6, Number
Balanced budget 0 censors condemned After explaining almost every single expenditure to Mr. Brad Munro, newly-elected graduate arts representative, the 196566 Student Council budget was passed. The budget calls for an expenditure of $112,368.80 agains an income of $116,657, leaving a margin of $4,288.20. This “balanced budget” is the result of a council motion that sent the first budget, with its deficit of over $4,000, back to the executive board for balancing. * * * During the question period, someone asked why pencil sharpeners couldn’t be provided in the library. The answer came that the department of physical plant and planning felt they’d ruin the decor. ?! * * A motion to censor the censors of posters advertising the movie And quiet flows the Don was introduced by President Gerry Mueller.
esf The projection facilities in the four new lecture halls of arts B were not designed properly. In B116, the largest of the four amphitheaters, projection from the booth is impossible. The booth will have to be rebuilt. In the two smaller lecture halls projection is supposedly possible although only a few degrees clearance over a railing is allowed. No movies or slides shown in these rooms so far, however, have used the projection booth. Instead, projection has been made from the aisle above the seats. Conditions in B 113 were described as passable but the authorities refused to describe just what “passable” meant. Jim Livingstone, chief projectionist, stated that the booths were designed for conditions 30 years ago. The problem was caused by architects designing the booths without consulting experts in the field. The architects said that they were prevented from doing so by the university department of physical plant and planning, who demanded the plans as soon as possible. This didn’t allow time to check that the plans were functional, although several qualified companies volunteered their consulting services. It seems that right now there is a problem of finding time and money to correct the error.
Some of the councillors suggested that the motion be made less specific in order to apply to all censorship. At this point, however, the discussion bogged down over a definition of warranted as opposed to unwarranted censorship. After trying almost every qualifying phrase and finally discarding it, council finally approved a motion: “Resolved that council strongly recommends to the university that no form of censorship be allowed to govern the postings on university bulletin boards.” >,: * * * Finally Fred Ellyin gave notice of an amendment to the constitution. The amendment, if passed, will allow the Graduate Society to break away from the Federation if it decides to back the graduate representatives in a dispute with the rest of council. The amendment will have to be voted on by the entire student body.
St. Paul’s packed in 7,750 pounds into 283 cubic feet; that’s 27.4 pounds per cubic foot. By the old system, we averaged 5.6 cubic feet per person better by far than WUC’s 6.7 and the Villagers’ 7.1. The last one in first took a picture, then strolled in and closed the door. The only way out led to the rain-andwind-swept campus, but we. all had to cool off anyway. One smart soul (me) went in equipped with a can of spray deodorant in his shirt pocket. Rumor has it that another attempt will be made during the week when more daring fools are here.
CUS will probe of books,
cost transportution
KINGSTON (Staff) Queen’s University is being kept busy these days with conferences. Fast on the heels of the Ontario regional CUP conference came the provincial Canadian Union of Students meeting. Sixteen mandates were presented to member universities at the conference. One mandate concerned briefs being presented to the Ontario legislature’s select committee on youth. Of more practical and immediate significance to most students, the organization received mandates concerning an investigation into student bookstore prices, student rates on transportation, and problems of foreign students in Ontario. York, Carleton, Western, and Ryerson were awarded mandates to explore the social barriers to achieving higher education. Dr. J. R. McCarthy, deputy mini-
ster of student affairs for Ontario and speaker at the delegates’ banquet, promised a $1,000 grant to the regional CUS. The grant will be used to further study of a program of visits by university students to high schools. Most of the deputy minister’s remarks concerned the increased accessibility of university education. He said he was glad to see the universities downgrading their emphasis on grade 13 final results for university entry. Dr. McCarthy also praised the trend to a greater and more flexible variety of methods of admission to university. He noted that “a greater proportion of grade 13 graduates are going to university at a steadily increasing rate each year” and added that “there were about 50,000 this year and they were all provided for.”
2, 1965
4 new
Stuffing sfcws of Sf. FkYul’s oufshine t&e fat Villagers by Louis Silcox Fat Villagers take note! Fifty residents of St. Paul’s College crammed, crumpled and cheered themselves into a small 4’ 9” by 8’ 4” by 7’ 2” room Friday night to set a new record in terms of either cubic feet per person or persons per cubic foot. There was still room for more but the college (except for one room), was empty. A new scoring system has been suggested: weight per cubic foot. This should eliminate the advantage of stuffing in small people, and concentrate on the actual cramming.
eDendence, h one I
finally OTTAWA (CUP) Canadian University Press has issued a unilateral declaration of independence (UDI) from the Canadian Union of Students. Monday, The
got its own phone. l-(613)-235-3807.
No longer will CUS listen in on CUP calls. No longer will CUP miss calls in the evening when the slack student-government types have gone home and one must watch the little lights to see if they’re blinking, since the phone rings on another floor. for
No longer will CUP have to pay collect person-to-person calls.
No better
longer will CUP spend the part of a day every month
haggling with long distance
CUS about how many calls who made.
CUP business manager was heard to comment:
“Now if we can just get people to mail their papers to room 506 rather than 406, to stop CUS stealing our papers, we may be able to get some work done.” CUP president Jim Laxer is believed to consider this step only the first stage of his revolutionary policy of “a free and independent student press service in a free and independent Canada.” He muttered break:
a recent coffee
“When we print our expose on their international affairs policy, the
Z%$X#s will probably of the building, which good thing.”
kick us out would be a
The move is widely regarded as one of the highest achievements of the Laxer administration to date, topped only by the occasion when CUP scooped the Ubyssey on a story on their own campus. (It happens all the time to McGill.) But it is expected to be overshadowed by a coming raid on the federal government’s treasury, when Laxer cons the Centennial Commission’s youth travel grants program into giving CUP $12,000 to fly extra delegates to the national conferenceor maybe $6,000? how about $3,000? well . . . .
...*...~..................~..................~................................................................ .,...........................................,....................................................................................... ....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..~~~~......~..~.~...............~...~.........~....~...............~~.~~....~ ....................................*....................................I...........................I.. ........................................................................... ~~......................,......................................................................................................... ................................................I......................I. ,.......... ..........................,......... .......,..... z................................ .f................. d Students in engineering, applied This is the last regular issue of the Gory mailed free math and applied physics leaving camCory for 1965. The staff suddenly defor cooperative work terms are tided to pass their Christmas exams. fo co=op stucfenfs entitled to free Coryphaeus subpus
scriptions. Lists will be posted on bulletin boards for you to sign your name and address.
There may be an abbreviated special issue next week, unless the last diehard editor also gives in. Happy
just in case.
Get the bus service you want through City Council These are the people he felt should be given a voice in civil government. These are the people he’d like to represent.
Diem - Planning haphazard, poor Dr. Aubrey Diem, a professor of geography here at the university, will contest Monday’s mayorality race in Waterloo. Mr. Diem said he was running because the other candidates lacked the ability and the imagination to deal with the city’s problems. ... ......... ,, ........._..__\
Most of these problems are caused by poor and haphazard planning, he said. Lack of long-range plans had led to transportation, school, beautification, and servicing problems. He accused city hall of letting the developers dictate the direction of growth in Waterloo. Dr. Diem has recently spent six months in Europe studying urban
for Alderman
on Monday
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SHIRT LAUNDERERS Corner King and University
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Davidson - give voice to young
Murray Davidson, a third-year political science student will be running for Waterloo alderman in the municipal elections Monday.
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three hairstylists serve you
He will be running against 15 other men for one of the eight seat on city cotincil. After Mr. Davidson left high school, he spent six years with radio news announcing. He then went to work as a public relations man with Dominion Electrohome. Last year he served as an assistant to Harvey Endress, vice-president of Waterloo Lutheran University. Mr. Davidson pointed out that while he is only 27, half of the people eligible to vote will be his age or younger.
Dr. Aubrey
$2.50 1.50
optometrist MURRAYS. MUNN
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as recond-ckasr Ottawa, and jot
mail by the Post Office puyment of postage in cash.
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US mo~sns loss of co-et4
John Ahaw - wasting both beer and effort. John was anchorman the Student Village team who placed second in the boat races 36.0 seconds.
“Engineering Night,” the oldest tradition of our University, again surpassed in style, glamour, and polish all other events taking place on our campus. The food was delicious, the speaker good, and the broads were o.k. The official proceedings started at 6:30 with cocktails for special guests and the Engineering Society Executives . The supper, getting underway rather late, was preceeded by toasts to the Queen and to the University. The meal consisted of turkey, peas, and mashed potatoes followed by apple pie for dessert. Coffee was also made available for those with strong habits. This part of the evening was quiet although distant relatively crashes of breaking glasses, followed by loud and enthousiastic applause could be regularly heard. It appeared that those fleetfooted damsels serving the food were so shaken with fright they were unable to keep a steady grip on their trays. At other times they were seen to trip over bodies and beer bottles. Following the supper, the guests of honour, the speaker, and the Engineering Society Executive were introduced to the masses. Mr. Alan Gordon, our beloved registrar, then remarked that new admission standards for the university would soon be coming into effect: “Better marks for the boys, better figures for the girls.” This was widely supported on the floor indicating that improvements must definitely be made to our present system. The guest speaker, Mr. A. Murray of Waterloo, then took the floor. He started off in the best possible manner stating he was inspired by the genius that can flower in a faculty of engineering. He touched upon a wide range of topics, indicating he understood the broad intellectual scope at which the average engineer operated. He paid tribute to those brave undergrads who painted the word BEER on the Waterloo water tower and then noted we should count our bless-
ings among which “the speedy service in the cafeteria and the Canada Pension plan developing together.” Toks Oshinowo then followed with a short but humorous speech asking for support and ideas from all and spoke of a wild time to come next summer. Then the magic words, the phrase that electrified the masses, the signal which sent the ladies present scurrying from the floor: “BOAT RACES.” Teams were formed, affidavits signed, and supplies bought. Ted Cambridge, aided by Toks and John Lackey, officiated at the event which saw 90 glasses of beer consumed in a net time of 362.8 seconds. The first year kiddies put on a dismal show of inexperience and incapacity. After the juniors were finished came last years champions, winners of two previous races: the class of 66 consisting of anchorman G. Heisler, J. Stodulski, H. Blake, H. Pool, and H. Blake. They looked like champions all the way, downing their quota in a mere 28.4 seconds. Having won the trophy on three occasions, they claimed ownership but promptly re-donated it back to the Engineering Society. With the end of the boat races came the last official event of the evening: calling the undertaker to clear the floor of bodies. Apparently some artsmen managed to sneak in. One well oiled student fell down a flight of stairs drawing comments such as “oh my god, he’s dead.” He was gathered up by his buddies and and taken to the Kent for treatment. In all, a couple cases of beer were consumed by some engineers. This fact alone tells the story in all its gory detail.
Student directories will be available from the Board of Publications office during office hours. They will also be available in the bookstore today and tomorrow.
CUSO is now accepting applications from student in their graduating year who wish to spend two years serving and learning in one of the developing nations of Asia, Africa, Latin America or the West Indies. Application forms are available from the Students Council Office or from Jim Walker, Student ‘Village House N-3 Room 102. Preliminary interviews will begin this Saturday, December 4, and will be’ held every Saturday until Christmas. Interested applicants are urged to make an appointment for interview as soon as possible. Tonight in Room P145 at 7:30 p.m. CUSO presents “Cross Cultural Relations: Their Impact on International Understanding.” This will be a panel discussion with Professors E. P. Patterson, Miss J. Naidoo, V. K. Handa, L. G. Edmonston, and M. Constant. Everyone on campus is invited to attend. Currently on view in the Arts Library is a display of photographs taken by former CUSO Volunteer Clen Wooldridge. The pictures are environmental intended to depict scenes typical of the job locations to be expected by CUSO Volunteers.
sity of Waterloo has lost a fine and active person in Miss Ginny Lee. Ginny passed away Saturday, November 27 at St. Mary’s Hospital, Kitchener. She was 19 and a second year Sociology student. She attended Eastwood Collegiate in Kitchener where she was active in all forms of student affairs including Deputy Prime Minister and Valedictorian. In her one year here she contributed much to her school. She was a member of Students’ Council, Commissioner for representations on the Board of External Relations, Winterland Queen, and a mainstay of the Homecoming Committee. The funeral services were held Tuesday at Trinity United Church. Contributions to the Cancer Society
The FASS-NITE Selection Board have announced that Brian Iler and Dennis Pilkey have been appointed producer and director of FASS. Both are very capable individuals for organizing and seeing that required jobs are carried out. FASS supporters can look forward to a good show this year. In a discussion with Brian and Dennis they revealed that they intended to work closely together on all facets of the show. Plans apparently are already shaping up well. A
U. of W. may
Dr. Albert
E. Berry
Dr. Berry to speak Dr. Albert E. Berry, SecretaryTreasurer of the Canadian Institute of Pollution Control will speak at the University of Waterloo on Dec. 6, at 7:30 p.m. in the Board and Senate Room (E136). Dr. Berry will speak on “The general aspects of water pollution,” a topic which he is quite capable of covering because of his vast experience in the field of water pollution. After receiving his doctorate at the University of Toronto in 1926, Dr. Berry was appointed Director of the Ontario Department of Health’s Division of Sanitary Engineering. He was general manager and chief engineer of the Ontario Water Resources Commission from its inception in 1956 until his retirement in 1963. He has also served as President of the American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation and taken an active part in the Canadian section of both organizations. Among his many awards and achievements, Dr. Berry received an Honorary Doctorate Degree at the University of Waterloo in 1963. This is another in the series of seminars being sponsored by the Water Resources Research Institute.
is coming
Prof. Dohrs of Wayne State University will address students and staff at 8 p.m. tomorrow in P145. The subject for the evening will be Agriculture Communist
failure Eastern
and change in Europe, spon-
sored by the Geography
will be accepted as tokens of sympathy. These may be given to Miss H. Petz in Annex 1.
appointed few of the production personnel have been chosen and many ideas are being tossed around. Both of these persons frankly admit that their abilities lie more in the area of organization than in production. However, by using their limited experience in this field and by gathering a powerful team to work with them, they are confident that FASS ‘66 will be at least as good as or hopefully better (a mighty tough task, as realized by both) than previous performances. Good luck, fellows!
Do you have a course that is too heavy? A professor that puts you to sleep? The Board of Publications is planning to publish a booklet which may be the end of such problems. An anti-calendar, which will rate courses and professors, may be printed for incoming students next fall. The publication should help you get the most out of your stay at the university by making sure that you are not wasting your time by sitting through dead lectures. Here goes nothing
This publication will attempt to be completely fair to all concerned. Experienced help will be sought in setting up questionnaires and obtaining statistically correct opinions. It is hoped that this booklet will be an aid to the students and will help to improve the teaching and course standards at the university. Any person interested in working on this publication and any student in his graduating year who would like to edit it should contact Mr. David R. Witty, Chairman of the Board of . Publicatrons, in Annex 1.
That’s exactly what FASS is - a whole lot of nothing. WHY - because it isn’t quite known WHAT FASS is. However, three performances of some of the best wit and humour this side of Laurel Creek (applicable to either side) have been Promised for Feb. 10, 11, 12.
and phone number (and, your particular talent (?) C/O FASS Director Bldg.; Dr. K. D. Fryer Physics Bldg.; or Mr. Creative Arts Office.
FASS will not be as good as last year - no, it will be better (It is hoped the lady who laughed right through intermission last year can take it.) To realize this claim a little inside help is going to be needed. This year as in others FASS will be an entirely University of Waterloo production. As members of the Faculty, Administration, Staff or Students, would you like to be a part of this show? Gag men, writers, actors, hams, musicians, production personnel and even just plain old-fashioned (but reasonably up-to-date) ideas are needed. Perhaps during your idle time (e.g. when you should have been working on your term essay or writing a book or trying to get people to write books) you drew. up a skit or act or thought about one. Whatever you may be able to do or offer, you are needed. Please
if possible, Federation - Math & P. Berg -
Is the university failing us? Does faculty-student alienation depress you? Are you disappointed because university has turned out to be a rat-race for a degree instead of a place to gain an education? Should we abolish exams? degrees even? Sunday at 8:30 p.m. in the lounge at St. Paul’s College, these and similar questions will be discussed by Matt Cohen of the School for Social Theory in Toronto. Come along and bring your ideas. This meeting is sponsored by the S.C.M.
Peace study
The peace group has organized a study session which will take place every other Thursday beginning tonight at 8:30 in the conference room at Conrad Greble. Our first study will concern a pamphlet by Erich Fromm entitled War within man. Anyone interested in exploring the causes of war is welcome.
2, 1965
Horror films much abused
Loyola’s loss:
Noted actor-director on campus next term
but some not all that bad by Dave Denovan Horror films are a much abused and downtrodden genre, particularly of late. In the ’30s and into the ‘4Os, Hollywood and producers such as Val Lewton and James Whale treated them with respect. But today most of such movies are sleazy exploitation pictures with nothing to commend them. All this makes Die monster die a very agreeable surprise, for here is one of the few horror films of late with something like quality. The story is based on The color out of space by H. P. Lovecraft. Admittedly there are changes but this is a fair and often necessary art in the filming of any novel or (in this case) short story.
Even with the addition of a rather vapid love interest, the film has much of Lovecraft’s peculiar, otherworldly sense of horror, Part of this is accomplished by the careful use of color. Almost everything is in a blue or green shade, lushly photographed, that gives the doomed house a feeling of rankness and iseased madness. Boris Karloff, appearing in his 130th film, gives the film the necessary plausibility. From the rest of the cast, director Daniel Haller gets only fair performances, but Karloff, as always, carried the show as the quasi-scientist who has let his mysticism destroy him. The mechanisms of tension range from the broad thing-popping-out type to subtle cross-cutting and editing. Most important, it is not a potboiler but an honest attempt to make
a good piece of entertainment in which it succeeds. The campaign feature, Planet of the Vampires, is in another much abused tradition, science fiction. Made in Italy (but with surprisingly good dubbing), it is directed by Mario Bava, who has been both good (“Black Sunday”) and bad (“Hercules in the Underworld”). This time he is quite good with a plausible story of space exploitation. The sets particularly are large, solid, and apparently functional. It is a great relief to see a space ship with walls that don’t bend if leaned on. The story is in the pulp magazine tradition (which is where it came from) but there is agreeable tension as the humans battle disembodied creatures that can even bring their dead back to life to fight against them. Neither of these are great films but they are honest, both in intention and style and a great pleasure to watch.
The internationally famous actordirector Walter Massey of Montreal has been appointed drama directorin-residence for the winter term. Mr. Massey will be on campus for two months, beginning Jan. 3 and will conclude his term with a major production the end of February.
crew sessions associated with the major production. Auditions will be held Jan. 5 - 7. Rehearsals begin - Jan. 10. The production planned for late
Mr. Massey has appeared with the Stratford Shakespearean Festival and has had numerous engagements in the United States. He has worked with the BBC in England and the CBC as well as performing on the major American networks. For the past several years, Mr. Massey has directed major productions for Loyola College. Mr. Massey is planning a full schedule of activities including lecture, workshop and seminar sessions; faculty seminars and of course, the regular production and technical Walter Massey, of Montreal, becomes director-in-residence for the winter term.
Carol fantasy may be start of tradition tELi,
SOCIAL OurCAS~ j . . 9
A new dimension in programming will be unveiled Sunday at 3 in the Theater of the Arts. It is hoped that a tradition will be established. Four of the university musical organizations plus the guest choir from Conrad Grebel College will present a Carol Fantasy. This program is presented Creative Arts Board, admission FOLK -
by the is free.
Records Discount
Waterloo c
Folk festival for January by Ted Chase U of W students can look forward to a successful and exciting folk festival this year. The dates have been set for Jan. 14, 15 and 16. A concert, featuring local and university talent, and a grand opening hoot at our new coffeehouse, is scheduled for Friday night. Saturday morning will feature a banjo and guitar workshop, and in the afternoon a recorded documentary on the growth and development of blues. The main event of the weekend, the Saturday evening concert, should bring the festival to a fitting climax.
To wind things up, a recorded documentary on contemporary folk artists, writers, such as Dylan, Paxton, Syke, Ochs, will be held Sunday p.m.
45 Ultra-Modern
2808 King E., Kitchenerr SH 5-1196
Among those participating in the program will be the Madrigal Singers, the University Glee Club, the Symphonette, all under the direction of Alfred Kunz. Miss Helen Martens will conduct the Conrad Grebel choir. The Children’s Choir is a newly organized group of faculty-staff children. The program will add music from many lands to the traditional carols, some works especially arranged by Mr. Kunz. Everyone will have opportunity to join in singing the wellknown carols. A group of the performers plan to decorate the theater with Yuletide setting.
FASS Director c/o Federation Bldg. Dr. K. D. Fryer c/o M & P Bldg. Mr. P. Berg, Theater Box Office.
The second half of the Norman McLaren Festival will be shown on Wednesday at 12: 15 noon. Five-deep standing-room-only crowds required a room change to the chemistry-biology amphitheater (CB27 1). Come early and make sure of a place to see Pen-point Percussion, A phantasy, Neighbours, &airy tale.
Mall Gym
Poetry Readings, Folk Music Peanuts, Coffee 75$ covers
9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
11 R H I N 0.’ ’ and SUNDAY
larger room for Mclaren part 2
we are looking
SH 493712
Thurber carnival, Two for the seesaw, Marriage-go-round, An evening with Saw, Man and superman, Anthony and Cleopatra.
1 P.M.
Van Bridge tours theatre today, prelude to Wed. performance
Censored censors even
Here in Ontario we are blessed with very liberal J. Silverthorne who has kept up with public taste admirablyas opposed to Alberta’s incredible Col. Fleming, the man who banned
Though the public doesn’t want them and the Supreme Court has declared them unconstitutional, the New York State censors have pledged to be back in business next year. They have already a bill in the state legislature and have great hopes, apparently well-founded. The film that caused the court fight, A stranger knocks, has so far grossed more than Fellink’s
La strada.
by Dave Denovan The question of film censorship has long been a great problem, both to film makers and exhibitions.
All newspaper ads for movies are approved, first by the Motion Picture Association of America and then by In view of this Mr. Silverthorne. screening, it is surprising to find that the K-W Record feels obliged to exercise its own censorship over movie ads. Female legs and navels are out, as are certain selected poses. Still we are not as badly off as where the local theater Guelph, manager had difficulty getting the local paper to run any ads for Goldfinger. This is all rather laughable, except that it shows the continuing hold Victorian morality, where “some things” are just not mentioned, has on the small minds of some of our officious officials.
Charles Schulz, author of Peanuts, is working on a half-hour, color television special. A Charlie Brown Christmas will be broadcast Dec. 9 by CBS.
Everything must be done with style these days, and some upcoming films include War - Italian style, Mating modern style and Divorce American style. Violence seems in order with such films as Let’s kill uncle, You kill me and even The nasty rabbit. The ultimate is represented by Mother Goose a-go-go. And we have finally The last of the secret agents.
A gift to Ontario by Peggy Larkin What would you do if you had a luxurious 14-room summer home on a 20-acre estate? If you think there is “more to life than just money,” you will do as Robert and Signe McMichael did and turn it into a cultural showpiece. Having filled their Kleinburg, Ontario estate with over 200 priceless arts works collected over the past decade or so, the McMichaels have turned the $830,000 estate over to the Ontario government as a present to Canada. Tapawingo, as they call it, built with materials hewn by pioneers, is a most effective setting for a display that consists solely of Canadian pioneer art. The McMichael collection, partly made up of gifts from Canadian art lovers, is even more comprehensive than the collection of Canadian art in Ottawa’s National Gallery. Originals of the Group of Seven predominate the collection. The McMichaels have even relocated and restored at Tapawingo the, famous old shack where Tom Thomson, the in-
Cdture stigator greatest
group, painted canvasses.
“In every village in our infant country we have the quiet graves of those who subdued the wilderness, who beautified the land by their toil and left not only the fruits of their labors, but the thoughts and feelings that cheered them in their solitude, to cheer and stimulate us amid the inferior trials and multiplied enjoyments of a more advanced state of society.” The words of Joseph Howe, carved on a wooden tablet at Tapawingo’s front door have summed up the McMichael philosophy.
--The artsthis week Sunday Christmas Carol Fantasy, Theater, 3 :00
Wednesday Norman McLaren festival, part 2, CB271, 12:lS noon. An evening with Tony van Bridge, Theater, 8:30.
Flat opening by Ed Wagner There weren’t too many of us on hand at the Theater of the Arts last Sunday afternoon to hear Karl Wolfram sing and pluck his way through a relaxed and unpretentious performance of German and English folk songs. But maybe it’s just as well although Mr. Wolfram is no virtuoso by any stretch of the imagination, his amiable, easy-going style blends in perfectly with small audiences. He has a clear, natural tenor voice that lends an air of authenticity to his songs, many of which date back to the fifteenth and sixteenth cen-
of the northern
Tony van Bridge will be making a brief visit on campus today to take a look at the Theater of the Arts, where he will be performing Wednesday and to meet the Players Guild of Renison College, sponsoring his performance. Tony van Bridge played Falstaff at the Stratford Festival this summer, moving audiences to both laughter and tears. Critics from all over the continent sought to outdo each other in superlatives. Climax of his evening of readings (which he entitled “Many things I like to read . . .“), Wednesday 8:30 in the Theater, will be Mr. van Bridge’s inspired reading of A child’s Christmas in Wales, by Dylan Thomas. With his well-known ability to provide laughter and tears in balance Mr. van Bridge has selected a program which should satisfy the most demanding theater-goer. The tickets are still on sale at the box office and at Renison College. Van Bridge is a modest man. He is pleased when a Stratford resident stops him on the street to say hello, and wish him luck for the season. He takes time to offer advice to those interested in pursuing a theatrical
Karl Wolfram gave us a real folk concert, with real folk songs sung with real emotion and purity of interpretation. Not the commercial&d, Bob Dylan-Peter Paul and Mary type of sloppy ballyhoo and canned, crybaby sentiment that the in-crowd are raving about these days, but honestto-goodness folk material that expresses in simple, straightforward terms the joys and sorrows, the hopes and disappointments of real people.
career. He is not displeased with thoughtful criticism. Tony van Bridge has made his permanent home in Stratford, near his place of employment in the summer months, yet close enough to slip into Toronto to do television and radio work. In Winnipeg this fall at the completion of the Stratford season, he appeared in the Manitoba Theater Center production of the two plays “The Private Ear” and “The Public Eye”. At the end of the Winnipeg
at Stratford
run, he was able to take a short, wellearned vacation in Vancouver. Van Bridge has now recovered from the great strain of playing Falstaff in both parts of Henry IV this summer, which frequently meant that he had both a matinee and evening show together. Although he moved with ease as the vast man Falstaff, Mr. van Bridge was actually wearing 35 pounds of costume. Small wonder that he lost a great deal of weight over the summer, in his devotion to his character!
real songs of real people
by Annice Gowanlock The long-awaited Caucasian chalk circle reached an appreciative audience on opening night with vivacity and impact. The introductory scene was a little flat, partly because the audience had difficulty in grasping the situation and partly because the actors were unclear in their rapid-fire dialogue. However the play .began to move when the Storyteller, played by David introduced the ancient Hutch&on, tale of the chalk circle. He gave a fine performance. His good style and richly distinct voice carried the story line, which might otherwise have become confused. The director, Mr. Dennis Sweeting, did not completely alienate his characters from the audience, contrary to pure Brecht style. There was a good deal of audience-character sympathy, especially well-handled by those in the lead roles.
but ‘circle’reaches
turies, and while he sings, he strokes his lute gently, as the troubadours of old must have done.
Tony van Bridge is seen right, as Fastafl in I-Penry this summer. Left is Douglas Rain, as Prince Hal.
The program included peasant songs of the Middle Ages, spontaneous little things with titles like Enjoying now this ring dance, May comes with splendour and 0 handsome knight - a ribald gem if there
ever was one and sung, as most of the others on the program, entirely in the native German. There was also a group of songs written during the 30 Years War in Germany: Pray, children, pray, Drum rhymes, Listen, child, 0 listen and the delicate Maybug fly. The tunes were plain, the rhythms nothing special;
The lines of some of the minor characters were indistinct. The bathtub scene especially suffered for this reason, in spite of its original humor.
Suzanne Nunez as Grusha, the heroine and John Turner as Azdak, the judge, deserve credits for very fine performances. Both spoke clearly, and seemed to catch the spirits of the warm-hearted girl and the would-be dispenser of justice. Their courtroom meeting at the climax was a highlight of the evening, and brought the play to a dramatic and rousing conclusion.
The two younger members of the cast, infant Tom Rymer III, and Robbie Wright,‘ age five, were not only well-behaved on stage but contributed their own charm to the play. Spectacular lighting effects by John Stammers, and original music written by Alfred Kunz, university music director, added to the mood and scope of the play.
These main characters were complemented by a fine supporting cast. Simon, the soldier-fiance, was welldone by Peter Lishchynski. His meetings with Grusha were very tenderly played amid the tumult of the surrounding action.
The actual trial of the chalk circle was both dramatic and humorous and the audience responded warmly to it. The final dancing provided just the right note of lightheartedness to sum up the action. All of the hundred-odd people who had a hand in the production of The Caucasian chalk circle may feel justly proud of their creation.
Credit must also be given to Steve Chalmers as the prince and corrupt monk, Dan Pilling as the leering corporal and Gordon Johnston as the hen-pecked brother.
yet running through each of them unmistakably were the emotions of a people in the midst of war.
inspiring performance nor a brilliant one it was just an honest man singing ordinary songs about ordinary people.
Then there was a group of Swedish songs - three love songs and a lullabY - and following that a couple of German ballads, one written by Goethe and called The king in Thule, the other by E. M. Arndt, The little
So go on back to ,your Bob Dylan and your wailing, bitter nonconformists, you folk song enthusiasts. But when you want to hear real folk songs - when you’ve grown out of feeling sorry for yourselves, turn your back on the crowded concert halls and look around for an ordinary man, with an ordinary voice; maybe he’ll have a lute with him, and maybe he’ll strum it gently while he sings the history of his land and his people.
stars and the sun.
And when it was all over, nobody cheered or screamed or rushed out to join the Peace Corps. We clapped gratefully, and quietly left our seats, and started for home. It wasn’t an
Thursday, December 2, 1965
, /
\ ,’
Poke cold cinders A,
--flame. __-=_ - _
- -
‘The Counfry: &use ’ .a,
I>\ ’
The %inders 1b areold. -a B;rt’still‘ .’ ’
’ .
could ~ , I .I1 ,. ’ .’ I I !
should be Water’
\ I-
, s \
\ 4.
” ,.
They are
still memories/ Love
) 1t
\ mrr*.-tTir
Temptation .
I flirted
past the swirling
I gave no hint, no form
of chase, *
* I’.-iust sned - ‘through- the\ swelling crowd
Deep laid in oyster bed Of pearly
L And now; behind a wall
1 ~
-F.C.G. ,
! , I
* From the hot dry air, to the cool dark depths I stumbled down several rotted wood steps. But from. the house to the barn ‘what a<difference For the barn showed remnants of former glory, k.
’ I
, /
i’ :
I ,
’ i
in htory
---\ \
, 1 ,a
, s
, s ’ ’
His head held high; 1’ And, down the street with a weight Upon his shoulders: doubt
there was no L
’ . ,
How fine a man he was, until ;,’ s He took a fall by will. ,,; t%
’ , 1’
, ” ,, I! His chest fell in flis neat d was’ lowered, to his chin,,
His hair were, ‘crumpled
and dirty.
with an age-old look, :‘, I ’
Of his previous And down weight. ,J
&QI$& ,I
I could not imitate,
He limped unworthy
’ \
’ : i ’
the cstreet,‘ he dragged I + -F.C.G.
his ’
,. \
b’,. /
i TO BE A’BABE, TO KNOW BUT NOTHING! . We. With our: (vast complexity of knowledge, I . ; * , Our infinite scope of philosophies and , ’ sci lence, And even with all’ this scholarly Erudition remain perplexed,’ frustrated, beguiled; ’ and fruitlessly question: “Is There; a God?“, Or “Is Thrre a Heaven?“, or “Why is Man?“, or “What is Life?“, Or an eternity of more why’s and ‘:. how’s and where’s. 1 But the baby, T He has peace; and ease, A happiness; no worries -at all, For in knowing nothing, . .I ’ I The little infant knows all! iI “S,TIFF” . f ,
’ ‘There is a meaning The Northern winds are hlnrrt;=e , across the land: I ’ The wind is cold; I , Man has not’ a place to stRndXK-, t-2 lost I-.-L I-___-_--*- land. IVILIR nas , , . -nls promrsed * TD
. ’ ’
( /
~ , --
,_Xi “;# \:
The by da, . \ & fold
‘he cre: formec
, .r
within found , watche perforr , on’ a tl
the seasons creation: si flowing of experience I /
What sort of people, for what secret reason Were spirited away in that faraway, season When they left their land fallen to ruin . ’ H,ad,.Itheyi. planned on returning soon?
’ Hidden away in a corner of the &all Were a little painted go- cart’ -6 And a china- headed doll.
A momentary sigh Escapes my heart ’ , For it is ever thus From all, all must part.
His chest held out,,/
,- 6
‘/ .
’’ _
‘. /
._ \
offers’ 1 atop the stemthe flower/heart
the rnz
words, instead.
Before’ a wall of pearl
the leaf in time falls open
/I The,Heart
Two lines of ‘red
, .
Two high topped carriages, with great leather ,cushions , -Mildewed and rotting and oozing their stuffing ’ Rested graceful and dignified, two stately,, old carriages Born before the engine and gasoline marriages. i
And, now,% no one will ever, be as proud. -F.C.G. : I \ / ( ‘-
4 ’ 3
Through the hot sand I quickly, plowed, ’ j Not in the least, in any way, cowed ’ From exploring what secrets, which certainly add charm ’ To whatever was waiting in the coal black barn. . .A
Bitter ash.
. : ,
both is
Before I left the house I peered in the door, Where confusion of broken wood appeared on the floor, ’ And cobwebs, standard garb of a dusty old room, Trailed’,from the ceiling, like a net in the gloom.
joy, is no thing;
on a childhood
A. dried yellow &ake;‘skin lay sunning and bakingJts’ tenant an ant for its meal was just j taking. The chillest tremors ‘trilled down+ my spine At this creature’s presence so dread near to mine. \ , i I* “With ,the sun scorching on high; intemperately hot, I: decided to’ leave, but immediately did not, For I through a swarm of locusts not far ~ Was outlined a black barn, with its door just ajar.
fuel. / ’
’ \
Ashes’ are , what is. _. “. Left of :’ finished
i ’ ~
steam them Dead. I
>t.** *a I): .1 / ~. _‘.. ‘.~ ,,I’,’ ;’ ~ I 0 The path,. there was, none, for the weeds had all ‘crept ~& ’ ,* L i’ \ .I .’ , ’ ’ ’ ,^ ,, ‘,,i: I : , So they choked up the walk, .and no flowers were left. %’ Parched -g&ss rose waist rhigh and swayed round dead birches, *’ 3’ : , . 0 And crows called throaty warnings from out of sight perches. . ~ ,I ~ ,, ’ . .j I + ’ .I 1 The field&stone steps were mottled and split , ,, <’ _’ / 2. 1 ’ - And in the cracks crawled bugs over broken’ glass chips. I Green fries: buzzed ‘on the corpse of a rat ; And brown beetles furrowed in a frayed Welcome mat.
I > ” I I I c,ould see it standing resolute, deserted, and terrible, In a dip-in the sand hills rutted with stubble , A, , crumbling structure ‘of wind dried stone ’ ’ I Weathered and rain washed, that to ruins had~ grown.1
r - E.
; -by Nelson -Ball /I,” : , . ed 1t \\ 1t nself
,rhere i
r / 1 ,
& immobile
all movement
object is permanent
// ie Imb & * -
Johnqressed her hpnd close to his heart. The light was,throbbing like the blood in his head. It was hard. The chairs werecagainst the walls lik6 Inaked ho&es in a mural, immobile, headless, without heat, blending into the white fabric of the paint. His eyes were misty and ’ hollow like the glass eyes of a donkey. He felt like rain pounding the ground. Her hand helped his. The light buzzed out help to him. He ,, ‘\ couldn’t stand it. The rushing blood beCame the harmless room, harmful for its heat. The floor looked up at him; there was‘no reflec1 tion. It oozed nothing. The chairs were hors&. Bare. He felt his thigh - ;it was warm. The heat was in his head. His hands were ’ sweating. The pulse beat and beat quick and slow. She showed her other hand. He could see right through it. All thb time he couldn’t see her face, just the hair, black and short on her head. The room stood still; his heart beat yet. He felt it. The long fingers were on i his flesh. He couldn’t feel. The horses ‘stoqd still,’ stupid on the floor, against the wall. Everything sang, but he couldn’t hear. ‘The heat was hotter now. He was looking for his hand. She moved. He couldn’t stand it. yards were stone silent. The light committed B sin. Nothing moved by pulse ;of his blood. His pupils strained; but filled with water. He could see nothing but the horses on the wall; immobile, ~ neighing nothing. He was stooped ‘over -like a hunchback. ‘His legs looked like sticks. She moved hers. She had his head. He was dead. \ I I John.
are, no rules
is in the man
the image of the object depends on the man’s niotion about it & his eventual positiori his dance of reverence is a ritual defined by the point of ,view (there are many he takes one) & his choice
!\ . ,
is enslavement
so ride oin trains lose all * points of reference & dance freely
John pressed her hand close, to his heart td find he had none. horses were against the wall. The heat was shut off. The blood poured out like mercury. Hollow, hollow, the room was hollow, full df it, pouring it out all over. He was holloti. He heard the light. Ii laughed. The horses stood still. The red spot oti her jhand was nothing, meant nothing. He was blank. Everything fell. The room was always empty. The bulb broke; he got up and ‘closed the door. MACRI.
the train destroys the object & its dPfinition & meaning
the game is to redefine without tiords & there are no rules except a death for the non-participant
.Yesterday ’
How it’was
‘where we walked the flowers are dead. dry stalks rattle when a breeze cools the shore.
together we made impossbile dreams where now dance the skeletalbones, of our days.
’ the pine! boughs fell bare for the fantastic seasori, prepared the ’ fin;1 bed, w&q-e later we slept. yesterday i saw your figure waiting, at a bus stop & your face reflected in the drivers mi,rror. but it wasn’t you, nor do’ your bones rattle in this -fading dream. it was / a young girl.
Ode fo irn Edifch
School /
was size. her walk, the orbit of the movement. all this
often measured against the unresolv-
able mystery
the teacher ‘S
Crippled, dawn sneaking
tangl+d hills sprawiinlg
’ in loose throated stumbling
wind whispers
on the lids bf whelps’ after
sliding hissers
falling into open sewers bang?ng against shuttered
cursed by sleeping workers touching shatters
their feet to ,cold floors dreams
with its ctane of light
M. M. Larkin
! ,~
Behold the modern ziggurat Ii epitome. of architecl tural ascent, from narrow slits of battlements . to cloistered aisles 6f arches, then to faceless slabs, reflecting glass, and blunted upward thrust 8 of this, our brave new, copperplated world. A s yn t he s is of opposites: the look of age-hammered - on. \ the rows of catalogues of books we haven’t got,, grotto vistas framed in aluminum, wide corridors to narrow, cubic’lesand, 0 tempora! soft seats fox hard thoughts. s Renaissance goal achieved at last! Light, airy lyrics, earthy tales, dry sermons, tearful tragedies, c c,old passionals, phlegmatic scholarship, and choleric debatesall elements kept in a balande whole, . thanks to humidi-thermostat control. . i .A 1 W. K. Thomas ’ ,
The Engiieer’s
shapesizewal$ \
On the bpening of the arts”library building, University of. Waterloo, October 23, 1965
the shape ,was’ it partly.
“Verily, I say uqto you, an engineer is a strange being: he * speaketh in parables which he calleth ,formulas, and wieldeth a reckoning instrument which he calleth a slide, rule, and he hath but ’ one,,Bible . - a handbook. He talketh continually of stresses and strains, and without end ’ of thermodynamics; he kno?eth a waterfall only, for its power; and a suns& but for it refracted rays. “He showeth always a serious aspect and seldom cometh forth with a simile. But mistaketh this not for his trui= nature for, indeed, he becometh very amicable when testing lubricating fluids., “Always he carrieth his books with him - he readeth to his ’ maideb from’Steam Tables. He holdeth her hand only to measure the friction and kisses but to study viscosity. In his eyes shineth a faraway look which is neither love nor longing but a vain / attempt to ’ recall the laws df motion. . “Yea, even as a young’ boy ‘he pulleth a girl’s hair to test its elasticity, but as a man he discove’rs different devices: for now, he could count the vibration? of her heartptrings and calculate her s\trength of materials. “There is but one love letter for which he yearheth, and that an ‘A),’ When to his damsel he writeth of love and signeth with crosses, take not these symbols for kisses but for unknown quantities. 1 ‘$He seeketh eternally tQ investigate %Fndanalyze - himself not excepted, for his .marriage is a simultaneous Fquation involying ttio variables and yielding diverse answers.” I, ; Bill Anc@s. .
Out of the mouths of babes by Brian
At first the boys didn’t like Godfrey because he wasn’t interested in them. There was some curiosity about the colour of his skin, he was the first black boy most of them had even seen, but his indifference to their sports and games was the only reason they disliked him. He was different, there was no doubt about that. At recess he’d just hang about waiting for the bell to ring. In the classroom he was worse than the biggest sissy, answering and even asking questions. He always had his homework done, too, and never, not once, did he have to stay in after school for misbehaviour. Godfrey was strange. Books fascinated him. Although he was only nine he had read and understood books on mathematics that some students in highschool couldn’t comprehend. For pleasure and excitement he read books of science fiction. Let the other boys run the streets and play their games of let’s pretend. He’d rather rocket to the moon or battle with the Martians somewhere in space. With a book in his hand he was happy, and it didn’t matter that he had been moved from home, or what had once been home, to this new city in Canada. If the other boys thought him queer, he didn’t mind. He had his fun. everything was For awhile, fme. The other boys used to pick on him now and then, but O~Y because they couldn’t understand how another boy could be SO indifferent to them. They were beginning to learn to leave him alone. It wasn’t much fun anyway. When they pushed him down he’d just get up and walk He never cried away again. Once Harold Dempsey, the toughest kid in the grade three tried to make him fight, but Godfrey refused to comply. That made Harold mad so he pushed Godfrey down and jumped on him, but what good does it do if the guy won’t fight back? Harold felt stupid sitting astride Godfrey, so he hit him a couple times then helped him up and each went his separate way. That should have been the end of that. But of course it wasn’t. Mrs. Smith had seen Harold attack that poor coloured-boy and knock his glasses right off his face. It was a shame, Mrs. Smith said, that the children should beat up a boy just because he had coloured skin. She told Mrs. Easton so, too, that very day. Suffer little children to come unto me, the Lord said. He didn’t say anything about the colour of their skin. Mrs. Easton was shocked that her little boy had been one of those seen mobbing that poor coloured child. Mr. Easton was furious when he heard about his son. My own flesh and blood, he said. How could my own flesh and blood act that way. He had no alternative, he said, but to thrash his son within an inch of his life. Accompanied with a lecture, needless to say. Through his sobs little Easton heard that negroes were the same as everybody, which he knew was not true. And he heard that Negroes were equal to any white person, a concept which had never occurred to him. 8
You start treating that Negro kid right, Mr. Easton fumed, beside himself with rage. I want you to play with him and be his friend, do you understand. Little Easton heard all this, but he did not understand. Similar scenes took place in other homes, with some variations. Mr. Dempsey, who was very tired when he came home from work and was plagued by a certain debt which he felt sure would ruin him, shouted why don’t they keep those goddamn niggers where they belong as he knocked Harold Dempsey to the floor. Mr. Wright was more patient. He tried to explain that the coloured-folk couldn’t help being the way they are. He said that it was God’s blessing that his son was white and that he should try to help those less fortunate than himself. Mrs. Hickey conceived the exciting scheme of inviting the coloured child to her little William’s birthday party. A birthday party and a welcome to our neighbourhood party at the same time. It was very unselfish of her and was a positive indication of her liberal attitude toward Negroes. It’s not what you beleive, she said to her friends, it’s what you do. Besides, she explained to the other boys’ mothers as she outlined her plan, this is something we should have done some time ago. Make them feel right at home, that’s what I say. Then she phoned Godfrey’s mother and told her that Godfrey was to come over that Saturday afternoon and that she was to come over for tea. Now they had found some way to make amends, the adults were very pleased. The children were not nearly as pleased as their parents. They had learned long ago that in the eyes of their parents it is not what the child does but what it appear he has done. They had accepted this as a fundamental rule. They learned quickly what was considered good and what was considered bad, and with an almost intuitive flair learned how to disguise the latter in clothes of innocence. Perhaps they had learned too well. They were not prepared to accept any deviation from the rule. They had been punished and they did not know why. They had been made feel guilty and ashamed. Something had to be done. When you slapped your little sister you could scratch your hand and say that she did it and that you hit her in revenge. Or you could be caught and punished for what you knew was called a crime. But this was different. They had been punished for something they had not known was wrong. Someone would have to pay. New rules would have to be found. Godfrey, although he did not realize it, was the object of the boys’ desire of revenge. Had he been more aware of those around him he would have felt it expressed in the sullen way the boys at school avoided him. If he responded to their changed attitude at all it was only to think that at last he had found peace. This, now, was the last thing his schoolmates wished him to have. But they were cautious, the rules were still undefined. They would bide their time, if only out of fear of those who represented
justice. Meanwhile, they had research work to do. What is a Negro, a nigger, a boy who is black? They were good soldiers. Know your enemy was the first step. Saturday came without any trouble. On the surface nothing was amiss. The women had gathered and were eagerly awaiting the arrival of their special guest and her son. The boys, as was expected, were jubilant with party fever. Most of them were already in the recreation room. Some of them carefully pulling down the crepaper that decorated the walls, it was sissy stuff anyway, but they were being sure that any damage done looked accidental. Some of them ran to and fro without apparent direction. They were all very animated. Godfrey arrived promptly at two, partially obscured by his mother when Mrs. Hickey answered the door, but soon shuffled into the living room where he stood alone while the ladies looked at him. He was such a darling, they said, but so thin. Did he do well at school? They were so glad. Everyone was excited except him. He couldn’t understand what was going on. Saturday was his favourite day, he could stay in his room and read for hours on end, and now this strange party was distracting him. He did not feel at ease. A quiver ran through him, a fear at all this attention but he shut his mind until everything felt right again. His mother made herself at home, carrying the conversation when there was a lull, replying courteously when the ladies
asked her where she was from and did she like her new home. Everyone had been a little bit nervous at first, but now it looked as if the tea was to be a great success. Ten minutes later when Mrs. Hickey realized Godfrey was still standing there she took him by the arm and led him to the door of the recreation room. Here’s Godfrey, boys, she shouted as she opened the door and pushed him in, like Daniel’s accusers into the lions’ den. Godfrey didn’t have a chance. He was caught in a web of games that so confused him he didn’t know what to do. He was jostled and spun around and pushed from one boy to the next and back again while they chanted you’re it, Godfrey, its your turn, oh look at Godfrey run. And the women in the other room heard the happy cries and were proud they had done so well. Then Godfrey was down, crouched on the floor while the boys danced around him. What were they doing to him? He wanted to scream and he wanted to run home where his books were waiting for him, but he couldn’t move. They had picked on him before, but this was different. This was planned. They were being deliberately cruel. Then William, whose birthday it was and therefore the honour had been given to him, kicked him, not hard, not so it would bruise, and said slowly, get up, and paused for effect, nigger. Then Godfrey knew. The word burned. The boys kept up their shouts of fun and quietly hissed their denunciation of him. Nigger, they hissed. Get up, black-boy. Shine my shoes, nigger. The words burned. They
curled inside him like. the lick of flame burning the paper of his dream. The dream burned and puffed up in a cloud of black smoke. It was just like the other time when they had beaten up his brother. He felt the same rage fill him that must have filled Tom. Bastards, he shouted as he had heard Tom shout at his assailants. White bastards he screamed as Tom had screamed when he picked himself from the ground, tears streaming down his face. White bastards! The dream was done. The peace he had known in his other world, the world of books and fiction, was done. Rage possessed him, hopeless, powerless rage that sprang from a wall of confusion and fear and bubbled over him till he was drowned. Little William was quick to execute the plan. He ran into the living room sobbing that something was wrong, Godfrey had gone crazy, he was screaming at the other boys and using dirty words. The women ran into the recreation room. White mother fuckers! And they saw the Negro crouched like an animal on the floor, covered with sweat and screaming filthy words while their children cowered against the wall. Godfrey was mad. His mother was crushed, humiliated. He stumbled after her, falling to the ground, crazed, his rage bubbling over him. And his enemy, when they were alone in the recreation room, gloated over their victory. They had been revenged. The rules had been redefined. They laughed and felt at ease. A new game had begun.
Athletic by Stewart
J. Wilson
of Waterloo
Professor McCutchan edits twelve-volume Shakespeare Nine new volumes in an outlineguide series on Shakespeare, edited by Prof. .J. Wilson McCutchan of the English department, have been published by Barnes and Noble of New York in the Focus books series. In addition to editing the series, which now includes 12 titles, Professor McCutchan has written four of- the volumes. The other nine were prepared by leading Shakespearian scholars at American universities. Called the Focus Books Series, the twelve 124-page volumes are designed as in-depth outline-guides for both and instructors at high students schools and colleges and for use in play, production for the stage, television or radio. They have been written to accompany any text of the plays.
Highly imaginative plans to purchase Medallion Towers for use as a student co-operative were dashed Nov. 24 during the most crucial vote in Waterloo Co-op’s history. Speculative plans developed over the last several weeks included immediate purchase of the $1.5 million building and placing 350 students into an integrated (atmosphere of) dormitory and apartments, tripling the Coop’s membership over a period of several months. Although quiet discussion over the lo-storey building has arisen from time to time since September, concrete studies did not begin until early this month. Over a period of several days an array of investigations were launched into every problem which such a project would pose. While most reports were prepared by student members themselves, preparations for hiring professional evaluation teams had been made. The issue shortly penetrated discussion circles not only throughout the Co-op but on campus as well. By far the most discussed points of controversy were increased work loads for the membership and possible loss of the Co-op social relationships. Many felt that such rapid expansion would face the membership with unrealistic management problems in the winter term. It was also argued that such a rapid influx of members would disintegrate the Co-op sociologically, turning it into nothing but a housing bureau with barracks atmosphere. Several times the financial advisability of such a project on a year to year basis was questioned. Feeling that a fair decision could only be made by the membership, the student Board of Directors refer-
Each book includes a scene-byscene analysis of the plot, a sources section, a linguistics section, details of theme settings and actions, analysis of important characters, histories of criticisms of the plays, staging and production. The volume on Shakespeare’s histories contains a biographical index to historical characters appearing in the plays. The books are not substitutes for reading the plays, says Prof. McCutchan. They are designed as compact guides to enable the student to continue research on his own. Prof. McCutchan began the series in 1961 when he joined the arts faculty here. He taught previously at’ the University of Toronto and at Davidson College in North Carolina.
red the issue to the Wednesday General Meeting. It became rather apparent near meeting night that the motion would quite probably be defeated. Seemingly the membership would not be convinced that individual work loads in organizing the building could be reduced to a satisfactory level. Also, the success of the Co-op’s triple expansion over last summer was apparently judged a poor model for comparison. A large majority of members present defeated the motion.
Is it Fred Shaw or John Ellyim? by Stewart
The graduate representatives showed up at the last Student Council meeting. Fred Ellyim, Graduate Engineering representative, was fortunately accompanied by his guiding light John Shaw. And Fred certainly kept Mama Shaw busy. John was continually forced to quiet the poor fellow down and occasionally, after Fred had done something while John was looking the other way, had to help him take his foot out of his mouth. If you’ve ever seen a little boy who just got a big new toy then you know what Freddy looked like all night. More than once I was sure he was about to make a wild dash for the little boys’ room. Oh well one redeeming factor sheds some hope on the future. John Shaw has decided to postpone his leaving campus, no doubt in order to keep Fred in line.
director Saxe
Jeff Evans: Why wasn’t the rowing club provided with funds? Mr. Totzsky: They are a club with no permanent facilities and are unable to prove that they will be here next year, or the year after. Jeff Evans: If the Rowing Club was to become well established would you provide funds and facilities? Mr. Totzsky: Since they are training in St. Catharines, they remain a club and therefore remain outside our jurisdiction. Jeff Evans: Of course they are training in St. Catharines; they don’t have any facilities here. Doesn’t the Athletic Department consider an activity like this as important as football? Mr. Totzsky: We’d rather not provide facilities until it looks like they will remain permanent. Stephen Flott: Why was a football game scheduled for the same night as the Orientation Dance? Mr. Totzsky: I didn’t know about the dance when I had to schedule the game in May. Stephen Flott: But you were informed about it before that. Mr. Totzsky: I must have forgotten.
Xmas letter In response to the many requests (Ned Nurd and Ed Penner) - the only ones who sent the last Quickie Letter home) here is another letter to those super-worked students not having time to pen a letter home themselves. Dear 0 Mater l-J Pater 0 Santa Cluas 0 What’s-your-name I will be q home after exams q home before exams c] drunk during exams q non-existent according to my slide rule and Dr. Burgener I am 0 fine 0 married, mommy! q not married, daddy! c] an associate adverb! The weather 0 has pains q is nice 0 is horrible 0 is irrelevant
Indian lectures on how Christ unique leader Dr. T. Norton Sterrett of India will give a noonhour lecture Monday in CB295 on how Christ is unique among the world’s religious leaders. Dr. Sterrett is on the staff of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students in India. The lecture Monday is sponsored by Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship on campus. All students - with their lunch if they wish - are welcome. Dr. Sterrett will also speak at the IVCF Christmas banquet at the Lutheran university Saturday. IVCF plans for the new term include a lecture series on psychology and Christianity. The supper meeting Nov. 25, at which Mr. Elwyn Davies of Hamilton spoke on “Is God Personal?” was attended by about 50 students.
by council
President Mueller: Why did Mr. Brown rip out wiring for lights at the dance? Mr. Totzsky: I’ll back up Mr. Brown (ass’t. to Mr. Totzsky) 100% on that. They were a safety hazard. Pres. Mueller: But the Fire Chief inspected them and O.K.‘d them. Mr. Totzsky: And another thing, you mounted lights on our basketball backboards and marked them all up. Pres. Mueller: Sorry, but why was all the wiring ripped up? Mr. Totzsky: You removed a cord from the floor washing machine without permission. Pres. Mueller: We got permission from the janitor responsible for the machine. Carl Totzsky: Oh no you didn’t. Pres. Mueller: Then how did we get the cord out of the locked janitor’s closet? Stephen Flott: Was it necessary for Mr. Brown to swear at some of the girls helping decorate. Carl Totzsky: Well Mr. Brown was pretty upset that day. and one more round . . . Jeff Evans: How is the $14.00 Athletic fee spent?
Carl Totzsky: Placing that $14.00 on the budget is ridiculous. They don’t set a certain sum per student for the library, do they? Actually, $14.00 is probably too low. Stephen Flott: Well then whatever it is, how is it being spent? Mr. Totzsky: On many things. Just what would you like to know? Mr. Flott: How its being spent? Mr. Totzsky: Be specific. Mr. Flott: Are facilities being provided for non-team students? Mr. Totzsky: Well, facilities are very limited. That’s why we are building a new building wtih eight Squash courts, and a swimming pool, and a weights room. Mr. Flott: When will it be complete? Carl Totzsky: Next year we hope. There is a matter of financing involved you know. Mr. Flott: In the meantime, couldn’t the regular student be provided for? Mr. Totzsky: Oh he has all the time he needs. Mr. Totzsky also enlightened the Council on many other topics during his stay.
For Xmas would you buy me 0 a wallet (with money in it) 0 booze 0 a new bridge deck 17 some pills-you know the kind. The campus is now
0 a letch 0 living in sin In your next letter would you send me q some money 0 cookies 0 my shoes q some girls/guys The people in residence have voted
q big •J fine q a great pool of quick-mud q being planned for next year? Since last seeing you, I have q changed 0 grown taller [7 come down with dysentery 0 become fruity The professors q are great q are O.K. 0 teach us bawdy songs 0 go to Engineering Nite My roommate q is O.K. c] eats cracker and cookies in my bed 0 goes to the bathroom in the closet c] tries to french-kiss me Since it’s Xmas everyone here is q fine c] jovial
U of W student electeci li6erul Sec. Joanne Young, secretary of the U of W Liberal Club, was elected secretary-treasurer of the Ontario University Liberal Federation in Kingston Nov. 20. Joanne, who takes office in February at the CULF convention in Ottawa, believes that the young liberals have a vital role to play in a country where by 1970, 50 percent of the people will be under 25 years of age. “We are not a stereotype of the oldguard Liberal party,” she asserts. Miss Young feels strongly that it is the responsibility of the young Liberal parties to inform high-school students especially about Canadian political activity since they are Canada’s future policymakers.
Dr. Moorandian praises Eng. Canadian Engineers are second to none and should get out in the world and compete for highly technical work with engineers from other countries. They should also look in-
0 the most likely to succeed 0 room-crammer of the century 0 the most likely to be tossed out c] the one with the most BO If I get home, I will tell you about 0 everything i-J everything except a few things q my problems q my sex-life In closing let me l”J wish you a Marry Xmas 0 wish you a Happy New Year 0 wish that the fleas of a thousand camels may descend upon you q hope that you don’t pick your nose anymore Your loving 0 son 0 daughter q boy/girl friend q stripper side Canada’s borders and use Canada’s own resources where possible before looking across the border to satisfy their needs. This was the main theme of a talk by Dr. Moorandian of the Atomic Energy of Canada Limited to the student section of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers on November 24, 1965. He illustrated his view by quoting many examples where the Canadian technology in the development of reactor fuels and reactor construction is far ahead of competing countries such as Britain, the U.S. and France. Dr. Moorandian defines the engineer as a person “whose business is to make dreams come true.” He noted that most dreams can in fact come true at a price. It is up to the engineer to see that the price is right. The next meeting of the A.S.M.E. will be held on December 2, at 8:00 p.m. This will be project night and there will be demonstrations of selected Faculty and Graduate Student Projects for Master’s and Doctorate work. Location - the University of Waterloo Engineering Building, Room E109.
2, 1965
Pay student tells debate by Wayne Tymm A new suggestion for financing university students was forwarded by Professor C. B. Macpherson, of the University of Toronto’s political economy department, to a Hart House student debate on tuition fees. Professor Macpherson told students that free education is not enough to attract people from lower income groups to university. “The student should also be paid a stipend equal to what he would make if he were working instead of attending university.” He argued that students would have to be paid because “the whole outlook of lower income groups goes against people postponing their earning years.” Professor Macpherson suggested that the only equitable means of financing his program would be an additional income tax on university graduates. A general income-tax rise would be unfair he felt, because “a lot of people who haven’t benefitted from a university education would also have to pay.” Perhaps the professor is correct in saying that a lot of people have not had the opportunity of a university education, but he would be hard put to find someone who has not benefitted generally from the increased technology and efficiency resulting from university education. Is it fair that higher education country as a whole exclusively by only
the benefits from resulting to the should be financed a portion of those
for studies, prof on fee abolition who enjoy these benefits? Not bloody likely. Supporting the “keep the fees” side, Prof. J. S. Dupre of the same politcial economy department argued that fees should be kept because they seem to be linked to university standards. A vague relationship? He went on to make it vaguer by profoundly indicating the low standards of US state colleges with low fees and the high standards of colleges, such as Harvard, with high fees. Any economics 100 student can single out this argument as economically faulty.
For Sincerity
education. This is the case in Britain at present. There the best are offered places in universities and the secondbest, if they wish to go to university, have difficulty finding a place and must pay their own fees.
Fo$ Alderman
Students - exercise
A number of SCHOLARSHIPS, each of $6,000 per annum are available to suitable graduates in ANY BRANCH of ENGINEERING or THE APPLIED SCIENCES who are interested in GRADUATE STUDIES in MINING ENGINEERING at MCGILL UNIVERSITY.
The idea of .higher education for everyone who is capable is pretty farfetched - unless many millions are channeled into the building and staffing of universities immediatley. This expenditure itself is pretty far-fetched at the moment. The politicians could never afford it.
Representatives of sponsoring companies will visit the Campus on JANUARY 18, 1966, to provide further information. Appointments may be arranged through your graduate placement office.
Another pro-fees speaker was St. Michael’s College student Daniel Knight who said that only rich and middle class students are campaigning for fee abolishment. He commented that he had not seen anyone from the lower classes marching or demonstrating in protest against fees at universities. “That is because they are not at university,” said a voice from the audience which just about summed up that argument. Students involved in the debate seemed to be bent on the abolition of fees for they voted 36-30 in its favor. Despite all the brouhaha over a scheme of fee abolishment, no one has publicly announced what such a scheme would entail. Speaking economically, higher education is in limited supply: if it were free, the demand would far outstrip the supply and standards of entry would have to be raised so high as __
BRUSSELS: The International Student Information Service announced that 800 students will be accepted in 1966 from an anticipated 4,000 applicants.
and you’ll be too when you vote
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Student forum
TS! SAVE 10%
by Dave Campbell
What do you think planning department
of the accomplishments this year?
the university’s
Dubecky (Co-op Math I) : I didn’t know they had accomplished anything . . . (on further consideration) : Actually, it seems that they gave Ball Brothers a free hand to do what they wanted to. And they did what they wanted to - goofed off! Don
~. .-.., ......^I,~ ..,....-_^,,.~... wonder what must go on in the minds of those people. They seem to change the overall plans for the campus every week. The engineering quadrangle was tl le first “finished part” of the University. So now they go and tear it all up for another building. _ Dave
ZZ) : I really
i ’
(Grad. German) : I was a member of the Planning Commission for the proposed student union building last year. The building, it was decided, would be begun in November ‘65 and was to be completed by 1967. But now they’ve postponed it, because of lack of money. Academic buildings, we’re told, must be built first. So now we have the new Engineering Building going up, and it seems that precedence will also be given to the proposed Math Building and to the extension of the Engineering Building. Peter Haensel
Lloyd Steinke (Hon. Math ZZ) : I don’t know what the point is of putting all the buildings so close together when we have so much room for expansion.
The engineering quadrangle was one of the focal points of the campus. The general concensus of opinion seems to be that the new building shouldn’t be there.
Model TR110300 $300 from the Diamond Treasure
Model TR108200 $200 from the Diamond Treasure
Model TR107160 $150 from the Diamond Treasure
Model TR106100 $100 from the Diamond Treasure
Howard (Co-op Math I) : I’m surprised we don’t have a swimming pool. But when the Athletic Building, which will have a pool, is built, it will be right near the Village. I think that’s a good location for it. I like the sweeping stairs (between the Library and Arts II). And the dark asphalt surface sets that area off from the white buildings around it, giving a good contrast.
Ron Trbovich (Arts Z) : We have so much room for expansion, so much area, that they didn’t have to build that new building in the Engineering .quadrangle. The quadrangle was a good idea. It was a meeting place, where people could gather. And I’d like to know - where’s the main entrance to the University? Is there one? The students don’t know what’s going to be done around here - what the planning trends are. The Planning Department ought to let us know, and should at least consider our opinions. John Groh (Grad. Physics) : There’s a sad lack of places available for bull sessions, and common rooms are important to the academic atmosphere. The University’s feeling toward students seems to be come here, work and get your degree as soon as possible, and go. It’s a very conventional, unintellectual attitude. I like the idea of the academic buildings all being close together. This way way we can be left with large areas of grass and trees, possibly along streams and ponds, which I find so attractive at universities like Cambridge. John MacLeod (Grad. Engineering) : I get along alright ..”; .‘> myself with the present common room facliities, although for the undergraduates it’s probably an inconHart House has everything that venience. Toronto’s could be wished for, and in addition to this, there are i .: the college common rooms and coffee shops, as well as i numerous little restaurants off-campus in the city. Here, because of our isolation from the city-, we don’t gain ‘,.! ..:. any off-campus compensation for the lack of university .: coffee shops. And personally, I hate like hell buying coffee from those machines. * * * The general concensus of opinion is that the Planning Department is building a fine university for the future. It’s just too bad we were born too soon.
Designs t Heart
:’ .
The most engaging fashions in diamond rings are created by COLUMBIA They’re called “Diamond Treasures.” Come in and see these glorious diamond fashions soon. And when YOU catch your breath, we’ll be glad to glire you some trustworthy advice in selecting your COLUMBIA diamond.
151 KING
in Guelph
Brantford Thursday,
St. Catharines December
2, 1965
by Wayne Tymm
FM university
KINGSTON (Staff) Institute’s full-time FM Ontario may unite in a campuses and surrounding
Led station, network areas.
by Ryerson Polytechnical CJRT, universities across of radio stations serving
The union would offer universities the chance to form an educational network providing arts and science lectures for anyone in the university area with an FM set. A number of universities have indicated interest in the project. Although only Ryerson and Queen’s have their own radio stations at the moment, Windsor, Toronto, Waterloo, Laurentian, Trent, Western, and McMaster are considering setting up their own stations.
a televised game. Athletic directors of the universities concerned are to meet to discuss the possibilities of forming the conference. ..@9@. .m..
To bring our viewers up to date, the first scene of our play started some time ago with University of Alberta students demanding representation on their board of governors. Greeted in various ways by critics, the scene finished with students apparently promising to curtail their protest marches if they receive the representation they wish.
A comparable link is being pondered for major universities across Canada. Proposed by independent television services, the National Intercollegiate Football Conference would be set up by 1967 and would include universities from B.C. to St. Francis Xavier.
After a brief intermission, scene 2 has inevitably taken place, its setting in Manitoba where the province has just formed a Council on Higher Learning. U of M student union president Winston Dookeran stated that students must be represented on the council in order to maintain communications between students and the council. A brief was submitted to chairman Mr. A. S. Leach, but no reply has yet been received.
The universities would be split into two wings for intercollegiate play. The independent television organization would foot such expenses as travel costs and each week would feature
Manitoba minister fo education Dr. G. Johnston said the council has already been formed but refused to comment further. Curtain.
There are students on this campus who seem to have no spirit or sense of adventure. Take the case of an acquaintance of mine. Being an American citizen, and having reached the statistical age of 21, and being devoid of flat feet, corns, halitosis, gallstones and clap, he was mailed that argument for civil disobedience, a Draft Card! Seeing the possibilities of a great story in this, I bought a pack of matches, siphoned some gas from a nearby car, picked up a Cory photographer and raced to my friend’s room. “Here” I said, handing him the gasoline and matches, “Chance of a lifetime.” “What, are you crazy or something? I’m not going to imola for imo - imol - burn myself you or anybody.” “Whady’y’a mean no? I brought a photographer - color way better than film too! Life magazine.”
Oops, scene 3 almost slipped by unnoticed. UBC student council has decided to seek representation in the university senate. The student council and its membership feels qualified for representation under an article of the BC universities act.
We are pleased to announce that once again the pure spirit of Canadian decency has risen to defeat the decadent forces of immorality. A replica of Michelangelo’s famous statue David (au naturel) was erected in Montreal’s Fairview shopping center by the Robert Simpson Company to provide customers with a cultural diversion. We cannot understand how the company could think this product of such an uncivilized and disgusting sculptor as Michelangelo would be suitable in a public place. Luckily, the good people of Fairview Plaza recognized the underdressed Adonis as obscene and cried shame until Simpson’s felt compelled to find the statue a new resting place. The figure was offered to the Loyola College student council, which accepted it. David has now been donated to Loyola where it will serve to assist in the further degradation of future generations of students.
were removed, the rains came So for the latest blunders lend “Get out” and with no woods to interfere: “Okay then, how about at least an ear. According to a certain prothe soil eroded and the Oxbow burning the card, and we’ll mail Lake was washed away overnight. fessor, the last remaining grove copies of the Cory to Johnson, of beech trees in the whole of - Laugh - I thought I’d die. J. Edgar Hoover and . . . ” Southern Ontario was destroyed “Out! Out! Out! Out!” As all Ly poisy wire cruelly “Okay then, we’ll just . . . ” for some excavations over by the rejected for the literary page, I door Student Village. (But that’s all “Out! Out! Out!” shutsright, Planning will merely dig a have taken advantage of my posi.v... .,...Y ...Y., *.,.,.,,.*. ..>.-.-..~-~..-~*A ..... ..p. ~~.~.*p-r.-,.,.f...... ~~.:.:.~~:.~~:.:.~~~~~.~,~~.~~ ..A .,+.,. ..y2,.v. ..A........................... ..........I.........................I...2.s ..a...... . ...I......... a.* ...C ...,... ..,...* ..,..R..v...-..A .e,.,....... ..:.~.w.*.-.-.. ‘Z. 2....-.-.-,-.-.-.-.....-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.. .,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.f,. ............,..X. ..w ..,r....... ............(f...... ,. .........,.,.,.*.*.,.,.*.,.,.*.*. .*.... .....* ...*............ ..............f............ ........... ...............5.....f..... ......r*,pJ .f...., ..,......I. ... tion on the Cory (I’ve got some..* .....v....-. ..............,..,...I.. ..I....-&-.%*.*.%-.+A-. . ............AS. ..I.._. .....-.-.,-.-..~*-,.-~.-.,~ thing on the editor) and inserted 1 ,’ my best effort, ars poetica, ‘.’ worthy of the Muse, labouriously .r* written, worked over and polish&Pm@ . + . ed for days; you will realize at once the discipline and erudition that went into the creation of this . epic. Slam! few big holes and drop a couple see the planning department of full-grown maple trees in insee the men in the planning -Warmonger! stead). department If this column seems to drone Anyhoo, it seems that the Biowhat are they doing? on and on about the follies of logy Department was studying an they are sleeping the Planning Department it’s beOxbow Lake in the same area -sleep, sleep, sleep. cause it professes to be a humour and considered themselves very see the arts II theater fortunate to have such a phenothere are no films here column and the Planning Department professes to be the most menon right on campus and close why? humorour thing on campus. to the labs. When the beech trees because the projection
rooms -work, %&i&
don’t work work, work Maybe that’s what Department should
the do.
PENNEK KEVfiA~,fir In response to the thousands of requests which have been pouring in and mainly because I’m dying to get my picture in the paper, I am shedding my cloak of secrecy (obscurity?) and revealing my true identity. (I shaved shortly after the picture was taken).
ath awaifs by Grant
There is as much truth as sahre in this. Someone actually has established a Great Mother Plant cult on campus. -Editor.
For weeks there have been rumors circulating around campus of a cult, centered in the Village, which is threatening to infiltrate the entire university with its doctrines of terror and subversion of all the great beliefs that have made our society the wonderful institution that it is. But now Agent 322290 has returned with a report that cannot be ignored. For obvious reasons of security, he cannot publish under his own name; so his report appears in this column. “My first tip-off to this story was a seemingly innocent ad that was turned in to our classified ads department. It read: Wanted, virgin for druid rites; piecework; going rates; apply to High Nymph, at the Village. But later investigatiop suggested that there was I more to it than first met the eye. “With all this in mind I ventured to enter the Village carrying only a note-
all w/i
pad and press card to keep me from danger. “I found myself alone in a long dim hall when suddenly, as if by magic, a door sprung open and out walked half a dozen toughs carrying boxes of empty bottles (20 or more in each box). “I later learned that these empty bottles were taken to a secret shrine, where they were miraculously replaced by bottles filled with the sacred brew. “I fired the usual searching reporter type queries at the men and was immediately directed into the very chamber from which they had just issued. There I found myself face to face with none other than the Imperial MOOH, High Prophet of GREAT MOTHER PLANT. My first impression was that he was one of those nice guys you would never suspect would head a cult determined to destroy the Great Society that all our forefathers had built with the sweat of their brows. “But, to go on; he told me of the cult of Great Mother Plant with its
efy great
groups on campuses in Canada and the United States. U of W is venerated as the Mecca of the cult because Great Mother Plant has chosen to live in the greenhouse of the botany dept. here on campus. This is why it was necessary for Mooh to come to U of win order to receive his daily inspirations. “Some of his inspirations to date: ‘There is no god but Great Mother Plant and Mooh is Her Prophet;’ ‘Worship at the greenhouse of your choice;’ ‘Money is the evil of all roots;’ and other slogans designed to shake the beliefs of all good university students. “He asked me to regard the bulletin
Cops back women, The student village Antony near Paris with its 2500 inhabitants was occupied for a few days -- bv 600 ^policemen early in October so that the construction of a porter’s lodge in the women’s house could be carried out. From now on students are to be for-
board. Miss November regarded me back. He was referring to a sign exhorting all to fewer efforts, for the glory of Great Mother Plant. “But it was on the topic of forced conversions that he revealed his true colours ‘Death awaits all who defy Great Mother Plant,’ he informed me. The matter of ceremonial inundations in Laurel Creek for initiates has proved a source of trouble. “With the warning that nothing will stand in the way of the True Religion he let me depart. On the way out I ran into his disciples returning with the sacred brew.” To say that this report shocked me is an understatement. That such a
group couldexist on campus without the administration taking steps to eliminate it is even more shocking. How can democracy be preserved if this cult is allowed to cast its evil charm over the entire university? Steps must be taken immediately. I propose the following: 1. that the greenhouse be razed immediately and the Great Mother Plant destroyed. 2. that all victims bring reports to the Cory so that the enemy may be understood. 3. that the administration be forced to act. Only then will this university be safe for virgins and others. Only then will the university be safe for democracy.
banish French males
bidden to visit the women students in their rooms. In protest against this ban, which they described as a “violation of individual and union freedoms,” the students tried to prevent the building work; as a result of the police measures they were unsuccessful.
The use of police was vehemently criticized by the Union Nationale des Etudiants Francais, which announced its opinion that “student union rights are now being publicly attacked and the suppressive measures are aimed at \ silencing the student committee in Antony.” - Le monde, Paris.
Letters should be addressed to the editor. The Coryphaeus reserves the right to shorten all letters submitted. Letters must be signed, but a penname will be printed on request.
To the Editor: The students at this university understand that an expansion program necessitates excavation and construction which must proceed in spite of some inconvenience to the academic community. There has been little inconvenience to date, except in one area: mud. The path to the west of the lighthouse the library - is especially bad in this respect. The mire here detracts from the appearance of this building. Sunday visitors could conceivably think that the university library is erupting from a frost boil! We realize that trucks cannot be expected to wash their wheels before driving on the walkways; however, we feel it is but a small task to see that these paths are kept clean or at least washed and swept periodically. In fact, if the department of buildings and grounds accepted this chore, it might find that time would be saved in cleaning the library broadloom on which the mud is now deposited. DAVE
To the Editor: The item entitled “Klassen condemns Remembrance Day” in the Nov. 18 issue of the Coryphaeus contained at least three errors. The first is the assertion that I condemned Remembrance Day. As others who heard what I said will testify, I did not condemn Remembrance Day; what I “condemned” (the word is the reporter’s, not mine) was the use to which it is often put, the glorification of war. The second error is the assertion that I condemned participation of the clergy. I did not single out the clergy . as a group but spoke against the usually unquestioning identfication of the church with the war policies of the nation. The third error was that the name Paul was attributed to me by I know not what process of identification. WALTER
To the Editor: From time to time I have entered the arts gallery to see what profound frivolity would be presented for our consumption. On occasion there have been interesting exhibitions such as the religious creation displayed during the last term. But the present collection seems to be the silliest spectacle we have yet seen. I had just left the Library, which features Tribute to Bernini ZZ (obviously an advertisement for cable television to demonstrate wind damages to aerials), when I decided to visit the present gallery display. The other students viewing the exhibition found it just as hilarious as I did. One student told me her fiveyear old daughter had done better work. Another labelled the collection “garbage.” It is time the students were given exhibitions which they might enjoy, not ridicule. The works we have seen this year lead me to wonder if P. T. Barnum and his fool-born-every-
minute philosophy haunt the corridor around our excellent theater. What the students of this university need is an action committee to press for change in our gallery. To this end I propose the formation of SASAPU - the Society for the Advancement of Sane Art Policies at this University. Our first project will be to picket the curator’s ivory tower. JOHN
To the editor: I would like to offer a few hints to any people coming up to visit the Village. Don’t drive up. The last three cars to enter our parking lot were swallowed by a seas serpent, which was later towed away at the owner’s expense. It was sleeping in an unauthorized area. During the long walk up the hill, be careful to see if the rains have flooded Laurel Creek causing our garbage-bag dam to float down the stream. (I must admit, it is an ingenious way to dispose of refuse). Upon reaching the top of the hill, you will find a threefold danger. If you don’t slip in the mud, fall in a trench, or get hit by a dump truck, one of the workmen will swear at you for walking up the stairwell while he is still painting it. If you wish, you can tour the men’s residences. This won’t take very long: they’re all the same. Unfortunately, you can’t go into the women’s residences Queen Victoria wouldn’t have it. Lunch at the Village is rather confusing. A stranger must buy a meal ticket at the main cafeteria for 50 cents, but if he is the privileged guest of a resident he can pay 75. By the way, you’d better be a fast eater, or be thrown out of the dining hall early so that the university can hold a special dinner. BABY
To the Editor: I would like to direct the following questions to W. Lobban, Physical Plant and Planning. 1) Why is the Jolly Green Giant Urinal being erected when it is obvious the whole campus is in an outrage? 2) Why aren’t we making use of our 1,000 acres? 3) What is happening to the coffeeshop? 4) What cafeteria facilities will be available for next year? 5) What happened to the last stand of beechwood in Southern Ontario? (it’s now the village) 6) What will happen when the proposed lakes in Laurel Creek dry up because inflow will not equal evaporation? 7) When isi the Campus Center Bldg. being constructed? 8) What cars will be towed away this week? 9) What does it cost to pay police to check cars all day? 10) When will we receive a university atmosphere on campus? 11) Where is the road going next? D. R. WITTY, Arts
It may seem early to be writing about convocation, but much of the planning must be done now to make this important event run smoothly. As the crowning of a three or four year struggle, it should be the most memorable event of our academic life. It should be thrilling and enjoyable to the graduate and his family. In the past this has not been the case. Convocation has been the most forgetable part of the stay at the University of Waterloo. We would like to see convocation given the play it deserves. There is a home-coming weekend, a winter weekend, an engineering weekend, but convocation is relegated to an afternoon. Let us make it worthwhile coming back for; make it not just. an assembly line distribution of degrees but a compendium of memories.
The rotten Eggs not applause met a guest of the house of debates last week. Several students in the audience hurled a total of six eggs at Mr. William Kashtan, leader of the Canadian Communist Party. This is the second incidence of intolerence on campus in less than a month. This situation is unbelievable in a community of intelligent people as a university is supposed to be. These actions reflect on the whole university and this intolerence can no longer be considered a personal bias. The quality of our university is judged not just by its curriculum, professors, and gradu-
memorable? Let us have a graduation weekend. Friday night will be show time. We will rent Kitchener Auditorium or other suitably large center and hold a concert featuring either the university musical groups or professional talent. Saturday is convocation. Music will be supplied by the fine university choir and orchestra which has developed this year. The honorary degrees will be conferred on worthy people who are good speakers; lacking this, a professional speaker will be hired. The proceedings will not be held in Seagram Gymn, that barn of uncomfortable chairs. Saturday evening will see the graduation banquet and ball held in the Twin Cities. This memory. while.
is a convocation. This is a real This makes the struggle worth-
ates but by its students. The students are judged not by the average but by the best and the worst. The worst are those who decide they should keep Canada safe for democracy by removing all “propaganda” which might “poison our minds” with Communist “ideas” and take it upon themselves to punish those persons who do not follow their political ideals. This attitude at various times has resulted in fascism, nazism, Birchism . . . . . No matter what it is called, this action must be condemned. We must respect the rights of the individual and his right of freedom of expression.
Published every Thursday afteroon of the academic year by the student Board of Publications under authorization of the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 0ff:ces are located in the federation building, annex 1. Telephone 744-6111 extension 497 or 744-0111. STAFFfeatures: Jeff Pearson, Al Glasgow, editor-in-chief: Tom Rankin news: Lesslie Askin, Nick Kouwen, Dave Campbell Grant Gordon, Sandi Dunham, managing editor: Jim Nagel c.u.p.: Bill Petty, Carl Silke, Janice Arthur Joachim Surich, Wayne Tymm, sports: Jerry Aho, Eleanor Koop, Stuart Thrower news: Stewart Saxe Terry Cooke, Brian Schnarr, Brran advertising: Hilda Abt, Ken Baker, Wing, Anne MacDonald, Jean Ron Bakker, Charles Martin, sports: Tex Houston and Richmond Joachim Surich, Brad Watson, Hazel Rawls hotography: Max Buchheit, Nick Wayne Braun Rouwen, Ron Liss, Ron Montgomcopydesk: Ray Ash, Dave Curzon, ery, Fridtjof Nolte, Tom Rankln, features: Doug Gaukroger Bob Davis, Fred Gtrodat, Marilyn Dick Steagers, Bill Taylor Helstrom, Nadia Pawlyk, Wayne fine arts: Marilyn Ariss, Bill fine arts: A E. J. Brychta Ramsay, Errol Semple, Raymond Chambers, Dave Denovan, Heather Vibikaibs, Dianne Cox, Jane Hymmen, Peggy Larkin, Suzanne c.u.p.: Bob Warren Ritchie, Don Shaughnessy, Esther Nunez, Ed Wagner, Peter Warian, Brubacher, Else Knudsen Annice Gowanlock advertising: Harm Rombeek technical consultant: Ray Stanton cartoonists: George Loney, Marian circulation: Fred Watkinson, (Harwood) Rankin, cartoon last rinted by Merchants Printing, Rick Kendrick week by Bob Davis itchener Board of Publications - chairman: David R. Witty - advertising: Andrue Anstett. Circulation 4700. Member of the Canadian University Press.
2, 1965
St0 Puul’s defeat StaJerome’s 5-7 Proud St. Paul’s hockey fans saw their boys in blue and gold skate to a 5 - 1 victory over St. Jerome’s in an inter-college league game Nov. 14. Coach Bonesteel’s men moved into a 3-O lead by the end of the first period. Never looking back from the opening face-off, Barry Fillmore had a brace, while Rod Barr, Roger McLeod, and Bruce Atkinson came up with singletons. Goalie Dave Hook played a standout game. The power of St. Paul’s attack was felt when they came up with two goals while playing a man short. St. Paul’s opener was a start in the right direction. However, one week later a lacklustre contest with the Village ended in a 3-O win for the Village. Minus a few star players and hampered by untimely penalties, the team’s power play lacked speed and precision.
St. Paul’s went into their next encounter Nov. 28 with a full head of steam, trouncing Conrad Grebel 4-O. Fine passing, a concerted drive on power plays, and tight defensive playing left little doubt on the outcome of the tilt. Don Hogg opened the scoring in the first period, and singles were added by Bruce Atkinson, Don Scott and Rod Barr. A tribute to a wellbalanced attack is the fact that two of St. Paul’s goals were scored by defencemen. Conrad Grebel had several excellent scoring opportunities, but were foiled successively in their bid to spoil Dave Hook’s shutout. Congratulations Dave. St. Paul’s next game is against the graduates at lo:30 Sunday evening, Dec. 5 at the Kitchener Auditorium annex. The team hopes to see as many enthusiastic fans out again this week.
Renison, Village
After battling to a 2-2 tie, Renison Renegades and the Village Stompers remain tied for first place in the intramural hockey league. Each team now has two wins and, a tie in three outings. The game Sunday night was a fast, hard-checking affair in which both teams had many good opportuni-
ties. The Village scorers were Ken Reid and John Durbin. In another game, Conrad Grebel started out fast but were unable to capitalize on some good chances and as a result St. Paul’s bounced back for a convincing 4-O win. No reports were received on other games.
Lt. Cliff Cushman finished 2nd in the 1960 Olympic 440 Hurdles but, unfortunately, while trying to make the 1964 team he hit a hurdle and fell to the track, wiping out his chances to make the team. However, Cushman and wrote this refused self-pity article: “Don’t feel sorry for me. I feel sorry for you. You may have seen the US Olympic Trials on TV and saw me hit the fifth hurdle and fall down in an inglorious heap of skinned elbows, bruised hips, torn knees and injured pride. “In a split second all the many years of training, pain, sweat, blisters and agony of running were wiped out. But I tried! I would much rather fail knowing I had put forth an honest effort, than never to have tried at all. “Unless your reach exceeds your grasp, how can you be sure of what you can attain? And don’t you think there. are things better than cigarettes, and hotrod cars, school drop-outs ducktail grease-cuts? “Certainly I was very disappointed in falling on my face. However, there’s nothing I can do about it now but get up, pick the cinders from my wounds and take one more step followed by one more, until the steps
suffering turn into miles and the miles into success. “Romans 5:3-5 has always had an inspirational meaning to me: ‘We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us . . .’ “Let me tell you something about yourselves. You are taller and heavier than my past generation in this country. You are spending more money, enjoying more freedom and driving more cars than ever before. Yet many of you are very unhappy. Some of you have never known the satisfaction of doing your best in sports, the wonderful feeling of completing a job and looking back on it knowing that you have done your best. “I dare you to clean up your language. “I dare you to become physically fit. “I dare you to look up at the stars, not down at the mud, and set your sights on one of them that, up to now you thought, was unattainable. “Who knows? You may be surprised at what you can achieve with sincere effort. So get up, pick the cinders out of your wounds and take one more step. I DARE YOU!”
Scott speaks to ISA meet about international conflict Prof. W. G. Scott, provost for student affairs, spoke on international conflict and its resolution at the International Student Association monthly meeting Nov. 22. He stressed the role of universities and students in helping solve international conflict and war. “It is important that undergraduate students have a broad education to cultivate an interest in world problems,” he said. There should be more interdisciplinary and interdepartmental coordina-
tion both in scientific and sociological studies, he went on. The social sciences should be given more financial support. The next of a series of dinners Chinese this time - was announced for sometime in February. Plans are well under way for the international song and dance evening and suggestions were welcomed by the committee. A real Canadian christmas party is being planned as the next function of ISA.
Conrad Grebel wins in volleyball 21-19 The women’s senior intermural volleyball came to a grand climax when Conrad Grebel edged Arts II to win 21-19 Thurs., Nov. 25. Arts II smeared Notre to grab second place.
Dame 24-l 1
The Conrad Grebel champs are Mary Lampshire, Pat Cook, Diane Boyle, Susie Martin, Elaine Friesen, Rita Boldt, Susan MacDougald. But. St. Paul’s topped the teams in spirit and participation. Participation points are St. Paul’s 63, Renison 6 1, Arts 40, Notre Dame 33, Village 24, Conrad Grebel 23. Total Brownie Points to date are Arts 156, St. Paul’s 96, Conrad Grebe1 83, Renison 66, Village 37, Notre Dame 33.
Atlo5aic ciis is ‘wonderful’ by A. E. J. Brychta A most wonderful exhibition of mosaics, stained glass and enamel is on display at the Gaslight Gallery in Kitchener. The work is by Margit Gatterbauer who has studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna and has won the Canadain Open Design Contest for mosaic murals. Her work can also be seen locally at St. Michael’s church, across University Ave. from WUC - the stained glass window there. Her enamelwork has an original technique and shows lifelike faces and figures. In contrast to the usual ashtrays most so-called artists produce it is a refreshing sign that the K-W area has many fine artists. Mosaics like the one in our physics foyer are also on display and show signs of great talent.
There is’lO% it for you
Like to earn a little money? Why don’t you apply for advertising manager at the Board of Publications? The advertising manager gets a ten-percent commission for all ads he or she - sells. Since he is credited with many of the ads that come to us his take-home pay can be substantial.
Yearbooks will be sold if not claimed All copies of Compendium ‘65 unclaimed by Dec. 10, 1965 will be sold. David Witty Chairman, Board of Publications. An interesting fact: survey, 25 percent of lege graduates never opposed to less than the women who have less.
according to a all women colget married, as six percent of grade eight or
FOR CORY WANT ADS: first 15 words 50 cents, each additional word 5 cents. Ads for articles found are free.
WANTED BUS S$R:FyE - clockwise, anticlosewise, every day. Vote Diana Armour for Alderman on Monday.
FOR RENT COTTAGE! 3 miles from excellent skiing at Georgian Peaks. All conveniences. L. Voisin, R.R. 2, Waterloo, Ont., SH 3-6214.
Waterlo girls sports day A weekend safari in Windsor captured “the tiger” - first place in the Women’s Intercollegiate Athletic Union sports day. At the closing banquet Windsor, the host, initiated their new tradition; the home of the tiger will be the winning university at each sports day. Waterloo girls took top honors with firsts in both basketball and volleyball and a second in badminton. Although they lacked a swim team they managed to total 18 points. Winners of the swim meet, McMaster, placed second with 17 points. The basketball victories were 36-29 against McMaster; 32-20 over Windsor; 41-30 over Guelph; 22-15 over WLU. Members of the team are: forwards Fran Allard, Capt., Jo Anne Fellows, Mary Anne Gaskin, Hazel Rawls, Karen Reinhardt, Barb Foell; guards Gudrun Rahrje, Diana Bennetto, Ann Simmons, Marg Sprung, Libby Uttley, Jane Smith;
phyoff Those wishing to play in the mixed curling league on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays must be present at the K-W Granite Club, 69 Agnes St., Kitchener, between 4-6 p.m., Tuesday, January 4 or Thursday, January 6, 1966. Applications are now being accepted by Brian Schnarr, 105 Rennie Drive, Kitchener, for a single knockout Varsity playdowns Saturday January 8, 8:00 a.m. at the K-W Granite Club. Entries, accompanied by a $4.00 deposit, will be accepted until Thursday, January 6, 1966.
Guest chemist gives seminar Dr. R. Kreilick, University of Rochester chemistry professor, will speak at a seminar here on “ESR studies of ion-pair equilibria.” The seminar Tuesday at 4 will be in CB295, sponsored by the chemistry department. Tea will be served at 3:30 in the f acuity lounge.
8th in
cross-country Andy Boychuk and Bob Finlay, two runners from the U of W placed eighth and 23rd respectively in the U.S. National Amateur Athletics Union’s cross-country championships on Saturday. Boychuk had a time of 32 minutes 25 seconds in the 10,000 metre event while Finlay came in with a time of 33:37. The winning time was 31:ll.g.
Present physical fitness lecture The physical education department will present as a part of their service program a lecture on physical fitness to be held on Thurs., Jan. 13 at 5:00 p.m. On Tues., Jan. 18 a physical fitness appraisal program will be held at Seagram Stadium from 1:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. As a follow-up the department will conduct a ten week fitness program which will be composed of graded exercises and games. This program will be held Tuesday and Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30
coach Bev. Hayes; Manager Lorraine Merit. The results of volleyball were 37-6, 38-6 vs. WLU; 20-8, 21-10 vs. McMaster; 11-19, 18-13, 11-15 vs. Windsor; 19-8, 16-14 vs. Guelph. Members of the team are Diane Pickering (captain); Anne MacDonald, Bonnie Bacvar, Eleanor Kopo, Bonnie Vietel, Bonnie Smith, Rosylyn Livingston, Allyson Edward, Wendy Crump, Lynda Byte. Coach: Mrs. Ilma Green; manager: Joan Petty. In the badminton singles Joan Richmond made a clean sweep of all four games. Gail Everson defeated McMaster and Windsor but lost to WLU and Guelph. In the doubles Valerie Hamilton-Smith and Anne Hulden had three victories losing only to Guelph. Dec. 8 the U of W women’s varsity teams again meet their traditional rivals at WLU.
The winner of this competition will have the right to enter a 2 out of 3 final to determine the qualifying team for the O.Q.A.A. playdowns at Queens, February 11 and 12, 1966.
Curling scores Curling results for Tuesday, 23 were: Stone 7 - Unick 4 Stevens 5 - Allison 4 Hawkins 11 - Holmes 0 Watkins 6 - Duncan 2 Cooke 5 - Sweet 3 Connell 6 - Treloar 4 Solomonian 8 - Richer 1 Krelove 4 - Roberts 3 Curling scores for Thursday, 25 were: Hill 10 - Melbroke 0 Watkins 10 - Reid 9 Britten defaulted to Achroyd Mogan 6 - Schnarr 1 Wolder 7 - Wilson 6 Chase 7 - Hawkins 6 Dave 8 - Roberts 6 Holmes 9 - Baier 2.
lost and ‘found Lost and found articles are kept in the security office (the farmhouse near chemical engineering). Articles left in the library are kept for several days and may be picked up at the service desk on the third floor.
Finden, Tindale, H ouston, all-stars Three Warrior football players have been named to the league allstar team. Walt Finden was chosen outstanding right end, with Jock Tindale as left inside linebacker and Wayne Houston as offensive right tackle. Ottawa had 9 all-stars, Carleton 6, Waterlootheran 4, Warriors 3, McMaster 2, Loyola and RMC each 1. There were no unanimous choices.
St. Jerome’s, Village win basketball 7 In intramural basketball, St. Jerome’s came back from a close defeat last week to dump Conrad Grebel by a score of 25- 19. The Village won their second game in a row with a 19- 13 triumph over Arts. No reports were received on other games.