NO. 17
FEB. 22, 1962
BESMIRCHINGCA ADA’S IMMIGRATIQN Immigration Minister Ellen Fairclough recently announced the new regulations to govern admission of immigrants to Canada. Beginning February 1, any person in any country of the world will be admissible to Canada if he can satisfy the Immigration Department on these two points: 1. That he has the education, training, skills or other special qualifications to become established successfully in Canada.
Canadians who do not brand immigrants an evil source of unemployment. Among the nations of the world Canada is relatively prosperous and a country of great potential. Human decency compels us sympathizers to admit that. those people of poorer countries who have the initiative and the desire to start life anew in a more prosperous country should be allowed to do so, but on& in compliance with the two specifications mentioned.
Circular villages in the swamps of the Upper Nile and an imported, transplanted Europe - these are the diametrically opposed scenes in Africa today. Are the changes in these- Native societies to bring about a peaceful, co-operative existence or must they lead to temporarily suppressed but inevitable forces of disruption, upheaval, and catastrophe on an unprecedented scale? There is no doubt that the destiny of indigenous races I don’t believe the skilled has been tragic in the process 2. That he has a specific labour shortage in Canada is of contact with European job waiting for him, or will so serious a problem to invasion. We speak glibly be able to support himself warrant Canada’s concen- about the “spread of Westin Canada until he finds trated search for skilled and about im- ern civilization,” work; or, alternately, that a migrants. Moreover, if these “giving the benefits of our relative who is a Canadian are relaxed, Canada’s own culture to the Natives.” citizen is prepared to sponsor rules unemployment problems will In reality, Europeans in the him. ’ only increase. Are we to past sometimes exterminated whole island peoples, exexpect that these skilled In the Monday, January Canadians will carry propriated most of the wealth 22, edition of the Globe and New skills to Canada’s bar- of savage races, and intro2MuiZ, an editorial hailed their areas and employ such duced slavery in a specially these regulations briefly but ren in the development of cruel and pernicious form. maintained that they were skills resources” Certainly not! Even if they abolished it later not the answer to our basic new Once we beg& . to direct the Europeans treated the immigration problem, that trsmc on such a SC&, i-m, expatriated Negroes as outof admitting more immimigration will grind to a casts. Often when irremedigrants. The editorial implied able harm had been done, it that unless Canada admits halt. Inasmuch as these skillwas the practice to call a ed peoples will converge upon more immigrants her chances “commission on scientific inof survival are slim. In the the cities and more heavily quiry,” not to rectify the words of The Globe and Mail, populated areas I see no wrong but, in reality, to help “If Canada is to grow and reason for Canada to “take save the face of the governbe prosperous its first re- active and vigorous steps to ment and to deaden the quirement is more people, pangs of conscience. and they can come in time promote immigration.“’ The primary concern toonly through immigration.” day is in educating the These are very noble words Let immigration continue African. Yet education is but they do not move me. but let Fairclough’s new planned, financed, and directed by Europeans who, as a regulations be administered I am sympathetic to im- as strictly as possible. rule, are working ‘for definite migration but probably for practical ends. Unfortunatethe same reason as other Ron Hornby ly, the result in the past has often been that educated Africans have no place in either the tribal world or in the European community. RE: Truth Seeker vs. Boon The colour bar in the THE “TRUTH”SEEKER social and cultural, as well as in the economic sense, I enjoyed very much Mr. “prove” my point. I will largely determines the relaAbel’s delineation of the merely relate an incident tions between Europeans and “truth”, and his revelations which, I believe, is some- Africans. Nevertheless, in of the mechanics of Roman what akin to the situation in these relations there is coCatholic indulgences. Few which we presently find our- operation and give and take. indeed “are the individuals selves. ‘. Cont’d. on Page 3 who either have the time or In the classroom of a the inclination to defend a personal conviction even renowned medical school, a when that zeal is not accord- doctor of anatomy had just completed the dissection of a ing to knowledge.” cadaver. Every bone, every However, it seems to me organ, every tissue had been for. “And there,” that Mr. Abel is more con- accounted cerned with enlightening us the professor said as he belligerently towards on the defects of, and runn- turned his students, “is the human ing down, an Institution body - everything shown, about which he knows nothNow ing, than seeking for his nothing unexplained. any of you tell me where “truth”. I politely suggest can that, if really believing the the soul is?” existence of these defects, he student answered “Sir contact an official of the if One show me the life of Church and either be set thatyoubody, if you show me its right or, as is more likely, remembrances, its affections, set the official right. its passions born not of lust but of love, its sorrows, joys, As pertaining to this and hates, then I will show “truth”, the existence of a you the soul.” soul, I will neither match Diapers Alread2/ Yet? quotations from the Great B. Santarossa, Book, nor use them to Science I SEE PAGE THREE
NEW YORK (CUP Special) - Canada is supporting Communism in Cuba charged U. S. Senator Wayne Morse February 11. Morse, who addressed the Fourth International Affairs Conference for College Editors here, told Canadian University Press president Ted Johnston that Canada’s economic trade with Cuba was “inexcusable.” He asserted that because of this trade Canada was supporting Cuban Communism. “Canada is putting finance ahead of freedom,” he told Johnston. “I’ve told Canadian parliamentarians this,” he said, “and they have been caught flatfooted. There is no excuse for this trade.” He said that every day a plane takes off from Cuba, comes to Canada and loads up with parts for machinery, then returns to the island. Morse, a Democratic Senator from Oregon, is Chairman of the Subcommittee on Latin America, Foreign Relations Committee. That is the outburst of an American politician. With examples like this around, it is not hard to see where Red Skelton got the inspiration for his ‘Senator Klaghorn.’ Criticism of’ this sort is wholly unjustified and inexcusable, it is the decision of Canadian politicians and Canadian businessmen whether or not to ship goods to Cuba or to any other nation that we may choose. What is the United States that it can dictate the foreign policy of Canada, or determine where we can sell our goods in the world markets? As far as Canadian trade with Cuba is concerned, it is all done according to the “NATO list.” This is an enumeration of various types of military supplies, machinery for the manufacture of armaments and the like, which the members of NATO have agreed not to export to Communist countries. This agreement is the main instrument for the control of trade with Communist countries by the Western nations, and there has been no evidence yet of Canada having violated this embargo. Canada trades with many nations of the Communist bloc according to the terms of this “NATO list” . . . as does the United States. Why then should Canada single out Cuba as an example, just to follow suit with the United States? As a matter of fact, we should dissociate ourselves as much as possible with the United States view about Cuba and Latin America. The popular Latin American view is that the United States is the leader of the forces of oppression, and the status quo, in Latin America. Last April’s abortive invasion and the more recent Punta de1 Este conference of the 0 A S have confirmed this view. This is not a good reputation t
to build up for Canada. The United States calls itself a democracy. If it purports to be a democracy then they will have to act as one and not as an autocracy. They accept and respect the governments of Poland and Czechoslovakia, in time they must come to accept and respect the Castro regime of Cuba. The United States must live up to its democratic pretensions, on pain of losing whatever credit it has had in the past. They say that they are different from the Communists . . . here now, with a powerful giant opposed to a tiny island, is a chance to prove that they mean what they say. Does trade with Communist countries “support” them as Senator Morse charges? Why then does the United States itself indulge in such massive support to other Communist lands? (Including billions in outright gifts to Jugoslavia?). Why then do our NATO allies buy $1,000 million worth of goods from the U S S R (trade figures for the first six months of 1960) and even $152 million from China (in the same period)? United States retaliation against Cuba is ’ no more than spite because the Cubans at last refused to follow every whim and dictate of the mighty United States. It is difficult to say why Senator Morse would make such charges against Canada. He may have been inspired by the current Liberal campaign to convince the electorate that the Diefenbaker Government has been aiding the cause of Communism all along by permitting the shipment of strategic goods to Cuba. Or it may have been just a product of his own wishful thinking. But whatever it was, Senator Morse has no right trying to interfere in the internal affairs of Canada. Were this country violating our international agreements we should expect criticism and censure from abroad, but as long as we follow our international obligations the foreigners should keep from meddling in our affairs. Senator Morse’s advice may cost nothing, but if that’s all he can ’ propose, it’s worth nothing.
N.F.C.U.S. To SponsorRed Cross Blood Drive The National Federation of Canadian University Students (NFCUS), in co-operation with the Red Cross, is sponsoring a nation-wide blood drive on or about February 14th. Inter-faculty and inter-university competitions will stimulate this drive, run by committees on 38 Canadian campuses. There can be no direct inducements to give blood, Co&d. on Page 4
The CORYPRAEUS Published by the undergraduate student body of the University of Waterloo, under the authorization of the acting Board of Publications. Publications Office, Annex 2, The University of Waterloo, Phone SH 5-0571 and SH 3-2681 The opinions expressed herein represent the freedom of expression of a responsible, autonomous society. Editor-in-Chief: George Welsh Associate Editor: Ted Rushton Production and Circulation :’ Todd Sewell News Editor: Sue Nichols Engineering Editor: Larry Barkley Arts Editor: Ron Hornby Sports: Lewis Taylor Science Editor: Joe Mazur Photographers: Mike McBrine, John Bishop
NUCLEARARMS FOR GAElADA The defense of Canada depends today on the collective security of NATO more than any other mechanism in the world. If NATO suffers a set-back so do we; if NATO scores an advance, our future is that much more definite. The post-Sputnik years have seen an alarming resurgence of Soviet military potential, so that today their nuclear strikefirst ability is probably as great, perhaps even greater, than that of the United States. In view of this, NATO is going to be faced with increasing challenges and involved in retreats, surrenders, and abandonment of principles and freedoms to Soviet force, unless the strength of NATO is raised enough to be able to defend ourselves. To do so every member nation of NATO must be reads to assume their obligations, and contribute as much to the defense of all as the group protects the individual member. The defense strategy of NATO is based on the use of tactical atomic weapons. No units involved in this defence plan, as Canadian troops in Europe are, can hope to make any worthwhile contribution to this defence unless they are equipped with the proper arms. It is analagous to sending a man out with a club for defence against a man with a highpowered rifle who is determined to kill him. Canadian units must have the proper weapons for defence, and at this time this can mean only nuclear arms. The same holds true for the air defence of North America, only nuclear weapons can provide any substance of resistance. It is time that this issue ceased to be a political football. Either we commit ourselves to a defence of our way of life, or we abandon this and beg protection of a benevolent (we hope) super-power. If the decision is made to defend ourselves, we must accept fully and without selfish reservations the commitments of a collective defence policy. This will involve, besides making profits from the raw materials supply for nuclear weapons, the maintenance of a component of the nuclear deterrant of NATO. The argument is made that Canada’s refusal of nuclear arms can make a greater contribution to the cause of peace. This is ridiculous. This is to suppose that the Soviet bully is more likely to be impressed by a weak and unarmed Canada, than by a Canada that has the nuclear capabilities of its own defence. This is to suppose that the nations of the world will have more respect for a nation afraid to defend its own ideals, than that of a nation confident enough in its own way of life to consider it worth preserving. This is to suppose that Canada, a mite beside the super-powers that we are. trying to influence, is going to have an influence in managing their affairs when they know that we cannot manage our own affairs (unemployment, economic recession, Coyne affair, B.C. Electric grab, Columbia River fiasco, etc.). Morally, there is no reason not to have nuclear weapons. Practically, since we are spending $600 million on nuclear :,weapons carriers, we must have the proper war-heads for these to be effective. This means nuclear arms. The time has come to decide whether or not Canadians still have the courage to defend ourselves, or whether we shall set the example in international affairs of begging for mercy. What shall it be?. The True North Strong and Free? or The Chicken North, Scared from Sea to Sea? ’ Theodore A. Rushton
SOPHOMORE SWING Something I would very much like to see here at Waterloo is a dance put on entirely by members of the lower years of Engineering students. Fpe:ifically! I would like to see a semi-formal dance, perhaps less ambitious than the Engineering Week-end, put on by Engineering years I and II. A good time for such a dance would be at the end of the second week of the summer term. This particular week-end would be a good time for such an event in that it would not clash with the summer Engineerng Week-end, and it would
also come at a time when year I students were familiar enough with their surroundings to be of some real help. I believe that such a dance would be of value in that it would provide valuable experience in organization for the lower years, as well as giving them an -opportunity to become involved in the planning of such an event without first having to crash the sphere of activities of studenta from higher years. This of course is merely a suggestion, but one I think which would be well worth investigation. W. Schneider
LETTERS TO Winter THE EDITOR The Waterloo Recreation Commission is sponsoring a series of free Sunday evening concerts featuring the Kitchener-Waterloo All-Star Concert Band and a variety of special guests. Last week’s guests, all from the ‘University of Waterloo, were the Rehearsal Orchestra, a modern jazz trio, and the Male Chorus. The first two groups were quite competent, the third was not. The obvious embarassment of the entire audience indicated that this is not just a personal opinion. We find it difficult to understand why any musician would allow his name to be associated with a group so obviously unready to appear in public. We hope that the next time this group appears in the name of the University it is adequately prepared. D. S. Lavery 5A Chem. J. Frost, 1A Dear Editor: I have noticed the comic flurry of religion and ideology that has occupied the recent issues of your journal of the intellectual community. I thought that before a band of Jehovah’s Witnesses, or Father Divine made the scene, perhaps you would allow me to fuel the fervour with the debut of MISA. Very truly yours, David Tristan, Nom de Plume WHAT
I feel that the time -has come to explain the lack of ideas behind MISA of Morals and Indulgence Seekers Armament. It is not a nonprofit sect, a new beverage or a new faculty at WLU. It is something for all men who will absolutely not compromise on being selfish, bigoted and ignorant. We speeialize in renting morals and indulgences to all men everywhere, above colour, creed, or class and even to dead people, the reaEZy dead. For as our great founder Melvin Cwosnoski has said “When Towers have a sale on Japanese students, Mrs. Nixon and I buy two hundred of the best rioters.” I asked myself “Why not indulge in a little MISA? The tremendous renaissance changed my life and altered my thinking enormously. I saw MISA’s plan for all mankind transfusing new spirit and courage to the fear of eventual victory over sin. For “all men shall know the true joy of good living when they cast the fir& Babylonian wine cup.” Typical was out last meeting under the direction of Octavious the V, and attended by Tex Ritter, the great Marshall Zott, Prince Ale xichechevizkyinsky, and Wong va der Woon U Too. We decided that whereas MISA was a boon to all mankind, we would suggest that once deciding whether a temporal and temporary punishment was a partial, plenary, panitary, public, or plain penance, they read Dr. J. M. Napoleon’s book “Merely the Quantum Calculus in Tom Sawyer” or its companion “Your Nose is Too Short.” before suggesting an awards system in eriticizing stone casting. “This I confess unto thee that after encourxging generous giving thou shalt not
FEB. !&I%% l
Lea and Gurney, who always seem to be available at the right time. Thanks boys. The fourth man on our list is Bill Schneider. It was his task to import all of the the raw materials for the decorating. This entailed hauling staging, etc., from the “barn” and the procui ing of trees from gosh knows where. It seems that every term at this t.ime dome mention is made of circumstancea which necessitates such individual efforts as described above. It is Bornething les;l; than gratifying to these people, attempting to insert atmosphere into an extremely “unatmospheric” place, when they are forced to face the job practically single-handedly. For the greater part of Monica Bradley Miss the decorating schedule there were at least six people at Engineer 1962 work in the Gym under what could hardly be described as Last Saturday evening the crowded working conditions. Engineering Weekend for those of you whospent this term was climaxed by theToweekend in town and the “Winter Wonderland” attended the Dance we semi-formal dance at Sea- who wish to submit this thought. grams Gymnasium. About What if the decorations had 190 couples attended and not been completed in time. were treated to the dancing music of Trev Bennet from You would have arrived at the Gym a.t 9.00 p.m. with 9.00 to 12.00 p.m. The evening was high- a three and one-half dollar to do a decorating job; lighted by the crowning of ticket Miss Monica Bradley of not what was on your mind at the time, we are sure. Lorne Park, as Miss EnginThis term the decorations eer for 1962. Miss Bradley were completed less than two received the “Engineering Plunger” symbolic of her hourn before the beginning of the Dance. If the present reign over engineers at the trend toward “let George do University of Waterloo. The continues then sooner or charming Queen and her it” later the job will simply be attendants, Miss Patricia incomplete when you arrive. Hotston and Miss Vivian We sincerely hope that Brown were’ t+n presented this occur you will with sever-,; gifts- Bv the should exactly where the En.$eering Society and ‘i;ii? realize fault lies. Students Council. Of course,, to continue this The dance was a huge vein into Sunday, the success and we take this same - which the opportunity on behalf of the decorations obviously thought Engineering students to con- majority would evaporate, or at least gratulate the Engineering into something less Societv Executive and to transform conspicuous than a pumpkin thank”them for an extremely after midnight, were still enjoyable evening. in the morning. The John Makarchuk and Phil there unpleasant task of tearing Thomas have asked that we down streamers, stacking extend their thanks to all tables and and so on those people whose efforts was left to chairs four or five transformed the Gym into who showed the up. The names the “Winter Wonderland” of these people we feel do not theme. We will not attempt mentioning. A special to name all of those who are need most certainlv worthv of it. vote of appreciation goes to There are four people, how- the JV’a basketball team arrived for practice and ever, who performed a moun- who tainous task and who are found it necessary to wade waist-high debris in deserving of a special vote of through order to get on t&e floor. thanks. It is obvious that this There is, first of all, the Director of Decorations, who state of affairs cannot conas invariably oeeurs each tinue and the people in term, found it necessary to charge will be forced* to do something about it. We hope move, body and soul into the this does not entail anything Gym, on Friday night and to drastic as cancelling the not taste fresh air again as until Saturday evening just dance, however. we feeithat before the first couples ar- this situation ‘will not be rived. This meant going with- allowed to continue. We believe that if we out sleep for about 40 hours, ourselves with the the last 20 of which were console spent working at a feverish thought that perhaps if the involved can find pace. To Herb Alexander go people consolation in the fact that our thanks for a herculean “Winter Wonderland” effort and congratulations on since was an obvious success then a good job. the individual efforts were The remaining two decorthereby worthwhile, If this ators are the electrical-effects to be the case then people. Old hands at the continues let us ask ourselves if this &ame bv now, they installed the electrical ‘lights and wir- will continue. See you ALL L. B. ing, without w&h no decor- next year? atrug job is complete. We mean, of course, the Barkers,‘ suffer and be poor.” Are you prepared to carry the collection plates of MISA? Editor’s Note: This is a reflection of the questionnable writing capability of one educated (?) at that other college.
Page 3
FEB. ~2~ 1962
“THREEFQR The Graduation N EVENING” A Graduation Ball Com-
Everyone has heard at some time or another of a rape victim who finds herself pregnant as a result of the rape. Usually the girl does not want to have the’baby and yet she is forbidden by law from having an operation to stop her from having the baby. What can she do? She can unwillingly have the baby or try to find some’ person, trained or untrained, to perform an illegal abortion. Is this fair to the girl? Abortions are now allowed only for reasons of danger to the life of the mother-to-be. But the laws forbidding abortions make doctors leery of performing legal abortions except in extreme cases. Another all too familiar story is the one of a young girl who finds herself in trouble. Certainly according to the morals of Western society she has sinned, but should she be forced to pay the awful price of having a child out of wedlock? Should she be branded as a girl who has had a baby and has been forced to live in shame? Guilt feelings and emotional problems can ruin her future life. There are many who would say yes, passing off the case as something that does not concern them; but imagine if that young girl were your younger sister. One of the most unfortunate occurences in our society is the so-called “shot-gun marriage.” Here, couples who are not in love are forced into marriages which don’t work. Both husband and wife feel they are trapped and tend to take the blame out on the cause of their trouble, the child. Even if the couple were in love and were planning to get married, there is the problem of the nine month counters and the claims of premature babies.
In many of these marriages the husband is forced to go out to work and discontinue his education. But if the unwanted child could be avoided, these ruined or damaged careers and lives could be saved. Some married couples either cannot afford or do not want another child and while birth control methods are effective they are not infallible. . These cases and others cry out for the legalization of abortions. It is obvious that many people are going to protest legalized abortions on the grounds that this will be committing murder, according to their religious beliefs. This is open to debate and I do not feel that these people should be allowed to rule those who do not share their views. Another argument that will come up is the st.ory that abortions are very dangerous. This is a fallacy if the abortions are carried out under normal surgical procedures . . . Statistics from Sweden and Japan will support this point. Although it may not be widely known, abortions are quite readily available in Toronto and probably in the other large cities. They range from cheap ones for less than $100, performed by possibly a waitress or some other person, to $300 or more for an abortion perfomred by a doctor. The only way to stamp out these illegal abortions, which are in one ease very dangerous and in the other case exceedingly profitable. is to have the laws changed to legalize abortions. This would hurt no one and help a great many. Paul Copeland
Poet’s Corner
SONNETTO MANKIND The sea crests shimmer in the sunlight, And with a swish wash o’er the strand; They simmer and sift and wave the sands Again and again and again an eternal rite. In this way, hidden from 1 common sight, Are gullies hued, mountains sunk, and Chasms wrought from stone. This brand Of perseverence feints, but bides a might To rock the world; such/ is the secret, The power, the mettle of great men. And wondering - was I among the chosen fewI searched my mind and ever live to regret, And live that awful day to rue, That barren day, mankind, that I was born as lazy as you. ,
showi L Louise Maggio juz what is the proper gesture. When the curtain opens on “THREE FOR AN EVENING” Thursday and Friday, March 1st and 2nd at Waterloo Collegiate it will disclose the results of manv weeks of intensive rehear& by the performers. As the title indicates the evening will consist of three presentations, two dramatic and one mu& ical. Opening with the one-act ALL WHO Play9 “NOT GRIEVE” the evening proceeds with an INTERLUDE featuring the various musical groups at the University, and closes with the comedy, “THE LAST CHAPTER.” Jack Blacklock of Toronto, author of the first play, adds the quotation, “Not all who grieve are sad” as a programme note to his play. The locale is a small mining town, the characters exhibit some of the peculiarities and eccen‘cricities of the most unusual smalltown characters. The cast includes: Doug McIntosh, Marybeth Boon, Sally Bennett, Anne Brubacher, Chythia Chapple and Bob Schiedel. Featured in the INTERLUDE will be: The University Chorus, The Barry Wills Trio, The Undergrads, Bruce Koepke, Baritone, Bill McLelland, Pianist, and the University Glee Club. “THE LAST CHAPTER” by Anne Honeysette of Calgary, concerns a young writer who has the astonishing ability to write all but the last chapter of his novels, is plagued by every Tom, Dick and Harry, as well as his wife, as he tries to complete his latest novel. The play corned to a rousing conclusion with the completion of the “Last Chapter.” The cast: Terry Jones, Louise Maggio, Terry Boyle and Bob Gaunt. The dramatic productions are under the direction of Dr. Alvin I. Dust and Professor Stone. Musical presentations are being prepared by Mr. Paul Berg. ,The combined DRAMA and MUSIC COUNCILS are sponsoring the event. Tickets are on sale at the BOOK STORE and the office of ADULT EDUCATION, Room 226, Physics Bldg. Members of the casts and the musical organizations also have tickets. Curtain time: 8.30 p.m,, Waterloo Collegiate Audltorium.
To industrious George, who has worked many long hours, To Theodore, who has used all of his powers To stir up some action from our stagnation, I would like to express my appreciation. To Joe and Larry and Ron and Sue, . To Mike and John and Todd and Lew, Thanks for your interest and untiring effort. From what you have done, I can see that you are expert I’m glad that our paper is in such good hands. (With people like me it would sink in the sands.) I’d like ‘to say thanks and dispel a hunch That we are a very ungrateful bunch. Sally Bennett, Arts I
B. Santarossa, Science I ~lllBllilllllillllllllllllllBlnl~llll~llll~~lll~ll~
King & Dearborn
Mechanical Repairs B. F. Goodrich Tires
1 ‘714 Belmont Ave. W. Kitchener s Pocket Books I c Magazines 1 Tobacco Sundries Confectionery 1 Open to 10.00 p.m. f .Inwmiuimtumuiw~m~
i z i z 4 1
mittee has been organized by the graduating students of 1962, and to ,date three meetings have been held. A geat deal ‘of time has been spent to ensure that this occasion will be a memorable 3ne. The following people were chosen to represent the various interested parties: Nick Pocrnit: (Chem. Eng. Paul Siemens (Civ. Eng.) Barry Wills (Elec. Eng.) Bill Lennox (Eng. Phys.) Merv. Lumley (Mech. En. Julia Morton (Arts) Beth Koch (Science) Pat Nowakc (St. Jerome’s Paul Feth has been electec as chairman of the committee. The chief topic for debate has been attire. After serious consideration it has been decided that the Graduation Ball will be formal (i.e.. tails for the men and short or long formals for the ladies). Thg chief reasons behind the decision - to go formal are as follows : (a) a ball, by definition, is a formal affair. (b) the difference in rental prices between tux and tails (about $2.00) is insignificant when compared to the total cost of the event. (c) it is customars for the leading Canadian universities to’ specify formal only and since we are setting a precedent this year for other graduating classes to follow, the general feeling is that we
Ball might as well begin in style. (d) we expect considerable publicity coverage of this event and wish to create a good first impression. It has been resolved to sell ticket options well in advance of the event. These options, costing five dollars will be required to buy a ticket when they are available, and will go on sale through graduating class reps Monday, Feb. 26. They will be on sale for two weeks only. The reason for this is to give the committee an accurate estimate of attendance at an early date, so that the multitude of planning problems can be more easily solved. The following items have been decided: Location: The Ball Room of the Coronet Motor Motel, Victoria St. North, Kitchener. It is completely new with accommodation for 600 people. Banquet : Ticket prices will include two lavish meals befitting the occasion. Formal Rentals: The Attire Committee has received very favourable quantity discounts from a leading local clothier. .Orchestra: The Entertainment Committee is finalizing plans this week for an orchestra. Date: Friday, May 25. Alex MacDonald, 5A CE Barry Wills, 5A EE
White Hat TO Nikita
The Debating Society of the University of Alberta, Calgary, is venturing into the field of personal international relations. The society is planning to send a white Stetson, smybolic of the city of Calagary and Western cordiality to Nikita Kruschev, Premier of the Soviet Union. Enclosed with the hat will be a message expressing friendship and brotherhood with the people of the Soviet Union. The hat, to be sent early next week, has Mr. Kruschev’s initials engraved in gold on the band. The UAC Debating Society, one of the most popular and wellknown organizations on campus, follows the European tradition of having a period for private members’ business prior to each of their weekly debates. At this time, members often bring up matters outside of the usual interests of the Debating Society. It was as a matter of private members’ business that members of the society decided on Friday, Feb. 2nd at a regular debate to send the hat. Mr. Robert Haley, second-year education student, made the original proposal which was apg;ozd unanimously by the .
There are activities where Europeans must rely on African labour, and Africans are at times willing to serve or can be induced into signing , a contract. In the setting up of native administration, the system of law to be applied must alwavs be a combination of Native custom and European principles of justice, fitted to the needs of the native society. Perhaps in this area can be seen a glimpse of the correct path for future action - African and European working together for the benefit of the former, not for the glorification and reward of the latter. S. Nichols
NEWMANCLUB presents Evolution, and Chance” Speaker : Dr. A. Musgrave, Ph.D. Biology Dept. OAC Sunday, Feb. 25,8.30 p.m. u. of w., P-145 EVERYONE WELCOME “God,
ENGINEERING SOCIETY STORE Would the following people please pick up cash from from their sold used books and/or unsaleable books at the Store: Balfour, Doug. Barclay, Arnold. Bass, David. Brown, Ron. Buehler, Amse. Burton, J. Grierson, Don. Hambly, R. Hiekkila, Ernie. Johnston, M. Lennox, Bill. Magee, Doug. Martin, P. A. McNulty, Paul. McKittrick, Bob. Moore, David. Page, Peter. Philips, John. Robson, John. Strong, A. B. Taylor, L. Treff ers, H. Van Der Muelen, J.
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w’.’ . E.U.P.THEIflTALiTV~ OF OXFORD ‘By Jon Wise&ha1 ‘fdr Canadian University Preg~ ’ (Jon Wisenthal, fo’rmer edi,tor‘ of The Camp&, Bishop’s /Universitf), is presently at-. tending Bali01 College in Eng/ land; on a Commonwealth r Scholarship). r One of Oxford University’s most distinguished products, Dr. Samuel Johnson, claimed that when a man is’ tired of London, he is tired of life. I The same ,could be said for a I student who is tired of Oa. ford: the last criticism one s could make of Oxford is that > it is boring. My strongest impression i 4 of Oxford’. is its vitality. Interesting and important events are always taking -place: intelligent -discussion abounds; and in most acafields, impressive (L I demic things seem to be happening. This vitality is most evi‘\ dent, on the‘surfaie, in the ‘university’s undergraduate a&ivities; I counted 146 non\ ’ ‘: , athletic university clubs in I . a guide. to university events; on top of these are countless ’ college clubs and flimsy or* ganizations which exist for a . few months while a few ,’ people maintain some com1 mon interest. A freshman can become a member of anything from the ’ Communist Club to the Tercentary Society,’ which exists I , ,’ “to uphold all rightful mon_. archy”; @om the Humanist ‘: Group to. the League for Christ the King; -from the ’ Classical ‘Society to the Pi G. ,’ ’ Wodehouse Society, “which exists to entertain its .members.” The most important undergraduate organization is the Union - the Oxford - , Union Society, which is ‘the : d world’s most famous debat- . ing club (the Canadiati Senate aside). It is expensive to i’ join the Union - about $16 ‘a year - but most freshmen t do join. . ,. Not only does it offer \ debates, but club facilities as well as a lounge, a bar, a . dining room and so on. Debates are held . each t‘ ; Thursday night, and the debating hall, which holds about 500 is generally packed. Debating style is very I . different from that in Canada, but the standard is high. . 5 Here the successful debator is the entertaining. one. Whereas in Canada a log& cal but dull argument can usually, win the day, the Union an amusing but not necessarily relevant talk is what is called for. In addition i . to four undergraduate speak*
Music Events I I
Sunday Feb. ,4th: The University Glee Club, the I Rehearsal .’ Orchestra and the Bariy Wills Trio appeared in a programme spont ’ sored by the Waterloo Recreation Commission at the Waterloo Collegiate. Sunday Feb. 18th: The \ University _Glee Club assisted atthe Sunday evening service at Central Presbyterian Church in Galt. Guest I preacher was Dean High. 3 Wednesday, Feb. 21st: Assembly programme at Water100 Collegiate features excerpts from the, two one-act plays of “Three For An Evening” with music provided by The Under&ads, Bruce Koepke, Baritone . ‘&nd Barry Wills; Thursday - Friday, March $st and 2nd; “Three For An
ers I, there are always. two guests - usually noted figures in public ’ life. Nehru spoke in the Union last academic year, and Harold Macmillan, himself former member of, the Union’s executive, was’a guest in recent years. Ambitious undergraduates make a point of being heard in the Union, and set their sights on election to one of the executive positions.. It has often been said that the presidency. of the Oxford Union is the surest way to a cabinet ppst in thiscountry - m-any of Britain’s leading pohtlcal figures in the past century faced their first cries of “Shame! Shame!” on the Union floor. . Along with the host of extra-curricular activities, I mention people and studies as other sourcesof Oxford’s vitality. A much smaller percentage of young people attend university in Britain than in Canada and one finds a more intelligent undergraduate population as the result. This is especially true here at Oxford, since it and Cambridge are the ,most selective of the universities.’ Of every five schoolboys writing entrance exams to Oxford, only one manages to get a place and only a small proportion of the country’s youth can even think about writing these exams. Therefore, undergraduates here are on the whole more impressive intellectually than undergraduates in North America, where the tendency seems to be to let as many people into university as space will permit, and then, fail *out ‘those who are inadequate. On the academic side, one gets the feeling here that one is at the centre of things. Lists of new books on acadepic subjects printed in this country almost always include several by Oxford dons, and many of the university lectures are given by top men in the various fields. What is the attitude, of most undergraduates here towards the university? Overs‘eas students aside,, the fashionable attitude here is one of cynicism and depression. ~ ,I Typical. comments describe Oxford as “a shadow of its former self” and a “sordid place.” It is the thing for undergraduates to be miserably unhappy. They must be tired of life.
1,N.F.CIU.S. sTo . Spohor, Red Goss B1oo.d Drive Cont’d.
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WATERLOO WIM Inter-Collegiate Curling Bouspiel
although students at each university are actively encouraged to contribute to this worthy eflort. The University of Alberta, Calgary’s NFCUS committee is co-ordinating the drive nationally, compiling the results from each university on a comparative basis: The “Corpuscle Cup” is awarded to the winning university, and that cup presented on the awards night -of‘ the winning campus. 1 UAC students willbe asked to “bleed in unison” on Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 14th and 15th from IO a.m. to ,4 p.m. The Red Cross workers are setting up their facilities in the Recreation Room located in the basement of the Arts building. The Commerce undergraduate Society is co-ordinating the .Blood Drive at UAC. As, well as ‘bompeting for the Corpuscle Cup, UAC students will be spurred’ on to donate their blood by inter-faculty competition and a special contest with the University of Alberta, Ed-‘ monton. NFCUS’ is an organization which represents the interests and views of Canadian university students on a provincial, national and international level. Scholarships student exchanges, and briefs to administrative cbodies are among its activities. Approximately 100,000 ‘Canadian university students are members of the organization.
The CO~Y@iidUS,~
In the curling held at the Kitchener Granite Club last’ Friday and Saturday, the Warrior rinks won out in the finals over Waterloo Lutheran University after downing Ryerson in ‘the second round and U or T in the first round. The Waterloo rinks were: Frank Rachich (skip), Graham . ’ Fournier, Don Hagey, Reg Kerford and John Eix (skip), George ‘4Pollitt, Dick Thompson,. Monty Kerr. Rinks entered were from U of T; W L U, Assumption, McMaster, 0 A C, Osgoode, Ryerson and U of W. Waterloo also posted a winner in the invitational’ / swimming meet held at 0 A C last week. Gord Marasco placed first in the 50 yd. freestyle and 2nd in the 100 yd. freestyle.. *
Room: * i
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Over the‘ big Engineering Weekend the Warriors split\ their two basketball games, losing 70-53 to Western and beating Carleton Ravens 70-57. In the Friday night game, Harlan Krier scored 19 to lead the ‘Warriors while Dick’ Aldridge and Ray Palmer each had 8. For Western, Don McCrae led with 23 and Tom Williamson had 15. In Ottawa, Krier again led the Warriors with 15 and Mike Bosch had 14. In hockey the Warriors lost two to Queen’s .Gaels 5-l ’ and ‘7-2. In the first game B. McNabb, L. Windover, M. Mitchell, A: McDougall and. D. MacDonald scored for Queen’s while Ray Kanerva picked ‘up the lone Warrior counter. t In tne second game, A. McDougall and H. Green each had two’with L. Windover, B. Carnegie and R. Kinney each putting in one. Ray Kanerva again picked up the Warriors only goals. The games, however, were not as bad as the scores would indicate but a few defensive lapses and some hard screen shots by Queen’s pucksters put the old pellet behind Bob Judd several times. The Warriors carried their own share of the play but just couldn’t seem to beat the 1 Gaels’ goalie -who always seemed to be in the right place at the right, time. The Gaels proved to be -a fast skating, hard hitting club and tempers grew rather frayed at times. In intra-mural hockey; L. Eng. downed Arts 5-3 as Bob Sheppard and Ed Burr led the winners with 2, goals each and Don Cross had, I. For Arts, P. Rennick had 2 and E. Macaritto’ had 1. In the consolation game,. Science beat’ U. Eng. by a 6-5 score. In the Volleyball tournament, the final standings were Science, Arts, L. Eng. in ihat order. In the Badminton tournament the finals were being run off as this copy went to press and the only known results were as follows: In thesingles, Ron Crosby (L. Eng.) beat Dave M&3(Scr6nce) ./’ 15-5, -*15-5. 4 * * * !# I Coming Events: . This weekend features a big basketball tournament at \ Seagram Gym starting at 10.00 <a.m. Wat. Luth. Univ. vs. Hamilton Inst. of Technology, and at 12,OO noon the Pioneers vs. Royal ’ Military. College. At 2.00 p.m. London Teachers’ College vs. St.. Jerowe’s and at 4.00 p.m. Laurentian Univ. v~d.Western Ont. Inst. of Technology (Windsor)‘, The semi-finals are at 1.00 p.m. and 3.00 p.m. Sunday afternoon and the final game is at 7.30 p.m. SW. night. Saturday evening, the Pioneers meet Osgoode in an. I O.I.A.A. league game and t,he Warriors take on O.A.C. (both games ,at Seagram Gym). . i I
SWANCleaners I .’
EarsLookingAt You
Clothes often . . . <fake the man ’ Now is the time for all GOOD men to . . . run I Reducing experts live on . . . * the fat of the land Same-Day IService The offices of President I A conservative politician is .’ one. on office and Vice-President of the Cor. King & Dearborn Evening.” Vote as you like. i . but vote Students Council . for the often Sunday, March 11th: The 1962-e academic year are Waterloo Better to be chased . . than University of Toronto to be filled by means of, a chaste Symphony will present a General Election of the unThe primary requirement of concert at the Waterloo Col- dergraduate student body.’ , the Canadian party system legiate at 8.60 p.m. This Nominations will be re- tis getting a date concert is being sponsored by ceived between March 2 and Do *unto others before they the Music Council. There March 9. Voting by those NEW ROLL OF FILM do unto you will be no admission charge, students now on campus will, with each film developed, If we can tell a big enough complimentary tickets .will take place on March 16. The enlarged or mounted. lie often enough . . . we’ll be/ available. fall-spring engineering stu- Black I and White ‘Roll Film / get fired will vote at the end of 8 exp.’ $1.00 12 exp. $1.25 Tuesday, April 17th: The dents Where there’s smoke . . . their first week back / on 35mm New York University Glee campus - April 6. s lung cancer20 exp. $1.85 36 exp. $2.85 Anthere’s Club will appear in a concert oscillating monolith act An outline of the nominatKodacolor 1 at the Waterloo Collegiate quires a. <egligibIe . . . . system and an explana8 ekp. $3.75 12 exp.. $4.75 under the sponsorship of the ing accumulation of bryophitic tion of election procedure 20 exp. $5.75 Music Council. vegetation will be posted shortly on the Anscochrome, Ektachrome, bulletin boards. Dynachrome 20 ‘exp. $2.85 OR \ Get 8mm Color Moviefilm A rolling stone gathers . . . incl. processing $2.94 no moss Money Oroer or COD A bird inithe hand. . . can’ be ,awfully messy Meats - Groceries I’UOTO SERVICE The plural of spouse . . . is t Toilet Articles spice Box 10, Midland, Ont. Friends, Romans, students > ‘. . . write us some ears.
and Shirt’ Launderers