2 NO.
NationalLiberationand Quebee Students
14, 1962
French Canada’s historical By Malcolm Cock evolution. , Faculty of Literature Nowadays, peoples no Universite de Montreal I would like to share with longer require excuses to some of the highlights Conquered by force of demand freedom. Because, you, of my recent trip to Brazil. arms, isolated from its Mothif National Freedom is not I went to attend the (Moral er Country, subjected to an end in itself, it is the Re-Armament Assembly -for numerous and unceasing at- essential prerequisite to real the Americas, which was tempts at assimilation, the growth within man and held at Petropolis a mounFrench-Canadian nation has peoples. city fifty miles always manifested an inThe most important of tain resort Rio de Janeiro. I flew domitable will to survive and eivie freedoms being the lib- from from New York, with four to flourish freely, in con- eration of the homeland, we in other Canadians in a Boeing formity with its origins and demand total independence jet, and arrived at Rio its own culture. for Quebec so as to enable 707 about 9.00 a.m. Sunday. Confederation, derived the French-Canadian people What change in climate! from British conquest and to choose freely the course of It was aa hot and humid 80 imperialism has placed and its future. degrees. We sweated our way maintained the Quebec peopOnce its self-determination through customs and were le in an abnormal situation is acquired, the Freneh-Canby some of the M.R.A. of collective weakness and adian nation shall give itself met who drove us through inferiority. As a matter of through democratic means, people and up to Petropolis. fact, this regime has not been the institutions esteemed to Rio This was a great opportunity established upon the expres- fit itself. me to see the city and to sed will of peoples eonerned, Although this grand enter- for observe the people. Because but has been imposed as a prise of National Liberation Sunday everyone was law by an imperialist met- is undoubtedly on the road to itoutwas a day of picnicking ropolis. Moreover, rights sueeess, few of our men of ,and for swimming. The people officially “granted” by the public notoriety dare to asso- are quite dark skinned, rangBritish North America Act ciate themselves publicly ing from Portuguese to Negro to the French-Canadian peo- with the Revolution. This is -and Indian. Both men and ple, to enable them to survive somewhat normal. women are very good lookand to ensure their proteeThese men, well establishthe children are cion, have been ceaselessly ed on old views, reckon that ing; and Rio is a magnifiviolaLed, and sill are, by bhe although such a stand is It is a growing Federal Government in Ot- highly desirable, indeed it is cent there is building going tawa, throughout Canada, untimely at this moment for city;everywhere. It is a city and even in the province of them to join the ranks. They on of contrast, where poverty Quebec. will eventually do so when on plenty’s doorstep. Hence, logic and fairness the Cause has gathered the faints Copaeabana with its tall are now permitting to sub- great majority of Quebeek- white buildings and beautimit that the Confederative ers. ful beach is only part of the Pact, ,beeause of its origins Here is precisely the task picture. The other part is an and the course of history is that we, students of Quebec, ugly scene of squalid hovels void and outdated. must undertake. To the ab- huddled together. This is Otherwise, federal eentralsenteeism of the old, dis- where the masses of labourization, carried out at an illusioned, half-way integratincreased rate, having as it ed and assimilated genera- ersIt live. a beautiful drive up has a tendency to transform tion, we students of Quebec the was winding highway into the so-called confederative must substitute an aerimonthe mountains. The -red soil regime into a unitary Nationious dynamism, to propogate contrasted with the State, not only endangers within our people the logies brightly lush green vegetation. The the growth but also the very that National Liberation cooler in the existence of the Freneh-Canbears. When we have gather- air was much At last we arrivadian nation, already serious- ed the total backing of our mountains. lovely Quitandinha ly threatened by its cultural nation, the problem shall be ed at the where I was to spend and social isolation and by solved. Then, the old genera- Hotel days, ten Anglo-American influence. tion will join in the ranks, ten memorable which have altered my In this day and age, while bringing with it the experi- days and changed my the world over peoples are ence and prestige necessary thinking life. For here among delefreeing themselves from eol- to the installation of the new gates from every continent onial yokes and nations are regime. began to see a picture of a claiming the right to total Our contribution, as stu- Inew world. freedom, French Canada can dents, is hence vital and This conference was a reno longer accept remaining essential. Through means at under foreign economic and our almost exclusive disposal sult of the tremendous ideooffensive of the political trusteeship. The (i.e,, manifestations, crowd- logical concept of national inde- action, etc.), we are in a M.R.A. task force in South pendence, in line with elear- position to undertake the America during the previous six, months. The purpose of thinking internationalism is part that shall be determinthe conference was to plan as valid in French Canada ing in the Revolution. strategy to answer eoras anywhere else. By demanding Total Lib- aruption, Communism, and At any rate, Liberation is eration for Quebec, our naand to train men and substantiated by the History tion rejects the pessimism war, women for this task. of French Canada: prepared issued from The Conquest by Confederation then by and exhibits its faith in yr’ There were many colourful the establishment of pro- itself, derived as it is from people present at the ,Assemvincial autonomy, it repre- one of History’s greatest bly, such as: the Zengakuren students from Japan with sents the normal outcome of civilizations. their play “The Tiger”; the revolutionary students from Yearbooks will be on sale We hope to acquire the San Mareos University in January 15 to January 26. services of a professional Lima, Peru; Mrs. Nixon, the This will be the final sales mother of Richard Nixon; photographer in the last campaign of the year. Desks Roy Rogers and the Colwell will be set up in the foyer of week of January or the first Brothers from Hollywood; the Physics and Chemistry one in February to take three giant oarsmen, membuildings as well as in the group pictures of the various bers of the 1960 U.S. Olymcafeteria. The price is $3.00 organizations on campus. We pie Gold Medal Rowing of $1.00 down - the balance Team; U Narada in his being paid at the time of would ask the various engin- saffron robes, secretary of receipt of yearbook (Sep- eering groups to be‘organized 75,000 Buddhist monks of tember) . by then. Burma; Rajmohan Gandhi, By
I am fully aware that this will be another abortive plea, yet something compels me to remind the student body that it is not their privilege but their duty to support the Corgphaeus. Perhaps eontemplation of the new year ahead,- perhaps the knowledge that repitition remains the best teacher - whatever the compulsion, I again urge every student to contribute some form of literary endeavour to the newspaper. It should be evident to everyone concerned that the more material one has, the more selective one can be. Of course, the extreme could lead to much confusion, but
this is hardly my worry at the moment. Better government can only be achieved through a more active interest and participation in poliLiea1 life by the voting public; juvenile delinquency can only be alleviated when more citizens make a de& termined effort to engage in the struggle against this social evil. Likewise, only by means to a deeper student interest and greater student participation in the production of their newspaper, can the Coryphaeus become a more informative, better written, university paper. Ron Hornby,
Arrangements have been made with Forde Studio to have the graduate pictures taken during the month of January. The students of St. Jerome’s are scheduled to have theirs taken from January II and 12. This means that the time from January 15 to January 30 will be reserved for the students on campus here. We ask that ALL graduates, undergrads and postgrads, consult the bulletin board on the first floor of the Physics building. Each individual is required to choose the time suitable for him. The sitting will .take half an
hour - working hours are from 10.30 - 1.00; 2.00 - 6.00; 4 days a week (Wednesday and Saturdays are excluded). A few appointments may be made in the evenings if it is absolutely impossible for anyone to make it during the day. The studio has requested that a $10.00 deposit be made at the time of the sitting, the additional sum being received at the time of receipt of the pietures. Further information and price listings can be seen on the bulletin board. Any questions concerning this matter mav be directed to Ruth Weir:
Musi.c Room Est’d. in Annex I
HespelerStudent AwardedEM. Prize
The former drafting room in Annex I has been eonverted into a music room which will house all rehearsal groups on the campus. Rehearsal
Orchestra, Monday 5 - 6. Mixed Chorus, Tues. 5 - 6. Dance Band, Wed., 7 p.m. Male Chorus: Thur. 5 - 6. The office of Music Direetor, Paul Berg, is now located in Room 266, the office wing of the Engineering building. Any students interested in working on the yearbook who were unable to attend the meeting on Monday may contact Ruth Weir. Photographers especially are needed. grandson of the Mahatma; and, from down under, Miss Lynley Holyoake, daughter of the Prime Minister of New Zealand, heading a delegation from that country, including several Maori leaders. In following articles I hope to tell you the stories of some of these people. Also, I will try to evaluate the ideology of M.R.A. and its significance in an age when the fate of the world depends upon the ideas which control the hearts and minds of men.
John H. Shaw, of Hespe er, a fourth year meehan: :a1 engineering student, is the first winner of the engineering Institute of Canada prize at the University of Waterloo. The E.I.C. prizes of $50 are awarded annually at engineering schools across Canada to the student at each school on the basis of academic record and participation in engineering soeie- ’ ties on campus. The awards were established in 1930 and are given to students in the second last year of their studies. Purpose of the award is to encourage students to develop their interest in engineering soeieties’ work. Mr. Shaw begins a threemonth industrial assignment with Candaian Westinghouse Co. Ltd., in Hamilton, on December 27 and will complete his fourth year studies next spring. The award will be presented by Dr. D. T. Wright, Dean of Engineering, and by Professor A. R. LeFeuvre of the mechanical engineering department and Engineering Institute of Canada faculty advisor at the University of Waterloo.
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Published by ? the undergraduate student body ? of the University of Waterloo, under the authorization of the acting Board of Publications. Publications Office, Annex 2, The University of Waterloo, Phone SH 5-0571 and SH 3-2681 The opinions expressed herein represent the freedom of expression of a responsible, autonomous society. Editor-in-Chief: George Welsh Associate
Production and Circulation
: Feature Editor: News Editor: Engineering Editor : Arts Editor: Ron Sports: Lewis Taylor
Science Editor : Contributing:
IT 0
By G. Whiz “Lady, you sure have nice legs.” This was the observation of a South African negro regarding a white woman’s legs. Granted, this is not the type of thing that is usually said in public but it is hardly reason to give the author of the words eight wacks with a cane as was decreed by a local white magistrate. I can just picture history books a hundred years hence quoting the words of that negro as “the phrase which began the South African blood bath. How very objective we are about such problems here in Canada. How much would our attitude change if we had to live with such a situation. * ‘* * * Last week at the show I saw “The Comancheros,” a bloody saga set in the plains of west Texas in 1843. The plot is fairly standard: John Wayne and the Rangers are hot after some Indians who have been causing some unpleasantries among the settlers, etc. At the showdown., the Indians suffer drastic casualties a.nd from some of their expressions it is evident that they are pertrubed over this fact. Their indignation is not completely groundless because they are being dispatched in great hordes by John and his friends who have lever action rifles . . . a type of firearm not invented until about 1865. * * * * There is a record on the “best seller” charts which. is pathetic and then again it is pathetic. It is called, “Dear Ivan.” It is sort of an open letter dramatic monologue from a typical American to a typical Russian. The theme is: “Although our governments can’t seem to agree, you and I can agree if we only had a chance, can’t we Ivan old buddy? There is one part in the speech where the artist Comes out with a piece of humour which would make the sphinx laugh. He says, “I’m an entertainer now Ivan.” * * * * There are many-of the greats who have answered that final roll call lately: Hemingway, George Crabbe, Sir Thomas Beechman, Hammarskjold and many others . , . Come to think of it, I’m not feeling too well myself.
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SPORTS PARADE Since the last publication of the Coryphaeus, the Warriors have played four games winning two and losing two to bring their record to 5 wins and 2 losses with a 1-2 record in league play. In their first league game at home, the Warriors lost to Assumption “Lancers” by a score of +94-92 in overtime. Dee. 22 they travelled to Buffalo to win over Erie Tech. “Kats” by a 69-61 count. Returning after’ the vacation on Jan. 4, the Warriors downed Carleton University 86-58. In Windsor, they again lost to Assumption .by 69-54. This weekend, they take on the Queen’s Gaels at the K-W Auditorium on Friday night. Sat. night at Seagram Gym, the Pioneers take on the K-W Seniors and the Warriors will meet the team from Geneseo State Teachers’ College in an exhibition doubleheader, and a dance will follow the games.
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Faculty *
of Graduate
R. G. Stanton,
No. The examination is an important part of the doculentation for the candidates’ grades. As such it should be stained by the university. It is true that you can learn a It from the mistakes you made in the paper, but you don’t sually need the paper to tell you where you went wrong. N. C. Lind ’ Civ. En;. *
It is childish to squabble over a few questionable marks n an exam paper. If papers were returned we would be Ireed to revert to the Elementary School approach of issecting the paper, bit by bit, exploiting and manipulating rivia into possible extra rewards. The mind of a University scholar is flexible and imagintive and thus the methods of answering various questions rould be profuse. Therefore originality and freshness of pproach are to be considered when marking a paper. It rould be degrading for a professor to have his developed 3eling and acute judgment in his particular subject torn 3 shreds by mark-seeking students. Of course, now, any result noticeably inconsistant with revious results in this and other similar subjects is looked lto and a fair decision is made. Thus I feel that it would minimize anguish on both the art of the student and faculty by not returning final xamination papers. David Rumpel, 3A Eng.
Again, we issue our plea! If anyone has an interesting photo (we shan’t ‘go into details) of anyone on campus - please turn it over to the yearbook staff. Surely, someone took some pictures the night of the formal!
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papers be returned
* * * * Yes, with one proviso. In favour of this proposal, I can ?e two arguments: 1. A student would ge benefit from writing an xam if he could reread the paper, and see his errors nd misconceptions. 2. Occasionally, a student is unhappy about the grade ssigned, and should have an opportunity to either satisfy imself that the grade was deserved, or obtain a rereading f the paper. The only fly in the ointment occurs in (2), and is due to hose students, of dubious maturity, who are prepared to uibble for hours over one or two marks, generally unearned. n order to protect the marker from these terrors, it is ecessary to supply some discouragement. For example, one could impose a fee, to be paid for aving a paper reread. Five dollars might be enough to iscourage the quibblers, and yet be no serious obstacle to he student who believed himself to be seriously wronged. I certainly feel that the extra work involved in returning apers would be justified, particularly because clerical rrors, omissions, and simple prejudice can cause unfair rades to be assigned. Incidentally, at Waterloo, a paper assigned a failing rade is automatically reread, so the whole issue is not as urning as we might think. Erie Manning,
alert -
Specialists in Sportscars 182 KING
ihould student examination hey are marked?
The advent of a new term see on campus 81 pieces of fresh cannon fodder. Who are these misguided and blighted souls who walk among us? They are bright eyed young optimists who hope to graduate as engineers one twentieth of a century from now. After a sneak preview of theinitiation programme, it would seem that the conveners did not give it too much thought but this is just a feint to throw our wooly little freshmen off balance. The programme will almost be over by the time you read this so I hope you pink cheeked mockeries to manhood have been enjoying yourselves. You are expected to be at the dance tonight so if you have not selected a date from the numberless hordes of beautiful girls on campus, we urge you . . to do so at your earliest convenience. More could be said about the girls but my present mood of sarcasm is bordering on the slanderous so I will desist. We trust that after the initiation you will be happy as a member of our little community, so busy, so full of spirit and activities. S. Arcasm, Eng. II
JAN, llII 1962
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