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10: number




HIUS~ be a guided


Register by Jim Klinck Chevron staff

With timewasting lineups once again in evidence, registration 1969 was less than a pleasant experience. One possible, but as yet untried solution to the frustrating delay is partial registration by mail. Registrar Trevor Boyes has considered the plan, and had thought of using it for this year. He feels


o,f’ the campus.

It couldn

“t possibly

by mail:

Orientation provided several surprises for this year’s frosh. Two-hour lineups greeted the eager ones who arrived to register Wednesday morning. Those without complete schedules had to tangle with the computer because the scheduling program still had bugs in it. Unhoused frosh quickly discovered the housing list contained a high proportion of no vacancies, as the Bell machines cheerfully chimed down their dimes. The frosh found one ally in the orientation committee: the committee members at centroid (in the campus center) issued them with water guns to fight - off overauthoritarian mothers. The engineering frosh found little problem getting scheduled, but their seniors made up for it-the frosh were bussed five miles out of town friday for a field day, but no transportation was provided for the return trip.

greet The friday run by Larry square-dance frosh.

be the lineup





sulting method would be even more awkward than the present one. Approximately 45 percent of registering students receive student a w,ards. The only other aspect of registration that couldn’t be done by mail, is the taking of ID photos. At present course scheduling and preregistration is accomplished through the mails, with approximately 85 percent of the resulting timetables free from conflicts.


evening dance in the campus center, Burko, featured a country and western band, much to the amusement of the

Sunday afternoon in a Village orientation meeting, history prof Leo Johnson introduced a radical analysis of the university-and what was billed as a quiet discussion group ran for four hours of debate, mainly among frosh. Johnson had stood up to give a keynote address, and said “welcome to the human capital industry.” He went on to explain that there were two points of view in the university-most of the faculty and the administration want to continue to train human capital while the radicals want to destroy that process. “There are two sides, and the question side are you on, boys?” asked Johnson.




a solution

however that the fee payment complications due to student awards presently makes this system too impractical. Students receiving a grant must show their social security card to pick up the certificate of eligibility necessary to arrange the bank loan portion, so certificates couldn’t be mailed to students. Although Boyes admits there are ways around this hangup (such as promissory notes), he feels the re-



it 3

16 septem

ber 1969

-Dave X, the Chevron

for lineups?

Boyes also feels the total mailing time for preregistration forms, course schedules, and student payment of fees would make the process too drawn out to be practical at present. “If we worked on it, registration by mail could become possible” Boyes concluded. Under the present system, Boyes feels most registration should be complete by today. About 2200 students were processed Wednesday, with half that number going through the lines on thursday and friday. As this total only covers half the student population, registra-’ tion is being continued for the remainder of this week. (Original

plans called for its conclusion friday. > Several other registration changes have been implemented. Students may now register without a complete schedule, if they have altered their original course requests at least once. The number of students frustrated by last year’s ruling, which kept students from registering until they obtained a complete unconflicting timetable, prompted the change. Now, if your course request is too complicated for the computer to handle, you may still register and have up until October 3 to resolve timetable changes.

Law 59’ order returns to parrking enforcement Enforcement of parking regulations will be back to normal this week after a registration week of grace. Security director Al Romenco said it was pointless to try to ticket offending cars or tow them away during the main registration period. New students unfamiliar with the regulations, parents waiting

for students to register, kampus kops busy giving directions and lack of parking space near the phys-ed building were some of the reasons Romenco gave for the moratorium on tickets. “Enforcement will be back to normal and students are reminded to get parking decals and particularly asked to refrain from parking on the ringroad, ” said Romenco.








Fun and games in the campus

by Students



- Terylene squalls 1 Navy Fall - Leather







and short sleeve Wide variety of colours







BALLS-Sweatsuits Frisbees - Ping 7 pong racquets and balls Adidas Running shoes .


Squall Long




- Red, Blue,


- Blue

in the Basement

Lapel pins & Mugs



of The Campus

- $3.00





from UN6 claims, has resulted from an agreement to place the dispute between Strax and the university into academic arbitration, and by an agreement from the university to ask the provincial courts to lift a permanent injunction obtained to prevent the professor from entering the campus.


But at sity has contract ly firing

weak planned

Charity lovers and other wellmeaning individuals are invited to walk 30 miles for millions saturday 4 October. Inflation has struck charity too, for the walk is two miles longer than last year’s 28 miles. The seven percent increase in miles should match the fact that money is worth almost that much less than a year ago. The local miles for millions

Nixon predict&


202 the”-;tChevron t \c*‘k jt .> *;i + ~r ,.. y.yyL.f - / i* c \I-,,, . 1 .- . , ’ .~fyi*. : t ,


A subscriptiori \, ..< c 7 ,. : .t 9 ,+t‘t< *I’\ ’ ‘G ‘j . , .._ x ,q~ 1’.






student fees

Send _’






IJ of



students to:

to lhe

receive Chevron,




by of

maif Waterloo,


off-campus Waterloo,

terms. Ontario.

cool campuses But the students..




A Louis Harris poll taken of more than 1,000 graduating students from 50 campuses seems to show that student militancy may be on the rise, rather -than on the decline. _*4.--- _- . Of those questioned, 40 percent had participated in demonstrations, while 72 percent would now be willing to participate; 11 percent had engaged in civil disobedience and 35 percent would be willing to do so this fall.



for October 4

Registration forms for the march are available from the miles for millions office, 144 King street east, Kitchener (578-6610). / Further information is also available from Mrs. William Lobban, 744-2551.


The first competitive intramural activity of the season starts tomorrow at the Foxwood golf course., The golf action. will continue on thursday and friday. Last year there were 140 participants, and winner John Morgenroth, then a math frosh, is now a member of the varsity golf team. Team members are i’neligibleX to play in this tournament. The first meeting of intramural


the same time, the univeri refused to renew Strax’s as a professor, effectivehim.

walk is run by the K-W Overseas Aid Inc. which directs the funds collected to overseas development projects.

University administrators and the Nixon government are predicting quiet for American campuses during the coming year-but they didn’t ask the students how they felt. Reports emanating from Washington, based on the views of approximately 100 college presidents and university chancellors who have visited the US capitol during the summer, also state there has been a “considerable reaction against campus protestors by moderate students whose education -had been disrupted. ”


for recruits

muscles would be nice, but even 97 pound weaklings can try out. Both boys and girls are needed. Practises are being held from 5: 30 to 6: 30 tonight .and wednesday. Final judging and selection takes place thursday. Anyone interested should meet at the red north door of the jock building.

The Canadian Association of University Teachers has lifted its censure of the president and board of governors of the University of New Brunswick. The CAUT censure was originally applied in protest against the handling of the Norman Strax affair by the university last year. Strax, a physics professor, was suspended for taking part in political activity on the campus. The lifting of the censure, CAUT




CAUT censure lifted FREDERICTQN,


or to hold fund-raising events such as pub nights. The FASS music room has a piano available for practice at all hours of the day, or for those of nebulous musical talent , chairs are available -in the great hall to sit and listen to the readymade sounds of Radio Waterloo. The campus center also houses the ‘Federation of Students, the Chevron, and a cefeteria-coffeeshop. Operation of the building is in the hands of a joint faculty, staff, and student representative board, with a student majority.

If you enjoy going to warrior sports jumping up and down screaming yelling and all that, but find admission and booze expenses become too prohibitive, here’s a way to beat it. Become a genuine certified Waterloo warrior cheerleader, and get into games (and shape) free. Gymnastic experience and

Red or Blue

Rings, Lighter iBt+kioR





Latest government figures show man today is gradually finding more and more leisure time. With so much time to spend relaxing, it is not surpris-. ing that many people find themselves wiling away hours in the campus center. Chessmen, playing cards, and checkers are all available in the campus center office from the turnkey in exchange for an ID card or driver’s licence deposit. As well, the pool table may be reserved and cues obtained in a similar manner. , Rooms in the campus center may be reserved for, club meetings

reps is tonight in th,e phys-ed buiiding. Men’s intramurals director Peter Hopkins said friday that he was still looking for reps for upper and frosh arts, the four Village units and the Coop., “W,e’re also looking for officials for all sports. Anyone interested should leave their name and the activity they wish to officiate in the phys-ed office,” said Hopkins. $3

a term.

‘People meeting people. ’ Thats the philosophy of Orientation-69 and the place to do it is centroid. .’ Running through the two weeks of orientation, centroid. (formerly the campus center) offers a wide range of activities to get people together. Nightly folk androck jams take place in the pub, while films run continuously from 3 pm in centroid 211. Course counselling for students by students, the people’s liberation lunch counter, couselling services and an information booth all run as a service for frosh from the education committee. Pamphlets and booklet are available for frosh and supper classmen on the ‘various services offered by Orientation 69, as well , as on sex and drugs. I

“The education committee has, endeavoured to stop the alienation and loneliness of freshmen when they enter university. Coming from an environment that has been your home for 19 years into a new and totally different one can be a very frightening exper, * 9 ience. “What is not needed is the constant hazihe of qneanle alreadv solidly impl&ted in t’hat new environment. That’s what initiation is. “Out .of this realization grew the concept of orientation,’ not said Rick Page, ceninitiation,” troid director. “The initiation process can be handled sporadically with very little organization, while orientation must be centralized and organized to a very high degree., Becaus e of this necessity we need-’

BURNAB-Y,B:C. _ (CUP)-The political science, sociology and anthropology (PSA) department of Simon Fraser University has had its ranks decimated by the administration in what deposed department chairman Mordecai Bamberg h’as called a purge. The PSA department had been one of the,most democratic in the country until the administration placed it under trusteeship this summer claiming the department -was incapable of handling its affairs. 3 Until - that time, decisions> including .election of the depart- ment head-had been made jointly by equal groups of student. and faculty representatives. - 1 In a series of decisions the administration has denied tenure and! further renewal of contract to four professors and granted only one-year conditional renewals of contract to three others, including Bamberg. Speaking of two of the dismissed . faculty, Bamberg said, “Anyone who has the least familiarity with I the discipline of anthropology is ’ aware that professor Kathleen Aberle is internationally respected for her scholarship. People familiar with the discipline of soXciology are aware that professor , John Leggett, who has just received a $7000 research grant from the Canada Council, easily satisfies _ the criteria for competence in his -. _ / profession. “Yet both these faculty members, along with others in -the ldepartment, have been fired. “The university committees which made the decisions,” he <.lTsaid, “are less competent than PSA students to make judgements

’ on tenure, and they handed-down their judgements on the basis ,of political decisions rather than academic qualifications. _ “The question is not whether people agree -or disagree with the views of particular PSA faculty. The question is whether this university &ill tolerate dissent, or whether it will violate all stand-, ards of academic freedom and es: tablish a monolithic conformity. . “Why does this administration refuse to tolerate even one democratically-organized and academically-competent department?” asked Bamberg. After PSA was placed under trusteeship, the administration said tenure decisions reached within the department would not be ratified* until the department chang,ed its internal proceduresimplying. an end. to the student parity in decision-making then operating. “Student parity would never have resulted in the gross injustice and academically indefensible recommendations made by the administration ‘s tenure commit- tees,” Bamberg said. “The action of these committees is an argunot a, ment for student parity, gainst it. ” Fifteen faculty members have signed a circular demanding an end to the trusteeship, reinstatement of Bamberg as chairman, acceptance of ‘recommendations made by the PSA elections and tenure committee (composed of equal numbers of faculty and students) and a fundamental recognition at SFU that experimental practices in organization and education procedures be encouraged and not repressed. .

ed centroid-a

place to get people

achieved its purpose. During the three days of registration, centroid offered the freshmen a senior student to rap with and generally .hassle out any problems they are having at Uniwat. and “The human anticalendar

couselling services have_ helped ientation is in and initation is many students work around the _ out. “red tape land hang-ups that, surround registration. Further events offered by cen“The liberation lunch ’ counter troid are Eric Mann, secretary continues to offer its outstanding of SDS; further -films including / _lunches at 50 cents. “If the rest‘of Orientation 69 Wave Length, Wild Strawberries and Citizen Kane; jams every continues as it has during last week, centroid and. the orientation . night in the pub and .free dances throughout the week. coinmittee will have proven or-


‘Yet anoth.er fresh unwittingly


signs his life over to an orienta‘tion-type

16 per&f


of saskutoon afford uniifeiqity

SASKATOON (CUP)-This will -be a bleak year for many Saskatoon students, according to the results of a student council survey taken at the end OI the summer. The survey shows that 16.5 percent of the.2414 students who replied to a questionnaire cannot afford to continue their studies this year. -On- the 9000-member campus, this could mean 1400 students dropping put because of lack. of funds. r The average student expects to save $508.43~of his summer earnings, and students who applied for loans will> get an average of $732. Yet students spent an average of $1640 in the academic year 1968-69. Fees at the Saskatoon c,ampus were increased 5 percent this year, a “significant,” amount to 70 percent of the sample. This means that even an employed student receiving a loan cannot m-ake enough to put himself through a year’s university. Addi-


students fees’-

tional funds can come- from parents, but 40 percent of those replying to the questionnaire said they were independent of their parents. -Many students who hoped to pay their tuition fees in wheat will also be disappointed. More than 1200 applied to,pay their fees here this way as prairie farmers are faced with a glut of wheat they cannot sell. The university has indicated it will accept only 300 payments in grain, the amount they need for research projects. Student council president Rob Garden said the council will propose a number of solutions to the

The Thatcher government has been on a cost-cutting campaign which has hit the universities partitularly hard, however, and extra monies from this source seem unlikely. The council is also attemting to raise money for a student scholarshiP fund. * f ‘Student means are simply not, keeping Pace with increased costs, ” Garden said. “If students are unable to .get jobs in the summer, and if more student aid is not made available, then the concept of universal accessibility to pqst-secondary edu’cation will become increasingly




doing all it Can t0

insure that no’ student is refused an education because he lacks funds.” The council will urge ‘private employers to hire students as temporary or part-time help during the year, and ,request the provincial government to provide additional loans and bursaries, Garden said.


aS .a

whole suffers because of the fact that (those who must drop out) are not working to their full potential. ” Fifty percent. of the students on the survey said they would be willing to demonstrate in favour of lower fees, or -more aid o --


National planning

magazine fall sltart

PORT ARTHUR (CUP)--Students across Canada may be reading a new national magazine by mid-October.

A /so a complete ’ lamps, and OPEN


f<r-yGiJr budget. --

type writers bookcases.






‘ “\\\\~

of chairs,






The Big One Cookedon Charcoal

To be distributed by participating student newspapers with their regular issues, the magazine will carry articles considered to be of national interest, rather than exelusively student concerns. Almost half of the funds nee \ ed to produce the publication were allocated for it at the 33rd congress of the Canadian Union of Students. The rest of the financing will come from sales to subscribers, mostly student newspapers. The magazine is an independent project being run with cooperation between CUS and Canadian University Press, the national student newspaper co-op. Content will be decided by a six-man editorial board composed of two members from each of the national organizations and two independent members. The proposed editor of the pub-

lication is Don Kopsick, former editor of the Carillon, student newspaper at the Regina campus of the University of Saskatchewan, and a former CUS field-worker. “We hope to be able to bring to national attention some of the crucial problems existing in our country that are usually ignored by the regular press.” Kossick said. aegular news media either ingore the reasons behind the headlines or cover them in a very insufficient way. We hope to make analysis part of every story. *’ Eleven student papers present at the congress said they would be interested in subscribing to the magazine. but more commitments will be needed before publication can begin. The possible demise of CUS could also bring an early end runS to thedryventure if the CUS financing .. Present plans call for the first issue to appear in early October with an issue every week thereafter.

Poor pay m,ore, win less says supermarket report WASHINGTON (CINS) - A headed by Benjamin S. Rosenthal (D, N.Y.). federal trade commission report accused supermarkets of driving “The conclusions of this report up the grocery bills of the poor, represent a most serious charge then handing out game prize political sensitivities,” Rosenthal money to their more affluent subsaid at the news conference. “It urban neighbors. is indefensible that the poor, whose The report charged that poor needs are greatest and whose downtown residents wind up payrneans are the least, should pay ing as much as 10 percent more more for food, their most basic for groceries than suburbanites consumer need. ” Pay* The FTC report said the superAnd the report cited the distrimarkets raise grocery bills in city bution by Safeway Stores Inc. in areas by competing less aggres1966 of 48 $1000 top prizes in the sively than in suburban areas and Washington area. Only two top thus providing smaller supplies of prizes went to stores in the Disweekly specials trict of Columbia. the report said. “Federal Trade Commission “This exceeds the probabilities area of chance many thousand-fold, ” price surveys of Washington chains found that 23 percent of said Williard F. Mueller, director advertised special items were not of the FTC bureau of economics, at a news conference when the re- available in low-income area stores as compared to only 11 percent port was released. not available in higher income The report, based on surveys in area stores,” the report said. Washington and San Francisco, the percentclosely paralleled the results of 5 “In San Francisco ages were 7 and 5 percent, reinvestigations last year by the spectively. “’ house consumer subcommittee

GUMPnON The frontier may now be in space, but the action here on earth can be just as lively as in former times. So we specially select active sportswear for our distaff patrons with stress in mind. For the unwi!table, unflap-a pable best of the season’s sporting separates, see us. Quite flattering, in the bargain.



204 the Chevron ‘_ . ,.


Draft docfges itself with court backlog WASHINGTON (GINS)--Those who oppose the draft are discovering that one of the most effective tactics is to give the courts so many cases they can’t handle them. By 1 july 1969, some 2598 criminal cases were pending in all federa1 courts involving various violations of the draft laws, mostly men refusing induction. That amounts to 15 percent of all criminal cases on the federal dockets. The justice department calculates the backlog in the courts runs at lea& one year on draft cases even though by law they have the top priority of all criminal matters. Attempts to get the reluctant inductees to repent before trial have increased, but the backlog continues to grow.

From july to december 1967 there were only 746 federal indictments for resisting the draft. In the next six-month period, the number went up to 1080. In the last half of 1968, 1492 resisters had their cases destined to go to court. The problem for the justice department can only worsen. More than 5600 draft delinquencies are under investigation and thousands more a wait discovery. In the Oakland induction center, a permanent FBI man does nothing but deal with an average of ten draft refusals a day. “He pops up, raps down our rights in a mumbled routine, fills out a few of his forms and starts the ball rolling to court,” said one resister.


RSM p/cm to introduce critical by Thomas


staff The radical student movement is alive, well and hiding in the classrooms of Uniwat. The local g:oup of cynical saboteurs has been meeting secretly in the open through the summer to work on a new approach for their activities. members complained Many last year that the group was nothing more than a radical frat which existed solely as another extra-curricular activity. “A number of radicals were alienated because they failed to act from and around the activity of students in their daily classroom work, ” said RSM member Cyril Levitt, sociology 4. “In this sense the displeased radicals argued the RSM was nothing but another liberal structure which was an appendage to, but not rooted in, people’s experiences. ” In an effort to eliminate these problems, the RSM people who remained at Waterloo this summer planned a conference on the “critical university” concept they had been discussing. The 4PO students who signed the RSM mailing list in the spring were invited to the august meeting. About 50 students participated in discussions, and plans were made to introduce the critical university project into several arts <Iourses. Similar projects in science, math and engineering are still in the planning stages. The structure is based on the philosophy that in order for the RSM to be a meaningful working group ‘it must build from people’s work. Hence, study groups or caucuses will form within various classes. The members of the caucus will meet to discuss the class in terms of its form and content. They will attempt to eliminate the authoritarian structure of the class and confront its ideological basis-the ideology of pluralism. Chevron




What is the RSM and what does it db? The




movement to political

is a loose groups


to work

on the

of non-mainelection


A new rapid reading course rates and student payment vote in a general meeting. That meeting and the subsequent election campaign was based in a conflict between activist and moderate views of the political role of students. The RSM lost the presidency, but the new student council was fairly evenly divided bet ween radicals and moderates. The radical student movement continued after the election as both an advisory group to their council members and an extra-partliamentar y group with its own program. Their best-known project was the library study-in. The student council supported the confrontation, and this was a major factor in the decision of moderate federation president John Bergsma to resign. The winner of the subsequent election was Tom Patterson, a leading RSM spokesman.

“We believe the social sciences are lying to us about the world,” said Levitt. “They preach to us that history has ended, that ideology is dead. Then they tell us that all we have left to solve is problems in social engineering. Well, we’re not going to take that bullshit any, longer. This university is a corporate institution which is as capitalistic as the New York stock exchange. We just want them to admit it; then the students will know where it’s at.” The project is not planned to end in the classroom. The class caucuses will join to form a department caucus, which will deal with the form and content of the class itself. Further, -the department caucus will offer support to the individual classroom groups. “Unlike the various course unions and societies which exist as professional organizations at the pleasure of the faculty, mainly for the purposes of tension management, the department caucus will not be a petty, legalis.itic, formal body, but will evolve from the daily activity of the students. ” The various department caucuses will form faculty caucuses which will become the basic organizational units of the radical

student movement. The RSM will concern itself with the entire university as well as activities external to the university. The critical university project is seen by observers as an attempt to put to work the philosophy of the RSM’s hiring and firing brief (printed in the Chevron, 7 march 1969 ) . “At the same time, it is the RSM’s response to the integrated studies program which the RSM sees as a tension reliever and cop-out from the problems facing students in the_ regular programs.” -Most of^ the members of the critical university working group consider themselves marxists. They feel that Marx and his followers have been deliberately ignored in North American universities for ideological reasons which are paraded around as “objective truth” and “scholarly research” by the faculty. “The growth of the new left, ” said Levitt, “has forced the faculty to relieve some of the tension by introducing a few courses on Marx and marxism. The RSM critical university group has not been misled by the piecemeal placation and they are ready to take on the sophists, spologists and spoonfeeders of bourgeios ideology. ”

- special plan.





Adidas Track & Gym Shoes Football Shoes Squash, Tennis, & Badminton Shoes Imported & Canadian Sweat Suits Squash, Tennis, & Kandralls






y Find You? Is Your Phone Student-Faculty Did you information



Number in the Directory? full & correct at registration?

IF NOT fill out a change

* * * * * *

of address


campus centre chemistry-biology link mathem&ics ’ engineering physics modern language’s foyers

Dead Line Sept. 22





HONEST SAM’S Exclusively

“T/w people who run this unil*ersity understand the curriculum ism. We just feel you ‘re not making it boring enough. ”

42 King St. N. Wat 160 King St. E. Kit.

r@quires you to teach marxProTern (Glendon college) cartoon



1969 (10: 15) 205





Courses in -Eff-icient Reading are being presented -at the University of Waterloo this fall. ‘Thezourses .are, being presented -by Communjcation ,$ervic’es in co:-operation \;vith the Federation of Students. The fee is $47.00 (ini=lud& all books and materials). The course consists 6f t-en l/2 hr. weekly lectures. There are four separate . classes to choose from: , 1 I Class 1 commences 4:‘OO p.m. Tuesday, (Engineering II Rm. 13131

Oct. 7

Class 2 commences 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, (Engineering II Rm. 1313)



Class 3,commences 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, (Engineeri ng iect. R.m. 205)

Ott . 8

Class 4 commences 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, (Engineering Lect. Rm. 205)

Ott . 8

Register at the office dents, Campus Centre. For Helga

of the


of Stu-



information regarding Peti Ext. 2405.



Caesar’s Famous

Recipe . . . I

made with Little Caesar’s Real Italian Sauce and Select bikded Cheese . . . from the giag~ 600’ ovens in the window.

HOUSE-FULL . . . Serves 5 to 7 people 16 Plump Pieces of Chicken, 4 Dinner Rolls BARN-FULL . . . Serves 7 to 9 people 21




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



. . .


Just right for the small family

. . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . .





4 Pieces










with wi

Green\ th

R*Pf Y-L(imported




Mushrooms Famous Italian



I ta1 ian Sausage

Sausage S, Salad


rlzzaourger Green



Mushrooms Ground Onion)


Choice l























1.70 1.75

2.35 2. 35

1.30 1. 25

1.7 5 1.70

2. 40 2.35

1. 55 1. 25

1.95 1.70

2. 65 2.35


1. 60




1.301,. 2 5


with WI th with























2.15 20






J-umbo Fillet








SPAGHETTI with Tomato













Shrimp Perch Cole


















A family Sauce Sauce




.90 1.05

!iorder I/;i oraer1

1.10 11.1u 7l-l

$4 order








Fu 11



Ful 1 ~ l?.. rUAAI 1

order ^vr”e‘ -J-

1. 1A.



. . ._. . . . .each

















103 KING ST. NORTH . _. ,-





. of


.30 .25

.45 .2O





. 40





.35 I

’ 50 cn 3v




special !d order !$ order


206 the Chevron *il.


1.75 1.45










Fantail of Ocean


I 6




% .


1 Dinner









\ 1.80


2.15 2.00


Roll ; . . . . . . . 1.45 Roll, Fries & Cole Slaw .%I


Beef, 80




.. .






2 Pieces

CHICKEN Ala Carte w%th Pepperoni, .IICII,“,“U..U .. I * I. c..r\..nA

. . . . . .- . ; . .


.45 .

/ (per



. 55


Must stress, teaching says newsletter editor This is the text of an editorial in the Faculty Association Newsletter, july-august 1969 issue. The editor is english prof Roman Dubinski.

Judging from the growing volume of criticism directed at the quality of university instruction, an unbiased observer might conclude that there was more than a grain of truth in Bernard Shaw’s wry aphorism that “he who can, does, he who cannot, teaches”. Now, some of the criticism may be unjustified, but even if we take the most sceptical attitude toward it, university teachers would in general admit that the quality of instruction could be better. However, having acknowledged the problem and having paid lip service to the need for improvement, most are content to leave it at that, with the result that inadequate teaching continues and the volume of criticism grows louder. Though not an axiom, academics would agree that the central activity of a university is teaching, though not its sole activity. Yet, several writers have attributed the growing unrest and discontent in universities to an abdication of teaching duties on the part of faculty. These writers point out that more and more undergraduate instruction falls by default to overworked, underpaid, and inexperienced teaching assistants. Students quickly discover that many professors treat teaching as a deterrent to their research activities and take little or no interest in undergraduates. University administrations contribute to the problem by putting a great premium on a professor’s published research, and promotions and recognition generally go the prolific researcher, rarely to an outstanding teacher. Any discussion about the quality of instruction inevitably raises the spectres of systematic evaluation and inspection, teacher-training, and all the other bogey-men associated with pedagogy. As Jacques

noted recently in his book, The college or univesrsity teaching is the only profession (except the proverbially oldest in the world) for which no training is given or required. The basic assumption seems to be, he notes, that anyone who possesses certified knowledge and is not true in all cases, yet many university teachers either strongly resist any attempt made to improve the techniques of teaching or discredit the whole venture as futile. In this editorial we are not suggesting that there is a simple or easy solution to this problem. We realize that compulsory inspection or teacher-training might prove a worse remedy than the disease and






Thirty-three block-and-tackle Warriors flew out west with their coaches friday for a couple of exhibition games. They will play the Saskatchewan Huskies Saturday and the Alberta Golden Bears monday. While the number of players going on the excursion coincides with

therefore feel that such a measure would be impractical. We would urge, however, that every faculty member take a serious look at his own teaching and ask himself if he is perfectly satisfied with his performance. What is needed more than anything is a change of heart about the importance of one’s teaching activity. As Jencks and Riesman (The academic revolution) have argued, the faculty itself has to think teaching improvement is an important enterprise before any significant improvement will take place. In its far-ranging proposals for reforms in the faculty of arts and sciences at the University of Toronto, the Macpherson report has made several important recommendations for improving the quality of teaching that are worth heeding. While rejecting any form of systematic inspection, the report recommends that departments make available to novice teachers more help on how to go about undergraduate teaching, that individual professors undertake self-improvement through viewing their own performances on videotape, and that departments make use of inspection for beginning members of the profession. The report also recommends that the faculty adopt a clear and known policy that promotion and appointment will take expenditure of energy and imagination on undergraduate teaching into account more fully than it is now believed or known to do. Finally, the report recommends that departments and individual faculty members should co-operate with students in making fair and reliable appraisals that would be used to improve the quality of instruction. Closer to home, professor J.S. Minas, the acting adademic vicepresident, in his former capacity as arts dean, issued this statement to his faculty in his report of 8 October 1968: The individual faculty member is expected to be an effective teacher, and his responsibilities to his classes and his students must be accepted and scrupulously discharged. The university is more than an institution of advanced research; it is a teaching institution and its role in this respect is an independent and primary one and not a role it plays merely as a means to enable it to engage in research. Each of us must have a deep and creative commitment to the teaching role we accept by remaining in the academic life of the university. We heartily endorse this statement and strongly encourage each individual faculty member to pay more than lip service to it. As members of the teaching profession, we have a responsibility to our students to teach as effectively as we can. If we are unprepared to make this effort, then we ought to heed Percy Smith-s recent advice: ‘7each - or get lost’:



& The Change

for the very magnetic in fashion




the final number to make the team, coach Wally Delahey says the decisions aren’t final. “We have a lot of talent to look at but unfortunately, the economits involved in such a trip forces us to leave a lot of talent behind. When we return it will be business ‘as usual with all spots still open.

“With 30 holdovers and a keen group of rookies, we’ve had some terrific competition for all positions on the club,” said Delahey. The Warriors first home game is monday 22 September when they play the St. Mary’s University Huskies in an evening confrontation.



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1969 (10:~~5)



by Joan Cohen from the Company of Young Canadians Review, Vol. 1, Nc

The cross1 of reditv Ti he Indian affairs departmen t-is it by incompetents or just wellm fanned in Itentioned and maligned white bureaucrats?


by Lloyd



their land o c



an Indian working for the Kenora alcohol and drug foundation




PROPOSE THAT RACIAL integration in Canada is impossible. This proposition is sad. It smashes the liberal dream. It eliminates the democratic, optimistic claim that we are finding our way to a harmonious the foundations of blending of the races. It dynamites the Indian and Eskimo Association and similar organizations. It asserts that the Indian reserve and Whitetown Canada. for all practical purposes and with unimportant exceptions, will remain separate social communities. I am saying racial integration is impossible without qualification. I just can’t see it happening from the Canadian society. In effect, I’m not kidding myself about realities. All Canadian cities, towns and townships, today, no matter what their ethnic proportions, are ruled by whites for whites. I don’t see the odd Indian Reeve or MP as being anything more than tokens. No harm is done by an Indian who has little influence and no power; he will always be pointed to as an illustration of civic broadmindedness. Oh, sure, people talk about the concessions won by Indians at city hall or in the department of education, but in reality these concessions are just that-the grudging small price that whites are willing to pay for peace and quiet on the reserves and from Indian organizations. No one can seriously maintain that the Indian has ever gotten or is currently getting a fair shake from Whitetown. The proposition would seem to place me in the camp of the bigots and locate me with the hopeless, also probably the racists. It puts at ultimate zero the efforts of the tough and high-minded who are giving their lives to the dream of equality among men. Yet, I am convinced that integration in Canada is a sentimental not a doctrinal idea. We came to the idea late in Canadian history and it disappears readily from the rhetoric of politics-though not from the list of sacred democratic aims-at the first sign of indocility. The vast fuss of improvements in Indian communities is not aimed at integration. Few are afflicting us any longer with such a tiresome lie. All these

208 the Chevron

measures are primarily aimed at the prevention of civic commotions, secondarily at assuaging the conscience of Whitetown and finally helping the Indians. Priorities tell the story. The country of Canada is a white man’s country conducted according to white customs, and white laws for white purposes. I would not even argue that whites should not run the country for their own interests, but they can’t see that racial integration is one of these interests, except in perilous self-deceit. Whites like Indians SO long as they themselves are not disturbed by Indians. Whites have no objection to bettering the Indians’ lives so long as it does not cost much, and as long as it leads to the continuance of Indian reserves and so does not present the threat of genuine integration at any level. The white condition for Indian betterment is, to put it simply, separation. Why is it so hard for whites to say clearly that you do not want Indians or Blacks living among you and sharing your world. 7 There must be dozens of reasons One, I suppose, is that you are playing on one another. ashamed to admit you do not subscribe, after all to a Another is the Christian message that glorious myth. But as something in your binds you to brotherhood. understanding of Christianity made possible the accepit continues to make possible the tance of slavery, shunning of Indians as less worthy than yourselves. Often enough this is accompanied by an aching conscience. Another reason, I suppose, is that after 476 years Indians are still strangers to whites. It is a rare white man who is really acquainted with an Indian. Almost as though arranged by whites. A commanding reason, I would guess, is to be found in the mystique of progress, in the belief that by nature evervthing must somehow improve all the time. Thus, the’present degradation of Indians can be waved aside by referring to better things to come, as come they must to the deserving, perhaps in another century or two or three. &ientific evidence of Indian and white likeness, in all qualities except skin colour does not alter white attitudes, even among the educated. A certain fragile

chumminess has developed between the open-hearted, friendly and well-educated on both sides. But this involves a few thousands, not several tens of thousands, and is far from equality and fraternity, and is no evidence of any important social chance. These encounters do not mark a road to integration but only the nervous response of a few well-intended persons. In giving up on integration I am not giving up on the Indians but on the whites. Whites attitudes are the problems. Sadly enough, there is only one place where we have registered even a mild success: we have more or less integrated poverty. The liberal view is that patience and persistence will in the end perform the miracle. The enemy is ignorant. Whitetown’s resistance, accordingly, is stubborn but penetrable by knowledge and association. Let me put forward more general testimony in support of my proposition. The race situation is marked by growing expression of distrust, hate, and fear on the part of both Indians and whites; growing disillusionment throughout all the reserves; increasing belligerency of young Indians and their leaders; increasing impatience of our Dad-Whitey; growing isolation of the Indian middleclass who have made it; growing uselessness of treaties between Indians and whites as Indian demands become more basic and white resistance more determined. The outside agitation is Whitetown itself. It is ‘important to recognize that separation-non-integration is the way it has always been. The fostering of the illusion that integration is an achievable goal is bad enough in its effects on Indians, some of whom may still entertain a vision of their children foregathering in total equality under the white yum-yum tree. But the illusion is sinister in its likely consequence for whites. By engaging in it they are leaving themselves unprepared for the grand final. What is necessary is the development of a Canadian democratic system which, in itself, allows men to be equal and live in peaceful co-existence, but maintains the existence of two or three viable separate societies.

i , ct \ s

I \



N A HANDBOOK CALLED Chaosa Path, distributed to Indian Canada a communities across Indian year ago, the federal Affairs branch offered some general proposals for a new set of laws for the and invited their comIndian people, ments. The objective, set out in that handbook, was that “the Indian people shall ing

have full equality of opportunity in employment in education, health.”

in society. and in

Yet that handbook, so noble and beguiling in its goals, has unleashed a blast, so powerful and so impelling that it seems almost to have shaken the nation at large out of its long slumber. It has aroused the real Indian spokesmen, and they in turn turn have come forward after centuries of sullen, hopeless silence to unload their pent-up anger on the Indian Affairs branch. Today, people have dicided that., if the Indian people are to work out their destiny and have the genuine equality of opportunity that they have been promised, the Indian Affairs branch and all that it stands for will have to be laid to rest. I think the options are still open- but to view the scene is to move around in a theatre with a thrust stage. Change your seat, and the tableau on stage regroups. Change your seat again, and new elements come into the foreground while others recede. And from whatever seat, there is the problem of sorting out illusion from reality. After all, the first reality is that we, the Canadian people, down through the centuries ignored and forgot the Indians, and not just the Indians, but all our unseen poor. It comes as a shock, to discover Lord Elgin, as Governor General of Upper Canada, saying back in 1854: “If the civilizing process to which the Indians have been subject for so many years had been accompanied by success, they have surely by this time arrived at a sufficiently enlightened condition to be emancipated from the state of pupilage in which they have been maintained; if on the other hand the process has been inad& quate to achieve the desired end, it has been long enough in unsuccessful operation to warrant the adoption of some other method of procuring this result.”

Who, cement express 1960. It to care.

in Canada, took this pronounto heart? The Indian couldn’t, even his indignation in a vote - until wasn’t worth a politician’s while


for itself

Thus, in 1947, the Indian Affairs department was still left to its own devices, with $5 million to spend on an impoverished, defeated-race, just then beginning to reverse its long population decline. Right after the war the Indian population stood at about 120,000. It is 238,000 today, and by now spending by the Indian Affairs branch has soared to $136 million. But even in former Prime Minister Lester Pearson’s time, the department was still coming cap in hand for its pittance. One-insider tells of the time John Nicholson, as minister of citizenship and immigration, brought forward a timid request for something less than $1 million from his Indian Affairs branch to launch a housing program on Indian reserves. It was turned down. But that wasn’t the end of the matter. The smell of battle was by

then in the air: Canada’s war on poverty. And there were people around who took time to look into the matter. More information was gathered, and a new housing program, costing some $5 million, was quickly drawn up and submitted to cabinet. It got easy approval. Today, the department is on. the defensive, for all the things it didn’t do, and for the things it did wrong. There is a general belief, held even by the most dispassio+e outsiders, and even some within the department of Indian affairs and northern development, that the much-criticized reorganization of last September was rushed into effect to make the fortress impregnable. In the reorganization, the services of the two branches were stacked, reinforcing each service-and, apparently, dispensing with nobody. The approach to the North “in which the emphasis is on the economics of development is very different from the people-oriented approach to ’ which Indian affairs should be giving priority attention. There are many sordid sides to that reorganizgtion: the fact that it threatened the fragile links that were being established with the Indian people at that very moment; the fact that it was deliberately concealed from Minister Without Portfolio Robert Andras, then engaged in the delicate mission of consultations with the Indians, and trying to win their confidence; and, the fact that it revealed the insensitivy of the senior officials in the department to the feelings and position of the people they are in business to serve. The change involved a major transformation of the department, and coming when it did, there was every reason forlc department officials to give some attention to the kind of response likely to be. forthcoming, and to ta!e the time, therefore, at least to brief the Indians in advance. When Arthur Laing took over as minister of the newly assembled department of Indian affairs and Northern developmerit in december, 1965; he brought; a new rough-hewn flavour to Indian affairs. He believed in spending, on all the right things: education, public works, resource development , even family counselling. He believed every man could pull himself up by his own bootstraps. He socked it to them. If they were worth their salt, they were supposed to sock it back. He didn’t understand: The Indians didn’t want his handouts. They didn’t want to be told how to run their affairs. They remained hostile. John MacDonald, his deputy minister, was cut from much the same cloth. He’s a development man, and still today he wants to talk figures. The number of kids being educated. The number of miles of roads, of water mains. “Have you looked at the statistics ?” he ask& For the future, he’s counting on more of the same. “I’ve shown (Indian Affairs Minister) Jean Chretien our program. I’ve shown it to Mr. Andras. And I’ve said, “What more can you add? “And they haven’t come up with anything.” He talks about pulling back his people, into regional advisory offices, so that they’re there only when Indians want them. He doesn’t say what is going to happen to the 3,300 people now on his staff.

. Fear

of tokenism

and the general conclusion, particularly since they aren’t being used to help shape .the policy of the department, is that thisis mere tokenism. The Indians are highly suspicious of this gesture. Mr. MacDonald gets around, eventually, to talking about listening to the Indian people..But as if to reassure himself, he quickly points out a problem: the Indian people aren’t agreed on what they want. Of course they aren’t. He was referring, in particular, to the Indian leaders who turned up in Ottawa in early december for the first gathering of the National Indian Brotherhood. Many had never met before, or had a chance to share ideas. There were things dividing them: there was .a generation gap - between the angry young men and the cautious older reformers; there were regional differences over problems and priorities. The group parted,

planning to sort out their views and meet again in six months’ time. . Many who watched them in action were impressed by their ability to articulate’ the Indians’ demands. Mr. MacDonald, too quickly, was anxious to talk about the hole, not the doughnut,. The department is feeling the wind of change, and perhaps sincerely they call it progress. One highly capable Ottawa official, who has observed the changes from his senior post outside the department, feels the department is on the right track even if in many ways efficiency of administration seems to be taking precedence over humanity. Yet he adds another wise suggestion: “Listen to what Robert Andras has to say. You can trust him.” The department, unfortunately, is trying not to. And the changes are still being generated in the plush offices on the top floor of a towering Ottawa office building. Bitter infighting aside, that’s largely what is wrong with them. But quite apart from the Indians, there is a large block of people, scattered hither and yon across Canada, who are convinced that the department is the greatest sirigle roadblock if Canadians a& to redeem ourselves with the Indian people and obtain their genuine participation in Canadian life. With remarkableunanimity, these people charge that the talk of change is just window dressing, and they catalogue a long list of failings and sins of the department.


to adapt

Above all else, the department is charged with failing to come up with any new policies to deal with the growing alienation of the Indian people and with being a make-work operation, for a lot of people incapable of holding down any other job. It is of course consistently charged with paternalism, with being unyieldingly bureaucratic in its ways. ( Some 1,600 members of the staff are teachers, and if the department is sincere about pulling out its staff one would expect some action here. Yet the department has failed to go to the provinces to try to work out a method by which departmental teachers might obtain provincial teaching licenses. Fifty per cent, of Indian children are now being taught in provincial schools, but the changeover has been slow and difficult. Each new transfer of authority for each Indian school requires that federal workers and the province concerned get together for a new round of negotiations. Nor, despite the mounting pressure by the provinces to take over other Indian services, is the department taking any initiative there. There is certain to be some tough arguments over financing when such discussions occur. The provinces want Ottawa to bear the full cost. But provincial spokesmen are coming forward and suggesting that their governments are best equipped to supply many of the services required by Indian communities, and want to open talks with Ottawa. The department continues to stall. There is a sad joke that pops up often among the department’s detractors, to the effect that if all the Indians and Eskimoes disappeared today from the face of Canada, it would be a generation before the Indian Affairs branch learned about, it. Or would want to. Many of the branch’s agents in the field tire war veterans, who are untrained for any other work. And many of the people who have worked their way up to the top of the ladder are form& military men. As one Indian Affairs dropout has suggested: “They knew each other during the war, and they stick together. ‘I’m his captain. He’s my major. That’s my colonel. ’ That’s the way they talk, and that’s the way they still operate.” According that man’s view, few survive the frustrations and bureaucratic ways of the Indian agents’ life, expect those with a “custodial mind”. Such people like to exercise power over their fellow men, to feel important, “They get onto a reserve, get a house on a hill, a motor.boat to rush around in, all the status symbols. “Nobody can do anything without working through them, so they can make sure they system never changes.” Every once in a while a new regime comes in at Ottawa and promises reforms. And way out

on his reserve. the superintendent says, “Sure, fine.” And goes about his business in the same old way. The Indians rely on him for their information - or did until now. If he tells them nothing, noth‘ing changes. He is in control. And what matters to him is his job. In 1964-65. community development officers were being recruited and put on reserves, to try to get the Indian aroused and doing something about his problems. Three-week training seminars were held to try to sensitize the Indian superintendents to the program. But they felt increasingly threatened by the project. In the end-and it didn’t take long-they had their way: the people at the top Closed their arms protectively around their oldtime servants, and the development workers found their scope for action was increasingly limited by directives from Ottawa. Within two years most had gone. In 1967, the department had a total of 100 positions established for community de, velopmen t workers. Some 58 are currently filled-but only 15 officers are living among the people on the reserves. The superintendents have no one to defend them-even deputy minister MacDonald says he has not had an opportunity to assess their performance. And it is they who have perpetrated a great many of the sins that the Indians hold against the department today. Today, most Canadians recognize that something is very, very wrong-and those like Robert Andras who have been listening cai-efully to what the Indians have to say are calling for a complete break with the past. His main concern is that the Indiarl people be brought in on both policy-making and the administration of Indian affairs. The methods have yet to be worked out.




But the minister is insistent that the Indian leaders be plugied into the decision-making level of government, possibly as a continuing task force reporting to the cabinet. And he feels the department of Indian affairs might, by bringing some of this same crop of leaders into key positions, be tooled up to carry out the decisions. The alternative, which -many support and Mr. Andras does not dismiss, is to virtually disband the department. There would be need, somewhere, for a small staff to administer the property held in trust for the Indians, but t.hat is ail. Other functions-housing, training, economic development-could be transferred to other agencies, with the provinces likely being brought in on a major scale to take over services which theJ are providing other residents as a matter of course. The band councils would gain full responsibility over local services, operating as any other municipal council-as even the department proposes today. Which shall it be? The one thing certain is that Robert Andras is being listened to when he talks about the alienation of the Indian people in all its dimensions, and about his “simplistic” approach (as he calls it) to ending that alienation, by starting out with a firm will to get them plugged in. He is also convinced of the need to establish credibility with the Indian people, for a start by coming to grips with the promises made to their ancestors in the aging treaties. He is impressed by the proposal of Alberta’s Indians that these treaties be given the status of law. Until now, in judgment after reluctant judgment in the Supreme Court of Canada and elsewhere, the treaties have been made to take second place to laws put on the statute books by Parliament. The Indians have come to realize that the only way to secure their treaties is to make them equally binding. But more than that, to give the treaty provisions any practical value today they would in some c&es at least have to be renegotiated. The time for decision-making is fastlooming. It could mean the end of the day for the bat&scarred Indian Affairs department-or it could mean a transformation. It has to mean deep and massive changes, or we should all dcmand to know the reason why. tuesday


1969 (10: 75)

209 9

sandbox follies Now that registration is over and the best of Orientation 69 is yet to come, many frosh are probably confused as to what this university is all about. Actually, rumor has it that it’s not a university at all but a beachhead in the international communist master plan. Registration was merely a conditioning process to prepare you for the thorough regimentation necessary in any socialist slave system. Fortunately, there is some escape from it all. TUESDAY-FRIDAY 9 pm-Coffeehouse, food services. Listen to Michael Cooney as hi! deals with the real problems of ‘this all-too-real world. TUESDAY, 7pm-campus center. Eric Mann entertains with a description of the university as theater of the absurd. WEDNESDAY EVENINGTA happening in the campus center. Contents and origins unknown but it is believed the RSM has a hand in it, so be prepared to hear plenty about the inherent contrad>ctions of capitalism.



‘BELTS 3.00

THURSDAY Spm-campus center pub. Dancing to the Harmony Grass. No country and western this time, just straight rock. . FRIDAY 7pm-phys-ed complex, Dionne Warwick, for jocks and en gineers who feel left out by the foregoing. Suitable for normal people too, so remember to get tickets. TUESDAY through SUNDAY-Centroid continues in the campus tenter with music and movies. If all of this seems small-time, there’s always the fast life afforded by the twin cities of Kitchener and Waterloo. All of the followingGREAT MOVIES are showing this week. LYRIC (King street, Kitchener), Siaircase with Richard Burton and Rex Harrison. K-W DRIVE-IN (Bridgeport), Staircase with The magnus thrown in as a bonus. SUNSET DRIVE-IN (Highway 24 at Eagle street Preston) Double bill, Romeo and Juliet and Barefoot in the park. WATERLOO (King street north) You can’t cheat an honest man. CAPITOL (Kitchener) Double bill, Before winter comes with David Niven and Anna Karina and The Hostage starring John Carradine. ODEON (Kitchener) Midnight cowboy with Dustin Hoffman and Jon Voight. If you’re still not impressed - try mingling with the natives in the local pubs, - learn to dance with Ruth Priddle (local 3417)) our expert on ballet, modern, folk and hillbilly. - join the arts drama club-general meetingtonightat 7 : 30pm in the arts theater. - see the art gallery exhibition, woven tapestries from South Africa - bug your professors for answers to these questions: What colour is an electron? Why do I exist? Isn’t truth relative? - Save your money for a weekend in Toronto.

TC? 6.00


TOfOnt rock fest- ’ ’

0 I7oax brg

l /USf

by Jim Klinck Chevron staff


_ From a musical standpoint, the Toronto Rock Revival might have been a success. From an integrity point of view, it was a disheartening failure. About half of Saturday’s dozen or so performers made a reasonable effort to assimilate the rock and roll sound of earlier years while refraining from a mechanical duplication of their earlier recorded versions of the hits. Tony Joe White, with a Creedence Clearwater/Canned heat style of Bayou rock was probably the freshest sounding artist of the day. Simultaneous guitar and harp playing at a level much superior to, the feeble splutterings of most efforts at this style combined for a full sound with drums, the only other backup instrument. Chuck Berry, who stole the show at the pop festival in Toronto earlier this summer, once again ree1e.d off the music that made him the originator of many of the early Beatle efforts. His continuous virtuosity kept the crowd of 30,000 on their feet and clapping for his entire set: A surprise appearance was put in by the Plastic Ono Band, made up primarily of John Lennon, Yoko Ondand Eric Clapton. What started out as an updated

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summary of the earlier Beatle rock tunes soon degenerated to a tuneless moaning and wailing session by Ono. The Doors, billed as the stars of the day,- put in a relatively lackluster performance, playing nothing but songs from their first two albums. They never seemed to “get into” a song except possibly in the latter half of Light my fire and 7he end. Probably the biggest failure of the day-long show was Kim Fowley, the half-witted master of ceremonies. His running monolog was an insult to the very culture that gave rock music the popularity it now has. A contest to find the “freakiest looking costume”, as Fowley termed it, was reminiscent of the New York Times’ annual list of America’s ten best dressed ladies. The hype continued, as he urged the crowd to “give a big hand for the show’s promoters, Brower and Walker”, (that kindly, godfather like duo, who are amassing a fortune exploiting the people that made them the attractive investment they have now become). A way of dress and a music style ‘that grew out of social protest into a distinct culture, is being neatly parcelled and sold to support the very life style it originally opposed.




Anyone interested in contributing to the entertainment pages of the Chevron for the fall term? Drop into the office this week and sign up. Book reviewers and art enthusiasts especially welcome.

i I

I i J



Concert. fair

also typewriters,

by Tom Purdy Chevron staff

Part of the entertainment provided by Orientation 69 was Saturday night’s Chicago concert, playing to an almost-capacity crowd in the jock building. The group has been around for about three years playing Chicago clubs playing mainly top-40 music. They then broke away and started doing their own thing and moved to Los Angeles where people were more receptive to their kind of music. It was in L.A. that they cut a double album (thought by many DJ$ to be a little pretentious for a new group), “Chicago Transit Authority. ” They consider themselves to be a rock-oriented group with a very strong bass/drums background. Despite advance high ratings by Radio free Waterloo and orientation committee members, the group turned me off. What you got out of the concert depended upon where you _ sat,

for the acoustics in the jock cavern are unfortunately far removed from a concert hall. Sitting anywhere other than the front row would transform both lyrics and music into a scrambled garble. At any rate, the concert dramatically illustrated a few priorities at Uniwat. The designers of the gym must have known it would be used for indoor concerts; but neverthless, failed to include some acoustic baffles in their design. The administration can spend oodles of money on musical trees, chairs meant to be looked at not sat upon, and non-conformist road signs, but not on something that would actually be functional and useful to students. Getting back to the group itself, I found that even if Chicago were really all that good, the lighting and sound system would have turned off even the most forgiving rock fan. The group was mediocre; they couldn’t seem to work in unison for most of the time and the brass

chairs, desks and bookcases

section was completely alienated from the rest. Brass was off-key most of the time and lacking rhythm the rest. The vocals were uninspiring due in part to the lack of a good PA system, but also because the actual presentation was childish, off-key and lacking in real emotion. Only Daniel Seraphine on drums seemed to really care what he was doing and managed to give a fairly satisfying performance. Terry Kath at best was an acceptable guitarist, and in the last number tried a little acousticimprovisation - parts coupling sounded good (probably by accident) but the rest was just gimicky. The Chicago concert was a disappointing affair, but just wait until the Toronto Symphony visits the jock building next month. I hope physical-plant and planning does something about the acoustics before then.


spectator sport aspect of music festivals was aptly

shown at Toronto% rock

revival. tuesday

76 September

7969 (70: 75) 27 7 11

’ feedba sorry, we cannot publish unsigned letters, but pseudonyms are published on request. “Me and You, arts 2” can have his letter published with that name if he comes in and signs it. -the lettitor



Mathman deduces solution to Anderson’s opprobrium Nelson is as clever as always. Now Nelson wrote a fatherly memo to Anderson (a childish practice) to prove that Anderson was no more clever than a freshman. Anderson wrote a shorter memo to all but added the word “opprobrium” which proved that he was much more clever than Nelson. Recall that Nelson is no more clever than he was as a freshman. We conclude from Nelson’s memo that he (Nelson) is not as clever as any freshman, there. fore, Nelson is not a freshman, but since Nelson was a freshman, Anderson is more clever than some freshman. We deduce that: a) Nelson is not able to tell who is clever. b) The assumption that Americans are hired because they are more able than Canadians is not universally true. c) We might improve the faculty Nelson with .- by replacing a freshman. d) Since Nelson does not have a sense of humour he is devoid of part of his senses.


LEROY Why did we to CUS if we

F. JOHNSON grad math

send don’t

delegatk belong?

I noticed in the September 10 paper that there was a delegation of students representing this university at the recent C(JS conference. I would like to ask the following questions.: 1. Who paid the bills for these “delegates”? 2. Who appointed them to represent this university? I ask these questions since I recall that we held a referendum last year in which the students of this university voted to pull out of CUS. If we did pull out how could we send delegates? Is this another case where a referendum has been ignored,

e Is Our Business (and 4 SERVICE BAYS-Electronic BRAKE MACHINE SHOP-For

we are good

Equipped the Ultimate

In And


Us - Inspect

Because of the direct questions asked, federation president Tom Patterson was requested to reply. His answers folio w. -- the lettitor

1. The Federation of Students (external-relations board) paid for the delegation as budgeted by councillast spring. 2. The delegates were Tom Patterson, federation president; Tom Berry, vicepresident: Larry Caesar, chairman of the external -relations board 1which is responsible for liaison with external bodies such as CUS. as well as housing. unemployment. international programs. community action, etc.-all matters that CUS focuses on) : Joe Bartolacci, St. Jerome’s rep on council; and Cyril Levitt. sociology 4. The last two are both external-relations board members. The first three were appointed by council, which left the remaining positions open to be filled by the executive if anyone else volunteered; Joe and Cyril were appointed by the executive, as well as Mel Rotman, who decided later not to attend. 3. Waterloo was in CUS until the end of the second full day of the congress-actually the third day that the congress was in session. At the end of the second full day, member institutions must sign commitment forms, promising to pay CUS fees for the full year-membership does not expire until the end of that year. Waterloo signed such a form last year. Waterloo did not sign the form this year, and refused, when asked, to verbally promise to support another CUS referendum this year. For the duration of the congress, all post-secondary institutions present were granted full speaking and voting rights, whether they were members of CUS or not. Nearly every university in English Canada participated. Waterloo’s main purpose in remaining at the congress was to attempt to force discussion of ( 1) whether CUS should exist, and (2) how student governments must be democratized. Both questions were being evaded. I TOM PATTERSON president Federation of Students

at it)


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i.e. remember the vote on the newspaper name? JOHN SCOTT grad chemistry



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letters to Feedback, The Chevron, U of Lt/. Be The Chevron reserves the right to shorten letters Those type; (double-spaced) get priority. Sign it - name, course, year, telephone. For legal reasons unsijrned letters canho t be published. A pseuddn ym will be printed If you have a good reason.

24 Hour



Gazette capitalism

editor asks about in universities

. I assume that the treatment of the James O’Conner statement on page one of the September 10 issue means the editor considers it very worthwhile. I would like to ask abotit the‘sentence : “The growth of capitalism in the present period depends upon the availability of a large, ,highlyskilled, technica’l’-scientific la,bor force. ” This hardly seems unique to capitalism. I would also like to ask about the third paragraph which implies that ’ a need for socialized training has resulted in a capitalistic takeover of the university. Couldn’t one turn the argument around and suggest that by delegating such a function capitalism has tended to lose control of it? These two concerns lead me to question the editorial attention given*this statement. BOB WHITTON Gazette editor Mathews answers who accept U.S. .

colonials control

I have received a copy of the august 20 Chevron, and I would like to comment on a few things written there. i _ \ The student council statement says that we did not look at educational content and research. But we did. It asks, moreover, why w,e didn’t take into account whether “domination” “is in the interests of the Canadian people” or not. The students council of the University of Waterloo may have been’ taught that domination bf one community by another may be a good thing. If they do, then the Waterloo special study is a hell of a lot more apt than we supposed. I The accusation of “chauvinistic nationalism * ’ is a bore, too, _especially in a case where a faculty is so chauvinistic that it is content .to teach as if U.S. material is good enough for anyone on earth, while Canadian materia! is not even made available. , If to want a community (such as the Canadian community) to have full academic access to significant material dealing with its life and behaviour is chauvinistic, then I am chauvinistic. If to ’ want Canadians to have greater opportunities than at present to share in the positions and opportunities in Canadian universities is chauvinistic, then I am chauvinistic. But what are the people there who have written in the august :20 Chevron? Most, &as, are colonial-minded serfs. Why is Canadian material treated at Waterloo and many other Canadian universities with disregard and contempt such as would exist nowhere else in the world? I quote from the editorial: “It is mqst likely that the high number of American professor is only an accident that happened because faculty choose their own kind. ’ However. even if they chose only Canadians, it would have ,little effect on the most important matter: content.” I ‘m afraid I have to disagree with that statement, and from experience. Not only do non-Canadian professors choose their ,own kind, but their own kind choose

their own interests to concentrate on. And since they know nothing or almost nbthing about Canada, a gathering of their OF kind stands in an obstructive relation to Canadian material. Professor‘ Estok seems to have a peksonal beef .with the Univer-’ sity of Toronto. That’s okay. But it isn’t really an excuse for abusing a discus’si’on of the whole probl&m of de-Cdnadianization. We are told that there is a large number of courses in U.S. literature because Waterloo wanted to fill a noticeable vacuum in American studies in Ontario universities. Since U.S. universities are abundantly represented by U.S. literature studies, I wonder why ‘Waterloo english department didn’t think of ,a first-rate graduate pro! gram in Canadian literary studies? Would anybody like to make a guess? I’m (by the way) not a WASP, not an upper-Canadian, and I think the University of Toronto is a bit of a bore. I am not defending the University of Toronto, and how Estok could get that out of the special study I’ll never know. Morepver, I am not concerned who runs the university, whether students, faculty, or other, if _it can be a place of real relevance, with just consideration of tpe needs of all the community. If that means that students must run -it wholly, let them run it. But my experience on the subject of fair opportunity for Canadian students to do graduate work, to have access, significantly , to Canadian material, to have opportunity to take their places in a reasonable majority on academic faculties, is that Canadians have risen to a sense of the need. Others have been lamentably backward in doing so. The people who are working on this issue across Canada are students, teachers, administratirs-canadian in the greatest majority. Why? Your editorial says “Faculty members put their own well-being first and have a definite interest in maintaining the current values and culture of our society. For most, critical content has no place in their teaching”. I/must dissent. One of our consistent protests has been that the truth about minority parties, the truth about the growth of the Canadian trade union mvement, the truth about the exciting and deeply political development of public and private broadcasting, the truth about life in a colonial econotiy,’ the truth about the very real anti-imperial content in Canadian literature is kept. from the Canadian s,tudent. The Canadian student is denied access to the really critical, really relevant, really provocative niaterial in his own life, community, past, and institutions. A final observation. Canadian students are denied. opportunity and denied Canadian material. The only reason they accept the situation is because their minds ~ have been blown. Are you really content that more than 50 percent .of full-time Ph:D. students in Canada are non-Canadian (when for instance, only 4 out of 31 assistant -professors in English at the University of British Columbia are Canadian?) Are you content that three times as many U.S. scholars were hired last year than Canadian? Nearly one and a half times as many Bfitains than Canadians? Two times as many others than Canadians? And that \ .



situation-at a time when the U.S., for instance, has a nat&nal policy to keep out alien academics’and an immigration procedure and law of a highly prohibitive kind as far as academics are concerned Are you really content “that the issue of the nu!nbers qf American faculty and graduate students in Canadian universities is a red herring.. . . ” -- Canadians will always be able to find jobs, won’t they, peeling potatoes, doing janitor work in the universities, even maybe being part-time lecturers, as is fitting f6r a colonial’people taking its proper place in the imperium. I am interested to see, Toreover, that president H. E. Petch is displayed on a ful6page advertisenient helping ,to sell commercial products. I am interested he thinks, of students, that f‘they are important to a university.” I must be excused if I remark that the kind of liucksterism in that advertisement, in which a president lends himself to sentimental support of wishy-wa,shy moralism, selling, and the “stability” lent to a community by the elitist paternalism of capital, is what I saw’ constantly in the U.S. when I was a studentthere. It is the’first time I have witnessed it in so blatant a form in Canada. Is president Petch becoming “americanized-“, or am I an academic racist (to borrow one” of his -terms) by even suggesting the possibility? ROBIN. MATHEWS Carleton University


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The advertisement featuring Petch was not genuine;* however, the purpose of the satire was to point out, some ‘of the same feelings which you have expressed more directly. . -- the lettitcw

Satirical ad made its point says fro& with pseudonym The last page. of the Chevron (august 20) at first looked like another of many ads but turned out to b&an eulogy. How wonderful that no less than 15 big business and seven insurance and financial corporations sponsored the family picture. Whatever happened to the faculty and students? They are either more honest or know better. GUTLESS freshman We LIST




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fle told me plainly that he had been accepted for a position at . the University of Ottawa but that he had subsequently been I iejected because he came from Poland, and Poland was a ’ socialist state. I said I was astonishbd to hear this;



27 1969

MP. Kazimierz Bilanow Ul. Kniewskiego 9 m 28 Warszawa I, Poland Dear Mr. Bilanow: I am pleased to be able to inform you that your appointment as a research Fellow at our Centre has now been recommended to the Board of Governors The appointment, to be effective as of June lst, 1969, or such earlier date as might be conve,nient to you, is at a starting salary of $9,000.00 per year and involves, as you know, collaboration with anotherResearch Fellow in the preparation and publication of a comparative study of some aspects of Private Law. I believe you have a good idea of the nature of the work involved from your discussion with Me Croteau and myself during your recent visit. If I you have any questions in this regard, however, I am sure Me Croteau would be happy to give you any further information you might desire. The working conditions may not be ideal during the current space shortage, but I hope you will be willing to bear with us during this difficult period. This may involve some inconvenience such as, for example, sharing office space and secretarial services with the other Research Fellow on staff, but I doubt that it will seriously interfere I with your work. As you know from your discussion with Dean Feeney, there is a good . possibility of your assuming part-time teaching responsibilities in the Common Law Sectionin 1970-71. In addition, teaching possibilities may exist in the Centre by that time if a graduate programme in Comparative Law is started, as expected. As you will understand, however, no definite commitment can be made along these lines at the present time. The Board of Governors will in all probability consider our request on -. April 9th, and I should be able to confirm your appointment immediately thereafter if you are still interested in this position. I do hope that you had a pleasant and safe trip back, and look forward to meeting you again soon in Ottawa.

I had the impression that Canadians, and Canadian universities, were interested in a free exchange of ideas and certainly Would not make a decision on that basis.

. ’

, April 23, 1969 L. Thank you for yourletter of April 12th. I hope that I have not been overly confident in my letters of March 27th and April 17th, but I must admit I had not forseen the difficulties that might be encountered in attempting-to secure the Board of Governor’s approval to the appointment of someone from a Socialist country. I am at the moment not at all certain as to what the outcome of that application to the Board will be, but will not fail to advise you when we have a definite answer likely within the next few days.


214 the Chevron

* .

Dear Mr. Bilanow: Further to my letter of April 23, I regret that I must now report that, after consultation with the University Administration ,.we have been forced to withdraw your application for employment. This course of action has been necessitated by a shortage of space and financiai r,esources which has only now become apparent. I do sincerely regret this decision but am convinced, after complete consideration of all factors, that there is no way that I can obtain approval for your appointment at the present time. My wife and I both send our best wishes to you in your future en’ deavours and hope that if you are in North America again you will get in touch with us.

, /-


Yours very truly a Douglas R. Wallace

The student of institutional prose will notice immediately how the story changes. In Letter I, the writer apologizes to Bilanow for the possible cramped quarters; in Letter 4, the cramped quarters have become so cramped that there is no space for Bilanow. In letter 3, Bilano w*s problem is that he is “someone from a Socialist country. *I In Letter 4, politics is forgotten and space and money\ are the only issues.



May 6, 1969 1

Yours very truly Douglas R. Wallace

April 17. 1969

I was pleased to receive your letters ‘of March 28 and presume that-it crossed with my letter to you of March ’ 27. We were indeed very pleased to \ hear that you are still interested in.the position at our Centre and it is with real regret that I must report that I am still unable to confirm your appointment. The Board of Governors did meet on April the 9th but unfortunately deferred decision on your appointment ’ until its next meeting on April 24th. We are confident, however, that this delay need not cause undue concern and s that your appointment will be approved on April 24th. I apologize for the delay and faithfully promise to give you a definite answer on the 25th of April. Yours very truly Douglas R. Wallace


Dear Mr. Bilanow:

Yours very truly Douglas R. Wallace Secretary of the Centre Faculty of Law University of Ottawa

Dear Mr. Bilanow:

Thus wrote Saturday Night reporter Peter Stursberg. In Warsaw, he had met Kazimierz Bilanow, who gave him four- letters to prove the story. Stursbercj did further investigating- into this small incident in the field of academic freedom in Canada in 1969.


When I arrived back in Ottawa I spoke to an official of the University of 0 ttawa, who told me that in Bilanow’s case “security” was a factor. I took this to mean that the RCMP had been involved in the case. Finally I asked Bill Boss, the university’s press officer, whether the university would care to make a statement. He replied by sending me the following on july 2: 9


At University of Ottawa a spokesman said that contrary to the impression conveyed by the letters, the question of Mr. Bilanow’s appointment never got as far as the Board of Governors. “He was being advanced by the Canadian and Foreign Law Research Centre, which specializes in Comparative Law, as a candidate for its research- staff. The Centre is strong on, the Civil Law


side but could do with more strength in Common Law. V “Mr. Bilanow’s field is Civil Law and the Centre was asked to try harder for a candidate from the field ,of Common Law. “The question was decided without ’ the University making official or unofficial enquiries of any federal agency for information that would be of assistante in making up its mind. “Matters involving the appointment of academic staff are prepared for the Board’s consideration by the Administrative Committee. It is at that level, not at the level of the Board, that Mr. Bilanow’s case was put in abeyance.” The statement, Bill Boss informed me, was approved by the Rector of the university, Dr. Roger Guindon. It, of course, changes the story again, in two ways: (a) The appointment has now been blocked at the administrative level, rather than by the Board of Governors, as the Wallace letters clearly said; (b) The whole question of space and financial resources has been dropped; now it is Bilanow’s field that is wrong-he’s Civil and what they wanted was Common. When this curious news reaches Bilanow he may be even more confused than he was last May. In any case, the incident thro-ws a curious kind of light on the state of academic freedom in Canada. -

The PR men’s ivory tower Gazette editor Bob Whitton Another reality of the capitalasks some naive questions about ist universities is that known the role of capitalism in universocialists simply aren’t hired sity training in his letter to the in the first place. Those who editor (feedback, page 13). manage to get hired under a libHis first question amounts to eral facade have to stay that asking the significance of only way until they get tenure. the first sentence in a pair of If they’re honest, even critical sentences where the first names profs who aren’t necessarily the situation and the second gives socialists face loss of promotions its significance. That trick is often or dismissal on ‘phony grounds. called quoting out of context. Two Waterloo poli-sci profs His second question is to be met that fate last year because expected from an administration they didn’t bow and scrape mouthpiece. The myth of the enough for their superiors. The apolitical, academic community main reason their contracts were dies hard. not renewed, said their superiors, The administrators and sen- was because their fields were ior faculty of Canadian univerwrong for the priorities the desities are more effective than partment had. One of, the disthe big business boys on the missed profs was hired by the board of governors when it comes his tory department because to purging critical faculty memshe’s one of the few experts on bers. China in Canada. The cases where the purged Student-affairs provost Bill faculty members have fought Scott was forced to resign last back are well known: politicalwinter because he dared to be scientist George Haggar at honest. His two faults were supWaterloo Lutheran, physicist porting student control of the Norm Strax at the University of campus center and nominally New Brunswick and political backing radical candidate Brian scientist Stan Gray at McGill. Iler’s bid for re-election as FederThe official reason the adminiation of Students president. stration gave for Haggar’s dis. Through all this, the university’s missal was that “he would be bosses maintain they have no happier elsewhere. ” The public ideology at all, that they have no found the firing easy to accept political opinions. But that is an because the media’ frequently ideology in itself which defends pointed out that Haggar personthe status-quo as unbiased, ally supported the Arabs against neutral and correct. Israel and said Canada should This ideology is so defensive send aid to North Vietnam. that even in a supposedly unopinFiring Strax and Grav was strictly-legal situation much easier because they “.dis- ionated, such as the one described on the rupted the university” by particiopposite page, the people who pating or encouraging nonviolent run the university ensure that it demonstrations. It didn’t matter at the that they hadn’t broken any laws will remain completely and were never charged in the service of capitalism. The case of Kazimierz Bilanow courts. But the capitalist bias in hiring should prove to Gazette editor and firing goes much farther Bob Whitton why capitalists have than the more extreme cases that not lost control of the university by delegating the job of training make the headlines. Many cases are kept quiet for their personnel to the administraperson’al reasons or because tors and senior faculty. the individual involved does not Whitton should also note the want to jeopardize what chance kind of role that administration mouthpieces like himself play he might have left to get another job. in that operation.

Where incompetence is a virtue Perhaps it is fitting that the institution of higher training which calls itself “A university of its time” should start out the academic year with something jokingly ‘referred to as registration. It’s not just that lining up is a waste of time that could be eliminated by processing everything but ID cards through the mail. Since everyone needs an ID to use university facilities there is for stusufficient motivation dents to come in voluntarily. The registrar’s working staff did try hard to keep the line moving. The point is-it’s not necessary. Another reason to register by mail is to spread final sch$duling over a period of time so a computer breakdown does not inflict such a hardship on those who remain unscheduled at a crucial time. This would also

make better use of our expensive toys in the math building. A third problem which would be avoided is the lack of parking in the vicinity of the recreation (possessively referred center to as the phys-ed building by the phys-ed school). This is a problem that the university of its time will have to live with well past its time as a permanent monument to a complete lack of intelligent campus planning. The university seems determined to make itself an ivorv tower-by ignoring physi&i realities if necessary. To accomplish this goal, incompetence is regarded as a virtue as long as the incompetent administrators accept the basic rules of bureaucracy: keep your place in the hierarchy, work within the status-quo, keep the institution growing, shut up and wait your turn.

Freedom won’t make them free The articles in this issue’s centerspread were written before the Trudeau government made its basic decision on what to do with the Indians. ’ The Trudeau decision to get the federal government out of the Indian business and let the Indians do what they like with their reserves made nice-sounding democratic rhetoric, but ignores reality. It is rather like setting the slaves free in the U.S. south after years of bondage: they will continue to be used as slave: by the economy and will find nothing but a ghetto for a home. After 200 years of merely keeping the Inhians alive and o& of circulation Qn their reserves, Trudeau is making political profit by giving them “self-determination” and taking away the tax money that the Canadian people have been led to believe is only. used to buy booze. To ensure he gets no further political problems from Indians, Trudeau has told the provinces they can have any remaining governmental responsibility for the natives, but no money. The subject of money should be considered in relation to the treaties which were used to legally steal most of the Indians’ property in return fqr a pittance. If that were not enough, the government has systematically over the years take’n away most of what the treaties had left for the Indians. The treaties which the Indians signed in good faith were to last “as long as the grass grows and the water flows to the sea, et&‘.

Canadian Liberation

University Press member, News Service subscriber,

The supreme court of Canada has ruled time after time that parliament can take away Indians’ property rights. ’ They could ‘at least have ruled the treaties invalid on the grounds that white man has so screwed up his environment that there is now considerable doubt that the grass will continue to grow or water will make it to the sea. The Indians were repressed because they were only barbaric socialists who insisted Canada was their hunting ground while the white man insisted he had discovered it. and used violence and religion to prove it. The Indians took care of their own and lived in harmony with their environment. The white man deprived him of his livelihood and self-respect and put him on a reserve, claiming he was a savage who couldn’t be assimilated into a civilized society. .Now by dumping all responsibility’ thk government will force either assimilation or annihilation on the Indian. “The new legislation”’ said Cape Croker chief Wilker Nadjiwon, “will allow an Indian to sell his property for two bottles of wine.” Trudeau will not only save the taxpayers a few mill& dollars, but he will force a few more disillusioned souls into the labor market to help keep wages dbwn. And as an added benefit, the bourgeois press will probably hail it as a great step forwarh and proof that Trudeau’s “participatory democracy” is a viable alternative to the socialism proposed by irresponsible radicals.


Press Syndicate



the Chevron is published tuesdays and fridays by the publications board of the Federation of Students (inc.), University of Waterloo. Content is independent of the publications board, the student council and the university administration. Offices in the cam-pus center, phone (519) 744-6111, local 3443 (news), 3444 (ads), direct nightline 744. 0111, telex 0295-748; editor-inchief: Bob Verdun 12,500 copies Struggling hard to put out the second paper of the term without the help of our new recruits, a bunch of whom took the leap into journalistic oblivion last night, we proudly present the diehard staff of t he peo@e’s Chevron: Jim Klinck, Alex Smith, Una O’Callaghan, dumdum jones Tom Purdy, Dawe X, lAmpchop page, Cyril Levitt, Knowlton Collister (left out last time), Thomas Edwards, Kevin Peterson (Calgary bureau), Bryan Douglas (Montreal bureau) and George Russell (Ottawa bureau). If you didn’t make the staff meeting last night, drop in anytime-you’re still welcome.



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