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8: 33


Sweet words and pats on the back topped the menu at Monday% final meeting of the old student counciL With new councillors waiting patiently in the wings the outgoing members cleared up bits andpiees of twelve monthss work.

Here sits Steve Ireland, today and the Chevron

past president. Brian ller takes sews up the year on page 18. --Gary


Robins, the Chevron

ives first Mathematics is the first faculty to come through with a definite plan for the university’s TenthAnniversary fund drive. $40,000 is the goal the math profs have set for themselves to raise over a five-year period. This comes to about $8 a month for each of the 100 members, %?ontributions will be on the basis of an individual canvass within their faculty,” said university president Gerry Hagey, explaining the plan. “The money will be turned over to the Tenth Anniversary fund without strings attached.” Other faculties and admini*

trative staff have not yet set their objectives. But they are planning to support the fund, according to Murray Davidson, public-relations director for the fund, Davidson also said the fund organizers are not pressuring faculties to set objectives. Arts is planning an endowment fund, Under a formula conceived by Prof. Leslie Armour of philosc ophy, interest from the fund will go to the Tenth Anniversary drive for five years, and then to other purposes such as scholarships. The pledge cards offer the arts profs no fewer than six different ways of making their donations.

by Ken Fraser Chevron staff

Membership would have t0 be r* stricted to U of W students, in second year or higher, withaminimum C average. Frats would have to establish themselves off campus. The final recommendation would make all relations between the university and fraternities the responsibility of the student-affairs office in consultation with the Federation of Students. Iler moved that council reaffirm the federation% present policy on recognition. This was adopted last June and says the federation will refuse recognition to any organ&z+ tion whose membership policy discriminates on the basis of personal characteristics. Council agreed, New vicepresident Tom Patterson said that by agreement with the university the federation has the right to recognize all student organ&&ions and that any recognition policies should be decided by the federation. Gerster replied, “I don’t think the universiv would recognize a fraternity if the federation did not want them recognized? He explained the present fraternity-phi Kappa P&wants rem

The new student council barely got its feet wet before faced with an issue which could lead to a major confrontation with the administration. Fraternity recognition was the obvious problem but the federation executive noted a much larger one. Fraternities arose when new president Brian Iler, read amemo regarding frat recognition. It was sent to the president’s council of the university by Paul Gerster, assistant to the provost. Iler expressed &satisfaction with the way the matter was handled by the president’ s council. 661t bothers me that they will discuss things concerning the federation without even inviting us.” The president’s council discussed the recommendations and asked Gerster for more information. Gerster suggests a basis for recognition of frats in case the university should decide to recognize them. The proposals would make all frats join a interfraternity council which would act as a liaison between the university and the club,

Letters were read from university president Gerry Hagey and academic vicepresident Howard Petch congratulating council and the &dent body on the half million dollar donation to the Tenth Anniversary Fund. President Hagey congratulated student council on their action. “This demonstration of student involvement will provide not only a significant portion of the total fund objective, but will also serve as an inspiration to our many volunteer fund workers throughout Canada and as an outstanding example of s?udent concern to the companies, organizations and indim viduals who are being solicited for SuPPOk dLThis action will always stand high among my many warm meme




ories of student life on this camp= US.‘S Petch also praised the federa+ tion for its contribution. “The funds raised by the studs ents will provide, under the 955 formula, (by which government pays 95 percent, the university five percent) the university% share of the‘ cost of several buildings, but more than that it will serve as an inspiration to others within the university community and to society at large? * ** Toward the end of the meeting engineering rep Joe Givens rose to pay tribute f~ Ireland. “Steve has given the council tremendous leadership and it was his most able direction which enabled us to work as a team. This university certainly has benefited from his term of office. &&Thanks, Steve, for a hell of a good job.‘* In reply, Ireland complimented the council and attributed the suer cesses of this year to the ability of his executive and the cooperat tion of student council members.



I, 1968

“1 can certainly say this has been the best of the four councils Pve served on? Federation vicepresident Bob Cavanagh addressed a few words of paternal wisdom to the new COUIlCil.

&&The years I’ve spent at the University of Waterloo are golden b me and I hope you too will find the experiences and sense of personal involvement I did.$’ Bob Verdun, civil 2A, offered a tribute to student council on behalf of the press gallery. *‘You make it damned difficult for us. At other universities, the council is usually so slack the newspaper is the real leader on campus, but you’re always one step ahead of us.** %4nd of course, we appreciated all your newsworthy activities which were responsible for so many inches of Chevron cynic copy.” Speaking of Ireland Verdun said, “‘paths may cross and tempers flare, but we appreciate you* Steve? 0


the pr

The use of proxies at general and annual meetings of the Federation of Students has been severely limited. The board of directors federation has passed two amendments to its bylaws, took effect immediately upon age by the board.

of the major They pass-

The amendments will be presented and voted upon at the annual meeting of the federation to be held Monday at 3 pm in E1301. They


be in effect

at the meeting.

One amendment says any proxy will be able to act as such for no more than five members of the federation; the other states that at general and annual meetings, a chairman appointed by theboardof directors will rule onall questions of order and privilege, and if chall= enged, will heartwo speakersfavouring, and two speakers against the ruling, afinalruling.


he will make

The amendments are designedto prevent repetitions of week% general meeting, when, by possessing 134 proxy votes, Chalmers Adams of Renison was able to control the voting of the meeting and to overrule the speaker to allow some essentially unconstitutional business to be brought up. In addition, one other amendment, concerning meeting and mo= tion notice, not yet approved by the board of directors, will be present, ed and voted on.

ognition because it is required by its national organization. Provost Bill Scott said he was dissatisfied with the vagueness of council’s present policy and wished to see a clarification rather than just a reaffirmation of the recognition policy which now exists. However he supported the basic stand of the federation. “1 think Mr. Iler’s and Mr. Pat& opinions are correct. ter son9 s There is a growing concern in some quarters about the autonomy of the federation and you may expect the federation position in respect to its powers to be questioned more closely as a result. “1 advise you to jealously guard the rights and privileges given to you under your charter and constitution,” said Scott,, Engineering rep Greg Ast, mechanical 3A, at first opposed the motion to reaffirm the federation policy but later asked that a committee be appointed to study the problem, New student-activities chairman John Koval, math 3, is chairing this committee. His board is already preparing a policy on recognition.

The University of Britich Columbia has fraternities and each year they organizc a festive occasion called Mardi Gras. T?lis year’s theme was Down the Mississippi. In a pep rally be-fore the main events, fraternity members demonstrate a *fine old Southern tradition-lynching. ---Kurt Hilger, the Ubyssey (CUP}

for using pot A student nabbed with pot in 0~~ tober was jailed last week. David Lauren, math 2, was convicted of illegal possession of drugs and sentenced inYorkCounty court to seven days in jail plus $300 or an additional 60 days.


RCMP agents arrested Lauren last October after finding a part bottle of rum and a dime bag of marijuana in his stopped car, When stopped, Lauren, 19, presented false identification-the birth certificate of a 24=yearold man. Lauren stated identification was easily and frequently bought here,


Lauren testified he had bought the marijuana at U of W for $10 and had done so about five times before, He supported the use of marijuana as a restricted drug, or under hospital supervision.

Anthropologists have jbund a primitive tribe of villagers rwurby. This tribal chieftain, in native ceremonial stands read-y to tuck awa.y another malted meal,

“1 have talked with several of mY Professors and they agreewith me,” added Lauren.

living garb,


















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Other recommendations were put forward by the committee but detailed discussion was delayed until the final report is releasedin about two weeks.


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their department,









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the Send

Chevron address

by changes



“Informally I handle a certain amount of the disciplinary action,” said Provost Bill Scott, “but there is no organized system right now? The president’s advisory committee on student discipline and university regulations is st rlctly a legislative body,” said Bob C avanagh, one of the student members. Most of the group’s time is taken up in formulating rules, and policy. “We never hear individual cps/

chicken lb. 35c





terms. The


terviewed to explain the cooperative setup. Dr. Herb Lefcourt, psychology, will be on Dan Fisher’s Opinion radio show Monday to discuss discipline in the schools. Then, on Wednesday, Tom Patterson, hostory 2, vicepresident of the Federation of Students, will be on the same show to explain and answer questions about student power. OpinionisonatlonCKKW,


Non-students: University

$4 of





son, and second-year students Geoff Guy, Bill Royds and Eleanor Peavoy. Elections to choose four of the six are March 6 on the second floor of the maththive building. Applications for several executive positions are still open. Posts available are athletics and publicity directors, secretary-treasurer and social committee chairman. Check at the MathSoc office.


present the administration has no definite method of dealing with disciDlinarv cases.

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village council agreed and passed a motion for a constitutional amendment to allow it,



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whelmingly for this in a recent poll. The committee asked immediate Implementation so the new president could provide some kind of continuity, especially over the orientation period.


Math&s rushed to the nominating post this week to acclaim a MathSoc president-Tom Berry, math %-and three co-op council repMary Brown, Doug Yonson and Gary Williamson all math 1B. The regular race fared better with six candidates nominated to seats. Contesting the fill four election Wednesday will be firstyear students Robert Beggs, Linda Mary Matthews, and Ken Robin-


sical plant and planning. He said the low-rise proposals generally had the edge in cost. There was a large spread-about $2 million-between the highest and lowest bids and avery wide range of design approaches to the project, said Lobban. The project, scheduled to open in the fall of 1969, will be located on both sides of Laurel Creek just west of the Village. All parts will be connected by indoor passageways.

tuke over 73

U of W people take to the airwaves this week to explain several areas of education, CKC 0 TV% File 13 (no relation to ours) takes a look at schooling with a program called Work and study: partners in education. On air Sunday at 1:OO on channel 13 the show will concentrate on Waterloo’ s cooperative programs, Doug Paton, coordinator for the phys-ed co-op system, will be in-

Charcoal Broiled l-l am bu rgers, Hot Dogs, French Fries, Milkshakes.






culls for democracy

The Village constitution steering committee may have tried to take the driver’s seat but they9ve found it doesn’t hurt to make driving a cooperative job. The steering committee, tioisy in demands a few weeks ago, has quietly agreed to work within the Village council’s constitution committee. The joint body made a comprehensive interim report to Village council Tuesday night, Popular election of the Vi&age president, with any Villager eligible to run was the largest change proposed. Residents voted over-


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able shift as Allen got 219 and Strachan only 208. As a result the plumber power party now has three members on council. Greg Ast and Richard Durrant, both mech 3B, were elected in the original count and retained their seats. Final results show: SNODGRASS 336, DURRANT 234, AST 229, ALLEN 219, Strachan 208, Stelzer 190, Marsh 189, Aston 137, Mueller 57.

annex pluns tendered-


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Eleven architects are going to be out about $10,000 each on April 6. $10,000 is the estimated cost of each of 12 submissions the university received for the new Laurel Creek residence proje&and April 6 is the day the university and the Ontario Student Housing Corporation expect to announce the winner. About half the proposals call for high-rise projects and the other half for low-rise, said William Lobban, university direct0 r of phy-




Richard Allen decided four votes was too small a margin of defeat to let go unchallenged. So Allen, mechanical 3B, a candidate in the February 14 elections, asked for a recount and is now the fourth engineering representative on student council. The original count had given the fourth seat to Larry Strachan, mech 3B, who was credited with 209 votes to Allen’s 205. The recount showed a consider-

es. It isn’t an aPPea1 board,” added Cavanwh* The committee has been meeting for four year and among its members are four students,five admlnistration people and one person from each of the five faculties. “The big push at the moment,” said Steve Ireland, another student member, “is to get the rules well codified, as well as setting up the disciplinary structure.” Discipline now is handled by Scott or the federation judicial committee. There is some talk of forming a seven-man university court for final appeals.

Authorired Waterloo,

as Ontario.




-of Art

Striking students demand return of fired teachers The following day a meeting was held to clarify the college’ s position. Watson did not appear and Bowman, as chairman, closed the meeting. Then Watson decided to meet the students but he refused to form an investigating committee. Watson also denied that Schaeffer had been swomto secrecy A document proving the secrecy charge was produced by Bayefsky 9.n the interests of accuracy and indeed honesty .” Watson after some probing by other faculty members, agreed to set up a committee. Then, on Feb. 21, Bayefsky and Freifeld were called down to Watsor?s office. In the presence of the heads of all the college”s departments and, curiously, student-council representative Wes ITAngelo, they were handed envelopes that con%a.ined letters of dismissal, Students reacted with uproar when they learned of this. They organized a sit-in in the college”s auditorium for the following day. On Friday the demonstrators asked for and received help from other student bodies. Watson then held a faculty vote in support of the administration, He told the staff they would not be fired if they voted against him. The vote was 39-6 in his favor, Although the sit-inhas lasted several days he has preserved a wait-and-see attitude toward it. Some body found out thatwritten consent from the minister of education was needed for immediate dismissal of college staff. Although this is written in the instructors’ contract, Watson repeatedly denied it. This discovery spurred the march to Queetis Park.

TORONTO (staff&Students of the OntarioColE, ege of Art marched on Queen’s Park Wednesday to protest the recent firing of two drawing and painting instructors. The students carried a petition from 730 of the college’s 1050 students to education minister Bill Davis. They demanded reinstatement of the instructors and a promise of no reincrimination against the staff and students who participated in the demonstration. The college’s principal, Sidney Watson had disp missed Abe Bayefsky and Eric Freifeld, who have taught at the college for 12 and 22years respective1Y. Watson claims Bayefsky had called him a liar and Freifeld had suggested he was unfit for his job. Davis met a group of 11 studentsin his office for an hour. He said afterwards he wouldface the student body Friday afternoon at the college. The whole dispute began three weeks ago, over alleged changes in the drawing and painting curriculum. Last spring Carl Schaeffer, head of the drawing and painting department, told a meeting of the instructors that revisions were being planned, but that the principal had forbidden him to reveal the changes. When students recently heard rumors of the changes, they moved to investigate. Students still feared the drawing and painting course would be amalgamated into the commercial art course. On Wednesday, February 15, students formed a committee and appointed John Bowman, a fourth year student, to present their grievances.

Looks &:This university is hard up. We are just pot going to have the funds to do somethings we want to do, We just can? seem %o get this accross to paople? This feeling of frustration expressed by academic vicepresident Howard Petch is common to all who have large incomes but even larger lia@ilities. The unitersity operating budget is in the neighborhood of $20 mIllion. In addition, research grants are expected to total two-and-ahalf million dollars and ancillary services has a budget of two million dollars. The operating budget covers only the normal operations of the unCapital expenditures on iver sity. new buildings are handled on a project basis.. Academic e,xpendi%ures grab the lion”s share of the operating budget. Some 60 percent goes to pay salaries, teaching fellowships, and library acquisitions for the faculties. Another 20 percent goes for academic services. This includes the audio-visual center, computer





ship t is year

a tight

services, the registrar’s office, coordination, and graduate studies. The remaining 20 percent is spent on administration. Physical plant and planning gets the largest share, taking 12 percent of the budget. Student affairs gets about three percent of the budget. The money supports the provosVs office, health services, creative arts board, and counselling services, Research grants are normally made for specific projects so they are separated from the operating budget. There is almost onegrant for every faculty member in the university. Most of the grants come from the natfonal research council but some are given by foundations or the defence research board. Ancillary services also have a separate budget. This covers the book‘store, food-services, and residences. Each of these operations is required to break even over %he year. The university gets most of its money from government grants calculated on a formula system.

on Ye Greate




Each category signed a point

of student is as= value, Then the governmenit assigns a dollar value to a point and gives the university a grant based on its total number of s%udent points. The figure last year was $1320 per point but the amount this year has not yet been ‘announced. However the government


The engineering faculty doesn’t seem too eager to let students sit on their examinations and promotions committee* At the last EngSoc A meeting Jim Pike, mech 3A, ouflined student representation on governing bodies within the engineering faculty 0 Pike, along with GusCaemmert, a grad, are student representatives on the engineering faculty council. They have asked to attendmeetings of the examinations and pro-





by Stew Henderson Chevron staff


deducts from this amount a standard tuition fee for the province. . This latter provision makes a tuition increase unlikely. Univela sity treasurer Bruce Gellatly said no consideration had been given to an increase. eeThere hasnot been an increase in many years and it willcertainly




at more

After informal discussion within EngSoc council the matter was tabled pending further action by the faculty council. John Bergsma, president Sot B, is another student sentative, He sits on the eering, math and science committee,

of EngrepreEnginlibrary

Robert King, mech 3B, and his curriculum committee are continuing work on the course critiques. Five hundred dollars has been

Circle K Ranch





gran%ed by the board of publica< tions to help defray the expenses,, The committee has expressed it: concern to the examinations and promotions committee over suggested revisions inthe hazldling of exam marks and promotions,, They feel replacing marks by grades would be detrimental to the competitive spirit inspired by thepresent system. Some EngSoc council members felt prospective employers should be allowed to see a student*E marks. Despite the curriculum committee’s fears, council approved the facul%yPs revisions

hion jay/es


top posts

Circle K has a new executive. Bill Lusignan, physics 2, is the chief. Firs% vicepres Doug McMullen, math 2, along with secretary Howard Strothard, math lB, who’ll be taking notes, and Ed Papazian, looking after the moneybags, will support Bill.

that" not


motions committee as visitors but the faculty council is divided on the question.


“Kick the plumbers out.” (‘Bite the bag, artsie fartsies.Bt The most interesting epithets to be hurled on March 12 will certainly include these. What’s been billed as The Great Debate will find plumbers 9 lips snarled, fangs bared, pitted againstthe villainous Plato-quoting, longhaired artsies. Why all the fuss? Quote: ‘(Whereas the University is a place for the unrestricted development of the mind, free from any consideration of a completely practical nature and whereas engineers are nf)t attending the university for this reason, but tci t,e trained as professional technicians. tt-lp en~,ine~~ring faculty should withl“I’I~~~reff,re rlr:Lw frc,rrl the univctrsity and form a trade school under t)jFi auspiccbs fjf the> dc;lyartlrient of labor.‘” 12 in the ,Jf,ln irr tilca opf?rl det,ate 7 pm March :trts-t tlc9tPr k)Urplt.


But Gellatly emphasized that the budget would be tight. Theunivela sity is committed to a faculty salary increase and if the government grant is less than expected the university may not be able to hire all the new faculty it wants. E parking fees are abolished, it will mean a loss of $65,000 in revenue.

nth to g

The literary journal, Liontayles, another board of publications presentation, is still three to four weeks from arrival on campus. Mary Lou Eaglesham, English 3, who has been reappointed editor for next year, said there have been over 60 submissions from the university community. The 30 or so that are included in this issue include poems, stories, drawings and photos. It’s free.

At the recent convention on Toronto several U of W students were chosen bosses of the Ontario, Quebec and Maritime region. Dave Rupar, applied analysis 4, is czar-govert1or and Dave Sheppard, math 4, becomes secretary for the district. The local group UniWa%CircleK was chosen most active club in the O&M area and received the Kerr trophy, Their infamous scrapbook” Waterlog” gathered in a setond place for the gang.


of Waterloo

University NOTICE

Underground CGerschwin revival’ badgers Brock student paper




by Pete Huck



Annual of the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo a corporation under the laws of the Province of Ontario, to be held Monday, March 4, 1968 at 8:00 p*m. in Room E1301. The Board of Directors of the Federation, at the request of the Students’ Council of the Federation, has passed the following amendment to By-law Number 1, Section 32 with regard to proxies, and has amended By-law Number 6, by adding a new Section 7, with regard to the authority of the chairman at annual and general meetings. In accordance with Section 112 of the Corporations Act, these . amendments became effective immediately upon passage by the Board, The Annual Meeting will confirm, reject, amend or otherwise deal with these amendments. 1. By-law Number 1, Section 32, paragraph 1 has been amended to read_: subject to the provisions, if any, contained in the Letters Patent of the Corporation, each member of the Corporation shall at all meetings be entitled to one vote and he may vote by proxy. Such proxy need not himself be a member. Any proxy shall act as proxy for no more than five members. Such proxy shall produce and deposit with the Business Manager at least twenty-four hours before the meeting sufficient appointment on individual documents in writing from his constituent or constituent s. Such appointment shall contain the signatures and student identification numbers of the member andof the proxy, if applicable, and shall be open to examination by any member of the Corporation. Such appointment shall specify the item or items of business upon which the proxy may vote. Such voting rights shall include all procedural motions or motions in& dental to the main item or items of business so stated. No member shall be entitled either in person or by proxy to vote at meetings of the Corporation unless he has paid all dues or fees, if any, payable by him, 2. By-law Number 6, has been amended by adding a new Section 7: The Board of Directors shall appoint a chairman for annual Tr general meetings, The chairman shall rule on all questions of order and privilege, Any ruling may be challenged from the floor. The chairman shall then hear two speakers in favour of and two speakers opposed to the ruling, and shall then give a ruling which shall be final.

Proper notice has been given of the following amendment with regard to notice required for meetings. It has been approved by the Students’ Council which has requested its presentation to the Annual Meeting: 3. With respect to By-law Number 6, Section 4, amend to read: 4, a) Notice of a general meeting of the members of the Federation shall appear in an issue of the student newspaper of the Federation at least seventeen days previous to the meeting. The notice shall call for motion(s) or business to be considered at the general meeting, these to be submitted to the Board of Directors within five days of the publication of the notice. b) The motion(s) or business for which a general meeting is being called shall be published in the student newspaper of the Federation at least ten days previous to the general meeting. The agendafor the general meeting shall be restricted to the motion(s) or business for which the meeting is called. * 4. In accordance with By-law Number 1, Section 3, the directors of the Federation will be appointed. Stephen W, Ireland Brian E. Iler Chairman, Board of Directors President Federation of Students University of Waterloo

the U.S. Department Foreign


AL1 This

man is a highly







Akm expert


. . aa political


Mandeville is definitely anti-Badger even though he and Mutart are on speaking terms, His major beef with the Badger is its lack of editorial policy “It doesn’t express student opinions? In contrast Revival is’ to be tea political news-


lib council


future of the Gerschwin Revival? depend on the quality of writing and on the Badger’s response to Mandeville’s





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That especially challenge.

when he noticed one end was about to hit the skunk (crane truck). Ai+ tempts to right the beam caused the plate clamp used in lifting to unlatch and the beam fell. The extent of his in&ry was not known until Gerow was flown to Sept-fLes, Quebec, on the company plane. He was later transferred to Toronto where he is now in hospit= aL Although not able to return to work, he may claim workman’s compensation for the remaining two and a half months.


to detail,


MandeviIle says he has been approached by many students with comments on his effort. A sample of student opinion showed a wide range of comment: “The Revival is inconsistent, and tries to jump on too many bandwagons”. “It is needed, but how about animprovedformat in future issues”. d%s criticism of the Badger is good but the Revivalists should workfor the Badger instead of against it”. ‘(The articles should have been signed; generally, it’s not worth the paper it’s printed on,”




Mandeville claims support of student council with articles contributed by the president and another member. The paper almost received money from council but rumors saying Mandeville intends to affiliate with the Badger squelched the idea. What has been the impact of the Gerschwin Revival on the Brock Community? Well, half the students bought copies. Two letters-to-the-editor about it have appeared in the Badger. Professors have offered financial support and the hockey coach, after an initial outburst, conceded that the article blasting the team was needed,

Well the work- term students by Jerry Cook finally came through, Jerry Cooka Chevron Labrador bureau electrical 2A, was the first outWABUSH LAKE, Nfld (Staff)termer to send us a story with student Robert Gerow, Pete Huck a close second. Cook b Waterloo engineering 2A, won’t have to finworks in Labrador, Newfoundish work term. land, on a job he obtained, quite Gerow broke hisfootwhile workby chance, through the coordinaing for Iron Ore Company of Cantion depar tmen t. ada in Sheffeville, Quebec. He’ll The story was sen t to us via have to stay in hospital until dogsled to Sep t-lies, then do wn school start-d lose most of his the St. Lawrence to Quebec in a outerm income. coureur-de-bois canoe and finally While working at 1OC;Gerow was brought to Waterloo by Eric Kierhelping move a 2500-pound l-beam ans.




About 330 student-bout half Brock’s enrollmen&bought copies of the Gerschwin Revival at five cents each, The tabloid was put together by 11 students, Articles called for an open forum on campus problems, asked for an official welcome for draft-dodgers, urged a student-faculty sense of community, condemned the current interest in Indian music as mainly superficial and blasted the hockey team. Contributors were a member of the hockey team, the president of student council, an ex-editor of the Badger, and a student senator. Internationally, the Revival is anti-American, primarily because of the U.S, stands on Vietnam and civil rights. Nationally, it supports no political party, but will advocate such things asliberalization of liquor and abortion laws.

The assignments

16 aI 4: 15 p.m.

recognized BOARD

of State

Off ice


ST. CATHARINES-The Gerschwin Revival is not a musical trend. Nor is it a religious cult. It’s an underground newspaper that’s just been published at Brock University. The editor is Robert Mandeville, a second-year politics student. Askedif he was an activist he replied, “1 wish I could be, but around here there’s nothing to activate.” Mandeville attacked the Badger, the official student newspaper at Brock. 4Ws out of touch with the campus; it’s an ingroup, It’s not serious-and the little humor there is poor. Also there are too many Canadian University Press articles.” @he January 22 issue-the last before the Revival’s appearance--was 40 percent cup.) Badger editor Bob Mutart was criticized for having too tight control over the paper. Mu&t countered complaints about the Badger with one of his own-too small a staff,

paper, expressing definite viewpoints.” Mandevllle hopes to reform the Badger and may eventually join its staff. At present he thinks he can have greater impact by remaining ‘%nderground.” More issues of the Revival are planned but Mandeville intends to avoid sponsorship by any organized campus group. The next edition is awaiting release of aninterview between university president James Gibson and student council president Michael Wheeler regarding the proposed affiliation of St. Catharines Teachers’ College with Brock. Gibson has requested Wheeler not release the interview-which the Revival wants to pub&&-until negotiations with the provincial government have been completed.

IF YOU are interested in working with a “service” type organization, in a relatively “unstructured” of reference, then this may be your opportunity.

an address by JOHN F. MELBY with









and writing



Mr. Marcus Dowding, Director of Personnel, The Workmen’s CompensAtion 90 Harbour Street, Toronto 1, Ontario.



ROME(CUPI)-Xhurch steeples have traditionally been the home of birds. But in Rome the birds are three architecture students who have spent several days on top of the 145-foot St, Ive’s Chapel steeple to dramatize the need for reforms in their university. The three climbed the steeple several weeks agO. They threaten to follow the example of their namesakes and fly off the tower if any guardor policeman approaches. Police gave up after several attempts to persuade the three to come down. Thepolice chief confidently predicted they would soon give up their nesting from hunger and cold.



an ivory


‘biggest seltzer bottle’ flow cmal n7ass tran


analyzes by Henry math


H. Crap0 es.0


One of our more ambitious research projects in engineering aims at analyzing flow and mass transfer effects occurring when a gas and a liquid flow together in a tube, I asked Prof, Donald S. Scott, chairman of chemical engineering, to tell me about his work.He started at the beginning: “Chemical engineering has a great deal to do with bringinggases, liquids and solids into contact, You want to carry out a chemical reaction, or make a separation or transfer.,, Scott makes a distinction be tween ‘( countercurrent,, and l1 COcurrent,, operation of equipment, “In countercurrent equipmentmore common-two streams, agas and a liquid, go in opposite directions, Research on cocurrent systems (where the two streams go in the same direction) is almost nonexistent.,, “The nuclear power reactor field is quite interested,, in results Scott and others may obtain about cocurrent boiling,


sure, the liquid clings only to the tube, in an annular flow, and finally begins to blow down the tube likea mist, leaving only a thin film on the glass.” Much of the research effort seemed to be devoted to measuring proportionality constants, so I was impressed to hear they had made some progress on the basic question, “Where does a particle of fluid spend its tin+ as it traverses the tube?,, “In annular mist flow, for instance, you would expect that some portion of the liquid would be rap= idly blown down the center of the tube, in droplets, while another portion would creep up the outer film,,, Scott conjectured, 93urprlsingly, no such separac tion occurs. Each particle spends the same relative amounts of time

Waterloo% biggest seltzer bottle, Another setup gurgles upward through holes drilled in two floors. Gary Gregory, a graduate student on the project, showed me all the possible types of horizontal flow. pcIf you introduc e a constant liquid flow, and gradually build up the gas pressure, quite avariety of configurations occur. “You start with a few bubbles moving across the top of the tube. The bubbles coalesce into plugs, which become larger, until a stratified flow is achieved? “Waves appear, and build up until they seal off the tube, These oversized waveforms, or“ slugs,,, move with essentially the gas velocity‘ Blows



like a mist



gas pres-

in droplet form and in the film any other particle does,


llA new technique we’re hoping to use should soon make much more precise measurements possible. A light-sensitive dye is added to the liquid. An intense flash of light illuminates a small box-shaped volume of the moving liquid, and changes its color. Moments later, the flow-distorted volume can be photographed with a high-speed camera, and details of the very complex fluid motion become visible.,,

Future work: chemical reactor Scott, a heavy-set man with abit of hair remaining, said his own efforts would soon be devoted to designing and running some useful chemical reactor, based on cocur-

rent flow principles. Vnless YQU actually run it and make it work, you don9t get the industrial people very interested. “Our theory allows you to predict the rate of absorbtion between a liquid and a gas, once you know the hydrodynamics of the flow, We also have enough empirical information and qualitative understanding to intelligently design a cocurrent reactor.,, Pressed for details on the theory of mass transfer, Scott objected. “It’s not really my theory. It’s been worked out by two or three generations of students,,, The main idea seems to involve small eddies, which act like stagnant absorbing regions on the interface between the gas and the liquid. The average size and lifetime of these eddies were studied.

it around

(‘Most processes now are accomplished, rather crudely, in YOU put the stuff in, slosh tanks. it around, and by-and-by its all cooked up, Tf you want to run at extreme temperatures and pressures, iPs very much easier to do it in a pipe configuration than in a tank configuration, Many metallurgical reactions are now being carried out at less than the most favorable conditions, simply, because you are limited with the temperatures and pressures you can use? There are two aspects to this research into cocurrent flow. The first is a study of fluidmechanics, in various types of flow configurations. The second is a measurement of the transfer of material from one phase (gas or liquid) to the other, during flow.




Scott and his students have managed to fit several 40-foot sections of glass tubing into their building, laid flat, coiled up and even stand-















the Rob



at 1:40, 3:45,






After Dinner Speaker Dr. Il. Petch SATURDAY MARCH 9,1968

in Federation Food


Sci Sot.



DA IL Y 7:55 & 10p.m.



guess who’s to dinner


DANCE Smith’s




USC to








ON SALE Physics,





NOW Engineering




per couple




all others





1, 1968 (8: 33)

50 1

MR. 6655





Will be conducting





nh, 1968

by Ron Saito


Starting at 9:00 a.m. at LIBRARY BUILDING STUDENT PLACEMENT SERVICE University of Waterloo Tel: 744-6111 for application and appointment. Openings for Specialists, Section Heads, Counsellors and Nurse.




Fred plays 26, Que.

for Summer Camp Staff Positions on


on Records

John Fred and English. Paula

his playboy LPS 219F.



performance: alive but subdued recording: bassy, very good stereo quality: very good Musical soul? Sounds almost unbelievable, but John Fred’s first album is justthat. With a powerful instrumental combination-sax, organ, trumpets,guitar, bass and percussion (plus a sitar); and solid production by Johri and Andy Bernard (sax), the album is weak in only one area-John Fred’s blended but subdued vocals.


THE TURNED-ON CAMPUS MUSIC A cross-section of jazz and fok music on Campus Featuring: The Kimalins, The John Kellar Quartet, The Younger Generation MARCH 8 8:00 - 11:00 Theater of the Arts MARCH FESTIVAL OF MUSIC MARCH 10 3:00 Theater of the Arts U of W Stage Band - “The Big Band Sound” Barry Wills Quintet - guest soloist, Tom Laver MARCH 10 8:00 Theater of the Arts Choral-Orchestral Programme: featuring the U of W Chorus, Orchestra and Concert Band, Alfred Kunz, conductor. Free Admission Tickets Tickets from Theater Box Office AT254 Ext. 2126 CREATIVE ARTS BOARD - FEDERATION OF STUDENTS


Exhibiting diversity, the twelve cuts move almost without letdown from the Mitch Ryder style ‘Up and down,’ through a soulful ‘Out of left field’, to a psychedelic ending on ‘Achenall riot,’ and include ‘Judy in disguise’ and ‘Agnes English’, their hit singles. For listening or dancing, this thoroughly enjoyed album shows off well one of the most versatile soulrock groups to appear on the scene.

Bee Gees:


birthday party on Saturday the 2nd day of March 1968. Be here at 8: 00 p.m. *****BOOZE)CW+Wk


Want We’ll

to know more? Tell us what you can do. tell you where you are needed.

I am interested in learning of overseas work available. I (will) hold..

will be supplied. W**WOMEN**** will be

more about CUSO and the kind My qualifications are as follows:

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.. ... .. .. ...... .. ... .. .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... (degree;diploma,


or other


SD 33-233

As I am stranded out here without any NORMAL people I would like to take this opportunity to invite all students of the University of Waterloo to my HWWk~GALA~46WW~

Why two years with Cusomay put you five years ahead in your field. For one thing, there’s the kind of experience you gain, working in your own field overseas in a developing country for two years, The salary is low, but almost invariably you get broader, more varied experience, and get it earlier than you would in Canada, You learn to handle responsibility-and prove itin a job that lets you test your knowledge, prove your theories, - experience the challenge of a different culture, And it is a challenge, working through Canadian University Service Overseas to help close the knowledge gap that exists between developed and developing nations, Right now, about 900 Canadians are working for CUSO-a non-profit, independent organization-in 40 developing countries around the world, spreading their technical and professional knowledge wherever their particular skills have been requested. But for every request that’s filled, so many go unansweked-for lack of people Ii ke you. How about it? Would you like to play a small but important part in the nation-building that’s going on in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean? if you have a degree, a diploma or a certified skill, you can contribute to their progress-and your ownwith CUSO.

A tic0

performance: weak recording: muddy, poor stereo mty: acceptable Even good recording studios have their off days, I suppose, but why pick the BeeGees, one of the hottest groups around, to prove this? With unbearable surface noise, muddy vocals and overly loud instrumentals, it seems as though this has inspired the group to sink to an appropriate level. Vocals are generally lacking in depth-this isdefinitely not one of the Bee Gees’ better outings. Hit singles stati off the albums’ sides-‘Massachusetts’ and ‘World’, both in the style of their excellent first album, are included. Then apathy takes over and a calculated professionalism invades most of the other cuts. Glimpses of what they can do appear in ‘Really and sincerely’ and ‘Horizontal’ but they do not outweigh the overall weaknesses, I hope their-next effort will bring their performance back to the high level of their first album.

of skill)

in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..from.......................... (course)

(university, technical

college, institute,

trade etc.)


Course” make ~~&~: :.:.:. .:A:.,. ._, :,,.j;; :.::.:.:._ :+_.: .., i,,. :::::::::q :,. .:.::::::$ ,,.,.,;,_j; $sc&g#

Name................................................... Address.................................................

_ _ . , . . . + : . . , . . . :, . : . : : :_ . : . : . . . : , .

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Prov.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

., . . . . _. .. . ,. ;. _. ,: . .

Send to: Mr. Renzo Bernardini, Federation of Students, University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario Phone 576-7677 or local 2534




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the key?

Kutz- cautious by Doug Chevron

about psychedelic

drugs have changed the lives of most people,” But if someone wants to take drugs, “let them be with a medical doctor or licenced psychologist...someone who is responsible.” He said that reports of LSD causing chromosome damage were only clinical impressions, but the same was true of thalidomide. Research had found that normal doses of LSD can cause chromosome aberrations resembling those of mental retardation and leukemia, “We do not know the ultimate effect of taking drugs.” When asked about pot smoking, he confessed to be onshaky grounds in the absence of competant research, c61t9s wrong to say marijuana is harmless,” he continued. 61But we’ re handling it badly.. 0 it’s regrettable.99 Despite a temporary lull in LSD use this summer, most authorities agree the drug is here to stay. “It has forced us to re-think the nature of the mystical experience,” Katz agrees. Aldous Huxley, he says, records a remarkable . transformation of consciousness in ‘The doors of perception’, after taking mescalin for the first time, Cautious, concerned-he warns, g6We need the proper safeguardspsychological testing, supervision.’ 9

Seaborn staff

Mescalin, lysergic acid, psilocybin-to Timothy Leary these synthetic ‘6 mystical” drugs were biochemical keys that could unlock shatteringly new oxpe?l”!ences and help to create images and experiences far beyond the limitations of words. Erich Fromm thought the wonder drugs would encourage rediscovery of self, and promote antimaterialism and universal love, ‘6LSD and the heaven or hell drugs”-a cautious, concerned lecture by Sydney Katz that did little more than cool off the already dying drug explosion, Katz was one of the first people to take LSD in North America 14 years ago, At that time SaskatcheLSD is a most interesting drug wan medical researchers were the human mind according to symptoms of trying to induce Since then Katz, a schizophrenia, growing up involves handling reToronto Star columnist, has beality. come one of Canada’s most outVm Tgainst falling to escape.b’ standing writers in the mental He pointed out that the docume:,lhealth field. tation on the drugs is shaky, Of Answering his own question1000 d6hard drug” addicts, 90perdoes LSD make aperson creativecent had experimented with mariKatz stated that he knew of no valid juana or LSD. examples of artistic or creative V m not saying this leads to production caused by or link&l i:, hard drugs...but some corelation clrug s. exists? “The ability to evaluate oneself Medical research in the late illusion is accepted as disappears... 1950s labelled them 66wonder truth.‘$ drugs? Researchers thought they “Leary used to let everyone could bring overwhelming and illturn on...now he has become much uminating experiences powerful more cautious,’ 9 “Wnat does concern me is the enough to change a man% life. “It was thought,” Katz said, taking of drugs by adolescents. ‘6the drugs would bring a keener, This is to be deplored,“” deeper perception 3f oneself and He went on to explain that youth one’s world,” was a period of growth, self-disIn his opinion LSD is a most indecision making, that covery9

that is responsible for some new insights Sydney Katz. But he warned “It can

into the capacity be very dangerous”.


teresting drug that is responsible for some new insights into the capacity of the huma:. mind. It has interesting therapeutic value and can broaden perception. He added that research must be extended.

ed individuals or the 6gincipient psychotic”, but that they are most likely to take them without supervision.

“On the other hand,” he warns, ‘“it can be very dangerous...I’m advocating extreme caution,”

Stressing sonal effort ected effort that LSD is

He stressed that the drugs should not be taken by immature, depress-




a psychos-


his own values-perand a consciously dirto achieve--he added passive and inactive.

‘%. is surprising

how little


00&s qnalyre the Arab-Israeli wcw Strike son,


by William


95 cents

Lightning Associated $5.95,

out of Israel Press.



by the





in the eastern Meditto relieve hheoverextended Americans. “Strike ZionI’ is a straightforward account of the war by a former CBC correspondent, This book captures the tension before the war actually began. The strain on the Israelis is illustrated by his statement that Israeli computers showed they would lose if they did not beat the Arabs in a few days. The AP book is a handsomevolume but it seems to be lacking spirit or feeling. One Would probably done just as well reading the papers.-Dale Martin

pages erranean

160 pages

The Middle-East Pasha.


by Glubb


85 cents.

The six-day war in June produced a new balance of power in the Middle East. Israel completely crushed the military forces ofEgypt, Syria, and Jordan. The Israelis found themselves in the possession of large amounts of Arab territory. At the time of the war, the Western press saw the war resulting in a strengthened hand for the United States. The papers fairly crowed over the Russian backing of the losing side. Just a few weeks after the war, Glubb Pasha produced ‘The Middle East Crisis’ which suggested that the Russians had wanted the Arabs to lose so they wouldbecome more dependant on the Russians. In the light of recent events, it is not easy to scoff at Glubb. Today there is a considerable Russian naval force in the Mediterranean Sea. A dream of Czarist Russia has finally been fulfilled by a Communist regime. The presence of these ships have caused the Americans a great deal There is even talk of of worry. having the British redeploy part of

The royal hunt of the sun-this to ta1 distruction. (left) and Peter

A Moore


Moshe Da-van, f?om paperback

Israeli general, Strike Zion

weekend messenger (Michael to an audience with

of Students

in the theater-pits man against man. Marshall, centev) invites Spaniards Alex Atahuallpa the sovereign Inca sun god,


Result. Cooper

of Waterloo

Applications are now being received for the positions of Federation representatives to THE COUNCIL ON STUDENT AFFAI RS, advisory to the Provost, Student Affairs and responsible for developing major guide-lines in the nonacademic areas of student life which are the responsibility of the Provost: Counselling Services, Health Services, Off-campus Housing,Foreign Students, Residences, Student Discipline, etc., There shall be seven representatives from the Federation who shall represent distinctive and important constituencies such as the various faculties, colleges, residences, W.C.R.I. etc. Applications should be addressed to the office of the President of the Federation of Students and will be received until Tuesday, March 5, 1968 at 5:00 p.m. Brian E. Her President Federation

of Students Friday,


7, 7968 (8: 33)






Well, the Chevron needs money too, and maybe if we get some we can give you a cut. Simple deal: We need ad salesmen. We pay 10% commission. Drop in at the office anytime--see the secretary or anyone in the ad department. by God

friend late.


Chevron staff


local 2812

‘Cool hand Luke’ is Paul Newman’s vehicle to a nomination as best actor of the year.

PROBLEMS? Visit the


Plum Tree

Too .

Gift boutique 18 Albert

St. Wloo

or the small parent


4 Erb


at East.

feabwins the F~~IAQLIS smmd d the lectric-clarinet and sax,




The problem is that the carefully delineated roles of the pro= tag-oni& contrast too greatly with the realistic background of a brmtal dictatorship-mainly the soppy love scenes of the Burtons warrant the tifle of the movie, while the false bravado of Guinness and the good-natured wholesomeness of Ustinov seems starkly out of place in what is supposed to be a mature, thought-provoking flick.

Luke escapes, is captured, escapes again and is again returned to the road gang-the problem is that although he has a stubborn will for freedom Luke has no idea what to do with it when he has it; he wants to have a cool hand, to be in the game and bet freely with nothing going for him but his ability to bluff and an utter disdain for the rules.

Burton returns from the comparative sanity of New York to his bankrupt Haitian hotel, all for the love of the British Consul” s (Usitinov) wife. They rendezvous in a tiny British car and after promising that each has been true “in his own way” they embrace and the

Life is not a serious thing to him; his ailing mother recognizes this, but never was able to communicate her fears to him. The “failure to communicate7’ is a dominant theme here, but Luke doesn’t see the consequences until he looks for a









$1 .OO

Box Office



of Students

- Creative

There arefew redeemingfactors in the film and the mickey-mouse ending certainly does not number in these. Guinness confesses his pathetic existence to Burton andis then conveniently disposed of so that Dick can take over the boyscout role he was about to fulfil’ rescuing the oppressed Haitians from the thousands of henchmen, all armed with machine guns et al, who carry out the dictators’ whims. Although there are about a dozen rebels with only World War 2carbines, we can rest assured that if his struggle is produced by the same film company he is a shoo-in as the next Haitian president. * ** ‘The incident’ is next at the Odeon; ‘III cold blood’ at the Waterloo; (Guess who’s coming to dinner’ at the Lyric and ‘Far from the madding crowd’ at the Fairview.

Artsies . March

Ext. 2126

Arts Board









- $2500


may be awarded to Male students, who are Canadian citizens, entering the first year of the course leading to the Bachelor of Laws degree atDalhousie University. The Scholarships are renewable for students attaining a first class average and standing in the top ten of their class. Successful applicants must have declared desire to study law, must have shown evidence of outstanding academic ability and must possess in the opinion of the selection committee the qualities needed for the attainment of distinction in the legal profession. Candidates

are invited

the Dean, Faculty

to apply to of Law,

Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, not later than March





a petty

Expected laughter, and then pan in on Burtons (remember them) and since Richard has his tie undone we infer that Elizabeth has been undone, and the tiny English car pulls out from the roadside and returns each to their own personal problem-ridden homes.


“The glories of the literature of vocal chamber music of the last 400 years” Admission


little bit of humor at the customs bureau. The Haitian inspector mistakes the health food of an aged couple for marihuana, but with the aid of an interpreter and a small bribe they manage to slip their “contraband” through.



15, 8:30




Arts Calender

SUN, MAR. 3 8:30 AL1 16 INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES “Moonfleet” Admission by series ticket only MON. MAR. 4 12:15 AL1 16 NOONTIME F I LMS: “N.Y., N.Y.” and other experimental films. “N.Y., N.Y.” - special effects create a personal and imaginative view of the moods of New York in a single day. Free admission TUES. MAR. 5 12: 15 Theater of the Arts NOON DRAMA: POSTPONED until March 14th, at which time “The Collection” by Pinter will be performed. WED. MAR. 6 12: 15 Theater of the Arts NOON CONCERT: Barry Wills Trio - guest soloist, Tom Laver. Free admission WED. MAR. 6 4: 15 Social Science Faculty Lounge EARLE BI RNEY: “The Sound of Poetry Today” Free admission THURS. MAR. 7 12: 15 AL1 16 THURSDAY FILM SERIES: “North to Hudson Bay” - An expedition which introduces the modern explorer to local wild life and the commercial and scientific activity. “Land of the Overlanders” - colour - Telling of the settlement of British Columbia Free admission THURS. MAR. 7 8:00 ML244 ART LECTURES: “Contemporary Canadian Art” - Mrs. Nancy-Lou Patterson discusses the artists of today. Free admission. FRI. MAR. 8 8:00 - 1I:00 Theater of the Arts THE TURNED-ON CAMPUS MUSIC: a cross-section of jazz and folk music on Campus. Free admission ticket SAT. MAR. 9 8:00 Theater of the Arts LECTURE SERIES: sponsored by Conrad Grebel College DR, VINCENT HARDING--“From Civil Rights to Black Power” Admission $1.50 SUN. MAR. 10 3:00 Theater of the Arts MARCH FESTIVAL OF MUSIC U of W Stage Band - “The Big Band Sound” Barry Wills Quintet - guest soloist, Tom Laver Free admission ticket SUN, MAR. 10 8:00 Theater of the Arts MARCH FESTIVAL OF MUSIC Choral-Orchestral Programme: featuring the U of W Chorus, Orchestra and Concert Band. Alfred Kunz, conductor. Free admission ticket Tickets from Theater Box Office ML 254 744-6111 Ext. 2126 FEDERATION OF STUDENTS -CREATIVE ARTS BOARD


‘The comedians’ use Haiti as their workshop, as the Burtons, Alec Guinness and Peter Ustinov play out their parts, with a backdrop of terrorism and sadism, and a supporting cast of disease ridden beggars.

years workin’ for the man is no-eyes, albehind those intimisun glasses.



* **

Luke gets busted for sawing the tops off of parking meters. The reason he gives for this: “Well you know how it is in a small town Saturday night with nuthin’ to do.*.“.


and then

One wonders at his smile at the end; Was it because of the absurdity of a world that demanded so much pain to earn the peace of death? Was it for a God who answered apleafor aidwith at&friend” who was bought by an assassin? Or was it the smile of a loner who recognizes the love that a fellow man has for him, as his comrade risks death to avenge his mortal pain?

Although the script reads like it was written by Arlo Guthrie, the picture is many notches above the abundance of cliches which pervade the plot. The main reason forthis has to be Newman, as he convincportrays I this anti-hero WlY through a scale of emotions from sneering arrogance to snivelling bootlicking.

So it is two man, and this ways hidden dating mirror




Counselling by Harold

D. Goldbrick

the mighty myth

NASTYHAU, THE BAHAMAS (Staff&Nothing much been happening here in the sunny south-except maybe that half of Uniwat’ s bureaucratic -type heirarchicals have been vacationing here. Another vacationer had his southern sojourn cut short by an arithmetical error-and a crippled conservative being carried into Parliament. But then Pearson was saved froggy-funny-money-man by Real Chaos. No surprise ther&the only thing the C reditiste crusader is sure of is his uncertainty of getting reelected. so Lester, Stanfield and Caouette gave the newspapers an easy week filling space. And the Globe and Mail achieved a new high in hippie Trawna journalism by having bigger headlines than the psychedelic Telegram, l

And on the home front, the Aryan Affairs Commission has been having difficulties with the board of student activities and its recognition procedures. So it looks like maybe I will have to return to my post and force the politicos to behave. Like Lester B. Fearsome returning to the fold to protect the sheepI mean Liberals, Not that the Aryan Affairs Commission has any similarities to the ‘Liberal partythey’re responsibly inactive and we’ re actively irresponsible. 0 And now for this term’s poliscience 99.9, a crash tical

course in who’s right andwho’s left and why it doesn’t matter. It occurred to me on reading last week’s Friday flyerdr Chevron-that certain members of the universitycommunity might appreciate just such an enlightening. The article on A weak end in the woods noted that “allit took was strong opposition from one representing the extreme political right to crack the board over the frustrated leftist heads.” All of that left, right and extremist jazz means basically and intrinsically nothing. Right, to the obnoxious individual referred to in the article, just meant correct. He was right and they were left-out to lunch, or out of the picture or insert your own cliche. 0 And now that you may better understand what politics is all about, I will draw upon the witty remarks of noted socio-econopolitician Ampersand Varsity who has expounded on the various systems from a common starting point. Let’s deal first with the extremes. On the right we generally put fascism and Nazism. FASCISM: You have two cows: you keep the cows and the government takes the milk, NAZISM: You havetwo cows: the government shoots you and takes the cows. Let’s try the classic left with socialism and communism. You have two SOCIALISM: you give one to your cows: neighbor and keep one for yourself. COMMUNISM: YOU have ~VO

the government takes both cows, you milk them and the government gives you part of the milk back. Now the real fun comes when we deal with the fuzzy-wuzzy never-never-land of middle-ofthe-road politics--the kind and type of system we ,actually have to suffer under.


Left of center we find the NEW IDEALISM: you have two cows: the governmellt takes both cows, gives you insufficient compensation for them, shoots one, milks the other and pours the milk down the drain. The right leads downtoCAPIII’ALISM where we come upon a three-forked intersection. Follow the first: you have two, cows: you sell one and buy a bull. The second trail is tortuous: you have two cows, so Henry Borden’s dairy sells milk at a loss for a while because they can afford to take a loss to put you out of business. When you can’t meet their price any longer, you sell your cows toHenryforonly a fraction of their worth since they know you have no choice. SO you have to get a job and since the only trade you know is dairy, you end up working for Henry at much less than you”re worth and with your knowledge, his business grows even larger and squeezes out more small entrepreneurs like you. The third alternative is the American version of capitalism; you have two cows and they both get drafted. There’s only one system left and that’s ANARCHY: thereare no such things as cows.





Services ON HAND:





home economist. OPEN TO: Students PLACE: TIME:



newlyweds room

March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 2: 00 - 4: 00 p.m. services

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St. Paul’s reception

at counselling

call local 2655 or come to Library.

Weekend MARCH



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1, 7968 (8:33)



The copy arrives at the Elmira signet, Eileen Gingrich pounds it out on a right justifying typewriter.

Bernice Reid discusses the layout of a sports page with Brian Clark, ( assistant editor.


After graphs

the copy is laid out it goes to Art Franklin the completed pages and makes halftone pictures with a very fine screen.

who photonegatives for

Millie Martin opaques errors and flaws in the negative over a light



in EImira

Most people on campus have heard of the all night sessions that go into putting thechevron together, but what happens after that? The edited copy and photographs are sent to the Elmira Signet., where the pages are pasted up and photographed. The stories are first typed on a Justowriter which automatically varies the spaces between words to give the columns straight edges. The columns of type are then pasted up on sheets of white paper the actual size of a Page. It is the job of the compositor who pastes up the page to fit. the copy in the space allotted by the editor who layed out the page. Headlines are set and pasted on page. A heavy paper is pasted where photos are to appear. At this point the whole page, as it has been pasted up is photographed full size on high contrast film, so that a negative results. The type and spaces for pictures are clear while the other areas are black. Photographs are rephotographed as halftones. That is, a ruled screen is placed in contact with the photo so that the resulting negative is made up of a series of dots. ‘If you look closely at the pictures on this page, you can see the dots, larger in the blackareas than in the lighter parts. The negatives of the screened photographs are then mounted on the page negatives.

table before it is sent to London.

Vol. 8 No. 32

UNIVERZ t-:; ‘.

very we time by so

story of WA the little sl

The run finishes, the paper is cl veyor belt for baling.

The developed aluminum prints four pages.

In London, at Webco, Brian Coney joins four negatives which are then exposed on a photo-sensitive aluminum sheet. The sheet is then developed.





* .




is now


in a high-speed





23, 1968


te. This happens


it leaves

k by the campus

creek. The press has a capacity of 15,000 copies ically through the run to keep the quality


per hour. constant.

The inking

is checked


in L

The actual printing of the Chevron takes in London at Webco Publications. The negatives which were prepared in Elmira are taken to London early Friday morning. There these negatives are laid on photo-sensitive plates and expose to anareUght.The plates are developed so that the areas of the plate which contain type are black. The plates are mounted on the rotary press and the ink sticks to these black areas. As the press cylinders turn the ink is transferred to a rubber cylinder which applies the ink to the newsprint. The off set press used at Webco canproduce a 32 page paper at the rate of 15,000 copies per hour. The entire run time for a normal edition of the Chevron is about 40 minutes, The press automatically cuts and folds the paper and it is bound Into bundles. All this is completed by 9:30 and the Chevron is sped back to Waterloo to hit the stands at 11, place

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on over

the last precious








1, 1968 (8:33)




will be sold in


and Science


Monday WHILE



A few tickets will be available



at the









Wintwo scoring titles ooke, Glober Offense defense




shines slack

Teamwork pays Playoffs tonight

by Peter Webster

by Tom

Chevron sports

Chevron sports

As thenowfamous columistRuss Woloshyn once stated, ‘the Warriors always make it interesting’, Last weekend’s final two games of their regular OQAA season were no exception, With second place already clinched and little possibility that Toronto would lose their final two games, the Warriors went out against the McGill Redman and the Laval Rouge et or to win the scoring crown for either Terry Cooke or Ron Smith. However they also didn’t worry about how many goals the opposition scored. The philosophy paid off the the Warriors, Cooke and Smith. Friday the Warriors exploded for 10 goals in the final period to defeat the McGill squad 12-6. Saturday they poured in 10 more to down Laval lO-6. The double victories gave the Warriors a record of 14 wins and two losses, the best record yet for a U of W puck squad. In the final standings, the Warriors ended up only one point behind the first place Blues who surprisingly lost to Montreal 5-4 last F riday. Going into the weekend, Paul Laurent, last year’s scoring champ from Toronto, led Cooke by two points and Smith by three in their battle for the scoring title. Cooke found the going a bit tough F riday as he just couldn’t find the range. On at least three occassions he had the goaltender at his mercy only to fire the puck either wide of the net or over top of it. He finally hit the mark with only one second remaining inthegame. Captain Smith picked up four points against McGill on two goals and two assists to tie him with Cooke, each wfth 34 points, going into the final game. Rookie defenceman Rod Lum and Joe Modeste also scored twoeach, Singles went to Don Mervyn, Doug Jodoin, Dave Rudge, Hugh Conlin and Larry Banks. For Banks it was his first goal of the season.

Saturday, -with the scoring crown within his reach, Cooke put on a one-man show, scoring half of the Warrior’s 10 goals, to wrap up the scoring season





with 25 goals and 15 assists for 40 points. The best Captain Smith could come up with was four assists but it was good enough to give him second place inthescoring,fivepoints ahead of the three Toronto players who tied for third. Smith’s record was 18 goals and 21 assists for 39 points. A lot of credit for Cooke’s success must go to Don Mervyn who centered the line of Cooke, and Modeste. Mervyn passed up several good scoring opportunities of his own to give Cooke a chance at the crown. Mervyn had a good year himself scoring 10 times and assisted on 21 others (mostly Cooke’s) good for seventh spot in the scoring. Orest Romashyna added two more for the Warriors while singles went to Mervyn, Banks and Modeste. AFTERTHOUGHTS: ****If you haven’t got tickets for tonight’s games in Toronto, you should be able to get them at Varsity arena,

Terry Cooke-strong finish

Sol Glover-only

two points

Ron Smith- Warrior


Can the Blues be beaten? Well another OQAA hockey season has come to an end and for the second straight year the University of Toronto Blues have finished in first place while the Warriors have repeated their second place finish. l&Master and the University of Men treal have ousted the Western Mustangs and the Queen’s Golden Gaels from third and fourth positions respectively. Tonight the Blues will take on the Montreal Carabins while the Warriors will face the Marlins, The winners will meet Sat. afternoon for the championship. There is no consolation game. The present system of play offs used by the OQAA favours the first and fourth place clubs and in particular the winner of this game. They get to play the early game Friday night while the Warriors and Marlins must play the late game. Playing in Varsity Arena, the home of the Blues, also gives Toronto a natural advantage. Following are summaries of the four participating teams with a few interesting aspects of each club and things to expect.

1967-68 record: finished finst14 wins, 1 loss, 1 tie for 29 points. Leading scorer: Lauren had 19 Goals and 5 assists for 34 points. Although the Blues lost the services of the famous Monteith brothers this season, they have not been weakened as much as some people though they would. Last year the Blues scored an incredible 152 goals in 16 league

games while allowing only 37 to be scored on them. This year the Blues didn’t have quite the same scoring punch ending up with 114 goals. Last year’s scoring leaders read like the Blues line-up as they placed seven players in the top ten scorers. This year they have only four players in the top ten. The Blues have the best defencive squad in the league led by all-stars Pete Speyer on defence and John Wrigley in goal. Wrigley bettered his goals-against average this year, allowing only 36 shots to get by him. The U of M Carabins

Record: finished fourth--9 wins ) 6 losses, 1 tie for 19 points. The Carabins have been the dark horse of the league this year. They finished out of the play-offs last season and weren’t really expected to make it this year. The Montrealers have good size and are probably the hardest hitting and roughest team in the league. They had no one individual star but have scored avery respectible 80 goals this season. From the statistics, it looks as though the weak spot of the Carabins is their defence. The Carabins are the only team going into the play-offs that have beaten the Blues and if anything can give a team confidence it’s beating the Blues only one week before the play-offs. The McMaster


Record: finished third--9wins, 5 losses, 2 ties for 20 points. Leading scorer: Cippola (14 goals; 18 assists) The Marlins were the up and

down tearn of the league last season but this year have played more consistently. The Marlins had defence problems for about the first half of this season but have tightened it up considerably. The Marlins biggest question mark is their goaltender. As the Silhouette recently stated’ ‘As Ian Budge goes, so go the Marlins’. The Marlins, like the Carabins, have scored 80 time-s this year while allowing 66. The U of W Warriors

Record: finished second-14 wins, 2 losses, 0 ties for 28 points. L&ding scorer: Cooke (25 goals 15 assists) (1967-68 scoring champion) This years edition of the Warriors established a new team record with their 14 and 2 record but still couldn’t move Toronto out of first place. The Warriors have also moved up in the league scoring, placing three players, ’ including Terry Cooke and Ron Smith who took the top two positions in the scoring race. Don Mervyn finished in seventh spot. This year’s Waterloo squad has more experience and depth than any previous squad but key injuries have been plaguing head coach Don Hayes since the first of January. The Warriors also set a team record for goals with 111 but have also allowed their opponents 62, The Warriors are expected to be at full strength tonight for thefirst time since December. If the entire team can gel quickly enough and play consistent hockey, they have the personal to give Waterloo its first championship.



The b-ball Warriors, like their hockey counterparts, finished the season on the right track with a convincing 88-73 victory over the To ronto Blues. The happy part about the victory, besides the win itself, was the performance of rookie centre Bryan Brown. Brown played his finest offensive game of the year as he dropped in 18 points and pulled down 19 rebounds. In addition he held Toronto’s 6’8” center John Hadden to only six points. More good news to thewarriors was the fact that Sol Glober had won the league scoring title, the first time for any Warrior. Glober scored 207 points in league play to edge Windsor forward Bob Navetta by only two points. Glober scored only 14 against Toronto as coach Dan Pugliese gave his bench lots of court time. Glober scored his points in about 15 minutes of action. The game itself was a see-saw battle in the first half as the teams traded baskets and neither squad held more than a three point lead. The half ended with the Warriors ahead 38-36. In the second half the Waterloo shooting improved, giving them a five point lead. This forced the Blues to take chances and the Warriors capitalized on Toronto mistakes to take the victory. The win left Waterloo in third place with a 7-3 record. Toronto finished a distant fourth at 4-6. The victory was a team effort all the way* as everyone gave 100 percent, Coach Pugliese substituted freely and, as in the past, the subs did cot look out of place. This balance could allow the Warriors to go all the way in the lea0Due playoffs today and tomorrow. Tonight the Warriors take on the Western Mustangs at Western. The Warriors have lost two games against the stangs this year, but in both cases did not play their best. If they come up with a good game tonight a win is quite possible, In the other semifinal Windsor Lancers take on the Queens Golden Gaels. The winners meet Saturday night f or the league championship and the right to travel to Halifax next week to represent the OQAA at the Canadian Intercollegiate Basketball championships. * * t h the last game of the year for the Waterloo JV team, one of the strongest Highschool squads in Ontario came up with a good performance to edge the Pioneers 87-79. Dennis Morris highschool of St. Catherines looked very irnpressive and is this writers pick to take the all-Ontario championships. OQAAFNAL~TALD~GS

Western Windsor Waterloo Toronto

McMas ter Guelph

Terry Cooke scored against McGill with one second left to add to his point total Friday night. Cooke scored five goals the next day to finish in first place. KW Record Photo Friday,

Wins Lost 8 2 8 2 73 4 6 3 7 0 10


16 16 14 8 6 0

(Western takes first on a better point spread than Windsor) March

7, 7968 (8:33)




by Archie


Chevron sports

two Driving a Volkswagen, novices, Bryan Douglas and Bob Laking (both Math IB), captured Saturday% Math Society car rally. Navigator Laking and driver Douglas amassed 63 penalty points for a slim victory over the rur-+ ner-up Thomas-Taylor team (69 points) and the third-place Moellenkamp-Brown duo (78). “That’s pretty good for acouple of guys in only our second rally ever,*’ said a happy Laking when informed of his finish. “We had our toughest time when we were forced to convert instructions given in tenths of a mile into time in the form of seconds, since a VW only has readings to the nearest full mile ” he added The field consisted of 35 cars, which left at one-minute inter-


e rally

in V


vals starting at 9 a.m. from parking lot (IA”. Nevertheless, it didn’t take long for cars to bunch up or thin out. Within minutes confused rallyists were pulling into Carl Totzke’s backyard on RR 2, after making a left turn a tenth of a mile too soon. A while later Penny Keeble’s accelerator got stuck, causing her to hit a barn, She still managed to finish 22nd. This reporter had a close escape on a narrow country road, whenhls car bounced off a snowbank and missed an approaching milk truck by inches. One of the more humorous twists put in by the organizers came when the cars passed Hubert Toman’s farm. Competitors were given two minutes to write Toman a’ brief letter describing his ( spread’, with


Scott, skipping Guelph-John Waterloo9s entry, led his curlers to a third-place finish at the recent OQAA championships in Guelph. The Warriors finished with a won-lost record of 5-2. Queen’s, with a 4-l slate, took the crown, defeating runner-up Western (&


any nasty remarks drawing penalty points. (In other words, there were to be no snide comments about the manure heaps.) Many left their notes in the farmer’s mailbox. Only one car ‘was disqualified. It finished in a tie for twelfth spot but it was discovered that more than two males were in the car. Of the 35 starters, 27 completed the route. The last-place car had the dubious distinction of accumulating 1769 points. The rally route wound on township roads through Doon, north Waterloo and south Kifchener. A trophy goes to the winning team while the other finishers get small (very small) plaques. Night rallyists get their chance tonight in the Engineering Society9s annual winter outing.

sports shorts Toronto




Toronto-Neil Widmeyer’s track and field Warriors invade Maple Leaf Gardens this afternoon for a big intercollegiate meet. Competing will be teams from other OQAA schools plus some good American college outfits. Waterloo% Bob Finlay, perhaps Canada’s brightest prospect in the long distances, will be running a mile under the Toronto Olympic Club9s banner in the Gardens9 international meet at night. Competitors on the track for Warriors will be: George Neeland in the 6O=yard hurdles and 50+yard dash; Dennis McGann and Bob Munday (50 yards); Dave Arsenault (600 yards); Bruce Walker (1000 yards); Steve Wyndham and John Kneen (2 miles); Kneen again at one mile; and a mile relay team of Bill C owan, Arsenault, Munday and Mike Lackey, with McGann as an 8-7 cliff-hanger to Western. This marked the fourth time in spare. the last six years that Scott has represented the school. He captured the OQAA title in 1963.

If he’s healthy, Jerry Krist wiu enter the 600-yard run. Wyndham, meanwhile, will try to runthe mile if he recovers in time from his %m51e race. Walker and Arsenault are both entered in relays for their clubs in the evening meet. In the field events Widmeyer will have pole vaulter JohnMarsden and high jumper John Snowden, who’s back after a year away from competition, Promising vaulter Hugh Miller, with a fractured finger, is a doubtful entry in his specialty. Warriors will also miss injured middle-distance aces Kip Sumner and Laurie Bridger as well as their best pole vaulter, Bruce Westell, and best sprinter, Don Lorimer, both of whom are on their work terms.


2) in the title

game. Scott’s rink of Vic Fenton., John MacDonald and Ted Chase started off the three-day double-knockout tournament in high-flying fashion-sweeping its first five games. But then they tried, dropping a close 7-5 decision to Queen9 s and

14 rinks began play in November vying for the right to compete at the tournament.

U of T outsplashes

field a full second better ious standard.

London-For the eighth successive year Toronto has capturedthe OQAA swimming and diving charnplonships. In Friday and Saturday’smeetat Western the Blues ran up 455 points, far ahead of runner-up McGill’s 270 and Western’s 252. Rounding out the field were Guelph ith 194, Queen’s 165, McMaster 116, Windsor 40, Laval 35 and MlJntreal24. Two records were establishedboth in 100-yard events. In the Paul breast- stroke Western’s Walker speed to a 1:05.2 clocking,

than the prev-

Rainer McGuire of McGill and Gaye Stratten of Toronto each set a mark of 58.3 in the backstroke, although McGuire won by inches, Walker was one of two double winners in the meet as he also won the 200-yard breaststroke. The other, Toronto9 s Terry Bryon, swam away with freestyle honours at 500 and 1,650 yards. Waterloo as yet has no intercollegiate swim team due to lack of a campus pool.

An Invitation



and TO





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North-Rite “195” passes 23 strict quality and endurance tests before it is finally packaged and shipped to your dealer.. . that is why we have no hesitation in giving you a written guarantee for life. Even the ink cartridge is guaranteed to write for one full year or we send you a replacement free. The new stainless steel point eliminates ink leaks on hands, clothing and paper. ~h?th-~iti




























































in wrestling

GueIph by Archie


Chevron sports

GUELPfi--At Waterloo the big sport is hockey. At Windsor it’s basketball. And at Guelph it% none other than wrestling. The Gryphons certainly proved this Friday and Saturday as they won their third straight OQAA wrestling title. The action-packed championships were held before a capacity crowd right on theGuelph campus. Orlando Iacovelli’ s superbly conditioned grapplers nabbed four individidual titles and scored 107 points to run away from the eightteam field. A strong Western team also took four championships and held second spot with 77 points, followed by McGill with 44 (and the re maining two gold medals), Toronto 41, Windsor 26, Waterloo 24, Queen’s 10 and McMaster 9. Warriors had an unbelievable streak of bad luck as five of their seven wrestlers drew openin+ round opponents who eventually went on to take titles. In three of the weight classes Waterloo didn’t have an entry, due to injuries. By the looks of things, had they been healthy, Paul Drohan, Doug Houghton, Howard Dun= can and Steve Gard would have done well in their categories. As it turned out, Warriors did have something to cheer about when team captain Bill Hedderson won a silver medal at 137 lbs. He pinned the favourite, Toronto’s Bob Kellerman, in the semi-final, but



was edged 4-O by Western’s Mike Sorensen in the final. t‘By golly, I thought we might have a champ there in Billy, but he made a couple of wrong moves and it cost him the match,” commented coach Ed DeArmon. Other Warriors to perform well John Grosdanoff (167 included Steve Harris (177 lbs.) and lbs.), Charlie Smith (191 lbs.). Grosdanoff won two of three bouts to gain a third in his class, Harris picked up a fourth in a very tough grouping, while Smith won one of his t&o matches, good enough for fourth. Randy Freitag (145 lbs.), John Stothart (160 lbs.) and Dan Young (heavy-weight) all wrestled well in their losses but were simply in over their heads against their more experienced opponents. Saturday night’s finals were filled with upsets, as about a thousand spectators witnessed four of eight defending champs lose their crowns. Western, supreme in the lighter weight divisions, had winners in Bill Tinslay (123 lbs.), Charlie Nixon (130 lbs.), Sbrensen (137 lbs.) and Vic Szymczak (152 lbs.), Tinslay upset defending champ Ted Pordham of Guelph, scoring kwo points with a reverse in the last five seconds to win 4-3. Nixon, practically unbeatable in his class, successfully retained his title as he gained the only pin in the championship round, X Guelph wrestlers, promi;ent especially in the heavier weight clasp


ses, pulled three upsets. Adam Alfsen outpointed 1967 champ Mike Connolly of Western, 10-5, at 145 lbs. At 177 lbs. veteran Nick Schori took a &2 decisionfrom incumbent titlist Larry Barron of McGill. After the match Barron moaned, “There was just no way I was going to beat that guy the way he was wrestling,” Another champ from last year, McMaster’s Doug Mitchell, lost his heavyweight crown to a much lighter Ed Millard of Guelph. It was a case of David and Goliath in this one, as Millard outfoxed his man 5-2. Millard was the defending 191-lb. champ. The evening’s best match was the 166-lb final, which required an overtime to decide the winner. McGill’s Ron Stoodley, the defending title holder, was held to a 6-6 tie in the regulation &minute bout by a game Chris Hall of Guelph, In fact Stoodley had his back to the wall with time running out before he tied it. The 3-minute overtime had the fans on the edges of their seats before Hall ran out of gas and Stoodley took a 9-8 decision. The match gave Stoodley the ‘feat “wrestler” honour for -ding the meet. Coach DeArmon vows to have ‘Waterloo high in the standings next year, after extensive recruia ting of highschool champs. However, he’ll have to get some outstanding boys, because -practically all of the o&AA% best are returnees in 1969.





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1, 7968 (8: 33)













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St. Catharines

LOST Bathing suit in back of Volkswagen after intramural swim meet. Phone Pete Wilkins, 743-0050. A one-eared THOR. Bright notes.

yellow Reward

elephant. Call

and Gait.



Phys-ed, engineering and Renison have teams in the round-robin intram+lral hockey championships following last week’s sudden-death playoffs* Village league titlists phy s-ed South 3-2; engineering ousted dumped mathe to take the faculty


-a8 l a%r-ql-8mm


covered English 578-2711.


fly, breast stroke, and freestyle, was taken by Village East in 2: 32.5. They just barely held off the chailenge of the boys from Renison who placed an extremely close second in a time of 2:35.9. The overall tournament was quite successful although it had been expected that there would have been a larger turnout. This expectation led to the scheduling of elimination trials for Monday February 19. However, when entries were in, it was discovered that the number of entries warranted only a one night swim meet. * If students are as concerned a.bout intramural sports as they claim to be, they should participate to a greater extent than has been shown in the past.

league championship and Reni ,scm edged St. Jerome’s 2-l for residence league honors. The three winners are playing off among themselves at Queensmount and Wilson arenas. The hockey champ gets a bundle of points in Fryer trophy competition, emblematic of overall intramural supremacy.



- .



Ride needed from and back to Toronto f or Village weekend. Phone 5769209 Waterloo, 534-2932 Toronto.


FOR SALE Bicycle, man’s full-size, perfect condition. Generator, Carrier, milometer, mirror, single-speed, $35. 74% 5369.

PERSONAL DIANNE. Premail? Yes, premail. Not premale or priemail or preemayle or premaol, but PREMAIL. LOUIS

1961 HiBmam Best cash offer,

To the Gods of Valhalla: Thor Hums “The one-eared elephant” Signed: Captain America.

Forced liquidation. 745-1695.

61 Karman Ghia with rebuilt mtr also 60 Pontiac hardtop 6. Automatic. Will sell 1 car, best offer. Murray Wellman, 744-8897.


VYLLAGE LEAGUE Team Won Lost v.w, 9 3 Phys. Ed 8 3 V.N. 5 7 V.E. 3 7 8 vs. 3 Faculty League 0 Math 12 Science 9 3 Engineer. 6 6 9 Arts 3 Grad 0 12 Residence League Renison 11 1 st. LPS 7 4 Conrad G. 4 6 St. Paul’s 3 8 co-op 2 8

FIRST Unitedchurch. Waterloo Souare. House wanted to rent for summer. welcomes you. Sunday worship se&cTom Jensen,745-2531. Kairos 7:30 pm. . es 9:30, 11 am. Transportation? Call 745-8487 or745- ACCoMMoDATtoNS *“*tLABLE 7979. 1 double room, single beds, kitchen and washrooms faci&ies. ,tw+a caR 74k -Rnq Amaarn uo+shj lsno.ra;Xrep puz pa 1528 or apply 91 Blightwood Road, -u+ool s~‘sndumo p.re~o~2uuypaaq papod Waterloo.

TYPING Got a thesis or essay to be typed7 Phone 7423142 after 5:30 pm, Located on campus.

St. W. Kitchener


we sell.


Waterloo men took to the Water swimming February 22 in the tournament at Breithaupt Pool. Tony Taylor of arts took theoverall individual championship while Dave Van Sickle of math placed second. On the 50-yard backstroke, Tony Taylor won with atimeof 31.2 seconds, while P, Berney of Village East was second at 36.0, Tony Taylor won the 5%yard butterfly in 31.0 seconds, while Dave Van Sickle swam the course in 34,9 seconds. In the 50-yard breaststroke, Van Sickle won in 33.2 seconds, with Dave Doetter of phys. ed, second in 35.1 seconds. In the I.00 yard free style, Rick Page of Conrad Grebelplacedfirst in the excellent time of 62.0 seconds, while Dave Allison of ,Renison placed a distant second in 59.9 seconds, The relay race, consisting of 50 yards each of backstroke, butterxFOUND Cne b+e, b ‘Two men’s topcoats. longing to Michael Sinclair, one black reversible. Claim at security office. Here since Oct.


Walters Credit 151 King

intramural by Bill Snodgrass Chevron sports

Tied 0 1 0 2 1



0 0 0 0

8 12 6 0

o 1 2 1 2

22 15 10 7 6

3 furnished single rooms for rent for summer term. Separate cookingfacilities and 3-piece bath, parking, lOminute walk from university. Call collect 57&6573 after 5:30.

For rent until end of winter term: 1 single room for a male student. Please call Village administration, 5762208, Split-level apartment for rent3 bed- ’ Vil@e* rooms, livingroom, kitchen, 1 l/2 Apartment, furnished if desired, availwashrooms. $205 - April 1. CallHarable for summer term. Two spacious double bedrooms. lO-min. walk to unrisonp 2566* iversity. Contact LorneSpark, 17OErb One-bedroom apartment for summer St. Waterloo. 578-3822. term-five-minute walk from university. 578-5312. l-bedroom apartment available April 27. Outdoor swimming pool. Will sell Furnished apartment available for or rent furniture. Reply P.J. Pote, summer term. Call 744-5882, write 5 36 Talbot St. Apt. 308, Kitchener. Phone Amos Ave apt 10 Waterloo. 745+1370. Furnished or unfurnished l-bedroom. rooms on Lester Street for Two-minute walk from university. 57~ cooking, parking. summer term. 3g06* Phone 743-8789 after 5 Pm. &bedroom anartment available from Summer accommodation in Toronto April 15. $105 per month. call wa from May 8 to Sept 15. Single, double 4963 or apply 352 Patricia Street, Apt. and triple rooms as low as $65amonth 1. (meals included). For information and applications, write to Campus Co-op Luxury apartment, 2-bedroom, library, 395 Huron Street, Toronto 5, telephone furnished, bar, rugs. End April. Rent 921-3168. $195. 57&0637.


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Fed fund

for $

I was delighted to learn upon my recent return to the campus of the action of the Federation of Students in recommending to the board of governors that students participate voluntarily but collectively in the Tenth Anniversary Fund through an increase in incidental fees . This demonstration of student involvement will provide not only a significant portion of the total fund objective, but will also serve as an inspiration to our many volunteer fund workers throughout Canada and as an outstanding example of student concern to the companies 9 organizations and individuals who are being solicited for support. If you permit a personal note, this action will always stand high among my many warm memories of student life on this campus. The Tenth Anniversary Fund and its importance to the continuing development of our university cannot and must not be underemphasized. J.G. HAGEY President Ireland’s by


ire and

raised caption

I was more than a little ticked by your February 23 issue. The old idea of flipping a negative loses its cuteness when it


doesn’t represent the truth. My point of view is not selfcont.radicting. I did not vote, as you say I did, for straight rep by pop, that great democratic principle that the Chevron seems to feel carries truth second only to the Declaration of Human Rights. I voted to retain representation for small constituencies, at the same time providing for a slight increase in council seats so that the larger groups will not be hurt (as they have been--but ever so The situation we have slightly). now is as close to rep by pop as you’ll find anywhere. The Chevron has not presented the other point of view. There are obvious reasons for this o (I don’t expect you’ll print this.) The persons proposing lumping small constituencies are Chevron staffers o In this case the author of the front-page story, KenFraser, seconded the motion. The style of the editorial on proxies and conversations with Chevron staff indicate that Bob Verdun, the mover of the motion, actually wrote that- editorial. Objective they aren’t. I firmly believe that each academic unit should be represented itself and not aggregated with another. The two”&& which might be affected next year--Renison and architecture--would only have two out of 28 votes, hardly the powerhouse Verdun presents. It is maintained that as the university grows I more small constituencies will be formed,

swinging the power away from the large groups. The situation at UBC is cited as evidence. I reply that nobody is being hurt now. Our case is a far cry from UBC’s, since we do, recognize differences in size--all the way from seven in engineering to four in arts to one in St. Jerome’s o And we are recognizing thedefinition

of federation--all units bandfor a common pur-

ing together Dose.


if the situation






it isn’t


changes All you need is a majority of a general meeting to vote for the change. Obviously the large groups are going to have the power of numbers all the time. On the subject: of voting, I

can be effected



sinuations (Renison with


at any time.


to your in-

that Chalmers Adams rep) pulled a fast: one

his proxies.



(Didn’t think either .)




I was amazed that the Chevron devoted the whole front page to such a small issue--it just proves that you can’t see over the walls of your sandbox either. Not too many people seem very concerned. Even after extensive lobbying by some Engineering Society execs, only about 50 of their number showed up to right this terrible wrong. Renison, who trooped out some l50 to the January meeting (when they thought I was trying to screw them]) could have outvoted them easily. That they did it by proxy is really irrelevant. I therefore ask you to play fair and not abuse the power of the press. Get out of your sandbox. There are far more pressing issues

in the


federation’s existence-s equently yours.


and con-


STEVE IRELAND member, Federation of Students

Clearly, although Mr. Verdun took it opon himself to move acceptance

Agreed that our reporter should not have seconded the motion -and he has been told so. However, this is only a technicality

bylaw 1 clearly states that proxies are allowed and the regulations regarding their use arequiteplain. of bylaw 1 at the January 8 meeting, he doesn’t know it well enough to properly use it. Mr. Adams was only playing by the rules and plainly outsmarted Mr. Verdi* But don’t forget, Verdun writes editorials, so he can misrepresent the situation and make the opposition look like cheaters.

since it would not have been hard to find another seconder. Verdun didn’t write the editorial. I did. -Editor

Babies lead leagues don’t need bubysitter

Twice in the Feb. 16 Chevron, Chalmers Adams, Renison’s ex Federation representative, was referred

DOUG FORKES Math 4 Adams babysits only the 77 Renisonites registered in their courses through the college-.yo t including Mr. Forkes since he is registered in math. -Editor

cMaster University Department of sociology and Anthropology M.A. and Ph. D. Programmes in Sociology Comparative





As the academic year draws to a close, it is clear there are hvo major problems facing thenew student council. The first is a distinct faculty power threat. The second is the problem of finances. Both these questions plaqued the Ireland council, even if the first threat was veiled. It will be under the new Iler council that these problems will have to be put to an end. * Throughout 1967 and 1968 a series of deliberate attacks was launched against the Federation of Students with the destruction of the federation as its goal. These attacks were unsuccessful but there is still the threat of further attempts. The excuse for these attacks was the federation’s incorporation, which made it a separate entity within the university. Incorporation, which took effect at the endof April, was designed to offer financial protection to federation officers such as the treasurer. There was no feeling on the federation’s part that this new state would alter its ye lation to the rest of the university. The attacks came from Dean J. Sayer Minas of arts, who felt there should be no separate body within the university. He began his campaign in May when making the change from deanof graduate studies to the somewhat more important post of arts dean. He suggested the federation operate like a regular university department, with the faculty and administration hating a major hand in its operations. This suggestion was later followed by ideas such as making all or part of the student-activities fee voluntary. Any or all of these proposals would be injurious to student independence on this campus. Dean Minas is not doing these things solely because of a commitment to certain ideals. The generally dynamic arts dean has other things to worry about. Minas is not loved by all his faculty. And without being loved by them, it is unlikely that he could become the first democratically elected president of the Univirsity of Waterloo. How does one unite his followers? The matter Is simple enough if there is an enemy to unite a-




Since this residence leads its league in both hockey and basketball, won the winter - weekend Olympics and the tug-o-war competition, twice successfully defended its council seat at general meetings and led the university in percentage turnout at both the presidential elecdon and the election for council reps, I can make but one comment: Some’ baby?

and Theoretical


Applications invited from First without a degree in sociology.


to as Renison’s





All the violent beauty of Thomas Hz&d& immortal Iovestory!

gainst. How simple it is to raise the banner of holy war against those upstart student-powertypes who went and incorporated themselves, thus somehow violating the sacred tenets of the academic community. Even if success in this attack does not hake Minas head of the university, a successful record of crushing students will stand anyone well in today’s academic community. Can it succeed? The faculty of a university is capable of tilting at a wild variety of windmills ranging from parking to student power. Students council must stand firm against this threat and, not be lulled into a sense of security by friendly gestures from the enemy. A united student body is needed even if it means--and it will-shelving issues which would cause internal dissent within the federation. Unity may be a bitter pill for many but it is necessary for survival, * It is budget time again and student council% problem is that their predecessors (like allTHEIR predecessors) have spent all the funds from the next May registration, Thus council must either run a deficit or operate its programs on about the same level as last year, for it would be fiscally irresponsible to continue the practise of using May registration funds for previous years. This year has shown it is possible to save money on may prOgrams, and get rid of a $20,000 deficit. Thus, with increased enrollment, it should not be too hard for councfl to get by on ju& its fall and winter registration funds. This belt-tightening would be helped by setting up a special capital account so that purchases such as airplanes, poster machines and office equipment could be funded by several councils. This system is fairer than the present one and would enable many badly needed projects to proteed. Among these projects are an offset duplieating system for the federation, furnishing the Chevron darkroom, a fedetiion safe and an FM radio station (but not just yetI).





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1, 7968 (8:33)



A year and a day Never has a student-council president engendered as much respect and goodwill as Stephen Walter Ireland. It is difficult to find anyone who will fault Ireland on his 12 months in office. This success story begins when Ireland was Mike Sheppard’s vicepresident in 1966-67. Ireland headed a group of council radicals who sought to provide positive action while tempering Sheppard’s excesses. This group put Ireland on the important university-government committee instead of Sheppard, masterminded the bookstore sit-in and blocked Sheppard’s attempt to crash the board of governors. The group included Tom Patterson, Stewart Saxe, Steve Flott, Bob Cavanagh, Ross McKenzie, Brian Iler, John Willms and Pete Warrian as philosopher of the revolution. Because of this broad base of support, no one opposed Ireland for the presidency and he was acclaimed. All served in Ireland’s capable and highly political executive except Flott. He now faced the green and disheartened council that he was to build into,a team and make solvent. In January 1967, Ireland said the big issues were: “University government reform, universal accessibility, our community-action programs, and the quality of education. ” He promised better communications, more information for

councillors and greater emphasis ed. Forty students were asked to on teamwork. A draft-resistance vacate their apartments there on plan was afoot. 72 hours notice. Ireland had the How well did he succeed’? federation provide legal counsel for Two weeks into his term, Ireland the students and a satisfactory solution was reached. Since then, the saw draft-resistance rejected threeto-one in a referendum. Thus endfederation has successfully backed students against other such “evil eth the first dream. Soon, Ireland exhibited his new landlords.” philosophy of council. He felt the Defending of the students won executive should lead the budget Ireland a great deal of respect in debate, but he let council have its the university and among the local head more than any previous prescitizenry. ident. At the end of the summer came This policy continued into the Ireland’s only political blunder. summer when Ireland flooded counActing on incomplete information, cil with dozens of working papers council blasted the athletics departso members would not be overdement and got its fingers burnt on pendent on the executive for leaderstudent control of athletics. The ship. issue was effectively killed for a In May, Ireland presented the year. university committee on university Then it was time for the Canagovernment with the federation dian Union of Students annual conbrief on university government. gress, and the Waterloo delegation This document, which Ireland had trooped off to London to successa major part in writing, was the fully engineer Pete Warrian’s elecbest, most complete presentation tion to the CUS presidency. With presented to the committee. Its this election, Waterloo lost the man recommendations, if adopted who was needed to run the comwould revolutionize the university. munity-action program and so it In the summer, the federation’s passed away unnoticed. quality-of-education program began, It was at London that Waterloo This project had been on Ireland’s drew attention to itself. Ireland mind since January and he pressed and his team made a continuing imcouncil to take action. pression on the congress and- was It did. The program was such a instrumental in writing many key success that all of this year’s succesresolutions. Since then Waterloo sful council candidates included has been a highly regarded school 4 its continuation in their platforms. “The ideal in most respects.” It was also summer when the -Brian Iler great Waterloo Towers fight erupt-

been to sensitize the rest of the university to the effective contribution students can make.” November brought the anti-Dow protest and Ireland sat on the sidelines and looked detached, knowing that he could not afford to alienate co-op students by acting on principles. January brought bylaws and the first general meetings. It now became apparent how much work

“He put council on the right track. ” -Cvril Levitt Ireland and his council had put in- ~to making sure the newly incorporated Federation had a sound operational base. The seven major bylaws took many hours of consideration-hours which gave Ireland the feeling he could recite the Corporations Act from memory. Chief Justice Steve Flott feels these bylaws are Ireland’s greatest achievement, and are necessary for Federation’s smooth running. The necessity for these bylaws became apparent when Ireland publicized documents showing the federation’s existence was being attacked by arts dean J. Sayer Minas and other members of the faculty. Theseattacks had been going on unheralded since last July. Ireland, while managing to fight a successful delaying action against Minas, was forced to devote a great deal of energy to putting the federation’s house in order. This was necessary to prevent criticism of the federation’s operations. Ireland was forced to leave office with this problem unsolved. De. spite the tact and diplomacy with which he handled the situation, it is left to his successor, Brian Iler to put to rest. As he leaves his post, Ireland can look back on a successfu year of solid achievements. His council brought down a budget in March and wiped out a $20,000 deficit. That same council became a hard-working, well-informed, respected team. Over 50 students were involved in university government. Ireland’s pet

both in CUS and the Ontario Union of Students. Immediately after the congress council ratified several CUS policies including universal accessibility-which it immediately forgot about. With autumn came the great council flap over secrecy in university government. Councillors were faced with the alternatives of sitting on a closed committee or withdrawing. Ireland saw that it was necessary to compromise and took a calculated risk. The three students stayed on the committee, much to the benefit of both the committee and the university. President Gerry Hagey said of this incident: “When the students “He is certainly a tough man at realize thay had just as much to the bargaining iable. But I have gain by participating in the committee, they were willing to carry always felt he was sincere.” on reasonable discussion.” -J. G. Hagey This secrecy crisis was part of a long period of uneasy relations bequality-of-education program tween the university and the flourished. Those bylaws got done. students. At a council-administraMost important was the mark he tion dinner that started out quite made personally on the university polite, Ireland courageously blasted and on the characters of those high-placed aministrators who were around him. Despite differences of trying to undermine the federation. opinion, he was respected by all for Because of this bold stand, Ireiand his honesty, sincerity and thoughtwas rewarded with greater respect ful approach to problems. and understanding from the adminiPerhaps the best tribute comes stration. from his successor, Brian Iler: “It As Provost Bill Scott puts it: will be really tough to follow in his “Ireland’s main achievement has footsteps.” 1%



facts & funnies.

It’s really amazing how people can ignore facts they find inconvenient. The people in the provost’s office provide a fine example. The Federation of Students’ exclusive right to recognize student groups has been unquestioned for years and is guaranteed by a legal agreement with the university. Yet Provost Bill Scott signs a memo written by his ardent-fratalumnus assistant Paul Gerster and sends it to the university presidents council. It suggests policies in case the admin decides to recognize fraternities. The memo is dated Feb. 7, but it was two weeks later before the federation was notified even unofficially. The president’s council should have realized it was federa-

Academic What’s our esteemed faculty doing to math the half-million-dollar student contribution to the Tenth Anniversary fund drive? Not very much. The math profs are so far the only other group on campus to set themselves a definite objective. It amounts to about two cases’of 24 a month. Science, engineering and phys-ed seem enthusiastic, but haven’t got around to being specific yet. The arts plan is magnificently

tion business and sent it to student council. -In any case it should have informed the federation they were discussing a basic federation right. The memo itself showed an amazing disregard of fact. The memo listed a series of “facts” demonstrating the frats’ value. These “facts” were from a fraternity publication-but that 1seemed to make no impression; A typical “fact”: fraternities enThis “fact” courage scholarship. is supported by a government survey showing frat members get higher grades than other students. It becomes a logical boggle when you remember most fraternities restirct membership to C students or better. These people seem somewhat confused between fact and fantasy. Who are they trying to deceivethemselves or everyone?

entrepreneurs nebulous-about as vague as you could hope. Of late the faculty-particularly the arts group-has been making worried noises, just as vague, that the federation is trying (well, it might try) to subvert the university, and should therefore be under direct faculty control. But when it comes to putting I money where the mouth is, the federation comes through with immediate, specific, unqualifies support for its university while the faculty gripes about two-dollar parking fees.

Programmed “The university’s most readily apparent function is to help train the engineers, scientists, teachers, planners, computer experts-the leaders and professional people of almost every kind that Canada and the world will need in the future”. This is quoted from a story “How the university relates to society” in the latest issue of the U of W Quarterly, a publication of the information-services department.


Is the university’s function really training technicians or educating persons? Are students here to be programmed-like a machine-to do something ? Or are we growing to be something better? Maybe information services has been misinformed what the real purpose of university life is. Maybe life here is supposed to lead us to be more fully human?

. - Yankee, assimilate! There’s a tempest halfway up the local Mount Olympus about the Federation of Students’ incorporation. Arts dean J. Sayer Minas has been waging an on-and-off campaign since last summer to disrupt the student union by making membership optional, now that it is incorporated separately from the university. i’ How much attention should’we pay to it? It could be just a storm in a stewpot, a waste of energy or it could breach student unity-and that seems to be Minas’ objective. The highest echelons ,of the university-Hagey, Petch and Provost Scott-have no complaints about the student federation incorporating itself. It’s a commonsense legal move to protect its officers from personal lawsuits. The Waterloo federation is not unique in its new legal status. Queen’s, Western, Carleton, UBC, Simon Fraser and Alberta student unions have been incorporated for years. Who is fussing besides Minas? Philosophy prof William Abott, English chairman Warren Ober, Ger-

man and Russian chairman J.W. Dyck, political-science head Allan Nelson. (Renison principal Wyn Rees has other reasons for complaint.) It’s an interesting list because of their common background. All of these men spent their undergraduate days at U.S. universities, under a completely different tradition of student government. Canadian student councils and student newspapers have a history of far greater independence from the university authorities. Their American counterparts, by comparison, are like our highschools. AS Dr, Petch put it, “It all just seems to be a matter of what you grew up with.” We don’t want paternalism. We don’t need faculty advisors breathing down our neck and censoring our every word. We don’t want to be irresponsible either. And we haven’t been: our books, our meetings, our programs have been open to all of the university community. We do want these men to stop being suspicious of us. It’s impolite to throw thunderbolts in a foreign land.

A member of the Canadian University Press,the Chevron is published every Friday (except exam periods and August) by the board of publications of the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo. Content is independent of the university, student council and the board of publications. Phone (519) 744611.1~ local 2497 (newsroom), Telex 0295-759 editor - in - chief: Jim Nagel assistant editor: Brian Clark news editor: Rich Mills



You s?ill have to look both ways bejijre crossing the ringrod, c!vc’n with the crosswulk signs. Some drivers just don ‘t seem to by uhlc to SCC~the signs und flushing lights. Don ‘1 ho cleceiwcl.

2812 (ads), 2471 (editor).

Sports editor: Tom Rajnovich entertainment editor: Nancy Murphy photo editor: Brian Doda

probablynooneisgoingotreadthisbutheregoesanyways. newspeoplethathelpedthisweekglennbrian carolbryonronpieterronkenannicestewdaveandypatdonnadalesandydougbobdavedougdave...ettu brutusphotographerswhatphtographedwhisweekreinhardpete(andharem)garyrobalexgeorgecliffbob kenhowardbarn/tooandthecrowsporsterswhowe~wthisweekarchiebillkarenjohnkathieandpeteinthe rearwntertainerswhichentertainedandypieteradlevrianrongordandthemoneymakersinadsjuliemikeken pegandtheguyswho’reresponsibleforgettingitoutotyoujimkenandmikeandthenthere’sthebreaus. torontoian~orrisonedmontonlarn/burkowabushlakejerrycooke(thanxfortheore)stcatharines petehucknassauharolddgoldbrickandl ,236othersscatteredthroughouttheworldpubschairmantilI yesterdaywhosenameweomittedlastweekkohnshirystartingtodaygeoffmoir. 8,800 copies



1, 7968 (8:33)





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Barb swallowed his line so Chris . .essays, questions, tests, readings, five weeks, finds. . . has to coul,rh up the ring. 8:45 in ’ AT117. dances and fiths and screams and Pozo Seco Singers. Willagers onEngineering Weekend presents ly. a MASS SOBER-UP, noon to 6 in has one &ell of a good time. Party planning, 7:30 in the arts coffeeFRIDAY commonroom, the engineering DANCE ti. Little Caesar and the shop. BY0 bucket. Consulate, at the Village. LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT semiTHE FORUM presents ideology Archie Bolsen will put away final bout (mixed). 9 in the arid and community problems of resione draft for every varsity athlete c&eeshop. dential colleges. 7 in Rex-bon’s at Waterloo this year. Starting at Moo se Room. WEDNESDAY noon in the men’s room of theCity BARRY WILLS TRIO with EVENING SERVICE at St Paul’s, Hotel. Tom Laver. A free noon concert Vince Goring on “Do only the bunTHE TURNED-ON CAMPUS in the theater, gry suffer?’ 7130. MUSIC, a cross-section of jazz international THE SOUND OF POETRY ToMOONFLEET, film series. 8:30 in ALl16. Ticket DAY by Earle Birney. 4: 15 in SS and folk music on campus. Free, even. 8 in the theater. holders only. fmW lowage. ISRAELI DANCE WORKSHOP SCIENCE SOCIETY meet.‘ SciMONDAY $5.50 for enters WelCOme. 7:30 in the Bio with Teme Kernerman. Experimental Film NY, NY. them link conference the weekend, at the YM&YWHA, room. Free. 12:15 in AL116. Bloor and Spadina in TO. THURSDAY Round-robin CHESS TOURNADATES TO REMEMBER FOLKSONG CLUB does all sorts MENT. 7 in SS lunge. of ethnic-type things. Noon in P150. March 9 -J ‘From civil rights GENERAL MEETING of theFed= FREE FILMS: ‘North toHudson &o black power”. Lecture by Dr. eration of Students. Board and sen- Bay’ and ‘Landof the overlanders’. Vincent Harding, sponsored by ate room at 8. _, 12:15 in AL116. Conrad Grebel College. Theater, CONTEMPORARY CANADIAN TUESDAY 8 pm, $1.50. March IO-FESTIVAL OF MUHISTORY SOCIETY meets at 4 ART, a lecture by Nancy-LouP& terson. 8 in AT244. SIC: Stage band “The big band in SS208. CIRCLE K dinner meeting, 6: 15 sound”; Barry Wills Quintet with Flying club’s GROUND SCHOOL a& Ali Baba steak house. guest soloist Tom Laver. Theater, on meteorology. 7 in AT117, l









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