Faculty and administration discuss ‘splendid’ student brief calmly No one--neither faculty, students nor administration--got much excited Wednesday when they discussed the student proposals for major changes in the setup of the university. The university senate’s study committee on university government had invited all interested campus groups to submit briefs to it onhow U of W could be ideally governed. The Federadon of Students’ submission was the first one ready for discussion. The brief (printed in last week’s paper) recommended: --a new senate to replace the present senate and board of governors --a large assembly, with university and outside representatives, to serve as a “window on the world” --student representation on the new senate, on most senate comrniton faculty councils and in tees, academic departments. All this was based on a redefinition of the university as “an academic community of the 1960s OCcupied with the search for truth... composed of faculty, students and upper-level administrators.‘* “I think it% a splendid document,”
said Dr. Ted Batke, academic vicepresident, in opening the discussion. Steve Ireland, president of the 2Federadon of Students and one of the authors of the brief, pointed out that the paper concerned the whole of university government, and not just the matter of student participation in it--unlike student proposals at some other universides. -Dr. Kenneth MacKirdy, history, drew a laugh when he said the real locus of power in the university lies at the department level, It is here that questions likesalaryincreases, new faculty and courses of study are discussed--and often quiteheatedly. ‘I don’t think these are the kinds of things that would improve students* education,” said MacKirdy. “Perhaps it WOULD,” said chairman Batke. The present board of governors is cridcized for being only a rubber stamp, Dr. Batke said. “But this is perhaps not a bad idea. It would be worse if decisions carefully made at one level were then not accepted at the next level.” Dean Norman High of arts said, ‘ ‘It is very easy to become so in-
Big Four becomes
The Warriors have beenformally accepted into the Ontario-Quebec Athletic Association football league. Announcement of the acceptance of Waterloo and M&laster Marauders came this week with the re-
er tones. “It’s not that students are seeking power --it is rather rapport that is wanted” at all levels. The students want to be considered an integral part of the university, he said. The committee also discussed a report prepared in 1964-65 by Professors James Stone, English, and Murray MacQuarrie, formerly in English. The key idea in this report,Praf. Stone said, was that there must be dual responsibility ina university organization. Lines of responsibility going only upward to the president and the board are not enough. There must be responsibility as well to the students and faculty below. In this a university is not like a business corporation, Stone said. Another basic consideration, Stone went on, is that the university
vohed in meetings that you have time for nothing else. In the past year, I took a survey of myself: “In 19 working days I spent 47 l/2 hours sitting in meetings. This is time-consuming. This is wearing.” The committee must consider how much time these meetings would require in setting up its new structure, Dean High went on. “During those 47 l/2 hours I wasn’t preparing for lectures--and this goes against the ‘very best education possible* definition of the university.” Dr. Wyn Rees , principal of Renison College, asked what kind of consultation there would be between student members of a department and the student representatives on the,senate. Stephen Flott, another student who had helped write the brief, said these seats should not carry politicalov-
He served as chancellor oftheuniversity from 1960 until 1966, and also served on the advisory com-
19, 1967
Big S,ix in 1968
lease of the 1968 and 1969schedules for the OQAA. Bothteams willstart league play in th e 1968 season. Present members of theconference are University of Toronto Blues, University of Western Ontario Mustangs, McGill University Red-
men and Queen’s University Golden Gael% The W aterloo application has been under consideration since Decemher. The Warriors, alongwithMcMaster, have been members of the 13-
ChancellorDanaPorterdies Dana Harris Porter, U of W’S first chancellor, died Saturday in Toronto. The 660year-old chief justice of Ontario was suffering from cancer.
structures be reformed, not over“I don’t think the student thrown. brief differs in this,‘* he said. The specific recommendations of the Stone-MacQuarrie report were: --broader representation on the board of governors. --the senate should have a majority of faculty. --a joint faculty council --term appointments. “It is good that appointments (such as deans) are now for a specified TERM. The one aspect we still find discouraging is that they are still being APPOINTED.” A brief from the faculty association, being prepared by Prof. George Atkinson, chemistry, is expected in the fall. A schedule for debating the various proposals more formally will also be prepared for the fall.
mittee on university affairs of the Ontario education department. As minister of education in Premier George Drew’s Progressive Conservative cabinet in 1948,his education program was described as “the biggest advance in education Egerton Ryerson set up the school system.”
Th(i Honorablc Dana Poricr, U ol W’s first chancellor, signs the rcfiistctr after receivinff an honorary doctor of laws degree from regisMr. Porter died Saturday. tr;,r Trc!vor Boycs in Scptcmbcr 1966.
Since 1958 he served as chief justice of Ontario. Two notable achievements were his lifting the ban on ‘Fanny Hill’ in 1964 and thePorter report on banking and finance whose sweeping reforms werein’+ plemented in recent Bank Act Amendments . In his ‘Fanny Hill’ report Mr. Porter said that Canadians prefer candor in books. “The freedom to write books and thus disseminate ideas, the freedom to treat with complete candor an aspect of humanlifearefundamental to progress in human society/ he said. Mr. Porter served intheontario legislature for 15 years and was appointed chief jusdce for Ontario in 1958. He served in five cabinet positions while successfully weathering five provincial elections. As attorney-general he was instrumental in legalizing Sunday sports, gaining jurisdicdonof traffic on Canadian highways from the federal government and enlarging the probationary system. Other posts in which Mr. Porter served were provincial treasurer, provincial secretary and head af the planning and development department, charged with developing and maintaining postwar employment and resources. His enthusiasm for the Tenessee Valley Authority project resulted in formation of the Thames Valley Flood Control Authority in 1946 and he led a drive for intelligent urban planning. Porter attended the University of Toronto Schools, U of T and Balliol College at Oxford. He then returned to Canada for a law degree from Osgoode Hall. He was active in athandBallio1 and was letics at UTS president of the debating society at 0s goode, His private leisures were gardening, painting, fishing, and readilig. He had an impressive knowledge of Shakespeare,
team Central Canada Intercollegiate Football Conference, and will play their final season in this conference this fall. This grouping is an outgrowth of the Ontario Intercollegiate Football Conference of which Waterloo and McMaster were charter members when the 6-team group was formed in 1957. Other members of thepresentl3team grouping are Guelph, Lutheran, Laurentian, Royal Military College of Kingston, Carleton, Ottawa, St. Patrick’s College (Ottawa) Macdonald College, Loyola (both Montreal), University of Montreal, and Bishop’s College of Lennoxville, Quebec. “This will definitely be an improvement in our footballprogram” said Waterloo athletic director Carl Totzke in making the announcement. “All of our other intercollegiate sports have been played in the OQAA since 1961, so our inclusion in the football schedule is a natural development”. Generally considered the tq foot-
28 apply
ball conference in Canada, the new conference should provide some topclass college football for localfans. “The schedule will be partially interlocking”, he said. “We will play home-and-home games with McMaster and Western and single games with Queen’s, Toronto and McGill. We will have to do some building to come up to the c&i& of the established teams, but we feel quite equal to the task with our rapidly increasing enrollment and the additions of much-needed staff and facilities. We have anticipated this move into the so-called senior intercollegiate football ranks and the timing for the change seems quite appropriate.” Presently on the Waterloo coaching staff besides Totzke are Wall; Delahey, former Westernplayer and coach at K-W Collegiate, and Howie Green who played at both Queen’s and University of Alberta. It is expected that changes and addidons will be made to the coaching staff before the 1968 season.
for Federation
bu.si ness manager’s The student federation is looking for a new business manager. The present manager, PaulGerster q has resigned to accept the post of campus-center director and assistant to the provost for student affairs, Prof. William Scott. His resignation is effective July 1. Twenty-eight
for the
post have already been received, but preliminary screening has reduced this list toseven. Interviews begin next week. The business manager is responsible for all business and financial activities of the Federation and is in charge of all office personnel. He also acts in an advisory capacity to Student Council.
Summer enrollment totab almost 1300 About 1000 undergraduate students are studying on campus this summer. They must be studying, because less than six percent of them are women. In addition there are about 280 postgraduate students registered on campus this summer. Some arts students writing theses are not included in this figure. There are about 200 co-op math undergraduates on campus ,and generally 25 percent of these are women. Of the approximately 800 co-op
science and engineering students now on campus, only three are women. The undergraduate enrollrnent this term breaks down into three even groups. There are 377 in first aYear, ----- . 361 insecond year and another 361 in third and fourth year combined. Campus residences are housing 404 students--290 men and 27 women at the Village, 22menand three women at St. Paul’s, 44 men and 7 women at Renison and 11 men at Conrad Grebel.
delights of color
Waterloo At Expo 67 almost every visitor wishes to visit the Russian, American and Canadian pavilions; the minirail ride isconsidered amust and a small pavillion designed by the University of Waterloo is proving the most popular of the non-nationalpavilions. In fact, Kaleidoscope, according to an Expo report, is the fourth most popular pavilion at Expo bettered only by the Russian, American and Canadian pavilions. The pavilion, sponsored by six Canadian chemical companies, is dedicated to the enjoyment of color in oer daily lives. The attractive pavilion, surrounded by a circle of tall spectrumcolored fins which appear to move as visitors pass by it, has already
proved a delight to hundreds of thousands of visitors. Inside the building are three chambers each dealing successively, by means of film,with thecolors of morning, afternoon and evening. Each chamber gives the visitor the feeling of standing in the center of An enormous child’s kaleidoscope, the effect obtained by placing &rrors on the walls and floor to keflect the projected film. A visit to the pavillion has been expressed by some visitors as a psychedelic experience. ’ Kaleidoscope was the creation of the Univ&Sity of Waterloo’s institute of design and many faculty members participated. From the department of design, Prof. George Soulis, chairman, Dr. V.K. Handa,
your Finest
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and Duke
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an entrance, a-theater and an exhisively in South America,Europe and bition hall. The theater is really in the United States and Canada. three auditoria, in each of which is Many sophisticated technical probshown a 12-minute film entitled ‘The1 lems were involved in making this earth is man’s home’. Showings unique film and the resources of overlap so there is a continuous flow three highly specialized Hollywood in and out of the theater. film processors were utilized. “This imaginative film provides The exhibit areas in the Manand the visitor with aunique experience. his Planet and Space pavilion were There are three images ona vertideveloped by Rudolph de Harak of cal screen at one time and these New York under contract with the images are all related,” explains design institute. C.K. G. Hahn of the Design departThe institute also produced an exment. “This produces some very hibit in the industrial designsecdon exciting effects .” of the Man the Creator pavilion, a Hahn spent more than a month at \ whimsical pictorial representation Expo before its opening, supervising of the design process as applied to installation of the complex projecthe problem of sore feet. This extion equipment.. hibit was developed by Tony ParThree integrated story lines had sons, Don Kerr, Mary Robinson and to be created and a film unit, under Garth McGeary, graduate students the direction of Nick Chaparos of the the design department. design department, travelled exten-
73;s week on Campus
B&L IGA MARKET Turkey breast..
is an Ekpo favdte’ the original project director, and Robert Frew, the architect (in association with Irving Grossman, Toronto); from civil engineering, Dean A .N . Sherbourne, structural consultant, Dr. R. Green and Dr. H, B. Poorooshasb, soils research, and Dr. B:G. Hutchinsop, traffic consultant. Design consultant was Morley Markson and Associates, Toronto, who were aiso responsible for the film product&%. Waterloo *s institute of design is also responsible for the interior of the Man and his Planet and Space pavilion, one of the theme buildings of Expo. This pavillion is built in the shape of a pyramid cut off atthe top, and it provided many extremely difficult interior design problems. It is divided into three sections:
This week on campus there sure ain’t much happening. Send notices of your activities to the Chevron office for next week’s column.Maybe the picture will brighten.
ORIENTATION ‘67 committee at 3 in EL206.
Top value assorted canned soft drinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13/ $1.00 KITCHENER
Tuesday First
Phone 3-l. 2-7964
- Phone
Wednesday The
intramural Laurel Lake
FOLK DANCE CLUB does dances from everywhe,re--ethnit as well as ballroom--every Wednesday in the Village Great Hall. Beginners are welcome, Starts at 7:30.
“HAPPINESS’ --beyond the transitory stage” is the topic of a lecture-discussion led by Dr. Paul Morrison of biology in E234-4 at ‘7. Sponsored by IVCF.
. ’
Students on their work term can either library should include as borrow books by mail from both u.nmuch information about the needed iversity libraries--but too few do, books as possible--such as author, “We would like to see them use title and call number. Where books said Mrs. Ching-Chih on specific topics are need+, the it more,” Chen, head of the engineering, math librarians will do a search--mail arid science‘ library, Bs she offered out a suggested bibliography tqthe imsons for the lack of ‘student restudent, who then can mail back spe+me*‘‘: A -’ c&c-‘requests i . Mrs’. Chkri feels 3that students’ Sp far, fhe EMS Library has been working’in large ‘cities might beusable to offer same-day service. ing pubtic: -libra+s. i ’ O’r students Books are sent out in padded enworking for large companies might velopes for three-weekperiods. The be using their libraries.’ Or, of extra week is to allow for mailing course, some students just are not time. , , “_ reading. 1 .Periodicals are not mailed out Last term, the arts library resince they areonly available, to onceived only one request for books campus undergrads overnight. Xerfrom an out-term student. The ox copies, however, are available at EMS library fared only slightly betfive cents a page. ter. In heavy weeks, three or four Out-term students may%lso send requests came in. In other weeks in urgent requests by Telex. If your none. company has Telex, and if you can Full library services are avail;:make arrahgements with the comable to out-term students. Requests panY, You can contact the library at mailed to the circulation desk of 0295-759.
Fly to Expo for only $25 . Going to Expo 67? You can fly there in three hours with the flying Club. Four .people, including the pilot, will fill the plane at a cost of about $26 per round trip. Air Canada charges $23 one-way. Up to five days, from Monday to Friday, may be spent in Montreal. For further information, contact Vincent McKnight at 744-2408. l
Authorized department,
as secondclass mail Ottawa, and forpayment
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A subscription receive the
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in their during
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studcn ts to nrltlrrall!..
800 to get degreesat convocationnext week Born in Paris, France, Dr.‘Gauvin graduated from McGill University in 1941. In addition to his work with the Noranda Research Center, he is presently a research associate at McGill in charge of doctorate research theses. Dr. Gauvin has written more than 80 papers in the fields of electrochemistry, high-temperature heat and mass transfer, fluid mechanics and particle dynamics. He also~ holds 16 patents in high-temperature chemical processing. This convocation will mark the first time the degrees bachelor of mathematics (BMath) and master of mathematics (MMath) have been awarded by any university. The BMa*th degrees were awarded to persons who had taken mathematics in the faculties of arts or science and who had requested the new degree following the formal establishment of the f acuity of mathematics in January. Degrees will be conferred by the chancellor of the university, Ira G. Needles . A number of social functions will be held in connection with the convocation.
An English theatrical director and a French researcher will be honored at the university’s 1967 spring convocations, next Friday and Saturday. Over 808 degrees--a pccord--will be awarded this year, including an estimated 633 baccalaureates and 175 graduate degrees in arts, engineering, mathematics and science. Michael Langham, artis tic director of the Stratford Shakespearean Festival will receive an honorary doctor of laws and Dr. William Henry Gauvin, res ea rch manager for the Noranda Research Center near Montreal, an honorary doctor of engineering degree. Langham% degree will be awarded Friday when the faculties of arts and mathematics and the school of physical and health< education present their degrees. , Dr. Gauvin’s award will be made the following day at the engineering and science convocation. Langham acted as a consultant in the design of the university’s arts theater. Born and educated in London, England, he spent the years 1940-45 as a prisoner of war.Later he became one of his country’s bestknown theatrical directors, working at the Old Vic and at the Stratfordon-Avon Memorial Theater .
A chancellor’s luncheon will be held each day beforeconvocationfor the honorary graduands in the dining room at St. Jerome’s College. The university receptions following each convocation will be held at the Village. The alumni association is also sponsoring a hospitality room in the Village Hall on both days.
In 1955 he emigrated to Canada and a year later was appointed artistic director of the Stratford Festival. Dr. Gauvin advised and encouraged the university during the establishment of the chemical-engineering department.
On F riday evening the annual Grad Ball will be held at the Victorian Inn in Stratford.
All over campus trucks are roaring, hammers are pounding and dust is flying in an effort to complete Five cranes (top photo) surround the six-story more than half-a-dozen major projects on schedule. math and computer building. Two floors and computer facilities will be ready in September. A damand-bridge structure (lower) is well advanced on Laurel Creek where it crosses Columbia Street, west of the Village. It will control flooding and provide another so-acre lake.
Artsmen attacking wiU1 be immediattily
over 18 years old. Every component is being checked over and many parts rewired. The antenna has been repainted and mounted on a base‘ built by the engineering workshop. It is temporarfly situated on the top of the engineering building beside the pantThe antenna will eventually house. be located on top of the penthouse, In comparison with modern radar units, WATRAD is bulky and homely&king. When it comes to performance, however, there is little difference.
Smile--you may be on radar ! WA TRAD , the affectionate name for the rig* has arrived, and should be in operation within a month. Eight 4A electrical-engineering students are presently overhauling the unit, and have completed approximately 30 percent of the job. An application for transport-department approval has been submitted. The unit is a Marconi three-centimeter marine radar, which was used by the ship George Campbell. Ir has logged 8444.2 hours, and- is
largest shop in the CHAIRS NO
engineers blipped
Twin Cities WAITING
SQUARE MALL -Free Parking -
-- m
Classical Jazz
of Waterloo
COUNCIL ElECilObl Nominations for Council representative from the current in-term undergraduate engineering students to the Student Council of the Federation of Students
and SON
Popular Folk
at 9 a.m.
and close
5 p.m.
Waterloo Fairview &
Host: Peter Shopping Centre, DISCOUNT
Faclaris Waterloo
Corner 10%
King and University Student Discount
POST Groceries
Polling Ave.
OFFICE - Sundries
may be obtained in the Federation
Election will take place on THURSDAY, 1967. Polls will open at 9 a.m. and close
Confectionery 103 University
Square Park
Nomination forms to Miss S. Peters
be located
May 26, at
.- .’ from and returned office.
and courteous
Mlcnael Langnam (rett), artzstzc director of the Stratford Festival,. and Dr. William Henry Gauvin, a prominent researcher in chemistry, will receive honorary degrees at the convocations next weekend.
Two-chair barbershop on corner of Columbia and Lester Streets.
TORONTO LOCATIONS Yorkdale Shopping Centre - 789-3876 Flemingdon Park - 429-1137 For
Although the maximum rangeis 50 miles, this can be decreased to two or three miles if licensing problems arise. WATRAD will be usedfor undergraduate instruction. Characteristics of the set will be investigated and radar maps of the area made up. The use of the unit is designed to tie in with the microwave teaching program of the electrical-engineering department. In four to five years- it is expected that the set will be transistorized;--againaproject for fourth-year stud&&s.
at 5 p.m.
in the engineering
I - 4
742 - 2016
19, 1967 (8:2)
Is there a teacher John Fischer is the editor of Harper’s Magazine. This article is reprinted by courtesy of Harper’s February 1965.
by John
That muffled snarl you hear is the sound of unhappy college students enrolling, just about now, for the spring semester. They are returning to their campuses, by the hundreds of thousands, with a swelling suspicion that they are being gypped. They are quite right. They and their parents are paying dear for an education. What they expect to get for their money--reasonably In a great many classrooms they enough--is good teaching. are not getting it. This is not because the colleges are proverty-stricken or over-crowded or short of good faculty (although in some cases the situation may be aggravated by all these woes). The harsh truth is that nearly all of our colleges and universities are capable right now of providing far better instruction than they actually put out.
in educational methods general acceptance.)
to gain
It seems unlikely, therefore, that we can hope for any drastic improvement in college teaching to come from either the administrators or the faculties. It will come, if at all, only as the result of outside pressure--from parents, alumni, and the students themselves. Luckily, they have at hand some powerful tools, which they have hardly begun to use. A few ways of putting onthepressurewill be noted in a moment.
do you iudge
good reasons
First, however, it may be useful to take a look at the why so much college teaching is so poor. ~ The main reason, I ampersuaded,is thatwe do not now
They don’t do it simply because our whole academic system is now rigged against good teaching. NO faculty member (with rareexceptions) is rewardedif he teaches wd, Or punished if he doesn’t. On the contrary, all the incentives are arranged to divert him away from teaching, no matter how strong a vocation he may have for it, and to penalize hitn if he wastes too much time on mere students.
tures delivered year after year from notes compiled a generation ago... the section men who conduct their classes with unconcealed distaste, begrudging every minute stolen f rom the Iab...the perfunctory seminar, the brushed-off questions,the impatient stifling of a student’s bothersome zeal. Indeed, human nature being what it is, we should be amazed that so many accademics do sweat to teach the very best they can, ignoring self-interest for the sake of the young and their own sense of mission. These rare souls are the saving leaven which can make the college experience worthwhile (sometimes) in spite of everything. But they are bound to dwindle like the whooping crane if (in Dr. Logan Wilson’s words) “the faculty itself regards relief from teaching as the chief reward for accomplishment, or as thehighest status symbol.” It is idle, however, to rail against the publish-or-perish syndrome, with ail its baleful side effects, so long as publication is the only acceptable measure of achievement. A healthy balance between scholarship and teaching probably can never be restored until a reasonably objective yardstick is devised for testing--and rewarding--performance as a tea-
During the last few years I have had occasion to talk to hundreds of students, on campus or in my own home; and I cannot remember one of them who was not disappointed, in some degree, by the education he was being offered. Maybe they begin with their expectations too high. The competition to get into good universities has ,of course, become enormous. After years of strain and worry, sta’rting in grade school, when a youngster finally makes his way past the flaming sword of the Admissions Officer he expects a good deal of his academic Eden. Then, if hemeets indifference,slovenly instruction, and a curriculum only tangentially relevant to his needs, he is likely to get angry. So are his parents --who are also taxpayers and the _ prime target of every academic fund-raising campaign. If I read the signs correctly, this smoldering discontent is growing fast. It won’t stay bottled up forever; and when it does break into the open, the whole academic wor Id may be in for some distressful days.
No longer rebelling -- iust ignoring Naturally, the more alert college administrators have been aware of this for a long time, and they are worried. Dr. Logan Wilson, president of the American Council on Education and formerly chancellor of the University of Texas, re- cently warned his coUeagues that they had better remember that “colleges were created primarily for students” and that “there is a danger of our becorning indifferent, if not callous, to the sources of discontent and the causes of failure.” And President Rosemary Park of Barnard has noted thatincreasing numbers of students are becoming alienated from college life--no longer rebelling against the campus Establishment but simply ignoring it, including their own undergraduate government, organizations, and publications. Part of the blame, she suggested, lies with the faculty, which no longer has much contact with the students outside the classroom, and all too often only a formal and perfunctory one inside it. Unfortunately, the administrators seldom can do much about all this. Professors grumble constantly, as we all know, about academic administration--but in fact most universities have less administration per square yard than any other institutions in American life. Typically the president is a sort of Merovingian king, presiding nervously over the savage and powerful barons who run their separate schools, departments, laboratories ) and institutes like so many feudal He has only very partial command over the univerfiefs. &y’s budget; becauseof the tenure ru.le,he cannot fire a lazy and his control over what happens or incompetent professor; in the ‘classroom is marginal. Moreover s even if he had a great dealmore authority-comparable, say, to that of a modern corporate executive-he could achieve reforms only very slowly; for the academic world has a granitic, built-in resistance to change. However liberal a professor may be on political or social issues, when it comes to his own professional environment he is almost invariably as conservative as Charles I--believing, indeed, in the Divine Right of the Professoriat to do as it damn well pleases, with a minimum of accountability to anyone, whether president, parent, taxpayer, or student. (Perhaps this accounts for a phenomenon recently pointed out to me by a friend on the faculty of Teachers College at Columbia: a j technological innovation will usually be widely adopted by in“’ dustry within about two years --while a comparable innovation
printed iversity
I have
always thought in the cosier
that the value of these atmosphere and limited
have any .objective, impersonal method to measure thequality of teaching. It is true that nearly. everybody on the campus knows who are the good teachers and who the bad ones; but this information is acquired by a process of hearsay, student gossip, and osmosis. There is no solid. safe yardstick that a dean or department head can use to jusdfy raising the pay of a good instructor, or firing a poor one. He dares not depend on his personal judgment; however sound it may be. That way lie recriminations, accusations of favoridsm and injustice, and probably a fight with the American Association of University Professors, one of the most powerful of trade uniorls. Consequently, in doling out rewards and punishments the administrator falls back on something that can be measured: research and publication. The number of columninches in learned journals, the pounds of books published, the foundation grants awarded, the prizes won--Nobel, Bancroft, Guggenheim, or a dozen others--these are tangible, indisputable tokens of some kind of academic achievement. (The quality of the research or the publications is hardly relevant. After all, an administrator isn’t expected to be able to judge whether a finding in biochemistry is really significant, or whether yet another critical evaluation of Henry James. adds anything to those already on the shelf.) Now everybody will agree that research ought to be an important part of academiclife. Ideally, weare told, research and teaching go hand-in-hand; the good professor adds to the store of knowledge at the same time he is dispensing it. In practice, alas, things seldom work out that way. So long as research alone pays off, in cash and fame, the temptation to scamp on teaching is almost irresistible. Hence the lec-
from the of British
discussion groups over classes number of students . . .
cher. The difficulties are obvious: may not be insuperable,
Ubyssey, Columbia
but, as we shall see, they
Profs don’t know how to teach ~ Another reason for substandard teaching simply is that college professors don’t know how to teach. Aside from a microscopic number who have had some experience in grade or high schools (where formal teacher training is required),nobody on the typical campus has ever had a lesson in learning theory, lecturing techniques, or organizadon of material for class room presentation. not a hint (God forbidI) that faculty members ought to be compelled to endure the inanities of the traditional teacher’s college. That could prove ruinous, as it does for so many grade: and high-school teachers. But it is not impossible to figure out good ways to teach the art of teaching, in as little as one year of intensivework. Already it is being done in a few places -- the master of arts in teaching courses at Harvard, Yale, and a couple of other universities’, for example. And Dr. James B.Conant has suggested other ways to do it, as part of the regular undergraduate course. Once such training is widely available, it might besensible to require at least a little of it for all college instructors. In the classroom it would beinfinitely more useful than their present compulsory union card, the PhD. This
What, then, can be done? Is it possible
to set up an ac-
on the ‘fa ceptable, objective pod teaching?
Just the
for measuring--and
maybe, customer
Perhaps the answer lies in that old, reliable maxim of the competitive free-enterprise System: “The Customer is always right.‘* Not in its pure form, of course; that would be too shockingly revolutionary for such a conservative industry as American education. But it might be possible to “Just possibly,the experiment with a watered-down version: customer might be right now and then, so let’s make a cautious , tentative effort to find out what’s on his mind.” In this case, of course, the cutomer is the student. I am convinced that he is, on the whole, a pretty accurate and fair-minded judge of the quality of teaching he gets. Already his judgment is being felt --in sporadic, unofficial ways--on a and its impact seems to be a healthy number of campuses; one. What I am suggesting,therefore,is simply that the cullective student judgment should be sought out systematically, and weighed (along with other factors, including research and publications) in deciding faculty rewards and punishments. In a crude fashion, this system already is operating in nearly every big university. Insome basicfields---European history, for example, or American literature--the same course will be offered by half a dozen different instructors. If one of them finds his section oversubscribed year after year, while another gets nobody except a few innocents who aren’t plugged into the campus grapevine, then you can be fairly certain that the first is a good teacher and the second is not. But, by tacit agreement of the Professoriat, this sort of common knowledge is supposed to be ignored by the administrators. (Not so in the great medieval universities. There, in effect, each student dropped a quarter in the turnstile at the lecture-room door--with the consequence that an Abelard or a Duns Scotus could become a wealthy man. The less brilliant lecturers naturally hated this arrangement, which eventually was trampled to death by tie onward march of enlightenment.) At a few universities --notably Harvard and the University of California at Berkeley--the undergraduates publish their own guides to courses and teachers. Both of these publications are based on ques tionnair es, filled out confidentially by students enrolled during the previous semester in each of the courses listed. The answers are then tabulated and evaluated, at Berkeley by upper-division and graduate students in the respective departments ,at Harvard by the editors of the Crimson. It is my impression that both sets of evaluators try hard to be fair, ignoring the comments of soreWhen the evidence is scanty or heads and grudge-nursers. contradictory, the ratings tend to be cautious ; when it is ample, they are brutally candid.
* Or let the profs rate themselves The last issue of the Berkeley Slate, for instance, described an English instructor as “one of the brilliant young men who shore up the department; he is a most intelligent and articulate person, easily accessible and very pleasant.” In an adjoining par agraph, another man’s lectures were reported as “dull, pedantic, and largely irrelevant....Although apparently a technician and a scholar, he is like a used-car salesman selling Tolstoi to a customerheis sure won’t buy.” Nor are the editors overawed by academic fame. The Crimson’s 39th editionof its ‘%onfidential guide” remarked of the prestigious Dr. Jerome Bruner--that he was wellliked, but not as a lecturer, because his lectures were poorly organized and “incoherent.” It was even rougher on Dr. J. Kenneth Galbraith, economic polemicist, presidential adviser@ and recent U,S. ambassador to India. Obviously, this sort of thing is bound to cause a certain amount of anguish amongthefaculty. One former teacher (a very good one) told me she could never bear to work on a campus where her performance was thus held up to public scrutiny. But writers) actors) painters, chefs, and autoalso suffer when they read reviews mobile manufacturers of their work--think how the designers of the Edsel must have felt--and yet they somehow continue tooperate. Sometimes they even profit from such criticism. Why, then, should teaching be the only important function in our society which is not subject either to criticism or to the appraisal of the market? After all, Harvard and Berkeley are cor-nmonly recognized as two of the best U.S. universities, so the unofficial guides evidently have not inflicted any irreparable blight. And students at both places have told me that they find the guides invaluable. Why, therefore, such an undergraduate
doesn’t every major university have enterprise? Why, indeed, doesn’t the
administration encourage them, if the students lack theinitiative to start one themselves? Better yet, why shouldn’t each university set up the machinery for systematic student appraisal of the faculty, on a more thorough and reliable basis than any undergraduate publication can possibly manage? All that would be needed is an unsigned questionnaire, to be filled out by every student in each course at the end of each semester. The results might be evaluated by a tripartite group, including representatives of the faculty, the administration, and,graduatestudents in each department. The ratings need not be published; they could merely be used as one indicator (along with others, including scholarly accomplishment) to guide department heads in deciding on awards of permanent tenure, salary increases, The predictable result would be a galvanic and promotions. increase in the amount of effort invested in good teaching. All right, I know the standard objections. Many professors with whom I have discussed this notion argue that: (1) most students would vote for the merely entertaining lecturer rather than the sound one; and (2) undergraduates are too immature to recognize a good teacher. While they are in school they may detest old Dr. Slogger, who held their noses so mercilessly to the grindstone--but in later years they will come to realize that he was really their benefactor. I don’t believe a word of it. Certainly when I was an undergraduate I knew who my good teachers were’ (the bad ones too) and the passing decades have not changed my view in a single case. Today, moreover, the vast majority of students are more serious, more rigorously selected, more demanding than in my day. Few of them go to college--to a good college, at least --merely for entertainment. Indeed s one of their commonest complaints is against instructors who are TOO entertaining. Here, for example, are afew typical comments from the Harvard and Berkeley course guides: “Each lecture was inmicrocosm the chaos of the course as a whole... anecdotes split off from one another in seemingly endless Between snatches of the economist’s autobioprogression. graphy, students were treated to an unorganized chain of intriguing thoughts which someday may blossom into another best-seller.” “Entertaining to the point of distraction...low ratings on intellectual stimulation.” “A scholarly and articulate Harpo Marx&his lectures) sometimes are virtually all slapstick and no facts.” But, for academics who are implacably distrustful of their students’ judgment, two safeguards might be built tit.0 . the system. For one thing, questionnaires might be sent to alumni a year, two Years, five years, and ten years after their graduation. Thus undergraduate ‘%nmaturity” could be tempered by blending into the evaluation the sober afterthoughts of the old grads. . An even better check is the use of outside examiners. In the honors courses at Swarthmore, for example, the final
DO you agree with Mr. Fischer? Does your experience in the classrooms and Iabs of Waterloo confirm his analysis? Should Waterloo students publish an “an ticalendar’) a guide to courses from the student point of view - like Harvard and Berkeley? (Efforts to produce one have failed in the past because too few people volunteered to help with the work. Would you be willing?) To the faculty: guilty or not guilty? Are you living up to you high calling as teachers? To the administration: Have you been paying as much attention to the quality of teaching at Waterloo as to its bricks and mortar ? The letters-to-the-editor column is open. Speak your mind.
What do think?
examinations (both written and oral) are conducted by a group of professors imported from other campuses, usually d&inguished authorities in their fields. This accomplishes two things, both of them wholesome: (1) It provides an objective yardstick of teaching ability, since any Swarthmore instructor whose students perform well before the outside examiners, year after year, obviously is doing a good job. (2) It changes the whole relationship between teacher and students. Automatically he becomes their accomplice instead of their adversary. They know that he is just as eager as they are for allof them to make a good showing. They don% regard him as someone who has to be tricked or flattered, or whose crotchety notions have to be parroted back at him, as
so often happens when an instructor writes and grades the exams himself; neither can theysuspecthimof unfairness or of being “too hard.” He and they become true partners in an adventure in learning; and both partners know that their success will be judged jointly, by an impartial and respected authority in the discipline. Perhaps this explains, in good part, why the teaching at Swarthmore is so widely regarded as about the best going on today anywhere in the country. The only mystery is why the plan has not been adopted everywhere. (It is being used in a few other liberal-arts colleges, but not in any big university that I know of.) Theusual excuse is that it is expensive; bringing in a herd of outside examiners costs a lot of But I can’t imagine any better investment in educamoney. tion.
Teaching is a high calling If innovations of this sort would transform college teaching (as I believe they would), what are the chances that they might be introduced on a fairly large scale? Most students, and many alumni and parents, seem to feel that there is no hope of changing the Sys tern. The typical university is too hidebound, too complacent, too deaf to the needs of its students (and their future employers) to pay any attention to such suggestions. This probably is true-unless each suggestion is accompanied by a firm tug on the purse strings. For every college and university in America is desperately in need of money. They will have to double their plants and their faculties within the next 20 years to take care of the expected increase in em-o&-rents. Most of this money will have to come from alumni, from parents, and from legislators (who are a good deal more sensitive to the taxpayers’ wishes than the academic world). So, next time you get an appeal from your alma mater, don’t send a check. Send a letter asking what the college is doing to improve its teaching. Does it have any system for appraising teaching ability? At a minimum, why aren’t its undergraduates being encouraged to publish something like Harvard’s “Confidential guide to courses”? Intimate, in a nice way, that you aren’t about to make any more contributions until you get satisfactory answers. If you are a business executive, you almost certainly will be asked during the next six months to make a corporate donation to a new stadium or an aerospace lab or a fund for faculty travel grants. You could say no. You could hint that your firm might, however, be willing to help finance an experiment with outside examiners--or a salary increase for one faculty member in each department who is voted by the students to be the best teacher. If you are a student, you could raise a little more hell. American undergraduates surely are the most docile in the world--and this may be one reason why they get so much unsatisfactory teaching. I am not urging that they should stone deans, burn classrooms, or riot in the streets, in the academic fashion of Latin America, say, or Iran. but surely they could do a hit more complaining. When teaching is perfunctory, when curricula are arranged primarily for the convenience of the professors8 when a good instructor is refused tenure because his publications are scanty, when the Big Men on the faculty spend too much time off the campus s the students really don’t have to take it lying down. A few dozer letters to the state’s maJor newspaper, to the foundations whence come those lovely grants $to the legislative appropriations committees --even to the university president--mighi work wonders. So would a students’ report on teachers and tours es ; it could start as a mimeographed leaflet covering only one department. And why not boo a Brunner, picket a Galbraith, present crowns of laurel to a John Hope Franklin, a quart of bourbon to aRoydenDangerfield? The possibilities for nonviolent action are infinite--and they could prove a 101 more fun than panty raids or beer busts at Fort Lauderdale, Such tactics, naturally, will not enchant one part of the academic Establishment. Some professors still believe tha, higher education is an arcane ritewhich ought to be conducta by (and largely for the benefit of) its own Sanhedrin, withou interference from the peasantry. In the old days, when collq ege was the privilege of a small elite, they could get away witl this disdainful posture. But today education is our largest in dustry. It affects all of us; it reaches deep into every fama ily’s pocketbook; it is infinitely more crucial to the nation’: future than ever before. Education,as Talleyrand once said oj war, has become too serious to leave to the professionals Many of theless encrusted academics realize this. They know that the pubic is bound to have an increasing say in the management of higher education--that the customer has a right to demand a better brand of teaching and that eventually he will get it. These will welcome every pressure for modernization. For in their hearts most of them believe that teaching is a high calling--at least as important as research-and they will rejoice in any change in the System which encourages them to devote to it more of their time and talent.
19, 1967 (8:2)
Newfield, Jack A prophetic 1967 $5.95
minority. ’
Jack Newfield has become the historian of the new left and in this volume he considers the origins of today’s youthful radicalism. He chronicles the early civilrights movements which led to the formation of such civil-rights groups as SNCC. The success of the organizing methods of the Student Nonviolent Coordination Committee was the inspiration for the founding of the new-left radical group, the Students for a Democratic Society. SDS has become the leading voice of the new left as it exists in the United States today. It provides the core of workers for thepeacemovement, civil-rights workers and community-action types in the northeastern and far-west United States. of course, the free-speech movement of Berkeley is also anintegral part of the new left. The new left is basically a reaction of disgust to the traditional ways of America. In this type of reaction with the emphasis on comrnunity action, the new left resembles the Russian narodniks of the late 1800s. Perhaps like the Narodniks, the new left will unfortunately resort to violence and assasination. It is to be hoped not, for thenew left has much to say that is relevant to modern industrial society. Newfield briefly deals with the youth arms of the old left: the young Communists, the Maoists and the communist DuBois clubs. Newfield sees a dim future ahead for the new left in the United States. There are for the new left the twin pitfalls of cultural absorption or a resurgent McCarthyism. Newfield shows himself a light weight in political thought onsever-
Committee The
10x7 I
247 Pages $4.95 reviewed
by Ken
‘The cross in Canada’ is an excellent collection of documents illustrating the role of various branch of the church in Canada’s history. In the introduction, J. W. Grant sees two constant strands in Can-
reviewed WATERLOO
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their predecessors without paying any colnsideration to their readers. He feels this is a great mistake. His task in &is book is to make the concepts and issues of philosophy understandable to every reader.And he succeeds. Prof. Prosch points out that at the turn of the 16th century menbelieved in animism--personal kinship with things in the world. ‘CFor them the Sun had really ridden his flaming chariot. across the sky.” Thus nothing in the world was hopeless and meaningless. ‘Nothing in nature, therefore, was totally dead, inert or meaningless. Everything, at least potentially became either man’s personal friend or his personal enemy.” At this. time, for those who were Christians, everything in the world served God’s purpose. “For his Christian religion told him that everything ultimately served God’s purposes and that man was thehighest purpose of God’s creations--not man as he existed on this earth, but man in the fulfilment of his ultimate potentiality, his ultimate happiness in the coming of God”. Ina way, man being the most important part of creation meant every other creation served man’s purpose. The
NITELY inllrrrb-
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For quite some time I have searched for a book on philosophy written by a philosopher--a book which would not betray philosophy as a discipline but which would be understandably digested by any reader. Prof. Prosch is one of the very few philosophers I know who can write a humorous but challehging book on philosophy. His style is beautiful and his language non-technical. He traces the birth of the con temporary revolution in philosophy to the noble Copernican revolution. In comparison to this age of Copernicus he brings into focus the persistent problems of man. Such questions as: ‘What, in the end& good? What is the basic nature of the world in which we live? What finally does the life of man mean?” And the question of all questions: “HOW shall I proceed to inquireinto these questions ?‘* Pros ch points out that philosophers habitually use the language of
terns of a large number of denominations and religious orders. The thesis that religious sentiment has been influential in Canadian history is supported by a large number of selections. The tension of the church-state issue, the granting of religious toleration to the French, the early anti-Catholic feelings of the Liberals and the influence of Christian concerns in the formation of the CCF and Social Credit parties are a few. The book also has shortcomings. Although it purports to trace the history of the Church in Canada, it seems to forget several important developments. The change in the religious scene caused by immigration is scarcely mentioned. There is no mention of the Hutterites and Men.nOniteS. The role of lay religious movements is not mentioned.
The genesis of twentiety-century philosophy. Doubleday Anchor
paintings, on loan from the Sobot Gallery of Toronto, hang in the Grad House, across from the Village. The whimsy of Roly Fenwick’s The guest (watercolors, left) and Raymond Chow’s Girl with rose (oils, right) contrasts sharply with the eternal despair of Joe Rosenthal’s Kneeling man (ink and wash, top right). , (Chevron photos by Jouni Kraft)
adian history--expansion to follow the frontier and consolidation. The selections in the body of the book are carefully chosen to show these two developments. The strengths of the book arepartitularly obvious in theearlier sections. There is a variety of presentation--eyewitnss descriptions, diaries, relevant decrees, historical analyses and Leacock’s description of Dean Drone. Included in the account is a sample of the key religious figures of the period--the mysical Marie de l’Incarnation, Henry Alline, a nun, a New Light priest, themartyr Brebeuf, the proud Anglican bishop Jacob Mountain, the colorful loyalist Charles Inglis and a host of others. The editor has selected episodes that illustrate the religious expression and moral and social con-
al occasions. For some reason, Newfield equates the British new left with the American. It seems to me the British new left is an old-left revival. He also shows his ignorance of the old left when he says Lenin’s Bolshevik paper was called ‘The spark’; actually it was ‘Forward’. All in all, an interesting primer on the new left.
by Dale Martin
earth, therefore, was to serve man’s purpose. When Copernicus came into the picture, things changed. Thestability and centraliry of the earth was shaken. “It is quite clear to us now that all this and more was truly’ involved in the ideas of the moving earth. Men have felt this estrangement from their universe and thus base of support, not for their physical selves--they have grown used to riding on their merry-go-round-but for their highest values, hopes and aspirations.” I highly recommend this small book to everybody. Every chapter is well explained. Those who are interested inexistentialism willffnd the book very thought-provoking. Prosch thinks, for instance, that the existentialist’s position is circular: . ‘Mind (to the existentialist) is free, because it influences itself in trying to determine what it is, i.e. it becomes self-determinative. And it is ess endally capable of influencing itself in this way simply because it has no essence except the very activity of determining or constructing an. essence for itself.” Man in turn is incapable of not choosing. How free is he? Read Prosch. the
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This letter, from Dr. Ralph Stanton, the founder of Waterloo’s math and graduate programs, appeared in the Globe and Mail. To the editor:
YOU have just published
several in which, with customary zeal, proponents of “new math” have dashed to their pens to defend the infant creation. Their sensitivities remind one of those displayed by othe’r crusaders Do you remember of the past. when the proponents of the theme “Phonetics is bad; the wqrd method of reading is the only way to teach reading” were equally intolerant of criticism? Unlike Prof. Arthur Porter, I have been concerned enough with the problems of ‘new math” to teach mathematics classes in Ontario secondary schools many times during the current year. Ihavethus seen people “in transit,” not just some survivors. And I feel that there are many problems. I cannot agree) with the idea that the new program is superior. In fact, I would make the foIlowing specific comments: 1. The “spiral approach” is leaving most students with an incoherent grasp, lacking ‘in depth, of mathematics. 2. The courses are too crammed with materi&. We should b& doi& : 3 : letters
a smaller number of topics welland thoroughly, rather than touching here and there. We need less dabhlfn& 3. The new cours& areprobbly no disadvantage to very good students, who will survive any course. But the average student is not getting the basic training in analytfc geometry, algebra and trigonometry which he needs. 4. There has been too great a dei fication of trivial terms in set “numerals ,“, “negative theory, thlW3S ,- commutativity, and other like frills. There is not enough solid substance given. Just as one topic is well under way, the course of study darts off to anothei topic. 5. The attempt to _cram in too many topics is frightening away from mathematics students who either should continue inmathematics or who need mathematics (without frills and phony “vocabulary”) for future work in the physical, bfological and social sciences. 6. The “new math” is promoting rote learning of vocabuIary,without understanding. I am personally very suspidous of the ultra-sensitivity of the “‘new math’ ’ crowd. Can it be that their feeling that “‘no cridcism is allowable” fs linked up with the fact that “new math” doesn’t look too good if looked at with thoroughness? In the older program, certafn mathematical knowledge was given the students , and I feel that they were well prepared for university, I only hope that the new math has not omitted too many basic topics in order to bring in extra “wording” and extra nonessentials. R, G, STANTON department of mathematics University of Manitoba j Winnipeg, 1 I
I ‘The Canadian student is a member suit of knowledge and truth?
Mr. Ward, president of the Canadian Union- of Student,s,has a background of work in youth fields which is probably u-nparalleled in CUS history. His fatherin-law is of all things;.a university president. This article is reprinted from ‘CUS across Canada’, a monthly newsletter. by Doug
This seems to be the year of the big talk about unfversity government reform. Since the publication of the DuffBerdahl Report last sprfng, almost every campus has struck committees or royal commissions to scare up all of the conventional wisdom about how a university should be run. Very few people are asking WHY it should be governed in a certain way or WHAT is the purpose of ore dering the life of the university.Almost everyone is concerned to go through the motions of investigation in order to come up with a smootherrunning university. But since when has smoothness been an ultimate goal of the academic community? The people who espouse the smooth, riskless university think our ,universities are on the right track, with a few m$or complicadons that can be removed with structural changes and a bit of Clearsfl. Others think the problems go Perhaps the tremendous deeper. success of the university as a service industry and trainer of higher man-power threatens its existence as‘ a place of liberty and a locus for
the I development civilized minds.
of critical %
How useful is the board of governors? To us, it seems not very. Everyone knows that the board has certain prescribed duties such as appointments salaries and providing money for the university. All these duties are found in the act, of incorporation of the University of Waterloo. But this assumes that the act would have to resemble reality and this it does not. The board has three basic functions at the moment. The first is going down to the provincial government at Queer& park and lobbying for money. This function will soon become outdated when the province assumes a&greater role in financing edu’ catidn. With the need for mare educ:a-. 1 tiouaJ <facilities, the day must surely come - within a year or two - when the province will be paying lOO+percent of the cost of all academic buildings and a major proportion of non-academic ones. Lobbying would also be unnecessary if Ontario were to establish a grants commission to stand between the province and the universities for setting financial goals. The second major function of the board is its first major weakness. f
Perhaps the smooth administradon of the university, with its horde of student personnel officers, counselors, deans of students, p&crelations personnel and slick student-council presidents, is out of control by the academic faculty and students. Perhaps there is somethingintrinsic for the maintenance of thepurposes of the community for its mednbers to he involved inits government quite fully. At least we preach this in political theory. But does fthave any relevance to the university? But the questions t&ng asked about university reform in Canada don’t go this deep. Presidents want to know how to keep their senior faculty from becoming alienated from the inner circle. Presidents and faculty want to know how tokeep students from using the less polite forms of arbitration. Lots of “how” questions, very few “whys”. And the fact that we naturally ask the “how” questions, rather than the “‘why” questions, is perhaps the saddest commentary onthe stateof the academic community. It has been said that we are a civflizadon committed to the quest for con&m= ally improved means to carelessly examined ends. Is the university merely a part of this game? To a grea t extent, it is and the only hope lies in a revitalized concern for the questions of %hat” and “why” --hard intellectual work by the academic community about its role in a technological society and about the kind of community and academic government that will be needed to assure that role.
the &dtoban engaged in the pur-
Times change, duties change
Reformingthe university : question.‘why’, not ‘how’ .
-from who is intensively
of society
The board is the most ill-prepared legislative body ever to rubberstamp executive decisions that it is possible to conceive. Board members rarely get their reference material very far in advance, and when they do, it is rarely as complete as it should be. The board is expected to review decisions of its executive committee in a matter of a few hours. The board is totally out of touch with with university since it meets only quarterly. What is really needed is a governing body$ academics, students and ad1 ministrators who know what is really go.ing on in university affairs. The board of go.vemors is also responsible for the setting of standards of conduct. I,’ ’ .‘- student 1 This is absurd paternalism. The average coll?ge +dent purpose&: avoids living” tit h6me in order to be able to conduct himself as an independent adult. Then the board comes along and we see him living under ridiculous rules on ampus and in tbft residence. d Fortunately student rights have bwome more negotiable over the years. Soon the board of governors will be without purpose oi useand may be permitted to adjourn to British Columbia Eor rose-growing seminars.
“It’s j ust plain ridiculous _. j _.e- , .3 *That people just assume that the Federation means the people in that funny little building and not themselves.
.~ ’ :I .*The titiy those ‘Lplea&k cor& & thk a re&stra%’ s office’ ’ notices hr.& @c&d L where? - at the registrar’s office.
+&To pull yourself out of bed for an eight-o’clock class on a Monday morning and then be locked out of the classroom - prof and all. v
$That Village executive elections are going to be cancelled because nobody tdld the students t$at, the new constitution was never approved. I, t3j:r. d ->>‘r L
h$lXDSW~Orr .
editor-in-chief: Jim Nogel news and features: Donna McKie, Mary Bull, Frances Anders, Brian Clark, Ron Craig, Frank Goldspink, Roger LaFleur, Sandra Savlov, Kelly Wilson sports: Wayne Braun, Bill Snodgrass, Adrian Trevisan, Doug Woolner
Publications chairman: John building. 744-6111 local 2497 (news), Toron to: Patricia McKee, Loney, 481-2950.
Shiry. 2812
photo&&y: I&r-lftLrHoward
:,. ’
reviews: Dale Martin ’ circulation: David Bean typing: Steve Richards 4,500 copies (summer)
(advertising), - 7117. Ottawa:
manager: 2471 John
Glen Berry, Jouni Pike, Hans
(editor). Beamish,
Helling. Night 828
744-0111. Telex -3565. Montreal:
Federation 0295159 Gior&
May 19, 1967 (8~2)
poses by Bill
Once again this summer,theathletic department is faced with the perennial problem--where do you find facilities for the-sports activities, especially of the outdoor variety, at this university?
Competitors reach meet last Saturday
for that final leap in the &O-yard at Seagram Stadium.
Woolner sports
Monarch Park highschool of Toronto dominated the seventh annual Warrior Track and Field meet Saurday. Seven records were broken and two tied in the day-long meet. Monarch Park topped the team standings with 66 points. Michael Power of Toronto took second place with 50 points. Individual stars inthemeet were Bob Legge of Oakvflle-Trafalgar and Dennis McGann of Thistletown. Legge set a mark of 4:25.4 in the mile and 9:50.3 in the two-mile event. McGann broke his own record in the triple jump with a leap of 46’3.5”. His long jump of 22’1” was enough to break the established mark. Other records were set by Doug Morris in the pole vault, Julian
Results Long jump-McGann (11, Chopman (EY), Phillips (BC) 22-l (record) Javelin-Withers (SN), Knox .(HP), Linden (FHI 168-2 IjO-yard hurdiesBauet (HC), Dixon (01, Boncroft (BC) 1:Ol.O (new event) Shot put-Buller (EY), Mercer (01, Linden (FH) 47-8 880~yard dash-T’remblay (MP), Mercer (HP), Hawk% (MP) 1:59.1 (lied record 1 120~yard hurdles-MacDonald (PO), Boncroft (BC), Brown (HP) 15.7 (new event) Triple jump-McGann (T), Chapman (EY), Sulimikivi (SUD) 46-3’~ (record) Girls special relay-Porkside, Grand
We hate to be sarcastic about the whole thing (oh, how we hate to be sarcastic) butsport on this campus in the summer can usually be confined to the excitement of about 1540 ,guys chasing the 60-odd co-opmath women--better just read that “60~odd” as it says ‘cause we’ll kill the first one who reads it as “60 odd girls “. (Please cooperate, Mr. Printer .) However--getting back to our original point, this summer there will be softball (or fastball or whatever other name you may have discovered for this sport) on all fronts this term. Rurnor has it that the engineers have millions of teams lined up and ready to go for a thrilling season--yes p editor, a season of softball. Co-op math is doing the same. It doesn’t sound iike much but it sure is an improvement over other years when there was absolutely zilch to do. Now getting down to a rather touchy subject on which we have no authority to wrhe( but we will anyway), look for the Warrior football team to start training sometime in late August. We were about to say something else, but remembering earlier promises about predictions changed course in mid-sentence. But we will say this about that--the Warriors should be reasonably strong. They have latched on to a few players with considerable football experience. The CH P/RON
at the seventh
Lebofsky in the 440-yard dash and the Monarch Park relay team. Morris broke his own pole-vault record with a vault of 13’6”. The bar was set at 14’ 1” to try for the Canadian scholastic mark. He failed to clear the bar in three attempts. Lebofsky, running for Northview Heights, ran the 440 in 50.6 seconds , well under the old record of 51.9 seconds.
Well, sports fans, after a short stint in the higher echelons of the Chevron (the same higher echelons in which we were a complete failure), we have returned to the sportsdesk to renew old enemyships (that’s not really a word--we made it up) and raise hell--or something. Anywho, we must ask that you not applaud for our return because you’d probably be the only one and you’d really look silly. * * * We don’t want to make any predictions on the outcome of sport at good oldU of Woo this year and there are about n zillion reasons why--the biggest of which being, of course, our inability to predict anything other than what day it will be tomorrow. So, much to the chagrin of all our fans, we will simply try to outline what can be expected now and in the fall term when varsity sport steals the campus spotI.ight. (Now that the kampus kops know who’s going to steal the campus spotlight,they%probably bein the Chevron office looking for it.)
arrior meet
Toronto school t by Doug
River, Water 51.6 Mile-Legge (01, Salvagna (MP), Rioux (OH) 4:25.4 (record) IOO-yard dash-Theed (MP), Ford (WH); Plawiuk (AN) 10.1 4&l-yard dash-Lebofsky (NH), Charlton (PO). Pitt (Cl 50.6 (record) Two mile--l-egg (01,. Machaster (DPI-Osborne (OSH) 9:SO.3 (record) 220”yard dash-Ford (WH), Quinn (PO), Bacarras (NH) 22.9 (tied record) Discus-Linden (Fli), Field (PI, Buller (EY) 135-9 Mile relay-Monarch Pork, Northview Heighls, Dundas District 3~26~4 (record) 440-yard relay-Ancuster, Sarnia Northern, St. Jerome’s 44.5 Krupa Pole vault-Morris (PO), (WELL!, Hieney (MP) 13-S% (record) High jump-Martin (SUD), Penny (PO), Noroski (MP) 6-O Key-(T) rhistletown, Toronto; (E) East York, Toronto; (BC) Central, Burlington; (SN) Northern, Sornia; (HP) Hill Park, Hamilton; (FH) Forest Heights, Kitchener; (HC) Central, Oakville; (MP) Monarch Park, TorHamiiton; (0) Oakville - Trufulgor, Ookville; (MP) Monarch Park, Toronto; (PO) Michael Power, Toronto; (SUD) Sudbury; (OH) Highland, Dundcs; (WH) West Humber: Toronto; Ifi;; Ancaster! (OSH) .O’Netl, Oshuwa; NorthvIew Herghts, Toronto; (C) Chippewo, North Boy; (DP) Porkside, Dundas; (PI Porkside, Toronto; (WELL) Welland.
We won’t mention any names because every time we do the player either cancels out or we spell a name wrong--or something. Besides the newcomers there is a good crop of players returning. The Warriors will be priming themselves this season for their acceptance into the Big Four (@AA, if you prefer) in the 1968 season. As for the standing of our mighty gold and black this season (to heck withpromises),you can expect the Warriors to fight it out for the top position with (and how it hurts to say it) the Waterlootherans. And oh yeah, just because we made a dumb prediction at a dumb time, don’t expect us to say the same thing come September (when we should be making such prophesies). We simply said it because there was some little kiddie out there innewspaper land who will gloat for months because we broke a promise. And there’s nothing we like better than keeping the readers happy--well, altnos t nothing. AFTERTHOUGHTS
--Several U of W athletes will play for the Kitchener Panthers, local entry in the Senior Inter-County Baseball League, this summer. Bob McKillop, football Warrior quarterback, pitches and catches for the Panthers e Last season McKillop compiled the lowest earned-run average in the league, had a mound record of 6-1, was theall-star catcher and was voted the most valuable player on the team.
As a result, activities must be organized on a haphazard basis. Even so, things look as if they could be a lot worse. A full season’s membership in the Waterloo Tennis Club, located behind Seagram Stadium, is being offered to any university student at a fairly reasonable rate of $20. A season’s membership is the only type available. Anyone interested in this membership should fill out a formavailable from Paul Condon at Seagram Stadium. He will forward this form and the fee to the tennis club. Starting in the last week of May, there wffl be free swimming available for all university summer students for 2 l/2 hours at Breithaupt pool one night per week. Breithaupt pool is located off Margaret Avenue in Kitchener , near Union Street. In addition, during periods of public swimming, a university student, man or woman, will be admitted for Since scheduling at the 25 cents. pool has not been completed, exact times and dates are not yet available. The Grand River Golf and Country
Club has announced that students with cards will receive a 50-cent reduction in green fees. Students must tee off before four Monday to Friday afternoons. Regular fees will be in effect at other times. Negotiations with other local golf courses for reduced membership rates for university students are continuing. However, the feeling of the courses is that special student memberships are unfair to regular members. Plans are currently being drawn up for at least one and maybe two golf tournaments during the summer. There will be a championship for both men and women participants. There will be no field lacrosse this summer, due to lack of facilities. Starting the last week of May, Seagram gym will be open until 9:30 Tuesday and Thursday nights, and 8 to 5 the rest of the week. If there is sufficient need,arrangements will be made to have the gym open other nights. Basketball, badminton and weights are among the availableactivities in the gym. Currently, phys-ed classes OCcupy the gym during the day, and it is open until 8 nightly until about the first of June. Special-interest groups who wish to make use of the gym for special activities may make arrangements by getting in touch with Carl Totzke or Don Brown at Seagram Stadium.
Enq softball have
no diamon
The summer engineers may have to play their intramural baseballin the arts quadrangle,
cal education building, now under construction, are still in the bog stage--and will be until 1968.
By Tuesday afternoon over 300 engineers had signed to play in the inter-class softball leaguesponsored by Engineering Society A. Also as of Tuesday afternoon they had nowhere to play,
Condon said that early this year he had the assurance of the city parks board that the required number of city diamonds would be available. Tentative arrangements were also made with the Waterloo school board. However, both of thesepossibilities have died out. Facilities are booked solid by minor league baseball.
Steve Russell, president of the society, was adamant. “At least one diamond, on Monday through Thursday nights were promised to US a year ago. Where are they?” he demanded. As the situation stands there are no existing ball diamonds under the university’s control, said Paul Condon, director of intramural sports. The old ones have been usurped for parking facilities and the new ones, to be situated near the physi-
At the moment there may be one diamond available in the park, and there may be one available at one of the highschools. Condon possibility diamond building. Tuesday e
also said there may be a of building a temporary behind the engineering The First ball game is
Top-flight soccer scheduled for TO United Soccer Associationleague play will begin on the Toronto front May 31. The league has been formed by some of the better-known soccer teams throughout the world. The teams will play out of Canadian and
American cities this summer. The first home game for Toronto City (Edinburgh Hibernian) is against Washington Whips (Aberdeen of Scotland). All Toronto home contests will be played in VarsiQ’ Stadium.
Hugh Heibein, another football Warrior, is an infielder-outfielder while Ron Smith, captain of the Warrior hockey squad, patrols second-base territory in all-star fashion for the Panthers. Ken farrbh, who graduated from the hallowed halls of Waterloo this year, will play in the outfield. And as an added attraction for all Waterlootheran U sympathizers, Brian Cressman of that humble institution will park behind the plate when McKillop is called to action on the mound. Panther home opener is in early June. More on that later.
252 King