
Page 1

GoryNeedsHelp Or It MustFold Publication of the Coryphaeus will switch from two issues per week to only one due to a lack of staff. In fact, the Coryphaeus will continue to exist only if students show enough interest to take part in the production of the campus newspaper. The Coryphaeus is not the only student activity on this campus to suffer from lack of student participation. Students have also been apathetic ,to student government, intramural sports and many other activities. ment

On Monday night, November 2nd, The Board of Publications met to dis-

attention to this fact. that students would

response of students to appeals from The Board of Publications for newspersonnel,


The Coryphaeus

office on a normal




day the


to Germany

A chartered flight to Germany in May or June 1965 will be offered through the ‘Canadian German Academic Exchange Association.’ Any student or faculty member interested should become a member of this association by November 20, in order to comply with the requirement of 6 months membership under the regulations of international airline companies. Membership cards can be obtained for $1.00 from the secretary of the Department of German and Russian. There is no further charge for other members of the family, but they should be registered. Further information not available as yet.

Engineers Ian Elections The Engineering Society Executive elections were announced to-day by the Chief Returning Officer Bill Kappens. Mr. Kappens said that the nominations would open on Monday, November 9 at 9:00 a.m. and would close on Friday, November 13 at 5:00 p.m. Campaining will continue from Friday, the thirteenth, to Wednesday, November 18. The actual day of the election will be THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19. Nomination forms may be obtained from Mrs. Zillikens, in the Student Council Offices.

Red Youth

to Meet

Western Europe and the East European satellite countries to make bilateral contact.


members, assistance

Plan to Scrap S. C. A party whose aim is to abolish Students’ Council is to be formed according to a University of Waterloo undergraduate. Robert Powell, organizer of a new Parliamentary Party, today announced the first meeting of the Party to take place at 4 p.m. on Monday, November 9 in Room ‘A-246. Mr. Powell said that he invites anyone who is seriously interested in erecting a Parliament and a “real” Democratic institution for students to manage their own affairs. Mr. Powell said that the major aims of the Parliamentary Party are to hold free elections in all colleges ,and faculties to establish rule by Parliament of student affairs, to control student finances, to abolish Students’ Council, to depose the Executive, to establish a “free student press,” and to allow students to govern themselves.




shortage is acute: The has a working staff of


is attempting

to 15. Features,






week ago, needs some accomplished writers. No offers

is, this issue of the Coryphaeus was produced with the combined efforts of just ten people. a literary


pect of newspaper work has a staff of 5 - which should be expanded

with a reasonamong the staff

The editors of the Coryphaeus


with 3 where it should have a staff of 6; Layout, the most necessary as-

the newspaper requires the of about fifty people. As it

hoped to introduce


4 which should be expanded to 20; Sports has La staff of 4 - instead of


and journalistic

To be run efficiently, able division of work


Our staff News Editor

tinue indefinitely to bear the brunt of the work and still do justice to both their academic

It was hoped be interested

was concerned.


The work involved in producing newspaper up to this time has

staff of the Coryphaeus


poetry. This has been the case in every instance where the Coryphaeus

been done by very few. The Board of (Publications feels that the present

- Hours after rumors that Nikita Krushchev had been removed KW as a political leader of the Soviet Union became official, the western press had begun speculation on the foreign policies of his successors. Less than 11 years had passed since the death of Joseph Stalin, the iron-handed despot who created a world power from the political and economic chaos that was Russia in the 1930’s. In the tense months following his death, the western press courted literally hundreds of contradictory reports of the murking struggle behind the Iron Curtain for post-Stalin control. Most of this speculation was nothing more than guesswork based on scant factual reports from Moscow. As reports in the press in the past week indicate, our Soviet experts know little more about the machinations of Kremlin politics today than they did in 1953. And, recalling the wildly irrelevant speculation following Stalin’s death, observers can be expected to take a more cautious approach to the latest Soviet shuffles. Considerable attention, however, will be focused on the International Union of Students (IUS) to be held in Sofia, Bulgaria, in late November. It will be the first international meeting of Communists since the new Kremlin regime came to power. More important, Communist student unions have traditionally mirrored the policies of their governments, and, if Red China attends, the November congress is likely to reflect current trends. Though there is some doubt about the participation of the Chinese, most observers feel they will send a delegation to Sofia, if only to gauge the strength of the, new Soviet regime. Sino-Soviet differences threatened to split the recent Moscow Youth Forum in two. Western students leaders are expected to take a particular interest in the proceedings at Sofia. In the past five years, east-west tension’ has ,abated sufficiently to allow leaders in


of the students, publication Coryphaeus as a weekly

newspaper will resume Thursday, vember 19th.


enough to submit samples of their prose and poetry for publication on

it was felt that the

Coryphaeus should ‘be cut down. Should there be sufficient response on the part of The


newspaper. A large notice was printed twice in the last two weeks to draw

cuss the Coryphaeus, its problems, and future. Owing to the lukewarm


as a regular

other such

organization on campus a broad opportunity to

make the acquaintance of such a large variety of people; unfortunately


too few people have been taking vantage of this opportunity.



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annual staff,



held on February the




and satire,

and administrative


K Club.


by and for


and thirteenth,







will be accepted





ber to Miss 1, no later questions rected Student

Helen than should

to Mr. Affairs,






state address


be left in writing C. C. Brodeur, Arts

13, 200 with



Secretary, p.m.

Annex Further

the secretary




and other

and telephone





or staff.



are open for competition. faculty



or difor

Acting Ediior: J. D. Grenkie Ch@rman, Board of Publications: Gord~ Van Fleet 1 Published under authorization of the Students’ Council, University of, Waterloo, representing the freedom of a responsible autonomous society. Subscriptions $3 SO Member: Canadian university press Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash.





But even this will not be possible without help from the students on this campus. We need a vast number of students to work in the various fields of publication of this newspaper. We want students who have worked on publications of any type before, and we want students who have no idea about publications except interest. That is, WE WANT YOU. Indeed, we need you to continue ‘and flourish. First of all, writers are needed. Contributing writers are needed to create new columns and are necessary for feature writing. Tom Rankin, Features Editor, will be in the Coryphaeus Offices in Annex 1 on Tuesday and Thursday from 1 to 5. Furthermore, writers are %nedeed to cover events in general. These include music, drama, arts, council meetings, and interviews of people. - on and off campus. Another field in which we must have staff in order to continue publications is Layout. Layout gives you the chance to use your imagination to create and make a page of newsprint and pictures appealing. Layout is the most necessary facet of newspaper production and requires a large staff in’ order to operate successfully.


are needed in the of these events.

All of these positions must be filled. If. you ar.e not interested in filling them, then we can only infer that you are not interested in having a campus newspaper. Any position would not take more time than four hours per week and if you desired; four hours every two weeks. You need not know how to write, but you must be INTERESTED. It is odd that in High School, so many of you were active in student activities. Now that you have reached University, you want nothing to do with such activities. Why not change this? If you Are Interested in helping on the newspaper to ensure its future, Come the Coryphaeus Office next week between 3 -and 6.

Student Ptipulah (An Editorial



, I I

The Coryphaeus cannot continue publishing effectively after this edition. We have too many internal problems. Our organization is poor and our staff is almost non-existent. We will attempt to come out once a week.

In addition to just writers and layout artists, editors fields of Art, Drama, and Music to direct proper coverage

ta IN Letters

Canada needs more doctors, lawyers, scientists, teachers, ers and other professional men. And more of our young should have, a college education.

engineers, preachpeople need, and

That goes almost without saying these days. But what should be said is that college education is being oversold. ‘Parents are stampeding to get their children into, college somewhere, somehow, if only for family prestige. It is being drummed into young people that each year of advanced education means more thousand dollars in lifetime earnings. Employers are hanging out the “Only Graduates Need Apply” sign because they won’t take the trouble to determine specifically what talent the job requires. There is a lot of nonsense in all this. Two facts should be faced. There is the practical consideration that 100,000 more young people turn 18 this year than only 10 years ago. (The total full-time university population, for all years and faculties last year was about 150,000.) No matter how fast universities and their staff expand, they can’t admit every student who thinks he has a right to go to college or whose parents want him to go, whatever his ability in academic studies. There must be a selection for university places - and the basis should be intellectual r aptitude, not money. .

The petition was placed before Students’ Council, and Students’ Council referred the matter to a committee. Does Students’ Council not realize what a petition is? Does Students’ Council not realize that over sixty per cent of the engineers, over twenty-five per cent of the total undergraduate population, are demanding immediate implementation of the petition? Does Students’ Council not recognize a petition of this magnitude as a democratic expression of opinion? Does Students’ Council dare to deny the right of democratic representation to the undergraduates of this university? At the next meeting of Students’ Council, the Constitution Committee to whom this matter has been referred, will report to the S.C. At that time, let the Students’ Council act decisively to implement this petition. Enough time has been wasted. With the total effort of all involved, this petition can be put into effect by January, 1965. ‘N. E. ‘Anderson, Treasurer, Engineering Society A

PHOTOS Dear Sir: During the past few weeks, numuncomplementary comments erous have been heard concerning the almost prison-like photos which appear on our new identification cards. In my opinion, there is something much more fundamental that is wrong with these cards. Our new identification cards prove uncontestably that the administration of our university is inefficient, unpatriotic kxtravagent, and wrong. Our new identification cards cost three dollars, they took five to six weeks to prepare, they contain only one’s name and serial number in raise,d lettering, they were made in Chicago U.S.A. and are in-

Cormhaeus Staff

Human dignity and worth, and success in life don’t depend on having formal college experience. The only time many of Canada’s senior executives . have been inside a university was to accept an honorary degree.











Coryphaeus, Annex 1, University letters will not be accepted.

of Waterloo,

capable of serving the purpose which they were intended.

Dear Sir: Seven hundred and sixty-seven en-’ gineering undergraduates from both in-term and out-term streams signed a petition demanding reform in the representation to Students’ Council. The petition was generated by the executive of Engineering Society ‘A and B’ unanimously endorsed by representatives from every year and course of engineers now on campus at a meeting of the Engnieering Society on Tuesday, October 6, 1964, and subsequently approved by seven hundred and sixty-seven engineers by direct plebiscite.


The s?cond consideration young people, parents, and employers should take into account is that a college education is not the best kind for every student - it can blight the life and career of some. Nor is a B.A. necessarily a mark of superior native ability; it’s a measure of sorts of one kind of talent; the talent to write academic exams. Colleges don’t have a monopoly on brains and ability. There are sparkling students in technological institutes, in trades, and learning the ropes in banks, public services, businesses, and industry who outshine, and will out-earn, many a one decorated by a college diploma. Frequently a B.A. betokens a person with no marketable skill. As many young people as possible should have education and training beyond secondary school. College is only one. avenue. There are special schools in technology and the arts. There are night courses. Major industries, financial institutions and public services (for instance, policing) run their own schools and courses for ambitious and able employees.

OUR to: The Editor,


Explosion Toronto Stm)

be directed


Peden, Harold

Bob Glandfield





of Canada, to show cause why they wasted at least two dollars more, they got a highly inferior product after a long wait from a country which is constantly sapping the moral fibre of our people and undermining our academic freedoms.

By comparison, the administration of the University of Toronto was able to produce photo ‘identification cards last year which cost less than one dollar, which took three to four days to prepare, which contained name, address, serial number, college, faculty, year and term in embossed lettering, which were made in Toronto, Canada and which were able to be used immediately for the purpose of speeding up library withdrawals and other I.D. uses.

The adminsitration of this University has a great deal of answering to do to account for its actions. It is utterly ridiculous for the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada to advertise and encourage Canadian production, to tax this new production in order to give the UniverL sity much needed funds for expansion and to have the administration of our

The administration of this university has a grave responsibility, to the faculty; and students of this University and to the taxpaying public


on Page 3

. by A. J. Kellingworth,Ill The other day, the K-W Record carried an article about some idiot in Zambia (formerly Northern Rhodesia) who claimed that he could put a man on the moon before either of the major powers, provided that someone would donate the paltry sum of two billion clams to the worthy cause. In fact,’ the would-be astronaut had already developed a rocket which could get all of six feet off the ground. While six feet is really no great achievement, it is entirely possible that a Zambian will be the first to land on the moon. Judging from past colonialization procedure, the moon will probably be named New Zambia. If this is the case, can you imagine the havoc it would create with songs, books and the English langugae in general? Henry Mancini will be conducting New Zambia River; at campfires, the favourite song will be Sail Along, Silvery New Zambia; Niagara Falls will become the haven for honeynewzambiaers; and eighteen thousand college males will be newzambiaing ever their lost loves.

Last week, over four hundred students attended the lectures on sex sponsored by the University’s Athletic .Department. As it happens, there were two separate lectures, one addressed at females, the other at males. Isn’t that sweet? The Athletic Dapartment recognizes the difference. What strikes me as rather odd is the fact that the Athletic Department felt is necessary to hold two separate lectures instead of one combined lecture on the topic. Are we still living in the prudish age which characterized the last century, or is this separation merely a carry-over from the way in which the matter of sex is treated in high school? The Athletic Department is to be congratulated for having held the lectures in the first place, but it seems rather naive of it to have segregated the lectures. Inevitably, the presentation of twin. lectures resulted in a great deal of juvenile smirking, the very thing the Athletic Department sought to alleviate.

The election of Lyndon B. Johnson to the Presidency of the United States was almost a foregone conclusion. During the past summer, however, few people would have bet against Barry Goldwater. In fact, there were twenty-five million voters who still favoured Goldwater. The reason for the change in voters’ attitude was, I feel, primarily due to ‘the fact that Goldwater diluted his radical platform in order to appeal to a wider range of voters. Had Goldwater appealed to the right-wing element alone, he would probably have fared a good deal better than he did. As it was, by compromising some of his earlier stands, he had only lost a good deal of support from the right, but he also seemed to many uncommitted voters to be erratic and, therefore, not to be trusted. Johnson may not have had any platform of note, but at least he was consistent in his mediocrity. l4 -



Rawls, Trost, Shrdlu, III

Grafstein, Ann


Ron Walker,

Hazel Dave Etoain

A. J. Kellingworth,

Etoain Shrdlu strikes again. Due to a very bad bfmzadyglik, the regular Coryphaeus staff will be taking a vacation which may turn out to be longer than we expect. I realize that a certain young lady of whom I am extremely fond will appreciate this fact; however, I will sorely miss working for the Coryphaeus because it makes writing essays almost a joy. Until whenever it is, ’ then, may you all have a prosperous grtywlfng.

JIM PEDEN, Managing



University turn their backs on such efforts and purchase inferior products from the nation with which we have the worst balance of payments account. It is high time that the colleagues of this University stood up to be counted for the progress of Canada and for the elimination of kitchenbudget trained university administrators. IVlichael A. Birtles, II Honours Geography


The managing editor is a co-ordinator. All copy, news, CUP, sports, and features, must pass through his hands before it reaches the layout staff. He determines what copy will be printed on any page of CORYPHAEUS whether it is front page material or merely a comic strip. As head of the layout staff he must assure that copy is printed as planned and that all statements are within CORYPHAEUS Editorial policy.


Many students have complained in the past of the high cost of many of the goods at .the Treasure Van Sale and we wish to take this opportunity to answer this criticism. We admit that the goods, for the most part, are expensive. The goods are not primarily for purchase by students, but actually aimed at the general public and the faculties of the universities. Treasure Van is a student-faculty project and provides an opportunity for those who wish to help other students and faculty in underdeveloped countries. This does not exclude purchase of the goods by students and this year a special effort has been made to have more goods available in the student price line. We don’t want your money if the goods are too expensive, but we need your support as cashiers and as sales assistants. Please volunteer; thank you: W.U.S.C. Treasure


Committee, Van Project

DOUG volutions, etc. throughout history. But today - are we going to occupy ourselves twith that which is past; or . are we going to oppose such exclamation as “We’ll bury you!“? Mr. Pagan in his letter pointed out the various countries and nlaces that have already been supressed by the communists are we going to worry about these, or “read history”? All this is found in the press; is your memorv so short-lived? The communists are waiting for exactly people of your kind and attitude. If there were more of “you,” (and thank God there aren’t), the communists would take over the Free World “like taking candy from a baby.” I see now what the former Chancellor of Germany, Konrad Aldenauer meant when he said that the West will give the Communists the rope to hang itself, (the West). This is exactly what your attitude is doing. Heaven help us! Alex



GRENKIE, News Editor

__ _ __ _ News is a wide department. It ineludes all events which occur on campus. That is, art events, music events, movie events, meetings, and above all ‘straight-action’ news events. Naturally to cover all these ‘news’ events a huge staff is needed in order that the work may be spread evenly and, thus, no person will spend more than Four Hours per week. Up to now there has been little attempt to organize a staff. Now we must or the paper will fold. I will be in this office next week from three to six every day to explain the mechanics of working in this ‘news’ department. Anyone who is at all interested is urged, no, begged, to come.

. .



(In reply to Mr. Loch’s letter of October 3 0) Mr. Loch is certainly making a lot of noise; but what is that old saying, “The emptiest barrel makes the most .. . . . . “. The saying’s something misty. In the first place, he poses the question why communism should be wiped out. Let me answer this way: If you, Mr. Loch, knew, and I knew that a bandit and cut-throat lived in our neighbourhood, could we go on living there at our ease? If we were aware of the fact that this bandit goes on crushing the freedom of peoples, (as is typical of all bandits), would we not have to be constantly on our guard so that one day he would not strike us? Surely one doesn’t have to be a God, act like a God, or +‘play God” to see the danger. As a matter of fact, all that is needed to realize this is pure common sense. Secondly, I might ask you the same question Mr. . Loch, “Do you read history and newspapers?” If you did I’m sure that you’d be aware of the communist domination in the Free World. Granted that there were wars, re-



This is a thank you note for your helpful coverage of the newly-formed Art Lab, and for the welcome attention called to the Gallery of the Theatre of the Arts by Mr. The various student activities for are under to a growing

Kravitz. he calls

way and should lead participation on the

part of the students (and staff as well, we hope). Last night, a corps of Engineers




setting up the Litturigcal Art tion (which opens November


exhibi5 and

is open every day to students). Everyone on campus with an interest in art is welcome to attend the Art Lab, and its activities will include instrucin art we will start with sketching - art history, tours of the Gallery and of other galleries as well, participation in planning and

Features Editor The Features Department is more a nest of ideas than a department. It is our job to build up worthy news into a large feature capable of drawing attention to a problem, a student production, or an article worthy of more than a bare mention elsewhere. To this end, a liberal amount of photography and creative writing is employed. This is probably the only field in newspaper writing where the writer is allowed a free hand in his creativity. This is a new department to this year’s Coryphaeus, only because there has been no staff. The work done by this department can be the most impressive section of the paper - given the staff to do it.


TYMM, CUP Editor

In order to keep a “Cross Canada” eye on university and national affairs throughout the country, each university newspaper has a Canadian University Press Editor who, from the newspapers he receives from universities across the country, is able to select and reprint news of interest to students in his own campus. The CUP editor is assisted by the Canadian University Press, a national organization which, like the Canadian or United Press, sends bulletins and news items to the universities of the country. We require volunteers to read the newspapers from the various Canadian universities. Any articles of interest on campus must be typed for publication in the Coryphaeus. A few minutes a day is all the time required to read a few newspapers. A’ spare half hour can be utilized to type type -- even with one finger - an article for publication. To put it bluntly, we need assistance to keep the Coryphaeus going. Canadian University Press articles a& the backbone of the paper. If you can help, we would appreciate your efforts. Drop in to Annex 1 between 11 and 12 any day next week or between 2 and 4 on Tuesday. Ask for Wayne Tymm. He will be glad to see \ you.

calls for thanks

on my part

and this

to stud-

ents, Coryphaeus staff, faculty, and the general public for their support. Nancy-Lou Patterson, Director of Art

& Science Grad Photoschance November 10 & Pirak Studios, Kitchener. list at Arts Coffee Shop.

HMS Pinafore Arts Theatre, p.m.

- Rehearsal Sunday at i:OO

Sunday, 8:OO p.m. - Meeting of the Rover Crew in the Engineering Common Room.

CHURCH ART AT UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO Contemporary Liturgical Art will be shown at the University of Waterloo in the exhibition, “Liturgical Artists of Ontario”, November 5 to 30, 1964. Many of the most outstanding artists in Ontario devote their talent to the creation of works in liturgical art. Paintings, mosaics, enamel and metal work, tapestry, sculpture, and

Society of Friends (Quakers) Students and staff who are members of Friends’ Meetings, the wider Quaker Fellowship, or interested simply in learning the Quaker viewpoint are invited to contact P. H. Silveston, Rm. E265 (local 334) or P. L. J. Ryall, Rm. P37 1 (local 243). We hope to form a group on campus which will meet once or twice a month for discussion on Quaker thought (pacifism, social responsibility, theology) and possibly to hold Quaker silent worship. Saturday, Nov. 7 - Football Frolic - Sock Hop at Seagram Stadium, sponsored by the Circle K Club. Admission, 75~ per couple, 50~ individually. Dancing from 8:30 to midnight. Tickets will be available at the door. D. J. and nurses will be in attendance. ’ Wrestling Previous experience is not required. If you have been too small for football and too short for Basketball or if you want a winter sport, try wrestling. Practices are on every Monday at 6:30 p.m. at Seagram Stadium. This is for Senior Q.Q.A.A. Competition. Hockey - 500 free tickets for Junior A hockey game, Sunday 2 p.m., Kitchener Arena. Pick up tickets at stadium box office any day before 5 p.m. Faculty and Students Directories will be available on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 10 and 11. They can be picked up in the Arts, Engineering, and Physics Building. They will be available later in Annex 1 and the Book Store.


execution of Gallery exhibitions, things. All of other “in’‘-type

Arts Last 12, Sign

Accident Witness - Would the person(s) who witnessed an accident Friday, October 23 at 8:20 p.m. involving a grey ‘55 Ford and a blue ‘63 Mercury at University and Hazel please contact M. Oulette, 114 University Ave., 744-6947.



stained glass will be exhibited in a collection representing the wide variety of styles being practised today. The exhibition will be in the Gallery of the University’s Theatre of the Arts. The works of artists of many faiths is included and are appropriate to the different Christian Churches will be shown.


St. Aethelwold Players of St. Jerome’s College, veterans of the morality plays Noe and Why and Science, will stage the medieval plays Manynde andThe Killing of Abel, adapted and directed by Dr. Cummings, in the Theatre of the Arts on November 5, 6, and 7, at 8:00 p.m. General admission is $1.00, students $.50, and children free. Tickets are available at the door. This production represents a unique opportunity to become acquainted with . the ‘little-known’ preShakespearean drama. ,

November 6,1964



The vomen’s Volleyball Tournament will take place on Thursday, November 12 and on the 19. Nonresident students must sign the list on the bulletin boards in the Art’s Building, (outside the coffee shop), or in the Math’s and Physic’s Building, (main foyer). Resident students should sign up at the individual residences. Tournament rules, places and times are also posted. If a student wishes to referee for this tournament, she should contact Seagram Stadium.













at 744-6096

Student Affairs






but first

Last year, at the clinic 389 pints were donated.

The operetta is gradually taking shape and the members of the cast,’ hoarse from singing and hounded by their producer, are, nevertheless, enjoying themselves thoroughly” as they wait in anticipation of the excitement of opening night three weeks away.

in October

Rehearsal Terry Jones is off again with another Gilbert and Sullivan operetta this year. HMS PINAFORE will be presented in the Arts Theatre on November 26, 27 and 28.

The cast of the operetta can certainly look forward to being welldressed performers on a ‘well-set’ stage, for the properties and several of the costumes are being brought for the performance from Stratford where the operetta was performed last year.

Rehearsals have been in progress since the end of September. At the moment, they are for the birds only one flew in on Tuesday night, perched on a railing, then left after 15 minutes (amused, perhaps?). Humans will be allowed in later.

Final returns from the 1964 U. of W. Freshman \Penny Drive were $1,223 .OS. The chain between the two city halls was not closed. Still the money was collected at a rate Tickets for the concert are $1.00 for students, $2.50 for members of the university faculty and staff, and $3.00 for the general public. They are available at the Theatre box office in the University’s arts building.




All Phases Of Travel Waterloo 7456281 134 King St. S. Kitchener 7455621 331 Kiug St. w.



LIMITED and Lithographers




RROIU’ Men’s Wear Ltd. 34 King St. S., Waterloo 10% student discount

is no laughing matter.” ARCHBISHOP








be submitted




for fullest

Matinee Only At 1:3Q & 3:30






in Canada’s \




FRIDAY, $1.00










Kapuskasing MON. - UNIVERSITY FILM SERIES (Membership Only)







10 AND





PLEASE NOTE: Interview time can be used most effectively if applications have been filleb out in advance and candidates have read the company’s literature.





Brochures outlining employment opportunities and ing application forms atie available at your Placement

- DOVA NOVEMBER 8:30 p.m.


KIMBERLY-CLARK PULP & PAPER CO. LTD., Terrace Bay 1 Manufacturers of newsprint, pulps, Kleenex facial tissues and other leading consumer products.



Regular Continuous Show Starts 5:30 p.m. Their Lastest & Best ROCK HUDSON DORIS DAY TONY RANDALL



- Full Color








Applications and information are usually available in your Placement Office and your department head’s office. If you desire, you may write directly to the Employment Officer, National Research Council, Sussex Drive, Ottawa 2, Ontario.


Full Length


Continuing employment is available for recent graduates with Ph.D., Master’s, and Bachelor degrees in Aeronautical, Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Chemistry, and Physics, etc. *


\ 11







or -

and Found.”

Will they take it all? 343 pints of blood were given last Thursday.



good top,

new 1st and 3rd Gears, re-built

Summer employment will be available for about 150 graduates and undergraduate students of scholarship calibre during the summer of 1965. Applications are especially invited from students intending to take postgraduate work in the physical and biological sciences, mathematics, engineering, and architecture.


red, new bat-


Miss Dove, a ’ native of London, England, who has lived in Canada, France, South America and the United States, sings from a repertoire that includes songs in six different languages . She has recently returned from a world tour during which she performed in Denmark, Greece, India, Indonesia and New Zealand.

Applications sideration.

Sprite -

no rust, new clutch,


It. was estimated by Dr. Anderson, Area Director of the Canadian Red Cross Society that 52,000 pints of blood will be required in 1965. Dr. Anderson hoped that a great many donors would be available at the proposed University clinic in Febru-

Soprano-guitarist, Nina Dove, will bring a’ classical dimension to folk music, November 13, when her onewoman concert of international folk music is presented in the University of Waterloo’s Theatre of the Arts. The Friday evening concert will be second of the university’s 1964-65 Celebrity Series.


SH 5-4447.

Nina Dova



Mrs. Livingston, the campus nurse, said that the success of the clinic was made possible by the donors and Circle K members who arranged registration for the clinic.

Every Thursday evening between 8 - 11 p.m., Seagram gym is reserved for the use of the girls on this campus. Not enough girls have been making use of this privilege and if attendance does not improve, the privilege could be withdrawn.


1961 Austin

The Blood Donor Clinic which was held on campus on October 20 provided 343 pints of blood for the Hamilton Red Cross Blood Bank.

The quantity and quality of girls attending basketball practices shows much improvement this year over previous years. Several games have been scheduled, including our annual battle with W.L.U.


For Sale

Stream of Blood



‘65 Plebiscite

in all Foyers on Tues. and Wed.

for Grad


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