
Page 1

’ Pet&


by Jim Klinck Chevron staff

Students at wednesday’s general meeting on the discipline report called for a meeting with administration president Howard Petch, and that’s what they got -for three hours. About 300 students waited in the modern languages foyer for Petch to return from lunch thursday, to ask him questions and get some explanation about the Order on campus report drawn up by the committee of Ontario pres-idents. Federation of Students president Tom Patterson explained why he was at the meeting, as the group awaited Petch’s return. . “I want to question the oppression involved in this report” he said. “Petch tried this code of conduct thing when we were drawing up the university act too. It’s becoming a scary proposition.” tuesday

30 september


10: 13


Bob Sinasac, arts 3, was next to speak, explaining a paper he had drawn up calling for a student, staff, faculty and administration committee to meet and discuss the report. “I’m sorry to see a recommendation for yet another committee” replied John Battye, history 3. Battye and the other student rep Dave Cubberley, poli-sci 4, resigned from the latest committee on student discipline last president’s adtuesday . “The visory committee on student discipline and university regulations (PACSDUR) met for five years,” he continued. “The committee I served on was of the composition you suggest and recommended using the Ontario Human rights commission. We have been ignored. ” “Your logic is faulty when you say we must find a democratic way to apply the report”, said


Peter Warrian, history 4. “Fuck the. report, the whole thing is illegitimate.” At this point Petch returned from lunch. “My this is rather unexpected,” he smiled. When the group explained why they were there. P&h replied *that he’d be happy to talk about the report. He claimed the report was only a working paper for a discipline committee. “We don’t have such a committee as yet, though it is something I’ve suggested in the past. ” “What about the PACSDUR report?” a student asked. Petch replied that PACSDUR was to deal primarily within the confines of criminal law. “Some things aren’t criminal offences, such as obstruction,” he said. “Why do you want more rules? ” asked another student. . “Do you want me to just call


of Waterloo,




no changes

the cops if a group of you crowds into my office?” Petch replied. “According to the report, you can do that as well as suspend us, ” the student countered. “What right have you in your job, or the university to be offended by anything?” another student asked. Petch replied, “I’m not very vulnerable, since I’ll only be on the job for a short time”. Sarcastic laughter was the group’s respons& “What do you -mean by obstruction of the university’s normal processes? ” asked Charlotte von Bezold, integrated studies, pursuing a different track. “Aren’t we being obstructed by the administration who through their incompetence has not allowed integrated-studies students to register yet? I can’t use the bookstore because I don’t have my ID yet. That’s obstruction. Can we arrest you? ” Petch explained that this delay was jusEfiable, because the program is in its first year. “We hope to have this looked after by next year. ” When a student referred to the report as a code of conduct, Petch denied it as such. Patterson replied, “If you’re going to talk about implementing

rights, than you are talking about telling people what they can do. That’s conduct. ” “Why doesn’t the university have representation by population like Canada’s democracy embodies? ” someone demanded of Petch. “The university is not a like segment of society,” Petch responded. “It has a special function. Do you take a vote of all the patients in a, hospital before’ you operate? ” he asked. “Can you operate on a patient without his consent?” came- the reply. “Why did that report come out? ” Cyril Levitt, sociology 4, rhetorically asked. “It came out to stifle those students who are organizing in the classrooms. As long as you don’t relate what is going on in the classroom to what is going on in society, you don’t talk values. When you talk of values, you must take sides. I’m here to screw your values and to screw your university,” Levitt said. Bill Aird, history 3, followed Levitt, asking Petch to rescind the presidents’ report and to implement the PACSDUR report. ’ * continued

on next page

Petch alters his discipline stand by Bob Verdun Chevron staff

Enough o,f the mound at the married-student residence on Seagram drive has been removed to allow motorists to see trains at the crossing in time to stop. Editorial on page 11.

Mothers’ home stuff local media suppress Four of the six staff members at St. Monica’s house for unwed mothers were dismissed september 12 by chairman of the board Harry Janke and vice chairman Stewart McMillan. No reasons were given for the dismissals either to the staff involved or the occupants of the house. During a board of directors meeting the following week a bid to investigate the firing was voted down 11 to 8 and the board voted confidence in its chairman and vicechairman 11 to 4, with four abstensions. Efforts by the girls at St. Monica’s to publicize the firings met with little success as th’e Kitchener Waterloo Record and the local radio and TV stations all refused to carry any news on the matter. When contacted for information on the firings Janke merely stated “the whole thing is over and finished now” and would not even divulge the names of the members of the board of directors. ’

According to McMillan, it was just a re-organization and nobody was fired. He said, “The change of organization won’t mean a thing” to the house operation policies. When questioned on the reaction of the girls at St. Monica’s, he replied that pregnant unmarried girls become hysterical. The home was founded by the Anglican church Huron diocese and handed over to the board of directors as a trust. Janke is an Anglican clergyman_. It is financed through donations from charitable institutions plus substantial provincial grants. The girls pay only what they can afford. Approximately one-third of the proceeds of the University of Waterloo’s orientation slave day were donated to St. Monica’s. Over 200 girls have been admitted to the home since it opened in june 1968. Staff members dismissed were, executive director Barb Evans, program director Ann

fired, story Poetker and two house mothers. They- received no notice, but were given their September pay and a month’s severance pay. Another house mother has since resigned in protest as has a board member Nancy Lou Patterson (Waterloo fine-arts prof) who objected to the independent action of the board executive. She said, “If they had presented the issue to the board and then the board voted for the firings that would be their privilege, but I feel the executive should have consulted the board. “It

was too serious a mattkr them to act independently.” Mrs. Evans, a qualified social worker, was astonished that all the usual procedures for hiring and firing were bypassed by the board. She feels that the least the board should do is give both herself and her staff a hearing. Interviews with some of the unwed mothers are on page 10, editorial on page 11. for

In an interview late friday afternoon, administration president Howard Petch indicated he had changed his mind on the discipline question. He was rehashing the recommendation of the president’s advisory committee on student discipline and university regulations (P ACSDUR) that all offenses of a criminal nature should go to “downtown” courts rather than university disciplinary bodies. PACSDUR had made the recommendation last fall after five years of meetings. . Friday Petch said, “If that’s the meaning of the PACSDUR report and that’s what the people want, then I will call the police on campus for all criminal offenses. ” He had arrived at the decision on the basis that if some students came into his office and he asked them to leave and they didn’t, then should he call the cops. He had maintained previously that there was a gap in the recommendations of PACSDUR. He felt there were clearly criminal offences (such as rape) that should 60 directly to the police and then there were clearly academic and house rule offences (like cheating making noise in the library) that should be dealt with internally. “PACSDUR did recogni ze there were other problems (in between academic and criminal) that could be dealt with simply,” said Petch. “But then you might say PACSDUR did cover that area-that we were supposed to call the police in the case of any criminal offense.” Petch was unclear about the prospect of having a new or reformed committee look at the discipline problem in the light of his reinterpretation of the PACSDUR recommendation. He had told the thursday meeting in the modern languages foyer he would not implement the PACSDUR report. The essential difference between PACSDUR and the report

of the committee of t Ontario university presidents is that the presidents would suspend students first and call the police second, while PACSDUR saw the university leaving all disciplinary action to the laws of the land. On the matter of granting a parity veto to the Federation of Students in working out the discipline policy in the committee Petch had proposed thursday, he stated, “I look at it rather as something where the university is developing a set of guidelines that are mutually acceptable. Y7 He said mutual acceptability meant it had to be approved by the federation, the faculty association and the president’s council. Petch denied that the committee from which John Battye and Dave Cubberley resigned was actually a discipline committee, as they maintained. “The Ontario human rights bill applies only to employment practices. Should we in the university have a standing committee to look into this kind of charge, ” said Petch. He continued that the committee Cubberley and Battye resigned from was only to look into the need for a committee able to investigate charges of racism such as those alleged at Sir George Williams University or of discrimination as alleged against former Waterloo foreignstudent advisor Edith Beausoleil. “The faculty association has suggested it, and I wasn’t that enthusiastic. Then Guelph set one up and I thought, ‘I guess we better do it, too’. It was absolutely not an attempt to bring in a code of conduct through a back door. ” Petch also stated that the committee of presidents’ working paper on discipline was not aimed at any particular target or planned to be issued”at any strategic time. “The presidents began wor& ing on the discipline paper after the troubles at Sir George Williams. The paper should have been completed and released in the spring. ”



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OTTAWA (CUP)-It shouldn’t be too bad a year for university administrators, according to most of them at an association of universities and colleges of Canada AUCC press conference thursday. “The feeling is that new and better relationships are developing”, said Geoffrey Andrews, AUCC executive director. AUCC is an organization of university - and college administrators from 59 campuses who, according to Andrew, are a national organization to “speak for Canadian universities.” At thursday’s press conference some revealed they were even talking to the radical students on University of their campuses. Manitoba administration president H.H. Saunderson observed even the most extreme radical students he had dealt with were amenable to discussion about shortcomings of programs they proposed. But there were dissenters. “I’ll send you some of mine,” president said administration



duced by a nuclear explosion previous page has not diminished. ” Petch would not do this. He Petch explained that he had followed his refusal stating “I not been in favor of the proposals don’t believe violence has any of the committee involved in place in this university.” the program the quote referred “What about your work for the to. defense research board? How “But do you have any say in ’ does that tie in with violence?” what your research is used for, Levitt asked. “What about the after you are finished with it?” files in your office dealing with Levitt asked. weapons research? ” Returning to the discipline When Petch questioned whethreport, Petch suggested either er these files actually existed, the present committee on discipWarrian suggested the students line (from which Battye and go check. Cubberley resigned) have its When they-returned, Petch was terms of reference expanded or asked to read one file from the a new committee be formed of defense research board collecsimilar composition. tion. After he had finished read- 1 A student asked. “What if the ing he explained the only military committee you speak of recomuse for the research was “the mends there be no standing detection of submarines”. discipline committee?” Levitt then read another letter “Then I guess there won’t be to Petch, on Canadian senate one,” Petch replied. “If the Fedletterhead. One section of the eration of students doesn’t accept letter quoted an American rethe report, then it won’t go. ” “The need in the weasearcher“Then you’re giving us a parity pons program for very high inveto? ” Peterson asked. tensity neutron sources to mock The crowd applauded, but Petch up the neutron environment promade no denial.

* from



optomistic Colin MacKay of the University of New Brunswick. MacKay, AUCC president, had seen a censure of UNB by the Canadian association of university teachers last spring after he had called police on campus to break up demonstrations over his dismissal of physicist Norman Strax. W.E. Beckel, academic vicepresident at the University of said most radical Lethbridge, students were not interested in the welfare of the university. He added that ‘dialog’ with extremists does not work, although agreed that some students were “The amenable to discussion. real problem is how do you recognize the difference?” “We are all becoming better involved with these students, ” said Sister Catharine Wallace, administration president at Mount St. Vincent in Halifax, “and we all make mistakes.” “The less you know, the surer you are, ” observed L.P. Bonneau, vice-rector of Lava1 University.

the Plain truth -aboit Alfas












278 the Chevron








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bounced back well late in the third quarter with a revitalized ground attack led by Randy -Meyers and Waterloo Warriors began the regthe long pass. . ular football season in Toronto on Some of the Waterloo strategy, Saturday against the University of must accept part of the blame Toronto Varsity Blues. Although as well. It is time that coach Wally the final score was 31 to 21 in favDelahey realized that Groves does or of Toronto, the Warriors came not throw the long pass well. In within a pigskin, so to speak, of the last two games he has underupsetting the highly favoured thrown it consistently and been intercepted not infrequently. Blues. With this in mind I must ask why The Warriors outplayed Varsity the Warriors tried to throw long for the first two-and-a-half quartat the end of the first half. They ers of the game and almost ran the were leading 7-3 and had the ball Blues out of the stadium and onto Bloor street for most of the third on their own 20 yard line with 1: 30 to go in the half. Instead of quarter. The Blue’s defense keyed on 1 taking the four point lead to the dressing room, they tried a long Gord McLelland and successfully pass to Hogan. The ball was underheld him below his usual yardage Two plays total. So the Warriors utilized a thrown and intercepted. later the Blues scored and led by different attack. three at the half. Quarterback Dave Groves had While on the subject of the pass an outstanding afternoon throwattack, where was it in the fourth ing short play-action passes over quarter? The Warriors had moved the middle to Rick Wiedenhoeft, most effectively with the sharp Don Manahan, Jean Girard, Bill Hogan and Craig Telfer as, well as play-action ‘passes. In the fourth quarter they tried countless pitchfive sideline passes to Wayne Fox outs and even a double reverse and screens to Chuck Wakefield and drop-back passing in place of who added a couple of nice runs. the play action. I don’t see why the The fake handoffs in the play action and good pass blocking gave coach would dispense with an that gave him seven Groves time to find and hit his re- attack ceivers. It was with this attack straight completions and two that the Warriors moved from a lo- touchdowns in the third quarter. The last question mark goes 7 half-time deficit to a 21-10 lead to the field goal attempt in the finby the middle of the third quarter. al four minutes. The Warriors had During that drive Groves completgood field position and Toronto was ed seven passes in a row and finbeing held deep in their own end ished the game with 19 compleby a strong defense. Instead of tions in 35 attempts. punting and trying to hold Toronto The defense was outstanding. With the exception of two long deep again, coach Delahey elected to try a 42 yard field goal into passes they allowed the Blues only a slight breeze by Paul Knill. one sustained drive that resulted It was blocked, as one had been in points. They forced the Blues earlier, and two plays later Torto give up the ball on downs twice onto scored. Our field goal attack -once at the Warrior three yard in the last two games has been line-and forced the Blues to pitiful. It includes misses from settle for a field goal early in the 17, 21, 25, and 31 yards and two game when a touchdown could blocked attempts. The Warriors have crushed the Warriors. had been gaining field position The entire defensive line was for a few minutes prior to the outstanding. Linebackers Rick attempt and it is difficult to unCheevers and Stu Koch were exderstand why a desperation play ceptional among the best on the was*caljed for. field on Saturday. The defensive The team played well on satursecondary did a very good job in the first half holding Alboini to day-well enough to win-and for four completions in 14 attempts a while in the third quarter it lookbut had trouble with the long coved as if Toronto was going to be erage in the second half. badly beaten, and the fans chanting “we’re number one” from the The kick-off and punt returns by McLellan, Wiedenhoeft and Ian Waterloo section would have Woods were again outstanding agreed. although four of the best ones were Unfortunately, it didn’t turn out wiped out by clipping penalties. that way this week but Saturday’s It may seem surprising to say game proved the Warriors have a the Warriors played so well and chance to be winners this year and yet lost by ten points. The Blues a few upsets may be in the making.

miss upset

over Blues,

by Peter Marshall

Chevron staff


X, the Chev;on

Warrior Gord McLellan watches as Varisty Blues’ Paul McKay steals the ball from his hands. In the last quarter, the Blues stole the whole game as the Warriors went home 31-21 losers.

tuesda y 30 September

7969 (10: 19) 279


PSA fcacdty divided in SW dept’s strike

KathyStewart, a University of Waterloo Student


BURNABY (CUP)-In the face of potential and threatened repression by the administration of Simon Fraser University, faculty in the department of political science, sociology and anthropology (PSA) remain divided in their attitudes toward the strike begun by faculty and students in PSA Wednesday. In a letter to PSA Wednesday, administration president Ken Strand warned that teachers who “did not teach...or otherwise withdraw their services.. .violate their contract with the university-a matter of serious consequence”. There is the possibility of a court injunction to keep faculty off the campus should the administration fire them for violating their contracts. A faculty member can be accused of breach of contract should he not teach at regularly scheduled hours and places,’ using the course content previously approved by the senate. Kathleen Aberle, a PSA faculty member, said thursday that several of the PSA faculty were landed immigrants who might face serious consequences such as deportation, should they defy an injunction to keep them off campus. Last year, University of New Brunswick prof Norman Strax was fined $500 and sentenced to 30 days in jail on a charge of contempt of court for ignoring an injunction barring him from the UNB campus after he was suspended over a library protest. Atleast eight of the PSA faculty support the strike, including: l Mordecai Breimberg, electea chairman of the department but deposed by the administration trusteeship over PSA l Kathleen Aberle, who was denied tenure l John Leggett, who was finally granted tenure although his promotion was vetoed

l Prudence Wheeldon, whose contract and application from tenure were extended for only one year. Only two professors among the sixteen PSA faculty on campus during SFU’s fall semester are totally opposed to the strike. Four others have declared their opposition in more qualified terms. Other sectors of the university have declared support of the department, if not of the strike. A statement approving support of “all necessary actions by the PSA department” in their efforts to ward the “immediate and unconditional restoration of the democratically constituted PSA committee” was issued last tuesday night by the geography students union. The executive of the SFU alumni association voted to send a letter to the board of governors and the university tenure committee asking them to reconsider their decisions and to lift the trusteeship. They also sent a letter to Strand asking him to outline the university’s criteria for hiring. firing and tenure. Four of six lay members of the SFU academic senate made a statement in support of the PSA department, objecting to Strand’s by-passing the senate on academic matters.





C a m b r i d g e, Massachusetts (LNS)-Harvard theologian Harvey Cox takes a dim view of Richard Nixon’s weekly whitehouse church services. “Frankly,” Cox said, “we have enough problems persuading young people to become interested in religion without having Nixon support it.”

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selling proved good. Schwenger didn’t get far into his talk before he was challenged on his value judgement about illegitimate children being a problem. Schwenger admitted when

Class needs to hear before it can learn The sociological aspects relating one’s ability to hear with the amount learned was inadvertently the topic of last tuesday’s sociology 101 class. At the beginning of the lecture, a few students asked Harold Fallding to speak up. Fallding replied that the problem would be solved when everyone was quiet After half an hour the trickle of students began to leave the arts theatre. , Later, students posing questions to the teacher were asked by the teacher to speak up or move closer to the front. During the course of the lecture, several students shouted, “Can’t hear! ” But nothing changed. One and a half hours after the lecture had started more than half the students had left, with the class being finished shortly thereafter. Fallding was questioned as to having some mike or amplifying equipment put to use. It was mentioned that several students sitting in the sixth row had great difficulty in hearing him, while students in the five rows beyond these students didn’t have a chance. He replied that he hadn’t really thought about it since he had lectured in the same theatre before and he hadn’t been questioned on the inaudibility of his voice.

he started that he would present a biased view but later said his lecture didn’t support any particular set of values. He dodged the girl’s question as to what is wrong with illegitimate children saying the point is that it is unnecessary with the birth control methods available, today. “It’s not the same world our grandparents lived in”, he informed the audience, and went on to explain how. He pointed out that menarchy occurs at 13 now instead of 17 in our grandparent’s day. The threat of ‘ve-

,but not very good

ereal disease is not as great, discovery is easier to avoid with cars, motels, etc., and pregnancy is less of a worry with the new and more readily-available birth control methods. Schwenger then went on to the topic of deviation and a consideration of what is normal or abnormal. He indicated that normality exists within a range of variation and that the range depends on the people concerned. His main point was that variety is the spice of life. Just before having a break he asked the audience to consider

these four points and perhaps ask questions about them: l new morality or amorality? l normal or abnormal? l are women really equal to men? l is this lecture too much of the straight goods? Apparently his suggested questions were irrelevant to the audience because after the break the questions were directed at Schwenger ‘s bias. A student questioned Schwenger’s attitude to the family unit as sacrosanct. “The family may not be the natural unit but it’s what we have

IV0 discussion on leaflets in Cdetached’ prof’s Class

Waterloo5 sailors came secotid at a weekend meet in Owen Sound. Bill Penistan, arts 2, and Gord Crowe, math 2, were in the lead (number 4000 on the sail) at this turn.

The discipline protest has spread to the classrooms, as leaflets and discussions appeared in several lecture periods. Matthew Hill’s anthropology 101 class was one of the classes pamphleted last week. Hill, on entering the lecture room, distributed his own material, noting that the second set of sheets was more relevant than the first. One of the two students who had distributed the leaflets on the discipline report asked what he meant by relevant. The student also asked the class, “What are you here for?” The reply, “I’m here for an education and you’re interrupting us. ” Hill responded that theoretically the class was full, but since there were some seats empty, the student could stay. It would be up to









the class to decide what was to be discussed. The student said he wasn’t prepared to discuss the paper but perhaps some students might have some questions. Another student asked if he were registered in anthropology . “No”. After the class, Hill remarked that at the time of the incident he was “shook,” by being confronted with what had often been the topic of discussions among teaching staff. On questioning, he stated the role of the university was as “a disinterested observer, detached from the real world. ” He also noted that at the end of that particular class he had more students come up and ask questions about anthropology than after any other class.




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and we have to live with it,” replied Sch wenger. His discussion of birth control methods proceeded on a very elementary level with no attempt to critically examine the relative merits of each. In this discussion his basic point was that any method is better than none. “You’re not going to learn much here,” he said, “my main concern is attitudes. ” Both girls and guys felt the lecture was liberal but did not give any information that the great majority did not already know.




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30 September

1969 (10: 19) 281



FIXER AKOV SAT IN THE GLOOMY coach overcome by hatred so intense his chest heaved as though the carriage were airless. He saw himself, after a while, sitting at a table somewhere, opposite the Tsar, a lit candle between them, in a cell or cellar, whatever it was. Nicholas the Second, of medium height, with frank blue eyes and neatly trimmed beard a little too large for his face, sat there naked, holding in his hand a small silver ikon of the Virgin Mary. Though distraught and pale, afflitted with a bad cough he had recently developed, he spoke in a gentle voice and with moving eloquence. “Though you have me at a disadvantage, Yakov Shepsovitch, I will speak the truth to you. It isn’t only that the Jews are freemasons and revolutionaries who make a shambles of our laws and demoralize our police by systematic bribery for social exemptions-I can forgive that a bit but not the other things, in particular the terrible crime you are accused of, which is so repellent to me personally. I refer to the draining of his lifeblood out of Zhenia Golov’s body. I don’t know whether you are aware that my own child, the Tsarevitch Alexis, is a haemophiliac ? The newspapers, out of courtesy to the royal family, and the Tsarina in particular, do not, of course, mention it. We are fortunate in having four healthy daughters, the princesses Olga, the studious one; Tatyana, the prettiest, and something of a coquette-I say this with amusement; Maria, shy and sweet-tempered; and Anastasya, the youngest and liveliest of them ; but when after many prayers an heir to the throne was born at last-it pleased God to make this joy our greatest trial-his blood unfortunately was deficient in that substance which is necessary for coagulation and healing. A small cut, the most trivial, and he may bleed to death. We look after him, as you can expect, with the greatest care, on tenterhooks every minute because even a fall may’ mean extreme quite ordinary peril. Alexei’s veins are fragile, brittle, and in the slightest mishap internal bleeding causes him unbearable pain and torment. My dear wife and I-and I may add, the girls-live through death with this poor child. Permit me to ask, Yakov Shepsovitch, are you a father?” “With all my heart.” “Then you can imagine our anguish,” sighed the sadeyed Tsar. His hands trembled a little as he lit a green-papered Turkish cigarette from an enameled bor. on the table. He offered the box to Yakov but the fixer shook his head.



282 the ‘Chevron

the most miserable. You say you are kind “I never wanted the crown, it kept ‘me and prove it with pogroms. ” from being my true self, but I was not per“AS for those,” said the Tsar, “don’t mitted to refuse. To rule is to bear a heavy blame me. Water can’t be prevented from cross. I’ve made mistakes, but not, I assure flowing. They are a genuine expression of you, out of malice to anyone. My nature is the will of the people.” not resolute, not like my late father’s-we “Then in that case there’s no more to say.” lived in terror of him-but what can a man do beyond the best he can? One is born as On the table at the fixer’s hand lav a revolvhe is born and that’s all there is to it. I thank er. Yakov pushed a bullet into the rusty cylinder chamber. God for my good qualities. To tell you the The Tsar sat down, watching without truth, Yakov Shepsovitch, I don’t like to. apparent emotion, though his face had dwell on these things. But I am-1 can grown white and his beard darker. “I am the truthfully say-a kind person and love my victim, the sufferer for my poor people. people. Though the Jews cause me a great What will be will be.” He stubbed out his deal of trouble, and we must sometimes cigarette in the candle saucer. The light suppress them to maintain order, believe flickered but burnt on. me, I wish them well. As for you, if you “Don’t expect me to beg.” permit me, I consider you a decent but mis“This is also for the prison, the poison, taken man-1 insist on honesty-and I must the six daily searches. It’s ‘for Bibikov and ask you to take note of my obligations and Kogin and for a lot more that I won’t even burdens. After all, it isn’t as though you mention. ” yourself are unaware of what suffering is. Pointing the gun at the Tsar’s heart Surely it has taught you the meaning of mer. (though Bibikov, flailing his white arms, cy?” cried no no no no), Yakov pressed the trigHe was coughing insistentiy now and his ger. Nicholas, in the act of crossing himvoice, when he finished, was unsteady. self, overturned his chair, and fell, to his Yakov moved uneasily in his chair. “Exsurprise, to the floor, the stain spreading cuse me, Your Majesty, but what suffering has btaught me is the uselessness of sufferon his breast. The horses clapped on over the cobbleing, if you don’t mind my saying so. Anystones. way, there’s enough of that to live with naturally without piling a mountain of injusAs for history, Yakov thought, there are ways to reverse it. What the Tsar deserves tice on top. Rachmones, we say in Hebrew -mercy, one oughtn’t to forget it, but one is a bullet in the gut. Better him than us. The left rear wheel of the carriage seemmust also think how oppressed, ignorant ed to be wobbling. and miserable most of us are in this country, One thing I’ve learned, he thought, there’s gentiles as well as Jews, under your govman, especernment and ministers. What it amounts to, no such thing as an unpolitical ially a Jew. You can’t be one without the Little Father, is that whether you wanted other, that’s clear enough. You can’t sit it or not you had your chance; in fact many chances, but the best you could give us still and see yourself destroyed. Afterwards he thought, Where there’s with all good intentions is the poorest and no fight for it there’s no freedom. What is most reactionary state in Europe. In other words, you’ve made out of this country a . it Spinoza says? If the state acts in ways valley of bones. You had your chances and that are abhorrent to human nature it’s the lesser evil to destroy it. Death to the antipissed them away. There’s no argument Semites! . Long live revolution ! Long live against that. It’s not easy to twist events by the tail but you might have done someliberty! The crowds lining both sides of the streets thing for a better life for us all-for the fuwere dense again, packed tight between curb ture of Russia, one might say, but you didn’t.” and housefront. There were faces at every The Tsar rose, his phallus meager, coughwindow and people standing on rooftops aing still, disturbed and angered. “I’m only long the way. Among those in the street one man though ruler yet you blame me for were Jews of the Plossky District. Some, as our whole history. ” the carriage clattered by and they glimpsed “For what you don’t know, Your Majesty, the fixer, were openly weeping, wringing and what you haven’t learned. Your poor their hands. One thinly bearded man clawboy is a haemophiliac, something missing ed his face. One or two waved at Yakov. in ‘the blood. In you, in spite of certain sentimental feelings, it is missing somewhere Some shouted his name. else-the sort of insight, you might call it, --from The Fixer by Bernard Malamud, Dell that creates in a man charity, respect for 1967





0955883 SAT IN THE GLOOMY class me from being my true self, but I was not To rule is to bear a overcome by hatred so intense his permitted to refuse. chest heaved as though the room were, heavy cross. I’ve made mistakes, but not, I assure you, out of malice to anyone. My airless. He saw himself, after a while, sitting at a table somewhere, opposite Hownature is not resolute, not like my uncle’s a copy of Praxis between them, in -we lived *in terror of him-but what can a iepetch, a board room or executive suite, whatever man do beyond the best he can? One is born it was. Howiepetch the Intrepid, of medium as he is born and that’s all there is to it. height, with sensible blue eyes and calculaI thank God for my good qualities. To tell ting smile a little large to compensate for you the truth, 70955883 I don’t like to dwell on these things. But I am-l can truthfully his lack of awareness, sat there naked, sayholding in his hand a small silver ikon of the a kind person and love my students. his anti-submarine missiles produced by Though the activists cause me a great deal research in ferro-electrics. Though disof trouble, and we must sometimes suppress afflicted with the position traught and pale, them to maintain order, believe me, I wish of president which he expected to inherit, them well. As for you, if you permit me, I he spoke in a gentle voice with pracconsider you a decent but mistaken man2 ticed eloquence. I insist on honestyand I must ask you to “Though you have me at a disadvantage, take note of my obligations and burdens 70955883 I will speak the truth to you. It After all, it isn’t as though you yourself isn’t only that the activists are thinkers and are unaware of what suffering is. Surely it revolutionaries who make a shambles of my has taught you the meaning of mercy?” laws and demoralize our Community by He was grinning insistently now and his systematic obstruction for their own glory voice, when he finished, was markedly -I can forgive that a bit but not the other steady. things, in particular the terrible crime you 70955883 moved uneasily in his chair. “Exare accused of, which is so repellent to me Mr. President, but what suffering cuse me, personally. I refer to your attempts to inhas taught me is the uselessness of suffering, still life blood into the body of docile stuif you don’t mind me saying so. Anyway, dents. I don’t know whether you are aware there’s enough of that to live with naturally that in my own family, my uncle Gerald’s without piling a mountain of injustice on top. son Billscott suffered from excessive sang‘Let the people decide’ we say amongst uinity. The newspapers, out of courtesy to ourselves -democracy, one oughtn’t to our elite did not, of course, mention it. I, forget it, and one must also think how opmyself, though am fortunate, in having three pressed, ignorant and miserable most of us healthy sons, prince Jayminas, the academic are in this country, workers as well as students, under authority such as yours. What one; Patrobertson, drab and unassuming; and Aladlington, the most dreary and lifeit amounts to, Big Brother, is that whether less of all. Billscott’s system was unfortunyou wanted it or not you had your chance; ately deficient in that substance which is in fact many chances, but the best you could necessary for drying up like a prune. We give us with all good intentions is one of the looked after him, as you can expect, with most narrow-minded and reactionary camthe greatest care, on tenterhooks every puses in Canada. _ In other words, you’ve minute because even a quite ordinary conmade out of this university a valley of bones. frontation meant extreme peril. Billscott’s You had your chances and pissed them av.eins were vibrant and pulsing, and in the way. There’s no argument against that. It’s his zeal and spontaneity slightest mishap not easy to twist events by the tail but you unbearable pain and torment. caused us might have done something for a better My dear uncle and I-and I may add, my life for US all-for the future of a communown sonslived until death with this poor ity of scholars, one might say, but you didn’t.” child. Permit me to ask, 70955883 are you a The president rose, his phallus meager, disturbed and angered. “I’m father?” smiling still, “With all my heart.” man though president yet you only one “Then you can imagine our anguish,” blame me for our whole history”. sighed the glassy-eyed president. “For what you don’t know, sir, and what Your relative is too His hands trembled a little as he lit a you haven’t learned. miracle-tipped American cigarette from sanguine, something extra to fire his blood. it is extravagance somewhere else an engraved box on the table. He offered In you, the box to 70955883 but the fixer shook his -the sort of outlook, you might call it, that creates in a man authoritarianism, neglect head. “I never wanted the presidency, it kept for the most miserable. You say you are

/ .


and you prove it with codes of conduct.” “As for those,” said the president, “don’t blame me. Water can’t be prevented from flowing. They are a genuine expression of the will of the people.” “Th,en in that case there’s no more to say.” On the table at the fixer’s hand lay a revolver. 70955883 pushed a bullet into the rusty cylinder chamber. The president sat down, watching without apparent emotion, though his face had grown white and his grin had disappeared. “I am the victim, the sufferer for my poor students. What will be will be.” He stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray. The glow diminished but the tobacco smoked on. “Don’t expect me to beg”. “This is also for the lecture halls, the biased textbooks, the arrogant, unfeeling robots called teachers. It’s for Sir George and Simon Fraser and for a lot more that I won’t even mention.” Pointing the gun at the president’s heart (though Sir George’s white shadows cried no no no no), 70955883 pressed the trigger. Howiepetch, in the act of straightening his tie, overturned his chair, and fell, to his surprise, to the floor, the stain spreading on his breast. Students clapped into the lecture hall. As for history, 70955883 thought, there are ways to reverse it. What the presidents all deserve is a bullet in the gut. Better them than us. On the floor of the hall the instructor couldn’t get the automatic blackboard to perform. One thing I ‘ve learned, he thought, there’s no such thing as an unpolitical man, especially a student. You can’t be one without the other, that’s clear enough. You can’t sit still and see yourself destroyed. Afterwards he thought, Where there’s no fight for it there’s no freedom. What is it Marx says? If the rulers act in ways that are abhorrent to human nature it’s evil nut to destroy them. Death to the antiact ivisits, anti-students and anti-workers-! Long live revolution ! Long live liberty! The students crowding into EL-201 were ’ dense again, packed tight along rows and up the aisles. There were faces from every seat and people standing all along the back of the room. Among those in the throng were fellow activists. Some, as they -shuffled down the aisles past the fixer, signalled and smiled when they caught his eye. Then others waved in patterns. One shouted “Now!” --adaptation





30 September


1969 (70: 19)







This week in the sandbox



Folk Concert at 1215pm Wed. Oct. 1

THEATRE OF THE ARTS Walt is a seminarian from WLU. He sings and plays the guitar; entertains with his folk songs. He is “with it.”





There’s not much happening on campus this week aside from the usual activity in the campus center such as dances, pubs, sex lectures and other assorted events. Incidentally, the last two lectures in the sex series will take place in the campus center tonight and thursday at 8pm. Other items of interest might be the folk concert tomorrow at noon in the arts theater and the Victor Martens Recital Saturday at 8 pm. The international film society sponsored by the extension department opens with Le Bonheur on sunday, at 6.30pm in the arts lecture hall. The K-W cinemas are showing their usual fare ranging from zilch to schmaltz, the gems being largely provided by the film festival at the Waterloo. LYRIC (124 King,, street, Kitchener, 742-0911). A double bill of The ltalian job and The assassination bureau is due to run until thursday.’ The Italian job is yet another almost-perfect crime, in which Michael Caine and Noel Coward combine forces to snatch four million dollars in gold. The Assassination bureau stars Oliver Reed as the disillusioned head of a modern day murder inc. Last summer (starting friday ) despite the name and advertising has nothing to do with the Annette-Frankie Avalon type beach epics. It is the frighteningly realistic story of four teenagers and the summer they spend together. FOX (161 King east, Kitchen&, 745-7091). Spirits of the d&ad will run until thursday. It is a threefold effort by directors Vadim, Fellini and Male to present three macabre Edgar Allan Poe stories. Vadim’s episode is notable for its chauvinistic casting of leads Jane and Peter Fonda and its exotic sets and costumes, obviously Barbarella castoffs. Fellini’s segment, by far the best, stars Terence Stamp in a fierce satire on Italian movie making and makers. CAPITOL (90 King west, Kitchener, 578-3800). The babysitter and 1, a lover. Two sexploitation quickies with little content and less acting. A double bill of Death rides a horse and Tracks of thunder starts tomorrow. The former is another Italian oat-burner along the line of the Clint Eastwood epics, while the latter is a stock-car melodrama starring Tommy Kirk. ODEON (312 King west, Kitchener, 742-9169) Midnight cowboy continues till thursday. Director Schlessinger pulls no punches in this perversely beautiful indictment of the American dream. Jon Voight and Dustin Hoffman give their best as two outcasts trying to make it in the New York underground. Paranoia, (starts friday) is a forgettable Carol1 Baker melodrama that promises to “suck you into a whirlpool of erotic love”. FAIRVIEW (Fairview shopping plaza, Kitchener, 578-0600) Wesrside story, the modern musical version of Romeo and Juliet as slum kids, that won umpteen academy awards a couple of years back. Also playing is the Beatles full-length adult cartoon, Ye/low submarine. WATERLOO (24 King north, Waterloo, 576-1550). The international film festival continues. TONIGHT, Loves of a blonde--Foreman’s touching comedy which explores the pains and pleasures of youth. WEDNESDAY, an evening of films by three pioneers of the underground cinema. The brothers Kuchar’s Eclipse of the sun virgins, Andy Warhol’s Vinyl, and Kenneth Anger’s (maker of Scorpio Rising) Baux d’artifice.

THURSDAY, The gospel according to St. Matthew. Passelini’s moving portrayal of the life of Christ, made with a totally non-professional cast. FRIDAY, Warrendale, Alan King’s vivid transcription of life at this center for disturbed children. SATURDAY, Blow-up. Antonioni’s enigmatic exploration of reality in swinging London. SUNDAY, Rape of a sweet yyung girl. Carle’s satire on the corruption of innocence. MONDAY, The third man. Carol Reed’s venerable drama about \ international entrepreneur Harry Lime. If you hurry you can make Hieronymus Merkin playing tonight at the K-W drive-in. Find out why the Toronto Morality squad got so exci-


/ de

E E E E= =-





i ;i




Campus Cerke Room 217 Tomorrow at 8:00 pm









284 the Chevron







The American




by Una O’Callaghan

tomorrow evening

Chevron staff






The first organizational meeting of THE HOUSE OF DEBATES ,Jimi





r many stereotype characterizations. The heroes are super hippies and average americans super squares, with the result that the movie becomes too other-worldly, at least until Jack Nicholson comes on the scene. What eventually materializes is a bike-sex-dope type movie guaranteed to have general appeal. It all begins with a sizeable dope deal consummated in the middle of a highway skirting Los Angeles airport, which provedes an interesting scene of underworld barter to the tune of zooming jets. Hooper himself plays Billy, the uncouth hippie, a characterization which sounds redundant if your knowledge of the breed has not been shaped exclusively by the media. Peter Fonda plays the more ethereal captain American whose character implies ‘Orne deep poetry which never quite materializes. Rich from the dope’ deal our two heroes set out on a picaresque odyssey throughout the southwestern United States leading from Mexico to Los Angeles to mardi gras in New Orleans.. Looking like two hairy dropouts they wheel around on their suped-up bikes, against an ever-, changing background of mountains, trees, desert, and a cranked up soundtrack of rock music.

As the ethereal

captain America, searching look into space. his During this part of the film all the stops are unplugged and all the old cliches about hippies are paraded across the screen. There are the frequent shots of marijuana smoking, the confrontation with square America, the glimpse of a hippie commune complete with a nude swimming scene, as well as an acid orgy in a New Orleans graveyard. Parts of the dialog fall into the cliche category also, such as captain Am&i&a’s conversation with a peasant farmer, ‘You do your own thing in your own time, you should be proud. ” Again in the scenes with George which constitute the most effective part of the movie (due to Jack Nicholson’s excelling acting) we are given the standard booze versus pot and real freedom discussions, which every adolescent has engaged in at one time or another. George is the only real, multidimensional character in the movie. We know his background, what he is, and his time and place. The two heroes however we know nothing about. They are presented as mystics, pursuing some mysterious truth and we gather from the dialog that “time is running out”. When Captain America tells Billy “we blew it” just before

Peter Fonda takes a long standard pose in Easy Rider. their brutal demise we wonder if he means they personally or America generally. The implication that the simplistic utopia of the hippie commune could be what they were searching for comes as a bit of a shock as we expect more from the movie than this naive statement. One could however construe this statement as meaning that America has squandered great heritage and that time is running out as far as solutions to a society’s ills are concerned. The theme of what is and what could be is reiterated throughout the movie when city living is contrasted with country scenes. We are forcefully reminded of America’s great resources as -the heroes wheel through the and can’t help countryside, wondering why people pack themselves into the ugly cities ‘when there’s so much open country to enjoy. Again during the acid orgy captain America is shown fondling the statue of ‘ liberty while saying,‘ ‘you are such a fool mother and I hate you so much.” All considered the movie is worth seeing, but one can’t help thinking that it is just as big a put-down of the hippy movement as the American scene.

by Marty


Chevron staff

case histofies by pictures


# * English in action.. is back in action I--

g $ s* +


If you are a foreign student who wantsg individual help with English conversa- s $ tion plus information on Canada and its * customs * +e OR * If you are willing to volunteer an hour * a week to help such a foreign student $ * de THEN * Please register at the sit FOREIGN STUDENT OFFICE * Room 643,ARTS LIBRARY * open meeting to meet your partner plus g guest speaker to talk on teaching me- *

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Music Lounge, Campus Centre

3 * * 4

Where are the leaders? Anyone will tell you that the Leaders are enjoying the advantages of military training and university subsidization through the Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP). If you are a full time male undergraduate student with a successful academic record you should know about the opportunities that the Canadian Armed Forces can offer you as an ROTP cadetYou will continue your civilian studies towards a degree at your University.


She settles for an emasculated man who takes all of Adele’s griping about being a servant with bowed head. Finally, on midsummer night they conceive a child which strangles itself with its own umbilical cord. Agda’s major childhood trauma was her seduction at a tender age by a middle-aged lecher, which was preceded by a mutual arousal eating scene replete with cherry-topped cream puffs. In any case Agda develops into a free living soul, co-habitating on a part-fun part-pay basis, until she is done up. She then marries the artist she was posing for and not her lover. He, however, _ does retain visiting privileges, even on the wedding night . I have purposely given such a detailed summary of the plot because I feel that this was all the film had to offer. Various interpretations of the foregoing jump to mind: perhaps each girl represents one part of the psyche, super-ego, ego and id respectively. The film moves tediously along from one scene to the next in a fruitless attempt to somehow relate the histories of the three girls to each other. Finally, it imposes a relation of place upon us, but this is never enriched. In conclusion I want to make two points: The scenes were stark and dreary serving only to move the plot along, adding nothing of interest cinematically. l Considering just the plot I wonder if we have anything more than three somewhat standard, if not clicheed, psychiatric case histories illustrated by pictures.

“Things are not all black or all white, they are a mixture of the two, a dull grey.” This statement by one of the women in Mai Zetterling’s Loving coup/es precisely expresses my sentiments towards the film. The story is primarily about three women whom we first meet in a maternity hospital, all are pregnant. In a series of rather brisk flashbacks we discover some central childhood experiences which have shaped their mature sexual attitudes. We then discover that all these women live on the same estate and that two of them, Agda and Adele, are servants, while Angela is the orphaned daughter of a well-to-do family. The three girls, furthermore, became pregnant on the same night, midsummer, a night which is spent in what reminded me of a pagan fertility rite. Angela, having had a very strict and sexually repressed upbringing is kept by a woman who has been rejected and disappointed by a lover for whom she still yearns. At 18 Angela is sent to a girls’ boarding school where she develops an adolescently lesbian relationship with a rather masculine girl and is the. main target of affection for a mature lesbian teacher in. the school. From this background a young woman of sensitile and idealistic nature emerges, ready to fall in love with her guardian’s old lover who is the father of Angela’s child conceived on midsummer night. Adele’s background is not much more ordinary. Her father left her mother, a man-hating domineering bitch, who sends Adele to sell candy by virtue of a smile and a wink. Her mother’s “you FOR ALL FUTURE FILMS IN THE FESTIVAL THEATER THERE WILL - can never trust a man” is well 1 ea rn ed by the - AT THE WATERLOO girl, for soon after she falls in love her lover leaves BE A SPECIAL STUDENT ADMISSION PRICE her. OF $1.25 PER FILM.


*******************************q zi s $ + s * +


Psychiatric illustrated

ROOM 217





are invited

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to: CENTRE . c

The Regular Officer Training Plan For University Undergraduates. >‘, tuesday

30 September

7969 (70: 79) ,285



The St. Monica’s house firingssocial agencies had only praise for the staff...the silent media. even turned in the girl who gave them the story.. ..a11this is being done with public money St. Mbnica’s home for unwed mothers today lacks th’e services of a director, program director and three housemothers ; remaining to care for the twenty or so mothersto-be are the administrator, kitchen superintendent, one new housemother, and some assorted volunteer helpers. What happened? It seems that chairman of the board Rev. Harry Janke personally disapproved of the enlightened program carried out at St. Monica’s and unilaterally / fired most of the staff. A third hbusemother has since left in protest over the firings. No reasons were given for the dismissals. The week following the firings (which took place september 12) Janke called an emergency board of directors meeting. Without aiy explanations to the board he-asked for a vote of confidence and according to former director Mrs. Barbara Evans he got it by a margin of 11 to 4, with four abstensions. ’ Some members of the board felt that an investigation committee should be set up to give the staff an oppoptunity to air their views, but this was voted down by 11 to 8. There are a number of curious aspects to the whole affair. a First, there seems to have been little criticism of the program among local social agencies. On the contrary most of those contacted had only good things to say about the home. Mrs. Fahey, supervisor of unmarried parents at the Kitchener children’s aid said, “to my knowledge the girls were happy and quite satisfied with the program and the staff. We had no complaints about the home from our clients.” Mr. King of the Interfaith counselling service was most enthusiastic about the program. “The nature of the program was most helpful to the girls in becoming aware of themselves. I was very much in favor with the kind of program carried out there and I am extremely disappoint. ed to learn that this may now be in jeopardy.”


Regional dire&or 0; the addiction research foundation, Ken Bennett was also favorably impressed with the program. He said, “I was always impressed with Mrs. Evans and her staff and I held the program in very high esteem. “Joan Gilmore, formerly a counsellor for the Guelph Children’s Aid used to recommend St. Monica’s to all her clients. She thought it was one of the bet&r maternity houses in the area. The program was the most comprehensive social and therapeutic program offered in this area.” Yet despite the obvious admiration which Evans stirred up for her program at St. Monica’s she (a professional social worker with a degree in social work) was refused any explanation for her dismissal and denied a hearing before the board. 0 Second, it is interesting to note that none of the local media has seen fit to cover this story, even though the K-W Record and radio stations CHYM and CKKW were notified by one of the girls. An interesting sequence of events followed this notification. The people who control information in the twin cities are evidently less stingy with it at the big-shot level than they are with their readers and listeners, because it was in short order that Janke knew of the plot to liberate the story, and the name of the girl who had done the calling. His response was to descend on the house alongwith vicechairman Stewart McMillan for a private “interview” with the offending female. She, however, had been forewarned by the remaining housemother, and refused. The two men found themselves subjected to angry questions from the girls. In the course of the questioning two of the girls and the one remaining house mother announced that they were leaving the home. The men asked for the names of the girls and the housemother unthinkingly provided them.

Janke and McMillan then went straight for the files. with the intention of phoning the girls’ parents. (both girls were over 21). They succeeded in making one call, and did it in such a fashion that one of the girls went into hysterics. The two men then indicated their collective ability to run a home by jumping into their car and driving off, somewhat flustered. 0 A third fact is also of some interest. The money that is used to run St. Monica’s (which is controlled by the board of directors) is supplied largely by the provincial government and by the girls themselves. The provincial government provides up to eighty percent of the girls’ fees and the remainder comes from charity. Some of the proceeds of slave day at the University of Waterloo were donated to St. Monica’s. When contacted for comments on the firings Janke was unavailable, but McMillan was willing to speak long enough to say, “the change of organization won’t mean a thing, the girls were just emotionally upset.” The reason behind the firings still remains a mystery. Evans’ program was geared to keep the girls happy and occupied so that they didn’t have too much time to brood on their plight. She encouraged them to participate in activities which would help them mentally and physically such as swimming, films, speakers and reading. Her main concern was that they should accept their situation and use the time at St. Monica’s to sort themselves out and think about their future. Most of the girls thought her group therapy sessions were most rewarding. Janke is an anglican minister and it is just possible that he thinks such a schedule involves too much coddling for the girls. According to one school of thought, pregnant unmarried girls should be encouraged to develop a taste for sackcloth and ashes. Having fun is out of the question. After all, girls might start getting pregnant just to get into the place.

The girls in the housewere very upset because of what Mrs. Evans stood for and what- she had done....were not tdd why they were going, who would replace them or what was going on.! &J

The recent firing of more than half the staff at St. Monica’s home for unwed mothers threw the occupants of the house into a state of turmoil. Their efforts to find out why the director, program director and two housemothers were fired met with little success. The events which followed the firings were described during a taped interview with some of the occupants of the house who for obvious reasons wish to keep their names out of print.

FIRST GIRL Mrs. Barbara Evans, her assistant and the housemothers were told their services were no longer required and I understand were given no reasons. The girls were very upset because of what Mrs. Evans stood for and what she had done for us. Rev. Harry Janke and Stewart McMillan had a little talk with us and told us it was none of our business and to sit down and be quiet. I was willing to accept this because -I thought Mrs. Evans would get a hearing at the forthcoming board meeting but I gather now that she wasn’t even invited to the meeting. I think she should have been given a satisfactory explanation and so should the girls.



The day after the firings one of the girls phoned the K-W Record and a few radio stations, plus certain members of the board to let them know what was happening. Rev. Janke and Mr. McMillan must have found out about this because they phoned the house to ask if the girl was home. Mr. Macmillan spoke to the housemother and told her he would like to see the girl later in the evening... The housemother asked him if she should tell the girl he was coming, but he said no. When McIVIillan and Rev. Janke arrived that evening the girls knew what was happening and they all gathered in the living room as a group. The two men came into the room and asked this girl to step out as they would like to speak to her alone, but she refused and told them whatever they had to say could be said to everybody. Most of the girls couldn’t understand why such a beneficial program could be broken down so quickly without any reason so they questioned the two men but didn’t get any answers. I got quite upset and decided to leave and the housemother invited me to stay at her home. Then another girl

decided to leave with me and the housemother said she would leave too, so she went out to McMillan Bnd Janke and told them she was leaving and taking two girls with her. They asked what girls and when she told them they rushed back into the house and went through the private files saying they would have to phone our parents. We followed them to explain that we were both over 21 and had a right to make our own decisions, but they paid no attention t6 us and ordered us outside the office. At this point I decided to phone my parents myself, but I wasn’t able to get the story across to them very well, so I put the housemother on the phone. While the housemother was speaking to my parents my friend and I were called back to the office. My friend went ahead of me and something happened up there which made tiy friend’ hysterical. Evidently one of the men hungup on a long distance call to her parents which upL set her very much. Their immediate reaction to her hysterical state was to rush out of the building, hop into their car and drive away.



We were just told that they (the director and her staff) were leaving and we were to trust the board to replace them and provide for us. We were not told why they were going, who would replace them or what was going to happen next. I have been at St. Monica’s for a few months now and I think the attitude presented there was salutary. I did not want to go to a home where my situation was presented to me as a sort of moral debasement. Out of wedlock pregnancy can’t continue to be regarded as a social disease, but a great many people do regard it in this light. The people at St. Monica’s however, do not. They don’t treat us as outcasts but as human beings to be accepted on our merits. It’s a funnv situation in which there is a sort of psychological blackmail being used against. us. When Janke came to clarify the issue he said that we had no right to know about any of the changes being made. He told us that if the house should close down due to any unpleasant publicity brought about by our actions the fault would be ours. I find this an odd situation in that what will harm the house is not what has been done but what is publicized a-

bout the fact. It is not the fact but that people know about the fact. He told us to trust him, but trust I think goes from the bottom up. He seemed to suggest that there was a certain trust in the girls mind when she came to St. Monica’s because he said, “you must have trust in us or you would not be here.” That of course is not true. When you go to such a place you don’t trust anyone. You are there because there was nowhere else to go.


stories and interviews


286 the Chevron


I had an interview with Rev. Janke last sunday. He called my mother on Saturday to inform her that I was not staying at the house, and that he felt I would be better cared for at the house. He said to me, without looking me in the face oncelooking at the floor, looking at the ceiling and fixing his socks-that there would be a new management and that no matter who was put behind the executive desk it would not be the same as Mrs. Evans. This was only natural and I agreed with him, but I also said that he would never replace Mrs. Evans if he changed about fifty different directors. He also said that within two months there would be a complete change-over of girls and no one would be the wiser as to what had happened, and that they would not miss Mrs. Evans as we would. He added that since there were only about six old girls left who would be leaving shortly, we would just have to stick it out and try to adjust. I don’t feel that I can trust Mr. Janke because first of all he never looks youin the face when he’s talking to you. He also gives me the impression that he’s not at all sure of what he is doing, because he’s not at all certain of his points. Every question that I asked him he seemed to evade, as the other girls told me he would. His reason for this he said was that he couldn’t possibly explain to me. I said I understood he couldn’t explain but asked if his reasons were valid and he said yes. I asked him if the program would $hange and he said no it wouldn’t. I told him there was a great deal of upset and he asked me how I felt about this. I said it was due to the dismissal of Mrs. Evans and her staff and he said that this would all change and that things would certainly look up, and that within the course of two months no one would be the wiser as to what happened, as they would not miss what they never had. by Una O’Callaghan

Chevron staff





in his own logic

Administration president Howard Petch has backed himself into a couple of corners, but he may detide to ignore the existence of the .moral walls that make up the carners. First is his belated decision to accept the recommendations of the five-year study of the president ‘s advisory committee on student discipline and university regulations. That committee said any disciplinary actions on matters other than ’ purely internal ones (which shouldn’t be covered by the criminal code anyway) should be handled by the people’s courts, for better or for worse. Their philosophy was that the university is an integral part of society and has no right to special treatments, nor can it deny, especially to dissenting students, the right to continuing attendance until such time as the courts prevent it as penalty for criminal conviction or the university through due process prevents it as penalty for cheating, failing, or something . .similar. The COlllmitke Of OIltariO UIliversity presidents would deny the right of continuing attendance almost automatically for some offences that could be dismissed in court. That was Petch’s dilemma+ PACSDUR would allow dissenters the civil liberties of the society; what there is of them. The committee of presidents aren’t that generous. In Petch’s example, One Can See the differences. If students came into Petch’s office and refused to leave when told to do so, the presidents’ policy would suspend them immediately and call the police if they still refused to move. According to PACSDUR, Petch would have to call the police first if he wasn’t going to let them stay after they refused to leave. The police would probably charge them with trespassing,. they would be bailed out and back in classes. What’s at stake is that dissenters have attacked the university for professing to be an institution assisting the cause of freedom and doing the opposite. The presidents’- response? To practice a little less freedom. BY Using the suspension game,

the presidents are also trying to cling to the liberal myth of the independent university . that solves its own problems without police. They also seem to like the myth that students care enough about the education they are getting to fear suspension. If Petch stays in the particular corner of accepting PACSDUR, he will have one very serious problem. 0 Without the threat of easy suspension he may well have to call the copsmore often than with the committee of presidents’ policy. And he will get a very adverse reaction from the university communities. ’ The reaction won’t be just for calling the cops. After all, there were several plainclothes city cops in the library during the study-in in march. The adverse reaction will come because he found it necessary to call the cops rather than negotiate and discuss; or because he called the cops to protect secret files in his office. * * * The other corner Petch may find hard




is the



t*ion president Tom Patterson called parity-veto. The expression, often heard at S.imon Fraser University and now dreaded by the people who run that institution, is relatively 1 new to Waterloo. Parity-veto entails equal power and policy veto to each of the three groups that constitute what is rhetorically referred to as the academic community . Each of students, faculty-and administration meet as a group to decide their position. Negotiation is necessary until all three find the policy acceptable.


That is what Petch said was necessary before any discipline policy would be adopted. He didn’t deny 1St as parity-veto when Patterson called it that in thursday’s meeting

He* later stated it was “the university developing a set of guide-, lines that are mutually acceptable 7~ The* logical extension is to apply parity-veto, or mutually acceptable guidelines, to everv other policy of this institution.. ’ Howard Petch may find the corner he logically extended himself into very uncomfortable.

There IS a ruling class The firings at St. Monica’s house for unwed mothers proves several things about the ruling class of our so-called democratic society. First, the people who run the charities and charitable institutions don’t work for the best inter, ests of the people requiring the assistance. Second, the bourgeois press (including radio and TV) are not only very responsive to the wishes of the elite, but are tightly enough controlled to facilitate such censorship. Third, there is ind,eed a rulingclass and it has def%ite ideas on the way it will direct the society it controls. If this were a democratic so-

ciety, homes for unwed mothers would be tax-supported to cover any costs the users were unable to Pay. Administration would be in the hands of the people who know and understand the problems-that means the greatest voice in policymaking would be that of the staff and the unwed mothers themselves. In a truly democratic society, the media would aiso belong to the people and suppression of the news would not be tolerated. And a free society would not even attempt to treat unwed mothers as outcasts fit for nothing but repentance. 0 Canada!


and free.


Suspensions About two weeks ago, three officials of this institution lied about a matter for which they were responsible. The matter was a railway crossing at Seagram drive that was almost totally obscured in one direction by a man-made mound of earth on university property. The lie was that nothing could be done about it, other than writing to the railway asking them to slow down at the crossing. The officials were the operations vicepresident Al Adlington, the safety director Nick Ozaruk and physical-plant and planning director Bill Lobban. How do we know they lied? The mound or berm; that they were aware of and that they said was required, has now been removed to a sufficient extent that a car travelling a 30 miles an hour can probablysee a train approaching at lg miles an hour in sufficient time to avoid being struck. If the officials concerned had

are in order admitted

their error

when it was be for-

pointed out, they could

given. But instead, the officials acceped absolutely no blame and gave public explanations that would warm the hearts of the board of directors of a profit-making enterprise. After all, don’t automobile executives publicly explain that accidents aren’t their fault at all. But deception is totally unacceptable in an institution that professes to be seeking truth. That same institution is also paid for by the people and should have nothing but the people’s interests in mind. Small though the matter may seem (nobody was killed or even injured), it is intolerable to allow officials with such attitudes continue in their jobs. They should be fired, or at least drastically demoted, as quickly as the obstructing berm was removed. Q

This time, do it right Now that the operations vicepresident, the safety officer and the physical-plant and planning directar have admitted there is at least one obstruction on campus, something can be done about the rest. The blindingly-bright electric University of Waterloo signs at the two campus entrances should be moved or removed. The ringroad should be rebuilt to remove dangerous corners and visibility-blocking bits of landscaping.

And while they are at it, the ringroad could be widened and parking meters installed to provide for the short-term parking that takes place anyway. The meters could even pay. for the improvements, without the wasted manpower and unjustified wrath incurred by using campus onnc

L”rO’ If we’re going to have a ringroad, at least it could be designed properly.


University Press (CUP) member, Underground Syndicate (UPS) member, Liberation News Service (LNS) and Chevron International News Service (GINS) subscribers. The Chevron is published tuesdays and fridays by the publications board of the Federation of Students (inc.), University of Waterloo. Content is independent of the publications board, the student council and the university administration. Offices in the campus center, phone (519) 578-7070 or university local 3443; telex 0295-748; circulation 12,500; editor-in-chief - Bob Verdun. Working at disrupting and obstructing: Bob Epp, Alex Smith, Steve Izma, David X, Glen Pierce, dumdum jones, Allen Class, Allen Class (with apologies for having omitted his’name last issue) Una O’CaIlaghan, Thomas Purdy, Bill Brown, Jim Klinck, Peter Marshall, Eleanor Hyodo, Marty Noval, Jim Dunlop, Bruce Meharg. And after putting out five issues this term, we are finally seeing some semblance of orgelization. Any staff members who want to go to the ORCUP conference this weekend and missed last night’s staff meeting had better come into the office in a hurry and say so. tuesday

30 September

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