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T ,’

- Friday, November


K-W Probe Gffice hours for Fall ‘81. Monday &Friday: 10a.m: - 12noonandTue&y&Wednesday: lOa.m.l2noonand 130 p.m. - 330 p.m. ff you need information on any environmental issue or topic, come and&e us. Our resources are yours to use. Envs - 1 Room 212. ’ Bombshelter opens at 12 noon. D.J. after 900 p.m. Feds: no cover; Others $1.08 after 900 pm.’ PEERS Counselling Centre open Monday - Thursday 3:00 pm. - 8~00 p.m. & Friday 1:OtI p.m. - 330 p.m. CC 138A. Jumua’a (Friday) Prayer: Sponsored by the Muslim Students Association (M.S.A.) CC 135.130 p.m.‘230 p.m. I 1 ln~ernatiod Vegetarian Cuisine 1 Learn how to cook your favourite dishes from around the world. We ‘hai live demonstrations, exotic recipes and. group participation. Limited to tifteen persons,For more info call Madhavi at . 886-1707 or 888-7321.6:flO p.m. . Quters Club: OKyou GUYS lets try this again. This is the long awaited pot luck supper. Bring food, drink, Mary (who?) andslides and musical instruments if you have them. 7zOOp.m. Mike Jones place, 585-5264. The BahaYs on Campus are striving to develop an awareness and understanding of the teachings of the Baha’i Faith. Are you interested? The Baha’i’son Campusare hokfing a Fireside tonight. Join us. 730 p.m. CC 135. .Fed Flicks - The Stunt Man starring Peter O’Toole, Steve Railsback, Barbara Hershey. 8:oO p.m. AL 116. Feds$I,Aliins


Federation of Students, BENT presents Chris Spedding, guitarist extraordinaire. Session man with Roxy Music, Eno, ‘Joan Armatrading, Robert Gordon and many more. It’s a guitar jamboree! Also BB Gabor. 8:OO p.m. Bingeman Park Feds $6, others $7. The Earthen Mug - WCF Coffee House. Assorted teasand coffee, superb muffins, excellent music. Come toCC 1lOfrom 8:00 p.m. - midnight. Theatresports returns with another evening of improvised entertainment. We’re going to try some new challenges this week and perhaps another game of space jump. Tickets at the door: Feds: 75c, Aliens: $1.00.11:00 p.m. HH 180.

- Saturday,



Christmas Bazaar sponsored by Blessed Sacrament Church. Crafts, baking, plants and more will be on sale from 930 p.m. - 2:08 a.m. at the church, located corner of Blockline Road and Laurentian Drive, Kitchener., A winter : wonderland theme with fun for the entire family. Bombshelter opens 7:OO~p.m. .D.J. after 900 p.m. Feds, no cover, others$l. keeling lonely and rejected? Meet someone who cares. Waterloo Chi Alpha invites you to join us’ as we worship our Lord Jesus Christ. 7:00 p.m. WLU, F. Peters Building. P1027. Dull. Yes, I know Campus’ Events are dull this week but I’m lonely and rejected, the above is not my answer, and it’s tough - tobe funny. Sorry, fans., . Fed Flit kiSee Friday. I

- Sunday, November


Campus Worship Service. Chaplains {Rem Kooistra & 1 Graham Morbey. 1030 a.m. HH 280. Free instruction and practice Outers Club - Kayaking. time. No previous experience needed.*00 p.m. - 600. p.m. PAC Pool. Bhakti Yoga Club (Krishna Consciousne~) invites you to an introductory lecture on self-realization through Mantra Meditation. Sumptuous vegetarian feast follows. Free. AU welcome. For further info call 888-7321. 5:00 p.m. 51 Amos Avenue. Chapel. Coffee and discussion to follow. 7:oO p.m. Conrad Grebel College. . Fed Flicks - see Friday. -L-

Marshall .Plon. He will speak at400 p.m. inthe Paul Martin Centre. Admission free and everyone welcome. y The Debating Club holds regular meetings &here you’can come out and learn the art of debate. Develop your confklence, learn to speak in public and have a lot of fun. 530 p.m. Conrad Grebel College, RmZ250. ! Ukrainian Students Club General Meeting: D&cuss upcoming events, budget and funds. 6:00 p.m. CC 113. The Women’s laeues Group is involved in planning the new Women’s Centre. If you would like to share your ideas, we would like you to attend. 7:CNl p.m. - 9,OO p.m. CC 113. Catechism for the Curious and For Those Wanting, to makeaProfessionof FaRh.&OO-%OOp.m.ConradGrebel . college. Yoga for ev&yone, beginners to advanced students, exercise and meditation, free. 7:00 p.m. - l0:OOp.m. CC 110/135. The History Socie’y/ presents the film Judgement at Nuremberg in AL 113 at 7:00 p.m. This is one in a series of classic films presented each Monday evening. Cost is $1 per FASS


Film - Einer Von Uns Beiden (One of the Two of Us) 1974 German with English Subtitles. Admission free. 7:oO p.m. ML 246. WLU presents four films on astronomy and assorted subjects at 7:00 p.m. in the Arts Building, room 1El. The series is sponsored by the WLU Rhysics Department wrth host Prof. Raymond Koenig, a WLU astronomer. Tonight’s films, many, produced by NASA, are Planet Mars, The Sun, Earth’s Star, Quiet Sun and Powers of Ten. Admission is free. Economics Society P+ Crawl. Buses leave the CC at808 p.m. Eton Studentsfree,others$l.Of). Moreinformationat the Economics Society Gffice in HH 1798.8* p.m. Gay’ Lherdfion of .Wderloo (GLOW) sponsores a Coffee House. For furthei information call 884-GLOW anytime. 820 p.m. CC 110. &cinema Gratis presenfs 1994. 930. p.m. Campus Centre GreatHall. Sponsored by the CCB: Free.

- Thqkday,


meeting. 730 p.m. ML 104.1



- Tuesday,


i0 -


K-W Probe, Bombshelter - see last Friday. Birth Control Centre - see Monday. Brown Bag Film Series prg$nts Men’s Lives. An awardwinnins film about masculinitv in North America. made by two men w&a sensitive and humourobs approach to the subject. (43 minutes). Presented by Women’s Studies. 1130 a.m. Psych 2083. WJSA invites you to their weekly B&l Brunch featuring Toronto Bagels. 1130 a.m. - 130 p.m. CC 110. sessions. Interviewing techniques ordination and Placement. 1 1:30 a.m. Dejeuner en Fraincais - join them for lunch and some French conversation. A great way to practice your French and meet some new people. Sponsored by Cercle Francais. 1130 \ a.m. - 130 p.m. ML 355. PEERS Counselling Centre L see last Friday. * The Vegetarian Club i.s having seven cooking workshops. Experience satisfying vegetarian cooking, through tongue, tummy and mind. Live demonstrations, recipe handouts and great food. All welcome. Free. 530 p.m. Psych Lounge Rm. 3005. CL&O lnformation Meetins. Victor Brandon. CUSO Field . Staff Officer in Tamale, Ghan& will show slidesand describe CUSG’s program in Ghana and overseas employment opportunities for people skilled in education, health, agriculture, technology and business. Waterloo Public Library, Albert Street. 8%Xl p.m. 885-1211 ext. 3144 for more information. ., Concerned about your child’s education? See Waldorf. Professionally made for television. Half hour documentary was filmed at the Toronto Waldorf School. There will be an extended discussion ueriod following the film. 8:OO o.m. St. John the Evanaelist’.Analican Church. 23 Water- Street.. Kitchener. (E&r door & Duke St&). Free admission: Donations accepted. Sponsored by the K-W Waldorf Ed&on Interest Group. 884-3192.

- Wednesday,



Camuus Centre Crafts Fair. Local artists sell assorted cn& at reasonable prices. An ideal opportunity to buy Christmas gifts like stained glass boxes. etc. 10:00 a.m. %zOO p.m. Campus Centre Great Hall.

11 -

K-W Probe, Birth C&ttrol Centre, Bombshelter, PEERS Counselling 7 see last Friday. Choral Service by the WLU Chapel Choir, directed by Barrie Cabey dt 1230 p.m. in the Keffer Memorial Chapel (corner of Albert and Brickerl. Everyo~wekome.









See Monday.

.- . Dejeuner en Fraincais, Interviewing Techniques - see I last Tuesdav. Music at Noon will feature Ralph Elsaesser, piano, music by Nielsen. Concert will be held in the Theatre Auditorium at 12 noon. Admission free and everyone wekome.

Teaching in a New Sociity, the literacy campaign in ’ Nicaragua, with astounding success of changing a country’s literacy from 7O%illit.eracy to only 10% in 6 months, is the topic of the WPIRG Brown Bag Seminar at 1238 in CC 135. Teaching Information Talk. University of Toronto. _ ML 246.130 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Colloquium in j-f&panic Studies at WLU. Dr. A. A. Borras, Department of Romance Language, WLU will speak on “Spanish Contemporary Theatre” in Rm. 4 - 205 of the Central ,Teaching Building at 330 p.m. Admission free and eveyrone welcome. WCF Supper Meeting, Humanism. It all depends. (They’re correct - it does.) This ka joint supper meeting. Heldat HH 280.430 - 7:oO p.m. Everyone is welcome. , The Debating Club - see Monday. Valentyn Moroz exiled Ukrainian dissident and historianwill speak on the topic of Human Rights and National Aspirations in the Societv Union. 73Ou.m. EL 101. Free. Federation of Students, BENT presents Martha and the Muffins with Steve Blimkie. 800 p.m. Waterfbo Motor fnn. Feds $5.50, Others $6.50. ’ c ’ I X

- Friday, ,November



Crafts Fair with stained gbeeand other stuff. . K-W Probe - see last Fridav. ’ !+minary Awareness Day Students interested in graduate level theological studies are invited to a luncheon meeting (cost: 82.25) with representatives from’ five seminaries. Individual interview times available by calling the college. 12 noon. Conrad Grebel College. Blue room, in Dinging Room. Bombshelter - see last Friday. I Jumua’a - see last Jumua’a PEERS Counselilng Centre &bbean Student Association 6:W p.m. CC 110.

see last Friday. GeneralMeeting.43Op.m.


htternational Vegetarian Cuisine - see last Friday. The Earthen Mug - see last Friday. Pinocchio presented by the Drama Group. A theatrical Fed Flicks Stir Crazy starring Richard Pryor and Gene production of Carlo Colladi’sclassicfantasy tale. 2:00 p.m. and Fiei. 8~00 p.m. AL 116. Feds $1.00, others $2.00. , 730 p.m. Humanities Theatre. Tiiketsare 82.00andavailable at UWBoxOffice. e A Cdfee House - presented by FASS. Great EnterChristian Perspectives L+ctun Series: God, Man and __ tainment. Cash Bar. Admission $1.50.8:.00 p.m. MC 5136. World in Western Thought: Drs. Graham Morbey. 430 pm.” _ You can catch the Fed Fliik tomorrow . . . come to a w-T Friday theThirteenth Event! -6zOOp.m.HH334. -


- Monday,



K-W Probe - see last Friday. Free, private, confidential information on Birth Control, V.D.;Pregnancy and much more. Monday & Thursday:‘1030 . - 3:30 p.m. and Tuesday & Wednesday: 1230 p.m. iiz p.m. CC 206, ext. 2306. @her times by appointment. . Bombshelter - see last Friday. 1 Peers Counselling - see last Friday. Lecturer: Prof. lmmanuel We&r, University of C&e&&t is coming to WLU to speak on The Fonnu@o~ c$&

The UW Ski Club invites all members and prospective members’to a ski equipment demonstration and movies. Come and bring a f&d. 430 p.m. CC 113; World of Dance featuring the film “All That Jazz”. 4~00 p.m. - 600 p.m. Humanities Theatre. 32.00 admission. Chapel. 4~45 p.m. - 515 p.m. Conrad Grebel College. WednesdayNit DiacusdonFebwship.lsrael’sCallingnumbers 9: 15 - 1036. Rem Kooistra and Grirham Morbey ChaDbinS. 6~00 p.m. - Common meal. 7:fKJ p.m. - Lecture.

- Coming Events Try to attend the South C and South D reunion party. it is being held for all the alumni students who lived on the floors duringthetermsofSept./8OtoApril81.Thecostis$3.OOforthe femalesand84.00forthemales.Thereisnorealthemesowear whatever you pfease: For futher information regarding this matter contact Bob-at 888-7221 or Steph at 8868965, as soon as possible.



Friday November

6th 8:OO

Thursday, Waterlod Others

Nov. 12th Motor Inn $6.50

STEVE BLIMKIE “Ridin into the Night”

_:J -,-





will be held on

of Students



Polls will be open from 9%) a.m. to 430 p.m. I.D. Cards to vote. Voting will be by faculty, with polling stations lowing buildings:

must be presented Iocated in the fol-

Arts 81Integrated Studies: Arts Lecture Hall ENV Environmental Studies: Engineering: CPH (Eng. Sot. Lounge] H.K.L.S.: PAC (Red North) Mathematics: M & C [Third Floor) Science: Optometry: see below Chem-Bio Link i; Renison: Renison College St. Jerome’s: St. Jerome’s College Optometry: Special Poll from lo:30 to 1:30 only: Optometry Bldg. At all other times, vote at Science Poll. Graduate students do not have a vote!

We are still in need of: Technical: Carpenters, Electricians, Props, Grips and Costumes people i November 16th 830 p.m. ML 1Oki Music: Violinists, Violists, Cellists, Accordionist Contact: Art Freund 576-2441 Dancers: Male (Bring your Voices) Auditions: Nov. 12 8:30 p.m. Humanities 180 \

Canada’s Enbrgy is The onus is on ydu! \

The wordin of the ballot will be as follows: “Currently, t f e University of Waterloo Federation of Students Activity Fee is $11.50 per full-time undergraduate student per J-month term, or $23.00 per year. Of the $11.50 received, 504: goes to the National Union of Students (NUS) and’

Minister of Education Dr. Bette Stephenson I

Be it resolved that the students at the University of Waterloo be allowed to review their membership within the Ontario Federation of Students through a referendum on Tuesday, November 10, 1981.

contribute $1.50 per student, per term, to the Ontario effective December 31, 1981. ‘or That the students at the University of Waterloo remain


Bill Wry@, Liberal Education Critic

of Students,

Nov.Z6-20 members

of the Ontario

, i



6, W61.





student participate Tordnto (CUP) - Ontario students staged a mock wedding October 29, linking Pierre Trudeau and Ontario premier William Davis as partners in reduced funding to their education. i More than 2,000 students from institutions across the province packed a University of Toronto hall to witness the ceremony. They were taking part in a /-= day of protest, organized by the Ontario Federation of Students, to oppose cutbacks expected when the federal governmen‘t’s November, 12 budgetis presented. Students gathered outside Ryerson Polytechnical Institute waving banners that said, “The voice of students must be heard,” and “Education is a right, not a privilege.” They marched from Ryerson to the University of Toronto, passing the provincial legislature where extra security guards had been stationed. rAt ceremonies after the march, Arthur Kruger, U of T dean of arts and science, said a typical classroom in some . universities contained as many. people as were packed into t ire hall. “There simply isn’t _ enough money,” he said, to employ enough instuctors to . keep class sizes down. He said science students were using outdated equipment. ‘and couldn’t keep pace with research needs. He said the morale at the university “is at its lowest ebb ‘in 10 years.” Federal finance minister Allan MacEachen has told members of a parliamentary task force that thegovernment wishes to slash by $1.5 billion the money it transfers each year to the provinces. Under the transfer agreement, about $29 billion was paid last year tu the provinces for social services and higher education costs. The program will be renegotiated in March. MacEachen told an allparty task force last summer that the federal government wants provinces to become more accountable in how they spend the monies received. Cliff Pilkey, president of the Ontario Federation of Labour, congratulated the students at the U of T rally for their “magnificent demonstration”, saying, “800,000 mem-

bers of the Ontario Federation of Labour join with you.” He said the education funding crunch is a symptom of Canada’s economic troubles, including a million unem‘ployed workers, small business bankruptcies and climbing inflation. “The ?uture looks bleak, but together we can turn it around.” “Trudeau and Davis are out of touch,” said Sean O’Flynn, president of the Ontario Public Services Employees Union. “Out of touch with you and out of touchwith reality.” O’Flynn said education cutbacks will mainly hurt the children of low income ’ families, ‘with living

costs rising out of their reach. He said Ontario government - officials are suffering from “post-election deafness’ on the issue. OFS estimated that more than 10,000 Ontario students took part in the chain of protest actions, at education centres throughout the province_, At some campuses, all-night “study-ins” were held in libraries, were students ‘prepared for the protest day activities. At Queen’s University in Kingston, a 12-hour study session began at midnight. Students held workshops


gorts OFS


A survey of Waterloo’s student societies shows that, with the exception of the Arts Student Union (AS-U), most of the socieities-are not taking a position on the upcoming OFS referendum. On Thursday, October 22, the Arts Student Unionpassed a motion resolving that “the Arts Student Union supports the Ontario Federation of Students and urges students to vote in favour of continuing participation in the Ontario Federation of Students’ on referendum day, ‘November 10, 1981.” Moved by Mark Smith and seconded by Murray Spackman, ASU president, the motion passed by a large majority. ASU fears that government cutbacks will hurt the Arts faculty says Spackman. “In view of the cutbacks that are looming on the horizon, we’ve been warned that Arts is one of the faculties that will be cut back” Spackman added that his society believes OFS can help them keep the money and that they don’t feel Federation President Wim Simonis can “do it on his own.” The other sdcieties are shying away from committing themselves to either side. Pam &off, president of the Environmental Studies Society, firmly . stated, “We are not taking a stand.” ’ According to Vice-President, Weiying Lan, Mathsoc “does not want to take any stands because it feels that

On OFS referendum


in campaigns

At the referendum forum held in the Arts Coffee Shop, a new twist to Simonis’ campaign became evident. Before the forum began, Simonis handed out copies of a two page repo-rt submitted by Elliott after attending the Fune OFS Conference. * A .quick reading of the report reveals many spelling, typo,graphical and grammatical d errors. As well, the report lacks an official quality. Simonis chose to refer to this report in comparison to other reports (often IO-15 pages) which have been submitted in the past. Elliott responded stating that Simonis did not mention the oral report that Elliott had given. According to Elliott, the written report was in-

tended to be an overview, and that if he wrotealongerreport, no one would read- it. He also mentioned that he worked all summer and did not have time to write a longer report. Another incident which occurred was that Elliott accused Simonis of saying what was wrong with OFS, but not what OFS does for students. It was at that point that Elliott asked Peter Hoy, OFS field ,worker to explain OFS’ tactics. One cannot help but wonder why Elliott had to rely on Hoy and did not speak on this himself. Attendance at the forum in the Arts Coffee Shop was better than the ‘forum held Sunday evening. Overall, students participated well, listening and asking questions. Anna Lehn

dealing with, the proposed cutbacks and their effects, while producing posters for their demonstration. The 60 students remaining in the library by morning ’ were joined bysanother 1,500 for a demonstration featur.ing . speakers from the university

community. Library study sessions were also held in ,Toronto colleges and universities, at Carleton University, and at Trent University in Peterborough. About 1,900 Guelph students heard speakers at a rally outside their university centre,

’ -I

encouraging other students to actively oppose education cutbacks. ’ In London,‘ 3,000 students from the. University of Western Ontario and- Fanshawe College marched through .the downtown area protesting the cuti. .



students should decide the issue for themselves wit! ,out society intervention.” The society is providing information on the referandum to inform Continued on Page 7

-_More than 2,000 students from institutions across the province packed a Univeristy ofToronto hall to witness activities directed towards the National Day of Protest. Photo by Scott Blythe, The Varsity -

UW Preg believes UW’s president, Dr.- Douglas Wright, .doesn’t expect tuition’ to go up at Waterloo more than the 10 percent presently allowed for by the provincial government. Though not sure, Wright believes that the federal government won’t reduce its level of support to the universities either. “I can’t believe govern: ments would be able to make those changes. I don’t believe students would be kept out (of university)” he says, referring to the rumoured $1.5 billion that the federal government might cut out in transfer payments to the provinces for various social programs, including post-secondary education. He does think that the federal government might change the way in which universities get federal funding, such as gong to an effe#ve student loan program, “so that everyone receives a cheque with a red (Canadian) flag on it .” The logic used being that the federal government wants people to recognize where funding is coming from. There is no economic pressure on the federal government to reduce the level of university funding in Wright’s opinion. His believe is based on a recently released federal report titled Fiscal Federalism in Canada. “The federal government will’ be out of debt quickly with the new energy deal,” says Wright. . As for the amount of money that a student should pay towards his/ her education, Wright still supports the recommendations that the commission he chaired in 197 1 (Commission on + PostSecondary Education in Ontario, often referred to as the Wright Commission) made to the provincial government. They were based on the assumption that one third of a university’s activity centred around research and the remainder around teaching, The commission concluded that research should be institutionally funded and that -

in protest

gov’t w&t

cut bmk

the costs of teaching should be shared SO-50 (one third each) by the state and the student. Students at Waterloo presently pay approximately 15 percent of the costs of their education. Wright also believes that universities can remain more autonomous if students pay more of the costs. -

4,000 to plans



giveable loans: that _ would allow anyone to attend university or college based on their academic merits alone. Paying back the loans would be based on the student’s earned-income after graduation -, the more economically successful the student is the greater , the amount to be pa?d%ack? ’


Peter Sa&ino

for end . for reductions iti $$

OTTAWA (CUP) About 4,000 students confronted Secretary of State Gerald Regan on the steps of Parliament October 29, demandinganend to cabinet plans that, they say, will reduce funding to postsecondary education drastically. Students from Carleton University, Algonquin College and the University of -Ottawa marched through city streets shouting, “No way,\we won’t pay!” They stopped on the Parliament lawns, and were addressed by Regan, Conservative house . leader Walter Baker and Bill Blaikie, NDP education critic. Regan said he has “no knowledge” of the planned cutbacks, telling students, in a letter distributed at the rally that “some may say that the Federal Government plans to drastically reduce its support for post-secondary education. This is simply not true.” He ‘blamed the provincial governments shrinking role in funding education as the cause of federal concern. Regan sati the federal government intends to continue ‘“‘doing its part to support post-secondary education.” _ He was shouted down by chants of “bullshit, bullshit...” from the angry students. ’ PC house leader Baker condemned the minister’sstatement that no cutbacks would be made. “The government of Canada wants to take $1.5 billion off the Established

Programs Financing. They want to do it in the face of the unanimous decision of a committee of the Parliament of Canada made up of not just Progressive Conservatives, not just New Democrats, but of Liberal members of parliament who said it couldn’t be done.” Baker, too, was interrupted by students who cried, “What about Davis?” referring to the track record of the Ontario ; provincial government in! post-secondary education. Bill Blaikie, MP for Winnipeg-Bird’s Hill, attacked the government’s proposed cuts ineducation financing while doling out generous tax concessions to corporations. He said, Liberal criticism of the mismanagement of money given to provinces was no excuse for federal cutbacks. “They might have some basis for questioning the provincial funding commitments to these programs, but two wrongs don’t make a right and that’s no reason for them to begin their -own program of cut- _ backs.” Student leaders from the three institutions had met with government representatives earlier in the day. Steve May, vice-president of the Carleton University Student Association said “we were disappointed. We never got a clear statement on what they wanted to see in post-secon, dary educ$tion.” “Both levels of gevernment

don’t see education as a priority.” John Alphonse, president of the Algonquin College student union, said government cuts are meeting. with student “indignation”, and the students are getting positive community support in their fight. ’ Regan later told a press conference that student fears were “groundless”. He said he was confident that “massive” cutbacks in funding will not be featured in the November 12 federal budget, but the minis- ’ ter would not promise a budget with no reductions at all. He said students must wait until the budget is presented. Regan hinted that cutback . “rumours” may have started within the Progressive Con- . servative party. The protest was organized as part of a province-wide day of protest on ilniversity funding, spearheaded by the Qntario Federation of Students. OFS says any reduction in funding to colleges would limit the access of lower income students to higher education. They fear what could prove to be doubled tuition-costs and disruptions in services on their campuses. Extra RCMP officers _had been placed at the House of Commons entrance during the demonstration, though no incidents took place. The RCMP’ said they estimated 4,Oo(I students-took part in the rally.


Page 4

. -Editorial .. OFS zpd Feds all screwed There has recently been a lot of talk about the Ontario Federation of Students on campus and particularly on the pages of Imprint. So much so, perhaps, that many students are getting tired of hearing about it. The fact of the matter is, though, that there willbe a referendum on Waterloo’s membership in OFS on November 10, and what students here decide may well affect the future of the organizaiton. If Waterloo pulls out, following the lead of Queen’s and the University of Toronto, by the next OFS Annual General Meeting, OFS’ student membership and revenue base would drop substantially. Many feel that the organization could not continue to exist under these circumstances. Your vote on Wednesday could be very serious. Through the white noise of accusation against OFS and counter-accusations against the Waterloo Federation of Students, two things should become clear: OFS is ineffective and does not represent the best interests of students in Ontario and should not be supported in the referendum, and; the Federation of Students Executive, Wim Simonis in particular, have not acted in the best interests of students on this campus by being inflexible and not cooperating at all with OFS. First, OFS: Simonis’ claim that the OFS makes its decisions from the top down (ie - from the Executive rather than the general membership), supported by other student leaders, appears to becorrect. Decisionsare made without enough consultation with or input from local student unions and students. OFS can hardly be said to be representing the students of Ontario when, strictly speaking, students’ hands are absent from its decision-making. It would also appear, if Simonis is to be believed, that OFS financial records are difficult for members to see. At a time when membership fees, which are already high, are going up, financial accountability should be a necessity. Finally, OFS policy is a bizarre hodge podge of radical political opinions and student pipedreams. What OFS stands for (or, more often than not, against) is not always @ear; whether it represents the opinions of the majority of students is another question. How this affects OFS events is hard to determine. Two thousand plus students walking from Ryerson’s Jorgenson Hall to the University of Toronto’s Convocation Hall are impressive. As the line of people stretches off into the distance, angrily shouting “No way, we won’t pay!” and “Save us from Davis!“, one hearkens back to the glory days of the student movement in the


sixties. And the hell of it is, some of the goals of the Ontario Federation of Students, the organizers of the rally, were achieved. Stories in the local press did not portray students as uncontrollably rabid individuals biting the hand that feeds them and actually considered the issue of underfunding (partially owing, not doubt, to the fact that the protestors only marched by Queen’s Park, not stopping to yell obscenities at the Politicians who would come out to speak to them). Giving the general public a better image of students is one of the aims of OFS. As well, the alliances which OFS has been crying to make with labour and on-campus groups seems to be bearing some fruit. Sean O’Flynn, President of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union, Cliff Pilke, President of the Ontario Federation of Labour and ARthur Kruger, Dean of Arts and Science at the University of Toronto, all supported the cause of students before those assembled at Con Hall. Finally, the study-ins which occurred on campuses around Ontario were a positive step towards informing the public. However, what did OFS really accomplish? News of student activities is still regarded as something to be put just before the obituaries in most newspapers; now that OFS has had its major event of the year, it is unlikely that student news ill get much publicity until next year, making it difficult to take the case of students to the public. To say you agree in principle with the plight of individuals is not to say that you will help them if and when the crunch comes. If OFS needed money to cover the legal costs of students involved in a fee strike, for instance, would the OFL or OPSEU put it up? In terms of study-ins; former mayor of Toronto John Sewell pointed out that the thrill of the events of the National Day of Protest should not be confined to that one lday; that to really be effective, students must work towards their aims throughout the year. Unfortunately, many student unions have ignored this advice, and one can’t help but wonder whether the local student unions, which, after all, make up OFS, are all working towards the same things. OFS needs a massive overhaul before it can realize its goal of becoming a viable representative of students in Ontario: better mechanisms for local ‘input must be created and put into effect; a clearer policy must be. formulated; actions must be carried out which conform to

Carnpuri Question what do think about the OFS Referendum? by ~a;ry y&l


BW in OFS. I won’t be anymore ifratesgoup.

!4n interesting




3~pArts8 ’

Ira Nayman


B. Grady I think we should able to go to school


this policy. Until such time as these things occur, OFS is not war your money. Not surprisingly, much the same thing can be said of the Federation of Students and its Executive. It became clear at the OFS AGM held last summer, when a major structural change proposed by the Waterloo delegation failed, that a rift between OFS and the Federation had appeared. Federation Executive has grown more and more distant from OFS, to the point where other OFS members feel that Waterloo is not actively participating, or worth participating with. This alienation was a major factor in deciding to hold the referendum. It shouldn’t have happened. A referendum on a fee increase for OFS passed on this campus last year. In some sense, this bound the Federation Executive, despite itsdifferences with OFS, to work with the organization. That this didn’t happen shows a lack of sensitivity to the obviously stated needs of the students at Waterloo. However the referendum turns out, an investigation into the workings of the Federationanditsaccountability to the students it is sup’pbsed to represent is in order. In short, the Waterloo student, to nobody’s surprise, is getting shafted by its elected representatives.


Hastily called Unnecessary, a review pJ.‘OCeedwo i8 bettor. Yes on the refer endum means a stronger voice for Waterloo.

WimSimo~ President,Federatponof~ It is turning into dobatsociety.

OFS, i.e. a glorfied

‘Matthews I appointed.to “Our major concern is to do whatever is possible to get adequate funding to Universities,” said former University of Waterloo President Burt Matthews on the day of his appointment as new chairman of the Ontario council on University Affairs (OCUA). The announcement was made Tuesday by Premier j William Davis and is effective March 1, 1982. “There will not be adequate Matthews stated funding,” pointing out that one of the functions of OCUA is to help institut&rs make the best of the money .which they do receive.

Burt C. Matthews


Other functions of OCUA are to study all facets of postsecondary education, including funding, and make recommendations to the provincial government. OCUA is also responsible for recommending the funding and accreditation of new graduate and, more recently, undergraduate programmes. Based on past experience with OCUA; Matthews believed that it did have an effect . on the government’s education policy. Since the Council was made up of people from the private sector as well as from universities, Matthews felt that the government gave


by Peter


gov’t job

its recommendations more credence. He admitted that the government didn’t always accept all. of OCUA’s suggestions, but insisted that, “We’re better off because the Council has existed.” Matthews stated that the education system has to be looked at because the level of funding is “inadequate”, but that closing one or more universities was “unnecessary.” What may be necessary, though, is a restructuring of the courses’ given at various


- News Shorts

institutions according to Mat-’ thews. Matthews did think that it was within the power of the government to determine which courses are given at ’ which institution. However: “I hope that we can preserve the autonomy in those areas essential to the university who will teach, who will be admitted and who will graduate.” Matthews will be replacing William C. Winegard in the position. Ira Nayman


Like bees buzzing around a hive, several council members were attracted to the forum held in Village 1 where Wim Simonis and Bob EllFt discussed their opposing views on the referendum. According to Simonis, President of the Federation Students, Federation council had requested the forum in the Village, yet “three-quarters of the (the councillors) were not

day tioming

Tuesday, November 10 is referendum day. Elliott’s mind, Thursday (the Referendum Wim Simonis and Bob Elliot have been Panel/Discussion) will “be the deciding day. The people that want to be there will be there.” diligently lobbying their respective sides, Simonis descries the fact that the same sometimes engaging in heated rebuttal during the informational forums held in various lunge people are attending all theforumsand that the areas and coffee shops around campus. While OFS people are “dominating” thequestioning. The referendum’s conflict with mid-term Simonis’ and Elliott’s opposition is extremely exams is another point which Simonis sees as evident, their agreement is not. In the referendum issue there is one area of less than desireable, but which he says could agreement between the No and Yes sides. not have been avoided because the referendum date was set four or five weeks in advance. Both Elliott and Simonis would like to see an Elliott was also aware’ of the referendum’s independent review of the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS). bad timing during exams. It has taken much Elliott would like to “review procedures in time away from his classes and his family. the new year” which, while a committee could The referendum will encounter its greatest not have a submission ready for January, difficulty if less than 10% of U W students vote. would be able to take recommendations to the The vote, and therefore the referendum, will OFS conference in June. not count if this occurs. In this case, it “will Wim Simonis would like to set up a review probably become an election issue in January,” committee along the lines of the Queen’s says Elliott. Simonis dismisses. those who do University and University of Toronto’s reviews not vote, as the “I don’t care”vote. This student which “worked well.” Evaluation of the OFS, a apathy is a problem addressed by both sides of legitimate concern at this time, is not confined the referendum during the forums, but no to this university: recognition of this problemis resolution for it has yet/been put forth. Ontario-wide. If the referendum actually goes off, UW will In other areas of the referendum lobbying, be in an interesting position regarding there have also been statements which are membership in OFS. Bob Elliott feels that if his similar. When discussing the gentleman’s side wins (if the majority vote is Yes) then UW agreement which received general assent at the will “become very strong in OFS.” The Yes Committee of Presidents meeting on October side, which has “run (its) campaign on change,” 13, Simonis expressed the opinion that the Arts will want OFS to$sten to its suggestions for Student Union (ASU) contravened this change, even “demand” it. ’ agreement. (The agreement said that the A majority No vote would facilitate societies and organizations would remain Simonis’ setting up a review committee. The neutral in their support of the referendum.) portion of the OFS fees already paid by Elliott agrees and would have preferred that students but not forwarded to OFS, may be “the societies stayed neutral” and feels that the refunded. It will be interesting to see what ASU has somewhat alienated itself because of happens when the time comes. its stand. Students who have not attended the torums When asked if the Federation executive had or have not become informed about the decided to remain neutral, Elliott answered referendum should consider how the Yes and that he was not aware of any such agreement. the No sides responded to the question, “Why Simonis, on the other hand, said that the should a student vote for or against OFS?” executive had decided to remain neutral in Simonis replied that each individual should order to effectively run Federation activities. ask what is OFS and what has it done for the Varying degrees of campaigning have taken individual? OFS, he feels, is not worth the place on campus concerning the referendum. money and is cheating students by not giving Simonis’ residence work began on Monday, ‘\ them the full services they deserve. while Elliott’s residence *work began a week Ellott stated tbat OFS is the strong proearlier. Some concern was expressed by vincial voice that students require against Simonis, regarding the Yes campaign bothcutbacks. Lobbying can still be done on a ering student studying for mid-terms, but provincial and now more than ever that voice is Elliott was not aware of any problems his needed. Elliott also said that he sees no residence lobbying caused. alternative to OFS. Suggestions have been The Yes for OFS campaign posters have made by the No committee, but he feels that been visible since near the beginning of the these will cost students more money than will three week referendum campaign, but the No .be saved by opting out of OFS. “We have the experience to help OFS become what’it should posters were not ready until this week. Simonis feels that “it is best to leave it (the campaigning) be,” says Elliott. to the last” because of his experience in ’ Until the referendum is over, the votes have previous elections. been tallied and an official announcement ,The for6ms have been the most vocal part of made, one can only speculate about what will the referendum campaign to date. Attendance happen. A spoiled vote will only.prolong the has been “terrible to good” according to issue. It’s up to the students to make thisElliott. He sees the societies as the best referendum decisive. informing voice rather than the forums. In Patricia L. Shore

Crafts fair

‘With not students to temper the questioning; the council members were free to attempt to embarrass or contradict the speaker of their choice. Most * of the questions were ad-dressed to Simonis; ’

Sunday evening’s forum in Village bled a Federation c question and answer per&d rather than a forum to inform students. Both Simonis and Elliot agree that the students should be informed, but seem to disagree on how this education should . take place. If the forums are ways of communicating to OFS fee-paying students, then it appears this is not happening because of low attendance. Anna Lehn

centre oben

A new Women’s Centre has been set up in Campur Centre room 149. It will serve as a resource and referra centre for female students. One of the main functions of the centre is to provide t supportive atmosphere where-women on campuscan mee I and discuss daily disturbances, disasters and triumphs The room has a bulletin board of events of particula! interest to women that take place in Kitcheneri London Guklph and Toronto (conferences, speakers, workshops and other special events.) The centre will also h&c addresses and phone numbers of services of all kind! available in Southern Ontario. ’ Volunteers will organize and support educationa activities and social action groups on campus with ar emphasis on women’s interests.- The final form that the women’s centre takes will depend on the intersts of the * volunteers. If you would like to take partin theseactivitie! or make any suggestions for services the centre shoulc provide,contact Ann Hodginsat ext 2345 or attend one o the upcoming meetings of the Women’s Issues Group (set Campus Events on the back cover).

Ruti for the money Each year the students of St. Jerome’sand Notre Dame Colleges at the University of Waterloo host a 1600 kilometre-Charity Run. The run itself consists of some 250 students who commit themselves to run a continuous relay run of 1600 kilometres around Ring Road on the University’s Campus. The purpose of the Run is toraise money toassist a local charity in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. The sixth run will be held over the weekend of November 6 through 9,198 1. The charity which has been chosen to receive the funds raised, is the Arthritis Society of Canada, KitchenerWaterloo chapter. The goal is to raise $5,000.00 which will be used to establish a special projects fund that will assist patients in the purchasing of medical equipment for their own use: including such devices as walkers, canes, and hot wax baths.

The i council members’ wanted to know why UW couldn’t work with OFS for change; why, with two out of eleven OFS committee members from UW, UW could not voice changes; and why there is such apathy on campus. . Elliott was asked on question by the councillors,-and that was to comment on the’ letters which Wim Simonis and Bill Halverson, President of the Graduate Club, had written to the Premier of Ontario and the Minister of Education. (The letters were written because the UW delegates did not have the op-portunity to ask questions at the August OFS meeting with the Premier.)


You can get a head start on your Christmas shoppingat the campus centre’s annual Fall Crafts Fair, whichwill be held on November 12 though 14. The fair will. have the work of many artisans from southwestern Ontario on display and for sale. There will .be a wide selection of handmade crafts such as candles, pottery and woven articles. Pottery, leatherwork and individually designed pieces ofjewellry willalso be on sale. The creators of these crafts will be at the fair to sell their work and to explain their techniques to people interestet in the crafts. The show is organized each year by the turnkeys. Craft will be on display and for sale each day from 1Oa.m. to 5:0( p.m. in the campus centre great hall.


here.” (Only a handful of the thirty members were present.) Vice-President, Bob Elliott, stated that the council had already discussed the referendum, and for this reason, Elliott felt, the council did not wish to attend. Elliott maintained that most of the councillors had taken a stand. The noticeable absence of students at this forum was explained differently by Simonis and Elliott. Simonis saw the absence of students as a result of a lack of communication, not a result of apathy. He stated that the Federation is trying to communicate with students by holding forums in places where students are found, such as the Math lounge, Village 1, and the Arts Coffee Shop. Elliott, on the other hand, sees the student unions as a way of communicating to students. -If both of these explanations are taken into account, large numbers of students were not present at this Sunday evening forum because of a lack of information or--.a presence of the same.





s&i-formal -


The Second Annual Benefit Semi-Formal will be held on Saturday, November 28, 198 1 at Bingeman &ark, Marshall Hall, in Kitchener. The proceeds from thisevent presented by the @dents of Village I and Village II will be donated to the Ontario Heart Foundation. The success of last year’s Benefit Semi-Formal which was limited to the students of the Village Residences prompted the organizing committee to enlarge thescale of - this year’s event. Tickets will be available to all university students and the community at large. Last November the Benefit Semi-Formal was held in$he Kitchener Farmers- Market Banquet Hall and tl@ proceeds were donated to the Marathon of Hope in response to Terry Fox’s request for Cancer Research gupport. The ticket sales and raffles raised $5,000 for the fund.

Letters Droning babblers should. keep quiet To the editor: Why is it that whenever I’m trying to work in the EMS library I’m distracted by the drone of various conversations in the background? Why is it that people insist on having full scale conversations in the library? No one really minds people having a few brief sentences spoken now and again, its when these conversations babble on ad infinitum. There are other places like the C&D and empty classrooms where you can work in groups and speak all you want. Do these people realize how distracting they are when they carry on while other people are trying to work?


All I’m doing is simply asking everyone to return the library to a quiet place to work, possibly the only place on campus that is supposed to be quiet. P.S. I’m not alone. Chris Savage

Carleton hopes UW stays in OFS To the editor! It has come to the attention of the Carleton University Students’ Association that the Federation of Students at Waterloo is conducting a “pull-out” referendum from the Ontario Federation of Students. This is unfortunate for the students of Waterloo, and the student body of the province as a whole. We recognize that there are



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b) If the students of Ontario are ever to see a strong, provincial ‘services’ body, we require-a provincial organization. There is far greater economic power behind 200,000 students than 20,000 students. For this reason alone, it is beneficial to the students of Waterloo to remain a member of OFS.

1 In

the current climate of government cutbacks and fiscal restraint, the students. of this province clearly require one coordinated, articulated voice, rather than thirty -small voices lost in the wind.

The above points outline the primary reasons why the students of Waterloo should vote to remain within the Ontario Federation of Students. Clearly there are many other smaller pros and cons, however the rationale just outlined more than indicates the ncessity to remain a member of the Federation. The Carleton University student body sincerely hopes



a) The membership is beginning to change within the infrastructure of the Federation, hence a more responsible approach to the management of students’ resources. This is particularly evident in the recent hiring of Jan Walker, the new financial manager for the OFS.


FREE COVER Thursday & Friday WITH THIS AD!!! ************


a number of areas within the OFS which require improvement, however the necessity of maintaining a coordinated provincial and national body far outweighs the reasons for pulling out.


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the students of Waterloo give the Ontario Federation of Students the resounding vote of support it requires during this crucial stage of development. Micheline A. McKay President, Carleton University Students’ Association

Universities more than job trainers To the editor: In last weeks Comment “Business should pay for more” (Imprint, Oct. 30/ 8 1): author Dave Dubinski discusses the importance of maintaining an adequate level of funding to universities, and points out a key problem,


namely, ‘who should pay?’ However, he does not demonstrate a reasonable understanding of the role of universities in society. I would like to 1point out to Mr. Dubinski, tha t it is not the university itself, bl ut the co-op programme whicl 3 “is a machine that prod1 uces highly specialized, highly competent, but largely docile technocrats the and bureaucrats, cIII rnuc --bu nf-modern society.” The university as a whole is an institution which has a much more important role to play in society than merely providing bodies to sit behind the desks of government and big business. - This role includes providing disinterested inquiry,

Lost A Freeport High School graduation ring (1 Ok Gold) with initials on inside. Lost in Biology Micro Lab 378 on Oct. 29th. If found please phone Andy at 884-8069. A reward is offered. Great sentimental value. To whomever has my black leather ladies’ biking jacket: return it now and no questions will be asked. If not, we’ll just have to hunt you down. 742-6639.

Personal Have you got nine months to spare! I’m looking for a surrogate mother and am willing to pay top rates. My lawyer is waiting to make arrangements. Call (416) 9614700. Serious inquiries only! Sick of school? Second yr. female Arch. student seeks companion for extended bicycle trip through southern U.S. Jan. - May 1982. Write J.T. 5 18 Sunnydale Place, Waterloo. N2L 4T 1.

OSAP you received? Then let us allow you to listen to your money (or Betty Stevenson’s idea of money anyway) no matter how small the amount. Call us, Student Stereo, where Our Student Appreciate Performance. 884-5899. Van 1977 Chevy. Good condition will safety. 65,000 miles. 350, V8, Captain’s Chairs, Carpeted. Asking $2,500. Phone 886-538 1. Free - full colour booklet - a preview of the new Brittannica 3 - plus a list of other books from Encyclopedia Britannica Publications Ltd. Yours free phone Art Ahrens. 578-1447.

Wanted Lead vocalist needed for aspiring rock band. Also needed, keyboardist with vocal ability. Composing capabilities an asset. Call l-846-5406, evenings, ask for Justin. “Laser”. 884-537 1.





basic research, a liberal education, and (last but not least) professional training. It is precisely because of this larger role, that all the bills for our education should not be stuffed into the mailboxes of the corporate sector. Indeed, to shift the responsibility of post-secondary education government to private industry would be to transform acade,mic institutions into * . business ones. Mr. Dubinski’s final point is that “if the universities decline, no one will suffer more than Canadian business.” Let’s not fool ourselves. If the universities decline, the bus-



Page 8


Typist. 25 years experience. No Math papers. Olivetti Editor III. Reasonable rates. Westmount area. Call 743-3342. Experienced typist; fast, accurate work. IBM Selectric. Lakeshore Village. Reasonable rates. 885-1863.

Housing Available Male & Female - separate homes 5 minute walk to either University in clean, quiet, private homes. No cooking but frig, teakettle & toaster available. Single rooms - $22 $24. 1 complete female double - $20 each. Apply at 204 Lester - For Jan. or Summer term. Mrs. Dorscht 884-3629. Attention Co-op students: 3 bedroom townhouse to sublet for the summer term. Rent negotiable. Within walking distance of campus. Call 886-7436.

Housing Wanted

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Typewriter for sale. Underwood 702 Electric, $300.00. Call Mary Anne, ext. 2674 or 579-l 372 after 6.

Typing, experienced, will pick accurate, UP and deliver, reasonable rates. IBM Selectric, 579-0943.

Student Stereo saves you money - FACT! Drooling over stereo components but disappointed in the amount of

Expert Typing Service (IBM Selectric II/III) - Standard service: Correction of errors in spelling, grammar and punct-

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3rd year male seeks shared accommodation for January April term. Call Mike 884-6950.

Help Wanted Earn cash in your spare time as a Maclean’s on Campus Representative. No direct selling or soliciting involved. Call Mike 884-6950.

Services Resumes - For you, we do it all: the wording, the layout; a professional format, a great impression. Don’t wring your hands; ring us (886-8089). P.S. - Ask about our special diskfile resume service for co-op students.

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Cycling, it seems is alive and well at the University of Waterloo. The hundreds of . bicycles locked to every avaifable tree and fence post are a common sight on campus, and more than one walking student has felt himselfa minority as cycles speed past on ‘all sides. However, it appears some cyclists are having painful problems with certain traffic obstructions - namely the chains and automaticgates used to block driveways around campus,. Apparently, several students have hit the

chains while riding their bikes causing damage to .both rider and cycle. Fortunately, no serious injury has yet been reported but, some students feel it is only a matter of time. Chris Mockler a 3rd Year Env. St. Student, was riding down the path leading from Hagey Hall to Ring Rd., when he slammed into a chain blocking the driveway he was on. Mockler claims the chain had not been there on previous occasions and hence, he was not looking for it. Also,

because it was dark and raining, Chris says the chain was difficult to see. His front rim was badly damaged and he decided to approach the university’s insurance ,man - Mr. IL Randell. Mockler was lucky, as Randell agreed to pay half the cost of repairing the cycle, provided Mpckler sign a form releasing the university from any ‘responsibility.\ Normally, Randell has no official policy concerning other such accidents, other




Day of Protest

Many students at UW are left wondering why nobody here had anything to do with the National Day of Protest staged at campuses all across the province last Friday. The day’s events were organized in Ontario by the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) and included a rally that gathered over 2,000 students at Queen’s Park in Toronto. Why no participation from Waterloo students? Essentially the decision was made by the Federation of Students executives. “It has been tried before and was a dismal failure,” says Waterloo’s Federation of. Students president, Wim Simonis. His reference was to the last day of protest organized ‘by OFS in March of 1980 when Waterloo was barely able to fill a single bus with Torontobound demonstrators. According to Simonis events such as a day of protest


only serve the, media and publicize, “what the students chanted (i.e. slogans) and don’t discuss the real issues. “Since the march (at Queen’s Park) I haE:t seen a single word in the press (about university funding problems),” points out Simonis referring to his believe that the media’ only> gives token attention to such events. . Simonis believes that students must become more

aware of the issues involved themselves before they can take any sort of political action. He hopes to-accomplish this during the week of November 16 - 20 with a Federation education week. A further reason given by Simonis for the lack of attention paid to the day of protest was the fact that a Women’s Week had been planned for that time. Peter Saracino

than to judge each case by its merits. If the university were to pay for all damaged cycles then Randell says “we’d be deluged with hard-luck stories”. After all, as Randell points out, even if the accident is the, students own fault, the cyclist isn’t likely to admit his error if the university is apt to pay for-the repairs to his bike. The problem is to determine if the’accident was an unsafe act by the cyclist or whether it was an unsafe condition. If the latter is the case then Randell says the university will have an obligation to pay for repairs. However, paying for damages caused as a result of the ; university’s negligence will not ficer, [recognizes this fact but, as of yet, is unsure how to deal with the problem. He is meeting with the Security people-and Mockler to attempt to find a. solution because he feels “something has to be done”. According to Ozaruk, the vast majority of the accidents are a result of unsafe acts and the only way to reduce these is for cyclists to be morecareful. As for those accidents caused by- unsafe conditions, Odaruk hopes to find an answer. He

cannot ask Security to remove the chains althogether because they serve two required functions; first, they prevent driveways to buildings from becoming clogged thus ensuring emergency vehicles access, and secondly, the chains deter potential thiefs because they do not allow’cars to park close to campus buildings. Ozaruk feels the further the thief has to park the less likely he will be to attempt the theft for fear of being seen. Some qgestions which arose in discussions with Mr. Ozaruk were; to replace the


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students, including co-sponsor a debate held-on November 5. Engsoc takes much the-same stand as Mathsoc. President Jim Balcom says “We felt our responsiblity was to provide information to the students.” The society, instead of taking a stand is providing both the pr 0 and con sides of the issu --- ‘through class representative and council meetings. Scisoc isn’t taking a stan d either, according to Socir 11 - Director Tracy Allen. She saild the reason is dissention withi n the society. Allen and Sciso President Chris Matthews ar “siding with Wim” while othe :r members, such as the i Secon d Vice-President, are for OFS. General feeling amongst th e societies is that they should no a get involved with -the OF! s referendum. They are, how ever, eager to provide in Iformation to their members.

sewetazial I services


Village accommodation will be available for the Winter term commencing January 4. The Residence fees including meals will be singles (if available) $1094.00, Inter-connecting $1055.00 and doubles $1017.00 for the term. Students wishing to apply for this accommodation may obtain Residence Application forms from the Housing office which is located in Village 1, or write to:


s ida V.Iin$jer/ .


chains with removable posts spaced, in such a manner to allow easy access to bicycles but not cars, and to shorten the automatic gate bars so that more room is provided between the end of the bar and the curb, thus giving cyclists more room. Mockler feels Ozaruk was very co-operative and understanding, but he doesn’t think anything will be‘ done until someone is seriously hurt. However, Ozaruk has’ promised to find some sort of solution as soon as possible. -, Dave Petmsek

Street N., M&O500

Tuesday,. Nov.- 10 Psychology Rm 2083 UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO 11:30 a.m.






Friday,___- November -- -- .-. - ----6,198l. -- - -------Imprint


Continuedfrom page 6

In solidarity,

Telegram urges solidarity

The students of the IJniversity of Regina

To the editor: OldToikes A collective hello from CFS - Local NBR 8. never die . . . The students of the UniverTo the editor: ’ sity of Regina encourage our I wish to make a correction brothers and sisters at Unito the article which appeared versity of Waterloo to join in the Imprint of November with us in building the one 23rd, entitled “Toike Oike student organization in CanReturns to Life at U ofT”. The Toike never died tobeginwith. ada that will fight the cutbacks and create a system of The staff had simply played a post secondary education that ’ practical joke on the campus. is one of quality and acTo quote from the “I&+ cessibility to all. Good luck. surection Issue” (which was the real last issue of term), “Never believe anything we say.” Previous to this issue, one called the “TTC - The Bitter Way” appeared, although the Toike staff denied producing this (HA!). I congratulate the Toike Oike for fooling not only U. of T., but theToronto Sun, CUP, various campus papers locally, and the Enginews staff. Clarkson Gordon employs more Greg Franks university graduates to train as CAs than 3B Electrical Engineering any other firm in Canada, Each indi-

iness world will be able to train protheir own “computer grammers, engineers, economists, and industrial psychologists” more efficiently than this or any other university. However, it is of crucial importance to realize the very fundamental difference between job-training and education. Mike Fitzsimmons Environmental Studies


CONSIDERACHALLENGING ANDPROFESSIONAL CAREERASA CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT vidual is important to us. Our extensive training programs, available to all our staff, and our professional coaching, reflect our recognition of the importance to each person of achieving his or her full potential. To assist you in becoming a qualified member of this challenging and growing profession, our representative will be on campus Nov. 25. Arrangements should be made through your Student Placement Of&e prior to Nov. 11,

A Member of Arthur Young International

Students can’t face issues singly To the editor: It has come to my attention that the Waterloo Federation of Students Students’ Council has passed a motion asking the student of the University of Waterloo to renew their membership within the Ontario Federation of Students through a referendum on November 10,198l. Although I disagree with some of the reasons stated which have brought the referendum about, the students at Waterloo do have the right to express their feelings about the Federation. A referendum is the most democratic way to

ensure a fair decision. , The Waterloo Federation of Students has always been an extremely strong member within the Ontario Federation of Students - their financial, political and emotional support has traditionally been of the highest calibre. I encourage the students at Waterloo to vote in favour of continuing this relationship; Waterloo’s contribution is needed. Presently, our post-secondary education system is facing its largest threats ever. There are many issues facing students and student leaders: the federal government is proposing about $1.5 billion in cutbacks to post-secondary education within the next two years - and with increased cutbacks, accessibility for all to a post-secondary education will become a goal further and further away from realization. Students and their leaders cannot face issues of this magnitude alone; no postsecondary institution should attempt to do so. The fight will be difficult, but students must work’in a unified fashionif our voices are going to be heard. I hope the students of the University of Waterloo will remember this on November 10th. Barbie Grantham, President, Alma Mater Society Inc. of Queen’s University Editor S Note: President Grantham is also Vice-Chairperson of the Ontario Federation of Students.

Coverage Appreciated To the editor: I was pleased with the coverage of the Stress Man-

agement Seminar in your paper. The article written by Pat Michalewicz was interesting, accurate and informative. Pat nicely picked out the key points of the seminar and presented them in an organized, succinct fashion. It is coverage such as this which will promote “quality of life” on this campus and provide visibility for Campus Health Promotion. Jacqueline Kay,Wellwood -Fitness Consultant Campus Health Promotion

UWisinasbad aspotasanykeep OFS

To the editor: I am writing to you ori, behalf of the University of Toronto undergraduates to urge you to consider both sides of the upcoming OFS membership referendum. Last year, the U of T undergraduates voted 2 to 1 against the increase in the OFS membership fee from $1.50 to $3.00. Many of thecomplaints voiced about the organization are those presently being voiced on your campus. Nonetheless, no o?e argued in favour of pulling out of the OFS. Despite the upcoming lapse in our OFS membership, we have recently joined the Canadian Federation of Students and its provincial components. Students in this province, and indeed in this country, are presently being faced with the most serious threats ever to the post-secondary education system and to the maintenance of a quality, accessible education. In Ontario, these transfers account for approximately 75% of all monies

out to anger diE bk city, Pick thevvinner~ c

Large cities may not be for everyone. But to Rachel there’s no place more exciting or richer with opportunities. Maybe she is a little starry-eyed, but Rachel has a far more worrisome problem. She’s on a social merry-go-round. Her day isn’t complete unless she joins her friends for some pub-crawling after w Much too often, pubs lead to parties. She getting too little sleep, eating poorly, and her boss now regrets hiring her. Rachel thinks it’s all a great adventure. She forgets whyshe first came to the city. Truth is, unless she wises up and backs away soon, small-town girl city loser.


ties may not be for everyone. But to Rachel there’s no place more exciting or richer with opportunities. Maybe she is a little starry-eyed, but fortunately for Rachel, she’s a realist 3

She’s made some wise choices, ineluding her decision on drinking. Not too often, not too much, is Rachel’s o. That goes for beer, wine spirits, no matter where he is or with whom. The interesting thing is, her moderate lifestyle hasn’t made Rachel less popular. Nor has it made the city a less exciting place. It’s just making her stronger. Strong enough to win.

~~~lolg~~!~~‘s Distil ers




spent on post-secondary education. At the provincial level matters get worse. The province is looking to scale down the entire system and has gone so far as to propose closing universities and colleges if money is not forthcoming from either the federal government or from other provincial sources. Students can only hope to oppose these massive cuts if we work together. Students at Waterloo are in as bad a spot as any, and I would again urge you to vote YES for OFS and maintain your membership in that organization. Students across the province support the OFS and I sincerely hope you will too. Kathleen Crook External Commissioner Students Administrative Council, University of Toronto Editor’s Note External Commissioner Crook is also a member of the Women S Issues Committee of the Ontario Federation of Students.

OFS debate getting into personalities To the editor: It is with the gravest contern that I observe certain tactical practices in the current OFS membership campaign. The issue at hand concerns whether or not we are, as students, being represented fairly. Such representation requires the clarity of thought that should be expected of an elected body. It is precisely because of the many emotional attitudes we enjoin in furthering our own interests that we elect others to filter out the more peripheral considerations of the body politic at large. This necessary characteristic of reasoned expression has been largely ignored by the parties who brought about this referendum. I feel that I must draw attention to the detrimental effects that may come to bear on this issue as a result of the injection of personalities into the fray. Anger, if not enmity has been displayed both in Student Council meetings and in public debate. I fear that this referendum has been initiated without due consideration of necessity and consequence. To ‘let the students decide’ is a reckless practice if the issuesat hand are not sufficiently clear to the investigative body (Student Council) itself. This happens to be the case in the issue before us. Thus, the elective body itself should beware of the presentations given. Students should be sure to sift through the rhetoricand discern the ‘bare meat’ of the issues. That we are faced with the necessity of following through with this referendum is a matter of procedural authority. This is somewhat unfortunate. However, because of this necessity, it is all the more important that the student body not be swayed by heightened emotions and to allow reasoned consideration to deal justly with the matters at hand. Christopher McIntosh 3rd Year Arts

Letters to the Imprint should be typed, doublespaced, on a 64-character line. They should be signed, with the name and phone number of the writer appended. Letters are due 6:00 Monday evening.






Does the video display terminal (VDT) create health and safety hazards for its, users? In examining the problems involved . in operating and managing the machines, those attending the VDT safety seminar held at the University of Waterloo (UW) last Thursday discussed the possible hazards of low-level radiation emitted from the machines, and the stress factors involved in operating the machine. The problems were approached using the science of ergowhich studies the nomics, relationship between people and machines. The conference attracted management and labor personnel. A video display terminal is a TV-like screen attached to a typewriter keyboard and linked to a computer. Currently there are 250,000 VDTs being used in Canada in offices, banks, airlines ’ and newspapers. These labor-saving devices are fJ now being used upwards of 40 hours per week by thousands of operators. Dr. Anthony Cullen, UW School of Optometry, discussed the possible link between VDT radiation, cataracts and birth defects in unborn children. He said there is no scientific evidence that the display screen caused cataracts and that they emit no hazardous radiation. The US National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health studies concludes that VDT users are no more susceptible to radiation hazards than are non-VDT users, he said Cullen also has conducted his own researchtesting rabbits, monkeys and humans -- for the effect that radiation may have on the eye. Cullen said cataracts can occur at any age, from a myriad of causes, some congenital. He expressed his concern about “charlatans and pseudo-scientist’s” claims linking cataracts and VDT use through anecdotal claims and effect simplistic cause studies. The soft x-rays given off by the machines do no enter the lens of the eye to cause problems, he said. In fact changes in the eyelid would occur first before any damage to the eye occurs. The level of ultraviolet radiation received by a farmer in his field is millions of times in exess of what a VDT user would ever get, he said. The standards set for radiation levels from VDTs are 100 times higher than thresholds set by tests. However Cullen did recommend that VDT users have routine eye exams, and that women in their last three months of pregnancy be excused from VDT operated jobs just to be on the safe side, although there is no definite hazard, he said. Linda Torney, Southern Ontario Newspaper Guild representative, said VDT workers are complaining of health problems related to VDT use, and as a result severe stress problems are occurring. The most common health problems include muscular, skeletal and eye pains, and strain, she said. She noted that a pink tinge occurs in users who sit at the machines upwards of 7 hours per day, resulting in poor color per-


ception so that VDT workers can’t distinguish between red and green traffic lights when driving home from work. Trying to negotiate with various managements for a twenty minute rest-break for VDT users before driving home has


been very difficult. Torney also cited conflitting studies on the hazards of VDT radiation. A European study found that ‘visual acuity and color vision anong VDT workers had changed since they started on the




Worker comfort wasn’t exactly a major concern, of managers and others, at the time of the Industrial Revolution. As a result of strong unions, and our need to analyze everything, the present day technological revolution has begun to incorporate worker comfort along with productivity goals. An example of this concern is the seminar, Video Display Terminals (VDT’s) in the Workplace, held October 29, on the UW campus. The seminar, organized by The Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, was intended primarily for managers and supervisors of employees involved with VDT’s. Among the presentations was one on ergonomics, given by Dr. T.M. Fraser, Director for the Centre. A rather new word, ergonomics is the ‘study of man in the workplace with respect to the optimization of efficiency, safety, health and comfort’. Along with the radiation scares associated with VDT’s, various other problems have manifested themselves. Fraser, an engineer and medical doctor, stated the problem in one word; fatigue. Depending upon the person involved this could show up as muscular, visual and/ or mental fatigue, each with a variety of symptoms. The occurrence of these symptoms is varied depending

not only on the individual, but also the type of use that is made of the VDT. The main emphasis in the seminar was given to full-time users such as clerical staff. To correct this problem of fatigue, factors in the environment must be made to reduce it. There are solutions that affect the furniture of the user, and among these are the following: 1. Proper working level and desk height that allows an operator to sit with their arms comfortably held near the body and permits knee clearance underneath. 2. A cushioned chair that supports not only the upper back, but the pelvic region as well. 3. A footstool that can be inclined to suit the user. The major requirement of all furniture is that it be adjustable to suit the various differences in the users. The screen is what gives rise to visual fatigue. Fraser did not choose to discuss the screen layout and formatting instead emphasizing the range of view and viewing distance. The optimum range of view, that also renders a proper head posture, has been found to be 20 degrees below the horizon level. The implementation, by companies, of many of these practical suggestions has been hampered by the increased costs of buying new equipment

operators. Increased automation has led to an increased workload and the increase of employers monitoring workers. Mr. Frank Bourjot, from Tor.onto Star, Classified Department implemented a program included redesigning the office space, chairs and desks \o suit individual users. / The desk space was designed to hold the terminals, files and work space, while the , terminals and chairs are individually adjustable, to allow comfort and support. Light have changed, as new studies patterns were adjusted to cut screen glare, along with the and technology determine that addition of light reducing a previously safe level is no longer so. terminal screens and drapes on Another area of concern, south-facing windows. she said, has been that of trying The machines were encased in plastic and metal cabinets to to adapt people to, the mafurther reduce radiation hachinery, instead of, treating zards, and noise was cut using VDTs as a human aid. This practice has resulted in emoacoustic panels and rugs. A tional stress, creating personal series of lights were centrally installed to let each operator and family problems for the

and in some cases the higher price of the new furniture items. Even if a place of VDT use has the best in terms of the equipment, furniture and environment consideration for comfort, the full-time use of a VDT is stress producing. The person is connected to a machine, and is working in a driving environment of which they have no control. It is impersonal to say the least. The question then to ask is, should anyone have to spend a full day working at a VDT? Fraser offered some ideas about this but it was not emphasized enough. They mostly involve some organizational restructuring such as job si. :ing, where two operators use the same VDT. This is a good use of part-time labour. A worker rotating jobs during the day is another solution to the stress and boredom. The one idea that was presented is something that is included in many union contracts, and in a private member’s bill (Bill 149) that is presently before the Ontario Legislature. It is the requirement that a worker receive a 15 minute break for every 2 hours spent at the VDT. Bill 149 is intended to ensure the safety of people operating VDT’s. It has already received a first reading. The fact that Video Display Terminals are in our lives can’t be changed. -They will contin’ue to be used in more and


know the status of the computer system. The cost of implementing this new design, withextensive employee input, was approximately $400,000. The new floorplan which did not use up any more space than the previous one, was found to be much more efficient. Bourjot says it was a “people investment,*’ resulting in happier staff and higher productivity. Dr. Morris Fraser, who organized the seminar, and is director of the Occupational Health and Safety Centre at UW warned those attending that there are employee problems associated with VDT use and that management should pay attention to these operator complaints. He suggested that they had better do something about the problem before it is too late to repair management - labor relations.

Cyndi Obee


more places. Now is a good time for the future and present recipients of VDT technology to be educated about the best practices and equipment. It




machines. The Toronto Star had a cluster of miscarriages last year among VDT users that did not occur among the pregnant non-VDT users. Although it was not proven to be the cause of radiation from VDTs, Torney said she would rather err on the side of safety. She said she is also doubtful about the present! level of government standards set for VDTs. Standards do not necessarily ensure that the

lnay be VDTs main


November -_ 6,198l.

may also be a good time to reconsider job structuring and the notion of a full-time VDT ‘operator.

Susan Montonen


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FridayfNovember _ _-.-

Rape a growing One woman in 17 in Canada will be raped at some point in her life. One in five will be sexually assaulted. Rape reports to the police have increased 25% since 1969. These figures, released by the Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women paint a depressing picture of the pervasiveness of the crime in our society. Statistics also indicate that women of college age are among the highest at risk of becoming victims. Statistics such as these have led to a growing public awareness of the widespread nature of the problem but misconceptions regarding the nature of sexual assault and the characteristics of both the offender and the victim continue to abound. Real prevention, as opposed to riskreduction for individual wo-


men, can only be achieved through 1 greater public information .and attitude change. Rape is a crime of aggression, not of passion. A crime which finds its roots in social attitudes towards women. This is a message feminist writers and members of sexual assault centres-have attempted to convey to the public over the past decade. The message found a great deal of supporting evidence last week during Women’s WeekactivitiesontheU.ofW. campus. Films such as Killing Us Softly and Ways of Seeing depicted the attitudes which have been conveyed about women through the history of art to contemporary advertising. Women helpless, passive, dependent sexual objects. Man, the pursuer: wo-


The most controversial screening at the Toronto film Festival of Festivals was the National Film Board (NFB) documentary Not A Love Story: A Film About Pornography. After this showing, the film went under censorship review and was not seen again by members of the public until last Thursday when it was shown in Campus Centre rm. 110 as an unofficial part of Women’s Issues Week ‘81. The impetus for showing the film came from the NFB‘ itself because they support the film and are determined that it be seen. They feel that the problem it confronts is an important one for us all to face. It is a film about the 5 billion dollar porn industry in Canada. It is very blunt and very explicit. It shows images that are- available legally and under-thecounter everywhere in North America. Yet, ironically, on the same day that it was shown at U. of W., it was banned from public viewing by the Ontario Censorship Board. By banning this strong anti-pornographic documentary, they may be helping to perpetuate the problem they are hired to fight, yet this is typical of how helpless and ineffectual we are in dealing with this evil. There is a stunning amount of womenhating in pornographic imagery in Not A Lovq Story. Dehumanization is universal and images of degradation and torture are common. Yet this phenomenon is not isolated to the porno world. The same images, in a milder form, are very common in every day advertising campaigns. That point was made very well in a film shown earlier in the week, an NFB film called Killing Us Softly. Advertising, incidentally, is also a multimillion




threat in this society

man, the pursued. The double standard here, of course, is that if a women adopts the dress and mannerisms she is sold through advertising, she is often accused of “asking for” rape. ’ For those who were able to see Not a Love Story: A Film About Pornography, the arguement was carried a step further in the portrayal of the ,dehumanization of women in istrip /shows, live-sex shows, and pornographic literature. Pornography has, in recent increasingly drawn years, upon themes of aggression, domination, and rape in the fantasies it sells to the public. “Rape is one of the products of a sexist society; it is the price we must pay for a society based on coercive sexuality,” argue authors Lorenne Clark and Debra Lewis in Rape: The

pornography dollar industry designed to make still more money for other industries. So called “New Wave” and “Punk” product promotion is indistinguishable from pornography. In New York recently a fashionable store-window displayed a mannequin painted to resemble a murdered woman. In a corner of this scene a pair of alligator shoes were placed on display. An important fault of the film is that its subject is portrayed well enough to arouse rage, horror, sadness and pity (for the men involved as well as the women) yet it leaves the viewer with no outlet, no avenue for action. Censorship, the obvious move, may in fact be necessary for self defence, but it doesn’t cut to the root question: “Does something in our culture create the conditions for dehumanization and the violence that follows?” This movie does an excellent job of portraying pornography and the men and women who create it. It is not an unbiased film, but it is ruthlessly honest. It features interviews of publishers, photographers and women who perform in peep shows, and live sex acts. No description could adequately recreate the impact of this film. Although the film cannot be shown publicly for profit, it can be shown to groups for educational uses. Since publicity is forbidden, interested people will be informed of the next showing by personal invitation only. If you would like to receive an invitation to see this film, write to: Peter Starr National Film Board 659 King E. Kitchener, Ont. Ann Hodgins


Price of Coercive Sexuality. Men are taught that manliness equals agressiveness and that violent “seduction” is the secret fantasy of every woman. As a result, men charged with rape are often bewildered by the illegality of their actions. Their activities are seen by them as only part of what it is to be a “real man”; Clark and Lewis contend that one of the most corn: monly held myths is that rape is a crime of uncontrollable sexual passion. The rapist is seen as an oversexed pervert or as the unfortunate victim of a coquettish woman who allows his desire to sway over reason. Researchers, however, have found that the dominant motives of rapits are to’ control, humiliate, and hurt’ their victims.

Three types of Rar>e Nicholas Groth, author of Men Who Rape, describes three types of offenders. The power rapist, the most common type, is motivated by a desire “to restore his sense of power, control, identity and worth through his sexual offence.” He will commonly need to believe the victim enjoyed the sex act, and may even ask her for subsequent “dates”. The anger rapist, in contrast, is motivated by a desire to hurt and debase, and will use more force and verbal abuse than is necessary to commit the act. The sadistic rapist, who need violence to become sexually aroused, are relatively rare in comparison with the proportion of media attention they commonly receive.

Low . conviction rates Public misconceptions about rape and the widespread tendency to blame the victim have caused many victims to remain silent about their victimization. Many women tell no one and it is estimated that only one in ten reports thecrime to the police. Statistics released by the Canadian Advisory -Council

on the Status of Women Parliament, will no longer indicate that of every ten cases restrict wives from being able reported to the police, only I to lay charges of sexualassault seven are investigated and against their husbands. only three result in an arrest. Of the few cases which do proceed to *court, only 54% Rape Distress result in a conviction for rape Centre Closed or a lesser crime. The rapist stands at least a 94% chance of Sexual assault victims need not being , convicted. The supportive crisis and followaverage sentence for rape is up counselling, accurate inforfour years. mation to help them in their decision making, and an advocate to assist them Legal Reform through the legal maze if they lay a complaint with the Statistics such as these have police. Kitchener-Waterloo led organizations such as the sexual assault victims have Canadian Association of Sexbeen without assistance since ual Assault Centres and the the local Rape Distress Centre Law Reform Commission of was closed in August, 1978. Canada to lobby for major The centre, which had been changes in the rape laws. The plagued by inadequate public creation of new laws which are funding since its inception in more respectful of victim spring, 1975, was closed after rights, it is believed, may enattempts to secure ongoing couraged more women to funds failed. come forward and report these crimes. During its period of operMajor amendments to relevant sections of the Criminal Code are now under consideration by the House of Commons. Bill C-53, which was brought before the House in January, proposed to reclassify non-consensual sexual offences under two major categories: sexual assault and aggravated sexual assault. Aggravated sexual assaults would include those which involve the use of a weapon or resulted in serious physical harm to the victim. Sexual assaults would thus no longer be classified according to the particular part of the woman’s body which was assaulted. Currently, forced sexual intercourse carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment whereas indecent-assault carries a maximum sentence of only five years. The Bill also drops the requirement of corroborating physical evidence and restricts questioning about the victim’s previous sexual conduct. The amendments, if adopted by

ation, the Rape Distress Centre provided a 24 hour crisis line which offered support, information and referrals to over 200 victims of sexual assault and their families. Centre volunteers were also actively advocating for legal reform, educating the public, and providing women with information and training in selfdefence. Services for rape victims were recently identified by police and social service officials as a critical gap in public services for victims of crime in this region in a report commissioned by the Mennonite Central Committee. It is important for continuing public education, legal reform, and major attitude changes about women in our society to continue if we are to combat the growing trend of violence towards women at its roots. Services for sexual assault victims must be an important priority but the prevention of the crime is the most important service we can provide for all women. Cheryl Boon


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if you are raped. . . If you are raped, it is very common to feel dirty and want to wipe the incident from your mind. You have just been through a situation that has undermined your sense of control and confidence. In this frame of mind, decision - making may be very difficult. The decision whether or not to call the police is one that you should make as soon as possible. You may want to discuss it with a friend first or have the friend there when you contact the police. If you police, 1. Try to details as attack!er.


to call


remember as many you can about your You may want to

may be able to accompany you to court; their number is 744-6549. ’ Progress is being made in changing the attitudes that cause rape, but in the meantime, rape continues to be a threat with which we must contend. Joyce .\Harley, director of the Rape Crisis Centre in Hamilton, has made the following suggestions to lessen a woman’s risk of being raped. _ In the home: 1. Always keep doors and windows locked. Deadbolt locks are the most effective. use safety chains. 2. Make sure your home is well lit. 3. Keep curtains closed Kat ’ night. 4. Use only your last name and initial on the mail box and

telephone directory, e.g. J. Doe instead of Jane Doe.5. If a salesman or serviceman comes to the door, ask for identification. Use a safety chain when checking the I.D. 6. When packages are delivered, sign the receipt with safety chain in place. Have the package left outside. 7. If a stranger asks to use your phone, offer to-make the call for him. Do not let him in.8. If a’window or door has been tampered with while you were out, go to a neighbour’s to call the police. Do not enter your own home. Only return when the police arrive. Know, your neighbours.. They can be helpful in an emergency. .




6, .1981-. Imprint

11 ,A,


On the phone: . 1. Hang up ‘on obscene


4. Stav in well-lit areas. Avoid - 7. !f’ someone has changed suspicious-phone calls. If they direction or squealed to a stop persist, report them to the parks,barking lots. to pick you up, don’t accept the phone company. s 5. Walk near the curb and ride. away from buildings, trees and 2. Do not give your name, 8. Ask the driver how far he is shrubs. address or phone number to a stranger onthe phone. 6. Try not to overload yourgoing before he asks YOU. . 9. Keep your window partly In the car: self with parcels. ’ 1. Always keepyourcardoors -7. Wear sensible shoes and open, in case you have to locked. ’ nonconfining clothing. While scream. 2. Before-getting in, check to many styles are fashionable 10. Make sure your door handle -works and keep your see that no one is hiding in the they hinder quick movement. car: hand on it. 3. If another driver needs 8. If you think you are being 11.’ If You carry a Purse, keep assistance, offer to drive to the followed, check it out. Change it on Your lap with Your left pkce;cross the street. If your hand. Use it against an attack. nearest service station for 12. Make Sure you know howthem. Do not let strangers in suspicions are confirmed the car. to reach your destination, in run to the first lighted house, 4. Check your rearview mirbusiness or phone booth and case the driver makesa“wrong turn”. ror. If you think you are being call the police. 13. If thedriver wants to make followed, drive to the nearest 9. Notice any cars that pass a “stop” first, get out as soonas place where you can get help (service station, fire house, you more than once, If you possible. police station). think you’re being followed, 14. If you must jump from a‘ __ 5. Avoid parking in dark or turn and run in the opposite ‘moving car, make sure you can direction. roll to a clear spot away from isolated areas. 6. If there is trouble, lean on 10. When returning home, other moving cars. Throw the horn. have your keys ready before your shoulders first, keeping 7. Always lock your car and you reach the door. your right hand near your take the keys with you, even if 11. If you arrive home by taxi body. Tuck your head in. Keep or car, have the driver wait your body in. Let your feet you will only be parked for a short time. Never leave the follow. It will hurt, but it may until you get inside. be your only choice. keys in the ignition. ) . If you must hitch-hike: Hitch-hiking is a risky A word about elevatoys: Taking the bus: 1. Sit near the driver. means of transportation. Try 1. Check for suspicious 2. While sitting, be* alert. to get a ride with friends, or people before getting on an Don’t fall asleep, take a bus or cab. If this is ab- elevator’ If you are nervous, I 3. If someone begins both: solutely impossible, then keep wait for another elevator. ering you, in a loud voice, tell the following points in mind. 2. If someone gets on the him to stop. 1. -Try not to hitch-hikeal,one. elevator who makes .you un4. Beware of people getting 2. Try not to hitch-hike at easy, get off at the next floor night. and wait for another elevator. off at your stop. On the street: 3. Accept a ride if the driver is 3. Stand near the control 1. Appear confident. Look alone in the car. Never ride if panel. If YOU -are attacked,. as if you knob exactly where there is more than one man. press the alarm button and hit you’re going. 4. Check the back seat to I as many other buttons as you -make sure there is no one* can. The door willthenopenat 2. Be aware of what’s going on around you. hiding there. several floors. 3. At night, take note of open 5. Check to see if the driver is Segments from TheSilhouette, stores, lighted houses. , fully clothed. Hatpilton. I


write down everything that happened. This information will help the police in their investigation. 2. Preserve all the evidence ’ you can by not washing, combing your hair or chang-’ ing your clothes before the medical exam. If you can, bring a change of clothing to the hospital. 3. At the hospital, you will have a complete exam. Show the doctor .a11 your injuries. Evidence will be taken during the pelvic exam. 4. If you do not want to report to‘ the police, get medical attenti6n soon. Make sure you have tests far possible pregnancy and venerial disease. If you decide not to lay a formal complaint with the police, you can call them anonymously, and given them information ,,-about the incident and the attacker. The police can not lay charges on the basis of this information. The information may help the police in identifying an as-. sailant if he is wanted for another case, or in identifying trends and dangerous locations. Although no Rape Crisis Centre exists in KitchenerWaterloo at the moment, you can call the HELP line. at 745-l 166 for crisis counselling. Victim-Offender Services can give you information on the legal aspect of rape and ;;

___- ‘1





rape suryivtir

A woman that has won. “Won what?’ you ask She has won a battle And completed the task Of rebuilding her life Like her self-respect and body It has been brutally torn asunder By a fellow human being I With no other thought, but to overpower -Only time can erase the memories Of being helpless and humiliated It helps fade the nightmares Of being pehecuted and then degraded

c and plunder 1 .\\


She needs love and acceptance from those around her A caring, non-judgemental ear To tell her deepest feelings to Knowing t,hat she has nothing to fear . She must fight her many demons One of the worst being self-doubt Feeling guilty and ashamed “I should have fought harder” or “Why

, *


didn’t I shout”

There are many obstacles to block her And the painful struggle starts afresh each day There are many nights she wishes she could die Just to have everything go awaF -


A war has beep waged upon her body And after the last battle has been fought She is left to pick up the pieces Violated, hurt and distraught A rape survivor is A woman who has overcome An assault on her body and mind She is a sister that has found freedom She is you and she is I.

, Melody


Mvths y-r/-\


to raDes 1

. ’

The myths regardingsexualassault, clung to not have access to regular, normal sexual by’ so many people, are one of the greatest contact or by men withuncontrollable sexual ‘barriers to stopping rape. Here follows some of drives.” -A Kinsey study has shown that the _ the most common myths and the facts and incidence of rape does not decrease with’the statistics that contradict these myths. legalization of prostitution and the increased Myth 1: “Rape is impossible; -a woman of availability* of sex. Nearly half the rapists are normal strength and normal alertness could married or living common-law at the-time of prevent rape.” This myth places the onus of the assault. preventing rape on the victim; consequently, Myth 5: “The rapist is a psychotic stranger.” the victim is often blamed for-the rape, rather Most rapists know their victims, at least d than the assailant. Preventing rape can’be very casually. One in six rape victims is assaulted by difficult: 25% of the rapists use weapons. Even a friend. Qnly 30% of the rape victims and 33vo in those cases where weapons are not used, the of the sexual assault victims are attacked by use of them is usually threatened and the victim total strangers. According to some psy-’ sees the situation ‘as life threatening. 62% of chological testing that was done on rapists, rape victims are in fact physically injured in the the majority appear normal, thoughsome may attack; 9% are beaten severely. demonstrate a hkgh Ievel of aggression&owards Myth 2: “Rape can’t happen to me.” It could ’ women. ’ ’ ‘s *’ very easily happen to you and chances are that Myth 6: “The charge of rap&s frequently un- I if you are a woman you will be raped some time y ‘rape? because they have in your life. A woman i_sraped every29 minutes or want attention.” Rape is in Canada; a woman is sexually assaulted every r society where the victim is 6 minutes. And don’t believe you! will be initially assumed to be’ ’ lying. Special protected by your age: rape victims have - provisions exist in the laws to protect the, ranged in age from six months to ninety-years. accused from a lying “victim”. And yet, rape. Myth 3: “Women almost always provoke rape; ,has the lowest rate of false reports of any crime. they act or dress provocatively or put Myth 7: “All women want to be raped; they say themselves into dangerous situations, like ‘no’ when they really mean ‘yes’.” Rape is a hitchhiking.” This-myth is inconsistent with painful, frightening, degrading experience that the known facts Gabout rape,,Raplsts’ regard no one would desire. No pne wants to be thetheir victims as objects and&e unaware of their %ictim of an act of violence, and rape is just ‘physical appearance. The victims are &&en ’ that, an act of violence. Myth 8: “A woman who has been raped is for their availability rather than foi”iiheir damaged goods.” This myth is a part of the ,_ attractiveness or sexual pro,v.ocativeness. If attitude that views wo.men as the possession of you want to protect, you&elf from rape by’ men. A woman% ‘value’ is inno way affected by ’ ,locking yourself in your room at night, forget it. 49% of all sexual assaults and 18% of all. - a rape any more than the value of a person is affected by a robbery. rapes occur in bra&l daylight. &e out of every Myth 9: “If a woman does not struggle, she three rapes occurs after the rapist forcibly must have consented to theact” Many women seizes- the victim without warning or. breaks -are immobilized -by their fright, due to either , into her house., In any case, why should the ’ victim be blamed for putting herself in a high,* the rapists threats or use of a weapon. Physical struggle should not be a criterion for deciding ’ ’ risk situation, when the rape results from the whether a rape has - occurred or not. If the actions of another person? If a person is robbed woman-feels she was forced into having interbecause he did not lock up his money or wore course, by whatever means, she was raped. expensive clothing, you do not blame him for - . /being robbed. -> ; . Myth 4: “Rape is committed by men who do Julie George ’ --‘#II ’ ,


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Indoctrinate (in doktri nate), v.t. To instruct in a body of doctrine; to imbue with the distinctive - princples of any system. Indoctrination plays a role in everyone’s life. It fonms the beliefs we live by and defines our attitudes to the world about us. Many types of educational and religious indoctrinations are taken for granted, but amidst North American religious cults, indoctrination has become a highly developed procedure with powerful and far reaching effects. Janice Rahn, a young Canadian woman in her early twenties, was recruited into the Unification Church while working in Boston, Massachusetts during the summer of 1980. Within two weeks she-gave up her job and joined the Moonies, as they’re better known. Recruited, indoctrinated through a weekend workshop and a week long series of lectures, Janice spent four weeks in different Moonie camps until being sent to Atlanta as a fund raiser. Shortly aftenvards, Janice’s parents kidnapped her from Atlanta spending $13,000 to have their daughter deprogrammed before returning to Canada with her. Janice spent the last year recovering from her experience. Sensitive to any type of coercion or pressure, she has difficulty holding onto jobs and eventually ended up working for herself making stained glass windows. In September of this year she entered a teachers college. Recruitment and indoctrination in cults and especially within the Unification Church follows consistent patterns. Moonie recruitment is aimed at those in their late teens and early twenties, in many cases those in college and university. Campuses are common places ‘for cult recruitment. Students tend to be open to new experiences and easily drawn intothesetypes of religious activities. Cult recruiters look for people who appear isolated or alone. Often, those recruited are in the middle of changes in their lives and usually, though not always, are unhappy or dissatisfied with their situations. Janice Rahn’s recruitment follows this pattern. She movedfrom her home in Southern Ontario to take a job near Boston as a nannie, caring for two young children in a house near the ocean. It was an isolated existence and even though she enjoyed working with the children,‘she was unhappy with her employers. One morning, while visiting Boston on her day off, she was approached by a young man, who introduced himself as Mark, and another girl. They were friendly and outgoing and started a conversation. Moonie recruiters often work in pairs, one male and one female, since they appear less threatening to new recruits. It is a common cult practice for such groups to misrepresent themselves at first, claiming to be any number of organizations.

\ Moonies often say they’re members of The College Association for the Research of Principles (CARP). Rahn explained, “They wereveryfriendlyand said their group was concerned about things that were happening with students. They wanted to examine the disintegration of education, morals and values.” Moonies also establish contact through door to door canvasing, claiming to do surveys on world problems, attitudes to local issues and any other subject they believe till capture people’s interest. Recruiters attempt to learn the person’s interests and claim they can be put to use bythe

organization. Sometime after her involvement, Janice was told her sketching abilitywould be employed on the group’s newspaper in New York Teachers or those interested in children are told they can work in the group’s schools and daycare centres. In most cases, these promies never come about but serve to capture the recruit’s interest Once intitial contact is made, the group usually invites the recruit to some type of organized activity. Janice was invited to lunch at a large house in the city. There, she found a group of happy, outgoing people who were always smiling and talking with her. Mark, the young man she first metwasalways nearby, talking and finding out more about her. &king -the purpose- 6f the group, Jaqice received several general replies until Mark eventually admitted they were a Christian organization but made no specific mention ofthe Unification Church. Janice spent the day playing sports, singing and socializing and was invited to spend the following weekend at one of the group’s lecture workshops. Cults attract new members by emphasizing the social aspects of their group. Cult members are effusive and lavish a great deal of affection on new recruits. “They work on your curiosity, try to feel you out. They don’t want to hit you with anything that might shock you,” said Janice. Once an individual has agreed to attend the Moonies workshop, their chances of being recruited increase dramatically. Weekend workshops are heavily orchestrated affairs in which the individual is given no time alone, constantly pressed to take part in group activities and watched closely by church members to see they remain involved. The workshops use effective techniques similar to those used in sensitivity group training to create a sense of togetherness and identification among new members. Many activities are designed to break ‘down inhibitions, including the use of skits, pan tomimes, team sports, cheers and songs. Individuals are discouraged from making outside phone calls or talking to other new members in an attempt to maintain the group’s ‘positive’ atmosphere. New members are constantly showered with attention and affection. During the weekend, church members give ‘spontaneous’ testimonials of the changes they underwent after joining the group, usually reporting their earlier lives to be extremely unhappy and dissatisfying. Janice attended the group’s workshop in New Hampshire and found the weekend a long series of fast-paced activities, interspersed with lectures on general historical principles and drawing parallels between the time of Christ and today. Slowly the religious nature of the camp began developiong, but there was no open reference to the Unification church or its founder, Reverend Moon. Janice was given no time alone to reflect on the events of the weekend. During her time there, Mark worked hard to improve their relationship. “He,was always praying and holding my hand, always putting subtle thoughts in my head,” said Janice. In many cases, Moonie indoctrination seeks out inner conflicts in the individual and by focusing on them pressures recruits to join the group. The cult plays on suppressed inner conflicts which-the individual must either overcome by himself or control by identifying with the cult Josh Freed, in his book Moon Webs says, “For some, the vulnerable spot is a lack of fulfillment in their work or personal lives; for others, the guilt of being modem ‘consumers’ who have compromised their past ideals. Their own unused personal potential is used as a

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November - _




mind control techniques on victims . weapon to push them into extreme intro spection . . . and further. “As Dr. Clark concludes in his paper Manipulation of Madness: “They (cults) are embarking upon a draconian experiment . . . one which no ethical scientistw.ould consider taking. . . a healthy person with a basic neurosis was having it transformed into an acute obsession . . . psychosis was being imposed. “Then, poised at the abyss of nervous collapse, the recruit is offered only one avenue of escape, which he takes in sheer desperation: he fastens onto the group to escape his pain.” Freed goes on to say, “it is a release to why psychiatrist Joost Meerlo called “the inner traitor in all of us” in his classic 1950’s text on brainwashing, The Rape of theMind. ‘Men yield primarily because at some point they are overwhelmed by their unconscious conflicts,’ says Dr. Meerlo, ‘These conflicts, kept under control in normal circumstances, come to the surface under the strain of menticidal pressure (brainwashing).’ “This conversion process is a giant leap frogging from one reality to another. It virtually peels the recruit’s identity from his body and jars him loose from his ordinary way of perceiving the world . . . it often results in the glassy-eyed stare and religous visions that marked Benji’s (the subject of Freed’s book) experience. Other changes may include impotence, arrested growth of facial hair and the voice becoming high and shrill.” As the weekend progressed, Janice was pressured to remain for a week-long series of lectures to be given after the workshop. Janice later found out the lecture series is run constantly to take advantage of those attracted to the weekend workshop. Janice was aware of the increasing pressure on her to stay for the weeks lectures. She decided to return to her job in Boston, but during that week Mark continued to phone and visit her. Eventually, while out with Mark, she called her employer. “1 just phoned up and told them I’m not coming back. They owed me a couple of weeks salary and 1gave that up.” “I felt guilt and thoug!- 1had better make the best of this experience with the Unification Church.” Janice also phoned her parents in Ontario. “Mark was there as well. They said it was’up to me what I did but just to keep them informed.” After leaving her job Janice travelled to the group’s camp in New York State and became more involved in the group’s activities. “When they have you there for a week, they begin talking about the Unification Church. Up till then 1thought they were a Christian group.” “They begin to fill you with their own values. 1 was totally out of balance. 1didn’t trust my own judgement.” “They never answer questions, just saying you’ll understand in time. When some one does raise a doubt they’re told they’re affected by past concepts and they should stop thinking for themselves,” said Janice. “At first, there was no mention of Reverend Moon but during the lectures Reverend Moon’s picture hung on the wall. It’s not until the final lecture that Moon is presented as the Messiah.” said Janice. Discovering the same series of lectures are given every week, Janice asked why everyone kept on listening to the same thing. “Mark said it’s important to hear it again. He said he’d heard it hundreds of times but always learned something new.” The continual repetition cult members face serves two purposes, to reinforce what they’re being taught and to occupy their time. During the lectures, church concepts became more prevalent. New recruits are encouraged to forget their old lifestyles and sever their contact with jobs, careers, friends and family. By this time, recruits have become attached to the movement mainly through socialization with church members. During the week long series of lectures, the recruits are always kept busy with no time to themselves. The recruits, through identification and constant pressure, are forced to accept group doctrines. “The Moonies told us what our friends and family would say and tried to discourage us from talking to old friends,” said Janice. After a week in New York, Janice, along with Mark and some other members, began moving to different camps. Claiming they were afraid of being caught by deprogrammers, the group moved mainly at night without telling recruits the location of their

new camps. During this time, the cult was using Mark to draw Janice deeper into the group. 1came to trust Mark very much. 1was almost in a child-like state. 1trusted him so much that when we played baseball 1would swing at every pitch, no matter how bad,” said Janice. The group spent four weeks moving from camp to camp in the eastern States, spending time playing team sports and hearing more on the Unification Church until the eventually arrived in Atlanta.

“All during our time togethe$he group had been working up to beginning fund raising, but they kept on saying not to worry about it,” said Janice. New members are told how much they raise is an indication of their devotion. But they’re never satisfied with what they get. They make you feel you never give enough. 1heard of one girl in New York who made s 1,000 a day selling peanut brittle,” said Janice. Many cults talk of “giving one hundred percent” and equate it with reaching a person’s potential. Some cult members drive themselves 16 - 20 hours a day selling flowers, candy, candles or anything theythinkwill make a profit. Cult members speak of “heavenly deception”, a phrase used to qualify misrepresenting themselves either in fund raising or recruitment. According to the Unification Church, those outside the group are agents of Satan. Therefore, any fabrication can be used to take money from them or draw these people into the cults. Before arriving in Atlanta, Janice said, “They wanted me to stop sketching and to be more involved; stop observing. They made me feel guilty about being so ‘aloof ” Fund raising created doubts in Janice’s mind. “It seemed they were only concerned with making money.” “We were selling these prints. 1 didn’t like them and said to Mark they were ugly. 1wanted to do portraits so 1could have some control but Mark said it gives us a sense of unity doing the same thing. They discourage anything different. “1 didn’t like the link between God and money. Theysaid if we were really in tune with God, people would give us money before we asked them. “1 always wanted to talk to people but they (the Moonies) said 1 shouldn’t waste time recruiting, just concentrate on fund raising. I was a very poor fund raiser,” said Janice. The usual day for fund raisers involves waking at 6:00 a.m. followed by prayers and exercise. Breakfast is served at 7:30. Any meetings for the day are held after breakfast and fund raising begins at 9:O0. Each team is assigned a specific area which they cover on foot and usually alone, often working till late in the evening with only a short break for lunch.

They would return to the Centre for ciinner around 9:00 p.m. Janice went on to say they slept about four hours a night and were well fed but some members said they were thankful they now had enough money to eat better. Fortunately for Janice, Mark was sent to New York to recruit for the Church. Her doubts about fund raising and Marks departure made her reconsider her relationship with the Unification Church. During the month Janice was missing, her

parents began searching for their daughter. Tracing her to Atlanta, they hired two men to pick her up and flew into Atlanta themselves.


Janice’s parents visitGd?he house where she was staying and after talking for some time asked her to go for a ride. “I got in the car and was kidnapped,” said Janice. The Rahns drove for ten hours to a deprogramming camp in Virginia. “1 wanted to go back to the Moonies but in the car 1began reading Crazy for God which had the exact same experiences as mine. “Doubts began to develop but 1 still felt the world was in a mess and if Moon couldn’t save it no one could. “1 felt very negative and thought that Moon was the last hope.” Arriving at the deprogrammers camp Janice said, “No one talked to me much that night. It was the first time I’d spent alone in seven WC?&.

“When 1 awoke in the morning, 1 spent two hours just lying in bed and deprogramming myself. When you’re alone yourthoughts are so different.

“In the cult, they never left me alone. 1 never questioned it. They always wanted me to talk to an older member rather than a new recruit. “I spent a week at the deprogramming centre.- At first 1 disputed everything with the deprogrammers but eventually 1 stopped and began accepting things. “I spent the weeks there observing people from other cults and was amazed at the similarities in cult experience.” Speaking on deprogramming Janice said, “You have to get the cult person to question reality. They have to want to. It’s like an alcoholic. “The hardest thing is dealing with day to day reality without mystic experiences. When you come out of a cult ypuIre iust in a vaqum. “Eventually, you begin to reahze they weren’t really friends. They were just interested in drawing you into the group,” said Janice. “1 spent one and a half weeks deprogramming. 1 wouldn’t stay any longer. Mainly, I jogged while 1was there. 1had so much energy. I was restless; driven.” After leaving the deprogramming centre, Janice returned to Canada. “1 had to reestablish everything 1believed in. “1 was so sensitive to anything that was coercive, 1couldn’t take a job with a boss.” “1 supply taught for a while and eventually returned to Toronto and worked in a day care centre. At the centre they expected the children to be treated in a certain way, but 1just found it hard to take orders.” Janice left that job and worked for herself making stained glass windows until September when she started teachers college. Commenting on her experience Janice said, “The Unification Church believes in reaching people individually. It’s slower, but surer. Once you have a person’s soul you have them totally. Their type of control is more insidious. “Cults are dangerous because they mock values which are a necessary part of society. They take control of people so they can’t think for themselves. “There should be some legislation (to control cults). 1believe parents should be able to take custody of their children for three weeks at any age. “These groups should have to account for their money. It angers me when they take advantage of being called a charity. Most are just political organizations. No one hasanyidea how much Moon makes or where it goes. It’s just a front.” Janice concluded by saying, “cults are very detrimental to young people. They’re not honest. What they really do is take advantage of people’s innocence.” Janice Rahn spent only two months in the Moonies but that short time had a powerful and far reaching effect on her life. Lack of awareness is what many cults depend on to procure members. Cults exert, 1 strong influences on individuals due to their methods of indoctrination, and people should be informed if they hope to respond to them intelligently. For those who wish to learn more specific details about cults, the Council on Mind Abuse can be contacted in Toronto, at : t 484-1112. Dave Watson The Silhouette, Hamilton Second in a Three Part Series

-Moo&s get $3 mijlion here The Unification Church in Canada is small compared to its organization in the United States but its limited numbers have not prevented them from gaining a foothold in Canada. Moonie activities in Canada are mainly centred in I Toronto where the Unification Church has acquired a number of properties and commercial operations. According to the Council on Mind Abuse (COMA), the Moonies own two houses in the Toronto area. Houses are usually bought through entrepreneurs, who front for the Unification Church and later sell them directly to the Church and take their profit.

The church allegedlyowns a cosmetic store in the Yorkville area called Hanida Ginseng Cosmetics and a company which distributes Oriental teas called the Ginseng Tea Company. The Church also owns a 95acre estate on Rice Lake in Peterborough formerly the residence of Governor General Vanier. It is reputedly being used as a training centre for Moonies from the Toronto area. #The church also recruits in Toronto, often near the Eaton Centre, sometimes claiming- to represent the College Association for the Research of Principles. The Canadian Unity Free-

dom Foundation is also associated with the Moonies. The group usually presents films on various campuses in Canada. The Canadian Unity Freedom Foundation also pub lishes a small tabloid newspaper called Our Canada and distributes it free in Toronto. COMA maintains that the Moonies have approximately 100 members in Canada but they generate about three million dollars a year in revenue. In Western Canada, Moonie centres in Calgary and Edmonton are run through the Unification Church in the United States.





traditional Indian garb. Aaloka wore a green top that extended to the bottom of her ribs. An orange and red sash went from her left hip to her right shoulder and around her waist. A black and red skirt had footless boots covered by rows of bells. The costume was adequate, but did not have the richness of material and detail that has been seen elsewhere. The piece has Aaloka moving about the floor using intricate hand gestures that’ snake and curl around in front of her body. Facial expression and the use of feet are fluid. But striking differences arise between Aaloka and another Indian classical dancer, Meneka Thakkar.

Bob Dylan

Last Wednesday had Aaloka, a solo Indian classical dancer, perform at the World of Dance Series. She opened her programme by introducing herself in quiet English and accompanying gestures. She then mimed all the essential gestures we would need in order to understand her performance of “Krishna! Krishna! Krishna!“. She choreographed this piece herself

with the supervision of her guru. She explained that the Indian classical technique has a syllabus and attendant classics as does ballet, and that it is a tool to be used to create new dances, which Aaloka has done. She also explained that Indian dance goes beyond aesthetics to become a form of meditation. “Krishna! Krishna! Krishna!” was performed in


St. Paul’s College St. Paul’s has vacancies for the i’ Winter Term, 1982, and will wel-’ come applications for residence in the College. For application forms and further information, please contact the College office or call:



There must somewhere be an old adage about legends never dying, but being reborn in different form. If such an adage doesn’t exist; one should be written to describe the current Bob Dylan. It was clear from the beginning of last Saturday’s concert at the Auditorium that this ws not vintage Dylan. The concert was virtually a sell out with the audience composed of a strange mixture of ‘bornagain Christians’, who came complete with banners proclaiming that Jesus Lives and that God will Bless Bob Dylan, Dylan’s original fans, who are in their thirties, and a younger segment who somehow latched onto the Dylan legend. ’ The concert sold well largely due to the promoters pushing the fact that this concert contained all the old Dylan material,. a ploy to counter any ill effects of the 1979 tour in which Dylan sang only songs that were befitting a convert to the ‘born again Christian’ movement. The old material was there, but much of it was difficult to recognize, partly owing to the incredibly poor sound, but


Thakkar shows a great deal of restraint in her movements which are clear, small and precise. Her floor space is little bigger than the area of a hula hoop. Aaloka, on the other hand, is a dancer who uses bigger movements that travel much more. Thakkar’s centre of gravity is low to the ground; one is aware of an affinity with the earth, especially in her intricate use of rhythm with feet slapping, digging and touching the ground simultaneously with bells chiming to provide even greater texture in rhythmic pattern. Aaloka dances further away from the floor (when she has her feet apart, she does not bend her knees so deeply as Thakkar).

Dylan did play for two solid hours without a warm-up group, but with the aid of a rather large back-up band. Two drummers, three guitar players, two keyboardists and three singers graced the stage with Dylan and, had they been anything but inept, may have been able to keep the show intact. Since the backup group was over-amplified, they proved to be nothing but a liability to the show.


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This prevents a kibitzing association with the earth, rather making for hops, jumps and runs, WhichThakkardoes not do. Both dancers are capable of a wide range of facial expression. But in this dance-drama, in which Aaloka mimes the story, one does not sense a tapping of the genuine emo-, tional source that produces the expression. Therefore the story has melodramatic cardboard characters - reminiscent of late sixteenth century European theatre. Because Aaloka concentrates on swirling skirts and dramatic poses, the’audience is not allowed to see the movement and dramatic tech-

performance mostly owing to a totally uninspired rearrangement of the old material. Dispite these drawbacks, the audience, or at least a majority of the audience, enthusiastically received each of Dylan’s offerings. Dylan seemed totally uninspired, and only seldom did he acknowledge the presence of the audience; even then, only through some inane comments thrown out to the crowd. It was hard to tell whether or not Dylan even knew where he was; one of his comments was that he believed that he was going to play at the Auditorium again the next night, Sunday, which was incorrect.

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nique that is required of Indian classical dancers. It was unfortunate that live music could not be had, as the numerous, syncopated rhythms and the energy generated from musician to dancer (and vice versa) often provides a richness not available through taped music. This is aside from the fact that the performance contained musical and technical problems that were detrimental to the mood of the show and the audience. The show did not run smoothly and the unfortunate collapse of Aaloka during the question period ended the performance on a rather dismal note, as does this review. Chris


uninspired Dylan’s new material was presented in the same haphazard way that his old material was presented, and it makes one wonder why anyone would want to count him on their side. For, unlike the powerful songs that he wrote in the sixties that came to epitimize the era, Dylan does not seem like a very credible witness to those already converted or to those who are

contemplating converting to born again Christianity. Still, the born again group seems to see some triumph in having Dylan convert to their side. It will be interesting to see just how long it takes for the legend of Bob Dylan todie, but one can be assured that concerts such as this can only quicken that death. Randy

Sylvia and Hannigan

FASS presents a Friday the -13th coffeehouse Searching for something fun Gardner, whose epic piano/ to do on Friday the thirteenth? song stylings have been the Well, why don’t you come out high point of St. Paul’s to an evening of entertaincoffeehouses in past years. ment, coffee-house style, that Theatresports Waterloo isbeing put on in the math has agreed to transplant its lounge by those lovable folks regular weekly game into the from FASS. FASS coffeehouse and will In case you have forgotten, have two teams on hand to FASS is the gregarious group play at least one always that puts on the terrifically surprising 25 minute half for funny show satirizing all as- your enjoyment. pects of campus life at the Since the event is a coffeebeginning of February every house, naturally there will be year. plenty of coffee on hand. For the paltry sum of $1.50 Should you prefer to relax at the door, you will be treated *more systematically, you’ll be to a variety of entertainment, ’ glad to know that bar services including plenty of music, will be on hand with a full cash some improv, a bit of drama bar to supply your needs for and maybe a skit or two booze and pop. thrown in as well. So, don’t forget! Around Included in the musical 8 p.m. Friday, close those talent already lined up are books, drop those pens, turn Perry Domzella, fresh from a off that terminal and come out warm-up engagement at Upto the FASS coffeehouse in stairs at the Kent, and Jim Mc513&

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It was a typical Hallowe’en afternoon; elbowing througha shoulder-to-shoulder crowd s in the Stag Shop looking for makeup, a quick trip to some drugstore for hair colouring, what am Igonna do withal1 this stuff?? and of course, it all led to Upstairs at the Kent. Four bands for six bucks, a steal at half the price . . . and that doesn’t even include the bonus singles or prizes for the best costume or any of the other things promised, and, of course, delivered. Normally, Upstairs is a place where you can drop inhibitions. Abnormally, as on Hallowe’en, you can come in full disguise and lose all sense of propriety . . . spend the whole evening drooling on the old wooden balcony or hop-

ping up and down on the old wooden dance floor. Which is what we did. Nach dem Tode started things, and what a bizarre unit! Two bassists in the same group is certainly a novelty, and they produce novel music as well. Perhaps their time will come; at any rate they have obviously been working very hard at what they do.

) Muffins

hot in-new

This is the Ice Age Martha and the Muffins Polygram



---. ---_-.- --

_- -.--

Kitchener’s ‘own’ Masterbeats played the second set, and although they didin’t seem to think they had a lot of energy, I liked their act just fine thank you very much. Since the Sex Pistols are gone and the Ramones don’t come around much anymore, it’s nice to see a tough, striking band, especially a hometown

Is this Martha and the Muffins? Perhaps a Muffin or two, but this album’s music is nowhere near Echo Beach. But it’s great. Whether or not Martha and the Muffins have decided to go the way of Pink Floyd, their music deserves to be heard. What

Someone must have mistake at the studio. how, a few cuts from Floyd or Alan Parsons got into the tracks.

made a Somea Pink album

Ballets a good

Canadiens alternative

Les Grands Ballets Canadiens is a Montreal-based ballet company which provides dance enthusiasts with a alternative to professional classical ballets such as Swam Lake or Giselle. Its repertoire includes international 20th century works as well as original Canadian choreography. A selection of these works were presented Wednesday, October 28 at The Centre in the Square. The first of four works performed by Les Grands Ballets was Concerto Barocco. This first piece provided a rare opportunity for the viewing of a George Balanchine work. Concerto Barocco is an abstract ballet, its beauty emanating out of pure form, body line and movement interaction rather than a developing story line. The small corps and soloists are set in white practice clothes against a purely blue bat kground. Bach’s Concerto in D Minor sets the atmosphere through which Balanchine develops a sense of ever continuing movement. Throughout this piece

the corps and soloists intermingle and act as a reactionary whole as opposed to two separate entities. Movement motifs include the use of arabesque, bourrees in a turned out demi-plie and the Balanc hine ‘pretzel’. Here the ballerina turns slowly and smoothly under her partner’s arm, unfolding without pause into an arabesque. She eases around and through her partner, the arabesque poses growing one from the other. The validity of a dance work is seen when its beauty lives through time and Concerto Barocco, which was choreographed forty years ago, is still beautiful. The company was able to elicit the sensitivity and purity of line which this piece deserves. Les Grand Ballets Canadiens was the first of a three part ballet series at The Centre in the Square. The Royal Winnipeg Ballet will perform the Nutcracker Suite on December 14, 15 and 16 and La Fille Ma1 Gardee will be presented by the National Ballet of Canada February 3,4 Linda Kelso and 5.

at the I!!ent

product. Three cheers for the Masterbeats. From Guelph . . . Wars in Transit! played their finest set within my memory-span, perhaps their finest ever. Grim, tight, energetic, and many other adjectives which don’t quite come to mind now, I am tempted to think that there isa genius in that band, and I won’t mention any names; Matthew already knows who he is. And then came Carsickness. Endless praise for this Pittsburgh-based group, from whom nearly every Canadian (and British, for that matter) band could learn a fair bit. The Carsickness strategy seems to be: set up a dance rhythm and maintain it until the dance floor is full, then shift into overdrive and play so fast that


nobody can keep up, then downshift back to the original tempo until everyone is back in step. ‘This process is repeated as often as possible until the lights and sound go off. I’m getting tired of writing. I’m getting tired of thinking.

edit the COPY Imprint wants J(

a great




But I’m not getting tired of going to the Kent. Each Artistic Endeavour is unique and high-powered. The same is true of the bands which Artistic Endeavours brings to town. Which is neat and some-

howappropriate. Because


this isn’t just any-

where. This is the Kent. And I don’t mean downstairs, either. Top shelf. All the way. Because Upstairs is where you can think anything you like. And act it out. Onstage or off. Week after week after week. Nobody got hurt. Perry Domzella


worries me is how they plan to play much of it in their upcoming concert at the Waterloo Motor Inn on November 12. Much of the album is a studio concoction, using mixes, remixes, overdubbing and even a little of the sound engineer’s magic. A single from the album has been playing on radio stations for a while now. Women Around the World at Work is an interesting but indescribable song about (you guessed it!) women around the world at work. Not the greatest song on the album, it’s made up of a lot of percussion and guitar. This and the title track, This is the Ice Age, are not totally outstanding, but fit into the album (if anything fits - this album appears to be a mixture of everything but heavy metal). Probably the best song on the album, Boy Without Filters gets my vote. It’s an excellent song using synthesizers, “noise” generator and all sorts of other really neat stuff that I can’t identify. Very Pink Floydish. Excellent crashing out music. (Editor’s note: the author means ‘music to use drugs by’ but doesn’t want his parents to find out.) Enough cannot be said about this song - it must be heard. Another similar song that I didn’t realize I had heard until the tone arm was back in its stand was Jets Seem Slower in London’s Skies. I thought it was just some instrumental work at the end of Boys Without Filters. There are no lyrics in the song, at least none that I noticed, so Ican’t explain the choice of title. Anyone who can explain it deserves a prize. Basically, the whole album is quite good, and I can assure everyone that I’m not going to miss Martha and the Muffins next Thursday at WMI. Roger Theriault

Write a story; Take a pit


Upstairs servitors

at the Kent wasn’t the only place to be for Hallowe’en. at the pub get into the spirit of the occasion.

Above: Photo

Saga concert Saga has definitely left the bar scene. Their concert on Tuesday at the Centre in the Square was a demonstration of audio and visual professionalism. Even so, Saga still remains somewhat obscure; as evidenced by many vacant seats. After gaining and extensive following in Puerto Rico, Britain, Denmark, and West Germany, Saga has returned to tackle the elusive Canadian market. Coinciding with their crosscountry tour was th release of Worlds Apart, their fourth album. Half of the songs on Tuesday were from that album; obviously, Saga feels that their new disk can generate more enthusiasm than any past efforts. Bassist and keyboardist Jim Crichton has expressed a willingness to enter the AM singles market. Wind Him Up has already been aired on FM stations. With their heavy rhythmic sound and keyboard orchestrations, it is unlikely that the AM environment will be sympathetic to Saga’s cause. As far as their concert IS concerned, Saga puts on a great show. Progressive and exciting songs, special’ effects (including lasers) and the charisma of front man Michael Sadler all contribute to an enjoyable show. The eight month hiatus which was taken to record Worlds Apart in England has helped Saga to approach Canadian audiences with renewed vigour. Also, Sadler managed to pick up a new toy, and he employs it in concert. What looks like a piece of luggage is in reality a compact drum kit, and this instrument is used on an intense percussion solo with Steve Negus. In fact, Sadler can be too arrogant at times; nevertheless, he gives the band an added dimension to their live performances. He is the focal point, playing a variety of instruments and fully utilizing the stage. Judging by the attendance at the Centre for’ Saga’s concert, the band still has a

the bartenders by Roger




long way to go to gain solid support in Canada. Crichton has said the band will focus on European markets, since Saga has had so much success there. Once again, a Toronto band moves on to bigger and better areas, while Canadians lose access to their own talent.

Glider, another local group, preceeded Saga. In their first attempt to break into the “big time”, Glider came up somewhat short. Technical difficulties marred their short set, along with a lack of interest from the guests at the Centre. Paul Moser

When an artist such as Liona Boyd performs, the audience always has certain expectations. They want to hear superlative technique and musical inspiration. Neither of these qualities was present in Boyd’s Centre in the Square concert last Friday night. Boyd’s performance with the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra (with Timothy Vernon as guest conductor) was not up to par. Perhaps touring has taken its toll. She seemed tired and displayed little of her usually charming stage personality. Musically, she made technical errors. Spontaneity and inspiration were lacking in her playing. The only bright spot on Boyd’s performance was Malaguena, a perennial favourite. Only during this piece did some of Boyd’s genius come through. The real “star” of the evening was Timothy Vernon, the guest conductor. This Vancouver native who studied in Vienna is superb. He conducted the KWSO with exceptional skill and the-orchestra responded in kind. Vernon is a very talented conductor. Hisenthusiastic and pleasant stage manner thoroughly charmed the audience. Even though Liona Boyd was a bit of a disappointment, Friday’s concert turned out rather well. Timothy Vernon and the KWSO made it a real treat. Pat Michalewicz

Friday, __ .- - - November -


Orienteering ‘I’ll

try anything

once. ”

- George Plimpton, in a commercial for a video game 1. The Genre Once we get past the invted-pyramid, meatand-potatoes style of sports writing, distinguished mainly by endless vacuous substitutions for the verb ‘beat’ (“The Camptown Ladies decimated Wallace’s Weasels 10 - l”), there emerge three not very distinct schools of thought. The first is inspired by Grantland Rice, the acknowleged dean of American sportswriters, .and it sees Sport as something more than a simple contest, a metaphore for the glorious and noble aspirations of mankind. This results in marvellous amounts of hyperbole. Listen to this paragraph of Rice’s on the 1924 World Series: It was something beyondallbelief beyondall imagining. It 3 crashing echoes are still singing out across the stands, across the city, on into thegatheringtwilightofearlyautumn shadows. There was never a ballgame like this before, never agame with as many thrills and heart throbs strung together in the making of drama that came near tearing away the soul, to leave it limp and sagging, drawn and twisted out of shape.

There was a slight problem with this approach: Quick! Who won the 1924 World Series? Columns in this style appear with depressing regularity in the pages of major metropolitan daily newspapers, and it tends to pall after a while. The second sees Sport in terms of its power relations, heavy with paranoia, disgust and mysterious happenings behind the scenes. It draws fevered parallels with Life as an endless struggle between Evil and Evil, with the poor befuddled spectator caught in a web not of his own making. Norman Mailer occasionally writes in this fashion, but the champion is Hunter S. Thompson:


We were talking of Sport, and Big Money. Which gets us back to pro boxing, the most shameless racket of all. It is more a Spectacle than a Sport, one of the purest forms of atavistic endeavour stillextant ina worldthat only big-time politicians feel a need to call ‘civilized’. Nobody who haseversat inafront-

6,198l.-___- Imprint-


is man against nature

row ringside seat less than sixfeet just below and away from the sickening thumps and cracks and groans of two desperate, adrenaline-crazed giants who are whipping andpounding each other like twopit bulls in a death battle willeverforget what itfelt like to be there.

The problem here is that it doesn’t work on less than a national level - there simply isn’t enough intrigue, in, say, intercollegiate football, and what there is isn’t very interesting. And something as simple as marathoning defies this sort of analysis completely. It’s not difficult to write this way; it’s difficult to do it well. The third is championed by George Plimpton, and is the only one not dependent on writing skill. No one will ever use Plimpton’s books in a college course: they’re too pedestrian. What he substitutes for ability is participation; indeed, a participation which depends on lack of ability for its success. Plimpton has pitched in a major-league AllStar baseball game; he’s quarterbacked for the Detroit Lions in a pre-season scrimmage before thousands of screaming fans; he’s climbed into the ring with Muhammed Ali. And he’s been gloriously lousy at it, splashing his failures across two books and countless issues of Sports Illustrated. There’s a certain devious logic in all this; he’s playing on the desire of every fan to be there, to become their heroes and ‘be capable of something more than just downing a twelvepack during the Super Bowl. But more than that, he’s playing Beat The Bastards At Their Own Game. If he succeeds, he becomes a hero himself, a mortal deified, and we look at him in awe. But if he fails, he’s still one of us, except he’s distinguished by the fact that he’s tried. He’s got guts; he’s got nerve. He’s won a moral victory. Even this, of course, doesn’t quite explain how I came to be crashing-through the thickets surrounding Laurel Creek, wearing a wino coat, a shirt three sizes too big, and work boots, and staring in vain at a tiny map. “Lead-footed, three-quarters dead, and cursing himself, the Hooligan, the human race, God. the Creator and the entire imaginable cosmos with the last breath in his

body, Cavanaugh reached the corner offorty“” _ Ninth and Second. . . ” - Damon Knight, “Babel II”

The Sport Remove orienteering from the context it was put in by the Boy Scouts. Forget the pettybureaucrat weekend-fascist Scouters lashing you verbally because your damned compass needle won’t stop spinning. Forget those hours of learning to walk a straight line through the woods. Step into the twentieth century. You register, sign a waiver and get a start time and a little card. At start time, you are handed a topographical map with numbered circles drawn on it. Using a compass and your wits, you must visit each circled area in order, find a small piece of nylon called a “control”, punch your little card in the appropriate location with the punch hanging nearby, and go on to the next area. Tough stuff. But when the fledgling Waterloo Orienteering Club decided to hold their first meet, they decided that the best way to bolster their meagre ranks was by not scaring beginners away. So they passed up the traditional forested location in favour of the familiar campus, scheduled it for Hallowe’en, and placed a Campus Event in Imprint saying “Beginners welcome. Wear a costume if you wish.” So, on Saturday afternoon, I took my twingy knees, my one good eye and a full wino rig over to the PAC. There was a handful of strange creatures milling around. I was registered for the medium course by a rag doll (actually, Sue Budge, several-time Canadian Senior Women’s Champion). More cutbacks: we filled out our own maps, and in lieu of punches had to copy letters written on the controls to verify that we had actually found them. “Start time twenty-five,” someone said. “That’s me,” I said. It was twenty-five past one. “You’re off.” I broke into a graceful run towards the Math Building, and quickly discovered that the work boots were not a good idea. I got around the corner and slowed to a trot, panting heavily. The first control was somewhere in the vicinity of Humanities. I forsook the straightline route for established paths, and found it easily enough, hanging on a tree by the parking lot. It said “T”. An auspicious start, I thought. The weather was perversely warm, the sun beat down. This is apparently rare in orienteering. The second control was on a boulder near Minota Hagey. I was discovering that the campus is not as flat as I thought. This is simple, though, I thought, and took the luxury of taking the bridge across Laurel Creek instead of splashing across. A girl in a track suit passed me. Walking briskly, I caught up to her at the third control, on a tree just east of Conrad Grebel. She took off at a run; I followed enthusiastically for all of thirty metres before deciding that risking cardiac arrest was not worth it. Afterall, I thought, I’m just a beginner. My preconceptions of the way the church colleges are laid out led me around the west side of Renison instead of the east. I came across two friends in the parking lot. “What’re you doing?” they asked incredulously. “Running an orienteering meet,” I gasped, breaking into a weak shuffle to try to justify the verb. Into the thicketsaround Laurel Creek, north of Renison. For once the work boots were handy; I stuffed the map in my pocket, threw my arms around my head and blasted through the vegetation, slowed only by the occasional tree. Reaching the creek, I hauled out the map and tried desperately to connect its squiggles with the creek’s reality. ’ I noticed a kid following me. I spotted the control; as soon as I got close enough to read the letter, I dashed off in a different direction. No good; he had a friend on the opposite bank. “You can read it from this side!” shouted the friend. It was hardly fair; the description specifically said “Streambend, south side.” Damned supercilious little kids. I lost the kid somehow, or maybe he was running the long course. On Westmount Road heading for the Villages, I decided that I had had enough of the damned costume; I whipped off the trenchcoat and tied it around my waist. I had by this time developed a sort of awkward amble, but the trenchcoat complicated things periodically by wrapping itself around my legs. Coming around the back corner of Village II, I saw a student who had lowered a chair out his window and was studying in the warm

sunshine. He was evidently used to this sort of intrusion; “They went that-a-way,” he called as I went by, pointing in the direction I had come from. Curse you, I thought. It took me a few minutes to find the control in the gully that Laurel Creek flowed through. In the process, I quite embarrassed some poor frosh out walking with his parents. I took the covered bridge across the creek and struck out for Village I. A couple of orienteers passed me going the other way. Even in first year when I had friends in the Village, I could never quite get the hang of the place. It did not help that the sixth control was within a circle on the map that encompassed three buildings. Curse these rowdy idiots, I thought, they’ve stolen it to hang on their walls. But I found it, eventually, on a stake that I had passed at least once. The seventh control was ‘way across campus; a straight-line path took me over the rolling grounds of the Faculty Club and through the PAC, where I nearly trampled a lost squash player. I burst out the Red North door at a run, threw my coat on the ground near the registration table, grinned at the organizers, and took off. Again, I slowed down on the other side of the Math Building. This was a significant change in image: I was no longer bizarre enough to be acceptable. Now I was just another slob trying to go someplace in a hurry. This may be one reason that meets are usually held in the wilds. Dashing around the back of the Physics Building on my *way to Engineering \ II, I noticed a control. Sure enough, I had misread the map. God knows what would have happened had I taken to wandering dazed around the Engineering quadrangle. I noticed another control on the way back past the Math Building, but decided that it was definitely a red herring. Up past Admin pardon me, Matthews Hall - to a “depression” just south of Columbia. It was downhill from there - literally, to an obvious control in back of the PAC. Chlorine fumes tearing at my nostrils, I decided on a big finish, and tore around the corner full blast to the finish table fifty metres away. It was 2:07. I had taken 42 minutes to cover 4.6 kilometres.

“Never look back. Someone be gaining on you. ”


- Satchel Paige 3. The Post-Mortem Plimpton was on to something. More importantly, I think the orienteers are on to something. Why? I’m glad you asked; it gives me the chance to prattle on for several more paragraphs, and exhume ideas I haven’t touched since Grade 10 English. Too much of sport depends on Man versus Man conflict for its motivation -football, for example, in which it’s to the participants’ advantage to cripple each other, and the rules sanction this. There’s enough hate in the world without going around fostering it in the name of recreation. It’s one thing to take Sport as a metaphor for War; but as with all analogies, there are always idiots who will get it backwards and see War as a metaphor for Sport. There’s ample evidence for this; I won’t pursue the point, because it frightens me. Distance running, the pleasure of which is largely an abstraction, is a Man versus himself conflict; most of the competitive aspect is surface gloss. This is not a good thing for the “I’m my own worst enemy” school of Western neurosis to get involved in, even though it’s a lot more sociable than the first category; it fertilizes introspection plus. Driving your body over several miles of preset course is a triumph only of will. In orienteering, on the other hand, the enemy is clearly Nature. You outwit hills; you conquer streams. I don’t like Nature. I don’t like the way it tries to kill my every hay-fever season, or the way it scratches and bites and drenches. I think the reason we never see Mother Nature’s face on those De1 Monte commercials is because she’s an ugly bitch. But she’s good for me, and if I have to face her I’d rather do it aggressively than complacently. It seems perverse to enjoy nature by blundering through the woods at high velocity, but it was enormous fun. Interested people should contact Sue Budge at 884-l 754. I’m going to try it again myself, in the spring when the season begins again. But I think next time I’ll leave the work boots at home. Prabhakar Ragde


_/ _; ~




Sudbury may be a hard rock way with the team title, the town, but it certainly wasn’t a battle for the second position hard-luck town for the cross among Waterloo, Queen’s, country Athenes last weekend York, and Toronto was close as they competed in the and heeted. Only 5 points _ OWIAA Championship Meet separated Waterloo and at Laurentian University. Queen’s. Had any Athenes Waterloo’s women yielded even a couple of places recorded their highest finish ever by taking second place in the team standings behind the overwhelming favourite, Western. Queen’s a team that seemed out of the competition coming into -the meet, ran The Athenas, Waterloo’s ~ magnificently to finish third. womens basketball The Athenes were led to the senior tape by Lana Marjama ,in team, played their first game of. the year last weekend, with the seventh place and -Andrea intention of proving that they Prazmowski ,in ninth. Lana’s performance was the high can sport a competitive team. They did just that, squeaking point of a string of excellent races this fall. Andrea suffered past the Ontario entry in the Senior W omens from an overenthusiastic start Canadian Championships, the K-W Reiand hung on toughly to finish in the top ten, oncof only three vers 69-67. More important than the rookies in the league to do final score w8s the spirit and so.Perhaps the most crucial of the UW performance for the team was aggressiveness Pat Wardlaw’s gutty battle in team, who fought back from a finishing 22nd; her- return to deficit in the early going to running this year has been a take a marginal lead which great lift for the team. Lisa they held on to till the end. Athena Coach Sally Kemp Amsden finished a disappointing 27th while Patti was pleased with her team’s Moore was the last scorer in offensive effort .but stressed that emphasis would have to 29th, another crucial placing. Ulrike Zugelder in 35th and be placed on defense in the Jacquie Gibson in 39th were future. “They did well to score 69 Waterloo’s displacers. . The individual race was won points”,, Kemp stated, “but by Anne Marie Malone of now we have to start concenQueen’s, capping a season of trating on stopping the other team from scoring”.’ ever stronger performances Kemp has been with the since here return from a track Athenas since 1968 when they scholarship at Purdue University. Nancy Rooks of York was last won the Ontario chamsecond, while Veronica Porypionship. And though theyare not likely to repeat their ‘68 ckys of Laurentiancame third. ’ While Western ~walked 8: . performance this year, she is



to runners from other teams, the outcome would almost surely have changed. York’s chances evaporated when one. of their expected high finishers dropped out early in the race. The Athenes have advanced in the last two years fromsixth



to fourth last year and now to second. There is an obvious goal for the team next year, and every hope that the continuing development of the programme will lead to the achievement of the goal. Alan Adamson

Last Saturdays game was important as more than a morale boost for the club, it gave girls from eight high school teams a chance to size up the university and its basketball team: The girls after the first round Saturday. The Athenas first home game is this Wednesday [night against Laurier in the PAC beginning at 8:00 p.m. Tonight the UW women will be opening their regular season with a game against Western in London.


Gary Garbut

beat Guelph



Debbie Elliott

* a


by Bill Woodward

, roller ski races. Last Saturday VW did well at the University of Guelph Race against a tough field of university and other skiers. In the women’s 9k event Donna Elliott finished 2nd behind Most of last year’s team Kelly Rogers of U of Guelph. ’ members are back and several In the men’s 12k race Pete excellent newcomers will be Laurich took 5th place folchallenging for positions on lowed by Jeff Walker, 8th, the squads going to the Keith Mercer, lOth, Richard Ontario Championships. Rawling, 18th, and Marc The Athenas are looking to Adams, 19th. The top university finisher w8s Ken Hawrw *at last year’s 1st ’ thorne of U of Toronto who OWIAA finish. Their major opposition appears to be placed 2nd. Guelph. On Sept. 18th at the HopeThe Warriors look ready to dale Classic in Oakville Donna Elliott captbred Ist place in the challenge the perennial junior -women’s 7k race and OVAA champion, LaurenPete Laurich came 3rd in the tian, alth6ugh strong competition is also expected from men’s 1Ok event. At the season-opening , ’ Queens. Cambridge Roller Ski Race on As part of the fall training program sever84 team memSept. 27th Jeff Walker of UW ’ bers have been competing in took 1st place in the men’s 8k Southern Ontario Division event.



Wamors -.. wm nnhlgame

chalk up a number of im-\ pressive statistics. Quarterback Stan Chelmecki (is) had a tremendous afternoon passing for 275 yards. Two of those passes became touchdowns: in the first quarter Perry Stoneman (20) latched onto the ball and took it for a hearty sixty yard run \to put the Warriors up on


.mond and Vander Griendt, again, opened the period with a goal each. Both Blum and Borcsok chalked up their second assist of the night while Barry Reynard received his first. During this period, the Gryphons scored three of their four goals which included two quick goals only 30 seconds aftre a knee injury to a warrior. Waterloo had only enough time to retaliate once before the end of the period. Only one goal was scored in the third period. The Gryphons were completely shut out while Waterloo managed to get their winning goal. Ed Azzola received credit while Vander Griendt and McCormack became statistics with an assist each. / Hammond and Vander Griendt led the Warriors in points as did Tim Hurl, of the Gryphons, who scored three of their four goals.

In preparation for the imminent snow season, over twenty-five prospective skiers have been working hard in dryland training since late September.


In their final showing this year, the football Warriors came home with a solid win, trampling York’s Yeoman 3218 in last weekend’s action. It was the game Waterloo fans waited 811 season for, where all the team’s resources came together and the Warriors were easily able to outpower the Yeomen and


Mike Fhrabee

This past weekend the Waterloo Athenas defeated the K-W Reivers 69 - 67. This exhibition game was played as part ofihe Girl’s High School Tournament held here. --



On Fri. Oct. 30th, the Warriors did indeed break a record as they succeeded in defeating Guelph, a top ranking team, with a 5-4 victory. Last year’s hockey team had not succeeded in doing that much. Since the Warriors won their first game against a wellskilled team, it gives the season much promise. If the Warriors continue to work as a team, setting up each goal, they will go far. But like any team there are areas, such as defense, which need some polishing. The game started slow with Waterloo leading 2-l at the end of the first period. Stu Hammond, assisted *by Blair McArthur and Dan McClean, set Waterloo’s pace by opening the Warriors’ scoring. Not to be out done, John Vander Griendt popped Waterloo’s second goal into the Gryphon net with assists going to Steve Borcsok and Dan Blum, In thesecond period, Ham-

Athena B+allers yvin fira game Ofseason 69 -. 61 teams from as far away as London and Toronto, were on campus to’ take part in the annual UW sponsored High School girls basketball tournament. The first round of,the eight team tourney began Saturday morning and continued through Sunday with the Athena-Reivers game played optomistic about the team. “We‘have some pretty good new additions to the team this year, and quite a few of our upper-year players are coming into their prime”, said Kemp.

17 ,a

the board, in the, second quarter Larry D’andrea, made the catch and r8n 45 yards for t)he touchdown. Other touchdowns came from Terrie Tyre11 and Rob Sommerville, Sommerville doubtlessly made the touchdown of the afternoon. The fifth year Warrior, who has been one of the team’s key men all year,

had his great moment when he finished his career with an interception and twenty one yard run to make the last touchdown against York for the day.

Chelmecki made 811 the conversions and a field go81 to solidify the Warrior tally. The defense wracked up

(72) tears around a Yeoman aided bg a friend on the line - shown here on the ground-

seven sacks for the afternoon;

the CIAU record for kick off were three Warriors returns; one clue 8s to why the interceptions. The “great” Of: \ Warriors ‘have higher hopes fensive put in an 8dmjr8ble\$ for next season. In the waning effort 8nd the combination of light of 8 Toronto afternoon, effort neebl Only the/ fin81 on a field way to hell and gone score to prove its worth. An in the middle of nowhere, the added Warrior boast should Warriors had their moment of be made: with the se8st.m glory. It ~8s the only way to closing it’s Waterloo’ Mike end a se8son. White (20) who finishes with Virginia Butler



by Virginia






of the Week

Stan Chelmecki Football Stan is a 2nd year Economics student at the University of Waterloo. A graduate of Bluevale Collegiate, he played his first season of football for the Warriors this year after transferring from Wilfrid Laurier last year. Early in the! second game of the season vs Western, Stan suffered a partial shoulder separation on his throwing arm and this put him out of the next three games. He returned as the starting QB two weeks ago versus Toronto and had a very commendable game in throwing for 205 yards and one touchdown. Last Saturday vs York, Stan had another outstanding game completing 13 of 26 pass attempts for 275 yards and 2 touchdowns, including one for 60 yards. He engineered a very diverse offense throughout the game as he lead by example. Stan also performs all the kicking duties for the Warriors. On Saturday, he compiled a 39 yard punting average, was 4 for 4 in converts and also booted a 32 yard field goal. The outlook is bright for the Warriors witha Quarterback of Stan Chelmecki’s calibre returning next season - a leader both on and off the field.

Lisa Bauer Field Hockey This week’s outstanding athlete is Lisa Bauer, a varsity field hockey player. Lisa is a 3rd year Philosophy student. She captained this year’s team and comes to you as the Athlete of the Week for the second year in a row. This past year, Lisa was a member of the silver medal 198 1 Canada Summer Games Team and the silver medal Ontario Indoor Team at the USA Indoor Championships. All season, Lisa has led our team in tangible. statistics such as scoring and assists and perhaps more importantly she has led by example! She is a competitor understanding fully the meaning of preparation, game plans and total fatigue. All our plans on the field evolve around Lisa’s strengths. This past weekend and the prefinal weekend were strong examples of this. Last weekend we had to beat Queen’s to advance - and did so with a 3-O score; all 3 goals were Lisa’s. At the Finals, Lisa didn’t get her chances as frequently while playing under duress with a severe gladular virus. Lisa’s illness only dampened her goal scoring this weekend, not her desire to contribute fully.

CounciLHighlights To date there have been 5 council meetings. (2 men, 2 women and one combined meeting) and three combined executive meetings. Highlights of these meetings include: the adoption of new flag football rules; drafting of a campus recreation councils budget proposal; an agreement to amalgamate both councils into one council in January/ 82; established an evaluation process for the new flag football rules; conducted a booth at the recent Flea Market; published two Campus Recreation newsletters. There remain five more meetings this term.

Program Highlights







2:00 and 7:30 November 11 th 10:30, 1:00 and 3:30 November 14th Admission: $2.00 Group Rate Available! BOX OFFICE TELEPHONE: 8854280

Quiz of the Week John Podobnikis the reigning King Quiz. John has captured the Quiz of the week Competition for the fourth week in a row. Week three: Number of booths in the Flea Market? John said (30) Actual answer (24). Week four: Number of Cam-Rec. Tournaments this term? John said (4) Actual answer (6). Congratulations John. This Weeks Quiz: How can Flag Football be improved? The answer to this question is one of controversy and there are many answers. The correct answer will be one of the recommendations made by the combined C.R.A. Council on Nov. 19, 1981 at Labatt’s Hospitality House.

Competitive Leagues: This fall 235 teams have entered 7 men’s and women’s leagues. This is an increase of 10 teams over the fall 1980 program. (2820 participants). Recreation Leagues: There are 122 teams involved in Co-Recreational Leagues this fall, as compared to 118 last year. (1464 participants). Student Involvement: Approximately 220 students are employed by Campus Recreation Thanks to date. (60 Instructors, 50 as pool staff, 90 as Campus Recreation wishes to thank the North referees, 20 as student assistants, conveners Campus Grounds Crew of Ron Hudson and and Referee in chiefs). Wes Hugill for their outstanding efforts in There are -over 100 student volunteers keeping the fields playable through the worst involved in our councils as representatives and weather conditions in the history of this club executives. University. The players truly appreciate your Instructional program: Over 1100 members work. of the U of W community registered in our . Read next weeks Imprint for football, soccer instructional program, up over 150 from last rankings and final results for tournament play fall. We are especially pleased with the to-date. - response in fitness related programs. The 12th Annual S.P.A.D. Ir%rcoll~ate PAC Flow: a) Over 6600 towels were used by Hockey Tournament will be held in Sudbury’s C-R participants the week of Sept. 28 - Oct. Laurentian University Jan. 28-30 1982. The 4/ 8 1; b) Approximately 1300 participants deadline for all entries is Nov. 20 198 1. This per week are occuring in our Recreational tournament is for Intramural Hockey teams Fitness Swims. who wish to compete on a Provincial Level. Womens Flag Football For more information please see Peter Champions: Minota Hagey Consolation: Hopkins Cam-Ret office rm. 2040 PAC. Recless Crew. Check next weeks Imprint for The next men’s C.R.A.C. Meeting Mon. Nov. the fine details. 9 5:45 p.m. Grad Club. Up’n’coming: Student Assistants :Open Forum the week of Nov. 9 Applications are now being accepted for :Curling Bonspiel - Sat. Nov. 7 student assistant positions within the Campus :Squash Singles Tournament - Nov. 16-19 Recreation Organization for the 1982 Winter :Women’s Volleyball Tournament - Nov. term. The following positions are available: 26

Last weekend, the Women’s Field Hockey Team finsihed in


Co-Tournament Coordinators Co-Publicity and Promotion Coordinator Ret-Team Sport Coordinator Fitness Coordinator Aquatics Coordinator

sixth two

position after playing games in the Final’s

Divers to exhibit On Nov 14th the newly formed Waterloo Skydiving Club will be participating in a friendly exhibition of parachuting skills. The invitational competition between Waterloo and Western will take place at the Grand Bend airport, home of SWOOP (South Western Ontario Organization of Parachutists). The event is open to Student jumpers with less then 25 jumps. Each entry will make three jumps at acost of $6per jump. For more information on entring contact Jeff Edwards (885-1930).

Tournament held at Scarborough College. The top ten teams in the league fought for first positon with York finishing on top. In the final game, York defeated Toronto 1-o. Waterloo met McGill in the first game and was defeated 30. Judy McCrae, coach of the girls’ team, described her team’s play as “flat” and she said, “We honestly didn’t deserve to win.” In other games anything from lack of luck to injuries prevented our girls from winning all but two games. IT-their second game, Waterloo lost to Queens 1-O in overtime. Obviously, our girls played hard but to no avail. Lisa Bauer, one of the major strengths of the team, was sick and merely “stood on the field.” Previous articles, about this year’s Women’s Field Hockey Team, indicate Lisa’s tremendous scoring ability which could have been wellused in this game. Lisa is also this week’s Athlete of the Week. This year’s Women’s Field Hockey Team was the proud holder of three Athletes of the Week. Congradtulations go to Jennifer Shaw, sweeper; Jean Howitt, link position; and Lisa Bauer, forward. Better luck next year girls! Debbie Elliott

Friday, _. _November _- _ -..---~-- 6,198l.


The UW Basketball Warriors took their first victory of the year from Toronto last Friday evening. Photo by Roger Theriault


19 m


W arriors win meseason game ’

The fans were back in the gym Friday’ night and there was the return of familiar thunder as they clapped the basketball Warriors on to) their first bucket and another preseason victory. The first two from the floor were awhile coming; four fouls and four Toronto points were on the board before Rich Kurtz made it 6-4 for the Warriors. That set things rolling and Waterloo stayed up on the Blues until near the end of regular play. Toronto played a good defensive game, although their style cost them aggressive early fouls but Waterloo had no trouble with the Blues fol once they were in motion they were as fast under the boards and faster than the Blues. The teams were well matched though, never once did either pull ahead by more than six points. At the end things got very tense as the Blues closed the slight lead the Warriors held all game. With just under four minutes left the teams tied at 63 and went back and fourth from there. 66-65 Toronto,6968 Toronto, 70-69 Toronto and then Waterloo put in a free throw to hit 70 just before the buzzer. In five minutes overtime things stayed too close when

the teams were matching bucket for bucket but Toronto blundered and Waterloo took advantage to establish a 76-72 lead. Van Oorschot and,Kurtz scrapped in the Toronto end for a Blues’ throw away, pulled out the ball and took it home for a 77-74 lead. A worried Blues squad gave it their best, putting on a full press with eleven seconds left. Kiel, with three Blue covering him, outwitted the press and Toronto took a costly foul that sent Kiel to the line with seven seconds to net the final two for the 79-74 finale. Playing without their hot freshman Vasich and without Scott King who is nursing an injured left arm Waterloo showed fairly well. It is hard to name key players because they seem to come in clusters and there is no doubt that Waterloo lacks only a bit of height because offensively and defensively the Warriors are showing a smooth severe crew. With players like Van Oorschot (who went five for five in the last half) and Kurtz and Ninham who tallied eighteen points apiece these Warriors will have high hopes in the upcoming ’ Naismith which ought to give them a good trial before regular action starts up. Virginia


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