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John Bergsma has been elected president of the Federation of Students 2741 to 1835 over incumbent Brian Iler. Bergsma assumes office December 4 along with the new student council. Other candidates for president were Larry Burke with 105 votes and John Pickleswith 37 votes. Student council elections split fairly evenly between Bergsma supporters and the radical student movement which backed Iler. The Bergsma slate elected eight out of thirteen of its candidates, and the radical movement won six of eleven. The remainder of the council winners lean more ““““““““m““~““-““““““““““““““““““------Election analysis on ““““““““““““““““““““““““““““-“-----------

page 3

heavily to Iler than Bergsma. Paul Dube, acclaimed at Renison when Paul Johnson withdrew at the last minute, is a strong Iler backer and a member of the radical student movement. Barry Fillimore, elected in engineering, ran as an independent personally supporting Iler. John Koval, elected in math, ran politically independent, but was a loyal member-of Iler’s executive. Tom Boughner, elected in engineering, said he generally accepted Bergsma’s policies, but refused to accept his refusal to knock heads with the administration, something Bergsma had made the main issue of the campaign. Hugh Cuthbertson, elected in phys-ed, had supported Bergsma as an independent. Bill Snodgrass, successful in engineering, remained the most independent, but The council,veteran has supported many of the past radical actions. The successful candidates in the grad constituency, all on the Bergsma slate were Nick Kouwen, ‘Dieter Haag and Dave Gordon. Bill Webb was the closest of the radical slate coming fourth, with HugaBrown, and independent, taking fifth .and r



t 6 ;.’ 4 c /.i‘ ;, ?, 5>‘” 5: :i :’>; :-; ‘: ,“’ ,A b +5 ‘1


613 65%

graduate 1249 science 1118 reg. math ,978 < out-term 885 co-op math 567 St. Jerome’s 332 .

343 61%

phys-ed 330 Renison 97 environmental studies 96 Total ”

Iler-supporter Doug Gaukroger coming last. Doug Rirhcardson of the Bergsma slate took the St. Jeromes seat. Three other contenders, all independent, campaigned. In regular math, Jim Belfry, Bergsma supporter, was elected with a large lead. The’other seat was taken by Koval. The three science seats were taken by Gerry Wootton, a Bergsma supporter and Ian Calvert and Geoff Roulet, members of the radical student movement. . Three arts seats were taken by the radical student slate with Sandra Burt, Tom Patterson and David Cubberley. The fourth seat was taken by Bergsmasupporter Jim Stendebach. Glenn Berry was acclaimed to the co-op math seat. He supports the radical student movement. The strongest victories won by the Bergsma slate were, in regular math where Jim Belfry took Bergsma expresses surprise ller foresees council split

page 3 -----------“-““““-““-“““““““““““””””””””” approximately 32 percent of the vote and in the grad seats where all three seats were won by a good margin. In engineering, the Bergsma slate. took the fourth seat, with the radical slate candidates coming in the last two positions. ’ The presidential race was a two-way contest between Iler and Bergsma, who won nine out of 11 constituencies with Iler taking arts and Renison. The largest margin in any faculty was won by Bergsma in engineering, 613 votes to 285 votes for Iler . The total vote was 4809 from a potential vote of 8870 students giving a percentage of 54.2. Bergsma got 57 percent, while Iler won 38.2 percent.

285 30% 196 . 31.5%

272 56% 299 52.5% 413 71% 178 53% 111 5% 129 68.5% 32 44%

191 39% 242 42.5% 156 26% 138 41%

16 1% 9 1.5% 19 4% 17 3% 13 2% 7 2%

88 41%

6 3%

44 23% 38 1.5% IO 31.5%

8 4.5%

1 .5%

6 3.5%

486 44% 569 57% 597 67.5% 337 60'% 213 64% 188 57%

1 5.2% 2 6% 105 2.2%

0 0% 3 9.5% 37 .8%

2 %

73 75%

17 53% 2741 57%

1835 38.2%

7 .5% 3 .5% 2 .5% 4 .5% 6 .5% 4 1% 2 1%


24 2.5% 13 2.5% 2 .5% 7. 1.5% 9 .5% IO 3% 6 3%

945 65% 564 45% _


0 O.% 91 1.8% ?&L~z.pz


32 33% 4809 54.2%.



q- ‘ 7.T y + ;- -.

Council results.

5, “p :;

$ ARTS $51Burt 32Patterson i Cubberley <i Stendebach g Fennel1 2&j Gartner :+ Gilbank ii Kilimnik $ McGregor g Weatherbe i Underwood 3 spoiled $ total

. 372 342 234 230

219 209 171 154 144 125 16 2620


1 E i “; I: ” .: c





at win;

, 56%


engineering 1461


Richardson Tedesco Miller McMillan spoiled total RENISON Dube ’ -;I“i,-.:,: ,-‘‘i.;*.L(----* %-y,



ENGINEERING Snodgrass Boughner Fillimore Greaves 8.8%Lloyd 8.3% Mueller 8.6% Corbett 6.9% Bernardini 5.9% spoiled 5.5% total 4.7% SCIENCE O&% Wootton 100% Calvert Roulet 418% Gallagher

15.3% 14.1% 13.0% 8.9%

53 50 20 2

24.7% 23.3%



21.2% 20.1% 16.3%

Belfry KoVal Brown




304 -283

9.4% 8.8%




3.7% 0.9% 100%

29 3226

298 240 202

167 139 113 9 1168

Wight McKay

9.3% sooiled 0.9%

684 650 527


25.5% 20.5% 17.4?c

14.3% 11.9%, 9.7% 0.7%



acclaimed ‘- * “. :-‘,

spoiled total

348 225

33&Y 21.89

219 115 114 16 1037

21.2? 11.072 10.99 1.59 1005

278 276 .-

21.57 21.49 .- _-


Gordon --KOuwen

Haag Webb , Brown Gaukroger spoiled total PHYS-ED Cuthbertson Hunter spoiled spoiled total r. - ,.


11.6% 10.3% 3.9% 100% 102



74 12 12 186

g dt g p 8 p 54.8%p ;5 39.2% #3 39.2% 2’ 6.0%-

I,- 100%:: ,. ..,”

John Bergsma relaxed Wednesday after his decisive victory over Brian Iler in the presidential election Wednesday,

At Simon


Students BURNABY (CUP)-An offensive piece of administration propaganda and a poorly-timed announcement from British Columbia attorney-general Les Peterson combined Wednesday to turn a moderate meeting of 3500 Simon Fraser University students into an angry, frustrated crowd that overwhelmingly voted to call a general student strike. The sudden turnabout came near the end of a six-hour meeting Wednesday about to accept acting administration president Ken Strand’s promise to mediate on behalf of the 114 students arrested on the campus this past weekend. Strand promised to intervene in a letter sent to student president Rob Walsh at 3 am Wednesday morning after Walsh and two senators, one student and one faculty member, sent a list of ten reasons to Strand outlining why he should take the initiative on behalf of the arrested students. One item said the cops should simply have cleared the building to accomplish their purposes, not arrested the students. Strand said he fully agreed with the “spirit of the reasons” and promised to intervene. The majority of the 3500 were willing to accept that and call an end to action but just as they were completing a ballot vote, chairman Stan Wong declared the vote out of order. Then, the place blew apart. The first bombshell was an SFU information office release on the week’s events that treated the affair badly from the student point of view and brought students SC-reaming to their feet. Spokesmen called the blatant bias of the release “unforgiveable! Next came an announcement from Peterson saying he would not, under any circumstances, drop the charges, and said he would treat busted students as his office treats any citizen. Peterson was until recently the province’s education minister. Walsh grabbed, the mike and been chucked shouted : “We’ve up into the provincial political game and we are getting screwed.’ Walsh’s jeer was crucial to the

@r&e outcome of the meeting as he had original1 introduced the motion that called for acceptance of Strand’s promise and would have ended any chance of a strike. At that point, the issue was no longer in doubt. The call for strike was almost unanimous. The strike, however, will not take effect until today. Had the two items not been introduced at the Wednesday meeting, the SFU protest would have died quickly. The campus had split over a proposed response to Strand’s Tuesday position in which he refused to intervene for the 114. Apparently the combination of administration propaganda and Peterson’s blatant disregard for campus sentiment quickly united the polarized factions. The whole affair was set off by the administration’s use of the police Saturday to clear 114 students from a three-day occupation of the administration building. Strand faced a four point student ultimatum when he arrived at his office Monday. The list included the demand that he intervene for the 114 of the four, he ,only acceded to one, namely that he order all police off campus. He refused to open university files to a six man student-faculty committee and to call an emergency meeting of senate to take up the original question of SFU admissions policy. The demand to open the files came out of publication in the Peak, student newspaper at SFU, of a series of letters taken from SFU files during the occupation that showed the school’s administration had played with admissions policy in the past. The letters included correspondence between the administration and theRCMP, personal pleas from a allow senator to Canadian irregular admission of his daughter (and the subsequent late admission) and letters telling of inconducted into a vestigations teaching applicant’s background. The late release of the items that swung the student vote Wednesday may also change a teaching assistant’s union decision not to strike.

For I board 1 I



lPa&d by Bill Sheldon

Anyone needing a place to stay, or having an apartment to sublet, is urged to phone 576-5938, and ask for the housing bureau.

suffers mvtiny’aftempt I

A recent mutiny at the local I residence-on-the-hill’s halls of I/ hailowed journalism has threatrrnnA crr CIICU LU Cnnw cccu down \ the emotionally unstable Vi1llage Informer. The editor-in-chief of the uni, versity’s favourite familv pamphlet “attempted to put “out an edition last day-before-election Tuesday not I . .which. . was . . rubber. .“” srampea by tne incumbent staff. ’ ’ As. the edition was of a political nature, it violated the paper’s ~ code of ethics. In a last ditch effort to absolve -_ themselves of any guilt through


association several of the Informer staff put out an explanatory flyer called the Non-informer.


It is rumored Larry- Burko is seeking out the retired staff. members (those who quit in a ---I----#f spite), to run the Chev~~~~d~r I his new administration, elected if . alnd when he is ever ~~ - -The affair smacks of a similar attempt at unilateral action two years ago, when the Coryphaeus was changed. to the Chevron.

\ *Pick a~body and paint &by j, Despite’ donations from Circle ‘_ .’ ‘K; the recent fun’ drive ‘by the KiW ‘YMCA fell short. The goal . I for the drive was set at $1,750;000, and ‘ -_ fell $737,000 short. When the necessary funds are qI L1’ ’ ‘- obtained, a 2.8 acre plot of land . near Moses ‘Springer park on Lincoln. Road will be the site of . Waterloo’s first family branch oftheY. . In an effort to help cut this I deficit, students from the Adult .I Education Center are holding a . :,

’ Engitieers- -call for activity

’ 103 University Ave. W. POST OFFICE Grdceries - Sundries ’ Depot for BELMONT CLEANERS & TAILORS Phone 742-2016





The turnout of a 50 Percent


/ / *. nI’



&scr;pfion fee mail



Who would ‘be a competent judge in assessing ‘the validity of the law? Who would assign the value in Mills’ utility rating structure? These were the types of questions posed and the class settled down to listen to the few students who (were interested, enough to challenge the remarks made by Mrs. Narveson. The class dragged out to near the end when the lecturess asked everyone to’ remain in their places until essays handed in two weeks earlier were-‘ given back. \ No one j cared about the lecture after they found out they had received B’s-so why the hell should they give a damn.

included post

in Office





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U of paymen!





tory of this university, “I’m really sick” (not weird, sick). It all happened so quickly, his companions didn’t know what was happening. Whisked down the corridor carrying his shopping bag and essay paper-the -ded& cated student to the end, he was taken from before their eyes as -_, they stood mute and speechless. -;ti Knowing’ they could do nothu,g more, .knowing he wasnow placed R&NTAL among the white beds row on row CANTOR ensconced in a shroud of’ flanelette?_they sadly turned and left. . A

31 ‘Water St. “at Charles

and Duke


was one vote short response.

Bvrko suffers tragic

Crdssing the bridge over sick bay they solemnly discussed the future if things should not work , out. Entering the hushed ‘and sterile atmosphere of Jthe lobby Larry ,‘,,, Burko bravely stepped up to the desk and uttered words which . will certainly go do:wn in the -his-

SH q-2701

president with 330 of the 739 votes, while Peter Davidson ,was elected as treasurer with 506 votes.

Amid blinding rain and freezing winds, Tuesday night three drip-’ ’ pin&, dismal figures slowly moved . towards the resting place of the commonly known as X dying, , . health-services.

principle and controversy arose when she explained the principle as, “an action or’ law is right insofar if, it, produces the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people. ”


to the EngSoc office in E2339. They may also submit their name, if they are really interested in the job. The engineers also held a recent election for vice-president and treasurer of the same


Hudgins feels many of his ideas could be implemented by following the Hall-Dennis report. He delieves many reforms can be brought’ about by having enlightened faculty and administrations.

See JIM KIRKWOOD ‘- HARRY~HILL Kitchener ’ -

K-W’s most c,o&plete sburce for imported’cam,

Ontario 742,1404 ,

rnURR~vi. ‘. - . Candidate

assured and are now questioning authority,” he said.- In fact many students are helping him with his campaign.






paint-in at the Fairview mall,I tom&row. Over 50 artists .will be creating right -before the very eyes of. passerbys and potential donors. As an added treat, a bodypaintby-number for any interested . shoppers and spectators is planned. Unfortunately there are only 251 different numbered paints, but the event could still prove fun for anyone perfecting his technique. And besides, all proceeds go directly to the building fund.

The athletic, socially active, publisher types ‘in the faculty of engineering have a chance to step to the forefront in one of their . chosen fields, as several new positions become available. EngSoc A is seeking engineers to fill the POSitiOnS Of: director Of . athletics, director of social, activities, director of 1 publications, , r and second vicepresident. .I I, Anyone interested is asked to submit their address, phone number, and a brief personal history



725 discusses ethics ,


- hiforGer .I /

.-. fl .

Dr. Robert Hudgins, a professor at the University of Waterloo is running for a position on the ’ Waterloo county board of education; striving to change or improve present methods of eduation. Hudgins, associate chairman of the department of chemical engineering is one of six nominees who will face election December 2 to choose three members from Waterloo to the county Phil board. ’ Hudgins agreed with many bY MarkAlan points of the special highschool Chevron staff supplement issue >of the Ontarion I Anne, Narveson gaveone: of her especially the article Student as typical phi1 125 lectures to 50 niager. students in AL105 last Wednesday “I feel there was a great deal morning. . of truth in what the paper said,” She started out with the same he commented. lecture she gave an the pre“Schools should be concerned vious day, a disertation on with the total education of the Brian Berry and’ “public intestudent”, he went on to say, “not rest”, but the public .didn’t seem just preparing him for a job. too interested. As she continued, They should prepare kids to be half the class .dozed off into semihuman.” slumber. After world war two there Two men started up a -converwas a great demand. for marketsation on. the implications of the able skills, he said. This tended to upcoming football game in Calturn the educational system into gary. Another small group on a machine; Today people are the other side of the ’ lecture beginning to reassess their values hall, argued over one of the and the educational system is . points that was brought out. also changing, he explained. After half the hour had passed, “The structure of the system Mrs. Narveson ventured forth to of education,” said Hudgins, “is John Stuart Mill and ‘utilitarianthe medium of learning and ism and liberty’. The report students should have full parti- picked up slightly, as she outcipation in the structure. Learnlined the greatest happiness

someone for the winter term, reclaim it in the summer and avoid any grief. The temporary bureau is attempting to list these places for anyone wanting them. . rnna~ nF thnl.l C nrt-r~niAnother pu LpJ3G VA “L gcwuzation will be to get together three or four students working in approximate1 y the same section ,I! -do they may split an 111rn,,,.,.L, 1WJII.LU, .,a *- *fin+ %us saving on costs. $$?~l~ls~ 1give stndents someone from Wat erloo to drink with.

A temporary bureau to alleviate the. housing problem in Toronto \ for the winter co-op work term students has been set up. The bureau will attempt to link people with an extra apartment they want off their hands-to people without a roof for the stormy _ blasts of winter. Since many of the apartments in Toronto are rented on- a -one-, year lease basis, it is ,-often hard to live in a decent building for the four-month term. If the people who rented these / apartments - are having trouble getting the landlord off their backs, they may now sublet the ’ ’ ‘. place through the. bureau, to

ing is a social phenomenon and that is what student activism is about.” I “Discipline as a form, of punishment is wrong,” said Hudgins, “ because that is a form of revenge. Administrators must learn they can not banish students just because they do not follow with the svstem.” -aI - -----’ “Kids are becoming more conscious of views and more self-

Chevron staff




A 2


Yes, Virginia, you can riqzt \ a/.Santa’ Claus suit.

\ , ’ \: : -‘


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St. N.

j ,









the Send.address


A 7

by mail changer


: 1,


(- ;





I Phone 578-37.


General ,!



and YOU$






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off-campus to:

terms. The


Non-students: U&e&y

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Authorized Waterloo,

as Ontario.






by Stewart





of representative democracy: As ’ whose conscience forced him to ther it was because of a pro: membership in the Canadian Union Steve openly support Iler.. The rest of i Bergsma or an anti-Iler vote. And - Iler and his predecessor, of Students. In most cases they view i with the knowledge Bergsma. Ireland, can well verify,’ being a the ad,min will probably are being lost but al_ways% by Waterloo has ‘joined a crossradical president means putting him as a student in white robes, , gained in the margins of approximately 10 to 15 has undoubtedly Canada trend that is seeing particularly since his election i campaign, he- may well be one much of one’s radicalism aside percent (the referendum * at the the radicals go down to defeat. in order to accurately represent came at the crucial time when the of the people who most realizes /’ University of Western Ontario, But it’s an interesting defeat administration itself has to locatehow unjustified an anti-I&! vote _ the people. i being an exception, CUS lost two. because everywhere it’s happena new leader. Iler, they know, . j . really is. to OX@. Naturally the Waterloo defeat ing the pro-radical-vote is a high wouldnlt have let them play j For Waterloo, the election reBrian Iler’s defeat in the race will be overshadowed by adtivitas 49 percent of the votes being games; Bergsma, they hope, will. ~ ! - sults will mean that the radicals for council president was obviousies at Simon Fraser University. case. have been given greater freedom ly decisive but even the victor, This election should also bring The greatest measure to date j A moderate president was electo operate *outside the constraints must doubt whenew life to a council that has ’ has been the referendums, on John Bergsma, ted to the SFU student union last been quite dull in the past few i September; but it had little visible effect, on the momentum the months. Previousl,y all the experience .ii radical cause had gathered on on council was sitting on the exe! that campus. cutive board; Iler’s team was i Now the campus, after a term a difficult group with which to. .’ .I of constant protests, has moved to find fault. ._I ; a general ‘strike and its mode1 i Bergsma, however, will have to ! rate student president has beBergsma was quite pleased with the vote turnout John Bergsma was elected as president of the bring in a considerable number , i %come a powerless title-holder. federation in a very decisive vote Wednesday. Bergs- . as it was the highest ever. “I think the turnout in; ,Will Waterloo proceed in the of new people, while the old-times . dicated people want to,,become involved.” He said, ma himself expressed surprise- at the size of his sit not so quietly as councillors. . -’ i same direction? however, ,he definitely was not satisfied with the The first council meeting { mandate. “I expected it to be very close”, he said. *” The answer to that question campaign. Brian Iler said he had mixed feelings about his quickly see arts reps i will depend very -much upon should “Neither side managed to reach enough of the Cubberley and Burt take a lead,j defeat. He was disappointed at having lost but he whether John Bergsma is capable people. *We had a record vote but 45.percent of the said he was happy to be out of the job. “It was a in vocal criticism, while Tom i of opening doors to honest attemstudents still did not vote.” rough eight months I’ve had no time to do anything Patterson, past member of the :. i pts at problem-solving on campus. Asked how he would try to reach these students, but stay in the office keeping up with things. I executive, quietly saves himBergsma’s campaign was based, self for totally devastating Bergsma said, “I place most of the responneed a rest.” Iler left yesterday noon for a two-day blows. j on the assumption that given a go ! sibility in this regard with the. reps. I hope the reps rest on an uncle’3 farm And past executive members j at it, 5 he could do better; He’s are going to be concerned enough to get to their all other ‘radical Although Iler was ‘defeated, Calvert and Roulet won’t be -i been given his chance. \ constituents.” II members of the past council were re-elected; most easy to handle either. If, like Walsh at Simon Fraser, Iler said about the future of the federation, “It of them quite decisively. Bergsma, however does Looking at the council election 1 -.he’s unable to accomplish anycould be a dismal. It looks like there will b,e a really not think that council will be divided. makes it difficult to decide ex1 thing, then many of his supporters stimulating council, but leadership is not present. “There may be some issues on which the radiactly what Bergsma’s -mandate . 8; will be forced to face reality and No experienced people are, likely to be on Bergs/i cals will oppose us as a group. I want to see the give the pro-radical vote a majo- . is. The same constituencies ma’s executive.” radicals keep working. They’re concerned with that ’ ’ rity on campus. Iler said he did not .know-what the other’ workers change just like us. I hope we will be able to gave Bergsma majorities in most, _ { “ in the federation office.will do. He did say, “I won’t work with the radicals,” he said. - Bergsma doesn’t have .much cases elected either radicals or j encourage them to pull out. There is too much work Iler on- the other hand said he could see a council time. The campus radical moveindependents, unsympathetic to ; to be done. But many of them may find themselves split into two camps. However he did not think this -i ment is in better shape than Bergsma’s platform. unable to work with Bergsma and his new execuwould be bad. ever, having pulled together and It ‘is clear the engineers ex’ tive.” “This could be more interesting. One of my found many recruits in the elecpect John Bergsma to clean up Regarding his future plans Iler said that he may problems was a weak and disinterested council.” tion battle. No longer tied. to the game and put an end to artsie ’ take some arts courses in January and he will pro-\ Bergsma said he hoped Iler would help -him.” His maintaining an image of ..majothings like threatened dog burn1 bably return to engineering in the fall. experience. would be. helpful?’ Iler will have an exrity representation, their activities ings and Habitat ‘69 pickets.’ But i He thought he probably lost as a reaction to the should increase officio position on council as past-president. in the next few how will the engineers feel if : events this fall. !‘I don’t blame the voters. I blame / Iler said he would probably take an active role months. Bergsma contin’ues to push, as he the system which. is so opposed to change and* on council. “I really think Ican act as a construcYet Bergsma has some big has said he will, the previous ’ 1 creates people closeminded to change.” tive critic”,.he said. things going for him.-, council’s goals even jf he doesn’t ’ X ’ Bergsma expressed his hopes that the future .I Bergsma said he had not yet decided who hewas The press will, of course, make use \ their means., And if he . council would’be able to work together. “I’m willing going to nominate as his executive.‘ He did say election look like the second doesn’t pursue those goals, what , to listen to themand I hope- they are willing to his hqwever ,he ,hoped some of the present executive’ coming at Waterloo. In the minds will happen to the many liberal .i listen to me.” would be willing to retain their positions. of most editorial writers, Brian supporters of Bergsma -who voted ’i Iler still burns bridges while John for him clearly because -of his *.* ! Bergsma eats mom’s apple’ pie. promise to obtain. the goals with- .* j *:. .- - ! And the administration is going , out using radical methods. .. ,to be pro-Bergsman, with the ex- I ,With these extremes to satisfy, ,1 ception of outgoing provost Bill Bergsma may regret being elected Scott who is personally too radipresident of the Federation of , cal for the administration and Students. Chevron staff



“The eight ,o’clock izew$ will be broadcast at Steele who earlier this week worked ;I2-hour its first trial of 24-htiur broadcasting. Radio engineering comni& room and three &zc& at . \

8:3’0,.” says Radio Waterloo announcer Bruce shifts to keep Radio Waterloo’on the air for Waterloo broadcasts to the campus ten ter, the Lutheran and will soon. expand ‘to the Vilbge.

_ The, college of .environmental ’ At Wednesday night’s -meeting,; studies, originally proposed by. Tore, Bj’arnstad, head ‘of archi; academic vice president; Howard tecture and design, .outlined the- ; . Petch, may be headed for trouble. course in- his department and. ; In its basic plan it would insuggested :-ways that the j school: I volve the formation ‘rof a college could cooperate .with the planning -1 stressing widespread interdiscip, department. Leo -Gertler planning., --I linary research.Petch and faculty , head, countered with an emphasis .! members view the college as ‘a OP the man and environment seti strong force in attracting retion citing fundamental. .human r: search grants for people in the, settlement as one of the areas 1 social‘ sciences, engineering and needing urgent consideration. i architecture. The proposed school . Throughout the meeting, cornLi would have four facets-archimuniality was a dominant theme. ! tecture, planning, a special re- with Bjornstad stressing student1 -1 search section and ‘a man and faculty- relationship ,as the prime environment theme section.’ importance in such a college. In two meetings/ held during ’ In an interview, after. Wednes! the past week, the: fledglings on. day night’s .meeting, Bjorndmd i campus-the schools. .of architeccommented that Petch set up the ,: ture and planning seem to be. fur- -committee of three, himself, Gert1 ther apart than ever. ler and J&ck Ellis of electrical c _,i At the Monday night meeting, engineering, with no considera’1 students and faculty from the two tion of any students within the _ ’ 2 departments discussed the ‘proframework. . mises and problems of such a The report on this college is to i college. be’ presented to Petch in two ’ : The . man and . environment weeks. -- / theme was by far the moSt nebu“Dr. Petch will decide on its . . ! - lous- of the four point. program. validity and then proceed to-sum1 Special concern was expressed ,mit it to the senate for appro/ ’ by many students regarding de- val,” said ~Bjornstad as he ex- i .partment autonomy, course struccused himself to join ‘the other __i ture, and professional standing. twoon: the committee. 1 > Friday,


29, f958 (9:31)




“OTTAWA (CUP)-The occupation of the social science faculty at the University of Ottawa is over * Students voted l74-30 Wednesday afternoon to accept - a faculty proposal offered Monday that differed little from the faculty position all along in the twomonth negotiation process. ‘The students have demanded. parity on all councils and committees of the faculty and its -individual adepartments. The faculty originally countered with a proposal that offered committee parity (though not on the academic personnel committees) and a sliding proposal for council representation.. It later updated its proposal, to one-third across the &ard on council and parity on all committees save the contentious personnel one which will seat no students. ‘The students accepted the faculty proposal after a three-hour session Wednesday afternoon. .’ The students accepted the faculty proposal after a three-hour Session Wednesday afternoon: *: Over 200 angry students ad-. journed a fourhour plentary in the occupied wing Tuesday night after a searching and often bitter evaluation of the worth of their , week-long occupation. The .plenary open again Wednesday afternoon following a morning of study sessions. The argument at plenary was a , tactical one. No one liked the one-third proposal. Indeed, it is binding only until June, 1970, and is regarded ,as a temporary settlement. The issue was simply that people were getting tired of the occupation and wanted to get back to classes. Leaders were worried about occupation solidarity and feared a massive split if the strike, continued. Appeals to the factions to respect the democratic ethic fell



The highest powers that’ be in mathematics don’t want you to know what’s happening inside math faculty council. Unless you read ,Math-Medium that is. At its November 19 meeting the council went through a long involved process designed to find a way to welcome selected math representatives without opening the meetings to -,rrir the ‘ -,general . - .I.-

.Ip&lic* , ‘*a-IA-‘.’ -


_<__. .-Professor* Larry Cummings introduced’ a motion early in the meeting to allow the Chevron to attend meetings. No Chevron staff were present at the time. The motion was amended twice by Professor George Cross, grad studies dean. His ‘first amendment allowed the council by majority vote to ask the Chevron to leave the meeting at any time. Cross’s

on deaf ears and it was apparent enough people were . willing to break the occupation if it did not end. The disenchantment -with the occupation led to a general acceptance of the 33 percent proposals as an interim measure and leaders were willing to chalk up the whole affair to experience. Both sides agreed not to vote Tuesday ‘~night and planned the study sessions to talk out the differences and come up with a unified proposal binding on all. They were unable to do so on Wednesday morning ’ and after a stormy plenary ,decided not to “play the administration’s game” by splitting themselves and accepted the one-third proposal. The Tuesday plenary ’ was called after social science dean George Buxton relayed the faculty proposal to the students. The plan was formulated at the teachers’ plenary Monday which also voted complete. confidence in I Buxton’s handling of the affair. , The teaching staff had rejected on Friday a student compromise on the personnel committees which would have given them 25 percent of the seats on those groups. Meetings over the weekend and on Monday between the student coordinating committee and a joint committee of the university senate and board of governors had failed to come up with a satisfactory formula aimed at ending the strike. It is expected faculty will now readily accept student proposals in five different areas of educational reform. The representation problem had been the deadlock in a long process of studentfaculty negotiations over a massive report assembled by students after a two-day study session in early October .


As isortment








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M&him second, amendment opended the meeting to Math Medium as well. Both amendments passed but the final ,motion was defeated anyway with even Cross voting against it. A motion by associate dean Arthur Beaumont allowed a recommendation from the facultystudent liaison committee to be ptacedon the-floor. -‘. This second motion suggested the I meeting be opened to three students selected by the Math Society. Cross asked this motion be amended to require one of the reps be a grad student and Prof. Moskal moved that another one of the representatives by from-Math Medium. ’ The motion with both amendments was adopted.

Toronto elects rcrdicals to unigov .chift&ttee z -


UNIVERSITY JACKETS. All Sizes Foi. All Seasons’ i

vants and public ‘control of- the T&ONTO ., (CUP )-University w’ould be confined of Toronto students elected four I university almostentirely to finances. radicals Tuesday to administra-’ The commission of ‘university tion president Claude. BissellYs. ’ government was established by top-level commission to recom; Bissell to recommend revisions in mend changes in university gov. ” the -University of Toronto act, ernment structures. The four elected students all : passed in 1906. The commission want to. replace the university’s I “. will have nine ‘voting members: the four students, four faculty board of .governors and senate’ members ‘and Bissell. Two board with,,’ a a;one-tiered. council com.members will be seated but have posed almost entirely of students no voting.privileges. and faculty. Ini :the , radical .proThe commission will begin posal, ~administrat&~‘would fulfil1 the “~neutral“ role of civil seraccepting briefs in January

, - . _ _




I - *








; ,.ACtiEMlsTRV CONFERENCE ROOM i , . I -~ . ’






On Tuesday, Nov. -79; students of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of O-ttawa voted overwhelmirtgly to occupy their classroam area, restricting‘.entrance tq students within the faculty and supporting professors. This decision camel aftei a four day meeting in mid’ October during which students produced a brief calling for changes within the faculty administration emphasizing. student-professor paiity. No tangible di&ussions with . the faculty administration folio wed. Thus far the occupation has lasted cover a week. The _ central administration has left the matter to the faculty. - There have been threats by stude’nts wishing to “‘break up” the occupation. The main disseirt comes from English-speaking studen tg. Although.suppok for’ the striker; has diminished, they are still deterririned to carry on in their effdrt for m/ore representation.



~ .

I, / ,


. -.-”





The University of Ottawa is a study in conflict and frustration. - The conflict is self-induced and unknowingly encouraged. It is created by the petty ’ 1 _jealousies between the myriad of faculty administrations and the central adminisj tration. Tt occurs ,between the numerous faculty unions and the general union. Finally, the conflict is stimulated by the pretentious confluence between Canada’s - two major cultures and language& The frustration is suffered, almost’ entirely, by the students. They must endure, for at least the first two years of their stay at Ottawa, the ridiculous situation of _ taking their. classes in -as many as four different faculties-each with their own rules and regulations. The archaic course and language requirements in their sen~ ior years provide little encouragement ** to proceed with their education. _j ‘ The University of Ottawa is not, re.- peat not, bilingual. ,It is designed for the bilingual student, ’ not for the unilingual student attempting to reach that all- , important status.’ If the U. of 0. is an ex- ’ periment in the merging of two cultures, : ’ it has failed. sunless changes are instituted, it will never succeed. The recent disorders at the University of Ottawa stem from the needs of two different student groups, the English speaking and the French speaking. The Faculty of Social Sciences has a very strong French Canadian heritage and . ’ administration. They have established a “college classique” concept for the facbyKedoe . ulty. This simply means that the students chevron staff, and ’ have no choice in their first two years Ron McLaughlin (pie-university and Year I) and little U 0f 0 faculty choice in their senior years. If one survives to his second year, he ,

has many irrelevent courses open to himif he is bilingual. The ‘English Canadian must restrict himself to the few courses offered in Political Science and Public Administration. _ ’ The French Canadian has more courses open to him (the contrary is true in most other faculties) especially in Sociology I ‘and International Studies. In this faculty, the. overwhelming majority of the students are French j speaking and it is they who hant the radical changes-now. They want, representation on the faculty council and they want relevent courses (the nerve! ),. The English students who support the strike also want to see changes in the faculty admin-’ istration, but they want also to have more choices’in those courses being offered to them. of students within the . The majority Social Science Union want changes. Those students. brought up during the ‘-‘Quiet Revolution” of Quebec, just - as their contemporaries at the CEGEPS, are willing to strike. ’ However, many of the English Canadians, especially in their senior years do not wish to make tiaves and sacrifice a great deal of money and time into an - _ effort they feel is doomed. \ The main conclusion that can be drawn from the Social Science occupation is that there is a definite rift between the two founding cultures of Canada. This rift widens as the issues become more important and as the tensions mount. The students at that university must realize that solidarity is essential if any amount of success is to be attained. Otherwise, Ottawa is just another campus with problems.

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ecutive ‘Board. of the Federation for-the remainder of the 196869 termi V.Ice-President‘(must be *a, voting member of Council) j . - - , Treasurer \ Chairman, Creative Arts Board . . ’ Chairman, Board of External Relations . . ’ 1 ,I 1, f I_ g . ’ : Chairman, Board of Education. / . -., . I Chairman, ,Board of Publications f c : Chairman, Board of Student Activities ’ *1 Speaker of Coundil I






Written applications, ttwundersigned



engineering Archie Sherbour& - criticized the members for de-’ fending their own baliwicks an@ _ not giving due consideration to a the importance of the matter. . 1 II. The amendment was again put to a vote and this time it w,as defeated. 1 -’ The motion to have the depart._ i ment of design adopt the new /* course was passed. The second piece of business the meeting dealt with concerned the 1 proposal by- Dr. Howard Petch,’ . i academic vice-president, that a 1 ’ I college of environmental studies i ’ i be established which stressed research. The new department would attract more research money to the university. Soulis questioned a decline in the importance of faculty councils on campus. I “There seems to be a new wav of deciding things. The academic vicepresident can appoint corni missions with open meetings, then present the document ot ’ the ’ ’ senate. Faculty council proposals have a way of being lost.” Scott defended Petch’s position. ’ “It is the job of the academic vicepresident to inovate new courses.- After $1 it -was only a pro- . -_I posal.” - Further discussion and business \ ’ ’ was tabled until the next meeting.

TWO inore universities vote to /Wife CUS

catering to the tiniv&sity and business girl, / . ten-percent student discount with card ,~131King West

s The ‘engineering faculty coungraduate program, An amendment cil #met. Wednesday to consider was suggested by Dr. Knowlton ‘reports ’ concerning the structure to the motion that asked ‘the of the faculty. department of ‘design to reconTwo m&n pieces of business sider having a common first were presented. to r the meeting. year with the rest of the faculty. It The first dealt with the integrawas argued this would .,give the tion of’the departments of design design students the opportunity and systems engineering,- manageto change to -another course‘ in ment sciences, industrial engineerthe faculty. ing and environmental studies, The principal opposition to the into one undergraduate program amendment came from Dr. George in systems design. Soulis, department of design, SouThe executive committee had lis stated the course would be recommended the acceptance of a better if left seoarate. proposal from the department of “It is easy enough to transfer out design that’ there be an underof the courses which are separate graduate program in systems from ,design. The common first design. At present the only such year doesn’t allow for the diversity course is in graduate school. An of students. The course in enamendment to the proposal sugvironmental studies gives students gested the integration of the deand alternative, a different a’ppartments just mentioned. preach and teaching methdd:” . Recommendations presented to the meeting .in the prop&al inThe amendment was passed by clude : a vote. of 17-15. However, before -O the ;‘4-1” form be mainthe motion was brought to a vote tained where a student takes’ 3 the amendment was discussed years of core subjects and re- - further. Several questions were ceives more depth in his studies asked of the meeting. Will the in design in the fourth year but products of the course be conalso may specialize. This strut-’ sidered as -engin,eers? Is there ture _ would encourage graduate enough space available for-another work. course? Won’t all years of the l allowing transfer to other /course have to be changed ,\if graduate programs in the univerfirst year is common? sity ’ After much discussion dean of l a focus on three major topic ~areas: physical systems (computer aided design), human systerns engineering (interactions in a system containing a human component 1, socio-economics sysOTTAWA (CUP )-The Canadian tems (control and optimization Union of Students suffered a of economic systems ). severe setback on Tuesday when l initial enrollment be 45 with two universities pulled out of the an increase of 60 per year. union and one invalidated a recent l the hiring of new faculty to vote approving membership. meet the new commitment. University students The meeting debated the motion ’ ’ Carleton ‘voted 1298-1043 against continued. to allow the department of design membership in the union. The to implement the proposed under-



be sub.mitted to December 4. President . s Federation ‘of Students lJniversity~,of ,Waterlo”o --------~*-~-~~~~~~*~~~~*~~ . _

w 0

vote represents a -50 percent. turn-, f out of Carleton Day students. L . Carleton will pay this year’s, fees. At Calgary, the student council ’ voted 10-7 late Tuesday night to i withdraw from the-bunion -<and to withhold their $6,000 membershipfees.


* /

1,\ On-campus Review.y -’


.g&pgfP~q$#ggE by Gail Roberts









Rings forthe Elven-kit& under-the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, Nine for Mortal Men doomed to-die, 1 ’ One for the Dark Lord on his dark’throne In the Land of Mordor where the‘Sha&& lie.. One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the-darkness bind In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.



It’s ieally fairly simple-the same old thing of once-upon-a-time, good guys versus the bad guys, and the ’ good guys win, -live happil-y ever after. ’ But the‘ way J.R.R. Tolkien tells The ford of the Rings is-something else, with complicated g&neology, appendices, maps, a special language and script, Elves and Hobbits Dwarves,. strange places and wierd happenings! It’s a fairy tale with a difference; a children’sstory but more of the ‘order of Winnie the Pooh or Alice in Wonderland. in that it can be just as fascinating and intriguing for adults. The Tolkien exhibit in the arts theatre gallery for the past few weeks would-appeal to the Tolkien bug who’s already hooked but to the casual passer-by it presented nothing of compelling interest and would appear as only so much more Z-D black and white with a few blah colours.

Phone 744-4782 . -, . Waterloo Square

Unlike other cla


Three .


- HOST: PETER-FACLARIS , Invites Vou To.Take Advantage


Chevron staff


WestSide StOry”grows younger!

Btidge, no doubt PANAVISIONa TECHNICOLOR@’ Re-released thru Unlted APtlsts



by Wayne Smith Chevron staff

An unsurpassed cast in one of thk great plays of the a&S!

Duk to the good response received .when \the logic problem was published a couple if weeks ago, here is another problem in logic. Four players, Sonny, Howard, Freddy and Alan, were playing rubber bridge and on the last hand of the night, with N-S vulnerable East deal the following hand:








ScwnpIayby MtCt-tAEL WEand Producedby MICliAEL



Where’s he queen?

TIMES - 1: 30.: .4:05 - 6: 40 - 9: 15



The wall map of Middle Earth printed-i by’ Ballantine Books, the only publisher whose books received authorization from Tolkien himself, was the best of the three presented. The travels of the Nine Walkers, the locations of battles and landmarks are pre- k sented with a precision and clarity which’ make the other two mapsseem puny ‘by comparison. The large map helped in relating the, _ three books of the t-rilogy, each with it’s small individual map, both to each other and to the overall impressfon. The Ballantine wall map is also a significant improvement in that its limit in all but the 1 south exceed those in the book. The most colourful cover drawings must also be attributed to the Ballantine paperback, the only bnes which suggest some of the fantastic ahd the “other world” element . The Lord of the Rings is a chronicle of the great War of the









” ?

2:05 = 4:05 -6:05 - 8:05 -. lO:Oi

5) Howard has cigars. 6) Freddy and an equal number 7) Nobody has longer suit.



out of-

Sonny do not hold of hearts. a seven-card or





Ring, which occurred in the Third Age of Middle-earth. At that time the .One Ring, the Master of all the Rings of Power, had been held for many years by the hobbits, but was eagefly sought by the Enemy who made it. To its wearers, the One Ring gave mastery over every living but - . creature, --- since it was devised by an evil power, in the end it inevitably corrupted anyone who attempted to use it. Out of the struggle to possesa and control the One Ring with all iis’ ominous power, there arose a war comparable both in magnitude and in the issues involved to . t$ gkeat wars o! our own time. And in that war, the Third Age of Middle-earth came to an end. The story of that great war be‘gins with the, discovery of the ’ h@re of the Ring, and the flight of Frodo-unwilling heir of the One Ring-from his own land, closely pursued by the Da’rk Riders of the Enemy. It tells of the gre?t Council at which i/t was decided that the ring must; be destroyed. Frodo is appdinted the ringbearer, and he and eight conipanions set forth on a long and perilous journey, beset by terrible dangers, not the least of which is the temptation to use the power of the Ring and so be corrupted by it. For their task is to return the Ring to Mordor, the country of the - Enemy.-- himself, - and there to destroy it in the only way possible: by casting it back into the Fire from which it came.

Comments on Tolkien vary from “Actually I think the chap is quite 8) Howard never psychs, nor schizoid ! ” to “He really socks do any of the players open fourit to you emotionally! ” He’s wierd, qard majors. granted, a-genius. 9) The number of Howard’s clubs Tolkien is first and formost a times the ‘number of Freddy’s North (dummy) philologist, a lover of learning and clubs is ,a dozen. s 5 literature, and his use of language 10) Only one player has exactly H A,J,VA is powerful and intense as well three spades, and nobody has D KQJO,6,5,4, as immensely varied. “There exactly three diamonds. ‘C 7 -are riddle and slogan, courses 11) East usually plays the LightSouth (declarer) couched in the formal pattern of ner slam double convention even S K,7,2 evocations and incanthough it fixed him once in a malediction, H K,10,9,8 tations, songs of all kinds, rhymsectional (duplicate) tournament. D A,3 es, verses and poetry, the brave How were the. players sittng at C A,J,6,4 talk that keeps the courage up and the table,‘ and how should the the slippery talk that leads to E S w N - declarer play the trump suit? treachery”. 1s 1NT iH dbl. What is the distribution of the P P 3D The fascination of Tolkien’s dbl. East-West hands? (Number of S, 4c P language is an inverse flfnction of 4s 5D H, D, and C) P 5H its familiarity; its strangeness 5s. 6H Written solutions will be accept-. dbl. P fills us witli amazement and terp P ed by the author or at the Chevror. ’ Opening lead-3 of clubs. ron off ice and all persons sumDeclarer, being observant and To Tolkien language is not a mitting a correct answer will be means clairvoyant, knows that: to an end, it is a means listed here next week with the 1) East is the: only non-smoker in itself. De&p within it is a cry correct solution. at the table. for help for love, and behirid it is All bridge players are invited 2) North has more master points the whole. of the human condition -to play duplicate. bridgk in the than Sonny. that becomes more and more soi3ial sciences : lounge 3’) Freddy has never played dupat 7 tangled ‘and ‘hidden as the world -1 .pm sharp every TUeFdaYThis turns.and grows inman. lica te bridge. Tuesday, December ,3, will be the 4) Only one player was “operai Tolkien has enjoyed .a’ growing ‘last this term. ‘ ting” , I, popularity in the past few ‘years in I ~ Canada and,,th.e U.S. but he is almost unread iir England. Evidence alice’s restaurant atiti-massacre@ movement ,-of interest, in this work is given Now Group W is ‘where they put- you if you may no’t .be, moral enough ’ by t&fact $af one of his fans has T to ,join the army and burn womens’ g’nd kids’ hqus’es after being a Wter sukceeded ‘in sttialini all of his bug....mother-rape& father-stabbers,. father-ra$rs sittiri there on x the . books fromthe Atits Library last Group W bench, and I walked over,’ sat down:...they gave . me the hairy ‘April. Tee Tolkien Relation, howeyeball and all kinds of stuff and the biggest, meanest %stiest fathereyer, a b&k printed this fall is still raper of them all came over and said, ‘tihat did ya get, kid?’ .and- I said available and wi,ll be most rewardI didn’t get nothing, I had’to pay fifty dollars and pick up the g!rbage,, who has been . ’ ing for ‘the reader e hoqked on J.R.R. Toikien. I














, .’



/ b I






large amount of fun ,and a PresRnf ,ur :+ $8&k. * Emet the test of, my ob- L:“. ; j&i?#y in cheater l-astr week by>: . throughout ,; the . play p&i@& g;, _ .P :\*; :*I_seeing both Gilbert and ’ Sulli-‘. ‘long after the evening had ended. rd5 Is_ --,_** L.I_ _ of P&j&&e, ihd --r jj -; >* p.rvan’s :p&& &oak. . gstead - of _ The. entire production. was en: .‘. T&y$J&~ti ”


- in ,drama. There maybe hope stil r medieval drama; . - ‘5 j. _- .._’

_ ’






.?I’ ”_”-;:-&$Q two separate. reviews .I1’.’@&$n& ,’



: ,. -think i - comment should be made on : _, . But ‘_ so .;Waas \ Rack-for i _I .--< --+ at ‘once_sincc a -.differ~nt reasons _r. I -Far comfofl bull sess- ’ .--- s, both productions -:* $$&ter ~opportunity for: cornpa+ k--. ->. - _rz d iotis, SAtina baths,. j p$2_;i --. son bf old_- and new theater ‘s Wet’ Rock is a -social comment &bates, Chess, Snadks 1r‘->.‘:,may not appear for along time?; , : ibn war. It. was produced recently y<q’T.‘ ? and living at . T-e.? . 1_. by Queen’s University drama. de-’ -*_ irAt< he O’Keefe in Toronto last ’ partment, z-2,: i-a*_ as the-first in a series *-,’ ‘. week the. D’Oyly Carte Operal of- three major productions for :r”* 2>*--_= _:Company,, presented a repertory the -year. Written by l@eagan i .:: of, Gilbert -;‘Ta and, Sullivan comic _- ‘, y .Teiry, it traces through :many =; r13I , _-operas, b which included Pirates <T, scenes, sometimes unrelated but .F LJ. to full . all centering $ ; ‘r,pf Pe’nzance presented on the end result, the alienation process of -young :i’y @usei in t\lrr-o performances. Sat_Also known as Eugene's ,_., . ---t_ urday afternoonand evening.-7 Steam Bath. boys who go; to war and are . , ;-. _. 57 1-.r-Z--\, trained to ‘kill, to be indif fcrent 1s j 7k ‘-;‘~ :-.-,. There js probably. a _@ason .for j to life, and tobelieve !I62 Kit&t. E. Kitcher;rer in the pre._ “the one hundred :,‘-‘: percent . sales jl seirvation of the state, motherhood ,74317855 -. _ . -G -1.* z : _and lookingat the audience’ dury , and applepie,andthemilkman. . ’ + 3ng the evening performance ‘I‘i c -‘-. Admission is rea&Gble. _~-1 _;-.-:. 2 came up with a fair ,guess; Duri .Thescript, I was told, wtis alIn fact,students pay only :_ 1. _ing- the. ‘overture* the men of the most non-existent The characters *one dollar and f ift$ cents were. developed through improvis1‘I5- _’ ’ _audience were playing conductor ation and much of the direction >on Wednesdays after .= ; i _. .- while their wifei (or what-have2:, ,;you) tried ’ to restrain them -and .“ was left to the actors. The result &en pm. . &Y _- L during4he female chorus parts was a live performance, in every ;./ I the ,womem of the audience. with meaning of the -word, the acting A_ in most cases was not acting but -.kfair volume, sang along with the!‘.-: r=;;. actionJt .life. The emotion was real with would’seem that every-, t+ in at _ ,: no glycerine tears. a- . one :over- forty -._-_ has. -played ’ .- - --* I . . , es But iQ‘,was a brand-new theater. ;2. /‘1 opera: . , 2;,‘-. . . . The company concentrated :on,’ i-.‘I’ , i-’ ,, . <’, 5.. an Ientirely fresh pro‘.,__ -’ -1 am not implying the -entire $.: presenting :.J: ’-,-;,audience ‘was over forty, however ductiqn! Lighting was superb. The I -sa ‘-..-._. ’ design -‘was perfection. and nei- : X‘ < c there were two clistinct age qr nor : ? . ’ grouP+those over _forty --and a L : ther was it-inconspicuous distracting. The set was different 1 audience of mid-twenty ;..’ ‘. “younger ., ‘. to thirty years who were ‘able to in that there was little of it. -Pro- .1: >i i a /. jections were the. mainstay of ’ their enthusiasm he.” .- : ) iirestrain ;- ;\*- - little more than ‘1 the older audi-’ the, se: design. At most times g; :;-they were excellent. At other .z.i-_: - ;ence.-e > . v.:*. ;t , , -‘TX .~ _s “- ‘-‘$$s ’ -I It has I been said that if you :;,, $on’t like Gilbert and Sullivan, 1y:.‘._ YOi cin’t - be - converted. should The : when 1SoMething that *I “‘1iking”is not a matter of taste. ‘aid the though overtakes the ^ ,= distractthoughtand. becomes in particular, if ,you saw . i.---:---But, r ‘_ _ , excel“rig*. s* A’, and did not appreciate?& ,~J:~-l,ont performance, given -during the -._ Symbolic dance was used to ’ i, - week’s engagement, then you. have _-.? great advantage ’ to depict birth _ c no >hope of even lasting through -- at the beginning of the play. It $7 A“._ any ,other productions” of these was, well done and gave im“_.. I. -.lr ‘classic operettas.’ D’Oyly Carte is - ~:pact to the opening which wag %: -‘Gilbert and Sullivan. : however, to long. The slow parts ) . .-,*’ 1 I of the play wereslightly \ drawn . ’ Saturday’s Pirates’ of Penzance out. . y=- :i’:%p~ Gilbe$ and Sullivan the -1...C ” way -the play was conceived. , . There: were no set parts -ior i2.,I- . ._i pc&+ -Alidfrom the_set *ith pairit& I set -&ors- People jumped. in. and out of character almost :h‘;-2Yzbackdrop, ‘masking scenery flats ‘.i :,;every scene-and the- range of _ .x-and al! realistic, to the direction; L; characterswas unlimited, ,In $I: .:,;s@tied, overplayed and terribly , ~2,..‘$am-ned,~ the p&mnance was factp the chor!?s at One p”aiii portrayed an airplane, ;=:*>;the century theater: -~ &rn-of-the r ..,_very well too. r I /.;.-. J ( L., \ 2i !:-: y.‘&e- hppok was dry;’ the . ni&ic~.- ..- So L it !, Seems- my : preferences .-l- -r.;fuli, rich, and the kini of sound for Specific, types-of theatre just &&that -makes. you ,want to march. may be, disappearing. I had wo ,, 2-1 -:ThEre was no drastic social view- . full evenings. of. Feqtertainment 5 :- .* ; ’ _ > wet,

TfiE 8ih DAY’from Toron&


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* 1)

University of Waterloo Little Symphony Orchestra Musical Director, Alfred KunzOverture to Goeth’s Tragedy “Egmont” Opus 84 Symphony No 1 in C major Opus 21 Beethoven Brandenburg Concerto No 2 in F major Bach Sinfonetta No 3 (1957) Kunz THEATRE OF THE ARTS University of Waterloo DECEMBER 5, THURSDAY 8:00 pm Free admission Ticket at Theatre Box Off ice Phone 744-6111 ext 2126’ CREATIVE ARTS BOARD, Federation of Students




by Jim Klinck Chevron staff

The Moby Grape is probably one of the less popular groups. Their album makes this hard to under, stand. While none of the songs are amazing, they are all quite competently done. The album is a two record set. The first one consists of the studio produced songs, while the second was done by the group, including Al Kooper and Mike Bloomfield, just when they felt like it. For this reason it contains a lot of jamming (Grape Jam) and is hard to describe.


Stereo-good Instrumentation-excellent Vocal-very good

The Blue Cheer could easilv have made the six selections ou Vincebus Eruptum into one. Every song sounds almost the same. Starting with Summertime Blues, the group’s top 40 hit, the album goes down hill. All the songs are done in a psuedo-Hendrix style, except they lack any of Hendrix’s imagination or originality. Not only is the monotonous guitar boring, but every song seems to contain exactly the same vocal inflection, in all the same places. The listener can also tire easily of the unimaginative drum work. Undoubtedly a loser. Stereo-good Instrumentation-unimaginative and poor Vocal-poor

Then,treat yourself to a chat with Dr. Howard Petch,Vice President (Academic) MondaysA-6p.m:Campus Centre (Pub Area)



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Phone 742-0911 Continuous from 1: 30 pm


ACADEMY Prducer AWARD WlNWER Best Director i





entire film. Secondly, the viewer expects to see Tony Curtis give a campy performance as De Salvo the strangler. His performance, however, rings true and he makes you forget entirely Tony Curtis the comedian you have seen in countless films. Another surprise of the film is the effective wayin which the splitscreen technique developed at Expo ‘67 is employed. In the Strangler it is used to pick up the pace and heighten the suspense. The scenes where the police are picking up suspects, usually long and


Chevron staff

expect drawn out, were greatly improved by the split screen and the shots of the,killer and victim shown simultaneously were a unique way to build up the horror. The one major flaw found in the Boston Strangler ’ is /it’s preachiness. Instead of narrating a story and letting the viewer draw his own conclusions, the director has seen fit to include a public service message at the end of the movie. The “let’s preserve the ideals of American democracy” pitch at the end of 1984 are examples of how this sort of thing can ruin a picture.

us true: comedy

Mel Brooks’ zany Hollywood pro*duction happens to be one of the most recent attempts at parody, a Marx brother-type goody with the Three Stooges thrown in. The stooges are Gene Wilder of Bonnie and Clyde fame, Zero Mostel, the fat comic from Broadway’s -Fiddler on the Roof and the movie A Funny Thing Happened on the Way To the Forum, who team together to produce a play, and’ Kenneth Mars, a Nazi nut and author of the play. (Mars spouts such memorable lines as “You’re the audience; I’m the author; I outrank you.” ) The three.of them manage to scream, sweat and tear up enough property to make up for some of the weaknesses of the movie. ’ Max (Mostel 1, a fallen play producer, makes his , living by fleecing little old, ladies. He managed to come out with such hilarious lines as “Stop interrupting me. I’m making a retorical speech.” In order to make a, million he teams up ‘with neurotic Gene Wilder, an accountant with a soothing blanket and a brain storm. Together they plan to put on the greatest flop on Broadway, then cut with the dividends. The play within the movie is the most important thing. Remember the old movies of the 30’s, in which The Producers,



is not what

The advertisement for the 6ioston Strangler, the film currently playing at the Lyric, states that “it is not what you expect.” The statement is true in more ways than one. ’ First of all, the viewer expects to see scene after scene of blood and gore. What he does in fact see is the suspenseful story of a city held in the grips of terror and confusion by a phantom killer. The camera does not dwell on the murders -but depicts them by means. of quick flashes. The director has exhibited that rare commodity called good taste throughout the

by Paul Englert Walter Horsley


Bing Crosby, a pennyless bum would scratch his way into a broadway success. By the end of the picture, you would be sure to see one thousand smiling tap dancers of both sexes, dressed in red, white and blue marine-suits, saluting the flag as they tap out a jolly patriotic song. Well, Mostel’s Broadway flop satirically brings back that picture with a few changes. . The biggest weakness of the film, and there are many, is that the older generation, still living under the scars of Hitlerism will not find it all too funny. Artists must always tread on tiptoes. It’s unfortunate that many cannot see that by sa,tirising something, .one hurts it more. One movie like the Pro&cers can do more harm to super-patriatism’s cause than a million bad John Wayne movies. Dick Shawn, as the hippy Hitler, was not only unfunny, he was nausiating. But then Ulla, the sexy secretary, made up for Dick. The plot dragged a lot in spots showing that the pacing of \ such a movie was off. An ordinarv farce would move at such rapid-fire speed that it would make the viewer forget that he was not thinking. OnJy when .he left the theatre would he see tihat it : all meant. But Brooks does not want the’.audience I to miss a thing. ~

pwS’idetitia1 by Nolton


Now that all the Mickey-Mouse business about the -federation elections is over, maybe we can get down to the real presidential election. Or is election a naughty word? Doesn’t it smack a little of democracy?-


Howie, Petch

’ q. -

O.K. candidates, administrator hoping to climb, members of the board of governors-settle down! Appointment. O.K. now? As we were saying, it’s time to concentrate on the real campaigns-the campaign for presidency of the University of Waterloo. .

J-. Sayer inas

Howard. Petch has been academic vicepresident for about 15 months, coming here from McMaster where he was the -head of Hamilton College, the science and engineering part of that university. His coming was unheralded. Qne da,y he was here and it is said it was several weeks before the senate (the academic decision-making body) even knew of his app-ointment by president Hagey. It was too bad Howie started off under such a cloud, but-he has proven himself a very capable administrator. ,A super-liberal, Howie is, in the view of many people, the most sincere- of the fourth-floor crowd. He alone has made an obvious effort to communicate with students with his “Petch peeves” forum. He also seems to have a fair idea of what student radicals are talking about but is pessimistic about getting more than very slow change in the existing university structures. Thus he is an avid supporter of the experimental college idea as-proposed in the college of integrated studies. Unfortunately, Howie seems to feel that ‘avoiding confrontation is the best way of solving problems. In the federation versus the deans fight of ,last year,. he reportedly felt both sides should compromise a little and everyone would be happy. As a result, the Aryan iAffairs Commi’ssion created a post of chairman of conciliation, * compromise, committees and complication or “howiepetch” for short. ’ Howie is truly an academic, a nuclear physicist of some fame, and he should have ‘a ‘great deal .of. faculty support because of this and his priorities of education over efficiency . However, if it seems like dean Minas is to assume Petch’s present post, some of that support may dwindle.. And although president Hagey says’ he is staying aloof from the proceedings, unless he has changed his mind over the past year, How& is Uncle Gerry’s choice. Petch would probably try to establish genuine communication with the student radicals to try to use their ideas and contain their exuberance. ,Chevron staffers hope Howie’s secretary Brenda, Stanton will- be appointed bjspecial ,messenger between the president’s office and the’ federation and Chevron offices, if Howie succeeds. .

.I * 8.

\ I ,-



Probably the only candidate from the distaff side, federation office manager Helga Petz will be a top contender. ,Fluent in several European languages, ’ Helga is known for her’ great organizational abilities and as one of the few I people who can cut super-confident federation presidents and Chevron edi’ tars- down to size, an important quali.ty in holding the presidency of the university. Also she knows the inside dope on everyone and everything in the univessity and will not be fooled by late hanger&n in her super-campaign which. will prob. able be organized by the board of sandbox activities. Look for a complete change in toplevel personnel if Helga wins. Secretaries Sue Peters and Janice Burkhardt will probably get the academic vicepresidency and the development portfolio. Pete Yates, now federation business manager, will likely start an immediate reorganization of badly-botched / university finances. Publications secretary’ Charlotte Buchan will likely take Jack Adams” information services post and Brian Iler will be warden of Tent City, the new, multi-unit co-habitational residence Helga is push& ing. Helga will- probably run on a platform of no more spelling mistakes in university publications and classical music piped into every room on campus 24-hours a day: Tremendous support from all students who have ever worked with .her.

Actually these campaigns have been going on for years. It’s been rumored often in the past two or three years that president Gerry Hagey was re3igning. Everybody has had his own pet theory, the inside dope, on when the founding father would step down to the many glowing tributes he certainly deserves, And

so all those interested in takthe reins of this exploding institution, soon to be Ontario’s second and largest multiversity, have been working in the back rooms.







and pla-

_ .

Currently dean of arts, Jay should be watched closely. A brilliant man, he holds appointments in approximately 252 departments and for several years taught part-time at Western as well. His climb at Waterloo has been spectacular. He, became chairman of the philosophy department shortly after _coming here four or five years ago and was elected (well, kinda 1’ dean almost two’years ago. Unlike many of his opponents in this race. Jay has some idea of what the whole student activism bag is about and is sensitive to the problem .of alienation. But his ways of effecting change in the universitv have lost him much support. Last year he valiantly campaigned to remove all vestiges of student power by abolishing the federation. Minas cannot stand the idea of separate “communities” or interest groups and in the’student case he probably hoped that with the federation gone and students being completely without means of representing their interests, they might be given some token power within a reorganized university‘ controlled by the faculty. _ Some of the deans who actively sup, ported the federation’s death might give him their support for the presidency. And while his efficiency-conscious actions ‘in’ the arts faculty have alienated a lot of his former support, many of the American professorial contingent will still back him. Look for him to pull a Mitchell Sharp near the end of the\ campaign and throw his support to -Petch, in exchange for - the academic vicepresidency. The two are quite chummy. And it would give Howie the sciencearts split in the l-2 positions the new president will have to have.


‘s‘God Univers : s.Andp-r slogan’ * quent v. . One c none otl the mat call “th ematics oras, diRalph time ne to built which a and nun came fo vided. . __ A poli times I c Hagey 2 constant And Ralph w the fall ied abou leaving ‘ Off hc stint ant which h Fryer (T . of the the new as a tern Howe\ itor to still pull In fat grown ti keen lit the mat Stanton MathSoc sized gal Little ‘alize tha ian, die ever set His v spend i working he and‘incident: the marl His su high-levt MathSoc the secor

right ard business. No Trudeau-bopperypes and definitely no bubiic state-, ients. Just-doing favors, lining up support, Leeping clean and not alienating people ,y saying.what they really think. So to guide the people who comIrise this university, here is the. real tory of the behind-the-scenes maniuvering as the decisio-n about who vill guide us, make our decisions for IS and speak for us is made. _ All information used is extremely eliable and based on the best rumors Me could dig up. .; /I .



dead. He’s hiding at York @.:I frequently-heard little ght add “and paving fre&?aterloo.” dark-horse candidates is n Ralph Stanton, the man ty publications pompously ler of the faculty of mathf he, rather than Pythag!d that famous theorem. up ‘from Lutheran some. beginning and proceeded ittle mathematics empire !d many prestigious profs bright highschoolers who Dountiful scholarships proof the first rank, Ralph at ;lv challenged .president 2 two were known to be aggers drawn. something happened_ and denlv leaving, jus,t before! If 1966 started. When-queralph would only sav he’was rsonal reasons, ” 1to’ Manitoba for a brief hesettled in at York. from :hed as the dauphin , Ken d been associate chairman ;ment 1, was rejected as and David Sprott installed r compromise.’ ilph is still a frequent vis2t and it is rumored he of strings here. . ihole world of myth has ut him-so much so that athites wanted to name ice Stanton Hall or Fort ear. The math tie of the memorial to Ralph’s overS.

se keen young mathites reh was the most authoritar-‘ 11 man this campus has ias that students should leir non-classroom time ntlv from textbooks which ‘ryer wrote (which were. ome of the worst texts on rests with a very .few but ath profs and deluded ;, who await his return as iing.


Doug Wright is chairman of the Robarts government’s committee on university affairs, one of the most powerful bodies at Queen’s Park. It has just about everything to say about whichL universities in Ontario will grow and in what . way. But look in your calendar under civil engineering and you’11 find him listed as “onleave of absence.” The chances are that he will return to Waterloo in state, wearing the presidential robes and accompanied by the cheers of the ‘engineers. . Wright ‘was dean of engineering before he left and was quite-popular with faculty andstudents alike. He is noted for his wry wit and huge brain. Part of the latter was in on the designing of the gym roof. . Rumors flew earlier this fall about Doug going after The Big One (University of Toronto) after Claude ‘Bissell left but now it looks like Bissell is staying on. Actually Doug might have had considerable difficulty getting an appointmenl; out of the UofT board because he is; even more of a super-liberal than Bissell. And the UofT board, full of conserva’ tives and industrialists, will be looking for a cruncher of their stripe if Claude goes. Just to show you how liberal Doug is, it was his idea to restructure the College - of Art’s government to include three‘ students, three faculty and six outsiders after the unrest at that college earlier this year. Doug’s support will be strong in engineering and’other departments with Co-OP. programs, because they’re crying for someone to save the ‘program from a likely demise. Doug would probably keep Howie Petch on as academic vicepresident but make’ major changes in other- ‘areas “of” -the. ’ administration. Of all candidates, he would be the most able to co-opt students and channel their interests “constructively.”

H.D. A veritable prairie fire of grassroots sentiment is expected to sweep that congenial and genuinely humble individual Harold D. Goldbrick to a close finish in the administration presidential race. Goldbrick, chancellor of the People’s Only .Loyalist Aryan Affairs Commission (POLAAC) is expected to face hkgreatest opposition from the democratic wing of the AAC which split when the chancellor refused to recognize the recent / AAC elections. H.D. is a lifelong resident of Bridgeport, but left last January for a year in SUC Bhac, Vietnam, where he engaged in ~guerilla research for grad tong and the creative-arts tong. He returned early however, and has been in Ottawa for the last two months. studying the fascist expertise of Pierre Elliote Trudeau. H.D. decided , to enter the.administra’/ .


tion presidency race -to settle once and for all who runs the university. Besides relishing the “adulation and ’ dictatorial ’ authority, he would like to return to writing a weekly column-probably to appear in the Admininews. In order not to split the right-wing vote, *’ \ he’sprobably prepared to offer Al Adling- ton a compromise-if Adlington will pull out, H.D.. will give him the dean of women’s post. If that’s not acceptable to Al, it’s rumored Goldbrick will accept the additional power, pristige and’ non-produc, tive titles of chancellor and board of governors in a new Adlington regime. ’ ‘If he becomes president, H.D. promises to change the university’s motto to “Gross out the world”. x --- --^ -- __




Big Al business and ,was president Lutheran

is one of the originals. He was manager of the infant university One of ‘the few who stood with Hagey when the split with the synod occurred back in 1957.

Al graduated from Western after the war in commerce and finance or something on the GI plan. Consequentlv he hasn’t been too receptive to ideas like . lounge. and recreational facilities for students because he misses the quonset huts and forced-crowding he experienced. One of \ his campaign ably be “What was me. . .”

mottos will probgood enough for

. Like so many of the originals, Al’s job has expanded fantastically with the result that more and more of his responsibilities have been taken away from him. In fact, several- years ago he went through vicepresident finance, vicepresident administration and vicepresident operations within a few months.

Al has a reputation for crafkess (to put it p6lftely 1 and he is distrusted by most faculty members who have dealt with him, but this may be because he out-foxed them. His support, however. is limited. resting as it does with a few administration secretaries -and close associates who re- . port to him. His appointment would probably mean personnel director Ernie Lucy’s elevation to Al’s oldtjob and PPP&P director Bill Lobban’s appointment as development vicepresident. shoving out, TedBatke who’s in that job now. Al is probably campaigning on the platform of law ‘n‘ order. with a view to exiling student radicals and making everyone take an’oath of allegiance t.o lJniWat as thev join- the police state (excuse me. .-z university community 1. Other support will come from the Aryan _ Affairs Commission. influential and famous campus anarchy group. May also be endorsed by H:D. Wilson. and Andre Lasichuk.. Fi iday,



, .T-

/ .1



Athenas in cage, by Donna

show we/I net play


Chevron staff



President Vice President Secretary Treasurer OPEN Fri. Nov. 29, 1968 ’ CLOSED Wed. Dec. 4,1968 Forms Available

In Sci. WC. Office

If two is company and three is a crowd then the Waterloo volleyball and basketball Athenas had little more than a crowd out to watch the first home action last week. League play against Lutheran on Wednesday night and exhibition against Western on Thursday saw the Athenas come up with wins in four of the total of six games played. Against Lutheran, the volleyball Athenas come up with an easy victory. They took the first three games handily to win the match in their second league game of the season. The game scores were 15-4, 15-8 and 15-6. Waterloo displayed some fine teamwork and was never in danger of losing a game. Veterans Fran Philcox and Jan Roorda set the pace for the Waterloo team. The basketball Athenas were slow getting started in their first league game of the season but came up with a 34-22 win over Lutheran on Wednesday. A strong 19 point rally in the final quarter gave the Athenas the vie tory. They were down 13-7 at half time before their comeback started. For Lutheran, Sally Follard scored ten points and Carol Roberts scored eight. First year players Bev Stueck and Pat Bland led the Athenas scoring eight points each. Betty Etue played a strong game in the low post position. In volleyball exhibition against Western, it appeared that the volleyball girls had met their match as they lost the first two games 15-3 and 15-8. However, the home team came on strong using effecive blocking to win two of the final three games 15-3 and 15-6. Western took the other game 15-12 to win the match.

Fine performances for the Athenas come from Marianne Pollard, Sue Allan and Jane Fraser, who are all first year players. The intermediate volleyball team come up with a win in their first match of the season. Western took the first game 15-12 but the Athenas settled down to take the next three games 15-9, 15-4 and 15-13 for the match. The decisiveness of the 15-4 win came from a nine point serving effort of Judith Freeman. Janice Howe also played a fine setting game for the intermediate squad. In basketball against the Western girls, the senior Athenas were downed 43-39. Western had the advantage of height and used it to control the bakboards. Waterloo was trailing 20-16 at half time and 31-25 at the end of the third quarter. The home girls came on strong in the last quarter to score 14 points but still remained four points back of the Western squad. MariAnne Gaskin led the scoring with consistent accuracy from outside the key to come up with ten points. Close behind was Pat Bland with seven. For Western, Bev Pierce scored five field goals for ten points. In the intermediate basket, ball contest, the Athenas had a slim lead all the way and came up with a 33-28 victory. It was the first game for the intermediate squad and they settled down quickly and played heads-up ball to take a 17-14 half time lead and then come up with the win. Meredith Smye led the Waterloo scoring with nine points and Marilyn Mclelland scored seven. Sue Campbell also played well for the Athenas. Ann Klager was the top Western scorer with seven points. A return match for all teams is tentatively scheduled for December 11 at Western.

Hockey playoffs start Tuesday by Norm

games will be played mount Arena.


Chevron staff

With a week left in the men’s hockey schedule, intramural eng. B, Co-op,. and phys-ed are leading their respective leagues with eight points, six points, and six points respectively, as of last Friday.

ABETTERGRADEOFHOPS In brewing our supply of hopsacking suits, we demand cloath of a better grade-and procure it, at cost of no little effort. The cost to the wearer, although it be of rarest woollens, is minimal.


Here are the scores week : co-op St. Paul’s Eng B Eng A Phys-ed West

3 2 5 4 4 5

for the past

Renison Con. Greb. Arts ‘Math South East

0 2 0 2 1 3

The leading scorers after last week’s action were Bergsma (Eng B), with five goals and seven assists for 12 points; Burns (phys-ed), with five goals and one assist for six points; Bryant (St. Jerome’s), with three goals and two assists for five points. The playoff schedules have now been announced. On Tuesday, December 3, three



at Queens-

From 9 pm to 10, in Series No. 1, the first place team in the faculty league will play the second place team in the Village league. From 10 pm to 11, in Series 2, the second place team in faculty will play -against the first place team among the residences.


Finally from 11 pm to midnight, in Series No. 3, the second place team in the residence league will battle it out with the first place team from the Village. On Wednesday at Wilson Arena 11, the semi-final played between Series No. 2 and Series No. 3.

December from 10 pm match will the winner the winner

4, to be of of

Finally, the championship match will be played at Queensmount from 10 pm to midnight on Thursday December 5. This game will feature the winner of Series No. 1 playing against the winner of the semi-f in al.

Three Warriors

on dream, squad

their presence felt in opposing backfields this fall. Queen’s Don Bayne, chosen outstanding player in last Friday’s College Bowl, was picked as top quarterback on every ballot. He was playing in his last season. - In all Queen’s named six to the offensive team and two to the defense. Varsity placed four on defense and three on offense. Western had four on defense and one on offense. ‘The one McGill nominee was running back Dave whom the Warriors Fleiszer, will remember for awhile. McMaster’s all-star was on defense.f The dream team:

Three Warriors have made the intercollegiate football senior league all-star team, announced last Tuesday. Gord McLellan and assistant captain Brent Gilbert made it on offense and captain Ed Scorgie was named to the. defensive squad. The Canadian Press team was selected by coaches, managers, football writers and broadcasters in the league’s six cities. The Canadian champion Queen’s Golden Gaels placed eight men on the stellar squad. Blues managed one less player. The Mustangs placed five men while McGill and McMaster listed one each. A total of 25 players made the 24-man squad. McLellan tied Queen’s Heino Lilles for the flanker spot, even though both play fullback. McLellan, the season’s rookie sensation, finished second in scoring with 42 points and fourth in rushing with 389 yards in 61 carries for a 6.4 average. Gilbert, a 270-pound offensive tackle was in his third year in a Warrior uniform. The largest man on the team and affectionately known as Tiny, Gilbert had one of his biggest moments this season when he fell on a loose ball in the Western end-zone for his first collegiate touchdown. Scorgie, a defensive end in his was a surprise third season, since good defensive players tend to be overlooked around the league. His 225 pounds often made


Splti end-Rick Van Buskirk, Queen’s Tight end-Eric Walter, Toronto. Flanker-Heino Lilles, Queen’ s ; Gord McLellan, Waterloo (tie). Center-Rich Agro, Toronto. Guards-Bob Climie, &yen’s; Brian Parnega, Queen’s. TacklesRon Wakelin, Western; Brent Gilbert, Waterloo. Quarterb.ack-Don Bayne, Queen’s. Half back-Dave Fleiszer, McGill; Keith Eaman, Queen’s; Mike Raham, Toronto. Defense

Tackles-Doug Walker, Queen’s; Ylo Korgemagi, Toronto. EndsGord Squires, Toronto; Ed Scorgie, Waterloo. Linebackers-Ottavio Colosimo, Western; Bill Martin, Western; Bill Bennet, Toronto. Halfbacks-John Krwczyk, McMaster ; Jim Turnbull, Queen’s ; Paul McKay, Toronto; Gairey Richardson, Western; Bob LaRose, Western.

Swim teams open secasof7stoday 1

Waterloo swimming teams enter competition for the first time are ever today. The Warriors in Guelph for an invitational relay meet while the Athenas travel with their counterparts in the other sports to McMaster for the first of the year’s two. Sports Day meets. The _ relay meet is the first ever staged by Ontario-Quebec Athletic Association universities. All participating swimmers compete in eight different ralays. These include the usual team medley and team sprint relays (two of each) as well as the freestyle crescendo- (where each competitor swims a shorter distance than the previous swimmer ), the butterfly, breast-stroke and individual medley. Relay teams from Guelph,

McMaster, Toronto and Western are also expected to compete. Coach Bob Graham expects that the meet will let his swimmers see how they stack up against athletes they will face during the winter dual meet program. The Warriors will be at home for the first time next Saturday, December 7 when they host the defending Ontario Intercollegiate Association champs Athletic from York University. The swimining Athenas will compete against Guelph, McMaster, Windsor and Waterloo Lutheran. The two-day meet will include competition in basketball, volleyball and badminton as well as swimming. The second Sports Day meet will be held here in January.



Ed Scorgie

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playing the field


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Although the football Warriors finished last this season they managed to make their presence felt around the league, due largely to some fine individual performances. And so when they got down to the post-season ritual of picking those athletes that excelled at their tasks throughout the fall, several Warrior stalwarts were bandied about as deserving of the title all-star. It comes as gratifying, though not too surprising, news that Gord McLellan, Brent Gilbert and Ed Scorgie have been named to this edition of the Senior year’s League all-star team. They had to invent the position of flanker to get McLellan and Queen’.s Heino Lilles in there. The running back slots were filled by other worthies. McLellan, who has often been touted as the next Ron Stewart, could well fill a running position on next year’s dream team in his sophomore season. Top defensive players are often overlooked in other league cities. Thus it is particularly pleasant to see captain Ed Scorgie named to a defensive end spot. Scorgie’s efforts this season were definitely deserving of an all-star berth. Men’s varsity curling playdowns have reached the final stages. Four teams remain in the running and that number will be reduced to three this evening when Steve Wilton meets Wayne Steski at Glenbriar. Both have one losg and the loser tonight will join the other eight rinks already on the sidelines. The winner will go against John Scott tomorrow morning at Gran-



Paul Solomonian

Chevron sports editor

. . -_. - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . _ . - . - . - . - . - . - . . . - . - . - . - . - . - . - .


ite. The winner of that will go into holiday funfests, by default or the final against Pete Hindle’s otherwise. undefeated foursome. The Rose Bowl is one of the fe\;J where the combatants are not Hindle extended his winning streak to four straight in varsity invited at the whim of those in charge. It matches the %winner of play when he crushed Bill Icton the Big Ten against the champion 12-1 last Saturday. Scott, the defending champion, of the Pacific Eight. gained the semis by eliminating Nobody will be surprised to Bill Stephenson’s geology rink 6-3. learn that the western representative will be Southern California, s Whoever faces Hindle will have whose offense consists mostly of to defeat him twice to gain a berth hand-off-to-OJ (40 carries last in next term’s best-of-three final Saturday for 205 yards). to determine the school’s varsity Marching into Pasadena New rink. On the other hand, Hindle’s Year’s Day will be Woody Hayes opponent will have one loss and and his Ohio State Buckeyes who will only have to be beaten once demolished Michigan 50-14 to win to be eliminated. Steski or Wilton the Big Ten. have to win four straight games The only other match-up deterin order to advance to January’s mined thus far pits Kansas against final. Scott needs three. Penn State in the Cotton Bowl, The Wilton-Steski contest was Meanwhile, the pros have a scheduled for last, week-end as whole season of inter-divisional, inwell, but was postponed so that ter-conf erence and inter-league Wayne could go up to North Bay play-off , runner-up and all-star to tie the matrimonial knot. games to get out of the way. With the notable exception of This has been blown out of all tomorrow’s Calgary-Ottawa teteproportion since the decision to a-tete over in Hogtown, Canada’s divide the NFL into four fourfootball season has come to an team divisions. Good move-gives end. Stateside, however, things the football-starved TV fan two are just starting to warm up. more games. Counting yesterday’s Thanksgiving This brings to mind an item in fare, armchair quarterbacks can Sports Illustrated a couple of follow at least eight different conyears ago. It was observed that tests from Down Under this the owners had blown it. What they weekend. should have done was divide the The collegians take a brief res-. league into eight two-team divitomorrow’s games pite after sions. That way, no team would before heading into the post-season finish lower than second. Followsmorgasbord of bowl gamesing the regular season the winners which is really what the season is would enter into a series of play’all about. downs which would result in the If one does not make it to the super bowl sometime in June. Rose, Cotton, Orange or Sugar, But it wouldn’t end there. The secthere are always the Gator, Sun, ond-place finishers would play Liberty, Hula, Blue Bonnet or down amongst themselves and the Tangerine. Don’t bet that someone first-place losers heading to the hasn’t come up with the Pomegranplayoff bowl. ate yet. Then, come the middle of And then the loser of the super January, there are the Eastbowl and thewinner of the playoff West, North-South, Blue-Gray and bowl-would meet in a superSenior Bowls. bowl-loser-playoff-bowl-winner-super-championship-runner-up-playEverybody forgets a 7-3 season off-bowl. if a team can make one of these

It will be an upliill battle for the volleyball Warriors to get back in contention for the OntarioAthletic Association Quebec crown. The Warriors won only one of their eight starts last Saturday at McMaster. The team lost two games to Mat, Western and Guelph and split with Toronto. A 15-7 win over the Blues prevented the shut-out. The league is divided into two divisions with each division holding three tournament. The two top teams in each division will Frid&

play off for the OQAA championship. The Warriors showed definite spurts of ability but could not hold up a sustained series of good plays. The team has had to pick up new players to fill vacant spots and the lack of practice showed in the defeats. Guelph and Mat are the teams to beat as they came out of Saturday’s tournament with seven wins each. The second tournament will be held at Western on Friday and the third a week Saturday,


29, 1968 (9:37) 537 &fi‘(p’J yw,:; y*j ” ‘Q&5

15 .$ $

. :waffiofs~~bon7b Afluc ’ win . , in impressive by Doug Edward Chevron staff

’ The hockey Warriors used an explosive four-goal, three-minute second period display of power to throttle McMaster Marlins 13-3 .’ Wednesday night in a game played at Dundas Arena. : Ron Robinson’s hat-trick led the Waterloo attack. Six goals were scored in a first period m’arked by the aggressive bodychecking. of the Marlins and sloppy’ defensive play by both - teams. ’ , Mat hit the scoresheet first with a shot by leftwinger Frank -> Hincks that went in high on Arlon Popkey’s glove hand. The play was from the face-off ‘two seconds after Warriors’ Dennis Farwell was sent off for elbowing at 10:58. , Waterloo replied at 14: 25 when Bob Reade set up defenseman Ian McKegney about 20 feet out directly in front of Mae’s net. A slow and relatively unexciting game came alive at this point and ‘Gary Robertson assisted by Farwell and McKegney, Roger Kropf with help from Dave Rudge and’ Robinson, and Reade from


.a \

,Ken Laidlaw and McKegney scored at 15:36, 16:08 and 17:42 resnectivelv. * Mat stayed in the game with a nicely executed deke by Jim’ Chalkley at 16: 54. Waterloo outshot the l Marlins 18-15~ in the first and came out winning 4-2, It ‘looked like a contest in the second period with Mat’s Bill Joyce scoring at the 37-second mark. However, the Warriors took over at the halfway point and never looked back. Farwell from Dick Oudekerk and Robertson at lO:lO, Rudge from Oudekerk and Robinson at 10 : 50, a picture goal by OUdekerk who went unassisted from his own blue-line at 11: 44 and McKegney from Laidlaw and Reade at 13: 18 spelt the end in a devastating four-goal, three minute and eight second outburst. Excellent stickhandling, passing and accuracy around the net were characteristic of the Warrior attack throughout the period. Robinson capped it off at 19:Ol as he slid a rebound under Ian

‘aPeterborough bans Yfilthy’? Ontqiion I PETERBORO UGH (CUP)-A high school supplement published by the Ontarion at the University of Guelph was banned from the city of Peterboro UGH Monday after Alderman Ed Curtin called it “filthy, dirty, rotten, and sal. . acious.” The supplement was distribut-, ed all over Ontario by various universities in the province and ran into trouble at Guelph and Wat, erloo. Six students were found guilty of trespassing and fined $10 each in Waterloo af ter distributing _ the *edition to local highschool. ers. The issue contains, among other Jerry Farber’s piece, things,




as nigger.

The student council at Trent University in Peterborough bought the supple!ment from the Ontarion and arranged for city distribu-



tion. Trent students, met heavy flak on their distribution route to the city’s highschools and were chased out of Peterboro Collegiate Vocational Institute four times by the principal and viceprincipal. Before police were called in to order the distributors off schools grounds. The paper was distributed in the city Tuesday and the council banned it after all other forms of pressure failed. Dr. Eldon Ray, chairman of the board of education, called administration officials at Trent to have the distribution stopped but the administration,people refused. The city council ‘also demanded an investigation from the Ontario attorney-general’s office and sent an angry letter to the University of Guelph complaining about the Ontarion supplement.



the common good of the school’s TORONTO (CUP)-“1 solemncommunity. ly promise to exercise in all loyThe students. are not happy with’ %alty discretion ahd conscience the The student newsfunctions entrusted to me as a the proposal. paper, the Pro Tern, calls _ it member of the faculty council “frightening” and “a disgusting of Glendon College and to disinsult” to me “intelligence and charge those functions and regintegrity” of the members of \,the ulate my conduct as a member of ; the council with the interests of / college. , Glendon College onlv in view and not seek or accept instructions in regard to my duties as a member of the council from any person, group of persons or any orSARNIA (CUP)-A bomb exploganization.” ded early Tuesday morning at the The above loyalty oath is GlenSarnia home of the General coun‘don College administration presel and secretary of Dow ChemiI sident Escott Reid’s rider on a . cal of Canada. proposal to increase student repLeonard Weldon, also’ a Sarnia resentation on the faculty council alderman, his wife and their to 12 seats from the five they now three children were not injured in hnld the blast which sent shrapnel Re,id’. also wants the seven apthrough living room walls, the pointed. by a student-faculty comhome’s ceiling and roof. mittee rather thanelected by the Police found parts of the bomb student body. and its timing device and sent The administration head, apthem to Toronto and Montreal i , parently, does not want the studhomes of Hawker-Siddeley execent councillors to act as the utives in the past two months. spokesmen for the student council Dow’s parent company in the Unor pressure groups. -He would rather they acted as ited States makes napalm for use by American troops in Vietnam. independent legislators serving

Dow executivk . bombed in SanGa

. . “ I - *


\ 16


Budge’ with two Mat men in- the sin bin: The period ended with Waterloo leading 9-3 and holding ‘a, 216 edge in shotti on‘goal. In the final ‘: frame Warrior dominance continued although the pace was slower. Robinson picked up a pass from Kropf at his own blueline and went all the way at 2:47. Robertson’s slap-shot .from the edge of the face-off circle on a pass from Farwell increased the margin to eight goals at 6:05. McKegney took a pass from Neil Cotton in his own end, skated the length of the ice and slipped it in off a Mat defenseman at 13:19. Robinson completed the hat-trick and the scoring at 14: 37 on another end-to-end rush f,ollowing John Taylor’s pass. McMaster couldn’t put the puck past Jim Weber who had taken over for Popkey in the third period. Waterloo’s edge in shots on goal was 17-5 in the final period and 56-26 overall. The four quick goals in a strong second period took the starch out of Mat who was disorganized further by relentless forechecking on the part of the Warriors. The Marlins only threatened on the occasional three-onone or threeron-two break from that point on as the Warriors got caught up the ice a few times. Coach Don Hayes’ stress on conditioning paid dividends as Waterloo, skated McMaster out of the rink in the last two. periods, evidenced by the 35-11 shots on goal margin. The team looked very sharp offensively, a bit sloppy defensively, but certainly strong enough to be a definite ( first place contender. More will be known following a non-conference match j tomorrow night against the powerful Loyola Warriors, last spring’s national finalists. Game ‘time is 8:30 at Waterloo Arena. ~


yourself to a chat w,ith I I.. Then,tveat Dr. Howard Fktch,Vice’President (Academic)

I h






University Notice

of Waterloo

is Heieby, Given

of a

! GENERAL oi Federation of Students, Unive,rsity of Waterloo, .a corporation under the /a&s of the Province of Ontabio, to be held Monda.y, December9 1968, at 7:30p.m. in Room 20 1 of the Engineering ie_kture Building. The directors of the Federation will be. appointed at thiS meeting, in accordance with sectioti,3 of by-law No. 7.


Any othk itemlfor the agenda of this meeting must be in the hands of the President of the Federation of Students by 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, December 4, 7968 to bg consideied by the annudt meeting.

would like to expressmy Sin:ere thanks to the’many people vho worked so d il igen’tly’ on riy campaign and to the stud!nts who supported me and the bther radical candidates with, heir votes.

President Federation Universr’t


of S tuden t$ y of Wa terlob

, Why ke- Most Students On



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ski insurance come in and find out for yourself. ..

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and give a fit to any boot, /

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~ll~~~llHllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllll~lllllllllllflllllHllllllHHlllllllHllHHll~ \


are needed. points

a = \

as demonstrators

. .most of’your



(TRY do:



= =3 # =e g s

743-4369 3

In the pages of history


A glimpse at this week in our local histtiry through the pages of the Chevron (called the Coryphaeus until 1966;. 1960 Volime 1 number 4 was published Thursday, December 1, and consisted of four pages. The front-page picture showed foundation work underway for the first engineering building on campus. The main headline read ‘Discrimination Between- Canadian Universities in Commons’. Here’s the lead-on the story:

8:30 pm ADMISSION $1.25 STUDENTS 75c Theatre

of the Arts of Waterloo

University Phone

Box Office

Creative Federation

i 4

The speech from the throne, read at the opening of Parliament in Ottawa, was the cause of much conversation on the University campus last week. We were promised “legislation to authorize C.M.H.C. loans to universities for student residences.” It has seemed that the U. of W. was at last to get their sorely needed student residences. These hopes were all but crush-


Arts BiBDIsF;d of Swts

\ ed last Saturday when Works Minister Walker enlarged on the Governor-General’s speech. He announced that a $50,000,~00 fund has been set up to provide loans for the construction of student residences, but with the stipulation that those universities so benefitted belong to the N.C.C.U. C. (National Conference of Canadian Urliversities and Colleges).

1961 The lead story in number 9 of volume 2 is one many people suggest we should still be running at the appropriate timk. The big news on Thursday, November 30, 1961 was that the ‘Christmas Banquet Apbeans at the boarding house, we proaches’ : Perhaps the biggest social event of the year on this campus is just a few short days away. Of course we are referring to the second Banquet. To annual Christmas those of you who have not bought that tickets, we would suggest you do so as there are only a limited number available. Rather than give your pennies to a restaurant that evening (the cafeteria will be closed) or dine on weiners and


Student 1962.‘ In spending properly this story

You To See: -The


! New -h-The


Line Of Head Ultralight

Skis, Including Ski For The

Adberg The Only ’

The “320”


I Skier


Wood Ski Wood Ski Unconditionally

G uaranteed

For One




Want iberglas,


Best In You

1962 council hit the page one headline on Friday, November 30, one meeting lasting only three hours, they authorized the of over $2,500. An editorial in the same issue chastised them for it : ‘Little Debate on Money Theme’, read the headline on :

Money appeared to be the theme of this week’s Student Council meeting. A rather quiet and passive Council sat for about three hours; little debate was their secondary theme. The Finance Committee introduced seven separate money bills and the voting indicated the apCouncil parent disinterest that members had in the business at hand. The following is a list of the money bills: 0 Request from Geography Club for an exrjense account of $100. 0 Expenditure on furniture for Student offices: Student Council $155


suggest that you come out and partake of a sumptuous repast amid the laughter and gay spirits of your friends. The program for the% evening is as follows: After the formal program has ended, it is hoped that the guests will remain and join informally in carol singing because last year, this proved to be a rather pleasant way to end the banquet.


Arts $83 Science $78 NFCUS-WUS $73 0 Authorization to hire students at $1 an hour to do work for Council and Societies. Payment to four individuals of l $19 for work done on posters. Request by U. of W. Debating l Union for $85 (defeated). 0 Request for one person from Winter Carnival Committee to withdraw monies from Student Council petty cash. Maximum outlay for Winter ’ Carnival not to exceed $1,800. Initial outlay for Student Coun’ cil Bookstore to be a maximum of $600.

1963 The Christmas Banquet was back in the headlines on November 28, 1963, but this time the story took second place. The main story was a visit from the CUS president of the year before, Stewart Goodings. Also on the-front page was a purple box with a tribute to John F. Kennedy : States of America, was shot and John F. Kennedy, the 35th and youngest President of the United

killed in Dallas, Texas, at (EST), 22 November 1963.

1 :30

1964 In 1964 the Coryphaeus’ headline was about an election and, interestingly, John Bergsma of present day fame was a candidate. Headlined ‘Engineers Elect New Exe? the story read: Sixty-four percent of the engineers on campus voted in the Enelections on Thursgineering day, November 19 and elected a Society A Execnew Engineering utive composed of Pete Calvert as John Stirrat as Vice president, President, Bill Siddall as Treasurer and Glen Grosse as Secretary. Pete Calvert polled 54.3% of the popular vote to defeat Dennis Att-









1965 The coincidence of reoccuring events continues into 1965 with a story about the kampus kops towing cars away from the Village. Boldly headed ‘Six Village cars towed off, but owners left uninformed’ the story in volume 6 number 12, published on November 25 ran : Six cars disappeared Tuesday from an access road to the VillThe cars showed cafeteria. up in the lot of Curly’s Towing Service in Kitchener. Mr. Curly of Curly’s Towing Service said in a telephone inter-

I we

743-2638 _I

wood for the presidency. John Stirratt received 67.8% of the votes in the vice-presidential race. Bill Siddall got 58.3% to win the treasurer’s - position over his three opponents. Glen Grosse became the new secretary as he polled 44.8% as compared to Dave Kirshenbach with 37.6% and John Bergsma with 17.6%


view that the cars were removed supervision of, and under the following a telephone call from the university police. Mr. Fred Cook, sergeant of the university police, refused to comment over the telephone.


29, 7968 (9r37)



“When we look back in later years, i .4hose 1five years will seem the best in our lives.” . With this sentence, five frustrating ’ , , years at Elmira District Se condary School were glossed over presenting a ’ ‘L facade for the parents present.. ,I 1smooth ’ Elmira’s commencement took’ place two weeks ago, to “honor those among us,, who through working diligently to receive an education, excelled in their ‘studies.” Diplomas were awarded to all graduating grade 12, 13 and business and commerce students. Special awards were also made to those students who had tian Soldiers or some other appropriate shown themselves to be particularly good’ rush ino) the graduates song (Fools ’ machines over their stay in the factory. marched to their piaces of honor between From the opening processional march masses of smiling, moist-eyed parents. to the final reception held for “graduThe president of the student council, ates, parents of graduates, and friends”, ,as head of the students representative the occasion retained the comical atmosbody was first to’speak. phere of a circus. Her speech (Possibly from the manual A typical scene of confusion reigned Commencement speeches for student in the cafeteria during the half-hour council presider&) tied in very nicely preceding the event. Participating stuwith. the speech to follow. The next speakdents milled about totally lost, while er was the principal. several teachers appointed as sergeants Beaming a warm hello, he welcomed attempted to form them. into their prothe graduates ‘home’ to progressive EDSS. per platoons. Sometime during this period This was the same principal who sevthe select elite of the students-those. era1 months earlier apologizedin the i receiving special awards-were led to the’ . local paper for allowing professional uni-. stage to sit among the flowers. The versity agitators” to dupe the student already-assembled audience had to have council president into distributing the something to stare at until the first act Ontarion supplement at Elmira. The I began. supplement was bluntly critical of the Back at the cafeteria, the teachers present High school system. had succeeded in arranging everyone Following the principal’s message the - alphabetrcally to ensure the procession chairman of the school board spoke. ’ on stage would be neat and orderly. The local school board is soon to be At 2000 hours sharp, the troops moved disbanded in favor of a county board, out of the cafeteria, and paraded to their and elections for positions on it are pre- ’ seats at the front of the auditorium (it sently underway. To any students unaware was deemed possible, just this once, not of this, the chairman’s speech came as these students at the back of the I a total shock. L to seat _ Instead of the usual gems of wisdom imparted to the scholars as they “journey

out into the cold world”, they were treated with a ten-minute oration on whym the speaker should be elected to the county board. Strange, since very few students from last year’s grade 13 and 12 classes were of voting age. He did mention the school briefly when he thanked

the principal

for keepi;;

The individual awards for “best welder”, “best English student”, “best memorizer of history books”, etc.‘were presented bv local,businessman and teachers. ’ Concidentally, the local- businessmen also donated the prizes, usually in the form of a cheque. Providing serious relief throughout the three hour comedy were several musicall> excellent numbers by the school band and glee club. At last, the moment everyone had held th err. breath for arrived-diploma time. The white, faintly phallic tubes stood off to one side, tied with white satin ribbon (possibly symbolizing purity of thought 1. Like a gargantuan puppet show, the ,processional proceeded without a .hitch: walk out to the tape line on floorreach for diplomawith left hand- ‘shakehands with right hand-smile-follow arrow to


hair and short skirts out of EDSS making it a school we can all be proud of”. Possibly sensing the anxiety of those waiting to mount the stage for their moment of glory, he then stepped down so the second act of the comedy could

begin. ’

* This took place as about twenty students received individual awards, for excellency in a specific subject. Of course, this demonstration assured them they were better than the other students. Winners of Ontario scholarships were also announced to let people in the lower grades know if they really did a good job mouthing back rote answers, they, too would be paid off. ~. The principal also mentioned that severa1 students received bursaries. Their names were not read however, since it isn’t polite to talk about people whose parents aren’t rich enough to send them to university .

stairs-puff out chest-march to ,&air. Breathtaking!!

Finally the- participants are educated, free thinking, text-book learned products of the Elmira brain factory. Proudly they ooze Io the reception room to drink a cup of tea, eat a square, and take their place in society.


Lease Unit



68,’ PLYMOUTH 1 ,FU,R,y jl, ‘with



\ . /

and *&i-lfEWALLS




‘66 BARRACUDA automatic, radio.



maroon, 6 cyl. Was $2025 . $1890

‘64 OLDSMOBILE blue, black, 4.’ door hardtop, V8 auto; spewer steering power brakes; power windows, radio, vinyl roof. Was $1175 $1095 ‘65 bQDGE Blue, white, top, V8 auto, vinyl roof, Was $1525

2door radio.

hard” $1469

‘67 CHEVY 11 Maroon, white top, 2door ‘hardtop, V8 automatic, radio $2290 Was $2350 ‘66 ACADIAN CANS0 sports deluxe bronze Hack; V8, automatic, vinyl roof, radio, power steering., power $1919 brakes. Was $2050



’ ‘68 CHEV. IMPALA silver grey, V8 : automatic, power steering, pibwer ’ ‘brakes, radid. Was $2725 $2675 . ‘6j CHEV IMPALA -SS Maroon, II . beige, interior, V8 automatic, power _ steering, power brakes, radio, _ Was $2225 $2175 , ‘64 CHEV WAGON,Beige, bdoor, 6 ’ ., cylinder,,automatic, radio, Was $1060 ’ . $ 9908 . ‘63 THUNDER BIRD‘ LAWDAN dark blue-white vinyl roof, V8 automatic, radio, pdwer steering, power brakes, power windows. Was $1750 $1690


, ‘63 CORVAIR CONVERTIBLE quoise, black top, 6 cylinder, the floor.’ Was $365

St. 2 .@locks South Of: King ’ _+


turon $ 295


“Move some section ones over here, who’sgot the scissors? Get another bundling crew. Lift that barge, tote that.. .‘* “@f%&+X+@f. Hey, who elected him leader? Let the people decide.”



-. Styffing

W’s ridiculous, it’s just plain ridiculous. All this just for a bunch of colored ads and this election coverage. People are weird, they %e really weird. The more you think about it. . 1 stuff it. ” -any remote connection between quotes and this photo is purely accidental.’


New left, old middle, bourgeois, Co-opers, campus tommies, new right... they all helped out ‘with the means even if some didn’t agree with the ends. It was collate-the-Chevron time last week and an amazing group pitched in to get the job done. The hand collating of two sections was necessary because the combination of color and a large number of pages was more than our usual capitalist entrepreneur’s press could handle. Somebody suggested we just hand out the two bundles ateach distribution point along ,with instructions how to make one section out of .%.wo. Let’s see.,.takeone2%ecti&r one atidop&n-so-pageone is infull view?’ < ‘I ‘open section one to where the centerspread should be; in the meantime . one should have taken one copy of section two and opened it so page one page seven) ,faced oneself; insert section two into section f‘3actually :;,one’s open centerspread, close, fold in half, knit one, pearl two, oh . the hell with it. ? So the people’s paper was assembled by about 60 people and they only took about an hour. We want you should meet,them: And we want you should forgive those who would trespass against you either by spelling (oi vey ! ) or, by ommission (which could not be helped since people rushed off to read the paper so quickly after the job was finished.) Irene Mitchell StephenBrukholder Linda Hertzman Paul Johnson .Mikd Eagen Lesley Buresh _ Doug Squire Paul Spi ttal Tom Quirt Phil Elsworthy George Loney Lorna McMorran s Dave Bull Rick Cook Phil Newton Brian Boisvert Miles Genest Mark Hertzberger Pat G’Neill Danny Meuller . Chris Swan Bob Baker ’ Mary-lou Kestell Stewart Saxe Charles Smith - Valerie White . PaLll Macdonald Nick Venhola Nick Dalimonte Ken Korpi . Pat Seif ert Rob Brady Bob Brown John Lenteigne John Bloodhill Bruce Timmins Mike Chell Andre Lasichuk Keith Nelson Jim Klinck ’ Paul Solomonian Steve Ireland Lorna Eaton Art Phelan Bill Andrus Bruce Campbell _ B,ob Verdun Ruth Brendel Gary Lukachko Dave Prentice Mike Monick Jim Pike Jim


EngSoc president Jim Pike (left) pitched in to show artsy Phil Elsworthy

II ,

I ,

how to bundle up.

“;A$ , ‘.,


drily sit and w&??? Friday morning,, after three requests for hetp to collate the Chevl’on brought little assistlince, fro.ti ’ . _.thosecomfortable ensconced in the campus center great hall, the &es of duty- working upstairs decided to make the ‘cainpus centei’ the last distribution point. ’ \ , Friday, Noveher 29, 7968 (9:$) 535 19 a







What do you think


Sue Lake




math 1

I think it’s great. *


by, their stude&?

Kris Kumar

Mangla iembe

engineering 6

math 11

But try to be tough while grading. -

. Why even grade Ithem? Degrade them. i



ptofs, ‘, graded



: ‘


\ Paul lkack

, I


A great idea, because the students know.best if a prof is any good at teachink a course.

1 1 1 I l 1

Bill Link

Marj Chadwick.

engineering 2A




math 2B

Great... but what if the prof fails?

‘Excellent, .but it’s unfortunate the method of course scheduling doesn’t let students act on the information collected.



The idea is good. I would like to see graded courses too, %as they of ten bear little resemblance to the calendar. descriptions. ,’






I 1


; STUDENTS! Save .lO% On Any







. . fund

Two sizeable donations have <‘At a recent meeting the Enginbeen made to the University’s eering Society A council decided emergency loan fund. Emergency to present this sum to the emerloans are availiable to students , gency loan fund. The cheque faced with unexpected finanwas presented to development cial contingencies. They are vicepresident Ted Batke at the ,available on an interest free engineering night festivities. basis. The John Faber / memorial Present funds consist of the fund was set up by Circle K. Ginny Lee fund of $1,000 set up John Joel Faber, mathematics by the Federation of Students student and Rene Descartes in memory of. scholarhsip holder, was killed The Ian Carr fund, consisting near his home in Port Arthur,. of $250, is one of the oldest last summer. funds and -has been going 1for . The memorial Ifund consists of seven years. ‘$2800,, 750. of which is the basic The Adeliede Detweiler fund part of the fund. The other $2050 consists of $1000. is to be reviewed, by the Circle The new #donations set up two ‘K club every four months ‘and , new funds. These are the Engimay be withdrawn at that time. ’ neering Society A fund and the The maximum amount that any John Faber-Memorial fund. student may borrow. is $200. Be The Engineering Society A will may’ keep this money for 60 donate 1020 dollars. They raised days, then he must repay. this sum in 1966 when two stuDespite the 6,070 dollars that dents rented a Coop house and are now in the emergency loan sold engineering supplies at cost fund, this is only a drop in an price plus -10 percent to cover ocean. There is still no way: of overhead. After operating for five accomodating reasonable any days the students found they percentage of the number of 1 had made a profit of $1020. students that apply.

Arts fcdty

approves ‘college









1 1


I _, _ y Kitchener 151 &fgSt. W. $$$ I .r ‘. *l.:.. :.:.s ‘.:.y. .. ..*:. : ’ * ..;.;.,.. ...&:~.~. ..:....,... :.. ..:.:.:. ,.<:::.,.:.:.:* ..,... m.y$$:d:::::.. .a.-... r:s-. ..:>.2.. ...:.>. ...:.p ...A ‘..;.:.;. *.>*.:::::.A.:.:.:. .:.:.;.. *.y*,.’ .*.;..’..*.*.. .5-d.5::5-:::::::.-~::::: -7.:$:y-@: :.:*..X.. . . . . . . . ,..... ..:gJ&&.$:>. -.:.;... _ .“. . . . . ..:::::~;.:.:.:.;.... . . . . . * :..m . . . . . :-*.:.:.:a . . . . v 7557 .*.v.* **VW::: ~~.~~~:y.q ..,. r:p>&:$q ..*.*5.a..*..*.-. . ..p .::2:;. .:;.$ ::$q. v.:.y ,T.Z.’ . . 55s . . . . s:.:.%:A* 5%. ‘X*: ..,.:p.*.*. r.. ._....*, :.; ,... .::y.*.yy.::::::.; .:::p ..:.g .<.py::::-: *.:.v.:.:.:.: ...-. . .,...- .:.x..-qp: ‘,:.f’**.*.- ::::+;

20 \ /





T* . .

Most of the members of the enough slots for all‘ the kinds of’ arts faculty council are in agreeinterests students generate.” ment with establishing a college If ‘approved by senate on Deeof integrated studies on campus *ember 19, the new college will be next fall. -established . on a one to 12 ,stuAt a meeting this Tuesday, most . dent faculty ratio. of the members. approved with , - setting up the college, i an un: P&shYn structured school ’ drawing on I_ j . .protest - the resources of all faculties, on schools : “ the grounds that it/would be an &&es’ I interG&ing experiment. .JIf not RAWALPINDI, PAK. (CIJI=I)--‘ ~ advantageous, at least it would All ‘schools were closed here Wed‘not be detrimental, they argued. ., a nesday after 20,ooO students hit Assistant philosophy professor the streets Tuesday in an massive ,Judy Wubnig. ebntended that it‘ is \ protest against the government ’ frustrating to the student not of. president Mohammed Ayub to have guidance and that curricuKhan. lum needs to have organization. The government closed the -Commented one of the memschools indefinately, fist on the bers, sarcastically, ‘f.We are sup- . day khey were scheduled to reopen erior beings. ..we know what the after neing shut for 18 days student’s destiny should bei” to- because of violent. demonstraiwhich Miss Wubnig im.medjately .tions that- resulted * in at. least ag&d. ‘- ‘.. * ., i ,’ ’ I ‘. , th& stu&ntd&ms. . .’ . _, , ,Associate. dean for undergra7 ~ The : students *-‘are. -protesting duate arts Jack Grey finds that ’ the arrest two, weeks ago of forsome of the programs in the arts mer foreign minister Bhutto. The faculty are “in part a. traininggovernment had him locked up school for highschool teachers.” on charges of inciting, the “Pak We said that there are “still not istani Masses” toviolence.

, 536




%. . TODdY ‘The good woman of Se&n drama in the theater, 8:30; $1.50, $2.50 non-students. PHASE OUT licensed dance featuring the .Central Nervous System, grubshack 8:30. . TOMORROW HOCKEY versus Loyola Warriors, at the -Waterloo Ice Palace, 830. DANCE with Phase Ill and the Orange Tan’ gerine, grubshack 8:3b. ’ MISSING PEECE coffeehouse at Conrad Grebel with Terry Wifkinson, the Salvation Army ,. band and the RCMP musical ride, one night ;/ only at 9 pm. ;_ _ DRAWBRIDGE coffeehouse at the campuscent& coffeeshop,Qpm. Talent night-bring your own thing and do it. CHARITY PARTY sponsored by the Grad Society in the campus center pub with the 8th Dimension from Toronto, Qpm,.


r . 1 1.

i .

II,..:fqaturing. . j*’ ,’

The ‘~anhd

. .

, I


Feed Services..-Festival

1>..”I I.



I 1 ,



UNIVERS,ITY dF WATERLOO , I t hf ’ Ii , ,! ,I! +’TIlV@ 8:30 :: ..:ADMISSION: $i .OO I



e _ -SUNOJiY ..,. ‘Tourist terrorism continues If you don’t believe it, try to get some sleep in the campus center during the afternoon. I~~I~NDAY I FREE FILM ‘In search of innocence” AL105 * it 12:15. _ \ .CHESS..CLUB at 6: 1’5 in the campus center. TUESDAY _ STAGE BAND performs free,in the arts theater at-l 2;.15. DUPLICATE BRIDGE club offers the last * chance for a redoubled vulnerable slam this term in the SS lounge at 7 pm sharp. WEAKLY GATHERING of the broadcasting association’s star-struck and ‘would-be starstruck announcers, campus center 7pm. 1 THURSDAY FREE FILM ‘Pot pourri’ in AL1’13 at 12:15. STUDY SEMINAR on the Canadian Indi-

. an. Organitational pus center pub. ..

meetng: -

at 4 PII), q 1 _

PREMIERE of the UniWat in the arts theater orchestr.1 admission ticket required.




I .>

little symphony 1 at 8 pm. Free ’

FOLKDANCE club at 7:3(Ijn SS lounge. FOLKSONG club at 8 in campus center. , , FRENCH CLUB open meeting in the arts theater faculty lounge with father Bullbrook speaking in French- about the student revot\ ution in France,‘8pm. .

CONVERSATIGN $and whatever-it-is, ‘know-where, witti the .best honkytonk player in town. \ _ :


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you- piano

FRIDAY .. C&ol fantasy at 8:30 in ithe arts theater, free admission ticket reqd: Also at 8:30 Saturday and 3pm Sunday. HOCKEY against Guelph’s aggies at 8:3&,

.I [.‘ -..‘*-I small dance orchestra. Experience with’ Lat, HDUSING - AVAILABLE ’ LOST ’ SKIN: 6ne suede jacket with-..sheepskin in instruments or will teach. Phone Sid Coat& “, Fourth girl to share 3 bedroom apart-t,: . lining, hopefully taken by’ mistake during A leader, Club Aces Combo, 744-5711 .‘ ‘ ’ “. ment.‘Single’ room;January to April 742-4,133 Minibar dance last Friday.,, ff- you.,have any. Photographer requires male and:, female? Room available-December -i: 1398 Colinformation call 576012’1 and ask fpr Ross. .‘models immediately. Photo appreciated. ,but -- urn&La .Street 5 minutes walk from university’: . ~ not ,necessary. Contact Mr. D. Lees, PG. Box” $8 per week ... PERSOiiL 43, Etobicoke, Ontario _ : . I. i/ Room ‘:with board available. Share do,uble’ Would like to go to Europe after Chri&mas. ’ , room-single beds’home privileges. 743-7526 c, Transportation is the main ,prbblem. Any in- a:* -TLj‘lfORS / .Attention get help now with assignment,. Apartment for winter’ *term; furnished,.‘: formation. on available rowboates. canoes etc. essays, qualified tutor. M.A. Liberal Arts Apply 1 Q4 King Street’* would be appreciated. Hot tlps will be rewards j :- ‘. ; *4- bedroom,,-kitchen. : ,“, . ~_ South’ Waterloo or call 742-Q 147 ed; phone Rick Page 742-9998 . . Subjects. 743-7032 . ; :. .L,- ~ ~ +:.:,TYPING -1 _%irl to. share apartment with 3 others for’ FOR SALE Typing done.. Essays, work reports. thesis-yz Iwid~ererlter’m.~:Waterloo Heights, I Podium Suite.;:’ GE. Cassette tape recorder with ail a&k Electric typewriter. Located on campus? Phone 5784478’ __ sories. Cal! Lawrence 576-l 196 ’ Phone 742-3 143 ‘Apartment to sublet for 4 students. May to: I Porcolaibr: Tarnished chrome outside car- . ’ .Looking for, a. good typist with .a thdrough ’ August + ” ~~gter~~d-~;IHei~hts, _ .Podiu.m Suite. ’ bon black inside; cracked handle, broken 7 -’ *: : .‘: . ‘l:+’ ,i. ‘, knowledge of Tirabiam“ and MLA styI& csll“‘~‘:,phdhe.57ir~4;ij~ spout, but has nice cord. Trade for draught 743-2836 for neat. accurate work, 306 per Y HOUSING -WANTED . # classes Don and John 744- 1509 page. extra for carbons. 342 Fischer, KitchenApartment wanted to sublet for 4 students;, - ’ er. fl WANTED January toApril Toronto. Write Glenn Haskett! ’ Saturday nigt,& 50 luscious broads Room , Will, do essay typi&“at ‘home 50e per page. .E-3 208 Student Village. Phone’S&$Ql5Q’ . 154 50 sexy wops Roorh 11 Ql Renison H’ouse. . Apply 56 F Montcalm Drive *Town Houses.‘ rm . Apartment,. 1 h&shed -4, guys, -May Ato !&pi, / Fun guaranteed Phone 578-1936 Grand River and Heritage tember. Phone Gary 578-3953 between 5 and‘: cc Park area. . Girl singer 4iry nationality wanted for 6pm I >

I ’


; 1 : I



I _ -1 i . i i 1

I ,

mission to solicit advertismg saying the’ association SAINT JOHN, N.B: (CUB&-It’s an unjust world . and virtue is triumphant only ‘in theatrical performakes contributions to the university’s building , fund,. supports the winter carnival. and so on; They mantes. I 1 .’ The ‘Equinox, a buddi dg p@$er$,newspapc er Qy; refuse to alloy- the., Equinox~ to solicitadfertising c&-~~*~s-‘io #,?aq+s+j~y*gf. ..+&ijp .&iqa*~lt&~~ ,&tj .$h&$&$tig Jiailu~,$~~&, ’ ’ an@ &wick, needs advert ising to expand on it: 5 Iimbecause they-have ‘had many requests fror&.many committees in the university’ and “if you grve’to one, budget. However,. in Saint John there’s-a thing ed the St. John Merch, ants Association and ctveryyou have to give to all? .’ - The Equinox, in an attempt. to fight the- action;. wishing to solicit ad vertising in St. John must asked for copies of the SJMA bylaws ,and- a- list of their approval. * rice almost all mere chants in the. area bIeIong members, but was refused on the grounds thi$was not public informatiun iand the association&& “too SJMA, *when they sa ly “you can’t solicit, ” it’s ost the kiss of death. busy” to give information. ,, ‘. 1 ,, :>, The Equinox is stQXpursuing the’matter.’ 1 his ilveek, the SJMA refused the Equinox : per_( * a- ---


Circle K Prksents


. . _ -.


8:30 pm

.PON FRISE ORCH. -~.$X56 ‘ . COUl’iE 1 ‘5 -YbURFAi/OU,RlTETWl~G ’ / ’ ” ’, i _, L --TlbKETS til THEATRE BOX OFFICE,

Visit the exotic 1.



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Chevron features editor

,’ Creeping malaise is the affiiction our ‘tit, ,-s : ’ %s . , . ies suffer today at the .hands .of:-a psycholoe- ‘. -,. ~ , \ - gically dispeptic society: < *r.‘ Without even a-+philosophy of what -,a city should be, a v@t numbersof people. are added ‘-.yearly to city census tracts. And as this total climbs .insidiously through . wasteland. streets and -streets and streets of . i. - suburbia, the cores of our cities are decaying . at a-correspondingly frightening rate. . For as people have1 spread outward, the s.3 ~~ alienation sickness they ,breed has followed ,-‘* >, them to work each morning, eventually concentrating in- the vulnmble poverty areas\ of ghettos and,cabbagetowns. ~ 9 Here we see the alienation -of not individ., /’ uals, but of a .whole social class-a class denied the chance for upward mobility . 7 especially by the inadequacies of educational opportunity. ~ >The solution of using education as the -.“>... ’ principle * vehicle .-for increasing upward . .-- ~ ,~..-.mobility in these areas may be an obvious , - . qe~one, . but ,when . the bureaucracy: -of, change .. .A .A. --. takes over from, good intentions, improve-. ments’are very slow-in comirig. .> ’ ~\ .

es of the proposed. system is that it would give to the parents of poor children the power to choose the kind and quality of education . -their child ‘would receive, and -would foster “competition” between.’ schools, public and private, institutions grad-- - - with-- the - inferior ually being eliminated.- ,

making an investment. in real - change .once a?d for all) is considerable?’ - A slidingz-scale



Major &i.ticism of the plan centers around the arbitrary $15OO,a child allotment to parents \. -and schools. Sizer and Whitten recognize the criticism A compe titiv@ atmosphere by offering the alternative of -a sliding-scale It would appear such a system deserves grant, proportional to theincome of each indi-. vidual family. only -cautious approval,, because a cornerstone of its viability rests on the proper use ’ . For example, a cabbage town family earning of the “competitive” atmosphere it would en@OOO.i year would receive, on a sliding scale, gender,among schools. . a grant of about $725 a child. In seme cases, a family earning up to $6000 a .year would In a day when qua-litative idiosynchracies are constantly being reduced to quantitative ’ s receive a per-child grant of $575. terms by bureaucrats and super-liberals, In C&ad& such a system could require. up toL2.5billion dollars a year, though-as pointed (that is, “how good” is replaced by “how much”), the statements of supporters of Lthe ou&iost of sthis would be paid back through -~ plan come into question. taxes which the increased standard of living For they rely heavily on faith in the-inherent’ would provide to ‘children who benefited good qualities of free market system to back ’ from the plan’s implementation. , Further criticism; may be directed to ‘what up pro arguments.. ’ might become a tendency toward incre&ng They assume the motive for success among involved schools would require that any school - the “separateness”’ of-schools based on the meet the needs of its students better than its false .“status” one school might have over another by virtue of .the greater number competitors for any given-cost. . ’ It is conce.ivable tha\ the new power /<of . of students who might enrol. . Per capitagrants. . parents might be influential only insofar as it Such status might, in time, become a sub. Cneof the most interesting suggestions for would reflect the enculturation they had been - stitute for genuine development of resource revising, education processes in, poor districts subjected - to themselves+hat of. seeking facilities and personnel. involves actual payment to .parents of a the most return for the least outlay-and. And leaving- particular quality ’ aside,, there si,ngulargrant for each of their children. would therefore dictate paring of budgets and. could ‘ be the -problem to be conside,red- of F Originally devised by Theodore Sizer and .trimming of >experimental and uncertain proparentalindifference, among these lower econ‘;>% Phillip Whitten, -two professors at Harvard cedures. ’ ,.-0mic strata.- AL .* University, 2this concept is intended both - to This type of policy could seriously. hamper . , . In this regard, Sizer-and Whitten say ‘<We create- competition among- better schools the success’of any new curricula or adminisfeel, unhappily, ~that giving .pa,rents more ~ ’ to seek poorer children,- and to equitably dis- trative proposals. power canonly,be seen as theleast of evils. tribute what would be the inevitable increased Supporters of the plan should then be - We trust them little, but still .more than we education costs. subject to qualified scrutiny when’ they ~sug- trust the present monopoly of lay boards- and The basis of the theorv contends there is gest “the massive professional s.choolmen.“’ - -’ ’ 8. inefficiencies and rigidities presently no equality of obportunity in educa- which currently exist ih the, public schoels . It will .be a fact .then, that power would be . . .* ~ tion as far as possible “attainment” is con- would have to yield to more rational- use of better balanced-and as the authors state, , , &ne$ Thk’ poor people. in. cities do. not have resources, flexibility,and innovation.” ’ “It is balance that is required” , .L 7‘ . recourse to proper educational facilities .- -- But if comprehensive improvements in cui? .e ’ ,Citing thevested or parochial interests of one t,s. . A ’ top American government education ricula can be insured, the Sizer-Whitten plan or the other of the .~on~~~~~-~~oups~par~ts ,. .* spo&$manr recognizes the existence of this would indeed be a welcome addition to teachers or administration-it seems best; in . > ’ fact in his‘ own country when he says‘+“My educational proposals on this side of the bor- their opinion, if ihe child is-protected in the %c ..~ , - plea- in this regard is not for equal educa- der. stakes by the, balancing of power; {one grGup ~ -- ~ ’ 1 - tion, but for better than equal”. By concentrating dollars on the .children against the other. (So -Brian Iler’s concept of A major reco.m.mendation of the’sizer-Whit- .who need it most-and by allowing mothers to faculty-student veto powers at university .was +..~.--. ’ , .e ten plankwhich has as much implication in take their children.c‘to that/particular school not the babbling of .a fru.strated revolutionary; ’ , t >-*> ~‘- Canadian -as American -affairs&is that the -which- offers the ‘best. for it <isobviously held. to be valid by many. qualitative education, q . schools should. be appropriate for people with! :both poorer classes and rmiddle-class schools - -educational reformers). -.,.~ -* -. ,-..>. respectto their-environment. . .~ - -A Bill of Rights ,- I 5’ will improve their standards. :3 Education must be planned for the ‘child in In any case the cost of the pian w-ould unThe whole concept of grants to.parents is -.%-,.---~. gg= T-- his complete milieu; not just within the SCbOOl-. doubtedly accounted for by future’ payments .rounded off by the,suggestionYperhaps a little . -. It. is important to realize when considering to the government. Christopher, Jencksi jan ex- phony-that a catchy title be coiped for the : ,: e. . . .consequent restructuring .of . educational pert on urban taxation in the United States, effort: such as the L“Poor Children’s Bill. of J ~ . , t !‘milieu’ ’ that, *;given the present out-of- points out that \“in the long run there i-sabun- Rights”., L , , . -, school’ econo-mic system and its effect on dant evidence that this investment %ould ‘. The final admission made is that again, - -’ school, dis&h@ihtion in favor of the poor will repay itself/.by raising taxable&come and $y - drasticallymore powerful &nd flexible curricube necessary. - ‘. ’ ” cutting ex.penditur.es for welfare, unemploy- T‘Vla- are needed, \and: the <-parents-the public7.J .T , .~ ’ *While. the Sizer-Whitten formula does not ment, .p&ce an&other slum sympt&-n&’ ’ will have to’ be far better ainformed in eduv .-.. -“.offer concrete suggestions for comprenensive j Criticizing the present tendency of me cation than they ever have been before. ~ ,,. . r curricula .alterations, it goes on to describe Our limited trust of--parents might be incapitalist system to perpetuate the sl-urn (con. procedure and effects of ,administrative dition for balanced economic ii reasons,. -an:! creased;” say. Sizer and Whitten, “If public 1’ -c.* , change. ‘other fiscal expert comments on the’expense inf.ormation about’ schooling were better, and - ,-.-- , Under the plan, a grant of. approximately Gof actually ~a~ntain,Ggp~verty: . * ‘--Y . fad separated from fancy more,often.” + >c.” $1500a child -each year would ’ There is no doubt, though,’ that any plan ‘>‘The‘tensions, the choas, the dislocations .. . . . be made by the - - government in the form of a coupon payable ! are -a major item on the budget{ of: every. asimilar to the “Poor Children’s Bill of %ights” , to, parents.. They’ would, in turn, take--their municipality. In some cities, -a quarter of* ;would be a social reform-of ‘major conseque- .*;Acoupons to the school of their choice< Hope? the annual funds are devoted to taking care rice, worthy of any municipalitytior better-yet, 4 q ‘. fully, schools, would compete for coupons, of the special fire, police, and health problems @ny new, regional’ education system-which , ., , , really does have, theqinterests of ..uncler-privil- and therefore students,, by offering the most created by the slums. ->-b’ - .%Y .. ~ comprehensive curricula and facilities. .., ‘:The cost of keepingd these people at the ‘edged people at heart. ,~ <-.,’ > \ . ’ \ ,,’ , ’ 22 538 7’kC”WRW~ \ -..,. -. ‘ . - \ / . - >-e~ .. * .-- .. ; -. 1--.-s-- ‘ ,!.< - 1.-‘ --: , 1 .- -. i -. .J, , .s 7 , ”





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