’ /
Deba tel Re’iecjts Name ’ Change ’ . , -\
At a public airing of the issue, U. of W. Students overwhelmingly rejetted the proposal to change the name of the institution to Winston Churchill University. ‘1 . Sponsored by the Debating Society, the meeting permitted an informal forum to discuss the change. It was I chaired by David Young and featured Mike Sheppard (negative) and Steve Flott (affirmative). There were between eighty and ninety poeple present. The affirmative contended that there is confusion between the University of Waterloo and Waterloo Lutheran University; that financial aid for the of Waterloo, marked University Waterloo University, is being. sent to WLU; and that Waterloo Lutheran shares in any glory won by this university. It was suggested that the time to change the name ‘was while we are still young, and build a reputation on the vlaue of standards. ,The negative suggested that any one who has to use a great name as a gimmick doesn’t deserve the name. Any change in the name would be a barrier to future amalgamation of U. of W. and WLU. It was asked- to what the name would be chaged. Winston c;hurchill would be confused with the proposed Wniston Churchill Collegiate in K-W and WCU is somewhat similar to WCI. One suggestion of Wilfred Laurier University was claimed to end as WLU. During the debate that followed were several interesting questions asked. One said about the cost of the change, which was estimated at $50,000. People who are stupid enough to confuse the two names aren’t the people we want at U. of W. Not even those 6 Ontario Scholars. The charge that the issue is becoming too’ emotional was countered with’ “What’s wrong with emotion?” The student opinion on the issue against the was overwhelmingly change. Of the 80 people present, 2 voted for changing the name to Winston Churchill and 15 for a change in the name. Dave Yotigs -
Krueger Urges Government&I Policy Changes Dr. Ralph R. Krueger, head of the Department of Geography at this university, called for a drastic ;overhaul of provincial government policies and the local government structure if Ontario is to have successful regional development. Dr. Krueger addressed the Ontario Government’s Conference on Regional Development and Economic Change in Toronto on Monday. This call for need of immediate changes was .based on work that he and Professors J. T. Horton and Norman Pearson conducted at the request of the Ontario Economic council. Dr. Krueger said-there is an urgent need for a cabinet committee to make sure that all regional development is properly co-ordinated at ,both the provincial and local level. He said the Prime Minister and his cabinet have to take responsibility for ensuring that committee policies are implemented. ’
Editor of. the’ ‘Coryphaeus, Applications for the position of Editor-in-Chief of the Coryphaeus will be accepted by the Chairman of the Board of Publications.’ Deadline for applications is March 1, 1965. Apply Now Don’t Wait For Spring.
NoFeelncrease! - -- - Dr. J. G. Hagey recently announced that the, University of Waterloo had received, a Provincial grant of ,$3,956,000. This represents a substantial increase in operating grants, and as ‘a result the university will be in a much better financial’ position this year than formerly: It is estimated that the university asked for $4,500,000 originally, of which, $3,875,000 would be used for{ operat-’ ing costs. Capital projects, such as : new buildings, will be paid through. r debentures. ‘\. Anticipated enrollment next’ year is around 4,000 so this means that both operating and capital budgets will in-. crease. This increase must be carried by provincial grants, because the .federal grant will sprobably decrease by $45 per student next year and student fees, as a percentage of income, will also decrease. Dr. Hagey also mentioned the , benefits of the year-round co-opera-
D-Day, that is decision day, ‘will be on Wednesday, Feb. 24. On that day the students ,of this campus will decide upon a new President of Students’ Council
Doug Grenkie
says ‘Editors
have Fun’
tive programs, since they involve half of. the students and because of the fact that the full enrollment is, never on campus at any one time. This has been an important factor in permitting the University of Waterloo to accommodate a large increase in enrollment each year.
Polls will be open on Wednesday, February 24, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. ~ Posters and literature pertaining to the election campaign must be removed by 12:00 p.m.,,Tuesday, February 23. No electioneering will be &lowed on the day’ of the election. The voting
shall be as follows:
1. No member one ballot;
shall cast more
2. Voting
shall be by secret ballot;
3. Each vote shall have the value of t one; 4. The winner shall be the candidate receiving the largest number of (votes. I Please Note: Only Arts students Arts Building Foyer.
Grad Ball Nears
’ ,
Final Details Final arrangments for Graduation Ball 1965 are being made as the March 12th date draws near. For those people who don’t like to purchase tickets in advance, tickets will be available at 12:OS to 1:OO p.m. in the Arts, Engineers and Math and Physics foyers from Monday, February 22 until Friday, February 26. This is your last chance.
“Brazil 1965” will be the theme of the University of Waterloo’s second symposium aon Economic Development Problems. The symposium will be held on Friday, February 26. An international audience of educators, industrialists and government officials mill be’ attending the symposium to hear papers presented by a trio of prominent Latin American specialists.
will vote in the
Only Eqgineering students in the-Engineering Building.
will vote’
Only Science students will vote in the Mathematics and Physics Foyer. ” Students registered ‘through St. Jer. ome’s College and Renison College 8must make arrangements to vote at I 2 the. correct polling stations according ^ to the’ Faculty they are registered in. I.D. cards must be shown to sthe ’ deputy returning officers at the: poll: I ing desks before voting privileges may be allowed. All ballot boxes used during’ ‘the’ election shall be placed.in the custody , of the chief returning officer until the. counting at 6: 15 p.m. A bulletin with the name of the s successful candidate will be posted on all Student Affairs bulletin boards and will be published in next week’s issue of the Coryphaeus. Esertino ,Dona Chief Returning Officer Sb ’
The morning session will ,feature a For those who purchased ticket paper on “The Military Society: \ A options the tickets proper will be case of Post-Goulart Brazil”, by Irvavailable at the above time and place 1 ing L. -Horowitz, Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology, Washupon payment of any money which ington University, St. Louis. MO., and is still owing, if such is the case. At author of “Revolution’ in Brazil.” the same time payment must be made His paper will b; discussed by for formal wear and a release slip, ( John D. Harbron, Editor, Executive Studies, Stanford’ University, Stanford, will be issued. If a release slip is not Magazine, Toronto. \ California. He is also editor of His-l, obtained the formal wear will not be In -the afternoon, “The Economic ’ panic American Report and a former. released ,from Washburn’s Mens Wear. visiting professor to the University of Program of the Brazilian Govern:Brazil. , For those who have not been measurment,” will be the topic of Professor Alexandre Kafka% paper. He is ProProfessor Kempton’ E. Webb, De-‘ ed, Washburn’s will accept orders fessor of Economics; University of partment of Geography, Columbia until February 26. It should be noted Virginia and formerly director of the University, New York, ‘will discuss that the clothes can be picked up@at Brazilian Institute of Economics and the paper delivered at the evening Washburn’s from, March 9 to March \ a former staff member of the United session. -. 12 after presentation of the release Nations , Organization on Financial On the Thursday evening, before Policies and Institutions. slip *and a fmal fitting. the seminar, Professor Webb, who is J. Grant Glassco, President, Brazil‘also assistant director of the Institute The Victorian Inn, has consented ian Traction, ’ Light and Power Co. of Latin ~American Studies at Columto let us use their pool prior to and Ltd., Toronto, will discuss Professor bia, will. give an illustrated lecture on Kafka’s paper. “The Changing Face of, North East after the dance so if- you feel like Brazil,” for the general public and’ Professor Ronald Hilton will pre“swimming,“: bring your bathing suit, early arrivals to the symposium. sent ai paper on “The Role of Brazil aqualung or snorkel. The pool will in the Latin American ‘Community,” ’ Professor R. E. Officer, Geography be closed during the dance to disat the evening session. Professor HilDepartment, University of Waterloo,, I courage “formal swimming.” A life ton is Director of the Institute of Hisis chairman .of the “Brazil 1965” or- I 1’ guard may be on duty.’ panic ’ American and Luso-Braziliab ‘ganizing committee. : d
IN Published every Thursday afternoon of the academic year by the Board of Publications, under authorization of the Students’ Council, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Subscriptions $3.50 Member: Canadian university press Chairman, Board of Publications: Gordon L. Van Fleet. Editor: J. D. Grenkie Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash.
Mueller Dear
The Problem
It is becoming more and more evident in our society and community that the way to get rid of a problem is to make jokes about it and thus pretend it is either not present or insignificant. Three cases come to mind. First the negro. In the southern states and to some extent in Canada, (although we pretend that we are all equal), the negro has been fighting, both passively and actively, to gain more freedom and rights for himself. We all, of course, realize the problems and injustices which the negro suffers, but we tend to ignore them. Every day, there is a ‘new’ negro joke going around the campus which capitalizes on his misfortunes. Laugh it up, the problem will go away without our interference or bother. Secondly, the homosexual. The homosexual finds himself in a position not in concordance with the laws and morales of our society. Thus, he reDresents a problem for us. Yet, we do not take action to help hi& or to discourage him. No, we just make jokes of his plight.-People even pay money to hear the ‘latest’ jokes about homosexual behaviour. His situation is really quite humorous, we think. Keep laughing, the problem will go away. Thirdly, Sir Winston Churchill University. When Dr. Hagey proposed that the university might change its name to Sir Winston Churchill University, there was immediate reaction against it. A few wrote letters to voice their disapproval. Most, however, just made jokes about the new name. And, oh boy, those jokes were really funny. Keep chuckling, the problem will go away. Yes, our society has found itself in a serious situation. Namely, it cannot take anything seriously. But, don’t worry, keep on making those jokes, keep on laughing, keep on smiling, and all the problems will disappear . . . Or will they?
We wish . a really . . member
. . . . . . . . that each committee of student government could have experienced chairman. . . . that this chairman could first have served as a committee and then later as a vice-chairman. : that each chairman in office would seek out potential freshkki and sophomores who could serve on that committee. . . . . . that this chairman would endeavour to teach the novice member and guide him in his respofisibilities. . . . . . that each chairman would gradually relinquish to his committee all the responsibility for decision making in various areas of the committees responsibility. We have on this campus many people who are good leaders, and good organizers. They are usually effective because of. their interest in service to people. We wish that all the leaders would make the above wishes come true, then we could get down to the business of creating new programmes and trying new ideas instead of always desperately conscripting and training people to old jobs each September. The goal of a good leader is to provide continuity. The goal of the President of Student’s Council is to provide the leadership for continuity in student government. You will receive great knowledge if you read this space filler. Next Wednesday, there will be an election for the office of President of Students’ Co;&il. The slogan ‘it doesn’t matter who you vote for, but just vote’ is for the birds. If you don’t give a damn and haven’t a clue what the election is all about, then please don’t vote. Don’t take the time. You’ll be wasting valuable minutes of your boring life.
on Hale, Errol Semple, Wayne Ramsay, John Armstrong, Ken Charters, Jim Ball, John Holland, Fred Girodat, Nick Van Kats, Bill Petty, Fred Watkinson, Ernie ,Mausser .
News-Ted Walsh, Dave Stephens, Doug Weir, Harry Pool, Doug Seaborn, Fred Brychta, Gus Caemmert. Sports-Harold Dietrich, Rawls, Tex Houston, Joyce, Russ Collins.
Hazel Terry
Columnists-Glenn Patterson, Jim Kraemer, Hans Bauer, Jim Crombie, Doug Gaukroger, Wayne Tymrn, Fred Brychta. CUP-Bob Warren, A. J. Kellingworth, III. Production-Jim Peden, Mari-
Advertising-Dave Witty, David Youngs, Harm Rombeek, John Finnie. Circulation-Richard
Photography-Manager: R on Saito, Darkroom: Jim West, Staff: Gerry Rupke, Art Morofke, Gord Dueck, Graham Deline, Bob Schultz, Stan Jasinski.
be directed
to: The Editor,
Hurrah for Mr. Mueller. At last we have a nominee for President of Students’ Council who is willing to put the cart behind the horse. Perhaps, if our past presidents cluding Mr. Van Veldhuisen) been willing to concentrate more getting out a good programme less on politicking and bickering might be getting a little more the student fees we pay.
(exhad on and we for
Mr. Van Veldhuisen has shown us what a codpetent administrator (who can keep the goals of student-oriented programme in mind) can do in just one year, despite the chaos he inherited from his predecessors. We need to continue the work that he has so ably started. The clique that flunked out last year retarded the growth of organization on this campus and all the last vestiges of their pettyness and imaturity of leadership should be, eliminated. Mr. Gerald Mueller in his statement to the Coryphaeus last week has indicated that he is prepared to provide us with a mature government, to administer our student activities for the students. I fele that he is the type of man we need, and urge you to give him your support. Martin
Arts II
Dear Sir: Where can I find this Pat Flynne that is so often quoted in Doug Gaukroger’s column. He svunds like a fairly nice fellow and maybe we’d hit it off together. I can well sympathize with him about all those nasty girls taking the boy’s attention away from us guys. I think I’ve solved the problem though (hee, hee, hee) - take Enginereing; there are fairly nice fellows there and no nasty girls (most of them never go out with girls any way). Maybe we can meet somewhere and talk about it, eh Pat? Fredie Brychta. Dear
Sbmething puzzles me about the girls-on-men comments in February 11th “Campus Beat.” Why are all these first year girls on the defensive? It’s understandable that the first year away from under mother’s wing is a daring experience, but how can these “eager” chicks expect to find men, when their pretty heads are stuck in the sand . . . Bob van der Linde (Arts) Dear Sir: After reading the two &ticles in which the men and the women on this campus evaluated each other I would like to comment on what is perhaps the reason for the seeming opposition between the sexes. (I say ‘seeming’ because if one views the residence common rooms on Saturday nights one must hesitate to say there is much opposition!)
Coryphaeus, Annex 1, University . letters will not be accepted.
Feb. 22-26 -
of Waterloo,
The men complained about the girls’ looks. As a female I won’t begin to evaluate the girls on campus with regard to physical appearance. Perhaps the men would do better to criticize the academic standards of the university - if the old saying “beauty and brains don’t mix” is true. Though really, men, let’s face it beauty ‘is’ only skin deep, and it tends to disappear with age (if not after the removal of make-up!). Also. I’m sure most of the men on this campus are intelligent enough to realize that male-female compatibility requires more than physical attraction (or am I just speaking as an idealistic female?). As for the women’s complaint’s I don’t really think it boils down to the lack of maturity of the males on campus. Theer are a good many ma-
ture men on campus, e.g. the profs. Seriously, if the men appear immature, I think it can be blamed on the academic demands. This university has not yet recognized the fact that social life is as imporatnt as academic achievements in making mature citizens. The real complaint of the females is the lack of the social life to which they became accustomed in high school. The men on campus, on the whole, seem to b,e loaded down with work to the extknt that if they wish to excel they have to abandon social life almost completely. I say - more power to them! If a choice has to be made, the work is more important. Another reason for the social life not being as extensive as in- high school is the lack of funds. Most men feel they can’t date a girl Cont’d. on Page 8
by A. J. Kellingworth, III Another in the seemingly endless series of reports on the evils of smoking has made the front page of many newspapers. The latest one claims that dental caries (as in “Look, ma, no . . .“) are often brought on by excessive smoking. I imagine that the report is absolutely correct. Unfortunately, it is hardly original: the common cold, cancer, coronary thrombosis, general paresis, smallpox, measles (German as well as those in other countries) and acute hunger have all been cited as effects of smpking. One wag has even suggested that priopism (look it up) is also found in many smokers. Most of them “truisms” are based on experiments with rats, and they lead to only two conclusions: rats which smoke are very sick creatures, and they should stop smoking if they know what is good for them. Personally, I smoke many cigarettes during the course of a day (or an hour for that matter). As it happens, I am a nervous person, and haviqg a cigarette in my mouth and/or my hand helps relax me. (NeoFreudians need not comment; those who do send comments despite this warning will be actively and enthusiastically ignored.) At the very least, cigarettes help in keeping me and thousands of other smokers from becoming alcoholics. Being a smoker can also aid in establishing an image. Through the proper use of a cigarette and, on occasion, accessories such as matches, a lighter or a holder, one can effect the manners of a sophisticate, a. hooker, a bum, a playboy (or girl), \a boy (or girl), an intellectual, or a criminal. Those desiring to mirror a pseudo-intellectual ought to know that a pipe is required. Furthermore, the offer of a cigarette (or lack of one) or of a lighter (or lack of one) can be a great asset in cementing a friendship with someone who might otherwise pay no attention to you. And for those of you who care, cigarettes can also be used to con or annoy people; in this respect. he should first determine whether or not the person to be conned or annoyed is a smoker. Yes, indeed; cigarettes are utilitarian. They are worth the five minutes of life which they purportedly,,destroy. After all, once you reach the age of eighty-five, a few minutes here 1 or\ there are not going to be sorely missed. There, friends; just clip this column along the Bendai Box, Thermofax it and send a copy to anyone who has ever made some comment about your smoking too much. Or, send your name and address to: Kellingworth’s Cigarette Rationalization, in care of the Coryphaeus. Be certain to enclose twenty-five cents and a pack of your favourite brand for each copy desired (to cover handling charges).
If you saw FASS Nite, you will know that the Registrar and some of the members of his department showed considerable lack of finesse in some of their rather vicious swipes at students. As L. Allen Wise remarked after one of the performances: “If dey’re gonna get even, dey should oughta use some couth.” Come, come, people; your frustration not be allowed to get the best of you.
According to the surveys which appeared in the last two issues of the Coryphaeus, the men on campus think little of the females, a feeling which is entirely mutual among the fair maidens. Please, let us have peace. Gentlemen, if you cannot stand the lack of heat (to paraphrase a phrase) get the hell out of the kitchen. Ladies, the line to Kellingworth’s scullery starts on the left. Inside, there will be another line, but most certainly not composed of people.
Foyers at Noon
U of Waterloo Pair Make WLU Success
. 1
Two University of Waterloo personnel were responsible for the successful production of Guys and Dolls at Waterloo Lutheran University last weekend. George Thompson of the Information Services of. the U. of W. directed the show and the choreography for the dances in the production. The audience showed their appreciation of the dance arrangements and performers with a standing ovation on Saturday night.’ i
Mr. Thompson, Director of ‘Guys and Dolls,’ said that there is a need of something along this line at this university. Mr. Thompson said he would gladly direct any sort of similar producton on this campus, but since there hasn’t been any start,, he offered his services to W.L.U. Last of the Waterloo Year, as Editor Chronicle, Mr. Thompson helped in the W.L.U. production, ‘L’il Abner’. While attending college at Mount Allison, Mr. Thompson ‘wrote, produced, and directed several musical comedies. He intends to do some studio productions for the K-W Little Theatre, in the near future. Miss Hodgkinson, Choreographerfor ‘Guys and Dolls,’ said she made the dances quite difficult, but the students practised hard and did a tremendous job. Miss Hodgkinson has been dancing since she was five years old. She was with the CBC for 2 seasons and the Canadian National Exhibition for six years. Presently Miss Hodgkinson is teaching in the Physical Educational Course and also ,is the Director of Women’s Intrarnural Activity. She is planning to go to the University of Michigan to obtain an MA in Dance:
7Djeatre George Thompson
- - Director
19 Feb. -
Alan Mills Admission: Saturday,
820 p.m.
Sponsored by Conrad Grebel College Korean painist - Miss Joo Ran Kim. Admission: $1 SO Sunday,
21 Feb. -
2:00 p.m.
Mammoth Admission:
Amateur $1 .OO
Thur. dz Fri., 25 - 26 Feb. Economic Development Seminar 27 Feb. -
St. ,S., Waterloo Ruth
by Wayne
Songs of Canada”
34 King
“Folk 75C:
20 Feb. -
BARROH’S Men’sWear \
is:15 p.m.
- - Choreographer
In a somewhat confusing brief, the University of Toronto’s students council presented its views on the financing of higher education to the Bladen Commission, which is investigating this rather ticklish problem. The ,brief offered some radical suggestions for increasing student and university finances. Its main proposal was to increase tuition 150 per cent and create government grants of $1,500 to enable students to meet the rising costs of higher education in Canada. Concerned with the increased Dependence of Canadian universities on provincial government grants, the U. of T. group suggested that increased tuition would offer the best means of ensuring “university autonomy.” This implies that the council feels universities supported by government-supported students would not be governmentsupported themselves - an implication which is anything but correct. Other suggestions included federal grants of $1.50 for every $1.00 earned by a student during the summer and special grants to allow top students to study during the summer. The brief .recommended that government and industry cooperate to establish a guaranteed work program providing students with summer employment in fields related to their courses of study. This suggestion was not expanded, but it is difficult to imagine many undergraduates capable of assuming positions related at all usefully to their courses of study. And it would require considerable cooperation between government and industry to employ a sudden influx of university students during the summer and still reduce the rate of non-university unemployment. In a few less imaginative - but more creditable - comments, the U. of T. brief attacked student loans for forcing students to “invest in their futures and make education an eco-
8:30 p.m.
Celebrity Series. The Festival Singers acclaimed
as one
Sponsored by the International dents Association. Admission: $1 .OO.
In an unusual swipe at the hand that feeds it, the Ryerson Institute students’ council went to strike to protest an administration decision to remove its disciplinary power. The strike was precipitated by the death last month of a journalist student, Tom Dasovitch, in a car accident after he had reportedly participated in a fraternity house beer-drinking contest. The administration decided to bypass students’ council in order to discipline students involved in the beer-drinking incident. Battle lines went up rapidly with students’ council president Jerry McGroarty declaring that his council had been relegated to a social and cultural committee and the administrative apparently standing on Principal D. H. Kerr’s alleged declaration that the students’ council constitution had been invalidated by the passing of the Ryerson Polytechnical Institute Act in the Ontario legislature earlier this 1year. The strike continued pending preparation of a legal brief on the validity of the constitution. *
LAST CHANCE at Grad Ball -
6 Mar.
nomic proposition,” recommended an equalization of tuition fees in various courses in order not to make the choice of a field of study dependent on economic considerations, and suggested that the government establish a domestic peace corps to rehabilitate socially, economically, and educationally defficient parts of the country. The U. of T. brief was noted by Dean Vincent Bladen of the Commission as one of the better submissions received by the group - so there must have been some worse suggestions. Nevertheless, the idea of the government flinging grants hither and you to alleviate students’ financial problems and somehow to reestablish university autonomy seems little more than a means of disguising present government support for universities. If the costs were too great, it could prove to be no more than a one way ticket to inflation. I * * *
of the finest chamber choral ensembles in North. America, has in the past ten years become widely known through appearances at the Stratford Festival, in C.B.C. programmes, and in concerts in Ontario and Quebec centres. The Festival Singers had the honour to be engaged by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to sing with the C.B.C. Symphony in a television performance of Igor Stravinsky’s “Symphony of Psalms” under the direction of the composer. Igor Stravinsky, who honoured the group by becoming their first patron, also came to Toronto to record some of his works for Columbia Records with the Festival Singers and the C.B.C. Symphony. Admission: Students $1 .OO; Facultystaff $2.50; Adults $3.00.
Feb. 22-26 -
2:30 p.m.
by Circle
8:OO p.m.
UKRANIAN Sponsored Admission: Friday,
CONCERT by the Ukrainian $1.00
12 Mar. -
8:30 p.m.
Playhouse Series. Canadian Players Admission: Students $‘.OO; Facultystaff $2.50; Adults $3.00
8:OO p.m.
Commissioned by the Anglican Church of Canada to take a critical book-long look at the modern Church, apthor-columnist Pierre Burton came up with “The Comfortable Pew” which has been drawing its own critical glances since its publication. Speaking recently at McGill University, Berton telescoped the substance of his criticism into a few well-chosen sentences. One of the major reasons for the growing weakness of the Church, he said, is its failure to adapt its attitudes to the needs of modern man. He said the Church must’ stop demanding absolute faith in God and allow some agnosticism within its ranks. He added that change is needed in the Church’s social attitudes as well as in its religious doctrines: “In the 20th century, we have a different kind of life than in Christ’s time and perhaps we need a different set of rules.”
By mid-Novmber, 29,000 students had invested in their futures to the tune of an average $680 each in Federal Student Loans. So far, $19,800,000 has been borrowed and the total at the end, of the ‘64-‘65 fiscal year is expected to be $48.000000. How much of that will be spent on university fees? ‘\ *
A Stanford University researcher contends that contrary to public opinion, American college campuses are not swept by sexual permissiveness. This conclusion was reached after a detailed study of an Eastern women’s college in which 40 students were interviewed for 4 years and several thousand stul dents were tested, and on a historical survey of research on the sexual behaviour of women undergraduates. One of the conclusions was that premarital intercourse among college women is usually restricted to their future husbands. Fine, but how do they .know?
Thursday, Tails
7 Mar.
Foyers at Noon
Student MeansParticipants!Remember!Annex1, TodayandTomorrow,11to Theatre Comme by A. J. Brychta
Ken Friar
leads the chorus
in a rendition
of “The
by H. B. CANADIAN PREMIERE Hindemith Sinfonietta in E will have its first performance in Canada on Tuesday, March 23, 1965, 8:30 p.m. in Massey Hall at the second concert of the York Concert Society series, with’ the Toronto Symphony Orchestra under Dr. Heinz Unger. Among the other works on the programme will be Berlioz Symphonie Phantastique. The featured soloist will be Lois Marshall. Eugene Ormandy, the permanent conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra, will travel to Europe this summer to conduct concerts in Helsinki, Zurich, Vienna, Strasbourg, Paris, Berlin, and Munich. A highlight of his tour will be the world premiere of Arthur Berger’s new violin concerto, with the Vienna Philharmonic and solist Ricardo Odnoposoff. NEW SUMMER MUSIC SCHOOL I have been asked several times if I could recommend a summer music school. Well, a new summer music school will conduct its first sessions this year on the campus of Oakland University, twenty-eight .miles north of Detroit. This school is under the aegis of the Meadow Brook Music Festival, which houses the Detroit Symphony during the summer months, and will number among its faculty Sixteen Ehrling, the Symphony’s permanent conductor; Albert Tipton, its principal flutist; and Robert Shaw, who will take charge of choral activities. On the Campus of the West Virginia University at Morgantown, construction plans are proceeding for the four-million-dollar Creative Arts Center, which will house all the University’s cultural programs. Dedication date is planned for the fall of 1967. Jazz buff will be Pastor to Musicians Concern for the “jazz community” of North America has led the Lutheran Church to recommend establishment of a mission in New York City to serve the spiritual needs of jazz musicians and their families. The first missionary will be Dr. John G. Gensel, 48-year-old pastor of Manhattan’s Advent Lutheran Church, himself a jazz buff whose friendship with jazz musicians has already developed into an unofficial ministry, The church’s Board of American Missions, meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, decided to make Dr. Gensel’s mission a full-time job. He will report annually on the mission’s work and on prospects for establishing a jazz congregation. Artur Rubinstein is reportedly looking for a house in the countryside near Paris (he already has one in town) - which means that New York can expect to lose not only one of its most distinguished residents, but also one of its finest private collections of French art. The pianist, who just signed a new seven-year recording contract with RCA Victor, is also writing his memoirs, but has a problem of sorts: “I’m on page 300,” he says, “and am still seventeen years old - my life is too interesting! . . .” YOUNG PEOPLE’S CONCERT Another in the series of Young People’s Concerts will be held on Friday, February 19th at 7:30 p.m. on CBBS-TV. Leonard Bernstein conducts a tribute to the Finnish composer, Jean Sibelius. Guest soloist for the melodic first movement of Kale Vaia (the land of heros) is young Israeli violinist Sergiu Luca: I The University of Waterloo Duo is giving a recital on Saturday, February 20th, 8:30 p.m. at John F. Ross Collegiate Auditorium, in Guelph. MORE LISTENING SUGGESTIONS Corelli, 4 Concerti Grossi, Op. ,6, Renato Fasano conducts the Virtuosi di Roma. Brahms, A German Requiem, featuring Elisabeth Schwarzkopf,, and Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, with Otto Klemperer conducting the Philharmonia Orchestra and Chorus. Rachmaninoff, Piano Concerto #4 in G Minor and Ravel Piano Concerto in G Major, featuring Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli, Orchestra. &tore Gratis conducting the Philharmonia
“Three things too much, and three too littleTo speak much and know little, To spend much and have little, To presume much, and be worth little.”
BOB WAGNER, The Mutual Bus. 744-7325
B.A. - C.L.U. Life of Canada Res. 7451330
It appears as if FASS night is to be tradition at this university for many years yet to come. In future productions I do hope that more talented performers are seen with a wider variety of acts and skits. It appeared as if the same people were playing the same roles and towards the end of the production they ceased to be individuals because they switched styles so often. While it was a most enjoyable eve and the humour was generously distributed in the good 01’ American fashion of slapstick (complete with a pie in the face), the entire production seemed too long. However, gentlemen and ladies of FASS night productions, let me congratulate you on having a lot of fun. I’m sure that everyone will agree that Dr. Fryer made the performance what it was with his satirical stonefaced humour which almost had the
audience rolling in the aisles. His calypso number on the builders was a most original work and showed humour and original wit disguised in a mathematicians garb. Of particular noteworthiness was a new and aspiring duet called mitchnted (M. Levine and T. Chase) who brought a thunderous ovation after their four folk songs. Unlike many aspiring duets, these fellows actually did not try to out-do one another and the result was a harmonious, melodic, and excellent repetoire. While their songs were not taken from the top of the hit parade, they still executed them with a professionalism that reminded us of the top commercial groups. Next week comes the folk festival to which everyone is invited (with guitars, mandolins, mouth organs, and shileighleas). In other words there will be one mammoth hootenanny and various non-mammoth hootenannys in addition to a folk song concert.
Earth Sciences Department Formed at U. of Waterloo The formation of a new academic department in the Faculty of Science at the University of Waterloo has been announced by Professor W. A. E. McBryde, Dean of Science. The new department, Earth Sciences, will offer first and second year courses this fall and will introduce third year courses in 1966. Professor Paul F. Karrow has been appointed acting chairman of the earth sciences department, said Dean McBryde. Professor Karrow, a native of St. Thomas, Ont., came to the University of Waterloo in 1963 from the Ontario Department of Mines. At Waterloo, he has been teaching geology in the civil engineering department of the Faculty of Engineering. He received his Ph.D. in geology from the University of Illinois and his B.Sc. from Queen’s University. Additional faculty appointments will be made this summer.
stratigraphy, geophysics and structural geology. Other subjects, such as limnology, meterology and geochemistry will be added in later years, along with the development of a four year honours program and graduate studies. Courses offered by the earth sciences department will also be available to students who are majoring in other fields, such as geography, biology and civil engineering. Research activities in the earth sciences are expected to include interdisciplinary projects in association with the university’s Institute of Water Resources Research.
Markevitch Superb by Anonymous
As an expert in the field of classical cellist playing, I can say that Dimitry Markevitch’s performance was superb. His playing had unity of expression. In the Bach suite which he played from the original manuscripts which he discovered, he brought out the dance rythms. He had great technical ability which he showed in all his selections. The melody of the Sarbande was especially thrilling as it gave the impression of Spanish dancing. The only flaw in the entire program occurred at the beginning when he appeared to be a little nervous. Mr. Markevitch gave two encore selections. Usually, it is quite difficult for a cello to be heard alone; but not so, when Mr. Markevitch is playing.
Paul F. Karrow
Earth sciences is the first new science department since the faculty was established in 1959. Other departments are biology, chemistry, and physics. The departmental courses offered this fall will enable first and second year general science students to major in earth sciences. Introductory geology will be the first year course offered. Mineralogy, paleontology, and geomorphology will be available to second year students. Third year courses, to be introduced in 1966, will include petrology,
For AU Phases Of Travel Waterloo 7456281 134 Khlg St. s. Kitchener 7455621 331 King St. w.
Al Addlington does takeoff on Ken Friar’s monologue in the 1964 FASS N ITE.
by Gus
It has been proposed to the Engineering Society B to look into the feasibility of publishing a technical magazine for our undergraduate engineering students. This magazine would include a variety of subjects pertinent to the field of engineering as a whole, and the system of Co-op engineering at Waterloo in particular. Such articles as work reports, research papers, and essays by both students and professors will be solicited. The magazine would be initially published this fall, and more details will be released later. We believe that an engineering faculty the size of ours is quite capable of initiating this venture. It would benefit students in technical writing, in appreciating and understanding aspects of research activities at Waterloo, and in keeping up with some of the innovations in engineering. If you are interested in this project, or if you have some worthwhile criticism to offer, drop into the Engineering Society Office, or see Gus Cammaert, 2A Civil. A survey will be distributed this week giving you the chance to indicate whether or not this project should be initiated. A few other questions relating to social and professional activities of the Society, and the proposed name change will be included. Please co-operate and get behind your rep. as this survey is most important for future Engineering functions.
.:.:.: Thanks to George Thompson @ for the pictures in this issue. ::::::
@ :::::: :::::: .:.:.:
SCars /Roaring Winter RaIIy Set by George Attention
Engineering Society ‘B’ will be holding a “Winter Rally” on Saturday, February 27. This will be a novice rally of approximately 40-50 miles, following an interesting route over good rural roads in the K-W ’ vicinity. Normal touring speeds shall be adhered to and the instructions will be simple and not ambiguous. At least 95% of the entrants are expected to reach the end check.
Competitors may be disqualified for an infraction of the Highway Traffic Act and/or the Criminal Code. This rally will be one of the final events put on by Engineering Society ‘B’ during the present school term so help them make it a successful event by swamping the organizers with entries. It promises to be an exciting and interesting way to spend 2 to 3 hours on a Saturday morning so grab a friend to serve as your navigator (or driver) and put in your entry. Entry forms will be available from John Buchanan, the Engineering Society office, or any member of Engineering Society ‘B’. If you feel you don’t want to enter and you have nothing to do that Saturday morning, offer your services to the organizers for manning a check point. They would appreciate it greatly. See you at the starting point, and remember: Time = 60 x distance speed George Dalbergs 2A Mech. Eng.
Scrutineering: All vehicles will be checked at the start for roadworthiness and that they comply with the H.T.A. This will include lights, horn, brakes, and windshield wipers. The organizers hold the right to refuse entry to vehicles not meeting the above requirements. Controls: All manned controls will be marked with a marker board at the rear of the Marshall’s car. All controls will be on the right hand side of the road.
No Exams (ASK) Unconfirmed sources from the ASK News agency have stated that since no exam timetable has been established, there will be no exams this term.
Timing: Time will be taken as your card is received by the Marshall. Time will be recorded to the nearest minute and time out will be time in.
ADAM pleasure
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Everyday menus sert, in the
We’re Leaving
It up To You The decision is up to you, the students, who have the vote and the power to elect either one of these candidates. You have a dual responsibility.
we with
have 10%
Lee Chicken i
Soup, are
is available Open
Dave Young CONCRETE, realistic and worthwhile proposals, reinforced by vigorous leadership and parliamentary skill, with service always the goal - this is what I promise. Certainly we need a President who is a capable administrator, but he must also be able to lead and not be led, to run student government and not be run by it. If ideals are to have effect, they must be reinforced by ways and means. It is upon this foundation that I base my platform. 1. I do not propose to write a new constitution or drastically revise the Board structure initiated this year. As I said when I announced my candidacy, the most important job for the next president will be that of implementing the system devised by this year’s Council. This is what I will dedicate myself to - making the present system work. 2. Almost half of our students are ,now enrolled in the co-operative plan and are paying student fees at the rate of $9.00 per term. Yet none of the regular Council programs are offered in the summer. I think that, it is time for Students’ Council to get in touch with the facts and provide $9.00 worth of services and activities fall, winter, AND summer. We have Homecoming and Winterland; why not a Summer Weekend? We have a year round campus; why not a year-round program? I propose, as one method of reaching this goal, cooperation between Council and the Engineering Society, especially in the form of budgeted summer activities grants. 3. There are more than 40 clubs and organizations which are performing useful functions on this campus. I believe that they should receive increased support, both financially and administratively from Students’ Council.
Any additions or amendments to these rules may be issued in the briefing sheet on the day of the event and will be considered part of these rules and regulations.
Eligibility: This rally is open to all students and faculty members of the University of Waterloo.’ All drivers must hold a valid Provincial driver’s licence and proof of P.L. and P.D. insurance must be produced at the start of the rally.
Results: Results will be posted on the bulletin board in the Engineering Foyer within 3 days of the event.
Organizer; Engineering Society ‘B’ John Buchanan, 3A Chem. Eng. Graham Deline, 2A Mech. Eng. Doug Seaborn, Science Equipment: Pencil, paper, watch. Starting Point: To be announced. Time: Briefing . . . . . 9:00 a.m. First Car Away . . . . . 9:30 a.m.
The Ca ndidates
Awards: A trophy will be presented to the winning driver and navigator.
all motoring
here. Day
4. As this university grows, we are in danger of losing our relatively low and students student-faculty ratio, will tend to become, as they are even now, numbers more than names. It is our marks and our careers that are jeopardized by the built-in oversights of mass administration. If injustices are to be avoided, Students’ Council must press immediately for close faculty-student co-operation in the institution of such mechanisms as earlier and better exam schedules, and an Appeal Board. 5. The question of the Student Union is one of utmost importance. Where is it? Or perhaps more appropriate, WHEN? I feel that Council should make a directed effort to
The Students’ Council of this University must either serve the needs and desires of the students it purports to represent or cease to exist. The very fact that questions such as “What does Students’ Council do for me?” are being asked points out that council does little for the majority of students. It certainly serves as a political training ground for a few students but this should not be its only function. I assure you that the student activities be carried on. In hope that we might bre and number of
if I am elected all of this year will addition I would increase the caliactivities.
I will start by investigating the possibilities of more student oriented events in the Theatre of the Arts; such events to be either free or at a low enough cost that every interested student can attend. I will insure that the Student Union Building is not shelved in favour of a more pressing project; since, in my opinion, the Student Union Building is the most important project on this campus. If the students of this University had a meeting place. school spirit, which is now sadly lacking, would certainly increase. Orientations should be designed to instil1 a feeling of pride and a sense of belonging in each freshman. In recent years this has not been achieved. I would propose a definite change in the method of orientation, beginning by letting the sophomore class handle orientations. I intend to fmake certain that money spent on external relations is ‘of benefit to the students of this University. To this end I propose increased participation in such organizations as ORclear up this matter sible.
as soon as pos-
6. The biggest complaint about our present student government is, “What does it do for me?” I propose to eliminate any need for this question by directing all my efforts toward increased service and improved communication. A special body should be set up to make certain that the campus is informed of all programs and activities taking place. 7. Finally,
and perhaps
First of all, you must read these messages from the two candidates. Then, you must meet these candidates and get them to outline their proposals. You must look at either past records of achievement and evaluate whether or not they are capable of assuming the office of President of Students’ Council. In short, you must get to know your candidates. Secondly, you must decide which one of these men can do a successful job. You owe a responsibility to next year’s undergraduate class to provide them with a leader who can give them what they want and what you have wanted this year. On the other hand, if you are not interested in what goes on at this university, then STOP. Don’t do any of these suggestions. And do not vote. Don’t waste your time. Your vote is important if you are interested in STUDENT AFFAIRS ON THIS CAMPUS. USE IT WISELY.
, CUS (Ontario Region of the Canadian Union of Students) in order that we may voice opinions effectively. The time has come for the students of the University of Waterloo to play an effective role in matters affecting all Ontario and Canadian students. I assure you that all these proposals will not cause an increase in your fees. By proper planning, careful and increased efficiency budgeting, all of these proposals can be carried out for the beenfit of all students. Student government at our University is Big Business, and Students’ Council has a responsibility to you the students to serve you in a responsible and experienced manner. I am prepared to put the experience I have gained in my positions as President of Engineering Society ‘B’ and Speaker of Students’ Council to work in the position of President of Students’ Council, and ask for your support on February 24. I hope that I can meet with you all in the next few days to further discuss my plans. portant in light of our ever-rising tuition and residence fees, I will implement my platform with NO INCREASE IN FEES. I believe that the costs of the increased services and programs I propose can be offset not only by the expanded revenue resulting from rising enrolment, but also from increased office efficiency and closer scrutiny of expenditures. Above all, I propose to be a presi*dent who will represent not just one group, but one who will work for ALL of the students ALL of the time.
Thursday, LAST CHANCE at Grad Ball -
Feb. 22-26 -
Foyers at Noon
February 18,196~
Hosts Badminton,
The University of Waterloo is hosting the OQAA Badminton and Curling Tournaments this weekend at the Granite Club ,in Kitchener. Play begins Friday- morning and will continue all day Saturday. Eight. University teams are entered in the Badminton tournaments: Laval, Western, McGill. Toronto, McMaster, Queen’s, Waterloo and Windsor. Each team consists of four singles players and two doubles teams. Last year, McGill won the tournament with Queen’s placing second. McGill has three members of its champion team returning this year. Eric Purtsch, Windsor’s number one singles player, is ranked very high in Ontario badminton competition. Dave Barfoot and Gord Grant are Waterloo’s two top men. Harvey Lum, Ralph Schulman. and alternate Pete Brown round out Waterloo’s team.
The Curling tournament will also ‘take place at the Granite Club. Eight Universities, Laval, Guelph, Western, Toronto, McMaster, Queen’s, Waterloo, and Windsor, have all entered teams for the two-day competition. Waterloo’s team will be a strong con. tender in the tournament. Ken Buchan who was a member of Bob Mann’s rink which won the the Ontario Con-
suls last year will skip our team. The other members of the Waterloo foursome are: Jim Hill, vice; Ted Chase, second; and Doug Britten, lead. ’ Waterloo fans and spectators are invited to view these two tournaments beginning on Friday morning and continuing until Saturday evening at the Granite Club in Kitchener.
Herb Forester Men’s Wear Quality
by Hazel
by Dave
_,I .Rawls,
to Montreal Women’s
The results of the women’s intramural basketball tournament are as follows: (1) University, with 68 points; (2) St. Paul’s, with 50 points; (3) Renison and Conrad Grebel tied with 23 points; (4) Notre Dame, with no points. These points will be added to those of all other intramural tournaments held this year, and the team with the highest accumulation of points will receive the “Brownie Trophy” at the Athletic Banquet in March. Another first for the women on campus this year is the fact they have participated sufficiently in intramural sports to gain recognition at the Athletic Banquet. Previously, the women have been mere spectators at this annual University function. It is to be hoped that the presentation of a Trophy will not be the only incentive to increased participation in sports in future years. In last weeks edition of the Coryphaeus a mistake was made with regard to the participating basketball
m Stephens
Many students have been wondering how the curriculum will change due to the rapid expansion of what is still known as the University of Waterloo. Dr. T. L. Batke, VicePresident Academics, explained that there won’t be many changes in the undergraduate curriculum, although a Fine Arts course is being considered for undergraduates. There will be a number of graduate course additions. For instance, a Department of Design may be added for Engineering graduates. Dr. Batke said that as industry and society develops so must the Universities to satisfy the needs of society. The effect of industry can be seen in the growth of our computer centre. ’ An example of the University adding to its courses to meet an emerging need in Canada is the probable addition of a Political Science and French double honours course. May engineering students feel that the Engineering Course here, is more difficult than other universities because they are confronted with the new problems of industry in the Co: operative Engineering Program and
Discount Prices Waterloo Square SH 493712
Bananas \
George Kadwell Records
94 King Street’ South, WaL 10% student discount
teams in the tournament to be held in Montreal on Feb. 20. The teams entered are: University of Waterloo, Sir George William University, Montreal Y.W.C.A., University of Toronto, and MacDonald College of Montreal. The University of Waterloo “Bananas” leave for Montreal on Friday, February 19 after a game with Ryerson Institute on Thursday, February 18 at 8 p.m. at Seagram Gym. The team would like to thank the ‘men’s Phys. Ed. team for the interesting game played last Friday night, before the lights went out. The game was - er - well, a mixture of basketball, volleyball, wrestling, judo, and any other ‘sport’ which the teams could think of. The lights went out due to a power failure - honestly! The “Bananas” would also like to thank all the people who supported their dance after the basketball game last Friday. The young group supplying the lively, and loud, music was ‘The Counts Four’ from Burlington, who were kind enough to play free of charge to aid the cause. thus, their courses would be more extensive and modern. Dr. Batke said that the Co-op Program does not affect the engineering curriculum directly. However, Engineering students and faculty are able to keep in close contact with industry and keep up to ‘date with the modern developmerits. Dr. Batke explained that it would be difficult to compare the university curriculum of to-day with that of twenty years ago. In areas where there is rapid expansion, such as Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, there have been many changes in the past few years. However, such areas as History have remained relatively static. At the University of Waterloo Engineering students are able to learn first-hand in industry that which previous students had to learn from a course of descriptive technology. Dr. Batke said the University of of Waterloo is fortunate in that the faculty is rapidly expanding to meet the needs of an increasing student body. The professors who join the faculty in many cases have interests in different areas to ‘those who have been lecturing here for the past two years. Thus students are able to investigate new fields of knowledge.
by Russ
FindIay RunsIn ‘Peg Meet
Science 7, St. Paul’s 2 and Arts 4, St. Jerome’s 2 The midnight Ice Follies went on as scheduled (twenty hours behind time). When everyone else is in bed the intramural hockey gremlins are hard at work skating circles around two blind referees and a lost puck. The first game turned out to be a closely contested issue until the final seconds when Science poured in 67 goals to take a 7-2 lead. To add to the ignomy of their defaet, St. Paul’s were only able to score two goals against an empty net in the Science end. It seems the Science goalie was away signing autographs and never showed up untill there were only three minutes left in the game. The second game was between a crappy but hopeless Arts team and the St. Jerome’s Nighthawks. With Mike Durnan in goal for Arts they were saved from utter anihilation and managed to ooze out a 4-2 win. There are only two weeks left in the Intramural Hockey schedule. Tonight the front-running Science Scintillators take on Conrad Grebel, and the other games don’t matter. The only teams that stand a chance of catching Science are Renison and Arts, both of whom have one tie and one loss each. To remain on top Science only has to polish of Conrad Grebel and then beat Renison in the final week of play. There has been some rumors that Arts’ would like to play the Science Scintillators in a grudge match. What seems like a more logical thing to do, would be for an All Star team to play Science like they do in the N.H.L. against the Champions. Actually, the only arrangement Science would consider would be a game against the Warriors. Even they would have to bolster their team. (This author is prejudiced and plays for Science)
School and Health WASHINGTON (MNS) - Grace was 17 years old, on the serious ‘side, and a junior in high school. She committed suicide. George was the son of a successful and wealthy doctor. He went to jail for stealing money he didn’t need. Shirley was a cute little tyke who suddenly “went stupid”. She flatly refused to learn, and calmly accepted failure after failure in school. Roy worked hard all through high school and won a scholarship to a top private school. He stayed one semester, said “To’ hell with it,” and went to work as a dishwasher. These four youngsters had one thing in common they cracked under the pressure applied by wellmeaning adults. They were not isolated cases. MANY KILL SELVES The New Jersey department of education reported that at least 41 school children in that state committed suicide between September, 1960, and June, 1963. Possibly 738 others attempted suicide, and thousands more threatened to. How many of those 41 childrenand other elsewhere took their own lives because of the spirit-crushing demands of parents, teachers, and the community ? No one will ever know. The pressures come in many ways and from many sources. Half in jest, educationists say some parents who laugh at the bumblings and fumblings of their own youth have decreed an
Bob Findlay
Feb. 22-267-
at Toronto
Mustangs Degrade Warriors The basketb511 Warriors travelled to London last Wednesday and were upset 72-65 by the Western Mustangs. The Warriors were already playing without the services of Dick Aldridge and Bob Pando when Ed Petryshyn received an injury to his knee in the first half of the game. The injury kept Ed out of the game, and prevented his playing in Friday night’s contest against McGill. Top scorer in the game was Barber of the Mustangs with 23 points. Tops for the Warriors
was Chet Cuipa with 20. The Warriors have lost every one of their road games to date, and now stand very little chance of even ending up in second place. The Warriors have four losses while McMaster has only two and Toronto has three. Never-the-less! There is still hope. The Warriors have to beat McMaster tomorrow and Windsor has to beat Mat in Hamilton. Then we have to win the rest of our games. Will we do it?
26 Alan Mills Theatre of the
- informal concert Arts - 8:15 p.m. -
Folk Song and Guitar Song Swap CB 113 - LOO p.m. - $1.25. Conc,ert - The Courriers, Malka & Joso \ Alan Mills Seagram Gym - 8:15 - $1;75
SUNDAY:, Tickets
Theatre available
Amateur. Hootenanny of the Arts - 2:00 p.m. - $1.00 - Annex 1, Theatre Box Office, Bookstore
1 lth commandment for their children: “Thou Shalt Not Fail.” STARTS
They point out the pressures can start as early as kindergarten; build up during the grade school years; reach a peak in high school, and subside only slightly in college. Of themselvse, and in moderation, none of these pressures is necessarily bad, educationists point out. Combined, and applied with great force, they push the warning needle deep into the danger area.’ Prof. Ronald, C. Doll of Hunter College, New York, says “extreme pressures on school children are driving- them toward heart attacks and nervous breakdowns.”
Cyg :
Ladies welcome King at University Al Haid,
Foyers at Noon
Kappa Sigma Sorority FEBRUARY 20 - WATERLOO MALL I ,tr;;s - :
75C in Advance $1.00 at Door
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Bob Finlay. a student from Renison College, will be going to Winnipeg for an all-Canada Intercollegiate track meet on the 27th of February. He won his event, the two mile run, at the Toronto Telegram Invitational Track meet two weeks ago, and is presently hoping to take the Canadian championship. He will be competing against Chris Williamson from New Brunswick, who is considered to be the top two-miler in Canada right at the moment since he has broken several of Bruce Kidd’s earlier marks although he has never beaten Bruce in a race. So Bob should have his hands full; but he is only in his first collegiate year, and Williamson is in his final year. Perhaps Bob will become one of the finest distance runners in Canada in, a few years, if he is not already so.
post office groceries and magazines toilet articles
I ’ Professors
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10% Student Discount
Paul’s ” Has Feast -
, “THE SERIOUS AMATEUR,” a ual. Luminous color is the hallmark collection of paintings by Professor of his work. Before coming to the University of Waterloo four years Richard J.. C. Burgener, . and ‘creative typography by Professor J. Sayer ago, Professor Burgener taught at the University of Manitoba and in the Minas, will be shown in the Gallery I of the Theatre of the .&?.s, University United States. of Waterloo, from ‘February 17 to 27. The creative typography of ProfesThese works by I gifted amateurs, in sor Minas is the result of an avocathe tradition of Sir Winston Churchill, provide a rare glimpse into art as an tion taken up in 1949. A huge col-m lection of type, weighing many tons, avocation. Both* Professors of Philowas a major ‘item when he moved to sophy at the University of Waterloo, Canada in September, 1964, coming these men find an alternative expresto the University of Waterloo from sion in their works, made for pleaof ’ Pennsylvania. He sure rather ’ than exhibition, and , the University, taught previously at Cass Institute achieving ‘a high degree of excellence of Technology and Ohio State Uniin the process. versity. His highly original typoThe paintings of Professor Burgengraphy is, a delight, remarkable in its er show his development over a period wit and mastery of controlled com, of twenty years, from his days as a position. young student at the University of Toronto, when he was influenced by The Gallery is open to the public the Group of Seven, to his most, refrom 9 a.m. ’ to 5 p.m. Mondays 1 cent work, which is entirely individ’ through Fridays.
Campus-Beat! ,by Dow Gabkro
St. Paul’s College enjoyed, a feast last Thursday with their Valentine’s Buffet. The buffet provided roast turkeys, hams, salads, and in all, a full spread of food. Bill Hykoop, Head Chef at St. Paul’s for Beaver Foods, was responsible for the dinner. Everyone could eat as much as he Iwished and so everyone got stuffed.
Men! Having trouble with girls lately? Not sure what’ kind of ‘men they like? Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for the girls have revealed all that they seek in a man. Girls! Been sitting home playing wallflower ‘lately? Maybe you’re not acting and dressing the way men like. Read what men seek in a girl and you too, may have fun like Sophia Skortchetino! , QUESTION: What attributes do you seek in a man? r, ’ Maureen Burkett - Arts F’
i\ ~t&%t::c;;:~ I ’ ’ I like honesty, integrety, money, ability, insight, a “Jay”, looks and nobility. Mrs. Wye (Housemother Notre Dame) fl Should, be a gentleman in everyway. He should consider a girl a lady at Gerry Mueller, candidate for Presiall times and be considerate of others. dent of Student’s Council, is attempt: 3 Sue Sale - Arts I ing to inform all student of his plat-, A man should be physically attractive, intelligent, and have a good sense form. Last Thursday, Mr. Mueller of humour. (I’m madly in love with James Bond.) spoke to the students at St. Paul’s \ College Valentine dinner. On Wednes’ Diana Bennett0 - Arts I Men should ‘be a challenge - have some mystery in them so you can’t ‘3 day night, Mr. Mueller outlined his read them like a book. They should have sex’ appeal and be good and tall (over proposals to the students at Conrad 6 feet) as I like wearing heels (I’m 5’ 7”). Grebel College. He is ,also arranging Samm Knight - Arts I more speaking engagements in order I like a man who has ambition and intelligence.He need not be especially that he may see and1 talk with I,all’ good looking and a. car is not necessary. It helps if he is casual and has money. students on campius. QUESTION: What attributes do you seek ina girl? Mike Saudriu - Science I What kind of a dirty question is that? Nymphonmania is probably the ’ beat thing i”n a women. Myself, I prefer chastity. From, the University of Alberta’s Pete Bhell - Arts II , ’ I ’ Edmonton campus comes word that I like virtue, devotion and natural charm in a woman. a student member of the Social Credit Louie Battiston - Electrical Eng. II party, Wallace Klinck, has been ex- 3 In a women I like capacity and low resistance, coupled with-an oscillating I pelled from the Party. Klir@., the frequency. t ’ 1 Social Credit chairman on campus Mario: Mekinda - Mech. Eng. II 4 .. _ was accused/of distributing a pamphI like 12 oz. of good rye in a woman. . let, Protocols of Zion, which the SocG6rard Richard - Eng. ,IB reds claim is anti-Semitic. The charge Ma Femme preferhe. was denied by Klinck who claimed ’ I prefer a woman with 70% logic and 30% emotion. I like a woman written by Cl, H. the pamphlets, ‘&ho is proud and conceited. She must also be able to converse in a creative Douglas, the author of ‘the original and constructive manner on ANY possible topic. She must have diverse intereconomic theory of Social Credit, ’ ests. Someone who knows the difference between satisfied and being in love, was a vital part of Social Credit this many people confuse. The girl does not necessarily have to have the same theory. philosophy and way of thinking that I have, but should be compatible with my thoughts. Now for looks. My weakness is legs rather than bust. She must have very expressive eyes and “yeux vif.” She must have good posture. A woman who confronts sensuality with a combined sense of consciousness and emotion. _’ A woman who drinks only beer! And likes to go out dutch during the Dr. H. Davis, Associate Professor school _term. L of Mathematics, has a display. of Jorn Kock - Arts I twelve portraits in the Camera Craft I like a total lack of virtue. Or to quote the words of Gladstone “Peace. \ , Shop in Kitchener. Dr. Davis said without honour.” that he has always had a keen interEd Penner - Student Emeritus, est ‘in portrait photography since his ’ Me! I prefer camels! high school days. However,/ he has Bob Benedettl - Eng. only taken serious interest in this The attributes I seek in a girl can’t be found on this campus. hobby for the past ‘two years. Bill Chestnut - Eng. IB A good bedside manner.. 4 R. Bo$ardis - Eng. IB I like a girl who is effeminate. : Adjustment to university ~ life is CONTEST! often difficult for all of us. Leaving “Name the new l&ary and its yours contest?’ Best name submitted to: our home and parents for the first “Campus Beat,” ’\ time, learning to live with new com- / Board of Publications Office, panions, learning to make judgments +. , u. of w. ’ and decisions of our own, learning ’ will receive: a genuine forged deed of ownership> personally bestowed by Doug . to study and compete academically Grenkie at the gala opening in 1967. Ownership will be complete as soon as in the university community,, all pro* a few minor details are worked’ out with Mrs. Lewis. duce to some deg&e emotional reacThis is “for real” so enter now, be the first kid on your block to own a , tions which must be dealt with. To complete library with no books. help us deal with these problems the Student Health Department offers consultation, an opportunity for discussion and evaluation of these personal or emotional problems with the school psychiatrist, ’ Dr. Ken Bowers. 21 Pandora St.. S. Phone 74414231 Kitchener ’ Material dealt with in these consultations’ and discussions is considered MEN’S DAYS ’ \ strictly confidential ‘and will be diTues. Fri. Sat., Sun. ,I vulged to no one unless the student 2 p.m. 12 10 a.m. 11 p.m. ’ requests it. We hope you will take ~ I advantage of this service and, if you LADIES’ DAYS / are faced with problems which seem Mon., Wed., Thur, ~ insoluble, that you will ask for help 1 p.m. - 11 p.rrj. s before serious emotional upset MASSAGESUtiLAMP POOL evolves.
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if they haven’t the money to take her out. They fail to understand, however, that most girls are quite satisfied to sit over a cup of coffee getting to know a man - they don’t have to be ‘wined and dined’ in luxury. If the males on campus went to the bother to find out they’d probably find most of the females quite understanding about their financial situation. (We have money problems too!). As for the females’ complaints about looks and virility - if they can’t find anything to satisfy them on a predominantly male campus then they’re too choosy and they’d better give up and go home! Dorothy Weaver, Arts II
Dear Sii: Why do people steal? This is the question I’m asking myself. It is not a topic I picked from amongst the random thoughts which pass in the stream of consciousness. Quite the contrary, it is a very relevant and immediate issue. Somebody has stolen a book of mine, Trivial? Yes, until it happens to you. Ten dollars carries you through a week of food, or pays your rent, or (if you’re a free liver), offers countless forms of social amusement. But, this inconvenience is insignificant to this act of theft. It wasn’t committed by a poverty strickvagrant. This foul en, uneducated deed was perpetrated by a student of this university. Perhaps kleptomania was the motive force. If so, I have been victimized by a rare occurance. In all probability, however, the/ culprit was a moral pervert fondly and comonly referred to as “one of the guys .” Outwardly, he possesses the qualities one normally associates with civility. But, inside, festers a cancerous soul that has gnawed away those precarious restraints of a social morality. This most despicable breed of organism, unhampered by the restraints of obligation to one’s fellow man, preys on his montentary lapses. i.e. trust.
Sport Shorts
with the soothing Nevertheless, balm of time, blind anger is tempered into infinite pity for this wretchedly pathetic creature. Still, an uneasy borne out of the feeling lingers, thought of larceny, unmotivated by need or sickness. Moreover, the widespread manifestations of this pestilence indicate this should be the matter of gravest concern for university authorities, rather than pretty quesitons of name change. Somewhere, somehow, people must begin to learn the nature of obligation to others and themselves before their base nature becomes startified in the mould of life. Oleh Iwanyshyn
in Campus
BB Average - Never before in the league history of the OQAA Basketball has a team averaged more than 100 points per game. This year, the Windsor Lancers and the Toronto Blues are averaging 103.9 and 102.3 per game respectively. Fencing - Toronto won the fencing tournament on the weekend by winning 68 out of the 81 matches. Montreal was second with 41 wins and McGill was third with 37 victories. MacMaster was last with 16 wins. Manfred Von Nostitz of Toronto won two individual championships with victories in the Sabre and Ep?e. Squash - Toronto defeated McGill 4 matches to 1 to win the OQAA Squash Tournament last weekend. Colin Adair won the individual award by winning the singles championship. Skiing - Lava1 won the Ski Championship of the OQAA at Lake Beauport in Quebec last weekend. That is the third year in a row for Lava1 to take the competition. Lava1 scored 390 points; Toronto 366, McGill 347.7, and Montreal 321.3.
ell Foundation Scholarship for 6 U of W Students
Hockey McGill moved past the Waterloo Warriors on the weekend by defeating Guelph. Brian Conacher of Western re-injured his knee. He missed four games earlier this season.
Six students at the University of Waterloo have been awarded Bickell Foundation Scholarships for the current term. They are awarded to Chemistry Engineering students. 2A Chemical Engineering Gerald Andrew Saunders, Lambert Otten. 2B Chemical Engineering David Bertran, Robert Rosehart, John F. Westlake. 3B Chemical Engineering Gerald Sylvester Mueller.
You meet
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Fantastic Economy. 254 miles per gallon of gasoline, low maintenance costs, it’s cheaper than riding a bus. Easy to Ride. Perfect spring on both wheels, comfortable seat and controls, automatic clutch, push-button starting (C- 102). Absolute Safeti. Big never-fail brakes, perfect control at all times, instant power when you need it.
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Future Games Thursday - Montreal at McGill. Friday - Western at Toronto; Queen’s at Waterloo; Guelph at Montreal. Saturday - Guelph at Laval; Queen’s at McMaster.
Street S. Ontario
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Shower Title Montreal (CUP) A Sir George Williams university student took a sixty hour dousing to claim the new record of the world’s longest shower bath. Campbell Mussells, Eng. II, entered a shower at lo:30 a.m. January 28 and emerged two and one half days later. The natent champion, who slept, ate and listened to the radio while showering, had a word of advice for others with the same ideas“DON’T”.
Rep. on Campus
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FIRST SHOW - 7 P.M. SAT. MATINEE - 1 P.M. The Greatest, Grooviest, Wildest, most exciting Beat Blast ever to pound the screen!
“THE TAM1 SHOW” Starring: The Beach Boys, The Rolling Stones, The Supremes SUNDAY ONLY
Student Directory Supplements are now available for engineers and will be distributed through the Engineering Society. Some copies of the fall student directory are still available and can be picked up at the Board of Publication office. International Students Association, Meeting February 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the Faculty Lounge of the Engineering Building. Mr. D. Davies of the Immigration office will be the guest speaker. Meeting Liberal Club Arts 244 at 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 23, 1965. 1. Election of officers for 65-66; 2. Reports on this years activities; 3. Plans for 1965-66. Scandinavian Nite presented by the International Folkdance Club on Sunday, February 28 at 8 p.m. in Seagram’s Gym. Program includes: films, round dancing, folkdancing and singing. Everybody welcome - students, faculty and staff. Coffee and refreshments served. Admission: 50 cents. International Students Association presents INTERNATIONAL MUSIC AND DANCE on Saturday. March 6, 1965, at 8 p.m. at Theatre of Arts, U. of W. Artists from Africa, Canada, India, Mexico, Philippines etc. will participate. Admission: Student 75C; Adult $1 .OO. Tickets are available aat Theatre Box Office, Student Council Office, Annex 1 (Mrs. Beausoleil) and University Book Store. ,.... ................%.l..rru.%J .......v....+. -** .,....,.........,....,.....f..., .,.......... ....a.3 .,*..* .A.. ..*-A*.-...-.> ....,......................I... ......-*.N*&...J.%.:e .............c..........................-..8 ................f.....f..... ...,........a....... ........I<... -A.. ...L...W .................~.....~~~~..~......~
Avg. 23.1 18.3
G WLT F A 14 13 1 0 111 52 12 10 2 0 76 46 11 8 2 1 52 33 13 7 5 1 71 60 13 5 5 3 63 61 13 5 7 1 73 64 15 3 11 1 65 111 14 2 10 2 55 49 12 1 10 1 36 80
St. W.
the nicest
Leaders GP Pts. 8 185 7 128
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Dave West, Tor. Ed Petryshyn, Waterloo
For Sale: 1961 Austin Healey Sprite - Radio, four new Michelin tires, motor and body in perfect condition. Phone SH 5-5173 after 7 p;m.
BB Record The University of Windsor Lancers set a new OQAA record when they defeated the McGill Redmen on Saturday night. They scored 130 points to break the previous record set by Toronto Blues ’ earlier this season of 121.
12 noon, February 15, 1965, U. of W. campus. Down, down, quietly, gracefully, down, glided the flowing Red Ensign; that noble flag which was dedicated to the University of Waterloo, 5 years ago in a chimerical ceremony, which many graduates and faculty will long remember. clergymen jointly blessed the flag in A day would seldom pass when God’s name and then President Hagey one did not walk through the engingave the Dedication. The Maple Leaf, eering quadrangle and glance at that Red Banner. It flew faithfully for 5 our Emblem dear is now national maturity and unity. years atop the flagpole on campus. J. L. Hodgins. Its shimmering vermillion was silouetted by the great azure and often threatening nimbi. The flag was so much a part of our university, as accepted as our coffee shop or library. Graduates and sophomores will recollect the Red Ensign dipped to half The Circle K Club, which is usualmast to honour two of the world’s ly on the production end of activities, leaders of freedom at their deaths will be among the guests at the 7th Nehru and Kennedy. Freshmen reAnnual Ontario Quebec Maritime cently witnessed for the first time our Districts Convention in Toronto Febcampus’ Ensign at half mast, to pay ruary 19, 20, 21. About fifteen active our respects to Winston Churchill, the members will represent the club at man, and all he fought and lived for. the Lord Simcoe Hotel. Today, only the winter wind was Besides presenting their activities heard, as thousands of students and of the past year, they will attend faculty stood silently in the cold, workshops and discussion groups. Satwhile the Ensign was lowered and urday night there will be a Governor’s rolled away. Cheers, whistles, clapBall with music from a good band. ping soon split the silence as the red George Spall, treasurer of the club maple leaf climbed quickly to its here on campus, hopes to be a sucproud place of honour atop the pole. cessful candidate for position of LieuStudents sang “0 Canada”. Local tenant-Governor for the coming year.
*of W. Flag
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