No longer
university’, .
17, 1967
e revolt
The University of Waterloo is no longer Ontario’s “Red university”. The scandal magazine ‘Tab international’ had so labelled U of W. 1,676 students voted no and 586 voted yes on the referendum asking if U of W students supported “any draft-resistance program.‘” Students complained about the word “any” on the ballot because
they thought a “yes” vote Council a blank cheque in the sistance program. Steve Ireland, president of Federation of Students said he disappointed in the result.
to elect
a new president
00 film bogsbudgetbattle by Frank Chevron
Goldspink I reporter
0 ther stories: page 3 editorial: page 15 Student Council got bogged down with the creative arts board and Graduate Society budgets Monday night and had to postpone a big chunk of the 1967-68 budget debate. There will be another meeting Sunday at 7. Past president Mike Sheppard may receive $2,000 to produce a feature film under the creative arts board. Sheppard’s proposed film was not included in the budget but the money may come from cutting or lowering other expenditures. John Shiry, chairman of the board of publications, s ugges ted cutting the literary magazine ‘Jabberwocky’ and halving the allotment for the creative arts Sunday Festival series to get $2,000. The executive met last night to consider other alternatives. At the beginning of the creative arts budget debate Sheppard explained his request. “It’s time we showed some imagination in creative arts ,” he said, ‘YIhere are a lot of interested students and this would have the greatest participation of any creative arts program because of the large number of people required to produce a film. “We have the advantage of two CBC experts, Patrick Watson and Donald Gordon, on campus now. “With some scrounging and what I think is a reasonable budget we can produce something worthwhile. “I’m not coming down on theother programs because I paint as well as writing for ‘Jabberwocky’. “‘But I think this takes priority over these others’. “As well, income can be expected from showings on campus and distribution to other universities ,” lie said. Sheppard’s request was attack-
ed by Paul Olinski, chairman of the creative arts board, and President Steve Ireland. Olinski said he had been told by Dr. Keith Rowe, a math pi-of, that such a film was unfeasible. “I don’t agree with Mike on priority of the film. The validity of our program is based on previous years’ records ,” said Olinski. “If you cut the creative-arts budget it will hurt the whole creativearts program.” Ireland stressed the importance
Council twice overrules exec Student Council overruled its executive on two budget items Monday night. Despite executive objections Council increased the Grad Society budget and approved a feature film to be produced by past-president, Mike Sheppard. The council executive believes it should lead Council. This was expressed by President Steve Ireland during the budget debate. ‘?I’he executive board acted as leaders and made recomrnendations we thought were fair ,” he said. “The exec considers the budget, makes recommendations and we chop out where we can.” “Through experience with three Council budgets and with the extra months involved in this year’s S~Ssion, the contingency was calculated at $lO,OOO--not just picked,” said vice-president Bob Cavanagh. But Paul Gerster, administrative assistant, suggested that Council should lead the executive, especially in budget. ‘ ‘Co until should tell the exec what they want and the exec should respond to this leadership,“’ he said. “It would be more helpful to the executive if they had guides as to what Council wants aud what they don’t want.”
rethe was
fizz editorial:
at the Monday
2,270 students, the largest turnout for any vote this year, voted in this referendum.
by Ch ris Swan
Village councillor Tom Patterson (standing) tries the second president within five days resigned.
of a large contingency fund saying the funds couldn? come from there. Ireland was backed strongly by executive members Bob Cavanagh, Stewart Saxe and John Willms. “I advise the council that we . simply cannot afford this luxury,” he said. Saxe, external relations board chairman, said that since this was the first time a budget had been discussed in March instead of November, it was difficult to project unknown expenses. “We don’t know what Tenth Anniversary Week or the move to the campus center are going to cost ,‘* he said. “The exec board realizes alarge contingency fund is needed and unanirnously recommended it to Council.” Sheppard and other councillors argued that the imaginativeness of the program bvas most important. “This is the time of the year to get started on something feasible and imaginative,*’ said Sheppard. Chalmers Adams, grad rep, and Dale Martin, political science 2, both rejected the exec’s stand on programs which have been successful in the past. “Don’t stick with the status-quo all the time,** said Martin. Adams said the exec was preventing creative and imaginative activity by limiting the budget. ‘But students should pay more to get more. Perhaps the fees should be raised.” Saxe said that although the budget was limited along certain line-9 it would be a mistake to raise Federation fees. ‘(We’re still trying to bring the university fees down.” There was some discussionabout what could be cut from the budget. Olinski explained that the parts of his budget, such as music, not committed to specific projects were already tight. They had been cut already--in the board and executive stages.
page 1.5
The Village student council took the bit in its teeth last Thursday night in a declaration that students would decide their own visiting hours from now on. But the bit turned out to be too much of a mouthful, and at an emergency meeting Monday the council spit it out. lf there wasn’t a revolution in the visiting-hours and self-government departments, there WAS a complete revolution in the Village council executive. Village president Dave Monk,political science 3, resigned Thursday because he could not support the motion, Vice-president Ron Trbovich, political science 2, took over from Monk as president. Then president-for-the-weekend Trbovich resigned at the Monday meeting when the council instructed him to forge ahead with the plan. Treasurer Dave Noordhoff, physics 2, resigned with him. And then the executiveless council decided to withdraw the original motion of Thursday. When Monk, Trbovich and Noordhoff withdrew their resignations the Village had gone completely around the circle to where it had started Thursday. The same executive was back. Visiting privileges remained as the administration had granted them: Villagers could have visitors of the opposite sex in their rooms Friday evenings from 6 to 11, Saturdays noon to 11 and Sundays 2 to 6. The affair started Thursday at a meeting of the Village philosophy committee before the council meeting. Student representatives were to meet with the warden and tutors to work out a new policy on visiting hours. But the warden, Dr. Ronald Eydt, simply announced that. he and the tutors had already determined new visiting hours. The council meeting--sparked by a milder attempt by John MacDonaid, public-awareness committee chairman--passed a motion suspending all existing restrictions on visiting hours imposed by the administration. It would be up to each individual floor--l6 residents each--to determine its own hours. The council would pay fines of any Villagers caught disobeying administration visiting rules as long as he was within his floor hours. The resolution was to have gone into effect Tuesday night at 6. BY then all house reps had called floor meetings to decide the hours for each floor. The meeting Monday was full of d&ate and confusion. Desmond Green, don of house South 6, summed it up: “I agree with the motion in principle. Probably everybody does. But how you move to assume this position is the important thing. I
don’t think you will get what you want. There has been a trend towards easing of social rules. One of the most important ways to help the Village is to be back next year.” He added that starting today this weekend there will be visiting hours 6-11 Friday and noon-11 Saturday. Andre Lasichuk, rep for West 5, responded with a question: “Is the way to keep seniors in the Village to tell them they have no maturity?” Stewart Saxe, speaker of the council, in a rare move passed the gavel and in a speech fraught with emotion told the council to examine what giving up the action would imPlY. The Thursday motion declared that Village residents are no longer children, he said. “The administration should be hired to help the wheels turn. A 19-year-old has the maturity to decide whether he should have a girl in his room. Up until now rules have patted the student on the head and told him to be a good child.” He said the hours allocated overemphasized the sexual aspect of visitors, rather than just plain socia lizing . In the same vein Tom Patter son, rep for North 3, pointed out, “Any acceptance of compromise is not accepting the motion. If wefeel we want it now and not five years from now we must use some influence.” In a quick sequence of events Saxe left for the Federation of Students budget meeting and forgot to leave the only copy of the motion behind. Green took over as speaker. The motion passed and Trbovich and Noordhoff resigned. Green called for a two-day recess which would have left the council without an executive over the implementation time. He finaIly announced a 15-minute recess . After recollvenillg there was much confusion about what to do without and executive. Spectators whispered that Janet Hagey would inherit the position.
In a further short recess Green retired to his room with Monk, Trbovich, Noordhoff and MacDonald. When he returned he proposed that the motion of the evening instructing Trbovich to carry out the implementation be withdrawn, that the principal motion of Thursday be withdrawn, but that the principle be reaffirmed. MacDonald, the mover of the Thursday motion and thoroughly disillusioned, suggested that Villagers take more time to think about the motion. The question was finally put and both motions were rescinded. Monk, Tr bovich and Noor dhoff withdrew their resignations. Prof. William Scott, provost for student affairs) denied putting any pressure. “I said that if he felt strongly about not going alone with the motion, he might consider resigning from the implementation committee ,@*said Scott.
This is it, gang. The last-issue of the Chevron for 1966 - 67. Or it was going to be. But Student Council won’t finish haggling over the budget till Sunday night. The Chevron will publish a twopage fiscal flyer Thursdav mornin& to caw it off. But our ad department is shut down - headed for the library - and there’ll be no free publicity for anybody, so don’t bother trying. Remember to sign the bullentinboard if you want the summer Chevron in the mail.
Psych dep’t petitions LBJon Vietnam port of the South Vietnamese; that were South Vietnam to be lost to the North, much of Southeast Asia would fall to c&nmunism; and that the communist threat in SouthVietnam is a direct threat to United Sates security.“’ They made three recommendations : “1. Genuine and sincere re-examination of the basic assumptions underlying American commitment in Vietnam. “2. unilateral efforts by the United States, as the greater power, toward de-escalation of the military effort combined with thoroughutilization of world opinion to encourage North Vietnamese and NIX reciprocation. “3. more candor towards the people of the United States and the world in the administration’s statements regarding the war.”
Faculty members and grad students in psychology have sent petitions to Prime Minister Pearson and U.S. President Johnson decrying their positions on the Vietnam war. To the prime minister theywrote that they “believe that it is hypocritical for the Canadian government to serve on the International Control Commission while it is actively contributing to war efforts by researching and manufacturing arms for the United States.” They recommend that Canada take on a more vigorous role on the ICC in “accurate dissemination of information concerning the conduct of the war.” The letter to President Johnson expressed opposition to the escalation of the war, bombing in the North, and inaccuracy in reports on the war. They agreed with United Nations secretary-general U Thant in saying that the American position “rests on three ill-founded assumptions: that theNational Liberation Front is completely controlled by North Vietnam and lacks thesup-
Copies of both petitions were sent to several liberal U.S. senators, each of the party leaders and one back-bencher f rom each party in the House of Commons. So far only two replies have been
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Custom gunsmithing Rebarrehng Rechambering Restocking and shooting supplies is OW business, not a stdeline. GERRY’S
Edward Pencer,Murray Schwartz and Philip Zelazo, grad students, agreed that this one petition would not cause any major change of polThey did say that if enough icy* voiced their views, the people statesmen involved could perhaps become open to persuasion Johnson shotied that enough pressure could sway him when he acted on theAlabama troopers following severe protest, they pointed out.
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Ontario 742-1404
Authorized . a aeparcmen
Charters, third-year students; Franz Christlmeier, James Hicks and Alen Crossland, fourth-year students. The awards carry a value of $250 per term. They may be renewed if the student maintains his highstanding.
resigns from
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Foods’ or lb. 89q
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mail payment
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24 - HOUR be.the Post Office , ,. 1 _ . . ot postage in casn .
The executive of Student Council expects to haveemployed a replacement for Gerster by July 1.
of Christianity
SH 2-7964
Paul Gerster has resigned as business manager for the Federation of Students to direct the campus c&n ter.
St. N. Waterloo
Streets Kitchener
“I’ve done the job I set out to do. “The Federation has reached a point in its development where it requires someone with a different set of talents to add to the Federation needs .*’
or rib steak . . . . . . . if:....
After serving the F ederatiori as an employee for two and a half years, Gerster feels it is ‘time for him to face a new challenge in a new position.
8 Erb Street East Waterloo, Ont.
Eleven chemical engineering students at Waterloo have beenawarded J. P. Bickell scholarships for academic excellence. Those receiving awards areRobert Laxton, Laurence Haggar, Hans Wiesner , Hugh MacGregor, secondyear students; James Barney. Don Schwieg, Donald Thew and Kenneth
21 Radi’o Dispatched
The Federation of Students has announced the resignation of its business manager & Paul Gerster. Gerster has accepted the positions of director of the campus center building and assistant to the provost v Prof. William Scott.
Top, round, T-bone, sirloin or wing steak lb.99$ Assorted marma-iells . . . . . . . . . 5 9 oz. iars $1.00
TORONTO LOCATIONS Yorkdale Shopping Centre - 789-3876 Flemingdon Park - 429-1137
pocus’ will be sold at 50 cents in the engineering foyer all day starting March 21 and in the physics and arts lecture foyers at noon hours.
your Finest
cles of interest to students in engineering and science. Some of the topics include myoelectric control, radio-astronomy observations and regional planning and the civil engineer. A brief summary of all articles in this issue is posted on bulletin boards.
‘Focus can’t promise a topless salesgirl, but here are the straight facts. ‘Focus’ is an undergraduate engineering journal published on campus. The main theme of the third volume--to go on sale March 2’70-is the tenth anniversary of the university. A critical look at the advantages and disadvantages of co-op system will be of interest to many. In addition to the non-technical articles, there will be Several technical arti-
on Vietnam
on sale
DoZs speaks in AL116.
“!A just peace in Vietnam is the major objective of the U.S.” This topic will be underscored by American consul Richard J. Dols to night at 7:30 in AL116. Dols’ lecture on ‘@Vietnam perspective” will be illustrated by a color film ‘The night of thedragon’. A discussion will follow. “To increase theefforts throughout theworldfor peace,onemust understand the origins and context of the problems of Vietnam,“Dols declared. The lecture will cover thehistory of the Vietnam situation and the policy of the U.S., USSR and France since 1930. Also discussed will be the broader problem of Southeast Asian security and the relation to world peace and the threat of nuclear war. Dols will then deal with the U.S. and non-aligned nation’s peace efforts .
a Student
Richard tonight
Erb St. W. (opp. Barrel)
D-01s speaks
11 engineers k-.
St. N.
U.S. consul on Vietnam
742 - 2016
ULS. consul
bdhile no one from the U.S. has replied yet, one can expect that such liberals as Sen. R. F. Kennedy will take heart from this support and that other Senators might look upon these views more seriously, said membeis of the psych departmerit.
‘SHELL 100
received, one from Max Saltsman, New Democratic MP for Waterloo South, and the other from ‘IX. Douglas, NDP party leader. Both expressed encouragement and support. Douglas said he had received petitions from other universities (U of T, Queen’s UBC) and believed that the accumulative effect of the petitions could be beneficial.
Popular Folk
OFFICE - Sundries
~Campus quickies
A subscription receive the
fee Chevron
Seriously interested in following through your questions about the Christian faith? Or in deepening your present commitment to it? Searchers, agnostics and members of other faiths are welcomed to join Seminar ‘68, and SCM-sponsored study group (and also a sort of community). The aim is an intensive inquiry into the claims of the Christian faith. Four or five paperbacks will be read during the summer, resulting Pn essays which members will send back to the directors of the seminar--one or two ofDr.Walter Klaasincluded by
annual off
- campus
sen, Dr. David Lochead or Rev. Al Evans. The group will meet one night a week during the winter term todiscuss papers by other members and the-se books. Applications are welcomed from students presently in first year who are interested in the chance to be one of about 10 students who will be chosen for the group. Application forms are available from MargDyment, 200 Lourdes Street, Waterloo, phone 576-9981. co-op students are encouraged to apply, as the seminar will be in two parts.
fees terms.
entitles Non
- students:
W students $3
BerasmaEneSocwesident John Bergsma, mechanical 3.A. was elected president of engineering Society B Tuesday. 59 percent of the eligible voters turned out at b the polls. Bergsma will take applications for second vice-president and for speaker. His first tasks will be to organize the engineering office and start plans for the fall term on orientation, bookstore and salary survey. Bergsma felt that the turnout for the election was quite good for U of W . He said that his opponent, Lloyd Peterson, put up a very good fight. “It was a nip-and-tuck battle all the way.” John
Thing #I that and detours
we would like to see done for next year: Let’s have an end to the potholes, mudslides Maybe there could even be proper lights. to plague the Village path. that seem
Housegets improvedafter all as Counciland executive compromise The Graduate Society budget was incrased by $1320 at Monday’s Student Council meeting. This will lower the $10,000 contingency fund--the “unforeseen expenses ” account. The Grad Council had submitted a $4800 budget to the executive of Council and came out with $550. $100 of the increase finances an undergrad tutorial service while the rest pays for additions to Grad House. The long debate in Council onthis budget centered around the status of postgraduate students in theF ederation of Students. Jeff Ramsbottom, president af the Grad council asked for the money
Open meetings to discuss briefs The study committee on university government will hold some open meetings, Steve Ireland, president of the Federation of Students, announced . Ireland, one of the three students on the committee, said open meetings will be held when briefs are considered and when the final report is made. The decision was made at Wednesday night*s meeting of the comIreland said there was no mittee. opposition to the move.
on the basis that grad students were very different from undergrads. “We act as a liason between stun dents and the faculty and administration,” he said. “We canprovide invaluable service to both grads and undergrads .” Two services he mentioned are the tutorial service and a housing service for out-of-town grads. He said that improvements to the Grad House were needed because it was the only social focus that grads had on campus. Steve Ireland and Bob Cavanagh, president and vice-president of the Federation questioned whether the grads were different. “The budget says there are no extra benefits for anyone. Perhaps the grads should collect fees--like the other faculty societies--if they need funds,“said Ireland. The grads argued there are many areas in the budget they werenotinterested in. Cavanagh said that the grads were not excluded anywhere. *We don’t cut the many areas I’m not interested in since others are interested,” he said. Council also did not see why the grads could not use the campus center if the Grad House became too small. “The campus center is open to anyone anytime,” said Paul Gerster, administrator for the Federation.
On March 5, Hal Wishart,applied chemistry lB, failed to return to the university after the weekend. He boarded a train in Belleville to return to Waterloo Sunday afternoon and he has not beenseensince,Anyone knowing of his whereabouts should contact the Waterloo police department. Dr. Charles Preston, head of U of W counselling services, said that many students havedifficultyinfacing the tensions and pressures of
university life, especially at exam time. Thesestudents shouldn’t hesitiate to talk over their problems with a prof, friend or counsellor, he said. At counselling s ervices everything is held in complete confidence, Preston pointed out. Wishart’s roommate said “Things aren’t as bad as Hal seems to think they are. Contrary to what he thinks, his job interviews went pretty well”. He feels Wishart would have little trouble catching up if he were to come back.
St. Paul’sthe bloodiest The most successful blood-donor clinic ever held on campus netted 856 pints for the Red Cross Tuesday and Wednesday. St. Paul’s College elected the Corpuscle Cup, with 74 percent of its residents donating 108 pints. Runners-up were St. Jerome’s (49 percent) and Conrad Grebel (35). This
four of campus undergrads gave-exceeded Red Cross expectations of 600 donations. The clinic, held in the chemistry-biology link, was working overtime. Donations were up to 125 percent of last fall’s clink. These on-campus clinics are sponsored by the Circle K Club three times annually. The next is scheduled for June 18,1967.
Peter F ried, grad rep, objected, saying there was nothing to attract grads to the campus center. The grads were attacked for their non-participation in campus activities. “The grads don’t participate in activities they say are geared for undergrads, but they reap benefits from other things like clubs andorganizations ,” said Ireland. After long discussion the specifics of the Graduate Society budget were considered. The housing service was deleted because it overlapped with the university administration’s service. The conversion of the Grad House garage to an “1800 room” was also cut. The Graduate Society was budgeted for all the maintenance it asked for and most of the smaller additions. Council gave the GradHouse$500 for an air-conditioner even though the one in the Federation building is earmarked for the Grad Houseafter the move to the campus center. The grads plan on selling their conditioner when the Federation’s is availa ble. But Gerster said it was lost money. “TheFederation air-conditioner belongs to the university,” he said. When they see Grad House has one, the university will use theirs somewhere else.‘*
Colop gets
pIan ,nid
A ten-story apartment for students was finally approved Tuesday night, after a two-year delay. A special general meeting gave the green light to Waterloo Campus Cooperative’s Philip Street project, a plan to place a 70-u& apartment just off campus near the present psychology buildings. Construction will begin late this summer and be completed September 1968. The project was conceived shortly after the Co-op was started over three years agoiwhenstudies showed that a large number of students wanted apartment-style accommodation. City zoning bylaws in the are have kept it in the drawing stages until this month. Phillip Street will offer more than a usual apartment, with some aspects of a cooperative residence. The building will include recreational facilities and provision for a food store for centr-& food buying, but no dining halls, The emphasis will be on attracting married students and faculty.
Court gets guidelines but no iudges named . The terms of reference for the committee--the student judicial court--were passed after several clarifications. It is hoped that the university president’s committee on student discipline will decide terms of reference relative to former student executive Dave Young’s report on student discipline. Then the judicial committee could work with the president’s committee to eliminate such things as double jepoardy and first hearing. Stan Yagi, math4,amember of tl-rl judicial committee, was appointed judicial advisor to Council since the committeedissolved itself and the 1966-67 chief justice, George Abwunza, had submitted no names for the new one. Yagi takes A bwunza’s place. The summer weekend , original& run by engineering Class of ‘68, will be put under the board of student activities. Student Council decided this at the Monday meeting because it is like any BSA weekend. The planning committee was l
reconsituted. The new chairman is Dave Witty, arts rep, Other members are Councillors Roman Winnicki, Ross McKenzie, and Mike Sheppard. President Steve Ireland repo;ted that the senate library committee would approve one rep for the engineering and science library and one for the arts library to be appointed by Council. Council had asked for a repfrom each faculty. The sub-committees of this committee will take onearts rep and one each from engineering, science and math for the respective libraries. The motion calling f or circulation as long as libraries are open is being considered by chief librarian Mrs. Doris Lewis. . Brian Iler, engineering rep, complained that next fall registration will conflict with the Circle K charity drive. There was a motion to the administration asking that the academic calendar be ratified by the Federation before it is made official.
‘Ramparts’ predicts totalitarian U.S.: Vietnam war eroding democracy by Norm Chevron
Finlayson staff
sun-tanned, chainHandsome, smoking. This was William Stringfellow, editor of ‘Ramparts’ magazine at a press conference here on Wednesday preceding his lecture “American negro problems “. Stringfellow put forth many views typical of the American new left. Civil rights, Vietnam and the Kenassassination controversy n&y were among the issuesfallingunder criticism. He suggested that the deaths of two people involved in the darren Report investigation are “either extraordinary coincidence or the War ren Commission’s findings wereinadequate.“. Stringfellow extended his critism to the U.S, itself. “I believe there is an imminent threat of totalitar_ianism in the U.S. today.‘* He denied the value of such organizations as the CIA and FBI. “Crime is not so accelerated as figures suggest. We need more psychiatrists, not more policemen’*. Finally, on the posted topic of his lecture, Stringfellow showed his stand on the civil-rights problem. ?t’he white man must push civil rights for negroes in the U.S. for his own survival, especially economically ,*’ he said. * * * His lecture centered around the domestic impact of thevietnam war on the United States Stringfellow did not even want to consider Vietnam itself. Vietnam, 1,000 years ago, was the
only Southeast Asian exporter of rice. Now it has beensodefoliated that a strip the size of Rhode island has been laid barren. American soldiers now use California rice to try to buy s uppor t from the villagers whose rice paddies they’ve defoliated, Stringfellow said. decried the corroStringfellow sion of domestic processes. The last major debate on foreign military policy was 25 years ago before the U.S, entered World War 2. The state of affairs is so bad that a senator such as Fulbright is accused of treason for merely wanting to investigate the facts. President Johnson said in June that Fulbright was “giving aid and comfort to the enemy”. He said that rule of consens us has developed by default into rule of the elite. He predicted this would evolve into rule of vanity--“A principal consideration determiningpo’ licy in Southeast Asia is vindication of the course taken up to now, and moreover s vindication of the vanity of the president.*’ He predicted because of this violence the police would be given more power. He said “Then police power will be escalated, the police will occupy black and white ghettoes. There will be an institutionalization of apartheid policy by transformstion of police function to a military function*‘. He alluded that the erosion of American democratic institutions and increase in anarchy are enough to make him want to plead for political asylum in Canada. Friday,
17, 1967 (7:29)
Sbedroom basement quarters near corner Universitd and Albert. Available to three engineers for summer term. Completely furnished - private bath and kitchen facilities . . $10 / week each. Contact Doug .MacLeod, 86 iniversity Ave. W. 576-6573.
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TWO PERFORMANCES EACH DAY TICKETS AVAILABLE AT BOX OFFICE A BRAN D-NEW ACTUAL PERFORMANCE OF THE D’OYLY CARTE OPERA COMPANY. Warner Bros. presents all the music,. magic and magnificence of the most delightful Mikado ever. EVENINGS 8:15 SEATS $2.00 STUDENTS $1.50
Dr. Paul Lin, a McGiZZ history prof, is featured in a “China and you” seminar Monday and Tuesday.
now available
at two-day
“China and you.” Dr. Paul TX. Lin examines this question in three public lectures Monday and Tuesday. Dr. Lin spent a third of his life in China. Monday he speaks on “Unified China--yesterday, today and tomorrow.” Tuesday’s topic is “China and the world--the Chinese zspective .” Both lectures will be held at. 8:30 CB 271. An open discussion is so planned for 2 to 4 Tuesday af :rnoon in 330 on “China and you.” As part of the two-day seminar, atrick Watson will show filmfrom le 1964 CBC documentary ‘Seven He will also talk undr ed million’. n his personal experiences inchina *om 12:15 to 1:15 in the arts thea-
China meet
at 2 p.m. vening s un., Thurs., Fri., P at 8:30 p.m..5;;;.$:& ot. evening at
.‘,..’ y:5,....>.). : $i& d
SC0 field
I 1
Dr. Lin will also meet- interested tudents for informal discussion ver six o’clock dinner at the Village ‘ues day. Dr. Lin has spent one third of his ife in each of three countries. He assed through public school and the Jniversity of British Columbia in Canada, then went to the United ;tates for undergraduate work at he University of Michigan and postgraduate studies at Harvard. The 15 years from 1949-64 he ipent in China teaching, writing and ranslating and travelling while a staff member of Hua Chiao Univercity in Peking. On his return to Canada in 1964, Jr. Lin joined the history departnent at McGill University, to teach Xnese and East Asian history.
the play
More with
Dr. Lin, Watson
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and PAUL
M usic by GEORGES
SCHEDULE OF PRICES AND PERFORMANCES Orchestra !-We EVENINGS, Monday thru Thursday $2.00 $2.25 EVENINGS, Fri., Sat., Sun., Hol. 2.25 2*50 MATINEES Saturday 3.75 2.00 and Sun.
For further information Phone 742-1093
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DougWard’sINS: a yearof pullingout, shakingup by Don Sellar (CUP
OTTAWA--W inter is beckoning to spring and students across Canada are preparing for the final onset of term papers and exams. Their leaders are now looking back over an unusual year--rife with new talk about student activism, student involvement in university government and developments in education. It began with the usual Canadian Union of Students declarations about busting the social fabric of this country by pressing for free education, student salaries, better teaching in universities and open decisionmaking by the crusty legions of university government. For 28-year-old John Douglas Ward, president of CUS, it began with the certain knov\iledge that if Canada’s largest student organization was going to rise beyond mealy declarations, it was going to have to lose some members. And lose them it djd. Eight utiversities have withdrawn from cus since Ward faced the annual congress last fall. The withdrawals, centered on the activism issue, cost CUS all its Quebec membership and shaved its rolls to 40 universities and,150,000 students. CUS itself withdrew- from something--it cast aside its full membership status in both the International Student Conference and the International Union of Students-both student manifestations of the Cold War. Now the union holds associate membership --and no vote--in both international student camps 8 although it reserves the right tomake policy declarations in international affairs. Out of Doug Ward has comemassive office reorganization, new concentration on implementing CUS legislation, a research center and a start on field work, A communications secretariat last fall published program outlines to help local campuses in their drive for seats on university governing bodies, for the evasive thing called “universal accessibility” and for other direct action at the local level. But today, it isn’t easy to say W ard has been able to maintain the congress orientation. CUS has failed (on more campuses than Ward’s army could visit in six months) to activiate the bureauadministrative monstrosicratic, ties that are local student government. Ward has fearlessly blasted student councils for dealing in the “irrelevant” things--“irrelevant”is a CUS-word--like winter carnivals, yearbooks and campus dances. Local CUS chairmen have failed to take CUS ideas and policy to their campuses, and programs like universal accesibility have died on many of their desks. There are perhaps half a dozen campuses Ward is pleased with today. He is counting on a newsletter called ‘CUS across Canada’ and work by w travelling secretariat tOprOduce better local student governmerit. But more and more, there is a
success to get information out of CUS leaders. Indicators of success achieved by CUS lobbies aren’t many, but they represent some solid gains. For example, the free-education lobby is now gaining support from many politicians in the so-called old-line parties. Students on half
feeling in CUS headquarters that student government will have to be bypassed and better communication methods found if Doug Ward’s sucis to cessor c Hugh Armstrong, reach students effectively. There is a new reliance on the new provincial structure whichCUS has assumed this year. Ward, whose administrative knowhow may have saved the national office budget $15,000 this year $ believes the provincial associations must develop if CUS is to go ahead. He said this week he can’t foresee much growth in the national headquarters for a while. The Ottawa beach head is probably established, and social activists will now carry their battle on to provincial fronts . Ward, who was levelled for part of January and F ebruar y with a ser ious ease of flue, is now hard at work trying to make up lost time. The disclosure of CUS receiving $3,000 from a CIA-front organization could be the last major story to come out of CUS this year. And Ward made the best of it, with his revelation that the RCMP has ,been trying for 15 years without
Ontarioforms urovincial student union WI---
PETERBOROUGH (CUP)--Ontario students followed the lead set by the four Western provinces last fall when they passed legislation to establish an Ontario Union of Students. About 95 delegates from 20 postsecondary institutions attended a three-day conference March 3-5 at Trent University’s Champlain College. U of W delegates were student president Steve Ireland, external-relations chairman Stewart Saxe, Tom Patterson executive member Tom Patterson and past president Mike Sheppard. In deciding to form a provincial organization, delegates made provision for the admission of non-
-of Waterlo-o
month...if he can get it finished. And when spring truly comes,the CUS secretariat will be gearing for closer contact with students interested in going activist. The next approach will be direct, warns Ward. This year about 3,000 students have written for information about CUS.
a dozen campuses have gained representation on senior university governing bodies. And there is no indication that tuition fee hikes will be general across the country this year. Ward’s long-awaited report on cus structures will be considered by a CUS directors meeting next
CUS members and any Ontario educational institution which satisfies the conditions of the membership clause. Other structural changes madein the bilingual organization were a IO-cent increase in the per-capita levy and provision for full-time employment of both the OUS president and viceqxesident. The conference, termed “a testing ground for structural ideas now being developed’* by CUS vice-president Dave Young, also passed resolutions urging that: --the Ontario government recognize the need for complete healthservice facilities in all provincial post-secondary institutions
--the health services and the departments of health, education and university affairs clarify their responsibilities to the universities --the OUS executivepr ess the Ontario government to develop alongrange plan for residences and work with campus cooperatives in an effort to solve student housing prob--athletic facilities have the same capital-grants status as academic facilities. Monique Ouellette, student council president at the University of Ottawa was elected president of the OUS and Brian Switzman of the University of Toronto was elected vice-president.
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17, 1967 (J:29)
’ KarenStearnssinas - in concert -----
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m iMurder
“It’s symbolic--a lot like theritual of church mass. The chorus of eight women --they represent everybody s humanity. They change as the play goes along. Then the knights--they’re used to implicate the audience in Becket’s death at the end”.
to the regular events, the major attractions of Festival and the Distinguished Lecture Series
P.D.Q. Bach - in an unwanted
by Brian Minielly Chevron
Village Weekenders were taken for a trip on Friday, psychedelitally speaking--but without LSD. Fred McGarry, general science 2, the originator of F reak-Out, was attempting to perceptuaIly disorient the individual by bombarding his senses with exaggerated external stimuli-. McGarry was assisted by Kisch Hahn of the design departmerit. The idea developed out of experirnents on other campuses. Color slides projected in time to taped music, a curtain of foil ribbans, a phosphorescent mendala design 14 feet in diameter, several
Martha Sch Iamme songs of many concert, nightclub
5 p.m.-2
lands; internationally and TV
King have
a.m. St.
S. Waterloo
744-2911 along.
“FLIGHT DESK” 743-4156
Riverside Singers in a program of music present time.
the Middle
to the
Ticket Agency Ltd 0
KING ST. 7429161 l
presents the
Centennial University Drama Company - productions to be announced
120 13
Michigan State University - ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and ‘Skin of our teeth’ - this group makes its fourth visit to our campus
Octet instrumental
MARCH ensemble
John Ciardi - poet, teacher,
WEDNESDAY, Sidney Katz - specialist
in social
Dr. Murray Banks - “psychologist
17 - 18
19 - 20
21 a sense
of humor”
Alexander Gabriel -dean of the UN correspondents
“Coward Calling” -the worldof Noel Coward in song, satire and romance “A Wilde Evening with Shaw” -Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Shaw clash to make provocative, and unusual and delightful entertainment.
ST. S.,
Berlin Philharmonic - Europe’s finest
Fernando Valenti - world-famous harpsichordist
dozen large plastic balloons, great clouds of dry ice vapor s alI lit by rapidly flashing strobe Iights, accompllshed the desfr ed effect very well. It was a fascinating and stimulating experience. I felt as if I was in a movie from which mad censor had clipped every other three frames. People changed color and balloons flew erratically in all directions, changing course in mid-flight without apparent reason. The ‘%rip” didn’t encourage me to try LSD though. I was glad to be able to walk out of the room when I wanted to.
“Hmmm.. .Any fancy staging like they did for you never can tell’?” “Nope. The mood’s supposed to be set by theacting and the costumes alone.” “Well. I’ve never been much interested in plays. But this one... A murder, eh?”
Arts Calendar
In addition the Arts are Ii sted.
Helen Martens is presently teaching several music courses and is director of theConradGrebelchoir. She is also completing her doctoral dissertation in musicology for Columbia University in New YorkCity.
Freak-Out: a trip in the Village
Al I of the maior theater attractions have been contracted by the Creative Arts Board for the 1967-68 season. The season promises to be exciting, with an array of outstanding programs and attractions.
While there she was a choir soloist for the university as well as a soloist with the university symphony orchestra and chamber orchestra.
in the theater
“A murder 1” “‘A murder ?” “Sure--h the Theater oftheArts Tuesday at 8:30. Icansellyoua ticket to see it for 25 cents.” “I’m on to you now. You mean ‘Murder in the cathedral’, that play by the English 225 (drama) students.“’ “‘Did you hear Steve Ireland’s playing the fourth tempter of Thomas Be&et? Thomas Becket--that’s Dave Hutch&on, the one who was in that noontime drama, ‘Duo at mid‘day’.” "'NO I’* “Yeh,, and the play’s got FIVE directors, all students. There’s Peggy Larkin and Glen Richards-he’s doing set design. Then there’s three assistants, PaulMills,Eunice Yantzi and Suzanne Nunez. %h. So what’s it all about?” “It’s history, Thomas Becket and the Church of England bucking the state. Then becauseBecket’s a man 11 as well as a saint, there’s asecular and spiritual conflict. It’s better to see the play.
Phone 576-1630 “You’ve
Arias from Italianopera,German ’ year, including Handel’s Messiah, and French songs, American and Opera Night (aIto soloist), ‘La serEnglish folksongs are forecast for va padrona’ (Ubelrto), and Vivaldi’s the Sunday-evening, April 2, concert ‘Gloria’ (soloist). in the Theater of the Arts, A native of Michigan, she receivIf you arrive at 8, KarenStearns, ed her bachelor of music education mezmsoprano, and Helen Martens s in voice from Alma College and pianist, will brighten your evening soloed in the Alma Singers,a select group of 16 voices. Her MA in apwith these varied selections. Mrs. Stearns has appeared in plied vocal performance was completed at Ohio University in 1966. several productions on campus this
Open Daily 8 to Midnight Sunday 10 till Midnight
A response to Cohen 9Clovers by Malcolm Chevron
Fauquier staff
Childe Leonard to the Village came Late. To his oldefans hewasndtthesame Great Poet of whom they had sungefame-Mate Of every soul who’d play’d thegame And lost. Lo, what changes there’d been wrought To find the negative Truth he sought: A wet noodle over his head heswung As from athinthroat thelyrics sung. The former bard of Grecian throes F rom this frozen land of unpoetic snows Has taken inspiration for a plague Of numerous songs both dark and vague. To masochistic minds he address&d him thus: ‘Remember all the dealers” (and that we are-A thought that we could seehad travelled far). When out of Toronto an R &Bgroup Metamorphos’d it into a ballad-like soup And crackers, so simple to understand, As if thepoet knew he*d beendamned To write his songs (but not to sing them) Only for musicians who could bring them Into song-like form.
Atmospheric H , too 0 ! was provided By joss sticks bestow’d by the bard excited, Only to cover the scent of marijuana (Yep, that means y’can smoke if ya wanna), And by a gentle guitar that he played As accompaniment to a lack of shade In the singing voice and in the dark room Filled with searchers after equal gloom. “‘Suzanne’* was the name weliked to hear most-If only she’d not been confused with the host: For certainly the omnipresence of a wafer Made some wonder.-. “What did we wait fer?”
Legitimately. Double meanings throughout the words abounded, And throughout the lyrics vulgarity sounded; With post-F reudian imagery much in the telling, Obvious metaphors told Leonard was selling Something in a package from Madison Ave: Something everyone--even we-could have. And Cohen admitted that he was a dealer, And Cohen might knoti that he’s a blithe stealer Of much that was everyone else’s dismay, Which, when examined inthe light of today, Was merely incense. Following doggerel like this may be my, But following some of Cohen’s is folly. Liquor works better than Leon&d can To justify God’s ways to man, ThFn, the Stormy Clovers, Toronto, sang their songs and Played their songs, which Were received enthusiastically. But they made the mistake Of insulting their crowd, And adopting an attitude of --Shall we say--Holier Than Thou. Which was to their detriment, Since they sang not badly, ’ And played rather sweetly, And rattled their tambourines, And beat their dr urns , And cried And laughed And made loving comments To the bard in their midst. All this they could do; But why, should they hate us, and Persecute us, For the sake of not knowing that They would be so sensitive. By the waters of Laurel, we Sat down and wept, That a former poet should degrade himself, That a foolish young band should ex-
Leonard melodies
Cohen slouches lightly, easily as he than ts his songs. He holds his much like the persons in his poem-songs do of one another, (Chevron
alt itself, In our midst. Were you there when they crucified Antoninus ? Were you there when these crucified themselves ?
For Lenten verse maybe; But ashes and sackcloth sit on us heavily, us the Harbingers Of next year’s verse,wheretheMeflilim --I* Is the Masturbation.
guitar photo
and plucks out Dave Wilmot)
would scan
Because he followed the dictum: “I always try to get as many words into the line as I possibly (at least without anyone -_ catching the melody) can.”
BrotherAntoninusbewildersWaterloo. He comes on strong . . . This bird is a rough by Jack
Brother Antoninus comes on strong, scratching his chin, surveying us, beholding us, boring us with his scowly, squinty eyes. No, we will not do at all. He circles the stage, prancing, prowling, limping, and he draws up short, the blackand-white costume looking pregnant as he folds his arms underneath. He scowls again, shake-s his head again. No, we will not do at all, not at all. And again he stalks the arts-theater stage. Is he Hamlet or the ghost? Are we having the vision or is he? He picks up a book of his poems and mumbles and whines his poetry at us. Occasionally a startling line arrests: “God grants us the imponderable grace to be His on the TO BE. verification.” Emphasis So, he’s Hamlet, after all. He ends. “I Polite applause. “No,” he grumbles, didn’t come crawling across Canada for applause.” Not only were weoafishtoapplaud, but ingenuous and ingenuine. How unauthentic to applaud a man before you know what he IS, and what he brings you. More scowling, more pacing, a few coughs. Another poem, and then he scowls some more. He stings at us; he doesn’t like cold
Canada, this poor CaUfornia boy. Back to your sissy, sensual climate, Brother A. This frosty air purges. No, that’s wrong. He is the agressor male. We, the audience, are Woman. Weare to be passive, receptive. We are to receive his thrusting. We are not to be afraid of him; he can’t hurt us. Yes, he can. Now, he’s angry. We dare to cough our cold Canadian coughs at him. “Now, cut that out I” he commands. “Get with it. I’ve told you, now, get with it I” We wonder’ what rough beast slouches across Canada to be coughed at. “Go ahead. Go out and boast that you coughed Antoninus to death.” Our coughs pierce his wrists: his head bends to one side. “You are Woman. I haveknownWoman.1 have known Woman’s lips caressing my throat .‘* I have known them all, already, known them all. ‘You are restless. You cannot make love to a restless woman.” But we wonder about that. Perhaps a restless woman needs love more than another. And certainly he is a resless lover, prowling and wheeling, hypnotically winding the trance up tight, transfixing with the glfttering Billy-Graham-Bishop-Sheen-Eye. But Billy Graham has sex appeal and gestures (he saws the air; thus), and he beats his breast; and Bishop Sheen knows
more about the brilliant swirls of purpleand goti costuming, and his voice is trained,and he appears on Jackie Gleason*s show. Brother A, Brother A, cease your circling, restless lover. Will you be quiet and come to bed? Now, he is so angry he will pick up his marbles and go home. No. He will stay. No, home. He rocks to and fro. We are killing him. vve are crucifying him--as he wishes--for He will not insult US too much; he love. needs us too much; heneeds ous savage love too much. Finally, we lie silently on the bed, and he stands silently beside us* Will he summon spirits from the vasty deep? CAN he summon spirits from the vasty deep? A door shuts backstage. He is quick to seize the moment. “A door closes in the night :’ His vision pierces into the darkness backstage. Nothing. Our Nada who art in Nada. He has frightened us, humiliated us a cajoled us, insulted us. Now we are forgiven. He accepts our guilt. He thanks us. We have given him what he wanted. Our love pier& his side, His palms bleed. He gropes about. How to finish it off? How io descend? A question, brave and tresnulous from the darkness . ‘Wll you take a question?*’
Magnanimously) he suffers the meek to come unto‘ hf.m, “‘Speak*’ “IS the real Godof your second poem in any way relevant to the church?” He scowls. He rubs his chin. He paces back to the piano. He comes stage-center and bores into the darkness. The fire touches his lips. “The real God of my second poem,” he clutches the books, and adjusts the black-and-white costume, “the real God of my second porn,” he begins to stride toward the cavernous tunnel that will swallow him, “The real God of my second poem IS the church.” The magic fire lets him pass, and he merges with the transcendental cold, Canadian night. And so he is gone, but we are left bewildered. He has knocked our b&rings haywire, stolen from us our comfortable, antique frames of reference. Hehas cut us loose and we are adrift. And how should we presume and bob should we react? We were his plaything&s YOYO. He has hounded us, hounded us with savage love. He wanted us to fear . Christ’s him and hate him and love him and to cough nails through his wrists and feet. But he absolved us and accepted our gift of guilt Forget all that stuff about the sweet and gentle love of Jesus. Man, this bird is a rough lover. Friday,
17, 1967 (729)
Gilbert and Spaghetti are hot couple ATH
by Mary
SQUARE - 7452941
BOOKS 20-50%.
The Board of Publications . EDITOR
- Volume ‘63 (an annual poetry
- Campus
- Summer
- Compendium
- Summer Chevron (Printing full-time avai table)
OR GROUP to produce The Board of Publications magazine which features talent. written
Ever had that urge to have something different to eat in a placewith real, honest-to-goodness atmosphere? You know what I mean. You’retired I loaded down with assignments) seminars and exams. You are just dying to get out and find a place that treats you as a hurnanbeingand has a little something more than the regular hamburger -shake menu. Your plea has beenheard. A man, Art Gilbert by name, whoknows absolutely nothing about the restaurant business, has opened a spaghetti house. The Infinite Noodle is the first place in the Kitchener-W aterloo area which caters specifically to the university crowd and serves Italianstyled spaghetti. (In a survey it was discovered the closest places for anything but canned spaghetti were London or Hamilton.) The restaurant is located at 32 King South, Waterloo, two floors above Poll’s Roaster& There were numerous reasons for choosing this particular spot --reasonably near the universities and within staggering distance of the local pubs. Lit by glass-enclosed candles, the walls are basically bare except for fishnets on the two sides and scarlet drapes behind a platform at the front. The two university crests are to be placed on the back wall. Covered with checkered red-andwhite cloths, the tables are placed at random around the room. There are several large ones for parties of eight or more. The rest
if staff
have four seats for intimate conversations. The lighting is just right. It’s the kind in which your cigarette ash looks yellow. And the chef is something else again. He swings a knife which in fact looks like a machet, as if it was feather - chop, chop, chop, and ten celery sticks are lying on the board in little bits and pieces. He is Ronny Maillou who, at 60 has been a chef for 40 years. Some of those years, he served as chef for the Grand River Golf and Country Club. Entertainment is provided by you. That’s right - any guitar pluckin’ songbird from the university is invited to exhibit his worth anyday of the week between the hours of 5 pm
of four
for intimate
a literary magazine. will patronize a student literary
applications by April 1 to John Shiry Chairman, Board of Publications Federation Building
The Board
of Education for the
of North
TEACHING OPPORTUNITIES Graduates interested in the teaching profession or wishing to obtain information regarding teaching opportunities are invited to visit the North York Board of Education’s representatives at
Art Gilbert
a close
on the specialty
of the house.
been denied housing just because they are students? He wanted to create a places trictly for us. A place where we can go without fear of being snubbed or even attacked physically. Gilbert’s answer for our problem is this third storey retreat. He has gone out of his way to make this Not only has he quit his job ours. (and a very successful career at that) but also has included students in all aspects of management. The response of the students as far as Art is concerned is “absolutely unbelievable.‘* “There were kids down here the afternoon of the opening scrubbing floors, rigging the lights and generally fixing the place up.** He is dead set against the high school element. He steers them away as soon as possible. The name, symbol and menu are only part of the fascinating face of the establishment. Since he wanted university support, he sponsored a contest for the name. He received over 150 ideas. The winner was Dave Cox from WUC. Thesymbolwasdesigned by Don Fries a U of W student. The menus include such exotic titles as “Romanoff Hi” (would you believe a corn beef on rye) and “The Infinite Dream.”
to 2 am. Your pay-a dish of the specialty--spaghetti. The Infinite Noodle is the culmination of a-life-long dreamof Gilbert and his wife. Being in the insurance business, he has travelled across Canada 20 times in the past two years. In all the major cities) he and his wife found stops with great atmosphere. But when he hit Waterloo what does he find? The only places for a university student to enjoy themselves are pubs, badly in need of paint and coffee houses f requented by the teeny-bopper crowd. He was horrified by the attitude apartment owners and store managers hold of university students. After all, how many people have
SATIMDAV, MARCH18 9:00 a.m.
adverti sement s wi II appear Our large display in the Toronto new spapers.
~.~.Minkler, Director
B.A., Education
R.M.T. Chairman
tram connoisseur
. . Yah man..
. Oh-e-e-e.
. . Ah-h-h-h.
. . Mm-m-m-m. Chevron
. . (Slu-u-urp) by Ralph
Meeting at
7, Biology
Let’s by john
When I got this assignment I didn’t know whether to kill the editor who gave me it, or merely commit hari-kiri. The assignment: sample the food at the various residences and report back to the Chevron (if I could) about the quality (or lack of it). Fortified with Turns, Rolaids (consumes 47 times its weight in excess stomach acid), three medical prescriptions for ptomaine poitelephone soning , the emergency numbers of six doctors and an emergency gastro-intestinal operating team on standby at the K-W HOSI completed my will, kissed pital, my girlfriend goodbye and ventured forth. (Read “was kicked out the door”). Things got off to a great start with my first NotreDame. Eating the food with one hand and fighting 50 girls off his back with his other hand is an experience every full-blooded male should undergo. We (not the royal “we,‘...1 have a tapeworm) had Freshie for our appetizer o The table d’hote dinner consisted of beets, Chile, and potatoes. The desert was a baked apple. It was a good meal to start off. It was hot-a quality sorely lacking at most other cafeterias --and the portions were good-sized. The baked apple was a little mushy and fell apart when I uttered some harsh words at it, but the meal, as a whole, was good. Background music was the Beach Boys and two stringed combos. It was a most enjoyable meal, my tapeworm thought. I agreed with him fully and crossed one doctor’s name off my list. The Friday meal at Renison was the best that I had during my tour. For an appetizer we had orange juice and for our main coursethere was steak. That’s right, Villagers, s-t-e-a-k. It wasdelicious.I’ve always had a soft spot for medium rare steak and I wasn’t disappointed. The onions left something to be desired and the corn was a little
or borrow
cold but the apple pie for dessert made up for that. Meal to wait for: steak every Friday. Name to know: “Louie’‘--the cook. Place to be: in line for seconds as soon as you get through your first serving. It is impossible to win thern all and I made a real loser at the Village non-resident and resident dining halls. After eating a meal in the resident dining hall I staggered over to the drinking fountain, ate my full supply of Turns, killed my tapeworm and went to the non-resident dining hall to check on the meal there. Bothwere serving (barbee-qued?) beef (Villagers got a bun), brans and roast potato. The non-resident dining hall offered to have some sort of gunk in my pineapple juice. I didn’t mind it, though, and just left it alone...until it started to climb up the sides of the glass ! The beef in thenon-resident dining hall was definitely poorer than that offered in the resident dining hall although both were of poor quality. There is, I am certain; a reason for this. I must apologize to St. Jeromes for destroying what must have been a relic of the Ming dynasty. Unknowingly I picked up a bun withmy meal and then instead of merely adoring its beauty, I tried to eat it. Needless to say, old age, dry weather and other factors contributed to its disintegration in front of my eyes. The liver, potatoes and corn were good but the dessert I’d rather not talk about. Meal to avoid: Fried bologna (they had it once), Meal to avoid: Chinese food. Interesting point (also a hint to the Village): the staff leaves bread out for the students to come down to make toast. Anything that is on the table can be used for aspread,This excellent idea is in effect all night from 9:30 to 5:30 the next morning. Perhaps the other residences could consider this idea and locate bread at strategic locations so that those students who are pubbing or pulling all-nighters need not die of malnutrition.
Freshto be oriented; archonsreplace SOBS by Allen
Cl ass
The ‘67 orientation committee intends that freshman students entering U of W in the fall will be oriented--rather than initiated. Students will be introduced to university life rather than a period of humiliation, according to the policy that has resulted from committee meetings so far. In accordance with this new pailosophy the term SOB (senior orientation bully) has been abandoned. Senior students in charge may be called archons, meaning “overseers”. Entertainment for the new students will be better than average. Simon and Garfunkel and Gordon Lightfoot have already been booked. A charity drive and charity dance are being held again this year. An outdoor day is in the making. F r osh will be divided into groups of 15. These groups will participate with one another in cross-campus races, pushball, yoyo contests and A scavenger hunt is othe events. planned for another day. A steer roast will be held on the same day as the Lightfoot concert. Its location has not been detided. On a more intellectual level, debates and lectures are being sched-
L&XI. CSII~US clubs will give tours and displas . An attempt is being made to avoid conflicts between Village and university activities o As usual, there will be a frosh hop and the crowning of a fresh Dances will be strictly queen. limited to frosh. Faculties and societies are being asked to design what type of headgear they would like their frosh to F ros h will be informed in wear. the pre-mail of the specifications of his hat and will be required to make and wear his own. Some faculties have indicated that they would like their frosh to wear specified clothing. The mathfaculty , for example, is requesting that their frosh wear “Stanton,* ties. It was decided by the orientation committee that beanies would not be purchased by the committee because of their cost. As a means of separatingfaculties and identifying frosh it has been suggested that each frosh have his hand dipped in dye at registration-one color for each faculty. Nofrosh would theJ be able to hide his identity and he would not be allowed to participate in any of the activities if he had no dye.
St. Pauls offered me some orange Freshie, one well-done lamb chop, mounds of apple sauce’salad and red water, mashed potatoes (somehow it doesn’t seem right that mashed potatoes should be served from ice cream scoops, string beans, homemade fruit cocktail and date and nut loaf (not homemade). The mealwas good, the service fast and the conversation excellent. I ate with five or six people and if they areany indication of the kind of students that live in St. Pauls then it’s a treat merely to sit and talk with them. To those who *ate with me, thanks for a most enjoyable meal. You have to hit a bad one occasionally and I did. The Co-op meal wasn’t quite the best in the world. Salmon steak, boiled potatoes and dessert (?) were offered. Theportions were large, the food was well cooked--especially my burnt offerings--and the line-up was short.All the other cafeterias could take a hint from the Co-op by listing the menu for the coming week in some conspicuous place. It makes it an awful lot easier than dressing up to find out that you don’t like whatthey are serving.
RATES FOR CHEVRON fitst 15 words 50 cents tional es
ONE OWNER 1965 Triumph Spitfire. Excellent condition. Selling due to growing family. Phone 742-2779
W OUm whoever removed the men’s sneakers last weekend from ML129 (backstage) kindly return them. Please have mercy--I borrowed them from a professor!
radio, new SH3-6083.
CO-OP RESIDENCE now has vacant rooms for men or women, 131 University Ave. W.
1958 STUDENT-OWNED Volkswagen for sale. Recently rebuilt engine, new generator, battery, and front end. Moving to coast, available late April. $200 or best offer. Phone 576-9174.
FURNISHED apartment for 3 summer students vicinity of Seagram’s Distillery. $105 per month. Call 744-0741.
A 59 MORRIS 1000, brakes. $210. Phone
FOUR MEN with sales ability wanted. Excellent remuneration weekly. Phone 744-2264.
Found BROWN LEATHER key case, found in Seagram parking Lot. Claim at lost and found, security office Snow at chimney building).
lost PAIR MEN’S dark-rimmed glasses. Might be around psychology dept. Phone 742-5112. Ask for Bill.
white) WUC has such things (take note Village) as fresh fruit, fresh cake, freshly baked apple cruch. There is a side salad with every meal, and there is also a line-up, but it’s worth it. Place to eat: TheBalcony watching the sun set through a maze of telephone wires. Drink to avoid: the coffee (but that’s all). Name to know: any girl down at Lutheran who will keep you company. Thing to do: eat at Lutheran. Now that all is said and done (brilliant phrase ) I must make two qualifications. First, these are all my own personal observations. If I like steak and don’t like liver (which is true) except that a meal of Liver is going to be a little rundown. Secondly , all these comments are about one meal and one meal alone. The rest of the meals could be abominably bad or infinitely better. But for whatever it is worth to you, I offer the suggestion that if you are thinking of changing residences go to the new residence for dinner at least every night of one week and sample their food. It’s the only way. %
WANTADS: each addi-
Drink to have: (everybody does) white and chocolate milk, l/2 ‘n’ 112. The Sunday meal at Conrad Grebel isn’t worth writing home to mother about except that perhaps you may want to let her know that a CARE package would be most welcome. It was a salad plate withpotatosalad, cheese slices, Jell-o salad, meat slices and whatever you had brought down with you. I was told that Sunday was the worst or second worst meal of the week. I hope so. I was also told that there are waitresses Monday through ?Jhursday. Meal to go to: Monday through Thursday. Meal not to go to: Friday through Sunday. And now, dear reader, comes the startling climax, as all is revealed: WUC has the best food! You had better believe it ! It serves the same number of students as the Village and its food is infinitely better. It has everything that the Village has and the food tastes good and is hot. The servings are good sized, there is always a choice, and while the Village has five kinds of dessert (red, green, yellow, orange, or
TOWN HOUSE , 4 bedrooms, furnished, available for summer term. Call 745-6651 or write 39 F ilsinger Kit. FURNISHED APARTMENT in country by river. 5 miles. 2Rooms and bath. Private entrance, suit grad couple with child. $80. Call 7456401. After April 6. FURNISHED APARTWNT for rent near university. Available May 1 to Sept. 1. Call 744-5882 or write 5 Amos Ave. Apt. #lo, Waterloo.
FOR SUMMER term.Onefurnished apartment. For couple only. Contact Dave 57604266,352 Patricia St. Kitchener.
ONE OR TWO students wanted to share cost of furnished apartment for summer term. ApplyR.Gerow, Apt. 409, 235 Erb St. W, Waterloo, 745-6592.
SEMI -FURNISHED, two bedroom apt. to sublet, May 1 to Sept. 1, one block from the university. Phone 576-4636.
FOR SUMMER accomodation, single and double rooms with f ull f acilities . Home away from home, 189 Albert St. next to Rotary Club. 742-6165.
3 WATERLOO STUDENTS on summer work terms in Kingston to take over modern, 3-bedroom apartment with swimming pool, for Queen’s students. Contact Robin McDonald, 742-9809.
TORONTO APARTMENT to sublet: one bedroom, fully furnished, in Islington-Weston area. For AprilSeptember. Write John Pedersen, apt. 210’10 Fontenay Court, Islington.
SUBLET bedroom married Murray, Apt. 30,
17, 1967 (7:29)
Sports picks of the week
Men’sintramuralsexpand More intramural sports next year. Recent meetings of the Student Athletic Council have been devoted primarily to formulating plans for next year’s intramural program and these plans spell expansion. The number of sports offeredand the number of participating units will be increased. The SAC contains representatives of the existing intramural units. In the plans for next year the SAC has divided intramural competition into two divisions. Division A will be organized on a competitive basis with the teams in this division competing within three different leagues. The residence league willinclude Conrad Grebel, Renison, St. Jerome*s, St. Paul’s and the Co-op. The Village league will include Village North, South,East,Westand physical-education. _The faculty league will consist of arts, engineering, grads ,mathematics and science.
Want Plans
Each team in division A will compete against the other teams in its league and the respective league championships will compete at the end of their seasons for the intramural championship in each sport. Division B will be organized on a less competitive, more recreational basis. -Attempts will be made to organize teams for anyone showing facilities permitting.
are almost
for publishing
ALL U of W students may have each students as well as co-op students. All
who want
the Chevron
Doug Mitchell and Paul Hanson, both from U of W , helped the OQAA wrestling team win the Canadian intercollegiate championship last Thursday at Olympiad ‘67, held in rt-lmnntfin IrULll”UL”II. Mitchell won the gold medal in the heavyweight class while Hanson was first in the 177 -pound class. Other OQAA winners University of Guelph’s in the 191-pound class em’s Charles Nixon pound class .
the Chevron
to them while
included the Ed Millard and Westin the 130-
the summer off campus
After taking a week’s sabbatical we’ve struggled “back to do our bit for the last issue of the year. In our last predictions we ended up seven right and two wrong. This makes us 177-94-14 for the year with an unheard-of percentage of cc 1
/Mitchell, Hans-on win medals at Olympiad
The 1967-68 program will include flag-football, soccer, lacrosse, basket ball, volleyball, tennis, golf, track and field, harrier, hockey, curling, pushball, badminton, swimming, diving, tug-of-war. If facilities are obtained, table-tennis, archery, floor-hockey, water Polo, Squash and handball will be included. wishing to compete Students should consult the announcements which will be posted at the fall registration. The announcements will list which sports will start in the fall and where and to whom interested students should report.
to get
Fuller details of the program and its operation will be contained in the student handbook to be given to each student at registration.
Who was the second-string
and science
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
on bulletin
Therefore, we have ranked such schools as Manitoba while Luther an is unranked because, even though both schools were about equal in their major sports, Manitoba had better all-round success. 1. Toronto 2. Western 3. UBC 4. Alberta 5. St. Francis 6. Saskatchewan 7. Queen’s 8. Manitoba 9. WATERLOO 10. McMaster, St. Mary’s (tie)
boards THE
Toronto (1) Windsor (3) WATERLOO (3)UBC (2) Saskat. (5) New Brun. (4) Western‘ (4) St. Mary’s (1) Alberta (2) Western (6) St. Francis (-) Dalhousie (5) Manitoba (7) Calgary (7) Laurentian (8) Toronto (8) Sir George (6) Lutheran (9) UBC (9) Alberta (10)
As a special feature, we have ranked the top 10 collegiate teams athletically for the year. In making this evaluation, we have taken into consideration “minor” sports such as track and field, wrestling, swimming, volleyball and fencing along with the “major” sports--football, basketball and hockey.
to Simon
Our final and totally incomplete basketball and hockey ratings:
term. - arts
the right ansAnyone submitting wer to this question will be awarded a judo scholarship F laser.
The answer to this questionof the week was McClymonds Highschool. That is to say F. Robby, Wm. Russell, C . Flood et al all attended it ’ at some point in their academic career. Don Snider (alias John Drummond), Harv Swartz and that old sports expert, Grant Gordon, all must receive credit for elucidating the correct answer . for the summer
Chuck Kochman
stop for the 1954Cleveland .
There is just one prediction which we wish to make for the summer. The Pirates and the Orioles will face each other in the World Series the next time you see this column.
Our question
It has been said that you can’t take it with you. We say - why would you want to take it with YOU - and what we’re talking about are those heavy, bulky .winter coats and
boots, oversh-oes, pots and pans, and, -oh yes, th-ose books (it would
niee to be able to forget friends
you pack up for the summer.
it no longer,
- we have the ANSWER.
THEOFF-SEASON TOTE SERVICE T. P. BERG THEMOVER LIWIITED Kitchener 44 Walnut St. a wardrobe storage service for students Here are some of its Features: -Dimensions 51 inches. -It
of this
are 21 x 16 x
will hold 75 to 100 pounds with room for 15 to 20 garments on the bar and space in the bottom for odds and ends
Because clothes hang on a bar they -f ree and ready to wear in the fall.
- For your en trv.I
- Sharing mate.
is permitted
- get together
wi II be wrinkle-
Phone now and r)eseme space for lath THE
OF $2.50
For further AGENT
information FOR
8$ A DAY.
743- 8253 LINES
Second century
week sports
TorontoBlues,WindsorLancersnationalchamps Hockey
EDMONTON (CUP)--The final hockey game at Olympiad ‘67 here Saturday was billed as the national collegiate hockey championship. It turned out to be more of a practice session for the TorontoVarsity who nevertheless were Blues, awarded their second straight national title after 60 minutes of official action against Laurentian Voyagers. The Blues scored a goalfor every three shots they took at Laurentian goalies Norm Cecutti and Larry Divigi, for a total of 16 goals. The Voyageurs could only manage two goals out of the 18 attempts they made against Toronto’s Jim Wrigley. Hank Monteith and Brian Jones scored four goals apiece for Toronto. Gord Cunningham had two goals * while Don Fuller, Pat Monahan,Bob McClelland, Paul Laurent, Ward Passi and Steve Monteith shared another six. Kim Ferguson scored both Laurentian goals. Eight of the Voyageurs’ shots came in the third period, most from far out. Basketbai
CALGARY (CUP)--Windsor Lancers won the Canadian intercollegiate basketball championship here Saturday for the fourth time in five years by defeating British Columbia Thunderbirds 87-82. Superior defensive play led to the Lancers’ victory. Both teams used full-court presses for most of the game, but the Lancers’long, accurate passes consistently moved them from their own end. Windsor trailed throughout the hard-fought contest until the tenminute mark of the second half. The half-time score was 38-34. Marty Kwiatkowski and Angelo Mazzuchin led Windsor with 22 and 21 points recpectively. Ian Dixon scored 29 points for the T-Birds, followed by Neil Murphy with 19 points. In a playoff for the third-place bronze medal at Olympiad ‘67 *Bishop’s Gaiters revenged an earlier loss to Waterloo Lutheran by defeating the Golden Hawks 67-55 Saturday in Edmonton. Badminton
Waterloo’s Jean Richmond won a silver medal in Calgary last week. She was representing Waterloo in Second Century Week playing women’s badminton. Gold-medal winner was Kaye Jones of Calgary. Jean won the first game 11-6 but the Calgarian roared back and won the second and third games 11-l and 11-3. Congratulations to Jean on her excellent performance out West. Bridge
TORONTO--The first trials to qualify a team to represent Canada in the 1968 world bridge Olympiad were held in Toronto March 2-5. Eight of central Canada’s strongest teams competed--the top three finishers qualifed for the second trials to be held next month. The winning team included a recent U of W alumnus, Mel Norton recently playing out of Toronto. Mel and his teammates had such a commanding lead after six rounds that they were not required to play the final round.
Ron Smith.
The University of Toronto, showing the same strength 011the ballot as on the ice, dominated the 196667 OQAA hockey allstar team. The Blues, who recently won the OQAA title for the second consecutive year and the CIAU championships, placed five players on the first team and two on the second. The team was selected by the coaches of the nine-member league.
A long with left-winger Hank Monteith on the first team are his two linemates, center Paul Laurent and Steve Monteith on right-wing. The other Toronto players on the first team are goalie John Wrigley and defenseman Pete Speyer. The only outsider is Doug Kelcher of theMcMaster defence. Hank Monteith, Laurent and Speyer were unanimous choices. It is the
. . . all - star
ten ter
third season in a row that Hank Monteith has been a member of the first all-star team. There were two ties for positions on the second team. v\lestern’s Dave’ F ield was a clear choice at one defense spot, while Ward Passi and Gord Cunningham of Toronto made it at left and right wing respectively. Deadlocked for the other defence
spot were Mel Baird of Waterloo and Jacques Metras of Laval. Waterloo’s Ron Smith and Grant Heffernan of McMaster tied for the center position. This marked the first time that any member of the tiarriors has made the all-star team during the five years that they have beenmembers of the oQAA hockey league.
Seaaratismthreatens bitterness at SCWseminar --
Janice Roe, a second-year sociology major Renison College, was one of two delegates chosen by Student Council to represent U of at recent seminar on ‘*Canada’s problems her second centu@‘. The seminar was held conjunction with Second Century Week Alberta.
at W in in in
by Jani ce Roe
Last week I was one of about 100 Canadian students who gathered from coast to coast for the Second Century Seminar held at the University of Alberta, Edmonton. This was part of Second Century Week, the major Centennial project of Canadian students. While it is highly doubtful that anyoneleft with any new or revolutionary ideas,theseminar did give students attending a unique chance to meet and exchange ideas with Canadians of diverse groups who are facing many of the same type of problems (including the approaching exams). One vitalpoint threatened to cause bitterness for the whole week--Quebec’s position inCanada. On Monday many of the delegates, both English and French-speaking, held a meeting with the seminar chairman,Dennis Thomas, to express anger that there was no time in the week specifically allotted for the discussion of the Quebec question. There was also no French-Canadian speaker on the program, After a heated debate, Daniel LaTouche, now a grad student at UBC and former vicepresident of Union Generale de s Etudiants du Quebec, was invited to talk about Quebec
and the lack of UGEQ support for SCW. LaTouche spoke excellently and straightforwardly. He made no bones that UGEQ refused to send an official delegation because SCW did not grant them the ‘*two nation” concept, meaning that the Quebec universities would have the right to send as many delegates as the rest of the Canadian universities put together. Because of this refusal which UGEQ called “paternalistic,‘* the delegates who did come from Quebec came on their own, not as representatives of UGEQ. LaTouche went on to say that the Centennial Cornmission when helping to set up this Seminar agreed that there were two national student movements in Canada, CUS and UGEQ, but waited eight months after talking to CUS before going to UGEQ. This was cited as another example of paternalism. Going on to theQuebecquestion, LaTouche pointed out vehemently that: --the status-quo in Quebec-is not acceptable; --Quebecois are no longer willing to accept changes five or six years from now--they want change NOW I The problem was that on the one side there was the English-speaking delegates who insisted they wanted to understand Quebec (F rench-canadians agreed on this point). But they claimed that discussion must be based on information, not on ignorance and that here the Quebecois have failed in not presenting their case to the rest of Canada.
It seems to me that the Quebec delegates were only willing to accept the “‘two nation” concept, and that they wanted Canada to start working out some kind of separation plan with Quebec. As LaTouche expressed it, *‘divorce would be better than an embattledmarriage.‘*Heaccused English-speaking Canada of not knowing where it stood and of avoiding the real issues. Out of a seemingly futile discussion came the realization of just how determinedF renchCanadian nationalism in Quebec is, and how difficult it is for the rest of Canada to understand the problem of theF rench-speaking majority in Quebec in a sea of English-speaking provinces. Both sides must learn a little more openmindedness andless self-defensiveness ifanything fruitful is to cOme out of future discus-
I think that after a week of discussion, laughter and fun, both English and Frenchspeaking delegates came away understanding each other better and had more insight into the problems of such diverse country as Canada. Nothing could be more tragic for both sides than an impenetrable wall of bitterness and hostility . I think the two cultures could stand to learn much from one another and I think this is probably th e most important thing could have come out of the Second Century Semin-
17, 1967 (7:29)
on the go ooe the Paul Burke show by Wayne managing
Paul Burke
at the controls
on his “on (Chevron
the go” photos
Braun‘ editor
“It helps you grow up faster. But I sometimes wonder if maybe I didn’t miss something as a result”. This is just a taste of the philosophy that sets Paul Burke apart from the average disc jockey. Paul was discussing his early start in radio--he bagan a regular six-hour show at 149-and wondering if maybe he had lost out on a few of the good things other kids his age enjoyed. “I was doing the show and trying to attend school at the same time,‘* Paul said. “it didn’t work out very well and I dropped out of school when I was 17”. In his six years of radio, Paul has travelled quite a distance toget from his first job at Lindsay (near Peterborough) to his present nineto-midnight slot at CHYM in Kitchener. Paul worked in Barrie and Chatham before deciding to make this area his home for a while. Paul picks the music that you hear on his show every night. Thereare several reasons that the sound appeals to many university students. “I like the university crowd,** says Paul. The activities that take place around the universities interest him. But most important of all, Paul is in the same age bracket as students. It helps him to understand them.
by Ralph Bishop)
I visited
the Paul
Burke Show, Paul was plugging the recent referendum on draft-resisters. “This thing’s been around long enough for you to have formed an opinion. Don’t expect the other fellow todoit allforyou--he won’t,” said Paul. It’s things like this that put Paul’s show just a little bit ahead of the majority. When heputs onaplugfor an event, he doesn’t act as if it’s just another thing he must do to keep his job. Paul puts sincerity “I like this tirneslot
in his show. because I can
the listeners, not at them. This is a rut (talking at listeners) that too many daytime announcers get into.*’ The Paul Burke Show comes on the air following a two-hour teenybopper special. His show provides a welcome relief as the sound reverts to an easy beat--music conducive to study or whatever else you do for pleasure about that time of the evening. When a radio show comes on the air, did you ever notice how theman behind the mike seems to havenot a care in the world? This is a business where you can’t let your feelings come through. Perhaps this is the reason the real side of Paul Burke doesn’t show very often. Although Paul claims to be a “real ham” at heart, a much deeper aspect of the man is prominent when you meet him. “I like listening to the words of a song--thinking of the philosophy behind theln. Sometimes the song’s over and I have nothing ready for the next one,” he comm ented.
be serious when I want to and funny when I want to. I like to talk with
Paul admits that there is a lot of mental strain in the radio business. “You have to have an actor’s onoff switch,” he said. On one program in another city, an unmarried, pregnant girl called Paul. She was about to slash her wrists. “I spent close to two hours talking to her during records ,” he said. “You almost have to be a humanitarian in some cases .‘* Yet this is the type of thing that can’t come through to the listening audience. Radio men have bad days just the same as anyone else. To always come on the air as a happy personality is where the mental strain comes in. Often the seemingly dutnb things an announcer does on the air are a release of accumulating tension. “Sometimes we screw up commer-
cials and things just for the sheer hell of it,‘* Paul commented. ‘Abut it’s a good business. Right now I’m trying to gainexperience-to find out where I’m headed. Eventually I’d like to try a TV series or movies .” However that’s in the future. For now Paul will do his best to get to the top in radio and most of all try to find out where Paul Burke is headed.
(you have just been
COMPANY advertised
tate and pens move, burning up paper. Nearly everyone writes atfirst. Over in the corner sits Alienation. He stares straight ahead, not responding to the jokes or taking notes. The frenzy of note-taking lasts five minutes. In the cOrner dlosest to the aisle sits the Quiet Man. His hand is on his chin in The Thinker’s position. His eyes rove the audience. Not too far away sits Ecxtacy. Long black hair flowing down her back, she tosses it like a young colt and waves flow backward. The Quiet Man thinks thethoughts of wishful thinkers. Prof cracks a joke. Even Quiet
The writ er is a 19-year-old arts student at the Universitjy of Alberta. He describes the reaction of students ain. a first-year psychology class. by Wayne special
Burns CUP
Knees in nylons. ..sequIned stockings..Jong greens...feans. That*s all you see as you try to reach the lone seat in the middle. There’s hardly room to get by so you squeeze past, murmuring apologies . Five minutes to go and the girl beside you pretends you aren’t there. Yak it up with thingon the left, or sit and stare cool off in space. Hurnrn, buzzz, mutter, whisper. And a blonde makes the grand entrance. Man, poetry in motion, but this is the only time you ev& see her and you can’t make time in a lecture hall. In the far back corner ,in anivory tower, sits The Redhead. She had to arrive first to get that seat. At the back, are two girls making One sits frustrated, small talk. staring straight ahead--the other consoles her weakly. “Don’t worry, you*ll pass,” she says. Bra& The bell shatters the atmosphere and the prof enters . Like Pavlov’s dogs, trained to reaction, some students automatically swing their attention to thef ront and sit waiting silently. The prof% opening gambit is strained humor and it gets a few nervous titters and polite smiles. Ho, hum. The prof starts to dic-
LET 32
YOU King
The prof writes on the board. Whatdoes itmean? I don’t know. Write it down and memorize it.
OUT Waterloo
744 -2 911 . . . OR
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..:....... ..:::... .::::.~ ..... :::::_ :.~:::_ :........_ :........ ::::;, You can’t :..::: .:..:..i. ::::: .:::..: .:..::: .::...... _~_~_~_~_~ ..i..:: :::.... ::..:: ’ beat ) .::::.. .... ::::: .:..:..i ::::: ..:::.. ..::.... :;:_.: ..::;.. ..:..:: ::..:: :........ :..::.. .>:.:.:.:. the taste ::::.. ::::: ....i :::::. of Player’s filtek.
Man responds--it was a sex joke. Half-way back sit Adam and Eve. Shoulders are touching and she leans toward him slightly. His fingers caress the soft hair onher arm, andshelooks upfromher notetaking and smiles. Front row center, a sequined stocking in a cassock boot is bobbing and swaying hypnotically. They gaze at the long blonde hair which obscures the swinger’s face. She yawns and stretches fullprofile. The spectators sigh and look pained. Ten minutes are gone. Basic boredom sets in. Try to stay awake. There are 300 in the hall and it is hot and stuffy. Hereand there variations on The Thinker’s position. A few light cigarettes and someone coughs. A splinter group ts still taking. notes, and the lovers are resigned to their fate. Her head reSts on his shoulder and their hands are locked. Twenty minutes are gone. The Quiet Man sits gazing off into space. A grin slides across his face and eyebrows raise as he reflects on some Zen truth. The prof starts to write on the board and hands grab for pens. Heads bob like sycopated ducks. A girl looks at the boy’s notes beside her. What does it mean? I don’t know. Write it down and memo&e it. The sequined stockings pull another profile--the spectators groan. Time again. Wake up. Fight it off. A chain reaction of motion and everyone changes position. Here and there a girl strokes her hair and legs swing hypnotically. The voice drones on and several people seem asleep, gazing down at the floor. Doodlers doodle and The Thinkers think. Thirty minutes are gone. Another joke. “What is rattlesnake potion good for?” A laugh. Boredom returns.. Foot swingers, and all over gum chewers. eve rubbers andhair stro-_ kers.
A cute blonde giv& me side glances and flicks her head like a gopher. Not a pen is moving. He writes on the board and heads move. Bob, dip, bob, dip. The conservative in white jeans and Chicago Boxcar haircut. His fingers beat a silent tatoo on his briefcase. Five minutes left andhe inches his foot closer to the girl%. The Redhead is putting her ring on. A girl in the back is gazing at
sweeps the spectators with-anarch: istic frenzy. Like the second com49 Braaaaaaaaaack I The Bell1 Oblivion 1 The Quiet Man leaves in a rush. The lovers leave pawing each other. Congested humanity stampedes. The door. Here and there are questioning looks. Eyes lost in blankness. Nothing.
The prof starts to dictate. Nearly everyone writes at voice drones on several people seem asleep. Doodlers The Thinkers think. Wake up. Fight it off. -
first. As the doodle and
Ontario Student Awards 19674968
::::::::::: .:~:$:: .. VX..: :.:.:.:.:. .:.:.:.:.2 2iF ..:i::. . :.:.:.:.:. .E..i...’ ..i’.... ..‘....i. :.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:.:.:.: ..:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:.:.:.: ....i. . ~:V.~.~. :.:.:.:..: i.:.:.:.:.:. For the next academic session the Program will provide: ~~~~:~~~~~~ ..‘.‘..i... .::::p..:.: ..Y. ::::::::::: ...‘.C.... :::::::g 1. Assistance to Ontario students I#/ with determined financial need ::$$<:: .:.F*.:.: ‘. .y;H ‘.>E.E :::::y::: .+:.:.:4:. :.:.:.:.:.: 2. An improved grant to loan ratio :;:gg :.:.;.:.:.: ::.-..... ..‘......... . .:.:.:.:.:.: ..i... ‘:.:.~.‘i .::::::::::: .ii....... ...5. 3. Allowance for other awards .: .. .: .. .: .. .:i.. : . : . . . . . ..‘i.
4. A revised
Details of the Plan will be outlined in a brochure which, along with application forms, will be available at the Student Awards Office of this University on March 30. Students are encouraged to submit completed application forms prior to their departure from campus this spring.
17, 1967 (729)
What improvements Dave
would you like to see next fall?
I guess I’d like to see grass on campus. There’s been construction ever since I came here. It would be nice to see the buildings completed.
Pete them
University students change imperceptibly from year to year, but the same prototypes--the radical, the socialite, the the politician, scholar--who strolled campuses hundreds of years ago are stillevident today, only slightly modified. But while students remain basically the same, in that they are students and somewhat different from the rest of society, the issues they choose to become involved in, or to ignore as the case may be, have changed. This year was no exception. This was theyear of the Pill, LSD, protest marches and po theads, This was a year of draft -dodgers. student awareness and involvement, for never before have students appeared to know so much, or careso much, about where they are going and why. This was s and still is, the year of Canada’s Centennial celebrations , of Second Century Week, of travelling lecturers , musicians and poets. It was also the year of Canadian Union of Students dropouts) infiltration of student orgsnizations by one of the world’s largest espionage agencies, demands for student representation on boards of governors and senates, and requests for open decision-making in universities. A year to remember--at least for those directly involved in events which often threatened to blow the cool of stodgy, traditiona 1 institutions and ‘pedagogs across the country. The first indication of the things to come occurred at the CUScongress in Halifax last September. And before the year was over, student ac-
by Ed Penner student
tivists had carried the ideas and resolutions born at the congress clear across Canada--from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from Dalhousie toUBC. The Struggle for universal accessibility to higher education, launched at the Lennoxville congress in September, 1965, was on again. Delegates decided to ask for more financial assistance than ever before, to try to wipe out social and financial barriers to post-secondary education, to ask for student stipends and the abolition of tuition fees. They took the resolutions back to their campuses for acceptance or rejection by the student masses. CUS education policy met its first big test at the University of Waterloo when the students ’ council there rejected free tuition and student stipends. The students themselves tended to support council’s stand in a campus-wide referendum in which they voted to reject abolition of tuition fees. But they did come out in favor of student salaries. While Waterloo students were waffling on the student stipend-fee abolition question, their counterparts -at the University of Toronto and Ryerson Polytechnical Institute were marching on the Ontario legislature to protestthe controversial provincial student awards program. The students succeeded in pleading their case, and the changes they called for have been submitted by a special committee for consideration education minister. by Ontario’s voted, But whether students marched or remained in their stagnant pools of apathy, some were at least dimly aware of what CUS is and what it is trying to do.
imum of enemies and at least a few readers. 1. Never, NEVER! say anything,
1 ’!
will not sink into the great verbal mo r as s of student activism--which is in reality a group of select talk-
good or bad, about any professor. Remember professors mark the exams. Instead attack the adrnihtration. They can’t touch you. 2. Never get excited about anything. Remember that in the long run nothing is really imp0 rtant. lf a columnist takes this attitude he
ers who spend most of their time trying to convince each other that they are really changing the world. 3. Write about sex a lot. 4. Write only what your reader The last thing the wants to hear. tiorld needs is another “controverTreat the “syssial” columnist.
I’d like to have the activities that one can enter bepublicized more. Thatwas the main problem when I camethis last fall.
I think that next year they shouldn’t allow just anybody to come into this library and disturb people
they succeeded in gaining three Some campuses carried things a seats on the generalfaculty council. step farther and reviewed their poAll the Western campuses are sition in the national student union. The result of this critical examHarking for coveted seats onvarious ination was, in some cases, withadministrative boards, as are their Ontario counterparts. Not too much drawal. Four campuses had withdrawn has been heard from Quebec or the from union at the September conMaritimes) but the representationfever should infect gress. By February, four more participation had followed: Alberta, Bishop’s, St. students there before long. Dunstan’s, McGill. And as the year got into full swing, The first to opt out was the Unipressure increased on students and versity of Alberta, led by council faculty alike. Students dropped out, Branny Schepanovich. president an unprecedented number of campus Schepanovich claimed CUS was OV’-‘ newspaper editors resigned, and two presidents resigned er-extending itself--becoming too university concerned with international issues within a week of each other. instead of concentrating on effectSex made a bigger splash this ively representing Joe Student. year than ever before. Even the most naive, innocent and inexperCUS’s problems are not yet over. ienced freshman in Canada has no Although it survived the recent Cenexcuse for being ignorant of a wontral Intelligence Agency scandal invention called virtually unscathed, it still faces a derful, fool-proof simply “the Pill”--unless he pleads major communications problem. illiteracy. For the first time in its 30-year history, CUS sent field workers to Stories about sex and birth control various campuses in an attempt to were bigger and better researched than ever before. Editors went right bring the union to the student level. to the source for their stories. But the basic problem still exists, And features appeared about a and next year’s president, Hugh University of Western Ontario coA rms trong, will have to inform thousands of freshman about CUS ed’s abortion, about a U of T student’s reasons for taking the pill and and its relation to thecanadian student. sleeping with her boyfriend. Health services officials were But while CUS is gradually losing criticized for thei r refusal to disits place in the limelight, this winter other issues have gained front-page pense birth control pills to unmarrisd co-eds. coverage in campus newspapers. Yes, sex was bigger and bolder Student representation on policymaking university bodies has bethan ever before as the New Morality got into full swing. Computers come one of the year’s major causeven got in on the act, and almost &. every large campus boasts a comStudents across the country are puter dating center. agitating for participation in univerStudent housing has always been sity affairs and open decision-makan issue among university students. of Calgary ing. At the University
b .
Liliico 1
Don Chapman
I’d like to see a better entrance to the campus. Right now all we have is railroad track at theentrance, and there should be a better Village walkway.
. % .’ ’ 4
Yes, it’s swan-song time, the violinist is playing ‘Hearts and flow ers’, 01’ Penner wipes a maudlin tear from his cheek and sits down to write his last co1 at U of Woo. Yes, after threememorableyears with the Cory-Chevron, which ineluded one firing, two resignations, one demotion and fou r fan letters, I must hang up my truspj Scripto ballpoiht (I never did learn to type) and fade off into the nearest sunset. Before I go, however, I feel itmy duty to pass on to any successor I lnay have,afew rules glommedfrom bitter experience. If these are followed carefully, one may gain a min-
Knack 1B
Susan 1
I was a frosh this year and I think that the sophs should be a little more careful next year and not get carried away. Some of the things I saw happen were pretty gross.
This is the year
-67: by Ginger
There should be a student council that does alittlemorefor the students. Orientation should LOPebbed to the whole campus not just f rosh-even wuc could be involved.
I’d like toseemore facilities for students who aren’t on campus. There are no recreational facilities for one at all. The athletic organiza tion is based on residence only.
I’d like to see Dr. Stanton in the new Math building.
Ken McPherson them
Moe Simon
tern” as a private joke, not as something to be attacked with your own clever, stabbing barbs of wit. 5. To SLUI up, be a detached, amused observer, NOT a crusader, and you may survive. I am inform> that the board of publications plans to publish a collection of the worst of Penner in a very snazzy format, amply illustrated by Don Kerr. # If you wish to purchase it as a handy and complimentary fixture for , your bathroom, outhouse, horsestable or Village room, you are free to do so. Purchasers may take comfort in the knowledge that Penner will not receive one thin sheckel from the profits (if any). The price will
If they aren’t complaining about Victorian i-es trictions imposed on women residents, they’re protesting about imminent fee increases. This year they took a new approach. Instead of assailing the deaf ears of housing directors with loud, ineff ective wails , students decided to take matters into their own hands in an attempt to alleviate chronic housing shortages. They began to turn towards cooperative housing --that old boon to financially embarrassed students -as one of the most feasible solutions to the problem. Co -ops became even more att ractive in light of Central Housing and Mortgage Corporation’s decision to lend money to finance student residences . Co-ops have been in large-scale (operation at the Universities of Toronto and Waterloo for some time now. UBC and Dalhous ie a reforging full speed ahead on plans for their proposed co-ops, and a smallgroup of University of Saskatchewan students are operating a pilot co-op. The University of Alberta, which has shown considerable interest in this area, has yet to commit itself to a co-op project. Other trends in student behavior manifested themselves, also. . Bad cheques, missing library books, book store profits at break-even university book stores --all cropped up at virtually every campus, And all over, students devoted considerable time to just being students. Winter weekends, queen contests, boat races --all contributed to making 1966-67 a year to remember with some nostalgia, if not with a feeling of genuine pride and a ccomplis hment .
range from perhaps 50 cents at the student store to perhaps $12.50 at the books tore. l
Well that’s it. ln less than two months I’ll have joined that illustrious group of U of W graduates who have come, seen and bluffed the university out of a degree. My career, Imustadmit,has been less than distinguished and this was amply demonstrated the other day when a friend approached me witha glass of water and asked me to stick my tongue in it. After telling me to remove it, he asked me if I saw a hole there. “No, just a flat surface of water.” “That, Ed Penner, is the extentof the impression you have made in your three years at U cd Woo.”
The price of programs a turning-point was Monday night, reached in the manner in which Student Council considers the treasurer’s budget. Council was completely correct in seeking to attach bold and imaginative programs to Ross McKenzie’s budget. The budget, closely reasoned with a $10,000 contingency fuqd, was backed by the executive of Council with an amazing and welcome degree of unanimity. This seeming adamance of the executive board goaded Council into taking a long-awaited step in the field of budgetin g policy. Council members decided that some of the programs that Council has supported for so long might be sacrificed in favor of newer, more appealing and more, relevent programs. This was illustrated in the desire of Council membeis to restore funds to the creative arts board in feature film order that a full-length could be made on this campus. While this particular move might not have been the wisest possible, Council can and should make similar decisions about other boards. We sympathize with Stewart Saxe when he says that for one or two thousand dollars this university could save the Nova Scotia Project (dommunity action in negro slums in Halifax). “Why can’t we save We ask Saxe, it?” Looking at the budget of the board of external relations we see that over half of the budget goes to conferences, seminars, speakers and the like. While it is true there are many commitments in this field, one sometimes gets the feeling that people are being ignored for the sake of programs.
LETTERS.=Must benefits
science for
To the editor: My time at Waterloo has seen the logical and o rganized thinking that is carried around by so many engineers . Newton’s law of reaction seems to guide them from the egoti ism displayed in attitudes towards UNAC to the narrow mindedness shown towards the draft resistance issue. When I try to understand the legalities and unabsurdities that Mr. Schaefer (letters to the editor, March 3) would put forward in trying to condemn student activismand draft resistance, in the name of duty, law and order ) and which at the same time will try to explain such ideas as expressed by Mr. Mur ray, “I for one don’t need someone else to take a moral stand in my name,” all logic and organized thinking leaves me. At least you, Mr. Schaefer, can. organize a referendum, even with our arbitrary councils. This is a much wider choice than that given to an objector to war. In general, why is it that so many of our engineers and their repres entatives display these unconcientious attitudes? We are, after all, the people who must materialize the benefits of science for society’s use. Is that maybe the reason? IS that what makes so many of us run south where we can see, especially with a war, what bread is buttered? Or is it really that we because of our pre-occupation with material production, can so easily become that pre-packaged reflection of the diseases of our society? I must “be havingfuntoo”tosuggest that the main problem is the self-righteousness that has been induced into so many people. The selfrighteousness that allows someone like Cardinal Spellman to, in God’s name, condone the murder of innocent people just because their ideas and beliefs differ from ours. How can we, in God’s name, have any self respect if we in this manner betray those principles which were the basis of our constitution. For these reasons I wish to disassociate myself from the image that the attitudes of so many engineers have created. I hope that this image is not entirely true. BREUNIS J. KAMPHORST electrical 2A (Montreal)
Terry squire,
Watt, and
Perhaps it is the time to end old programsforthesakeofnew. “Commitment” should not be used as a catch-all phrase to ignore vital programs for budgetary rea sons. Community action, not conferences, is what counts. It is little use to collect books on the Canadian Indian if by neglectin g to work with him you doom him to extinction. Similarly we need the “free” highschool and the expanded program of the House of Debates as new ventures to give people a chance to participate in meaningful programs rather than holding platitudinous sessions of consciencesalving societies. These new programs will cost money and there is a pressing need to keep the contingency fund at the proposed level. Muchcuttingmayhave to be done or else new solutions found. It is probably necessary to have an increase in the student-activity fee that we pay at registration. This fee has been the same since 1962, and was even higher sometime before that. This Federation has one of the lowest activity fees in Canada. The forthcoming year will probably see the athletic fee rise and the societies on campus will demand that a compulsory society fee be levied on all. stuents. Now is the time for Council to move and raise the $18 fee by at least two dollars. Councillors will find that the students of this university will be willing to pay the small increase in order to rid the Federation of the ever-mounting squeeze on the budget.
gentleman ,’
To the editor: We would like to thank the modem Sir Galahad who came to the rescue of three danisels in distress. Tuesday night our horseless vehicle failed us in sub-feezingtemperatures. We managed to struggle through the cold as far as the engineering building. There the wonderful gentleman, namely Terry Watt, not only offered the services of his car, but he drove us all the way to Renison to protect us from the freezing cold. We are deeply indebted to this Sir Walter Raleigh. Thank you very much Terry. ANN, DAR, JAN Renison
Whodunit news and features: Ailey Bailin, John Beamish, Rod Clark, Allen Class, Rod Cooper, Morley Donn, Doug Gaukroger, Victor Klassen, Irene Lizun, Lynn McNiece, Eva Mayer, Arla Oja, Vic Peters, Sandra Savlov (Toronto bureau), Cliff Schell, Chris Swan, Michael Wise, Terry Wright, John Madgett, Barry Parker sports: Frank Bialystok, Keith Gauntlett , Howie Halter, Chuck Kochman, Barb MFkulica, Hugh Miller, Ray W orner photo: Fred Gegenschatz (darkroom manager), Glen Barry a John Chandler, Paul Heaney , Brian Minielly, Bill Nelson, John Nelson,Bob Nicholson, E ric Oliver s Julian Sale,,*Barry Takayesu,DaveWilmot,Andy Yanchak desk: Pat McKee (assistant news editor) Mary Bull (assistant features editor), Diane Boyle, Norm Finlayson, Frank Goldspink, Ray Vibikaitis cartoons: Ross Berm, Don Kerr, George Loney, Dave Robins circulation: Jim Bowman (managemurko, Ralph Morrison advertising: Ken Baker, Ross Helling, Dan Mabee, Ramamurthy Natara jan cleaning, ideas, tea & typing: Bob Robinson W,ewerealmostorgelizedoutofbusiness--nowCouncilihouldgetorgelized.
The revolution Was it a revolution? Was it betrayed? Is all lost? There can be no doubt that it was a revolution both in thought and deed. Finally the Village council and the students of the Village began to question the in loco parentis paternalism of the university. At last students were not afraid to’standup and say that they should be free. The real issue was certainly not visiting privileges. The administration would have given bearable hours within the decade. Rather it was a question of student responsibility - self-government. The students stoodup and said that they were adults, and, as such, they were the ones to govern their own conduct - although, unfortunately, the program was halfbaked and hastily conceived. The students believed so much in the Declaration of 9 March 1967 that they drew up a program of action that was revolu tionary in scope and unprecedented insight - for the Village council. Then suddenly it was over. The administration stood stock still, unable or unwilling to act, while the students raced madly in circles about them and went to pieces. The revolution was betrayed from the very beginning. The executive of the council was afraid and un willing to implement a program that the administration seemed at a loss to combat. Several times during the crisis, President-for-the-Weekend Trbovich expressed the feeling that implementation was wrong, and despite overwhelming student support in Sunday’s referendum, called a meeting of the Village council Monday in order to block implementation. This was done in two ways. Des Green, a don, was invited to council so
that a favorable chairman could be provided for Trbovich. When implementation was imminent, Trbovich followed the advice of Provbst Scott and resigned, leaving council leaderless. The council meeting broke down at that point, and the bewildered body was blackmailed into withdrawing the Thursday motion to allow the return of conservative president Dave Monk. After that it was all over. Is all lost? Probably not, although student leaders think that 18 months have been lost by this setback, and the whip hand of the administration has been considerably strengthened. There is some on the positive side. The Village will probably get hours better than those proposed by the philosophy committee and students will be consulted more often on the subject of visiting hours. But the decisions will still come down from on high - though Dr. Eydt will beware of dropping them with such a thump. Many of the dons and tutors took active part in the discussion during the weekend. For some it was the first time they gave evidence of earning their stipends. The floor meetings were a good thing. Villagers might use this method more regularly instead of expecting the dons to maintain law and order. Perhaps the new Village constitution could experiment with such direct democracy as its basis. The most important thing is that the students are now more aware. Next fall, the students will be looking for a prostudent executive and council. The objectives have not been forgotten. The definite step-by-step program that is bound to come will not be so easily capsized.
(formerly The Chevron is published Universitv of Waterloo, Student *Council and’
Fridays Waterloo, the board
editor-in-chief: Jim Nagel assistant editor: Brian Clark managing editor: Wayne Braun sports editor: Pete Webster photography edi tot-r Ralph Bishop entertainment: Heather Davidson book reveiws: Dale Martin 744-6111 Toronto Kingston Montreal
local 2497(news), bureau: Donna bureau: Wayne brireau: Doug
by the board of Ontario, Canada. of publications.
publications Opinions Member
office in Federation board of publications John Shiry advertising manager: Heidebrech t composed by Elmira 7,500 copies
of the Federation of Stuc?ents, are independent of the university, of Canadian University Press. building chairman: Ekkehard Signet
2812(advertisin@, 2471 (editor). Night 744-011 I. Telex029.5-7.~9. McKie, 782-5959; office 487-4343 local 417. Tymm, 71 Morenz Crescent, ,546~9913. Woolner, 5540 Queen Mary Road, Montreal 29; 482-1579.
17, 1967(7:~)
-This weekon campus
Chinese and East AsianhistorY from McGill and spent 15 years (i949m 1964) as a teacher and writer in China. He is an outstandingly capable analyst of contemporary events in China. Tonight he speaks on ‘Inside China, yesterday, today and tomorrow .’
Thing #2 that we’d like to see changed by fall: What we really need savings books tore sale. prices all year , round.
A permanent bigis more reasonable
, Thing
The K-W LITTLE THEATRE presents ‘Toad of Toad Hall’ at 2 pm in the theater.
International FILM SEF?JES presents ‘Love and larceny’ at 6:30 and 9:00 in P145. At 8:30 both tonight and tomorrow night, Dr. Paul Lin presents ‘China and you’. Dr. Lin is a professor of
in ssC330.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,
There’s a ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARTY at 8 pm in the Graduate House. Wear green and be an honourary Irishman for the evening. The Grad House is opposite the Village on Columbia Street west. Dr. Morton ‘Rieber speaks on ‘Hypothesis behaviour in children’ in a PSYCHOLOGY COLLOQUIUM at 4 pm in B271. PHILOSOPHY COLLOQUIUM has guest W .H. Dray speaking on ‘Following historical narratives * at 4:3O
is a do-it-yourself
clip along dotted lines 1 suggestion, I_____-_-_-------_---____________________---
suggestion box. Write in your and send topresidentHagey.
1 :
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by students
in the
and patronized
and white
-Assorted university
Wednesday At 8:30 in the Village dining hall is the annual general meeting of the TIDDLYWINKS CLUB. This week is the election for a new executive and nominationq are open to any memhers of the club.
Watch by Laurel
and terelyne
A London, England furniture designer has predicted that people may soon be sleeping, literally, on a bed of air jets. Leslie Julius, joint managing director of a furniture designing company, said that contemporary ideas of furniture will soon disappear. Using super conductors and elece tromagnetic fields built into clothing, he hopes it will soon be passible to suspend humans without any upholding frames . The idea has limitless possibilfties--and several possible bugs. Presuming the system would operate on electricity, a power failure could prove embarrassing.
12 feet mylar
your summer Chevron for full details or write
Summer Weekend c/o Federation of Students.
-;;“,;;e;sa!‘,‘;;:;E;;,,,,‘e;,;omen’s Lapel
colours, crest.
Tuesday This afternoon at 3 pm in SSc330 Dr Lin speaks on response toChina and related questions for interested faculty and students. Tonight Dr Lin speaks on ‘China and the world,the Chinese perspective.’ As part of *Chinaandyou’Professor Patrick Datson will talk about and show you China as heexperiented it during the 1964 filming of the ‘700 million’ at 12:30 in the theater.
Today is the dealine for copy for “67 Guide to student activities” to be submitted to Ross McKenzie c/o Federation of Students or Village S2-204.
Summer Weekend ‘67
by all.
Notices for this column should be handed in to the Chevron office on the Dead1 ine Wednesday forms provided. night. Campus editor: Jan Minaker.
Full cost of weekend will be approximately ten dollars.
tie tacks.
For all weather
what you’ve wanted in the city or in college country, slightly shaped, smartly belted swinging coats dramatitally tailored to go everywhere over everything. ..a wonderful collection of trend setters and classic favorites. Just
Street London,
Phone Ontario
Dear Graduating
We wish to thank you for your kind us in providing you with your graduation Your complete satisfaction is our followed this policy because we want graphs we have made for you. Please if you have any questions or problems ciate constructive criticism.
co-operation protraits.
for your future
primary concern. We have always you to be satified with the phtotfeel free to contact us at any time regarding our services. We appre-
If you wish to have reprints of your graduation to make them for you. Just drop. us a line. Best
we will be
endeavours. Sincerely, -
zr! I A
L Ir’ (Mrs.) Erica Manager