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Date: Octsber 3,1969 Mr. Trevor Boyes, Registrar To: .Mr. D.P. Roberston, Director of Aeademid copy: Services J.D.. Adams, Information Se&es x , From : Reporting of Enrolment Fi-gures ’ Subject: As you know, it has’ been, our practice to obtain enrolment figures from the Registrar.. -It was *my un+rstanding that Muriel, De Gre was in contact with you regarding this year’s enrdlment figures. ai’ ’ /I was not aware that the Gazette had obtained enrolment figures until this week’s issue of the Gazette . arrivedon my desk. , . In checking with Bob Whitton, &e’ editor, I learned that he liad obtained the. information from Ross Gren\ ier, Associate Registrar and from Brian Ingram. Whether Mr. Grenier should have known your policy on this -matter’ and qot released this information or
10 number
0Ve~enrolmentI -
whether Mr. Whitton was wrong in asking the Associate Registrar rather than the Registrar, is immaterial at this point since the inforniation has already been published. . In this case, after the Gazette came out Wednesday we asked the downtoi;vn tiedia not to use the information since it was not official and we told the Chevron that the information was not official. In regard to‘ the rights of Information Services and ’ the rights of the IQegistrar, it is my view that the RegisI trar has the right to determine whether members of ’ his staff may or may. not release information without his approval. I feel we have the right to determine whether ‘or not we will release information sb long ai i the party providing the information is aware of the purpose fo: which the information is intended, I hope you will agree that this is a fair distinction bet ween our respective rights. On the matter of speculation -of eilrolm&t figures , I find myself in- both* agreement -and disagreement ’ with you. On several occasions prior to and during ,
Waterloo, Ontario
registration I heard officials of the University tiaking open‘ statements that. our enrolment would be ,ll,OOO students or more. I was in’disagreement with the use of this type of ‘speculative figure because of the lack of information. In all queries to this office: we used- the projected figure of 10,000, which, to the best of ‘our knowledge, was the safest speculative figure we could use. The University, however, would ha’ve appeared ridiculous ,if we had refused to give out any type of speculative figure. I It is impossible for either of us to try to prevent. the use of speculative enrolment figures. We‘ can only try to see .that the figures to be used. are consistent and reflect a reasonable statistical premise. ;editor*s notes-A copy of this menio, . which is reproduced exactly as received, appeared mysteriously in the Chevron office frida y afternoon. Adams didn’t tell the Chevron that the information was not official; the Chevron called Gazette editor Bob Whitton, iuho indicated the figure inight nbt be
tuesday 7 'October
SW admh7 S Burnaby (CUP)-The Simon. Fraser University administration began dismissal procedure5 against eight of 11 striking professors from the department of political science, sociology and anthropology, and placed the eight on suspension until their firing is completed. In a letter to each of the professors, administration president Kenneth Strand made good an administration threat issued September 24, the day the PSA .department went on strike, in an effort to bring .administrators to. the nekotiating table and end an administration trusteeship over the department. The eight profes,sors are deposed department head Mordecai Briemberg, Kathleen Aberle, John Legget, Prudence Wheeldon, Louis Feldhammer, Nathan Popkin, David Potter and Saghir Ahmad. All of- the ‘professors except ‘Ahmad were denied teriure, demoted or placed, on probatiori by the administration tenure cornmittee in late august, Qverturn-
ing recommendations made by the departmeut’s bwn . tenure committee. Ahmad, a visiting professor in the PSA department, had strongly supported PSA resistance to the administration. Strand and acting administration vice-president Strivastava set ‘a deadline df 5pm &&&d&y for the. professors to declar’e they would attend -regularly scheduled classes and teach course material as described in the university calendar and approved by the academic senate. Failure to respond, they said, would constitute ground for dismissal. None of the striking faculty responded. The suspensioxis, according’ to Strand, became effective at noon friday. The professors were relieved of all teaching and committee duties, and lost all voting privileges “in any decision-making body in the university”. They are still eligible for salary, and welfare and libfary benefits-until their firing is completed.
Strand also forbade the profkssors to “engage in any activity that causes or may cau& ‘a disruption of the norrrial activities of this ‘uniyersity”-in effect, a command to cease aiding or supporting the nine-day old PSA strike. ,’ ~ _ According to Strand, the professors “abused the trust of those students who enrolled and paid for instruction” at SFU, and ‘:who now find their programs of studies disrupted and thwarted”by their a&ions. Course re-scheduling is particularly difficult at this, time during the university ,year Strand said, “and it may prove impossible to provide instructiion in these courses. ’ ’ In. an open letter to SFU students issued today, Strivastava encouragkd students affected by the PSA strike to apply for course transfers if they desired. “Every effort ‘will be made to acconimodate transferring students,” he said.
Striking RSA faculty -member John Legs&t spoke in the campus .center _thursday at noon. He along with three teaching assistants from the beseiged department of Simon Fraser University are 0~ a national speaking tour explaining their strike.
seeon-d .thtWgh,ts
on. ,unibody
proved acceptable. About two- . how members .Board of governors rep Craig , Some memberS of the univer’ the manner of selection gf reps are appointed, said he felt he would thirds of the members s&ill be .Watt said, “We cannot have.elect-s sity act committee seemed to be in a legal general meeting of the . Davidson from iriside the university (divihave difficulty persuading his reluctant about making the leap federation. ed representatives -who will have fellow governors to: accept the ded about e$ally between facinto the single-tiered university Watt went 0~ to say he felt that to. go back tq their constituencies and administradraft .as published. . ulty 9 students government. perhaps the university was adopevery time before they can -de“Certain constituencies’ have tion) and the oth’er third -from The committee is working out ting. the single-tier governing cide anything. ” ’ outside the university (with the right to determine how ‘memthe details for a “unibopy”, or concept without realizing its full -Patt,erson said, “It is unclear bers’ *II be elected-or appointed, about a quarter being Blumni). single governing council, to re- ‘implications. _ , what kind of. body this is, who ___---m-e----------------e-w tihile the proposed ’ council will place the senate arid board of act draft summary represents whom-, and so bn. I page 77 page 70 editorial . -------------------determine such matters for governors. . think that while it is -possible “The board will be sure to ask ‘?$e~-~&\~ &Gs of things others,” he said. “I strongly beAt a meeting thursday intended to philosophize. about the differthat we need time to digest. It lieve it should be one way or the . that question,” said Davidson. to discuss feedback on the cornence <between representation of Faculty association rep Tom would be sheer folly to say we other. ” the individual points of view, in mittee,‘s draf‘t act that was pubBrzustowski said, “Many people must have a deadline,” he said. Dayidson preferred to- see the lished in august, several conpractice it is not riearly so clear. find it difficult to accept the Throughout the discussions on council determine the manner of cerns were expressed about the “I think it would be worthdraft tict without a corresponding the single-tier structure, comselection for all members. basic structure. . while to make the draft more uniset of bylaws. ” pletion had been planned ‘in time He was asked if $he SelaSenate, rep Lynn Watt, said, form although I am going to wind . Administration president Howtive strength of the constituen“Since’ I represent the seriate, , to present the act to the provinup disagreeing with a number of ard Petch agreed and added that cial legislature’s winter session. .cie$ as proposed in the draft had I could not popsibly. accept the people on the committee as to some people plan to reserve draft in this form’. One’ major the form it should take.” _judgment until there is a Getter “Is there a generaLfeeling that concern involves the way stuunderstanding of the. proposals dent *representatives are to be our whole philosophy with respect regarding formation of an acachosen. ” ) There will be a public meeting tonight in the campus center great to representation on the proposed demic cbuncil: ” . Student reps are td be lchosen ;hall. to discuss the’draft of the university act. The meeting, called council might well be reviewed? ” “There is a general feeling in a manner determined by ‘the by federation president Tom Patterson, starts at 7: 3Oprin. Y asked committee chairman federation of students. FederaThe Vietpam ‘moratorium day group is h’6lding an open meeiing * that there is no reason to expect Ted Batke. “I feel there is cona traditional continuation of tion president Tom Patterson of all interested people tomorrow night at 8pm in the great hall. cern that we have made the things that are not pinned down,” had argued for this prov&ion ic Their proposal is to close down the university ori October 15 as a modes of representation look explained Brzustowski. the.cofimittee. He felt it should gesture toward stopping the Vietnam war. 1.Io.& On the matter-of who decides * continued on next page b be left to’,the students to decide
\I ~
* from
All Studentsassessed an arts society fee:. Those students wishing their Arts Society fee refunded have until Oct. 31, 1969to ‘pick up the money in the Federation of Students office. located in the Campus Centre
Eactional. I don’t think that is the intention. ” One matter decided was the student council recommendation that the council be cut proportionally in half. This possibility was raised by Batke in his statement in the 6 august Gazette, “a strong feeling exists in the committee that a body of 24-28 members may in time be more effective.” Brzustowski led the opposition to this, stating a larger body
would’ more likely function as a governing body only, while a smaller one might tend to assume a management role. The latter was not desired by faculty. Chancellor Ira Needles felt the large number would give more ; significant representation to all major groups and would result in a “richer” approach to its business. “It is fairly simple for a large body to work effectively through committees,” he said.
Groups submit
page one
in act
for chckes The following groups submitted briefs to the university act committee suggesting changes: Chairmen of the arts departments, church colleges, Ontario college of optometrists, federation of students, graduate student union executive, and chairmen of the math departments. * * * The chairmen of the arts departments stated’they believe that academic procedures and the executive role of the president must be explicitly recognized in order to assure continuity of interpretation. The changes they have requested are: l Added to the objects of the “in conformity with university, academic custom and tradition. ” l In the section dealing with power of the council chairman to alter curricula, add “consistent with academic procedures. ” l Also in the section dealing with the power of the council to remove the president and other officials of the university, add “with due regard for academic safeguards. ” l Reference to the faculty association be changed to the university’s association ’ of faculty ; reference to the federation of students be changed to the university’s association of students and the alumni association be changed to the university’s association of alumni. In all cases, the associations are those recognized by the council and its administrative officers. l Faculty constituency membership on the council be increased from seven to ten; two members elected from the university’s association of faculty instead of five. l Council membership from the registered students be elected by the student body (deleting “appointed” changing federation members to registered students) l Alumni reps to be elected by the university’s association of alumni (deleting “appointed”). 0 Deletion of portion giving the council the authority to del-
i TheSuitables.’
egate to the president, other officer, faculty, staff or student member of the university, power and authority to act for and on behalf of the council in any matter. Addition of two paragraphs: “There shall be a president of the university who shall be chosen by the council in such manner as shall be determined by the council. “The president shall be the chief executive officer of the university, and all officers thereof, except for the chancellor, shall perform their duties under his direction and control, according to the terms of regulations promulgated under subsection 19 (a) above. * * * The church colleges requested the following amendments : l Recognition of the church colleges be added to the opening clause. l The amendment of the introductory paragraph relating to the powers of the council, by adding a clause saving the rights of the colleges. ~ * * * The Ontario college of optometrists has requested a representative of the college on the council. * * * The federation of students requested that the body be cut proportionally in half and that the council be empowered to select whatever person it deems suitable for the position of chairman, instead of the drafts’s requirement that the chairman be from the community-at-large. * * * The graduate student union requested written into the act a method for democratic graduate representation. * * * The chairmen of the math departments felt that the act required further study, and asked for further consideration at individual faculty levels, an increase in faculty representation, and the deletion of the word “appointed” in reference to the manner of selecting representatives of the faculty association and the federation.
RSM pledges not to work on ~ph~ulis~~ Chevron At the radical student movement night in the campus center, members pledged not to work for the Chevron. The meeting was called to discuss the role of the Chevron as a medium that the RSM could use, and Chevron staffers were invited to attend. The feasability of having severa1 members of the RSM work for the Chevron was discussed. The RSM as a group would then make the final decisions as to content. They felt that the Chevron in its present form is too pluralistthey did not believe the news-
.A Michael&tern 3 piece suit. . ,.the vest reverses to match iie contrasting slacks, and with the reversible belt you mix and match. There are at least seven Suitable combinations.
314 the Chevron
/ KITCHENER, annual
student Send
fees address
ONTARIO entitles changes
U of promptly
/ PHONE students
to to:
receive Chevron,
578-6800 the
by of
mail Waterloo,
off-campus Waterloo,
terms. Ontario.
paper should cover such items as sports and entertainment. Because &f the amount of work involved, they - felt the Chevron was too large a commitment, and since the critical university is their main priority they would not have the time required to devote to working as staff members. They concluded the RSM should investigate further the expenses involved with producing a party organ which would present one solid line to the students. Renzo Bernardini and Bill Brown will report on their findings at an RSM meeting wednesday.
a term.
St. Mmicak
The abrupt dismissal of staff at St. Monica’s home for unwed mothers is not a dead issue yet, though the executive members of the board would like to think so. The Chevron’s story on the firings managed to break the local media’s conspiracy of silence and opened a forum for dismissed director Barb Evans and her staff. Some members of the executive charged the Chevron with printing untruths and innuendos on a CHYM radio news bulletin, and claimed that matter was strictly an intern@ problem. CKKW radio, however, followed this up with an interview with Evans on thursday morning, during which she confirmed everything printed in the Chevron story.
The Record finally printed a short story on friday announcing a meeting called by bishop Anglican George N. Luxton, to investigate the cause of the dismissals. Their story Saturday stated that Luxton ratified the decision of the board, despite the fact that Luxton- clearly stated the meeting had no official status and hence had no authority to take any action on the issue. Bishop Luxton did however apologize to Evans for the manner in which the executive treated her. During the course of the meeting board members were told that the dismissals were the result of a conflict of policy between tie executive and Evans.
Many board members who are unhappy with the present executive believe the issue is not yet concluded. Rev. B. L. Oaten, an United Church representative intends to raise the issue at the United Church presbytery meeting this afternoon. Although he had intended to resign he has now decided to stay on with a view to getting the board structure thoroughly reorganized and to reducing the power of the executive. Dr. Helen Reesor also says, “this is not the end yet”. She has resigned as the medical academy representative to the board because she does not feel she can work with the present executive.
by kal
Reesor said that there has been a split in the board for many months now between those in favor of Evans and those who feel things could be run slightly different with the same end results. Nancy-Lou Patterson, lec-
me&u turer at the University of Waterloo intends to stay on the board for much the same reason as Oaten. She stated that the executive elections come up early in november and that by staying on she may be able to assist in voting in a good executive.
K-W freeschooi opens us system cflternativ~ A group of parents disenchanted with the public school system in the K-W area, recently opened up a freeschool in Waterloo for children between the ages of six and 11. Although not church-affiliated, the school operates out of the Unitarian fellowship house on the corner of Allen and Moore streets. The idea for a freeschool was originated by the education action group who some months ago stirred up support to fight “religion in the schools week.” Most of these people feel that the public school system strifles intellectual and creative ability, so they decided to provide an alternative. According to principal Sandra Sachs, a graduate student in philosophy at Uniwat, “childbe creative in a ren can’t class of forty or fifty controlled by one teacher”.
The objective of the school will be to create a stimulating intellectual environment where children can interact as human beings. All the qualifications necessary for registration as a private school such as fire and health hazards have been checked out, and two permanent teachers have been hired. The work of the teachers will be supplemented by resource people, especially in the sciences, mathematics and languages. Emphasis will be on the development of language and number skills and hopefully the work-fun distinction will be done away with. The two teachers hired are Anne La Roque and Kim Richards. La Roque is bilingual with a degree in sociology from the London School of Economics, and Richards is a University‘of British Columbia graduate.
Psychsoc proposed for better relations Watch out &for the po wdcr-puff
BURNABY (CUP)-The movement toward sympathy strikes supporting the struggle of Simon Fraser’ University’s department of political science, sociology and anthropology continued at a slower pace friday, as students tempered their support in the face of a hardening SFU administration. A spate of student meetings had been called at SFU for thurs-. day and friday in the wake of ai ’ history student walkout Wednesday in support of PSA-only modern languages students voted to join the PSA strike, and by a slim 49 to 47 margin at that. Students in economics, ceography and commerce contented themselves with uassing motions in support of PSA and against 1
playing behind the people’s campus ten ter.
at SW
the administration trusteeship imposed on the department. Geography students also appoint, ed ti liaison committee, to coordinate their activites with those of PSA and history students, but when a strike vote was demanded at a geography meeting friday, the chairman ruled that the 160 students present were not representative of the department. Students in the SFU english department have already voted to begin a sympthy strike yesterday at noon, if the administration has not begun negotiations with PSA A group of 50 students were thwarted thursday when they attempted to hold a mill-in at administration president Kenneth
Strand’s offices: that section of the SFU administration building was locked and guarded .by Pinkerton police. One of the students telephoned the RCMP to demand that the administration be arrested for occupying the building, and that no one could get in to see the registrar or the bursar. The police said that only the administration could complain that a building was occupied. Campus security chief Fred Hope friday blockaded the road to the mountain campus, while five rock bands played to students on SFU’s open- air mall in support of PSA. Administration president Strand also threatened to cut of electricity
“The only way .for students to affect their own education is through the departments, ” was professor Don Meichenbaum’s introductory statement at last thursday’s psychology society meeting for his three- page proposal of the society’s functions. The proposal stated the society should be “an effective lobby for the improvement of the educational process within the psychology department” and “improved faculty-student relations should the primary goal for the psych society.” It suggested sending representatives to department committees to make reports to the society, collecting data on course content, methods of improving the quality of teaching, reviewing the effect of class size on the learning process, and running monthly pub nights. Meichenbaum said, “before we go into this proposal, I think
the students should comment on it so they won’t feel that they’re being swept along. After all, this is only my own bias. ” Due to lack of response, however, the students were in fact swept along. Several students volunteered to represent the society at the undergraduate affairs committee and the teachers affairs committee. In addition, a program committee was set up to look after such matters as posting signs, inviting speakers, and arranging for pub nights. Vicky Mees read last year’s honor’s curriculum committee report. Arrangement of tours of the psych building and raps at Jim Dyal’s home were also discussed. Approximately 45 people originally attended the meeting, but several students left towards the end.
1969 (70:2?/
Discon timed lines for sale at drastically reduced prices
OTTAWA (CUP)-It takes more than a complaint to bring police onto the campus at Carleton University. It takes the sayso of administration president Davidson Dunton. A group of 15 students tried and failed to bring the forces of law and order to their support friday when they confronted Dunton in his office to demand he repudiate the working paper of the committee of presidents of universities of Ontario, and guarantee non-interference in Soccer -
p.m. -
8~00 p.m.
316 the Chevron
In the second half Guelph, on the offensive, narrowed the margin to 2-l at the ten minute mark. The I warriors regained control got I the clincher ten minutes and later. Guelph missed two penalty shots and with them the chance to tie the game. The game was a hard-fought and physically violent contestthis mainly due to the poor officiating. The game degenerated into a
for @eople’
any political activity on campus which did not involve -personal physical injury or significant property damage. In the midst of a heated debate with Dunton, one of the students telephoned the Ottawa police to demand they arrest “a man who is occupying the president’s desk against the wishes of the people,” according to the desk sergeant on duty. Dunton had just claimed he would not take the initiative in callingL police on, campus, he
In their season opener at Columbia field on Saturday, the dribble-with-their-feet warriors defeated the Guelph Gryphons 3-l. The warriors, after one of their most successful training camps in years, went into the game with high hopes for a strong showing in the OQAA soccer league. They struck early and went ahead” 1-O after only four minutes. They scored again at the half hour mark and the period ended
Mon. - Fri.
continuous kicking and pushing duel. By games end the warriors had lost two men; one for the rest of the season with a knee injury, the other expelled from the game. The warriors invade Toronto October 8 determined to upset the Varsity Blues and launch themselves into championship orbit.
later modified his claim to say “He would try not to call the police” until the university’s academic senate had given the Goahead. The students attacked Dunton as the “chief bureaucrat in an oppressive capatalist university” and demand that he not interfere with students who “quit just talking about it, and try to do 1something. Dunton replied that he was in favor of “all points of view being expressed at the university,” but indicated he would consider disruptive activity in classes to come “dangerously near the use of physical force”-which he would not permit. The students left after Danton refused to reveal the names of the drafters of the committee of presidents report, which calls for hard line disciplinary measures against virtually all forms of campus unrest except ordinary picketting. “They’re colleagues of mine, and that’s privileged information,”
IRugger warriofs strong, demohh Gryphons 26-O The University of Waterloo rugger team established itself as a strong contender in the OQAA rugger circuit this weekend by trouncing the Guelph Gryphons
Hagar, Dunlop, Moore, Wicks, and Cunningham all played wellCunningham showing fine speed on one of his tries.
The team will travel to Toronto for a game on Wednesday night at 7:30 in Varsity stadium.
The warriors points came from two tries by Dave Cunningham and one each by Alan Eicks, Brian Dagneault, Rick Fenton and Greg Moore, and four converts. Fenton’s try followed a fine run by Hagar.
They open the home season against McMaster next saturday at noon, with the seconds playing immediately after,
Wurriors below give
potentialt easy 28-O win
One of’ the block-and-tackle warriors *few bright spots against Queen% Saturday afternoon: end Don Manahan completes one osf Waterloo’s fourteen receptions. Manahan caught six. by Peter Marshall Chevron staff
The Queen’s University Golden Gaels visited Seagram stadium on Saturday afternoon and found most gracious hosts in the Waterloo football warriors. Any team that gives its guests a 28-O victory and hands them the ball 7 times on interceptions, once on a fumble and once on downs must be classed as gracious hosts. Queen ‘s scored their first touchdown on the first sequence bof downs. Quarterback Bill McNeil1 threw to Tom Chown for the lo-yard touchdown which was set up by a 60-yard pass-and-run play from McNeil1 to Al Strader, and another pass to Chown. Doug Cozac’s convert was good. Their second touchdown was set up by two runs by Keith Eaman-who had a spectacular day running from scrimmage and on punt returns-and a pass to end Rick Vanbuskirk. The 34yard touchdown pass was to Don McIntyre. McNeil1 was fortunate to get the ball away as George Nogradi \ just missed throwing McNeil1 for a substantial loss. Cozac’s convert made the score 14 - 0. The rest of the points in the first half were set up by two interceptions by Mike Lambros. The warrior defense held Queen’s wurriors
ad lose
Warriors track and field team were very convincing winners of the meet here on Saturday. They tallied 266 points-more than double that of second place McMaster. The racketeering Warriors were not so fortunate. The western OQAA tennis division was won by Toronto with Waterloo placing fourth.
to a single point on a missed field goal the first time but were not as successful the second. Three plays after the interception McNeil1 threw to McIntyre for a 17-yard touchdown. Again McNeil1 was just able to escape a tackle as he threw, this time by Joe Sowieta. The convert made it 22 - 0. The passing statistics in the first half reflect the play quite well. Waterloo completed 3 of their 15 passes and had three interceptions. Queen’s completed 10 of their 11 pass attempts. The second half began as though things would be different. The defense forced Queen’s to punt the first two times they had the ball. The offense made four first downs on their first two attempts and started a concerted drive the third time. Dave Groves threw to the right to Wayne Fox. Fox trotted for a 33-yard gain to the Queen’s 47-yard line. Two more passes to Fox moved the ball to the 27. The drive ended on unfortunate circumstances on the next play. Center George Saunders w&s injured and the exchange between his replacement and the quarterback was fumbled because they were not accustomed to one another’s style. Pass interceptions ended the rest of the warrior drives in the second half. In the second half the defense held Queen’s to two field goals by Doug Cozac, both set up by interceptions. Fine blitzes by Ryan Tripp and Stu Koch and an improved pass rush, especially by Nogradi and Dean Anderson,
midis vimaxis 0 e
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is presenting a Student Faculty Evening on Thursday October 9 in Room M&C5136 or better known as the 5th Flo‘Qr Faculty Lounge. Everyone interested in talking with Electrical Engineering Prsfs. is welcome.
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got to the Queen’s quarterbacks and ruined their passing game in the second half. The offense also improved in the second half gaining a quite Don respectable 170 yards. Manahan had a fine day at end catching 6 passes for 68 yards. Fox caught 3 passes for 53 yards and Rick Wiedenhoeft added 2 more for 25 yards. The running offense is having some trouble now that every team in the league is keying their defense on Gord McLellan. Mike Cheevers added some good inside running, however . The most distressing thing about the game this week was the atmosphere hanging around the warrior bench, as was evidenced by the ball players hanging their heads when they got behind. As soon as Queen’s scored their first touchdown the team seemed to give up. Anyone who saw the warriors physically manhandle the University of Toronto Blues last week wonders how the team could die after just one Queen’s touchdown. The warriors should remember how they came from behind in Toronto. to score two consecutive touchdowns and move into an 11 point lead. The warriors have the talent, they proved that in Toronto. If they can begin to believe that fact and develop a more positive attitude about their ability as a team and their ability to come back in a ball game-some victories may be imminent. Until they develop some faith in their own capabilities the warriors will only provide the viewers video replays of saturday’s game with Queen’s.
: l
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: e 0
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ENTHOUSE juniors ,
1969 (10.21)
317 *1 (
by John
The folio wing article, written by Toronto Globe & Mail reporter Loren Lind points out that many parents today insist their children attend schools where short hair, sex segregation and strict discipline-all characteristics of authoritarian class societies-are still the order of the day. She finds the innovations and experiments in schools praised by psychologists, sociologists and educational theorists like John Ho/t are too modern for security-conscious parents who are frightened by what they don’t try to understand. This article points out the absurdity of the caution and narrow-mindedness which motiiates many parents to accept extravagant expense in order to ensure the straidht jacketing of their children’s minds. .
ARENTS SEEKING MORE discipline and less innovation for their children are pounding on the doors of Ontario’s private schools like never before, a survey of the leading established schools has shown. Private educators say the liberalizing of Ontario’s public school system-promoted by the Hall-Dennis Report on Education-is putting many parents off. They want something tried and proved, even if it costs them $2,900 a year per child. “The public schools are experimenting. theyie searching, and people are always frightened by that, ” said Dr. John Bell, a
retired headmaster of Oakville‘s Appleby College who is now secretary of the Governing Bodies Association of Independen t Schools. “‘People are a little more interested traditional programs we offer. ”
See editorial/page
in the
Dr. Bell said the 18 schools in his assohigher number ciation has a “generally of applicants, despite fee increases of
378 the Chevron
$100 to $300 a pupil in the past two years. Headmasters and principals at seven private schools in different parts of Ontario confirmed the trend. AS they see it, worried parents are coming to appreciate short haircuts, sexual segregation, homework, graded learning and academic discipline for their children. They aren’t convinced the open classroom and the ungraded curriculum will work. The increase of drugs and student revolt scares them. “I think there are a lot of parents who are upset with the experimenting that’s headgoing on, ” said E.V.B. Pilgrim, master of Canada’s largest boarding school for boys. “They’re bringing their children to us. ” His 456~student Ridley College at St. Catharines raised its fee $100 this year, charging upper-class-men $2,950, but this did nothing to turn off new applicants. “We’ve always been a full school,” he said, “but this year we’ve had an unbelievable number of applicants. ” One was a 16-year-old boy in Grade 10
who had been taking French and mathematics in Grade 9 and history in Grade 11 in his public school. His parents took him to Ridley, complaining that advancement by subject threw him into classes; out of his age group. “The kid didn’t really know’ where he was at, and he didn’t know where he was going to end up. ’ ’ Mr. Pilgrim said his school tries to retain the good of the old” in both academics **We have no long hair, and appearances. no sideburns, our boys have to wear and jackets throughout the day.” He
concard for many par-
sidered this a drawing ents. High moral standards were important to a Toronto mother who started sending her 13-year old daughter to the all-girl Branksome Hall this month. “It backs up the parents better than the public school does,” she said. ‘Here at Branksome, they try to instill virtue, and virtue is not a dirty word that anyone is afraid to use in the independent schools. I*
Patrick Johnson, headmaster of Upper Canada which has an enrolment of 840 attributes th,e flood of applications this year partly to a more affluent population and partly to a more sympathetic attitude. His school had to reject more than 300 applicants this year, even though it increased the rates for boarding students from $2,500 to $2,800. To avoid the stigma of being a domain of the rich, Upper Canada gives assistance to 80 boys each year, but it still has to pay competitive rates for teachers. None of the 23 private boys’ and girls’ schools in the province receives aid from the Government.
Angus Scott, headmaster of Trinity College School at P&t Hope, admitted. that private schools sometimes get children of diehard parents who won’t accept positive changes in the public system. “They just don’t feel their boys are being educated the way they want them to be. Maybe the parents well as the boys. SI
need educating
His school has to turn away more appicants than ever before, even though it increased attendance from 280 to 330 during the past two years. St. Andrew’s School in Aurora, whose enrolment figure had been set at 300, took 317 this year and still turned away a record number. St. Andrew’s rates are now $3,000 for the top grades, $200 above last year. “A lot of the parents are unhappy about provincial schools for two reasons,” said Headmaster J. R. Coulter. “They feel there’s not enough demanded of their youngsters and they’re not getting enough information about how they’re doing in school. ” Appleby, with an enrolment of 250, increased its rates $300-to $2,700 for senior boarders-but also received more applications than before. Havergal College, a Toronto girls’ school enrolled just over 600, and turned back as many as it took in, said Catherine Steel, the principal. Pickering, College at Newmarket, a small school with 150 boys, received 100 new applicants this year but could admit only 70. It also had to raise its fees by $100 this year to meet increased teachers’ salaries and food costs.
EHIND MUCH OF WHAT we school lie some ideas, that could pressed roughly as follows: 0 Of the vast body of human
do in be exknow-
ledge, called
there are certain bits and pieces that can be essential, that everyone should know; l it is the duty of schools, therefqr-e, to get as
educated, qualified to live intelligently in today’s world arid be a useful member of society, depends on the amount of this essential knowledge that he carries about with him; l the extent to-which a person can be conddered much of this essential knowledge as possible into the minds of children. Thus we find ourselves trying to poke certain facts, recipes, and ideas down the gullets of every child in school, whether the morsel interests him or not, even if it frightens him or sickens him, and even if there are other things that he is much more interested in learning. These ideas are absurd and harmful nonsense. We will not begin to have true education or real learning in our schools until we sweep this nonsense out of the way. Schools shouid be a p/ace where children learn what they most want to know; instead of what we think they ought to know. The child who wants to know something remembers it and uses it once he has it; the child who learns something to please or appease someone else forgets it when the need for pleasing or the danger of not appeasing is past. This is why children quickly forget all but a small part of what they learn in school. It is of no use or interest to them; they do not want, or expect, or even intend to remember it. The only difference between bad and good students in this respect is that the bad students forget right away while the good students are careful to wait until after the exam. If for no other reason we could well afford to throw out most of what we teach in school because the children throw out almost all of it anyway.
” is absurd
The notion of a curriculum, an essential body of knowledge, would be absurd even if children remembered everything we “taught” them. We don’t and can’t agree on what knowledge is essential. The man who has trained himself in some special field of knowledge or competence thinks, naturally, that his specialty should be in the curriculum.The classical scholars want Greek and Latin taught; the historians shout for more history; the mathematicians urge more math and the scientists more science; the modern language experts want all children taught French, or Spanish, or Russian; and so on. Everyone wants to get his specialty into the act, knowing that as the demand for his special knowledge rises, so will the price that he can charge for it. Who wins this struggle and who loses depends not on the real needs of children or even of society, but on who is most skillful in public relations, who has the best educational lobbyists, who . best can capitalize on events that have nothing to’ do with education, like the appearance of Sputnik in the night skies. The idea of the curriculum would not be valid even if we could agree what ought to be in it. For knowledge itself changes. Much of what a child learns in school will be found, or thought, before many years, to be untrue. I studied physics at school from a fairly up-to-date text that proclaimed that the fundamental law of physics was the law of conservation of matter-matter is not created, or destroyed. I had to scratch that out before I left school. In economics at college I was taught many things that were not true of our economy then, and many more that are not true now. Not for many years after I left college did I learn that the Greeks, far from being a detached and judicious people surrounded by chaste white temples, were hottempered, noisy, quarrelsome, and liked to cover their temples with gold leaf and bright paint; or that most of the citizens of Imperial Rome, far from living in houses in which the rooms surrounded an atrium, or central court, lived in multistory tenements, one of which was perhaps the largest building in the ancient world. The child who really remembered everything he heard in school would live his life believing many things that were not so. Moreover, we cannot possibly judge what knowledge will be most needed forty, or twenty, or even ten years from now. At school, I studied Latin and French. Few of the teachers who claimed then
that Latin was essential would make as strong a case for it now; and the French might better have been Spanish, or better yet, Russian. Today the schools are busy teaching Russian; but perhaps they should be teaching Chinese, or Hindi, or whoknows-what? Besides physics, I studied chemistry, then perhaps the most popular of all science courses; but I would probably have done better to study biology, or ecology, if such a course had been offered (it wasn’t). We always find out, too late, that we don’t have the experts we need, that in the past we studied the wrong things; but this is bound to remain so. Since we can’t know what knowledge will be most needed in the future, it is senseless to try to teach it’in advance. Instead, we should try to turn out people who love learning so much and learn so well that they will be able to learn whatever needs to be learned. How can we say, in any case, that one piece of knowledge is more important than another, or indeed, what we really say, that some knowledge is essential and the rest, as far as school is concerned, worthless? A child who wants to learn something that the school can’t and doesn’t want to teach him will be told not to waste his time. But how can we say that what he wants to know is less important than what we want him to know? We must ask how much of the sum of human knowledge anyone can know at the end of his schooling. Perhaps a millionth. Are we th*en ‘to believe that one of these millionths is so much more important than another? Or that our social and national problems will be solved if we can just figure out a way to turn children out of schools knowing two millionths of the total, instead of one? Our problems don’t arise from the fact that we lack experts enough to tell us what needs to be done, but out of the fact that we do not and will not do what we know needs to be donenow. Learning is not everything, and certainly one piece of learning is as good as another. One of my brightest and boldest fifth graders was deeply interested in snakes. He knew more about snakes than anyone I’ve ever known. The school did not offer herpetology; snakes were not in the curriculum; but as far as I was concerned. any time he spent learning about snakes was better spent than in ways I could think of to spend it; not least of all because, in the process of learning about snakes, he learned a great deal more about many other things than I was ever able to “teach” those unfortunates in my class who were not interested in anything at all. ln another fifth-grade class, studying Remans in B t-itai n, ! saw a boy trying to read a science book behind the cover of his desk. He was spotted, and made to put the book away,’ and listen to the teacher; with a heavy sigh he did so. What was gainedhere? S-he traded a chance for an hour% fea/ learning about science for, at best, an hour#s tempofafy learning about history-much more probably no learning at a/l, just an hour’s worth of daydreaming and resentful thoughts about school.
To learn is to seek meaning lt is not subject matter that makes some learning more valuable than others, but the spirit in which the work is done. If a child is doing the kind. of learning that most children do in school, when they learn at all-swallowing words, to spit back at the teacher on demand-he is wasting his time, or rather, we are wasting it for him. This learning will not be permanent, or relevant, or useful. But a child who is learning naturally, following his curiosity where it leads him, adding to his mental model of reality whatever he needs and can find a place for, and rejecting without fear or guilt what he does not need, is growing -in knowledge, in the love of learning, and in the ability to learn. He is on his way to becoming the kind of person we need in our society, and that our “best” schools gnd colleges are not turning out, the kind of person who, in Whitney Griswold’s words, seeks and finds meaning, truth, and enjoyment in everything he does. All his life he will go on learning. Every experience will make his mental model of reality more complete and true to life, and thus make him more able to deal realistically, imaginatively, and constructively with whatever new experience life throws his way. We cannot have real learning in school if we
think it is our duty and our right to tell children what they must learn. We cannot know at any monent, what particular bit of know/edge or understanding a child needs most, will most strengthen and best fit his model of reality. Only he can do this. He may not do it very well, but he can do it a hundred times better than we can. The most we can do is try to help, by letting him know roughly what is available and where he can look for it. Choosing what he wants to learn and what he does not is something he must do for himselfi There is one more reasdn and the ‘most important one, why we must reject the idea of school and classroom as places where, most of the time, children are doing what some adult‘ tells them to do.
is an illusion
The reason is that there is no way to coerce children without making them afraid, or more afraid. We must not try to fool ourselves into thinking that this is not so. The would-be progressives, who until recently had great influence over most American public school education, did not recognize this-and still do not. They thought, or at least talked and wrote as if they thought, that there were good ways and bad ways to coerce children (the bad ones mean, harsh, cruel, the good ones gentle persuasive, subtle, kindly), and that if they avoided the bad and stuck to the good they would do no harm. This was one of their greatest mistakes, and the main reason why the revolution they hoped to accomplish never took hold. The idea of painless, non-threatening coercion is an illusion. Fear is the inseparable companion of coercion, and its enescapable consequence. If you think it your duty to make children do what you want whether they will or not, then if folows inexorably that you must make them afraid of what will happen to them if they don’t do what you want. You can do this in the old-fashioned way, openly and avowedly, with the threat of harsh words, infringement of liberty, or physical punishment. Or you can do it in the modern way, subtly, smoothly, quietly, by withholding the acceptance and approval which you and others have trained the children to depend on; or by making them feel that some retribution awaits them in the future, too vague to imagine but too implacable to escape. You can, as many skilled teachers do, learn to tap with a word, a gesture, a look, even a smi-le, the great reservoir of fear, shame, and guilt that today’s children carry around inside them. Or you can simply let your own’fears, about what will happen to you if the children don’t do what you want, reach out and infect them. Thus the children will feel more and more that life is full of dangers from which only the goodwill of adults like you can protect them, and that this goodwill is perishable and must be earned anew each day. The alternative -I can see no other-is to have schools and classrooms in which each child in his own way can satisfy his curiosity, develop his abilities and talents, pursue his interests, and from the adults and older children around him get a glimpse of the great variety and iichness of life. In short, the school should be a great smorgasbord of intellectual, artistic, creative, and athletic activities, from which each child could take whatever he wanted, and as much as he wanted, or as little. When Anna was in the sixth grade, the year after she was in my class, I mentioned this idea to her. After describing very sketchily how such a school might be run, and what the children might do, I said, “Tell me, what do you think of it? Do you think it would work? Do you think the kids would learn anything?” She said with utmost conviction, “Oh yes, it would be wonderful!” She was silent for a minute or two, perhaps remembering her own generally unhappy schooling. Then she said thoughtfully, “You know, kids really like to learn; we just don’t like being pushed around.” No, they don’t; and we should be grateful for that. So (et’s stop pushing them around, and give them a chance. John Holt is an American public school teacher whose two books How Children Learn and How Children Fail have earned him an international reputation as one of the finest of today’s educational critics and theorists. This excerpt is from the latter of his two publications.
7 October
1969 (10:21)
This week in the sandbox
Plan to attend free car care clinic beginning Oct. 14 Drop in or phone for more details.
our ‘.
Now that the sex lectures are over and we all feel confident of our prowess, perhaps it’s time to take in a little culture just to round out our personality. Actually the time is ripe for a little cultural immersion as we’ve got the Toronto symphony orchestra on campus October 18, the national players performance of The lady’s not for burning October 17 and film critic Stanley Kaufman october 15. But don’t despair jocks, there’s light entertainment in the offing too in the form of Gordon Lightfoot who visits the jock building friday and saturday night. Show starts at 8:30pm. The movie situation in the K-W cinemas has deteriorated somewhat this week, as the film festival at the Waterloo ends tomorrow. LYRIC (124 King street, Kitchener, 742-0911) Last summer, despite the name and advertising has nothing to do with the Annette-Frankie Avalon type beach epic. It is the frighteningly realistic story of four teenagers and the summer they spend together. The wild bunch (starts friday) is a super violent horse opera that could be subtitled the dirty dozen goes west. It took several months to get by the Ontario censors, who were unappreciative of the ebullient sadism which Robert Ryan, William Holden, Ernest Borgnine and company indulge in. Butch Cassidy and Sundance kid will be shown at a special midnight performance sunday (or monday morning). This is the Paul Newman western comedy which hasn’t yet been released in Toronto. FOX (161 King east, Kitchener, 745-7091) Ring of bright water and Hot rod action closes tonight. The latter is a racing melodrama and the former stars Bill Travers as a London civil servant whose pet otter leads him to true happiness on a remote Scottish isle. Easy rider (starts tomorrow). Peter Fonda as captain America wheels around the United States with buddy Dennis Hopper. This is the cool movie of the year wihh something for everyone-rock music, souped-up motorbikes, drugs and disillusionment,-which is probably the reason it is cleaning up at the box-office. ’ CAPITOL (90 King west, Kitchener, 578-3800) A double bill of Death rides a horse- and Tracks of thunder. The former is another Italian oatburner along the lines of the Clint Eastwood epics, while the latter is a stock car melodrama starring Tommy Kirk. Management hasn’t yet decided how long these movies will run or what the replacements are going to be. dDEON (312 King west, Kitchener, 742-9169) Paranoia (runs till thursday) is a forgettable Carol1 Baker melodrama that promises to “suck you into a whirlpool of erotic Love”. The bridge at Remagen (starts friday ). George Segal and his Americans are fighting it out with Robert Vaughan and his Germans over some bridge, but all that develops seems to be a lot of talk. FAIRVIEW (Fairview shopping plaza, Kitchener, 578-06OO)‘Ane, /Vata/ie and The apri/ fools runs till thursday. Patty Duke stars as poor bypassed Natalie who finally finds true love at college. April fools is a smoothly executed comedy with Jack Lemmon and Catharine Deneuve, as a pair of star-crossed lovers who leave their respective spouses to run off to Paris. Goodbye Columbus and Rosemary’s baby open as a double bill friday. WATERLOO (24 King north, Waterloo, 576-1550) The international film festival closes tomorrow night with Romain Gary’s Birds of Peru. Diplomat-novelist Gary directed his wife Jean Seberg in this gloomy drama about a death-seeking nymphomaniac. TONIGHT: Ulysses, the movie version of James Joyce’s classic, produced and directed by Joseph Strick. WEDNESDAY: The /ion in winter. This is the movie that stars Peter G’Toole as Henry II and Katherine Hepburn as his wife Eleanor of Aquitane. It is notable for the heaviest inter-marital slug feasting since “who’s won her an Oscar. afraid of Virginia Woolf. ” Hepburn’s performance If you missed Dr. Zhivago, after its umpteenth re-run, it’s showing at the K-W drive-in tonight and tomorrow, along with The young runaways.
47il AY
I 8
UNIVERSITY 320 the Chevron
/ 12,‘99t ROBIN
foggy Ladies % & Gents Join The Gang AI’s University
King & University Hot
One of the staff members talks and even shouts at the patient demanding answers to questions as “why * do you hate yourself?” “What’s I was extremely bored during Warrenda/e, and such wrong? ” Unfortunately the theory behind the trethere seems to me to be no excuse for this. The mendous pressure being put on these children film is about a subject which is somewhat depres- is never made explicit and this approach abounds sing but very interesting, namely emotionally dis- in theory. turbed children. The intense physical contact between staff and It was in documentary form with a very candid patient forces the patient to become involved with approach, and this was the film’s major weekness. and relate to other people, and this is accomplishI was not concerned with the day-to-day concerns even through hate. at Warrendale and .I became tired of seeing child edThe same motive lies behind the pressure put on 4 after child go through seizure upon seizure. the children to participate in everything going on The approach to emotional problems at Warrenin the house. Holding the children while they are dale is indeed radical. The institution is divided going through a seizure, and in fact accelerating into self-sufficient houses, and these are coeducathe frenzy in a seizure is part of a long-standing tional. This in itself is unique but not so amazing view that much of what is repressed and therefore as the approach taken in dealing with the children. No child is allowed to isolate himself from the troubling one, can be alleviated by acting it out. as Freud suggested, the effects of trauma group or the staff. There is no staying in bed all canAlso, be cured by reliving the trauma. This method day, no missed meals, in short no withdrawal. of barraging a child in crisis with questions may, These rules are enforced physically if necessary, and indeed the film opens with a girl being drag- it is hoped, set off a spark which will bring the deeply hidden original trauma to light. ged out of her bed. The film showed none of the hoped for results. Physical contact is emphasized, and the staff is I didn’t like the film because I had to fill in too always holding petting and kissing their patients. Merely seeing disturbed children in an inWhen a child is going. through seizure or being much. being strangely treated without at least violent, the staff and sometimes the other pa- stitution implicit explanation is more boring than shocking. tients hold her legs and arms. by Marty
and Drinks
t -mw
Chevron staff
a dedicated
by Jay Fineman Chevron staff
For the most part, religious flicks are a bore. They’re usually cartoons complete with superstars that make little old ladies weep. The stories are old hat by now and the stereotype portrayals are sickeningly sweet and pansified. The Gospel according to St. Matthew does not fit into this category at all. It is the story of a revolution where the cameras focus on people, not inspirational sunsets. The music is made up of a Congolese version of the mass and some old blues. Christ looks more like Che Guevara than the usual George Hamilton. Even the apostles are shown without halos, and have faces reminiscent of Sicilian peasants : hard, angry and determined. We see Chri9 in his struggle between the nettjsity of hard egotism that his revolution demands and his love for the people. He is no longer the flower child but a human being who knows he must die for the revolution. Although few of the characters are fully developed in the dialog, we believe they -are three-dimensional after the camera has held painfully long shots of their faces. The mood of the film and its power can be attributed to this camera work and the music. The dialog is all scriptural and remains on a level that is made almost superfluous by the camera. The music also operates on the
level of the camera, a level of intense human passions. Anyone unfamiliar with Missa Luba should be told that it is a far cry from what is normally considered Christian religious sounds. The combination of African drums and voices with the melodies of the mass proves very exciting. Between this and the old blues tunes we find testament to the superficiality of any of the words sanctified by the church in face of the immensity of passion that made Christ and his followers supremely dedicated revolutionaries. The viewer is also treated to some very stark and surrealistic interpretations of the miracles. But except for the resurrection scene these are merely something we must put up with.
There is no mysterious exit of Christ from his grave followed by the hallelujah chorus in the resurrection scene. But the stone door of the tomb is blown off to the sound of African rhythms. There is a tremendous burst of energy at the end of the film, as the resurrection brings on a wild joy and people run through the streets laughing. The gospel according to St. Matthew is a toast to the salt of the earth, a condemnation of the hypocritical commercial rulers of Rome, and a finale in the freedom of the revolution Altogether it is a moving involvement in the passion of men who want to be free. No wonder it was condemned by the church.
The Toronto SATURDAY,
Phone Ext.
OCT. 18,8:30p.m.
& Mail 2126,
Ed. Bldg.
$2.00. $1 .oO accepted Box
1969 (lQ:21)
Draft of the University
of Waterloo act,-1970
‘The act can give them freedom, powers and authority; b.ut wisdom, understanding and a I sense of common purpose cannot be legislated: -university act committee chairman Ted Batke, speaking of the proposed governing council’s members The fotfowirrg is a summary and condensation of the university act committeeS draft. The full draft was published in the administration Gazette, 6 august 1969. Many of the fegal phrasings have been ignored in this strmmar y.
The objects of the university shall be the pursuit of learning through scholarship, teaching and research within a spirit of free enquiry. The university shall have all powers necessary and incidental to the satisfaction and furtherance of its aims as a university.
There shall be a council of the university to be known as “Council, University of Waterloo” with the following voting membership. Ex-off icio members
the chancellor 0 the president l senior academic, administrative and financial officers as decided by the council ; initially academic and operations vicepresidents, treasurer, deans of arts, engineering, mathematics, science, and and phys-ed school graduate studies, director. l faculty association president l federation of students president l head of each federated or affiliated college l dean of each federated college l
the university:
at least seven faculty members elected from constituencies, as determined by the council; initially there will be one member from each of the following constituencies : arts, engineering, mathematics and science faculties, graduate-studies council, environmen/tal-studies divisions i and phys-ed school. Each academic constituency shall elect its member or members in such manner as the members of constituency shall determine, subject to the approval of the council. l five members of the faculty association elected or appointed by its members in such manner as the association shall determine. l one member of the faculty of each federated college to be elected or appointed in such manner as the council shall determine. l two members of the full-time nonteaching staff of the university, other than the ex-officio council members, who shall be elected by the staff in such manner as the council shall determine. l a number of members of the federa’ tion of students equal to the total of faculty members elected or appointed by faculty constituencies and the faculty association. The students shall be selected in a manner determined by the federation of students, provided that at least one member shall be elected from each of the academic constituencies defined by the council for faculty representatives. l
Members versity:
the uni-
l a number of members from the community-at-large equal to twice the number of faculty members elected from defined constituencies ; selection to be in a manner determined by the council. Initially, these fourteen members will be selected by the current board of gover- nors. l five members to be appointed or elected by the alumni association in, such manner as they shall determine. * * * Terms of office of council members: The student members shall hold office for a period of one year.
the Chevron
All other members shall hold office for a period of three years, except that initially some shall have terms of one or two years so that an approximately equal annual r$ation shall take place. Each of the members shall be eligible for re-election for one succeeding term only, except that any such member shall be again eligible for re-election a year after the expiry of his last term. Any member will lose his position who misses more than half the council’s regular meetings in a fiscal year without a leave of absence. If an event occurs which removes a member’s eligibility for election or appointment to council (such as flunking or being fired) his membership will be declared immediately vacant. However, if a student member’s term of study simply expires (such as by passing) he shall continue his membership to the end of the fiscal year. ’ Vacancies occuring in mid-term shall be filled in the same manner and by the same authority as the original appointment or election. Such appointment or election Gall be for the remainder of the unexpired term. * * * Council
The council shall elect a chairman from the community-at-large. If the elected chairman is already a council member, his seat will be declared vacant and a new member appointed. The chairman shall serve a three-year term> and be eligible for re-election “from time to time”. The chairman will be nonvoting. In case of illness or absence, the council may appoint a temporary chairman from its membership.
Duties, objects
and purpose
The government, control, conduct and management of the university and of its property, revenues, business and the affairs thereof shall be vested in the council and the council shall have all powers necessary and convenient to perform its duties and achieve the o’bjects and purposes of the university and, without intending to restrict the generality of the foregoing, this shall include the power, l to establish the educational and operational policies of the university; l to create, establish, maintain, alter or remove organizational structures such as faculties, schools, institutes, departments, divisions and chairs; l to establish and maintain, alter or remove, curricula of all courses of instruction including extension courses on the university campus and elsewhere; l to confer degrees, diplomas and certificates or other awards in any and all branches of learning and in any subject taught in the university or its federated-or affiliated colleges ; l to provide for the convening and conduct of such convocations as may be requisite for any of the purposes heretofore set out; l to determine standards of admission and to control the numbers of students to be admitted to any and all programs or courses of instruction taught in the uni-
versity or its federated and affiliated colleges ; l to plan the physical, academic and operational development of the university and exercise all the powers to control and achieve a planned rate and scope of such development ; l to determine the qualifications of facultymembers within the university and its federated and affiliated colleges with respectto appointments, or promotions in rank in connection with research or teaching or academic administration ; l to consider and determine, on the recommendations of the relevant faculty or other academic unit as may be defined or recognized by the council for this purpose, the conduct and results of examinations in all such faculties or academic units and to hear and determine appeals by students from the decisions of such faculties or academic units on applications and examinations ; l to appoint and remove the president and other officers of the university, heads and associate heads of the faculties or colleges or any other academic unit (other than the colleges federated or affiliated with the University), the members of faculty or staff of the university and all other agents and servants of the university; l to fix the numbers, duties, salaries and other emoluments of all officers and members of faculty or staff of the university and all other agents and servants of the university ; l to borrow money for the purposes of the university and to give security therefore on such terms and in such amounts as the council may deem advisable; l to make bylaws and regulations for the conduct of its affairs; l to provide for the appointment and discharge of committees and for the delegation to and the conferring upon any such committees, authority to act for the council with respect to any matter; l to delegate to the president, other officer, faculty, staff, or student member of the university, power and authority to act for and on behalf of the council in any matter ; l to enter into agreements for the federation or affiliation of the university with any college of higher learning, provided that, in order to preserve the non-denominational nature of the university, no more than two colleges of the same denomifiational control shall be affiliated or federated with the university at the same time and no college affiliated or federated with the university shall be affiliated with any other college, school or institute of higher learning without the approval of the council. Any agreement entered into by the university for federation or affiliation with a college shall be subject to the approval of the governing body of each institution then federated or affiliated with the university. The council may confer honorary degrees in divinity, without fees, upon the recommendation of any theological college, federated or affiliated with the university ; l to establish and collect fees and charges for academic tuition and services
The members of the university act committee are: them eng prof Ted Batke, chairman; mechanical prof Tom Bruzustowski, faculty association rep; Craig Davidson, board of governors rep; Joe Givens, student rep; academic vicepresident Jay Minas; chancellor Ira Needles; federation of students president Tom Patterson; administration president Howard Petch ; Zach Ralston, church colleges rep; Bill Schneider, aluni rep; grad-studies dean Lynn Watt, senate rep; and operations vicepresident Al Adlington, secretary. Recording secretary is Gazette editor Bob Whitton.
of any kind which may be offered by the university and to collect such fees and charge’s, approved by the council, on behalf of any entity, organization, or element of the university ; l to establish and enforce rules and regulations with regard to the university’s academic programs or other operations and with regard to the use and occupancy of its buildings and grounds. * * * The university shall have, jurisdiction over and entire responsibility for the regulation of the conduct of its students, faculty, staff, and of all other persons coming upon and using the lands and premises of -the university and without intending to restrict the generality of the foregoing, this shall include the right and power to levy and enforce penaltiesand fines, suspend or expel from student membership or from employment with the university or of denial of access to the lands and premises of the university. I The governing bodies of the federated and affiliated colleges shall, respectively, have jurisdiction over, and entire responsibility for, the regulation of the conduct of all persons in respect of all matters arising or occurring in, or upon their respective buildings and grounds. The council shall determine th& proper body to exercise jurisdiction in any matter of discipline that may arise wherein there is a question as to the proper body under which it should come, and the council decision in such matters shall be final. The accounts for the university shall be audited at least once a year by an auditor or auditors appointed by the council. The council shall make available to the members of the university an annual financial report. I * * * Chancellor:
There shall be a chancellor of the university elected by the council. He cannot be employed by the university or be a member of the council, nor can he be employed by or be a member of the governing. body of a federated or affiliated college. His term of office shall be three years, and he shall be eligible for a second term. The council may declare the post vacant if the chancellor becomes ineligible, mentally incapacitated or otherwise incapable of acting. The initial chancellor under the new act will be the current chancellor, who shall continue to the end of his current term. The chancellor shall preside at all convocations and, by virtue of the authority vested in him by the council, shall admit to degrees, diplomas and certificates, such candidates, including the recipients of honorary degrees, as may be presented by the council. *
* *
The university president shall be the vicechancellor, ex-officio. In the absence of the chancellor or if there is a vacancy in that office, the vicechancellor or a university faculty member appointed by him, shall act as chancellor at convocation. The council may appoint a university faculty member to carry out the duties if both the chancellor and vicechancellor are absent or the positions vacant. * * * If any federated or affiliated college has the right to grant degrees, such right, except for degrees in theology, shall remain dormant during the time that such college remains federated or affiliated with the university.
More ‘Mao{-than- thou,
ever it is) can’t be made in a news-. the media in a democratic societv must remain independent of the political and economic forces, but the formal decision to stop working can only be seen as ‘a childish attempt at some sort of purge. It should not be construed that the Chevron is so committed to certain .goals that it biases news unfairly to give favor to its pointof-view. Rather, the democratic newspaper should seek to cover fairly as much news as possible, and to seek out features and opinion articles that expose much of what is _not,JZ,covered by the commercial
The radical student movement’s decision not to work for the Chevron is regrettable (see page 2). It means, firstly, that the type of more-Mao-than-thou factionalism that has always’ divided progressive movements has set in at . Waterloo. Last y,ear,,.the RSM managed to include-,+ $.@i$ently varied forum’ of leftish dissent to appeal most of the time to a near-majority of students (particularly in the spring election of RSM member Tom Patterson to the federation presi. dencv). . The Chevron was part of that movement, although independent and under the control of a volunteer staff that was sometimes a majority of RSM members and sympathizers, and sometimes not. The problem of whether the RSM controls the Chevron .OPthe federation of students should never really have I come up. Certainly both are intellectually influenced by the campus radical movement, but the actual physical influence should be restricted to the actual work done serving the interests of students. Apparently the RSM as a group is, not willing to do enough of the physical work on the Chevron to have the amount of political con1 trol they desire. By pledging to stop all work, they have withdrawn themselves L into a more navel-gazing stance and alienated themselves further . from their base. Certainly the revolution (what-
paper, and certainly
It must do this in all areas relevant to students as students, and students as citizens. That means the newspaper must cover sports, entertainment, meetings, everyday happenings in classrooms and events off campus that are relevant to students or that are being ignored .or slanted by the bourgeois press. To limit one’s activities to a narr0.w set of political goals is to ignore realitv as much as do the bourgeois myths of society’ that are already under attack. The end-of-ideology ideology called pluralism is as unreal as the we-have-the-correct-line:on-everything ideology of the more-Maothan-thou crowd. The editor of the K-W Record must be smiling now-but the middle of the road the Chevron is prescribing is not pluralist like his,
It all begins at home The desire of many parents to have their children learn discipline in the schools (see centerspread) is a natural developm.ent of our uptight society. Teachers are increasingly being forced to decide whether they will be disciplinarians or teachers. The disciplinarians are finding their role harder and harder in the highschools. The teachers (the ones who read and understood the Hall-Dennis report) can at least go home without an ulcer. In the elementary schools the problem is different. With the younger children, rebellion against parents is not strong yet, and teachers who try to foster a learning environment often run into conflid. with the home.
Parents want the teacher to assign homework, and they want their children competing. Some teachers have found it impossible to initiate any of the Hall-Dennis freedoms because of the parents. If anyone still believes that characteristics are born into people, this example of environmental factors shouldbe enlightening. Children do want to learn; they would naturally prefer to avoid senseless competition ; and the values impressed on children in the schools are effective. _ The elementary and highschools are still disciplinary ghettos in most of the province, bu,t the effects of a few progressive ones are certainly showing on ‘reactionxv
Acting otit power games . All of a sudden there are some ripples in the smooth facade of the proposal for a single-tier university governmknt structure. The proposal, which appeared suddenly and mysteriously in january, was quickly approved by the board of governors and senate{. The board discussed it in closed session and the senate took’less than an hour to approve the principles. All that was left, it seemed, was writing up the act in legal language. So what’s all the commotion? All,along, it was a matter of appeasing power interests. What was in it for the board of governors ? They would have to share power with faculty and students in order to get some say in academic policy. What was in it for faculty? Businessmen alone would no’ longer have the final say in. financial matters of the university. What ‘was in it for the administration? They weren’t sure, but they hoped to hold the balance of power between faculty and students on one side and the businessmen on the other. What was in it for the students? Nothing as far as the people who run the university were concerned, except that they would be appeased with representation. Everyone else was playing power games, and now they turn .,around‘ and suggest that- the students shouldn’t determine the way they will elect their representatives because they might vote as a block. But then, the committee of On- ’ tario university presidents’ discipline report said the senate
should select the students to serve on the law and order committee. And it was only last year that the senate asked a particular student to sit on a committee to “represent the students’ viewpoint”. That ) student refused. One other power game being played around the university act was the proposal to cut the council in half. This was not a student proposal, but a proposal of the businessmen who knew that a large body couldn’t manage the university, just legislate for it. They didn’t realize that was the purpose the faculty and administrators saw for it. The student council supported the smaller body because it would bring control of the university to --a broader group than at present and make the student representation more meaningful. Administrative matters are now almost solely under the control of the president’s council+he same . people who are the large segment of administrators on the’proposed co.uncil. By cutting the governing council in half, it would meet more . often and bring all the matters decided by the president’s council under broader scrutiny. Similarly, matters of curriculum and academic operations would be brought under student criticism in a smaller body that met more frequently. Presently, they are just rubberstamped by the senate, ’ and this would continue under a large governing council. Students have always been pow-\ erless. The game seems to be to accuse them of being power hungry in order to deprive them of any meaningful participation on the unibody.
hiversi;ty Press (CUP) member, Underground Syndicate (UPS) member, Liberation’ News Service (LNS) and Chevron International News Service (Cl NS) subscribers. The Chevron is published tuesdays and fridays by the publications board of the Federation of Students (inc.), University of Waterloo. Content is independent of the publications board, the student council and the university administration. Offices in the campus center, phone (519) 578-7070 or university local 3443; telex 0295-748: circulation 12,500; editor-in-chief - Bob Verdun.
. The
is not to ‘take
it .porsonolly
Thanks to the RSM for making our labor less alienated by improving our environment. Working this issue: Allen Class, Michael Church, Pete Marshall! Jim Bowman, -Knowlton Collister, Jim Klinck, Jeff Bennett, Una O’Callaghan, Nigel Burnett, Jrm Dunlop, Renato Ciolfi, Bruce Meharg, Alex Smith, Paul Lawson, Andre Belanger, dumdum jones, David X, Marty Noval, Bob Epp, Tom Purdy, Steve Izma, Jay Fineman, and the nastyqadical Crapos. And for the dedaszled .bungling bureaucrats who are bewildered about the identity of the bastard whobeset us with Adams’ men-rorandum, a clue: it wasn’t Bob Whitton, although he did assist us with the university act story.
7 October
1969 .( 70:29)
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