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16, 1964


Quebec (CUP) - Widespread police brutality Saturday turned the Queen’s visit to Quebec Cjty into a major moral victory for the independence movement in French Canada. The ancient city of the St. Lawrence became a military fortress and lived in a virtual state of marshal1 law during the Queen’s twoday stay. Lava1 students, reinforced by students from the Universities of Do not pass go; go directly to hell; give up your $18.00. Montreal and Sherbrooke, were harrassed, bullied and beaten by That is the attitude of the sturiot squads during their efforts to carry out peaceful demonstrations dent body towards recent atagainst the royal visit. tempts by the Pro Tern StuSix newsmen were seriously injured while ten others received dent’s Council and this newsthe blows of nightstick-wielding police who bore down on the depaper to create an interest in monstrators at least five times during the day. This writer *was capable students to enter into chased two blocks down a side street by the Orange-clad squads who student government. This atticlubed indiscriminately at bystanders, newsmen and demonstrators. tude of the students is directly About 50 students were arrested by Quebec City Police assisted stated in the fact that for the by the RCMP and Quebec Provincial Police; constantly in the backseven vacancies to be filled ground, though never active against demonstrators, were the several on council in the October 21 thousand army and airforce personel who lined shoulder to shoulder election, ONLY 2 nomiations along every foot of the Queen’s route through the city. had been received by the ReQuebec City police refused to disclose the names of those arturning Officer, Tom Rymer, as rested or the charges against them. On Tuesday most were let out of Wednesday, October 14, one on $25.00 and $50.00 bail. day before nomination closed. Six times during the day the Queen passed through the streets These two nominations were for of Quebec. Angered by police, the demonstrations grew larger and president, Dick Van Veldhuimore determined as the day progressed. But the protests were peacesen, and for Vice-President, Joe ful to the last. Recchia. Two engineers. There At lo:30 a.m. when the Queen arrived at the Legislature Buildwere no nominations for Faculing there was only about 50 Vociferous demonstrators and several ty of Engineering Representahundred passive supporters. They chanted “Le Quebec au Quebective; no nominations for the ois, ” “Lesage est responsable” and Sang Vive les Quebecois and one arts vacancy; no nomniaother French-Canadian Songs. tions for the one St. Jerome’s As soon as the Queen entered the legislature, plain-clothes police vacancy. and one RCMP officer in uniform began siezing demonstrators and carrying them away. Incensed, the crowd shouted “Gestapo, GestaThe meetings held all over po.” Within seconds sirens screamed from all directions and white the campus for all faculties and wagons bearing the name ‘protection Civil, appeared. Orange-clad colleges were well-attended (expolice swept from the trucks swinging their sticks furiously and drivcept for Science no one ing the crowd before them. came) and much interest was This was the first time the police turned a peaceful demonstrashown towards entering stution into a *riot, but the scene was repeated again and again during dents council. However, this the day. enthusiasm must have died as Girls of 17 and old men were slugged and pushed as they soon as the meeting was over. stood in shop doorways. It was unsafe to walk anywhere in downTherefore the question arises town Quebec. “Do you want Student governAt 3 p.m. after the Queen had arrived at the citadel to inspect ment?” the Royal 22nd Regiment, 75 demonstrators retired to a nearby .park. They sat on the grass and chanted “Quebec Oui, Ottawa” non On Thursday, many people and sang songs. Ten minutes later eight truckloads of police arrived were approached to run for and climbed the hill towards the demonstrators. The 75 young Students’ Councli. people arose and .began a brisk walk out of the park. The police cut across their path and then one boy lying on the We will have a council, but ground with his-hands behind his head was lifted and brutally slasha last minute council. This ed with a nightstick. A policeman grabbed a young girl and chocked council, I -am sure, will prove her until she cried. An American Newsman taking notes at the to be very capable of handling scene was beaten and arrested. Students’ Affairs. However, it’s At 8:45 p.m. the Queen was driven to the Chateau Frontenac first job must be to set up a for a reception attended by Prime Minister Pearson and Premier committee which can study the Jean Lesage. By this time, the number of active demonstrators had student attitudes on campus in swelled to several hundred. At the Porte Saint Louis, (Gate to the order to decide whether or not Old City), their chant became a roar as the royal car passed. student government is wanted. Moments later the police clubs were swinging and more arrests Do students want to be sheep were being made. This time a 12-year-old girl had her face slashed or do they want to be helpful open by a nightstick’s blow. shepherds? Shepherds learn Saturday, October 10, 1964 is now an historic day for the indehow life works - sheep merely pendence movement of Quebec. On the narrow streets of the old follow the line. city behind police barricades, dozens of students turned against the Lesage government. Many were moved to shout independence slogans for the first time. But the demonstrations were not anti-English. Their wrath was not for English reporters and spectators in the --crowd; it was not even against the Queen. Their protests were directed against the Lesage Government, the Federal Government and increasingly 5C ompendiums against the police forces themselves. Also on Friday, students at Lava1 University staged a satire on s Available s the symbolism of the Crown before a crowd of 1,000 in -a campus All copies must be claimed s auditorium. A Lava1 group of about the same size was on hand Friday, October 23, 1964. Sunday to demonstrate as the* Queen passed the Lava1 Campus on f by After this date all unclaimed s her way to the airport. Two students were arrested in a Lava1 Chapel copies will be sold at $3.00 a washroom on this occasion. § s

Go to Hell

Editor’s Note: Although it may sometimes be in bad taste, students and any other person in Canada must be allowed freedom of expression of their views as long as it does not injure any other party.











Photo by Uubbledam


Problems Again

There is no relief for the student’s parking problem. The law is that no student may park his car on the campus during the day. After five o’clock, the parking spaces on campus may be used by anyone on a ‘first come first served basis. Where is the sutdent to park? Third and fourth year students with parking stickers park in lot G which will be expanded next week to accommodate 120 cars. Stickers may be obtained from Dept. of Buildings and Grounds at no charge. However, if a car does not have a sticker, then a ticket will be issued starting at one dollar and going up to five. Parking for first and second year students and left over third and fourth year is confined to Seagram Stadium lot. Lot G and Seagram Stadium have a capacity of 620 vehicles and to date 538 students have applied and received permits. Students are reminded that they must obtain these permits immediately if they wish to park in these lots. No provisions will be made for parking in the field when the snow comes. Staff and faculty parking is a mess too. Mr. Vindicomde, manager of the proposed University village, has been assigned the task of straigtening out staff parking. Many of the faculty and staff have not yet obtained their new permits for 1964; however, they are still parking on campus. The ChemistryBiology parking lot has 142 places, but only 33 permits have been issued. Thus, according to the rules, most people in that lot are parking illegally. For the past weeks these illegally-parked cars have been tagged with warning stickers. As yet, no fines have been levied against these cars. Some students have received parking fines after three warnings or less from the University police force. Furthermore, the Waterloo Police Force, having allowed overparking on University Avenue for three weeks, have started issuing tickets for overparking. Lots are available for students to park in. If a student is fined, it is his own fault. However, how long are the faculty and staff going to be allowed to park illegally? I feel that student and staff should be treated alike, but maybe I am an idealist.

The Library by B. G. The Reference Department is concerned with (a) maintenance and development of the Reference Collection itself and (b) giving assistance when needed to faculty, staff, and students in discovery and use of library resources. The modern university library in its attempt to make available to the scholar the heritage of the past and the mounting knowledge of the world today, collects materials of varied types and forms: books, journals, newspapers, pamphlets, government reports and documents, microcards, microfilms, recordings, etc. Confronted with this array of resources, the problem of the reader as he enters the Library Reading Room is to define his question, the area of information he hopes to enter, and the amount, depth, and variety, of discussion needed. The concern of the Reference Staff is by enand quiry, use of the Catalogue


knowledge of library resources, to assist him to recognize material relevant to his subject, to discover what and how much is available, where it is to be found, and, in the case of involved works, how they may be used. Study of the Card Catalogue (which is the Collection, analyzed by author, title, and subject) will show that resources are divided into three groups: (a) the main body of the collection which circulates, that is, may be borrowed for use outside the library, (b) that of rare and valuable works which are used in Restricted Circulation, (c) Reference works which, except for unusual circumstances, must be used in the Reading Room in order that they may be available at all times for consultation. This third group, the Reference Section, is made up of works which tend to be comprehensive in scope, quite condensed in treatment and arranged so as to enable the searcher to find readily and accurately the information he is seeking. Their outCont’d. on Page 3

Editor in chief: A. 0. Dick Editok: Tom Rankin, C.U.P.; Doug Grenkie, News; Mike Edwards, Production; Harold Dietrich, Sports. Staff: Terry Joyce, Dave Kirshenblat, Vic Botari, Barry Rand, Bruce Durrant, Dave Trost, Dave Denovan, Chris Heft, Macey Skopitz, Hazel Nawls, Bev. Grant, Steve Alsteader, Marilyn Vranch. Published under authorizatioi of the Students’ Council, University of Waterloo, representing the jreedonz of a responsible autonomous society. Member: Canadian university press Subscriptions $3.50 Ottawa, Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, and for payment of postage in cash.





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tt Correct ion” ‘Sir, We would like to issue a correction regarding the letter-to-the-editor submitted by Mr. Bill Webb. The inebriated female on the freshman decapping line was in no way connected with the University of Waterloo Cheerleaders. . Thank you though, a fine article.



Connie Graham Jan Hagyard Linds Hucko Mary Mixer Judi Wright 1963-64 Cheerleading




Argot in the Common Room “My predecessor was unjustly persecuted by this university” Mr. Vergo H. Argot, newly elected president of the I.S.U.G. was quoted as saying today. Ray, (Smoothy), Ganiff, former head of the International Students Union Group, officialy resigned his position two days ago, after being convicted of illegal parking on the


of the Arts”

Sir, There are three positions available for student representatives on the University Committee for the Theatre of the Arts. This Committee shall be concerned with the extacurricular use of the Theatre for the performing arts, shall review Theatre programming from time to time and shall be responsible for advising the Manager of the Theatre as to the interests of the University community in the Theatre programme. Interested students should apply in writing, stating their qualifications, to: David R. Young, Chairman, Board of Student Activities.

U. of W. campus. He subsequently escaped to the University of Kitchener, where deportation possibilities are now being investigated. “Under my leadership” Mr. Argot said later, “the I.S.U.G. will continue its intensive efforts to close down the Engineering common room and thereby force the University to build a student union building.” After some prodding, Mr. Argot went on to describe the highly successful tactics used by Smoothy Gan-

To the Freshmen A Letter

from Yale University and an editorial from the Queen’s Journal

In entering college you have no doubt been looking forward to four years of immersion in the knowledge process, in which your mental horizons will be broadened, your parochial background will feel the cool breeze of social, cultural, and ideological diversity, and in which you will be-

iff in his campaigns to close the common rooms in the Math and Physics building and the Engnieering building. In both cases, mmebers of the I.S.U.G. organization, dressed to look like ordinary students, spread candy wrappers, empty paper cups, and crumpled Corypheii about the common room areas from day to day. Eventually, the Math and Science common room was converted to a reading room, but the Engineering common room managed to survive. Seeing that the engineers were not about to give up their singular possession without a fight, Smoothy added a little fun to his mission. Sporadically, he would send I.S.U.G. people in to attack the dispensing machines in order to make the engineers look bad in the eyes of the university officials. After all, he would reason, the officials can’t trust the students with a whole room to themselves if they are going to try to break open the machines to pay for their tuition, and pour cod-liver oil down the coin return slots. In the past few weeks before his conviction, Ganiff observed considerable opposition to his efforts.’ He discovered a small body of students who were determined to clean up the common room; but it didn’t take him long to convince them that their efforts should be applied elsewhere. Mr. Argot now feels that the university officials suspect the existance of his group; therefore he plans a last ditch campaign to gain his aims. Although there were hints that he had a large number of additions to his overall plan, Argot would only reveal three: the establishment of a dog park where pet dogs can be left for the day, standing on pages from the Coryphaeus to protect the common room floor, the importation of tipsy students from the various night spots to the comfortable furnishings of the common room, and finally, a serious attempt to dispose of the shovels and rakes, used by the janitors, to clean the common room after the I.S.U.G. men have done their work. As a demonstration of his secure knowledge and understanding of the student mind, Mr. Argot explained that the only thing that could defeat his organization, a general willingness to cleanup his pet project, could never arise because of the laws of inertia.

come an individual well-educated and well-prepared for your role as community participant and good citizen. Forget it. Unless you are one of the rare ones, unless you are either so equipped that college will not cripple you or make you so cynical that you are unburdened by the illusion of the Academe, these four years will be” more dull grey markers on the road to comfortable mediocrity. Your four years will be spent in the company of little minds on both sides of the classroom lectern. You will be scribbling notes in the company of “students” whose every thought and every deed is a mockery of that term, whose capacity for inquiry and questioning ends with the material on the final examination, and whose world is bounded by clothes, sports cars, the football games, and a shallow, mechanistic obsession with sex. 1 Your comrades are the Takers the generation spawned by prosperity and complacency, for whom obligations do not exist, commitment is a joke, and concern for others a waste of time. Their lives revolve around themselves, confined as narrowly as possible, and their universe, which ends with what they can possess. The thrill of dissent, the sparks of intellectual challenge, the lust for inquiry, is absent - because it cannot be hung from a wall, worn, driven, or shown off at a dance. Your teachers are a breed of men too often forced to an obsession with the trivial. Plagued by the need to publish for the sake of publishing, untutored in the responsibility of offering value in what they write, the guardians of your minds are themselves men who delight in artificial constructs and in clever word games. The classroom for many of them, is a way-station between the library and the faculty club, a whistlestop where they cast their artificial pearls. And yet . . . somewhere in this desert of Summer Proms, Greek Weeks, Pep Rallies, Kampus Karnivals, Fall Proms, final papers, Fiji Island Romps, Winter Proms, midterm examinations . . . somewhere a teacher will strike sparks in your mind . . . somewhere you will stay up all night and probe your own goals and motives with a friend . . . somewhere the myriad injustices of the world will set your soul on fire with indignation . .. And somewhere, you will read a book you have not read before, and wonder at a new thought fully phrased by an extraordinary thinker, and you will in spite of yourself be driven to question what you have believed all your life. And before you plunge back into the inanities of American college life you may perceive what education is about and see why men spend their lives teaching others. May these moments in the arid wasteland you are now entering be many.


of the Flies

by Dave


“Don’t forget we’re English.” So .begins this film adaptation of William Golding’s brilliant novel. And with sickening inevitability the boys do forget that they’re English and even that they’re human. Slowly their rules are broken and slowly but surely they slide into complete savagery, destroying all those who do not revert to a primitive archetype. . That this is inevitable is the major premise of the nova1 and the film conveys this with frighting power. Writer-director Peter Brook has occasionally been forced to put unnatural dialogue into the mouths of the boys but if his control of them is unsure, his control of the camera is not. He also acted as editor and has put together some very powerful sequences (particularly the hunt of Ralph at the end) that grip the audience. The dialogue and acting are at odds with the reality of the shooting and detract from the over-all effect, but in total the film is an important (if minor) piece. Brook has made very good use of the locale (an island near Puerto Rico) and the visual effects are excellent. Raymond Leppard’s score is used sparingly but very well. The result is a haunting film with important implications for all of us. In the film Ralph ends weeping for ,his lost innocence but it is an innocerise about ourselves that we all must lose. More so today than ever before, when the hunting is done, not with spears but with intercontinental misseles.

Films Galore by Dave


The study and appreciation of films as an art form has taken a great upswing in the twin cities and, as university students, we should be pleased and we should take advantage of it. One example is the Waterloo Theatre, which re-opened last year on an “art” program. Upcoming films this year include a Bergman festival, Orson Welles’ “Macbeth” and another chance to puzzle through “Last Year at Marienbad.” Professor MacQuarrie has had a great deal to do with this iupswing. He has created and maintained the Film Society on campus. This year it has moved to the Waterloo and is showing a mixture of classics (like W.C. Fields) and more recent but otherwise unobtainable films. As well, this year he is running two other series, one of films for his English 101 class and one on “Basic Patterns in Literature.” This latter is a survey of many forms of communication, ranging from poems like “The Divine Comedy” through comics (Little Ab’ner) and plays to novels and, of course, films like Fellini’s “81/2” All this is (or should be) rather exciting. It is another indication of the dynamic growth of the University of Waterloo.

JJBRARY Cont%i. frbm Page. 1 standing - characteristics are that they (a) are written to be consulted for immediate definite information rather than consecutive reading, (b) offer information gathered from many sources, and (c) are arranged for convenient reference and rapid use. They may supply information directly, or as in indexes and bibliographies, direct to other sources where information may be found. Acknowledgement of the importance to modern scholarship of these, latter - the directing services - must be made later when actual services can be named and described. ‘Reference works on the whole tend - to be studies of authority, scholarship and distinction. Factual information such as found in national yearbooks, almanacs and directories, handbooks, single volume subject encyclopedias, guide books, and dictionaries tends to have the authority of government departments, international institutions, learned societies or distinguished editors, e.g., Canada Yearbook, United Nations Statistical Yearbook, Statistical Abstracts of the United States, Whitaker’s Almanac,, Fra* ser’s Canadian Trade Directory.

Other works, the well-known encyclopedias and dictionaries, the great geographical, historical and literary studies are valued not only for the immense amount of factual information to be found in them but also for the interpretative comment and discussion contributed by scholars and specialists in the field. These while intended primarily to be read through for information and pleasure are so comprehensive, accurate, and distinguished in level of discussion, so well-provided with indexes and tables that they serve as references. Examples of such .books in our collection are : Cam bridge Medieval History (8 vols.), Nouvelle Gkographie Universelle ( 19 vols.), Its Provinces (23 ~01s.).



The great encyclopedias and dictionaries, established as tools for ready reference, have made such serious and fine contributions to knowledge as to establish - themselves as authorities. A check of famous for-eign encyclopedias - French, Spanish, Portuguese; Russian, or our more familiar Amerciana, Canadiana, Britannica (1 lth edition accounted by many the most scholarly work in the English language), would be rewarding. Examination of any or all will reveal why they are accorded the respect they receive. In spite of variety of form the reference tools of our library may be readily grouped, their special characteristics recognized and utilized. Next week the. following will be analyzed by type, discussed briefly, and techniques for use recommended: (1) and dictionaries (2) Encyclopedias Biographical works (3) Indexes and abstracts (4) Yearbooks and directories (5) Guidebooks,, manuals and handbooks (6) Serial ;publications (7) Histories (8) Atlases, maps, gazetteers (9) Bibliographies.

HOW’RE by A. J. Kellingworth, I II .



The old Dominion-Provincial Loans, which offered slightly more advantageous terms than the new Federal Loans, have been discontinued. It will be interesting to observe whether or not the amount paid out in bursaries has been decreased and, if this is the case, how the Government will justify the decrease. Presumably the line will be that fewer people applied for bursaries. But it is difficult to believe that students with the necessary academic requirements would forego money which is not repayable in favour of a loan which will cost at least 5% % interest.

During her visit to Quebec last week, Queen Elizabeth expressed the hope that “the centenary of our Confederation will be a symbol’ of hope for the‘ world. To fully succeed it must produce an effective. and freely consented-to agreement that will be the expression of the maturity of our country.” Good for you, Queenie. Now, if only the little children on both sides of the fence will grow up and take a look at what they have to * offer each other, all this nonsense - about two separate and irreconcilable cultures will stop.



The other day, my roommate and I dug into the beer pot in order to partake of the culinary efcellence of the Ali Baba Steak House, (He didn’t know what I meant by that last phrase, but he came along anyway.) At any rate, “excellence” was far from the truth. The least expensive steak dinner, which was priced rather high for Joe Student, was drab and unexciting. The service was rather slow and the only saving grace of I the evening was the fact that the waitress managed to bend over just far enough to provide an interesting topic of conversation.

It seems that the local brew halls have begun to hit their stride; relaxed bull sessions over eight ounces of good stuff is becoming a pastime enjoyed by the multitudes. In fact, the usual run of pranks such as an attempt by an enterprising group of lads to drink one establishment dry of its wares has also provided many evenings of merriment. However, when such insane antics as boat racing become the standard fare for the evening, I for one retire to my tomes. Just because I cannot slosh my ale back in one-point-two does not make a damn bit of difference to me, but it does to most of the idiots who comprise the regulars. If you are going to drink, there is not much sense in not enjoying what you are doing, and I frankly cannot see how anyone can enjoy an activity which lasts less than two seconds. . *A -


“Excuse me, Miss.” “What did you do?” “Uh . . . nothing, I just wanted to know if the ID cards were ready yet .” “No, they aren’t, “but if you come in tomorrow, I’m certain that they won’t be ready then either.“. The sarcasm with which one is greeted at the registrar’s office is inexcusable. As L. Allen Wise remarked after one \ of his recent visits to Gordon’s Gardenof-Eden: “Dey oughta shoot dat broad.”

‘It was only through Divine Guidance that the officials at last Saturday’s football game found Seagram Stadium, It must have been that, for, during the game, they seemed to have no idea that. there was a game going on or that they were in charge. ’ Congratulations are in order following Warrior’s felicific triumph. Well played, Warriors, but don’t let success spoi’l Rock Hunter.







OR. . .


by Patrick



from the McGill


‘iOne thing you must avoid this year is falling in love.” (The scene is the lower campus. 1The trees are green and the birds and squirrels are really chugging away as hard as they can. -The air- is pregnant with excitement. And everything. There are billboards on the trees reading “Keep off- the Grass.” Enter from stage left a beautiful young girl. Who is dressed, beautifully. In sensible tweeds, which try as they may, fail to hide the lithe young. And everything. She carries, no, bears, a copy of the Student Handbook, a copy of the Daily, eighteen reading lists, fourteen exercise books, four sharpened pencils, an eraser. a 700-page American textbook entitled “Canada’s Economy,” six sheets of your Student Desk. Blotter with the compliments of Your .Life Subscription to Life. Oh Time. And eighteen fresh paperbacks. She is in high -. heels. She is in her First Year. Sings: “Oh, joy to little me - hee I’m in the Arts faculty - hee (la, la) I’m going to get a degree - hee \ And the counsellor at Crumblebum High said I would command a terrific salary - hee And have a split - level on - oops!” * _\ , (A young man enters, sunlight striking off his manly. And everything. He is dressed in quiet flannels and back-to-school quiet grey blazer. And this really slim tie. He is bearing everything she is bearing, with the addition of the New Yorker, Esquire, Playboy, Time Magazine with Canadian Content, five Setsquares and the A to M volumes of the Golden Book of Knowledge. He has . his hands in his pockets. Really non. Chalent. Okay now then. He: “I’m ‘sorry, I appear to have interrupted your - ha, ha - song. (He is assured, his voice is soft but strong, light but tonal. ‘Very tonal. And he has the winning ways.) She: “Oh noooo, indeeeeeed. Not at All, At All? (She blushes. A flush of crimson pervades her features in a most fetching way. She crimsons, is startled, like a young fawn in its lair. Really). He: “Look‘ here, how about . . . . . . (She looks there. And looks away again quickly.) -having a coffee with me in the . . . . .” She: “Eeeek, eeeek, eeeek, eeeek:” (He slaps her face sharply - one, two, three and one two, one two, up and down, up and down, up and stop. Down. She giggles hysterically ‘and then begins to sob. .Great sobs shake her young frame. She continues through her sobs.) “I’m sorry. I’m such a fool, sniff, sniff, sniff.” He: (thoughtfully) “Yes.” She: “Only - you know what we’ve been told, don’t you? At the meeting, I ’ mean?” t He: (bitterly) “Yes.” (She drops her Political Science text. They both stoop to- pick it up and their heads crack together, Rendering Them Momentarily Dizzy. They both collapse to the grass, sit up, gaze at each other, and then suddenly roll over together in helpless laughter through the Verdant Undergrowth: I , Music ,.sweels up into wild strings of seamusic. Or seaweed music. Camera zooms to big closeup of the Three Bears.) He: “Why don’t I take you away from all this?” ! She: “Oh, yes please.” Continued on -Page I





Ltd. 34 King St. S., Waterloo 40% student discount -




AWAY but first






For-All Phases Of Travel Waterloo 745-6281 134 Kiilg st. s. Kitchener 7455621 331 King st. w. ,

Friday, October 16,i%d


* Athlete’s Foot-Notes



Wow ! ! ! Victories have been few in the past in the Waterloo Warrior camp in past years. If Saturday was to be any indication of the future then there appears to be a reversal of form in store for Carl Totzke and his charges. The C.I.A.U. National Sailing ReFor those few hearty souls that braved low temperatures and gusting gatta was held last weekend at the winds the reward was satisfying. They were treated to an exhibition of running by Dick Aldrige, rookies Brian Irvine and Bob Franks. The warriors deRoyal St. Lawrence Yacht Club in Montreal. This was the largest interfense played its usual brand of hard hitting, indicated by the number of collegiate national sporting event ever Carleton fumbles 5, and determined football. The offense which has been held; Twenty-two Canadian universinothing less than spazmodic, was anything but on Saturday. ties were represented, including every Despite the fact that final score was in favour of the Warriors the Carleton province with the exception of ManiRavens drew first blood. Starting at the Waterloo 26 yard line. Dave Dalton toba, Newfoundland and P.E.I. This took a hand ‘off from quarterback Ron Stanger, slanted off tackle for 7 yards. national regatta is gaining more supThe next play saw Stanger keep for 4 yards and the-first down. Lee Hodgins port every year since it was re-estaFriday, October 9 was a cold, was held for no gain and when Dalton was contained for short yardage it blished two years ago. Many univerwindy, and cloudy day in London, appeared as if Carleton was going to be forced to go for the field goal. How-, sities are forming sailing clubs if they Ont. A very bad day for golf; Neverever they came out gambling and the gamble paid off. Stanger dropped back have close access to facilities, or they the-less all the university teams were to the 25 yd. line and found Gord Pranschke alone in the end zone for the are forming sailing teams to represent subjected to the same conditions. Ten score. The convert .was blocked by Doug Peacock. Score ,C-6 W-O, their university at intercollegiate reuniversities competed, with McMaster Warriors took until midway through the second quarter to get rolling but gattas. taking top honours. A Mat player, when they did there was no stopping them. With the help of an over eager At Montreal the competition was ’ Bob Jarvis, won individual honours Carleton line the Warriors marched down the field starting at their own 37 extremely good, many being class in the tournament. His two rounds yd. line. _ champions in the Olympic trials etc. <were 72 & 76. Waterloo placed ninth Bob Franks picked up 2 yds., a pass to Doug Cressman went incomplete Five races were scheduled, but due to beating last place Guelph by thirty but’ fortunately two consistent offsides by the Ravens gave Waterloo a first heavy winds, the last race had to be strokes. Creditable showings for the down at the Waterloo 4 yd. line. Franks started the next drive by gaining 3 cancelled. McGill placed first with Waterloo team were turned in by yards. offtackle, Aldridge bootlegged around left end for 10 yards and a first U. of W. (Jack Haser and Arthur Harold Dietrich 79-82, and Richard down. The crowd began to stir as they sense& the possibilities of a touchdown. Alyea) 2% pts. behind for second. Tucker 80-83. Because of weather The next two plays only picked up 7 yds. and it looked as if another U.B.C. had a 1st and 2nd after two conditions less than half the field Warrior drive was going to fizzle out. But it was to be a day of gambles. races, but due to dumping in the were in the seventies. Aldridge came out gambling on the Ravens 36 yd. line. Dropping back to pass third race, was unable to maintain 9!T&st? he found Brian Irvine alone on the left sidelines with a 20 yard pass and their early lead. Next weekend WaterBrian easily went the last 15 yds. without a hand being laid on him. The loo will be sailing at a regatta in convert was missed and so the score was C-6 W-6. London, and the following week at On Monday, Oct. 19 the singles Wayne State U. in Detroit. The hungry and fired up defense went to work right at the kickoff. The tournament will take place at Seakickoff was short and when the Ravens were slow to pick it up Mike Law gram Gym at 7:00 p.m. Entries must certainly. was not as he pounced on the loose pigskin. be in by 2:00 p.m. on the 19th. The Aldridge hit Walt Finden for 8 yds. and Bob Franks carried for 1 yd. The University of Waterloo Rowdoubles tournament will take place Unfortunately Waterloo was offside and when the penalty was declined the ing Clulb is looking for fellows with on Thursday, Oct. 22 at 7:00 p.m. Warriors were faced with another third down situation. Aldridge came out previous rowing experience who In the meantime anyone interested appearing to be gambling. Taking the snap he dropped back as if to pass but would like to compete for this school can practice smashing the ball down instead kicked into the Carleton end zone for 1 point. Score 7-6 for Waterloo. to help it maintain last years Rowing his partner’s throat on the gym table Championship. The second half looked even better than the first from a Warrior point in the men’s locker-room. Running This years’ crew will have five oarsof view. Carleton kicking to Waterloo were about to witness a completely new shoes must be worn. If they’re new men returning including Ron Hambleand even more fired Warrior crew. Waterloo scrimmaging on their own 41 wear them a little! To avoid disap- ’ ton, Phil Hampson, Murray Jones, yd. line gave the ball to their rookie right half, Brian Irvine. Brian as the pointment bring your own bat (not Pete Lockhart and Bill Morrison plus second man through battled, bulled and danced his way through the Raven the kind you take to a dance). All newcomer John Laroque. defense before breaking clear and going all the way for a touchdown. But games go to 21. Strong recruits will be needed to downfield was a referee standing beside a red flag and a very dejected Warrior. challenge top ranking crews from Clipping was called and back came the ball. This was not to deter the WarMcMaster, Toronto, Brock and Wesriors. Even though forced to give up the ball they came bouncing back. -_ _ tern. Organization meeting will he Carleton beginning at the centrefield strip began another methodical An invitatiocal track meet was to held in P-130 on Tuesday, October march downfield. Dalton, who was the bulwark of the Raven offense gainbe :held at Kingston last Saturday, 20 at 5:00 p.m. Anyone not able to ing 140 yds. on 19 carries, broke loose again for 21 yds before being hauled Oct. 10. Fearing complete humiliation attend the meeting report to Seagram down by Dave Aldworth. Successive carries by Ted Miller and MacDonald by the U. of W. squad the other uniGym on the following day at 5:00 gave Carleton another first down at the Warrior 21 yd. line. A fitting climax versities called the meet off. Neverp.m. with gym equipment. Replacewas Dalton dancing the last 21 yds. for the score. Once again the convert the-less some of our boys went down ments are urgently needed as the time was blocked. Score C-12 W-7. just in case some brave souls showed before the big Inter-Collegiate RowWaterloo took the kickoff and looked as if they might go all the way. up. It ended up a two-university event ing Championships is only 3 weeks Beginning at the 29 yd. line Aldridge ran wide around left end for 25 yds., with McMaster showing up in spite of away. Irvine carried up the middle for 11 yds., but an incomplete--pass and short our awesome reputation. Our chamyardage forced Waterloo to kick. pions faired as follows: Three plays later Waterloo had the ball back and this _time there was no 440 yard Harold Armstrong 2nd denying them. Grosse returned the punt to the Carleton 40 yd line. Dick 1st 880 yard , Adrian Peter Aldridge running around left end as if he owned it went 18 yds. to the 22 At one point in the football game Lorie Bridger 3rd yd. line. Irvine, playing one of the finest games ever witnessed in Seagram last Saturday the fans had strong 1 mile Adrian Peters 2nd Stadium for a rookie, followed his blocking to perfection covered the last 22 cause 3 to believe that the referees Harold Armstrong 3rd yds. to make the source 13-12 for Waterloo. Rich Gage made the convert were playing for , Carleton. Terry High Jump Carson Petrie 1st - _ - _ good and so the score was 14-12. Cooke dropped back to pass, and fired Steve Crawford 3rd Carleton was not going to play dead as yet. Beginning at their own 53 the ball into the arms of a waiting Shot-put Mike Milligan 1st , they began to march. Grabbing the face mask penalty was called on Waterloo Warrior. The ball was held ’ momenDiscus - Mike Milligan ‘1st giving Carleton a first down at the Waterloo 44. Successive gains by Amer, tarily then fumbled. Another horror Dalton and MacDonald took the ball to the Warrior 14 yd. line as the Actually no reason was given for stricken Warrior Doug Peacock from quarter ended. Carleton going for the field goal on third down were about to down-field came ot the rescue. leapthe cancellation. I witness the most spectacular play of the game. The attempt was short and wide. Glen Rosse attempting to catch the ball To The Rhino-Watchers . . . bobbled it a couple - of times before finding the handles. Carleton players rushing in to make the tackle .were mesmerized. Grosse making use of his “The rhino is a homely beast, speed and the goal posts started wide about 2 yds. deep in his end zone. As For human eyes-he’s not a feast, he rounded the corner suddenly there appeared in front of him the ‘empty Farewell, farewell you old rhinoceros, sidelines with about two Players between him and touchdown territory. Glen I’ll stare at something less prepoceros” easilv out ran them for a tremendous 112 yd. gallop. Gage made the convert. OGDEN NASH Score C- 12 w-21. Insurance Is Not Prepoceros! Waterloo was not finished yet. Walt Finden surrounded by Ravens went up and came down, with the ball, taking a step he entered paydirt ,and WatBOB WAGNER, B.A. - C.L.U. erloo added another 6 points. Once again Gage added the convert and so the The Mutual Life of Canada.. scdrLeewsas -C-f2--. -W-28. Bus. 744-7325 Res. 7451330 Thanks fellas for a great game, let’s have another one next Saturday when we meet the University of Ottawa Gee Gee’s.

&ame&eeabd ,

74e %fi?



ing high into the air from about eight feet away. In the middle of this great parabola the referee reached over and wisked away the target of consternation. Our high-flying friend, robbed of his heroic intentions, landed ignominoiusly on the exact spot where the ball had been. One could almost hear the ref chuckling evily to himself.


Art Lab: An eperiment in the practice and study of art for all students (faculty and staff too). Organizational meeting Room A354, October 19, 7 pm. German Club: Annual Winzerfest at the Concordia Club, Saturday, October 17, 8:00 p.m. Get tickets, $1.00 each, from Werner Klinke, Heidi Lukas, Gerard .Fischer, and the German Office. Students: The University of Waterloo presents “10.05” - a weekly 3 hour programme on CKKW Radio (1320 kc) designed for the people of the twin cities and the student body of the University of Waterloo. Every Saturday night starting October 17, 1964. From lo:05 till 1 a.m. Curlers: First and second meetings will be held bctober 20th and 22nd from 4 - 6 p.m. at the K-W Granite Club. All new members welcome. Fee $2.50. Grad Ball Committee: A meeting in El11 at, 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 20. Bridge Players: Duplicate Bridge in- the Engineering Common Room on Sunday, October 18 at 1:30 p.m. Lost: Black leather Tonneau cover beside Seagram Gym on Friday, September 25, 1964. Contact: Connie Graham 7429826. The Newman Club holds weekly meetings every Wednesday evening at 6:45 p.m. in the St. Jeromes College classroom building. All interested parties are invited to attend. There will be a discussion group Sunday, October 18, at St. Jeromes College. The topic will be the recent- encyclical. The literature and leadership will be provided by the Newman Alumni. All students are invited to participate. Circle K: Monday, Oct. 19,, 5: 10 p.m., P-150. Short business meeting, followed by Prof. Handa of the Civil Engineering Dept., speaker for United Nations Week. Everyone welcome, especially prospective members.


on Campus


He: She: He: She: He:

“When, when?” “Tonight, now. now ” “Where?” “I dunno. Anywhere. Verdum.” “Oh‘ God! Yes, yes, yes.” (Loud voice over the P.A. SYstem in the trees, behind the foliage. Birds and squirrels rapidly dechug. All of Nature is stilled.) The Voice: “One thing you must avoid -__ _ this year is falling in love.” Click. (She rises slowly, her body wracked with pain, her blonde tresses drooping wantonly, brokenly, hiding her face. Then she begins the long walk down the campus, out the gates, and carefully arranging her tweeds, lies down under a Montreal Transportation Commission- Bus. He, in the meantime, throws back his head and drinks a stiff vial of poison from Time Magazine. Leaves flutter down and cover his sensible grey flannels. A mean trombone moans “Careless Love”



post office groceries and magazines toilet articles




What’s What in Clubs and Organizations?




On Sept. 21, and Se@.. .22i2‘$ou -w-w the Arts Students h$nded the. sum of , $1.50 over-to the Arts Society. This Homecoming week this year will be Adoption of year-round operation is ydw receipt. . .. , :~ _ ’ ‘marked by one of the biggest events in Canadian universities could be ~eograpky -. j Thank you. .’ ever to hit the campus. Friday night, both coqtly. and detrimental to teachYou may wdnder what will happen the start of the week-end, will see ers and ,students, a committee of A booklet on to your money now. This is what’ will a return by an already well-known C$n;zim university professors has htiepep: It will be administered by e \ Student I Activ%i& and well liked figure. Oscar Brand of two people - Peter Haeukel,’ dccltiim“Let’s S&g Out” fame will be perThe deport, published by the Canis now available * LangGage was’ no barrier last weeked P&dent of the Arts Society; -and a&m Association of University Teaforming’ here, on our campus. end to learning and enjoyment for 40 John Clarke, acclaimed rep&e&Mr. Brand; who last year won the chers, says universities would find it visiting Lava1 University geographers. The Bqard o? Publicati& time ,to Students’ Council. These. two admiration of the student body when cheaper to expand than to tack an As guests of the Geography Club of %l? *be able to use this money for 1 the University Offices - Annex 1 he taped three shows of the “Let’s extra term onto the present academic of Waterloo, geowhtitever purpose they wish. Sing Out” series will be appearing in year. any student desiring grapby became thi common language s Such a Democracy. The committee, headed by B. W. concert on Friday, October 3Oth, at for the duration of their stay. On ’ a copy of this list Any cries of righteous indignation 8:30 p.m. Jackson of McMaster, decided that Staurday Dr. Erb conducted the visitof clubs and organizations should be strangled immediately by This will add the perfect beginning year-round operation should be adoptors on a tdur of Waterloo County and may have one the shroud of apathy w*hich has surto what may prove to be the greatest ed only if a system can be devised surrounding areas. Special sources of rounded the Arts Society in the last - interest to the Quebecers were the and most spirited Homecoming weekwith scholastic quality as its first free of charge few years. It is the same apathy that ing yet. --- The rest of the bill reads considerati@q ’ At present. graduate Kitchener Market and the Mennonhas scuttled Students’ Council and just as fabulously. and extension courses make up the ites. The following day was devoted threatened almost every student actiSaturday morning at’ 9:30, the anbulk of year-round operation at Canato a bus tour of the Niagara Peninvity on this campus. ual Homecotiing Parade will wind dian .. colleges. Since research and sula. The French-Canadian students Last year an election was held. Two main its wgy up King St. and into the Sea- teaching are the univer$ity’s were amazed to see fruit growing on people were nominated, and thus ad- the trees and vines rather than seeing gram Stadium parking lot. This parfunctions, the teacher who cannot claimed, to carry on the Arts Society. do research because he has too many ade will be highlighted by the float it on the shelves of suDermarkets. Canada’s “play of the year” this Out of 800 people, only two were compeiition between the two schools students becomes a “mere purveyor Much was learned by geographers willing to take a’ little bit of responsiinvolved; floats can be entered by of dead information,“, the committee past season, Jack Winter’s BEFORE from the two universities. both about bility and to do a little work. The anyone: check with Garth Wannan, went on. geography and about other facets of COMPIEGNE, will be the attraction time for this can easily be deducted 742-7709. The theme of the narade The committee mentioned a few Canadian life. The weekend ended when the Toronto’ Workshop Produc-. from. ,the hours spent in the Coffee of the difficulties that face U.S. uniis MOVIES (all kinds). Anothe? first! with a personal invitation from the tions company opens the University Shop or at the Kent, or watching Bands!! Fo! the first year there will versities who have taken a whack at Quebec group for the Waterloo geotelevision. All the Arts Society wants of Waterloo’s year-round systems. It places greatet: 1964-65 Playhouse ik,F,ands m the Homecommg Pargraphers to return the visit in three is a helping hand to carry out, its . .. emphasis on “facts and memory work weeks time. Hazel Rawls, Series, Friday, October 16. planned activities. At 1:30 that afternoon, the Circle rather than on thought and investigaGeography Club : We need people tochelp build floats tion . . . It puts great pressure on Before Compiegne, a new look at K Club will organize a pep-rally, folfor Homecoming. lowed, naturally, by the -exciting both student and teacher . . . drastithe last days of Joan of Arc, was We need people to help with Our Homecoming Game in which we ancally re’duces” leisure time, and rewritten especially for the Toronto Christmas Dance on Dec. 11. 3 nually trounce that other place at sults in fatique for teacher and stuL We need people to help build a company and ran for six weeks when football; Half time entertainment will dent alike. snow sculpture at Winterland. be provided- by The Conqperors a The committee also said the syit w’as> first presented in the WorkAbove all, we need people who are brass band from Hamilton. stem could make paper-work reach shop’s hundred seat theatre last DeSunday’s duplicate bridge he; in ienuinely interested and who are vti. “where university adThe wrap-up for Homecoming will proportions the Arts Cafeteria was termed a succember. It received ecstatic reviews selfish to help run the society. be the semi-formal bn Saturday night. ministrationwould become an end cess by the club president Don CurAnyone who is willing to help us, from the critics who cited it as’ the This dance, every year a smash sucin itself .” ran. Three tables were in play and and who wants to serve on the Execess, will be held at the Coronet most imaginative, ,exciting and chalmo?e players were kibitzing because cutive Council of the Arts Society Motor Hotel: more on it to come, preson for the Oscar Brand Concert. lenging play on the Canadian theatthey didn’t arrive in time to join the should leave his or her name, adTickets will be $4.00 per couple Don’t miss out; get your tickets rical scene. At. the close of the ‘!63dress, and telephone number with game. The winners were Don Curxan for the semi-formal. and $1.50 ner earlv. and David Weber with Bob Schives Miss Petz in the Students’ Offices in 64 season Before Compiegne’ was seland Dave Robbins in second place. Annex ‘1. ected as the “Best New’ Canadian . Don Curran said the turnout wai Peter Hansel, ” , Play of the Year” at the annual Telebetter than he expected because of the Applications will now be accepted for the following positions President ‘of k& Soci&y gram Theatre Awards Dinner. ,, Thanksgiving weekend and that the BOARD OF PUBLICATIONS duplicate bridge club would pjrobably Business vanager: duties include all budgeting of Board funds. The second production of the Playbe in session every Sunday except Advertising Manager: to co-ordinate advertising of all Board Notices will appear in On Monday evening, October 5, a homecoming. house series will be November 20 the Coryphaeus arid on bulletin Publications. meeting of St. Paul’s United College when the Canadian Players present boards. and Conrad Grebel College was held Interested parties should apply in writing to: the FIRST SHAKESPEAREAN in the Refectory at St. Paul’s. Mr. G. L. VanFleet 1 / QUINTET. ’ This meeting was to inform the ’ Acting Chairman, Board of Publications,. students of a ,special election to be All of the Playhouse Series proSTUDENTS’ COUNCIL held on OFtober 21, aqd to introduce / ’ Ch@rman: Orientation’ Comniittee. Duties include planning dnd them to the system of Student ‘Gov- \ ductions will be in the University of 3;ociebj ernment at the University of Waterco-ordination of all orientation activities. The chairman would be reWaterloo% Theatre of the Arts -and loo. A panel of five answered quesAa organizational meeting of the sponsible to council for such programming. tickets for the performances are availtions from the floor. The’ participants debating society was held last Friday. Speaker ;- Students’ Council: -Responsibilities include Presiding able at the Theatre Box Office in the were Mr. Dick Van Veldhuisen, ActThe purpose of the society it to proover meetings of council and executive board; Call meetings of same: ing President of the Students’ Counmote debating on campus and to re- ’ Arts Building. Tickets for the .s&ies cil. Dr. T. L. Batke, Academic ViceEnforce observance of Students’ Council constitutions and rules of par-. are priced at $7.00 for students, $9.00 present the University of Waterloo President; Mr. C. C. Brodeur, Adat inter-Universitf debate tournaliamentqry proceedure. for members of the University faculrl ministrative Assistant to Student Afments. Interested parties should apply in writing to: ty and staff, and $10.00 to the general fairs; Mr. D. Young, Chairman of the The society will organize weekly Mr. Richard Van Veldhuisen, public. The prices for individpal perboard of Student Affairs; and Mr. R. debates among its members. Its plans Wiljer, former chairman of the ConActing President, Students’ Council. formances are $2.00 for students, for inter-University competition are I stitution Committee. still tentative. The first major debate $2.50 for faculty and staff and $3.00 Ye&we, General Administration, Public Relations, Economics, Statistics ’ Mr. Van Veldhuisen outlined the will probably be at the University of for the public. main activities of the Students’ CounRochester on Nov. 20. cil planned for the coming year. . An executive was elected at this Among these are plans for Homecommeeting. Mike Sheppard was elected ing, a visit of the Toronto. Symphony President, Steve Flott, Vice-President, Herb Forester’ Men’s Wear Orchestra, a Christmas Dinner, Winand Craig Parkes Secretary-Treasurer. Quality Clothes ter Festival, and Graduation Ball. The next meeting will be held Friwith the It was pointed out that changes day, October 16 at 12 noon. Anyone 94 King sheet South, Wat. had to be made within the Students’ intereste.d in joining the society may Council. For example, the adoption 10 % student discount attend this meeting or contact Mike of a new constitution. Such changes Sheppard by leaving a note in the cannot be effected by the present box in Annex 1. Council of fourteen members. , for university graduates of ALL faculties in&d@ There was a suggesiton that if reMr. - Wiljer stated that it seems ’ Student Government of the Univer- E Arts, Economics, Commerce, Science, Law presentation to the Councli was ex- , fewer are willing to work despite the sity of Waterloo can be termed the . tended to include more representa-1: larger university population. The Coltraining ground for the future leaders as tives from the Student body and the leges should take a more active inof Canada. . four residences, the many and varied L terest in Student Government ActiviA JUNIOR EXJ3CUTIVE OFFICERS . pinterests of the faculties and resities. _ dences could be brought to the CounA group of hmmittees such as and cil’s attention. Student Union Committee, Student Each student invested $18.00 in the Residence Committee were mentioned the Budget of the Students’ Council as needing representatives from the at Regist)ation. Mr. Young explained - student body for Council. By acceptthat the present budget of approxiing such a position a student is pre. STARTING SALARIES I mately $120.000,00 has been allotted paring himself for the future as the Ii* to five general divisions: $19,000 to $405 to $505 A MONTH ‘. 5 the Board of Publications (CoryDepending Upon Qualifications FREE Carnation Boutonniere ’ phaeus, Compendium, etc.); $27,000 \ to the Board of Student Activities for EXAMINATIONPROGRAMME L d crb 9 with every corsage order for the dance the social activities in the fields of music, art, drama; $10,000 to the 1, .[ OCTOBER 21,7 p.m. ALL CANDIDATES Objective Board of External Relations for semORDER TODAY Test / B inars, out of town speakers; and the a f-w a rest divided between General Admini& OCTOBER 52, 7 p.m. FOREIGN SERVI&CAN8 stration and Reserve and Miscellane.< E DIDATES - Essay paper and? for those with a knowledge g’ qls. a Mr. Young stated. alsq: that the .l of French, a ,written language test. 8 newspaper is a mode of qom,Euniqa- 4 3: tD,tion and the key to student’ a@$%i@- _‘. 744-6544 1998 King St. E. Kitchener, Ont. i FOR COMPLETE DETAILS SEE ’ Ei; and information. However, cani? YOUR UNIVERSITY PLACEMENT OFFICER Q munication must also be through the .. 8 C!Z!ileges and their respective Cow- , Present, student card , 24 hr. phone service Editorial, Legislation, Personnel, Indian A&sirs, Labour Relatio+ .









1 ~dbekd .





RbON .

Friday, October 16, 1964




’5 I




Overseas Views


by Thomas

A. de Souza


Once again after a brief spell of summer vacations, the campus is hustling and bustling with life. Initiation is over and students are seen almost running amuck loaded with text-books, note-books, briefcases, lunch packets etc. The University Avenue is a busy thoroughfare punctuated with jostlings and joltings of every conceivble type. The Bank of Montreal is another busy corner and the Bank personnel is kept alert perhaps inwardly grumbling and cursing at the student rush. Among the students there are the new-comers and particularly the overseas students to whom the new country is a dream and the vastness of the campus is a fantasy. They trudge their way with the hope that they will befriend the veterans on. the _. Campus, exchange views, listen to news and get themselves familiarized with the day to day workings of the University of Waterloo.

successful in my venture. At last at 7:30 in the evening when dusk had drawn its gloomy curtain and erratic cold wind blowing briskly seemed to sap the residues of my energy. I found an apartment. I was lucky. Well, I write this to say that all these troubles could be minimized if not avoided if there was an organization of overseas students to help the newcomers. I am given to understand that there is such an organization called I.S.A. (International Student’s Association), but whether it is in function or disfunction I do-not know. What is needed on this campus is a strong and well-formed International Student’s Association - I.S.A. or better, Canada - Overseas Student’s Association C.O.S.A., which not only overseas students but also Canadian students will take active part in solving the problems of the newcomers.

Such an organization will, no doubt, fulfil1 the felt need of fostering better, closer and healthier ties among the students of Waterloo University. In my opinion, each student on the campus is indeed, an ambassador in miniature of his country, reflecting his countries glorious traditions, customs, moves and culture. He has come to this land of Canada not only to drink at the fount of learning of the University of -Waterloo, but also and quite naturally so, to acquaint himself with different cultures and thus promote warm feelings and real understanding not only among students on the campus, but also with community at large. I trust overseas students will realize this and lend their whole-hearted support and cooperation to build up a sound and vital organization on the campus of the University.

Hart House Orchestra Last Saturday evening we were treated to a very enjoyable performance in the Theatre of the Arts by the Hart House ‘Orchestra - all 200 of us. The number of students attending was particularly small, undoubtedly because most of them had gone home for the long weekend (Theatre of the Arts Planning Committee please take note.) The small student audience must have seemed rather unusual because the group of 13 string musicians took the first half of the concert to acclimatize themselves. After the performance, they admitted that they also had to familiarize themselves with our theatre but that it had a good sound and was an ideal situation for such chamber groups. rather

Mr. Boyd Neel, the conductor, commented on each work but with a bored complacency, for example, “And here is Mr. Fiore with his flute.”

The suite from Alcina lacked the dramatic quality that Handel must have intended for his opera. The Mozart and Telemann showed the brilliant precision of the orchestra. In fact, the few erring moments during the evening could not have altered my impression of professionalism. The flute soloist, Mr. Fiore, in the Telemann displayed remarkable agility although he could not always be heard when he and the first violins doubled on some parts. The second half presented contemporary works. I found the Freedman and Kennan works perhaps most enjoyable. In the Fantasy and Allegro the concertmaster made the best of his opportunity and both Mr. Neel and the orchestra loosened up enough to care for the subtle tonalities. In the Night Soliloquy Mr. Fiore’s performance was almost exquisite. The orchestra ended the concert with a romp through a Divertimento of folk melodies by Leo Wiener. The audience showed due appreciation and the orchestra played two encores, Strass’ Pizzicato Polka and a Rondo by Mozart.

I, being myself an overseas student, am well aware of the difficult and trying days I had when I first came to this campus three weeks ago. Everything being new and confusing, I had to run from pillar to post, from Business office to Apartment and from Apartment to Department and finally being thoroughly exhausted had to steal a few moments of relaxation sipping a hot cup of coffee in the Cafeteria. The same, I am sure, has been experienced by many a newcomer. The first few days in a new country in new surroundings are baffling and efforts in adjustment are called for. On my arrival here, the biggest hurdle I had to overcome was to secure an apartment. Being reminded of the Biblical quotation that “the son of God had no place where to lay His head on.” I was too placed in the same, predicament though, of course, I am a son of man. I spent two nights at St. Jerome’s with a sword of Democles hanging on my head because the student to whom the room was allotted would come at any time fortunately he must have had pity for me - and I had to make my own arrangements. However, instead of brooding over, I summed up courage and determined to find some place or the other, I combed all the streets of Waterloo, near and far, like a mendicant knocking at every door. I virtually invaded every home and adopting an aggressive attitude said I needed a place, to live.

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