NO. 3
John Bishop
And I’m proud of it.
OCT. 27, 1961.
On Sat. morning, Oct. 21, at 8.22 a.m. a group of 22 students of the U of W left Seagram Stadium on a run that carried a football from here to McMaster in Hamilton. The first ball-carrier was Rodney (Rabbit) Wilton, a sophomore Science student. The runners carried a football painted in the U of W Warrior colours, black and gold. The 22 starters were later joined by two more boys and two girls. The one girl, Miss Renie Andersen, carried the ball for a total of about one mile including the run down the Dundas hill. Each runner carried the ball for about half a mile at a time. The ‘team’ was given a
motorcycle escort police through Kitchener and cruiser escort through Dundas. The ball arrived: safely on McMaster campus at 12.08 (noon). The total distance covered was 36.2 miles and the total time’ was 3 hrs, 46 mins. for an average speed of 9.6 mph. Just before the game started, this ball was carried onto the ‘field and with a McMaster cheerleader holding, Miss Elsie May Hallman, a Waterloo cheerleader performed the ceremonial kickoff. The ball will now be returned to ‘Waterloo and placed in the trophy case at I the U of W student common room.
referred to as a beatnik club. Actually it is not such a club. The Renaissance Jazz and Folk Club is located at 74 Queen St. South in Kitchener and is operated by Morris Borenstein and Alfred (Al) Touscher. The owners felt that such a club as the Renaissance would be a welcome addition to the entertainment field of KitchenerWaterloo and have stated that the purpose of the club is to provide a place for University and College people for relaxation, listening to jazz, folk singing and to bring good jazz and folk singing to the people of K-W. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights the club features recorded jazz and folk music from 9.00 to 12.00 and on Wednesdays and Saturdays, live jazz from 9.00 to 3.00 a.m. On Fridays and Sundays the club has live folk music. The live entertainment features both local and imported groups. Also these times are not strictly adhered to and so the Renaissance can be an “after the show” club or a place to go and relax at any time. The present membership is about 1100 after only a few weeks of being open to the public. The membership
sity professors, students, lawyers, doctors, young people, older people from all walks of life. Membership costs 50~. per year and admission is $1.00 when there is live entertainment, and 25~. at all other times. Poetry also plays a part in the life of the club as it may be found interspread between jazz and folk numbers. Local artists also have art on display and there is a chess room in the back. The refreshment booth serves coffee, soft-drinks, and sandwiches. Plans for the future include special nights for poetry, amateur nights, etc.- The club also plans to begin showing foreign movies -bn Sunday afternoons and evenings, and is planning to install an express0 machine. To sum it up, the Renaissance is really the place for you! If you wish to think of it as a beatnik club, that is your privilege; if you wish to think of it as a chess club, you may. Think of it as you will, but remember it has something for everyone, and where else can you get as good entertainment for such a low price. Thus we leave you to draw your own conclusions about the club, and we hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we did.
“This is Hamilton . . . but where is Mat?”
“WHENTHOU DOEST20 New Faculty MUSIC ON RENAISSANCE AFTER HRS. THINEALMS” Membersfor Arts THE CAMPUSTHE The Renaissance has been includes college and univerBe firm in the right, Brethand Science m
Music Director, Paul Berg, reports that musical activeties on the campus are developing rapidly this year. A mixed chorus of about 30 singers and a male Glee Club have started rehearsals. A dance band with a potential of 12 to 15 musicians has been organized. Also, in the instrumental field,’ an attempt is being made for the formation of a small chamber orchestra. A male quartet is also being organized. There is a need for more girls in the mixed chorus and there are openings in all sections of the male glee club. Beginning with the Christmas Banquet on December 5th the various groups are planning for a season of interesting activities. Off campus appearances will be made at a number of high school assemblies, service club luncheons and church services. Membership in all of the musical groups is open to all students as well as faculty and staff. Anyone interested in taking part in the musical life at the University is asked to contact Paul Berg, Room P-226, Physics Bldg. Rehearsal schedule is as follows: Chamber Orchestra, Monday, 5-6, P 145. Mixed Chorus, Tuesday, 4-6, P 145. Dance Band, Wednesday, 7-9, Seagram Gym. Male Chorus, Thursday, 5-6, P 145.
University of Waterloo student Ronald Dahms of 184 Forsyth Drive, Waterloo, has won the K-W Rotary Scholarship for a year of study abroad. He left September 29 for Bonn, the capital of West Germany, and will study at the University of Bonn. The award was announced by Wilfrid L. Bitzer, chairman of the K-W Cont’d. on Page 2
In order that your club or organization may be publicised in the coming Year Book, please submit a brief resume of your activities to the Board of Publications as soon as possible. Material may be deposited in the Student Mail Box opposite the Co-ordination Department office, under Board of Publications. also supplying a double YEARBOOK centive, apart from the vious one, wherein you CONTEST - - $5.00 look at the title and
inobcan say You have probably heard “I thought of that,” there is a few rumours about a pro- also a prize of $5.00 for the posed yearbook. Well it’s winning name. You must, true we are going to publish however, have submitted any one for next fall. One of the or all of your suggestions by first problems is the lack of Friday, Nov. 3, and the a title. This being a very place for submitting them is democratic regime the staff the mailbox opposite the has decided to leave the Co-Ordination Department selection of this title up to ,on the second floor of the the student body. They are Physics Building.
ren, and if your zeal falters remember us, far from home in a land full of enemies. I dare the Lion even by speaking out to you in your hour of need. But I must be heard! I will join my voice (and I am sure the voices of my exiled fellows, over 100 in all) to swell the cry of the Angels as they praise God and say “Thou Shalt Not Touch Unwashed, Money!” Look on World and tremble for here you see a people with a purpose. $250,000 is as a watch in the night before the glory of a new day. The Building Committee is pleased to announce the immediate construction of a sixty foot statue of Martin Luther, directly behind the Cider Mill, to commemorate the turn from Diefenbaker’s Golden Calf to true Lutheranism. Raise your Standards! (oops, sorry, I mean Banners) . Let’s really hear it now teens . . . “a-one, a-two, a-three,” - “A Mighty Fortress is Our God . . . ” Why are those forty-nine students in skull caps not singing? Paul Beam
In the Department of Physics, N. R. Isenor, Ph.D., D. E. Brodie, M.Sc., and J. L. Ord, B.A.Sc., have been appointed Assistant Professors. Professor Isenor has taught at the University of New Brunswick and Bishop’s Univeristy. His undergraduate and graduate degrees are from McMaster. Professor Brodie taught at Waterloo in 1958 and is returning after completing studies towards his Ph.D. degree at McMaster University, where he also took his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees. Professor Ord received his B.A.Sc. degree from the University of Toronto, where he also taught. He recently completed studies leading to his doctorate at the University of Illinois. Mr. Brodie and Mr. Ord expect to receive their Ph.D. degrees this fall. Appointed as Lecturers in the Faculties of Arts and Science are : G. F. Atkinson, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., (Toronto) m Chemistry; James Carscallen, B.A. (Toronto), B. Litt. (Oxford), in Enghsh; S. P. Hoefert, B.A., M.A. (TorCodd
Page 2
Tune: Scotland the Brave Hail, hail to Waterloo, Our Warriors fight for you, On high your colours hold Black, white and gold. We’ll show, them, one and all, That they can’t win them all, Proudly we give the call Hail Waterloo. We’ll fight to win for you For our dear Waterloo, Come all you fans, now, Rise and give a cheer. Let’s cheer to victory Our University, Keep on playing, you Warriors To Victory. Kenneth Magee, Science II Clip along dotted line
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The CbtYPHAEUs I\ Published by the undergraduate student body of the I.Jniver&y of Waterloo, under the authorization of \the 4 I a&kg Board of Publications.. Publications Office, Annex 2, . The University of Waterloo, Phone SH 5-ON1 and SH 3-2681 The opinions expressed herein represent the freedom of expression of a responsible, autonomous s.ociety. I Editor-in-Chief: George Welsh /, / Associate E&or: Brendan O’Connor. *, Production and Circulation: Jim Stewart, Bob Sexton Feature Editor: Sandra Sanders News Editor: Earlby Wakefield Engineering Editor : Adrian Weerheim ’ Arts Editor: George Crabbe Sports: John Stirrat, Lewis Taylor 8’ s Scknce Editor: Joe Mazur I Contributirzg: Paul Beam, Wallace M. Krawezyk I
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The formation of Jt F. K.‘s peace corps has not be n to undermine my cynical view of idealism. The fact ‘tr at this corps has so many volunteers does not shake my beliel that our generation is quick to lose its idealism and tc speedily adopt a realistic outlook of materialism. It is hardly fair to shoot down an’ idea before it has really left thf ground but I feel’ there are many things in the makeup ol this corps which will doom it to an early death. Surely these young mericans must have some ulterior motive of their own in %ispersing all over the globe? Whs are thby so enthusiastic over this program? Is it for travel experience, money, or the belief in an ideal; the ideal thai people in underdeveloped areas will be won over to tht American brand of democracy ‘through a well planned social and economic campaign? The ‘program has little chance OJ success even though the turnover in corps members is 2 rapid two years. They will be working for relatively littk money and often in unpleasant surroundings with only E very thin wall of; idealism between them and discontent. This generation of Americans, and Canadians too for that matter, is not one which can go long without accustomed comforts and maintain a healthy attitude to the task a1 hand. After two years, perhaps much less; ‘there will only ,be..one motivation for remaining in the corps and that it profit. I am speaking of material profit .and this has al: unpleasant connotation to an idealist like R. Sargeni S&river, the peace corps director. Of the corps he says, “They have been called the silenl generation, these young men and women and- I believe thai ‘they will face the great tasks abroad with calm humour and steady perserverance. Our volunteers must go with the trug spirit of humility to learn as well as to teach. Our purpose is to help people everywhere strive toward human dignity and physical health and political self-government.” It is rather unkind to take a cynical view of such ar effort simply because it is idealistic., Men will always have ideals. but the times are’ not alw$ys condusive to theil realization. These are such times. Kennedy’s peace corps cannot succeed in its present structure. It will succeed only if it employs and pays well mature men and women who gc abroad, not to further propogate the great American myth but simply as Americans ‘helping people who need and fwant such help.’ , George Welsh \
Rotary’s International Service Committee.’ Mr. Dahms is taking an ~ honours program in German * and Russian. He completed f the . first years of his arts course at the University of Waterloo last spring and received first class honours. Last year’s winner of the K-W award, Henry Warkenr tin, 78 St. George St., Kitchener, recently returned to the ’ Twin Cities after a year of , study at Tuebingen University, one of the .oldest universities in -Germany. He previously studied locally at Waterloo College. He is an <Arts graduate of the Univer’ :sity of Western Ontario. He will enrol at the University ‘of Waterloo this fall to begin studies for .his master’s degree in German literature . s and linguistics. K-W Rotary also sponsor‘ed the ’ visit of a German student to Canada last year. :The student, Volker Barthel, has now returned to Stuttgart, Germany, after attending the University of Waterloo to study English, Economics and other subjects in the University’s general arts _ program.
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MATH-PHYSICS CLUB On Thursday evening, Oct. 19, the initial meeting of the University Math - Physics Club was held. ’ A famous mathematician had been invited to be guest speaker. Unfortunately, Bertrand Russell had to decline the invitation *and the talents of Dr. K. D. Fryer of the Mathematics Dept. were called upon. Dr. Fryer gave an informal talk, spiced with mathematical wit, on Numbers Larger Than the Common Garden Variety. Included was /the classic -example of the chess board and the grains of wheat: a citizen named Sissa B&n Dahn had challenged an oriental king to give him the wheat equivalent. to placing a grain on one’ square, and doubling. the preceding amount on each successive square. This cat Benny was a shrewd one, for the resulting amount was a bit over the world’s wheat production. Climaxing his talk, Dr. Fryer offered the challenge of solving 64 equations in 64 unknowns. Try it, if you have a few thousand years to spare. On hearing that his remuneration was to be anything but a large number, Dr.. Fryer handed the proceedings over to the business of electing a new executive. After a futile motion sby Rodney to adjourn for refreshment (Dr. Fryer came up with his little red book on parliamentary procedure and the motion was declared invtilid), the following exccutive were elected : President, Peter Shantz ; Vice-Presldent, Beth Koch; SecretaryTreasuyer, Mel Norton; Food Director, Mrs. R. Morton. The meeting was adjourned for coffee after a short discussion on proposed activities of the club. Lecturers will be invited and mathematical competitions amtong the members will be held. The Waterloo Math Physics Club is a fine group and we wish it every success during the coming year.
YEAR5OOK NAMEcoNTEST I SEE . PA6EONE 20 Ne,wFaculty Members,Cont’d. onto), in German; J. T, Horton, B.A. (Wheaton)! M.A. (Northwestern),. ir Geography; Paul Kercsztes, B.A. (Budapest). M.A. (Tore onto); in *Classics; Pi E, Morrrson, B.Sc., M.Sc, (Western), in Zoology; R. B, Reed, B.A.Sc. (Toronto), M.Sc. (Waterloo), in Mathematics; Raymond Skyrme, B.A., M.A., (Bristol), ( in French and Spanish; D. 0, Spettigue, B.A., M.A., (We& tern), in English ; Mrs. ‘Yol= ande Stubbs, B.A. (Western) M.A. (Toronto), in Russian Miss M. D. Vogel, B.A:, (Toronto), M.A., PhD. (Tar onto) in Psychology; and R. E. Wynne, Jur. D. (Vien na), B.Ed., M.A. (Alberta), in History. ’ Michael A. McKiernan Ph.D., has been appointei
OCT. b,
aPQuestioq of the Week ? *
Do you agree that a person with re!igious convictions would make a beiter Professor. Answer ‘No. 1: Assuming that “better professor” in the question implies a better educator one must specify what is expected from a good educator. The question is very complex, ‘but my first thought would be that a good educator must have an ability to teach a student in methods of solving problems. That is:. to gather the pertinent information, to analyse received data and be able to make an intelligent segregation between essentials’and non-essentials, draw valid conclusions from the whole material and be able to express it in the condensed and precise manner. From the above definitions, the religious convictions have no relationship whatsoever to the quality of the Professor. K. R. Piekarski, Assistant Professor of ’, Mechanical Engineering Whether or not a professor’s convictions conform to an oxthodox Christian philosophy should have no effect on his effectiveness as a teacher. However the professor with no convictions at all about life and human destiny certainly hasn’t the stature of the man who .has personal convictions on these matters, be he Christian, -Hindu, agnostic or atheist. G. Soulis, Dept. of Mecha&xiZ Engineering I am not sure whether “religious convictions” would improve the professional qualities of a professor of Science or , Engineering. But I am convinced that to hold religious convictions is a necessity for any worthy professor of the Humanities or Social Sciences. How could any man possibly convey the true meaning of mankind’s struggle throughout the ages, in which religious convictions played such an essential part, without possessing such convictions himself? “Religion” is a rather vague term however, and we have to try and make some distinctions. The American College Dititibnaqy defines it thus: a. “The quest for the values of the ideal life .\,. . ” b. “A particular system in which the quest for the ideal life has been embodied.” Unfortunately, there exists no “particular system” which is applicable or acceptable to all man, and to approach the problems of a world ruled spiritually by more than only one great religion, with the biased and selfrighteous view of one particular sect or denomination seems not only absurd, but also dangerous. It is thus the first definition which I am applying. The unprejudiced and pure “quest for the values of the ideal life” on a basis acceptable to all mankind, is the one that should be encouraged and fostered. This then, in my opinion, makes it self-evident that a professor with religious convictions is by far superior to one without any,?provided his convictions are ‘NOT dogmatic, intolerant, biased, or selfrighteous. I Mark Motsch, Arts II
Engineer’si BAR EXAM’ 1. A jigger equals: 0 x oz. 0 1 oz. 01% oz. 2. A fifth of liquor contains: 0 22.5 oz. 025.6 oz. 0 28 oz. 3. True or False: When planning a party, allow for two jiggers of liquor per person. 0 True 0 False. 4: A “dash” is: 0 l/6 teaspoon q 4-6 drops 0 a good, vigorous shake of the bottle. 5. True or False: The experienced bartender never has to measure. 0 True aFalse. 6. For a party .of 8, have on hand at least: q 1 .fifth I-J 2 fifths 0 3 fifths. 7. A “standard” highball glass holds: cj 5-6 oz. 0 810 oz. r-J 11-12 oz. 8. True or False: To frost a glass, you pack it with cracked ice. q True aFalse. . 9. True or False: Whether you shake, or stir depends on preference. 0 True- 0 False. 10. True or False: A host’s place is at the bar, mixing drinks. , q True aFalse.
Associate Professor of Mathematics. He has taught at Loyola University in Chicago and at the Illinois Institute of Technology. He has also done research for the Armour Research Institute. He received his B.S. and M.A. degrees from Loyola and his Ph.D. from Illinois Institute of Technology. In the Department of .History, K. A. MacKirdy, PhD., has been appointed Associate Professor. A Commonwealth History specialist, he joins the Waterloo faculty from the University :of Washington. He has iigkaught m Australia, , New
Brunswick and at Queen’s University. He took his B.A. and M.A. degrees at the University of British Columbia and his Ph.D. at Toronto. . Mrs. Dorothea Walter, M.A., has been appointed Associate Professor of French ‘and Spanish. In addition to securing degrees from Queens University, Mrs. Walter has travelled extensively’ in France, Spain, Portugal and Argentina and has studied at the Sorbonne, Madrid University and Colmbra Uni‘versity. She has taught, at Queen’s, Trinity College, Toronto and at Waterloo College.
a ,, ’ ,k
OCT. 27, 1961
Page 3
By G. Whiz I dislike committing myself on something after a single observation but the “Game” of rugger leaves me cold. It is a very rough and very unimaginative game. I’m leaving myself wide open but that was the impression I left with. Perhaps if rugger players could enlighten us as to rules and so forth then perhaps for once the spectators might outnumber the players. To the credit of the game! it seems to be played by good sports. It is rather warming to see a badly defeated team line up and offer congratulations to the victors. * * * * ’ After pondering the various crazes that have come and gone, I feel that we should dig back and borrow a chapter from the college days of the ‘20’s - swallowing live goldfish. He who swallows the most is the winner. We could begin it at Waterloo by having someone swallow perhaps two, then roar out a challenge to the other schools. It is not quite so distasteful as it appears for if they are dipped in shrimp sauce they become quite palatable. To give you further incentive I would donate something very dear to me, ‘a two foot white marble statue of a buxom young woman which is a family heirloom. Give this some serious thought, reply in some way and we can perhaps launch it as a first ~ for the U. of W.
* A rather a jar _most
local merchant has dealt with the new sales tax in a humourous manner. Beside his cash register he has into which he places all sales tax receipts. The jar is fittingly labelled “The Frost Bite.”
There is within me a certain amount of rejoicing that two dictatorial regimes are losing their sway. The Trujillos in the Dominican Republic are being edged out but the tragedy is the fact that when they finally do go they will take enough wealth to live in comfort for the remainder of their lives. Then again, that might not be too long. University studetns are much more active down that way. The other dictator whose iron grip is being loosened is that “white knight of labour” James Hoffa. The sooner that gentleman goes the way of his old boss -Beck, the sooner people will stop getting “teamster” and “gangster” confused. * * * * The funniest thing I read all week concerns Ethiopa borrowing $2 million from Moscow at 2.5y0. Ethiopia promptly invested the money in U. S. government bonds at 3.757& This is being “faked out” on a grand scale. * * * * Some people in the Great U. S. of A. have expressed ’ concern at the fact that Yugoslav pilots are receiving advance training in fighter tactics and gunnery, etc., at U.S.A.F. bases in Texas. I’m relieved that someone’s indigation is aroused and that government action is being demanded. The whole scene, with variations, was played during WW2 when allied soldiers had steel extracted from their hides, steel made in Pittsburgh. . * * * * George Crabbe was the last outpost of neo-classicism. Take it or leave it.
The University of Waterloo has purchased the B-acre section of land lying between the 207-acre main campus and the University’s Seagram Stadium. The property includes a 30!000 sq. ft. warehouse building with a railway siding. The purchase was announced today by Dr. J. G. Hagey, President of the University, Henry Bauer, President of Bauer’s Limited, previous owners of the property and Abram Wiebe, President, Wiebe and Bather Co. Ltd., agents in the transaction. Purchase price was $201,000. The former Bauer property is located on the south side of Dearborn St., across the road from the University’s present buildings. It extends to residential properties on Lester Street, the Stadium and) Waterloo Park on the other three sides. “The University has had an interest in this property ever since the original campus purchase in 1958,” said Dr. Hagey. “The location of this property is most convenient to the university for any of several potential developments, such as extension of the stadium property for other recreational purposes, student car parking, married students’ quarters and so on.” “Present indications are that the University of Waterloo will have a student population of 3,000 by 1980. While the mam campus is adequate to provide teaching and administration facilities to service this enrolment, there are many auxiliary services which must be pro-. vided within the next 10 years,” he continued. “One of these needs is for storage space and within 3 years at least, part of the warehouse will be used for offices and equipment storage and workshops for the Buildings and Grounds department. In the meantime, the entire building will be available for rental storage. Purchase of the property-is being financed in part by allocating funds designed for such a storage building, which was to be built in 1964,” he said. The purchase gives the University of Waterloo a total campus area of 238 acres linked directly to Waterloo Park on the south, residential areas and farmland on the west and east and Columbia Industrial Basin to the north. Ed. Note:
That warehouse would make an excellent, indoor pool, student union building or a poolroom.
Jim Olan
Waterloo’s float wends time the blade was ,wielded were clubbed 32-1.
its way toward MaeMaster but this by the opposition as the Warriors
I, V. C. F, ? ’ What is I.V.C.F.? InterVarsity Chritian Fellowship is a student organization on this campus, which is both international and inter denominational. The purpose of the Fellowship is to unite all Christians on the campus through weekly Bible studies and regular prayer, to deepen their spiritual lives, to bear wit less in the University of the eLord -Jesus Christ, and also to stimulate an active interest in missionary work
both at home and abroad. Everyone is welcome to come and join in the discussion periods. Bible studies will be held twice each week to accommodate the timetable. Tuesday from 12.101 p.m. in C134, and Wednesday 12.10-l p.m. in C134. Besides this there will be special speakers discussing various interesting subjects. Come, participate, and find out for yourself just what I.V.C.F. means. Earl Koch, Tresident
The Collegeof Heraldry Be Dammed,
WHERE'SMY CREST There were a number of crests displayed on one of the bulletin boards last year. Everyone was rather enthusiastic about the crest that was supposed to be ours. For some unknown reason this crest fizzled and as a result there are a number of young gentlemen, myself included, whose brand new blue blazers are absolutely nude as far as a crest is concerned. We would appreciate it if the person responsible for this situation would offer a comprehensive explanation. Let’s light a fire under this gentlemen . . . the sooner the better. Incidentally I submit my own version of a crest in hope of drawing attention to this inadequate scribbling. G. Whiz
DON'TREADTIM NOTICE -unless YOU plan to buy a copy of this University’s first Yearbook. This spectacular edition will be distributed in the second week of September, 1962. There is no doubt that it will be a collectors’ item for it will include everyone who has ever graduated from the University of Waterloo, as well as a history in pictures of not only this year but all past years. Because we consider you a connoisseur of fine things, we are certain that you will want to add this book to your library. The last date for purchase will be NOVEMBER 3, 1961. We will order only as many copies as we sell by this time and there defi,nitely will be no extension of this time limit. The out-quarter will also be allowed a two week period for purchase, in early January. Administration and staff will please note that no books will be distributed free of charge this year. Sales booths will be set up in the foyer of the Physics and Maths Building, in the Chemistry Building, and in Annex 2, each noon hour, and on Wednesday and Friday from 12 to 2 o’clock, to accept your subscription. May we remind you again, the closing date is NOVEMBER 3, 1961, and the cost of the book is $3.00. If you wish you may pay $1.00 now, and the rest upon receipt of the book.
Page 4
ENBlNEERlN6SOCIETYPRESENTATION On Tuesday, Oct. 17th, the Engineering Society held its second meeting of the term with approximately 50% of the class representatives in attendance. Engineering ‘63 and ‘64 were well represented but the more junior classes were not. This would seem to indicate that ’ the Freshmen and Sophomore classes do not understand their rights and duties in regard to the Engineering Society. Each class or section is entitled to one voting delegate: i.e., 2A Mesh, 2A Civil, 2A Elect., etc., each have a representative on the society. In year 1 each separate section has one voting repre‘sentative, i.e., lA1, lA2, lA3, etc., each have a representa,tive. Pre-engineering, being divided into two groups also has one representative from each group. These reps can be elected formally or informally before or after a lecture. The class representative is the only one who can vote at a regular Engineering
Society meeting. He is es pected to be interested in th society and be willling t attend all of its regula meetings. He is allowed t send a proxy if for som reason he is unable to attent some particular meeting. The next regular meetin will be on Tuesday, Octobe 31, as shown on the bulleti boards. MAKE SURE YOU AR1 REPRESENTED. Gordon Sterling, Pres. Eng. SOC
Last Saturday, while many rere enjoying the football [ame, a group of twelve lnghcan students from both Jniversities took part in a ne-day retreat at St. seorge’s Church, New Hamburg. The theme for the day vas “The Christian Student - His life, thought, and Letion. The retreat was led by the %ev. Professor John Gordon Zowe, S.B., M.A., B.D., ?h.D., Dean of Arts and %ofessor of Church History, Huron College. He posed nany challenging questions or discussion by the studnts. The entire day was quite stimulating for the nindsof those present. It is loped that more days such 1s this will present themIelves in the future.
is the LAST DAY
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Adventure! Travel ! Security! All these can be yours as a contributor to the “Coryphaeus”. Articles, opinions, cartoons, etc., may be left in the Board of Pubs Mail Box opposite the Registrar’s office.
Sports Parade
In the line of coming events, the big item is the game against O.A.C. AGGIES in Guelph. The game will~start at 2.00 p.m. and we would like to see a good crowd of Warrior rooters out to cheer the team on to another win over the Redmen. . In intramural sports, don’t forget the Swimming meet ,t the Y.M.C.A. pool in Kitchener on Tuesday, November ‘, at 7.00 p.m. vlac Downs Warriors The game at McMaster on Saturday, October 21, was he Warriors second loss of the season as they went down to Defeatat the hands of the McMaster Marauders with whom hey had previously been tied for second place in the OIAA vague. The loss moved the Warriors into third place with a ecord of 2 - 2. The score was not a clear indication of the Ilay as game statistics would indicate. Mae had a total of 9 first downs, 12 rushing and 7 passing, while the Warriors lad 13 first downs, 6 rushing, 6 passing and 1 by penalty. rota1 yards gained - by Mat 369, by Warriors 318. Mat Fained 268 yards by rushing and 101 by passing, while Naterloo gained 163 by rushing and 155 by passing. In the jenalty department Warriors lost 95 yards to Mats loss of 16 yards. The Warriors fumbled twice, recovering once, vhile the Marauders fumbled three times, recovering only brie of their fumbles. The Scoring went as follows: st Qua’rter : Mae on a fake field goal attempt, Crich completed 13 rard pass to Marvin Robertson and Hunter kicked the :onvert. (7 - 0). Warriors Bob Benedetti kicked a single - from the Mat L9. (7 - 1). Dick Aldridge on a QB sneak from Mat 1. Hann’s convert &tempt no good. (7 - 7). Peter Crich on a QB sneak from Warrior 5. Convert no ;ood. (13 - 7). 2nd Quarter: No scoring. 3rd Quarter: John MacLennan on a drive from the 1. Convert blocked. :19 - 7). On a third down a high snap to Benedetti forced him to kick out of bounds and Mat took over on the Warrior 5. From there on third down and 1 to go for TD John MacLennan fumbled over the goal line and recovered himself 2nd kicked the convert. (26 - 7). 4th Quarter: Dick Aldridge had a pass intercepted on the Mat 10 and run back 50 yards to the Warrior 45. On the next play George Chris got two key blocks and romped 45 yards for the score. Convert no good. (32 - 7). This ended the scoring in a game which showed Mat to be a little superior to Warriors in the play and in being able to capitalize on the ‘breaks of the game’.
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I BELMONT VARIETY 1 714 Belmont Ave. W. Kitchener 4E Pocket Books Magazines Sundries 1 Tobacco 4 Confectionery Open to 10.00 p.m. I
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Specialists in Sportscars TONY'S GARAGE Anthony Vandepol 84 King N. Waterloo SH 5-3861
Yearbook? “When the game was still young” Rugger Warriors Lose to Queen’s On Sunday the rugger Warriors lost to Queen’s by 37-O. The Queen’s team gave a fine exhibition of precision play and their experience playing together told heavily on the score sheet. The Warriors, although the score would not seem to indicate it, played the best game yet. Our team is young and many members have never played rugger before in their life, but after three games the boys are beginning to play well and to show real teamwork. We would urge you to come out and support the rugger Warriors as attendance at their games has been rather discouraging to say the least. Admission is free and the game is quite interesting to watch. The high scorer for Queen’s was John McNeil with 2 tries and 4 converts for 14 points. Norm Cameron and George Halloway each had two tries for 6 points, 13ave Steele had 1 try and a convert for 5 points while Lionel Lawrence and McLenahan had 1 try each for 3 points.
November 3rd Deadline