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We need more l&W‘n’ORDER

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page 11

We talk’about ’, 1I’.’the vie&her I


Fearless tFred% .PatrioGc 0 PIZz’A’.PALACE PIZZA 744-4447


Cold, horrible, evil hordes of air approaching from over the north pole and from the far east. Influence @ll continue to spread over our fair country unless met harshly and courageously by a return of warm and virtuous I atmosphere of yesteryear. All *precautions, including -. ABM’s, must be taken. TEMPERATURES the sun always s/&es on: Saigon 85, Port-au-Princee 79, Johannesburg 83, Madrid 78, &uenos Aires 82, Flesherton 84, La Paz 80, Lisbon 81, Washington 79, Soeul 79, Salisbury 66, Sacramento 83. 1 ,-JAIthe cd/d they; &~etwe; Peking -02, Joan Basz:‘ ranch -08, &Ioscow 16, Waterloo -30, Burnabv -22, S-tockholm 14.



IWW executive

I 1 I /

Campus q&k;es


for integrated

Weekly summer amusement planned This summer the board of student activities of the federation of students will be doing its best to keep everyone on campus amused. There will be at least ’ one dance every weekend and there will be movies shown every Dances will cost Wednesday. a buck a shot and movies 75 cents. This weekend, may 9 and 10, there will be two dances. Friday’s will feature the Mannequin and

Eng ,2 deserted

Saturday’s Your favorite thing. Friday, may 16 the band will be the The Orange tangerine. On Wednesday may 14 the movies will be Texas across the river and The great imposter. These movies will be shown in AL 116 at 7 : 30 pm. Also, don’t forget Summer Weekend. It will be coming up around july 4. If last year’s summer weekend was any indication, this should prove to be a real blast.

by radio

Melting equipment and sweating bodies necessitated moving radio Waterloo, CKRW. into the campus center. Their old home in eng21304, affectionately known as the sweatbox by the CKRW staff, became unbearable when the hit 86 temperature internal degrees. The dismantling, moving and reassembling of the station took approximately one week. Physical Plant and Planning office and the Audio-Visual were most’ co-operative in the move. However there were a few bueaucratic hangups with the Bell telephone.


It seems there are no telephone conduits into the upper rooms of the campus center. Also PP&P’s copy of the architect’s drawings bear little resemblance to the actual building. To quote Bruce Steele, the round mound of sound, “the building 1s a fucking mess. ..of conduits ’ ’ . However CKRW will be moving in the fall to the Bauer warehouse, which is being transplanted somewhere in the north campus. They will take up residence in their new studios no later than mid-October.

FedI student: counsellor ratio set Counselling services has been promised its ’ one counsellor to 1000 students ratio for the fall term. Earlier budget decisions had left counselling significantly short of the ratio the administration president’s council had agreed to last fall. Counselling director Bill Dick said tuesday he will have the equivalent’ of eight fulltime

counsellors in the fall term to handle an on-campus enrolment projected at 8300. In addition, Dick said academicservices director Pat Robertson has committed himself to seek extra funds for counsellors in the event of an overenrolment. Last year the registrar’s office underestimated the enrolment by about 1000 students.

PP&P told to shorten coffee breaks The physical-plant and planning management is passing on-campus complaints about PPandP to the working man. . A ‘notice was recently sent to the maintenance and janitorial staff by Bruce Birrell, new PPandP assistant . director (for physical-plant) who filled -_ the,.vacancy created by the sudden departure of Alex Cairncross. 1 The notice read: “It is becoming increasingly obvious that coffee breaks ’ and the lunch period are being extended by .an unreasonable degree, beyond the. periods allowed. It has also been observed and’ reported that employees - are taking some coffee breaks outside the recognized periods. This must stop! There is enough criticism about the physical-plant and planning . department now, without giving faculty and students additional




The history department has decided the political science department doesn’t know a good professor when they see one. ’ Karen Rawling. fired by the elite of the poli-sci department afj ter Christmas has been hired jointly by the history and anthropology department. While anthropology made the without move virtually any consultation with the poli-sci

cause for complaint. So come on you janitors and sod-layers, let’s stick to those stringent standards so carefully set by bosses themselves: arrival no later than 9:30, no more than 45 minutes for coffeebreak in the morning or an hour in the afternoon, no more than an hour and a half for lunch and no knocking off before 4pm unless the weather is decent for * * * golfing. In other ‘campus labour news, unioniied ‘workers. at the On tLario community colleges ( including Conestoga College in Kitchener recently settled their wage scale, retroactive to September 1968. Caretakers will get $2.69 an hour, secretaries $3.16, up to $3.62 for nurses and up to $4.83 for technologists. The contract runs to march 31 1970.


interviewed studies post

The college of integrated their interests and hopes.” iginal Wobblies, Thompson ‘studies may have a real Wobbly He said that recently more has a long history of union on its staff of resource people universities were starting IWW participation. next year. locals-and he was encouraged to Thompson has written several Fred Thompson, from the see students understanding unbooks, including a history of the headquarters of the Industrial ionism as a means of preventing IWW. At present he is editor Workers of the World, in Chicago, exploitation of workers. He also of the Industrial Worker. was on campus early this week expressed optimism about the the IWW newspaper published in for an interview with arts possibilities for cooperation beChicago. dean Jay Minas. tween students and workers. Thompson fellow During the course of the and a Thompson was born in Caninterview for the position at IWW worker, Al Just, arrived ada in 1901 and went to school in in Waterloo monday and attthe college of integrated stuSt. John, New Brunswick. In . dies, Thompson discovered ended the meeting of the Radical 1920, he taught economics at Student Movement. Thompthat Minas had also been a the Labor School in the MarWobbly during the 1930’ and son gave a brief talk on IWW . itimes. philosophy and then the two that the two had many mutual Although not one of the oracquaintances from that period. answered questions. Both Thompson and Just were optimistic about the college of integrated studies as a starting point for making the university A vote conducted by the Ontmonths, distributing leaflets more relevant\ to the society as a ario labor relations board at at the plant gates every tuesday whole. Marsland Engineering on Weber Thompson said he is pleased and thursday at 7 am and 3:45 pm to see students starting to be- st. last week saw a 90 percent as well as visiting workers at their of workers vote 54 percent in come concerned about their homes to sign them into the union. education and feels students favor of establishing the United The Marsland management Workers as official should maintain pressure to Electrical conducted a vigorous campaign have some control over their bargaining agent of the employees. against the UEW. branding it studies. . Last fall, the UEW came to as a communist organization. the Radical Student Movement “Too much control of ed(a label which they constantly ucation is in the hands of those and Waterloo branch of the threw at the students ). who own and run big business,” Industrial Workers of the World he said. “Students Despite the management disshould not asking for help in the campaign surrender such a large part for certification. dain of the union. the workers decided in its favor. (Certification of their lives, especially a A committee of the IWW, part that has so much bearing on headed by Joe Surich (poli requires 50% plus one). the future of the whole world, to sci 4) worked closely with Negotiotion for a contract people who are inimical to the UEW throughout the winter will begin shortly.



at Mars/and



Off-campus reaction to the community issue Chevron’s was overwhelmingly favorable, but the local news ‘media preferred to ignore it.

kind of content in that issue to the community. Most callers expressed frustration at being unable to do anything about the problems raised in the issue. Of the Kitchener-Waterloo news media, those owned or controlled by Uniwat governors Carl Pollock and John Motz (K-W Record, CKKW-AM, CFCA -FM and CKCO-TV) completely ignored the community issue. Two months ago, the Record

Of about 60 telephone calls from community readers, fewer than a half dozen were irate. One local businessman-investor, who would not give .his name, said he was cutting off his donations to the tenth anniversary fund. He said it was dangerous to give the



received carried a short Canadian Press story about a similar. smaller community issue being distributed to about 10.000 factor-v workers in Windsor by the Ir of Windsor student paper. the Lance. CHYM radio (controlled by Maclean-Hunter) carried a story about the issue for about three newscasts. They attempted to brand the community paper as “Communist or Marxist-LeninJ ist.** ’


. :..


Ontario Phone




Stred Kitchtncr



“We tried to be gentlemen but there is no use trying to be gentlemen with them,” said one history faculty member.



- Phone


Acting on instructions from acting administration president Howard Petch the poli-sci dept also made a last minute bid to rehire her but Prof. Rawling turned it down. Professor


is a China

group*history tried to be more expert and as suchwill be one polite and diplomatic. all 2 to no avail. After three weeks of complaints and red herrings from p&i-sci. ‘history decided to just ignore them,

of the Canada.



Her appointment with thropology and history will for one year.


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studen? Chevron,

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Mudents Wmtufoe,


receive Onfario.












Q term.


GueIph stdents . challenge Drew University of Guelph chancellor George Drew has come under attack from the student union council for a speech he delivered at a joint meeting of the Guelph Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs. Drew made the usual charges of a communist conspiracy of student radicals bent on the destruction of the university and blamed some student disorders on ungrateful foreigners. He added that student radicals should be expelled : “If some of these students don’t like the university and wish to destroy it, kick them out. They have no right to be there.” The student union council passed the following motion ( carried 12-3 ) : Whereas: The Hon. George Drew has again spoken as chancellor of the University of Guelph in a matter which is in gross distortion of facts, extremely ethnocentric, calculated to coerce dissenters and threaten financially the university community; and, Whereas : the position of chancellor has been shown to be an accepted license to speak for members of the university community, therefore be it resolved by the union council of the university of Guelph student’s union that: 0 Union council exercise a lack of confidence in George Drew as chancellor of this university. 0 A telegram be dispatched immediately to Mr. Drew inviting him to a general meeting of the student body at noon, thursday, may 8. 0 Union council, acting as the body representing the students at the University of Guelph, immediately ask the president of the university to summon the senate of the University of Guelph into a

Senate uniform


group studies course grading

A common unit-credit system in all non-professional programs, plus a common grading system, special recognition of academic excellence and an interfaculty-academic council were recommended to senate, tuesday, bY their special task force On COerent practices. The committee also approved the principle of admitting first year students to the university rather than a specific faculty but will study further the problems associated with such a change before making recommen* Acrtinnc The eleven member committee, which includes grad student has met eight Deiter Haag, times since established f ebruary 20, 1969. In their report, which senate will now study, they recommended, for September 1970, that degree requirements be stated in units of credit rather than years. A unit of credit would equal a present half-course. A general degree would require a minimum of 30 units and an honours degree 40 units, but particular programs may require more than minimum. A minimum of ten units would be unconstrained electives. A full time .student would be enrolled in a minimum of ten units per year-but as few as eight, with special permission. Fewer than eight would be part time with a pro-rating reduction of 1 fees. The committee recommends the fourteen point letter grade systern be adopted by all non-profesLlaLl”I1J.

special session on may 8 at which time the delegates of the union council of the University of Guelph students’ union may ask for the impeachment of Mr. Drew as chancellor. 0 That the position of chancellor be abolished. ” Reaction was harsh against the stand of student council and many students feel the council should resign. It appears that the council members themselves may back down on their stand, due to pressure from the students. However another group of! students have organized in ‘support of the council motion. They have< distributed a leaflet which backed the motion, condemned Drew, and asked that he appear on campus and clarify his stand. Alan Storey, one of the leaders of the ad hoc committee for responsible administration told the Chevron : “All we are now asking for is a visit to the campus from our chancellor to attend a meeting of the university community and clarify the issues. involved in the confusion arising from his address. ” Drew has sent a telegram to the president of the student council stating that he cannot make Thursday’s meeting because of a prior engagement. Storey said that his group will send Drew another telegram asking him to select a convenient date. “If he accepts, then maybe we can get to the bottom of this mess”, he said. “If he doesn’t come, it will confirm the suspicion of a good number of people here that the rhetoric about proper channels and communications has no basis in fact. We are just asking him to live up to his own statements.”

sional faculties, schools, divisions and programs. Each faculty would devise its own table for converting marks from the old system to the new. Overall standing would be determined by a cumulative average of all courses in all years.


A two-fisted Food costs

blow decrease,

for progress the public

was the result school summer

Poor attendance on presidentid A paltry four students attended a meeting last week which could be one of the students’ last chances to have any say in the hiring of the new university president. An equal number of interested members of the board and senate were present. The main area of debate for the meeting centered on two motions presented on behalf of the Federation of Students. The first of these motions called for one more student representative on the board which will secretively choose the presidential candidate. Dieter Haig, one of the student reps, felt students should have four members, because the faculty contingent is five-strong. “We have a wider range of opinions on the choice of the president and need another representative to cover it. When some minor debate on this point concluded, the students asked to vote on the motion. Chancellor Ira Needles pointed out the meeting was not a legitimate voting meeting, and the motion would have to go before a different group for final approval. A quick round-table referendum

in the board

In its regular meeting april 17, the board of governors managed. to rubberstamp the usual amount of business. Interim administration president Howard Pet& was questioned by Sarnia industrialist C.R. Henderson about Petch’s transfer of funds to a new library acquisitions account from the academic develoPment fund. “I realize this has been caused by what has gone on at this university recently, but I can’t help but feel that someone is going to lose if this is transferred,” said Henderson. . Petch replied that he had been hoarding the $100,000 concerned all year. The board was challenged by non-voting student rep Glen Berry on the board’s intended subsidy for the faculty club. The university will back the first mortgage, provide, a second mortgage of about $90,000 and carry a deficit for the club of $20,000 a year (planned to decrease significantly in five years. ) Petch’s rationale prevailed, however, saying “the campus center is not made attractive for faculty members’ use. Faculty members need some place to meet; the campus center is not serving that purpose: it is not attractive to faculty.” Membership in the faculty club is restricted to full and part-time faculty and administration members. Initiation fee is $72 and dues are $6 a month. Petch was again challenged by Henderson-on the matter of faculty salary increases. Faculty received a large raise january 1 as a result of the September over-enrolment, and Petch proposed an -additional 10.5 percent raise at julyJ 1;: . _ r _ _-

when fbod job problem

services is eased,

hired these employees._ and everyone is happy!.

at meeting Selection

showed that the motion probably would have been approved at this meeting, although no members could say definitely until they had consulted their colleagues. The second student motion called for a procedural change. The motion, as read by Nick Kouwen, federation representative, asked that the meeting held after the abbreviated list of presidential candidates had been selected be open to the university as a whole. A second section of this motion called for the federation to have the right to add any names to this list within a month after it was published. Faculty representative, Marvin Brown, felt the latter part of the motion showed little faith in the student representatives on the selection committee. He also felt the change would only serve to delay a decision, which was already dragging out too long. Needles said that unless proceedings were kept secretive, it would be hard to find applicants for the position, due to a risk of embarrassment over personal matters, if made public. A student objection that any candidates with attitudes or backgrounds which


“These increases must sometime slowdown, ” said Henderson, “This problem happens in industry, but we at least get some increases in productivity from the workers. Perhaps we should be turning out more products in the university with our faculty. ” The board approved the increases. The board also approved the overall university budget for 1969-70, but not without some questions from the non-voting faculty reps. Psychology prof Marvin Brown said, “The academic increase is only 14 percent, while the non-academic (administrative and physical-plant and planning) increase is 18 percent. Should the proportions not be the other way?” Administration treasurer Bruce Gellatly said the business. and registrar’s offices were understaffed and that PPandP’s proportion of the budget was among the lowest in Canada. He also said the contingency fund of $554,000 would probably go to the faculties and schools if unneeded.

*** One question remained unanswered in the board meeting: what happened to the contingency fund of 1968-69, shown in the operating budget report as $784,000, but not shown as carried forward to 196970 operating. Several weeks ago Gellatly said the university’s first priority for the money was capital expenditures forthe building program. Provincial law will allow almost $500,000 in the Uniwat operating budget to slip into capital-funds. . _, . ,a I .$

could prove publicly embarrassing should not be considered for president in the first place was not accepted. Needles’ response to this was that personal feelings of the applicants must be considered. and only the positive aspects of anyone made public. “I don’t like the term ‘rejected’,” he concluded, “We should only think in terms of someone being selected over the others”. PP&P director Bill Lobban, representing the university staff pointed out if someone was already a dean or held another position at another university, publicizing his candidacy might hurt his career at the other university, if he were rejected here. However, Needles had previously pointed out that all candidates selected on the short list for final consideration would be invited to the university to speak to all interested constituencies, at which time his candidacy, if not his personal background, would become public knowledge anyway. Mech eng. Prof. T.A. Brzustowski, a senate member, felt the attitudes of any candidate are most important, and must be known as well as’ possible, if a president who can handle the complex work involved is to be found. After further minor debate the general consensus reached was that the personal feelings of candidates must be considered, and all meetings discussing applicants must be in-camera. Student council, meeting last Saturday, heard a report of the meeting and decided to keep students on the committee. “They put it in writing that the committee will operate on a consensus basis, which means students have quite a say,” federation president Tom Patterson said. “And everything but the discussions of people before they are contacted and of the ranking of the short list is open.” Patterson still objected, however, to the remaining closed sessions. Grad rep Nick Kouwen urged council to keep their reps. “We might as well go into it, because if it doesn’t work out the way we expect we’ll blow it open anyway,” he said. The next meeting takes place at 1: 30 this afternoon in the board room, located next to the engineering common room. It is open to all students until discussion of candidates begins. . .\

Kitchener’s by Roddie



Chevron staff

RESERVED SEATS Now on sale call 5764550


BarbraStreisand ,



daily at 830 p.m. Sat. and sun. at 2 P.m.

c by Ravi Shankar


have an exceptiona’ voice, she uses what ability she has to near perfection. In the duet in *‘A bov like that” and “I have a love” she quite definite& was responsible for it being one of the best songs of the night, especially in her handling of the counter-point. Mike Lehman playing Action was the best male. What differentiates a professional from an amateur is the ability to convince the audience that he is really the character and that any display of emotion is really his. Action and Anita both have this ability. No put-on here. thev really have it! I suppose I was disappointed with the lengthv introduction, but everyone wants a piece of the act. This was demonstrated especially by excessive emoting from the percussion section. What gives with the spotlight on the conductor? I demand equal time for the director-producer. stage-manager. etc. , The best piece of the night was “Officer Krupke”. The audience confirmed my opinion with their applause. The timing and delivery by Action and the comic sketch were perfect. It is odd that this performance was not written up by the other paper, because I find that this sort of thing is more relevant than beer halls. The complaint has beens shouted many times that this area is culturally starved. Well. I don’t agree. I’ve seen performances bv the Operatic Society and the Little theater that were as professional as they come. Like at St. Jeromes. there are many extremely talented people in our schools who need merely a bit of grooming. I would like to see people like Wendy Ziegler in more such productions. In fact I would like to see these people developed to become the basis of professional theater around here. God knows we’re big enough to support it-look at Stratford! With the building of the arts center complex (and we need it now, not in 10 years 1 there is nothing preventing the area schools getting together and using the facilities to this end. Experience is the best teacher, and the only way to appreciate art is to participate. This can be seen by the fact that those who have participated have better appreciation for what it is all about. I just hope people get off there apathetic asses and do something. For example, some of you just might inquire about Youtheater. Or if you don’t like theater and dig the art scene. you can always go to the art galleries (I hear there is a Dali showing at one of them ) and make suggestions as to what you to see. But of course, if this is too much, you can sit around at a pub night, or at one of the other famed houses around town and bitch about. how this town is culturally dead. Amen?

When I had the fortunate experience to see West Side Story at St. Jerome’s High last month, it‘ struck me in so many ways it is hard to describe. Firstly, I was amused that the cast for the musical read like a list of who’s who at the old hallowed halls, but I expected that. I was also amused that the emperors were all in costume. It did complete the image so well! I suppose the next thing that impressed me was not so social., The way the gym was adapted to putting on this play was nothing short of ingenious. The professionalism in lighting, design and staging was reminiscent of Stratford. Well, anyway, as the play started, this reviewer sat back and chuckled skeptically and thought, “Ok, turn me on if you can”. Unfortunately, I have to admit they did. I actually felt bad that there wasn’t much to criticize. For those who didn’t know, West Side Story is a musical based directly on Romeo and Juliet. This suggests that either plagiarism is legal, or times haven’t really changed that much (I prefer the latter, 01 Billy was and is pretty cool-with due respect to the director). The star-crossed lovers, Tony and Maria, are caught in a feud between their racial families: the Sharks representing the Puerto Ricans, and the Jets representing all ‘good’ Americans. In the ensuing turmoil a lesson is taught through the death of half the heros (typical of Shakespeare). After a gang war and the death of the heros, we are left with the age-old message which is as yet unheeded: there is no way to peace. peace is the way! The difficulty in casting a musical is you have to’ consider singing ability with all the other elements and sometimes the ability to act and phpsitally fit the role is compromised to have a person who can sing. Well, this is what happened to St. Jerome’s Tony, who is supposed to be big and rough-hewn like a statue, was played by Paul Masse1 who doesn’t quite fit that description. And Maria. who is supposed to be petite, was played by *Mary Toman. who wasn’t exactly that either. However their voices redeemed them somewhat. Tony’s voice was absolutely perfect for the part and he did display a bit of acting ability. If he were to take singing lessons and groom his acting ability, I can see a professional product resulting. But for lovers, the both of them could have been more convincing. Maria, Tony loves you, so why do you almost push him off the balcony? Both of you should take lessons from Anita and Bernardo. Anita, played by Wendy Zieglar, was in my opinion the star of the show. There are smacks of professionalism in that one! Though she doesn’t







1 ’ .

You have to be lucky to win by Wayne Smith Chevron staff



and THE




West s x,x H Q19,x.x D K&4.3,2 c x.x




North S J,9,8 H J,8,x.x D A, J,10.8,6 CA South S A,K,Q.lO,x.x H K.10,x.x

East s x,x HA Dx C K,Q,J.lO


N 1D Redbl.

COLOR b,>, y,._ ,.,





4 the Chevron



Opening lead-small club. The reason for the strange action on the above hand is that it occured as the last hand in a semifinal match of a rubber bridge tournament played in Toronto last Sunday. In a rubber bridge tournament, pairs play eight (or 16) hands against each other and the pair that has the most points at the end of these hands continues, while the other pair is eliminated. When this hand come up (the last of the match) the East-West pair were winning by a total of 630 points. This meant that the North-South pair had to bid and make a small slam in a major suit (worth 680 points) or make 7 in a minor suit small slam ( 640 points ). South. therefore. simply bid the slam at the first op-

E 5c P

S 6s P

portunity after his partner had opened. The double and redouble were made just for the fun of it because it would make no difference to the outcome of the match. The declarer made the hand on the following line of play. (which is not the best one). He won the A of clubs, drew two rounds of spades, then played the Q of diamonds (not covered by West-his best play) and then the 9 of diamonds, won in the dummy with the 10. Declarer led a small heart and East won his ace and was end-played because he must return a club. This allows declarer to discard a heart from his hand while trumping it in the dummy and then to throw a heart away on the A of diamonds and to claim the balance of the tricks. The North-South

W Dbl. P.

pair proceeded into and won the tournament.



I believe the corect way to play this hand is to win the second spade in the dummy and lead a small heart. East wins the ace and returns a diamond to declarers queen and then just plays spades. West is squeezed out of his protection of either the K of diamonds or the Q of hearts. The declarer needed only the following to allow him to make this hand; the trumps to split 2-2. the K of diamonds to be on side, and East to hold a singleton A or Q of hearts. If you are lucky. you can win as this hand shows. Not only were the cards favorably located but he made the hand. even though he misplayed it.


SeecJer ‘sings by Cyril

for his people


Chevron staff

Pete Seeger came to Massey Hall in Toronto on Sunday April 20 and demonstrated why he is called the king of folk music. In a special interview with the Chevron, Seeger credited his talent to the late Woodrow Wilson (“Woodie”) Guthrie, Arlo’s father. the famous dust-bowl balladeer of the thirties. “We’re all Woodie’s children”, said Seeger, referring to all modern topical folk singer. “Woodie started it all,” continued Seeger, “He sang for the people: for the Okies; for the CIO when it was organizing in the. thirties and forties; for the grape pickers in California ; for just about anyone who was a victim of injustice.” Yet Seeger was too modest. He is himself of the same ilk as Guthrie. He too sang for the oppressed, from the vineyards of California to the automotive plants of Detroit. He is an accomplished musician, a guitarist, a banjo player, a chalil etc., just about anything associated with folk. Pete Seeger is still something more. He is a legend in his own time. He is untouched by fame and fortune. He is just a simple human being. There he was on the stage and he was lonely, so he asked the audience to come and sit on the stage (much to the chagrin of the management). The stage was flooded immediately with people from the hall-mostly young kids-who surrounded the man thev came to see and hear. He led them like the pied piper in singalongs such as Irene Goodnight and Wimoweh, POPularized by the Weavers a now defunct folk group with which he was associated several years ago. He sang tender love songs like Guantanamera, and songs of protest (especially critical of his country in terms of Vietman and racism). He sang for the grape pickers in California and he urged the audience to lend their help to the grape boycott. He did a rendition of the old spiritual Do ford Remember Me punctuating each chorus with a fable. “Once upon a time” he began, “there were two maggots on a shovel being carried by a worker to the job. Both were knocked to the ground by a gust of wind. The first maggot fell into a crack in the sidewalk while the second fell into a very ‘fat yet dead cat. This maggot began to eat and eat and eat. For three days he ate until .he could eat no more. Then he picked himself up and decided to visit his brother, the first maggot. He crawled over to the crack and peered over the side. and

Quality by Roddie



Chevron staff


Ray Bradbury wrote a book /l/us tra ted Man called The and if that wasn’t good enough, Warner brothers made it into a movie. Basically it is about two people who meet. One is an older type who seems to have all kinds of hang-ups, and . the other is a young man out for adventure. The older one completely dominates the other and there is a mvsterv about him that is manifest in his constant wearing of a coat. He takes off his glove and reveals a hand covered with tatoos. So, as his secret is found, he warns the young man not to stare at them because they come alive. He starts telling him of how he got the tattoos all over his body. The young man listens, but his attention is focused on the tattoo and we see them indeed coming alive. Each tattoo has a particular story and thev are linked to the present by a return to the basic story and to the past by the illustrated man’s story. This is how the movie went. shifting between the old man’s storv. the narrative itself. and the story in the various images. Finally his story was over. and we see one spot on his back that he can’t see. **Don’t look at it.” he warns. “it’s your future and if you see it vou will hate it and me...” and he rolls off to sleep. The young man stares at it and. . .



Pete Seeger, more than any other single performer, sparked the modern folk music revival that it is now part of our lives.



shouted, ‘Is that you down there brother?’ ‘Yes’ responded the first maggot. ‘How come you’re so sleek, fat, and well fed, while I’m so weak and helpless? ’ , asked the troubled creature. Well, the second maggot looked up, thought a moment and replied. “Brains and personality brother, brains and personality’ ‘. Pete Seeger’s stage personality is no put-on. Back stage, after the performance he met about one hundred children with shorn he spent more than an hour with chatting and singing autographs. One fellow asked him how his banjo is constructed, and Pete Seeger spent fifteen minutes drawing all sorts of diagrams for him. Another fellow wanted to help run the special sail boat that Seeger and a group of folk singers were renovating to do benefit concerts on the Hudson river this summer in favour of an anti-polution drive. Seeger gave the man his address and told him to come down. It isn’t final yet, but there is a good possibility that Pete Seeger may do a stint at the Uniwat next year. If he does manage to get here, I don’t think anyone will want to miss the concert. For those who missed him at Massey Hall, he is having a special on CBC on May 12 at 8 pm. Don’t miss it.

care in Toronto

Well, see it. You will most certainly experience the shock treatment that Bradbury is so good at giving. Rod Steiger plays the illustrated man and the hero in all the illusion sequences. He is renowned actor and we see why in a performance such as the one in this movie.

Claire Bloom plays his nemesis and his counteripart in the sequences. She too is excellent. Robert Drivas plays the naive young man to a verv convincing degree. This movie is recomended for all those who dig sciencefiction.






f 3

OPEN MEETING TUES., MAY 13,1969 300 - 5:00 BOARD To Discuss: “ROLE














ATTE NTl,ON ALL STUDENTS If you wish your 10th anniversary contribution the May registration refunded, the DEADLINE







Rod Steiger stars as the ‘Xlustrated Man” in the movie version of the Bradbury book. Claire Bloom is the artist on this living canvas, but it really took two days in the make-up room and nine artists to completely tattoo Steiger.







may 9, 1969 (IL.

1) 5








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,feedback 5 Chevron hst wqrd

biased; never to moderates


I apprec.iate the Chevron’s interest in my letter dealing with ’ Chevron biases and in the article I submitted, both of which were published 21 march. However, the issue involved remains unresolved. Non-radical , articles are published only reluctantly and then with “rebuttals” or *‘counter-thrusts” to correct their facts. Such, clarifications never appear after radical articles. even though manv discuss events whose facts are in dis, pute and cannot be checked by the average reader. r---- By contrast. the daily papers seem to give radical opinion a fair share of space in relation to the number of people who are ra7 dicals., Also, they sometimes will allow a radical to have the last word-a privilege the Chevron doesn’t grant the moderates. . As a result of all this, the stud: ents have to allow for these biases when they read the Chevron, and even then don’t get a clear picture of the news.


PERSONAL HEAR purple people eater, CHUM AM and FM may 10,1969,8pm. DO YOU enjoy horseback riding? Come to the Hide-away ranch, Breslau area. $2. per hour. 648-2690. FOR SALE SPORTSCAR. 1968 Datsun 1600. Excellent condition. Convertible, hardtop, radio, disc brakes, racing Mirrors, fog lamps. Phone ext. 2429 or 742-3142. PICKETT metal SLIDERULE in very good condition, leather case, $25 new. Will sell for $20 or highest offer. Apply Chevron office. USED TEXTBOOKS ,in good condition. Will sell for 60 percent of bookstore price: Basic Engineering Thermodynamics (Zemansky/ Van Ness), Applied Differential Equations (Spiegel). Mechanics of Materials (Arges/ Palmer), Circuits Devices and Systems (Smith), Elements of Calculus (Peterson), Physics part 1 (ResnickIHalliday), University Chemistry (Mahan). Added bonus for only $1; Topics in Modern Mathematics (Stanton and Fryer).‘Apply at Chevron office. .43 x -l-O- MOBILE home, 2 bedroom, excellent student accommodation in established park. $3500, terms available. Phone 578

nizes by virtue of the bylaws of the Federation of Students. Challenges to the content of the C.hevron in that respect are welcomed-even desired. As for the second part of your letter, the volume of coverage of irrelevant. First, ‘iadicals” is the coverage is inaccurate and often unfair and invariably biased. And the commercial press loves to put down radicals in headlines and in volume. Second, just because a group is a minority is no, reason to cut off its rights of expression. -the lettitor.

8892. WANTED WANTED any Harley Davidson, 3 or 4 speed transmission, in good working condition. Pete, 743-0450. DRY summer ‘cause you’re short on beer bucks? Register with Campus Manpower, MrJlC 3040 the week of may 12. fom 1 to 4. for parttime summer employment. APPLiCATlONS will be accepted until 5pm ‘monday 12 may in the editor’s office for the positions of Chevron summer researchers. RIDE WANTED OR AVAILABLE HEY man, getting horny these days? Trip home to see the woman, or give someone else. a break. Check our boxes beside the campus center drink machine. Circle K Club. TYPING TYPIST. Located on campus. Experience with theses, work reports, essays. Ext. 2429 (daytime). 742-3142 (evenings). . NAMES of people available in federation off ice, campus center. - HOUSING AVAILABLE , Large one bedroom apartment to sublet -in large apartment I building, university area, p&king. 744-0146. ‘ BACHELOR apartment, Waterloo Towers, june - august inclusive. Partly furnished. 5785473.

STEPHENCLObMAN Renison college ‘fhe student journalist should strive to contrnually be fair and accurate in his reports, and should strive to equip himself adequately - with fact. to support his published s tatemen ts. ‘*-from the standing resolutions of Canadian University Press which the Chevron recogI

Hello, culture lovers. Welcome to a ref/eshing bit of trivia inter- ‘spersed with the odd bit of searing criticism, and perhaps the occasional dangling participle. . Then’ again,. you may only be interested in the undercover investigating that I do. It was here, in this column, that you first learned that Bob Pulford had been approached to coach the Warriors next year. This was later denied in the Gazette, so I wrote Pully on behalf of all the students, and he has indicated to me that he would be interested if only he received official notice that he was really wanted. Do you want Pully for a coach? Drop a line to either Carl Totzke, or Prime Minister Trudeau and let them know. Do it now! I also collect bits of gossip: When some member of the staff or faculty wants to rat on another, I naively have them printed. Like the discussion Nancy-Lou Patterson. the art gallery curator had with the .head of PP&P. whci is “passionately fond of art” and wanted to be an artist in his youth. They each had an idea of what kind of wall cover“- ing was best suited for the gallery (that’s the thing around the top of the theater). Well. guess who won? Right. Now however. like a true gentleman (he’s “ruggedly handsome” too) he’s will’ ing to admit he was wrong. And he was. I *-’ Now what will happen when Nancy-Lou, or the Works of Art Committee. tries to have art put in the math building. I hear tell of a senior faculty member who thinks students will only vandal. -ize them. Hell, with all those computers sittitng there. who wants to destroy art? And there was another “discussion” concerning the placement of the black thing near the

IMMEDIATELY. Three rooms furnished, 4 rooms. Appliances only. 177 Albert street. Suitable for students. 744-5053. DOUBLE rooms, shbwer, kitchen, cable TV, for summer and fall term in quiet home.. near university. Dale crescent. 578-4170. TWO bedroom, semi-furnished apartment. Two girls. Hazel street. Meg Burn, 578-4517; or bank of commerce, campus center. APARTMENT to share. One or 2 girls. 137 University avenue. Contact Lucy Sinopoli, arts library, 7th floor. STUDENTS to share large house in Breslau, june to September. Phone 648-2750. ROOMS to rent, furnished, male students, own kitchen. 83 William west, Waterloo. Telephone 744-5809. 2 BEDROOM apartment available 26 april. Partially furnished, cable TV. Len Hume, apartment 103, 137 University avenue west, 576- 1993. Furnished rooms for rent, complete with kitchen facilities. 743-6544.

Isaiah Bowman building. This time the World War II flying ace and the artist differed as to the whereabouts of the thing. Guess who won? Right. And I know where it should go. Right. Now before you think I’m all negative and stuff I also give the odd pat on the back. Certainly with all the herds of bumbling idiots and other staff members around here, you’d think there must be a few do-gooders who keep things rolling. Well there are. I can think of two right off the top of my head. There must be some more. Do you know of one, two? Send. Maudie a wee note and I will publish the official list of “Uniwat Niceguys” in three weeks. Or maybe you want. to rat on your boss. Like the time we got Barber up in CO-ORDINATION department. Ha ha Ha.




poster show in the campus center monday to friday. Look and buy. of all cirkle K types. 6: 15pm. cc 217. at






8pm. AL1 13. Motorsport club meeting. Special invitation to rallyists and mini-builders, cc2 1 I, 8pm. THURSDAY Pub nite in the grubshack.











/ -





’ 1

Spaghettf with Mushrooms

- Shrimp

BASIC ~ozparda



OFF large pizza I From Fri. May 9’ Thurs. May 16 YOUR c.Horcz OF &ppen3ni-Mushroom-Sausage-Anaaovia ai#npeppen-onions-olives-salami 3Oc



Ravioli with Tomato Sauce

Sauce and W=

Take a break - try a pizza tonight






AIR of University


MONDAY All day great hall, Meeting WEDNESDAY Movie




APARTMENT 911, Waterloo towers, 137 University $100 a month, furnished. Write or come on up. HOUSING WANTED Wanted for September-2 bedroom apartment or duplex. Call D. Symes. 576-3294 or room 3054, M&C.



with Tom&







to Midnight





Another Engineers



by May


30 to


Community solidarity




King and UniverSity


-hlOTmCE EJMLS. LIBRARY(LOSING Due to the necessary to public on May


Norma/ 79.

installation of carpet it will close the E. M.S. Library to 20 and May 2 1.







be the


issue helps with workers

Sick sick

sick sick

sick sick





* * * * * *

* * * * * *










- I:00




to Phys SPORTS

weekdays Ed. Complex SHOP!


mainly --by was



de tailed,




sick sick

You are to be congratulated on achieving almost as complete a perversion of truth as has yet been published. Only in a society where the individual is entitled to be both free and responsible could this be done without permanent banishment to a Siberia-like, government-subsidized vacation complete with all fringe benefits. I trust you appreciate your good fortune. P.A. VOELKER. M.D. medical officer of health Waterloo reasoned,



A former member, now working in the Kitchener area, brought us a copy of your special community issue of the Chevron when he was in town over the weekend. Our union has been invited to be represented by elected officers and rank and file at the seminar sponsored by the Ontario Union of Students at Laurentian University during the week of May 18. We have been advised by representatives of the organizing committee that they are concerned in establishing a dialog with the labour movement and further in establishing some form of relationships. We have enjoyed working with students from various universities in the industry during the summer months when they are employed. However, circumstances have been such that we have not in general examined areas of mutual concern, at least in a formal sense. In my opinion your special issue is a fine example of journalism and deals with many problemspeace. education, etc. in a most indeed provocative stimulating, wav. I believe further that it can make a contribution in our preparations for the forthcoming seminar and other matters related to anv relationship with students. May I wish vou success in your future endeavours. WEIR REID Sudbury Mine, Mill , & Smelter Workers’ Union, local 598.


at light, deaf

engineers need Re: student clearer picture. Once again an enlightened word has been uttered from the blackness of engineering thought. And once again that word shall experience the deafness of the engineering mind. name withheld by request 4B mech eng


attempt remain

0 ther made in


telephone possible.

less their but


constructive esteemed commentssome


some -the

Chevron hung by issue; should join

opposed dialog lettitor



To coin a hackneyed phrase. “Give them enough rope and thev’ll hang themselves”. This. it is my sincere hope. is just what the Chevron staff did with their last two issues (regular and community I. To letters criticizing the tone of vour articles. the editorial comments are always the same. Thev

letters to Feedback, The Chevron, lJ oi VJ, Be The Chevron reserves the right to shorren letters. Those typed (double-spaced) get priority. - name, course, year, telephone. For legal reasons unsigned letters cannot be published. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason.

point out that the New Left propful organization like CUSO. and aganda does not receive as great stop behaving like spoiled kids. an airing in the national press as PHILIPS. ENGLISH the so-called big business propagrad physics ganda. Further. they point out that We will make some specific their opponents use vague generpoints: alizations, rather than making spel We speak of no ruling class cific points. I hope to refute these conspiracy-only of a sociological arguments before they are put and economic reality which is very forward. undemocratic. We don ‘t need To deal firstlv with the communhistory to prove that; but your ity issue. Your basic assumption seemingly total dismissal of the throughout is that everything done value of learning from history is by what you choose to call the rulfrightening. The “‘free *’ world ing class is designed to push down forgets the real lesson of Hitler the workers. To substantiate this or napalm in Vietnam because it vou have to delve into the historv tires of hearing it. l books and discuss the general The misreporting of the London strike of 1919. This is about as demonstration: to what are you logical as trying to justify student referring? Have you pointed this demonstrations in England by ciout before in feedback? l ting the civil war of c. 1455. it’s about time people were Your article on the consensus scared, by the media, about pollpress quotes the mis-reporting of u tion. the famous bombing incident l One point scored: the disclaimby the Globe & Mail. but neglects er we usually carry in the mastto mention the gross exaggerahead is sufficient for on-campus, tion of the significance of a profamiliar readership, but the distest meeting held in London (Engclaimer on the community issue landj’s Trafalgar Square at about should have been more prom the same time. as reported in the inen t. Chevron. l The Canadian Communist Party The article on the price dodges paper, the Tribune, is not wellmade some good points: but told read either, and we’re not surme, and I suspect most of its prised. It, like the Daily Workreaders, nothing new: whilst the er-cumMorning Star, is not a article on pollution may well have mass-media-newspaper-it is a presented facts, but wrapped party mouthpiece. Nor for that them up in such sensationalism matter is the Communist Party that its only effect can have been communist. to cause a scare among the un- 0 As for the murder of the czar, informed. we oppose capital punishrnen t. But I could go on, but there are the difference between the czar other points to be made. You and the Wobblies’ Joe Hill should printed a disclaimer on page 3. be obvious-Hill was framed and but by your own admission it he never oppressed anyone. 0 was designed so that the minimum It was not “our” reply to Petch number of people would read it. -it was the RSM’s. The Chevron No comment is necessary. The is merely serving as a vehicle for.. press, you sav, presents biased bringing a very important denews, and someone must publish bate to the students, faculty and the opposite view. Is this reallv staff, as well as the administraso? In my home country (Engtion. land) there exists a newspaper. l ClJSO is indeed a worthy pause, the Morning Star, which does just but it will do little to solve the this. This paper changed its name problems of overpopulation, overtwo years ago, from the Dailv pollution, and overkill (nuclear Worker. in an attempt to increase variety) that threaten to terminate its appeal. It remains the least the human race; nor will it solve read newspaper in the country, and the problems of industrial “demonot because of distribution probcrac y ” that are making life for lems, but because the majoritv of most of Western society’s citizens the population finds its views abas miserable as the third world’s horrent. underprivileged (not to mention You can hardly claim to be our own underprivileged,‘. unbiased. In another of your exAs for the self-perpetuating cursions into the past. you write system of Chevron editor election, of the Wobbly martyrs in 1905. one can only ask what alternative I find no mention in vour columns you can offer to choice by the staff of an event of some twelve years which does the work on the paper later at Ekaterinberg in Russia. (and anybody can join), subject to where a man. his wife and four rejection by the student council. children, together with four If the student council made the friends, were brutallv murdered in appointment on its own, the Chevcold blood-presumably. as a deron would, in principle, be a posed emperor. he is not worthy propaganda arm like the Daily of our svmpathv. Worker. And if the Chevron ediYour reply to (administration tor was elected at large on camppresident) Petch’s letter in the (to we would have the ludicrous us. quote the masthead) commie issituation of electing a government sue. sums up all I am trying to whose sole function would be a say. You are convinced vou are department of propaganda. right. and all must be sub-the letti tor. ordinated to vour views. This DIAL A COMMIE seems to include the right of an 744-0681 individual not to have to pay union dues. according to another arIt’s for real-the radical studticle. When the administration ent movement’s instant inpresident reads your report. acformation number. cepts parts of it and refutes other parts. all you ,can do is try to For news of the latest lecmake his reply look ludicrous. ture, demonstration or strugPerhaps it is too much to hope. gle session call thanks to the self-perpetuating 744-068 1 system of electing your editor. that we may have some responInspirational messages and sible unbiased reporting on this the correct political line also campus. but might I suggest that available vou channel vour concern for downtrodden people into some useDIAL -A - COMMIE friday,

may 9, 1969 (10: 1) 9


feedback ,


Protect heuds’ sick symptoms


health with MACE: of u sicker society

Tonight (april 17) on the late news summary, a voice says--that James Goddard, former head of the food and drug administration, had said that chemical MACE-that happy, friendly, lifegiving mainstay of our stalwart upholders of domestic tranquillity-could cause dermatitis. blindness (that’s blindness, baby, n.ot “eye damage” ). or even-dare we say the word?-death. That’s right. kids, death. The cessation of life, destruction of the physical, chemical, biological, social, feeling. breathing, loving being that is you. So I said, in my initial reaction, what the hell, it’s just another exforces of the establishment,” ample of the ‘repressive the “management of the news media,” “police bru“maintenance of law and order,” “crushing of tality.” all that crap you read about in the Chevron, dissent,” right? Now maybe someday we can all write home from university that we’re really in danger. - ’ W’ell. I know all about those phrases, I’ve followed things closely enough to know this establishment, whatever it is; controls the media. And they can make sure that the right things are said, right? So that we won’t have to worry our heads making decisions about what’s going on. based on facts, when they know better and can evaluate reality better than we can. Like they can have Walter and Chet and Dave play down the dangers of MACE when it first comes out (God. where and who did it first come from?) and starts being used against.. .people. Then if it turns out to be a harmful substance, well that’s tough but its been around long enough that folks are getting used to it, and anyway we can put the news back on page 37. Like they did with that acid hoax in California, right? Where the doctor says 6 or 8 kids went stone blind from staring at the sun on LSD, and there were screaming headlines all over the front pages. Then the doctor. turns out to be a liar. and the wh_ole thing was a complete fraud, nobody went blind. and that news goes on page 94. But everybody’s seen the headlines, and concludes that these drugs are dangerous as hell because those kids can’t see any more. and we sure do want our young people to be able to see so we better protect ‘em from acid. . Putting them in jail would be a good idea.. And besides. MACE supports the economy, too-the Cheese1 chemical manufacturers. aerosol-makers, borough-Ponds (they make Vaseline ), the cops, the mayors. the doctors, the morticians. ’ So the whole scene fits. It’s not that unusual today for people to be a little inconsistent. Nixon, for example, cries for law ‘n‘ order, peace in the streets, and maybe a little justice (but probably not for blacks, not just yet 1. and spends $16.000 per second (I quote the Fugs, not Foreign Affairs Quarterly) “snuffin’ gooks.” And -getting to the moon is groovy, right? Especially if the US’. can get there before the godless, atheistic, mater-,ialistic Russians, whom we all abhor because they’re * commie rats ( Marxist-Lennists, maybe? ). But can we really build big enough moonships to take all the people who might want to go there, just to get away from the rats and the bills and the welfare snoopers and The ‘Man.. .in Watts, Newark, Harlem, Dallas? .And then I think back to the Chevron, to what Saxe and the rest have been trying to do this year. They could have put out a college newspaper like most of them, with big stories on the prom, the wonderful warm human .” interest stories on the moguls of the faculty, lots of sports fashion news. Oh, maybe a little local stuff, but not too much ‘cause we’re all busy with courses and _ dates and looking for jobs and drinking beer and getting laid and driving around in the sun. But they haven’t done that. They have, I think, been trying to wake people up to the fact that something is dreadfully. terribly wrong with North American society. What’s wrong is damned hard to pinpoint in a lot of cases, but it includes almost all of the institutions with which we have grown up and prospered-economics, religion, business, even that sanctified community of scholars, the university. Somehow. they say, the values are wrong, the stress is on things more than people, on getting along rather than getting straight, on adjusting ’ to your

Address letters td Feedback, The,Chevron, U of W. Be concise. The Chevron reserves the right to shorten -letters. Those typed (doublespaced) get priority. Sign it - name, course, year, telqohone. For legal reasons unsigned letters cannot be published A pseudonym w/“// be printed if you have a good reason.


environment rather than adjusting that environment. In sum, ‘society is geared to make things real, real easy for some of us but not all of us, and the power that is wielded is, wielded under the influence of values which are not right. NOW such a message is a difficult one to bring to people. It’s a message that can very easily‘ become sloganized, trite, fantasy-ridden. The message can be tied too much to local irrelevant issues, or it- can become lost in the abstract reaches of too-broad generalizations. And if these pitfalls can be avoided, as I think the Chevron has avoided them, it’s still difficult to bring the message, especially to people who are among the most highly pampered recipients of that society’s largesse. Because those people, secure in their planned futures, just ain’t gonna want to be told that their security is .either based on a helluva lot of misery for the have-nots, whether in this society or in the third world, or will .be rapidly shaken by the crumbling of the foundations. Also, the society that is pampering those people, training them to take over from (or be taken over by)- the system as it is presently constituted, they are not going to be overjoyed to have their fodder exposed to these wierd, radical, commie ideas. And we should, if we believe in the geat god power, expect that system to fight back, to fight back just as hard as is necessary to eliminate the threat. These attacks can in general take many forms, probably the first of which is to ignore completely - the dissident elements. Second method is selective reporting, where’ if a black meeting has a dozen “responsible” speakers, your TV station shows only the lone militant who grabs the mike at the end. Or where you link unrelated events like bombs and bridges and student politics. Other favorite tactics include trying to drive wedges between various dissident ,groups. This is especially true in the States now,



where people like -Hayakawa (San Franci SC0 State president) try to split black and white radicals. You can also attack the critics for their lack of certain qualities-e.g., responsibility, decorum, fairmindedness. ’ The problem is deciding what?s fair, shouting down an administration spokesman or dropping 50,000 bombs on churches; what’s decorous, interupting a meeting or voting for highways over slum clearance; what’s fair, stopping a troop train or building an anti-ballistic missile system while millions starve. And there’s always co-option, where unwary souls get lost in reform schemes financed by the Ford foundation, in which the rhetoric is cool but the power doesn’t get re-shuffled and nothing really changes. ’ - Anyway, for those who are not involved fulltime in the following of such trends, for those who are protected by their families, jobs, newspapers, educations, churches, whatever, from the harsher realities faced by a whole bunch of people in the world today, it’s very easy to treat the continuing revelations as just another piece of the pattern. In a way, it’s groovy to sit back and watch the pattern fitting together, the inconsistencies becoming more obvious, the demands and repressions becoming more extreme, the polarization continuing, the fear and striking out of the establishment. Chicago, right? And so you take these parts of the pattern and you analyze them. .You take your carefully instilled rationality, your scientific method, and you intellectually draw your conclusions, adding up this factor and that factor, accounting for that contingency, making the required number of qualifications so you can’t be attacked, and you come up with a conclusion-your “attitude.” If you’ve got a lotta guts, your conclusion might- lead you to side with the cops or the kids, for whatever reasons; but mainly you don’t,‘ you just kind of hold things off because you don’t have all the ’ facts :and it’s a complex situation, and surely those people know more than me (goddammit; mayor , Daley * doesn’t! a . .i f, ‘_

And so on. But none of that really counts, because none of it goes beyond the cortex to the gut. to that place where you feel that something is not right. Gotta be careful here, ‘cause people will start jumping on this an “anti-intellectual,” which it is if intellectuals got us where we are today. It’s not if intellectual values have been subverted and bastardized and sold down the river by the economic and political interests to which they have always been subservient. No, in that sense, it’s very pro-intellectual. On this basis. You can’t be really intellectual about something you don’t feel. Oh, you can but all you’re doing then is playing a game, putting words on paper, giving courses; taking courses. mouthing ideas and slogans and metaphors. When it-anything -becomes important and real enough to You, then you can get on with the business of being an intellectual about it, trying to relate it to other things, solve the problems it raises, convince others that this course is better than that course, support your arguments with flawless logic and impeccable facts, all that bag. And that brings us back to chemical MACE, which if you’ll remember, turns out to be capable of killing people. When I started this letter, I was boiling mad, in fact my hand was shaking. Now I’m calmer because I’ve been writing for a long time now. So I’ll’ quit. But before I quit, remember this. We live in a world which says this: Children, you simply must not experiment with drugs, because drugs are chemicals, right? And chemicals can ,have weird, strange, possibly deletorious (that’s an intellectual word) ef- . fects, right? And we’ve got to be awful careful because we need more research before we can be sure if a drug (like alcohol, say) is really. good for you (how -many alcoholics, highway deaths, lost job time? ). And anyway, kiddies,‘drugs are an escape and the real man faces up to and solves his problems. But, this society goes on to say if those goddam troublemakers at Berkeley or Columbia or the Chev” ron, make too much noise, or if the free speech which we allow them in our infinite wisdom,’ if that free speech starts to work and be effective, then we just might reach in the old armaments cabinet and pull out our little spray can of chemical MACE and spray it on people. And maybe kill them. If this is the responsibility of the system, if this is what the youth of today are supposed to emulate, then I’m very much afraid that things are worse off than even the Chevron has suggested. If you can look at MACE, just for a minute, stripped of all the qualifications and obfuscations and smoke-screens (no pun intended), and realize in your gut that they are faced with a bunch of problems which not even the most hide-bound engineer can deny, and that their response to those who raise these problems is to us an untried, untested chemical which later turns out to be fatal-FATAL, goddammit-then you may start to think about some of the other things the radicals are saying. One more thing. If the powers that be didn’t -know until later that MACE <was so dangerous, then they can only be accused for ignorance and fear and a whole lot of malice. But if they did know, and the facts are just now being publicized, then we are wallowing ’. in the area of premediated murder. But ,you can’t accuse a whole society of premeditated murder, can you? Speed kills, baby, and that’s the truth. But even speed turns you on before it kills ‘you. MACE just kills you. * FRED KEMP psych dept Custom suggests we should eulogize the retired editor on this page of the first issue -in the new volume. instead we dedicate this letter to Stevyart Saxe who appreciates _this soti of thing and8should have written more &reams of conscience himself, ( lettitor. . .s i . -the


order, and property

Nobodv came out of the trials reported oh pages 6 and 7 with a term in jail, nor were they saddled with heavy fines or expenses. And no one was physically injured either. But that’s not the point. There is little justice in the c,~ courts: the same Gay there isn’t much freedom in our democracy. It’s not pride that is hurt, Judge 1 Kirkpatrick, it is human values. When you ,believe a cop’s first ,duty is to protect property, you should resign from the bench. LAW, ORDER and PROPERTY. Whatever happened to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? WhatG ever happened to real Christian values and sanity? Places become private or public for the convenience of the cops and their courts- technicalities become valid or invalid at the whim of the judge. Nestel was convicted because he held human values, and in them he infringed exercising s on no one. Burko and friends were convicted to keep our highschools safe from questioning influences in that often inhuman environment. In Judge Kirkpatrick’s words, Verdun was supposed to tolerate a little manhandling; he had no right to ask a cop for his supervisor; tind the potential lost value of a pane of glass in a door is

allowed to infringe on the democratic rights of expression and inquiry. And if Howie Petch doesn’t think anyone in his university communities is too worried about law ‘n’ order yet, there’s more. Kirkpa trick doesn’t think campus cops should have to have extensive training in handling obstreperous students. He probably also sees no need for extensive training in handling traditionally liberal faculty members who holb some pretty obstreperous views on academic freedom. Security director Al Romenco produced’ some information in court which should interest a few members of the university comConfidential records munities. from both the registrar’s office and the payroll department were given in evidence without being subpoenaed. That means the cops and probably the RCMP have easy access to everything in the institution’s bureaucratic vaults. The time has come, Dr. Petch, not to establish a code of conduct (for either local utopia or local repression) but to adopt the belief that there is a dire need for change in society. The subject who is truly loyal to the Chief Magistrate will neither advise nor submit to arbitrary -JUNIUS. measures.

The people’s postoffice


Unless federation legal-beagle Steve Ireland is able to find a way through the maze of new posta1 regulations, it will cost $10,500 for postage on Chevrons mailed to off-campus students. Before the change in regulations and rates, we planned on spending about $1200 on postage. The daily and weekly newspapers, who screamed the loudest, got off with a doubling or tripling of postal charges. But minority group publications, with few eiceptions, are being saddled with tenfold increases-because thev aren’t purely capitalist “free” enterprises.

If the postoffice is going to make their operations break even, it’s starting in the wrong place. Such “Canadian” publications like TIME and Readers’ Digest are subsidized by the people-and they get handled better than personal first-class mail according to many postal workers. Junk-mail continues to be handled at a loss; but ethnic, political and labor publications are being forced to fold. Trudeau’s just society has been falsely scoffed at as a justas-it-is society. Somehow, his government is -aiming only at a worse-than-it-was society.

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The incredible If there were any doubts in the Kitchener-Waterloo community about the credibility of the Cheiron’s community issue, the local media certainly did their share to overcome them. The decisions of the K-W Record, CKCO-TV, CKKW and CFCA radio to ignore the city-wide distribution of that april issue only helped get the message across.Local residents had it proven before their eyes that the media will report on’ly what they want us to learn and nothing more. You would think the free dis-‘ tribution of some 25,000 copies of Uniwsit’s student newspaper, something that had never been done before in the twin cities’ history, would have been more newsworthy than much of the trash the media deliver. Even the University of Guelph Ontarian’s highschool edition attracted much more attention.


mass media The dhevron’s community issue constituted a direct and well-reSearched attack on the local power structure and the myths it tries to perpetuate. Neither the media themselves, nor the federal or provincial governments they and their country-club friends control were immune from criticism. The only medium that covered the story,. CHYM-radio, dropped its commentary after three news broadcasts (probably because the news department ‘realized the “Marxist-Leninist” label it was using was grossly inaccurate). Otherwise you would think the is‘- = sue never appeared. All of which merely proves the assertion that the cohmercial news niedia are in John Porter’s words “instruments of an established upper class”.. We trust the K-W residents have! started to get the pictu,re. . h .

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7?heficame Peter to him, and said, Lord; how oft shall my brother sin against me, andI forgive him? till seventimes? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until I seventy times seven. -Matthew ,18:2132

Canadian Liberation

University Press member, Underground Press Syndicate associate member, News Service subscriber. the Chevron is published every friday by the publications board of the Federation of Students (inc), University of Waterloo. Content is’independent of the publications board, the student council and the university administration. Offices in the campus center,phone (519) 744-6111, local 3443 (news and sports), 3444 (ads), 3445 (editor), direct nightline 744-0111, editor-inchief: Bob Vet-dun 9000 copies

See the cops. See the students: they are Purdue Univer,&y radicals. They are threatening the administration building. Isn’t it obvious, See the cops. See the MACE. Aren’t the cops brave. They aren’t using guns. Wouldn’t’ you rather be a blind radical than a dead one?

The staff abolished the hierarchical editors’ list in favor of egalitarianism, anonymity and anarchy. As Jimmy Nagel (now past-past editor) would say, next week we’ll get orgelized. Singing the same old song, but with a different meaning since Verdun came along: Roddy Hickman, Bill Brown, Jim Klinck, Cyril Levitt, Lorna Eaton, Pat Starkey, Don McNeil, Grubby Louis Silcox, Larry Burke, dvmdum jones, Anne Banks, Dave X Stephenson, Stewart David’s in Ottawa, all’s right with the world, Gary Robins floated down into Rochdale, RACSmythe whereareyounowthatweneedyoubadly, swireland gloating over his own veryfirst masthead, and don’t you think ttiis page looks better withour Ted Batke’s ugly crest? , I

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12 the Chevron

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