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10: number







23 septem

ber 1969

Presidents take hard line on discipline In the wake of campus disorders across the United States and particularly at Sir George Williams University, the committee of Ontario university presidents has issued a paper on campus order. The paper is to be considered and used as a guideline by Ontario university administration in deal__-v=__-=-==_===z-_I_______ Complete lmslm


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page. 2

ing with behaviour “unfit for the academic community”. The report divides this behaviour into two sections-obstructive behaviour and violence. Discipline is to be administered by a standing committee of faculty and student representatives, however “in cases of grave emergency, the president may call in police without consulting the committee”. The penalty suggested for most disturbances is suspension. As well, the report recommends the police be called in if this action fails to halt the “obstruction”. ’ “Violent action is unnatural to the university, yet the only way it can be contained is through counter-violence” the report continues. ’ In conclusion, the report mentions that “although the procedures recommended are distasteful they are necessary, for the very existence of the university is at stake”. Waterloo acting administration president Ho ward Petch agrees with the recommendations of the , report in general. “Of course, not all universities

are identical, and it may have to be altered to be of use at Waterloo” he stated. Petch feels the university senate would be a good place to consider the report. The seizing of an area, preventing it from its proper functioning is what he sees as ‘obstruction’. The recommendations of Waterloo’s president’s advisory committee on student discipline and university regulations called for elimination of double jeopardy, (where a student could be punished by the university as well as by .Ontario courts) in its September 1968 report. Petch feels there is no such thing as single jeopardy, since offenses can be made simultaneously against the university and the laws of the land. The radical student movement has issued a reply to the committee of presidents’ report, and as well has called a general meeting for Wednesday night to discuss the “order on campus” recommendations. The meeting will take place at 8pm in the ,great hall of the campus center.

RSM replies This is the complete text of the radical student movement reply to the committee of Ontario university presidents’ order on campus statement.

It is painfully obvious upon reading the statement of the committee of presidents that this document represents a well-coordinated

Tour checks by Jim Klinck Chevron


A campus tour of a slightly different color than the usual frosh tour, highlighted John Bordo’s campus center speaking engagement friday. Bordo, a PhD student at Yale, probed the non-action outlook of most students. “You’ve got nothing here but a straight capitalist university” he lashed out. “Your profs are merely laying a mind trip on you which prevents you from seeing what is going on. ” Explaining that revolutionary action is Bordo synonymous with daily action. urged students present to stop electing a student’s council to sit around and talk about action, and to start struggling themselves against what is wrong. “How many of you have ever been on a real tour of the university?” he queried. “Connect saying with doing and get out there and see the relations of authority. As long as you sit in here watching movies and listening to records those in authority \ will be happy. ” With this exhortation still ringing in their ears, about 25 students set off to tour the sections of the university not usually toured and see authority in action. Professor Dick Steffy’s psychology 110 class was the first point on the itinerary, as the group decided to give students attending classes a chance to join the tour. Angered mutterings and jeers greeted the group, as they explained what they had in mind. Steffy lightly suggested that with 200 psych students and only 25 on the tour the group could be easily put out of the room. More seriously, he suggested the students should let them stay and “face what was going on”.

managerial attack on student activity in Ontario. However this move has not come about in a vacuum. It has come in response to students beginning to question and oppose capitalist society. The illusion that fourteen presidents of Ontario universities spontaneously gathered to hammer out a working paper on discipline-and order within the university is only put forward in a half-hearted way by the presidents themselves. The truth of the matter is that the president of the University of Ontario, Claude Bissell recently returned from Harvard, has handed down the policy of the Harvard corporation and others to the managers of the smaller branch-plant schools in Ontario. The groundwork for this working paper has been laid on the various campuses over the last few years. At Waterloo, the administration has been pushing for a disciplinary code for some time. A committee of faculty, students and administration was set up to examine the problem of student discipline. The committee decided that a disciplinary body was not -needed because any illegal behaviour would come under the jurisdiction of the courts, and any further trial or action by the university would constitute a situation of double jeopardy. (Double jeopardy refers to the trying of an individual for the same offense more than once. ) The double jeopardy issue was responsible for the rise of the free speech movement at the Univer-

universiiy /Tourist Ross Taylor, grad psych, asked one vociferous student objecting to the ‘interruption’ why they should be put out. “What can a professor tell you about life that we or any of your fellow students Taylor demanded. “What do couldn’t?” you need him for.” “We can’t just come in here and think,” the student rejoined. “And besides we aren’t here to learn about life, we came to learn psychology”. A lengthy period of laughter and applause followed. Another of the tour members brought questioning closer to the subject matter of the course in asking why psychologists weren’t questioning points such as why the rate of psychological problem cases for Toronto is closely related to the city’s economy. Steffy agreed that these aspects of psychology were important. “Most major work in psychology to date has been puny” he continued. “Yet psychologists continue to mollify the problem” Bordo pressed. “You’re involved in reproducing a spectacle, in conditioning people to accept these problems. ” As the tour prepared to move on, the psych class was once more invited to atwhat is tend and “see for themselves happening at the university. ” “When you find out come and tell us,” was one student’s response. Stop number two was the main administration offices in the modern languages building. The office of acting administration vicepresident Jay Minas was shown by the tour guide. Minas was out at the time. “Why is this chair soft and swivelled, sitting on this luxurious carpet” while her’s (Minas’ secretary) is small, hard,

sity of California at Berkeley in 1964. ) By agreeing to the committee of presidents report, administration president Howard Petch has committed himself to reject the decision of this university’s studentdiscipline\ committee which specifically rejected double-jeopardy.



The presidents’ release accomplishes three things: (a) it seeks to hide the nature of the conflict within the universities today by superimposing the myth of community; (b) it seeks to drive yet another wedge between so-called radicals and the rest of the student body; (c) by perpetrating the myth that individual campus administrators really decide the policy for their respective campuses, it seeks to hide the fact that the real relationship between campus presidents and the committee of presidents is one of manager to board of directors; and between the presidents and the American university corporations is one of branch plant to imperial conglomerate. There are problems in Canadian universities. The problems do not consist of disruptions of the normal process of the university nor are they manufactured in the heads of a small group of students. These problems are inherent in the purpose, nature, uses and functions of the university. They relate to the values and assumptions underlying the university where the rhetoric is one


of academic community, valuefree research and uninhibited inquiry, and the reality is one of a corporate capitalist institution serving the class needs of an imperialist system. Keeping in line with most previous working papers, this one refuses to explicate the values which underly it. For example, the paper states that it is wrong for faculty members to endorse radical students and that division in the faculty is in itself a bad thing. Further, the administration puts the onus for disruption and the subsequent police violence on the students without understanding or attempting to understand the material conditions surrounding the disruption. The administration in this way absolves itself of all guilt.



There is a paradox in this action by the administrators. In the United States, political repression on campuses comes directly from a complexis such as the California state legislatorUniversity of California administration-California highway patrol -national guard. In Canada, in contrast to the California or land grant college systems, the universities are so elitist and aristrocratic in tradition that the elite who run the university feel the necessity to preserve the illusion of the university’s autonomy from the “state”. Consequently, the elite must demon*continued

on page 3


and on a tiled floor?” queried one student. The tour guide could not answer. Another inquiring tour member began to read from a sheet on Minas’ desk-“The university must be a place for free inquiry, protected from pressures.. . . ” At this point the secretary removed the paper, explaining that “Dr. Minas has some personal material here”. As the group moved out, the secretary was asked how much she was paid. “As much as Minas?” “Oh I couldn’t say,” she answered,‘ “but not near as much as Dr. Minas. I’m not as brilliant. ” Acting administration president Howie Petch’s office was also vacant, as Petch had not come in for the day. One of Petch’s two secretaries, Mary Busbridge rapidly removed a pamphlet on injunctions and suspensions from Petch’s desk leaving the group to inspect the artwork hanging on the office walls. Leaving the confines of the arts complex, the gradually growing group headed to the engineering sub. Another psych class, psych 100 was the only large class in operation at this time. “Sir, could you tell us how you mold people”, a member of the tour asked professor Fred Kemp. “Why did you call me sir? ” Kemp replied. “I mold people by passing on the myths I have been taught, and receive a substantial salary for doing so”. “Why do you pass this on, if you know what you are teaching is a myth.” Kemp explained that he had taken the question as a general query on teaching methods, and answered referring to how teaching is generally done. “You stay and attend this course for the rest of the term, and see if I perpetuate or attack those myths. ”

At this point, several of the students in the class began to leave. “If I were you I’d stay and hear this out” Kemp urged the class. “It’s things like this that break down the goddamned structures that have things screwed up. ” In response. one student explained We’re phys-ed students. We play by the rules. ” “And that’s why we’re here”, Bordo countered. “To question the nature of those rules and who sets them.” “We just got here” We aren’t ready to be referees yet” the student concluded. “How can be begin to learn?” Bordo asked”.‘ Do we break down these structures that have the faculty and admin controlling course content, or remain unquestioning and help perpetrate these power relations when we leave university? ” “Engineers talk about being professionals, but they are really just the controlled tools of a capitalist society,” Bordo continued. “If you’re talking about the university, lets leave capitalism and politics out of it, ” a student said. “Oh fine. We’ll just treat the university as some far off detached body,” Bordo suggested, gesturing to the skies. “What are the alternatives to these structures you speak of?” another student asked. “I can’t answer that’: Bordo countered. “What do you want us to do, give you a ready-made blueprint of a new life style? Thats what we are attacking. The change must arise out of everyone’s struggle, and not merely be the imposed will of a different minority than is running things now.” The radical student movement is considering instituting an RSM tour bureau. \




‘If violence,,threartened, , Recent years have witnessed a mounting wave of demonstrations, confrontations. and violence in North American universities. Increasinly, these disturbances have been characterized by exremism and violence, confusion and division on the part of faculty, frequent tacit or vocal endorsation or radical students by some faculty members, a wide range of responses by university administrators (all the way. from condoning or forgiving extremist behaviour to prompt reliance on the police), demands for amnesty in the aftermath of violence, and a growing disaffection and rage directed at the universities by the public and legislators.

1 .


issues in an atmosphere of mutual respect. They will continue to make changes. where discussion and examination demonstrate opportunities for improvement.

There can .be no doubt that violence constitutes a serious danger to the survival of the universities as places of teaching, research and scholarship. These functions at the highest level can only be performed in an environment free from coercion. By accepting membership in the university community an individual acquires new responsibilities.

l All students, faculty and employees of the university will be required to identify themselves to any officer of the university on request. Failure to comply will be interpreted as evidence that the person is not -a student, faculty member or employee.

Illegitimate disturbances within the universities fall into two classes-those which obstruct the normal processes by which the university carries out its academic functions and those which, whatever their other characteristics, invoke violence or the threat of violence.

l violence against guest of the university

any member community ;


l deliberate interference with academic freedom and freedom of speech (including not only disruptions of a class but also interference with the freedom of any speaker properly, invited by any section of the university community to express his views) ;



l forcible interference with the free: dam of movement of any member or guest of the university;

l If. the obstructive behavi.our is not promptly discontinued, the persons will be advised that they have been suspended.

l obstruction of the normal processes and activities essential to the functions of the university community.

l If, after suspension, the obstructive behaviour is not discontinued, the police will be brought in.

grave emergency of individuals or to property, the the police before the special stand-

l Following suspension,, the suspended person or persons will be charged before the university’s properly constituted disciplinary authority (regardless of any action taken by civil authorities). They will be .accused of wilful obstruction of the university’s processes or violence, / or both, and if found guilty will be liable to expulsion, or dismissal.

The university recognizes that these procedures are distasteful and that the penalty for offenses is severe. It fervently hopes that it will not find it necessary to invoke these sanctions. At the same time, the university is adopting this position because it is convinced that the very existence of the university is at stake. Expulsion or dismissal is the only appropriate penalty for those who would challenge the university’s right to carry on its affairs through orderly and peaceful discussion and its right and responsibility to be a house of intellect.

If -the ruling is that the university’s processes are- being obstructed, -the president will be required to warn or have warned all those involved. l

l theft or wilful destruction’ of university property or of the property of ’ members of the university;

In Ontario the focus of protest has been on the governance of universities and,on the programs and curricula. Much but not all of the protest has been exercised fairly and legitimately and the universities have shown their willingness and ability to be responsive to the need for reforms.

l In the case .of involving the safety immediate danger president can call calling into session ing committee.

l The president will have available to him an appropriate standing committee of faculty members and students chosen by the senate of the university. The president will be empowered to call this committee into session without notice in the event of disturbances occurring in the university. The committee will be asked in any such case to rule first whether the disturbance involves violence or threat of violence. The committee, in the event that violence is not involved, will be asked to rule whether the disturbance constitutes an obstruction to the university’s processes.

and unacceptable acIllegitimate tivities, as listed by Harvard, include the following:

As observed by the faculty of arts and sciences at Harvard, these responsibilities -“require him to see how easily an academic community can be violated, knowingly or unknowingly-whether by actual violence or by lack of responsiveness to widely perceived needs \ for change; whether by impatience or by insensitivity; or by failure in a process of decision to make sufficient effort to consult those who have to live with the results of the decision.”

The universities in Ontario will tinue to b,e responsive. to student

The university therefore will consider all of the activities listed above as cause for immediate suspension. When a disturbance occurs, disciplinary action will be implemented as follows:

However, the universities will not carry on discussions or make changes in the face of threat or other forms of coercion. The unlimited range of ideas essential to the university function cannot exist in the presence of coercion and he who interferes with free discussion and exercise of the rule of reason exhibits behaviour unfit for the academic community.

l If the ruling is that the disturbance involves violence or the threat of violence, the president will be required to suspend the person or persons and call the police. Cases of violence are beyond the capacity of the university to deal with alone. Violent action is unnatural to the university and yet the only response by which violence can be contained is the exercise of counter-violence. The university recognizes that in such circumstances there is no acceptable alternative to enlisting the police for the protection of the academic community. When the police have been called in and when charges have been laid by civil authorities, the university will not intervene. It should be noted that the police may on their own initiative come on campus if there is clear and present danger to life or property.

It is possible to have peaceful demonstrations to draw attention to issues without interfering with the academic processes of _the university and such demonstrations are entirely legitimate. The university, while anxious to accommodate legitimate dissent, is not prepared to tolerate dissent or demonstration which involves any of the abovelisted illegitimate activities.

cerns and opportunities for improving the ways in which they perform, The faculty, administration and governing bodies are prepared to discuss with the students the merits of proposals on any

This is the complete text of the working paper of the committee of Ontario university presidents, titled “Order on the campus’*.

call the poh


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Vie *RSM


university concluded


p. 1

strate that the universities can keep their own houses in order. Therefore, paradoxically, the administrators have placed themselves in the vanguard of the repression in order to prove their as free and critical “autonomy” institutions. The committee of presidents drags out the red herring of the doctrine of “harmony of interests” (which asserts that in the public sector there is a unity of interest of all individuals and classes) when it discusses the “rage” of the public directed. at the university. No single public interest exists. It is the working people of Canada who pay for the universities. It is the corporations (predominantly American) which control and benefit from the universities. If the rage of the taxpayer is directed at the students then it is indeed misplaced. It is further obvious that the so-called legislators are nothing more than the servants of corporate interest. There can be no doubt that violence constitutes a serious danger to the survival of the universities as places of teaching, research and scholarship. The Canadian university is an active participant in the institutionalized violence of the capitalist i system. It is well integrated in terms of form and function with the AmeriIt produces technican empire. cians and apologists so desperately


lunch, where prices

is not value-free,

needed by corporations ; provides necessary research for the American military-industrial complex ; produces tension managers for industry; backs up American efforts in foreign countries and contributes as well to Canadian imperialism. It is not value-free; it is not neutral. Internally, the Canadian university reproduces capitalist social relations (the way in which it treats its own workers, the way in which it views itself as a corporation, the way it reifies people and treats them as commodities, the way it forces students to compete against each other, the oppressive nature of the student-teacher relationship and so on). In terms of content, the university produces nothing but bourgeois ideology (the ideology of liberal corporate capitalism). In Ontario, the focus of protest has been on the corporate nature of the university and how it functions within the imperialist system and the specific bourgeois content of its curriculum. In terms of the administration, none of the protest has been exercised fairly and legitimately, for an anti-capitalist critique must necessarily exist outside the legitimacy of capitalist channels.

it is not neutrd

grams and curricula”), not with ‘are countless theories, hence sity are violent; the freedom of what the students’ critique is all countless worlds), the one real the university is repressive; the about. property of the university is violworld passes us by, ‘We live our The authorities of the University lives in the one real world. We are ent as is the research; and power of Ontario will continue to be resis defined by the needs of capital. told to leave our lives outside the ponsive to corporate needs which classroom and outside the univerIt is inconceivable that a univer\ demand ever more sophisticated sity in Canada would do research sity. tension management techniques The rule of reason becomes the for the Vietnamese as opposed to and will continue to program stu- rule of oppression when the valthe Americans. dents to internalize their own op- ues of reason are the values of an Only demonstrations which are pression “for improving the ways oppressive system. ineffectual are deemed legitimate People must in which they perform”. by the authorities by definition. choose whether they favor an opThe governing bodies are prepressive rule of reason or a rule of The university is not prepared to pared to discuss with the students, tolerate dissent which is able to liberating activity. faculty and administration the translate itself into effective acIt is not surprising that the workmerits of proposals on any issue in ing Ipaperbases its definitions tivity. of an atmosphere where both sides Further, the eight point proposal the words “illegitimate” and understand just who has the power sets up “unacceptable” on the list put of the Harvard corporation to decide. They will continue to forward six bogus points in order to legitiby the Harvard corporamake changes where discussion matize the real power. In any tion. The basic flaw in the definiand examination demonstrate op- tions relates to the refusal to ackcrunch the seventh point gives all portunities for the co-option of no wledge the reality power to the president, the lackey’ of power these changes by the capitalist of the ruling class. relations. system. For example, should the univerThe ruling class understands However, the universities will how strategic a role the university extend an invitation to manunot carry on discussions or make facturers of war materials like sity plays in the maintenance of changes when students and faculty system. It is willing Dow Chemical recruiters, or be- the capitalist ‘begin to attack the legitimacy of stow a degree upon leading capitalto tolerate activity as long as such the distribution of power; that is, ists like Solandt, McLaughlin and activity remains ineffective. agitate for changes which are disEaton? It is the students who However, when power relations functional for the present manageattack these people whose heads begin to come under effective atment of the university which acts will be busted by the cops. tack, the liberal marshmallow ’ in the corporate interest. The people who run the univer-^ quickly bares its fascist fangs. The university favors a multiplicity of explanations for the operation of the world. This necessarily obscures the fact that events Students ignored occur, decisions are made, wars are being fought, people are being The committee of presidents, killed, the few oppress the many, however, has shown a willingness only to deal with the problems as and so on. As long as overenrollment and “In order to give students the they have set them up (“governWhile faculty teach that theorcourse transferring exists at cheapest price on books, the ance of universities and on the pro- ies change the world (and there Waterloo, the bookstore will probstore operates on a break-even ably run out of several books each basis. The extra money necessary September. to hold more books than might be Bookstore manager Elsie Fisbought, as well as the high shipcher sees little relief to the probping costs to return unsold books lem which plagues some students makes overordering a poor anseach year. wer” she stated. The bookstore orders its stock With so many new faculty of books around the last months coming to Waterloo, Fischer finds of the winter term, using lists obmany books are used for only one tained from the various professors year. This, as far as she is ‘conand faculties to estimate the numcerned, means books can’t be ber of copies of each book needed. kept over from one year to the These lists are prepared primarnext in most cases. “As well” she ily from preregistration forms in continued “if we kept 20 extra the case of upper year students, books, at say $10 a book, we’ve and rough estimates for first year $200 tied up which we can’t afford students. to do, unless we raise the price Enough books are ordered to of books. ” exactly fill these requirements. The problem arises when faculAs long as students are withties are overenrolled. As well, out books, the bookstore plans popular courses which are transto try to shorten the wait for ferred into by many students newly-ordered books. rapidly use up the entire supply of texts before the demand is Reorders are being telephoned exhausted. One suggested method in, to get copies to Waterloo as of avoiding this problem, which soon as possible. However we“re leaves students bookless for up to still completely at the mercy four weeks, is overordering. of the publishers” Fischer said. Fischer vetoes this idea as im“Waits of up to four weeks aren’t possible under the present set uncommon for American pubreally are lower, outdraws the campus center coffeeshop. up of the bookstore. lishers”. 1

Bookstore inevitable:

shortage Fischer

Postws-Hipfwellq - btcense3 3 hdyPaints tuesda y 23 September

1969 ( 10: 17) 243




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needs more volunteers The volunteer counsellors in the campus center’s rap room need help-in the form of more volunteer counsellors. The rap room is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week for students to drop in and talk over their problems-bureaucratic or personal. The need for this type of informal counselling on campus has been proven by the great number of students who are visiting the volunteers. If you are interested in spending several hours a week-or month-to assist in this very worthwhile venture, contact Carol Jones in the campus center office.

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Crowds in the bookstore have been kept down by only letting a/ limited number in at a time. Cashier lineups still exist.


The science society has moved its headquarters to room 253 in the them-bio link. All science students are asked to drop in anytime and help out with some of the various activities planned for the upcoming year. Tonight at 8 pm in the grubshack, SciSoc presents big brother night, the first major event of the new year. The informal addresses of the evening will be limited to a half-hour period, followed by discussions between faculty and students over coffee and doughnuts. All science students are welcome.


CROSSING \ Ours is, from left to right, over the chest of our double breasted blazer. This year’s edition is definitive, buttoned six times for dash, twice for function. As illustrated or other fabrics, it is a flattering stowaway for travel, a daily ally at home. Fit into it, soon.



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TORONTO (CUPHI a r r y Crowe, dean of York University’s Atkinson College, has been challenged to explain a secret meeting he called September 15 to recruit 40 students as “pacifiers” during freshman orientation ceremonies. Mrs. Pearl Chud, vicepresident



tomorrow The first society meeting will be held tomorrow night at 7:30 in bio 295. The most ambitious program planned for the year is the publication of a course critique, outlining all of the undergrad courses offered by the faculty. In an effort to provide some sort of communication between the society and the students a society publication the Bard will be distributed once a month. A fall weekend, films and social evenings will round out the activities for the year.


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pacifiers of the Atkinson student council, charged tuesday that the meeting of selected council members was called “to get 30 or 40 senior students to act as ushers at orientation meetings so they wouldn’t have any outbreak of violence... or disruption. ” On September 11 members of the Atkinson student council and members of the York student movement disrupted a teach-in featuring York dean of arts John Saywell and Liberal MP Philip Givens. The YSM challenged Saywell and Givens to justify the connection between the university and corporations set up exclusively for private profit, and the special treatment given corporations by government . The college apparently hoped to avoid further disruption by using these “pacifiers”. There were no incidents during last week’s orientation exercises. September 16, Interviewed Crowe said there had been no meetings or formal discussions regarding a plan for dealing with potential disruptors. Later that day he admitted that such a meeting had been held, adding that the ushers were intended as “pacifiers” in case of trouble. On tuesday morning Bill Farr, secretary of the university, warned the YSM they might be physically assaulted if they tried to challenge speakers. Chud, a strong critic of Crowe’s belief that the only relationship between a faculty member and a student is that of a master and apprentice, said she was not invited to the meeting because “they felt male students would suit the purpose better.”



U.S. tfiul LOS





,sit‘ hcdi

designed to “set an example’ ’ for other student activists and win political points. for governor Ronald Reagan and district attorney Evelle Younger of Los Angeles county. Reagan/is running for re-election next year and Younger has announced his candidacy for state attorney general. “It’s a very important case,” said prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi. “Heretofoke students have been getting .amnesty in rriisdkmeanor prosecution and a slap on the \


group of 24 student demonstrators facing a total of 1731 counts of conspiracy add kidnapping, could become the legal guinea pigs for harsher penalties aimed at student activists in California. The students, from San Fernando State College, are believed to be the first ever charged with mass felony indictments in connection with student unrest. nection with student unrest. The students and their lawyers believe the severe charges weye

support grows foi #u .$30/i-sci ciepartmeint



BURNABY (CUP)-The chairman of the history department of Simon Fraser University resigned’ thursday after six students with voting rights in the department successfully swung the body into support of SFU’s political science, sociology and anthropology department. John Hutchison announced his resignation in a closed session. after the department. went on record as deploring an administration trusteeship of the PSA department, and demanding the restoration of autonomy to the department. Neither motion would have passed without the support of six

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BY \J+D.,




’ .


23 September

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this fall, the hiring of more minority staff members and the creation of academic progrtims in black - and Mexican-American studies. Their trial began a week after Reagan signed into law several new bills which would stiffen penalties for student demonstrators. One would make it a misdemeanor to disturb the peace in a state campus-or to fail to leave that campus when ordered to do so. Another bill would c’ut off state scholarship aid to students convicted -of participating in disturbances.

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versity’s administration buil’ding and forced the acting administration president Paul Blomgren to sign a list of 12 demands. Other school personnel were not allowed to leave for several hours and it has been said they wkre threatened with knives. Blomgren repudiated the agreement the qext day, saying he.,had signed it only because he was afraid for the safety of his staff. After the inciderit, however, faculty ‘and student leaders met for several months and hammered out an ( agreement that contained many of the changes demanded by the students. These included the admission of 700 minority group students

students in the departmenta meeting who introduced the re solutions and then voted for then en masse. Hutchison, only recently electei as chairman of the history de partment, had been heavily in volved in last year’s crisis at SFU He was one of two faculty whc went to Ottawa to request the Canadian association of univel sity teachers to censure SFU fo undue interference in academi affairs by the university’s boar of governors. Other departments, particular1 geography and english, are appar ently considering their suppor for the PSA department.

Waterloo 15


wrist. If some of these students get stiff sentences, like six months in prison, it seems to me the case could have an effect on campus militants. They have gotten away witli murder, but they might think twice before doing it again. ’ ’ The students are charged in connection with an incident last november 4 when a delegation from the San Fernando black students union met with the school’s athletic director to demand the removal of a freshman football coach they said discriminated against black students., After the athletic director refused their request, about 50 students occupied a floor of the uni-

‘I 5

. Obstruction





be suspe

responsible We doubt

to physil


by Bob Verdun Chevron staff



out from

the landscape




can kill.

In a page one story in friday’s Chevron, ,hree administration bureaucrats blamed 1 blind railway crossing on a Canadian. nortgage and housing association reluirement. The crossing is on Seagram drive where ;h& university’s married student resilences are under construction. A man-made mound of earth along the -ailway tracks was necessary as a noiseshield in order to get a mortgage, said the administration, Physical-plant and planning director Bill Lobban even said that he had question?d the mound (called a berm) as an added zest. Lobban also said he didn’t think it was very effective as a sound barrier. Safety director -Nick Ozaruk said he has sent a letter to the Canadian National railway asking them to cross Seagram drive at 10 miles an hour instead of 30. Operations vicepresident Al Adlington, who is responsible for both PPandP and the safety department, stressed simply that the berm was a CMHA requirement, so it was built. . So much for the truth. Now what is really happening? The berm is indeed a CMHA requirement. But other CMHA requirements are that the buildings be sufficient distance back from both the railway tracks and the

road. It follows that the berm does not need to extend almost to the edge of the road as it does now. There is also significant doubt about the necessity for the berm to be as high as it is now, especially near the Seagram drive crossing. Lobban says he questioned the added cost of the berm in design stages. and also says he wonders how effective the mound is as a sound barrier. Approximate measurements from a campus map show the berm along the tracks by the new residences to be about 260 yards long. Similar measurements of (along the existing berms on campus tracks, parking lots and roads) measure about 4400 yards. The added cost Lobban maintains he questioned, amounts to about 5.9 percent of the existing length of such artificial mounds. This doesn’t include the numerous landscaping mounds within the campus that make walking in a str:. ‘It pat,h between buildings difficult. Lobban also maintains that the berm might be ineffective as a sound barrier, but photos on theses pages show how effective sight barriers the berms can be. Safety director Ozaruk only wrote a letter. No sign has been posted on Seagram drive warning of the blind crossing. The berm has been in place for some time. It will probably remain for some time.

PPandP director Bill Lobban doubts the effectiveness of berms as sound barriers. But the-y sure make good sight barriers. This is the view to the left fbr drivers entering the south campus ringroad from Columbia street.

The ringroad 6


246 the Chevron

near Minota a






It took PPandP

this accident to even paint

on the Minota Hagey a centerline on curved

hairpin in October I967 stretches of the ringroad.

to get






the administration

52is sign not only makes it difficult to see traffic, but at night it is so bight that it can cause temporary blindness if looked at for too long.

call the cops?

Just to be consistent, another bright-light obstruction was plan ted at the Columbia street exit, where the traffic pops up to 40-60 miles an hour.

This is an editorial That a man-made mound is creating a possible death hazard at the Seagram drive railway crossing is just a product of the valuesystem of the bureaucrats who run this capitalist institution. The CMHA-requirement line is a half-truth alibi for some of Uniwat’s $15,000-a-year-plus elite paper-shufflers. ’ Most of the blame lies with the physical-plant and planning department, which according to an official policy statement, i’s con-

lbban said he questioned the berm at the married student residences as / added cost. These bits of landscaping could prove costly to pedestrians the engineering corner of campus who can hardly be seen by motorists.

itors leaving the parking lot near the foodservices building should beme. Cars are only seen briefly between the them-eng building and the t piece of man-made landscape obstruction along the ringroad.

cerned with the planning of new construction.. . the planning of landscape and site deveropmen t.. . (and working) closely with architects, contractors, other university administration departments, the faculty and students.

The blame for the traffic hazard itself may rest with PPandP, but the fault for its continuing existence is shared with the safety department and the operations vicepresident. A bulldozer could have removed enough of the berm in an hour to alleviate the hazard. This would not require the least bit of bureaucratic hassle, because the residence is barely . under construction .and the noise barrier isn’t necessary until it’s occupied. Instead, the buck was passed (a typical capitalist phenomenon). The department for which Lobban is responsible has proven itself incompetent. The existence of numerous unnecessary traffic hazards and Lobban’s additional alibis are ludicrous. As for Ozaruk, he and his $21,OOO-a-year safety department are totally unnecessary and probably make the evasive, irresponsible bureaucracy even more so.

Besides writing memos, Ozaruk’s accomplishments include a new policy on checking fire extinguishers (something PPandP used to be responsible for) and a set of residence safety rules, including the prohibition of candles. If he could ban the frequent blackouts, we might be getting somewhere. The functions of the safety dcpartment should probably go back to where they were originallyunder security director Al Romenco. Not only do Romenco’s security officers see and have some understanding of campus safety problems every day, but .Romenco knows how to get things done. ’ The only thing Romenco can’t do is to get Lobban’s department to do it properly. The solution was not to create a new department and give one of Lobban’s men the job (Ozaruk was formerly PPandP plant manag-, er). The solution is rather to clean house at PPandP and get rid of the operations vicepresident in charge of it all. If this were not a corporate capitalist institution, Al “law’n’order” Adlington would not be allowed to get away with such obstruction and disruption. If students on this campus took a bulldozer and removed the berm, or held a sit-in in Adlington’s (or Petch’s) office until the berm was removed, they. would be expelled. Human compassion (like the prevention of an unnecessary death or maiming) has no place in the system. l



1969 (10: 17) 24> ” 7 ’

sandbox f
















Courses in Efficient Reading are being presented at the University of Waterloo this fall. The courses are being presented by Communication Services in co-operation with the Federation of Students. The fee is $47.00 (includes all books and materials). The course consists of ten 1 l/2 hr. weekly lectures. There are four separate classes to choose from: Class 1 commences 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 7 I (Engineering II Rm. 1313) Class 2 commences 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 7 (Engineering II Rm. 1313) Class 3 commences 4:OO p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 8 (Engineering Lect. Rm. 205) Class 4 commences 7 :OO p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 8 (Engineering Lect. Rm. 205) Register at the office of the Federation of Students, Campus Centre. For information regarding courses phone Helga Petz Ext. 2405.

Now that orientation is over and homecoming is at least five weeks away, live entertainment on campus is at an all-time low. The next big event is the Gordon Lightfoot visit October 11, followed by The lady’s not for burning (National players of Washington) and the Toronto Symphony. In the meantime the Waterloo theater has come to the rescue with an international film festival featuring films by such greats as Bergman, Truffauf, Godard, Forman and Bone!. Most of the other theaters are showing their usual fare ranging from schmaltz to horror with the odd good one thrown in. LYRIC (124 King street, Kitchener, 742-0911) What ewer happened to aunt a/ice? A suspense story in the tradition of What ever happened to baby jane. Geraldine Page stars as a nasty widow who knocks off her housekeepers for their money. Ruth Gordon (the friendly witch of Rosemary’s baby) plays the housekeeper who spoils her fun. The Italian job (starts September 26) is yet another almost-perfect crime, in which Michael Caine and Noel Coward combine forces to snatch four million in gold. FOX (161 King east, Kitchener, 745-7091) Oliver, the musical version of Djckens classic, Oliver Twist. Spirits of the dead (starts September 25) is a threefold effort by directors Vadim, Fellini and Malle to present three Edgar Allan Poe stories. Vadim’s episode is notable for its chauvinistic casting of Jane and Peter Fonda, and its exotic sets and costumes which look like Barberella cast-offs. Fellini’s segment is by far the best starring Terence Stamp in a satire on Italian movie making and makers. THE CAPITOL (90 King west, Kitchener, 578-3800). A double bill, Journey to the far side of the sun and Strategy of terror. The former is a quickie attempt to cash in on the success of 2001. The baby sitter and la lover (starts September 24). Two sex exploitation films with little content and bad acting. ODEON (312 King west, Kitchener, 742-9161) Midnight cowboy continues. Director Schlessinger pulls no punches in this beautiful indictment of the American dream. Jan Voight and Dustin Hoffman give their best as two outcasts trying to make it in the concrete jungle of New York. FAIRVIEW (Fairview shopping plaza, Kitchener, 578-0600) a double bill--Yours, mine and ours, a schmaltzy situation-comedy, and Support Your Local Sheriff, a surprisingly good western parody which never quite caught on, starring James Garner. Yellow sybmarine (starts September 26.) The Beatles full length cartoon which is extremely well done and Revo/ution which promises to reveal the weird rites of the hippies. It’s interesting for the number of top underground groups that appear in it, notably County Joe and the fish, the Quicksilver messenger service, and the Steve Miller band. WATERLOO (24 King nort.h, Waterloo, 576-1550) You can’t cheat an honest man and My little chickadee, closes tonight, but a film festival starts tomorrow. f owing couples, (starts September 24), Mai Zetterling turns director to give us a Swedish showpiece which is notably anti-men, marriage and sex. Personna (starts September 25). A psychological study of merging personalities between a nurse and her patient, by Bergman. September 26-La guerre est finie, Alain Renais, explores the mind of an aging revolutionary fighting a lost cause. September 27--Viridiana, Louis Bonel’s masterpiece of incest, rape and religion. September 28-Stolen kisses, Truffaut’s sensitive biography of a young man’s journey through adolescence to maturity. starSeptember 29-La chinoise - a John Luc Godard film on revolution ring his wife Anne Wiazemsky. September 30- Loves of a blonde- Milos Foreman’s touching comedy explores the pains and pleasures of youth. If you should visit Toronto this week there are a few events worth taking in. THE NEW YORKER (651 Yonge Street) easy rider-a movie about two hippies wheeling around the United States, their discoveries, disillusionment and final demise. THE UNIVERSITY (Bloor street west near Bay). A/ice’s restaurant, based on Arlo Guthrie’s folksong, The a/ice’s restaurant massacre, with Arlo starring.



WUfWiCk ccpnceft

u sellout

by Una O’CaIlaghan Chevron staff

More than 5500 people packed the jock building friday night to listen to Dionne Warwick, a singer ’ whose popularity has zoomed in the last couple of years. The show began with a band from North Bay, just another in a seemingly endless stream of excitement-t h r o u g h-electricity rock bands. Like most groups of this kind, the level of musicianship was rather low, the lyrics were almost inaudible, and the fellow on trumpet just couldn’t make it. This group was followed by apologies for a delay and a man hustling Dionne Warwick programs. At last the real moving and shaking began. The band (four pieces) set up and was soon followed by the Constellations whose function it was to warm up the audience. In this they were inhibited by the necessity of not upstaging the star, but they nevertheless did a nice job on some tunes, notabley, Sunrise, sunset, and were well received. At last Dionne Warwick appeared. She is an extremely attractive .woman, a capable vocalist, and a thorough-going professional. Her show consisted of renditions of songs, some of which she popularized, and included The age


GuwadEm& and



of aquarius, The look of love, Promises, promises, You’ve lost that lovin’ feeling, Alfie, and Get toge ther.

There are many complimentary things one could say about this show. The members of the band were recruited from among America’s better music,ians, and played with skill and finesse. Dionne herself has a quality of voice which grips the listener emotionally. She sings in tune, uses dynamics effectively, andhas a good sense of timing. The audience was sufficiently pleased with it all to clap along with some songs, applaud all of them at beginning and end, and give her a standing ovation at the conclusion. But, but, but.... l It seems to this humble reviewer that it is an insult to a paying audience to plug a record durin a concert, no matter how coy1 B it is done. The people who booed when the guy plugged his programs at $1.50 should have given her the same treatment. l Her introduction (in which she referred to the awful state of the world) was nauseatingly naive, if you happen to believe that the world really is in an awful state. It led to Dream the impossible dream and What the world needs now. l There surrounding

was a certain aura this show, a certain

Maurice Evans, drama director for the coming year will be holding a series of workshops in the arts theater during the fall term. Anyone in-’ terested should contact him in the theater building room 121 or phone local 2127.

also typewriters,

chairs, desks and bookcases

Despite the crummy acoustics more than 5500 people crammed the jock building friday night to hear the Dionne Warwick concert, final event of Orientation 69. slickness, which said to me that all the American performers despised the audience. Even if this is untrue, it was clear that there was not a lick of spontaneity. Every note, every word, had been well worked out in advance, and has been repeated on other campuses. l For the money involved in this concert, Dionne Warwick should have been backed by a full orchestra. This would have at least doubled the kick of the concert. One gets tired of watching entertainers and their agencies milk the campuses. l A final point concerns the use* of the phys-ed building for concerts. The acoustics were adequate for friday’s concert, due entirely to the use of amplification equipment, and directional speakers. The Toronto symphony orchestra is coming to this build, ing in October, and I have serious doubts about the use of the building for this purpose; After all, who wants to) hear a symphony through a public address system?


745-1171 N KITCHENEF





All those interested in i working on the week I_ are invited to attend.


745-4763 8 Erb St. East

WEDNESDAY, in the .office

SEPTEMBER of the federation

24 at 7:00 of students



-Puttiii@ it-all in pers#2ectivti Several months ago while in Vancouver, I was engaged in an informal debate on Marxian social analysis when a close friend made the comment that in a capitalist society students were the most exploited of all classes. Upon pondering his thesis, I was pretty well forced to agree that students in our society are in the process of having their minds stolen and that was surely the worst form of human exploitation. f It goes without saying that Canada is a capitalist society, which means, of course, that all real power is concentrated in the hands of a very small number of people. Those people with the power, the corporate elite, number from 900 to 1000 people (John PorterThe Vertical Mosaic) or .005 to .0044 percent of the Canadian population. The rest of the population exists in varying degrees of powerlessness, the vast majority being completely powerless, as they are dependent on the corporate elite for their real-life alternatives. It is clear that the type of concentration of power to which I have referred is necessitated by the type of economic organization that exists in Canada, that is to say a capitalist economic organization which dictates the nature of the entire class structure -The class structure will in turn define the norms and mores of our society, or in other words, the~.value structure. The most obvious prerequisite of the capitalist value structure is that it socializes people to powerlessness, so that the people are plainly and simply unconscious of power. The capitalist value structure must insure the fact that people are incapable of being anything but other-directed. That condition is necessitated by the hierarchical authority structure which exists within capitalist industry, the military, politics, etc.; if the position of those in authority is being constantly challenged by democratic peoples’ forces, or in other words, the hierarchical structure self-directed people, crumbles and with it those capitalist functions just mention%ed. Therefore, it is in the interests of the corporate elite that they preserve the socialization to powerlessness and the other-directedness of the. mass of people in our society. Unfortunately, the corporate elite in this country has been altogether too successful in insuring those conditions. One of the foremost mores that contributes to the socialization to powerlessness in this society is the belief which is perpetuated thatlman ‘Yndividually” is responsible for his “individual” destiny. In other words, if man rises to a position of power, it is because he is good, ambitious and has workedf hard. If he does not rise to great heights, it is-be-: ‘cause there is something intrinsically wrong with him. Such an explanation of how man attains his position in society is excellent for defending the status quo, but, of course, is a complete denial of the forces of socialization. The masses, unfortunately, believe it is because their religion and schools teach it. This belief creates terrible problems for organizing and for the development of social and political consciousness, because people don’t see their personal problem in a social context. In other words, a man in our society very seldom sees his personal problems as soci$ issues, rather he sees his personal probelms as a manifestation of some personal failing in himself. The result of the type of social psychology I have just described is extremely depressing for those who would bring about total social change by whatever means necessary. I say that because the masses, be they intellectual or manual workers, have been so inculcated with the “meritocratic” ideal that they believe that those in po,sitions of authority must be there for some good reason. (That is to say, their perceptions of reality are blinded by the belief in the meritocratic ideal). As a result, their thinking runs in such terms as: “If he’s in authority and lin not, he must be better than I am. Therefore,

a letter from international

Canada to the union of students /

by Bob Baldwin

. how can I attack him?” What follows from that type of thinking is catastrophic. Students allow themselves to be moulded to the shape of an often ignorant, bigoted, socially unconscious and h ypo critical professoriate, and workers allo w them selves to be trampled by the corporate elite. In this complete suppression process, the schools play a fundamental role. From the outset, education, which determines to a great extent to what level one can rise in the capitalist class hierarchy, ’ discriminates against children from the lower classes, thus thwarting equality of opportunity. lntel- ligence tests and the substahtive material even in primary schools have upper middle and upperclass biases. Arithmetic problems will be worded in terms of profit and cars’ m’iles per gallon. History texts are about great ‘individuals” and so on. All of these things make it easier for upper and upper-middle class children to identify themselves with the material, than it is for workers’ children to do so. Ghildren are given marks for deportment, courtesy and manners according to class values which discriminate against workers ’ children. Tea chers, because of their social class which is above discriminate against workers’ that of workers, children because they appear at school less *welldressed and dirtier than those of the higher classes. The teachers somehow correlate this with the child’s ability to learn! Therefore they don ‘t hold the same academic expectation for the worker’s child and devote less time to him. It is a vicious circle. What is often more alienating for workers’ children than that already mentioned is the type of physical organization of the classroom and the authority of the teacher. Workers’ children are usually freer in their young years than the children from other classes. They therefore find it more difficult to get along in the rigidly-organized classroom than do children from the higher classes. They are more often subject, as a result, to disciplinary problems than the others. The parents, unaware of alternative forms of education in terms of the rigid classroom organization. usually reinforce the tea> cher’s disciplining at home. The results are obvious. First, the child becomes alienated from the educational system because he can ‘t identify himself with it and is constantly being punished in the schools for what to him are not misdemeanors. Secondly, he develops an authoritarian coimplex which is, of course, education’s gift to the corporate elite. Of course, the last straw in terms of the means by which education discriminates against workers ’ children in education is the overwhelming cost of higher education in Canada. It costs about $2,000 a year to send a student to university in Canada and the average wage is about $5,200 with the me_. -._dian--even below that. Obviously-&% the-cost of higher education in Canada represents a greater barrier to higher education for the children of workers. ’ It seems to be the case that the discriminatory education which exists in Canada is reflective of a philosophy of education which is geared to a perpetuation of the corporate elite and its interests. This, though, is hardly a surprise. Educators, who are, of course, among the elite’s lackeys, give students throughout their years of study only one type of goal orientation. . a professional one. That is to say, education is sold in this country as a means to social status. Unfortunately, this is reflective of an educational system the prime function of which is to mold and train people to.fill the professional slots that the elite has created in society. The type of education being demanded by the

\ I


Canadian union of students associate secretary 1968-69, published in the IUS journal on the democratisation and reform of education. ’

elite reflects itself in very concrete terms in the i schools. For instance, as you may well be aware. Canadian schools, both in terms of the classroom and the higher governing bodies, are extremely autocratic institutions. In the classroom, the professor‘s word is not subject to question. In the higher decisionmaking bodies, the students are without meaningf ful representation. The effects of the situation are two -fold. First, students become disengaged from their schools and the educational process which goes on in the schools, because they have no responsibility for an education which is being determined by others. Furthermore, the education being offered is not being geared to the needs and desires of those being educated, but rather to the needs and desires of the elite. Secondly; students become socialized to powerlessness. This is, I think, a natural result of having no power to control the nature of their existence for so many years of their life. The societal effect of this latter point is to have education pro duce a citizenry which, because it doesn’t see itself as being a legitimate agent for. action or reform and has never had the opportunity to be self-directing,- is incapabfe of directing itself. Obviously, given such a state of affairs, it is easy for the elite to direct the mass of Cana?%an citizens.“” I’?, i -.’ Another-effect of elite control of education is that an ever-increasing proportion of students is being directed into technological studies with no corn- ’ prehension of social or human studies. This situation results from the capitalists’ ever-increasing need for technocrats, given the advanced nature of economic development in Canada and Canada’s counter-revolutionary political stance which necessitates an attempt to keep up militarily with the progressive world. What the elite needs is bigger and better machines to which workers will-be enslaved and ever more devastating war mat 8 ial. Therefore, what they require is technocrats who won’t analyse in human and social terms the fruits of their labor. Canadian education produces those technocrats as the elite requires them. (Engineers producing napalm is a good example of what I’m referring to. Surely no one with any humanistic education could produce napalm). Since the elite and their government control vast sources of research funds, -there is an increasingly dangerous phenomenon taking place within the Can adian professoriate. The professors can now make far more money doing research and publishing than they can teaching. They therefore resist more and more tJ7e teaching aspects of their jobs and want to be left to do their research. The’most obvious result of this is poor teaching. However, what in the long run may be far more devastating is the continuing compartmentalization of knowledge; something which is in the final analysis, a very wholistic entity. The resultof this compartmentalization is to present a distorted view of knowledge to the students and, furthermore, to make the Canadian professoriate immobile with regard to academic reform, if it in any way threatens their ability to steep themselves in their research. I have suggested it already, and I must reiterate it: that, educational planning and reform will only’ be meaningful in the context of a view of man and the nature of society. The type of education which will exist in any society will depend on the limita tions which the state decides to impose on the education process within it. It is very important that the human values of education are guaranteed predomrnancesover any ancillary values such as edu cation’s role in furthering economic output.

Order, not justice,

on campus

We have devoted much of the ing debate within a classroom first three pages of this issue to that the professor doesn’t want to engage in. the committee of Ontario university presidents’ report and a The presidents’ statement is reply from the radical student carefully written and heavily movement because the issue is laden with pluralist expressions immediate and important. like “academic community”, 1 The report is much more than freedom”, “free “academic a working paper for discussion discussion”, “exercise of the rule within the universities-it a- of reason”, and “house of intelmounts to a law lacking only lect”. royal assent, and it has gone Such rhetoric should have a through not even a semblance. of very hollow meaning for students democratic procedure. who aren’t simply willing parThe committee of presidents ’ ticipants in the human capital is the executive committee of industry and ‘for faculty who the all-but-in-name University aren’t concerned with only their of Ontario. Its paper amounts to fat pay.checks. 0 final policy and no member of The RSM reply contains some the committee will dissent. rhetoric, too. But it But no member will want to mediocre was written by the participants dissent. Administration presidents are the undemocratic choices of of an open meeting, and their work had to be, hurried to make the corporate boards of govera press deadline. nors. They may play democratic games on their campuses, but in “The issue is clear. The comthe committee of presidents they mittee of presidents’ view of represent no one but the ruling what is legitimate or acceptable elite. excludes real dissent. It is an Disruptions and obstructions attempt to halt time, or even will not be defined just as buildturn back the clo.ck to a point ing takeovers. They will be de- when every person in the univerfined as anything ‘that actually sity was a willing participant in challenges the system-includthe human capital industry.


on the handbook


student handbook What’s suggested the Chevron office was a good place to meet radical students. We protest. 1 The Chevron office is ,a good place to meet workers. Anyway, the dialectics of the handbook were inherently contradictory because in the editor’s struggles he included the Waterloo Student Movement in the groups of radical students. This slightly-fanatic group called the Chevron decadent and reactionary in the summer edition of their party line “Waterloo Student”. Happening?


On the




the handbook

was very well done and contains some important tips on how to confront the bureaucracy and win. The handbook also contains neat and complete, hard-hitting descriptions of the people who run this university and similar views of some of the more significant and insignificant deThat’s not the stuff partments. of which the administration Gazette is made. There were a few minor errors and a number of typosbut then they used the same printer as the Chevron. Copies are still available in thecampus center.

Tm glad you young people have seen fit to protest nonviolently. It shows you ‘re civilized. Now get out. ” Playboy cartoon

N.o justice

off campus either

The myth of justice in our society is that all are equal before the law and physical acts are to be abhorred. In Vancouver, Pierre just society Trudeau “strikes hippie, grabs placard” to quote the Liberal-party-backing Toronto Star. Seems he was provoked by words. Later in the courts, the hippie gets a hearing on an assault complaint he registered against Trudeau. The hippie has two witnesses other than the bourgeois press’s reporters who say Trudeau hit him. The law produces two officers who can only say Trudeau could have hit the hippie, but they didn’t see it. l&d result: case dismissed, no charge. That much made the front pages of the bourgeois press. Buried elsewhere (if at all), one discovers the police brought a charge of creating. a disturbance by swearing against another participant in the demonstration. What happens to him? Conviction a.nd a two-month jail term, a very physical act. The two judgments together make a slightly frightening but rather commonplace commentary on the actual justice and consistency evident in the enforcement of law ‘n ‘order and the limitation of physical acts. This peculiar bias of the courts is rather frequently applied. Not long ago, a youth in St. Catharines was put ’ in reformatory for three months because he walked around the streets with F-U-C-K written on his jeans.

Canadian Liberation

University Press member, News Service subscriber,

Back in Vancouver, the local underground (hippie) newspaper, the Georgia Straight, has encountered a conspiracy in the courts to protect freedom of the press by limiting that freedom to just capitalists who own presses. The Straight, which is nonprofit, has been hit with numerous minor and obscure charges over the years, and usually has been assessed large fines. Most recently the paper was fined $1500 and’its editor $500 on charges of “counselling to commit a criminal offence.” They had simply run an article on how to cultivate marijuana at home. Not only is your favorite encyclopedia probably just as guilty, but any newspaper can now rkport the contents of the trial perfectly within the law. The physical act of the fines may finish the Straight. Just for added justice, the judge put the Straight’s editor on three years ’ probation. The existence of charges of conspiracy to commit a criminal offence or counselling to commit a criminal offence constitutes a mockery of justice. They allow so much leeway for selective harassment that there can be no such thing as democracy. Shall we say rather that we live in a free enterprise system; where the ruling class’s political parties are free to make the rules and free to pick the judges (with the correct political background), and the judges are free to interpret the law as they please to cover the particular cases the ruling-class legislators missed.


Press Syndicate $ssociate member, the Chevron is published tuesdays and fridays by the publications board of the Federation of Students (inc.); University of Waterloo. Content is independent of the-publications board, the student council and the university administration. Offices in the campus center, phone (519) 578-7070 or university local 3443, telex 0295-748 editor-in-chief: Bob Verdun 12,500 copies

Giving their thanks to the committee of university presidents for making this world a better place in which to live: Alex Smith, Brenda Wilson, Steve izma, Tom Purdy, Jim Bowman, Jim ’ Klinck, Cyril Levitt, David X Stephenson, Bob Epp, Una O’Callaghan, dumdum jones, Bill Brown, Jim Dunlop’and Pat Starkey. And aren’t you terribly proud of Howiepetch? a.sl,.l


y 23 septeqber





1969 (10: 17) 251













by Students











Squall Long



252 the Chevron

in the




Win ter - Te$en e squalls - Navy Fall - Leather Fully crested

Red or Blue



and short sleeve Wide variety of colours



- Red, Blue,


- Blue

Lapel pins, & Mugs

BALLS-Sweatsuits Frisbees - Ping pong racquets and balls Adidas Running shoes



of The Campus

& CRESTSRings, Lighter




- $3.00



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