1960-61_ v1,n24_Coryphaeus

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Once again the end of a term is upon us. For some it will be yet another step closer to graduation, for others it will be the premature end of their University daze. It is a time when lights will burn far into the morning for those desperately cramming to get through; a time1 when obscure questions fleetingly raised during the term will be reviewed again and again, co’nfident th.at these will never be seen on an exam yet never quite sure. . . . And time tot look black in retrospect on the term, the things that were accomplished and the things that were left undone. A shaky start for the Coryphaeus, yet still managing toI assemble enough material to put out four (perhaps uninspired) issues. Once again a few people ended up doing most of the work, those dedicated to the idea that University does and should, constitute something more than just acadelmics. IIere on the Coryphaeus a few individuals managed to do most of the work: Jim Wilson and Phil Thomas who this year have graduated to two-fingered dexterity on the type-writer; and Al Strong’s inspired handling o’f the special features. The Engineering week-end was much the same, Pete Kent’s able handling (much to his girl friend’s disappointment) plus the devoted assistance1 of a small but hard working group of students made the week-end a success for the majority who lazed. For the blenefit of those hard working individuals who have contributesd so much to the University life, let’s hope that others come forward in the future to carry on their energetic bleginnings. For the benefit of the students returning, and the new arrivals to the campus, a word of advice: “Remefmber, University life consists of more than lectures, labs, and elblolw bending, this is a new University and you will not be buried in anonymity, your ideas will count for something here. And yet a wo’rd of caution, don’t become too involvefd in extra-curricular activities, the faculty won’t pass you because you did a good job1 on the Coryphaeus, yet flunked your course by 25%. A proper balance must be maintained; this is your responsibility.” So’ to the, outgoling quarter I say, “So long, it’s been good knowing you.” To the returning students I say, “Welcome b,ack, and the, best of luck to you in your term.‘9 And to the new students I say, “Welcome to the University elf Waterloo, you’re entering a new life, blel sure to make the most of it.” And, for those of us who will not return, a quote from the eminent French statesman, Georges Clemenceau: ‘“A man’s life is interesting primarily when he has failed-I well know. For it’s a sign th.at he tried to surpass himself. ”




Second Year Chelmical Engineers had a tea party 3ne evening recelntly on Bo Strenzke’s farm. Mr. StrenIke poured and poured. F a i n t 1 y reminiscent of blackberries his tea was very popular. The group met first at Ray Servant’s apartment where solme fast, viscious games elf chess were zipped off, until Servant lost his yueen to a series of nine tluke manoeuvres. Thereupon the party decided toI move and b)ogged of!f to an olld abiando’ned farm holusel, nearly a mile from civilization. After five minutes of serious guzzling, a sing-song brolke out but was quickly squelched. However 9 with the advent of a fire and Care parcells from Bo’s sister Dieta, the old Boy Scout joviality could n’o lo#nger be contained, the brass band came alive and a dirty old sing-song roared forth. Everyone sang all the college songs he\ knew and when they were all done someone dug up a tractor m,aintenante m,anual and everyone sang that. Actually’ the singing was so roblust that the civilization later complained that th,erblrass bland, which consisted of a, trumpet, siren and bleer bottle percussio’n, woke it up an,d the screaming k ep t it awa,ke. It was discovered by Rex LOOK TO THE LEFT Smith that most) cows will not accept alcolholl from LOOK TO THE RIGHT strangers,although Servant, - Remember when you arrived at this school for the first who seemed to ltrmw how ti.me and this fact was impressed upon you: “Look at the it’s done, did lure1 o’ne off fellows on your left and right, one of you threle fellows her so-called straight and will not be here next year.” That was Year I. Now that narrow with a pint ocf Dow. we’re in Year IV my statistical guess is that 3 out of 50 A skunk came visiting, and fellows won’t make it. That is the grim side of academic although noi olne saw her life that some of us will have1 to face. But there1 have beeln (according to Bo it was a interesting ups and downs at which we can laugh in retroshe) she made, her presence spect. We are the guinea pigs. Everyone has their beady known as s’kunks are wont eyeis on theI progress of the first class of engineering to to do, bringing to the festigraduate from the U of Waterloo. The Co-ordination De- vitiels an air of consternapartment has the important task of selling us to industry tion like a bsoken leg does and for the next few years they don’t want any student at an Irish, wake. This disupsetting their applecart. Most companies have well laid persed when it was pointed out programs of on-the-job training and ablovel average out that it was actually only salaries scaled to your academic year soIthat yolu would be thioglycollic acid, a weak orearning ablout 80% of a graduate engineer’s salary in your gan,ic acid which is fairly fourth year. I think it’s abiout’ time now that the Co- usvelessl except to skunks ordination Dep’artment relelase so’me co’mprehensive facts and in collorimetric iron anand figure,s to the student.s toI show which companies have alyses. improved t#heir situation and if great discrepencies exist, The potab’les ran out at give the rea,sons why they exist. midnight sol, leaving Norm Now let us look into{ the future. What kind of products Little .and Jim Eskritt to of en,virotnmelnt will be folund in the first graduating class? watch the fire, an expediWe have been quite lucky considering that they have tion set out a,cross the been abile! to find teacheirs for all the colurses so far and fields and creeks and that equiplment for labIs has usually arrived ahead of swamps fo’r more. This trip schedule. This of course has placed a large portion of a sort elf sepIarated the real teacher’s time into planning, scheduling and compromising drinkers frofm the tea fightinstead elf devoting more time, into polishing up their ers. Rex S]mith, for examI can imagine those that have done teaching techn,iques. ple, could accurately jump a lot of work and take great pride in helping to build a the creek in both directions university at such great speed, would consdder any bitch- whereas Joe Kovacs, whose ing by us as a sign of grohss ingratitude. So that all we radar is shaky at blefst, was CO&d


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Issue of



essagefrom the As we near the end of yet mother term, we come nuch closer to the’ compleion of the Engineering Building this f’all, and the graduation of our first clasls .ate nelxt spring. The next ;welve months will certain-y ble most exciting, as we :ocme to reap some, oif th,e Denefits from the remarkable efforts that have led to ;he creatioln and developnent elf this University over ;he past several yejars. There is an adventurous ; p i r i t of accompllishment ;hat seems toi characterize the University, and particularly the Faculty of Engin3ering. Great things have already been, done here, and the future! could noIt lo!ok r-;lore bright either for the University or its graduates. The numbers of’ major and minor changes in the that various programmes have been effected since the course was co,mmen,celd in 1957 is, remarkable! - yet not unreasonable1 in the light of the desire on, all parts to evolve th,e blest possible courses. I must say that I hope that olur p a t t e r n s never become finally s t a bl i 1 i z e d an,d fixed, since) such, stability woluld surely be a sign of ossification and a clear indication that we were goirrg

backward rather than fo’rward. With the colmpletion of the new building, it will be our goNod folrtune toI occupy what are .almoat celrtainly ther most moldern, and perhaps best planned complex of Engineering and Science buildings in any university in this country. What ac-, complishment is made here, now that the physical facilities are finally completelly availablle, will depend entirely upon the efforts elf students ,and faculty. It sejems to be well within, the scope of our abilities to make this the finest engin eering schololl in the country! D. T. Wright, Dean of Engineering

essagefrom Co-ordinator n



For solme seventy students - those in 4B -the work assignment in t%he fourth term of 1961 will be the last one before graduation So will end an era for each stu.dent. We are sure each of them looked frorward to the nelw and challenging assignments in industry and we knolw also that thefy looked forward to new ac.ademic work and the broadening of their mental horizons. To these students we say “thank you” for the pionelering thefy have don,e in th,el moist formative period of the Univelrsity’s h i s t o r y. They will long remembler the mud’ temporary cafeteria, adjustments in the program and so oln. They lived through them all and be.came ambassadors for the Cooperatives Plan. They’ve done well in industry and their co-operatioln has made1 ‘our work more effective. We feel sure they have deriveid a great deal of benefit from the cooprative course and we also

feel sure they will have a great sense elf s’atisfaction,, knowing they have/ made it polssiblle for the students following them to derive much the same b’enefit. So we say again, “thank you” and we wish theim well. We ask those in lower classes to carry on the traditiosns, remembering always that we are still laying the foun,dation for cooperation with industry to m a k e o u r Engineering coturse olutstanding in Canada. A. S. BarbIer, Director

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SEPT. 12, 1961



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SEPT. 12, 1961

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The CORYPHAEUS Published by the undergraduate student body of the University of Waterloo, under the authorization of the acting Board of Publications. Publications Office, Annex 2, The University of Waterloo, Phone SH 5-0571 and SH 3-2681. The opinions expressed herein represent the freedom of expression of a responsible, autonomous society.

Peter Barnes : Theo Rushton Feature Editor: Al Strong Circulation Department: Larry Barkley, Dave Ridley, Herb Alexander Editor-in-Chief:




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Pete Carpenter



Jim Evans

Jim Wilson


Phil Thomas


LOOK TO THE LEFT and RIGHT can say is “I was biorn a couple of years to,o soon.” What has the molld oif the piolneering student been? At some time or anolther many of us have1 had toI take useless or “bird” courses as well as “idelal” courses in, which the teachers gave a refreshingly clear and logical insight into Engineering in general thro’ugh the mesdium elf the course they taught. Some have just crammed our heads with disjointed facts, others have opened oiur eyes with new rnathe~matical tooIls which, will have far reaching effects into all engineering courses. An example of the latter is Electromechanical System Theolry which whein precluded with an introductory cours,e in linear graphs and matrix algebra will provide a powerful key in an,alyzing engineering systems. Our class got only a three month smattering of this theory blut enough toI make me envy the fellows who follow us and will learn it thoroughly. Our school has come a long way from those telmporary shacks in which we blaked during summer days and struggled with drafting through the nights. But this is no time toI sit oln our asses and admire1 the view yet. It has a long way to go in building a core of student activities which should form a very important phase in a student’s university life. Where are the debating and political clubs? Where are the student and faculty dinners with famous guest speakers ? Where are the elxperiences of having your philosophies and religions torn dolwn in order that you may build them stronger again? Where is the school spirit that makes for exciting electio#n campaigns for student government? To help bring this about I plead that the University Board of Governors change o,ur 3-3 month systeti for a 4-4 month system, so that students who are interested can, devolte some1 time to student life, also have a chance to’ mix in with arts and science students activities during theI fall at least two1 or three times during their five years of training. So now in our fourth year I think we can, say that “Look at the fellow on your left and look at the’ fellow on your right, two of’ you three will not ble ‘engin,eers’ after five years, ” but you’ll be damn proud of being a pioaeer graduate of U of Waterloo wherever the road of life takes you. (And after what we ha,ve bleen through, a thousand curses oln the fellolw that gives his labs and problems to a student following biehind him.) These have bleen my ideas, yours might be quite differesnt. James A. Ronblack-4B Electrical goads him on for million,s elf’ years (how abolut evolution, By T. A. RUSHTON philosophers ? Wouldn’t1 it Have you ever coaslidereld be faster) until at last he what the English language’ comes to the final lines elf could be like, were we only King Lear, which, come out: to re-write it usling mathe- “Thou’11 come1 noI more! matical symblols when, pos- Never, never, necer, nexsible, rather th,an those old elm,, rriltum . . . Oh, fashioned things c a 11 e d FudgeI! (2) words! Have yolu ever seen th.e Consider:‘It is time (the Stu- mischief that, a. type-writer dents)2 up to their problems. can do with,out, a, monkey? On 3 1 issue the~ students, they Mine has the biad habit elf wish to play and sludy. But getting “p” and “1/4” mixed unless they = the other terms up consistently, and yo,u in study, they will not get think that this doiesn’t creto 4 their problems. All the ate %robllems? Have you omens :2 failure if they do ever tried to order a case oif 2 ilsener Beer? (For capinot work . . . ’ my typel-writer Or, in the words of Big Bro- tal “P” writes “ Z ” - although I ther, CRAMTHINK! ! Oh, but the problelms of think it should be eit.h,er l/l6 or %.) Ever go to a chance, design and probab%arty where there is also ility, they are almost unlima Xainter, after 3 or 4 ited. One of their favorites is the probletm of the moln- % ink gins he ends u% making a Xass at one’ of key set before a type-writer, and the possibjility of him those1 strange, silent girls writing the whole of Ham- with the lo’ng hair and let, or Lear. Never a pen, l/4 outing li% s. mind you, bfut always a (2) Polit,e molnkey, never swears. type+rlter, a machine that

languageof Math.

SocialNews Cont’d. navigating dead bllind. Fol.owing S,trenzke’s direction ne mis,sed, jumped into a ;wamphole up to his knees lnd then iced the1 muck with :owflolp up to’ his ankles on the way black. The party moved on again shortly, black to Waterloo #here Kovacs and Little were polured into1 their homes and the herd, who must have had blottomless bra,ss-lined pits for stomschs, went to\ Jim Eskritt’s place for sp’aghetti. They broke up at three) a.m.






It is one thing to be enrolled in Engineering, the practical study of how to extract and use the natural resources of the world. But it is another thing to consider now long these resources vi11 last, an,d what happens when we run out’? For example now, consid?r the under-developed nation,s of the world. If they 3rc to achieve even half of’ 3ur standard of living by the year 2000 AD, this \b7ill require the production of some 20 billion tons of iron, which might well deplete the total reserves of high grade in the world. Now, were aluminum to be substituted for iron, first of all three times as much energy is required to produce the same volume, and secondly the high grade reserves will not last much longer than 40 years. The polorer ores, which would last almost inrequire vastly definitely, greater amounts of elnergy for processi:-;g. How about’ some of’ our Dither metals then? Copper may alre.ady ble too scarce! we may soon run out of lead and tin. High grade ores of zinc, cadmium, an.d b#eryllium probably won’t last much longer. The supplies of easily extractabsle sulphur, the basis elf the: chemical industries, may not last too much longer. How long will the supplies of fresh, water l’ast? %xty-five thousand galloins go into the manufacture of one ton of steel& 10 times more into the manufacture elf one poun,d of synthetic water. We can always distil1 sea water, but this costs five times as much for drinking water, six timels as much as industrial water, an,d 25 times as much as irrigatioln water. What ablout coal th.en,? Each year we use an, average of eight tolns oif coal per prelrsoln. If the rest oif t,hei world is to have attain,eld just half our standard of living bly 2000 AD, they will have colnsumed 900 blillion tons of colal. Geologic’al estimates of’ our coal resources range uplward frolm 800 blillion tons. Were the rest of the world to attain half ‘our standard of living bly’ 2000 AD and equal our standard by 2040 AD, then, by 20150 AD we would have exhausted even the moist olptimistic estimates of 0;Ur coal resources. We could always use hydro for our power9 but the entirei world’s hydro-electric resources would only equal one forty-fifth, of the1 world’s needs. And atomic power costs 4 times a,s much as doles’ hydro power, and there is the prolblem


SEPT. 12, 1961

orts Parade Good-bye Sports Fans. Summer sports at U of W are Iming to a close. Contrary to all predictions, it has bleen a moderately exciting summer. The Civil team owes its baseball championship to the Pjitching of Czar1Hevenor, who defeated Chemical 10 to 5 in:L the final game of the series. Nelson Campbell of Pre-B took the trophy in the U of T match pslay golf tournament at Rockway, by defeating ob Norcross of 2-B. The sports spectacular oln Saturday, Aug. 19, was a trenllendous success. Everyone present appeared to be having t1le time of his life. There were lots of thrills and laughs spectatolrs and participants alike. 3B took top honors fc . )r L total points with Pre-B coming second. A breakdown of le scoring is as follows: Water Jolusting Pre-B 7.5 3B 7.5 Tug of War 3B 10 Pre-B 7 Obstacle Relay Race 3B 10 Pre-E 7 Log Rolling 2B 10’ Pre-E 4 Total: 3B 27.5, Pre-B 25.5, 2B 10 As a final note: Congratulations to G. Dalbergs and 6. H .eissler who won the first annual n/lotor Rally of the U. of w. Cl


another term is to an abrupt halt time has arrived to li st our accomplishments: 1. Weekend record dances id not prove tool popular enough said). 2. The Sports Weekend ras very successful and ensyeid by almost all. The rally, golf and allr(Dund class champion tsoPhies are well on their way tc) becoming coveted prizes. ( Note: There is a very large h olle in the blottom of the C: lass champion, trolphy. I C; annot decide whether this I&‘as due to complete lack of fcIrethought by the troplhy 0 ommittee, or eixtreme preSConce of mind. The Board of Pubes. were 1;ind enojugh to allow us to Publish a paper with their naoney. If you are under the irnpressioa it is our money, ‘I‘HINK AGAIN. Whilei you arle thinking, try toI dream U p a reason for the other contt 3rni having complete tarol over all the money. 4. Appointments’ w er e h eld to the Enginererin.g So-

g.rinding a:nd the

ciety Executive and most major posts are) filled. (This will interest very f’ew students.) 5. The Engineering Sgciety started to collect money for ,the Provincial Government. (No colmmen.ts.) cjOThe walks are in place again. Also a rough prototype of the entrance to the Math an,d Physics; Euilding has been set in place!. This list is far from complete but lack of courage forces me to stop here. John Root --



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;hen of disposing of’ huge amounts oIf highly radioactive ato,mic waste. In a)dlition, most of the atomic tieapons useId today can ble nanufactured f r o m the waste the products of atomic piles, what type of a Norld would it be if every [lation had their supaply of atomic biombs? Whatever we do as1 our

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population grolws and the standards of the poor rise, the easily extracted wealth of the earth will be soon exhausted and we sh,all pay an ever increasing price for the substances upon which our life and devejlopment depend. Where does this leave, us as graduating enginelers?

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