to deal with midwifery. In most states, they are much more supportive of midwives than they are here in Canada.



are or-

ganizing to have this changed, but it is a long hard process,

especially associations

as the medical are such a power-

ful lobby. Hess feels that if the change comes, it will be

because of economics. In the case of a normal birth, the simplicity of a home biith attended by a midwife and by the friends and family/is much less expensive than a hospital birth where the mother is attended by highly paid staff using highly technical equipment. K&en Yearlstqn


Page 4Imprint is the student newspaper at the Universi~ of’ Wa@rloo. It is an editorially indepen’dent newspaper publishedby Imprint PubIioation& Waterloo, acorpor ation without share oapital. Imprint is a member of Canadian University Press (CUP), an organization of more than 50 student newspapers across Canada. j Imprint is also a‘member of the Ontario Community llyewspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint publishes every Friday during the regular terms. MaiI shouldbe addressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140, UniversiQr of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.” Imprint: I&N 07067380 Imprint rfserve8 the right to scr8eQ edit, andrefWeadvertWrq3. 2nd class postage reglstratlon applied for

ckKIXbn -







In recent weeks, because of the federal government’s threatened cutbacks of the Established Program Financing grants, the possibility of the doubling of tuition fees for foreign students, U. of T. President Ham’s urging of substantial tuition increases, and finally our own embarrassing controversy (artificially induced by our sandbox President, more interested in kicking revengeful sand in the eyes of the OFS thanin tackling more relevant problems), the question of post-secondary education’ funding and accessibility has once again returned to the limelight. It seems to me that three central issues can be distilled from the raucous but diffuse debate. These are, first, to maintain adequate funding to universities to retain their viability, if not their vitality, in such a manner so as to, secondly, assure fair and universal accessibility to post secondary education for those with the requisite ability, whiIe at the same time insuring that, thirdly, educational institutions retain a modicum of autonomy from government. There are those who argue that in ordertoachieve these goals one must increase the user fees of the students who attend the universities and reduce the contributions of the government. If these people win the day, as it appears they will, this foul autumn weather we are experiencing is only the beginning of a long winter of discontent for those concerned about the health and accessibility of our academic institutions. The pseudo-logic of the Tories and their apologists goes as follows: the pre-requisite for a healthy university system is a healthy economy, which is in turn dependent upon the magical panacea of the balanced budget. Cutbacks in social services, by far the largest budgetary expenditure, are necessary to bring about a balanced budget and besides, students should by rights pay a significant portion of the costs of their education because they benefit from it in the form of higher paying and / securer jobs. Professor Ham can agree with this argument, so deceptively convincing, by contending that a reduction in the contribution from government means universities become more autonomous. But what is so obviously wrong with this facile logic is that social services expenditures are not the roots of Ontario’s deficit. Rather, it has been our government’s refusal to tax our resource sector adequately, as other provinces such as Quebec and Saskatchewan have. The

What do you think of Federation

events? by Patricia




JocelpKenneby Math8a

It Suck& IW.n and Simple. 1 Ow participated in or- It’s gran& for It. We chestral Manoeuvres and I have bax& We’re pm should get bar@. had a great time. It wa8 a very good concert.

should in the pub. They




pay for more

deficit in Ontario can be argued to be the result not of excess expenditure, but of a poverty of revenue, a poverty self-inflicted by the government of Ontario whose creed of laissez-faire (that is, let them do whatever they want with our trees and minerals, we don’t give a damn), forbids them from asking their friends on Bay St. to contribute what they should to the province in which they do business. The way to balance the budget is not to close this hospital or that university, or to double to tuition of the student from the third world, but to double the tax on companies like Into who take the profits garnered from Ontario’s generously lenient tax system and invest it back in the third world to exploit the cheap labour that the visa student’s compatriots haplessly provide. And what can be said of Professor Ham’s argument that by reducing the government’s contribution from 85 to 75 per cent of the cost of a student’s education, universities will gain autonomy from government? I fail to see what significant difference 10% can possibly make, except to make it more difficult for those with modest incomes to attend university or college. People of this creed also argue, finally, that since some select people benefit from a university education, they should help pay for it. In this they are correct, except that they have mistakenly identified the students themselves as the prime beneficiaries of the university system. It is the private sector, that hires highly and expensively trained computer programmers, engineers, economists, and industrial psychologists that benefits most from the university system. We at Waterloo, vainglorious of the success of our coop programme, should see this most clearly. Our recently held convocation ceremonies, echoing the medieval heritage of the university, are no longer pleasant anachronisms to massage our pretensions to scholarliness, but a farce of what a university education means today. We are not prepared for theacademicgown but for the three piece suit and white shoes of the business world. Our studies prepare us for the sterile but efficient maze of interview chambers, where we are absorved into the business world. The university is no longer a haven for critics of society, nor a centre where reformers of society exchange their views, but has become a machine that produces highly but largely docile specialized, highly competent, technocrats and bureaucrats, the cogs of modern society.



L. Shore and Dan Ayacl

Itivm Biology


B&w good. . . ramon&Qr priced They- a;re pretty good bands.

But besides lamenting the decline of the traditional idea of a university, we can at least use the fact of the university’s position as the hand-maiden of business to arrest the physical decline of universities. Why not ask the enterprises that hire graduates to help pay a greater portion of the cost of their training? If IBM, for example, a major employer in the co-op programme, wants to use U. of W. as a training ground for its employees, it should have to pay for it. Obviously this can’t be done through a payment from each company that hires a graduate, but it can be done through shifting more of the tax burden on to the corporate sector and spending the increased revenues on education and other social services. Suchanincrease wou Id not amount to an assault on “free enterprise,” but would be a legitimate user fee to be payed by those who benefit from universities. Many devotees to the idea that businesses should be allowed to operate with little obligation to the society from which they earn their profits will argue that such a user fee for business is a subversive “make-the-rich-pay” ploy. But it is founded on two sacred principles of free enterprise: FAIR PAYMENT FOR SERVICES RENDERED; and SELF-INTEREST-for if the universities decline, no one will suffer more than Canadian business. Dave Dubinski

Talk about history repeating itself. . . the following

article was unearthed while rummaging through Imprint’s memorabilia collection. It appeared in the Chevron of May 15, 1969 (back in the days when students were students and radicals were radicals - and liberals were liberals). OUS (Ontario Union of Students) and CUS (Canadian Union of Students) were predecessors of OFS (Ontario Federation of Students) and NUS (National Union of Students) respectively. And both OUS and CUS went ‘hooves up’ too. “The more things change the more they”: cost Improve Stay the same Are the opiate of the people >I Eat raw lizards.

Council approves OUS withefrawal The Federation of Students has dropped out of the Ontario Union of Students. effective immediately. The federation’s student council. meeting may 3. adopted the suggestion of its executive and president, Tom Patterson, and sevevered relations. Although many Ontario campuses have left the Canadian Union of Students in the past year. Waterloo is the first out of OUS. Patterson, an OUS executive last year, blamed the ineffectiveness of the union for Waterloo’s disenchantment. “OUS doesn’t do much,” he said, “Partly because the provincial base is a weak one. Little is achieved by the provincial lobby because they keep getting put off to the federal government. In turn the federal government claims it’s provincial business. ” The leadership of OUS was not the problem. “They’ve done all they can,” Patterson said. The council accepted Patterson’s claim that the whole

question of responsibility for areas of concern to students has to be dealt with by one union, which is neither “national” or “provincial” in character. *‘Provincial unions lead to provincialism.” he said. Patterson denied that a tight budget passed recently was the reason for the withdrawal. However the question was first raised when Patterson’s new executive was drafting the budget. “There was $3300 for OUS and we started asking just what OUS was accomplishing.” Patterson and his executive are waiting to see what the proposed refounding convention of CUS will bring. “Council considered holding a referendum, but decided against it,” he said. “If we have a referendum on a revamped CUS, we may put the OUS question to the students then. Meanwhile we couldn’t hold a vote until October, which would screw up our budget and OUS’s too.”


Dancer iob a shock to applicants Interviews held in Needles Hall two weeks ago left some, women wondering what they were getting into, or out of, as the case may be. An advertisement placed in the October 16 issue of Imprint announced that women who, “feel young or attractive and can learn to dance,” had the chance of getting a part-time job. Angela Linseman, one of the people who applied for the job, was told during the interview she would be dancing in a wet Tshirt. Linseman was informed that she would not have to weara ‘wet T-shirt if she was offended by that aspect of her employment. Furthermore, the women hired were to dance at individual tables. Linseman said that ordinarily she would not have answered such an ambiguous ad but the fact that the ad was placed in Imprint and the interviews were to be held in Needles Hall lent the ad respectability. Tom Fitzgerald, who is in charge of graduate placement, received a call from “Entertainment Unlimited*‘, who wanted to conduct interviews for dancers. The inquiry sounded legitimate to Fitzgerald so he had the firm contact the Scheduling Department to arrange a time and place for the interviews. When asked why he did not inquire further into the nature of the firm or the kind of dancing, Fitzgerald said that he handles inquiries from 500 companies a year and that it is just not possible to screen the companies individually. Occasionally, mistakes are made and this firm, “Entertainment Unlimited” was one of these mistakes. As soon as Fitzgerald had received several phone calls complaining about the interviews, he said that he went down and asked the interviewers to leave. Brook Schneider, the financial manager of “Entertainment Unlimited” says that no one asked them to leave the hall. Schneider maintains that when applicants stopped arriving, he and the other interviewers simply left. Schneider said that the people who call his firm a “wet T-shirt operation” got the wrong idea from the interview. According to him, “Entertainment Unlimited’* is a company that has just started up; as yet, they have no fixed idea about what kind of dancing will be done within the broad realm of night-club dancing. Wet T-shirts was just one idea that was mentioned in the interviews. Schneider added that about eighteen peoplewereenthusiastic about the job whereas only six people were upset when the idea of ijancing with a wet T-shirt was brought up. All told, about forty people were interviewed, according to Schneider. When asked if he did not feel that the ad he placed in Imprint was ambiguous and misleading, Schneider answered a decisive no. Because the firm has not decided on the kind ofdancing they will be doing, they could not make the ad more specific, he says. Julie George


World accuracy jumper Cathy Cox makes her appearance at the Dave ,Shannon footbali game. Unfortunately Cathy missed her target by a few feet, but organizersraisedabout$900for the Dave Shannon Education Fund. $745 of this wasfromgate receipts, the remainder being made up of team and individual donations from bothfootball teamsand other UW teams. Donationsare still being accepted and may be sent care of Carl Totzke, UW Athletic Director, PAC 2054. Photo by Roger Theriault

tou s presents

Take a sten through thedoor ofasupermarket and don’t look back. You are no longer under your own control. A booklet published by the Ontario Public Interest Research Group outlines the methods by which supermarkets manipulate consumers to increase profits. Called The Supermarket Tour Kit, it also educates people about issues such as corporate concentration, third world exploitation, and environmental and ecological effects of- our food policy. As soon as you are in the supermarket, the manipulation begins. The first thing you might notice is the control of traffic. You are forced into a pattern which usually begins with the produce section. This is because produce items spoil quickly and the stores wants to move them quickly. It also starts what executives term “the buying habit.” But these simple vegetables have a much bigger story to tell. Many are wrapped or packaged. Why? Plasticdoes not grow on trees, nor on vegetables. But the overpackaging prevents consumers from picking over the produce for the best buy, and they agree with the sterile image the store wishes to protect. But wait again. Most vegetables are imported.-They are imported from warm third world countries where the large corporations have huge intensively cultivated farms and a resident low wage labour force. Many countries where people are starving are actually net exporters of food. But since the items are luxury foods for the North American market, the subsistance wages of the third world labourers mean they do not benefit from the food they grow. In 1974, the booklet states, the governments of five Latin American banana producing countries tried to raise money for domestic development by introducing a tax of one dollar per box of bananas. But the three companies which control 70% of the world’s $2.5 billion banana trade, De1 Monte, United Brands, and Castle and Cook (Dole) united to smash the tax by letting tons of bananas rot on the docks by refusing to export them. In the end only three of the countries succeeded in levying any tax, and that was just 50~ per box. But the import of food has great domestic consequences. While the third world food may seem cheap, the ultimate price may be much,higher.


Canada has the potential to be a self-sufficient nation in food production. The more food we import, the more jobs we export. In 1977 British Columbia employed 67,000 workers in the food processing industry at a self-sufficiency rate of 43%. If that self-sufficiency was increased to65% it would create 19,000 new jobs. Farmland once lost can only be replaced with great difficulty. When it succumbs to urban sprawl it can not be reclaimed at all. When the majority of our food is grown in centralized regions such as California and Mexico we become more susceptible to large crop failures and food shortages as a result of local weather problems.

Horizontal integration includes buying out competitors. At one time De1 Monte- was in competition with Canadian Canners for the canned fruit and vegetable market. De1 Monte bought out Canadian canners, thus eliminating its major competition and gaining Canadian Canners major brand names of Aylmer and Henley for its own marketing use. To the consumer’s eye the competition still exists but in fact the choices have been virtually eliminated.

Among the food that isgrown here, OPIRG has shown that a few major companies control the seeds, fertilizer, processing facilities, and distribution mechanism, leaving the farmers’in the only risky part of the business. There are over 197 varieties of corn. But 7 1olo of all corn grown in North America comes from only six of the known varieties. This means that the loss of genetic variety makes the corn crop more and more susceptible to a major disaster from disease or pestulence. You may still cling to the beliefthat you havechoices to make to avoid the corporate biggies, but think again. On the shelf we may find the following brands of bread: Country Oven, Zehr’s, Deitrich, Weston’s, Wittich’s, 18 12, Stone Ground and Christie. What is apparently eight choices is really two, for all but Christie are baked and owned by Weston. The OPIRG booklet states that in Canada four companies control90% of the breakfast cerealmarket, and 58% of the meat slaughtering and processing market. The more companies grow, the more control they have over every aspect of the marketplace, which is in theory supposed to control them. Verticle integration includes buying out suppliers and distribution networks for morecompletecontrol. The example of bread cited earlier is still pertinent. Weston’s ownsdairies, Royaland Donlands; flour mills, SOS Lines and McCarthy Mills, and a sugar refinery, Westcane. It also owns the distributors, National Grocers and York Trading.

Even widely diverse products may come from the same corporate parentage. Standard Brands produces the following cornucopia of products: Magic baking powder, Fleischman’s margarine and corn oil, Blue Bonnet margarine, Planter’s. Beaver, and Pinetree nuts, Chipits chocolate chips, Oh Henry chocolate bars, Cherry Blossom, Glossettes, and Pot of Gold chocolates, Chase & Sanborn coffee, Tender Leaf tea, and the pet food brand names of Dr. Ballard, Miss Mew, Kennel Club, Husky, Derby and Burger Bits.

Looking at the supermarket shelf, these facts are illustrated, as the OPIRG booklet points out. A few large companies have a * lot of power affecting our choices on how we feed ourselves.

Do you feel trapped by the big money, psychological manipulation of the supermarket? Run for the door, and note on your way out that the last aisle usually contains such impulse items as plants. They figure that by the time you get to theend of your odyssey through their shelves that you won’t care about spending a little more on a high profit item such as a plant. In fact one Safeway store manager was chastised by the company executive for selling plants with yellow ribbons at inflated prices as a welcome home for the U. S. citizens who had been held in Iran. The philosophy followed in this OPIRG publication is one of provision of information. The forty six page booklet contains fact after fact to substantiate the argument that people have little power over the choices they make in feeding themselves. With such information you can make some real choices, like quitting the supermarket.

p.m. at 41 Margaret Avenue in a Kitchen&. Music, munchies, One pair of glasses on the path tea, coffee and conversation. from University of Erb street. Sponsored by LOOK (LesThey- are tinted pink with bian Organization of Kitpurple and pink swirls in the chener). Open to all womyn. rim. If found please phone: +Iallowe’en Dance for women, 885-2405. ’ sponsored by LOOK. Octqber



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Van 1977 Chevy. Good c’ondition will safety, 65,000 miles, 350, V8, Captain’s chairs, carpeted. Asking $2,500. Phone 886-5381. House for Sale. Graduating student wishes to sell a large solid brick house close to,UW and WLU. Large assumable mortgage. Excellent oppor-

tunity for student or group of students to eliminate housing worries and/ or pay tuition. Phone 648-335 1.

Typist. 25 No Math, Editor k-n’, w acmou *d-3342.

Student Stereo saves you money - FACT! Drooling over stereo components but disappointed in tie amount of OSAP you received? Then let us allow you to listen to your money (or Betty Stephenson’s idea of money anyway) no matter ho,w small the amount. Call us, Student Stereo where Our Students Appreciate Pe:formance. 884-5899.

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Experienced typist; fast, accurate work. IBM Selectric. Lakeshore Village. Reasonable rates. 885- 1863. Expert Typing Service (IBM Selectric II/III) - Standard service: Correction of errors in spelling,-grammar and punctuation. 886-6275.

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Will do liiht moving with a small truck. Also rubbish remokal. Low rates. Call Jeff 884-283 1.


Male & Female - separate homes. 5 minute walk to either University in clean, quiet, private homes. NO cooking but. frig, teakettle and toaster .,available. Single rooms $22 $24. 1 complete female double - $20 each. Apply >at 204 Lester - For Jan. & Summer term. Mrs. Dorscht 884-3629. Hous&


3rd year male seeks shared accommodation for January Anril term. Call Mike 884-6450. Townhouse Wanted Spring Term. Within 10 minutes walk of UW. 3 or 4 bedroom. With option to rent alternating terms. Call 884-5366 (Gary). 2

Warren Biller, Registered Masseur. Massage - relieves aches, tension. Helps combat stress and fatigue. Pamper Help Wanted vourself - feel great! Incalls Earn cash in your spare time as br Outcalls. 886-5364. a Maclean’s on Campus RepResumes - for you, we do it resentative. No direct selling all: the wording, the layout; a or soliciting invqlved. Call professional format, a great Mike 884-6950 . impression. Don’t wring your hands; ring us (886-8089). P.S. - ask about our special diskDisk file resume service ,,i 8* f&a*-.'busin-, ,+Jockey Service .i . i .I,.. Ir'I,.., ess and co-op students. A.B.C. Disk Jockey Service. Add a professional touch to your party, banquet, wedding or reception! You want good music, in all styles and tastes: we have it. Call Paul on campus at ext. 3869 or residence 886-8492.-


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Thursday, November 5th 8:00 P.M. - AL 116 Donations of $1.OOFeds and $2.00 Others are Requested PRESENTED BY THE WATERLOO JEWISH STUDENTS ASSOCIATION









1981. Imprint



Cultsgrowing --

“When you meet the friendliest DeoDle vou have ever , ’ . known, who introduce you to the most loving group of people you’ve ever encountered. and vou find the leader to be the most inspired, car)ng, compassionate and understanding person you’ve ever met, and then you learn that the cause of the group is something you neverdared hope could be accomplished, and all of this sounds too good to be,true - it probably is too good to be true! Don’t give up your education, your hopes and ambitions to follow a rainbow.” -deannieMills, Survivor-~oneshmvn,Guyana Over three million young people, the majority being university and college students, I’ have fallen victim to one of North America’s most extensive social phenomena known as the cult movement. The cult members credit the growth of cults to a spiritual rebirth and closeness to God, whereas, those who have escaped the cu1t.s claim highly sophisticated mind control techniques are the source behind the success of ‘ cult recruitment. The . most alarming, information on the growing cult membership is the type of people they are recruiting. I‘The kind of people cults want are middle to upper middle class kids with a college or university education between the ages of 18 25 years old and who are going through some change in life,” explained Christine Demkowitz, a former member of The Way International, a cult that can boast a following of over 40,000 members. The power and membership of the cults is., growing daily in the United States and are now becoming a strong force in Canada. Although there are no definite statistics on cult membership, an. -article in a+ Qinoinnati magazine estimated Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church at about 30,000 U.S. followers; the Hare Krishnas with approximately 10,000; the Children of God and the _, Scientologists both with membership in the thousands. These cults have been singled out as the strongest and most dangerous cults. The Way International has often escaped the negativity that the other cults receive from the media despite its 40,000 membershipLand its definite “cultist” activities focusing on mind control. “Part of the reason that The Way has been successful at selling itself to many as a Biological Research Centre is due to slick promotional brochures and color movies painting idyllic pictures of cult members studying at Way College campuses in Indiana and Kansas, hiking on Way retreats in Colorado and New Mexico, or jogging at the International headquarters’ 147-acre farm in New Knoxville near Cincinnati.” Said a parent recently, after visiting his daughter at The Way’s Rome City, Indiana Campus: “It all looks so wholesome.” Demkowjtz explained the reason for the college and university student’s vulnerability to the recruitment techniques of the cults. “Most college and university students are experiencing some sort of change which makes them highly susceptible- to the cults.” She listed ,the move,from high school to university, leaving home and exam periods as transitions that make students highly sus- ceptible. “It is a very transient stage and the cults prey on that. They also want people with money, they go for the stereotyped all American boy or girl,” explained Demkowitz. Although most university students feel they are too intelligent to fall into the cult’s trap, psychologists disagree saying that the majority of cult members are intelligent, idealistic young people lured by professions of love and the illusion of perfection in an imperfect world. Demkowitz explained that The Way International is just beginning to recruit in Canada’s primary cities such as Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver and Edmonton. “The Way International is a very sophisticated organization,” warned_ Demkowitz. “They are in Toronto in a big push and their Rock of Ages is coming up soon which is their main festival where they have 15 - 20,000 people attend.”

Demkowitz explained that at the Rock of Ages held in the U.S., speakers and musical bands combine their talents to make the weekend a super hype session where they get a lot of money and they get a lot of people to commit their lives to The’Way International. \ “it’s amazing! I have seen kids go in there who. A just want to go to a m&festival and at the end of the week they call up their parents for money that will allow them to go on a one year recruiting program. At this point they stop going to school, quit their jobs and go W.O.W. which is short for their one year recruiting program cal\d Word Over the World? Christine never gave her life to The Way International although she might have if her mother had not rescued her during her one’ year recruiting program. Christine was the ideal prey for the cults. After graduating from Western University in May 1980 with a degree in physical education, ’ -N : Christine moved&t&Toronto where she got a part time job selling lottery-tickets. Christine was definitely in a transient stage living in a new city, with all of its unknown surroundings, away from her friends and trying to get by on a part time job. The fact that Chris knew very little about cults added to her already high, susceptibility to recruitment. Christine said she was _approached and -recruited by “two of the nicest people you would ever want to meet.” They introduced themselves as positive young people and after talking with Christine for a while they asked her if she wanted to go out with them for a beer that night. The girl was from Vancouver and the boy was a graduate from a Canadian university. The following day the girl asked Chris out to a coffee house where Chris got her first exposure to the fact that her new acquaintances were involved in some kind of reliaious orqanization. “The coffee house consisted of acouple of song, and some skits, something you might find in high school or any other church function,” said Chris. Although >Chris felt a strangeness about the new group of people she was with, she could not quite place them, and becausetheywereso friendly she had no reason to doubt them. --, “They were so nice and at the worst they were harmless; no matter what I thought them, I did not think they were harmful at all. We played sports‘ together, we went to the beach and went dancing,” said Chris. Christine began to trust the group and became increasingly involved with them. They were so nice, they seemed to have a direction in life and they had a lot of answers to a lot of questions,” said Chris. Christine was introduced to the cult after her friends convinced her to attend a half hour lecture call PFAL (Po,wer for Abundant Living.) Christine sat through the half hour seminar that turned out-to be an entire evening of songs and testimonies about how this class had changed people’s lives. “You know the old, ‘I was an alcoholic and now that I have taken the PFAL class I am a wonderful and upstanding citizen in the corn- ~ munity,’ ” said Chris. The half hour lecture was actually only the first half hour of a 36 hour course called PEAL. “This 36 hour course is The Way’s main #if Pop - Classical indoctrination and by the end it teaches you + SPECIAL ORDERS how to speak in tongues. The way that The Way (

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,-Letter8 -


SupposedMu+slim is just a- copt --__ -

-_ To the E4itor: The Muslim Students’ Association (MSA) at the University of Waterloo finds that Aziz Chikhani’s Letter to the Editor, Imprint-October 23, 198 1 contains serious misrepresentation of facts. 1) Chikhani’s statement “In response to Mr. Hazem Raafat’s comments, I would like to remind him and others that no moslem can accuse another moslem like Mr. Sadat of being unislamic,. . .judging persons is God’s responsibility” is unfounded, as (i) these are not Mr. H. Raafat’s comments, but the official stand of the MSA, as clearly stated in the mentioned article of October 9, also that of the Muslim Society of Waterloo-Wellington Counties,

- _-.



(ii) we thought a person at Chikhani’s level of education would be more careful and objective than he showed, as there is a big difference between calling someone unislamic because of his actions, and being out of Islam. However, both are from the authority of a Muslim tojudge according to the rulesset by his Almighty Allah and his prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Probably the misunderstanding is,due to the fact that A. Chikhani himself is not a muslim, he is an egyptian copt. However he should not expose himself to talk about Islam, not to mention distinguishing between extremist and reasonable ideas from an Islamic perspective, without having the fundamental knowledge. According to, his understand ing of our Religion a Muslim cannot judge another muslim

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if he kills purposely for example, of being unislamic. Since this is left as God’s responsibility, we wonder what kind of corrupted society is A. Chikhani wishing. 2) Chikhani’s statement “President Sadat, Egypt’s great leader, .. .. that is why”, contradicts most of what we have read in western news media. Few examples can be cited to show the “greatness” of the late tyrant. (i) “in the end, if observers thought he Sadat) was losing his grip with last month’s draconian purge and his irrational rages at press conferences later, they could only shrug with one of his closedassociates: “No one ever sees his real face.““. MacLean’s October 19,1981, pp. 36. (ii) “Sadat personalized his quarrel with Saudi Arabia, and it became a mater of personal pride”, TIME, October 19,1981, pp. 31. 3) Chikhani’s statement

“Extremist ideas expressed in Mr. Ferrabee’s article do not represent the views of the large majority of Egyptians”, again this can be answered using a few quotations from western news media. (i) “Many people in Cairo expressed less outrage over the assassination than over the week’s cancellation of movies, soccer games and regular television programming (including the regular series “Dallas”)“, NEWSWEEK, October 19, 1981, pp. 37. (ii) “Along the highway, only a few hundred keening mourners chanted slogans such as “To paradise, Sadat”, and held aloft Sadat’s portrait. The demonstration appeared to have been encouraged by the government for the benefit of foreigners attending the funeral”, NEWSWEEK, October 19, 1981, pp. 37. (iii) “Others said the public yas barred (from Sadat’s funeral) because so many


Egyptians were indifferent to Mr. Sadat”, NEW YORK ,TIMES, October 11,198l. (iv) “Sadat’s pro-Israeli, pro-US stance created for the army, as for most Egyptians, a crisis of identity: were they pro-Arab or pro-Israeli? ProUS or pro-Muslim? Did they have an Islamic heritage or a Pharaonic one as Sadat was telling them in order to justify his 180-degree policy turn?” Muslim Students’ Association, University of Waterloo

Qut At Sea was let float away To the Editor: I was extremely irritated this week when I opened the Imprint to discover there was no coverage, whatsoever, of the production OUT AT SEA. This play was produced and performed by drama students. The script was well written, the actors were competent to very


lmprinr ~- 8 &-,

good; the direction was detailed and unusual; the sets were appropriate for the script. So bad reports could not have been the factor in detrring a revie ver. The price of admission was free so financial considerations were absent. The production ran for a week so there is noexcusefor the non-attendence by a reviewer to at least one performance. I find it disheartening to learn that our student paper does not give high priority to student activities of the obvious magnitude and quality of OUT A SEA. Because it was of better quality than some productions tha have surfaced on campus, it is a shame that those unfortunate enough to have missed this play cannot at least have some idea of how it ‘came off. The Imprint was very remiss in not supporting this student activity byu not covering it. (A Continued on Page 10

Cults are after Ij University students International teaches it (speaking in tongues) it “One of the interesting things that is included is definitely a mind control technique used to on the list for the college is a gun. I was looking put yourself in a trancelike state and become for a gun to bring to the college. Now a rational very- susceptible to the suggestions of the person might ask, why would a Biblical group,” said Chris. Research and Teaching Ministry WaRf you to have a gun?” explained Demkowitz. “The Way’lntemational claims speaking in The Way International claims the gun,is used tongues does many things. They claim it refor a hunter training course but it is interesting moves doubt, worry and fear, which it does, but that says the members are trained in the it removes everything else along with it,” said 8 three Chris marksman positions. , Demkowitz. While Christine was in Ottawa her mother Christine explained that speaking in tongues contacted her to attempt to convince Chris to works like a jamming device in the cultist’s return home. Chris explained to her motherthat mind so that-if he has a problem or if he is she had a commitment to God and a certain questioning something all he hasto do is speak spiritual field which she could not leave. in tongues-for a while&d it stops his analysis Her mother came for lunch one day ‘and process. “When you open your eyes you forget although Chris did not know it, her mother had what the problem even was,” said Chris. come to kidnap her so that she could be deThis is just the beginning of the cult’s mind I programmed. control techniques. While speaking in tongues Christine said that when her mother came blocks the member’s ability to analyze or she had a ten dollar bill in her hand and asked question problems, a low protein diet and sleep Chris if she would mind leaving now because deprivation slows down the brain’s ability to she had a taxi waiting downstairs, rationalize. Love bombing by other members When Chris entered the cab she ‘did not of the group and peer pressure combine to force the new recruit into submission to the _ realize that the cab had foreign plates, did not haveameterinsideanddidnothaveacabstand group. on top. She admitted that her inability to Demkowitz says the mind control is the recognize these things was probably caused by greatest evil in the cults. her inability to rationalize. “The PFAL is the main indoctrination of The The car did not turn down the proper street Way, the mind control is the-issue. It is not a but Chris thought the driver was just taking a religious question in my mind, because if you different route. lt turned down a side street and want to believe that this rock is going to give Chris saw two joggers on-both sides of the you salvation, then that is fine as long as you street. decide by your own free will to worship that I’ “The car went between the two joggers, it rock,” said Chris. stopped, both doors opened up, one guy After Chris took the class in Toronto she went grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down. to the Rock of Ages, but ‘before going to the The other guy took my mother and helped her festival she’remembers that in three weeks she out of the car and into the front seat. I started had stopped living with her sister, had moved kicking this guy and yelling at my mother to into a house of “believers” where she was run,” said Christine. sleeping on the floor alongside the believers, “When her mother got into the front seat of hadstopped looking for a job and had’given up the car Christine knew what had happened. “I her life to serve God with the Way International. knew, Satan had. possessed my mother and it “So ‘in .fact, my whole existence was based her fault that she was giving into Satan around the Way International,” said Dem- . was not ad hired thw @&ia~s~%%zin’t know what J&,j~. ’ ’ -apex&:,... :’ .*r,.s:I ++&~ $gtii going to do with me. I was sure I was On her one year&uiting program Chris going to be raped, beaten, tied up, and possibly was sent to Ottawa. “Cults are very interested in even killed, because I didin? now what Satan separating your connection with realityand one would do to me,” explained Chris. way to do that is to do it by separating you from After she had settled down a‘ little, Chris’ your family and friends. All they have to do is mother told her that she just wanted to talk to claim that Cod told them that I should be in her. “This is a classic line because all deOttawa, so I went.” programming is, is a process of giving, the Chris’ sister could not believe her when she cultist an oppoortunity to see things they were was told that Chris was going to Ottawa but not expoTd to in the cult. While in the cult they Chris thought it wag- Satan acting through had -been Separated from the real world by her sister. that caused her to question Chris’ ’ being told that the newspapers, radio and reason for leaving. television were written by Satanic people. While in Ottawa, Chris took another drastic Christine spent three days in a house talking step towards the trap that had been set by the with a deprogrammer and his assistants for 12 cult She had committed herself to a four year Bible Study College which is run by The Way ’ to 15 hoursa day. “Whatdeprogrammingdoes, is it tries to get you to use your own mind to and trains the elite corps of Way members for separate you from. the cult believes and leadership roles in the cult. “These people are environment. They give you food and let you ready to lay down their lives for The Way Intersleep and ask you questions like why do you national,” said Chris. need guns in The Way Corps,” said Chris. In preparation for the college, Chris was ““its a chipping away of a brick wall to get you collecting allthatwasneededwhichwasspelled to think for yourself,” explained Chris. out for her on a two page list. “They tell you tot put names on all your clothes. Men bring-boxer -Once the person begins to think for shorts, women bring briefs, I mean they even tell themselves they go on a rehabilitation program you what kind of underwear to bring with you,” of rest and relaxation that gives them time to said Christine Who expla&!d that this was just think ofwhathappen4to&mand leamhyit another way to stop the member’s thinking did. process. j The importance of extreme thought control During her rehabilitation program Christine by the cult is made evident in Cincinnati had the opportunity to talk to former members magazine’s example. of the Moonies (Unification Church) and the ‘“Don’t think” cultists are warned, Satan HareKrishnaswhotohersurprisehadthesame uses your thoughts to trick you.” When corps or very similar experience as she had had in The members at The Way College of Emporia were , Way International. ordered outside for a late night training session several years ago, most appeared in sweat suits Christine has also worked with otherdeand tennis shoes, prepared to run. “You’re programmers assisting them in helping kids thinking again,” their leader thundered. “Did I like herself. I tell you you were going to run?” Later the group I Today Chris seems to have recovered from was led to a muddy field on campus and drilled her experience in The Way International. She in calisthenics. “Hit your stomachs!” the leader remains cautious of all cultist groups and will shouted . . . “ Stand up and run in place. . . Hit not talk to members for great lengths of time. ’ , YOURbacks!” She is angry at The Way for what they did to One cultist recalls lying on her back in the her, but she realizes that the only way to curb deep mud, thinking she might someday be their success is to educate others. called on to fight communists under similar “! think public education is basically the only conditions. A moment jater, she noticed a thing that is going to make people see the thumping noise behind her, like the sound of danger ot cults andis going to make any kind of muffled drum beats. T ing her head she dent in the wall that these cults have built, discovered the source ofT e sound: an entire financially, mentally, or whatever, the cults are section had followed the order-literally. More growing at an incredible rate.” than a hundred were standing rod-straight, Vic ElacBoumie pounding their backs with their fists. “It turned ExecutiveEditor, The Silhouette, Hamilton my stomach,” she said. First in a Thr@e Pati Series _’

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Letter8 1



Continuedfrom -

Pape 8-c?-

‘pan’ or ‘rave‘ review is irrelevant. It is the fact that Imprint has a responsibility to send someone to write about these performances). But theatre being what it is, the opportunity is lost. Only those who attended, have a record and impression in their mind’s eye of this play. Too bad Imprint does not. Chris Bauman

Profs need butts booted To the Editor: Re: Professors We are the people who contribute most to your salaries yet receive the least in return. “We” are the undergrads @nd we do not meanjust first year people). Contrary to popular belief, we are worth your time and effort. Even if some of us aren’t, we areafraid it is your job as a professor to

teach and to try to help us with our studies. We may not speak as eloquently as some of your insult grad students (no intended tograd students), nor do we publish papers with your names in them, but we are entitled to your attention and help as much as any fee paying student is. 11Angry Undergrads P.S. This complaint does not refer to all of you. Some of you are a great comfort and help to us. But, some others of you definitely need a boot in your pompous butts.

Disarmament a Soviet plot To the Editor: In your October 23rd issue you printed an article entitled “Holding back World War Ill difficult” under the classification “News”. The article was, in fact, an opinion, and hence belonged on the edito-

rial page (or perhaps it should have been classified as an advertisement for Project Ploughshares). This paean to naivete starts out with the statement: “All over the world, people are campaigining to rid the world of nuclear weapons”. Honesty should have compelled the author to say: “Al.1 over the Free World, a vociferous minority of people are campaigning to rid the West of nuclear weapons”. The article then lists recent demonstrations in Bonn, Britain and other places to support this contention. lneluded in the list is the report of an alleged protest in East Germany by a group called the Federation of Evangelical Churches petitioning the East German government to begin unilateral disarmament. This is a cynical attempt to imply that the political pressure for disarmament in Eastern Europe is comparable to that in the West.

This is completely untrue. The campaign in the West is an organized, international movement that merely needs to summon enough support amongst the electorate to have its erroneous proposals enacted. Whatever support there is for disarmament in - the Soviet bloc is minute and powerless in comparison. The few free-thinkers in the East whose voices can be heard, such as Andrei Sakharov and the Charter 77 group in Czechoslovakia urge the West, indeed warn the West, not to disarm. The article then goes on to urge the creation of a“Nuclear Weapon Free Zone” (NWFZ) in Canada, and to prevent the transportation of American nuclear weapons through Canadian territory. I would -remind proponents of this idea, that Japan was a NWFZ - until August 6, 1945. But this proposal will I’m sure be


welcomed by the Kremlin (indeed, it probably originated there). There is nothing the Russians like better than to disrupt Western defences and to drive a wedge between America and its weak-kneed allies. In fact, psychological warfare and disinformation leaked to Western media is the Soviet Union’s most powerful weapon: a weapon it has been using continuously since the inception of the Communist state in 1917. The campaign for _ nuclear disarmamentis merely one manifestation of this fact. Idealistic and wellintentioned people are drawn into it because the constant barrage of Soviet propaganda on the Western psyche has produced a state of mind that is incapable of rational thought. Thus, for example, when North Vietnam attacked South Vietnam, and the United States nobly rushed to the aid of the victim (Good Samaritan?), the entire world exploded with indignation. (And so, the Americans disengaged, exhausted and ashamed, but hoping that the ceasefire agreement of 1973 would hold. It didn’t: the North Vietnamese generously Gave Peace a Chance, found it unsatisfying, and invaded and conquered the South in 1975.) The great irony is that Western Christians do not act to oppose their great and mortal enemy (as their bre-




thren, eg. in Poland, do), but instead, through organizations such as Project Ploughshares, prefer to serve the aims of Soviet Communism. Project Ploughshares takes its name from Isaiah 2:4: “They shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore”. A beautiful idea. So is the idea that crime will disappear, or that disease will be conquered. Do you propose to bring these things about by abolishing policemen and doctors? T. John Willock Computer Science.

Reader annoyed by tactless tampers To the Editor: I am amazed that you allow annoying and offensive comments to appear on the Campus Events page. You have tactlessly tampered with material. Your submitted service page has become a disservice to several organizers. These anonymous stabs at campus groups and events are cowardly. If those responsible for them really wish to publicize their own narrowminded lack of integrity and understanding, they should do so at their own expense, in the editorial section of the paper, with their names beneath. Bev McBride Environmental Studies

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\The splitting of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinkingand thus we drift towards unparalleled catAlbert Einstein astrophe.

There has been little attention given to the cause of disarmament week here on campus, even though it is most certainly an issue of fundamental importance. In Europe, hundreds of thousands of





oviet arms race continues

So, at tremendous cost, the two countries continue the of the arms race -~ escalation (three new warheads each per day), and move the world closer to the ‘unparalleled catastrophe’ that Einstein foresaw. No rational person could possibly want to face a nuclear war and the subsequent collapse of our civili-

most definitely begin the attack. The other side will retaliate. The aggressor, in order to retain his initial advantage, must either respond or be seen as the loser -a position neither of the two super-powers would readily accept. Furthermore, millions of people will have perished and the human instinct for

ages in other areas. For example, the Russians, (even though they control the ‘bread-basket’ of Europe the Ukraine), have suffered tremendous grain shortages. None of the arguments favouring nuclear arms and their continued escalation can be seen as valid simply because each is based on an irrational and irresponsible policy. This policy is leading the world towards nuclear catastrophe. Every U.S. President since Dwight Eisenhower has publicly admitted that there could be no such a thing as victory in a nuclear war. Since the development of ‘The Bomb’, those in power have realised its awesome and horrifying implications. In 1944, the famous nuclear physicist Niels Bohr wrote President Roosevelt; “. .. A weapon of unparalleled power is being created which will completely change all future conditions of warfare... Unless some agreement (to control these new materials) can be obtained in due time, any temporary advantage, however great, may be outweighed by a perpetual menace to human society.”

demonstrators marched the streets of London, Paris, Rome and Bonn, calling for an end to the arms race. Here at home we seem content to watch like bored spectators as the future of our planet is decided in Washington and Moscow. This is hardly surprising however, when one considers that most Canadians have traditionally been inactive & uninterested. Since this week has been set aside for the pursuit of peace it is only appropriate that some attention be given to the issues at stake, in a feeble effdrt to convince someone - anyone - that the time for action is now. Well, here goes. At present, the United Nations Centre for Disarmament estimates there are probably forty thousand nuclear warheads in the world, and ninety-five per cent of these are controlled by the two world super-p0 wers. The U.S. is estimated to have over 9,200 strategic warheads while the Russians have at least 6,000. The total explosive capacity of all these warheads combined amounts to three tons of T.N.T. for every human on earth, or, if you wish, it is equivalent to about one million Hiroshima bombs. Try for a minute to envisage the Hiroshima nightmare and the loss of 200,000 lives; now extend that vision a millionfold and you will have begun to comprehend the reality. The cost of developing, maintaining, and deploying nuclear weapons is phenomenal and exact statistics are hard to find. If however, we examine the U.S. defense budget we may begin to see the ‘expense involved. President Carter’s proposed military budget for fiscal year 1982 was 196.4 billion dollars. Reagan has added another $52 billion to that bringing the total to almost $250 billion. Exact figures are not readily available for the Soviet Union but we must assume they are equally as staggering.


zation. Why then does the race continue? Let us briefly look at some reasons for its unabated progress. The U.S. claims that nuclear weapons act as a deterent to an aggressive Soviet nuclear military policy. Perhaps ironically, the Soviets make the same claim about the U.S. This is sheer lunacy and must be recognized as such. Conventional weapons may act as deterrents; but, if a nuclear bomb was considered protection, why is it necessary to have a first-strike weapon such as the neutron bomb or the cruise missile? Furthermore, even retaliatory or secondstrike warheads would only be needed in quantities large enough to ensure the aggressor’s country is destroyed. One Trident submarine can fire enough misslJes to depopulate most of I-ussia, and the U.S. has an entire fleet. To further exemplify the irrationality of a deterrent policy let us use as an example the MX system being developed in the States. Briefly, it centres on a process whereby missiles are shuffled between several hundred silos in order that the Soviets cannot be sure which silo contains a potential target. However, the Soviets, in an effort to deter this threat, have but one option - they must build a missile for each silo, thereby guaranteeing what they perceive to be an equilibrium. The result is simply a further escalation of arms build-up. Another argument used to support nuclear arms is the concept of a ‘limited nuclear engagement’. In recent weeks, the American president has said this was a definite possibility and has used it as a justification for the placement of more warheads in Europe. It was this argument which prompted the massive protest demonstrations in the northern European capitals. Consider the scenario wherein missiles fly between East-Block and Western European countries. One side will

revenge could easily take precedent over an appeal to rationality. The traditional argument favouring U.S. nuclear arms has been the menace of the Soviet Union; a fear enforced by the invasion of Afghanistan. It is very important to recognize some facts concerning this fear. The U.S. dropped the first atomic bomb which began the arms race of the last thirty-six years. At the time, the Russians were their allies yet, the Americans and the British withheld all nuclear arms information from them. Geographically, the Soviet Union is surrounded by NATO countries in Europe, and by China in Asia. Realistically, the Russians have far more to be worried about than do the Americans. In terms of the latest round of Cold War rhetoric, it was President Reagan and Secretary of State Haig who lashed out at the Soviets after their election. No, the Russians aren’t innocent but neither are they guilty of an unfounded desire for security. I am not defending their policy, rather the attempt is to illustrate that our fear of the Russians is not unlike their fear of us. Although it is not often voiced, another reason for the current arms race is centred on the premise that ‘big business’ finds it a profitable venture. Each time an incident arises which moves us closer to war the stock market receives a boost. For instance, after the invasion of Afghanistan, stocks in metals, or other warrelated companies, rose considerably. The corporations which build arms for their respective governments, do so at a considerable profit -that is no secret. The influence of these corporations on government policy is also no secret. Yet, what happens to those countries where stock-piling of weapons is reaching astronomical proportions. In the Soviet Union, a possible result has been drastic short-

that the SALT talks had was symbolic, and unfortunately, symbolic gestures which legitimize nuclear arms will not stop the arms race nor prevent the inevitable catastrophe awaiting us. The only hope lies in the people. If we oppose nuclear arms then we must voice our opinions. Through our active support of groups like Project Ploughshares, based on &this campus, we can affect government policy. Perhaps this will be shrugged aside as idealistic or unrealistic. After all, how will the Soviets ever


hear our protests. The point is that the Soviets will not change their policy until the Americans decide to take the initiative towards nuclear disarmament. Can Canadians hope to affect U.S. policy? Perhaps the protest is futile or unrealistic, however, to face the reality of today is far too frightening. Bertrand Russell, in a statement signed by Albert Einstein, wrote in opposition of nuclear weapons saying; We appeal as human beings to human beings: Remember your humanity andforget the rest. Dave Petrasek

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The two superpowers have managed to at least sit down and discuss disarmament but, to date, no agreement has been reached. Some may argue that the SALT accords were in effect an agreement to limit nuclear expansion. However, the substance of SALT 1 was essentially that both sides agreed not to produce more than two warheads per day. SALT 11, which has never been ratified by the U.S. Congress, allowed a maximum of three warheads each day. The only real importance

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tional sleeve, including record giveaways, free passes, a huge doorprize, plus more.) And The Dice intend to rock and roll the night away, with tunes old and new. Lima and associates have been fervently working on their upcoming album at Grant Studios in Hamilton and it appears top-notch. “The new stuff has a jungle sound to it, sort of Policey, Stonsey,” says operations manager David Finch. “It’s great to move around to. Lima’s hit a new plateau.” The Dice EP including Typical Lies and Ain’t Gonna Lose No More, released through Records on Wheels’ Nardem Records is doing well right across Canada, says Dice bassist Trevor Russell. And the single Young and the Wild/Tired of Living Like This, should soon be released in England, through Inferno Distributors. The single features Lady Di and Prince Charles, superimposed on a Union Jack. With a cover like this, how can The Dice lose?


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Dice roll into Waterloo The Dice are back in town and the Waterloo Motor Inn’s got them! Friday, October 30 will be a night of sickness to remember because when Lima, Trev and Hayden hit the stage - anything can happen. See them now! It may be your last local chance. The Dice Hallowe’en Bash, brought to you by Records on

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These three talented area youths have gone a long way in a short time and if you haven’t yet rolled with The Dice, you are missing out. It’ll only cost you $4.99 a ticket for a night you won’t soon forget. Joining The Dice on this night of nights, are special. guests the Dave Cooper Band, featuring Gabe Lee. Now, this band is an interesting concept. And if you’ve seen them at the Sulphur or at Nick’s in Blair, you’ll know what I mean. Dave Cooper, accomplished lead guitarist, of the


famed Ian Thomas and Brian Plummer Bands has decided to grab his own spotlight. He played two albums with Thomas and two with Plummer including recent release I’m as Guilty as You. Plummer has since disbanded and Dave freelanced for a while for his musical supper. Variety is the spice of the Dave Cooper band. “We all took songs we really like, 60’s pop tunes, you know, early Animals, Stones, Doors. The band is definitely influenced by that era. But there’s the usual

crap you have to play as well,“’ said Dave. The rock sets sure set feet a-tapping. But when Gabe grabs the spotlight, the feeling is definitely new wave. With, his boyish good looks, and alluring stage presence, Lee can pull off any Elvis Costello, Talking Heads or Future Shock, one of his four original rockers with no problem at all. The boys are also planning a monstrous New Year’s Eve Bash, the locale as yet unnamed. Coral Andrews

KWSO brings piano solos *. K-W Chamber Music Society again leads the way with the K-W area’s first series of solo piano concerts by leading professional artists. Not since Anto Kuerti’s traversal of the Beethoven Sonatas under KWCMS’ sponsorship in 197879 has there been a full series of solo piano concerts in a large auditorium in this area. This season we bring four distinguished artists to WLU’s Theatre-Auditorium on four Sunday evenings, presenting major works of the keyboard literature. November 8: Boris Krajny, distinguished Czech pianist, is the veteran of several world tours with the renowned Prague Chamber Orchestra, as well as solo appearances throughout Europe, North America and elsewhere. Winner of the 5th

International Piano Competition in Citta de Senigallia, Italy (1977), with many recordings to his credit, this artist is one of Europe’s most distinguished pianists. January 10: Janina Fialkowska, from Montreal, is in the opinion of no less than Arthur Rubensteain one of the world’s greatest younger pianists. She has performed with many of the great orchestras of the world, including the Philadelphia, Concertgebouw, London Philharmonia, and many more. Her recordings of Liszt and Chopin, released in Great Britain, were lavishly praised. She is now on the staff of the Julliard School in New York as well. February 14: Ronald Smith, from. the United Kingdom, has one of

the world’s finest techniques. He is the undisputedauthority and primary exponent of the incredibly difficult works of 19th-century French pianist and composer Charles Valentin Alkan. Mr. Smith is an inspiring teacher as well as one of the day’s great masters of the keyboard. March 7: Jane Coop, former pupil of Anton Kuerti and newly professor of piano at the University of British Columbia, recently made her Carnegie Hall debut to critical acclaim. She has performed all over Canada, and in the U.S.A. in solo, chamber and orchestral concerts. Subscriptions,to the series are $30 (reserved), $20 (general) and $10 (student) available at WLU Faculty of Music or from KWCMS; for information call 886-1673.

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The Arts

ou meet Sh aw I

Self lets There is the insufferable GBS, as cocksure of the correctness of his arguments as he is of his own genius. there is the visionary Shaw, playwright and political philospher of catholic interests who saw injustice around him and tried to tell mankind how it could be ended. And there is theastonishingly human Bernard, who agonizes over his shortcomings, celebrates his personal triumphs, laughs, and weeps. Donal Donnelly’s monologue My Astonishing Self, presented last Saturday evening in the Theatre of the Arts as part of the UW Arts Centre’s Theatre Series, showed us these and other aspects of the public and private Shaw. Donnelly potrayed him sometimes with subtle humour, sometimes with evocative pathos, but always with empathy for the character with which he seems to have become so intimately acquainted. Donnelly has taken this show across North America and through Britain and Ireland, and has himself an impressive acting career on Broadway and elsewhere. It is a pity that a show of this calibre could attract only a two thirds capacity crowd at the Theatre of the Arts. If people stayed away because they felt that they did not know enough about Shaw to enjoy the programme, they missed an excellent opportunity to be introduced to the many facets of this eccentric character. The show, superbly devised by Michael Voysey, was a biographical study of Shaw, tracing not on!y the important eventsin hislife, but also the development of his thought. The first half of the programme concentrated on the public Shaw, the young Shaw, and surveyed his beliefs on everything from, doctors, to poverty, and Christianity. The talented Donnelly, working from a script





carefully crafted by Voysey, moved from one episode toanother with elan. Inone five minute span, we were taken from Shaw’s complaints about the dress codes in theatres, to his distain for the medical profession, ending with his protests against the vivisectionists. * The second half introduced us to the aging Shaw reflecting on his personal life, a part of Shaw that does not often come through in his dramatic or polemical works. By designing the show in such a fashion, Voysey and Donnelly not only add drama to the one man show, but help us better appreciate Shaw, especially the cynicism for which he is famed. For by showing imperfections of the human Shaw, by showing how he relates to the personal tragedy of the death of his wife, for instance, we learn that his cynicism, his ceaseless criticizing of the evils of poverty, violence, and injustice that surrounds him, was not the cranky whining of a self-righteous man, but the despair of a man who loved, and above all respected, his fellow man, and who wished for a better life for those whom he saw suffering at the bottom of the Shavian cynicism is a profound optimism; he. expected life to be fair and just, and cries out, often as a lone voice in the wilderness, when he saw that it was not. Shaw voiced his opinions most effectively through a uniquely wry humour. His witticisms, however, are most often very cerebral, not picaresque or bawdy, and therefore very difficult to use as the stuff of an evening long monologue. But although the pacing was necessarily slow and the mood reserved, Donnelly managed nevertheless to hold our attention, partially through the dramatic development of the aging Shaw, and partially by varying the mode from recitations of letters or articles, to


Equators, Ska. That is the only description of the music played by a skinhead band called the Villains. Ska is ‘fun’ music crazy, inane, nutty music. The Villains bring together everyone. You can find skin-

Villains heads, punkers, rockers, disco ducks, and many other forms of music lovers at any of their concerts. This weird.

band During

is definitely a concert in

hit WMI Vancouver, the Villains were arrested, jailed, and then deported as illegal immigrants (they hail from England.) They will be playing at the Waterloo Motor Inn on Thursday, November 4 at 8:00 p.m. Appearing with them will be a group called the Equators, a six piece reggae band from Birmingham (also in England). Their energy is fantastic and infectious. It’s a pulsing sound to which you have to dance. If you can’t dance to the Equators, you have got to be dead. The two bands will fit together like pieces of the same puzzle. It is bound to be an excellent party, and it is recommended that you are present. Tickets, available at the Federation of Students office, are $5.00 for Feds and $6.00 for all y ou other space cadets. Remember that date Thursday, Nov. 4th - at the Waterloo Motor Inn. Be there or be square. Cliff Goodman ,

speeches from the podium, to with the audience. But most of all his success impersonating but in embodying the audeince was as engrossed watching a resurrected Shaw

De Burgh predictable This time, Chris de Burgh didn’t cancel his Kitchener concert. It’s been three years since he cancelled at the Lyric, but it was worth the wait. Opening the concert was a Toronto-based band, Big Shot. These five men were adequate, though hardly exciting. Pick any typical AM radio song and you have their sound down pat. The most noticeable of the band were the piano and the sax. The latter was incredibly good and he managed quite easily to steal the focus from the other members. It isn’t any wonder that de Burgh made extensive use of him later on in the show. Though he was not asgood as the sax and flute player, the man on keyboards was proficient. But if he had done more playing and less swaying, he would have been vastly better. Not surprisingly, Big Shot was also back up band for de Burgh. Under his direction, the band improved greatly it was hard to tell they were the same group. De Burgh gave them the focus they needed. What can one say about Chris de Burgh? I went in steeled for disappointment. I was wrong. De Burgh was fantastic. Fabulous. And just plain good (an overworked word, but it fits so well.) Of course all his big hits were on the programme Spanish Train, Crusader, The Spaceman, Broken Wings and (the show wouldn’t have been complete without it) Patricia the Stripper, even though he did make us wait until the encore. He filled out the show with some of his nicest tunes, those guaranteed to be liked by everyone. Even the selections off Easter Winds (The Traveller, Eastern Wind, Record Company Bash) were all right - perhaps the only likeable songs on the album. De Burgh’s stage presence, though predictable, was well done and enjoyable to watch. He had perfected his hand actions to the point that they hardly looked rehearsed. During Spanish Train, cardboard poker hands flew into the audience. Nice touch. He even had a word for the press critics in the audience. But the song that stole the sl~ow as The Painter. After getting the audience to howl like wolves he went right into the character of a man driven crazy by a cheating wife. It was perfect, right down to the fake fight with the bass guitarist


simple chatting was not just in Shaw, so that as if they were (he would not





15 -


have minded thisanology) recount his own life. Donnelly was so good, in fact, that one left the theatre thinking not about the actor’s performance, but about Shaw himself whom you had to keep reminding yourself that you didn’t just meet. David Dubinski

performance fun; but impressive and the men in white coats carrying him away. (I know you could see it coming. But it was still fun.) I feel almost compelled to find something wrong with the show. There really wasn’t anything. Well, they did put a mike into the bass drum, making sure its sound would bounce around in every ribcage in the theatre. And the spots were a little bit off their timing. But that was only because Marvin, the lighting

man, was working without his pants (so we heard). Other than these minor, unimportant details, the show was perfect, if perfection can be achieved. The audience had fun. Chris de Burgh had fun. You really can’t ask for more from a performer. I only hope it isn’t another three years before Chrisde Burgh comes back to Kitchener. Frankly, I don’t think we can wait that long. Cathy McBride

l’ighter directioe could takeKL6far It seems difficult to define with any accuracy the basic character of Toronto’s KL8. The euphemism “rock fundamentals” is as valid as any in describing the essence of the band’s musical bat kbone. This concept of relative technical simplicityservesasa firm foundation for the overlying vocals steeped in minor harmonies and conscious non-harmonies and staccato rhythms. They dabble in white ska and in early Talking Heads brand of lyrics. Playing the Kent on Friday night was a prelude to the band’s opening for Simple Minds on Saturday at the Humanities Theatre. They took advantage of the casual atmosphere, indulging the patrons with such songsas the bluesy Rocket Ruby, a fusion of the carnivalesque Doors melody and Magazine’s Devolike vocals. Other tunes included Clown which injecteda

bit of Clapton into the guitar solo; You’re Chic, satire borne in the Rolling Stones and Roxy Music, with an appropriately executed vocal bridge terminating with the words: “Come on baby let’s breed” in a pouty Brian Ferry/David Byrne voice. KL8 has managed to spice their meat-and-potatoes instrumental virtues with saucy time changes, banal non-harmonies (in the tradition of contemporary classical music and avant-garde lab-rock), and assortedsurface effects. They were well received. And although the band exhibited some weaknesses (a tendency to overindulge in frilly effects with self-gratuitous intent) on the whole they showed promise and a willingness to experiment in earnest. A little direction could go a long way. Dan Ayad

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Acker Bilk performancb It was disconcerting to say the least! There were all these teenagers scribbling madly on foolscap before, during and after Acker Bilk and the Paramount Jazz Band came on stage to do what they came to do. It was not exactly a night of punk or new wave or even good 01’ rock and roll! What were they all doing here? Well as it turns out, they were writing some kind of school report. Good luck to them. The audience could sit down and tally up their list of songs, and unless they knew jazz well, there would be a few numbers that they ’ couldn’t name inSunday night’s performance. Of course, old favourites and well knowns such as Sweet Georgia Brown, Moodlnterual, Autumn Leaves, I Only Have Eyes For You and Acker Bilk’s own hits, Aria and Stranger on the Shore which were easily recognizable. As for the rest, sorry folks. The students writing the reports may not have noticed the one thing I found extremely _ lacking. There was no place to dance. The Centre in the Square was full and everyone sat - tapping toes, nodding heads or swaying shoulders in time to the infectious jazz beat. But there was nowhere to dance! Why, even Hamilton Place lets its patrons dance in the aisles when the mood overtakes them!/The Centre ought to take it into consideration.

Now the students writing reports of this evening made copious notes (I sat near four and their pen scratching drove me crazy). I’m sure that they noted the group’s balance and tone were excellent. They probably took into consideration the wonderful sound system and the well rehearsed lights and‘ad lib’. I’m sure some of them noted the dry; subtle and sometimes groaning humour of Acker Bilk. They would have given rave reviews of The Flintstones, featuring an incredibly comic double bass solo by Tut ker Finlayson (say his name three times fast in a row.) This number received the most enthusiastic response all night, and it deserved it. Acker Bilk’s Paramount Jazz Band was made up of Mike Cotton on trumpet, Campbell Burnap on trombone (with vocals sounding like a trombone as well), Colin Wood on piano and flute, Ritchie Bryant on drums, and the aforementioned Tucker Finlayson on double bass.’ Mike Cotton was a more natural showman than Acker Bilk but he kept in the background so as not to be distracting. Colin Wood played a sympathetic and sometimes dazzling piano. He was the member least bothered by the toobright spots because he wasn’t facing the audience. Acker Bilk excelled in his own work. He has a way of crooning notes out of his

Show- h;ghlights


In an excellent performance Monday night, Cedric Smith and Ross Douglas brought the much-acclaimed Canadian show, Billy Bishop Goes to War to the Humanities Theatre. It deserves the acclaim. Billy Bishop is one of those rare things: a show that -appears simple, and when you think about it, it isn’t. But everything is right there, out in the open. Billy Bishop, the boy from Owen Sound, whc. Aot kicked out of R~MC as the worst student ever (well, for starters, he handed his crib notes in with the exam -) and ended up in the war - as one of the most decorated fighter aces of the war, with 72 kills to his name. It is an evening with Bishop, and he is telling us how he got into this game, and sometimes he shows us that it isn’t a game at all. # These are not new ideas. War has been punctured by humour for many years (M*A*S*H springs immediately to mind) but they do not show the reason why wars go on, and Billy Bishop does tell us, a little. He likes it. He likes the killing; the dogfights are the greatest high he has ever had. The people cease to exist. At one point (when he had 42 kills, three less than Albert Ball had before he died) he resists being taken off duty, because he needs three more Aills. (‘“Flying doesn’t mean a thing. I can’t fly worth shit. It’s the shooting that makes the kill. I always shoot for the man.“) And then, near the end, he splits open a German two-seater, not harming the men inside, and they fall over a thousand feet and he can do nothing - save them or kill them. Sometimes the horror comes through. Again. The last time the play came to UW, in 1979, the narratorpianist was John Gray (coauthor, director, too) and Eric Peterson played Bishop and the other 17 characters. I didn’t miss them at all. It was wonderfully done (although I admit I had wax in my ears during the songs; I did not always catch the lyrics) by -Messrs. Smith and DougIas.


Imagination was the key: a minimum of props in the first act (although the second act suddenly had a full-size, biplane at the back of the stage). We laughted. We listened to Billy tell us about his life,


but not great

clarinet that make couples edge a little closer, and bring lumps to the throats of others. (i was there, I saw them.) As far as conclusions go, I suppose some of the pen scratchers would have a great deal to say about combinations of styles, tone, quality and colour. These things were all good. The showmanship was - comfortable and qualitative. The show had, asAcker Bilk,described


“one song, “a beginning, a middle and an end.” But that was it. There was not the added spirit, oomph, whatever you want to call it, which makes a show great. : “In my. opinion, a non-discriminating audience gave Acker Bilk and the Paramount Jazz Band a standing ovation they did n3t deserve. I’m sure no student reporter-writer took notice. I did. Patricia L. Shore

Simple MindIs concert: Isisbetter in the studio


to watch (for a while, anyway). Michael Saturday night’s Simple Minds concert at the Humanities Theatre was a study in MacNeil’s synthesizers provided a formidable dichotomies. wall of sound, and Charles Burchill’s use of f First, there was the venue itself. ‘Hum’ is an guitar-synthesizer effects was fascinating. Very seldom was the “normal” electric guitar excellent theatre. It has a nice big stage, and sound heard. It is refreshing to hear a band use there isn’t a bad seat in the house; but the presence of the seats themselves was a major synthesizers as musical instruments and not problem. To me, one of the most attractive just as noise-makers. (Those people who saw Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark at elements of Simple Minds music is the postBingeman Park experienced another band disco dance beat that dominates most of their that does this well.) songs. Unfortunately, the whole was somewhat The best way to listen to Simple Minds is while standing, so that you can move with the less than the sum of its partsThe sound was cluttered and many of the vocals were unmusic. This was possible only to a limiten decipherable. I’m sure that this was largely a degree; one of the usherettes even told me to result of the volume level. I like loud music as take .a seat when I was standing up in the much or more than the next guy, but I thought balcony. ,Talk about destroying a mood! Then there was the warm-up act, a Toronto that Simple Minds were just too loud. band called Klo. There are two opposing ways They played a set that lasted about 50 minutes (which I have come to expect - long in which I can view an opening act: watched him change, and at gone are the days of two-hour plus concerts, 1) as an extra treat - something to be enthe end gave . a standing. joyed while waiting for the headliner, or with a few exceptions). I don’t know how they ovation. did it, but within those 50 minutes, the show Pretty damn good for a- 2) as an extra bother - something to be actually dragged in spots. Now, even the best endured while waiting for the headliner. mediocre Canadian. of groups tend to get monotonous once in a KLo had two or three interesting songs, but So if you get a chance to see while. The Beatles’ Hey Jude is a prime not enough to earn category 1 status. Most of the show, do it. example: two minutes of song and five minutes the time they sounded like a bad imitation of John McM&n XTC (which is a favourite of mine - if they had of fade out. But in a 50 minute set! And on top of this, their encore consisted of two songs that sounded like a good imitation of XTC, KLo had been played earlier in the evening. This -may have been tolerable). They played too from a band with four albums under their belts. loudly and for much too long. I felt insulted in a way. I would have preferred This brings us to the evening’s main attraction, Simple Minds, a 3- to 4-year old no encore. Saturday’s show displayed that Simple band from Scotland. I knew a little bit about Minds is primarily a studio band. They didn’t their music, having heard three of their four imitation and has developed look like they were enjoying themselves records a couple times each. I liked what I had his own distinctive sound.(although they didn’t look like they weren’t, heard, and was looking forward to seeing and The playing on his solo hearing what they were like live. either) and the whole show didn’t have the albums leans towards simHerein lies the biggest dichotomy of the “feel’! of a good concert. Too bad. They have a plicity, but that is part of its lot of excellent material and are obviously very evening. charm. Careful listening retalented. Would I go “to see them again? I was very impressed with the individual veals rhythm playing that is, in musical talents displayed by the members of Maybe, if they played someplace like the short, amazing. I feel that the the group. Brian McGee’s drumming was Concert Hall in Toronto, but not in a staid hall strongest aspect of the guitar like the Humanities Theatre. powerful and intense, yet precise and intricate. playing of Jimi Hendrix (conAt least Saturday evening was not a total letDerek Forbes bass playing was solid and very, sidered by many to be the best down. The Dodgersdid beat the Yankees. very funky - not bad for a white dude. Jim rock guitarist of the lot) was Kerr has a good singing voice, and he was fun Peter Scheffel . ’ his rhythm work; same with , Spedding. It’s not as flashy as soloing, but so much more can be accomplished. Playing two different rhythms simultaneously, or rhythm-and-lead October 30 i it has to be heard to be Friday, believed. Renowned guitarist Liona Boyd and conductor Timothy Vernon with the K-W I don’t want to sound like I Symphony. 800 p.m. Centre in the Square. $15.00; Students/Seniors $12.00. \ : 4 am underplaying Spedding’s soloing abilities though, Saturday, October 31 T either. When he does decide to cut loose, watch out! But Liona Boyd at Centre in the Square. See Friday. you don’t have to listen to me. Artistic Endeavours presents All Hallow’s Eve Bash featuring Carsickness plus Roy Harper had the following Wars in Transit, the Masterbeats and Nach Dem Tode. Doors open at 7:00 p.m., bands to say about Spedding’s performance on a song of his begin at 8:00 p.m. $5 advance, $6 at the door, Upstairs at the Kent. called The Game. 570 CHYM and COEA present Bob Dylan. 8:00 p.m. Kitchener Memorial Such a bloody poseur! Here I’d Auditorium. All reserved seats $15.00. written this guitarist’s night-

war ace.

Top guitarist coming t0 town Chris Spedding is one of those musicians that has be-j come popular with other musicians and with that elite group of critics and fans who are really on top of the rock music scene. His name is not that well known on this side of the Atlantic, but his guitar playing has, I’m sure, been heard bya lot of people; he has played on albums by Elton John, Harry Nilsson, Gilbert O’Sullivan, David Essex, Jim Capaldi, Mike Bat+ Bryan Ferry, Brian Eno, Joan Armatrading, and Robert Gordon. That’s a pretty impressive list of references. Why is Spedding not that well know? Two reasons: 1) lack of airplay - CFNY is the only radio station I know of in this area that plays any of his tunes and, 2) Inone of his six solo albums have been released domestically, and not very many people are willing to spend $15.00 on a single (import) record. Allof whichisreallytoobad. Chris Spedding is one of the best rock guitarists in the business. Period. At the age of 37, he has been around for quite a while, starting out at about the same time as all those “guitar heroes” of the late sixties - Hendrix, Clapton, Beck, Page, etc. - and Spedding is in the same league as all of them. Listening to his music, it is evident that Spedding shares some of the same influences and inspirations as all those other guys,, especially Beck and Clapton. But like all great guitarists he has gone far past




Coming Events

mare with this very strange key change, and he comes in with a white vest and tiaistcoat, his hair greased back, a Gibson in one hand, a Fender in the other. He wanders into the centre of the studio and does’ it in one take. The bugger! Rouser Press

Quite a number of the great guitar players from the sixties are still playing.,- but few of them are still interesting and/ or innovati$e. Chris Spedding is one of the few. He is playing at Bingeman Park next Friday, November 6. Ticket pricesare $6.00 (Fed members) and $7.00 (non-Feds). Do yourself a favour. Don’t pass upme chance to experience ‘Chris Spedding. Peter




Saga with special




8:00 p.m. Centre



$8.50 & $9.50.

8:00 p.m. Waterloo


Inn. Feds




BENT presents Waterloo Motor

in the Square.

5 and The Equators.

Martimb Tirimo in Cgncert. Live CBC Greece. Spnsored by WLU Music Faculty. students/seniors $4.00. 570 CHYM




BENT presents The Villains $5.00, Others $6.00. .



taping of this remarkable pianist from 8:00 p.m. Humanities Theatre. $6.00;

8jOO p.m. Centre

in the Square.

$15.00, $12.


Chris Spedding, Guitarist Inn. Feds $6.00, Others $7.00.

extraordinaire. -.






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The Arts I!Cathk Aaloka, the distinguished dancer from India, is performing at the University of Waterloo, on Nov. 4, 1981 at 4:30 p.m. in the Humanities Theatre as part of the World of Dance series. This is her here second performance since her premiere in Canada on March 21. In these months, Aaloka has been performing and teaching in many cities of the U.S.A. and Canada. On Nov. 5, a day after her performance at UW, Aaloka goes on a tour overseas for four months. Here is a brief evaluation of her unusually brilliant work. As a newcomer to our country, we should welcome her with all our gusto! Like most people in this country, I know little about the dances and the arts of the countries in the East. So it was something of a revelation to me when, accompanied by two young children, 10 and 12, I happened to see a performance by a dancer from India. It was March 21, full moon and the first day of spring. The dance was called The Eternal Dunce of Spring: The Legend of Krishna; the dancer Aaloka, ‘The Radiant One’. Without any reservations, I must say that it was quite simply exquisite! I have no doubt that perhaps I understood only a small fraction of all the delicate and subtle gestures and meanings in this solo dance-drama, nevertheless I was deeply moved by its immense vitality. My children too, and the rest of the audience - comprising many young children and women in their 80’s, all equally unfamiliar with Indian music or dance, were visibly enchanted. It was not something merely exotic that had so captured our attention, but somewhere a deeper universal chord had been touched in us all. Beyond obvious cultural differences, beyond distinctions in aesthetic preferences, Aaloka had presented a great spiritual allegory in a most colourful manner. This 22 year old dancer from India had arrived in our land in the middle of January to make Canada her new home. At the University of Waterloo this was her premiere performance of a dance-drama she had composed in India and performed just a few hours before she left the country. Aaloka came her knowing little how her dance would be received here or by whom. Yet in her Indian sandals, on her arrival here, she touched the snow for the first time and was filled with a child’s joy; she felt confident that the whole world is a stage and that people everywhere would respond to her art. Watching her perform at the Theatre of the Arts, one knew how right she was. Aaloka dances in Kathak style, a dance form that originated and flourished in north India. It is over 2,000 years old and is one of the several Indian classical dances. It is thus part of a rich cultural heritage that goes back to at least 4,000 years. Kathak was initially performed in temples as a way of worship and cefebration. it was employed to present a dance-drama, to narrate a

dancer to perform



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“A Better Way to Buy Books” The Academic Book Club has expanded the idea of a traditional book club into a completly new and unique concept.

Save 20 - 40% on any book in print! Saveup to 80%on selectedtitks NO GIMMICKS AND NO HARD SELL story - the term katha~ literally means ‘story teller’ based on the great Hindu epics, the Ramauana and the Mahabharta. For centuries, the source of greatest inspiration to Kathak dancers was the Hindu god Krishna. Krishna is the most colour-ml of Indian gods, at once an Apollo, a Zeus and a Dionysus and more. As a god of love and music, Krishna is said to evoke love not fear, delight not anger. All this is now stuff of history. Yet Aaloka talks about it as though the legends and the long history of India happened only yesterday. In one way or another, she has lived the legends and the history of dance since she was a little girl. Something of a child prodigy, Aaloka started learning and performing at the age of six. “A stage, “she says,“&he most exciting place in the world. I could quite happily dwell there all my life.” Prodded by her parents, Aaloka learned dancing under one Guru after another. She didn’t quite know how to write - “I cried when I wrote the exams,” yet she was awarded a B.A. in danceat the age of 13. For her dances, there was always the thunderous ovation, always the ‘ohs’ and ‘ahs’. yet the most aroused responses from her audiences came when Aaloka performed ‘pure Kathak’, displaying dexterous foot-work to the beats of the tabla. “I would go round and round in one spot, taking 80 to 100 turns, with my sari whirling and my bodyina state of some rhythmic frenzy . . . the audience loved it. My guru wanted me to strive for 120 or 150 turns. It was so very thrilling.” She paused for a moment, and then ‘added

quietly, “But that’s not really dancing, that’s acrobatics. What is thrilling often distr;l.::ts from what is profound. I feel that for the sake of ecstasy, one has to forego ;r?any pleasures.” Now at the University of Waterloo, Aaloka danced for almost two hours, assuming 21 different roles,fromacobra to a child Krishna, wore 175 bells, weighing 15 pounds. In moments of fast-paced motion, all bells rang out in orchestral celebration; at other moments, she diminished movement and sound to such stillness that only a single bell gave out its sound. The effect was hypnotic. For the sake of the audience not familiar with the

legend of Krishna, the story was briefly narrated before each act as Aaloka mimed it., But her dance was so expressive and her presence on the stage so full of certitude that one followed the complex legend quite effortlessly. One after another, as the characters in the drama kept emerging from and submerging into one irrefutable presence, the central tenet of nondualistic Hinduism itself became evident in the symbolic structure of the solo dancedrama. Aaloka’s portrayal of the struggle of Krishna with the demon-cobra Kali,and the longing of Radha, the beloved of Krishna, were asfine works of art as one has witnessed I anywhere.

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:-Th Chasing Paper Steve Blimkie Ready Records

ArtsRecordb) Tigers

I was handed thisalbumand given one measly day to write a, review. And I actually did it. There is a lttle you should’ know about the band before you kno.w about this, their second album. Steve Blimkie,


whose name is, by coin cidence, the same as that of the band, is a twenty-two year old hailing from Chalk River. The other artists (who make up the part of the band called The Reason) are Dave Betts (drums), Derry Grehan (guitar and vocals), Doug Ruston (bass and vocals), and Kim Mitchell (former guitarist

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for Max Webster). Steve Blimkie and The Reason have toured as warm-up band for such notables as XTC, The Ramones, and Marthaand the Muffins. And now fans and friends, the album. Chasing Paper Tigers is an interesting blend of rock and roll and new wave. Ridin’ Into the Night, the first cut, is definitely AM radio music. It is a short piece which leaves a semi-country aftertaste in your head. The only other cut on the first side worth listening to is a piece called You’re Boring. There is excellent bass playing, a good solo by one of the guitarists, but the drums-are not as loud as they could be. The second side starts out with Gimme A Taste. This is FM rock at its best. The only problem is that the guitar is, at times, a trifle too loud. On the last two cuts: IDon’t Want To Know and Breakdown, Steve sounds a lot like Elvis Costello. Unfortunately, the choruses of ninety percent of the pieces are the title, repeated over and over and over again. Steve Blimkie and The Reason will be with us on that night of nights, Hallow’s Eve, when they will play for your entertainment in the dining hall of Village One. As for myself, I won’t be there. You see, a certain dragon fan takes precedence over any group, no matter how good they are. And Blimkie is good. Cliff Goodman


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Saga Worlds Apart Maze Records Rupert Hine produced this disc. in essence, all that needs be said. The continuing saga of Saga plods on and none but one can dance to save us from the divine mockery of words. This Canadian band has found a wealth of laudits and a persuasion of fans to rival the hungry multitudes - overseas. By that I mean they have become virtual superstars in such countries as Germany, Italy, and Belgium, while remaining obscure in their country of origin. Their initial fusion of Genesis with FM styles of music has evolved, over the course of several albums (Saga, Images at Twilight, Silent Knight etc.) and their corresponding tours, to a sound profuse with strata of synthesizer chirpings and wailings. And obviously it is exactly what their present following is looking for. But. Enter their latest endeavour, Worlds Apart, and the sage, isolationist ideologies of Rupert Hine vanguard producer, artiste, and <allround twinkie. He has immersed himself in projects with such figures as Bowie, Marianne Faithful, and Anthony Philips, and is pleasingly obvious on Saga’s Worlds Apart. He has imposed a spartan sparseness in the mikeing and mixing which remains in character with his musical philosophies. The resulting album is a refreshing, though still somewhat predictable, anthology of tunes representing the chasm.

The Gap. Differences in opinion. Dreams against reality. Hope arguing with cynicism. Ideology discrediting pragmatism. (Youth vs. Age?) Well, at least that’s what I understood of it. Then again, maybe I’m overestimating the allusory intentions and profundity of those nice boys from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. But that’s my folly. Maybe they’re just nicesounding lyrics that mean beans-all. One thing that has remained consistent is that recurring theme present in the form of the patented Sagainsect-humanoid. To any Saga followers this piece of music will seem at first strange, but is sure to become a true jewel in their continuing Saga discography, with much credit due to Saga’s courage in innovating and Rupert Hine’s oblique opinions on how music should sound. Dan Ayad








UW leaves Western








w%FlELDr.. MAN






to mud, biased callb The rugby Trojans (Waterloo’s junior varsity) got much more than they bargained for in a recent bout with Western. In fact the casualty total before the game ended included a broken finger, a broken nose and assorted contusions. According to one Waterloo player they encountered a fundamental problem: “We were there to play rugby and they were there for something else.” Western’s Field was a disaster, flooded beyond the point of being usable. The officials demonstrated painfully obrious bias, calling Waterloo ignoring roughness while Western’s - rough overtures; eventually after threatening innumerable times to eject one particularly aggressive Western player, the referee asked a Waterloo player to leave the field when he retaliated after a Western blow. Deciding there was more

dignity-to leaving than staying , leaving Western and their game. to have their headscracked the team walked off the field

Waterloo took sole posse-. ssion of first place in the OUAA West maintaining their undefeatedstatus. in action this past weekend. Playing at York University Waterloo defeated Western Mustangs and the McMaster Maurauders. These wins give Waterloo the lead at the halfway point of the Waterpolo season. In their first game against the Mustangs, Waterloo dominated, taking an early three goal lead. A defensive lapse in the third period allowed Western to tie the game at 8-8, but Waterloo came out strong in the fourth quarter and coasted



to their mud V. Butler

Water Warrior% on wave of success

to a 14-I 1 victory. Mike Obremik scored 6 goals John Saabas and Steve D’Eon had 3 each, while Kevin Duguayand John Tyson added .appreciated singles. With only an hour’s rest the Warriors faced McMaster in a head to head battle for first place. After tieing Macin their first meeting of the season; the Warriors felt confident that the perennial champion Maurauders could be defeated at their hands. Waterloo ran away with the first quarter, limiting the Maurauders to 2 shots while taking 9. Only excellent goaltending by the McMaster goalie kept the ‘game close. The second quarter the Warriors found the net four times to take a 5-3 lead into the half. In the third quarter McMaster took advantage of three Waterloo penalties and brought the Last weekend, the Women’s the existence of several progame close. Leading 7-6 going Field Hockey Team saw their vincial team members made into the last quarter the first two wins of the season. Queens appear the better Warriors could sense the Their timing could not have team. On the field, Waterloo imminent victory, they closed been better. Failure to win proved superior; Waterloo the door on the McMaster meant a short season for the defeated Queens 3-2. The offense while scoring three girls’. teamLthua.far,they had.. experience of the Trent YS*, themselves, Final score of the lost all previous games. They Waterloo game proved valugame Waterloo 10 McMaster . won when it counted most. able. Waterloo had learned 6. At McMaster University, how to play the field and Lisa John Saabas lead the team the Women’s Field Hockey Bauer was an exceptionally with 5 goals including a Team played their first game keen learner. She demonspectacular end to end breakstrated this when she scored all away. Steve D’Eon scored - -against Trent. Field conditions made play difficult, since three of Waterloo’s goals. three while Niall McMillan a soft3 slippery surface hintallied twice. It should be On Oct. 31st and Nov. 2nd, dered running. noted that this is McMastkrs Waterloo-. plays in the final Even in these adverse confirst defeat in their 11 year tournament at Scarborough ditions, Waterloo was able to history. -The team would like College. Waterloo’s first game shut out Trent 4-O. Leslie to dedicate this victory to the is against McGill, Saturday at Yeates led the team by scoring memory of Randy Duxbury a 9:00 a.m. Previously, Watertwo goals; Cynthia Struthers former Waterloo player who loo has-lost to McGill in the and Jean Howitt scored one died tragically in a car crash. goal each. Judy McCrae said, last ten minutes of play in eaFh Standings: Wins, Loses, Ties: game. Maybe, with a little 5 0 2 “It’ was not out best game...” Waterloo luck, the field conditions will but then, Waterloo was vicMcMaster 5 1 1 be adverse and the last ten torious and no one was about York 3 3 0 to argue with the results. minutes of play will be Toronto 241 In Waterloo’s second game, . omitted. Western 0 80 Debbie Elliott they met Queens. On paper, James Van Dyke


.----_--- -. --

ln w&end

football action at home the Warriors

The Blues, boasting quarterback Warriors

Dan Feraday,

were defeated by the Toronto Varsity Blues. didn’t have an easy time of it though; in fact, the

were uu 8 - 7 for a while and thev held Toronto

back for the first half. Waterloo’s


*Fraser Jennings, Darryl Diamond

Ian Cathery, Rob Bruce (hidden) (on right) anticipate a line toss.

Andy porter,



Saturday’s meeting with the number 2 ranked Mat squad saw theTrogansgodown 164. Although they played well% as well as they could have Mat simply overpowered them. Injuries have plagued the club: a broken leg cost them their best flanker and a bad shoulder threatens to remove

Andy Porter from regular play. The Trojans are called upon tobump players up to the Warriors when necessary which has depleted their ranks and the tragic injury of Dave Shannon earlier in the season tempered the enthusiasm of many potential players who had come out.

George Boire, Doug Paul and Photo by Savio,Rinqldi

16 ---0. So far the Trojans have managed to hang-on. In their final game Saturday they will meet Toronto. Should they . beat Toronto and if Western beats McMaster they may yet make the finals. “There are no winners in rugby, only survivors.*’ Anthony Traversa-

a wide field aitenip’t on which Toronto conceded the point and on a second quartar came pass from Chermecki to Gary C;arbut for a touchdown that Chelmecki proceeded to convert. ’ The final score was Toronto 31, Waterloo 8. Photos by Virginia Butler


ports UW wins Shannon Last week’s OUAA Rugby game between the Waterloo Warriors and the McMaster Marauders was a spectators’ delight. Played in Seagram Stadium in honour of Dave Shannon, the Warriors hosted their perennial rivals and took them to the cleaners, with both teams coming into the game with a 3-3 record, a hard fight was anticipated. However, five minutes into the first half it became evident who wanted to win the game the most. The Waterloo forwards’ (perhaps the smallest in the league) seemed clearly outsized and yet their determined play and desire to win found them coming up with tie ball loose after loose. In the first half it was the backs who reaped the glory. With forwards providing clean ball, the backs were given the opportunity to show their skill, and show they did. The combination of Jimmy Allen, Andy Stone and Ian Hunt dazzled both teammates and spectators. It was this exact combination which gave rise to Hunt’s breakaway

Waterloo It seems - Waterloo may have its own mascot in the making. Coach Don McCrae, fearless leader of the Warrior cagers has come across an old Warrior uniform (you know-Roman hat, breastplate etc) and is looking for someone to fill the Warrior’s shoes.

and the Warrior’s first try. The second half brought out an irrate and far more determined Mat squad. Several potentially large gaining runs were thwarted by the speed of the Warriors’ back row of Jennings, Cathery and Bruce. The Warriors’ second try came early in the second half when 1


game Andy Stone did some fancy footwork to fake his would-be tacklers. White made good on a difficult conversion which left the final score at 10-4. The Warriors take onToronto tomorrow. A victory could give them a championship berth. Tim Wallace

season starts

The basketball Warriors took to the court last Saturday in pre season action with a senior men’s team. Intended primarily to give the Warriors a ‘chance to do some scrimmaging it turned out to be a good show with the Warriors finishing ahead 77-69. -Peter Savich (“Learn to spell that name,” says Coach McCrae, “You’ll be seeing a lot of it!“) one of the Warrior rookies, took top scoring honors netting 22 points for the evening. Savich looks as if he will prove to be a great asset to the Warriors with dead on

shots from all over the court. The Warrior squads appear to be in fine form, the players are aggressive and smooth in any number of combinations. With much needed bolstering in the guarding positions the Warriors were able to dominate the court all night and the efforts of Bob Urosovic Clayton Ninham and Cal Kiel were more than effective. The Warriors meet the Toronto Varsity Blues in exhibition action this evening at home. Gametime is eight o’clock at the PAC. V. Butler

to get mascot? McCrae wants someone who could carry off the caricature well, so prerequisites include a good (bawdy?) sense of humorand imagination to jazz up the currently empty shell. Interested parties can see Coach Don McCrae in the PAC.

The basketball Warriors are currently in need bf statisticians, timers and such to help them out with the upcoming season. Anyone interested in doing this can see Warriors Coach Don McCrae in the PAC.

Flea Market Results Twenty-four different vendors set up shop at last Saturday’s flea market and managed to rake in a total of $2724.00. Various Department of Athletics’ boothes pulled in over $1200.00 to put to their clubs and councils. Top money makers were men’s varsity basketball and the sailing club each of whom made better than $250.00. The department was grateful to volunteers who set up and took down equipment. Overall the day ran ruccessfully. Whether such an event will repeat will be decided at a department meeting at which point the distribution of funds will be decided too.

Take A Plunge This year the University 3 Waterloo is trying to accommodate a larger variety of swimmers in the PAC pool. Recently, however, this has led to the dissatisfactionof several people. In recreational swims, the lanes have been removed for the purpose of allowing people to socialize, practice their strokes, float or dive, but not to swim lengths. This swim, non-the-less, still continues to attract the fitness swimmers. It is our intention to get back those swimmers that have beenscared away for sometime by the fitness swims. Change does not come overnight but if enough of you try to be a little more patient and understanding of each other’s needs, it will lead one to a better appreciation for the reasons behind having a recreational swim and removing the buoy line. Aquatic Co Ordinator - Patty Lapointe

Flea Market - The first of many has flown by The first annual Dept. of Athletics F&a Market was held last Saturday with great success. All kinds of good bargains were found and some of considerable size -a sailboat was sold to a lucky person. Thanks goes out to all those vendors who set up booths and to all those who came out and supported the event, and special thanks to those who did all the behind the scenes work - you know who you are.

Next combined C.R.A.C. ~ _ Meeting:

- Thursday, November 19 at 7:00 pm. at the Labatt’s Hospitality House. - All reps please make a concerted effort to make this meeting, not only because it will be very important in terms of deciding the fate of some aspects of the program, but it will also be fun.



- Bronze Medallion and Award of Merit certifications will be renewed on Saturday November 14 in the pool. Register with the PAC receptionist before November 11. Cost is only $5 per program.

Please check in with the CR Office to find out More About The Following Competitive League Standings: Since many o! the programs are now into playoffs, the playoff schedule and standings are constantly changing. Check with the office to be on top of the exciting action. New Tennis Hours: New hours for the tennis courts are now in effect. Copies of the new schedule are available in the C-R office. Note that U of W people can now book available “club” time, 24 hours in advance at a cost of $4/court .hour. Check the new schedule for a further explanation. Student Assistants: Applications are now being accepted for student assistant positions, for the Winter ‘82 and the Spring ‘82 school terms. Quiz of the Week: How many more tournaments are upcoming in this term? How many have there been in total. Submit your answers to Peter Hopkins in room 2040 PAC. The closest guess will receive a winit award.

University of Waterloo Ski Club Howdy fellow skiier: It will soon be time for frosty flakes again and I trust you’re as excited as I am. The farmer’s almanac says “lots of new in’82”. We don’t want to miss a chance this year. The leaves are still changing in Waterloo but already pubs, race-nites, day, weekend and week trips are planned. We’re really excited about telling everyone about the club and this year’s happenings. Get involved in the friendliest club on campus. More than just skiing. We can form

the best Campus Recreation teams oncampus. First, we’d like everyone to meet on October 20th to learn about our plans, to make suggestions, to fill out our questionnaire and last but certainly not least to watch some fabulous flicks. We’ll be bounding through the flurries of late December to have New Year’sat Mont Ste. Anne, then after a short detour to classes. In January the hills of Jay Peaks will be alive with veritable throngs of Waterlooers (ists?) in midJanuary. November 19th is U.W.S.C. pub night. Don’t have to bring your skiis, just your dancin’ shoes. Can’t wait to meet you. Come out and see what we have got going. Information and Memberships PAC Blue North-From Yvette. Ralph: 886-85 13 P.S. Pray for snow. Important Dates: Nov. 19 Pub Nov. 2-7 Ski Club Booth Jan. 14- 18 Jay Peaks Reading Week Somewhere

/ /


The Outers Club This article is meant to introduce you to the OUters Club, and to let you know what events the club has planned for the upcoming months. The Outers Club is an on-campus group whose basic purpose is to provide a forum in which people with a common interest can meet and socialize. What common interest you ask? Why, an interest in the outdoors and outdoor activities, naturally! Club meetings are a convenient way to gather people so that trips can be planned. Further, ‘expert’ club members often provide instruction in outdoor sports (eg. kayaking and skiing) to whomever is interested. The club has all sorts of outdoors equipment available for rental, as well as literature on hiking trails, canoeing routes, and many other subjects which an adventuresome person might be interested in. The club also has a wide range of activities planned for the winter months. No special skills are needed for these events, just a I willingness to learn, and in some cases a few training sessions beforehand. Some of these activities are as follows. 1)Ice Climbing. This is done wherever water * has formed an ice wall by seeping from or flowing over a rock face. You need some hiking boots and a warm pair of gloves, while the club has crampons, ice hammers, ropes and the other necessary equipment. 2) Cross-Country Skiing, The Canadian Ski Marathon and Riviere Rouge ski events are held in the Ottawa area on the weekends of February 14 and 21, respectively. They can either be skied as fun events oras competitions. The entry deadlines are near the end of December. As well, there are usually invitational meets which the ‘not-so-serious’ skier can enter. Further, members will be going on some weekend ski trips and one-day outings, and, if enough interest is shown, lessons will be given. The club has ski equipment. 3) Snowshoeing. There will also be snowshoeing outings, probably both one-day and weekend adventures. The club has snowshoes. 4) Winter Camping. Naturally, winter camping is part of any two-day skiing or snowshoeing trip. Best to bring along beverages that keep. you warm! 5) Kayaking. On Sunday afternoons from 4 to 6 the club holds a kayaking workshop in the PAC pool. The basics of paddling and safety are covered, although more advanced topics such as rolling and racing can also be taught. All of the above activities rely completely on member initiative and participation. I would urge anyone with interests in the above areas, or in areas not mentioned in this article, to become involved in the club’s activities. How do you go about doing that? Well, youcan keep an eye on the Imprint to find out when the next general meeting is, and then attend. Or you can look at the Outers newsletter that the PAC receptionist has on file. It contains all the details we didn’t want to bore you with in this article, as well as a listing of phone numbers for contact people in the club. There is also a copy posted on the door of PAC room 2010. The next move is yours! ***Next Meeting: Wednesday October 28, 5 PM In CC 135*** L

Varsity Women Curlers Hear ye, hear ye!! The first on-ice meeting of those girls interested in making the varsity team should be at the Granite Club, Thursday, November 5 at 10: 15 p.m. See Judy McCrae (ext. 3663) if you are interested.



and Field

UW Warriors Red and gold leaves covered the ground, but black and gold singlets dominated the field as country Waterloo’s cross Warriors cruised to a first place team finish at the Wilfred Laurier Invitational held in Waterloo Park last Saturday. The c,hallenging 1Okm course involved two loops through Waterloo Park and included several demanding hills, a narrow wooden bridge, a narrower cement bridge, railway tracks and muddy fields. Waterloo, led by freshman Ted Murphy’s second place finish, placed four runners in the top ten to capture the team title with 37 points, well ahead of second place University of Toronto’s 68 points. Paul Gordon (U of T) ‘was third with 35:47. The Warriors finished as follows: Ray Costello, in his first race of the season,, was sixth; Doug Brown, nursing a cut foot from his OU AA 1O;OOO metre gold* . ,. . medal performance the week

before, was seventh; Bruce Harris, tenth; Alan Wrobel, twelfth; Cal Orok, sixteenth; Gary Hutchinson, eighteenth and Panteli Tritchew, twentyseventh.


was a timely confidence booster for the Warriors, who will be racing at the OUAA Championships being held at Laurentian University tomorrow. Veteran Marc lnmanand :hmidt and

Ari intense Warrior waits for the puck to drop in pre-season action against the Hawks. The hockey Warriors made a favourable start coming up on th right side of a 4 - 3 win. Next Warriors game goes tonight at 8 p.m. when they host the Guelph Gryphons at home. Photo by Virginia Butler




Betty Ann is a. 2nd year Kinesiology student. A native of Waterloo and a W.C.I. graduate she is running for the track and field Athenas for the 2nd year. As a junior she .was rated as oneofthetop400mhurdlersin Ontario while running for the. Kitchener-Waterloo track club and coach Brent McFarlane. -

At the recent OWIAA track and field championships held at McMaster, Betty Ann had quite a day. She finished 2nd in the 400m hurdles and 4th in the 800m event. Along with this she ran the Iead leg in the 4 x 400m relay with an excellent time of under 60 seconds. This _ gave the team the start they needed as they wound up with , a silver medal in~_the relay. John Saabas Waterpolo John is currently enrolled in 4th year Engineering and is on a work term in Guelph. He comes to\ k Waterloo from Montreal where he played waterpolo for the Como team of the Montreal league. While in Quebec, John played for Quebec in the Canada Games

School Song


uum, aum, aum, ae aum. . Waterloo, Waterloo, Dum, dum, dum, de dum. We dum, dadum, dum dee, And dum, da dum, dum daa. Waterloo, Waterloo

where the team won a silver ginally from Thunder Bay, medal. John was also- a Ontario, he attended highmember of the Ontario Senior school in Dartmouth, Nova Championship team in 1979. Scotia where he took up the Last weekend he lead the game of rugby. He competed Warriors to two very impres. for the Province of Nova sive victories. The first was a Scotia on their provincial 10-6 win over McMaster. rugby side. McMaster had not lost a league game in eleven years On September 21, 1981 prior to this contest. John during a- regular practice scored 5 of the 10 goals and session .with the University of . wasa stand-out defensiveiy as Waterloo .Warrior Rugby well. The team then defeated team, Dave suffered an injury Western 14-l 1 with Johi that has left him with a great adding three more goals. deal of paralysis in his lower The Warriors are now in body. first place in the league witha 1 . Presently in a hospital in point bulge over McMaster. Toronto beginning therapy towards rehabilitation, Dave Honorary Athlete of the Week ’ is showing the spirit that made him such a fine athlete. Dave Shannon - Rugby The Varsity athletes, along Dave is a 19 year old first with the University commuyear Arts student at the nity wish Dave well in his University of Waterloo. Orirecovery.



By popular demand at the Warrzr football games. we’ve decided to submit for your musical enjoyment the words to the “Alternate School Song”. So if you are too lazy to learn the real real school song, then learn this one instead: it’s easier. The lyrics were written by Steve Haymanand the tune wasstolen from the Robin Hood commercial. You intellectuals out there will also know that Monty Python also used this tune in one of / their skits. Alternate

Athlete of the Week Betty Ann Schnurr Track and Field-

Rob Hardy, all unable~ to compete at the Laurier meet, will bolster the Warrior squad into a powerful (and realistic!) contender in tomorrow’s Ontario championship event. Panteli Tritchew

Write a story; Take a pit edit &copy draw a graphic . . . Imprint sports wants you!

Water1ooLaurier, Laurier, Thpps to Laurier. U ofT, U ofT, Thpps to U of T. We thpps to Brock and Guelph, Andthpps to York and Mat. Western U,’ . Windsor too, Thpps to you. -. e


The Warriors


Electronic Surplus


Super bargains oti demo terminals, monitors, keyboards, I. c. 5. Build your own terminalswith , spareparts Also - new printers, modems,etc.

Sat., October 31 .9 a.m. to-1 p.m.




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