COUNCIL UPHEAVAL Academic hell struck the of this year’s Student Council. them was the President, Jim Gail and vice-president, President Mitchell officially 1 due to on September
majority Among Mitchell Rappolt . resigned academic
pressure. Furthermore, only four of this year’s Students’ Council were returning to university out of ten elected or acclaimed last year. The programmes for this term were faultering. Something had to be done. Therefore, on recommendation from Jim Mitchell, President Hagey of the University of Waterloo appointed a special Pro Tern Advisory Committee to Students’ Council composed of both faculty and students. This committee is an advisory committee only and makes recommendations to the Student Council. Since most members were not returning, it was necessary to appoint a temporary council. The Dean of each faculty was requested to appoint students to fill these vacancies until an election could be held. The Pro Tern Advisory Committee to S.C. has already recommended that the election be held at the end of October. Furthermore, they are ensuring that this year’s feasible programmes are being carried on. Dr. Batke, Chairman of this committee, sees it as a representative committee of students and faculty established for the development of Students’ Council. According to Dr. Batke the purpose of the committee is not to discourage participation in student activities but to encourage
students to enter into these fields and help share the load of student affairs which Jim Mitchell, Jim Kramer, and Dave Young have been trying to carry on this past summer. Dick Van Veldhuisen, acting President of Students’ Council, said he welcomes this Pro Tern Advisory Committee since it brings experienced faculty, who have faced many of these same problems, into helping the students. ,
CommitteeFormed Dick Van Veldhuisen, Acting President of Students’ Council, has established a Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee is charged with reviewing the qualifications for all candidates to both appointive offices and elective offices. Make-up of the Nominating Committee includes the remaining members of the old Students’ Council; the chairmen of Students’ Council Boards, External Relations, Publications, and Student Activities; the Presidents of the various Societies; representatives from each of the Colleges; and student members of the Advisory Committee. In a memorandum to the members of this committee, Van Veldhuisen said that it should not be necessary to remind anyone of the urgancy of a Students’ Council election. The Advisory Committee has recommended
Leo Ciceri, a member of the Stratford Company, will inaugurate the new University lecture Series Wednesday evening at 8:‘15 in the Theatre of the Arts. The current topic of the Lecture series is Shakespeare. Mr. Ciceri will discuss Richard II. Well qualified to discuss the spans two continents and includes After serving with the RCAF he uating in 1948. He then attended don until 1950. This is his fifth season at the Stratford Festival. Prior to Stratford Mr. Ciceri appeared in the Stratford Memorial Theatre, England; in the Edinburgh Festival; in the Vancouver International Festival; in CBC-TV productions; as well as appearing on Broadway. Sponsored by the Extension Department the lectures are open to the public.
topic, Mr. Ciceri’s theatrical career acting experience in two languages. attended McGill University, gradthe Old Vic Theatre School in Lon-
that an election, following electorial procedures of’ the regular election of January 16th, 1964, should be held no later than October 30th. In the mean time, all new appointments are being made on the basis of acting appointments. All positions ~to be filled are to be advertised through regular camp publicity media. A description of the work, duties, as well as qualifications are to be included. According to Mr. C. C. Brodeur this procedure may have two beneficial effects. First it will publicize the work and prestige of the office and second it will attract new students who may be interested in working with the committees in the light of new information, assurance of prestige of office, openness of membership, and appointment on the basis of merit.
The Hootenanny Friday night was marked by a standing ovation, probably the first at this University. A Duo of Wilf Bean and Bonnie Widmeyer, both new to the audience, after three very fine numbers, were called back for the only encore of the evening by a standing ovation. Although they have been singing together for only a year, they completely charmed the University crowd. Wilf, a native of New Hamburg, is in first year Honours Math here; Bonnie, who hails from St. Catharines, attends Stratford Teachers College. The two people met at high both attended Waterloo school Oxford (where they starred in the school play last year). The evening saw some of the best talent ever to appear in this area; both Frosh and other performers made up what was certainly the outstanding event of this year’s orientation week. The Frosh were well represented by Wilf and Bonnie and also by another very good group made up of Carol Wright, Bill Spall, Steve Shelly, Gary Siebert, Dave Walters and Rick Franey. The Folk Song Club was responsible for much of the other talent. This group was represented by solos by Dave Frankel, Don McLaren, and Ian Ferguson, as well as selections by three duos. Mitch Levine and Ted Chase, who many know already from Fass Night last year, delighted the audience with several songs, of which Delia and Old Blue were especially noteworthy. Pete Hurlbut and Dorothy Binder kept up the pace with some very beautiful numbers; while France Mills, accompanied by Don McLaren, graced the ears of the audience with several- non-English songs, and also one very inappropriate English song, Take Me Continued
Out Of Pity. on Page 4
Richard Van Veldhuisen, last year’s VicePresident - Acting President 1964-65.
J. D. Kramer: Last year’s president; this year’s inspiration?
How To Make By
Canada Maurice
There is in Quebec a new surge of nationalism. Nationalism tempered with reason and moderation can be the most constructive and dynamic force in the world, as we have seen in Quebec since 1960. In this sense; I am a Quebec nationalist and a Canadian Nationalist. But, it is essential to realize that the new FrenchCanadian nationalism has two distinct aspects - an economic aspect and a cultural aspect, which is much more emotional. Quebec nationalists seek not only economics reforms, and not only cultural reforms, but both together. Misunderstanding of this point in English Canada has led to a great deal of confusion about what Quebec “really wants.” First of all, Quebec’s problem is primarily economic. Part of the solu-.tron to Quebec’s economic problem is undoubtedly the economic growth of Canada as a whole, which will be shared in large measure by Quebec; and with this growth will come the creation of much of the additional revenue required. Secondly, the cultural aspect of French-Canadian nationalism stems from the passionate feeling of Frenchspeaking Canadians for their language and their culture. We sense very deep-
ly that cultural assimilation into the great North American mass must be fought at all costs.
depends on culture
This is a gut issue - we have an instinctive, visceral conviction that our very survival as individuals, our very personal identity depends on this. Therefore, it is more difficult for us, to discuss challenges to our language and culture calmly and rationally. But, I believe most strongly that our French culture, “le fait franqais en Amreique,” is far more likely to sustain itself in North America as part of an economically flourishing Canada, than behind the artificial walls of extreme nationalism. At the individual level, one effect of both these aspects of the new nationalism can be seen in the growing desire of French-speaking Canadians to participate more fully in the management of business in the province and in the country, and in the growing feeling that French Canadians should be better represented in the federal civil service, especially in the upper ranks. Continued on Back Page
IT’S CO - OP \ LIVING“ Engineering,
Last April, those of you who were on the campus were confronted with numerous posters advertising a Cooperative Residence. At that time, Cooperative housing was a vision; now, it is a reality. Beginning with a group of 25 students at the University of Waterloo, the Waterloo Campus Co-operative Residence has grown during the summer to 35 men and women, who live at 140 and 141 University Avenue West. The W.C.C.R. has become affiliated with the Campus Co-opera-
and Math.
tive Residence Incorporated. whose central office is located at 395 Huron Street, Toronto. The students living in the Campus Co-op do most of the maintenance in the two houses themselves, thus lowering their personal cash outlay. Each student makes his or her own breakfast. A hired cook prepares the other two meals each day. The experience of living in a co-operative residence assists greatly in the developing of a sense of personal responsibility and self-discipline.
Editor in Chief: A. 0. Dick Production: Mike Edwards, Macey Skopitz Writers and Staff: Doug ‘Grenkie, Harold Dietrich, Dave Richardson, Vic Botari, Doug Larson, Mike Sheppard, Yvonne Stanton and many others. Published under authorization of the Student’s Council, University of Waterloo, representing the freedom of a responsible autonomous society. subscriptions $3.50 Member: Canadian university press
dito Before submitting his resignation, Mr. Jim Mitchell, President of Students’ Council, made a number of recommendations to the President of the University. Article 5 of these recommendations reads as follows: “That a pro tern Advisory Committee to Students’ Council be established by the President of the University in order to: (a) give immediate consideration to the new circumstances which have come into being since the last edition of the Students’ Council Constitution was approved and to the need to devise $a plan to meet current conditions; (b) specifically to: (i) take such action as is required to organize and hold an election, (ii) insure implementation of the already approved and established Student Activities programme; (c) establish any other pro tern operating procedures required to insure the effective continuance of the affairs of Students Council.” Now, as any one of you can tell, the powers of this committee are not spelled out too clearly. No examples are given of the “new circumstances” mentioned in item (a), nor are details given as to the operating procedures that might be necessary to continue Students’ Council programmes. It would seem apparent that the committee will have as much power a,s they want. While we have been told that the committee can only make recommendations; we would suspect that 99% of these recommendations will be accepted. The President of the University has accepted these recommendations. Several meetings of the Advisory Committee have been held with the primary result being the beginnings of the establishment of a nominating committee for Students’ Council elections. There has, however, been a decided lack of proper communication from the Administration. First, we suggested to at least two people on the Advisory Committee (admittedly not the chairman) that some statement be made by this Committee which would explain the situation. Further, it was proposed that this statement be published in The Corphaeus. The issue was side-stepped beautifully. Second, we requested that a member of our news staff be allowed to attend the meetings of the Committee. Upon initial presentation of the question the answer was a definite yes. A day later we received an even more definite NO from higher up. There can be no doubt that things will happen. Programmes will be altered, election procedures changed, and perhaps the whole philosophy currently accepted in student affairs will change as a result of this committee. It would seem, if the word of mouth statements we have heard are any indication, that the Committee will take its full measure of power granted to it by Mitchell’s recommendations. We cannot emphasize too much the importance of this committee in the whole area of student affairs. If, however, the administration chooses to continue to use the extremely poor channels of communication that it has in the past, all the efforts of the Committee will go right down the drain.
TSO COMING TO TOWN At their Tuesday meeting, the Board of Student Activities decided to bring the Toronto Symphony Orchestra to town on Wednesday. November 18. Later, it was decided to make this event the first of five concert series to which subscription tickets may be purchased in the near future. A tentative concert for Oct. 6 was cancelled since there was little time to sell tickets. After hearing reports from several proposed ventures, the Board of Student Activities appointed Gwen Nowak as secretary of the Board, Terry Jones as Consultant of Dramatic Arts, and the following chairmen: Ted Gower (Homecoming); Al Goar (Grad Ball); Vic Botari (Publicity); Don Flinn (Folk Festival); Mary Mixer (Winterland Ball), and Judi Wright (Winterland Publicity). Three new standing committees were created: Hans Bauer (Music); Mrs. Patterson (Art); and Terry Jones (Drama) were asked to form committees which would elect chairmen who would be allowed to vote on the Student Activities Board.
NOTHCIES * *Notices are for departmental colloquia, lectures, organizations and club meetings. There will be no charge. THE DIRECTORY is drafted from the Registrar’s office ille. Publication of names, addresses, and phone numbers will be as soon as possible. If you have changed residence, name or phone number inform the Registrar as soon as possible so that information will be correct. The Board of Publications. GEOGRAPHY CLUB. Organizational meeting on Wednesday,
Canadian students and professors-‘will be asked to raise $50,000 this year to aid their colleagues in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. This is the goal set by World University Services of Canada for its contribution to the world-wide programme of World University Service, an international student-professor organization devoted to the development of higher education. During 1963/64. the Canadian university gommunity contributed $37,822 to the International Programme of Aciton of WUS. The increased target for 1964/65 is necessary in order to meet the increasing needs of universities in developing countries. WUS assists these universities to build health centres, student hostels, and libraries, to undertake printing and book cooperatives, and to provide scholarships to indigent students. Mr, Tom Turner, Associate Secretary of the International WUS headquarters in Geneva, during a visit to Canada this week, explained that “the university itself, as a concept, faces
a serious crisis. In parts of the world the university, which should provide leadership to old and new countries, ‘- either not allowed or unable to take up this role. ” “In a small but significant way, WUS has been successful in ensuring that university people are given the opportunity to study, teach, and undertake research in conditions which allow full opportunity to apply the mind to the essential search for truth.” WUS aid to Latin American universities will be” stepped up this year to include the construction of a student health centre in Santiago, Chile, provision of low interest loans to assist the 30% of Chilean students not able to live a normal student life, construction of a student hostel at the University of Nicaragua, and creation of the first scholarship programme at the University of Huamanga, Peru, where the student population- is exi tremely poor. In addition, WUS hopes to continue its ongoing health and welfare projects at Asian and African universities.
of Extension of The Department the University of Waterloo announces Festival in Review, a series of lectures reviewing the Stratford Season. This series unites the scholarly and academic approach to these plays with the more practical stage craft involved. Leo Ciceri; noted Shakespearean actor, starts the season on September 30 at 8 : 15 in the Theatre of the Arts. Mr. Ciceri’s lecture will deal with the production of Richard ZZ in which he played the part’ of Henry Bolingbroke* On October 7, the lecture series will be further enhanced when Michel Langhamwill discuss King Lear. Mr.
Policy on Bulletin Throughout the University there are sixteen bulletin boards which are the responsibility of Students Council. A complicated set of rules has been developed to control the use of these bulletin boards . The Coryphaeus is now publishing want ads (for articles and services wanted and for sale) at a small charge, and notices (for departmental colloquia, lectures, organization and club meetings) for which there is no charge. Henceforth, these bulletin boards are to serve as a medium of “campus communication” and should be used exclusively for announcements, notiSeptember 30 at 7:00 p.m. Room 246 in the Arts Building. KIWANIS TRAVELOGUE. Tickets are on sale and information can be obtained from the cafeteria poster or at St. Paul’s College. COMPENDIUM 64. Until further notice there will be no extra copies of the yearbook until all copies belonging to receipts have been delivered. Available at the Student Store from noon - 2:oo. GERMAN CLUB. Organizational meeting, Thursday, October 1, Room 244, Arts Building. German students and others welcome.
With the advent of fall and its moody weather, further thought should be given to an idea expressed in this column last year: car pools. The housing situation as it is makes this idea doubly vital as I understand there are students without cars forced to live down in Kitchener a good distance from bus routes. There are two kinds of car pools which are of benefit to the students. With one, students without cars can arrange transportation with the proud owner of an automobile, thus saving shoe leather for the passenger and money for the driver. The other enables owners to take turns driving their car by as much as 80%. Those students wishing rides or riders should place an ad in the want ad section of The Coryphaeus. Although cancer was taking the life of Professor Malcolm MacIntyre, he refused to give up teaching. MacIntyre a professor of law at UBC had known he was dying from cancer for several months but carried on with his classes: “The students are depending on me”, he said, “I will not let them down.” Doctors had informed’ him that giving up his work would extend his life, but he continued his lectures, never complaining, though he was often in great pain. Professor MacIntyre died last April after successfully completing his courses.
Langham directed and produced King Lear and the Country Wife at Stratford this past summer. Before returning to the Stratford Company, Mr. Langham had directed many successful productions at Chichester, England. Following these two lectures from the stage, the English Department will present the academic point of view. On October 14, Dr. McCutchean will review the academic appreach to these two plays and will attempt to correlate the two preceding lectures. In the final two lectures Dr. Montgomery will explain Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, and Dr. Thomas will lecture on The Country Wife.
Boards ces and information which pertain to activities of Students’ Council and its Boards, Student Societies and Clubs Student Affairs, and Theatre events of interest to students. Notices on articles and services wanted or for sale will be limited to bulletin boards in Annex 1 and Annex 2. Such notices when coupled with a newspaper ad could be assured of gaining maximum penetration in the market available. We will continue to retain a student to post and remove notices and to supervise the bulletin boards once a week. Paul H. Gerster, Administrative Assistant Students’ Council GRADUATION PHOTOS. Pirak has started. Sign-up sheet in the Arts building. YEARBOOK STAFF. The organizational meeting for Compendium 65 is on Wednesday, September 30, 5:15 in the Board of Publications, Annex 1. All are welcome. No experience required; the editor has an inferiority complex. Bring a friend. STHW~ CLUB. ,l2:00 noon, Tuesdays and Thursdays in P145. GLEE CLUB. Tuesday and Wednesday at 7:30 in the Theatre Workshop. Tryouts and casting for HMS PINAFORE.
Kankin As a colleague of his said “-it was the most absolute devotion I think I will ever see.” The McGill Daily and the Education Committee will collaborate to produce a special edition of the Daily for distribution to English-speaking Montreal high schools this year. The Supplement is intended to familiarize the high school student with the concept of higher education, to acquaint him with common university activities and to help him to enter university life as something not totally strange. Publication dates have been timed to allow full coverage of all major student events. Total costs of the Supplement will be borne by the McGill Student Society. An article appearing in the Auckland University student newspaper, Craccum, has led to a $15,000 libel suit by an Auckland firm of architects. The article, by a university lecturer in architecture, criticized the new School of Fine Arts for its design and structure and said some harsh things about the architects. The architects demanded a retraction and apology from the newspaper and author’ but the author’s “apology” was a further criticism of the architects. The editorial committee was fired. Suits are pending against the publishers, the university student council, and the author. Moral: If you live in New Zealand don’t throw stones at glass houses.
WARRIORS SHINE IN DEFEAT A determined and confident Warrior team fought a pitched battle with the league champions and came within a hair of beating them. On the second play of the game, Jim Harm, who is now playing for Mat, intercepted an Aldridge pass. A few plays later Mike Law intercepted a Mat pass thrown by Mark Timpany, and so it went throughout the entire game. The Warriors, with Aldridge running the team like a four star general, were the first to score. With three minutes gone in the second quarter Dick faked a hand-off then casually stepped back as if he were watching the play. The whole Mat team ignored him. While their line was wondering who had the ball Dick was boot-legging around the left end for 26 yards and a touchdown. Altogether Dick carried the ball twelve times for 56 vards. When the Warriors were forced $0 kick they called on Bob Bamford to get them out of trouble. One of the most satisfying exhibitions of the game was Bob’s kicking. He kicked a total of eight times for a whomping average of 45.4 yards. This average for one game is at least as good as any average in the Big Four football league. In the second quarter Bob smashed one kick that travelled 63 yards from the line of scrimmage, and when you add on the 14 yards from the scrimmage line to where it was kicked from it is a mighty effort indeed. All we need now is some speedy tacklers who can catch up to the ball before the receiver has a chance to run the kicks back.
perfect pass defence by the Warriors. Wayne Houston and Keith MacRae were instrumental in stopping another Mat attempt to score on their third down. Since both converts had been missed the score was 6-6 at the end of the half. On the Mat attempt for a convert Dick Aldridge was sent in to help bolster the Warrior line. Dick burst right through the Mat line and jumped in front of the punter who kicked the ball into Dick’s legs. The last play of the half was a fine pass by Dick to end Walt Finden that failed to go all the way. In the second half the Warriors kicked off, then Walt Finden intercepted a pass from Timpany in the first play by Mat. Neither team was able to move close to scoring territory for almost all of the second half. The Warriors tried two quick kicks that just failed to score. One single was called back on a very controversial “no yards” penalty. On one of the last sequences of play by Mat, who incidentaly gained 3 13 yards on the
On Campus?
For Freshmen
10 % student discount
and Lithographers ST.
In Concert, October Actor-Folksinger
Humour Readings
Events Calendar Will Tell A//.
Avuiluble at The Boo&store. 5oc
BY far the loudest cheer the game last Saturday was a cartwheel!” This picture some idea what a cartwheel It can be )most invigorating! who was at the game will . this picture is a fake.
heard at “We want gives you looks like. Anyone know that
the first
upperclassmen meeting.
The first meeting of the Newman Club was held Sunday night. This club, named in honour of Cardinal Newman, is open to all Catholics on campus. Its aims are; to help Catholics on campus to know each other, to make them aware of_ new developments in the Catholics religion. and to see that the student’s spiritual development keeps pace with their mental development. The club also has various social functions. I Elections were held Sunday. Bill Andres was elected President, Cathy \ Simmons Vice-President, Donna Maziarz Secretary, and Larrv Martinello Treasurer. -.
post office groceries and magazines toilet articles
Wfl Ufavitz Escape? Do you know what Marty Kravitz is doing these days? Now stop chuckling, this isn’t a joke; Mr. Kravitz is folk-dancing. That’s right, he is to the U of W what Betty Oliphant is to ballet. Martin belongs, to a group that exists for the sole purpose of helping people escape from the rigours of University life by educating them in the ways of folk-dancing. As one of the teachers in the group, Marty helps to demonstrate the many manners, movements and costumes particular to the dances of the various groups of people. The folk-dance club consists of two overlapping groups; one that meets to dance for enjoyment, and one that comes together to practice the splitsecond routines necessary for performances. Included in the club are three teachers, (Kravitz is one, as mentioned before) who rehearse the performers and generally conduct the weekly meetings.
Although the Penny Drive for the aid of the Federated Charities of the Twin-Cities fell short of its mark, the line of pennies between the two city halls yielded 1,250 dollars. The duration of the drive was only four hours; consequently, the results were not as great as had been hoped. However, a great deal of appreciation and thanks is offered to those Frosh who participated in this drive.
Ltd. St. S., Waterloo
34 King
falls Down
BARROW’SMen’s Wear
8:00 p.m.
en first downs to Mat’s fifteen. Ex-’ cept for the big margin in yards gained on the ground the teams were evenly matched. In fact the Warriors were superior in the air and in spirit. The odds are now 3 to 2 that they will finish third or better in the league. (lifetime average, 600 wrong, 9 right).
of Publications Tuesday
had elev-
What is Happening
The Coryphaeus organizational * meeting Tonight,
In the game the Warriors
Before the half had ended the McMaster Marauders evened the score, but not without some prolific help from the Warrior’s pass defence. Mark Timpany made one of his three completions in about as relaxed a set of conditions as you could possibly have in a football game. Mark dropped back from the Warrior fifteen yard line and threw an easy floater into the end zone and into the waiitng arms of Bob Apps who didn’t have a Warrior defender within a good twenty yards of him. It was the only mistake of an otherwise
at the Board
ground to our 128 yards and 28 yards in the air to our 50 yards, had marched 65 yards on the ground. Mark Timpany then attempted another ill-fated pass that was picked off by Walt Finden again. The Warrior went nowhere and had to give the ball up. The Marauders then marched up-field again and this time kicked a single to ‘go ahead 7 to 6. With two minutes left the Warriors were stopped again. With ten seconds to go Bob Apps scored his second touchdown on a double reverse that caught a defected Warrior defence off guard.
At the end of most meetings, if the club feel strong enough, they gang up on Kravitz and force him away from his studies to some restaurant or pub. Unfortunately, the club is not yet large enough to succeed in all its aims - after all, what can thirty odd people do - and Martim sometimes escapes to his books. The Coryphaeus can only wish the club luck in garnering more members to the next meeting at 8 p.m. Sunday, October 4, so that the motto; “Kravitz shall not escape,” can be fulfilled.
8:OOP.M. (and
International Folk Dancing for fun All students welcome Bring your two left feet along and let out International and ethnic, folk and square dance teachers straighten out your feet.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR BEGINNERS AND ADVANCED DANCERS Also persons interested in performance folk dancing will be auditioned upon their request. We already have several requests for performances. For information
Marty Kravitz Ian Ferguson Fr ante Mills
FOLK SONG CLUB . . . Do you play a guitar, banjo, uke, zither or bazoo? . . . Do you like to sing folk songs, any songs? . . . Would you like an opportunity to perform or lead folk songs? Or do you just like to sit and listen? ,&
THURSDAY (and every Thursday) 12:OONOON P 150 PROGRAMME: Pete Hurlbut Marty Kravitz Don McLaren
Tuesday, September 29,1964
i Applied Science :::::: ::::t :::::: ::tg Results
Second Class Honours Armstrong, J. W. Chambers, R, 0. Cirulis, U. Spicer, R. D. Weber, D. R.
A resolution passed by the 28th CUS congress at York University added that the proposed university should reflect the cultural duality of Canada without creating a conflict between federal and provincial educational jurisdictions.
Third Class Honours Williams, M. V. Chiang, B. Y. Swanton, K. G. (Math 12) Pike, J. F. (Math 21) Walsh, R. P. (Math 12, Russian
Canada Cont.
We do not claim this as a right to which we are automatically entitled. regardless of our ability. But we do feel that as more and more French Canadians are becoming fully able and Qualified to manage large industrial complexes and to administer even the most important departments in the public sector, we should find these portions closed to us simply because we are not members of the “Establishment.” Happy
to compete
on a basis of merit
The same is true of the upper echelons of the world of big business and finance, even in large companies which do a great deal of business in Quebec, or even have their head offices there. We are happy to combete for these positions on the basis of merit and ability alone, if English Canadians will make an effort to avoid discrimination on any basis. In fact, English Canada should welcome and encourage the whole of Quebec’s quiet revolution. For the and more dynamic - the stronger French-Canadian becomes, the more it has to offer to Canada as a whole., Some English Canadians have even said that Canada’s ability to resist American cultural, economic and eventually political denomination depends in large measure on the strength we can draw from French Canada. This may be true, for it is largely our unique bicultural, binational character that makes us different, and can be our greatest strength. First of all, we must find ways of making more money available for carrying our provincial responsibilities such as education, social welfare, municipal needs, roads, etc. Quebec is not alone in lacking sufficient revenue for these purpose. The only trouble is that constitution, as presently interpreted in the context of current federal-provincial tax-sharing arrangements, does not tell the provinces where they are to get the money. I am a pragmatist in these matters. At this stage, I believe we should not approach this problem from the point of view of who has the constitutional
@ LavaI g
E ennid
B Queen’s t.w
First Class Honours Ness, D.
TORONTO (CUP) The Canadian Union of Students (CUS) will urge Ottawa, the Quebec government, and the Montreal municipal government to consider the establishment of a bilingual university on the site of the 1967 World Exhibition.
The motion drafted by the University of British Columbia was limited to an endorsation of the bilingual university proposal now being considered by the federal government in Ottawa.
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TORONTO (CUP) Students at Laval University will demonstrate against the Queen when she visits Quebec, October 11.
S tart49
Anyone who owns a pair of tennis shoes and can swing a cat gun is welcome to play’ in the intramural tennis tournament. The first draw will be held at 4 o’clock on Saturday, October 5 at the Waterloo back tennis court. Behind the Seagram Stadium. The second, third, fourth, and following draws will be held on the following days.
Michel Letellier, Lava1 students’ council president, said Monday (September 14) Lava1 students will protest the Queen’s visit no matter what steps are taken by the auhtorities. He said the students will ask the authorities for permission to organize a march October 11. But, he added, they will not appear along the route of the Queen’s cavalcade through Quebec City in an effort to avoid attracting extremist participants. If the authorities refuse permission to march, they will demonstrate on the Lava1 campus, he said. M. Letellier said Laval’s students do not want to cause trouble, but they feel they must demonstrate they do not want any British ties.
Herb Forester Men’s Wear Quality Clothes 94 King Street South, Wat. 10 % student discount FOLK -
right to collect what, but with a view to finding a solution to the problem in whatever way we can, taking into consideration both federal needs and provincial needs, rather than rights. Should this be impossible for reasonable men to do? Why then do we not meet together, as responsible Canadians, with a common interest in the welfare of our great national, and work out a fiscal system which will answer regional needs while at the same time it safeguards the essential Canadian interests? While we may not all be able to agree on what rights we ‘iGould have as English or as French, as provinces or as the Federal Government, surely we as Canadians can agree on what we want our government to do. And such solutions as the contracting-out provision in joint federal-provincial programmes prove that we can work out ways for them to do it. But, contracting-out is an ad hoc spur-of-the-moment kind of solution. At coming federal-provincial conferences, the eleven governments must sit down and do some hard thinking about how to reach more permanent and general solutions. An extremely important step in this regard was taken at the last federal-provincial conference in Quebec City last April, when the Prime Minister announced the establishment of a joint federal-provincial Tax Structure. Committee. This committee will examine Canada’s whole tax structure, federal and provincial, and make recommendations to a future federal-provincial conference. This should prove to be an extremely important body, providing that all eleven governments take ,the matter seriously and are willing to make the committee an effective tool. Will this mean changing the constitution? Perhaps; but that is a bridge we should not cross until we can come to it. For myself, I would like to see a careful reexamination, when the time comes, of sections 91 and 92 of the BNA Act, to see .whe-
>(( Want * Need * Want
George Kadwell Records Discount Prices Waterloo Square SH 4-3742 ther the division of powers and responsibilities therein made, still is the best and’ most effective way to meet the needs of today’s vastly changed conditions and national priorities. The second step, equally important, which we must take in order to make this country work better is joint economic planning, both regionally and on a country-wide basis. Economic planning, which I am convinced is the answer to most of Canada’s ecoimplies nomic problems, necessarily the participation of ,both federal governments in the planning process. Here also, we must sit down together and work out generally agreed economic priorities. We must agree that there exists an identifiable general interest for all Canadians that is greater -than the mere sum of all our particular, local or regional interests. Mutual goodwill, open minds, continuous consultation and joint econo& mic planning - that is my definition of co-operative Canadian federalism, and that is how I would like to see us make this country great.
Hootenanny cont. Gord Lowe, a semi-professional, enthralled all present with three very excellent songs, while the humorous and naughty in Folk Music was brought forward by Dave Grafstein and Hap Laferty with The Wild Beast Show. The entire group got together at the end for a series of sing-a-longs which seemed to be never-ending. This last part was so dragged out that it almost put a damper on wonderful impressions .left by the preceeding performances, if such was at all possible.
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ORIENTATIQ A highly successful Orientation Week ended Sunday with the last event on the program, the Freshett Tea. All events were well attended. More people turned out than expected for the Penny Drive and therefore coverage was better than anticipated. And the Frosh Hop filled Seagram Gym to capacity Saturday night.