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A growing problem in governing the campus center surfaced last week with the resignation from the campus center board of one of the faculty association’s representatives, physics prof Pim Fitzgerald. _--_____-_-_-__-----------c7 year after liberation pages 6, 7 they won’t admit defeat page I I _-_______________-_--------

Fitzgerald is resigning because he does not like the approach the faculty association is taking in attempting to solve the difficulties of the campus center board. Faculty association president Jim Ford feels the campus center board’s problems can be solved with two changes : closely defining the management role and providing the board with sufficient budgets to do its job. Fitzgerald agrees with the second, but said, “I disagree with what is apparently the faculty association’s idea that the federation of students should no longer continue to manage the campus center for the board. I disagree enough with this approach to resign. ’ ’ The current procedure involves the campus center board as the final and independent policymaking body, with the federation of students reponsible for carrying out these policies. Ford feels this makes the management role hazy. “We have to choose between having the board


in an advisory capacity to the federation of students or having the chain of authority from the independent board clear,” he said, “and it is the latter the faculty association wants to see.” Fitzgerald believes this is unnecessarily challenging the federation of students and that it will not basically change anything anyway. “Student management is a good thing as long as they are managing the campus center in the interests of the whole university, ” said Fitzgerald. Ford replied that he was certainly not trying to bring about any confrontation with the federation. He said that the board has not been able to do what it wants or what it is supposed to The faculty association executive is meeting today to discuss under what conditions the faculty association will continue to participate in the campus center board (the association currently appoints four faculty representatives to the sixteen-member body). “If there is a confrontation, it will be as much with the administration as the federation,” said Ford. “We can flex’some muscles here and maybe help the board acquire the things it is supposed to have.” While he disagreed with the faculty association’s approach on



the management of the board, Fitzgerald said, “The faculty association is prepared to fight very strongly to back up the board. For instance, the campus center is grossly underserviced with janitors.” Fitzgerald was to have chaired a committee preparing a statement of needs for the campus center to be presented to administration president Howard Petch. He said the campus center had three main problem areas. l “The university is supposed to be a campus center, but in the view of the majority, particularly faculty members, it is not.” He added it was a selfproving argument. Fitzgerald feels the solution to this problem involves some counter-propaganda and efforts be made to tone down some of the music prevalent in the campus center and discourage the posttuesday

21 October




ing of offensive signs. “The signs bother a lot of although they don’t people, bother me. l “The outside community’s view of the university because of the campus center worries the administration. They get worried when political pressure mounts. ” “There are rumors in the community about drugs and teenagers; some may be fact, but it’s a rumor gone wild.” He proposes counter-propaganda, especially a conspicuous statement that the board does not condone any illegal acts in the campus center or outside it. Fitzgerald also proposes that admission to the campus center be restricted to university people and their guests only. l “There is an apparent lack of cooperation among parts of the administration-a slowness, deliberate or otherwise, which lhiyersity _,


has helped to cause the situation. Fitzgerald proposes there be an increase in janitorial staff from the present five -or six to approximately fifteen of which up to half could be students. -He would also like to see two turnkeys (supervisors) instead of the present one on duty at all times-one in the campus center office and one on rounds in the building. Furniture currently broken should be replaced with stronger pieces. The campus center board should have complete budgetary control over all the areas it needs. He feels the federation should continue running the dayto-day operation, but that a specific campus center manager be named who can be responsible to the board. Fitzgerald also wanted to see the building made more presentable to people touring the campus. of Waterloo,



deplore SW fcdty strike, back Strand BURNABY (CUP)-Over 200 faculty members at Simon Fraser University have voted support for the administration president and deplored the strike action by 700 students and faculty in the department of political science, sociology and anthropology. Results on four motions in a privately-circulated referendum in the SFU joint-faculty council were announced friday by council chairman L.M. Srivastava, administration vicepresident. Three motions were passed: 0 A motion endorsing adminpresident Kenneth istration Strand’s request for an investigating committee to be appointed jointly by the Canadian association of university teachers and the association of universities and colleges of Canada: 180 for, 28 against. l A motion commending Strand for his stance in the crisis : 164 for, 37 against, 34 abstentions. l A motion deploring the strike action by PSA: 162 for, 34 against, 33 abstentions. Defeated was a motion calling for an investigation committee appointed solely by CAUT: 84 for, 120 against, 30 abstentions.


Only one-third of those eligible voted in the referendum. Only one-third of those eligible voted in the referendum. The mail vote was set up after the council had voted to adjourn a meeting October 9 when more than 200 students refused to comply with a ruling by Srivastava that the meeting was closed to students. Striking students and faculty in 1 PSA supported by student strikes in a number of other departments are demanding that the SFU administration begin negotiations over the removal of a trusteeship from PSA and the re-instatement of professors fired, demoted or placed on probation by the administration. Nine PSA profs have been suspended by the SFU administration, pending dismissal procedures, for refusing to teach regular classes since the strike began September 24. The students council at SFU has called for an investigating committee to be appointed by CAUT and the Canadian Union of Students. CUS has appointed five members to that committee but CAUT said friday that they were still undecided about participating.


The main concern of the university act committee at the present time is the wording of the draft. At a meeting thursday, operations vicepresident Al Adlington reported to the committee the changes in wording suggested by the steering committee, These changes centered around section 12, which outlines the membership of the proposed council that is to replace the senate and the board of governors. Chairman Ted Batke, referring to the negligible attendance at a public meeting on the university act draft two weeks ago, stated, “I don’t know whether this constitutes a response. In a sense, the student body is not moved by what the act says and the act apparently doesn’t perturb anyone.” Chancellor Ira Needles repeatedly expressed his fear of the member-


The Toronto Symphony played to a tie with the jock building in a concert perfbrmed saturday night before 3000 fans. A* future rematch is in doubt. Concert reviewed on page 9.


ship of the council becoming too large with the growth of the university. “This is not a static institution,” he stated, “We must keep the council within manageable numbers with the growth of students and faculties.” Needles was also perturbed at the possibility of the balance of membership between the community at large and those inside the university being destroyed with the growth of the university. Administration president Howard Petch defended the act, saying, “I don’t think we’ll have these problems as long as we stay on south campus. There shouldn’t be any problem until we move to north campus in about five years. ” “I like the approach outlined here I (referring to the present draft). Smaller faculties like physical education, which is smaller than some depart-

of unigov

ments, and new faculties can be lumped together as one constituency for representation on the council.” Needles countered with, “I can’t imagine a body of 66 refusing to recognize a new faculty to and bring in a dean.” Discussion then shifted to council members from outside the university. Referring to the fact that such members would be selected by the council Needles stated, “So the council has the power to decide who constitutes the council. Sounds kind of wishywashy to me.” Petch then said the council would have to be aware of “outstanding citizens outside the university community” for membership on the council. Federation of students president Tom Patterson said that members from the community at large should not be allowed to hold positions on

committee the council that would perpetuate their own careers. This led to discussion on the chairman of the council. Needles proclaimed, “My concept of a chairman should be a man from outside the university community who has contacts with government and business and little contact with the university.“’ Petch, academic vicepresident Jay Minas, and some of the other members of the committee agreed with his sentiments. Minas moved that the council have an external chairman. Petch seconded it, and the motion was carried with only Patterson voting against it. Adlington, concerned with the wording of the draft, said that he would take a redraft of the act to the steering committee and Batke called for an open meeting on 30 October to discuss the act.





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Conferences: (1) “Year of the Barricade” Held at Glendon College An in-depth study of the history of Canadian Student Unrest. Ten delegates will be sent. An opportunity for the “MODERATE” student to speak his mouth October 23-26

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by pleier Miiishafl



‘yards -for. the touchqom. The two-point conversion ~‘attempt was @complete. _u The warriors (ravelled to London Saturday to play the ..WesThe . warriors scqre$ ’ again 8 ,.midway through the quarter on a t&n, m&tangs before a sellout homecoming crowd. vriell ejrecuted pass to G&d Mc= The first half was close and Lellan of 18 “yards set up by a 19 yarder*to Fox. exciting. The warriors fell apart iri the third quarter. and found Waterloo got a tough break kick-off. ,Pa@l the&selves .’ down 28-O and the’ on the following game out of reach before their Knill tried a \ well-placed onside fourth quarter resurgence. ’ kick which Stu Koch caught while apparently stretching over Western went. ahead‘ in the second quarter_ following a short ,@dfield. The referees, however, ruled the ball didn’t go the net; Waterloti punt. The mustangs r&i four running plays before essary ten, yards. This did seem Steve Stefanko’ threw to a poor- ,. like a bad decision but. $d notjustify the l&k of discipline on ly covered Jim- Henshall ~for the toutihdown. Ottavio Colosimo &he warrior sideline as the bench added the convert. took another talking penalty. .* The warriors missed a ‘chance Warriors scored again with -. to tie the game late in the half one minute, to go after a beautiafter a fine march from midful. 40-yard punt return by. Mcfield.\ The march feature‘d good Lellan behind ’ good blocks by passes fr;orm’ Dave Groves to Wiedenhoeft and Bob Sagan. Girard, ~Fox,~ Wiedenhoeft/ and Two fine down and outs from l&nahan and some good running Grpves to Fox r*esu!ted. in Fox from Doug Dover. touchdown, The two-point cbnThe . drive _ended when warversi,on was triple covered and inriors took two .stupid penalties.’ complete. Groves, iTJas called for roughing The warriors did make- a valand the bench added 3 talkirig iant effort in the fourth-Iquarter $en&ty. Groves had takeri a but most of the bench. seemed as swing at a, Western ‘lineman, Gho surprised as thk fans when -they had.liit him after .he threw’s pass -came ‘@thin -rea@ ..(If a stunned _to Manahsn. The referee may W.Fstern team. That,, was almost have been amiss’ for ‘not calling as- Surprising as the warriors roughing the passer but that a wildly-cos&ned K-W Oktoberfest polka, this is part of the Wartotal --Ilapse ,in the’. .,third .?ugs: - Not td be confused i does . not .I . justify the ensuing ter. . I .% .’ riors losing fqotball eff&t against the Uni,te&it$ of Western pntario mustang& &ore? 28-l 9.’ wtz111v1 aLLlw113.-..~ I \ of the* tiarpiors played 1 Western explod+ 111 Lllc Lllll u good in the first half and in the and: well\ satprday. __ DoFer Surely bad officiating did not put new pass pattern for Don Manahan quarter marchifig from the openfourth quarter. - They were. tertarried - the ball very so his play ifi the middle- could ‘ail 28 poirits s? the board for Westin;g ,kick-off for a major by’ full- . Wakefield _ rible in the third: quarter. To weil and @ro&ier looked. good er& ‘-” , . be a surprise sotietimes.. back ‘Bruce MacRae on a short It is alsd hard to’ see how a beat .any of the establishsd in )he first qtihrter>.:Manahan. It‘ is .a puzzle +iy I the warriors pass from Stefanko. ‘Girard Fed .Fdir .&de good catdid not try a single pass in the two-point conver-sion can b’e, teams .in this league will ‘require Warriors were forced to punt ‘\first quarter&- when. they had ‘the expected a consistent, first class perfor. threti to work when ohly after receiving the kick-off and ches- ,and GioVes .L’ *’ &ll \ on strohg wind at their backs. It mance throughout-the game. ’ 0 -one, receiver is ,sent .against two ,most occasions: the punt. ’ was ur&uined -by Stei ‘was obvious tifter 12 consecutive .- Next .\iireek however, the, .‘wa?: ’ X or. three defend&s. Stirely one The. def ense, ’ @ich had trouble,’ Behie to ‘the %Vaterloo one yard running plays that , the Western r $hort and one *deep receiver ’ riors p&y the weak sisl& of. . ‘I’I’ne. Halfback Jeff Hilton-who with a powerful draw ploy early > __the ’ league, ’ McMtister. Thank. . in the game, was good overall ’ defense was packed tight and set would be more effective. Yeas the workhorse for the musup for a pass.. I The warriors looked q’uite for little girls. ~ atang&-scored two plays later and as they blocked one field goal _-a heav+ .. . And why were- starting quarterand forced%wo other wide attempts ., the convert made it 21-O. bqckDurocher and fullback Near ‘. the end of the &&ter* __They also’ put up one goal line Downer @moved after the qrst Soccei~team staid and &iy -the second, .Wesafter’ a single bjr Western -punter loses fipwfh ’ . quarter Ghen they moved the tern touchdown was the result of Joe Fabiani, Groves and Dowrier call -q@te., respe&bly considerby Renato Ciolfi5-2 at _ Toronto, 6-2’ with M>ca sustained mar.ch. Most nothad $a mix-up on a .@l-out,-oping’ the pass had been removed Chevron staff Master,. 4-l at Gtielph afid 5-O play tion. The ensuing fumble was iceable was the. aggressive from’their arsenal. . . 1 last Saturday .- at . Western:< - ‘ returned to the warriors’ one of, the, defehsive secpndayy . / The great , aspirations .of the’ a These -squads have given the Groves led the pass attack well yard line. MacRae scoied on ‘rhe warriors coulckhave been alasted only one the next play making it 28-O. in the fourth quarter 1but why dd soccer warriors head at half time. The refereeing’ warriors bea I lessoh Guelph ’ .should played. in how soccer wait until the SUR game. Having destroyed Early in the fourth quarter was at times questionable but the ,,A.11~warriors . as a team -they started to believe in a .. the warriors , had their -biggest +,s before they throw to Wayne warriors overreacted to it. Point: effort., The -warriors do not plgy great season, IX who has yet tobe well, covsurprise of .th,e day. Behie fumless rbughing and talking penalties . as a team. Thetr ha& good in-1 ’ bled a -Wat&loo punt and Dave ered by any team this year. The -moment they were called ’ dividual players” but haie cornhurt and arguing and helmet-throwSterritt ran the recovery 30 ing is definitely low class football. And can’t someone invent a upon to pr’ove themselves they pletely failed to jell into one folded ,miserably. Four consecu-’ unit: The -warriors are the onlytive defeats ,is --what they achteam in the league that seems ieved. Their losses go like this to play eleven different brands ’ of soccer at the same tiine. ’ The ’ warriors haVk lost their games not because of superior opposition but because their obptinents played as a unit.’ \ _a The warriors ‘mistrust each ’ The inspired rugger warbiors other, swear at on& ahother and s - defeated the ‘Western mustangs have no faith in the Iteam’s abilI 11 to 3 Saturday, thus regaining seem to be a share of fi,rst place in the OQAA , ity . The warriors eleven misfits- waiting fat the standings. d season to end. Y Led by the fine play of fuilIt % 1 sad to remember, the back Dave Cunningham who confidence and pride. this team amassed eight’ points with a try once had, and to see tEem now, convert and penalty kick, the team completely &j-ected and lacking comoletelv outhustled their even their own respect as soccer biggel’ opponents. players. _ I The aggressive; scruni, .led by The team has, three remaining erd Dunlop 1team captain games in which it. to redeem and wing forward Derek Humpitself and ac@ir+? the right to ’ hries, gained posse$sion of most loose play which allowed the call itself the University of Wati. ’ team to control play.- throughout erloo soccer team. The first battle in the team’s L mostof the match. efforts to win back its self resGreg Moore’ scored)@e othee is ‘Wednesday at Colum~i~ -* pints on a short burst dewy- the Pect field against Toronto. ; sidelines. Western’s only points . ,ca’me on a penalty kick late in thegame. rrack team’wins The real test of the season comes this Wednesday wheri the warriors The track +d -field warriors host the -Uniiersity of Toronto ’ won the OQAA championship on blues for’ what could be the Saturday. Complete’results of the I . championship. Game time is 3 meet will appear in friday’s , pm’ Wednesday at Columbia field. The’ ruggerwarriors beat the mustangs ,ll to’3 pn Saturday. ’ No one kept an ‘injuries tally. paper. . Cheu’iqn staff1

’ .





. ’





27 October


7969 (70:24)



-L .

read at debate -.. Theft charges


Cyril Levitt, sociology 4, has been charged with theft and possession of stolen property in connection with an incident September’ 25. Levitt is alleged to have taken a letter from administration president Howard Petch’s files and read it to a meeting of students outside Petch’s office. The meeting was discussing the order on campus paper issued by the committee of Ontario university presidents. In the debate, the subject of military research came up and Petch said that as far as he was con-


cerned, the university was doing research for peaceful purposes. Several students went into his office to seek proof to the contrary. Minutes later, Levitt (who was at the microphone) read from a letter addressed to Petch from Philip Pocock, research director of the senate special committee on science DOliCV. A Th;! letter contained peripheral references to weapons programs. Levitt appeared in Waterloo provincial court yesterday to set a trial date. “I am innocent of all charges, ” 1 Levitt told the Chevron sunday.

CHcrir’ for psych class but no war discussion Psych prof Walter Fenz did his own thing with his personality theory class psych 351 last Wednesday. The cl&s was asked whether they wanted the class cancelled

on moratorium, day a couple of students he promised to hold special.

and since objected, something

He had to leave that day for a conference at Berkeley and could not be there himself for the entire lecture, but he put on the album !Hair’ to set a mood.

The students were to reflect on the ills of society that cause such atrocities as Vietnam. Almost no discussion took place among the 50 percent turnout of students.


One person who did not show up for the class said that she didn’t go because they were “just going to talk about Vietnam or something. ” The irrelevance of the album to Vietnam shows through in her response upon finding out that the album ‘Hair’ was play“If I would ed in the class. have known that they were going to play the album ‘Hair’ in the class I would hatre gone. ”

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Bill Corning, in” his psych class friday, noted that he once offered to a member of an administration for whom he worked, the idea that students interested only in the acquisition

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Rap room


which also uses trained student volunteers. Hi-Line is ideal for the pickup-your-telephone type of prob; lem, while the rap room is for those who wish to discuss their problems face-to-face with a student counsellor. The rap room volunteers have found loneliness to be the most frequently occurring problem. Volunteers are still required, and any member of the university community-staff, faculty

The campus center’s rap room has proven to be an extremely successful venture. Student volunteers have encountered a variety of problems from academic to personal, in varying degrees of seriousness. Doug Torney of counselling services, rap room consultant, stated he is grateful for the assistance the volunteers have rendered and is pleased with the results. He felt that the rap room operation complemented Hi-Line (help immediately) which gives assistance by telephone, and

Mor&rium expected’, class went


u need and students-who is interested in helping, is asked to contact Carol Jones in the campus center. Staff members are also encouraged to visit the counsellors in the rap room. People wishing to assist with the Hi-Line venture should contact Al Evans in counselling services, 744-6111, local 2655. Hi-Line operates from 7 pm to 7 am, at 745-4733.


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Friday 10 October. was the deciding day for determining whether classes would be held~on Wednesday, the moratorium day. In psych 101 led by prof Bill it was decided that Corning, Corning would be there but there -*was a definite impression that no psychology class as such would be taught. The 50 percent who did show up were greeted with, “We will continue and expand our lesson of last friday. <Everyone,,not .in attendance c.an’get your notes”. At the end of this statement some of the students left.

South quadrant sponsors parade for homecoming



Leens .

This year’s homecoming paraxde will be sponsored by south o*\ladrant of the Village. Although plans for the parade are not completed, there are indications that it will be similar to last year’s. The parade is to start at Victoria park in Kitchener at 11:45 am, and participants are asked to be at that location at 10: 30. The parade will move down along University King street, avenue and will reach Seagram stadium by 1: 15. The registration fee for floats will be between $5 and $10. Further information can be obtained by contacting Rob Brown, 576-6748, or Wyman Jones, 576-8797.


the young man’s answer for a neat, good-looking pair of pants that wear longer, look better, anytime, anywhere. Choose from a handsome corduroy, comfortable stretch denim, durable leatherneck twill or western denim.


Class, the Chevron

Informed sources said freshette Chris Trebble was crowned Miss Engineer at Saturday 3 engineeritig weekend semi-formal.

Pot not harmfd: TORONTO (CUP)-Even though he wants the spread of marijuana halted “at all costs,” a highranking RCMP official said thursday that marijuana has no known pathological effects, and actually produces much less violence than alcohol. Assistant RCMP commissioner J.R.R. Carriere told the commission of inquiry into the nonmedical use of drugs in Toronto Thursday the RC&IP had no medical grounds to oppose marijuana or hashish-only their knowledge that most heroin users start on marijuana.


Carriere’s assertion was chalenged by youths in the audience, and also by dean Ian Campbell of Sir George Williams University, a commission member. Campbell asked what he meant by stopping illegal drug use “at all cost.” He said it seemed clear the existing mechanisms of control have not worked since drug use is spreading. The commission of inquiry was set up to report on drug use among the Young and will report to the federal cabinet in six months.






21 October

1969 (l&24)



with the campus center? What happened to the showcase that every kid wanted to show to his parents? What happened to the building that every administrator loved to point to and say, aren’t we good to you? What happened to the expensive, pretty building that every taxpayer winced about when he looked and realized how much it cost? The answer is quite simple. It was designed to be looked at; built only because of student pressure; and constructed in a manner showing no respect for the working man who paid for it. The students who fought so hard over the years for adequate lounge and meeting space had a hard enough time getting anything built, so its hard to fault them. They can’t be blamed for a structure that is really just a very large faculty club. Architects for the building were Shore and Moffat of Toronto, who designed all campus buildings including the phys-ed building, before they were suddenly and mysteriously removed from the administration’s list of approved architects.

The frustrating


While the basic design was both poor and expensive, there were several occasions when positive steps to make the best of it could have been taken and were not. When the campus center and the foodservices building were announced, student representatives protested loudly saying the two facilities should be combined in one central location or at least built in the same area if there had to be two structures. That protest met inaction, and the prophesied problem exists on a large scale. ‘The campus center’s coffeeshop is operating at beyond capacity and liberation lunch has sprung up to meetan obvious demand. Food-services manager Bob Mudie is determined to try to attract patrons to the food-services building. In the slack month of august, he closed the campus center coffeeshop and left food-services and the modern-languages coffeeshop open- creating a geographical food problem that led directly to the establishment of liberation lunch. l In the original design of the building, ’ the basement was not definitely laid out. It


Why the campus A year ago on’october ter was “liberated”.

21, the campus

was to have provided a bank, barbershop and postoffice. The administration was concerned only with the bank because it was a source of revenue. The space was awarded not’on the best price per unit area, but rather on the largest total rent, since the rental was going into the university’s capital fund. The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce got the space on the basis of leasing the largest area, although the university could have got more per square foot by leasing a smaller area to a different bank. The result is one large bank in the middle of the basement, leaving a couple of marginally-useful areas on either side. Proper allocation would have left considerable space for recreational use. l Campus center director Paul Gerster was left in charge of getting a barbershop set up in an allocated space. He never did, and when the campus center board took office, it was one of their first projects. Because of the commercial nature, it was felt that university policy would put it under the control of the administration’s

of a confrontdon

cetiter had to be liberatea


brought building

The actual liberation consisted only of 75 to 100 students spending the night in the building (that had previously been closing at midnight) and moving campus center director Paul Gerster’s office furniture into the great hall. The decision to take the action was made in a general meeting that night which was primarily discussing the just-released conservative report on university government. (That report had advocated tinkering with present structures, but suddenly in january the administration changed its view to the single-tier structure that students on the original committee had proposed.)

After further debate, the meeting voted without opposition to take the symbolic action of occupying the campus center by keeping it open all night and moving the director’s furniture out of his office.

In subsequent negotiations with the administration, it was agreed that the policies for the operation of the campus center should be set independently by a board composed of a majority of students, with faculty, staff and administration representatives and that there would be no director, as day-to-day operating procedures could easily be carried out by existing staff in the federation of students office. The administration was to continue to provide all regular services such as cleaning; existing commercial operations were to continue under previous control (including food services) ; and the campus center board would be subject to all university policies, present and future. The administration also agreed to interim control by a subcommittee of the original campus center advisory committee while the new policy was being put into operation. * * * History liberation

of- the campus





In early 1960, students recognized the necessity for a centrally-located lounge and meeting facility. After some discussion with the administration, the student council asked that tuition fees be raised by $10 a year to provide a fund for the construction of a campus center. On 24 October 1962, the council donated the accrued $29,730 to the university’s first major fund drive, on the assumption that it would be used to build the needed center. At that time, the $10 levy was discontin_ ued because it was an unnecessary hardship. 6

382 the Chevron

a couple hundred students and forced it open.

into tl

Gerster continued to maintain it was h building and frequently delayed or ignore requests of the campus center advisor committee or ignored its decisions. He ven altered the committee’s minutes on tv occasions when they proved embarrassing

Both the advisory committee and the stl dent council began to agitate for change. At its october 1 meeting, the council dc manded that control be turned over to ? federation of students. Negotiations began, and on October- lt admin provost Bill Scott sent a memo t Gerster asking him to draft proposals., ( specific problems entailed in a char @e ( command. Federation president Briar? Ile was sent a copy of the memo and furthe checks were made with Scott. The federa tion of students published a flyer saying th administration had basically agreed to thei demands.

Speakers at the general meeting expressed frustration over the seeming impossibility of achieving real, needed change.

Administration provost Bill Scott told the meeting that change takes time. He was shortly challenged as whether the slow change is even in the right direction. The topic shifted as the example of negative change in the governing of the campus center had shown. including federation Several speakers, president Brian Iler, went through the history of the campus center.

ancillary enterprises committee. ’ done, with some policy recommer and the barbershop is finally cxp open in november. l The administration took no ; the postoffice. The federation of filled’the gap and now operates a pt in the campus center basement. l The building was supposed provided some recreational facili actually only had one pool table. 1 table has proven to be quite expen cause it is almost impossible to su After two recent broken windows, f has been made unavailable until notice. A similar problem occurred w campus center put the pingpong ta ated from the defunct grad house i the remaining areas in the baseme table has been more or less demoli:. l A quarter of a million doll; spent on the fancy furnishings in th ing, with disastrous results. Physical-plant and planning had 1 responsibility for the selection. A fl

August 1968: campus center director Paul Gerster came to work to find the grept hall furniture moved and his office ensemble set in its place. It was apparently done by opponents of his arrogant policies, although the culprits were never apprehended and no keys to the then-locked building were missing., as the university was growing fast and the current student body could never raise enough to build a sufficiently large center. The administration assured the students the building could be financed by the university with government assistance. In december 1965, student president Gerry Mueller asked admin president Gerry Hagey when the campus center was going to be built. Hagey replied that the project was being delayed for an unspecified period because of a lack of funds.

In january, student council decided they would build the center themselves and asked for their money back plus interest. Administration vicepresident Al Adlington was quoted as saying, “We do not have to give back the $30,000 because we never *made any express commitment as to when we will put the building up. ” Shortly after council’s refused demand for their money back, the administration announced the construction of the math building, at an estimated cost of $6,666,669.

The common platform of candidates for student council that spring was to get the campus center built. At the same time, the administration was making plans to launch their tenth anniversary fund drive. Council intended to approach local industries and businesses with their problem and ask for contributions for a campus center. Fearing for the success of their own fund drive, almost the entire board of governors visited Ontario premier John ..@obarts in june 1966 to emphasize the need fog funds to expand the University of Waterioo.

In july of that year, Hagey announced that the campus center would be built. Construction, however, did not start until spring 1967.

In the controversy over simply getting the building built, there was little attention paid to the actual physical structure and who would control it. The only policy on record is an unanswered statement by Paul Gerster ) who then was administrative assistant to the student government) and the student council, that the building be run by a board of managers with student, faculty and staff representatives. This was to be a board of the student council, responsible to it in a similar way to the creative-arts board.

This was apparently the accepted concept, but somewhere along the line the ad-! ministration changed - ._ it. ’ On july 1, Gerster was appointed by the administration to the post of director of the campus center and assistant to the provost. About the same time, Gerster (who was originally hired by the administration for the fledgling student government) was coming under increasing criticism by the officers ‘of the federation of students. The administration said in, effect that it was their building, to be run for them by Gerster, and there would be a student, faculty and staff committee to advise only.

No further action was taken by either side until the building was ready in march 1968. Friction immediately set in between the $9000-a-year administrator and the people who were using the building. Gerster was reluctant to open the building to more than the federation of students office operation because he apparently didn’t want it to get dirty. However, the Aryan Affairs Commission (the original guerilla theater group on campus which has since faded away) in cooperation with the Chevron that announced their plans, held an unofficial opening that

At this point Hagey took control of the ad ministration’s actions and sent Iler a letter stating they had not agreed to student con trol of the campus center. The administra tion also leafletted the campus with a flyer accusing the federation of unilateral actior and said such moves would have to be ig nored.

“There is no doubt we had acted in gooc faith in publishing our flyer,” said Iler. Federation vicepresident Tom Patterson said, “They were prepared to hand it over to us not as a matter of principle, but in an attempt to defuse a crisis situatior, Our memo scared them into publicly denying the principle of student control. ” On October 17, the campus center advisory committee unanimously proposed a compromise where the building’s policies would be made by an independent board similar to itself. The committee agreed the position of campus center director was unnecessary and proposed that his duties be carried out by officers of the federation of students. Hagey received the proposal but refused to decide on it in principle, saying he would have to wait for a meeting of the board of governors.

“This is just a ploy,” said Patterson, “because Hagey has the authority to make such decisions and only take them to the board for ratification. He usually does so on everything except the matters students ask him to decide on.” Three days later, at the previously scheduled general meeting on university government, those present voted to liberate the campus center. In subsequent negotiations the administration proved the truth of Patterson’s statement. A subcommittee chaired by Iler took control of the campus center. The board of governors approved the creation of the campus center board at its november 14 meeting. Student council elections and other problems delayed appointments for the new board until january, when it held its first meeting. \

3I. .e, c * .

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‘Y ye ‘i -ri*

good idea what money ,(about $15,600~) re“mained in the original furnishings account and agreed to spend this on pub furniture , and a permanent sound system. ~ ’ The. board was. not given approval to spend the:money until late june 1969. Remember when the campus’ center wai;.‘&M and beautifirl ? -That was before akybody used the building. ! l In the winter, the board .accepted re- . proportions. crisis Last winter, in a meetAt that time, it became an addition to be n’t they come to him at a Petch.peeve ses-. quests from the faculty association andthe ing with physical-plant and planning ofbuilt in future. It has been continually, Iistssion. ’8 graduate ’ student union for office space. In the first place, -the board was set up ’ ficials, campus center officers had to ared.on, the schedule of buildings andcont&The areas needed renovations and the gue that the campus center actually should -_Iually moved farther to have‘access. to the proper administrative down the list. In. ap: board was led to believe that the adminischannels ; and secondly, a legal agreement; have more janitors per unit area than-the ril, it was listed for completion in 1972 ; f tration would seriously consider the re- . university average because of the build-j exists which codifies the policies. now it’s marked *for later than’ 1973 comquests. ing’s heavy use. “Ihe administration’s representative on Y‘--. pletion. operations vicepresident Al PPandP finall-y’-agreed and the campus. It’s basically a sham, because the ad- k j the board, The board felt their requests were reaAdlington‘,. bears much *- of the re@onsibiIcenter was alloted one and- a half. more . ministration has’ no real designs for the sonable and - moderate. Their first reply ity. janitms than the university average would addition anyway. J from the, administration was over -three On one occasion., AdIing$on was instruct‘If the addition were built-, it could pr& months later when there was a request for ’ al1ow for its &or area. ed .to instit.ute with food-se-ices a charge But even t&is has proved gros&inadevide some of the recreational facilirties further information. That was in june., ’, 1 fcx using ‘the. campus center fdr licensea ’ quate. It’s not just a m&ter of. slopp~7 mpnecessary, 1 -, -’ There has. been no further official reply leasing the campus center either. As board events. He didn’t. until he- was reminded <* The campus centerhoard .l@s been .’ i from the administration since then. more than a ,mQntli later. , member and physics prof Pim Fit#zgeraId blamed for many things over which ,ii has 9 - The board’s conventional operating -said, if the students were replaced by- fat; - . Adlington several times expressed conno control.’ ’ ’ budget - was also’ unduly delayed, even mm- about use of the building for private uIty in the same numbers, the building . On the matter of drug use in the vi&&y though it made no requests for equipment and’has said the building would still be a mess, butmaybe not quite , of the ‘campus center, the board,,has @id - . sexuai activity or’ personnel above what had been preas bad. should not be open. all n@ht.:.WhF someit can only state pat it does not condime viously agreed upon. one ‘proposed that prophylactic vending A further example of the problem:: The ‘use of drugs anymore than any other authl The board’s ‘till-time secretary has’ machines be, installed in the .building, Adc’ampus center board issued a works requiority. been operating withouta job description. sition in july to have all furniture and rugs L ling@n insisted it was .a university policy Use -of the building by non-university When one .was originally proposed at a decision to be made by the president’s cleaned- by September 1. As it turned out, people has always been reduced to the , I ’ meeting in february, a representative of PPandP only called the company that did coticil. predicament that the administrationdoes the personnel department said he wished the work, on September 4. not bar non-university persons from cam* The board protested, but allowed him the ’ / to look after it. l The.original plans for the campus ten-. prerogative because the campus cenher pus. _ agreement states the board must follow* The personnel department still hasn’t ter included another section j (the corner l * In a september interview with the brought the job description to the board for facing the ringroad nearest the village). It university policy. Chevron, administration’ president How, approval. ‘. AdIington later authorized the installawas dropped when the administration deard Petch asked i-f the board was having ” ’ , l The problem of cleanup has reached tided to build the bhl&g. l tion of the Etihines. prijblems with his administration why &&

The’ following are excerpts from the daffy reports of the campus canter turnkeys (student building supervisors). While the excerpts were picked mainly for humor, there is an attempt to show some of the many problems the turnkeys have to cope with. The turnkeys have been much criticized for not doing* their job properly. But, their job entails being in the campus center office to take bookings, give information and take phone calls; open and close doors; do some cleanup and rearrangement of furniture; and supervrse .the building to try to eliminate damage in such a’manner as not to be a cop. All this must be done simultaneously. l 11 September Nothing ,much happened kxcept lots of, people watched. films and talked and. played‘cards and stuff . Security ’ came in about the broken glass. They thought a window had been knocked out and .were somewhat down-. faced when they found out it was just a beer glass. , ,

la-September One frosh from the village completely zonked was the only casualty tonight. He passed--out in the pub. Dave handled \ thesituation, calling village orientation. They, sent down some people to take him back. The most regrettable event was somebody swiped my almost-new mechanical- pencil, of, which I had already become quite fond (I ha-d named. her Shirley). I . l

l 13 September Somebody filched a buck from the coffee kitty,, and either all the coffee got used up earlier or someone stole that toq,.

. 15 september Nothing much to report exceptthe p1ac.e was a bloody awful mess. And it’s my-birthday today. l


. 19 September Dumdum: Call





clogged toidee in the ladies’ bog.


l 28 September One of the ,radiators started an auditory, barrage of its own not unlike some of the RSM demonstrations-a lot of noise but not too much sense to be made of it. So I called PPandP and they fixed it.

28 September Going about my rounds today I noticed a particularly obnoxious odor emanating from the north-w,est corner of the great hall. Upon closer examination, it. was discovered that someone’s ’ gastric excrement (otherwise. and perhaps more familiarly known as barf) , was beginning to fermentI in the corner under a table. l

30 September. The evening was 1basically dull and uneventful except for: obnoxious middie-class pseudo hippies ; drunken, snivelling, slobbering, pretentious, offensive engineers; the biggest mountain of garbage-pop cans, cig I butts, cups, spittle, etc .- ever accumulatpaper, ed; general depression bordering on insanity. There seems to be a chess set missing. However, we do have an extra ID card, so maybe something will work out. Three or four clods .were doing some boozing in here last night: I politely in‘formed them to, leave, and after some rather common epithets they left. ’ -I TWO novelties I should relate so that everyone can taste the humor of the .graveyard shift : l


1 October No pub damage. Just and beer on the floor.


and litter

4 October Rick Page’s radio show tonight was intolerable-all that good old country stuff like the Carter family. At llpm there were 800 people in the great hall, give or take 100. It was a dance, not a demonstration. Someone dropped in and mentioned that he smelled grass in the great hali, but when I went out to check I could:: n’t find -anything. Some people don’t. know the smell of grass from some exotic brands of tobacco or the odor of garbage smoldering in an ashtray, anyway. l

5 October Some highschoolers -who showed up for the young socialist get-together in the reading lounge helped me straighten out. the furniture; the place was a mess with all the chairs -and tables out of \ place. ’ \ l

~CV thanks to John Staff&& We worked an hour then Larry Burke came in to survey‘ what was. left after the dance. He bked at the mess and announced his resignation because he doesn’t want to run stuff for that kind of people. . Not one piece of furniture was moved , back. I’ve felt the same way often since September. Larry also offered to pay for whatever time it tooks (you see, tooks is the proper word cause it already has taken- but it hasn’t finished L yet). Back to work after a cigarette. 1’11 bet the janitors will be bored in here by _ the time weget through. 6 October AS you can see, the top of the red stool is off. I think it can be put back on by anyone,with a screwdriver who can screw’. Do you know anyone? l


7october I just thought of a marvelous solution for the great hall garbage problem. Merely remove all the tables (where 98.6 l 5.October Ipercent of the garbage accumulates) The janitor today didn’t have time to and replace them with stinky, dirty, old do the pub after the warriors reception garbage cans. We could group the chairs Saturday. It appears that so much furniture isbroken or has been taken out of _ around these cans ‘(which could be coated with some honey to attract flies) for the pub before it breaks; that the place is a‘ trial period and then replace the tab-almost empty. There are herds of the fabric-covered chairs from rooms 211, - les for an additiona1 test* Well???? 217 etc. in there. Needless to say, they \ aren’t in 2al,217. l 11 october There were seven coffeeshop’ chairs When they played music-to-pickupin 211. garbage-by on radio Waterloo around The TV and reading lounges look lOpm, one and only one guy got up and _ great. The games, music and FASS started doing it. L rooms look like hell. I’ll straighten them An ‘all-time high was reached tonight up. I I during my clean-up sessionwhile Being a man of many talents I have l 13 October . reaching for a goody (a pile of used today disconnected orientation’s speI have received word from,/ budding snotrags) in a corner, I managed to cial telephones so they don’t get used local musicians to the effect that they stick my hand in some drunk’s barf. for unauthorized (and expensive) ‘calls find playing piano in an erect upright po’ Those ~Aladlington frenchy machines while awaiting official removal. sition somewhat cumbersome. Perhaps the problem lies in the bench (in which ar; getting-lots of use--I found a couple b laying around on the floor here and ’ l 5october several music books were stored) having ‘. / It’s 5am and the place is looking betthere. _ disappeared. _ tuesday

21 October

1969 (lo:24



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. This week in the sandbox - Entertainment both on and off campus is looking up these days what with pubs, dances, rock groups, folk singers, noon theater and homecoming in the offing. The line-up is something like this. Tonight-Engineering society pub night in the campus center.-The new folk in the Arts theater at 8pm. Tomorrow-Noon theater in the arts theater featuring impromptu by Tad Mosel. Thursday-Science society pub, in the campus center, at 8pm, (The name of the folk singer featured seems to be a well-guarded secret) -The mother/ode in the food services building at 8: 30pm. Friday-dance in the village with The Nudeus, starting at 9pm Saturday-film festival in Al 116, 113, 105 and 124, times and titles to be posted later this week. Sunday-Vaughy string quartet, (quartet in residence at Queens) in the arts theater at 8pm. -Wednesday, thursday and friday artists mart at the KitchenerWaterloo art gallery. Sale of paintings, sculpture, antiques, and boutique items. Theatre fans may be interested to know that Tom Stoppard’s Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead will be playing in repertory with Hamlet at the Royal Alexandra theater in Toronto all this week. A modern re-interpretation of Hamlet, it won the New York critics’ award and the Tony award as the best new play of the 1967-68 season. LYRIC (124 King street, Kitchener, 742-0911) The wild bunch (ends tomorrow) is a super-violent horse opera that could well be subtitled The dirty dozen goes west. It took several months to get by the Ontario censors, who were unappreciative of the ebullient sadism which Robert Ryan, William Holden, Ernest Borgnine and company indulge in. The libertine (starts thursday) stars Catherine Spaak as a rich widow who discovers her late husband’s secret hedonistic playpen. She experiments with it for a time but eventually finks out to settle down with her true love. CAPITOL (90 King west, Kitchener, 578-3800) A double bill of Valerie and School for sex. FOX (161 King east, Kitchener, 745-7091) E&y rider- co.ntinues.’ Peter Fonda as captain America wheels around the United States with buddy Dennis Hopper. This is the cool movie of the year with something for everyone-rock music, souped-up motorbikes, drugs and disillusionment-which is probably the reason it is cleaning up at the box-office. ODEON 312 King west, Kitchener, 742-9169) The battle of Britain is a superproduction about the air war over England in The longest day style. Featuring a host of stars such as Laurence Olivier, Michael Redgrave and Michael Caine, it includes a restored spitfire from good Old Galt, Ontario. FAIRVIEW (Fairview shopping plaza, Kitchener 578-0600) The unsinkab/e MO//~ Brown and *The impossible years run until thursday. The former is a musical starring Debbie Reynolds and the latter is a generation-gap comedy with David Niven. Two excellent but under-rated movies open friday. The prime of Miss Jean Brodie is notable for the excellent performance of Maggie~ Smith as an English schoolteacher. In the Ffim-f/am man, George C. Scott plays a smooth-talking confidence man, and Canadian Michael Sarragin >makes his screen debut as Scott’s understudy in crime. WATERLOO (24 King north, Waterloo, 576-1550) The lion in winter, a costume drama starring Peter O’Toole as Henry 11 and Katherine Hepburn as his wife, Eleanor of Aquitane. This is an over-acted cheapie movie abounding-in bad dialogue and trivial intrigues.

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the Chevron




********************************q g ITIANf I





* * * *



by Bowden Chevron



The lady’s not for burning was acted out friday night in the arts. theater. Acted out, that is, as distinguished from performed. When a play is performed, the play is the subject of our attention, as we become so involved we seem to forget that acting is actually going on. But friday night my attention was frequently centred not on the play, but on the actors, acting out the characters (or, rather, trying to act out the characters). With the exceptions of Hebble Tyson (played by John Heard), whose nose-in-handkerchief sneezes were works of art in themselves, and Matthew Skipps ( James Borrelli), whose drunken cries of “Glory, glory, amen, amen! ” ‘when he learned he was dead drew an enthusiastic ovation from the audience, the rest of the crew could have been very clever robots. The leading robots, Charles Murphy and Emily Michaud, were programmed to perfection: not a word, line or gesture misplaced. All that was lacking was the realization that there is more to acting than a mere repetition of memorized words and gesticulations. The direction was the accomplishment of T.M. Hanfield, and a most laudable job it was, considering the nearly super-human task it must be to get androids to think. But if the acting of the national players of Washington D.C. was not what we might have hoped the success of Christopher Fry’s play was due to the play itself.


* *

b *j

*. .

+e +e * 10 King S. Waterloo





46 +.m




The Sugar Shoppe In concert Friday, October 24. ln conjunction foe Lutheran University’s HomeComing ‘69.


0 0




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Thurs. 0 Fri. at.


‘i. l

Androids Michael Crigsby and Emily parts as good androids stzoulcS i/j The The time is 1400, either more or less or exactly. Thomas Mendip, a discharged soldier, is tired of the world and its major of the city that he has committed a murder and demands to be hanged. “Have you filled out the necessary forms?” asks the mayor. But the city officials cannot be bothered with Thomas’ unorthodox request, for Jennet Jourdemayne is suddenly brought forth and accused of witchcraft. Amid various subplots, Thomas and Jennet fall in love and finally



by Jan Narveson




\%A:$******************************* I \- ~~~*a~ommoeee*e~am~

Michaud act out their lady’s not for burning.

manage to escape the city. The play is clever in its plot and hilarious in the presentation of its characters, who saturate the dialog with Shakespearian wit, and who, only by the coincidences of good fortune, manage to emerge unscathed. The near-capacity audience gave suddeen ovations to not a few of the lines. But only James Borrelli, who played the drunken rag-and-bones man, Matthew Skipps, received a genuine and enthusiastic ovation for his acting.



The premier performance of a major orchestra ,jn campus Saturday night saw the Toronto Sym)hony gamely battling the air-conditioning system ,n the jock building in a program of Dvorak, Smetana and DebussyIt is difficult to say who won, but certainly the overall impact of the concert was greatly impaired. The jock plant was never, of course, designed to be a concert-hall and one must expect problems. But I find it hard to understand why the most severe chfficulty should be the one most easily solved and yet nothing was done about it. It is admittedly nice to be able to breathe, but after all, there was a 15-minute intermission and the volume of available air in the gym is sufficient to keep even a large crowd breathing for the length of a Smetana tone poem or a Dvorak symphony. If one must choose between air pollution and sound pollution during a symphony concert I should have thought the choice obvious. I don’t think it is worth $8500 of involuntary student money to finance an hour-and-a-half or airconditioning roar and whoosh, above which every so often when the music, exceeds mezzo-forte, the sounds of an orchestra can be heard. As far as the gym itself is concerned, even if the air-conditioning problem could be solved, the story is roughly what one would expect. There is definately a problem in the base. The string basses could be heard, but it was difficult to distinguish one note from another. Brass bass fared better, and indeed, the brass seemed to come through quite well, at least from my vantage point in the midst of the crowd on the main floor. Lower string sound was a lost cause in general as one had to infer what the violas and cellos were Woodwinds and up to, rather than simply listen. violins were quite audible which is fortunate because they sounded superb. Projection of sound is always a problem in gymnasiums, and those sitting far towards the rear had to strain mightily to make out much of anything. I am told. The cheap seats, up in the bleachers and balconies fared better I suspect. Turning to the performance. the clear winner of the evening was the Dvorak 6th symphony in D major. This lovely and graceful piece is not nearly as well-known as the last three of Dvorak’s symphonies, but conductor Ancerl made an excellent case for it. It seemed to me that in the



first and third movements, things lagged a little by comparison with Wednesday’s performance in Massey hall, which I had the good fortune to hear. The difference, I am sure is due to the acoustical problems of the gym. For the rest, everything was just right, well proportioned, good humored, and fitted out in first-rate orchestral playing. The first number on the program, Smetana’s early tone poem Wa//ensteinS camp is pretty much of a loser. Much of the thematic material is banal, and the thing sprawls pointlessly. It doesn’t compare with any of the pieces in Ma vfast and was not a very good choice for this audience, or any audience listening to Czech symphonic music I don’t see how any perforfor the first time. mance could really save the piece, but TSO’s was a good try. Debussy‘s nocturnes for orchestra (the third being omitted Saturday night because of the lack of a chorus) are splendid works, but the air-conditioning noise and other acoustic problems simply undid things here. How are you going to portray subtle and delicate impressions of the movements of clouds with the mechanical whir of air-conditioning machinery roaring away all the .while? Fetes (festivals) wasn’t quite so hopeless, but Debussy is not Respighi after all, and needs a certain amount of peace and quiet to come across. It didn’t really make it in this case and applause was surprisingly sparse at the end. The piece subsides into silence at the end, but of course in our case it subsided into the air-condition nig, and no-one could tell whether the orchestra had stopped playing until Ancerl turned around and the players put up their bows. The three thousand or so people present were evidently pleased with the Dvorak piece and leaped to their feet to applaud enthusiastically at the end, thus induing a sparkling encore in the form of the Bartered bride overture of Smetana. This splendid piece can hardly fail in the worst of donditions and made a nice dessert for the occasion. Let’s hope that somebody will put in some effort between now and next year to make the jock building more suitable for this kind of affair. There are no decent auditoriums of a suitable size for a major symphony orchestra in the Kitchener-Waterloo area and until one is built the gym will have to do. A good acoustic shell would probably help matters a lot. But nothing will be of any use until people realize that a symphony orchestra is not a pop group-it can’t just drown out the opposition with sheer brute amplification.



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21 october

7969 (70:24)



The U.S. has been playing poker in Vietnam while the Viet Conghad them checkmated all along. An honorable solution to the Vietnam war proposed by Hanoi was recently torpedoed by the United States. Joseph Starobin, political science professor at York University told a moratorium day audience that he himself communicated this proposal to Henry Kissinger, Nixon’s foreign policy adviser in Washington. Elaborating on how he became involved in the peace negotiations, Sta-robin explained that prior to taking his doctorate he had worked as a journalist and had befriended Xuan Thuy, who is now Hanoi’s chief negotiator in the Paris Peace talks. The Hanoi delegates indicated to Starobin that they were ready for private talks as opposed to the speech-making which has gone on for the last 18 months. Hanoi’s willingness to compromise was evident in this proposal as contrary to their former demand for complete withdrawal of American troops, they would now settle for the withdrawal of 100,000. According to Starobin, Hanoi envisaged a coalition government which would organize new elections and bring about a political settlement. They were not insisting that their side run the government, and were prepared to include members of the present Saigon administration., The proposals which were conveyed to Kissinger September 10, have not apparently been seriously considered by the U.S. The Detroit Free Press carried an unconfirmed report October 6 on secret talks taking place between Hanoi and the U.S., which alarmed Starobin.

He felt that if the talks were to be successful they should be kept secret. Later reports from Paris, however, indicated that the proposals had been disregarded. The leakage to the press was just a ruse to appease the American public on the eve of moratorium day. Starobin stressed the fact that the U.S. cannot possibly win in Vietnam and that the only way the Saigon regime can be maintained is by U.S. guns. He stated, “It is my experience that the other side has given us an honorable avenue of retirement in the course of the last six weeks”. He feels that the U.S. objection to a coalition government is ludicrous, as many western countries such as Norway, Italy and France have included the communist party in coalition governments. Starobin objected to the K-W Record’s coverage of his speech which quoted him out of context. He agreed that he may have said that the fundamental reason for Americans being in the war was to protect the people from communism, but he was citing this as official american policy not as a personal belief. What he particularly wished to stress was that the Viet Cong represented a nationalistic liberation movement led by communists or people claiming to be communists. Quoting Ronald Reagan’s speech at a recent whitehouse dinner, he continued, “The distinguished educator of the state of California, member of the hard right,

Joseph Starobin addressing the Vietnam moratorium looks upon the whole thing as a question of holding cards.” Reagan had apparently said, “people who are protesting ought not to be doing so, because they do not know the cards that are in the hands of the Nixon adminisI tration. ” Carrying the analogy of a poker game just a little further, Starobin suggested that the U.S. came into the game with very bad cards and seemed to think that the solution lay in kicking over the table and blasting their way out with gunfire, as Reagan himself had done in many westerns. He added that the ghastly irony of it all is, that while the U.S. is playing a poker game the other side is playing chess, a

day teach-in.

classical continental game in which they are very expert. The essence of this game is that you maneuver the pieces so that you checkmate your opponent. He feels that the U.S. has now been checkmated in that Vietnam has fought a big industrial power to a standstill, and the old standard U.S. solution of blasting their way out won’t work. He said, “For the U.S. to be placed in this position four years after the war was escalated is a national humiliation, especially when they claim to have the genius of world leadership. ” If the U.S. cannot withdraw they face the possibility of an aroused and wrathful electorate engaging in more and bigger demonstrations, he added.

Whom the gods destroy they .first drive inane by I$.


WASHINGTON, D-C.-At a recent press conference it was hard to distinguish Nixon from Agnew. He implied that to criticize his slowdown in southern school desegregation-15 years after the Brown decision-was to ask for “instant integration”! He could see no ethical problem in replacing Fortas, with Haynsworth, the judithe judicial moonlighter, ciary’s most absentminded stock speculator. He said there were no American combat troops in Laos, except maybe in certain activities he did not care to discuss. ’ He denied there was any numbers game in picturing the cancellation of 50,000 draft calls for november and de@ember as a sign of approaching peace in Vietnam, although from june to October he had drafted 56,000 more men than last year and four days earlier the pentagon had announced as an economy move that it would be tak-


386 the Chevron

ing 70,300fewer men into the armed services. He rejoiced that at the UN he had found “no significant criticism” of U.S. policy in Vietnam; the secret service must have rushed him through the delegates’ lounge pretty fast. He is against the Goode11 bill to remove all U.S. troops from Vietnam by december 1, 1970 because he wants to get them out sooner, but it is better not to let the enemy know because that would destroy his incentive to negotiate. All we need to bring peace he said is a “united front” at ’ home. The united front hasn’t been advocated so openly since the 1937 convention of the Communist party. As for’ the student moratorium of October 15 and the other anti-war demonstrations planned for this fall, Nixon said “under no circumstances” would he “be affected whatever.” Before making that remark, he should have phoned that man down on the ranch. Either the wiretaps at 1029 Vermont avenue have brok-

en down or Nixon hasn’t caught up with the transcripts. That has suddenly become the busiest place in Washington. On the tumultuous eighth floor, with 17 telephones and 11 outside lines, veterans of the McCarthy movement led by David Hawk and Sam Brown, are swamped by the response to the Vietnam moratorium. On the floor above the more politically unkempt but equally vigorous new mobilization committee to end the war in Vietnam is having trouble coping with public response to its november 15 “March against death” to Washington and its “No peace for Nixon” drive, aimed to make his public appearances uncomfortable until all U.S. troops are out-of Vietnam. The best index of the response is that even the bucolic state college in South Dakota where Nixon last june 3 could safely attack student dissent has defected; the names of the Vietnam dead were read there on October I5 and a “tree of life” planted.

Thev won’t admit defeat J

A year ago the campus center was “liberated”. It was more a symbolic gesture than a show of force-after all, the confrontation was one of keeping the building open. Then both sides sat down to negotiate something that should have been settled long before had the administration not been afraid of recognizing a principle-that the campus center, just like the university, is here for students and should serve students’ interests. The student side was more reasonable than necessary, and it was really only trading in an unnecessary careerist bureaucrat for a building that would be open 24 hours a day. In good faith, the students allowed the administration to take responsibility for providing all regular services. The final agreement even contained the catch-all clause, “...the campus center board and the federation shall accept and be governed by all prevailing university operating policies and procedures and practices at any given time unless special arrangements have been made with and formally approved by the relevant university administrative officer with respect to any program, event or ongoing situation. ” But just like the Western imperial powers agreed after the Vietnamese people beat them on the battlefield of Dien Bien Phu and later prevented the arranged free elections, the administration of this university has refused to play fair after negotiations were over. It has engaged in a self-proving that student-majority exercise control won’t work.Incredible bureaucratic hassles and lack of communication have doomed the campus center board to ineffectiveness. The services the administration was to be responsible for have been almost totally inadequate. Most of the policy problems have been thrown to the board in areas that overall university policy should cover and doesn’t. The result of such situations is that the

board gets blamed for inaction or lack of concern. The campus center agreement implies that representatives of the board can negotiate with food services to expansion of services as equals, but the administrators involved haven’t seen fit to act that way. The solution will not be found .by blaming the management responsibilities channels within the board. Faculty association president Jim Ford allowed that his complaints in this area could possibly be answered by a clear definition of a management responsibility among the present officers of the federation of students. The solution will be found where Ford suggested in his second point -using a little muscle. If a few large administrative asses were kicked swiftly, the campus center might start to function smoothly. “Why didn’t they come to me at a Petch peeve session?” Petch asked a Chevron reporter in september. If he thinks that’s how the campus center board was supposed to solve its problerns with the bureaucrats, then Petch is more naive than even Knowlton Collister thought. The administration doesn’t like student control of anything. Last winter, a full review of the student-affairs departments (health, counselling, off-campus housing, residences) by a faculty-studentadministration committee recommended student-majority boards to set policy for those areas, with the various administrators reporting to them. Only some minor recommendations of that committee have been implemented. Petch has said student-majority boards don’t work, giving the campus center board as an example. Student control in student-affairs areas is as inevita.ble as a Viet Cong victory in Vietnam. To continue the fight, the administration will only produce more frustration and lose the services of more good men like Pim Fitzgerald. When will they ever learn.

All of a sudden--twice A little more than a year ago, the committee studying university government released its conservative report. It advocated nothing more than tinkering with existing structures and adding a couple of students here and there. That was after two years of study. A student minority report proposed a single-tier governing body and several other significant changes. It was dismissed as premature. Then suddenly in january, after a secret session in the board of governors, a single-tier plan was announced with a planned institution date of july 1970. A week or so later, after token debate, the senate approved the same plan. A joint meeting of board and senate did nothing but decided to form a committee to do the legal work that would send it back for rubberstamping and then on to the legislature. There was never really any explanation given for the sudden action. Perhaps it was then-admin president Gerry Hagey’s idea as a parting move of destiny; maybe it was somebody else’s idea of a farewell gift for Hagey; or maybe it was just plain old let’s-put-uniwat-on-the-map-with-a-bunch of aren’t - we-dynamic - and-progressive-and-all-that. Now, again all of a sudden, it’s go slow time. Maybe we’re overreacting, but it’s just possible we won’t have the single-tier govern-

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ing council in july the way the committee is delaying and rehashing. There are several possible reasons. The senate and the board seem to be getting cold feet about what was proposed to them as really just a merger that would change the status-quo only in name. The draft act doesn’t -do much more than that, but it does open the door to further change. Meaningful student participation may be scaring some people in high places. When the single-tier plan was announced, the conservative student government of John Bergsma was in office and many administrators were reading the cards as saying radicals wouldn’t get elected in significant numbers or to important offices anymore. That was before Tom Patterson was elected federation president. He’s been whomping them intellectually in the university act drafting committee. Finally, there’s the problem of what to do if big brother says no. The University of Toronto ‘s commission on university government has just reported with a plan similar to Uniwat’s. But university-affairs minister William Davis has said no to passing any legislation to implement it until there has been considerable discussion in the community. In the past, whatever happens at the University of Toronto has had rather significant effects on the rest of the province.

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27 October

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