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WINTERLAND QUEEN -SNOW SCULPTURES St. Jerome’s depiction of Bedrock took the .first prize in the Snow Sculpture competition. Enginaurus, the Engineering ‘67 entry took second place. The judges, Dr. Hagey, Betty Van Haastrecht (reigning {queen), Sandy Baird of the K-W Record, Alderman Frank Hoddle and Art Poleczni, toured the campus in a horse drawn wagon. They made a lunch stop at St. Paul’s,

co-OP 1 MATH q’ The University of Waterloo will introduce a co-operative education programme in honours mathematics this September. This was announced by Dr. Stanton, Chairman of the university’s Mathematics Department and Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, January 29. Twenty-nine companies, including most of the nation’s life insurance companies, have already indicated a willingness to participate in the new program. Computer science and actuarial options will be included in the academic content of the curriculum and students will also receive supervised training with insurance companies and corporations with computer f a&ties. The regular honours mathematics program in the Faculty of Arts and in the Faculty of Science have a large enrolment and will continue to be offered. The co-operative program in honours mathematics will be identical in content, but will stress the actuarial and computer science ,options along with the co-operative feature of alternating academic terms with training terms. 1 The timetable of the new mathemal

Despite the poor weather the judges felt that the sculptures were very well proportioned and were quite skillfully made. The winning one, was especially good for its scope and excellent detail. The beer bottle constructed opposite the cafeteria won commendation for its spiritual qualities. The trophy and plaque for the top two entries will be awarded on Tuesday, February, 1 lth at the performance of Wyt and Science in the Theatre of the Arts.

tics programme will be similar to other co-operative the university’s courses in engineering and applied physics. The university‘s Co-ordination and Placement Department will assist students in obtaining employment for the training terms. All this will permit companies to develop year round training programmes rather than provide short-term summer employment. Students taking ’ an actuarial option will be able to write off a number of Actuarial Society examinations before they graduate as a result of the academic courses and related practical experience. For students specializing in computer science, this will be the first opportunity for high school graduates to begin at the freshman level and prepare themselves for a career in computing and data processing. I I

Last Friday, the Crown Ball Room of the Coronet Motor Hotel, glowed with gaiety and music as the University of Waterloo enjoyed it’s secon’d annual Winterland Ball. Highlight of the evening was? of course, the crowning of the queen. Miss Wendy Suttie, last year’s queen, performed her last official duty by crowning Miss Betty Van Haastrecht as “1964 4 Snow Queen.” Miss Van Haastrecht, one of seven entrants, was selected by the judges on the basis of looks, personality and all-round charm. She is a first year Arts student and was the Faculty of Arts representative in the contest. The dance itself was a success. Under a ceiling of pink and red streamers a crowd of .about 300 swung to the music of the Jack Denton Orchestra. Imported from Toronto, this band proved to be very capable as it supplied an ample variety of music; ranging from the smoothest of waltzes to the liveliest of polkas. The orchestra portrayed a great deal of. finesse in imitating the “big band” sounds and yet had some very pleasing arrangements of its own. ’




Waterloo University College, after A week later Mr. +Jenkins returned two hectic weeks, withdrew their letto answer any further queries they eter of’ resignation from the Canadian had. His eloquent and condescending Union of Students. manner, coupled with an editorial in a WUC tendered their resignation on the Western Gazette which said, “Way January 17th but Dave Jenkins; Na- ’ terloo’s decision to quit CUS strikes tional President of the CUS did not us as rather inmature, emotional and accept it. Mr. Jenkins made a hurnot at all based on sound thinking” ried trip to Waterloo and tried to hit home. get to the root of the problem. He The next evening, January 28th, found the WUC student council walthe WUC student Council voted six lowing in misinformation and ignorto four in favour of a decision to ante. He refuted their arguments and rejoin CUS. then pointed out exactly what CUS was doing. Welcome back to the fold.

For those who didn’t feel like dancing the school’s own “Equestrians” supplied listening type music in the comfortable atmosphere of the Julie Ann Room.




PART-TIME IN GERMANY The German Embassy in Ottawa is arranging three month long “work tours.” Through the Embassy, the student would find a two month position in German hospitals, youth hostels, etc. It is hoped that the student would save enough money during these two months to enable him to


A great deal of credit should go to the people who organized the affair particularly to those responsible for decorations. The ball room never looked better than it did last Friday.

travel through Germany and Europe during his third month. It is also hoped that the students, would go in chartered planes and that their contributions for this trip would” be approximately one hundred dollars.

After the crowning ‘of the queen, the candidates went over to Bingeman Park Lodge where Mary Mixer presented Miss Van Haastrecht.

Students who are interested in such an undertaking, should submit their names to Mrs. Schulze, secretary of the German department before February 10th.

Trump Davidson’s Band provided the music at the lodge and proved very enjoyable. Many people were less pleased with bar facilities, however, which closed at 12:O0.

At the Student Council meeting of January, 29th (see report on page three) the method for nominating people for the Student Council presidency was decided upon. On February 12th, a joint meeting of the incoming and outgoing council will be held. At this meeting, Students’ Council will nominate people for the position. Any student not nominated at this meeting may be nominated by acquiring two hundred signatures (approximately ten percent of the enrollment) before the closing of nominations at five p.m. February 19th. There will be no extension of this date. It was felt by Council that it was

highly desirable that the president have previous experience on council, but that there must also be a check against the formation of a clique. Under the new system, a general discontent of the actions of students’ council, on the part of the students, can be voiced. Anyone wishing to run for presidency, and not on council may pick up the necessary forms in Annex I. A notice will be posted on February 13th on all bulletin boards listing the nominaitons arising from February 12th nomination meeting. The general election will be held on February 28th. *-


editor-in-chief: Dave Clark managing editor: John Conlin news: John MacDonald*, Vic Botari, Dave Campbell, Margaret Shaw, Hennie Smid, Jo Stoody. Jim Newman. sports: Doug Grenkie*, Barry Hauser. photography: George Newton*,

Published by the Undergraduate student body of the University of under the authorization of the Board of Publications. Letters should slty of Waterloo. Phone 7453911. The opinions expressed represent sponsible, autonomous society. subscription rate: $1.00 per year

&&@toria/ The


by JOHN to Fivers


by Roger




Technically speaking, Wyt and Science is a morality play. A brief tracing of the development of drama in England might help to explain the term and help towards an understanding of the play. In ilmost all cultures, the drama has arisen from religious ritual. Greek drama, for example, arose from the ceremonies which surrounded the worship of the god Dionysus. I The English, not to be outdone, began to develop dramatic elements in monasteries during the ninth and tenth centuries. The monks gathered in their churches several times a day to chant the Divine Office, a service of worship based largely on the Psalms. It seems that some, liberalminded monks felt that the singing of the Office should, on special feastdays, be accompanied by a series of actions representing the event being celebrated. As David had danced before the Ark of the Covenant in an act of worship, so these mon s began to act out events from the 7 life of Christ before the altars of their abbey churches. It was not long before the monks decided to go further than physically acting out these events as the Office was chanted. In the Easter celebrations, some of them would have to take the parts of the three Marys who




has just






been launched

,WUS Committee

In response







a campaign



of. the Library has


is the formed,

in this program


in French technical



are especially



The terms of peace plainly decreed by the circumstances of our time include brotherhood, or capacity for co-operation in matters of vital common concern, and world order, with institutions which can act for mankind as a whole. But brotherhood and world order are not a program which, if and when generally adopted, can be put into effect. They are a new creation, a higher stage in the spiritual development of mankind. As long as a traditional culture could extol world peace as a gradual, far-off event, the fatal unpreparedness of our age remained unsuspected. Now atomic armament strips the soul of every pretense. A world perishes because its sectarian and national gods are themselves at war. The crisis which imperils our physical survival, however, is only one aspect of human existence today. The other is spiritual: “That which the Lord hath ordained as the sovereign remedy and mightiest instrument for the healing of all the- world is the union of all its people in one universal cause, one common Faith.” Many influences and conditions make for the formation of limited types of unity race, class, trade or profession but religion alone, in its creative expression, can establish a general unity among diverse peoples. The power of the Baha’i faith to unify the extreme diversity existing today has been demonstrated. By its inherent nature, the faith of Baha’u’llah expresses itself through valid truths rather than through ceremony, ritual and dogma. These truths offer a spiritual and social basis for life in a world society. The Baha’i goal is not one more church, but the regeneration of people and their participation in a united community. The divine force emanating from true religion raises man from the animal to the spiritual realm. Good character, understanding and cooperation flow from this transformation of man’s being, while outer conformity to conventional codes breaks down at the first crisis.

any books donated, or’ non-fiction,



of Students’


From this movement of the drama out of -the churches arose ’ two new types of plays - the mysteries and the moralities. The mystery plays were still considered to be acts of worship, but they were of a less restrained nature. These plays, which



With the birth of the faith of Baha’u’llah, a power entered human life able to reverse the long historic trend toward division and disunity, and establish a principle of union around which can gather persons of good will from all the races, creeds and nations. This gathering has produced the world community of Baha’is. They practice their religion through the promotion of constructive principles which reveal the possibility of an organically unified world.

the University


or academic,

Gradually,. however, the intimate connections between these dramatizations and the monastic services of worship showed signs of separation. Particularly exuberant inhabitants of the monasteries began to feel that their, services inside the churches. If, for instance, they wanted to make out Noah’s wife as a shrew and to show her beating her husband, they could not do this in the church. Precisely how the liturgical plays were taken outside of the churches, and hence out of the formal acts of worship, we do not know, but suddenly we /find that the manuscripts begin to appear in a strange language not like that used by the monks in their Office and Mass.


can take part

as those

needed; however,

went to the tomb to anoint Christ’s body. Not content with merely posting a notice that a certain monk was to represent, say, Mary Magdalen, they began to costume the actors so that their roles would be immediately recognizable. The monks’ choirbooks by this time were much changed. They had added stage directions right alongside the ancient chants.


of Algiers.

and scientific



of aid by donating

books to help restock


and books.


dents at this university


and “is

of several

with texts and other


of ‘the rebuilding

in the WUS

are the supplying

as well


of the University been







to help Alger-

appealing, for both money Other




education. projects


by the

to an appeal





of the University

by the Algerians,


It is fitting at this time to p,ay tribute to the people who have worked, and some of them very hard, for the betterment of the University of Waterloo. I would like to pick out two to pay special thanks to. First and foremost is our present Students’ Council president, Jim Kraemer. Not only has he led council in their work, but he has been constantly on duty for his university and for the student body. At the recent Ontario Provincial Conference of the Canadian Union of Students (his own brainchild) his performance gained the respect of every university in attendance. At the conclusion of the OPC/CUS the vicepresident of the U of T’s Student Administrative Council said that she now considered the University of Waterloo on an equal plane with Toronto. Need I say more? Dave Smith has had so I many positions while at this university it would be prohibitive to list them here. He has spent long hours on innumerable committees and councils and on many behind the scenes activities, always working toward the ultimate goal of the best of his fellow student. Gentlemen, we applaud you.



books to Aid Algerian

A Tribute


member: Canadian University


Security and peace call for a new order of human relations throughout the world. No people today can build a private haven behind mountains, over seas or within the cloisters of its own chosen faith. Our new condition of complete inter-dependence compels mankind to accept the operation of a common destiny. To be won for any people, peace and security must be won for all. Realization of the terms which this common destiny imposes marks the birth of maturity and spiritual understanding in modern man.

Waterloo and its affiliated Colleges be addressed to the Editor, Univerthe freedom of expression of a re-



This editorial does not pertain to horse racing. It is aimed toward the group of students at this university, and there are close to two thousand of them, who arrive on campus for their first class of the day and leave when the last class is over. Please do not misinterpret me - we need people like this in our ’ society. Ditchdiggers, shop clerks, factory workers and most unskilled jobs require people who will not think and not take part in any more activity than the job at hand requires. However, these people are not needed at a university. A university is a place where you can get training and experience in many diverse fields, apart from the academic. This university in particular gives wide scope as it is still in its formative stages. There are many chances for a permanent mark to be left by the students who choose to do so. “I have no time,” is the excuse of an imbecile. There are many jobs at this institution that need take no more than half an hour per week. Put down your cards and coffee cups and do something for this university.


Humphrey, George Welsh. advertising: Jim Carrothers. CUP: Tom Rankin. circulation: Richard Rowe. board of publications chairman: Murray French. *department editor

Ken Brown, David Dolman, Pierre Gagne, Alan Price. layout: Jim Nagel*, Michael Edwards, ,Macey Skopitz, Eric Taylor. illustrations: Marian Harwood. features: Art Anderson*, Pat Culp, Jeff Evans, Dave Grafstein, Fran

be very may

topical much


be left in the





departed rather freely from Scriptural accounts both in action and in chrcracterization, were written so as to represent, when collected into a series (or cycle), the whole of Christian time from the Fall of Lucifer to the Day of Judgment. Perhaps the most important single difference between the liturgical plays and those of the mystery cycles was the chant, an integral part of the former but completely absent from the latter. Although the mystery plays were filled with a rollicking, sometimes vulgar, comedy, they were still performed for the purpose of edification. Another kind of play, called the morality, developed at this time. One of the best known moralities is Everyman, a play which, on the surface, is about someone named Everyman who tries to find one of his old friends (such characters as Fellowship, Kindred, Cousin, Goods, Konwledge and Strength) who will be his companion as he goes to meet Death. An allegory such as this delighted audiences then just as it delights people today who enjoy a play such as Arthur Miller’s The Death of a Salesman in which the principal character, Willy Loman, is a modern Everyman. Wyt and Science, written about 1530 by a choirmaster, John Redford is a less well-known morality. It is an allegory, like Everyman but deals

For example, the need for independent investigation of truth;- the equality of opportunity, rights and privileges for both sexes; the condemnation of all forms of prejudice which perpetuate social barriers; acceptance of the performance of useful work through trade, are or profession as a form of worship; the need for an auxiliary international language; extension of the federal principle to include all peoples and governments, to refer only to a few of the Baha’i teachings. !The present condition of the world was forseen by the founder of the Baha’i faith a century ago. “The vitality of men’s belief in God is dying out in every land; nothing short of his wholesome medicine can ever restore it.” Warning that the decay of faith would lead to chaos, he said: “This, indeed, is a chastisement which ye, of your own will, have inflicted upon yourselves could ye but perceive it.” The moral decay has indeed overtaken a world which long ago abandoned the laws and principles revealed by the great prophets and as a result misuses the new powers and responsibilities entrusted to it today. .A, long historic era has come to an end; the prophet bf the new era is Baha’u’llah, and the faith he has revealed assures the victory of justice and peace. “He who is your Lord, the All-Merciful, cherisheth in his heart the desire of beholding the entire human race as one soul and one body. ” “All men have been created to carry forward an ever-advancing civilization. The Almighty bear ‘me witness: To act like the beasts of the field is unworthy of man. Those virtues that benefit his dignity are forbearance, mercy, compassion and loving-kindness toward all the peoples ‘and kindreds of the earth.” “The fundamental purpose animating the faith of God and his religion is to safeguard the interests of the human race, and to foster the spirit of love and fellowship amongst men.” The meaning of the Baha’i faith becomes evident from consideration of these basic truths: Religion is a divine creation, established through the mission of the great prophets. Revelation is continuous and progressive, forming successive stages in the unfoldment of the one eternal faith of God. Each prophet has appeared at the hour of man’s direst need, when materialism has darkened the shinning glory of true spiritual understanding and men have become subjected to oppression and dissension, renewing the spirit of faith and revealing truth in the measure of the capacity of the time.

with learning, not salvation. As such it is a product of the influence of the English Renaissance on the writing of plays. In the Renaissance movement generally there was a tremendous surge of interest in learning and

scholarship. Thus, in Wyt and Science we have a teacher’s play written for students. Though seriously intended it makes its point with comedy, song and dance. It was written to be performed by students on an open stage.

‘. I


by G. WHIZ I realize it sounds like a Shelley Berman bit, I realize that - but it’s true. I had figured’ on twenty - twenty-five people at the outside. Instead there was about 8, guitars, 3 banjos, 4 ukes and an audience of forty five feet-tapping hell raisers. No, no, I wasn’t uncomfortable. After a while you get used to standing on an end table. Who told you I that? It’s not true, the people downstairs couldn’t have slashed their wrists. I saw them this morning at the desk. The desk? You don’t r know? Well, I’ll tell you about it in a bit. No, I didn’t find a blue sock but there were three scarves, a pair of pale ‘blue panties, a duffle coat and this girl who wouldn’t leave the top shelf of the linen closet. Wasn’t that precious? Yeah, John MacIsaac - missed the driveway completely and went over one edge. Missed putting it through the basement apartment window by inches. Then he had a flat tire and his jack wouldn’t work. Blocked the driveway for an hour. That’s right, that’s what all the horn blowing was about. O.M.L. came about 4:30 a.m. /’




How about those boys? Movers from the word go. No, I’d never seen them before. Freinds of the guys next door. Nothing was sacred to them. Yeah, that’s why the landlady never made an appearance. They grabbed her and took her into their place. \ ‘* * Haven’t heard a thing about it. Som$ody borrowed it to go to eight o’clock Mass and I haven’t seen it since. I know it was only a ‘53 Ford but it’s the only car I have. True, true. A car you can live witho,ut but the refrigerator’s another thing. I kid you not, and our last thirty pounds of baloney was inside too. * * Well, from where I zood on the end table it looked like the Birmmgham jail after the negroes had taken over the country. But it was a good crowd. Gh no, she was only grazed; it was some guy behind her who took it right on the forehead. Well, what’s one wasted bottle of beer? The guy? I think it was Paul Beam. What do you mean the bottle wasn’t wasted? * * * I Funny? I don’t know, sort of unpleasant really. I mean, we’ve flushed that thing hundreds of times with no trouble and it never acted up before. Clean it? Yeah, with my roomates’ bedclothes. No, no, I doubt if they’ll even notice the difference.. * * * more than anything It shouldn’t be too difficult L inconvenient else. If was fairly close to the scho<ol and the rent was pretty reasonable. Well that’s what I say too. You’re only -young once. C’mon down as soon as you can. That’s right, $100.00. Ask for Sgt. Swartzhoeker ~ when you get here. Fine, O.K., thanks very much. , * I


This was the opinion egpressed by two other people who were present during 1the conversation “between the student and the officer. The student has not been identified. The student was said to have been asked to pass on to the RCMP any information which could be useful to the police; in effect, setting up a “spy” system on the campus. (


Mat Fiorito, who took part in the conversation told a reporter, “It is true that the RCMP officer offered a business card to the student, but I think the student misinterpreted the offer.” When asked of the circumstances of the meeting, he replied, “I am convinced it was a chance meeting between the two and it was lneither a direct nor overt attempt by the RCMP to recruit a spy.” Another man who sat in on the conversation had previously known all the parties involved and said that he believed the student had blown it all out of proportion. The issue came into public debate last month when the student disclosed the details of the meeting before the students’ council. ,It led to a query in the House ‘of Commons yielding, a reply which was supported by The Carillon’s findings.


Photography confesf

REGINA (CUP) - A Regina campus student was not telling the absolute truth concerning an alleged approach on himself by an RCMP security and investigation officer according to a story in The Carrion, student newspaper of Regina Camp-


Responding to a last minute chalThe student when asked for a reac-’ lenge a University of Waterloo Boat declared, The Photography Club of the UniRacing team (assembled on short no- _ tion to these statements versity of Waterloo is holding its tice) went down to a narrow defeat “Nonsense! Neither of the two perfirst photography contest. at the hands of the K-W Record boat sons who made these statements were racers. The Record team of Stanton, present for the majority of the conThe rules are as follows: Wilson, Hebert, and Crerar outslopversation and therefore can’t make 1) The contest is open to all mem- 1 ped their rivals by a 3/ 10’s of a seany valid ajudgement !’ cond to win the Carling Trophy. bers of the faculty, staff and student Saunders, Sullivan, Olan and Carbody. I rothers, pressed into service’ at the 2) Subject matter is unrestricted. last moment, hadn’t quite mastered Student Co”ncii the art of dribbling half the contents 3) Print Size - 5x7 and up of their glass in to their beards. The , Posjtipn of 4) Print to be mounted on the next more. experienced (at dribbling) Resize bristle board; e.g. 8x10 print is cord team were past masters of the Sec.-Treas. Approved to be mounted on an 11x14 piece of art of getting more on the outside At the Students’ Council meeting bristle board. than the inside. A protest seemed in held January 29th, a motion was pasorder but coach French of the Water5) The maximum number of entries sed approving the hiring of a perloo team decided a challenge on neuper entrant is five prints and/or five manent secretary-treasurer. His duties tral ground would settle an ’ doubts. slides. will be many but primarily he will The winning time for the Pour man lighten the burdens of the president, one bottle each was 6) All entries must be left by 5:bO team drinking I take over the bookkeeping, and deal 14.3 seconds. p.m., Friday, March 6, 1964 at the with the everyday correspondence. general office of the campus centre, In the individual championship Advertisements will now be placed Annex I. for this position and the hiring will I run-offs Jim Carrothers of the Uni7) All entrants who are not members versity pulled a major upset over a be done through the personnel deof the photography club are required partment of’ the university. large field of participants. ,After a to pay a 50~ entry fee. nervous start in the first round (3.2 The treasurers report showed a deFor those entrants who are unable seconds) Jim settled down to 3.0 se- ficit of six hundred and fifty dollars. to mount their prints, the PhotoThere are, however several thousand conds flat on, his second try. This graphy Club will mount the prints dollars on hand, and not included, in was more than enough to cop indivand charge the entrants for any cost the report as the money has not ‘ofincurred. idual honours and the Dow Brewery ficiallv - come in. k_ I Award. Once more the general problem of ATTENTION There will be an attempt soon to parking came into the limelight. A ENGINEERING GRADS. report ’ on the University Discipline hold time trials for an official UniGrad Photo Proofs Committee revealed that members of Must Be Returned To ’ versity of Waterloo team. We have the faculty were unwilling and have Annex I y already been /challenged by different in fact refused to pay fines for park_Sitting No. S 300-350 Mon. Feb. 10 district teams so watch the bulletin ing infractions. In the discussion that f Sitting No. S 350-400 Tue. Feb. 11 boards for time and place. followed, council endorsed the imI

Wh’af is fhb laureate

The Laureate Society (meaning! those decked or invested with laurel?) was formed in 1961 under Marybeth Boon with ‘Dean Walters as faculty advisor. It was designed to act as the official voice of women on campus and to act as a female counterpart of the Circle K Club, but with no outside affiliation. However due to a general lack of -support and awareness they have had little effect. This year’s officers are: Judy Bauld, president; Jean Macklin, dent; Susan Nicols, treasurer; Margie Brown, secretary.



As of 15 January, the Laureate Society ‘has a non-voting member on Students’ Council which will enable them to keep in better contact with the general events. It will also provide the Laureate Society with the opportunity to act as official hostesses for university events. But the big effort of the year is still to come. On the last weekend in February they are sponsoring a three day twirp season (‘Ihe Woman Is Required To Pay) starting at the crack of dawn on the Thursday. They do not seem to be too eager to give out with many specific details as they have a BIG secret up their sleeve which they are not wont to divulge. Have you, ever heard of a woman keeping a secret? Apparently, though, if you watch the Coryphaeus, they will be giving out hints from time to time. On the Thursday night, they will sponsor entertainment in the theater while on Friday night they move into the, great outdoors for a tobogganing party with goodies afterwards in the arts coffee shop. On Saturday night, the affair winds up with a pajches dance at Seagram Gym. The event is designed to show the men on campus ate Society on campus.

Whiter Honey,


I tell you it’s perfectly

I don’t know.


I’m afraid.

, But I still keep thinking Aw, honey, as you have.

that there is a Laure/

, ’

But honey, ‘people have, tried it and they’ve just this, afternoon I saw two people . . . .

shown ’

that it’s safe.



it might break.

you can trust me. I’ve got just as much \

out loud,

it isn’t

to lose if’ it breaks

going to break. That inches thick: Now

Hi-Ii&s position of fines and felt that they should apply- to everyone parking on campus, no matter what their position. Prof. Handa of the Civil Engineering Dept. enlightened council on the actions of the Canadian University Students <Overseas (CUSO) and urged them to send a letter to the government requesting monetary aid for the * organization. CUSO, Prof. Handa pointed out, is the equivalent of the US Peace Corp except that it is run on a smaller scale. Council acted on the suggestion (originally put forth by Western) and will send a letter to the Dept. of External Affairs. \ I z Other were:


of the


A decision to send a letter to the R egistrars office urging a final exam timetable to be brought out a month before exams; ! A report by Bruce Koepke on a seminar attended last fall. A subsequent discussion on seminars in genera1 resulted in a general feeling that

have a fit about that

ice is at \ least six ’ put on your skates’

an~h~Wi!~~ :oEFtzt underway ‘on Thursday night with skating on The Pond, which had frozen just in time after a long thaw. Skaters were , able to warm themselves at a bonfire on the shore nearby, or by any additional means available. Although a few wineskins were in evidence, it \ appeared that most people came to skate. The party


over to St. Jer- , the skaters were joined ‘by those who hadn’t felt up to braving the night air. Disc-jockey, Albert Longo, caught the mood of the crowd (after a few n&-starts and the results was the swingin’est dance since initiation weekend. The Frolic was well attended by off-campus students as well as the regular residence crowd. Those who worked on the dance and the skating party , are to be complimented\ on providing . -an enJOyable evening. ome’s at about 9 : 30 where

’ more people events;

should ‘be sent to such

A decision to underwrite the 1Ukranian Club to the extent of one hundred and fifty-two dollars for a concert of Ukranian, Music on February 21st.

Thursday 6 February 1964 \


. /’





Well, I guess it probably would be safe, but Daddy would if it broke and he found out. He especially told me to be careful when I went out with you tonight.

I ,


But just what does the Laureate Society do? They help with the orientation of freshettes, giving teas for them, tours, and helping find accommodation. They have submitted designs for pins and blazers (a sample of blazers is now on campus). They are also in charge of the women’s lounge. ’

\ /


Have you women on campus ever thought that you needed an official voice on campus? Have you ever wanted to unite against the male population? Well, believe it or not, you do have such a voice - the Laureate Society.



DOUG and




Varsity action coming up this week looks really exciitng. Our basketball team plays Western at Seagram Stadium tomorrow, with a Pioneer game first. Tonight our hockey team takes on University of Toronto Blues in the Waterloo Arena. The score when we played the Blues in Toronto ,was 5-4, and we nearly tied them in the dying seconds. The game tonight should be a real thriller; let’s have a packed arena. Next hockey for the Warriors is at McMaster on Wednesday 12 February. It doesn’t take long to drive down there to watch some tremendous hockey and to cheer on our team. t

Where are the GIRLS in the Tuesday league? Come on,’ girls i you’re letting your teams down! Tuesday 28 January: Hill 8, Amon 5---Kerr 17, Busch 3-Dolman 6Schnarr 5-Purnis 10, Dietrich 1. Thursday 30 January: Schnarr 12, Heintz 2-Treloar 5, Kerr’ 3-Hill 9, Butt 4,-Scott 9, Chase 2.

Our track team goes to Hamilton Saturday for a tournament with McMaster. The only’ events will be the 50 yards with Ian Ferguson .and Tom Allen, 300 yards with Jim Parker, 600 yards with Ross Prentice, and the shotput with Tex Houston. Tex will be trying to further the 45;foot record he set in Maple Leaf Gardens.


The new. Canadian Intercollegiate Athletics Newsletter just came out. We don’t know whether to laugh or to be utterly disgusted with their feeble efforts. They did move Waterloo into fifth position of the ten basketball teams in the nation. But the number of boobs they made is pitiful. For instance, at Maple Leaf Gardens, Wayne Houston threw the shotput “six feet, two inches” - the high jump mark. Tex increased the shotput record by /over three feet, but this was not even mentioned. According to the newsletter we have only a 4-O record, when we have won (five plus.

Engineering St. Paul’s Science Arts Renison St. Jerome’s

What is the matter with the girls. in the residences? Don’t you want to take part in athletics? Your participation in the organized women’s intramural events is disgraceful to say the least. If you were to organize yourself in each college, you might be able to give the university girls some competition, We hope the attitude is not “Why bother?” -

University Resident

We have a complaint and some criticism against St. Paul’s basketball teams. Throughout the one intramural game one could hear that haunting, almost forgotten sound known as laughter. Irreverent voices sounded “Which way are we going?” “What the hell is the crazy wire hoop for?” “Cheez! Don’t we even get shoulder pads?“’ One suspects that the St. Paul’s boys play basketball purely for enjoyment. We think it’s disgraceful - especially in this age of deep-thinking morbidness - that they should have so much fun.

IEEE Student Branch

Taylor Statten

Elections for the student’s branch of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers were held on campus on 16 January. G. Muehle was elected chairman; M. Clarke, V. McGrath, secrevice-chairman; tary and W. Ormerod, treasurer.


Student membership provides opportunities for individual growth through participation in meetings and\ programes. Its principle activities are scientific and educational; Its aims include the advancement of electrical engineering, electronics, radio, and allied branches of engineering. New members are always welcome at the meetings of the local student branch.


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lNTRA/b’llJRAl .BASKETBAll The engineers nearly took St. Jerome’s by surprise in the first of three intramural basketball games played last Monday 27 January. Before the final buzzer had gone, the engineers had fought to a 29-29 tie, only to lose the close contest by two points. Science easily outclassed St. Paul’s C in the second game, but the Uniteds did manage to score more often than their brothers did the week before. Science won 55-17. In the final match St. Paul’s couldn’t help winning. The B team beat the A team 27-19. ’ Harold Dietrich.

BASKETBALL , The Lancers (Windsor) downed the Warriors 107-81 in last Saturday’s basketball game at Windsor. Scoring for Waterloo was Raphael 28, Pando 16, Aldridge 12, Demko 12, Balahura 6, Hann 6, and Steinberg 1. High scorers for Windsor were Freismuth 18, Brow 16, and Muzzuchin 16. The Warriors scored on 32% of their shots, sinking a record number of points against the strong Windsor team’ A return match is scheduled 26th of this month.

McGill was ahead 5-O at the end of the first period which was cut short due to an injury to McGill’s goalie. The last five minutes of the first period were tacked on to the second period. Jn this lengthened period the Warriors picked up their two goals. Stan Sharman got one assisted by Don Mervyn and Mervyn got the other one unassisted. The rest of the game was all McGill. Over the weekend Don Mervyn picked up 3 points to keep him in the contention for the O.Q.A.A. hockey scoring race. Last Friday at Queen’s the Warriors blew a 3-l first period lead. In the second period Durnam watched nine goals float past and also managed to pick up a minor and a lo-minute misconduct. He was replaced in the 3rd period. Bill Colbin paced Queen’s with 4 goals, George Hishikawa and John Van Brunt each got two while singles went to Larry Pinsmore, Murray Mitchell, Larry Windover, John Hay and Larry Jones of Queen’s. For the Warriors it was Lawless leading the scoring with three goals. Terry Cook accounted for two and singles went to Cam Brewer, Jim Massie and Stan Sharman. The Warriors are now tied for last place with Queen’s each having two points. ”

INTRAMURAL -HOCKEY St. Jerome’s proved an efficient team last Thursday. They scored one goal in the first period, one in the second, and two in the third, to shutout the Engineers 4-O. /St. ,Paul’s C team showed up with only seven men in the second game against Arts. Since not even the NHL players can last a full game on the ice, a second-period score of only 3-l for Arts indicated a surprisingly strong St. Paul’s team. But in the third period the Hull-Mikita equivalent for Arts finally unwound: Brian “Hull” Boehmer netted five goals and Terry “Mikita” Joyce scored four. The final score: Arts 12, St. Paul’s 1. Harold

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HAMILTQN (CUP) - Dr. H. G. Thode, McMaster University president, ruled last Wednesday that Bitter Ash could not be shown on campus at the end of the month because it had not been approved by the Ontario Censor Board. Tuesday, Toronto minister Reverend H. A. M. Whyte wrote letters of protest to Dr. ‘Thode and Hamilton Mayor Victor Copps. The film is produced by Larry Kent, a student, who was in Toronto last week to publicize the film. (Executives of the Student Christian Movement, U of T, saw the film Tuesday and plan to show it publicly in February). Rev. Whyte said: “I’m a minister of the Gospel who has had considerable experience in helping people recover themselves from seeing the portrayal of acts which are not clean . . . A young Christian man should avoid contact with the vulgar and liscentious. Every Christian minister when he marries a man and woman into a state of secret holy wedlock and any portrayal of the sex act outside of holy wedlock is forbidden by the Bible.” The Silhouette, McMaster student paper, in an editorial said: “The president’s cancellation w& prompted by a simple and sensible consideration of the existant law in this province. Any film of 16 mm or more shown in Ontario is subject to the approval of the Ontario Board of Censors. “Though very few films are viewed by the Board attention can be brought to trouble makers to a showing and prosecution for pornography can follow. The Bitter Ash is in the eyes of many pornographic and the administration is therefore wise in avoiding unpleasant and wasteful involvement over this film until some ruling has been heard from the Cen\ sors .” The film runs for 87 minutes and has been seen by students at UBC, University of Saskatchewan and McGill University. Carleton University will show it this week and U of T the following week. Mr. Kent has been unable to find a Toronto theatre willing to show his picture even after suggested editing of the film had been made.

FORMER CUS PRES. ON CABINET A former president of the Canadian Union of Students, Maurice Sauve, has been named to the Federal cabinet. Mr. Sauve was NFCUS National President in 1946-47, and was the President of the World Assembly of Youth from 11949 until 1952. The 40-year-old MP for ‘Iles-de-la Madelaine has been named Minister of Forestry in the re-organized Federa1 cabinet.

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1 I ‘1


fliiio Siatibtsanda Si44et FASS NITEN,

On February 1st the / second annual Thursday 6 February ‘\\ I FASS Night was held. ‘The amalgaIVCF P 131 12:oo Jock MacKay directed the construction of our snow sculpture mation of the talents from faculty, Stereo Club ’ P 145 12:OO administration, students and staff (sabretoothed tiger) for the Winter, Carnival (I believe the corresponding Folk Dance Club LTheatre ,Workshop 12:00-l:oo proved to a packed theatre that charevent in Toronto is called Spring Thaw.) ’ Prof. Talk A-246 , 12:00-l:oo ity certainly can be enjoyable, ‘for / Following the creation of the second “frat” on the upper boys’ Folk Dance Club ’ FASS Night this year could only/ be floor, there was a big STINK (i.e. both’ Johns were “BOMBED,” if Hootenanny following St. Jerome’s ~ 7:00-9:30 described as a howling success. you know what I mean.) The two groups are’ the “NOTHING” boys IVCF P 145 7:30 The evening opened with a superb and the Alonzo Stagg Club. (Historical Note: Alsy Stagg coached footFriday 7 February rendition of our national anthem or ball at the U. of Chicago, before ,it was cancelled as an interschool Folk Song Club 1P150 . ,12:00 rather lack of one and the traditional sport there, in the 1930’s.) The Stagg Club is the older group and as Philosophy Club 8:00 Fass requirement for perfection was’ such already has sweatshirts and a “programme.” Saturday 8 February evident in the precision of the kickTuesday night, Dr. Vaughn, Secretary of Secondary Schools was Chamber Music Theatre 8:00 line. Dr. Fryer attired in leaderhosen chapel speaker and guest at a formal dinner, which jest happened to be Sunday 9 February , ’ and ski boots set the pace with his steak that night. Dr. Hall explained, however, that ,we don’t Ihave’ steak I Bridge Club Arts Cafeteria ’ 1:30-6ibO “letter from university.” every meal, because some of the students prefer bacon and eggs for Monday 1’0 February The Singing, Nonesklead by sister breakfast. . . . . English Society E-275 c 5:00:6:30‘ Paul Beam momentarily raised the Qne more thing: I’d like to serve notice to that group . . . . . that Circle K A-212 5:oo ,8 atmosphere of the theatre to a spiritwanted to do, as their snow sculpture, ‘fDr. Stanton ,on the Road to Wyt and Science Theatre 890 ual plane with three stirring selecDamascus” that, as par as we’re concerned, St. Paul’s has first claim on Tuesday 11 February tions.,! But the spirituality was not to that Damascus theme . . . . . i ._ a -Jeff. IVCF sP-13 1 : 12:oo last long for Sir Dudley Strump, adRussian Club : A-216 12:oo \ St. Jerome’s \ , mirably portrayed by Prof. Diem Baha’i Faith Faculty Lounge Arts Building 8:00 In All Modesty..... , .>>: ;.:.:. sought to illustrate the need and’ prac:::* Wyt and Science Theatre 8:00 Do you feel cheap and shoddy, that you just don’t rate? Do you :::::: :::::: tical application of geography in our :g; Mardi Gras’ Dance / St. Jerome’s I lo:oo feel, weird standing around without a head? Well then, you couldn’t >y.. world today. :::::: :::::: be one of St. Jerome’s snow sculptures, because you won the contest. vednesday 12 February :::::: The interests of folk music were .-.-.. :::::: IVCF P 131 , 12:oo Yes S;J.C., you’ve done it again. Why,, winning has ,become a regular .:.:*: ::::> 1 well represented throughout the even:+:. EIC C-5 12:oo :::::: tradition around here. :::::: ing by two dance selections choreo.:.:.: Student Council Joint Meeting 7:30 And while’ we’re talking about winning, I should mention that it :::::: ::::\ ’ graphed by Ian Ferguson and Marty :.:.:. :::::: Thursday 13 February ’ was one of the Notre /Dame girls who was chosen to be”queen;, but .:.:.: Kravitz and by the music of Ted i:>> Folk Dance Club Theatre *Workshop then, that was inevitable with four St. Jerome’s Notre-Dame girls in .*.*.* 12:00-l:oo $3 Chase and Mitch Levine. Both de:.:.:. I ,’ Prof. Talk A-246 :::::: 12:00-l:oo competition. :::::: served credit for one of the better :Z$$ IVCF P’ 131 Monday, and Tuesday Wyt and Science will be presented. After 12:oo ’ :::::: performances of the evening. :::::: :::::: Folk Dance Club the performance Tuesday night, there’ll be a Mardi Gras Dance at St. .ff’ :z$:: The students in the audience were :::::: And Hootenanny ’ St. Jerome’s, , Jerome’s. All you S.J.C. people are invited to get costumes and come. 7:00-9:30 :Z$$ .a.*.* made to feel at home with the arrival .v,v$a vmzb++**++ ~+++w~~wmm )(~llb(l(n8tl((l(((.((llt(tr(t(( tbb~b~~~~~bo~11~(().I~,1.. *~~~tl.,tE~o,,*,,; ,,,,,,,,~~,,,,,,,,,,,,~~~,,~,~~~~~, )td(ll((~((~((ll~‘~l~~~~.l~~k,,.tt ~+~t(.(t))*((((.((1)*~~~~~~~~....~.,..,~~.~~~.~.~,,,.,,,~,~,,.,,,,,,,,,*,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, x!e!~!~‘~ P.S. If you come to see our snow sculpture be sure to see the +A+ +.+A+.* --&-..).1~uJ*LL(~.U~Lu.~~.~~ s”“.tLltJ3.1.Lt.~.~.l~.~~-~~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.b.~.~.-~~~~,~,,~.,~,~~~,~-~.~~~~~~~,.~~~~.,.~., -u&Uof Bloomfield. He immediately work, doorknob on the house; I made it. -Vic. ed a few miracles for the benefit of I the non believers. Jackie Stone was Renison By this time, th.e results of the elections of the Renison House outstanding as Sister Bloomfield, the I ’ Ladies’ Lingerie and cooperative Arts student, before and Council for 1964-65 wilL be known. Even if the candidates of your Sportswear MURRAY S. ‘MUNN choice were not chosen by the majority of the students, it must be after, and the torch bearer. admitted that the campaigns were well-run, the posters impressive, and Dr. Stone, Dr. Capindale, and Don 18 King St., N. Waterloo Carter, the Butterbird sisters, proved the enthusiasm engaging. Perhaps the University Students’, Council Ycould take a few hints in this respect from Rension and work ‘up a themselves not only to’ be “well endowed” comedien(ne)s but .also the campaign worthy of a university. SINGLE ROOM I possessors of pleasing voices. It has bren decided to boost the rates for living in residence next ’ University$ Ave. ’ I_ The Bookstore skit was one of the year by $50. Consequently, a number of former resident students ,will Id All Cooking\ Facilities ‘: highlights of the evening. Mrs. Fisher be forced (by financial means) to find their own way in the cruel was never funnier, her girls were nevFrig and Stove’ etc. . world of landladies, housekeeping and rent-paying. However, the proser smilier, and Dr. McKegney was pect does not appear too dim in the light of curfews, housemothers, Apply 189 Albert St.,,’ \ and ‘late night pizza parties. Who knows, maybe a few fraternities and never handsomer. You can Room and. Board for approximately Speaking of good looks, the second ~ sororities could make living off campus a bit *more exciting. -Fran. 5~~~~..“““““‘.-,..............................................*.,................................,....~.............~.................~............. *.e.*.*.fe.e \ -*.+.*.*.*.*.*.-..f...................................~........................................................ -****-f****+*1.-f-**.*.**..*..........*.*.*.a ......f..,..............~~... .......‘..............f........................................................... ...... ...2.. ..Jt...s .......A........,... .........I..........................................f..............................,.................,....................... .... $14.00 a week. ~‘f++..+............................. )-........., third of the show was MCed by Mr. ...,..............,..............,..................... ..*....a...................... ...............*.....*.... ....................f............................. .........*.......*....*.................-............*.. Adlington. Dave Morrel proved himself to be a competent entertainer although his monologue was weak and his voice did not carry as well as it could have.’ What he lacked in audibilihy, Prof. Qualters and his madmen made up , for. Mr. Adlington was heard to rej “If anybody ever has the opportumark, “They’re doing, it for fun; if nity to ‘attend Gerald Moore’s lectureyou do it for credits, it is called_ recital, ‘The Accompanist Speaks,’ let Political Science.” him not miss it, even if a long, jourPenny Glasser’s selections were ney is involved on foot, with peas in some of the most pleasing moments was The Manchester the boots,” of the show while the Board of Pubs Guardian’s recent reaction to the solo skit was typical of an average day in efforts of the great English accom- I the Board-of pubs office. * ‘pani&, wit, raconteur, and authdr of The “try to speak English” dia’ note. Moore will appear here on Frilogue between’ Mr.,i.Adlington and Dr. The program he will day l,4 February. Fryer was very entertaining asI was present, based on his long experience Cookie’s Karati. in accompanying artists * both, great A special mention ; should be made and not-so-great, has been called by of the two co-producers of the show The London Tinies “as hilariously - .Sue Perb afid Grafstem B. Defunny as it is ‘artistically profound.” Mille, to Russ Collins, to all those When he played in’ Town Hall, The behind the scenes ‘and to Circle K New Yolk Times commented: “Wit who made FASS night a fantastic ’ My blue-print for and erudition- are rare companions. night. The profits ‘of the night were But last night Gerald Moore- combinsuccess is g plannec$ savings donated to the Sunshine ‘Home for ed both with //sensitive musicianship Crippled Children. . and, a generous gift for grotesque programme at mimicry which had his audience tit-’ Moore is at the piano, everyone knows it from the start. So celebrat; tering and guffawing as it absorbed ed has this $6-year-old Londoner be-’ the essentially ’ serious IIthings Mr. .come that in reviewing a badly sung Moore had to’ say . . . One of the recital, the music critic of The Manfinest artists irl his field took listeners ., OF chekter Guard&z wrote: “The only , into his workshop, and they discover@WCZdd~W~d&Sclaate way to make these concerts attractive \ed the most astonishing entertaining figure at the piano, its attention to musicians is to announce ,them as I ment.” ’ : is diverted only at the end, when the ’ ‘Accompanist Recital by Gerald As a rule: nobody pays much atQ big step on, the road to success is an early banking connection star graciously indicates with a bow ’ Moore,’ and at the’ foot of the bill, tention to the accompanist. The singIJI-59 or wave’ of the hand that the recital in small type habitually used for acer or instrumental- virtuoso dominates ’ Ugiversity Avenue & Philip Street Office . \the scene, and while the audience is was’ not simply a solo effort. But companists’ names, put ‘At the Voice; ,, when the burly, bushy-eyebrowed Miss -. just ‘about aware of the accompanyE. G. (Ted) qOkGAN, Offic& in charge

St. Paul’s








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