Waterloo firemen won’t be in any hurry the next time a call from the university comes in. Their fruitless search of thecentral-services building Wednesday night revealed nothing after they had answered a call with two firetrucks and an emergency vehicle.
wolf -- the
‘The electricians are installing a new system and every once in a while the alarm sounds,” he said.
in the
Howard Bishoff, janitor in the central-services building, said the alarm rang for ten minutes but he couldn’t locate the fire. ,, The fire department first went to the modern-languages building&en discovered the fire was on theother side of the campus.
Alexander Romenco, head of university security, said later that the alarm probably continued a threeday series of false alarms.
When they finally arrived at tenu-al services a they could not gain entrance to the building to search for the fire. RoyFerrier,a boiler-room engineer who keeps radio contact with roving kampus kops, was unable The security to contact them. police have the only keys at night. The fir emen explored every possible door to the building, trying to pry them open with a crowbar. They finally used the bar to smash awindow.
One fireman gained entrance and opened a rear door. Half a dozen, led by Captain Robert Stuebing, then searched theb#klingthorough-
16, 1967
furnaces ly, checking all food storages, @I+ itor’s closets, washrooms and the large garage. “There’s nothing wrong or else there would be a bell ringing,” said Stuebing. One fireman said there wereusually three calls a night like this. Romenco arrived shortly after the search was over with keys to all the doors in the building. When told ‘a guy with keys is coming,” one fireman replied: “That’s nice.” Romenco then proceeded to take the firemen on their second tour of the building that night.
Stanton’s math-mafia Plannina move as university views new foundation A foundation of top’flight mathee maticians may be established with headquarters at the University of Waterloo. Dr. Ralph Stanton, founder of Waterloo’s math faculty and now _---__-----Good or bad? page7 -_---__-------
going on within certain secdons of the math faculty for some time. A legal charter had already beendrafted by a lawyer and was ready for submission to the government to formally incorporate thefoundadon. At this point the mathematicians came to the university administration for its approval. The Rene Descartes Foundation, at York University, would likely be chosen its executive head. as conceived in its draft charter, The Rene Descartes Foundation would be associated with, but not would be a non-profit organizadon part of, the university. It would be working for the “advancement of completely autonomous from the education generally and the study of senate and board of governors. mathematics in particular, bythe University officials and faculty provision of bursaries wfellowships 8 have expressed opposition to this scholarships and other awards to aspect of the proposal. students of mathemadcs . ..or to per“No,” said operadons vice-presons conducting research in mathe sident Allan Adlington when asked madcs ,” according to the foundaif ‘the university would favor incordons draft charter. poration of the foundadon under the The proposal was unveiled by undraft charter. ‘When this was iversity president J. G. Hagey to a brought officially to the attention of recent senate meeting in order to the university we took the view that encourage discussion of the idea before any such body was incorporwithin the university. ated, we should see if there was any Discussions had apparently been way to include its factions within
structure of the universityo” A professor in the pure-mathemae tics department said, “It is hard to see how an independent association with a director who is not a member of the f acuity could rnakea real contribution. If it is to have much influence on the students and faculty, it should be constituted within the structure of the universe.” Adlington emphasized that theunii versity did not suspect ulteriormodves in the proposal. “Their motive is to raise scholarships and bursar@. There’s nothing ulterior about that. “The math faculty has been very aggressive in promoting the University of Waterloo andparticularly mathemadcs throughout the highschools, and have been very concerned about the caliber of the students we attract,*’ he said. “With the withdrawal of our scholarship program (due to the Ontario Student-Awards Program last fall) othey are anxious to replace it.” The foundation would finance its
program from the profits obtained by publishing books and presenting special lectures. All proceeds would be devoted to the foundation’s stated purposes. Like any other corporadon, it could own property and would manage its own financial assets. If the four&don were ever dissolved, according to the draft charter, its assets would be turned over to the university for the faculty of mathematics. This is the only time the University of Waterloo is mentioned in the charter. The university is attempting to work out a compromise with the mathematicians, to include theRene Descartes Foundation within the structure of the university=4omewhat like the Institute of Design,for example. “I have directive from President Hagey to try to find a way toindlude of working this thing out,” said Adlington. “The prime difficulty is this ,*’ he “An insdtute is concerned ’ said. with research and teaching. This is to try to raise money. ‘Tain’t going to be easy.” ‘We have had a meeting with the math people to try to these aims and a few of usareworkingonthisnow.s’ Steve Ireland, president of the of Students, said, Federation “There’s a danger inherent in any power center in any organizadon which is not responsible to anyone. “If it% true that Stanton is to lead the thing, multiply that danger
by about a million because of him. His attitude toward student activities and involvement is directly opposite to ours.” Most of the members of theFour+ dation would be members of theUniversity of Waterloo math faculty. However, discuSSiOnS now going on include the advisability of having an adrninistradon member or more non-university people among the directors. Of the nine people named in the draft charter as founding directors, four--D rs . Gerald Berman, Don Cowan, Peter Por+o and Douglas W ertheim--are department heads in the math faculty. Two*-Drs. Charles Beaumont and Ken Fryer-are associate deans; and one--Dr. Ron Mullin--is an associate professor. Only two are from outside the university--Ronald Anderson, a Wingham highschool teacher who has been associated with the Junior Math Contest, and Dr. Stanton. Dr. David Sprott, dean of mathemadcs, said he knew little about the proposed Rene Descartes Foundadon. “So whatever else you have heard is probably wrong.” He said he did not know thedetails of the proposed foundadon-university reladonship. “I am not personally involved. I imagine it must take part within the university.” Dean Sprott also said there have been discussions of an insdtute of mathematical studies at Waterloo, but this is not the same,
Strike may shut campus building -- --_-Troubles
class Engineering Nite’s winning boat-race team, mechanical-engineering their trophies. What else but silver beer steins ? See story on page 4.
The footbridge
to St. Jerome’s
was overrun
by Laurel
of ‘69,
as violent
out West too
Bricklayers on all campus building projects may go on strike Monday, June 26. Both the physical-education building and the campus center could be seriously affected. All other construction unions on campus are expected to respect the picket lines of the bricklayers, halting all work on these two buildings.
the stream
down iobs
“They are still talking,” said a representative of Ball Brothers Ltd., the contractor concerned, concerning the possibility of a negotiated settlement before next Monday’s deadline. Brickwork on the food services building is nearing completion and the building would probably not be affected by a strike. It is onsched’ ule and should befinished by thetarget date of August 2.
two feet,
Simon ianitem
BURNABY (CUP)--British Columbia’s Simon Fraser University has been strikebound since May 25. On strike over a wagedispute with the university are the men and women of its janitorial, maintenance and general-services departments. The maintenance workers areorganized by the Canadian Teamsters. The university claims it pays the maintenance people the sameannual income as they would receiveduring a normal year of constructionwork. However, hourly rates are reduced because university workers are em-
U 60-0~ math gives teaching a trial run
’ results
The results of the Student Councfl byelection for the four engineering A-stream seats last Thursday: 1. CAVANAGH, Robert 300 2. BODDEN, Bruce 235 3. WILSON, Kelly 177 4. SNODGRASS, William 175 5. Trevisan, Adrian 134 6. Dallas, John 123 7. Thrower, Stuart . 93 8. Kamphorst, Breunix 43 spoiled 9 Total 385 Of the 742 eligible voters, slightly under 52 percent turned out -to vote.
ployed for a full year rather than the ten months construction workers average. Bill Wier, spokesman for theemployees, replied that the Vancouver school board, the general hospital and the of 1 companies all pay cons tr uction rates for a twelve-month period. So -far the union has rejected two wage offers -one f rom a conciliation board and the other from the university. Maintenance men especially r-esent a letter from the university president to all employees describing the wonderful working coridftions at the university. Supervisory personnel are maintaining essential services. Students are reported to be favoring the strikers.
July third is holiday Monday, July 3, is officially declared a holiday, registrar Trevor Boyes said. “‘Any contrary rumors are totally false and ffl-founded.” \ University buildings wffl be closed from Friday night until Tuesday morning.
Five Waterloo math students will ’ invade North York high schools this fall. The students will take part in a pilot project on an education option within the co-op mathprogram. Five additional students will be hired in January. If the pilot project is successful, &e cooperative educationoptin will be in full operation by the fall of 1968. “This will be the biggest cooperative program this university has ever seen,” said Dennis Eaton of the coordination department. A student will enter university in the fall term, remain for the full eight months and be on his own the first summer. InJallUaryofhis second year, the endre class will go out to work. On their work terms, students will be engaged in individual and remedial work, marking papers and supervisory duties. After several work terms, they will hopefully be ableto assume certain teaching dudes and eventually full responsibility for a class. The program was originallyplanned as a teaching option, but the name came under fire from the Ontario Teachers F ederadon and was changed to education option. Some arrangement may be worked out with the provincial government whereby co-op students who have completed the education option may bypass a year at theOntarioCollege
of Education. OCE is currentlypreparing to drop its six-weeksummer program. The extension of the cooperative program to teaching will almost inevitably bring the arts faculty into the program, despite reluctance on the part of some faculty members. Dr. J. Sayer Minas, the new dean
Scholars scolded
LONDON, Ont. (CUP)--When a public official “‘has a skeleton in his closet,” it means his past life hides something damaging. TWO University of Western Ontario students had the same thing, bti it damaged their bank accounts instead. The skeleton was real, and when
The old Dugout
of arts, recently expressed support for s uch _a move. Mr. David Sprott, dean of math, said, ‘?No decision has been made (on a teaching option). It is sdll under discussion.” The first interviews between students and school boards will be Tuesday.
skeleton found by police its skull was’pafrned copper and it was wearing goggles, ‘The skeleton loween ly fined jail for interfer
students ‘had excavated the from a cemetery as a Halprank. The judge rnirthlessthem $200 or two months in “improperly or indecently ring with human remains.”
goes university
That infamous hangout atthe corner of King and University-theDugout-is no more. Under the new management ofDon Needham, the Campus Rest--the new name--will bedecorated with a campus flavor in attempt to remove the tenny-bubblegummer reputation. However, an establishment-can’t go university if students don’t show up to complete the atmosphere. Featuring a 990cent steak dinner
Needham’s menu includes submarines, trout and shrimp plus the regular hotdog-hamburger selections. $J,E, alSo a complete icecream Open ‘from 11 am to midnight seven days a week, the Campus Rest with a capacity of 200 wfll feature live entertainment if thereis enough support for the venture. All suggesdons aregenuinely welcomed, said Needham.
on campus TODAY Summer Weekend--SEMI-FORMAL at Leisure Lodge., 9 pm, $6 a pair. “THE WEEKEND at U of Guelph. Folk Concert.
TOMORROW Summer Weekend--CAR parking lot A, 10 am, $1. Couples’ SCAVEN’GER A, 2 pm, $1 per couple.
“THE” formal.
Equity Plan could have been purchased 20 years ago, results compared to the ordinary plan would have been as good or better each year. Here’s how the Equity Plan would have kept pace with dollar values, 1947/67, consumer price index related to total sum insured.
Authorized department,
Life insur.ance often seems like a complicated subject. It is worth a little study to come up with the right answers. We would like to supply further details on the Equity Plan and other alternatives. .
as secondclass mail Ottawa, and forpayment
the Post ofpostage
Office in cash.
1967 1
El I
A subscription receive the
fee Chevron
included by mail
“Ihe right line’,
TEENAGERS Drop-in gylizadonal meeting. 186 King St. s.
Center, Or8 pm, YWCA,
TUESDAY SWIM at Breithaupt yet.
THURSDAY Pub night. All over town.
at U of G. Serni-
*FOLK DANCE club. 7:30 pm. the Village Great Hall.
576-8700 Maurice Gartenberg c/o Advanced Insurance Services Suite 303, Executive Building 151 Frederick Street 576-2800 Glen McLean Suite 402, Waterloo
MONDAY Another of Prof. Andracki’s FASCINATING poli-sci 101 lectures. 7 pm, AL105.
Why not phone..
Where stock dividends and increase in market values exceed National’s regular the extra is credited to the earnings, policyholder. It is used to buy additional paid-up insurance and has a related benefit in increasing cash worth. If the economy experiences a slow-down, there could be a corresponding decrease in insurance and cash values but studies of the period 1947/67 indicate rhat if the
SUNDAY Summer Weekend--SURF & SUDS party, Puslinch Lake, 1 pm, $1 per car.
YQUcan share in the action
The Equity Plan is a basic ordinary life participation plan, same-premium, same. dividends, but with this difference - assets held to support cash values are divided and half the policy reserves are invested in common stocks.
HOOTENNANNY and animal dance, arts quad. Free, 8 l/2 pm.
If you owned a National Equity Life Insurance Policy you would share in the action of common stocks and still have much of the basic security demanded of a Canace policy. This new dian life insrrra;; National Equity Plan is unique and the first of its kind in Canada.
in their during
annual off-campus
SATURDAY The Centennial Train (Diesel) arrives in Kitchener . Stays until Tues. day. MONDAY (26) Bricklayers’ strike--picketing in small shifts, injunction defying and rock throwing at scabs. All over campus.
student fees en titles terms. Non-students:
U of $4
W students annually.
,’ Studentreoresentation’isthe codna vetihgripe by D. John
In 1965 it was “Abolition of Tuition Fees”; in 1966 it was “Endthe War in Vietnam; in 1967 it will be “Student Representation in Academic Government’*. In Canadian universities every
Can be boring
Eng1is.h by Frances Chevron
year students, and student leaders, draft programs of ‘things to do’. These projects vary considerably from year to year, but they invariably have at least two things in common: they have a moralra.tionale, and they are progressive. And amazingly, they are usually
accepted by the University and by Society. *‘Abolition of TuitionFees”is now a well-recognized andlittle-disputed aim--but this is a far cry from 1964 when such a doctrine was darkly regarded as a sinister and socialistic plot.
\or fun
Anders staff
Do you know your past participles or future infinitives ? Beware--soon overseas students from such places as Vietnam, Afghanistan and Togo will overshadow you. Approximately 30 students meet daily for a two-hour class with Prof. Harry Tuyn of Renison’s languages department. Prof. Tuyn has had experience conducting similar seminars in England and Switzerland for many years. Professor Wyn Rees, principal of Renison’ was organizer of the seminar. The federal department ofexternal affairs also helpedindrawing these students together at Waterloo. Prof. Rees has felt for many years that there must be many foreign students in-Canadian universities who need additional instruction in English. In some instances, brightstudents experience great difficulty with their studies be-use they cannot understand rapidly spoken English or cannot express themselves. The last hour of the class I attended proved much more interesting than Ihad expected. Prof. Tuyn’s serise of humor helped- convert an ordinary grammar class into aninteresting series of situations related to the various points of English. Incidentally, for those of us who never did believe there is a difference between “would”and “should” consider the statement “He beats his wife.” One comment might be, “That’s what he would do.” There really is a difference between that and “That’s what he SHOULD do.” The classes are conducted with frequent references to F rench since most of the students have just completed their first year of university in Quebec. Of the four with whom I- spoke, Mami Mahfoud and ElKolli Boualem --both from Algeria--attended Laval, Lam Chi Hung of SouthVietnam took mechanical engineering at the University of Montreal and Meziti Mohamed, also from Algeria, attended Carleton.
Prof. Tuyn’s class of foreign students who are improving the manipulation of the English kin&age find time to manipulate a volleyball (Chevron photo by Glenn Berry) on the Renison campus. Their views of the courseand their professor were unanimous. They are finding both invaluable. Prof. Tuyn is, in their opinion, very open to discussion and extremelypatient. However, they had one complaint with the whole university. There is absolutely nothing to do in Kitchen-
er-Waterloo. They had been led to believe that their course was to be part vacation with some activities planned where they would meet more people. Until now there have been just norma1 classes with some seminars planned.
As the words -wag on . . . dark there is the added feature of choice obsenities from the mouths of Kitchener’s answer to Well, old H. D.‘s laid his first the SOMY’s crowd. gold brick. Now, my only probThe trafficsituation outside the lem is what do I do for an enMall is even more of a panic. The core? I’ll have to strive harder “drag-cruisers” have been reeach week to reach new heights routed on a multi-lane one-way of mediocrity. street system which has the exFor all you culture fans, it may pected result of mild chaos.Most be of interest to know that the of the Twin Cities* drivers have Grub out--excuse me, the Duga hard enough time negotiating a out--is now under new management. But don’t betoo disappointtwo-lane, straight, residentialstreet with no ‘stop signs or other ed, it’s still the home of the Twin Cities’ lowest common denorninminor annoyances. Besides creating a disaster ator. area, theonly other purposeof the In other local crises, the downtown Kitchener shopping mallhas Mall seems to be to help the merchants fight the begun its summer run. It’s a ra- \ downtown competition provided by those ther crafty set-up: by removing fortunate Waterloo merchants. traffic from the King Street shopNot only does Waterloo have ping section, the city has found a free (when you can find a space) resting place for about 300 of the parking but alsothosepersistent, parks department’s scrawniest pleasant odours of Seagrams’and trees. Meanwhile, the pedestrian Carlings ‘, and the scenic beauty who has been lulled into a false of University students staggering sense of security is apt to be atout of the pubs. Lest I develop tacked by a bunch of kids on bian image as a narrow-minded cycles or maybe even a trolleylocal gripist, I suppose I should bus proceeding passively through the crowds at around thirty.After say something about the World by Harold the
D. Goldbrick
situation. While it is -a rather grim occasion’ there were a few lighter aspects. For instance, it was rather refreshing to see the “kibbitzers” clean the “cameldrivers ‘* so quickly and completely. One can wellimagineDef ense Secretary MacNamara casually visiting Tel Aviv any day now for some lessons in beating a mouthy adversary. Back in New York, the U.N. Security Council put on a display that made our own House of Commons look almost efficient and rational. The Council debated one day for almost twenty minutes on whether to take a ten minute break. They decide against it, because Soviet Ambassador Federu enko could not comprehend that U.S. Ambassador Golberg had requested it for “delicate” reasons. A camera shot a couple of minutes later showed Golberg’s seat occupied by someone else. WORDS AND ENDS: Then there was a nervous grade eleven school-girl who wrote on her exam paper; Carthage battled Rome in the Public Wars.
“End the War in Vietnam” has been a student cause for several years now’ but only recently with the current turn of world events has it appeared the better cause. In 1963 a critic of the American presence in Vietnam was considered either one of the perenially malcontent or downright subversive and communis tic. The current student campaign in most Canadian universities has been in the area of university government. Traditionally the domain of the Administration and Businessmen--Boards of Governors, University government in the past ten years has been opening up more and more to professors who insist on having a say in the policies their university is following. F ormer Berkely president Clark Kerr’s term “‘multiversity” has encouraged a good deal of research into university governing structures and quite early in the game the student argument for representation was heard and headed. The Duff-B&ah1 Commission on University Government paid lip ser- ~ vice to the suggestion that universil: ’ ties accord students a role in its decision-making bodies. Quebec’s Parent Report did a better job of it, but both reports combined to plant the seed of an idea in the minds of both administrators and students. The result is thatin thereare many joint student-administration committees considering the quesdon. Carleton’s Davidson Dunton announced reccomendadons that place two students on the Board of Governors and three in the Senate; the University of Western Ontario has three students on the Senateand one on the Board;similar represent tadon is being considered at the&iversity of Saskatchewan, Montreal’s Sir, Gorge Williams Universit% the University of Waterloo, ati several other Canadian institutiOE3. The whole program is based on the premist that the university is undemocradc in structure, and that its’ policies should reflect the fedings of the “total university community “--including students, professors’ administrators, and governors. This argument has been largely
adopted by far-seeing educators. Students have impressed one and all in the past with their maturity, insight and responsibility whenprovided with opportunities which treat them as mature, perceptive and responsible individuals. Student governments,pardcularly those in the universities with enrollments of over 4,000 students, have heeded the call of the “muldversity ” armagonists who regard the bureaucracy of the university. much as Mario Savio of Berkeleys’s Free Speech Movement characterized it: “‘There is a time when the operadon of the machine becomes SO odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part; you can’t even tactitly take part’ and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the levers, upon all the apparatus , and you’ve got to make it stop. And you’ve got to indicate to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working - at all.” Surprisingly, this kind of, argud ment finds remarkable support among academics and administrators ; the academics because they respect the student’s ability to intellectualize in any given area, the administrators because they wish to channel what would otherwise be destructive energy directed against the administration--protest for protest’s sake--into constructive cridcism channelled into the governmental structure. Theadrninistrators are perhaps wise enough to realize that if the cridcs of theuniversity are given at minimum partial involvement in the governing of the university, their efforts then become directed upon the students . This kind of action would at onceinvolve cridcal student activists in thepracdcalities of university administration, and at the same time turn them into staunch pol.lcy in defenders the face of of university +h e students. It is therefore to the university’s advantage to accede to student pressures for representation in Senates, on Faculty Councils’ and even on dePartmei= l The most they can lose is a sense of primacy-*the least is a quieter campus.
Faculties compete - in “borrowing” MONTREAL (CUP)--Seven University of Montreal students who swiped Expo’s calendar clock as part of their carnival hi-jinks were acquitted in Montreal court recently , because of what the judge termed ‘lack of criminal intent’.’ The thefts are part of a tradition of french-Canada’s university CarFaculties compete in bornivals. rowing’ unusual articles from varIOUS parts of the city. A special carnival judging cornrnittee awards a prize for the most original and spectacular object. The students were freed when Judge Jacques Anail told &em:
“There is no point in committing you to a trial when I am convinced there would be an acquittal”. Testifying for the defense, carnival director Paul Danvoy pointed out that all ‘seizures ’ had to be approved beforehand, and that all items had to be returned. He pointed out that certain thin@ were taboo--emergency servicevehicles, for instance. Last year’s theftsfromtheForurn brought threats that subsequent capers would beseverly delt with. Judge An&l’s judgements in this case indima the contrary, however.
Conferences and seminars attract- summer visitors The annual influx of visitors to the university is on again. I Events open to the public will be listed in the weekly events bulletin from the bookings office. Many seminars and other Symposi~D events are of hourly duration. Students interested in attending technical conferences should see the professor arranging the conference. June 18-24, junior math-contest winners. June 23-25, Ontario district Walther League, a Lutheran youth organizadon. June 24-30, United Nations seminar (with multi girls). June 301July 2, Latter-Day Saints
youth conference--A Mormon church organizadon. July 3-8, water resources. July 2-8, Puppeteers of America festival. July 3-28, elementary-and secondary-school principals. July 1249, extension department seminar: “‘Increased producdvity through electronic data processing’* July 23-28, extension department workshop: “Newspaper in the classroom” July 310Aug 5, electrical and chemical-engineering course. Aug 5-7, extension department: English-Speaking Union. Friday,
16, 1967 (8:6)
Classof 68 wins boatraces by Bob Verdun Chevron
Nurse Velma Eveleigh prepares in giving a blood transfusion Tuesday.
to demonstrate to Ene Rebane.
the procedure Your blood
An enigma: a hot night--a lot of cold beer--good stand-up humorformal presentations--a buFfet dinner-boat races. Only the engineers could combine them all and be sucCESSfLll. A record turnout of over 350 at Caesar’s Forum for Engineering Nite included 35 faculty members and 10 co-ordinators. The hot humid atmosphere was soon forgotten when Jim Pike, the organizer, began to introduce Sandy Baird, with taunts about Sandy% rise from news boy to alrn0S t-editor of the K-W Record. Baird stepped to the mike amid good-natured booing, but quickly had the audience in loud laughter with his fast-fire humor: “I feel like the guest of honor at acrucifixion”. He remarked that he and Al Adlington, university vice-president, got some of their best education while attending Western down at the CPR Hotel. The speech was pun-laden and the wit continued: “About qy column (in the Record)--don’t think I’m going to waste all this material just on an audience like this”. His theme turned to the local residents and their inability to appreciate the culture and money brought into the community by the universitiC3. “The old core of Twin City people are fat, dumb and happy. They think this is where God would make his home-if he only had the money to buy a house.” Kicking sorne of his favoritedogs, he continued: !Xhere’s Galt--it’s so poor that all a kid could get is one measle. The Twin Cities are the home of industrial basins and instant slurns...Waterloo’s not so much a city as a state of mind.” Baird concluded on the theme
involved is needed
let’s reglly clobber the corpuscle competition Let’s beat U of T! Let’s beat Western too. TWO periods of the game are over, the third is drawing nearer, and we hold a slight edge. With your loyal support, we overwhelm our competition. The first period got away to a quick start with 4lll donors. The second, following in grand style, netted us 858 donors. NOW it’s time to make the final rush to victory. The faceoff for the third period j will be at l2:30 noon on Tuesday in the chemistry-biology link. There
FREE DEllVERY Kitchener
will be a supper intermission from 4 to -6 and the final bell will be at 8~30. By then we should have sweptinto the lead, with donors to spare. Total scores will be counted. In late August SimonF raser University will announce our victory and Present us with the First Tradition Trophy. Remeber too, the Corpuscle Cup is up for grabs. It will be given to the faculty with the greatest percentage of donors. Get out and wallop them.
Rest 744-4446
- Campus
at King
THE RAMBLERS June 22 - 23 - 24 -
- 745-2941
Disqualified (31.8 seconds) 48.8 seconds administrators, pro-
JAI’S_ (Journalists, f essors) Class of ‘69 (a) 24.5 seconds Class of ‘68 29.2 seconds The winners were a well-pracdced group. The captain, Brian Tait, said after the victory: “We’ve got the five best drinkers in the university.” And that’s apt to be ,disputed until the next Engineering Nfte. In a grudge match, Lynn Baxter and Janet Brown, the two women engineers, easily outclassed Al Adlington and Sandy Baird in sculling. In a closing statement, chairman Jim Pike expressed delight over the large turnout of faculty and coordinators, and apologized to anyone who had a long wait in the buffet line.
ASME’s student-faculty nil?@ Thursday will center on COUrSeS and teaching. The time is 6:30 pm and the place is the Bona Vista Restaurant at King and University. After an informal dinner giving students and professors a chancefor discussion, the night changes into a lively question-and-answer period. The topics for discussion will be Present academic courses s material in the courses, the way material is presented, labs, tutorials and any. thing that might create dissatisfacdon for someone. For the student , the night is a good chance to become better acquainted with the machinery and minds behind the courses that you are now taking.
For the professors, the night will show you how Your CourSe is being accepted by students. It will provide you with feedback to aid your communication. For the professors, the night will show you how your course is being accepted by students. It will pr& vide you with feedback to aid your communication. The showg
student-faculty informative
$$t u enjoyable . It I!
who atten:.
As a prelude to student-faculty n.$$t, Prof. T.A. Brzustowski of ~~e~~~~l engineering will give a tdk on the mechanical-engineering course Monday in PM. The talk Will fnclude the past, the future and research projects offered.
stand; ne-ed to ioin grant
Ottawa announced last fall that it would give this money totheprovinces for disbursement instead of directly to the universities. Long-standing provincial policy has been to aid only secular ins& tutions. With the change in federal policy, but with no change in provincial policy, Waterloo Lutheran would have been left without the government aid it had come to depend on. St. Jerome’s, with the University of Waterloo, was in a better position. The Ontario government last week announced a new policy: Grants will be given to universities according to a set formula--also on the basis of type and number of students enrolled. Religiously affiliated universities
will receive grants equal to half of what &ey would be entitled to as a secular institution under the new grant formula-or the equivalent of the discontinued federal grants, whichever is greater. Thus Waterloo Lutheran University will be able to continue much as it has in the past. Finandally , there is little change for St. Jerome’s, Father F~M felt his college is still better off within the university. “I don’t think we could give a quality educadon (if independent),” said Father Finn. He interpreted the government acdon thfs way: In effect if churches wish to continue subsidizing higher educadon the provin&lgovernment is willing to match the churchs ’ contributions.
Residence Rfe in long, ho+ summw
ASMEtwestions profs
Waterlootheran will not have to * affiliate with the University of Waterloo in the near future. The change in Ontario government policy against giving financial support to religiously affiliateduniversities will not seriously affect Lutheran-nor St. Jerome’s College, which also holds a full university charter, though federated with U of w. Rev. J. R. Finn, president of St. ~~;n$y feels that in terms of the statusquo will be maintained.” Previously all universities, both religious and secular, receivedfederal grants according to a formula based on both the numbers andkinds of students as calculated by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada.
that U of W’s cooperative programs come very close to giving students the human contact and experience they need. It was a hard act to follow. Next, societypresident SteveRussell quite effectively expressed the appreciation of all engineers for the guest of honor, A. S. Barber, director of the coordination and placement department. In making him an honorary member of Engineering Society A, recognition was given for his work in developing and expanding cooperative-programs. Then boat-race time! Thescores ,(disqualifications are for spilling too much): class of 71 38.0 seconds Chemical 2B Disqualified Faculty 50.8 seconds Civil 2B Disqualified Electrical 4A Disqualified Class of ‘69(B) 88.2 seconds?
Ontario Lutheran
- 252 King E. - 744-4322
by Liz
We, the students of the Waterloo residence, hereby Co-operative seek to insult the students of the University Village, whereupon they will challenge us to a water-fight on on the eighth day of our terms, July, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and sixtyseven. The terms of the fight: 1. The battlefield to be a large open area, free from obstrucdon-Bower Field. 2. Number of participants unlimited. 3. Objective to be two large eightfoot (diameter) circles, oneateither end of the field, within which is to be ensconced one damsel, clothed in a paper dress, guarded by up to four stmy gmaemen wi& drObjecdve to be considered las.
reached when all remnants of oneof these dresses are removed from one of said damsels. 4. No addidonal members of the teams are to enter either their own or their opponents’ circle. 5. One official, to be appointed by the Co-op, and one official to be appointed by the Village, on the basis of good character and sound reasoning, will supervise the battle to ensure fair play and safety to all envolved. And now for the s upresne INSULT. Gentlemen, NYUH! NYUHI NERTZ 1 Reni son
by Carol
Saturday’s soaking provided an indoor wading pool in the Renison men’s bullding. After dabbling and s@.shfng for a wet while in the snackbar and lobby, the men decid-
ed to bail thernselves out and unflood their residence commonroom. F rom all floors, they came equipped with brooms, hockey sticks and barefeet to rescue the comrnonroom from multi-dollar damage. .Vihge
by Sarfunkel
& Gimon
SUMMER WEEKEND VISITING Summer weekend visiting hours: Friday -6pmto2am Saturday-noon to 2 am sunday-noon to 9 pm HAVE A FUN SUN TIME a** Village Heavyweight Title has been awarded to Mike Corba as of &t
* * 4 What is a VUlage alarm clock??? A PP@ lawnmower at eight in he morning.
Mixed art show is gallery’s best by Dale Martin Chevron
The creative-arts board has finally presented an art exhibition of the type we recommended two weeks ago. Of course, it was not the Chevron’s urgings that brought this collection of modern art to this campus. All selections for the gallery of the Theater of the Arts are made a year in advance. It seemS we will have to wait a full year to see if our promptings have had any effect. The current exhibition is drawn from the members of the Toronto Color and Form Society. As such it contains the works of 29 different artists. This approach is far superior to the single-artist exhibition, since the art novice is given a much broader view of what art is really about. ‘A new departure for such an ex-
An exhibition of works of members of Toronto’s CoIor and Form Society is now happening at the Theatre of the Arts. Above are two oils, Timftitbd and Tisapomm sig, by Cathy Harbison. Below is Cissi Lund&en’s .The hen (ink). At right is Foggy morning, a wa terco lor by Mary Schneider. (Chevron photos by Jouni Kraft)
It is difficult to Select the hi@ points of theshow because thequality is u.nif~rm.l~ high. The most intriguing paintings were two oils by Cathy Senitt Harbison. ‘Timftitbd’ was intriguing for it seems to have an ageless quality combined with a modern mood, and the surrealistic ‘Tisapomm sig’has an indescribable, but not unpleasant, effect on the observer. Cissf Lundgren’s ‘Hen’ is an amusing little piece that delights with its hidden complexity. Mary Schneider’s ‘Foggy morning’ is a well-executed watercolor which is podceable in this show
Chevron on shows-new by Chevron
Hell’s Angels on wheels (Odeon. Cdeon-Parkway drive-in) opens with Angels congregadng from all corn* ers of San Francisco formingaprocession that sure isn’t Bobby Gimby and the Canada Kids. If you’re expecting a farce, you will be disappointed. The men are genuine and so are their bikes.Cinematography is excellent and camera effects are sparsely, but effecc(+,ralrr ..--A uvwy, l.mGu. It’s not the story of the Angels, only a single episode. Although the plot is simple, it is sufficient with the fast action. The end is abrupt, unexpected, and quitefitting. It lacks a moral and it’s dry--but makesfor good entertainment.
because it is one of the few conventional pieces of art. Sylvia Tait ‘s ‘Anatomy of invention’ is a cheerful maelstrom in ink and aluminum. The ink drawing ‘Beware’catches the eye, but I think this attempt by Mary Kennedy is slightly stiff. I must confess that one skilful example of the use of color worth noting is ‘Mating flight’ by Ina Gilbert.
hibition is including four pieces of sculpture. Although the paintings are excellent, I would say that the sculpture work by Dagys is the high point of the show. **a
will be good for ache.
It would be possible to go on at greater length praising allthe paintings exhibited, for even the poorer attempts have a good deal of merit in them. I can only reiterate that this is the best exhibition I have seen in my two years at this university. I strongly urge everyone, even out-term students, to drop into the gallery to see these admirable works.
reader one healthy
tralia, New Zealand, Tahiti and Hawaii. The surfer’s own privatelanguage is another attraction. 0
0 ‘The endless summer (Waterloo) stars Californians MikeHynsonand Robert August. The movie is the story of two young (and apparently wealthy) surfers who tour the world in search of the perfect wave or surfing. It promises to be a fairly interesting movie, even for thenon-surfThe pair travel 35,000 oriented. scenic miles to beaches in Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa , A-us-
‘Spinout’ (Fox) is another in the long line of Elvis spedals. This time he Is involved in czr racing. The movie has appeared twiuzfnthe area already, but this time it is matched with another color film, ‘Treasure of Silver Lake’. ‘Ihe latter is a rather gory western with at least one classical Hollywestern love scene.
With a student
75$, WOULD
meal card at the
‘8 on the lamb’ (Lyric 8~ K-W drive-in) boasts of an impressive cast including Bob Hope, Phyllis Diller, Johnathan Winters, Shirley Eaton and Jill St. John. If nothing else, this Bob Hope presentation you
Your host,
Confectionery 103 University POST Groceries
and hostes, FROM
of meals
for only
would SQUARE
to meet you
OFFICE - Sundries
can get $10.75
Sundays 742-
1 - 4
on Erb
Friday, June
16, 1967 (8:6)
TheUniversityshouldbe ‘we’, not “they’. It isn’t. by Steve
lectures and so on will be coming. A more glaring error is in his argument that “‘the capacity to participate meaningfully in the work of most of these bodies develops gradually out of extensive informal participation...It is doubtful that meaningful adminstrative participation can be got by students in this way.” Yet later we find this statement: “Students already have, and have already made use of, extensive means of influencing university policy in areas where their experience is fundamentally relevant. ‘Ihey already serve and vote on committees, present briefs...” Once again the good professor should make up his mind. Either the participation (what there is of it) is meaningful and successful,.or it ipl’t. He also has problems seeing how the definition of the university as a community of scholars -- “the proven academics as well as thenovices and academics --in-the-making” (the brief say)--leads to the de-sire for participation. The brief states, ‘ ‘W emust accept the capacity of the faculty to lead, to guide, to encourage, and to judge the performance of the novice, but not to govern the university to his exclusion. The faculty is the senior partner in the community, but not the only member. Only by aninteraction on all levels between the two groups of learners can the university provide theatmosphere of co-operation and cohesion that should characterize the academic community.” And there it is, sir. You can’t hide behind tritephrases about bombgenerated insecurity, cynical poli&ians and reactionary unive&ty prestients’bogeyrnen --PaulGoodman, Chairman Mao and the Oxford Group--people they could learn a lot from.
Prof. Ralph Staal’s article, “Ideas are encouraging, disturbing and puzzling” (May 26), is a mostinteresting piece of work and I commend it to all interested in the university as a community of- scholars. But, quite respectfully, Imust say I find his article “encouraging,disturbing and puzzling” too. Expecially Puzzling. It’s encouraging because Prof. Staal, unlike many faculty and adtinistrators has seriouly addressed himself to the question of student participation in a radically reorganized university community. He has taken it upon himself to uphold the status-quo, both publicly and in university committees. He argues against the student having any place of importan& other than a limited consultive or after-the-fact role. (As he states it, student views can provide “an invaluable contribution to the feedback without which informed decisions cannot bemade.“) So while I strongly disagree with his views, I admire his obviously serious consideration of thequestion. He, at least, is not waiting to see what Bill Davis (Ontario’s minis& of university affairs) pulls out of the hat next. But I don’t admire his reasoning. Prof. Staal maintains on one hand that the Federation of Students brief does not deal with “‘the real life of a university . . . found in its classrooms, laboratories, studies and libraries .” ‘Administration, even of primary academic matters, is necessary but not primary,” he says.
discusd lectures later We’II
I agree. But, of course, the brief IS on university government -- that’s what the committee’s studying isn’t it? And, sure enough, several paragraphs later we have: “The brief is on university government -- this justifies its lack of reference to lectures ,laboratories and thelike . ..*’ Apparently Prof. Staal wants to have his cake and eat it too. I might add that the discussion of
What is the university? What should it be? What are we looking for in (‘education”? These are important questions. In an effort to stir up discussion of them on campus, the Chevron printed major excerpts from the Federation of Students brief on university government in the.May 12 issue. The brief, invited by the senate committee studying university government, redommended sweeping changes in the present setup. An allpowerful new senate would replace the present board of governors and senate and a new “assem bly ’ ) of community persons would serve as a window on the outside. There would be student participation al all levels from departments to super - senate. Prof. Ralph A. Staal of the math department replied to the brief in the June 2 issue. This week Steve Ireland, the president of the F ederation of Students, defends the brief. The letters-to-the-editor columns are open. State your case.
the goal of a true community of scholars. Writing 50 years ago, the distinquished American educatorphilosopher John Dewey discussed the idea’ of a community when he said, “Persons do not become a society by living in physical proximity. Individuals do not even compose a social group because they all work for a common end. The parts of a machine work with a maximum of cooperativeness for a common result but they do not form a community.
_ ------
The fact is that all is not right in the “university community”, if you can call it that. The “extensive informal participation” which P ref. Staal ,,says leads to “the capacity to participate meaningfully” isn’t even there. And we are not, with the present system of university government and the prevailing attitude of peoplelike the good professor, likely to attain
Blade of short-rib roast . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb. 49q Burns
No. 1 pink
Ontario 742-1404
Streets Kitchener
- Phone
RATES FORCHEVRON W&TADS: first 15 words 50 cents each additional word 5 cents. Ads for articles found are free. HOUSING
743-1651 v
WANTED: Senior Student(s) toshare an apartment with a grad student as of July 1. Write Bob Fife, 752Duke Street, Preston. LOST
the best
I 6
10% The
Host: Peter Shopping Centre, DISCOUNT
Faclaris Waterloo
FOUND: Picket sliderule. Can be picked up today in Federation office.
they view the university as somethan themselves and their colleagues, as something foreign or alien. The sheer frequency of “they” rather than “we” in talking about the university is evidence of what has been called the alienation of the university’s members from what they perceiveas theuniversity. Even theDuff-Berdahl report says the students and faculty ARE the university, but I’m still waiting to find someone from these groups who feels this is recognizedinmore than lip service. - As Prof. Staal points out, thereis now some consultation between policymakers and the university’s members. But, particularly in the case of students, such consultation too much resembles discussion between superior and inferior, or employer and employee, and as he states, it is usually to gainpost-hoc support for decisions already made. The very idea of students “preserving their independence’” and the university benefiting from “feedback” shows the division of the university into two separate bodies and not a community at all. And this idea is inherent in the University of Waterloo’s structure and government - the idea that the student is something acted upon, a passive person to be “dealt with” and who is worth $1320 or a multiple thereof. While this attitudepersists, students will naturally view the university as an alien promulgator of rules and regulations. I am not saying that the participation of a few dozen students in the higher levels of decision-making will make a lot- of difference, Neither, Prof. Staal, did the brief. We envision student participation in the complete range of activities of the university community. This in-
The university feels alien
247 Kin& St. N. Waterloo WATERLOO
. . . . . lb. 55tj grapefruit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 for 459
“If, however, they were all cognizant of the common end all interested in it so that they regulated their specific activity in view of it, then they would form a community. But this would involvecommunication. Each would haveroknow what the other was about and would have to have some way of keeping the other informed as to his own purposes and progress. Consensus demands communication.” But this communication doesn’t exist. One has only to,listen to students speaking (and, to only a lesser extent, faculty members) tofind that
1 _-._-,
TWO WOMEN students to handlethe supply of coffee in the two facultygraduate student lounges in engineering. Work consists of visiting the lounge at 9, noon and 4:30 to set up coffee percolators, collect and wash cups and generally tidy up the lounge. Suggested rate of pament is $1.25 per hour. Call the dean’s office at 2408.
Students feel the university is an alien body and these feelings, which often cause anxiety and hostility, make them indifferent to the university, ignorant of its workings and and insensitive to its purpos=. community problems. Withafew excepdons a students are concerned exwith expediting their clusively graduadons , and they view the university as a necessary means rather than an educational end.
GUE LPH (CUP)--zZhe University of Guelph moves into a new $5$00,000 nine-storey arts complex July 15, only two weeks after the scheduled completion date. The new Wellington College arts complex dwarfs the familiar administradon tower on the GuelphcampUS. The concrete building has 530 and offices t student classrooms lockers and lounges. It is broad-
Our proposals for university government are not the be-all and &d-all. As Prof. Staal implies in his discussion of representation, the onus was on us to come up with a more democratic form of government. W e have been trapped by the same concept of democratic government as found in the rest of society and to a limited extent in the senate of our university. But if he can answer the questions he poses for the faculty, as valves all students - for example, right in the classroominsuch things as teaching and exam methods. he expects us to answer them for the students, I am sure all thegreat thinkers of the past, present and future will be anxious to learn them. This article has been mainly an answer to Prof. Staal’s reaction. The benefits other thanimprovement of campus climate--the wider spectrum of viewpoints from which policy decisions may be drawn and the development of participation-minded graduates--cannot be discussed here. But then they weren’t really challenged either. Some questions for Prof. Staal and everyone else: How many students at U of W have any real conception of the goals of the university and are working consciously to make these goals a reality through their own academic and co-curricular activities ? How many students are really working up to capacity and ,are concerned that the educational program provides the optimum in interest, stimulation and quality? -HOW many students consider the extracurricular activities, to which they give SO much time, in relation to the educational values of the university 3 If it is true that the most meaningful part of a student’s allegiance is to a club or residence or athletic team, rather than to the university and its educational tradition, is it because of administration aid faculty policies, written or otherwise, which discourage student interest in educational policy? And finally, do students feel that they are members of a community uf scholars which values them and their ideas as an important, essential part of its composition? Do faculty? Anyone for a REAL university colnlnunity?
f-or Guelph
loomed and air-conditioned throughout. “PracdcaIity has been stressed but cold, insdtutional sterility has said the architect, been avoided ,*’ whose next project is the studentunion building. Women students who toured the complex found only one fault with its interior: there seems to be about nine men’s washrooms to every one for women.
LETTERSEZBe concise. The Chevron reserthe right to shorten letters. Sign it--name, course, year, telephone. For legal reasons, unsigned letters cannot be published. A pseudonym will be printed if you have good reason. Double - space it. Type it, if possible -- 32 characters per line. ves
Enioying is the
the best
weekend thanks
history of the Jewish nation. So it is not altogether surprising that, 2,900 years later, we should witness a similar conflict in the same ancient setting. Is Jehovah, now universally known as God, leading the Jews&s chosen people, into battle today? Or is the constant conflict and unrest simply due to a traditional mutual hatred? Can a real peaceever be established in the Middle East or is it destined to seethe and bubble until the end of time?
To the editor: The lengthy preparations for Summer Weekend ‘67 now complete, there are many people to thank. One view is given through Moses The engineeringClass of ‘68 would 7:23$4 when he like to show appreciation to the in Deuteronomy says emphatically to Israel: Federation of Students for helping make the weekend financially pos“But the Lord ‘thy Gcd shall desible, the Girdle K club for the car liver them unto thee, and shall de+ rally and couples’ scavanger hunt, troy them with a mighty destruction the members of the class for other until they be destroyed. And he events and ‘the many who helped shall deliver their kings into thine advertise a.nd sell tickets. Aboveall hand, and thou shalt destroy their we would like to thank those who name fro m under heaven: there encouraged us both beforeand during shall no man be able to stand before the ticket sales.. thee, until thou have destroyed Now thar the planning is comthem.” plete--everyone enjoy a fun weekALAN TUSTIN &d. - DAVE BRUNEAU . STEPHEN LIMMER ROSS MCKENZIE mathE co-chairmen
Israel the
and world
Syria: goes
To the editor: “SAMARIA (Deuter.) - Jubilation is everywhere here in the capital city of Israel. Reports continue to stream in from all battle fronts. “The Syrianforces,partofalarge military alliance against Isreal led by commander Beuhadad, are said to be fleeing from Israeli KingAhab and his far-ournumbered army. The determined, and obviously eager, Israeli soldiers: are reported ta be within miles of their primary objective, the Syrian capital of Damascus. “This is the second time in INO years thatfull-scale war has erupted between these two nations. “Only a year ago Syria handed Israel an ultimation which would have stripped her of all sovereign rights. Ls rael’s refusal to comply, followed by a Syrian declaration of war, forced the Jews to quickly ga-’ ther their scattered forces todefend the homeland. Miraculously the Israels drove back their miii’tary SUperiors and an uneasy peaceensued. . “Today; thepeaceforgotten, battle was renewed. An Israel victory, this time seemingly imminent, according to world leaders would by no means ensure a lasting peace between Israel and her neighbors.” This account could easily have been taken from a news source in about 900BC. It. is based on I Kings 20. Hostilities like this could be illustrated scores of times from the
A long but
The Chevron’s vast: operation requires vaster personnel. Hereinafter listed are some of the positions vacant: 1. Somebody to lay out the ads. The job takes about an hour each Friday or Saturday. Benefits include meeting fascinating people-us. 2. Somebody to se;ll aforementioned advertising. Car an asset but non-essential. Will to sell is. Benefits include commissions and chance to talk to pretty secretaries . 3. Desk rnan. This means someone to take reporters* notes and garbage from the K-W Rag and transform them into thewonderfully lucid prose of the Chevron. Benefits include a chance to read the
To the editor: In the past all the athletic department has had to offer for summer students has been negligible. The Engineering Society has tried to fill the gap be organizing a softball league and incorporating anybody who is interested. This year we have had problems even in finding a place for our games, _ Our dtamond parking lot A; the diamo@s at Waterloo Park and city schools are not available. Where to play ? We considered some ideas like on top of the engineering lecture building hoping to make our plight known, We approached Paul Condon, director of intramural athletics, to solve our dilemma. Condon promised to build two diamonds on the soccer field with temporary screens, But dueto convocation there were delays. Monday the league opening arrived. No diamonds. The first day’s games were can‘celled and the schedule upset. The athletic department, it seems, was not to blame as it had placed an order for the backstops with physical plant and planning a week ago. At this point Dan Brown of the athletic department laid out the baselines and bases. Wednesday morning PP&P erected temporary snowfences until backstops come. So all is ready and the only thing required for success is studentsupport. Let’s have it. GARY CONDON electrical 4A
m nions
It sounds as if key people in the math faculty, through banding together into an autonomous foundation, want to be able to exert considerable influence without encumbrance from their own faculty, from the, university senate or from the administration.
Th? Rene Descartes Foundation appears - to be dedicated to encouraging . scholastic excellence by establishing scholarships for academic achievement.
It smells, however faintly, of a candidate for the fourth-floor office now occupied by J. G. Hagey.
However, despite the noble intentions of the foundation, it would not be operating within the spirit of the law as laid down to the universities by the government. Instead of using government
The faculty of math, the huge new .math and computer building is the Rene Descartes Foundation the next political rabbit from the hatful of mathematical tricks?
Why don’t people vote? Voting
the election
everyone’s attention. Last didnot seeone such notice,
Council byelections for engineering Astream seats was heavy by past standards. It is still far from satisfactory.
one we spoke
When only 385 of 742 eligible take advantage of their franchise, thing is wrong.
The other factor that led to a mediocre turnout is the indifferent attitude of most first-year engineers. Unfortunately,
voters some-
this self tive
One important factor that contributed to the poor turnout was the lack of notice on election day. Notices posted on the doors of the engineering and
a must
paper two days ahead of time and pizza. 4. Someone to sort out the copy after it comes back from the printers. Benefits include getting a start at the bottom of the business. 5. A carpenter. A perfect opportunity for some engineer to demonstrate his prowess at fixing doors and tabls. Benefits include Jim Nagel for boss. 6. A whole buncha people to do mailing on Friday afternoon. (Remember last work term, when YOU were off campus.) A charirabletype club would bepreferred, but individuals wffl be accepted. This is another cash-paying position. 7. Editor. Prefer someone who can write the Queen’s English.
funds directly for scholarships, government funds would be used to support a body which was awarding scholarships.
Is the’ Rene Descartes Foundation good or bad? Since the institution of the StudentAwards program ‘last fall, it has been difficult for universities to award scho1arships for academic achievement. Under the present system mediocrity is encouraged, for as long as the student passes he may receive financial assistance.
on eledtion
The Chevron is published University of Waterloo, Student Council and editor-in news -
Mary Clark,
Roger Nancy Dave Hardy, sports: Adrian Publications 744-6111 Toronto: 481-2950.
Fridays Waterloo, the board
-chief: Jim Nagel and ieatures: Donna McKie Bull, Frances Anders, Brian Ron Craig, Frank Goldspink, LaFleur, Sandra Sa vlov. Sweeney, Kelly Wilson, Youngs, Bob ’ Verdun, Linda Bev Kovacs. Wayne Braun, Bill Snodgrass, Trevisan, Doug Woolner.
local Patricia Kings
chairman: John Shiry. 2497 (news), 2812 McKee, 691-7117. ton-Napanee : Pete
hy the board of On tario, Canada. Jf publications.
Advertising (advertising Ottawa: Webster,
students are missing educational aspect
p-ublications Opinions Member
photography: Burkowski, Pike, Hans Ron Damina L arry Whiting.
large group seldom involves itin campus affairs. As the few acfirst-year members will vouch,
these most life.
day would
Thursday ‘we not did any-
are of
the best and of university
of the Federation of ‘;tudents, independent of the 1, sversity, Canadian Unive: Press.
Glen Berry, Forbes Jouni Kraft, Howard Stelzer, Dave Bemart, to, Alex Herckenra th,
reviews: Dale Martin cartoons: Paul Grignon circulation: David Bean typing: Steve Richards 4800 copies (summer) mgc Ross Helling. j. 2471 (editor). Night John Beamish, 828-3565. 354-3569.
Offices in 744-0111. Montreal:
Federation bldg. Telex 0295-759. George Loney,
16,‘ 1967 (8:6)
Muddy by Bill
In a swimming hole, normally known as Seagram Stadium, theEastern Canada senior track and field championships couldn’t be expected to break records last weekend. Events not rti between thunderstorms on Saturday were postponed until Sunday. Water was pumped from the track three times and even with the stadium crew *s efforts s the track was sluggish, causing competitors to tire easily, and manywithdrew. Only one field record was braken-Bob Sandieson of Toronto set a Canadian Midget record of six feet two inches in the high Jump. No track records were broken. Saturday’s competition is a step in choosing Canadian teams for the Pan-American Games in Winnipeg in July. Eastern Canadians now go to the trials in Saskatoon. Bill Greenough of Hamilton won the long jump and triple jump, although he had trained for only one week. Tony Powell also won two events--the 220-yard and 440-yard competitions. Among the women’s competitions, Roberta Picco ran the 880 in 2:17.6 and the mile in Q13.6, winning bandily. Janet Maddin won thelOO-yard by a tenth of a second and the 220 by a tenth of a second and the 220 by three-tenths of a second. U of W student Bob Finlay ran the mile in 4:14.4 under the Toronto. Olympic Club banner. George Neeland, also from U of W a ran the 120yard hurdles in 14.9 seconds under the North York Achilles Club’s ~010 ors. TRACK
(summary) Men 100 yards: Frank Marlatt, Oakville, 9.7; Charles Francis. Toronto. 9.9: Mark Arnold, Toronto, 10.1. -. ’ 220 yards: Tony Powell, Toronto, 22.1; Frank Marlatt, Oakville, 22.1; Michel Chat-land, Montreal, 22.3. 440 yards: Tony Powell, Toronto, 49.2; Peter Bridges, Toronto, 49.2; Eric Roberts, Montreal, 50.5. 880 yards: Mehdi Jaouher, Montreal, 1:56.3; Tom Carney, Toronto, 1:56.3; Dave Ellis, Ottawa, 1:57..2. One-mile: Bob Finlay, Toronto,
Softball Mech. Chem Civil Grads Chem Mech civil Elect
SECOND DIVISION Mech 3A Elect 2B Elect 3A Civil 3A Math 2B Mech II 2B
4: 14.4; Tom Carney, Toronto, 4~16.5; Mehdi Jaouher, Montreal, 4: 18.9. Two-mile: Peter Bunjak, Toronto, 9:33.2; Laurie Bidger, Toronto, 9:53.0; John Gisler, Toronto, 9:57.0. Three-mile: Brian Armstrong, Toronto, 14:3&O; Ken Hamilton, Toronto, 14:47.0; John Park, Ottawa, 14t54.6. Six-mile: Andy Boychuk, Toronto, 30~56.4; Ron Wallingford, Hamilton, 31:17.2; Brian Armstrong, Toronto, 31 z39.4. 120-yard hurdles: George Neeland, Tpronto, 14.9;. Brian Donnelly, Oak;;l12e, 15.0; Mtchael Knell, Kttchener, :4b-yard hurdles: Mark Arnold, Toronto, 54.9; Wally Brown Toronto, 55.6; Gordon Molnar, Toronto 57.2. Long jump: Bill Greenough, Hamilton, 24 feet W2 inches; Michel Charland, Montreal, 24 feet S/2 inches; George Cloutier, Ottawa, 22 feet, 10% inches. High jump: Bob Sandieson, Toronto 6 feet, 2 inches (Canadian Midget Dave McGuffin, Hamilton, Record); 6 feet; David Ladore, Windsor, 6 feet. Triple jump: Bill Greenough, Hnmilton 48 feet 11112 inches; George Cloutier, Ottawa, 46 feet 8% inches; Craig Blackman, Toronto, 46 feet 8 inches. inches. Pole vault: Bob Simpson, Trronto, 14 feet; Jean Lepine, Mantreal 13 feet, 4 inches; Klause Kuschke, Toronto, 12 feet. Shot put: Dove Steen, Toronto, 59 feet, 0!/2 inches; Mike Mercer, Toronto. 55 feet. 1% inches; Julian Clarke, ’ Ottowaj 50 feet, .four inches. Discus: Peter Norris, Hamilton, yindfoenel, W2 inches; pick Westwood, 134 feet, 5 Inches; George RathboAe, Toronto, 127 feet, 11 inches. Hammer throw: Pat McManaman, Oshawa, 168 feet, 4% inches; David Leitch, London, 159 feet, 8 inches; Kleanthis Kcrkodilos, Toronto, 89 feet, 8 inches. Javelin: Glen Arbeau, Toronto, 198 feet, 11 inches; Terry Wilson, Oakville, 176 feet, 8 inches: Bob Barclay, London, 173 feet, 6?2 inches. Women 100 yardsrJanet Madden, Winnipeg, 11.0; Judy Dallimore, Toronto, 11.1; Irene Harris, Ottawa, 11.2. 220 yords: Janet Maddin, Winnipeg, 25.3; Joan Fisher, Ottowa, 25.6; Judy Dallimore, Toronto, 25.7. Mat-g Cheskin, Toronto, 440 yards: 56.8; Abbie Hoffman, Toronto, 58.7; Ccc Carter, Hamilton, 59.5. 880 yords: Roberta Picco, Toronto, 2:17.6; Eva Van Nouw, Toronto, 2:29.8; Carol Haddrall, Toronto, 2:36.8. One-mile : Roberta Picco, Toronto, 5:13.6; Cathy Griffith, Toronto, 5:26.1; Eva Van Nouw, Toronto, st57.2. 80-metre hurdles: Jenny WingerSonMeldrum, Toronto, 11.5; Margaret Chatland, Toronto, 11.8; Lesley Shonk, Hamilton, 12.0. High jump: Susan Nigh, Toronto, 5 feet, 7% inches; Shiela Flowers, St. Catharines, 5 feet, 3 inches; Virginia Pierdon, Toronto, 5 feet, 1 inch. Long jump: Jenny Wingerson-Meldrutn, Toronto, 18 feet 9 inches; Joan Hendry, St. Lambert, Que., 18 feet 1% inches; Sheila Flowers, St. Catharines, 18 feet, lV2 inches. Shot put: Nancy McCredie, Brampton, 46 feet, 7 inches; Marjorie Dowds, Winnipeg, 44 feet, ‘I’/2 inches; Carol Toronto, 44 feet, 5 iliches. Martin, Carol Martin, Toronto, 157 Discus: Nancy McCredie, feet, 7 inches; Brampton, 142 feet, 2% inches; Mariorie Dowds, Winnipeg, 124 feet 9 inches. lngrid Gotzsch, Ookville, Javelin: 130 feet, 3 inches; Carol Martin, Toronto, 113 feet, 11 inches; Vesta IsSavevitch, Toronto, 106 feet, 0 inches.
Bob Sanderson cleared a record 6 feet 2 inches performers have qualified for the Pan-American
Chem 3A Physics 3A
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to set the only new mark last Games tryouts.
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THIRD DIVISION Math 1B 3 0 6 &x3&4 2 0 4 Set 7 & 8 2 0 4 &cl&2 2 1 4 2 1 4 Computer Math Sec58z6 1 2 2 Psych 1 2 2 * Set’ 9 & 10 0 7 0 * Defaulted all their games RESULTS OF TIjIS WEEK’SGAMES Monday, Grads, 17--Elect 4A, 4; Elect 3A, 17 --Physics 3A, 3; Set 3&4, ‘I--Set l&2, 5. Tuesday, Math lB, 18-Computer math, 5.
Jenny Meldrum came close to the Canadian record on this leap of 18 feet 9 inches at the Eastern Canada track and field finals last weekend. Heavy rain postponed many of Saturday’s events until Sunday at the two-day meet held at Seagram Stadium. (Chevron photos by Forbes Burkowski)
Keys under control, says KK chief Despite persistent rumours, Alexander Romenco, chief of security, stated flatly that no underground market exists for keys to campus buildings. Romenco stated that there was only one known incident of widespread unauthorized keys--for the Village. Many Villagemenwhofound gaining entrance to the service tunnels a challenge have since turned in their keys, Rome&o said. hi any &s-e, all lecture buildings
on campus have had their locks rekeyed within the last six months in order to allow each department to control entrance to its own offices. Keys are normally granted Only to graduate students and faculty members .
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These precautions were not meant to keep students out, Romenco said, but to discourage non-university people from wandering through the buildings.
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