7, Number
13,. 1966
NeedmoreOntariofunds if expansionto continue Without increased financial aid from the Ontario government, the University of Waterloo will be unable tocarryoutits expansionplans. Its faculties willsuffer accordingly. This is the reason universitypresident J. G. Hagey, financial vicepresident A. K. Adlington,academlc vice-president T.L. Batke, Jack Adarm, Mr. J. Brown and 21 of the university board of governors met witi Premier Robarts and theminister of education, Fred Davies, at Queen’s Park on May 5. In a Coryphaeus interview President Hagey said the board wanted to meet the ministers in order co impress them with the need for increased funds for the continued healthy development of our universityo . He said we differed primarily from other universities in that we have grown so fast that we have not had the time to raisethep0rtion of costs that the present provincial plan calls for. ‘Focus’, the in December.
U of W engineering It’s nothing like
journal, Mac’s.
McMaster University has accused Waterloo of4nfringing 6n their copyright privileges by publishing Focus. Engineering Society president Toks Oshinowo started off the first meeting of the Engineering Society on May 2 by reading a letter from the McMaster engineers, claiming that a magazine entitled ticMaster engineers in focus, has been published there since 1964. The M&aster publication in no way resembles the University of Waterloo’s Focus, first published in December. Since Waterloo is not using Mc-
Gory needs luck, staff , this sumtier Wish the Coryphaeus luck. This is the first summer it has &nned to publish regularly--every second Friday. Why not help out on the staff? There will be a staff meeting in the board of publications office at ‘7:30 Wednesday. Refreshments. There are 860 students studying on cambus for the spring-summer term: 707 have returned from engineering work terms, 38 from applied physics and 115 from co-op mathematics jobs. (These figures are approximate.) As well, about a thousand copies of the Cory are being mailed tostudents now on their work terms across Canada. The paper is also available to any vacati0ning regular-program student who cares to drop into the Cory office and to a faculty-staff population of about a thousand.
Manfr ed W . Heiderich, a graduate student at the University of Waterloo and former Elmira high school teacher) has been awarded grants tqtaling $7,200 to continue his studies at Queen’s University in Kingston. Mr. Heiderich has received an R. S. McLaughlin scholarship giving him $3,600 for two years to work for a PhD in German literature. He has also been awarded asum= mer schol&ship allowing him to attend the University of Indiana’s School of Letters. Each summer at this s&u& scholars of interna-
donal renown gather for six weeks of discussion on literature and cornparative studies. His main interest lies insymbolism in German literature, and at present he is completing his MA thesis on the works of the Germanspeaking Swiss dramads t Friedkich Duerrenmatt. Born in Alberta, Mr. Heiderich Ireceived his BA from the University of Saskatchewan. For two years at North Bay and one in Elmira, he taught German, English and history in high school before deciding to continue his studies,
ac WNses n of copyright infringement I
I. G. Needles, chairman of the board of governors. President Hagey did not seem particularly optimistic during the Coryphaeus interview and would& make any definite statement as to the university’s plans if additional government funds are refused.
A number of other special considerations were presented totheministers as proof of c2ur value to the public in ways not matched by most other universities. All of this was contained ,in a brief presented to the ministers by
Master’s title but merely one word from it and since no copyright laws have been broken, the Engineering Society decided that a reply to McMaster in the form of apolite letter was all that the situation warranted. *-P * , The sock hop held on April 29 proved to be a success. TheEngineering Society decided to hold arepeat at the beginning of winter ‘67. *se The administration has agreed to cancel classes on Friday, June 17 in order to allow everyone to take part in the demonstrations that will take place on Engineering Day,part of the June 17-19 engineering weekend. A special guest speaker, the economic advisor to the minister of industry, will address theschoolFriday evening. A car rally is planned for Saturday morning, followed by theannual Sewer Bowl game in the afternoon. The location for the semiformal Saturday evening has not been confirmed. During the intermission of the dance the prizes and. tokens will be awarded. A beach party will end the weekend with a splash. **e-8 A program of summer sports is b&g planned. At the presentitappears that baseball will be the major concern. An engineering mascot is still in the planning stage. The out&term society has decided to push the matter, and invites any ideas. The old problem of gaining the recognition of the Association Of Professional ‘Engineers of Ontario has cropped up again. ‘Dean D. T. Wright asked the Engineering Society to leave the matter in the hands of the administration because of its “delicacy and complexity*‘.
MAY 27- 28
Four honorary degrees will be al awarded at the tweifth convocation of the University of Water100 on May 27 and 28.~-Dr. Beatrice M. Corrigan, Donald Gordon, General A. G. L, McNaughton and the Very Rev. C. L. SiegrJed wfi behonored. Bachelor’s, master’s and PhD degrees in arts and science andbachelor’s degrees in physical education will be conferred at the May 27 ceremony. Undergraduate and graduate degr&s in Engineering will be awarded on May 28, a Saturday. The Very Reverend C. L. Siegfried, provincial superior of the Ontario-Kentucky province of the Congregation of the Resurrection, and formerly president of SC. Jerome’s will address convocation College, on May 27 and will receive an honorary doctor of laws degree. A native of Walkerton, Father Siegfried has played an outstanding teaching and administrative role in the Congregation of the Resurrec-don, originally with North Bay College and St. Jerome’s College and since 1953 as president of St. Jerome’s o In 1959 hewasinstruinentalinob-
taining a university charter for St. Jerome’s and assisted in drafting the federation agrwment with tier University of Waterloo, He supervised the relocation of St, Jerome’s from Kitchener to the University of Waterloo campus and directed the affairs of the college until his appointment as provincial superior last year. 0 On the same occasion Dr. Beatrice Car rigan will receive an honorary doctor of letters degree. One of the few women to beelected to the Royal Society of Canada, she has served as prafessor of Italian at the University of Toronto since 194-5. Dr. Corrigan is one of Canada> outstanding scholars in the humanides. C&3 the following day, May 2& Donald Gordon, president of Canadian Naticnal R&lways,will receive an honorary doctor of laws degree and General A. G. L. McNaughton will be awarded an honorary doctor of engineering degree. Mr. Gordon, aself-educatedman, entered tie Bank of Nova Scotia in 1916 and continued his education at night schools, receiving theec@valent of a degree in economics from
Honorary degrees will be awarded CNR president; General, A. G. L. Beatrice M. Corrigan (no picture).
at the May McNaughton;
27-28 the
Queen's University.
He was named secretary of the Bank of Canada when the bank was established in 1935. He later became deputy governor of the bank, chairman af the wartime prices and trade board, directgr of the Industrial Development: Bank and executive director of the International Bank for Reconstruction. He has served as chairman and president of CN since 1950. General McNaughton, in addidon to his military and government service, is an outstanding electrical engineer, who invented the cathoderay direcdon finder in 1928. One of Canada’s most renowned soldiers* General ‘McNaughton served in both World Wars. Wounded in the second battle of Ypres, 1915, he was promoted to brigadier-ges,eral in 1918. During World War II, he commanded theFirst Canadian Army overseas. He was promoed to general in 1944. Heredredlater in the same year to become minister of nadonal defense.. - Among General McNaughton’s many contributions to Canada in a wide range of service was his presidency of the National Research Council from 1935 to 1938.
convocation Very Rev.
to (l-r) Donald C. L. Siegfried;
Gordon, and Dr,
This actionfollows amotianpass’ ed by the,‘Wt meeting of the 196566 ‘Student Council on April 30. Coundl, debeted whether to incorporate independently or under the provisions of the University of Waterloo Act, While the second procedure was favored by the ad-
By. the fall term thpFederation of &ud&ts will be an incorporated my. Prtliminory discuSSiOIlS hW43 ,already beep carriedoutwithalocal law firm and incorporation Is expected,by July. i
ministration, particularly by A. K. Ad&@on, university vice-president for flnance, Council dedded that independently incorporating would give it added control. Cost and other benefits were the same either way, Council decided. Incorporation alloys Student
University of Waterloo Depahtment of Co-qrdination ‘and Placement Waterloo Ontario
1, number
May 1966
A message from8 the ‘director.S.,, As you know the coordination department originated a Newsletter last fall in an attempt to keep you informed of our activities while youwere on your out\ term. Upon your return to campus you were requested to fill in a questionnaire asking “Is it worthwhile? Yes .or no **) as well as to make any comments that could lie helpful ,to us in improving the Newsletter and the type of news and information you wished to receive. This questionnaire-was to be submitted unsigned. Most of the students who returned completed the questionnaire and of these 97 percent indicated,that the Newsletter was worthwhile. 51 percent added corn-, merits and of these several indicated that we were duplicating the news supplied by the Coryphaeus. This was not uur intent, ratherwewere attempting to supplement and complement what normally appears in the Coryphaeus but morespedficallyslanted to the out-term co-operative students. ’ We were both commended and cridcized for some of the material appearing-criddzed for an incorrect list of electives. Such material we obtain from the source we believe to be responsible for it and only pass it along to you as provided to us. During the winter term we provided examination .results for those students who wrote in December, Agam we received criticism for not having made
them available earlier, bu+ fairness we should say that they were published and sent out in the Newsletter in less than a week after theywerereceived by us. A criticism was voiced by onestudent who was unhappy that his name appeared - eva though he had cleared all subjects at a good level. By far the majority of students were pleased to receive the overall results and because of this it is our intention to’publish them for the winter term. Should therebeanyone who does not wish to have his name appear insuch a list, please advise either the registrar’s office or me at once. It is planned that there willbeseven issues of the Coryphaeus published during the spring and summer months and it is-our intention to incorporate in it once a month the Newsletter. Wehavearranged, by supplying out-term address labels (taken from your jobreply cards 1) that you will bemailedeach copy of the Coryphaeus published during the above’ period. (We should say that we are picking uppart of the price-tag for this endeavor.) We hope you will like this effort and again when. you return to campus youwillbeprovided with a questionnaire to obtain your reaction to this joint project. Sincerely, A. S. BARBER, P. Eng.
Coordinators’ COORDINATORS ING D. G. S. Anderson H.D. Ball R. Grant
May 27 Convocation--arts and science May 28 Convocation--engineering July 18 Supplemental examinations begin August 26 Spring work term ends August 29 Fall work term begins September 5 Labour Day--university buildings closed September 16 Registration--cooperadveprogramms; work reports due September 19 Lectures begin October 17. Industrial interviews begin--co-op hon, ors math Ocmber 31 Industrfql interviews begin-co-op en: gineering, applied physics and applied /, chemistry / December 17 Examinadons begin ’ December 23 Examinations end December 2’7 Winter work term begins a
L. B. Jones A,L.Lind 1 ‘A.M.‘Moon R. D. Mumford M. h4. smith M. S. Stevens
I .
R.R.#3,King City Box 314, Clinton 10 KingswayCrescent Brat&ford ’ 6 Knoll Drive Islington 30 Avenue deNeufchateau, Town of Lorraine, Quebec 16 Ballantyne Court) Islington 298 South Street, Gananoque R. R.#2, Campellville 138 Erb Street West, Waterloo
AREAS I\ OF CO-ORDINATORS Co-op Engineering, Applied ,& Applied Chemistry
5’. ‘ A. M. Moon (Arda
.,s b
Jonee Streett?@ville,
and Clarkron.
6 7.
M. 6.
Authorised department.
, .
ENGINEER416-773-5038 519-482-9510
416-239-0925 613-382-3943 416-659-7122 \ 519-745-2707
M. u.
A. L.
and Highway
od recond-c&w mail by the Post Oiike Ottawa, and for payment of postage in Fh.
‘Most active dub’ S plans busy summer I
,R. D.
5 a,nd 6 are
416-244-7341 .
The first meeting of the new StuC~undl to appoint signing of+.rs to contract $ts agreements giving dent Council open& ‘with a brief address by the new president, Mike Coundl the legal responsibfflty. Until now the student whosignedthe Sheppard, during which he outlined ,plaD5 for the coming contract for Council was personally ’ & &feral ybar . First ammg these plans was Mile for it. the building of a campus center. Incorporation will also mean that Council, as Coryphaeus‘ publisher, 4 44 will be accepting legal responsibflMr. Sheppard has appointed his ity for the newspaper. new executive: speaker, Tom Pat444 ,_ terson) vice-president, Steve IreCouncil also decided to move its land; treasurer ,Bm SfddalI; chafrdeposits from the university bushman of board of external relations, ess uffice to the Bank of Montreal. John Clarke8 chairman of boaid of The reasons giveri were inefffdency publications, Dave Witty; chairman and the “couldn’t-care-less*’ attiof board of student activities, Steve tude of the business office on the Flott. The last two served in the one hand and the efficiency and insame positions last year. shown by the bank on the terest Council then created the non-exother. The additional serviw ofecutive post of information ammitfered by the bank include daily actee chairman and appointed Margret counting. The business office MaddilL This new committee will ‘l>arely managed to fork out yearly be responsible for handling aninforone Council accountings “, said mation service for Council and its member. I executive. 444 444 Student Council also dedded to A new judge was Fppointedfor the limit the budget of the orientation judicial committee. Judges are elcommittee to five dollars per freshected from a list of names submitted lllkl. by the retiring judges--each of the 4 4 4 five old judges recommends two Council also awarded $1,030 in candidates from which Student honora& to students who had done Council picks five. an outstanding job for the FederaCouncil mistakenly assumed the tion of Students, particularly in the outgoing judges had made sure their ’ past year. Theawards were:Gerald nominees were wflIing to acceptthe S; Mueller, president, $3003 David , post, and appointed Neil Arnas~11, R. Young, board of external relaMaureen Bell, Stan Yagi, Jane dons,. $wp; Tom R&kin, CoryScherer and George Abwunza. Unphaeus editor, $2001 Stephen P. ’ fortunately at least one of these peoFlott; board of student activities, ple will be unable to hold the posi$150; Jim Nagel, Cory managing don. ’ editor, $753 Gerald Barrett, Corn-, 484 pendium ‘65 editor, $75. Council authorized its president 4 4 4 to undertake a study of faculty-stuThis’ was the traditional double dent-administration relations on meethig with the new Council sitting campus especially in the light of the in on the last of the old Council’s Duff-Birdall report. meedngs and then having the first 444 of its own. Council business dur%rg the,sumAt the end ‘of the first meeting, mer is carried on by mail. Thenext Gerald Mueller, retiring president of the Federation addressed both meeting. of ’ Student Council will be held sometime in late August or coundls and summarized the trials early September. and achievements of the past year.
Lint3 7 .)
&ME--the American Sodety of conducted through ‘the tire division Mechanical Engineers--has planned of the Dominion Rubber Company a full slate of extracurricular acti= May 4. Fifty students turned outfor vides for the engineers this sumthe successful two-and-a-half-hour mer term. tour which concluded with a resume As the course club for mechanand refreshments in the company ical engineers on campus, ASME cafeteria. The next tour is schedulwill organlie numerous outings. ed for May 25 at Canadian Blower Some will be open to all faculties. and Forge. , &ME’s most recent noteworthy ASME *s almost traditionalnoonachievement was ‘winningtheBendix hour films will be shown again this Award for 1965-66 at the ASME term every Wednesday at 12tlO in region 5 conference in Ada, Ohio, El09. *Challenge and response’and April 15~$6. Waterloo% combined Qac-I* are scheduled for May 18, A and B sections were chosen as and ‘Memory devices’ for May 25. the best chapter among the univer, If all these films arenot available sities in Ontario, Michigan, Ohio they will be supplemented by other and parts of New York and Pennappropriate topics borrowed from sylvania. the mechanical engineering departAt the same time Waterloo won ment. Everyone is welcome toatthe 8‘man-miles trophy” for having tend these films. As ‘many ASME the greatest number of members members as possible shouldattend, travel&g the longest distance--it because the general business meetwas a walk-away. ings wffl be’held after the movies. It will be Waterloo’s turn to host A program of speakers will also this conference in 1967. ThetU ofW _ be sponsored by ASME this term& student section of ASME is attemptconjunction with theEngineering Soing to keep up its good record for the ciety. Men will be selectedfromincoming year, and has planned a wide ,,dustry togivetalks--generalenough variety of projects. Some of them to make them of interest to all enwill be run with thesupport of the gineers. Engineering Society. ’ The first of the three lectures, on Tuesday, will deal with the op444 portunities for engineers to do work L The first in- a series of club in the sales field. Consultingengfntours through industrial plants in eers and engfneers in manufacturing the Kitchener-Waterloo area was will be covered later in the term.
/ I i
Research to be carried out by two professors at the University of Waterloo may lead to a newprocessfor the production of calcium carbide, The present method of making the chemical, an important industrial product, was developed about 70 years ago and has changed little since. A grant of $18,240 has been a-
warded by Cyantid of Canada to Carl E o Gall and Robert R, Hudgins, professors in chemicalengineering, for mechanism studies onthesolidstate formation of calcium carbide, ‘6The primary objective of the research is to produce calcium carbide at a much lower temperature, subseq~tly saving greatlyin electrical power ,‘* said Professor
As a centennial contribution, the Imperial Tobacco Co. Ltd, has announced a literary competition called ‘Canada-2000 AD*, which will have a grand award of $33,000 for the best-written work on the future of Canada from 1967 to 2000, In addition, nine prizes of $3,000 will be awarded to finalists. Any. Canadian citizen living at
The Coryphaeus has taken over the university Information Services office. Well, almost. Tom Rankin, who was Cory editor in 1965-66, has been appointed to the position of information officer under department head J ack Adams e Tom graduates this month with his BSc,
home or abroad may enter the competition. A competitor may treat any or several aspects of Canadian life: political, economic, constitutional, cultural, educational, external relations or less precise fields such as a search for a Canadian identity. By July 15,1966, a competitor is required eo submit an accurate abstract (up to 2200 words), which plots the structure of a complete work or thesis. By November 1, 1966, the judges will select the top kn abstracts. The winners will have teslmonths to submit a book or thesis based upon their abstracts. Twoof theten winning abstracts will be reserved for the best EnglishandbestFrench submissions from Canadian students registered at any degreegranting university or college in or out of Canada, Further details are available from information services (local 238), or the registrar.
Hudgins, ‘However # our own interest lies mainly in exploring more fundamentally the mechanism ofthe process.‘* Calcium carbide. is used in the production of cyanamide forfertflizer, and is reacted with water to form acetylene, a fuel for welding torches and an important raw material for a great varietycf chemical syntheses e To produce calcium carbide a great deal of electrical energy is needed to react quicklime and carbon in the molten state, at temperatures of 2,000 degrees centigrade. By discovering the mechanismprocesses in the formation of the churnical, Professors Gall and Hudgins hope to react the quicklime and carbon in the solid state at half the temperature, saving greatly in electrical power. Professor Gall completed his undergraduate work at Royal Military College and the University of Toronco. After teaching at theUniversity of Addis Ababa for three years he received his master of applied xi= ence in chemical engineering from Queen% University. At present he is completing his Ph D thesis atthe University of Minnesota. Professor Hudgins received his bachelor and master of applied science in chemical engineering from U of T and his Ph D from Princeton. Both have been members of the univ6mity of Waterloo faculty for two years.
Again it’s time to go to work on Focus. The first issue of the University of Waterloo engineering journal was a great success and a compliment to our student body, said Bryan Armstrong, Focus spokesman. ‘%et us aim even higher now and work on an even beaer Focus. Do yourself a favor by giving a handon the staff. The experience and satisfaction you wfflgain will prove more than enough reward for your efforts,” said Mr. Armstrong. It is especially important that firs t-and second-year students join in to gain experience, Mr. Armstrong said, so that theymayassume editorial responsibilities later. This summer’s Focus willcontain about the same number of articles as the first issw. However theemphasis is on short, concise article that make liberal use of photographs or illustrations. Three prizes of $25 each have been provided for the essay contest, one for each of the three categories: --a technical essay from an undergraduate. --a nontechnical essay from an undergraduate. --an essay of either type from a graduate. AU sssap must be under 1,500 words, uf interest to engin=rVYPFOOD FOR THOUGHT “The mind is like the stomach, It is not how much you put into it that counts, but how much it digests .**- Albert Einstein SCIENCE
ACCELERATING of all scionever lived are alive
80 to 90 percent
dsts right
who now,
ed double-spaced and handed to the etir, Gus Cammaert, by June 1. All work reports and course essay assignments are eligible material. For further information contact Bryan Armstrong at 742-8618. The Focus staff urges everyone with ideas to contact a staff member or write to the editor.
Wants change in emphasis VANCOUVER (CUP)--From the platform of Gabor Mat.e,whois running for president of the UBC Alma Mater Society: (‘It is ridiculous that we can vote in provincial and federal elections deciding matters of international importance but have no say iri the running of our own university. “Senior students should have a voice in setting the curriculum) some courses which students might like to take may not be offered. “I feel the faculty should strive to havepublishing of their own works de-emphasized and teaching and dialogue with students emphasized much more. ‘@On residences students livingin them should have more voice in running the facilities they live in as well as the university. The idea of co-operative housing should be investigated, especially since it has worked at many other universities. %iscussions with the adrninistradon should lead to student observers on both the board of governors and the senate.”
a bad start The appointment of the Student board this year From the political will be difficult to function as a for the entire >~consists of seven gineer and not resentative.
by Alfred E. Joseph The numerical methods course has a snag in it: too many people and too little computer time, There is one computer, the 1620, for about 150 people. Each person has at least two programs to run each week. Each of theseprograms has to be run at least three times to debug it. An estimate of one minute per program seems reasonable. The time involved is 15 hours. The math department seems to have decided, “we can close down the 1710 room altogether andrnaybe even cut back on the 1620 hours.” One flaw in this reasoning is that the 1620 is going almost solidly for all the times the room is open and the machine is more than an hour behind during peak periods (afternoons* evening, and mornings),
is typical.
The 1710, a faster machine, however. is available in the afternoons in an effort tx alleviate the situation. This hasn’t helped much, There must be a remedy--let’s view the alternatives: --approximately 150 students; maybe we can persuade half of them to go out ona work term right now. --one minute per program3 maybe we can tell everybody to write shorter programs. --one and a half computers ; let’s take up a collectionfor $200,000 and buy another one* Not much of this makes sense, admitedly, so the real alternatives boil down to--write the programs right the first time or schedule the numerical methods problems in s U& a way so as to permit a smaller number to use the machines in any one week,
of the members Council executive was handled badly. point of view it for this executive co-ordinating body campus because it artsmen, one enone science rep-
A number of considerations made the situation even worse. First the new vice-president, Steve Ireland, was President Mike Sheppard’s campaign manager. Secondly there seems to be little doubt that Mr. Sheppard discouraged Joe Recchia’s application for the position of treasurer. Finally, minutes after Mr. Sheppard had asked Council to create the new post of information committee chairman, he nominated his girlfriend for the post. If all this is any indication of what we can expect from our new president in the coming months then it’s going to be a long hard year. Admittedly no one else applied for any of the executive positions-
except Mr. Recchia, who later withdrew his application, thereby giving Bill Siddall, the only engineer on the executive, the treasurers position. However, in vi,ew of the importance of this committe, one wonders why Mr. Sheppard couldn’t have stirred up some interest as he did during the Council elections when he could be found running through the hall looking for people to si,gn nomination forms. There is no Science Society and so science students may find it hard to voice objections to their lack of fair representation. But there is a very strong Engineering Society, which would have little trouble rocking Council’s boat, if given a cause to do so. Especially since the presidential election saw the new president elected primarily by artsmen, it would probably not take too much to get the engineers making waves. Mike Sheppard is supposed to represent the whole student body. He is supposed to be a cohesive force. So far he’s doing a poor job in this capacity.
Published every second Friday afternoon during the spring-summer term by the student Board of Publications of the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. Offices are located in the Federation building, annex 1. Telephone 744-6111 local 497; Nights 744-0111. Member of the Canadian University Press. 2,200 copies. Ramsay, Owen Redfern, edit,or-in-chief : Jim N’agel circulation: Circle K Cl& Harm Rombeek, Jim Storm, associate editor: Stewart printed by Elmira Signet, Raymond Vilbikaitis Saxe Elmira, Ont. photography: Robin King, staff: Brian Armstrong, Leong, Richard Siegers Ray Ash, Rodger Brubacher, liason: Ron Walsh, coordFred Brychta, Allen Class, ination; Marlene Zillikens, Chai Kalevar, Rick Kendrick, creative arts board; Tom George Law, George Loney, Rankin, information services Barry McNichol, Wayne David R. Witty, advertising manager Ekkehard H&deBoard of Publications - chairman 5 p.m. previous to issue. Classified ads: Wednesday brecht. Advertising deadline : Friday noon week of issue. Telephone 744-6111 10d 471.
13, 1966
9 local g May 6 to 21 is a banner period for those who prefer the thrill of live performances in the creative arts, by competent and exciting l~caltdlent. ApproximaWly 400 K-W musicians, singers, dancers and actors are combi&g their talents in a two-week gala event, the Coinmtim ty Festival of the Arts, at the Theater of the Arts here. On the program are nine local musical and dramatic groups: the K-W Symphony Orchestra, the K-W Philharmonic Choir, the choirs of the Church of the Holy Saviour, the K-W Little Theater, the Schneider Male Chorus, the Menno Singers, a ballet concert sponsored by Trinity United Church, and a festival jazz Paul Kligman, a concert group. noted Jewish humorist and entertainer will also participate. Six oneact plays in the Ontario Collegiate Drama Festival finals were seen on the first two nights of the festival. Tickets are available at the theater, box office, A255. All performances start at 8:30. Ushers are Rankin at needed--contact Tom local 488. HAROLD TOWN EXHIBITION-gallery--free Twenty of Harold Town’s famous %-Qnas’, satirical drawings of ‘contemporary society and 20 single ‘Automatic prints’ are on exhibition in the theater gallery. Mr. Town is oneof Canada’s most distinguished artists. He has represented Canada overseas andis the only artist who has had one-man shows in two Toronto art galleries at the same time. BRASS CHOIR- - tonight--$I.50 Gifford Toole, pianist, a U of W student, and Mary Kuntz, soprano, of Kitchener, will be guest artists with the K-W Brass Choir.Conductor of the 18-member groupis Walter K. Gallagher, who founded the group in 1963. In 1964 the choir
received the highest mark awarded in the brass section of thewaterleo County Kiwanis music festival and was given a scholarship. CHOIRS OF THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY SAVIOUR--tomorrow-$160 An evening of sacred choralswffl be given by the junior,int.ermediate and senior Choirs of this Anglican church. Frank Daley is choirmaster and Marion Daley is organist. Assisting artists will be George Woza niak, violinist, of Kitchener. Solo=ists on the program will be Elizabeth MacRae and Caroline Roy, sopranos, Joan Venn, contralto, John Sddlling, tenor, and IanMarr, bass. FESTIVAL JAZZ CONCERT-Sunday--free TWO groups will participate, the John Kostigian Orchestra and the Festival Jazz Trio consisting of Barry Wills, piano, Peter Rand, guitar, and Dave Drew, bass. K-W LITTLE THEATER--Tuesday and Wednesday,--$1&Q This group will present the comedy %4ary, Mary’. The director is Mrs. Kay ,McKie of Guelph, SCHNEIDER MALE CHORUS-Thursday--$$1.50~ The 36-voice Schneider Male Chorus under the direction of Paul Berg has become one of Canada’s most-travelled and @es t-known amateur male choral ensembles. The choir wffl present a program of sacred and secular music including spiritu& and folk songs of many countries. Assistant conductor is Fred Lehmen and the accompanist: is Harry Urstadt. PAUL KLIGMAN--F riday, May 20-4a.50 Kligman’s offering is indicatedin his title: “A funny thing happened when I found out I was Jewish*. It is a program of readings from the writings of Sholom Aleichem, Ephraim Kishon and Leo Rosten.
FreeTuesd wide rangeof topi cause an injury-producing accident during its lifetime. Experimental crashes illustrate why so many accidents occur and how safety engineering could reduce traffic casu. alties. Later films will include white throat’, iNahanni*, ‘Five thousand miles ‘, ‘Summer pageantry’, ‘They called it fireproof, and ‘Mosaic’, The creative arts board is one of the boards of Student Council.
The creative arts boardwillshow films during the summer months, each Tuesday at 12:15 noonin P145. Admission is free. ‘The buffalo--majestic symbol of the American plains’ will be shown this Tuesday, along with ‘Pioneer trails, Indian lore and bird life of the plans’. The film for May 24 is ‘Every second car*. Every second car on the road now, it is estimated, will
on television
Worth watching on CBC television in the coming week: Monday, 9 p.m. ‘Way out west with W 8~ S’--Wayne and Schuster m affecdomte look a b take stereotype Western story. Wednesday, 9:30. the first of eight TV concerts on ?%sdval’-IDE
violinist Yehudi Menuhin and pianist Glenn Gould display both their musicianship and personalities. Wednesday, IO:30 p.m. *No reaSon to Stay’, the Story Of a high* school dropout. A National Film Board documentary starring two Montreal students.
‘VI-I&AGE amd
Some people complain that: there is nothing; t.0 do in the summer. If planned accordingly, aperson’s time could all be taken up by extracurricular activities. For example, if one likes movies, there are the usual downtown offerings plus (and a big plus it is) the Tuesday Film Series, which
Holiday In observance of the VictoriaDay holiday Monday, May 23, university offices will officially close at 5 Friday and reopen at 9 Tuesday.
started Tuesday with Walt Disney’s vanistig prafrie’series, The rest of thesumrner timetable is on this page somewhere, I think, How much?--nothing. Where?-in P145. It% air-conditioned and one can wait there for programs left on the 1620 computer, u There’s an art exhibit in the Theater of the Arts gallery by Harold .Town. It’s quit.& quite good. Some comments-“Creative genius w1deniable..,” ‘?Excitir& experi“Brilliant drawing...” ence...*’ “Fertile imagination...” The Community Festival of the Arts is in progress now.
For 20 years Mr, Kligm,an b been a familiar figure on stage, radio and TV in Canada andthe&& He has worked with Wayne and Shus6 terf in musicals at Vancouver’s Theater Under the Stars1 in ‘Spring
thaw’ and on the CBC, andhas written comedy and composed music for revues0 The emphasis, obviously, will be on comedy. THE MENNO SINGERS--Saeurday, May 2E--$1,50
me singers are -ducted by Abmr Martin and will include s;~cred music by Bach, a choral by Randal Thompson and three hymns from an 1832 Pennsylvania Maonite singing school book,
Jean Kerr, the duthor of ‘Mary, Mary%0 be presented here Tuesday and Wednesday--is probably best known to Canadians as the writer of ‘Please don’t eat the d&sand ‘The snake has all the ies* lines ‘. No one was more surprised than Jean Kerr when those twobooksfull
of “little things“ headed for the bstseller lists. She always has regarded her books and magazine articles as diversions from her main concern, playwriting. Her first play* *Jennie kissed me’, was produced in 1948, and was followed by movie scripts emusicals and TV plays. However,Mrs,
Kerr prefers to write for the stage and is best known for ‘Touch and and gob, ‘The song of Bernadette’ ‘King of Hearts’. She began writing ‘Mary, Mary’ m Ash Wednesday in 1960. +lfway through the first act, she began to think of Barbara Bel Geddes as Mary, and Barbara agreed to play the part. The play was finished in three and a half months--thequickest thing Jean Kerr had ever written. She considered this a good + ,men--and rightly so. When %ary, Mary’ opened in New York to a delighted audience, it rated not a single poor review m On tour, %lary, Mary* has been such a success that. the rights for amateur production have not been available until this 1965-55 season* Already Dramatists Play Service is predicting that ‘Mary,Mary%.ll outsell its all-time favorite, ‘Arse~lic and old lace’. The five characters in ‘Mary, MaIy’ are not only interesting and funny but warmly human, The situation is so universal that North American audiences should be enjoying the play for many years.
, The K-W Little Theater will present ‘Mary, Mary’ by Jean Kerr on Tuesday and Wednesday. The cast includes (1-r) Bev Gerry, Qwen Llewellyn, Bill Klos, Larry Couverette, Janice Servais.
by Allen Class math IB The Kitchener-W aterloo Symbhony Orchestra performed Monday to a near-capacity audiencein the Theater of the Arts,, The performance did not reflect the capabilities of an orchestra with over 16 years experience. Conductor F rederick Poh.l* a man with a charming smile and accent but. a clumsy baton, introduced the performance with one of his own works, ‘Fanfare*, After this bungle of brass the audience relaxed to the more familiar selecdonsfrom %armen te The next attempt by Pohl,ent.itled *Introduction and Adagio from the classical festival overture’,featured a rather weak clarinet solo by Douglas Janke, A Mendelssohn nocturne then stabilized the performance before intermission. As a prelude to the second half Mr. Pohl was given an award from the Kitchener Musicians Association for “his contribution tomusic in the K-W area.** Pohl% own works in my opinion, lack genius and inspiration. ‘From the cr eadon’, the dtle of his next work, is a regurgitation of the creadon theme with words by James
Weldon Johnson. ‘An impressive beginning soon lost: its effect in superfluous orchestration which was incoherent with the main theme, Donald Landry, guest baritone,presented a technically good solo despite the material he had to work with. The standard of performance did improve in the last numbers, ‘Cau-
The Radio Broadcast Club has changed its name to the University of Waterloo Broadcasting Associadon. The association is still producing the weekly Saturday evening show over CKKW radio, Thename of the show 8however 8has been changed from -10 :05 St to ?l%e campus sound.” The show is heard every Saturday evening beginning at 11:20, The association is also continuing its work on the proposedFMstation for the university. The mailing address is University of Waterloo Broadcasting Asso& ation. c/o Federation of Students w University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario,
Applications for membership in the Waterloo Tennis Club are now being accepted. Special student rate $20. Remit to WATERLOO TENNIS CLUB, 9’7 Ruskview Rd., Kitchener. For further information, see I. JR. Ipagg (I?2451 or I%;. D. Fryer (P311).
The K-W Little Theater production has Bob McKellaway played by Bill Klos, Mary McKellaway by Janice Servais, Tiffany Richards by Bev Gerry, Oscar Nelson by Owen Llewellyn, and Dirk Winston by Larry Couverette, The director is Mrs. Kay McKie.
casian sketches’ combined the serenity of ‘In a mountain pass’ with the sparkling brilliance of ‘Procession of the Sardar’. The strength bf the orchestra ijs in the woodwind section, pardcularly the oboes, Both percussion and brass detract from the whole. For an encore the orchestraperformed a rather popsy version of Fiddle-faddle’ which served as an after-dinner mint to cover agenerally poor meal. In a brief interview with Mr. Pohl after the performance I learned of his reputable background as conductor of the Paris Opera and the Radio City Orchestra. When asked how he liked the accusdcs of our theater he expressed his amazement at how well he cduld hear the mistakes.
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FOR CORY WANT ADS: first 15 50 cents, each additional word 5 Ads for articles found are free.
FOR SALE SECOND-HAND BOOKS ‘for sale: Dudley, ‘Induction motor pracdce*--Cooke & Carr, ‘Elements of electrical engineering’-Timbie & Highbie, ‘Alternating current electronits’--+ImhOff) ‘Sewage treatment’. Please call Mr. Bitzer at 745-5085, HELP WANTED STUDENTS--Average $1.85 hourly. Scholarships offered, Call 74+ 3626. BABYSITTER for three boys. Call Mrs. Denison, 576-2494.