1961-62_ v2,n12_Coryphaeus

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CAMPUS SPLITS0 N.F.C.U.S. ON CAMPUS After two months of organizing, I feel that our NFCUS committee is something less than representative of the student body. Here, however, is your NFCUS committee as presently constituted. Arts representatives: Sandra Sanders 2, Jackie Schacht 1, Dirk Seeleman 1, Peter Batson 1, Wilson Adroa; Science Reps.: Uve Von Harpe 2, Paul Copeland 3. St. Jerome’s Reps.: Pat NOWak 2, Gerald Parker 1, Denise Moylan 3, Larry Hymers 3, Engineering Reps. : none. Obviously we can use more Science and Engineering people. The NFCUS committee is engaging in a number of activities which require the active support of the student body: 1. The 3rd NATO seminar will be held from Feb. 15th to 18th at Assumption University in Windsor. TheI University of Waterloo is allowed three delegates, one of Canadian origin and two originally from some other NATO country. If you are from Belgium, originally Denmark, France, The Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Turkey, the U.K. or the United States you are eligible to . become one of these two delegates. Travel expenses are being handled by the Federation; the $10 registration fee, covering all other expenses, will be paid entirely or in part by the local NFCUS committee. See any NFCUS representative for - an application form. Application deadline is January 26th. 2. The University of Waterloo, in co-operation with Waterloo University College, will be participating in an education programme mandated to Queen’s at the last

Why Not Here ? ? Hamilton (CUP) - Students at McMaster University will receive a mid-term break again this year, enabling them to catch up on late essays and to prepare for final examinations. The recess, March 4-10, was re-instated last year and, according to Dr. H. S. Armstrong, dean of Arts and Science, “The general experience proved to be satisfactory.” He stressed that the recess is not to be considered a permanent part of the academic year, and that its continuance this year should not be regarded as establishing a precedent. During the week, no under aduate classes will be he1r , but members of the

congress. There will be two speaking tours of local high schools: one during Feb. and’ one May 7th to 11th. Five male and five female students are required for the satisfactory completion of both tours. For information on the purpose of these tours and requirements for participation please see Dirk Seelemann. His home phone number is SH 4-2447. 3. This year the regional seminar on the topic “The Scientist’s Responsibility to Society” will be held Feb. 2 - 4th at OAC. We hope to send two delegates, preferably senior science students. Posters are up showing the person to contact and deadline for application. 4. Posters are up advertising the NFCUS literary contest. Contest rules are available through any representative. Entry deadline is February 1st. 5. NFCUS cards will be distributed during the week of Jan. 22nd. 6. Our major project this year is a regional study mandate on the Middle East. In this study we will be examining any issue which affects the student in the Middle East and his fundamental human rights and academic freedoms. Algeria and the Arab Countries should prove to be particularily interesting. This study will take the form of a report to the next National Congress and will provide that Congress with a factual well documented Lbasis for any resolutions it may pass concerning students 1of that particular area. It is hoped that any students having any direct knowledge of this area or knowing people who do, will assist us in this endeavour. Doug Macintosh, N3.C. U.S. Chairman faculty will be available for A result of consultation. study week is the extension of lectures to April 7.

1.0. D.E. Bursary Second and Third Year Science Students are invited to apply for ST. QUENTIN CHAPTER I.O.D.E. BURSARY Value $100 which will be awarded this term. Further particulars and application forms may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office. The closing date for applications has been extended to January 24. K. R. Hymmen, Assistant Registrar, Records tind Student Aid




Malcolm Cock Part II On March 1 and 2, the Last week I mentioned the U. of W. Drama Council, and the Music Council will San Marcos students from Lima, Peru, whom I met at present its Spring Production Rio. I would like now to tell at Waterloo Collegiate Auditorium, curtain going up you their story. The University of San each night at 8.30. Last year the Drama and Music Coun- Marcos is the oldest univercils presented a Revue at sity in the Western HemisSeagram Stadium. From the phere. It produces some of helpful criticism given by the most revolutionary leftthe members of the audience ist leaders in the continent. and the experience gained These young men at the from participating, the eoun- conference represented the cils feel that this year’s leadership of both Left and presentation will top that Right wing political factions on Campus. They first learngiven last year. ed about Moral Re-ArmaThe programme, entitled “Three for an Evening” will ment when the Zengakuren students from Japan came to feature two prize-winning Canadian one-act plays from San Marcos with their play the ‘Ranking Play’ Series of “The Tiger”. They had come to the Assembly for the the Ottawa Little Theatre Workshop Playwriting Com- Americas to learn more about petition, and a Musical In- this new ideology. These terlude presented by the students, before they met music groups here at the MRA had actually battled University. The plays have each other with bicycle been made available to ama- Chains, clubs and knives. teur groups by the aid given Some, the Fidelistas, had been avid supporters of Fidel the Ottawa Little Theatre revolution that Workshop by a grant from Castro’s The Canada Council. But made Cuba the first Combefore a show of this type munist state in the Western can go on the boards much hemisphere. Others had been background work must be members of the APRA nondone. There are sets to be Communist group. But they built, properties collected, found unity at the MRA Assembly. and parts cast and learned. I had dinner one evening The Music and Drama Councils need the support of all with some of these San Marcos boys. After performstudents. Anyone interested ing ,the essential formalities in any phase of the production should contact Mr. of exchanging names and Brian Drown, President of addresses we began talking. the Drama Council; Miss They were a lively group of Susan Nichols, Pres. of M.C., fellows and possessed quite Mr. Paul Berg, Director of a sense of humour. They were eager to know what Music - 266 Engineering Building, or Professors Alvin Canadian students thought. I. Dust or James S. Stone, Did we concern ourselves with politics and ideology? Advisors to the Drama Were we worried about the Council - 302 Engineering future of Canada? Were I Building. Casting for the two plays, and my friends Communists? which contain parts for 7 I hastily replied “No” to the men and 5 women, will take last question. I said that in place on Thursday and Fri- fact I had been very antiday, January 18th and 19th Communist in my views. I and Monday, Tuesday and was a bit embarassed by Wednesday, Jan. 22, 23, 24, some of their questions. I was from 4 to 5, in the Physics forced to admit that we and Mathematics Building Canadian students were conAmphitheatre. At these times, cerned more with our own pleasures than students interested in other immediate details of the production may with the future of Canada. also have an opportunity to I think it was then that I offer their services to the really faced the fact that I had been living in a dream members of the Councils. world. I had been concerned only for myself. I began to see that in a world engaged in ideological war, my living Montreal (CUP) - Stu- was too small. It was then dents at McGill University are claiming a world record for playing: . . monopoly. SOME LINES ON The old parlour game was played for iO0 hours over the To meet student demand, Christmas break by members preparations for the estabof the Society of the Red lishment of a Letters Club on Sash, Daily staffers, and campus is now in progress! others. Because Literature is so The game began December varied and wide-ranging, a 15 at 1 p.m. and ended Letters c Club may devote December 19 at 5 p.m. The itself to any author (e.g., Cont’d. on Page %? Shakespearian or Shavian

Monopolophobia -’



18, 1962



that I decided to live ideologically and to fight for a new world. These young men from San Marcos really changed drastically. It was the Zengakuren students who changed them. You could see the transformation take place. They became honest about the motives that were running their lives. They lost their bitterness and hate. And out of their change came the play “El Condor”. This play was written and produced by the San Marcos students in 3 days. It depicted the life at their university, showing the clashes between rival factions, dishonesty over exams, corruption in politics and rioting against the authorities. It also showed the answer to these problems, found through the ideology of Moral Re-Armament. Mrs. Hannah Nixon, mother of Richard Nixon was in the audience to see the preview performance of “El Condor”. You perhaps remember that when Richard Nixon went to Lima, Peru, the students of San Marcos rioted against him. These young men helped to lead those riots. After the performance they came down from the stage and apologized to Mrs. Nixon, for what they had done to her son. They said “Tell Mr. Nixon, that, he can once again take up his contact with Latin America. We invite him to take part with us in the transformation of the world.” Mrs. Nixon told them, “It is beyond belief what has happened here. It is wonderful.” It was a truly moving drama to see. Think of it! These students had hated the United States all their lives, and now they were apologizing for their bitterness and hate. This is what Solon Espinoza, a former Fidelist, said, “The Communist revolution which I thought was the final one was, in fact, only half the revolution. We could change the economic and social structure but we could not change the way men thought and lived. I thought that changing human nature was impossible. The Communists are wrong but also the non - Communists are wrong. To achieve peace we must change both at any cost.”

LETTERS Letters Club), period (e.g., Renaissance or Modern Literature Letters Club), or nationality (e.g., the Golden Age of Russian ‘Literature). It could also take the form of a Creative Writing Club, with the purpose of stimulatCont’d. on Page 2


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Published by ? the undergraduate student body ? of the University of Waterloo, under the authorization of the acting Board of Publications. Publications Office, Annex 2, The University of Waterloo, Phone SH 5-0571 and SH 3-2681 The opinions expressed herein represent the freedom of expression of a responsible, autonomous society. Editor-in-Chief: George Welsh @so&e Editor: Ted Rushton Production and Circulation: Tod Sewell Feature Editor: News Editor: Engineering Editor: Arts Editor: Ron Hornby Sports: Lewis Taylor Science Editor: Joe Mozur

The initiations of a new poup of Engineering Stuients to the U. of W. have :ome and gone, leaving in iheir wake a slightly frazzled bnd thoroughly hazy new youp. After having been lere for almost a week, the Freshmice (Ed. note - he actually means Freshmen.) vere finally told the harsh bules that they would be ‘orced to live under for two mhole days! Such as: -hair cut (to 1 s/z”at longest) -memorize the Engineer’s Hymn -do menial tasks, such as lighting ciggi-butts, carrying lunch trays, shining shoes -get a date for the Freshman Dance Granted, at most schools n Canada you’d have a larsher version of this to get nto even kindergarten, but ;his is where you meet your Waterloo, the reductio ad ibsurdum for initiations. A mall cash outlay was exracted from them all for heir little yellow beanies, omething that would be vorn humbly for two whole lays then quickly forgotten mless the sat happened to lrag it in when your back vas turned. ‘Beanie Day’ tlso saw a tour of the EnginCont’d. 1 on Page 4




Recently on CBC’s Project ‘62, there was a programme dealing with a study “in starvation, depravity and torture.” The story was one woman’s account of her experiences as a civilian prisoner of war in Singapore at the hands of the Japanese. She spoke frankly about the brutality and degradation which she suffered at the hands of her captors. She spoke without malice. Although she herself seemed to have forgiven the Japanese, she did not make it easy for her listening audience to do so. Such an expose is not shocking to anyone except perhaps the very young who hear of such things for the first time. This woman’s story was just one more straw added to a very large haystack of accounts which will not let us forget about the war. In diaries, in novels, in motion pictures and in many other ways we are reminded what the Japanese were like and what the Germans were like. The war is not of our generation, it is not of our doing and it is no longer our concern. Why should we be constantly reminded of the suffering and the fear? If there have to be accounts kept, then keep them on a high level, on a historical level, ;and not on a pseudo-social level. We are aware that many people died and for the sake of future harmony between us and the Germans and the Japanese, I contend that it is quite unnecessary to exhume every bone and listen to the tale of how it was smashed. “Forgive and forget” is too much to expect of any man although there are some who will maintain that they at least have forgiven. We believe that no man forgets and no man forgives, especially something as great as a war, the pain and the death. Let the warriors remember, let them tell their tales if they must, but it is time we stopped listening. The sooner we forget these second hand prejudices of another generation rising out of old wars, the sooner we establish a rapport with the people of those two nations without the nagging realization that they were once the enemy.

Monopolophobia Cont’d.

lines on letters cont’d.

participants said they stopped because there were no challengers to the new record and they felt their mark would stand for some time. Unquestionably the player with the greatest endurance was Bob Amaron, a graduate student, and member of the Daily’s editorial board. He claims the record of having played for more than 65 hours out of the 100, including one uninterrupted ’ 3% hour stretch at the board. Amaron initiated a complicated system of sanctions, including the now-legendary “Right of Free Passage”, that squeezed many of his opponents out of the game. Asked why he participated in the marathon, he replied: “I understood the Finance Ministry was going to be available, and I wanted to get some practice.”

ing and encouraging original writing of all kinds, and perhaps leading to the production of a Literary Magazine. These are only suggestions. What is your pet literary interest? Our Scouting Committee could not possibly approach all of you personally, so we would appreciate it if you would leave your suggestion and name, addressed to Leo Johnson, in the Student Mail Box. This is your chance to put in a word for the kind of Letters Club you would like to support! Take advantage of it! P.S. The results of this Poll will be revealed at an open meeting next Thursday, January 25th, at 5.00 p.m., in Room Pl30. S. Sanders

B & 1 Market King and Dearborn Groceries Meats Confections . . . A friendly place to shop . . . Students Always Welcome



ZESULTSOF E.I.C. German iSSAY CONTEST Scholarships The faculty are happy to nnounce the results of the 2. I. C. Essay contest held Luring the last year. The esults : Wayne Bowles, lst, $25. Karl Reichert, Znd, $15. Awards are to be presented o the wipners at the Annual neeting of the Kitchener7Vaterloo Branch of the E. I. 1. on Friday, January 19th, ,t the Granite Club. Preentations are to be made by )r. Ballard, President of the L I. c. R. McMurray, Sec.-Treas.

TONY'S GARAGE 48 King St. S. SH 5-5451


Mr. Buck ,suggested “we should sell Canadian products in any market we can.” He ended on a note that drew louder guffaws and heckles from his audience. “With an independent policy,” he asserted, “Canada would really be in a position to fight the war for total disarmament.” A chaotic discussion period was opened by Daniel Goldstick’s observation that “some of the people came here to hear themselves.” Andrew Stabins retorted saying that Mr. Buck “richly deserved the heckling.” He said “The Communist Party in Canada is nothing but a facade, a joke, and they are trying to destroy the Western world’s unity in little chunks.” A voice cried “Thank you, John Birch.” Stabins further charged “Mr. Buck did not really come here to talk about the Common Market. His single purpose is to be an agent of another foreign power.”

The first section of our permanent library facilities is now completed. This is a 6,000 sq. ft. section in the new Engineering Building and is known as the Engineering and Science Library. The second stage will be the Library Building which will house the humanities collection and also the various departments ,connected with the library. We plan to start construction of this building next fall. At present the humanities collection and the working departments of the library are located in the Physics Building. Furnishings are very modern with extensive use of walnut \ in the tables, carols, shelves, hand trucks and desk area. A deep blue is used in chairs, display boards, etc. We have purchased a quarter of a million dollars in books and periodicals during our brief history - beginning with an initial budget of $9,000. in the first year. 9 Ed.: It is a nice song, but is the singer worthy of it?

Specialists in Sportscars


By Brenda Larson The Varsity Toronto (CUP) - The aged frame of Tim Buck, leader of the Communist Party in Canada, swayed under the onslaught of boos, hisses and jeers at an overflow meeting at the University of Toronto, January 8. Fellow travellers seemed outnumbered by loudly anti - communistic students. Throughout Buck’s address on “Canada and the Common Market” his hecklers became more and more inflaTed. One angry young man cried “Did the Communists kill your parents?” . . . to the suggestion of “Grow up!” by a more tolerant listener. Persisting through the explosion, Mr. Buck warned that the Atlantic Trading Community is “bound to result in a process of political unification under West Germany.”

Anthony Vandepol 84 King N. Waterloo SH 5-3861

Toronto (CUP) - Two scholarships, offering free tuition and a living allowance for one year at any university within the. Federal Republic of Germany are available to Canadian students. The awards, which also include a travel grant, are unrestricted as to field of study, and are open to men or women undergraduates in their third and final years. Also eligible are recent graduates between 20 and 30 years of age. Applicants must be prepared to undertake to return to a Canadian university immediately following their year of study abroad. A good knowledge of the German language is essential for candidates. The scholarships are offered through the courtesy of Deutscher AkademischerAustauschdienst and the nation-

al committee of World University Service of Germany in co-operation with the Federal Republic of Germany. Further information on these scholarships and application forms may be obtained through the WUS of Canada office in Toronto. All people, both faculty members and students, are asked to have their various write-ups completed and handed in before January 19th. These write-ups. may be left in the Board of Publications mailbox opposite the Coordination Department.

Meats Groceries Toilet Articles 170 King North SH Z-1970





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FREEDOM . ABUSED I read the front page article in last week’s Corgphaeus on separatism, with some disgust. Does any Canadian, whatever the land of his birth, think that Canada would tolerate a separate nation (such as the Quebecers want) in its very living room? Do these Frenchmen want another Algeria here in Canada?

SOUSLA BOTTEDES ANGLAIS! Par E. Andre Garceau Le Canada possede deux langues qui sont supposees &re reconnues comme officielles et dont 1’Acte Britanique du Nord rendaient sue le m$me pied d’egalite. Mais par la suite l’une d’elles a ete delaissee par le plupart des personnes au Canada, sauf dans quelques points du pays ou elle persiste encore mais si cela continue a ce ’ rythmeelle aura disparue dans une certaine d’annees. Vue que la langue francaise est ma langue et qu’au point de vue loi elle devrait $tre sur le m$me point de valeur que votre Anglais je m’expliquerai done en Francais. Et ceux qui ne comprendront pas n’auront qu’a s’en mordre les pouces de ne pas l’avoir aprise a temps comme on est force de l’apprendre dans cette province qui est la plus francaise du Canada, le Quebec. Quelques-uns diront que si je desire jeerire cette article en Francaise c’est que je ne sais pas assez mon Anglais pour pouvoir l’ecrire en Anglais, et c’est vrai. Mais ceux qui s’en plaindront, c’est parce qu’eux m$me ne savent pas lire le francaise et c’est pour cela qu’ils n’aimeront pas cette article. Personnellement je n’ecrire peut &re pas bien 1’Anglais mais au moin je peux le lire. Aujourd’hui je ferai quelques commentaires sur l’artitle de M. R. Aubin qui a paru dans le “Coryphaeus” de la semaine derniere traitant du separatisme. Je ne me plaindrais pas d’avoir lu son article en Anglais car cela a ouvert les yeux a bien des lecteures du journal de l’universite. Mais je crois qu’elle aurait fait encore plus sensation en demeurant en Francais, car connaissant la curosite du monde actuel pour savoir tout ce qui leur parait cache (moi de m$me), ils auraient eu recour B ceux qui ont la chance de pouvoir lire le Frangais et il en aurait eu plus de conversations qui en aurait suivi. Maintenant j’aimerais cite un article paru dans “Le Nouveau Journal” du 11

janvier 1962 qui prouve bien que le Canadien-Francais sont toujours sous la domination Anglaise et que le simple fait de porter un nom Francais peut devenir un serieux probleme quand on desire se trouver un emploi m$me dans notre belle province francaise et je cite: “Sous la Botte des Anglais. Monsieur le directeur, Je viens vous donner une preuve de l’injustice que nous subissons dans le Service civil federal. J’avis passe mes examens avec sue& et j’attendais depuis un an pour un emploi. Je suis all6 voir l’ancien depute St-P&e qui m’a dit qu’il soumettrait mon nom a la commission du Service Civil. Sans que je lui dise, il change une lettre de mon nom; ce qui faisait MARSON au lieu de MARSAN. Immediatement je recus un telegramme me priant de me presenter pour un emploi. Ceci prouve que nous sommes sous la ferule (autorite) d’Anglo - Canadiens a Ottawa tel que le dit M. Chaput dans son livre. A. Marsan, Mtl” D’apres ce que vous venez de lire ici vous voyez bien que malgre que l’on soit au vingtieme siecle il reste toujours au Canadien-Francais cette difference qu’il regnait apres la conquete du Canada par les Anglais. Et je ne vois aucune difference dans les capacites de travaux d’avoir un nom Anglais ou Francais. J’en profite pour felicite M. A. Marsan de ne pas avoir eu peur de perdre son ouvrage a la suite de la publication ,de cette article que ~;~$lernent ses patrons ont Je vous ai montre seulement un exemple de ce qui existe au Canada et cet exemple pris dans un milieu Francais montre a quel point ceci existe. Je prefere ne pas penser comment cela se passe dans un milieu Anglais car je crois que j’y suis. Et j’esp&re que si vous lisez jamais cet article il n’aura pas ete trop censure ou meme traduit. E. Andrb Garceau

Robert Aubin says the most important civic freedom is the liberation of their homeland. Does he call Quebec his homeland or is he referring to France? If he calls Quebec his homeland, what about all the other hundreds of thousands of immigrants who have come to Canada? Is it to be Ontario for the Germans, British Columbia for the British, Alberta for the Italians, etc., etc.? If he refers to France as his homeland, I would recommend that he go back to his homeland and liberate her from the political stagnation which she is experiencing and has been experiencing for the last fifty years. He should not only go himself but take all his separatist friends with him. I am perfectly sure that Canada would have no trouble at all populating Quebec with all the refugees that are still left in the world. To my mind, with the threat of Communism facing the world, it is not a question of our disintegration but rather a question of further integration. Might I remind Robert Aubin and his associates that there are thousands of British and Canadian boys who found a burial place in France defending you and your freedom. Let me tell you that Canada was not threatened directly in either war but they fought beside France to preserve her freedom as well as their own. Yes, while you Quebecers were refusing to be conscripted. That was for your homeland. What if the Germans had won either war, would you be enjoying the freedom in Quebec that you are now turning your noses up at. What guarantee, or who could guarantee that if you Quebecers ever did get complete independence from Canada, we would not have another Cuba in our living room? These French Canadians resent the fact that the bulk of the industrial wealth of their province is in “English” Canadian and American hands. If the Quebecers had gone about developing their province in the first place, there would be no need for anyone to come and develop it for them. Because of this development, the Quebecers have a standard of living comparable to the best in the world. No, Mr. Aubin, I say it is Canada for the Canadians whether you are Irish, Scats, French, German, Polish, or Italian. When you come to Canada, you come here to be a Canadian and that is IT. V.H.

VARSITY VACILLATES Toronto (CUP) - The President of the Students’ Administrative Council at the University of Toronto said this week that he did not support the stand The Varsity took in its editorial column last month on the issue of French separatism. “Such misinformed nonesense has served only to increase the number of separatists in Quebec,” said Marc Sommerville. He was speaking against the resolution that the future of Quebec lies in independence. The resolution was defeated 45 to 17. Sommerville was referring to an editorial which charged that Quebec stunted the academic growth of her community and trampled on civil liberties. Her culture, it asserted, was a holdover from another century. The SAC president contended that if Quebec seceded, the French-speaking minority in English Canada would flounder. “FrenchCanadians outside Quebec,” he said, “are the most vocal opponents of separatism.

“Nonsense,” cried John Wood, president of the Victoria College Union. “Marc Sommerville’s speech is like a bikini: it hits only two spots and covers the most important points.” “I would like to see the marriage between Ontario and Quebec divorced,” continued Sommerville. “It was a shotgun marriage,” replied Paul Moore. “It should be annulled.” Opposition to the resolution came also from Professor D. M. Hayne of the French Department, University College. He pointed out that though there are more important grievances than separatism, none warranted secession. On the other han.d, asserted another debator, Quebec had been corralled into confederation and was never happy under English domination. “English people get all the opportunities, the left overs are given to Quebet,” he quoted from a report of the Royal Commission on French problems of 1930.

.?Question of the Week/’ ? *




Do you think the Quebec separatists are justified in advocating such a drastic plan as secession from the Dominion.





Answer Absolutely! French Canadians are faced with complete assimilation by anglo-american influences, and therefore any attempt to retain their identity is “justified”. But, this does not mean that such a plan is “feasible”. However noble the motives, such a move as secession would cause economic and political chaos for both Quebec and Canada as a whole chaos that would inevitably lead to complete assimilation of both parties into the greater North America. Bruce J. Koepke, Arts II





The Quebec separatists are fully justified in advocating that their province secede from the Dominion of Canada. However, they would not be justified in executing the plan. Joe Houlden, Arts II





Definitely not! The Quebec separatist movement is a small minority group that has some radical interpretations of the British North America Act (1867), and of the more recent Bill of Rights (1960). The movement is in its infancy and is supported mainly by some Quebec university students. If the majority of people in Quebec would support these upstarts, then a peaceful and logical solution to the problem could be found. In the impending general elections, the French-Canadian bloc could exercise their franchise and elect seventy-five citizens, all dedicated to improve the lot of the individual French-Canadian. These seventy-five politicians could then act as a pressure group in the House of Commons since they would control at least 28% of the votes in Parliament. This power would enable them to introduce and support legislation that would benefit FrenchCanadians. Horst W. Wohlgemut, Hon. Math., Yr. III





Next Week’s Question : Provided they are going back to school, should University students have to pay unemployment insurance during those periods when they are working, be it either during the summer or in their work period?



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N S - Cont’d.


eering Buildings, a worthwhile endeavour for orienting the new students, thoughtfully guided by faculty members. And then it saw them split up into work parties, to attempt to do the work that their fees were already paying the regular custodians to do. They were to clean and sand the walks (out of 81, only 1 student brought a shovel), clean the common rooms, polish brass work, etc. Following this they were told the items to be obtained in a treasure 1hunt, such goodies as: one draught glass (full?), the signature of the desk sergeant at the Waterloo Police Station, the signature sf Mrs. R. G. Stanton, one used brassiere (still warm?), and the number of bricks in the South (which way was South?) Wall of the Engineering Building. Thereupon, they were marched from the campus of the U. of W. on down the road, and stopped to serenade the lovely ladies of the W. U. C. in song (what-ever happened to the panty-raids at the K-W Nurses’ Residence?) Then onward, ever onward to the Hotel Kent, which they were not allowed to enter, but instead were treated to the aromas of Carling’s Brewery and a history of the illustrious past of the hotel (illustrious since the founding of the Engineering Course here at Waterloo, that is). After this horrible experience of being so near to and yet so far from what some people consider to be the fountain of life, they were all sent home to bed (it was very late by now, almost 10 p.m.), and warned to be at Seagram Stadium at 6.00 a.m. SHARP the next day. And so it came to pass that at 6.00 a.m. Thursday six gullible Freshmen found Seagram Stadium, and the sign which read ’ to the effect “What are You doing Here?” Since this was not very funny anymore at the U. of W., they all went back home to bed with the sad thought “I shudda stood in bed.” That night they all swarmed down in huge unruly mobs

Because of the small number of graduates this year, we have decided to include in the Yearbook the pictures of the post-graduate students who will be graduating this year. Realizing that these graduates will not want their pictures taken again, we ask that they turn in a picture taken at their previous graduation. These pictures could be left in the Board of Publications Mailbox.

(81 quiet, and very meek, Freshmice - Ed. note: this time we both mean Freshmice) for the tribunal., and once again sung along m the Engineer’s ‘everlasting contribution to our musical heritage. (Mr. Berg was noticed at this point to be quietly sobbing to himself). Since some of those naughty Freshmen had had the audacity to suggest a warmer climate for the Seniors than this Cold Canadian Winter, they were rewarded for their suggestions with a slight sojourn in the Chair of Many Volts. However, since their regret for what they had done was very sincere and heart-warming (for the chair wasn’t warming at all), most managed to survive this ordeal. Then all those still defiant ones with the long tresses of hair had it shorn from their heads by Mr. J. J. Morris, S.O.B. (this real& means School of Barbering!), to the intense delight of those who had already paid out $1.50 for a hair cut. Finally came the climax to the whole thrilling ordeal of the initiations, when a thundering herd of 16 (yes! count them! lS!!) Freshmen showed up at the Dance. The eager Seniors in a rousing finale to ‘The Initiations’ made them sing (guess what they sang, fellows, guess what they made them sing?), Y E S ! ! YQU’RE RIGHT ! ! It was ‘ The Engineterz Hymn.’ Whereupon ’ Seniors quickly scattered to attend to the attentions of the lovely young ladies at the Dance . . . and thus brought to an end that gruesome ordeal known as initiations. And now a moment of silence dear reader, for those stalwart s&ls of Freshmen who bravelv and without flinching’ withstood the trying tests of ‘The Waterloo Initiations.” For truly, never before in the history of Higher Education has such absurdity been practised upon so meek a group by so few. Such be it, that should this institution last for one thousand years, men will still say, “This, was their silliest hour”

Cor. Dearborn & King Famous for Home Cooked Meals and Snacks ‘-‘Discounts for Students”


E No. 20, Don Demko: Don is 6” 175 lbs. and 19 years old from Niagara Falls Collegiate. Don is one of this year’s two freshmen on the squad. He has a good outside jump shot and with experience gained this year should develop to be able to help out the squad in the future.

Dan Pugliese: Coach of the Warriors Basketball squad. Dan was born in St. Catherines, Ont. He is 31 years old, married, and has two children - a girl aged 18 mos. and a boy aged 2% mos. Dan is a graduate of McMaster University where he played basketball and football during his undergraduate years. Dan coached Sr. basketball at Linwell (now Thorold) High School for 3 yrs. then he coached the freshman basketball team at McMaster for 1 yr. Dan is now in his third year with us and as well as basketball, he does some coaching of the Warriors football team.



“Mater et Magistra Social Doctrine Beyond Politics”

Rev. J. A. Raftis, Ph.D.


January Zlst

8 p.m.


of Waterloo

Room P 145





No. 14,TBill-Steinb’urg: Bill is 6’ l”, 160 lbs. and is 21 years old. He’s in Arts and comes to us from Niagara Falls, 0nt. This is his second year with the Warriors and he has shown himself to be a good rebounder and a fairly strong offensive player. Bill has a good jump shot and drives well. Last year Bill had 115 defensive and 24 offensive rebounds and scored 38 points in 25. games. He had 26% from the field and 45% at the foul line. This year early season results indicate that his shooting has improved and ‘he is a strong reserve for the squad with potential to make first string in the future.



JAN.. 18, 1963



Speaker: Records and Hi-Fi Waterloo Square




In the past week, the Warriors and the Pioneers have each won one league game and one exhibition game. The Warriors defeating Queen’s and Geneseo and the Pioneers taking care of Hamilton Inst. of Technology and the K-W Seniors. Last Tuesday, the Pioneers beat H.I.T. 73-49 in Hamilton to extend their league record to 2-O. The high scorers for Pioneers were Dean Given (27)’ Paul Fehrenbach (13)’ and Nat Joy (12). For H.I.T. Marv. Long had 18. Friday night the Warriors downed Queen’s Gaels 85-59. Mike Bosch had 24, Harlan Krier 15, and Ray Palmer L 13. Doug Evans had 21 for

the Gaels. Saturday night the Pioneers beat the Seniors 62-46 with Dean Given turning in 28 and Paul Fehrenbath 12. For the Seniors Terry Bailey had 14 and Howie Johannes had IO. The Warriors then took on Geneseo State Teachers College and hammered out a 91-61 victory. The high scorers were Mike Bosch (21), Ray Palmer (15), Harlan Krier (14) 7 Dick Aldridge (14), Bob Pando (lo), and Jim Hann (10). For Geneseo Garry Smith had 16 and Jim Smith had 13. Tomorrow night (Friday) both teams play league games at McMaster in Hamilton and we would like to see as many as possible there.

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