Elections are to be held next week for student council reps from the three faculties, After three postpone&nts for nominations there are finally enough nominees for z+ contest. In Arts there are four candidates: Mary Mixer, Pat Hergott, Barry Housser and Gail Rappolt. All students with a yellow card proclaiming that they are registered in the faculty of Arts have the privilege of casting their ballot 4 for two of the above four. _ In the faculty of Science, Dave Monk has been acclaimed ai he wbs the only person nominated living off campus. However, there will be a contest between Jim Mitchell and Neil Arnason. All those people in science are eligible to vote for their second rep. The Engineers have only nominated two people and thus they have been acclaimed to their positions. These are Peter Barnes and Art Dawson. Remember January 23rd - the date that determines whether the students ,--- on this campus really give a damn about their student council - it is already obvious that’ engineers do not.
There is just nine days left in which you can purchase your ticket option for the upcoming Grad Ball. Options close on Friday, January 24. The Grad Ball Committee must know the number of people who plan to attend by this time so final arrangements can be made. The ticket options cost $5.00 and if you wish to rent formal wear through the committee the ticket and formal options cost $10.00. Graduating students who are not planning to attend the dinner and dance are asked to donate towards a gift to the ‘University. Details of this are available in the informayour white- iie and tails. (try page 7). tion sheet given to each graduating Plans and ideas ,for Grad Ball are student. improving each week. Don’t miss out on the best’ soci& event of your The formal wear being rented has been modeled by .John COI& university career. Plan ’ to attend Grad Ball ‘64 on Friday, February , Watch the advertising posters for pictures on how ypu might look in 21.
The University of Waterloo Duplicate Bridge Club, a. n&w organization formed this October, would like to invite all students, faculty, and staff who enjoy playing bridge to come to the Arts Cafeteria on Sunday, January 19th at 1:30 p.m. No experience at duplicate bridge is necessary: we have booklets to help you undefstand this form of +idge. There is no talent required - you will be playing against t.be same people you might play with in the common room. If you do not ‘think you can win, come in a group and try to be the best in that group. You will enjoy bridge more as you learn to get the February 1st during the Winterland most points out of the cards you Festival. Schools from Ontario, Quehold. Whether you play for fun or bec, upper New York State, and profit you will like duplicate bridge. Michi&n have been. invited to partiBridge games are held, as far as cipate. The K-W Record is donating possible, every second Sunday’ at I:30 a trophy to be awiirded to the winp.m. in the Arts Cafeteria. Admisning team. This will be a team-ofsi?n is fifty cents per player and four event and each school can enmaster points are awarded to the ter four teams. The U. of W. teams winners. have yet. to be selected, so if you would like to play in this tournament, COMING come to thb Arts Cafeteria this SunTOURNA&ENT The Bridge Club is organizing an day at 1:30 p.m. and play duplicate intercollegiate Bridge Tournament on bridge.
TOVAdlSHCH! Comrades urgently wan+d for oneact Chekhov play (once banned but not in Boston). One made for good part; assorted males and females for minor roles. Production date, Feb. 10 6% 11. - See Prof. Martin, Room 328 ia Arts Building or Derek Taylor in Arts Building Cafeteria (or at SH 4-3 108).
GROUP PHOTOS Photos of all clubs, organizations and societies will be ‘taken on January 20, 21, 22 betyeen 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. (Sports Coat and Tie). 1. Schedules are posted explaining’ time and place for each organizatiOU - please be ten minutes early. 2. A representative from each ‘urgani&tion must contact the Board
Claude Brodeur, in search of ‘a student affair, enjoys the at’ mosp’here at the engineering class ‘64 stag, held at the Grand Valley Golf Club Wednesday night. Also attending, from left to ’ right, . . . . Brian Fletcher, Wray Gundry, Dr. Lynde (with back to camera) Paul Stevens, John Makarchuk, Pete Slawson and Vir . Handa and A. S. Barber (seated).
Mat and U.B.C. FELLOWSHIP WINNERS Best Papers At the Canadian University Press conference held in Victoria over this Christ&as vacation, the winners of the annual trophy competitions were announced. The Silhouette (McMaster) was tops among the Canadian college weeklies and Blso offered the best sports coverage. The - Ubyssey (U.B.C.) won the +&ham tiophy for overall excellence among the papers publishing more than once a week and also for their editorial writitig. The University of Alberta% Gateway was awarded the trophies for cartoons and features, while the Varsity won the Montreal Star Trophy for best photo coverage. Although the Coryphaeus did not win any awards, we did place fourth in cartoons as compared with third last year. It was felt that the meeting was generally of benefit though no major items were accomplished. John MacFarlane, this year’s vice-president of CUP was elected for next year’s presidency, ‘while Bruce Kidd was elected as the Ontario regional president. , of Publications . office (745-3911) today or tomorrow. ~ 3. Any organization not listed shotid contact the Board of Publications office immediately. ’
Two students from The University of Waterloo were included in the list of Athlone Fellowship winners announced today by the British High Commissi’og . Robert Mitchell of Alliston, who graduated in, civil ’ engineering last spring and Gregory McNeice of Sudbury, who is in his final year of civil engineering, will study, work and travel in the United Kingdom for the nyxt two years. Three other Waterloo graduate-s are presently in Britain studying under Athlone Fellowships, the engineering equivalent of a Rhodes scholarship.
PROF. TALKS Perhaps there are a few students on campus who have not, by word of the grapevine; heard what Prof. Talks are. For this term the S.C.M. has planned series of these ta&s to be held every Thursday from 12:001:OO. All of these will be held in room A-246 unless further notice is given. Prof. ta&s are planned so that students may have the opportunity to make the usual dreary lunch hour, experienced by most students, an interesting and stimulating hour. Professors are invited to give a talli on
Mitchell, who stood first in his class is presently employed with the . Ontario Water Resources Commission in. Toronto. He plans to attend ’ Cambridge University ne%t fall and work towards, a Ph.D. degree in soil mechanics and foundation engineering. He plans on a career in teaching and research. McNeice, won a tuition scholarship and the Faculty prize in his third year with an 84 percent standing. He presently stands first in ‘his cla@ and will attend -Aberdeen University in Scotland for studies in concrete technology. He plans to return to the U. of W. to complete his studies for a Ph.D. During his work terms he has been employed with the Foundation Company of Canada at Sudbury.
some subject which they are well a& quainted with and w&h they feel the student might be interested in. The talk itself is only’ a few mintites ip duration, and if successful, it should be the stimulus for a good discussion. The .professor will give his talk while the students are eating their lunch, so few students will have to talk with their mouths full! Why don’t you come out to the next Prof. Talk, Thursday, January 23 when Mr. Brod&r will be the1 guest. You never can tell, perhaps you will make it a permanent date. See you there!
that go with it is pagan in origin, but I go along with the accepted customs and worship not the ton*, Ken Brown, Pierre Cagne, MacDonald, Bruc Koepke, Jim -.ad&Wn-chlef: Dave Clark elsh. advertisnknbging editor: John Conlin Edwin Mako, Alan Price, Nick Van Newman, George tree, not the day, or the tinsel, Kats. layout: Jim Nagel*, David ing: Jim Carrothers*, Features: Art ~’ news: John MacDonald*, Vic Botari, but Christ. Yesterday I attended Dave Campbell, Brian MonkDolman, Michael Edwards, Terry Anderson*, Pat Culp. CUP: Tom my place of worship, (and by the house, Margaret Shaw, Hennie Fleming. illustrations: Marian HarRankin*, circulation: Richard way our church isn’t musty, and wood, George Sometville. contriRowe*. Smid, Jo Stoody. sports: Doug Grenkie*, Dave Campbell, Janet buting writers: Jeff Evans, Dave board of publications chairman: we have a timer on the oven that Grafstein, Fran Humphrey, John Murray French Ross. photography: George Newhasn’t failed us yet) the same as *department editor. I have for the past ten years each Published by the Undergraduate student body of the University of Waterloo and its affiliated CoIlems Sunday and Wednesday evening under the authorization of the Board of Publications. Letters should be addressed to the Editor, Univerunless working or ill. Why in the sity of Waterloo. Phone 745-3911. The opinions expressed represent the freedom of expression of a responsible, autonomous society. last ten years? because that is member: danadian University Press subscription rate: $1.00 per year when, not the spirit of Christmas, not the spirit in a bottle, but the spirit of God’s Son took hold of Dear l@-. Editor: my life - His spirit witnesses B R A V 0 for having the with my spirit and tells me I’m a EDITORIAL courage to say openly what so child of God. many people know is the exact Yes Socrates died for mantruth. I agree with you completely and as I refuse to follow the kind and so did President ,Ken: others like a little lamb and, ex- nedy, but Christ was our sin The public is becoming more and more appreciative of j press my sentiments in your vein, bearer. He died that we *might higher education. Most managerial positions require at least a : I am often looked upon askance. live - have eternal life. general B.A., and in engineering fields the M.A.Sc. is rapidly Not that my pronouncements becoming a necessity. (Dr. Wright, dean of engineering predicts Yours in Christ’s service, have any weight in my entourage that ten years will show most newly -graduated engineers to have A. K. Bedley, (Scarborough) (I am just a lplain working gal, a a Ph.D. stenographer) but at least it does Like any vaIuable public commodity, there is a social give me-a lift to read that there p.s. - Don’t try turning over a prestige attached to the “haves,” and by inversion a social stigma attached to the “have ‘riots.” In other words, education is are 0th~ People thinking along / new leaf you'll never make it / my lines. now playing an important role in the stratification of our soturn 0veE a new life (2 Cor. 5:17) ciety. I like your type of courage; it Encl.: Pamphlet - Conversion It is doing this in two ways. First, education increases the is about time that someone-sheds . earning power of an individual (money being the basic social a bit of light on some of the and After. divider); and second, the possession of knowledge itself increasmyths that have been crammed es the owner’s social standing (the threadbare philosopher is an Editor’s note: A birthday is the down our throats. example). day when a person’s birth is celeMiss Dolor& Normandin, Now, because of this. new educational emphasis there is an brated - it is not necessarily the (Montreal) increasing problem on the university campus. ‘. . . . . What hapday he was born. pens to the student who flunks,,and what happens to the student
is afraid
are out of \date
of flui&ing?
Many unsuccessful students just don’t have what it takes, and more stringent entrance requirements would save these people from their subsequent social disgrace. What is more important, however, is the unsuccessful student who does have what it takes, but flounders under our outdated rating system . . .a Examinations. ’ In other
the universities,
of their
inative approach to scholastic standards, are year by year pushing out into an unsympathetic world, large numbers of those social misfits, . . . . the failures, many of them of whom do not deserve their fate. A\ second, and farther reaching effect”of the examination system is experienced by all. of us. The sleepless pre-exam nights, wyamine sulphate pills, memory lapses during exams, and the near mental breakdowns towards the end of an exam set. These symptoms are almost universal, and the number of nervous breakdowns, suicides, skin rashes and others disorders is increasing annually, and at a greater rate than the student population increase. Our educators, while happily encouraging education’s new popularity, and vigorously improving educational standards, are ignoring the antiquated examination system and its resultant ill effects. Examinations are not part of life. Never, outside of school, will an individual have to sit at 8 table and spout stored up knowledge for three hours. Why then must he do{ so in school? Life is a day by day adventure; why can’t university ,authorities realize. this, and devise a rating scheme accordingly? Even weekly tests are a vast improvement over examinations, why not use them? Why not emphasize problem assignments? labs?
The Globe & ‘Mail today carries an article from your student news paper ‘comparing Socrates to’ Christ, written by one John MacDonald which proves the truth of the assertion that a little learning is a dangerous thing and that Mr. MacDonald is still wet behind the ears. I wonder if he ever heard of the last words of Socrates uttered during his famous soliloquy to his students as he was expiring. For the benefit of Mr. MacDonald they are reported as “Gosh, All hemlock.” ’ A. J. Reynolds, (Toronto) Dear
Am in complete agreement with your article as in the G&M 24th. It wasn’t strong enough and it would seem that poor Dr. with his succumbed and captured thinking couldn’t utter fast enough - Did he have his pay cheque foremost in his mind? We ,Free THINKERS OF AMERICA (Pres. Joe Louis, Radio Stn. W.O.R. - New York) are thinkWhy not be realistic? _. Hiring psychologists $s student advisors (as most univering and deeply - no longer are we a bunch of puppy-dogs-Tabsities have done) does not cure the disease, it simply applies a local anaesthetic. A complete reoirganization of the Canadian k\yts, to be captured and easily - The world 1s m a revolueducational system ik inevitable, and the place to start is with tion and so it should be - Fraud .examination ’ systemi .G and deceit has been the) foundation of democratic authority too the Greek philosophers are to be long. admired for they encouraged Ted Weegar, (North Bay) men to seek after knowledge. Now at first glance the main difEditors note: The Christmas ediference between man and animal Dearsic torial of the Coryphaeus; ‘Gold, might appear to be mans superThere is a lot of truth in what +Bank-in-cents, ,, and Myth’ was ior ability to acquire ‘and retain you say that there is a great numcakried on the Canadian Press knowledge. However, past and ber of hyprocrites in the churchwire services to Canadian dailies present experience proves know- es, and when I was a younger from coast to coast. The editorledge is easily abused, and in the man my views were‘ as radical ial (from the K-W Record) and final analysis the only thing that as yours. Age has nothing to do letters received by our office apmakes man different from ani- with the issue involved tho. But pearing on this page represent mals is the understanding or in- there is no proof in the BibIe or some of the subsequent reactions. sight on the&proper way to use any where else that Christ’s These letters have @en edited knowledge. Take, this away \and birthday was December 25th -or for length’ and relevance. only beast is left. that his birth took place in the Don McGregor, (Sarnia) winter months. I’ll accept the Dear Sirs: \ Enclosed: Pamphlet - The 25th to commemorate it tho. The You are quite right when you Christmas tree, Christmas and all imply in your Xmas editorial that Secret that Adam Lost.
I am a 27.year old Canadian of Greek descent, and was quite stimulated by your article appearing in the “Montreal Star” and dated December 24. I am obliged to agree with you 100% (per cent) on your feelings towards the hypocritical manner (you mention “Pagan Festival” and the effects of liquor, etc.) in which Xmas is celebrated today by some citizens. I disagree strongly however on everything else that you had to say. It is MAN and not God who is con-. tinually prostituting religion to serve his own personal ends. Your attack should in my opinion be directed not against the human warmth that is in Christ, but against the merchants, etc. who brazenly exploit him at every given opportunity. From a fool, Christopher Cumas, (Montreal)
,Tasfeless, Crude, Boring (Dec.
The University of Waterloo has gotten a good deal of pub licity, albeit hardly the kind i wants. out of a editorial whicl appeared in the institution’s stu dent newspaper, the Coryphaeus That’s about ali it got, for the editorial was not likely to bring enlightenment or inspiration tc anyone. It was a tasteless debunking piece on Christmas, echoing the glib critiques of the smart modems who imtigine they are only proving how shallow they are. / Traditionally, ur&ersity students are expected to question everything, and it would be unfortunate if they didn’t. It would be surprising, too, if editors and writers in student publications did not express unorthodox opinions on contentious subjects and issues. This is a privilege that is one of the foundation stones of democracy and it won’t suffer by being exercised with relish and enthusiasm. However, there is ‘one sin which cannot be tolerated in this type of effort. This is the sin of tastelessness,of crudity, of being, in essence, boring. That is, unfortunately, just what the Coryphaeus editorial was. Where ‘it should treat its subject with tact, with wit and sensitivity, and above all with some sense of literary style, it has failed to do so. This is its great fault, not its challenging, even offensive tone, not its attempt to prove that society today is made up entirely of dupes of commercial enterpren+rs and advertising salesmen. ‘This is real cause for worry on the part of those responsible for the. . education of young Canaaians. I ’
9, K-W
To the Editor: I am writing in reference to an editorial, Crude, Tasteless, Boring (Dec. 26), which was an effort to pan the editorial appearing in the Christmas edition of the Coryphaeus. Be it here noted: I was not attacking Christ, Christmas,’ Soccates, philosophers, churches (musty or not), people without oven timers, liquor, merchants, nor pagan festivals. I was attacking the people who go through life with a hypocritical outlook. I would have let your comments slip by but I dislike people who throw stones while sitting in glass houses. If you care to read something boring, sir, try , rereading your effort-or could you bear to? I could have done a far better job of planning the editorial even with my lack of “literary style.” Take a look at Scott Young’s column sometime; you (and l) might learn a few things. His swat at my editorial, though anmisinterpretation, other was qsiite amusing. I suggest in the future, sir, that before you attack other people’s writing, you try to, pep up your own. JOHN MacDONALD
Dear Sirs: This letter is directed specifically to the Editorial by Mr. MacDonald in the “Birthday Special” edition of the Coryphaeus. Mr. Macdonald deserves a “thank you” for, attempting to provide a conscience for society and for expressing his thoughts on the evolutionary product of Christmas. I wish. to say; how~ ever, that his editorial impresses me as being somewhat ‘hollow; it seems to lack any significant research or insight and completely misrepresents Christ and Christmas. He has ignored the segment .of society for whom Christmas has a particular and honourable meaning. I suggest that he has betrayed his university by being ‘intellectually dishonest. - Allow me to proceed. The Christian believes that Jesus was and is God. He believes that God chose to reveal himself in the form of man and to suffer at the hands . of, man. The Christian therefore sets a certain season of the year aside to rejoice and celebrate this relevation - and here I am led to Mr. Macdonald’s second unscholarly omission. Granted that Christian history reveals the adoption of some pagan celebrations and reveals also that Christ has not been properly represented by some who have come in His name, yet, for the Christian, Christmas is a joyous and meaningful celebration. But the Christian cannot and must not force his morals on nonChristians and many so-called “Christians.” The Christian Church, is therefore unable ,,to prevent people from adopting the ‘$elebration” part of Christmas and applying unchristian morals to produce a “pagan fes, tival;” There are’ many people who have taken time to. meditate in silence and search ‘fdr the meaning of Christ’s birth into the world. They have found a different “spirit of Christmas” than th& which comes out of the “pocket and out of a bottle.” It is my wish that the right people may be shocked by Mr. MacDonald’s editorial and that more people may take time to search for the true meaning of Christmas as I am convinced it exists. John Braun Gradukng Students Attention! Last chance to buy .Grad Ball options is January 24. Available from: Board of Publications Jim Newman I Beth Cunningham John Makarchuk Pat Bishop Jim Carruthers Paul Koch EXPLANATION
considered” was the text of a recent ad for employment in the ,Toronto Telegram. A person like that is only trying to save himself embarrassment and. shoe leather but to bill himself as “coloured boy” is to take a gaint step backwards to the days of “Yassuh Boss” and other such phrases which earmarked “nigger” servitude. “Negro” is the word the man was looking for, Negro is his race and not the disgusting and degrading euphemism “coloured.” , \ * * * >)c There I was sitting in the toilet reading D. H, Lawrence’s “Women-in Love when, for no apparent reason, the copy slipped out of my. hands onto the floor. So I balanced the book atop the ONLIWON container and prepared to leave the toilet. The book, which had been securely balanced, fell into the toilet bowl. Was it nemesis? A delayed judgement visited on the writings of D. H. Lawrence? God knows. ’ * * *‘* There was a day when the tonsorial parlour cut hair and pulled teeth too. Then dentistry left the barber shop and the dentist became respected and rich while the barber remained the barber and con-; tinued to cut hair for a pittance. Gone are the days . . . . Today the barber realizes that he cannot attain the social status of the dentist; therefore, he is making a determined effort to attain the economic status of his ancient shop sharer. $1 SO is a ridiculous price to pay for a haircut.’ * * * * If nothing else, the menu in the -Arts Building coffee shop is at least consistent: grilled cheese, french fries and ,soup. One day last week there was chili con came, but by 12:30 it was all gone. C’mon Food Services, let’s have a little imagination on the menu, a little something to tempt the palate! ! ! * *, *‘( * ’ A group of non conformists on campus attempted to organize a “Lena the Hyena” contest as a counterbalance to the Winterland Queen contest, but the whole idea fell through. The small staff the group ‘employed to process and screen nominations for the contest quit in a body twenty- minutes after nominations opened. The reason \ given was “Overwork.” ‘6Colo6red
The executive of the Students’ Union at the University of Ottawa plans to fight the Administration’s refusal to pay for lighting, ’ heating and water in $the two Union buildings. In a letter to the Assistant-to the Rector in charge of student iffairs, the President of the Students’ Union explained their attitude. According to “The Fulcrum,” the student paper of the University of Ottawa, the Rector said that he would not reconsider the matter. However, Ithe Students’ Union is still quite firm in its decision not to pay for these utilities. “We’ll have the electricity turned off before we pay the bills,” were the words of the Acting President of the Union. Bill for the muchneeded utilities have been coming in regularly to the Union but are merely being filed. The executive of the Students’ Union maintains that it will not re-consider its stand either, and will see the Committees operate in the dark and in over-coats before it gives in to the Administration. At UBC two girls have taken up pip? smoking,‘to the extent that they are even contemplating buying-pipes with jewels on them. Men’s comments have been: “I don’t mind as long as they don’t start growing beards,” “ I think it’s a good idea, and shows great individualism,” and “Personally, I don’t care what they smoke, as long as they take them out of their mouths at the appropriate time.” The President of the Non-Smokers’ Alliance’ in Canada said: “We disapprove of smoking in any form, but if people must smoke, it might as well be pipes. At least it makes the habit look funny.” Professor Donald Sampson said he thought they were doing it because they, think it’s smart, and will attract attention. “Why do girls wear lownecked dresses?” he asked. He could think of no deep or Freudian reason why ‘they should rsmoke pipes, but iemarked: “I would just , . like to meet some. of them.” \
The problem of accommodation for Utrecht students has now become so pressing that it has been decided to ‘set up an estate of approximately 600 caravans. A manufacturer from Ede has constructed a caravan< specially adapted to, meet student requirements. The authorities at the University of Utrecht, which is responsible for the accommodation of students, were enthusiastic about the model. The transportable studentroom is about 4 yards long .and,:nearly 3 yards wide. Its walls, floor and ceiling .,are insu1ate.d with foam rubber. The outside 5,valls are constructed from steel plates. The caravan has two windows. Included in the fittings are a w&g, desk,. book shelves, a wardrobe, a cupboard, as%11 as:-a stove, a desk lamp, and a cooking ring for brewing tea, etc. Two arm-chairs can,be converted in one movement into’ 6 ft.. 3 in. bed. There will-be a central kitchen in the caravan estate. The purchase .pr=ce for a fully-equipped student caravan is said to be about $1,000, the rent for a ten-year lease is about $13 per ‘month, and for a fifteen year lease, about $11.
B* I
in the amphitheatre of the mathematics and physics bldg. *
at noon
1. Tuesday 21 January Beethoven: Piano Concerto No, 3 Williams: Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis
Y 2. B. Iin:
Thursday 23 January Orff: Carmina Burana
note: there will be a brief before each work.
I talk
* i ..&/a
Arts’ Building (.,’,
/ .1
Foyer ,
* * ,* ’ .* I should like to see the..,P.T!A., abolished, and the sooner the better. When this parental,big:.stick is removed and real authority is , returned to the (elementary scl$Q@.,‘teacher;:only. then will our schools cease to be spawning g$ounds;for children whose Isole accomplishment seems to .be a la.ck of- respect for properly’ invested authortiy: _ A, classroom should be, inviolable to that ignorant and universal cry, “I’m a taxpayer.” I v )Ic * * , INDONESIA ,Somebody tried to browbeat me the other night on the old idea ’ that organized sports in school are essential;, “they help to build the Indonesian girls in Medan, whole man” and similar tired cliches were used. Where physical eduNorth Sumatra have been ordered cation is compulsory, as it is in most {public and high schools, I beby police to discard their “sexy lieve that the emphasis should be taken off sports and placed where clothes” in favour of “polite dres- it purports ,to be - on physical education. Calisthenics should not ses,” the official Antara News be a means to an end - a warmup for basketball, football, or what Agency reported. The clothes have you - they should be an end in themselves. Those people who ( to participate in sports can participate on their own time. ruled sexy by police were jeans want Calisthenics may be dull in comparison to a good game of basketball ’ and short transparent frocks. The but the end, physical fitness, is served much better. , , girls were asked to turn them * * * * over to police for burning. The For the second time in the space of one column I venture into 1 North Sumatra Women’s Front, the washroom for subject material. (The author of “Urinale” is obvihowever, stepped in and asked ously of the opinion that I get my material from the washroom all / police not to bum the offending the time). However, to continue, there is nothing so time wasting as habits. There is no further in- time spent in a toilet. I have only been in three houses which have in the bathroom. Admittedly in one of these houses, the formation regarding the outcome magazines magazine was compensation for lack of Delsey; but the other two of the burning question. houses had magazines to help the occupant of the toilet wile away r time in a more constructive manner than he normally would. “A magazine rack in every washroom” - that’s certainly something to FRANCE think about. A lecture strike ,at all French * * * * universities for a week was called For those people who drive Volkswagens, lot F must for jointly by the national, Trade be a nightmare. There seems to be endless rows ofparking People’s cars and . I Union for University ,Education, a each one looks just like the next. One chap last week took four hours the. national’ Education Trade to find his car and this was by process of elimination. At 10: 15 p.m. , Union and the National Union there were two cars left, a Ford and a Volks. He assumed that the of French Students at the begin- latter was his and drove it home without waiting to make inquiries. i The general attitude to the whole thing may be summed up in one iI ning of November. Never before wit’s comment, “And which Volkswagen will I drive home this evenc has there been a strike of this ing?” . “I ’ % scale at the country’s universities. 12 * * * * A protest is being raised against For those of you who are familiar with the poetry of A. E. the conditions at the universities, Housman, I ran across a most fitting requiem for the good man. against the failure of the Min- Unfortunately I forgot the author of the piece and cannot give credit ’ In istry of Education, and against where credit is certainly due. \, the miserable conditions of work “Lie down lad, all is over Between you, your love and the clover.” ’ for students and teaching staff.
Thursday,16 Order your COMPENDIUM
STOP ! ! ! Don’t Delay -
I like education in most of its phases; I find not one fault, particularly: I make it to classes in dozes and dazes, And I’m buried extracurricularly.
by G. WHIZ
f ,
, ,
‘64 immediately
: ’ i
Yearbooks ’
will be on sale Monday *
muit \be ordered ,
Eng. Sot. at this
class time
and Tuesday,
reps. for delivery
* next
January 1964
11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Board
of Pubs. office
and September.
Cost ’
or& /I
;II 7
Westinghouse Death on a Sunday
30 and 31. GRADUATES
A well-defined candidates for
training program is offered to prepare positions of responsibility in: DESIGN ENGINEERING RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING APPARATUS MARKETING & SALES / FIELD INSTALLATION SERVICE ENGINEERING These positions will afford opportunity for career development to graduates with potential. Professional salary scale and increases based (on performance as well as excellent employee fringe benefit plans. Contact the Placement Office for detailed information brochures, and interview appointment;
WrdRio~ HARW~~D
This was a film which. I did not enjoy, but did definitely appreciate. Perhaps if you believe that appreciation implies enjoyment - I did enjoy it. In order to qualify these obscure statements; let me explain that the plot struck the right nerve; it hit the nail square on the head (a round nail, square on the head) . . . I got the point. “Ikiru” is Japanese for “to- live.” It concerns one Mr. Watanabe, a chief in the Citizens’ Section of the Japanese Civil Service, who has discovered that he has gastric cancer, and has less than a year to live. The full impact of the terror shown by this man is one that strikes the very mysteries and fears inside
each one of us. He regrets the wasted years and is forced to face the urgent question of how to make the ultimate use of the short time remaining, and the awesome task of accepting what shall come to pass all too soon. The first thing that our Mr. Watanabe tries is living the gay life, he goes out for a real night on the town in the company of a man whom he invited to show him how to have a “good time.” Although they covered every imaginable activity from burlesque houses to plain dancing, the fun soon burned out, and proved unrewarding to the dying man. Secondly, he tries to steal some of the zest and gaiety of youth by seeking mere companionship with a young
lady acquaintance from the office. Soon the fun dies away because the young lady becomes bored and confused about Mr. Watanabe’s intentions. He says, “All I want to do is to live just one day like you . . . to be like you.” To the audience’s relief, the hero finds usefulness back in his old job where he devotes himself whole heartedly to build a much-needed park in a disease-ridden section of town. We are glad to see him die with a sense of accomplishment, and with true acceptance of death itself. However, the story does not end happily for those who still live. Although Watanabe’s mourners emulate him “in an increasingly drunken criminal eulogy,” and although they themselves resolve to live life to its maximum, the next day the ‘usual apathy returns to the offices of the civil service. It seems that these men, like mo& of us, do not have the courage to be dynamic, but muddle through life like a pawn unless forced to change by a force as great as death.
Kishmit Hahn exhibit: technique, but that’s all by DAVE
A great future could result from a 20 rilimite interview. i I
This interview could decide your entire professional careerprobably the most important twenty minutes in your life. That is why we would like to talk to you in complete confidence. You tell us where you want to go in the years ahead and we’ll tell you’ of the opportunities, the challenging careers which are available at Northern Electric. Northern Electric makes the things that make communications possible, from underground cable to tropospheric scatter systemsfrom crossbar automatic exchanges to telephone handsets. _ For further information and appointment please contact your
are excellent
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Plan to have a talk with a Northern Electric p,ersonnel the next time ‘he is on your campus. This interview mean a great future for you. Placement Officer
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Good technique, sure-but that’s about all. The difference between a competent snapshot and a work of art is imagination, and in this faculty Kishmul Hahn (Photographer for the University) is sadly lacking. His current photographic exhibit in the Theatre of the Arts gallery illustrates this perfectly. These photographs are simply a potpourri of the old techniques used by magazine photographers for the past ten years. For example, Mr. Hahn% outdoor .portraits of native workers (the ‘rugged head shot’) are of the type we have seen plastered all over National Geographic ever since it became popular to emphasize rotten teeth and pimples. Now if Mr. Hahn were conducting a survey on the number of whiskers per mole on the upper lip of the average female, then he is to be congratulated; but unless he can extend his technical abilities into a .well-planned, and well-composed picture, he should stop hanging his snapshots in an Art gallery. His use of light and dark is sterotype, his posing haphazard, and his lighting unimaginative. Kishmal Hahn’s studio work is not stereotype because no competitive photographer would keep his job using Mr. Hahn’s technique. Apparently he is trying to achieve simplicity with his flat floodlighting, and his pictures certainly are simple. There is no sensation of depth, (everything appearing to be on one plane) and the skin tones range from bone dry for his female subjects to oily for his male subjects. His photograph of Dr. Roe (the dark-haired chap lighting his pipe) looks more like an advertisement for SAE lo-30 all-purpose motor oil, and the very posed ‘short’ of Dr. Hagey resembles a wax museum figure. In fact, the only successful photograph of the whole show is of the pretty girl (smiling, with hands under chin) facing the gallery entrance, and its appeal hinges upon the pose and expression . . . . in other words Mr. Hahn happened to get a good model. The show ends on 22 January.
‘Masterpieces To celebrate its tenth season, Canada’s national touring company presents a new kind of dramatized entertainment, starring a quartet of the leading players in the Canadian theater. “Masterpieces of comedy” is an impressionistic sampling of four centuries of comedy, a festival of fafully mous selections, staged and costumed in a carousel setting. We have assembled speeches and characters from thirteen of the finest and
- Players
funniest comedies of the English language. Comedy is on the side of everyday reality and whimsical common sense. The warm and generous nature of the laughter from comedy may even be touched with gentleness and melancholic irony, arising as it does out of our own self-awareness of the frailties and foibles of the human character. Sometimes the conflict which exposes our weaknesses is between members of varying classes,
sometimes between the old ‘and the young, but more than likely between a man and a woman! The love game, with its courtships and deceptions, remains the basic stuff of comedy. Love is to laughter what death is to tears. Our evening starts with the modern. From the not-so-absurdities of Bro and Middie Paradock (The Paradoxes) in A resounding tinkle, we move to the VilEage wooing of Bernard Shaw and mother-in-law problems in The importance of being earnest. Then to complete part one we look at some of the famous men
“Masterpieces of Comedy” Friday 17 January 8:30 p.m. THEATRE OF THE ARTS’ “Private Lives” Saturday 18 January, 8: 30 p.m. (Please note change) WATERLOO COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM Hazel Street _ _ _ Admission : Students $1.50, Adults $2.50
Kent loud-speaker
Amelia Mall The country
A crikd look af Chrisfianify
play Mr. wife.
Pinchwife CDN.
Discussion of questions fro’m students will be a major feature of all three lectures. If you want to take an honest look at Christianity, this is your opportunity to do so. 6‘Christianity-intellectual suicide?” Tuesday 21 January, 7:30 p.m., P-130.
Christianity - intellectual suicide? Can a self-respecting university student have a faith without committing intellectual suicide? Is he an intellectual schizophrenic if he believes? Have modern methods of exploring knowledge relegated Christianity to the status of superstition and mythology? What are the limitation6 of the Christian faith? On Tuesday, Dr. R. E. Jervis, associate professor of chemistry at the University of Toronto, will deal with suchquestions that are often asked about Christianity in this scientific
.A Career in Iron Ore!
lives .
cast consists of five characters: a French maid with nine lives and two honeymoon couples. Interest is aroused at the outset when the audience learns that the groom of the couple A is the former husband of the bride of couple B. Both groups plan to spend their honeymoon in the same hotel in adjoining rooms. The audience is asked to believe that this is purely the caprice of a wandering Fate because when the two former partners come together during the first act, the shock is to be “convincingly rendered.” In a fit of intense emotion, the five-year divorcees decide to flee to her conveniently vacant apartment in Paris - to exchange the beauty and publicity of the Riviera for the beauty and publicity of the City of Eternal Light. “I do love Paris. It’s so gay.” But parting on one’s wedding night is difficult, and they both plan to
Objective Reconnoitre strengths and weaknesses of forthcoming production of Noel Coward’s Private Lives. Report findings to Coryphaeus for publication and possible promotion before curtain date of 18 January. Methodss Use any gimmicks or eye-catchers for a column of promotion not to exceed 20 column-inches or the bounds of good taste. Report submitted to the Coryphaeus 8 January 1964. sirs, In regard to your request, I submit the following comments. I have not been able to witness a production of Private Lives. My comments are based entirely on my knowledge of the author and a rereading of the work. They stand as my own and can be qualified if necessary. The play reads easily. The entire
tops Private
Eric Christmas and William Wycherley’s
. .
and women who peopled the Age of Scandal and the Restoration Comedies of Manners.
leave without really filling the partners in. “What now? Oh, darling, what now?” “1 don’t know, I’m lost utterly.” “We must think quickly, oh quickly-“/ “Escape?” “Together?” “Yes, of course, now, now.” “We can’t, we can’t, you know we ) can’t.” “We must.” “It would break Victor’s heart.” “And Sybli’s too, probably, but they’re bound to suffer anyhow.” To see all the broken hearts we must adjourn for the final two scenes to Paris the city of love and wit. The gay socialites banter, laugh and quarrel (two in the first scene, and four in the second when the betrayed couple finally catch up with their errant worse-halves in time to enjoy vicariosly a battle scene which does the viewer’s heart good. If only they were using bricks instead of pillows!)
P. Q.
t’. Q.
Career opportunities
are offered
I )
DR. R. E. JERVIS Chemistry,
U of T
age. This is to be the first of three lectures in a series sponsored by VCF. Next month, Rev. A. P. Lee of Toronto, and Rev. Bill Steeper, recently returned from Hawaii, will speak. Dr. Jervis graduated from U of T in 1949 in honors physics and chemistry. He later received his MA and PhD in physical chemistry. After spending some time at Chalk River doing research in nuclear chemistry, in 1958 he was appointed to the faculty of the University of Toronto in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Chemistry.
For a satisfying career in the Iron Ore Industry, address all inquiries to: PERSONNEL IRON SEPT-ILES,
Our representatives will be pleased to meet with you when they visit your campus on January 20
16 January
CAFCAREER COUNSELLOR his is your oppoqtynity to get first hand inform&ion about, the out-< st‘aqding career oppor-
til. the end of the season when we have walked off with the Basketball Title! Then, perhaps, and
A sincere welcome awaits all students and staff at
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In the g&&s to date Jerry Raphael has a 23.5 average of points per game and Bob pando
has 15. Our
. JVggle
represented well. This year is our year in intercollegiate basketball. __ everyone
of a coach and in particular the cdach at Waterloo after witnessing the disorganized ‘McGill team. Our fellows had definite plays throughout the game and knew what they were’.‘doing. This is coaching. Incidentally we beat McGill by a greater margin than Western who had dumped the Redmen 72-36 the previous night. Pingpong and badminton tournaments are about to begin. Make sure you show up for your. match.
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Same Day Service student
We Know
to success is an early
University Avenue & Philip Street Office E. G. (Ted) MORGAN,
Oflicer in charge
at this meet*
Science Wini 0 yoz 8 (0s)
S%ience came up with the UDset of the year by defeating Renison College ‘2-O last Thursday in intramural Hockey: A goal by Passmore in the first period .made’ the difference although the game was, not decided until Squire11 scored late in the th’ird period. Morton and Murray French starred for . Science and Julien Sale proved himself worthy in the Renison ‘nets as he kicked’ out several goals. However, Harry. ~ Dietrech in Science nets was the hero. He ‘ stopped several sure goals ‘&ml.@en grabbed the puck off Renisonian sticks as they were about ‘to shoot.
Mathematics ’ Data Processing _ I’ / , >/
Mathematics are required for positions. concerned with use of a large computer for the solution of engineering and _I scientific problems. For engineers there are career possibilities in a wide variety of functions including operations, design, research, planning and construction. d/ Further information may be obtained from the University ,-.. ’ placement office. I / E To The Coryphaeus Staff . . . “Get your, facts first, Then you can distort them , as you please” I
That’s The Freedom of the Press! ’ .
BOB WAGNER, B.A. - C.L.U. The ‘Mutual Life of ‘Canada Bus. 7454713 des. 745-l 339 ,
\ /
Engineering Electrical ’ Mechanical Engineering Physics
‘But Tex is not the only one. going Maple Leaf Gardens representing Waterloo. Several winners including James Parker, San Ferguson, ROSS Prentice . . . have been training hard for this meet and will probably bring honour unto themselves and Waterloo
January 20, 1964
Bank wi,ll interview interested students ,AT ’
ston. After three days of practic Tex has tossed ‘the 16 lb. shot pu 43 feet. 10 inches and is still increas iw. At the last two meets the On tario Quebec Athletic Association Meet and the McMaster - Invitationa the winning distance was well belou th’1~. .Stiggles of Western won tht event last fall with a toss of 41’ 5” M cK’innon of Queens 1won the> MC. Master Invitational with a throw oj 40'6". Incidentally the record for the shot put, 16 lb. size, is 48’ t&“, per haps after continued practice Tes will be able to equal or. pass this mark. ,. ’
January twenty-fourth is the date of the intercollegiate track and field meet at -Maple Leaf -Gardens. The
a big step on the road
A Senior representative of The Toronto-Dominion
with a
about banking as a career
AS #I SEE IT. by Keith
Corner, King & University
L Rafferty
_; WXzESzR
‘&nances by paying
of’ shots on against Unithe Players
Throughaut the uast few seasons, Witerloo hasAalways been
in my
“me uP wnh. some most amazmg combmatlons. Next home game is against McGill UItiVershy tomorrow. NOW if our basketball team ’ is’ any indication whatsoever, perhaps we could be A.O.K. BEST TEN m THE NATION , FOR, BASKETBALL
I find Dsk stress and strain
were not organized, there was di’ssension in the ranksp and
‘had equal number goal: In the @me 1VerSltY of Montreal Coach
flowever in their game against Laval, the score 9-3 does not indicate the play since both teams
for those of you who don’t know Mr. Woods, he is the gentleman Who somehow made a*list of the ten best university teams h\ canada. Where did he place Waterloo? You guessed, out in the cold. However, he did place Carleton and also Laurentian who are on a par with WUC.
Perhaps the value
Pat Glbso
say in ‘the cheer,
on this
is ready, wil ‘off sever; has been coachin
GRENWE ’ -Sports
‘We got the team, we got the coach, we got the . . . . . .‘. Well, we have the coach - Dan Pugliese. We have the team L Uqiversity of Waterloo .Warriors. We have had many victories in our warm up to season schedule. AND we are going to WIN. Take note Mr. Keith Woods! Look at oui As they
University of Waterloo ing, and able to carv
WARRI-QRS ~SI-IINE~IN PRESEASON GAMES The University of Waterloo Warriors played several exhibition games in warming up for the regular basketball season and came out on top on most occasions. .,On Saturday December 21 the Warriors overpowered St. John Fisher of Rochester N.Y. 93-57. Waterloo went ahead 40-22 in the first quarter and never looked back. Jerry Raphael netted 24 points while Bob Pando added 21 and Dick Aldridge 16. Davids scored 15 points and Galbraith 14 points for the losers. St. John Fisher received several fouls with McCaber fouling out and several other players with four fouls. No one fouled out for the Warriors. On Wednesday, January 8th the University of Waterloo Warriors journeyed to Guelph to take on O.A.C.C. and drubbed them 92-23. The game itself was a slaughter as coach Clem Faust, who substituted for Don Pugleise played everyone. At one time in the game the score stood 72-7 for the Warriors. Raphael, who played about half the game, came through with 26 points. Jim Hann struck for 21 points and Don Demko for 18 points. The Warriors were great defensively as well. They held Guelph to 23 points and in the entire game only 9 fouls were called against the Warrior team. This is real basketball! !! Lawrence Tech again proved too much for the Warriors as they edged Waterloo 72-65 in a basketball game at Lawrence Tech. As at -home the Warriors played .winning ball except for the one quarter in which they lost the game. In the’ fourth quarter Jerry Raphael and Bill Steinburg fouled out and the Waterloo Warriors were unable to catch the Devils. Jerry Raphael again was high point getter for the Warriors with 20. Don Den&o and Bob Pando had 12 each. Wnok and Goldsmith led the Lawrence Tech. Devils to victory with 18 and 15 respectively. Perhaps at the end of the season these two teams could play again because this writer is confident that the Warriors can defeat this Lawrence Tech: team.
cause of the rough ing, or the passes teams. It was not riors better efforts K-W Cornets are team the Warriors a larger margin of
Cornets The Warriors remained on top of the Kitchener-Waterloo Cornets 8462 in a rough and tumble basketball game. at Seagram Stadium on Friday night. Perhaps it was to keep in tempo with the furie winds and snow outside that the players acted so. The referees never did have too much control in the game ‘and what fouls they did call were sometimes unjustified and cheap. At one point in the game a fight very nearly broke out between the players and a fan, (NOT A Warrior Fan). Jerry Raphael led the Warriors with 18 points while Bob Pando and Dick Aldridge counted 15 each. Gary Kritz was high scorer for the K-W Cornets. In rebounding, Jerry had 20 and Bob Pando had 15. Bob Balahura was most accurate as he sank 4 for 5 while Dick Aldridge counted 5 of 7 field goal attempts. The game itself was sometimes boring perhaps be-
play, the refereeand shots of both one of the Warand although the a well rounded should have had victory.
Intramural Basketball continues into the new year and once more St. Paul’s lost three games. In the first game Arts dumped St. Paul’s (5) 24-l 1 as Schultz and McDonald paced the artsmen to victory. In the second, St. Jerome’s only managed a 3 6-l 6 victory over St. Paul’s (6). St. Jerome’s always a hard team easily outclassed the tiring St. Paul’s troop. In the final game a misunderstanding caused a forfeiture as St. Paul’s (7) didn’t show up and Renison grabbed an easy victory although it probably would have been easy anyways.
spirited Niagara College attempted to defeat the University of Waterloo Pioneers in a junior varsity game last Saturday, but the Pioneers hung on to win 69-66. The game was hard fought all the way and several players fouled out. Mike Swartzkopf led Waterloo with 16 points while Paul Fehrenbach added 15 for the winners. John Young and Eric Baker each netted 21 points for the losing Niagara College. The game was close all the way and in the final minutes anyone could have won it. Jim Krach scored the winning point on a foul shot while a few seconds later Peter Clarke added a field goal to give the Pioneer’s their three point victory. The game was characterized by a spirited Niagara cheering squad who employed drums, horns, and a small microphone. The noise in the gym was almost unbearable at times, but it was great to be there.
The Waterloo Warriors also disposed of the Carleton Ravens 79-59 during the holidays. Waterloo led throughout the entire game, but looked most impressive in the third quarter when they struck for 40 .points. Bob Pando was the hero of the game as he netted 22 points offensively and also grabbed many rebounds. Jerry Raphael hit the hoop for 18 points while Jim Hann added 16 points for the Warrior victory. Callahan hit for 17 points in a losing cause.
glycols, pentaerythritol and formaldehyde, another to produce cellulose acetate flake and a third to make acetate and Arnel yarns and fibres. Noted for its integrated operations and, strongly allied with leading companies in the pulp, textile and p1astic.s industries, Chemcell is able to offer you wide-open opportunities for advancement in research, product development, process engineering, plant design, important phases of production and sales. Sound professional growth in the dynamic decades ahead can be yours at Chemcell. Let’s discuss it. Write Canadian Chemical Company, Department A, 1155 Dorchester Boulevard, West, Montreal 2, or to the Personnel Department, Canadian Chemical Company, P.O. Box 99, Edmonton, Alberta.
“The project was daring and visionary and became the largest industrial plant in Alberta”, wrote a leading business writer about Chemcell’s fascinating role in Canada’s post war growth. To-day Chemcell urges its researchers, chemists and engineers to put liberal measures of imagination into their plans . . . and to use bold action in making them work. This go-ahead spirit is a vital part of Chemcell’s
philosophy. It offers stimulating outlets for graduates . . . a challenge to those who seek that extra ingredient of adventure in their future as chemists; chemical, mechanical and electrical engineers and engineering physicists. A 430-acre site at Edmonton, Alberta comprises three plants to make organic chemicals including alcohol, ester and ketone solvents, acetic acid,
Representatives of the Company visit this Campus for interviews January 22, 1964. SERVES THE CHEMICAL
will on
Thursday ATTENTION PLAYBoY FANS - Tomorrow *St. P~ul’s~ College is sponsoring the “Bunnies’ Bounce,” l$30t rn’ the cafeterla,and refreshments w~,ll be avarlable. All playboys and playmates are invited i - the Bunnres Bounce at St. Paul s.
16 January
its first dance of the new year.. Don Hagey .will provide “bouncing” music. from 8:30 until and anyone else who has thirty-five cents to invest in an evening of fun to Jorn us on Friday
TWO SAINTS A SINNER ST. PAUL’S The St. Paul’s College Council was elected just before Christmas and consists of the following persons: President Doug Grenkie, 1st Vice-President Marianne Burkholder, 2nd Vice-President John Brewer, Secretary Rosemary Parcels, Treasurer Don Ingham, Student’s Council Reps. Neil Arnason, Jim Pike, Floor Reps. Joanne Bardell, Kay Dennis, Dave Anderson, Peter Bryce, Jeff Evans, Bob Mason, Keith Mollison, Social Chairman Penny Cutton, Athletic Chairman Ross Prentice. The college Council has met several times already and has assumed responsibility for many of the matters which pertain to student life in the College and which were previously handled by the Administration and the now-disbanded Principal’s Advisory Committee. Our first social event will be a dance tomorrow night (Jan. 17th) at St. Paul’s. Admission 3%. Janet Stewart, Arts III, has been chosen as St. Paul’s candidate for Snow Queen for the Winter CarniVd. . . .
Scholarships Netherlands Government Scholarships for 1964-65: The Netherlands Government is offering five graduate scholarships to Canadian nationals for study in the Netherlands during the academic year 1964-65. Further information may be obtained from the Office of the Registrar. Deadline date is March 2, 1964. Commonwealth Scholarship & Fellowship Plan: The Government of East Africa has just announced its offer of scholarships under the Commonwealth Scholarship‘ and Fellowship Plan. Further information may be obtained in the Registrar’s Office. Deadline date is January 31, 1964.
honors in snow sculptures again this year. And we’d like to thank Gwen for not dressing keeping the frustration level low.
ST. JEROME’S Thank you Gwen Since this is the first column since Christmas, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all who helped make our Christmas Party a success: Dave Young, Diane Gardner, Christine Stoesser, Barb Shewchuk, Pete Drisco11 and Norb Casey. Our basketball team won again; it’s undefeated. The Folk Dance Club still meets here on Thursday; we’re out to watch whenever possible. However, even if your not from S.J.C. you’re invited over to watch. There is some talk about forming a Glee Club under the direction of Father Siegfried: anyone interested see Father or Norb Casey. The Notre Dame girls are coming out of hibernation and have suggested having dances on Sunday evenings. Great idea girls - welcome to the world of the living. A couple of final notes: Congratulations to Mary Beth Boon, St. Jerome’s nomination for Winter Festival Queen. I have the word - St. Jerome’s will walk off with top
up and . . . . Vic
RENISON The girls of Renison College received a Christmas present from the administration - a new housemother, Mrs. Murray. A graduate from McGill, Mrs. Murray feels that Canadian women don’t take advantage of the educational opportunities provided for them. As a result girls wishing to study in the women’s common room will take precedent over the late TV viewers every night except Saturday. After all girls, aren’t passing grades more important that the late, late show? If you see several creatures bearing a strange resemblance to Batman, don’t be alarmed. Chances are, at least one of them will turn out to be a Renisonite in an academic gown. These robes will be worn to all formal college functions and upper classmen will have the option of wearing them to classes. Would it be possible to spread the sleeves and sail to the Arts Building ? . . . Congratulations to Joanne Foree chosen as Renison’s entrant in the Winterland Queen contest. Inter-college competition - Renison Ravishers, St. Jerome’s Saints, St. Paul’s Prudes ? ? ? . . . Fran
WEEKLY EVEIWS: Thursday 16 January Folk Dance Club Theatre Workshop SCM Prof. Talk Dr. Diem A 246 Folk Dance Club & Hootenanny St. Jerome’s Friday 17 January Folk Song Club P 145 Masterpieces of Comedy Theatre of Arts Dance St. Paul’s Dance W.L.U. Theatre Auditorium Saturday 18 January Private Lives Theatre of the Arts Sunday 19 January Bridge. Club Arts Cafeteria SCM Fireside 225 Lourdes Ave. Wloo. Monday 20 January Music Meeting P 352 Circle K A 212 Tuesday 21 January Music Appreciation Club P 145 IVCF P 130 SCM Lecturer: Dr. Patterson St. Jerome’s Wednesday 22 January ISA Reception Mr. Barber’s Thursday 23 January WINTER FESTIVAL BEGINS Music Appreciation Club P 145 SCM Prof. Talk: Mr. Brodeur A 246’ Folk Dance Club Theatre Workshop Folk Dance Club P 145 Opening of the Art Exhibit / Theatre of the Arts Edith Fowkes and Alan Mills Theatre of the Arts
12:00-l:oo 12:00-l:oo 7:00-9:30 ’
12:oo 8:30 8:30-12:30 9:oo 8:30 1:30-6:00 8:30 4:oo TOO 12:00-l:oo 7:30 8:30 8:00 12:00-l:oo 12:00-l:oo 12:00-l:oo 7:00-9:30 8:00 8:30
Have you considered ’ the opportunities of a career I in sales. actuarial. investment or ad.ministration?. ---
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If so, the representatives of The Mutual Life of Canada would be most pleased to discuss with you further the rewarding of an insurance
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D. E. Weaver, F.L.M.I., Asst. Comptroller Mr. C. A. Cline, MBA, Personnel Asst. will be visiting University of Waterloo
Friday, January31st, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. * Contact your Student Personnel Office for Interview
For 1964
WINTERLAND ‘64 EVENTS Thursday 23 January Art
8:30 p.m. Lecturer - Edith Fowkes Friday 24 January 8:30 p.m. - The Travellers Saturday 25 January 10:00
- 12:00 Lectures
and 2:00 - 4:00 and Folk Song
Alan Mills
8:30 p.m. - Hootenanny Sunday 26 January 8:30 p.m. - Concert by University of Toronto Concert Band I Monday 27 January Richard Rowe Day Tuesday 28 January French Canadian Day 7:30 - French Club Play - “A Louver Meuble” 8:30 - CUS panel discussion, “The Crisis of Confederation” Wednesday 29 January Day of Rest Thursday 30 January Winter Frolic FridFy 31 January 8:30 p.m. - Winterland Ball Saturday 1 February Bridge Tournament lo:30 a.m. - Judging of Snow Sculptures 8:24 p.m. - FASS Night Any tickets for the above Winterland .‘64 events will be available through one of the following by January 13. On Campus: Student Office Theatre of the Arts Office
Life OF CANADA 1869
Annex 1
Arts Building The Bookstore / Engineering Building Downtown Kitchener-Waterloo: George Kadwell’s Schendell Stationery Ltd. Waterloo Square 120 King St. S., Waterloo Landmann’s Bookstore 50 Queen S., Kitchener
8 The Coryphaeur Faculty, ‘Graduate Students, Administration and the Graduating Class of 1964 are cordially invited to attend the Third Annual
$10.00 per couple - white tie Ticket options available at Student Center until 24 Jan .
VICTORIA INN, Stratford 21 February 1964 Dinner’ served at 7~00 p.m.