Photo:Bill Lee
3 NO.14
Some forty students, representing local units of the Student Christian . Movement in universities of southern. Ontario and Quebec met at Renison College during the Christmas recess for their Regional Conference.
Bible study was conducted by Roger Balk, S.C.M. secretary at McGill University. A -special service of worship was’ held at St. John’s Lutheran Church conducted by the Rev. Martin L. Dolbeer, Chaplain, W.L.U. The S.C.M. is a national organization with local ‘units’ in most major Canadian universities. It is Bnked with S.C.M.)s in other countries through the World Student Christian Federation, with offices in Geneva.
. Venture
Both councils jointly agreed to “assume responsibility for damages of malicious or mischievous nature to either or both aforementioned Universities; and in all cases, it must be reasonably established that the alleged damage was caused by students of either or both of these universities? ,
Photo:K-W Record
WARRIOR GOALIE BOB JUDD stops one of the 56 shots at goal by the McMaster Marlins. Marlins’ Ray Biggar (10) made this attempt at scoring assisted by Bob Hawkins. See Page 6 for full story.
E. C. Ml.
Over 200 people gathered here Monday to hear a panel discuss “The Effect of the E.C.M. on Canada and the World Community.” The panel sponsored by the Geography Dept. was composed of Dr. F. Dohrs, Wayne State University, Dr. R. Pinola, Waterloo Lutheran University, Dr. F. Miller and Dr. K. MacKirdy, University of Waterloo. , Dr.
to Venus
the discus-
I m
The Engineering Society outlined tentative plans at their meeting Tues. for their annual Engineers’ Week-end.
holding their annual faculty party. No date or location has been determined for this years technical session.
The Week-End for Feb. 15 - 16, “Venus-Venture” both the romantic notations of this
A small pressure group put forth a proposal to the Engineering society to have them investigate the recent honorariums voted to various student officials. No action was taken on this proposal at ‘this meeting, but it will be investigated and reported on in full at the next meeting.
has been scheduled and will have a theme, highlighting and planetary contitle.
The Week-End will start with a sleigh-ride on Friday night, to be followed by a dance featuring the George Kadwell orchestra. Saturday’s events, including a possible re-match of the Snowbowl teams from the Winterland game, will be highlighted by a dance at the Bingeman Park Lodge and crowning of Miss Engin’r.
In addition to the traditional mixed social, the Engineers will also be
Jan. 21.
sion by pointing out the effect that Britain’s entry would have on some of the Commonwealth nations. He said that a country like New Zealand would be most affected because 95% of her exports are pastoral products, most of which go to Britain.
Dr. Pinola offered some of the economic implications of the E.C.M. and the outside forces that can restrict it. He said that tariffs must be adjusted gradually. He added, “The U.S.A. can directly exert persuasive powers on the common market and the U.S.S.R. can engage in a conduct to restrict the actions of the common market if it were’ to set up a common barrier to products coming in.” Dr. Miller dealt with the effect of Britain’s entry into the common market on Canada. “Although Mr. Diefenbaker is opposed to Britain’s entry, it will have little effect on Canada for at the most the loss of exports would come to 155 to 157 million dollars,” he said, “4.5 to 5% of the gross national product?
Dr. Dohrs stated that the real objective of the E.C.M. was political unity which could disturb the geopolitical balance. He also suggested that Britain’s decision represents the greatest single feat of anti-socialistic expansion since 1946. Hennie
The cost of any repairs or placements will only be borne by student body of either university individuals or groups can not directly assessed for the damage.
rethe if be
The agreement becomes null and void if any alterations’ or additions are made without mutual consent of both councils.
This, will establish the principle that universities students, here at
least, will accept the responsibility to supervise their own actions on campus and off. In
Dave Smith, Sc. II, has been appointed as Secretary. The NF C US Regional. Budget of $725 was accepted. Registration fees will cover all but $305 of this amount. Council and other sources will cover the deficit. The Bridge Team received $26.54 to cover expenses of their recent tournament visit to Toronto where they tied for first. A sum of $150 has been alloted for provision of a used typewriter and stand in the student offices for official student use.
Scholars ’
Engineering students, Richard E. Hamilton and Allan B. Strong, have been awarded Athlone Fellowships for two years study in the United Kingdom. The students will year and attend the London in the fall.
graduate University
this of
The fellowships carry a value of $5,000 and are awarded annually to 31 members of graduating classes at Canadian engineering schools. The awards include tuition, books, transportation and pocket money. Richard Hamilton, of Toronto, is in mechanical engineering. He plans to take a Master’s degree in business economics at the London School of Economics. He will spend a year at university and a year with iudustry to study scientific management and the European Common Market.
A graduate of Earl Haig Collegate, Toronto, Mr. Hamilton came to
Waterloo in 1959. He has won several bursar& and has held first class honors throughout his course. In 1961-1962 he was SC. president. Allan Strong, of Stoufville, is a ’ graduate of !Brantford C.V.I. and of the four-year Ford of Canada trade school at Windsor. In 1958 he enrolled in pre-engineering. HLsr work terms have been spent with Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. f
Mr. Strong plans to take nuclear power studies in a Master’s program at Imperial College. He has been a University Scholar for the past two years and is in Engineering IPhysics. John Roorda, of Clinton, a memm ber of the initial engineering <graduding class, and the Universities first Athlone recipient, is now at University College, University of London, taking a Ph.D. in structural engineerhrg under Professor Chilner.
‘Passed -
S. - C. this week passed an agreement ;between the Students’ Councils of this university and Waterloo University College of the Waterloo Lutheran University which states that the councils will accept the responsibility of damages to university properties.
The agenda included study, worm ship, discussion and recreational activities. Study under the direction of Rey. Douglas I. Hall, Principal of St. Paul’s United College, was based on a series of four lectures, “An Introduction to Modern Theology.” The series by Rev. Hall is to be repeated in February sponsored by Renison College and local unit of S.C.M. on campus.
18, 1963
u. of w. - w. L. u. Agreement
Xmas Meet
A NEW SPORT ON CAMPUS Mike Topolay tries skiing to classes, pipe in mouth, poles in hand.
, *
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The, COkYPHAEbS, z
I ’
18, 1963
AIiB#S. ’ ‘.:’ l
Liberal leader Lester B. Pearson’s recent statement favouring Canada’s, acceptance of nuclear weapons for both foreign and *domestic use was not greeted with unanimous approval even by members of his own party. This writer is one of these Liberals who does not endorse his leaders latest ‘pronouncement. I It is easy to understand how party leaders can justify it from , a vote-catching point of view, but it is sad to see a man with a worldwide reputation as a man of peace mouth such sentiment. It is probable that the Progressive-Conservative Party will, in this weekend’s National Convention at Ottawa decide upon immediate acquisition of “the bomb? If Mr. Pearson hadn’t beat them to the’ punch, however, it is quite possible that the Prime Minister would have gone to the people on the issue in the near future, hoping to gain votes from right-wing Liberals. It ‘remains to be seen whether or not Mr. Pearson’s choice will lose him even more. votes from his left-wing than he might have lost from his right. / Certainly, the decision ’ has been made on purely political grounds. No one has, as yet, proven a military case for the spread of these weapons, and on economic grounds, they can easily be shown in a poor light. When the problem is considered morally, anyone valuing human life must oppose them. ’\ was not purely internal, however. Much I - The ,political - pressure oi it was applied by our neighbours to the south, particularly by some of their military leaders, who, one suspects, the American government now tids-it hard to resist. Their interest in this matter , Considering the relative stature of ’ is spreading the blame for the nuclear terror. that grips the modern .some of the, ‘Comment Rushton’s,” -world SO that the people of the world will not regard American ogres I found the article on student riots as worse than others. In our case, apparently, they have succeeded. very disappointing. The ‘idea that he presents is true, the Canadian rioter ,An unfortunate by-product of this situation, though, is the fact is considered ~“immature, and socially I that we have lost another chunk of our soyreignty, this time a most unaware;” however, I feel that Mr, vital one. The time when we shall become an econic or even a Rushton is out on a fairly slim limb ‘political appendage{ of the United States cannot be far off now that when he assumes this to be a probwe have apparenty decided to place our military at their disposal. ’ lem, In fact, the question of “rightCertainly our ability to work for peace at the United Nations and ness” or “wrongness” is entirely beelsewhere as a country whose voice is respected by all is seriously side the .pdint since a stand of this impaired, if not destroyed. nature is certainly a relative one, and This article is not meant to be a treatise setting- forth reasons perhaps even a metaphysical one. for “banning the bomb.” This is probably not possible without world The question that Mr. Rushton government, -something that is certainly a long way off. It is meant should be asking about this situation however, to show that we are -aiding. and abetting the contamination, . IS -_ Why does it exist? instead of trying to isolate it. We probably won quite a few promotions this week in the Kremlin’s target priority list. “Comment Rushton” almost struck . the answer to this question in the Perhaps I have been treating our “leaders” unfairly, however. opening remarks ‘“The Canadian Perhaps they have a plan for bringing us through a nuclear war and rioter is considered . . . socially thus are not too concerned about the jeopardy in which they have unaware” of the true state of affairs, placed us. A few quotes from “11 Steps to Survival,” a publication and .in turn no student group will issued under the signature of. the Prime Minister should serve ’ to take the responsibility of throwing re-assure us. stones at some embassy if they< don’t “The )heat from the fireball last about 15 seconds. The fires it know j enough about their grievance creates are not different from the fires you see in peacetime. They to feel confident in their stand. The 3 can be put out with water and %extinguishers, and the sooner the undergraduates of the University of better . . . What about fire storms? The possibility of fire storms Toronto marched on the American in Canadian cities is slight. The possibility of conflagration is much Embassy during. the Cuban crisis, but greater. A fire storm is like’ a furnace; everything is consumed. A after hearing their misinformed leadconflagration is like a forest fire; rt bums everything in its path.” er speak, one couldn’t help but feel Words of reassurance from our government. Somehow a few the result of the whole effort ’ . that doubts still linger. in this writer’s mind as to whether conflagrations would simply be a further solid&aare really that much better than firestorms and just how much water tion in the minds of the Canadian or how many tie extinguishers would be required to put out the people of the immaturity of the fireball from a 50 megaton! bomb. But the people are content and Canadian student. the soldier vote is safe. There seems to be three reasons I Richard S. Comber. I for this immaturity. ‘The first two are l
C/ .
. It is amazing to watch the Students’ Council in operation. Last Wednesday it spent almost half-an-hour in debate about an proposed expenditure of $26 . . . a short while later it accepted the Board of ‘Publications’ budget, amounting to over $1 l,QOO, without a single query ., . . oh well, it’s only students’ money and they don’t care.
’ We welcome some 75 Ontario Regional NFCUS delegates to campus today, including sevyal National officers. May we extend to you, the delegates, wishes for a pleasant visit to this new campus ; and a profitable Congress. \ % ” We’await the night when the light shall break . . . we have over . a dozen light standards well ‘spaced ‘along the asphalt walk from ( I Math & Physics building to Arts building, disappearing from there . - into the dark night towards St. Jerome’s and Renison Colleges r and they maintain a lonely vigil in the snow . . . they do, however, blend well with other functional structures on campus. *
/ l
The Engineers and others using the Engineering Common Room are to be congratulated on their daily accumulation of gar-’ bage. Although the room is far too unsuitable for a common room, there should b.e no excuse 8 . for the constant abuse- of its present purpose. Consider the number of outside groups that visit this, University. We must make an excellent impression on them as they pass through the room to the Board and Senate chamber for meetings. c
BOARD OF. PUBLICATIONS BtiGET Jam&y 1, 1963 to April 30, 1963 ’
. Income: $ 7,770.11 , Balance from Dec. 3 1, 1962 i ‘Estimates: I$Student ’Fees 2,025.00, T . $00.00 Compendium ‘63 Sales Advertising Revenue - CORYPHAEUS .. 600.00 Compendium ‘63 , l,OOO.OO II s_ $11,895.11 Expenses: ’ $ 1,2i8.00 1 ’ CORYPHAEUS: Volf ‘3, No. 11 and 12 3,900.oo CGRYPHAEUS: vol. 3, NO. 13 - 25 I 530.00 Directory (delivered) i 1 .I. 125.00 * Directory Supplement 3,705.oo Compendium ‘63 Contract (700 copies) Compendium ‘63 Contingencies (Photography, etc.) * 700.00 100.00 Office Supplies 6OO.OQ I, Honoraria 1
Estimated Surplus
not too significant in this particular the inaccuracy of the instance, Canadian press, and the general lack of faith that Canadians have in Canadians . . . , the ‘third one is and is indirectly more important, responsible for the first two. The Cqadian student ,is immature because he has no motive to become mature. When a Georgian student riots for segregation, he is taking a stand on a problem that has been right at his doorstep ever since he can remember, and on his father’s and grandfather’s doorstep.,He has been raised in the midst of this prob: lem and understands its signif+ances.
Had the problem remained for a period of years, the Canadian rioter would probably have achieved his desired’ significance; ’ as it was, the crisis was of such short duration that the Canadian students rose only high enough to further demonstrate their native immaturity. The Canadian student will not, and cannot be expected, to achieve a social ‘awareness until he is motivated ‘strongly, and over a period of time, in this direction. I hope that such a motivation never comes. Dave’ Clark, ’ ~ Eng. m.
Editor: Executive
_ $10,878.00 1;017.11 $11,895.11 m \
\ GUSTAV A. RUNGE. Our sympathy is extended to the family of Gustav A. ’ Runge, 58, co-ordinator in the placement department of the University of Waterloo for the past two and a half years who died early this month at St. Mary’s Hospital after a short illness. In his liaison work with industry and the University, Mr. Runge gained the respect and confidence of the students, industry and the University.
The European student has survived at least one war, and the importance of the actions taking place at his own doorstep has ,forced him to become knowledgeable about world events. When this student riots, he is basing his stand on a mature insight into his country’s policies.‘ The Canadian student, therefore, is not too lazy .to achieve significance in the eyes of authority, he just has no motivation to acquire the necessary maturity. During the Cuban crisis, the threat of war was for the Grst time placed on the Canadian doorstep, ,and the Canadian student reacted admirably.
Sid Black Assistant:
1 Ted Rushton
Sports Editor:
Dave ‘Nimmo
S. Comber
News Departme& Nelson Ball, Gerald Demeter and Hennie Smid. ’
Mueller, Barry
Co&ibuting Waters: George Welih and Sandra Sanders Cartoons: Marion Harwood, Lange & McLintock, Jim Newman and Dave Clark Photography: S.Y.B., Darragh Christie and Bill Lee Advert&dug: David Ingalls 1 Board of Pubucations Chairman: Murray French
Published by the Undergraduate student body. of the University of Waterloo and its tiiated Colleges under the authorization of the Board of Publications. Letters should be addressed to the Editor, University of Waterloo. Phone 7453911. The opinions expressed represent the freedom of expression‘opa responsible,autonomoussociety.
/ .Member: Canadian Univer&y
Page 3
Teachers Get Brushoff 1 On R.C.M.P. Investigations
By G. Whiz The 1963 Playboy Calendar is hardly up to par. Aesthetically, I find it quite unappealing, from the protruding bony clavicles of Miss March to the excessive superstructure of Miss December. When the big boat sailed, at least 8 of the young ladies went SPLASH into a sea of mediocrity. *
* * * Do you know the joys of owning a vintage (1950) in Waterloo during the Winter? The joys are few. Week my car stands there ‘midst wind and snow - DORMANT, monument to my mechanical inaptitude.
automobile after week a stark
The computers in the Math. Building can sing and write songs. So the Math boys tell me. If the programming is correct, the machine will sing the song in pure frequencies. Fed the theory of music it is supposed to be able to write a song. The whole thing is rather frightening but all those electronic brains have a saving feature - one can always pull the plug out. * * * * Emergency ! ! ! Does anyone collect hockey buttons? My roommate has a disconcerting number of Gille Tremblays. He eats prodigious amount of potato chips but to no avail - Tremblay keeps turning up with disturbing regularity. Help him. \ * * * * Movie Review time again. “Best of Enemies” is a must. It is a film which combines the tragic atmosphere of war anr the comic atmosphere of the Italian war effort. Albert0 Sordi as the Italian captain fighting in Ethopia arouses great pity, for in him we see the man who does not want to fight, who does not know what he fighting for and who portrays the fighting Italian at his height. The whole movie is a fantastically funny farce. I urge you to go; you should enjoy it very much. * * * * While we are on the subject of the Italian war effort, I culled this vignette from .an old Reader’s Digest: It is a dialogue between Winston Churchill and Fritz Von Pappen, the German Ambassador to England in the 1930’s. Remember, Fritz - “If there is another war, things will be different. we have the Italians on our side this time.” Well, old boy, that’s only fair - we had them last time.” Winnie-“ * The idea has been to students who would excellent idea but isn’t Typing student essays a movement right on back of this community.
* * * suggested that typewriters be made available like to type out their own essays. This is an it inviting the economic collapse of Waterloo? is a major industry in these here parts. Such the heels of the great fire would break the
*. * * * Speaking of the great fire - disastrous as it was, I just can’t let it slide by without comment. I turned on the radio last Friday morning and couldn’t figure out how Bob and Ray had managed to take over the 8 o’clock spot. Well it sounded like B. & R. Never in my life have I heard such saturating news coverage. “This is Wally Ballew speaking to you from my vantage point here atop Chief Water’s helmet. A few minutes ago we interviewed Brigadier O’Toole of the Salvation Army and he told us that in the 4 hours he has been on the scene, he personally has served 9,842 cups of coffee. Because of the sub zero temperature the firemen on the scene are showing a reluctance to put the blaze completely out. The report that the crew from number 7 Firehall were toasting marshmallows at the back of the building was completely unfounded. If the truth were known about these courageous firefighters we would be ashamed of thinking such things. Marshmallows indeed! They were roasting hot dogs. Chief Water sir, its getting very warm here. Could you open a window or at least turn the blower off in the car?” * * * * I misjudged the time available to me this week readers, consequently I do not have time for a Crabbe wignette - I have to go , ad feed uncle Sid. (Ed. note: S.Y.B.) -
OTTAWA (CUP) The Canadian Association of University Teachers got the political brush-off for a year before finally releasing their recent statement regtiding RCMP investigation of Canadian University Campuses.
Seeks Truth
OTTAWA (CUP) Canadian University Press has launched a campaign to determine the truth in recent allegations concerning the methods of RCMP investigations on Canadian University campuses. National President Roger McAfee has asked editors to find students on their individual campus who have been approached by the RCMP in the past. “What we’re after,” MaAfee said, “is the types of questions the students were tiked and the circumstances surrounding the questioning.” “When all editors have completed their investigations the results will be sent to National office for a complete wrap-up.n M&fee said he wants to get the material to Ottawa before the House of Commons re-opens Jan. 21. At that time NDP leader Tommy Douglas is scheduled to present proof of what so far has amounted to only charges. “If our investigations turn up concrete evidence of RCMP activities on campuses that were not in connection with government job security checks. we may be able to get something from the RCMP other than ‘No Comment!n If all editors co-operate, the National President said, we should be able to get a -complete picture of RCMP activities on campuses across the country. McAfee said his office has been in touch with Douglas’ office in Ottawa on the matter.
be pleased to mention this to the minister when he returned to his office next week.” This was September 21, 1962.
The CAUT has requested five times to meet with the minister of justice since February 16, 1962. During that time they have been accorded only one meeting and that with Davie Fulton, AFTER he had been made public works minister.
So far the association has received no further word from the justice department. The brief was finally sent to the Prime Minister, Justice -&Ii&ter, leaders of opposition parties and the press January 3, 1963.
According to a report released by the teachers association, Mr. Fulton, at that meeting, “made it clear that he was not speaking for the Department of Justice and could give no assurances of it about its policy. He did agree, however, to bring our concern to the attention of the new justice minister, Mr. Fleming.”
The association’s report asked that the government, through the department of justice, make some official comment on the charges of RCMP investigations on the campus. The association which represents the faculties of 39 universities, says it is concerned with the investigations “only because of the adverse effect which indiscriminate investigation is bound to have on academic freedom.”
Prior to that meeting, the association had requested a meeting with the Justice Minister for sometime during the period of Mar. 5-9, 1962. Failing to receive a reply to that request, the association phoned the minister’s office. On March 16 the minister replied, pointing to his statement in the House June 9, 196 1, stating “a discussion such as you propose could not be very thorough nor perhaps very helpful.”
On April 27, 1962, the association again wrote the minister, this time enclosing a series of questions the association would like some comment on. No reply was received until May 22, when the minister phoned the group. A meeting was impossible. The meeting justice minister, works minister,
in part,
46 it has been alleged that faculty’ ;n’embers have been questioned about the political views of students who have applied for any (government) post . . . much less a post for which securitv clearance is reauired. 1
with Fulton, former but by now public took place.
Still not having talked with a minister of justice, the association renewed its’ request, this time in a
“It has been alleged that ‘surveiJ lence’ is being maintained over such organizations as the University Committees on Nuclear Disarmament, and that this ‘surveillencc’ is being maintained by officers whose presence on the campus is not brought to the attention of the proper university authorities.
“We do not assert that these charges are true; we do earnestly request the Department of Justice to give us some information as to their truth or falsity.” formed request to the new Justice Minister Fleming.
“It has been alleged that students have been asked to act as informers about other students and about suspeed campus organizers.
Receipt of the letter was acknowledged by the minister’s associate private secretary who said he “would
- THE CORYPHAEUS NEEDS HELP Most students will agree with this. Now is the opportunity to do something about this problem that effects the very vitals of the campus. At least a dozen eager reporters are needed for this term in order to produce an ambitious six page (and maybe even eight page) edition. Meeting:
that strives not to stem anger’s tide Does a wild horse without bridle ride”
his a
Interviews will be conducted University Liason Officer MONDAY,
Life Insurance
BOB WAGNER, B.A. - C.L.U. The Mum Life of Canada Bus. 7454713 Res. 7451330
“The whole basis of academic freedom will be impaired if the student is aware that what he says or does in exercising an inquiring mind and attempting to make independent judgements, may at some later date prejudice his future because reports of his opinions have found their way into an RCMP file,” the statement says.
Make an appointment
on the campus JANUARY
by the Naval
1:30 p.m. now at the University
1% -
, 1
. ,
I I ” Page ‘1
i Last Year /_ At Marienbad The ‘extra extra didn’t There each short
to be shown
Jan. 20th - A Generation (Poland 1954) Prayer (Japan 196 1) / Feb 24th - Last 8Year at Marienbad ‘I (France 196 1) 7I;. . ’ : Mar. 3rd - The Magician (Sweden 1958) i ’ Mar. 17th - Jules’ and im (France 1962) / / Feb. , 3rd - A Soldier’s
I,*I Crabbe Prize Miss Cassandra Sanders, Year III Arts Renison College, has been awarded the ,George Crabbe Prize for Creative Writing for her one-act , play >entitled ‘fTum Out The Light” I Want To See.” ‘,’ Mrs; Faye Labelle, Year received honorable mention.
I Arts,
3’ ‘Bridge . Team Wins
Tickets for the Winterland events were sold with astounding speed as soon as they were made available, indicsiting a firm student support for
film society announced that films ‘have been arranged. This series is for those people who secure memberships in the, fall. are five films being of?ered, accompanied by an excellent subject featurette. ’
Admission for the series is $2100; this also entitles you to bring a guest to at least two of the performances. Tickets are available in Annex 1 or in ‘room 333 of the \ Arts Building; Screenings are at 6 p.m., the series begins Jan. 20 and ends mid-March.
y ’
A team representing the University of Waterloo tied for first place in the Industrial Teams event at ‘the Toronto Duplicate Bridge Championships’ last” week, The team, composed of Mei .Nort,on, Rich Shirley, Horst Wohlgemut, ,and Don Curran, tied with’ a more experienced foursome Bell Telephone ‘for top spot in .1 from, 3 the brand-new event. I’
Churchill recognition Fo&dation, Studentships the United
College; Cambridge, in of the gift of the Ford offers two Research’ to male candidates from States and Canada.
Modern Art
U. of T. Orchestra
The monotonous concrete ‘block The U. of T. Symphony orchestra walls of the U. of W. have at last will present a free concert in the new been graced by a touch of colour. . St. Jerome’s College is’ presenting a Arts Theatre on Feb. 2nd at 8 p.m. display of Modern Contemporary Art, Complimentary tickets for ihis peron loan from the Ontario Art Musformance, are available at the Book eum until Jan. 26th., in their main lounge. Store, the Student Centre, the ExThis collection of -paintings intension Department, the College Resieludes works by such well known dences, the Theatre Box Office, and Canadian artists as Leon Bellefleur. from Mr. Paul Berg in room 215 of This display is open to any students of the university who care to drop the Arts Building. there will be explanations of in the paintings and painters supplied. , The group is made’ up of 45 stu,
Mail Services
dent musicians,
partment. “An
’ The
the Bach
the Extension
Chorale’ the
Aaron Prelude
of the concert Symphony
The will
detailed appointment.
be .
The ability of the government to instantly cornmu& cate with the enemy under all circumstances. . 2. A guarantee that nuclear vyeapons ,will be used when so ordered, and cannot be ked when they are not I ’ ordered. ‘The present system of fixed command posts is vulnerable, smce
everything is destructible. A. modern command-control eystem must be SO organized that it obtains centralization and focus by its structure - the alternative co-operative ,arrangements of its component parts - rather than by the. maintenance of buried command posts. What is needed is a really enormous amount of redund&y, in which it would be possible to have pieces and parts torn out and ‘communication still continue among all vital parts, with very different alternative mechanisms. It is not anecessarily a question of more electronics, but., one of a completely new concept in design., ’ It is a pity then, that when Mr. L. B. Pearson announced that he was willing to accede’to the spread of nuclear weapons, he did not couple this with a pledge to improye control over them. Thus’ he would ‘not only have committed the Liberal Party to honoring Canada’s committments, but he would .have made an active contribution to the peace of the world. .,
\ ’
Somewhere, someday there will be an accidental Iexplosion of a nuclear weapon. As long as nuclear weapons exist, this certainty will exist. The human mind cannot construct something that is infallible. Accordingly, the laws (of probability virtually insure such an ,accident. I The’ likelihood of ‘this increases with the spread of nuclear weapons. Britain is a nuclear power, France is on the verge of becoming one, a NATO nuclear force is envisioned, and the Liberals have advocated nuclear weapons for Canada. With thousands of nuclear weapons in existence the danger of such an accident 0 is unquestionably greater. . It ii not the destruction from such an accident that is important, it is the possibility of a blind reaction that hangs on such an accident. The only preventative _of such blind reaction is an effective “command-control” network. There must be an effective means of instant two-way communication with all nuclear weapon ‘positions. The lack of such communication may involve the very existence of the nation and the preservation of peace. A nuclear accident during last October’s 1Cuban crisis would almost certainly lead one of the two nuclear-missile apowers to believe that it was under attack, and thus would be required to retaliate before continued attack could destroy its own weapons. Ban the Bomb? Asinine! Until you can destroy knowledge and technical skill, you cannot “ban” anything that man has created. The only real defence is to ensure an adequate control over the use of nuclear arms. Now ‘that nuclear weapons do exist, man must learn to live with! them, \ Ideal command-control is almost never achieved. During the last war Allied forces bombed, Switzerland when they thought they were over, Germany; artillery has ‘often shelled its own troops. Even now there is no effective communication with deeply submerged submarines. Disorder and chaos are basic. A command-control, system is needed where the failure of one part will put into operation other branches of the system - or; if all communication fails, will nevertheless bring about a result desirable under the circumstances. Certain priorities must be established, such as:
181 1963
These positions will afford opportunity. for career development to graduates, with potential. on Professional salary scale and increases based performance. as tiell as excellent. employee fringe ’ benefit plans: for
A well-defined program is offered to prepare ,can‘didates’ for .positions of responsibility in: ‘DESIGN ENGINEERING RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT . ’ MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING ’ / INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING APPARATUS .MARKETlNG
Office interview’
and is being sponsor-
ed here by the Music
The student mail box is now located in the Student Centre, Annex 1. Mail is left in this box for 5 days and,, unless, picked up, is sent to the home address if available. Otherwise mail will be returned to the sender.
Contact the Placement tion, brochures, and
Every candidate must be nominated by his University or by an industrial or business organization and must submit his application through his nominators not later than Jan. 3 lst, 1963. . Further information may be obtamed from the Oilice of the Registrar or by writing direct to Dr. P. G. Ashmore, Tutor for Advanced Students at Churchill College; Cambridge ,
Tickets for the Winterland Ball at the Walper Hotel were in demand, and will probably sell out first. Due to the limited number of tickets and blanket passes, it is important that students purchase tickets , for the events they wish to attend as soon as possible.
The Studentships will commence in October 1963 -will be tenable for one year for a man carrying ,out research i work in a recognized Department of the University or for a candidate for an approved certificate for a Ph.D. degree. ,
l -.
Studentships, at Cambridge
Student Clubs
first venture at a Winter on this campus.
The sale of passes and tickets for Winterland ‘63 has been extended to next Wednesday, if they last that long. They will be on sale in the foyers of -the Arts, Physics, and Engi-’ neering Buildings. . I
; Trials will be held to select a team 5 _l ’ for the Intercollegiate Tournament, The trials, a two-session contest, ‘will, be on Sunday,’ January 20, at I:45 The Office ‘of Student. AiIairs is and 7:00 p?m. The top two pairs will compiling a, list of all student organrepresent the University in inter&l-, izations and their officers. Individuals There wil!’ be aif connected with student$‘ organizations legiate competition. > Gninal entry fee of $1100; per pair. ‘are requested to submit this ‘informa’ tion to ensure complete listing. ,’ .pair.
their nival
LlnilTED 1
Page 5
Intramural asketball
CAMPII by Richard
S. Comber
The University of Toronto Engineers are presenting during their university’s forthcoming winter carnival an event that promises to make that contest between Messala and Ben Hur seem as mild as a three-legged race at a Sunday School picnic. They have, for a number of years held an inter-course contest, but this year are inviting any and all universities in North America to enter. According to their rules, a chariot is any vehicle weighing less than 150 pounds and having at least two rotating wheels. It may be pulled by any number of people and an unlimited number of “blockers” to run interference and to try to edge the other entrants out of the race is permitted. A chariot driver is also required. It is reported that a number of groups including the notorious McGill engineers are entering. Lets hope our Warriors do, too. It seems the NFCUS travel programme has encountered rough flying weather. Apparently, the International Air Transport Association (IATA), a cartel of the most of the world’s major airlines, has ruled that NFCUS, because it has more than 20,000 members (the maximum permitted by IATA rules), is ineligible for group fare reductions. This means that the federation must cancel its five scheduled group far overseas programmes. As the discounts available ranged up to 60%, the additional total cost to Canadian students will be considerable, perhaps totalling $100,000. NFCUS is currently pressuring the government to influence IATAT to change regulations, Speaking of NFCUS, it appears that they have encountered personnel problems as well. Lucien Lapointe, their new executive secretary who took office just last September 15 has announced his intention to resign, effective February’ 28. Applicants for his $6500 per year job are now being sought. M.J. Caldwell, former national leader of the C.C.F. has been appointed resident fellow at Carleton University’s Institute of Canadian Affairs. He will devote his time to working on his private papers and meeting with graduate students. Mr. Caldwell was a founding member of the C.C.F. and M.P. for the Saskatchewan constituency of Rosetown-Biggar from 1935 to 1958 . . . WUS Treasure Van has chalked up a record $107,000 in sales this year, up from $8 1,000 a year ago. Sales at the University of Saskatchewan ran highest where over $12,000 worth of merchandise passed over the counters . . . Staffers of the McGill Daily also did their bit for charity recently. They bounced a little white ball around a pool table for a record 200 hours, more than doubling the record of 100 hours of Monopoly playing that they set last year. Throughout the game, spectators contributed almost $100.
Neufeld, a 5’ 11” forward, was held to 2 points in the hrst half but broke loose for 15 points in the second half with 9 of his 17 points coming on free throws. Whitney followed Neufeld with 9 points. Jerry Hooper chipped in with 6 points, all from the foul line, and Terry Boyle, a 6’ 3”, 210 lb. guard, scored 5. The Pioneers added John Cruickshank to their line-up and John, a 6’ 4”, 230 lb. Science intramural player, contributed four points.
first half but the Pioneers held him to 1 point for the rest of the game. Forward Alfio Poyoledo counted 9 points, followed by 6’ 5” centre, Dick Thomas with 8. With 5 minutes left in the game, Waterloo held a 40-39 lead. Then the Pioneers started to pull away with Warren Longpray and Neufeld scoring 4 points each, 4 of the 8 points being of the free throw variety. Windsor’s Roger Awad was taken to the Kitcheqer Hospital with a deep At half time the score was tied at cut under his right eye. The Pioneers will play the U. of 24-24. In the last play of the half, Western Ontario Colts tonight at Tom Awad took a two hand set shot from centre and scored to ties the , 6:45 at the Kitchener Memorial Audgame before the ’ half time intermisitofium in the preliminary game besion. Windsor’s Don Pettypiece, a fore the varsity game between the 6’ 4” guard, scored 13 points in the Warriors and Western.
Renison Renegades set the stage for the battle of the giants next Monday night by preserving their unbeaten record with a 43-19 rout of Science last Monday. In the second game of the double-header Lower Engineering jumped into third place by trounching Arts 51-21. The Engineers had little competition from Arts and led 22-6 at half time. They -added 22 points in the second half to run up the highest score registered this year. Ron Toms, with 14 points, was high scorer for the Engineers. Renison’s high powered offence, which has scored 120 points in three games, swamped Science. The score was 16-10 at the half but the winners tallied 27 points to Science’s 9 in the closing period to gain an easy victory. Renison newcomer, Dave Sutton, proved to be a worthwhile acquisition as he dropped in 13 points. Al McCormick added another 12. Next Monday the Renison Renegades tangle with the St. Jerome’s Saints in a game that will probably be the highlight of the intramural season. Both teams carry undefeated records into this game. Big guns for the Renegades are Al McCormick who is averaging 11 points per game, and Doug Cuthbert with an average 7.5 points per game. Their counterparts with the Saints are Chuck Harrison with 10 points per game, and Vince Calzonetti - 8. Barry
We expect student population at the University of Western Ontario to jump sharply as R.C.M.P. undercover agents rush to enrol1 following last week’s disclosure that a Communist Club is being formed by students there. This will be Canada’s third active campus Communist Club, joining others at Toronto and Manitoba . . . While on the subject of politics, we’ll pass on another Model Parliament result, this one from McMaster, where the Conservatives edged the Liberals 22 seats to 20 with the N.D.P. winning 13. Five seats went to a local group . . . Meanwhile, at the University of Toronto’s extravaganza, the Liberal government announced the appointment of Hon. Donald M. Fleming as Minister of Bankruptcies. Conservatives can take solace, however, in the fact that the Liberals passed an anti-nuclear weapons resolution less than 24 hours before Mr. Pearson’s Saturday speech which viewed things in a somewhat different light. While perusing last Thursday’s edition of “The Cord Weekly,” another University Avenue student publication, we noticed that their third editor of the 1962-63 academic year had been appointed. He is Mike Morris of Club Select fame and he succeeds Frank Weiler. In his first issue, he ran editorials at the bottom of which appeared the signatures of Alfred North Whitehead and Albert Camus. Good work, Mike! The same issue of the Cord saw a complaint that the new residences opened this year at W.L.U. have rather plain names (i.e. - East Hall and West Hall) and that something more distinctive would be desirable. They might try naming them after former presidents of the institution. - Ontario Region NFCUS delegates will be gathering here today for a 48 hour confab on student problems. All the time be spent conferring, however, as Toronto’s Jordan Sullivan no realizes. His delegating includes four distaffers and only two companions. Complete coverage of “official” conferenc sessions appear in next week’s paper . . . Dear Dal, Uncle &id says to how you sow your oats. We hear you’ve come up with a Sheaf.
Led by George Neufeld and Mike Whitney, the U. of W. junior varsity Pioneers edged the Western Ontario Institute of Technology of Windsor by a score of 54-47 on Jan. 12 at the Kitchener Memorial Auditorium. Windsor had previously defeated the Pioneers 41-39.
Teams Give Last
Up Seagram’s
year the Athletic
decided to rent the Kitchener ial
games so that
the games. Last Friday with Assumption
fans could
530 spectators
saw the game. Mr. Dan Pugliese stated that unless more spectators turned up for the next game with Western, the next two games - one with Toronto and the other with Queens - would be played at the Seagram Gym.
men and women who can sit back and look at a problem from every angle and develop a working solution . . . then see that it is carried
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He further stated that the team is losing the advantage of playing on their own home floor and the only reason for the move was for the fans comfort. The Athletic Department is losing money and do not plan to do so in the future. It is therefore up to us to demonstrate by our attendance at the game whether we wish to see the game in comfort and be guaranteed a seat, or get our tickets in advance and possibly not have a seat at all.
The maximum number of people that can see a game at the Gymnasium is 500 and most of these people will have to stand until bleachers are installed.
Scope for thinking
later won’t doubt male will mind
in the game
BUSINESS MACHINES COMPANY LIMITED 36 King Street East, Toronto, Ont., 362-6051 Central District Manager-K. S. Moeser
Page 6
.Judd Stops 56, Shots In IO - 2 Loss to Marlins
By Dave Nimmo, Sports Editor Just ask Bob Judd how a sitting duck feels. He should know. Judd plays goal for the U. of W. Warriors and as such he was called upon to stop 56 shots off the sticks of the McMaster Marlins in the Sr. Intercollegiate Hockey game which McMaster won 10-2 at Waterloo Arena on Jan. 10th. Judd flipped about like a Mexican jumping bean, stopping three break-aways as he performed brilliantly behind a not so brilliant Warrior defence. On two of the Marlin goals Judd made the initial save only to have the rebound flipped in over his prostrate body. Fifteen minutes of poor hockey in the second period, cost the Warriors the game, or at least the chance to make it close. At the end of the fhst period, the score was 1-O for McMaster on a goal by Jim McLellan at 13:55 with Warrior Jim Passmore cooling his b[ades in the penalty box. Play was wide open and clean with the teams splitting 2 penalties and Marlin goalie Jim Cameron making 16 save while Judd stopped 14. The second period was in direct contrast to the tist as there were 9 goals, 3 misconducts and 1 game misconduct. The Marlins found their skating legs and swarmed all over the ice to pump home 7 goals before the Warriors retaliated with two to cut the McMaster lead to 8-2 at the end of the period. Hamilton didn’t even work up a sweat before they scored at the 58 sec. mark with McLellan being the marksman. Not to be out-done, his linemate Bob Pond added another at 1:45 as he picked up his own re( bound and lit the lamp. At 5:43 I&rlin captain Rod Hyde scored from the blue-line to give McMaster a 4-O lead. Ray Biggar made it 5-O. The Marlins scored two more as they skated fiercely. The Warriors concentrated on body-checks but to little advantage as they were dazed by the speedy skating and excellent positional play of the Mat squad. The Warriors found a vent for their frustration in trying to beat the Marlins - literally. Waterloo defenceman Dave Wilson was given a Mpping penalty and at the same time Lynn Patterson of McMaster and Harry Lichti staged a brawl wlth Patterson receiving a‘ J-minute penalty and a game misconduct while Lichti sat out a 5-minute penalty for fighting. Right after the fight, Rod Hyde scored his second for the Marlins on a screened flip shot from the point
103 University Ave.
to give Mat an 8-O lead. Then the Warriors got untracked to score two quick goals, thanks to Bill Mahoney of Hamilton. Mahoney rapped Tom Love ‘on the head with his stick and received a 5-minute misconduct penalty. While he was off the ice, Love gained sweet revenge by poking in a pass from Lichti and ruining Cannon’s shut-out at 16:48. A minute later, Jerry Lawless scored from a scramble to make the score at the end of two periods 8-2. The final period featured 2 Marlin goals sandwiched by more penalties and fights. Warrior defenceman Doug Peacock was involved in 2 sets of double penalties - once on holding infractions with Bill Mahoney and once slashing penalties with Bill OSborne. Osborne and Peacock were off the ice when Jim McLellan scored at the mid-point of the period. At 12:46 Kit Dinning finished up the scoring, giving the Marlins a lo-2 lead. ‘In, the last minute of the game, the Warriors’ Jim Passmore and Pete Handle of the Marlins squared off with Handle being banished for 7 minutes and Passmore’ for five. Passing the Puck: Marlins’ Jim Cannon, an ex-Marlboro, made 37 saves. Jim McLellan scored four goals for Mat. Tom Love, one of the lightest players on the ice, was throwing his , weight around to good advantage for the Warriors. Tom never stops skating and is a real hustler-on the ice. Waterloo missed the services of Ray Kanerva who is out of action with a mouth injury but the Warriors now have Dave Hutton back. Dave is an engineering student who was on his work team during the first part of the season. The Warriors travel to Kingston this week-end to play Queen’s at 8:00 p.m. to-night and 2 p.m. tomorrow. These games are part of Queen’s snow carnival programme.
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If the undefeated Assumption University Lancers were expecting an easy win over the cellar dwelling U. of W. Warriors at the Kitchener Memorial Auditorium on Jan. 12, they were disappointed. Although they extended their winning streak to 3, the Lancers had to go all out to record a 7 l-61 victory over the determined and vastly improved Warriors .
The University of Western Ontario Fouls again hurt Waterloo as five When Raphael fouled out, AssumpMustangs, picked for third place, Warriors fouled out, four of them tion held a 60-58 edge with 3 minwill meet the U. of W. Warriors starters. For the second consecutive utes left. Shortly after Bob Pando tonight at the Kitchener Memorial game, Don Demko was the only playfouled out and the Lancers counted Auditorium at 8:15 p.m. er on the starting team who was still 4 points from the foul line in the The Mustangs have only one reon the floor at the final whistle. dying minutes of the game. With 42 turning player from last year’s startAt half time the Lancers held a sec. left, tempers flared as Jim Hann ing team and he is guard Tom Wilslim lead, 32-29 with 15 of their and Bill Brown threatened to exliamson. So far the Mustangs have points being free throws, as the Warchange punches and both were ousted won two and lost none. riors collected 14 fouls, Of the 29 from the game. Two of the Warriors’ losses have . Waterloo points, Raphael scored 15. When the Gual buzzer sounded, have been by 1 basket, one of them With l&25 mins. left in the game, the Assumption Lancers had taken being after 2 overtime periods. Their Raphael’s basket gave Waterloo the a tough 71-61 victory. The final last loss was to the first place Aslead for the first time in the game, result was expected, but the close sumption Lancers in a game that 33-32, but 3 minutes i later Windsor score wasn’t. wasn’t decided until the final 3 mins. had taken a 41-34 lead. The Warriors From the floor Jerry Raphael’s All eyes M be on Jerry Raphael came back and with 10 minutes left 27 points made him the highest scorwho is averaging 22 pts. a game in they trailed by 4 points. 50-46. Bob er in the game. Bob Pando scored 11, league play and in 3 of the 4 games Balahura fouled out then. At 8:29 he has been the highest scorer on both John Ku& followed Balahura to the I Jim Hann 10 and Don Demko 8. teams. Raphael was expected to be bench as Assumption led 52-50. For the Lancers, Joe Green was top rookie in the league but so far Don Den&o’s jump shot tied the the high point man with 15. Bernie the 6’ 4%” Hamilton Westdale proscore at 52-52 with 8 minutes left Friesmuth followed with 12, Jack duct has been the top player. in the game. Assumption scored but Kelly had 11, Tom Henderson 8, and The other starters for Waterloo Raphael’s basket tied the game again. Bill Hassett 7. will be Jim Hann (12.25 pts.) Bob The last time the Warriors held the ......The Warriors outscored the Lancers Pando (11.75 pts.) Don Demko (10.75 lead was ’ with 6:06 minutes left as from the floor 42-40 but at the foul pts.) and John Kuntz (4.5 pts.) Pando’s 2 pts. put Waterloo on top, line Windsor scored 31 out of 49 The preliminary game will feature 58-56. Joe Green’s basket knotted the free throws to Waterloo’s 17 - 27. the U. -of W. Pioneers versus the U. score and from there on Assumption Windsor’s free throw average was of Western Ontario Colts at 6:45. gradually pulled ahead. 63.2% and Warriors’ was 62.9% so the deciding‘ factor in the game was the number of fouls - 31 to the SENIOR INTERCOLLEGIATE Warriors, 21 to Windsor. Those 10 BASKETBALL STANDINGS extra fouls to Waterloo gave the Lancers the victory. w. L. F. A* .P. At the end of the game, there was Assumption 3 0 241 153 6 a fight in the corridor apparently be2 0 198’ 144 4 Toronto tween 2 Waterloo fans and Jack M&laster 2 1 186 173 4 1 0 67% . 5s 2 ’ Kelly of the Lancers. Western
Queen’s Waterloo Weekend Score: Toronto 110 -
0 0
3 4
144 259
243 327
0 0
Queen’s 58
The next league game for the War’ riors will be to-night when the U. of. ’ Western Ontario Mustangs are in 1 town to play Waterloo at 8: 15 at the / Kitchener Memorial Auditorium.
. SPECIALTY STEELMAKING With The North American Division of a Company Thatz * * * * *
Has annual sales of approximately !§60,000,000 and is the hugest in the field in Canada. Has pioneered manufacturing processes for the industry on this continent . . . hot planetary rolling, continuous casting . . . Has a f&scale marketing division with six warehouses in key locations across Canada. Has an international division with representation, or faciIi= ties, in most countrieS of the free world: Has plants in Welland, Ontario and Tracy, Quebec, _employing approximately 3,000. AT
ATLAS STEELS LIMITED A management team from Atlas will visit your campus JANUARY candidates for careers im 5”
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