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OTTAWA (CUP and staff)Three administration-picked students are members of the Universi ty of Waterloo ‘s delegation to the annual meeting of the association of universities and colleges of Canada which ended yesterday. They are Mavis Holmes, arts 1; Ron Wardell, electrical 2B; and Derek Whitworth, grad chemical engineering. All three were officially chosen by administration president Howard Petch. Petch had originally asked the federation of students to “name” three student observers. Federation president Tom Patterson advertised for applicants and the excutive board chose three and forwarded them to Petch. Petch asked Patterson to re-

Campus by Bob Verdun

After the four-hour campus center board meeting adjourned monday night , it seemed that all the campus center’s problems had been cleared up- except for getting money from the administration to execute the solutions. One of the main actions taken was to restructure the day-to-day management of the building. Board member and student councillor Paul Dube read a policy statement passed by the student council on delegating the day-to-day operational control the federation held to a campus center operations com-

mittee composed of the tary, turnkeys and other ers in the building. This would



consider because he said he wanted students involved in university operations, at least one graduate student and not all in arts. The federation executive refused to reconsider because there were only four applicants and the three arts applicants seemed most suitable. Cyril Levitt, sociology 4, and Ron Golemba, psych make-up, both had student government experience. The third one chosen was Holmes. Petch said he would pick his own delegation. The student council approved Patterson’s motion not to participate further in the process, although he was censured for not asking the graduate student union (GSU) to name a grad rep. Holmes decided to go after talking to Petch. “I got a letter from the feder-


Chevron staff

secreworkgroup both to



After considerable discussion of what the federation’s reaction might be, the board voted to accept the campus center operations committee in principle but without any reporting responsi bill ty through the federation office. Both operations vicepresident Al Adlington (a board member) presiand faculty association dent Jim Ford were very concerned about the attitude federation’s officers would take. Along with the other plans

and the

LUll G.


the federation and the campus center board. Board members expressed approval of the, operations committee idea but thought its reporting responsibility was unnecessarily

ation saying the matter was out of their hands,” she said. “I decided to be pragmatic about it: I’ve got my own future to think about, so I decided to nr\mn ” Whitworth, who is president of the GSU, and Wardell, engineering society B secretary, approached Petch saying they had seen their society people and obtained their OK, but could get no cooperation from Patterson. Petch said he didn’t really friday

recommendations made in marathon meeting, Ford

for AtiCC


7 november

care about the federation’s refusal to send a delegation. “I just don’t believe they took it seriously. ” Petch said he had every right to select the final delegation. “They are university delegates, not federation delegates. I originally expected the federation to choose ,a representative delegation-they should have. ” On hearing that charge, Patterson said, “We took it quite seriouslv-it’s Petch who’s ulaving the political games.

1969 IO:29

“Petch didn’t advertise for delegates. He completely reversed his criteria to pick Mavis ,Holmes. His criteria were Only convenient to find students politically acceptable to him. “If we hadn’t been taking this seriously we would have gone along with Petch’s request for us to reconsider. “Either Petch isn’t taking student union autonomy seriously, or if he is, he is out to smash it,” concluded Patterson.


of Waterloo,

for administration felt the faculty association would end its boycott of the board and name three replacements for its reps who resigned. On Wednesday, federation president Tom Patterson said he saw no problem with the board’s change in responsibility structure. “The federation had the operational responsibility: felt it should be primarily

hands of the workers.

but we in the

They know

the most about the operation. “If the board wants to implement this on a direct basis, that’s fine. The one thing we don’t

need is an administration-type manager, ” said Patterson. Ford



as far


was concerned the faculty association could now appoint reps to fill their vacancies on the board. he




A considerable number of other policy decisions were made in principle, but the permanent budget policy was put off to final consideration at a board meeting november 17, when the proposal to administration president Howard Petch will be detailed.

board meetings he had attended. The main problem remaining is getting the money from the administration to carry out the policies the board felt were necessary. At one point in the meeting, Johnson said, “This whole debate is insane. The administra-

The board will also elect a new chairman at the next meeting. With three faculty and three student vacancies, several board

tion simply isn’t keeping the building clean as the agreement says they are supposed to.” On Wednesday, Ford said, “It is now a problem of wrestling the correct amount of money out of the administration. But it looks very promising as far as I’m concerned. ” The following are the main decisions made and principles decided at the campus center board meeting :


felt they should wait.

Resigned chairman Leo Johnson conducted the meeting until the board picked David Parsons,

chemical 4A, as chairman pro tern. Earlier in the meeting, before the board decided to change the responsibility structure, a debate erupted over faculty association involvement. Association executive member Alf Rudin suggested that Ford was- getting too involved, since the faculty association was officially waiting for the outcome of the meeting. Pim FitzPhysics prof gerald, who resigned from the board because of the association executive’s attitude, said, “I don’t think the faculty association can stick its head in the sand.” Rudin objected to the analogy, and Ford and Jim Van Evra, another association executive,

@ a drastic increase in the janitorial staff be available following an experimental period of two weeks during which time an increasing staff be used until the building is satisfactorily clean. l stricter cleanup charges be instituted for attributable mess ; pub users to be responsible for damage in the washrooms. 0 there be two turnkeys on duty at all times. @ furniture be brought up to original level with strong furniture, and the board be provided with adequate budget to keep it at that level in future. @ that the board establish policies and practices controlling use of the campus center recognizing that it is provided prim-

joined in a four-way debate. It was only ended when Ford gave the board a lengthy explanation of why the association had taken its stand. The discussion eventually led to the decision to have the staff committee reporting directly to the board. After the chaotic meeting adjourned just before midnight, YP and P coordina%or Ed Knorr, a non-voting board member. said it reminded him of some church

arily for the use of the univerity community. @ that the board does not know and has not ever condoned any illegal acts involving SUCh things as alcohol, drugs or gambling.

For the department of physical-plant and planning, time could pass them by and they might not even notice. Since the beginning of the term, campus clocks have been consistently

but incorrectly

The more


about seven minutes





this reason for their continual non-punctuality. Even in the conversion from daylight to standard

dedicated clocks stuck to their beliefs. Mysteriously on monday, however,


classes time,


PP and P’s




The previous

week ,a Chevron


Bill Lobban to talk about the time the reporter was referred to assistant


Muyhc it’s the beginning of cooperution from the udministrution in keeping the campus cenopened in tcr clcun. The clip-joint - opcruted by the udmin’s uncillury enterprises-finally the rumpus ccn tcr huwmen t. But ut $2 it’s not Lwund to uttruct too many of the heads.



PP and P director

problem. Lobban wasn’t director Bruce Birrell.

in, and

said he didn’t know there was a problem. a few days later,

the clocks


sent a long correctional

trip and soon conformed to community standards. Except, of course, for the campus center-which suffers from insufficiencies in many areas. The campus center’s clocks are now*low.

Sir Gebrge ,+apei fuckm


MONTREAL (CUP)-The issue of racism at Sir George Williams University, buried in the uproar surrounding the nocomputerburning here torious last february, erupted again monday-the same day defendants in last year’s affair appeared in provincial courts. A group of Sir George students and faculty have laid libel and racism . charges against Wayne Gray, editor and publisher of the paper, a joint weekly publication of the Sir George and Loyola evening students’ associations, for a cartoon published in monday’s edition. The charges created a furor which _ ended with the paper’s removal from newsstands, and ‘the burning of the edition. The ’ paper was later re-issued without the cartoon. The SGWU students’ association has denounced the drawing



Liberation Despite an ominous $500 debt, the volunteer workers of liberation lunch decided at a meeting Wednesday night to carry on. The meeting was called by a disgusted core worker who earlier in the day closed shop. after not one of the campus center people, got up to help carry in .a meat order. He had missed most ! of his classes already in order to keep the counter open. Because the debt would fall on the two individuals who act as signing officers, the people at the meeting, all nine or ten of ’ them, signed up for another try. The price of a sandwich had been raised from 50~ to 75c for two weeks to try to obliterate a $1000 debt. Under direction of the campus center board, the lunch counter will be serving out of room 208. This may hinder the number of customers. It was also decided


may face charges

as “The most’ offensive example proved by university authorities. of racism ever published at Sir The charges were made by George.. .a shocking example of ’ a group of 38 students and facbad taste. ” members, amongthem ulty The cartoon shows a black members of the Caribbean stupondering the page of a newsdents association. paper, as his companion polUnder a new student disciished a machine gun in a setting pline code at Sir George, created strewn with “visit beautiful after last year’s incident, the Biafra” posters, shrunken heads, charges will be heard before skulls and pennants labelled a board of three students, two “Mau Mau Tech” and “Nigeria U.’ from the evening school and one Gray has refused to identify the day student. artist who drew the carton, The board has the, power to The caption reads: “Pack your suspend, remove student privkit bag, Alfred, they are about \ ileges, or recommend expulsion. to start a black studies program Appeal can be made to a rein Sir George. ’ ’ view board of three students, The source idea for the drawone faculty member and one ing is believed to be a notice senior administrator, with furfrom the SGWU Caribbean stuther appeal possible to the unidents association seeking black versity board of governors. students’ reaction to the possibilRoss Miles, president of the ity of establishing a credit courevening students’ association se in black studies. which sponsors the paper, conNo such course has been apceded the cartoon “might be in poor taste,” but defended Brayls decision to re-issue the paper minus the cartoon but without any apology. “Why escalate?” he said. “tomorrow there’d be 6000 people looking for dirt. It’s better to to retain their one paid employee who handles the ordering and say nothing. ” Miles said the cartoon is probbookkeeping. discussion continued Some ably “going to alienate a lot of black moderates, but it’s by no about the items available, and means as critical as february the relative merits regarding 11 (the date of the computer profit. center incident). Starting thursday, a sandwich which costs about 52 cents to the counter will sell for 65 cents. The 13 cents difference will continue to be used to write off the outstanding debts, as well as pay for the new $360 meat slicer The present faculty demand and any other equipment the for a 20 percent salary increase people feel they need. was the chief ,area of interest Downstairs, their competition for a meeting of professors and in the form of the food services grad students on tuesday. coffeeshop offers, a full size About a dozen people answered torpedo sandwich, with ham, the “call to action” issued by beef, lettuce, mayonaise, pickle psych prof Fred Kemp and sot and cheese for the same 65 cents. prof Ron Lambert. They are You get more at the liberation trying to organize a coalition lunch counter, but the diligence of professors and graduate stuwith which it adheres to the prodents around social and. communL-----LX ---11 - university -1 -is vincial regulations on food ser-, ity prooiems me vices is the last sticky point directly or indirectly involved they_ are trying to work out. with.







The issues touched upon-in addition to opposition to 20 percent faculty salary demandsincluded the Viet nam moratorium the role of the faculty association, the role and nature of teaching in the university, biological warfare, patent research, pollution, an acute observation of professional development day, and the government’s white paper on indians in Canada. The coalition intends to do intensive investigation, research and analysis in these areas, and to become actively involved in the conclusion at which they arrive. One of the foremost priorities , of the action committee is a

demands thorough investigation of the faculty demand for salary increases ; to question the necessity of salary parity between professors and doctors and lawyers, and a rating of opposition to the demand. Copies of John Cretien’s white paper on indian affairs will be made available for study purposes. Rap sessions with Howard Petch are to be set up for the purpose of expanding general knowledge of the administration’s hand in areas such as patent research, research applications and uses of research. There will be further meeting of the action committee in the near future.



Waterloo inning society to hold annual presentation of maxi and miniprick-award. Presentation of the trophies and monetary awards in CC 143 on a first-come first-served basis. Free beer to all members as usual, all applicants for awards welcomed.

Films from the avro archives, Psychology society, faculty, 8pm. campus center pub.

BergJohn Box spondoor. lo:30



TRAVBENFEST presented by the German club. Wine, beer, cold buffet, music, dance. Admission: members $1.25, couples $2.50; nonmembers $1.75 8pm. campus center pub. Missing Peece coffeehouse, Spm, Conrad Grebel. Film festival: Hitchcock’s “suspicion”, Bergman’s “smiles of a summer night”, and John Ford’s original “stagecoach” $1 at theater 80x office. $1.25 at door. Underwater Club. Tanks and regulators will be available. Also, election of exec will be held in pool. 1 Oam - noon, pool.

Lecture: William J. Lederer, “America and the world” Admission 50~. Coupon book holders use lecture series card. 4: 15pm. arts theater. UFT meeting, full attendance is requested.‘ 8pm. 2 Il. campus center. Seminar: Dr. E. Heasell-lasers. Sponsored by IEEE, free coffee and donuts. 12 noon, P145. Lecture. Inter varsity Christian fellowship invites you to come and hear Harry Klassen speak on the subject “community”. 8pm. 170 Erb street west, apt. P16 (Waterloo heights).

Film festival: Hitchcock’s man’s “smiles of a summer _ .. . . Ford’s ongmal “stagecoach” office. $1.25 at door. A subscription



in their


studont Sand

foos addross

l ntitfos changes

U of promptly


students to:

to rho

rocoivo Chovron,




by of

mail Watorfoo,


P145. evening.




470 the Chevron

12 noon, student

U of W bridge club. A club championship event. Proceeds will be donated to Canadian heart foundation. Everyone is welcome. Entry fee $1.25 per person. 7pm. social science lounge. Christian perspective club, 8pm. M&C 5158. Snap-a-cap pub, sponsored by eng 71. 8pm. campus center pub. Noon concert. Stage band-modern music‘ featuring both jazz and rock stylings. 12: 15pm. arts theater. Admission free. UFT Aircraft cleaning. 6: 15-8:30pm inside hanger No.5, WW airport.

TODAY Film festival: Hitchcock’s “suspicion”, man’s “Smiles of a summer5Lgight”. and, Ford’s original “Stagecoach”. $1 at theater office. $1.25 at door. DANCE: The rock show of the yeomen, sored by class of 70.8:30pm, food services. Johnny Winter in concert, $2.50 at the 8:30pm, phys-ed. Dance with Phase III. 50 cents at door. pm, student village.


X, the Chevrdn

Before you get upset about pornography in the Chevron again, take a close look at the dam under the sick-bay bridge.

off-campur Waterloo,

terms. Ontario.


Inter varsity Christian fellowship invites you to come and participate in study of the book-of Romans, 1 pm, 2 11 campus center. UFT Aircraft cleaning 6: 15-8: 30pm. Inside hanger No.5. WW airport.

“suspicion”, Berg night”, and John -_ -. $1 at Theater box




a tom.


rest m&a

When is a formula-financed project not a formula-financed project? Well it could be a nonspace formula project paid on a financing formula. This all comes about because of a large Gazette front-page photo of the physics rest area with the following captionMany on campus may still not realize funds for such projects are not governed by 95-5 percent arrangements. En tire formula cost is paid by the provincial government; money is allocated specifically for approved projects and cannot be put to other use by the university.


that isn’t

quite true.


by non-space


The money is allocated on the same formula as buildings-95 percent from the government for approved projects and the remaining 5 percent from the university’s capital fund. Gazette editor Bob Whitton said, “I had talked with some chaps at PP and P some time ago, and I was under the impression that this was non-formula work. ” Operations vicepresident Al Adlington said the confusion may have arisen because work like the physics rest area is often referred to as non-formula, but this means non-formula in a space formula sense.

74 Vietnam

The department of university affairs has worked out a formula for building construction that allows a university a certain amount of space for each student. This space formula only applies to usuable space in buildings. However both space formula and non-space formula construction is financed on the 95-5 capital formula. It is up to the university to decide which building projects it wishes to proceed with. The department of university affairs can accept, request amendments or reject the projects. Usable-space buildings are


will encourage class cfiscussion The november Vietnam moratorium will be observed primarily on november 14 on campuswith a shift in emphasis from the October protest. One of the main events will bea torchlight march starting on campus, and ending up at a rally featuring mimes, song and dance. Class-cutting, as a tactic of

Couff delay

protest on this occasion, was discussed but dropped. In place’ of this, it was decided to encourage class attendance to hold discussions on how Vietnam relates to courses and the university. “The decision to protest in this fashion is up to the individual students and faculty members. If this method of protest fails,”

in charges

MONTREAL (CUP)-The long wait by defendants charged in connection with the computer burning %at Sir George Williams University in february will continue for at least another 66 days. The names of the 70 defendants appeared on the rolls before justice Ignace J. Deslauriers in Montreal court monday only to be put over to the next term of the court of queen’s bench which will start 7 january 1970, and run through january and febr=v. The 70 defendants form the

major bloc of the 89 students arrested february 11 and charged with 363 crimes ranging from conspiracy to commit arson to property damage. Their history since then has been one of waits: preliminary hearings into the incident did not begin for 76 of the accused until april 14, eight others did not face preliminary hearings until march 5. And in the interim, the majority of the defendants were refused bail twice before it was finally granted february 18. Seven others were not granted bail until march 5.

said psych prof Ted Cadell, “then the moratorium effort can be regarded as a waste of time. People must take upon themselves the responsibility to oppose the war in Vietnam. ” It is planned to circulate an open letter to faculty and students encouraging them to adopt this form of protest. The committee hopes this approach may be endorsed by the science and engineering societies. Organizers also intend that this day of student protest serve as a building action for the broader community effort on Saturday 15 november, the international day of protest. A general meeting will be held monday 10 november, to which all are, invited, in the reading room of the campus center at 8pm. One of the student organizers, Abie -Weisfeld, said, “The momentum and popular support for the anti-war movement points to the largest action held to date on the Waterloo campus, as well as in the United States, and the rest of the world.”


judged on the criteria of the space formula but projects like the phsyics rest area are judged on ad-hoc criteria. The physics rest area has been under considerable criticism by some students and faculty as a

waste of $20,000.


Interestingly, photo showed now-completed area.



the Gazette’s no one using the project as a rest

Close cred;b;l;ty gap or just mouthpieces? OTTAWA (GINS)-In a meeting monday of the information officers association, editors of administration newspapers said their publications were a frank response to student unrest as well as radically-oriented student newspapers. Three papers in particular were mentioned in the Globe and Mail, but not our own Gazette. The McGill Reporter was put out to combat the McGill Daily. The UBC Reports countered the Ubyssey which, according to the editor of the administration’s paper “got into the hands of an avowed maoist “.

At Sir George, the Issues and Events was a “direct outgrowth of events .earlier this year which culminated in the smashing and burning of the university’s computer center. ” Our own information officer, Jack Adams was there, but it appears that the Gazette, which just started mass publication in the last school year, doesn’t make it into the same category as the other three papers. The informationofficers expressed concern that administration newspapers would lack credibility because they would be considered nothing more than official mouthpieces.

Trains for transportation?

No campus by Jim





By 1975 there will be over Ii:000 students on campus. To accommodate these students in classrooms and labs, new facilities will have to be built. Older structures will have to be expanded. By 1975 there will not be room for parking on campus. The largest thorn in the collective sides of the people who work or attend classes now is the parking problem. All persons owning a car must purchase a parking permit, enabling the owner to place it in one particular lot. He faces the possibility of having it removed from any lot other than the one he is allowed to use. Profs complain about the lengthy walk to their offices. Village residents are forced to park their vehicles more than half a mile away from their rooms, while two parking lots reserved for residence staff would be half full if it were not for some villagers parking there illegally. Throughout the night the ringroad is lit by the amber blinkers of two local towing companies. Last year uniwat spent over $16,000 for the re: moval of snow from parking lots, the ringroad and sidewalks. Yet the city of Waterloo spent just over $20,000 to remove the white stuff from- all public travelways over the same period of time. Operations vicepresident Al Adlington stated, “The only solutions are to either ban all cars from the campus or build lots large enough so that everyone will have a place to park. Of course both of these solutions are impossible. ” The design of the original south campus, below Columbia street (it is now almost to the north tip of Columbia lake was that the ringroad was to encircle all the teaching facilities.

by 7975

There are a great number of buildings still to be built on the campus and the only room for them is where the parking lots are at the present time. The lot beside the library, now closed because of construction on the building, will be the site of the new administration building. In the spring the start of construction on the chemistry addition should tie up at least half of the math parking lot (B). Audio-visual and the EMS library will eventually take up the rest of the space.


This would leave only the lots adjacent to University Avenue. Chances are they would be saved, but there would be a great need for more large parking lots. It has been suggested that a lot be constructed to the north of Columbia avenue, just west of the railroad line. People who parked in this region would be shipped into various depots across campus on specially designed trains, similar to the ones used at the canadian national exhibition in Toronto. If all this really happens-and it looks like it will-then there will be many losers. Only two groups would gain. Surely the admin types won’t be required to walk more than a few hundred yards to their offices. The other winners are the drivers who live in residences. At a tuesday meeting with his village cronies, Adlington agreed to allow them to have large enough parking lots so that at least one out of every five has a place to park near his residence. But there is one small drawback. Warden Ron Eydt of the village had to agree to the fact that there are certain priorities which the university must place ahead of the village’s requirements. If they want their lot any sooner than the university can raise the required $50,000, they will have to pay for it themselves out of increased fees for the next four years.

Preview of the dribble-with-their-hands warriors on page 1.5. Here the boys demonstrate the lay-up-with-leg-wrap-clround. friday

7 november





BiM 63 gets second reading unilinguists will march today MONTREAL (CUP)-Quebec nationalist organizations of the left, right and center will march november 7 in Montreal to eontinue their struggle for unilingualism in the province. The march will l Continue the agitation against bill 63, the controversial language legislation in the Quebec national assembly : l Demand the‘ resignation of Quebec justice minister Remi Paul, whom organizers charge is advocating a “police state” in Quebec : l Demand the liberation of Pierre Vallieres and Charles Gagnon, jailed in Quebec for more than three years on assorted charges. Organizers say the two are not criminals but political prisoners. Bill 63, which passed second reading tuesday would give quebec parents the right to educate their children in english or french. Opponents of the bill say its passage would ensure the erosion of the french language in Quebec, since most new immigrants choose english as the language of instruction for their children. Quebec premier Jean-Jacques Bertrand, in a last-minute bid

St. Aethelwold’s

to appease unilingualist, sentiment, announced tuesday he would amend the bill before its final passage to provide that new immigrants in Quebec “should have their children educated in institutions where the classes are given in french. ” Protesters are not expected to be pacified by this move, since the bill would still only “encourage” immigrants to learn french and send their children to french schools. The VallieresTGagnon affair has been dragging on since September, 1966, when the two men were arrested in New York, then “kidnapped” to Montreal, where they were tried for a 1966 front de liberation Quebecois (FLQ) Terrorism incident. Both have been repeatedly denied bail, and Quebec superior court judges have appealed jury decisions that Vallieres is innocent to keep him in jail. Vallieres has said he was jailed as an ‘example’ to other Quebec independentists, despite his innocence. Quebec justice minister Remi Paul, whom protestors call a “facist agitator,” has repeatedly charged that the troubles in

Quebec are caused by “terrorists trained in Cuba. ” He announced the riot act would be read at the October 10 front de liberation populaire march against the administrations of montreal and Quebecbefore the march took place. Organizers charge this was illegal. The protestors charge Paul is carrying on a scare campaign to ,alienate possible supporters of nationalist movements, and justify suppression of workingclass and student committees agitating for necessary social reform in Quebec. Another target of the march will be McGill university, seen by many quebecois as a prime symbol of french subordination to the english in Quebec. They charge McGill refuses to change its all-english policies, and is actually taking measures now to exclude french Quebecois from its facilities through restrictions on libraries and high entrance fees. Organizers of the march include socialists such as the front de liberation populaire, Raymond Lemieux’s moderate unilinguaist ligue pour l’integration scolaire, and workers’ factory groups.



The Easter by Canadian Playwright

Egg - James Reaney


McGill Daily (CUP)

Any remark about a frog in a crowd like this could be fatal. .This is part of the 20,000 demonstrators who turned out for the last march in Montreal for unilingualism.


November Theatre

of the Arts



7th’ and 8th

472 the Chevron


- 8 pm

- University - Students

of Waterloo $.75


MONTREAL (CUP)-Physics professor Srinivasa Santhanam Wednesday refused to accept a cash settlement from the administration of Loyola College in exchange for a promise to leave the campus, saying “I want justice, not money.” Santhanam will coztinue to demand binding arbitration by the Canadian association of university teachers in his dispute with the administration, and will not leave Loyola until he gets it. The nuclear physicist was not rehired by the college for the 1969-70 academic year, and Loyola trustees gave no reason for his dismissal. Conflict has been growing on the campus ever since, as students and faculty



brought forward increasingly stiff denunciations of the administration’s action as authoritarian and unfair. The administration’s attempt to buy Santhanam off-with a cash settlement of $10,000, the remainder of his $16,000 national research council grant and letters of recommendation-was announced tuesday, after 250 students blocked corridors in the administration building to protest statements by administration president Patrick Malone that Santhanam’s case was closed. “I don’t want to be bought off, ” Santhanam told students Wednesday, after refusing the administration offer. His contract with Loyola was not as


as clearing his name, important he added. administration The Loyola responded to Santhanam’s statewithment by “permanently drawing” their cash offer: presumably the administration will now return to its policy of ‘no negotiation. ’ Loyola students will vote monday to decide whether they should continue supporting Santhanarn’s demand for binding CAUT arbitration: in mid-october the students narrowly approved a three-day class boycott to support the physicist. Nearly half of Lvyola’s 4600 students took part in the boycott October 27-29, supported by a third of Loyola’s 270 faculty.




We almost went to Ottawg this week to observe the annual meeting of the administrators’ lobby, the association of universities and colleges of Canada. For certainly there, with his vicepresidents, deans and heads (of’ departments), one would be in a position to catch clues as to Howie Petch’s imminent promotion to permanence or to his carefully chosen successor (the one who would have to meet the impossible conditions we elaborated upon earlier). But duty called and lethargy column with random thoughts.


and we shall fill this week’s

* * * Speculation as to why our friend Howard did not accept the choices of the federation of students executive as student members of uniwat’s AUCC delegation suggests that there was more than politics involved. We have been led to believe the decision was based on much more important grounds as far as Petch was concerned-he personally disliked one of the students chosen and couldn’t stand the thought of having to spend a week in Ottawa with such a person as a “legitimate” student spokesman. We suggest that Howard would not want to have his image ruined by association with an alleged thief (even if Petch himself did the alleging). * * * We have apparently gained some admirers after our comments about the possible demise of operations czar Al Adlington. We personally have some doubts that it’s even possible. In any case, we think it would be manifestly unfair by an hierarchical standards to axe Al now, especially since he just bought his first Cadillac in the summer. Perhaps Adlington will become a sort of bell-weather for the presidential race-if Howard is only waiting for presidential permanence to bounce Al, then watch for Al to back an alternative; on the other hand, if Al is still safely in the incumbent alliance, he’ll be backing Howie. We realize that statement should be intuitively obvious, but it’s a slow week for news. The corporate community is a strange place. Adlington eagerly took on as much responsibility as he could in the tenth anniversary fund, only to see it fail miserably. But he now has a reputation as a fundraiser (it doesn’t seem to matter what kind) and the local little theater group has “persuaded” him to head their fund drive. It’s too bad Al can’t make a living funraising because he enjoys mingling with the moneyed elite so much. We mentioned Petch peeves last week. It seems Howard isn’t that anxious to talk to people ‘who really are alienated, irritated, frustrated, etc. He’s only has his secretaries put up a few posters and hasn’t even put an announcement in his house organ, the Gazette. It seems the only people he wants to We found thjs jtem to know about the peeve sessions are those nice ordinary students who come in to be somewhat amusingtell him things like “you’re doing a great the ultimate WeCdpOn: job” or “the student council and the peoples’ mace. Indeed. Chevron are unfair” or “the radical student movement’s members should be expelled “’ and usually something like “my name is Joe Respectable and I’m sure you can return the favor some day”. It adds up to an easy monday afternoon for Howard and he can point to his great desire for communication and dismiss any complaint about anything in the university brought up later because people didn’t bring it tohim in a peeve session. Y

* * * A reminder-there are only 32 days till the presidential search committee’s rumored Christmas. A leak from the committee said the president permanent would be unwrapped at the december 18 senate meeting. There are only 32 “shopping” days on which the eminent guests can visit uniwat and we are still waiting breathlessly for an announcement of the first visit. But 32 days won’t even give the committee time to make up their mind. But will they need much time? We are much too cynical in leannews weeks.


7th NOVEMBER 8:30 pm



Physical Education Complex University of Waterloo TICKETS AVAILABLE

AT: Kadwells, Colonial Records, Both Universities friday


7969 (70:29)




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U huru Bookstore

24 Hour


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by George

& Judith



745-4763 8 Erb St. East

Cw/icff’S going on?’ prof tries to justify At the beginning of J.E. Gallagher’s sociology 101, arts theatre, tuesday afternoon, M.A. Beauchamp explained that as a result of Chevron coverage of the class, the dean wanted to know “What’s going on”. Beauchamp agreed that the previous week’s test wasn’t a good one since so many students completed the test so quickly. He accepted the blame for the test. Beauchamp then went on to justify the present situation. Eight hundred students are pre,sently enrolled in sot. 101. One alternative would be to limit the This would not class to 300.

solve anything since the overflow students would have to enrol in other introductory courses which would create the same problem. Tuition fees would go up, thus the university would be for the rich only. Written suggestions or complaints by the students regarding the sot class were being given careful consideration, he said. Gallagher commenced his lecture by stating that perhaps the fact that sot was in the theater was a “horrible allegory”. Why is it that sot 101 on Wednesday at 9am has only nine or 11 students to one prof?

Pair of ladies glasses by math building Saturday night. Claim at Chevron office. “The sky is falling”. Found 1 blue housecoat, please call P. Chunti, Chicken Coney! Math book. Room 2066 or 2065 monday 27 October. Pick up in room 3025 math and computer. LOST BROWN leather wallet containing important personal papers. Contact Larry at 576-5908. Reward offered. PERSONAL ARE you making all the money you need? Do you have a car? For further information call Fred Koehler, 745-0034. PLEASE, please if you’ve found my RCMP narc lighter call me. I will love you forever and reward you beyond your wildest dreams. J. Edward Hunter, grad criminology 744-937 1. DEAR panda; A and P checkout - IBM customer engineer, so pack it in. LNM. FOR SALE SOUND equipment to U of W students at 21 percent reduction. Telephone 578-3548 mornings before 1 1 am. -YAMAHA piano, black and ebony, bench, one and one-half year old, seldom used. Phone 5781150after6 CANDLES for your morning services. Ask for Wende upstairs, Kitchener market, Saturdays 8am - 1 pm, student discounts. PHILLIPS portable record player. Ftilly transist. onzed and baitery operated. Usid 4 months. $60 or offer. 579- 1056,6-7pm. 3 BEDROOM house, Erb st. E. near Moore. 744-9607.


WANTED CARS wanted. Austin tow away free of charge.

Mini 850 for scrap, Phone 664-2 165.


TYPING ALL typing done efficiently and promptly. Phone Mrs. Marion Wright 745-l 11 during office hours, 745-l 534 after 6. I WILL type essays and theses in my home. Phone 745-8673. ESSAY and thesis typing done both in english and french. Contact Miss A‘dvani. Phone 5783288. WILL do typing for students. Call Gloria 5791463, after 5 p.m.

HOUSING AVAILABLE UNIVERSITY residences winter term 1970double room accommodation in village 2 (habItat) WIII be available for the winter term commencing january 5. The residence fee, including meals, will be $490 for the term. Students wishing to apply for this accommodation may obtatn restdence application forms from the registrar’s office or from the village office. For additional information, please call “houslng” at 576-2208 or university local 2446. TIRED of waiting for busses? Room available for male student just 4 blocks from the university. Call 743-6592 after 5 or 743-7237. WINTER term ‘70-2 bedroom furnished apartment central Kitchener-$1 1 O/month - Bob Floyd 32 Simeon St. 578-6474. FURNISHED single rooms available april 1970 Complete kitchen facilities and lounge area. Call 743-6544. DOUBLE room, own entrance, shower, kitthen, telephone, cable TV in new quiet home near university. Dale Cres. Phone 578-4170 3 STUDENTS to share furnished apartment. Winter term. $45/month each. 576-6374 ROOM on 317 Lester st., full kitchen, $1 1 weekly. 744-4283. TWO male students to share apartment-wlnter term$45 per month each. 578-0139 FURNISHED one-bedroom apartment for 2 or 3. Gordon Thompson, 807 Fredrick st., apt. 106A Kitchener. HOUSING WANTED APARTMENT suitable for two people near campus. Maximum $100 monthly furnished or unfurnished. Contact Bryan Douglas, 1190 Fort st., apt. 1405 Montreal 108, Que. 2 BEDROOM apt wanted in Toronto, january to april. Contact Pete Harrison 326 Erb st. W apt. 15, 578-8897. 2.3 or 4 BEDROOM house or apartment wanted for january-may term. Contact D. Deeth, 55 Maitland St, apt. 11 13, Toronto 284.923-6234. 1 or 2 BEDROOM apartment (Waterloo towers) for winter term. 578-6 186. MONTREAL-Wanted to share apartment In west end-working on Cote De Liesse-january to april, Bob Floyd, 32 Simeon. Kitchener. 5786474. WANTED one bedroom apartment, parking, university area, preferably furnished-december-january to may 1. couple. Contact C. B Croll 49 Keele st. N., Maple Ontario. 833-2441. OTTAWA-bound *co-oper needs a place. Write now. Alex Vankowski, 326 Lester St. Waterloo.



Have a step into our fur boutiques and you’re in danger of becoming a collector . . . there’s one (or many) for the young fashionable woman of any age who prizes the unusual. Illustrated here: a smashing coat in bleached raccoon at $450.00 . . . merely a sample of our young fur ideas in muskrat, kit fox, rabbit and leather combos . . . all available on your Zacks Credit Card.

The Next Sudent’s Count Meeting Monday,

will be November




- Room


7:30 p.m. Fed. of Students DOWNTOWN


745-9114.. .9-6 DAILY..

474 the Chevron


PARK 576-0710.. . WVEL).,TIIUKS.. FM. ‘l-0 9:30

I Not

u myth

Pfof explains Integrated studies prof Keith Rowe tuesday noon talked about the non-structured program at Uniwat. Unit one, which is autonomous and independent of the rest of the university, is an alternative to the regular university programs. A student in integrated studies sets his own educational goals in a manner relevant to himself; for example, reading, taking courses, arranging seminar tutorials, engaging in projects or field work, or by any combination of these or other activities. The student has available “resource people and entire resources of the university subject only to the physical resources and the time which individual faculty have, or are willing to make available for assistance”. “To gain admission”, a student

I. S. must have an interview where intelligence, self-reliance, curiosity, maturity and formulation of goals are evaluated, but none of the “usual formal requirements such as academic certificates or transcripts, letters of reference, age, educational attainments or specific experience shall be necessary”. Integrated studies is a degree program, but the “mechanism for the awarding of degrees has not been determined.” With such an informal structure, a person’s thinking could expand horizontally and the structure serves students, instead of students serving structures. Discussion ensued. One student in integrated studies mentioned how self-criticism became a very real aspect of the learning process.


admin agrees bunion dues checkoff




of All Times Begins -





103 King Street,


Waterloo JUST CALL...



Guelph (GINS)-The University of Guelph has agreed to a dues checkoff for the trades, maintenance and service segment of its striking staff employees. There has been no apparent move by either side to reopen negotiations which broke off October

getary limitations which would provide for both general increases to all employees and also rewards for individual performances. ” Mrs. Glanville Davies, a local representative of the civil service association of Ontario, of which the striking employees are members, 23. estimated that 75 percent of the The dulls checkoff was a major clerical, laboratory and technical issue with the approximately 700 workers are supporting the strike. personnel who went on strike on . She stated that “more have indiOctober 24 for a new two-year concated they would like to picket but tract. fear recrimination.” Administration president WilliYesterday was university payam Winegard said, “The univer-. day, and Davies said a strike fund sity is prepared to, negotiate a provided money for employees package settlement within its budwho needed it most.







TORONTO (GINS)--Education minister William Davis told the Ontario legislature monday that the inability of Guelph university to keep pay levels for its employees equal to those of the civil service “is an internal matter for solution by the university”. David rejected a suggestion from Morton Shulman (NDP-Toronto high park) that he intercede in the strike. Said Davis, “The dispute is a la-

intercede bor-management matter and does not concern the minister of education. ” He said allegations that funds had been wasted on development projects at the university were also “matters for internal solution. ”

20% ON



During the month of November, on the most important


save 20% present

you will ever give.

As far as he could determine the university administration is ready to spend its funds in one area while refusing pay increase requests from its employees.

Student Liberals committed Gord Cale, history 3, was elected secretary of the Ontario student Liberals on a platform of “Commitment to concern rather than political power”. The document coming out of the recent conference (see ad page 14) “was the culmination of the first attempt on known record of by student Liberals to give a view of so-

Staff general


There will be a general meeting for the formation of the Uniwat staff, association monday at 8pm in AL116.

ciety rather than to grab overworked issues. It has the full support of the local Liberal club,” said Cale and Duncan Read, Uniwat Liberal club president. “This is an attempt at selfblackmail by the club. It commits us to action. If we do not act now, we admit what the radicals have said is true,” they concluded.

moncfuy Items on the agenda prepared by the steering committee include dues and the election of an executive.

&MB****************************** * ISA Educational *



This Sunday, 2:OO p.m. AL116 UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC: “Green Desert” “Through the Arab World” MALAYSIA: “Dancers of Malaysia” “Rubber from Malaysia” Members 2%~ Non-Members 50~

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1969 (10:29)


When you’ve



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to be just

a little




for Waterloo











TAXI 742-8311 55 KING


So when

staff meeting



Erb St. W, Waterloo


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7 DAYS 1 Oam

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In ,One Week

Sure enough, only a dozen hours after last weeks effort, some drunk found it necessary to collapse in a heap in front of the Chevron door. He was sick too, might I add. The stalwart turnkey tried several times to wake the sot up and get him out to fresh air. But he only gurgled more unpublishable feedback, and regained unconsciousness. He was later escorted down town. Two and a half days later, sometime monday afternoon, a janitor appeared to clean it UP. Hereafter, turnkeys will be given access to a closet with mop, pail, water, broom and dustpan. Which will come as good news to all drunks. They will not, however have access to jets for Webercarbs, like the one stolen from the race car last weekend. Nor will they be able to repair the fender to the stock car which was thoroughly jumped upon thursday night after the social evening in the pub, Things like that get paid for with your moneyAnd my money, which mkes me mad cause there wasn’t room for all of us on that car. The fact that the car belongs to somebody who spent hundreds of hours building the thing, then keeping it running for a few hundred races last summer can be ignored because he has brought it to Waterloo, home of the best in drunks. Drunks that slash awnings. And throw bottles at buildings.

And paint the fences of Seagrams. And crash dances. And crash cars. And maybe the people that tolerate this kind of crap on campus will get fed up once too often and say screw it and then you can go downtown to the lovely pubs with the courteous waiters and the clean friendly atmosphere and drink there and maybe you can drive home, and maybe you won’t make it. Yes, I’d say that damage and thefts by the heroes on campus ran well past a thousand dollars last weekend. * * * And for all the people who have been running around pulling fire alarms this fall, there are soon to appear on campus nice red signs telling you all what else you can do when you spot a fire. Apparently some ‘of the alarms that were sent in have not been generated by fire, but by firewater. Three of these assholes have been caught, one has been convicted and is now the proud owner of that ominous possession called a criminal record. Way to go boys. You’re really learning things. One of you is bound to learn that the maximum penalty for this crime is $500. That’s 2500 draft or 2400 bottles. With which you could get plastered and call an ambulance.

“You can’t change human nature. ” FOR Three bedroom ished rec. room baths, nice quiet tal potential. Call



bungalow with attached garage, and extra bedroom in basement, lot near Towers Plaza, excellent Mrs. J. Morin Days 576-5200 After five 576-9325



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476 the Chevron

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Drama presents


“The Cavern” by Jean Anouilh Thurs., Nov. 20th Fri., Nov. 21 Sat., Nov. 22 Theatre of the Ads - 8: 00 pm Admission

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fintwo ren-

e e l l e e l e e

l l



Best rock concert




Centre Board





Apply Office

is one student

in writing No Later


to the Federation than 5 pm, Friday,


of Students November



SAT., SUN. at 2 pm






When Led Zeppelin hit the stage of Kitchener auditorium tuesday night everyone present realized at once that this was not going to be just another concert. They were right, before the evening was over they had experienced and lived the Led Zeppelin group. Ludicrous insanity 1could best describe their performance. Jimy Page running, jumping, straining getting unbelievable sounds and or noises on his guitar. From old blues riffs to distortion to feedback it all came off with finesse and wild beauty. The lead singer Robert Plant is the ultimate extention of the school of lead singers started by Rolling Stone’s Mick Jaggar: including Jim Morrison and incredible Iggy Stooge. Plant’s voice range which goes from gutsy blues to high screams puts James Brown to shame. Most of the time all you cdd see was his huge fuzzy ball of blonde hair shaking wildly and emitting unreal sounds. His body wriggling with every note of the music. Backing these two up were John Paul Jones laying down a perfect blues line and John Bonham on drums completing the rhythm section. When the Led Zeppelin group do their songs they don’t just present a copy of their album cuts. They go all out, making them even more ludicrous and insane than the originals, adding parts of old blues or rock

songs in the middle of the number. One of the highlights of the concert was the group’s rendition of Dazed and confused. In the middle of the number, Jimy Page played his guitar with a bow just to add to the general insanity of the number. Unfortunately as with so many concerts, the big downfall was the inadequate accoustics, which somewhat marred the full value of Zeppelin’s extraordinary sound for the audience. Also, the inevitable chore of sitting through the trite nonsense of the warm-up group was rather irritating. This time it was the Copper Penny, a local group of self proclaimed potential. The Copper Penny tried to do all original material but came off sounding like a poor imitation of Guess Who. More often than not these warm up groups succeed in turning people off rather than warming them up. Because of supposed technical difficulties which weren’t really apparent, the Zeppelin group left early. They also cut down somewhat from their usual act leaving out the drum solo and Page’s guitar solo Black mountain




Emitting unreal sounds Plant shakes and wriggles to the music. by Douglas Fisher Chevron staff



BOX off ice opens



1 :OO


Adele Rein



Call 579 - 0740 for Play Date

now you eanSlElE anything you want at o l l


Only after repeated applause and cheers did Zeppelin return to do an encore which was an old Eddy Cochrane rock song. Although. the best rock ever to be held in this area, the Zeppelin group drew a very small crowd. Let’s hope the poor turnout won’t keep them from making a return trip.






7 november

1969 (10:29)




Book Holders

Exchange couponsnow for

by David


Chevron staff

Barrow Poets November Theatre Unclaimed


28th. 8:00 of the Arts

will be released





Nov. 27

Orientation tt



FIRST MEETING All those interested in working on the Orientation ‘70 Committee are asked to attend. This is an open meeting.

Jimmy Cotton and his blues band gave one hell of a concert sunday night in Seagram gym. Anyone who didn’t make it missed one of the best musical events to hit town for a long time. Although Cotton would never admit it, he ranks as one of the foremost blues harpists and his talents are well exhibited on all of his four albums. The group went through a couple of funky numbers before James hit the stage blowing a blues harp like most had never heard before. When he went into the dialog of Something on your mind the crowd gave back the shouts he wanted to hear and he worked with them for the rest of the night. One after another the tunes came, packed with He got his first ovation energy and excitement. before the end of the first set for some brilliant harp work on a long version of The creeper. His interpretation of Jimmy Reed’s Honest / do put everyone in his groove as they responded to his urgings. The band was reaiiy together and Luther Tucker’s brilliant guitar work was a treat. The sax, drums and bass kept things moving with tight, often improvised solos while Cotton out front rode on their solid backing. Of all the groups to hit town this year Cotton’s was one of the few that gave two solid sets. He opened his second set with a soulful Everyday / have the blues then soared and shouted his way through more great tunes. The highlight of the night came when he tore into Turn on your lovefight followed by A//right. The audience rose clapping and shouting along with him as he sang his guts out riding on top of the excitement. After several minutes of P/ease, p/ease, p/ease, he bowed and headed for the dressing rooms, but the audience wouldn’t let him go. They clapped

Records WORD 278

Would all residences

and all so-

There will’be meetings next term so people now off campus will be Orientation ‘70 will only be as good as you make it.


Nov. 17

OF MOUTH-Merryweather



When an unknown group decides to make an album but they and/or the record company feel ‘they aren’t good enough to make it by themselves the next best thing they can do, is cut an album and drag in several super stars to augment their ineptness. ’ This is what Merryweather has done; then tried to sell it as a “super jam”. In an attempt to give the record some merit they got Steve Miller, Dave Mason, Barry Goldberg, Charlie Musselwhite and several lesser-knowns to “jam” and write songs with the four members of Merryweather. The songs are a conglomeration of ‘stolen blues, musical ineptness and general nothingness. Most are boring, extremely trite and offer nothing new or creative in any of the fields of music into which they venture. A good example of this is the nine minute {Mrs. Roberts son on the second. side which ranges from boring to ridiculous. Dave Mason (former member of Traffic) is the only person whose talents shine through on the album but unfortunately the rest of the group drag him down into their general schmaltz.Except for the obvious reason of making money, the excuse for cutting this album completely escapes me. If they had edited the album down to a 45-a short one-they might have made it, but as it now stands it is an exercise in redundancy. LED ZEPPLIN II-Led Atlantic SD 8236


If you happen to be a Led Zepplin fan and have almost worn out their last album you don’t have to worry about being let down by their new album. It’s got everything the old album has with a few more things thrown in. It’s just as loud, just as pretentous, just as ridiculous and just as great as the old one. The first cut is one of the best, with stereo mix-


478 the Chevron

and shouted for more with an overpowering wave of sound, and he came back, the sweat pouring down his chest and across his belly. This was probably one of the best white audiences he’d had in this part of the country, far better than the Toronto crowds of last summer. He gave and gave, then finally finished off with Why 1; sing the blues. The crowd who had been on their feet clapping and shouting along became even louder as the concert ended. Cotton, who played harp in the great Muddy Waters’ band from 1954 to 1965 before he formed his own group, learned harp from the late Sonny Boy Williamson. , His first two albums made with Verve takes the group on a blues trip by way of the Chicago route, at least for most tracks. Occasionally a soul beat breaks in from the drums and bass, but his harp and vocals largely dominate the records with tasteful accompaniment by Tucker. His third album with Vanguard was another trip. Tucker and the usual crew are nowhere to be found here. The album is complex, infusing many jazz and soul elements into heavy arrangements which most often overshadow any traces of tt basic Chicago blues. There is a lot of good music here though and this was one of the most important steps in Cotton’s evolution. Recorded on the coast it includes Tracy Nelson and the Mother Earth 1crew from San Francisco. The fourth album finds Cotton back on Verve with Tucker. A difference from his early work is easily noticed. Some jazz and soul elements are here but this time they complement the James Cotton blues and never overshadow his talents or change his direction. With luck we’ll have the great James Cotton blues band back at uniwat before too long. His music is a rare treat even if he does show up a little late. by Doug



Chevron staff


which even out-does Jimi Hendrix. The third cut called The lemon song was supposed to be written by them, but most of the lyrics and the basic music is from Howlin’ Wolf’s Killin floor. But tG this Robert Plant adds his own general nonsense. own general nonsense. . The only let-down comes in the second-last cut which contains a drum solo which is just that and The only thing going: for it is that it no more. wasn’t stolen from Toad. ing

Little can be said about you ‘either like Led Zepplin YOU do you’ll love this album. DEEP PURPLE-Deep Polydor 543044

this or

album, because don’t, but if



This album is Deep Purple’s third attempt and probably their best. The first two were heavy rock with numerous steals from Vanilla Fudge but this time they have moved up a bit and have decided to steal from Procol Harum. On side one they do Donovan’s La/ens but it becomes pointless because they do nothing with the song. On side two they do their token old blues song, but at least they admit it was “inspired by an Otis Span number”. The final cut is Aprik-a detailed and moving study of redundancy. It is divided into three sections; the first a direct steal from Procol Harum’s In held twas in 1, the second from an as yet unidentified classical source, and the third, half Deep Purple and half Procol Harm. Deep Purple themselves. played all the music for the album which proves the group to be very good musicians but lacking in originality and creativity. The album is quite listenable but instead of buying it, a person would be better off buying the first two Procol Harum albums.



the blues




by Una O’Callaghan Chevron staff

If you’re a student chances are you find yourself, in these days of inflation and higher taxes, unable to keep your wine cellar stocked with the finest brands. While you brood over your diminishing stocks of Pinot Chardonnay, ‘consider the following suggestion. You can brew your own wine or beer for a fraction of the cost of most brands now on the market and the process is really quite simple. The advantages to be gained by dabbling in the art of homebrewing are many and varied, not the least being : l you get to screw the Ontario Government out of liquor taxes. l you get to compete with Seagram’s air pollution wise. l you can turn out a superior product to many brands now on the market. l you don’t have to produce proof of age to buy the necessary ingredients. l home brews rarely produce hangovers unless consumed in enormous quantities. If you start small, say a five gallon batch of dry red wine or light ale, the equipment required is minimal. The first requirement is a primary fermenter, This can be any vessel which holds at least six gallons, and has not previously been used to store diesel fuel. A plastic garbage pail will do the job nicely. Other equipment includes a hydrometer, fermentation lock, capping machine,a five gallon carboy for aging, and a few yards of plastic tubing to use as a syphon. Ingredients for both wine and beer can be picked up at Hughes Home Centre (Parkdale Plaza) on Albert street. Wine is easier to make than beer, except for one hardship; it takes forever. Afficionatos have been known to store the stuff for five or ten years, but this seems a bit extreme for the first batch. It takes at least a month to brew anything that tastes better than communion wine, but after two or three months you should have some good gulping wine. Because the time involved in aging allows the possibility of bacteria developing, it is important to have complete sterility. So, for example, don’t allow the cat to doo-doo in your barrel or carboy. This is not so important in the case of beer, as anyone who has visited a brewery will have noticed. Home brewed beer is a cinch to





Careful attention of hygiene is of utmost importance. in distracting flies from your young wine. make and as the procedure is listed on every tin of malt, it need not be repeated here. Suffice it to say that the resulting glop will be ready to drink in about seven days, if you disregard the conservative instructions on the tin. Time and expense can be further reduced by drinking the product direct from the primary fermenter and ignoring the strictures on deisel oil.

A bag of garbage is extremely useful

wine yeast and add 4 gallons of warm water. When cool add the yeast and cover with plastic sheet. Leave for 6 to 7 days or until specific gravity (measured by hydrometer) is 1.030. Syphon into carboy and attach fermentation lock. Rack in three weeks and again in three months.

BEER INGREDIENTS 1 tin of malt, 1 tin of hop extract, 4 lbs. dextrose sugar, 1 teaspoon WINE INGREDIENTS citric acid, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 l-80 oz. tin of red grape concenteaspoon ascorbic acid, 1 teaspoon trate, 5 lbs sugar, l-lb of white yeast energiser, 1 teaspoon headraisins 2 ozs. of acid blend, 5 camping liquid, monks yeast. den tablets, 1 oz yeast nutrient, l/2 In a 1 gallon pot put malt, citric teaspoon grape tannin, wine yeast. acid, salt, hop extract and sugar. Dump the whole caboose into the Heat to dissolve. Dump into primprimary fermenter, except the ary fermenter and add water ‘to

bring contents up to five gallons. When water reaches room temperature add yeast and leave for 4 to 5 days. Rack and add heading liquid, ascorbic acid and yeast energiser when S.G. is 1 or less. Bottle. It should be drinkable within 2 to 3 days. Refrigerate a few hours before imbibing. All considered, home brewing is a challenge and an adventure, another example of western man’s ability to explore, to conquer, and to prevail. The same divine hand which helped to lift two courageous men onto the moon will, we hope, look after your humble undertakings and guide your two billion yeasties on a successful mission.


Jades friday

7 tiovember





/ B6


LANNING IS A DYNAMIC process, constant decision bending to the wishes of the people. ” “Planning is zoning.” “Plarining is the process of formulating and clarifying social objectives in the ordering of activities in supra-urban space. ” ‘ ‘ Planning is people. ” “Planners perpetuate their middle class values, tear apart communities, strip the poor of their eswrit de corps and leave society in a cauldron of mediocrity. ” People’s definitions of planning may conflict, but planning can and must become directly concerned with the social process of people directing their own environment. Good planning results when the planner is constantly aware of all that surrounds him-the real needs of the people; socially, economically, recreationally and spiritually. He must create an environment that allows all persons, from the newly landed immigrant to the white collar office worker, the opportunity to develop and re-create in harmony. T%is must-be accomplished without disrupting the particular traits exhibited by each group. He must not destroy for the sake of destruction, but improve on what already exists for the betterment of all.

ments and terraced town housing for about 20,000 , RESlDENTlAL AREA in a gr ,een-belt setting. The main portion of the site is one and one-quarter mi les long and about one-quarter wide; extending from Front Street south to the Gardiner Expressway running along the downtown waterfront, and from Yonge Street west to Bathurst Street. Jutting north from Front Street as far as King Street erent possibilities and bending certain facets to are two additional blocks bounded by Simcoe and appease economic interests before revealing their John Streets. plan. No avenue was left open to provide for future The terminal and the passenger trackage serving attitudes. They ignored the fact that today’s ideas it will be located along the southern edge of the site, might not serve the needs of the community ten, creating a ‘total transportation corridor’ parallel twenty or fifty years from now. But tomorrow’s to the Gardiner Expressway. populus till be strangled by the actions of today’s The land just to the south of Front Street (where few. Gargantuan behemoth the present Union Station is situated) will then be One exception to the criticism of the center is in There is, in downtown Toronto, a development freed for office-commercial use without resorting its approach to one of the most overlooked elements known as the proposed “Metro Center”. to the heavy cost of building over the tracks. This in the urban transportation picture-the one of peThe project serves to illustrate both good and bad means has been chosen because this sector of the destrian circulation. planning principles and practice; how people in the overall site is closest to the financial-business disIn spite of the improvement of local roads, ex&ban region will be affected by a complex of this trict of the corporate elite and thus, it is concluded, pressways and rapid transit, little has been done in magnitude, and what people can do to create an enbest suited to such intensive development. modern city construction to improve the means of vironment suitable to their needs. Obvious planning flaws connecting people from the different transportation Metro Center, when it was announced in 1968, modes to their points of destination. It is indeed disheartening to note that the dewas purported to be ‘one of the largest and most This aspect has been especially complicated in ambitious downtown redevelopment programs ever - velopers of the Metro Center resorted to the past to achieve their ends. the downtown core, where buildings reach to the undertaken’. The hub of the Metro Center is an integrated They could have broken with archaic tradition property lines and roads have been widened to acand done away with the “project-oriented” apcommodate increasing vehicular demands. transportation terminal with facilities for intercity trains, GO TRANSIT trains, buses, rapid city proach which has so dominated similar efforts in As a result, rush-hour and noon-day crowds pour the past. Some attempts, notably the Eaton’s Centransit, expressway and airline connections. Close from high-rise buildings, jamming and jostling ato, and complementing the terminal will be a large tre in Toronto, have been so overburdened with long narrow sidewalks. convention hotel, a trade and convention center, a this approach that they have failed to get beyond A partial solution to this problem has been evolvthe drawing board stages. trade mart and regional office buildings for both ing in Toronto in the form of underground pedestCanadian Pacific and Canadian National transporThe deveiopers could have turned towards prorian malls, but so far these have remained discontation systems. cedures which are “explanatory” rather than nected and confined to separate comolexes such as The northeast segment of Metro Center between “regulatory” in nature. However, they chose to the Toronto Dominion Centre, Richmond-Adelaide the existing downtown and the transportationarbitrarily delimit areas ; placing residential here, Centre, and the City Hall. convention complex will be devoted to office-comcommercial there, and communications in the cenThe pedestrian network of Metro Center-both mercial use. The north-central sector is planned ter. surface and sub-surface-is organized for quick and as Canada’s first communications and broadcasting A more systematic investigation on a broader convenient connections in all weather with the varcenter. It includes a multi-use transmission tower; scale could have been implemented. ious elements of the Center, especially between offices and production facilities for both public and The delimiters could have been less restrictive, the transportation terminal and the downtown private radio and TV; and space for firms engaged thereby allowing areas to overlap much more than core. in telecommunications, advertising, public relain the final public plan. The system has been planned to make it as pleastions, and film production. The western area is enThe ‘planners’ of the Center went about foreant and easy as possible for people to get around. residential, with high and low-rise aparttirely casting demands on the area, conceptualizing diffThe distance between buildings is not great; stairs


480 the Chevron

and escalators have been where they are used they a fit and pedestrian flow throughout the project. The concept of Metro C( its buildings and its open 5 will not be characterized I swept plazas that have de developments. A prime objective will b environment for a great v ers in the complex, residen town houses, long-distancp shoppers and hotel guests. It will have space for pet for strollers and those who ants and in pleasant, lane parkettes.

A delight for money to be the The key east-west artery major transitional link bet and commercial ar,eas w thoroughfare called Espla level structure-the surfacl ar traffic on either side of tures skylights to admit nat trian mall below; the sect .be a long, all-weather plaz: aurants, the bus ticket ot GO commuter trains. Risil the office-commercial concenter and hotel; the thirc contain the bus bays for de1 From the second level o walkways will slant nG through the base of the ofj

I Al Lukachko bevron staff

to a minimum and lort. Vehicular trsfbasically separate b endeavors to have relate to people. It e vast, bleak, windanized a number of :reate a stimulating y of people-workthe apartments and ellers, commuters, n a hurry as well as to relax in restaurbed courtyards and



etro Center and the the transportation ! a newly created It will be a tri21carrying vehicululevard which fealight into the pedes:vel will, in effect, lked by shops, restand access to the either side will be and the convention deepest level will -es and arrivals. blanade, a series of st and northwest ommercial area to

the downtown core. It is anticipated that this system will eventually be a key section of downtown Toronto’s most heavily travelled pedestrian spinea continuous underground mall running from the waterfront north through Metro Centre and linking up with the Royal York Hotel, the Toronto Dominion Centre, the Adelaide-Richmond Centre and the City Hall, with a number of connections to the subway. The residential area of the center is planned for about 9,300 upper middle class dwelling units balanced by educational, commercial, social and recreational amenities. The intention is to have the mix of tenants as varied as possible-singles, married couples and families, though all of the upperincome bracket: rents will of course be too high for the majority of the city’s population.

These lmemorials to gress I ignore the poor.


Housing will range from high-rise apartment towers foreouples and single persons to terraced housing for families. Community facilities will include schools, parks, shops, rooms for workshops and indoor games, nursery school classrooms, and day-care centres for children of working mothers. But the planners of the center have forgotten the poor. Daniel Capon, psychiatrist at York University states the most probable reason. He writes, “Studies, no matter how sophisticated or objective, tend to alter the conditions being studied. And the distortions contained in the ultimate conclusions are always in the direction of the students’ prejudices. So that middle class students of poverty tend to arrive at middle class solutions. This is well exemplified by planners and designers who act even more directly in intuition and there-fore on pre-judgements. !‘For instance, the middle classes on the whole prefer ample private space and single family dwellings, gardens and lawns. The effect of this is vast alienating corridors of open space and lanes of

transportation, a sameness induced by low density and sprawling space ratio; and keeping up with the Joneses. “The poor, on the other hand, do not value lawns and gardens. They prefer social proximity. They want to be within chatting distance from their stoops; hence, multiple dwellings and high density. The effect is a high concentration of people, pedestrian-rather than automobile-spaced buildings ; ideally, a variety of dwellings, colorful throngs and street scenes; life spilling into the streets and public places.


The middle class ua te alienation

will perpet-

“Clearly, if the middle classes had their way, there would be progressive alienation, a larger distance between poor and rich, ghettos and segregation. If we planned the middle class way, we would fail to solve the poverty problem and also impoverish the urban neighborhood. By merging the subcultural preferences of the rich and poor, of old and young, of ‘ethnics’ and WASPS and by placing them in harmonious juxtapositions, we can provide an enriched environment ,perceptually and. socially with varied sizes in private and public spaces and varied activity. “It follows that the physical and practical solution to poverty is not giving the poor help, however charitably, nor bulldozing the slum, nor burning it (and all else) in riots. It lies in persuading all sections of society to reveal their inner richness and create new physical and social circumstances for better living. ”

A function

of involvement

Good environments created by, and for low-income families are-exemplified by the South Regent Park development-also in Toronto. One section is particularly noteworthy-that of the Sackville Green, a short cul-de-sac near the west end of the complex, off Dundas Street. The Sackville Green provides a setting for all age

groups to mingle, for playing games, for getting together for rate-payer association meetings, or for just plain old chatting and talking about the things that interest the residents. The residents of the surrounding area have formed their own athletics programs that spill over beyond Regent Park to the peripheral parks for the enjoyment of others in similar economic circumstances. This type of community action is clearly a fact that people can direct their own environment, provided that planners are willing to take the time for a close examination of the needs of the people living within a certain area. But not all planners are like those who aided in the urban renewal of Regent Park. Some are willing to demolish what they call the “eyesores of the city”places like Chinatown and the Kensington Market in downtown Toronto. They are ready to rip this cosmopolitan nature from the metropolis and replace the gems with clean, efficient sterility, ignoring the economic reality for the area’s existence. Surely, it is the ethnic mosaic that gives life, colour and raison d’etre to the city, not the blandness of gray concrete boxes. The mistakes have been made by engineers, architects and entrepreneurs who have no understanding of the human workings of the urban environment. But hope appears to be in sight. In several colleges in the United States and in five Universities in Canada, Waterloo one of them, a n.*$w perspective in the attitudes towards planning is emerging. An attitude that could prevent the alienation of the people in society is the intended goal. Among this current generation of student planners their is an attempt, much influenced by the ‘advocacy’ concept, to make planning institutions at least democratic, if not radical. An endeavour to take the decision making, the implementation of environment, back to the people is the aim of advocacy planners and only along this path can we find the hope that will bring all men happiness. The challenge is too great to be handled only by administrators.

If citizens are to direct their own environment, there must be a call-a call for a total mobilization of human energies to realize the full potential of the urban region.

Part of this feature was adapted from an article plaining the Metro Center in a recent issue of









of hockey

The 1969-70 edition of the hockey warriors ‘pucked about’ twice last weekend and came out with the look of a team that could be a title contender again this year. The warriors scored 15 goals on the weekend, beating RMC 116 and Queen’s 4-l. The games featured three goals each by Ian McKegney, Ron Robinson and Ken Laidlaw.

Dine & Dance In The

Robinson, captain of the team and last year’s OQAA scoring champ, and Laidlaw, a second team all-star last year, played on the same line with Bob Thorpe, a newcomer from Cornell University . Another line is made up of three warrior veterans; Rick Bacon, Dave Rudge and Roger Kropf . A third unit consists of Bob Reade and Gary Robertson, both members of last year’s team, and Rick Maloney who has OQAA experience at Western. The three forward lines look powerful this year as seven of

Field by Donna



Chevron staff


ZITY u c


Statement on Social Change By The Ontario Student Liberals We believe that the Liberal Party has failed to involve and respond to the needs of the politically disenfranchised in this country. Nor has any other mainstream party. This is in complete opposition to the role that we believe that the Liberal Party should play in our society. Without a radical transformation of the makeup of our party, without a’ new definition of the role of liberalism, without a new definition and commitment to the building of a humanistic society, we believe that we can no longer support the Liberal Party. We commit ourselves to bringing about a revolution in this partya revolution which we hope will commit the Liberal Party as the party of the socially and economically repressed, and politically disenfranchised. To accomplish this, we commit ourselves to being a countervailing force within the party. This force can take form in intellectual movements or direct actions, ln intellectual terms we desire to create a critical awareness within the party by forming a constant opposition to perverted Liberalism. We will turn to direct action in those cases where we find our critical intellectual opposition has been ignored or stifled. This direction will consist of alligning ourselves with protest movements of the disenfranchised - tenants, poor, students, native people, and other ‘minority groups. Our intention is not to impose our values on these groups but to form community with them. Wayne Crossen-l st Vice-P. OSL Tim Reid-( Chairman) Dave Rutherford-Sec. OSL Frank Cole-Pres. OSL Fred Clarke-Pres. U. Western Ont. Walt Gollick-V.P. Windsor Paul Moran-Pres. Erindale College Allen Brown-Sec. Brock Alex Shepherd-Pres. Carleton Peter Huntley-L.P.O. Sec. Kathy Robinson-V.P. Trent M. Olsen-U. of T. Helen Ridley-V.P. W.L.U. Tom Bernes-Pres. CSL Cathy Hogan-( Rapporteur) Linda Geller-Pres. lJ.of T. John Varfey-Eng Vice-P. CSL Jim Appleby (Toronto) Anne Creighton-Pres. TG Hosp. Gord Gale-V.P. Waterloo Duncan P. Read-Pres. Waterloo Anne Gunn-V.P. Windsor Penny Rossini-Director L.P.O. . Joseph Toddy-W.L.U. Janet Luke-Youth Corn. L.P.O. 14

482 the Chew-on

The field hockey athenas made a clean sweep at the second and final part of their league tournament at Guelph last weekend as they won all three of their games to capture fourth place in the final standings behind Toronto, McMaster and McGill. In the second part of the tour; ney, the Waterloo girls defeated Western 2-0, York 3-O and Queen’s 1-o. Ruth Dickinson led the athenas in the-Western game by scoring It was necessary both goals. for Waterloo to do some position


the nine forwards played for Uniwat last season and the two newcomers have collegiate experience at Cornell and Western. The defense has not as much experience but is built around OQAA all-star Ian McKegney. He is teamed with rookie Pete Paleczney. The other defense pair is Orest Romashyna, a warrior forward last year and Savo Vujovic. Vujovic is another rookie, who along with Romashyna should give the warriors the hardestto-pronounce defense set in the league. The other member of the defense this year will be Phil Branston. The twines will be guarded this year by Jim Weber and Ian Scott. Weber played the first half of the RMC game, allowing three goals, while Scott finished that game and played against Queen’s. Coach Bob McKillop said before the games that his main concern was with the rather inexperienced defense. After this


weekend however, he said these worries seemed ill-founded as the rearguards played well. The teams that the warriors will have to beat this year are the Western mustangs and the Toronto blues, according to McKillop. The mustangs seem to have undergone a recruiting airlift this past year. The blues apparently lost a few players to graduation this year, including Ward Passi and Steve Monteith. But the blues will be representing Canada in the world student games in Europe again this year. ‘This occurrence two years ago brought many an old blue out of retirement, Regardless of the returnee list at Toronto and the airlift at Western, the warriors appear to have the talent to make another run at the OQAA, and perhaps the Canadian, championship again this year. They face stiff opposition in an exhibition series this weekend with Laurentian the perennial representatives of their league in the Canadian championships.


switching as they were missing two regular players for this game. For their 3-O victory over York, the athenas fqllowed their opponent’s example as disorganized play dominated the game. Toos Simons scored two Waterloo tallies while Dickinson added the third. In the Queen’s contest, game strategy came into play. Queen’s played an attack game leaving only two players back on defense. This positioning tended to catch the Waterloo team offside and force the play to stop. In the end, Queen’s manoeuvre did not


pay off, however, as Waterloo’s Dickinson scored the only goal of the game on a breakaway. One of the outstanding players for the tourney was Waterloo goalie Edith Pollard. Three penalty bullies were called against the athenas in which the goalie and a forward from the opposing team have a faceoff in front of the goal. The goalie very seldom wins the bully but Pollard won all three for Waterloo . The tourney wrapped up the. field hockey season for the year and Waterloo did well being a relatively young team in field hockey competition.

Car ralliers out in droves The coupe des poubelles car rally, organized as part of the homecoming activities Saturday, was greeted by considerable success with a total of eightytwo entrants. The team of F. Martin and J. Buchanan won the .expert class with a near perfect score of only 39 penalty points. They beat the second place team of W. Schlote and P. Miller by 196 points and the third place team of A. Best and G. Laird by 475 points. The mixed novice class was quite close. I. Muchalov and V. Clare won the mixed division with 29 points, only six less than P. Hadley and K. Patterson. The third place team of M. Cleary and D. Arpin had only 35 penalty points. B. Budreau and B. Floyd won the unmixed class with 73 points G. Hannel and J. Billick were second with 102 penalty points. It seems interesting that the sexless class made more mistakes and took longer to complete the course than did the novice couples. Perhaps the couples were not so inexperienced as was expected. One of the interesting sidelights of the rally was checkpoint Rick Page. He sat out in the rain somewhere in the wilderness under a large golf umbrella for the entire rally. Much to his dismay he was found by very few participants.

Martin - Buchanan come out of nowhere for win in car rally



The L(dribble-with-their-hands” warriors will make their first court appearance of the year next tuesday night for the intrasquad game. The team has seven returnees from last year. These are guards Art Webster, Stan Talesnick and Jon Charlton, forward Dennis Wing and the outstanding duo of it;n Laaniste and Tom KieswetCoach Mike Lavelle considers Kieswetter one of the best ball handlers in the country and Laaniste was last year’s OQAA scoring chamnion and could be even sharper this year. The seventh veteran is center Dave Crichton, who along with rookie Dave Northcote is with the warrior football team and


will begin basketball workouts next week. Several of the rookies have been very impressive in preseason workouts, especially centers Paul Bilewicz and Bill Ross, forward Bill Hamilton and guard Dale Hajdu. Bilewicz and Hamilton have been extremely aggressive rebounding and control of the boards is essential for a team’s success. Also new to the team this year are guards Keith MacKenzie, Kas Trejgo, Don Weber and Les Slowikowski, centre Daryl Kruezer and forward Howie Bury. The warriors have lost two players to injuries already this year. Walt Lozynsky is out for the season after Wednesday’s knee operation and centre Ed Dragon was slow to recover

ttiescfcay from mononucleosis. Bury was also hurt and is just recovering from a broken ankle. Lavelle-coached teams of the past have been known for their hustle. That factor for their hustle. That factor mixed with talent of such players as Laaniste Kieswetter and Hamilton should produce a warrior team that can be expected to make a serious run at the league championship. They will need consistent play at the centre position and a healthy team to beat McMaster, Windsor and Western this year. Tuesday’s intra-squad game is in the gym at eight o’clock and should prove to be entertaining. The team hosts its firsts outside competition, in the University of Manitoba, next saturday, november 16.

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“University 55 Victoria

Ruggerers didn’t win this year but this picture shows them as the most relaxed team around


St. N. -

1 Block


Tuesday afternoon saw the rugger warriors fall short of the OQAA championship ,by a 17 to 9 score to the University of Toronto blues. The game remained in reach of victory until late in the second half when Toronto managed a converted try. Toronto’s first 12 points came from four penalty kicks made good by scrumhalf Cairns. Warriors points came off three fine kicks by center Dave Goodrow.

From perennial losers to title contenders, nothing less than a winner is expected for fall 1970. The Uniwat badminton team is looking for interested players. The team is on the intercollegiate level and anyone feeling himself qualified and willing to devote hard work to practise is urged to try out. Also anyone interested in working toward participation in future years is welcome. Enquiries should be made to

Soccer team- closes seuson by renato


chevron staff

The soccer warriors brought their season to its logical conclusion; by losing again, this time to Toronto by 5-l. Under freezing rain and a chilling wind the warriors started out in an impressive manner, playing wide open soccer and forcing the blues to play a headsup game. Toronto scored at the 20 minute mark on penalty shot and the warriors stopped believing in their own ability and gave up on the game.

They were the same old team as they forgot about the improvements they had made in the last two games and the blues gladly took control of the game. Only in the letter part of the1 match did the warriors come back and give a strong showing; but .by that time Toronto was leading 4-O and was ready to go home. The Waterloo forward line finally came up with a goal, after three complete games. The blues soon took care of that by scoring again. It was a sad spectacle to see

Fbosto Its always

Escape the bog Drop in to the rap room


The rap mom.


of King


the phys ed department. The OQAA cross country championships were held at the Cataraqui golf course in Kingston last weekend. The warriors, last year’s champs, did not fare as well this time around as they placed third out of seven entrants. Outstanding performances for the warriors were turned in by Paul Pearson 1 and Dave Northey who placed third and fourth respectively.


a loss

the warriors leave the field; a team that had no pride, just eleven, freezing, wet ‘players’. The total balance reads one win and seven losses. Why? Were the warriors really that bad? Not really. The Waterloo team simply lacked the desire and pride to win. Never more than half of the team showed up at practice. Some players seemed to think that they didn’t need to practise or play with the team. Others went after personal glory achieving. the sad distinction of being kicked. off the field once, twice and three times. Another factor in the collapse of the warriors was injury. Never were the players all healthy; some were lost from the beginning of the season, others during the year and the rest played with their injuries. This season should not be forgotten. Rather it should be kept vividly in mind so that future teams can learn from it and as the saying goes, “there’s always next year! ”









7 november

7969 (70229)


1968 At a session of the association of colleges and universities of Canada, a motion was passed recommending opening to the public all information regarding the university *and its activities; and radio Waterloo began closed-circuit broadcasting in the campus center and engineering common room. The arts library hours were extended, and a Chevron reporter was not allowed to attend a science faculty meeting. One hundred and fifty radical students met in the campus center and the RSM was conceived, and the aryan affairs commission (A AC) held an admin presidential election where Howie Petch came second to Ralph Stan ton. - Hockey season opened; and since you couldn’t tell the movements on campus without a program, Chevron reporter Thomas J. Edwards gave these descriptions:




small group of radicals who follow deceased female radical Responsible of the same name. paintings of for numerous “Cyril Levitt is an armchair revoluntionary” on sidewalks and deceased federation buildings. The








a real-right association of engineers, math-types, jocks and coopers against radicals. Main fear was losing job opportunities. Alice’s sacree

restaurant movement:


only in formative stages. Yippie-radicals who want to apply the thoughts according to chairman Arlo Guthrie to everyday life.

1967 The students for a democratic university protested the presence of Dow Chemical recruiters on campus, and engineering society reps protested the SD U protest. Ryerson and the university of British Columbia voted to stay in CUS, and the closed-door policy of the university government study committee extended to academic vicepresident Howie Petch, who was named a committee member but no-one informed him. A t an informal faculty-administration-student dinner, admin president Gerry Hagey and federation president Steve Ireland gave what the Chevron called completely frank and honest opening addresses, wherein Ireland stated:

The university and in particular this university is so concerned with its public relations that it is ignoring the effective stimulation of free intellectual development. And the tactics being used to put down what I think some people see as a potential sub-

versive political dialog disgust me. (Ireland here listed six specific examples-naming names, some of them present at the dinnerof what he considered dishonest dealings within the university. ) Can you see why I’m really sceptical about working within the system to bring about change?


The entire student staff of the R yerson daily newspaper resigned when the administration gave its professional editor final say in “‘matters of taste’; and the board of publications approved the change in name for the newspaper from the Coryphaeus to the Chevron. Uniwat was to celebrate centennial year with its own FM station, financed by the administration; and the bookstore was editorialized:

Year after year-almost out student complaint-the versity bookstore scores a record in profit taken from students of this university. Last year’s profits were 000. Estimates are that year the bookstore will

withuninew the $59,this turn

over more than $75,000 to the university administration. This doesn’t have to happen. The U of W bookstore doesn’t have to be an instrument for squeezing more money out of students who already pay the highest tuition in Ontario.

1965 Excavation began for the underground engineering lecture hall, while student council decided to purchase a Canadian flag and then debated as to whether the purchase of the pole was the administrations resPonsibility or the federation’s. said free tuition for university Finance minister Walter Gordon students was coming, and columnist A. Nonymous deplored the village’s double standards:

The student affairs committee has instituted a set of rules and curfew hours for women at the village designed to preserve these young girls for their future bridegrooms.


7th NOVEMBER 8:30 pm



Physical Education Complex LJniversity of Waterloo TlCKETS AVAILABLE


484 the Chevron

AT: Kadwells, Colonial Records, Both Ilniversities

But the committee, in failing to institute similar rules for men, has adopted a double standard for student behavior. This standard, still found in some backward societies such as Sicily and southern Italy, recognizes the right of the male to gratify his animal desires with common women, while demand-

ing that the young maiden refrain from any such carnal contact, and thus remain pure until her wedding night. The committee has admirably succeeded in cloistering and protecting these maidens against both their own irresponsible desires and the cunning of the campus seducers by the institution of the curfew hour. More important, even, is that women students who sleep elsewhere for the night must first receive permission from the don to do SO (and written parental consent for the first-year woman).

1964 The editor-in-chief of the Cory resigned, and more first-page news was that Circle K was chartering a bus to attend a hockey game in Ithaca, New York. The editor presented an argument for the existence of a campus center building:

“At present this university is nothing more than a glorified factory. It receives inputs (raw

highschool students) and through a process of examinations and lectures, manufactures graduates.


“...but if the critical function -is not performed, and seen to be performed, we as professors shall have mainly our own shortsightedness to blame for the destruction of our own ideal of a universitv.. ..our own raisori d’etre.. . by C.B. Macpherson pastpresident Canadian association of university


here is a new range of student demands on universities-what publicists have accustomed us to think of as the student revolt. We shall get to the heart of the matter at once if we notice that the new stance of the students -that is, of the increasingly active, organized and effective student movements -is *primarily a rejection of some things about the whole outside society, and only consequently of some things they find in, or read into, the university. There is nothing more striking and revealing in the new student attitude than the fact that for many of the students the word liberal, applied to the university and to society as a whole, has become a term of disdain. This surely is a case of an attitude towards established society as a whole being carried over, justly or unjustly, into an attitude towards the university. The question is whether anything can be done, within the university, to offset the potentially destructive effect on the university of this new attitude which has its roots outside. I think something can be done, and there is some urgency about doing it.


Whoseuniversity? The new range of demands which students are making of the university is extensive and varied, but they have a common denominator. It is that the students are beginning to think of the universities as their universities. The most active and socially conscious students already start from that as a from the premiss that the premiss -start universities should be for the students in a way they have not been for many centuries. The question that touches us most nearly is, of course, what this is likely to do to our vision of the university. For we, as university professors, have been pressing for years now to make the universities more nearly ours, on the apparently reasonable ground that we know more about knowledge than do boards of governors or legislators. Should we now welcome the students as allies, or reject them as diversionaries? Should we insist that they are apprentic1 es, or customers, or should we accept their view that they have some insight to contribute, even something to teach us, about the desirable relation of the university to society? I pick on their potential insight into the desirable relation of university to society because I think their claim to have this insight is the most important claim underlying their demands for a bigger place in the university sun. I am not talking about the demands for an effective voice in matters of curriculum. This they are rapidly getting already, and although there are differences of opinion about how much power students should have over curriculum, most professors now agree that they should have a good deal-indeed, some of us, with hindsight, are heard to say that they should have had more earlier. But this is not where the main thrust will come, from now on. It will come-and has already in some universities come-in the matter of student power in the govern-

ante of departments, faculties, and the university as a whole. In so far as these demands can be justified at all, they can be so only in the measure that a presumption can be shown that students as students, or rather, as socially-conscious young adults, have insights which professors on the whole have not about the desirable relation of the university to society. If we can show that we have such insights, not only will the extreme student demands not be justified; they will, I shall try to show, not even be .?ecessary from the students’ own point of view.

Quality of society The radical students’ main concern, as I understand it, is with the quality of society. Their complaint about the university is that it is an emanation of a society they find hollow and menacing. If they reject the liberal university it is because they see it as a reflection and an engine of the liberal society, whose moral values and power structure and actual behaviour, especially in the paradigm case of the United States, they find abominable. They see all around them the managed economy, and they see closing in on them the managed society. They see the greatest society in the Western world relying increasingly openly on violence, at home and abroad, for purposes they do not share; and they do not expect Canadian society to be immune. They see that this violent, managed, repressive society is called liberal. No wonder they are not charmed by academic invocations of the liberal ideal. The system called liberal they judge immoral. If they have a strong sense of morality, or humanity, they want no part in the management. They don’t want to be trained to fit into a manipulated society, either as manipulators or manipulated. The combination, in any individual, of social conscience and social consciousness: is an explosive mixture, in any era when moral values and new possibilities of human development are at odds with entrenched and ramifying institutions. The mixture is more likely to be found in those who have nothing to lose but their youth than in those who have lost their youth but cling to their illusions.

Knowledge factories To speak more prosaically, the main complaint of the radical students is that the universities have become knowledge factories serving the purposes, and the self-perpetuating power structure, of corporate capitalism, or of what has neatly been called administrative imperialism. Massive documentation of this indictment in respect of United States universities is available, ranging from Clark Kerr’s candid analysis of the american multiversity to Noam Chomsky’s high-temperature analysis of American power and the new mandarins.

I think the radical students are wrong in applying such analyses indiscriminately (as they are apt to do) to Canadian universities. I think we have not come to such a pass yet. In a short piece I wrote for the Univer-

sity of Toronto student newspaper in february, I suggested one reason for the difference. It was simply that, because Canadian corporate capitalism is so largely controlled from the U.S., and hence can get its research and ideological needs served in the U.S. multiversities, it does not make serious demands on Canadian universities. Another reason has been offered by two radical analysts of the U.S. and Canadian scene, John and Margaret Rowntree, who in a remarkable joint article entitled The pofiticaf economy of youth, point out that Canada as a still developing country “has not yet had to confront the acute problem of economic surplus disposal that plagues the United States”, so that Canadian youth “are not treated as simply manpower to be disposed of in the easiest fashion possible but as a valuable resource essential to the economic development of its other resources”. However, the same pressures will quite possibly arise here as have turned so many U.S. universities into a combination of training grounds for the personnel required by a technological and corporate society, and dumping grounds for surplus labor force. Canadian student critics of Canadian universities, in reading U.S. analyses into Canada, are I think wrong, but are perhapssimply ahead of their time.

There’s time left

If any credence can be given to the analysis I have been suggesting so far, there may still be time to save Canadian universities. But it will avail us nothing to take a stand on the university as a community of scholars : the students-especially those who both are excellent students and believe that knowledge should serve manwill want, quite properly, to know why they are not regarded equally as scholars. Nor will it avail us to invoke the university as “the place of liberty”, given the students’ appreciation of the hollowness of the market concept of liberty, which is, after all, the concept we, as faculty, are too apt to appeal to when we are making our claims for a larger share of the GNP. The only thing that is likely to avail us is for us to become more critically aware of our relation, and of the relation of each of our disciplines, to the society outside. We have been so busy (quite rightly) resisting various pressures from outside, pressures which if not resisted would undermine the traditional ideal of the university as a center for the free pursuit of knowledge, that we are apt not to recognize that the new wave of student demands is itself a reflection of forces at work in society as a whole. They are not just student demands; they are demands made by a particularly intelligent and vocal section of society in the name of a new vision of society. This year’s or next year’s student demands on universities are quite possibly an advance formation of next year’s or next decade’s citizen demands on society. This does not make them automatically right or just. But it does put them in a different category from the unthinking older sort of social pressures on universities. And the new pressures do not call for the same response as the older pressures.

Cogsare unacceptable Many responses on the part of the faculty are possibleI start from the hypothesis, the validity of which will be denied by some student radicals but not I think by all, that the students’ fundamental concern is not with the apparatus of intrauniversity democratic control but with the contribution the university can make to a humane and in the broadest sense democratic quality of society as a whole. On this hypothesis, their demands for participatory democracy, or for parallel power, at every level of government within the university, are merely instrumental demands: their case for having such power is that it is necessary to prevent the university becoming (some of them would say, remaining) a cog in the corporate capitalist machine. If we can show them that we also are not willing to have universities treated as cogs (in any machine), and that we see how to prevent it, we shall have met their fundamental demand. And this is what we ought to be doing anyway. The student demands only make it more imperative that we should see our task clearly and get on with it.

Place for the critical The task is to make the university not just a place for the creation of new knowledge and the dissemination of knowledge, but above all a place for the development of critical understanding and critical intellectual ability. No doubt some of us are trying to do that now, or think we are doing it. But those of us who are most conscious of the need to do so are perhaps too charitable or too optimistic in our estimates of our colleagues’ awareness of this need. My experience, in just this past year, in protracted series of meetings of joint student-faculty committees in my own university, and in student-faculty symposia at several other universities, has been that many of the best students-best by any criterion-find us wanting in just this respect, in a way they did not do a few years ago. This is probably due to concurrent changes in our performance and their expectations. As to our performance, the increase in the sheer mass of new scientific and scholarly work that each of us feels obliged to master, and to have at least the advanced students master, sets up a pervasive pressure against critical thought. As to the students’ expectation, the more they are critical of society and hence of the uses to which knowledge is put by society, the more they demand a critical approach instead of high-pressure transmission.

Slipping into machines Whatever the reasons that students increasingly find us wanting, the fact remains. And it is likely to be increasingly in evidence unless we do something about it. I am suggesting not just that we should become more critical of ourselves and of our material, but that we should adopt a more critical approach to our material in * continued


7 november


on next page




‘ ‘ ...from the liberal to the critical universitv... . ” * from previous page

such a way that the students will realize that we are doing it, and so will be eager to do it with us rather than against us, And I am arguing that this would be not a retreat on our part, but an advance: this it would prevent us slipping into the function of mere knowledge machines. No doubt some of the student demands that the academic work they are offered should be “relevant” are ill-informed or short-sighted. But some are not. And I think that what lies behind the most intelligent of such demands isprecisely the hunger for a critical approach, which means, among other things, commuting some awareness of the possible relation of the subject-matter in question to twentieth century (and twenty-first century) society, however directly or indirectly the subject-matter may permit or requiresuch relation to be shown. This sort of criticial approach should make our subjects more meaningful to us as well -as to the students. I would even argue that only this sort of approach can keep the universities where they should be, that is, as the intellectual power-houses of society, not just the feeder stations for technological empires. If this is so, we can say that the only rational grounds on which the leadership and power of the faculty can be justified to the students are also the most rational grounds on which we can justify that leadership and power-such leadership and power as we have-to ourselves.

No future for profs? In any case, if we cannot show such rational grounds to the students, there is not likely to be much future for anyone worthy of the name of professor. There will be nothing ahead except increasing confrontation between students and governors, and students and faculty, in which, whether the students or the outside society wins, the professors lose: lose not just the power and influence they think of they should have, but the possibility functioning as scholars and teachers in any humane advancement of learning. And in that case, the university, on any concept of the university, loses. You may think this picture is overdrawn. But is it? No-one would now attempt to estimate the force for change which students can generate simply by calculating the present ratio of activist radical students to the rest: that would be to overlook the dynamism of the movement. What the amount of the students’ force

for social change depends on is, I think, different in the long run and the short run. In the long run it no doubt depends largely on the response the radical students can get from those outside the universities who feel equally impotent or threatened by the vast impersonality of the corporate and technological structure of power in modern society. The amount of such feeling now is less in Canada than in the U.S., just as it is less in the U.S. than in France or Germany, but we should be wise to assume that it will increase here as it seems likely to do there. For there is little doubt that the power of the corporate technological empire in each country will increase, if only because the knowledge explosion, or technology explosion, by its nature puts power in the hands of those who can organize and apply knowledge, who are the faceless corporations private and public, not the individuals who create or advance particular pieces of knowledge. or advance particular pieces of knowledge. Yet on any evidence we have, a general public revolt against this is likely to be a very long-run affair. Student action can contribute to the development of a general sense of revolt but seems unlikely to bring it soon to such a pitch as w.ould provide the requisite outside support. The radical students’ force is thus unlikely to be sufficient for the attainment of their social goals in anything less than the very long run.

Short-run danger It is in this that the danger to the university lies. For in the short run, that is, in the next few years, the radical students’ impatience with the long run will lead them to try to generate increasing force within the universities by attacking the university as it now is, or as they now see it. This must appear a reasonable strategy both to those radical students who have correctly calculated the difficulty and slowness of getting outside support, and to those who have miscalculated it. The latter are no doubt the more serious threat, not only to the university as it is but also as it might be-to the idea of the university as such. For they, having overestimated the public resistance to the managed violent society, and their own ability to stir it up, are willing to stake everything, the universities included, on a series of desperate throws to heighten the resistance.

Each failure to generate outside resistance to the whole framework of society throws them back on new efforts to generate internal resistance to the framework of the university. The tactics of confrontation, obstruction, and violence, the use of which against the institutions of the outside society they think justified by the violent and repressive nature of outside society, are turned inwards and used against the university itself. The attack is mounted against the “liberal” university, as an offshoot of the violent repressive “liberal” society.

A copy of repression? We, the faculty, over-thirty and brought up in the tradition of the liberal university, deny that the university today is, or that it need be, an offshoot or a copy of the violent repressive society ( however much or however little we agree with the radical student’s assessment of the nature of the outside society). But it is surely clear the mere denial is not now enough to save the liberal university. Nor is it enough for us to adopt, or to support university administrations in adopting, in response to student illiberal tactics, either of two policies that are widely advocated-greater permissiveness, or calling in the police. Vacillation between the two is worst of all. Greater permissiveness is sometimes desirable: this depends on how unpermissive a particular university had been. Resort, to police means that the liberal university has already been defeated, through whosever fault. What, then, can we as faculty do? I suggest that we should, while (or if) there is still time, change our concept of the university from the liberal university to the critical university, and change our practice accordingly. The twentieth century is the age of slo1gans: no political initiative these days, it seems, can be taken without one, or can proceed far without one or two in reserve. The academic community is, for understandable reasons, not given to political initiatives, and not enamored of slogans. But it is time for us to recognize that the defence of the university is now more than ever a political matter in the broadest sense, and that we have been in effect operating under a slogan for a long time now. The slogan of liberty has served us well for a century, but it has lost its magic. What should replace it? I have argued that we can redeem ourselves only by con-

centrating on our function of developing the widest and deepest critical intelligence. So, if we must have a slogan, let it be From

the liberal to the critical


486 the Chevron


This is, you may say, only a shift of emphasis, for the main reason the university has always demanded liberty has been to ensure that the critical function could be freely carried on within it. That is true. But the shift of emphasis is now of some consequence. The critical understanding of nature, man, and society-criticism in its largest sense-is no less important now than hitherto; what has become more important now than formerly is, if I may rephrase the maxim about justice, that criticism should not only be done but should be seen to be done. It should be seen by the students to be done. If it is, the students can be expected to respond positively, to develop their critical intellects in relation to the fields of knowledge they are pursuing, and to contribute, as they advance, to the advancement of learning. But if the critical function is not performed, and seen to be performed, we as professors shall have mainly our own shortsightedness to blame for the destruction of our own ideal of a university, of our own raison d’etre, and of our authority. This is the report C-6. Macpherson made to the annual meeting of the Canadian association of university teachers 22 may 7969 as retiring president. It was published in the October issue of the CAUT Bulletin under the title “The violent society and the liberal.” There is an editorial on this report on page 23. Macpherson is a professor of political science at the university of Toronto. His address on the nature of the contemporary university to the 7968 annual meeting of the association of universities and co/leges was published in the 7 7 april 7969 Chevron under the title “The community, the university and radicalism. How to defuse the bomb.”

out your

Do it with zest, when it’s covered by ’ one of our much-remarked traditional shirts. The new treasury is now open for inspection, including such as shown in this advertisement. Note especially the resurgence of the pin collar, and the nice strategy of the longer point collar, created with double-breasted jackets in mind. You will want several of each.



Liberty for what?

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need not put it on banners, but we should put it at the front of our minds, and steadily act on it.



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Service Commission of Canada-Computer Systems Administration, math, camp sci;


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Aetna Insurance Company, Toronto, arts; *Gulf Oil ; Shawinigan Chemicals Div, Montreal cham-ang, hons cham; Winspear, Higgins, Stevenson and Doane, Toronto (chartered accountants), math, arts; Telesat Canada, Ottawa, (data processing), math, compsci; Public Service Commission of Canada Computer Systems (administration) ; math, camp-sci; Ontario Public Service, math, camp-sci; WEDNESDAY


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Canadian Kodak, Toronto, math; Facelle Company Ltd, Toronto, arts; Canadian Pacifit Railway, Toronto, am; *Public Service Commission of Canada-Dept of Transport, Meteorological Branch, phys, math, ang, *Price Waterhouse & Co, Toronto (chart- d ered accountants) a// graduates; Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & Sells, Toronto (chartered accountants), all graduates; Canada Life Assurance, Toronto, arts, camp-sci; Upjohn Company of Canada, London (chemical products), arts, eco, biology; Public Service Commissioo of Canada-Computer Systems Administration, math, camp-sci;

Canada Packers, Toronto (meat products), acon, psychology; North American Life Assurance Co, Toronto, arts; Hartford Fire Insurance Co, Toronto, arts, socia/-sci; Steel Co of Canada Ltd., Hamilton, (steel StrUCtUres) arts, science, math;

FRIDAY 21 NOVEMBER Canadian Pacific Railw&,




Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co, Toronto (chartered accountants), a// graduates; *Bank of Montreal, Montreal, camp-sci. math, arts; Anaconda American Brass, Toronto, (explorations), geology-geophysics; Ontario Hydro, Toronto, co-op math gan; MONDAY


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7 november

7969 (70:29)

The Russiansare Coming.... The Russiansare Coming....



m !


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November 27& 28 J 1 ,EmIm1mImImIrl Ladies Join

. b5.

AI’s h” 3 \


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feed jack

At Billiards

Alas, alack foul deed, of psychology they saw no need. Poor rats, sweet snakes, and other profs and too, lest we’forget, the doves. Nythagmus, hippercampus and hypothalmus. Did Berry tarry? Did geoffrey play Roulet? In any case, you did forget-us. Perhaps ‘tis deemed by those unseen, psychology Fans nook In that great uniwat, its own dear fonebook. BERNIC MOHR psych 1 Propaganda secretary;enough

and Drinks


of fonebook, with poefry


commie line for the CHEvron. It’s time we virile men on campus got together and punched out the faggot corhmie queers who dare to publish such trash with our money. I dare ygu to print this letter * * * * * * *I YOU * * * *DISGUSTED chemistry 2 The foflowing cartoon from the October Punch was submitted as feedback.



We straight, upstanding, freedom-loving citizens have had enough. It’s time we stood up and wiped out the Chevron in the name of democracy. We have stood quietly by while the Chevron has pushed all sorts of communist propaganda down our throats. But the recent article on homosexuality was too much. This godless, international, communist, homosexual plot must be exposed and stopped. To top it off, the Chevron tries to pawn off as truth an essay on homosexuals by a secretary. The Chevron has to stoop pretty low to find propaganda writers. But that’s only because our wellpaid professors are too smart to get sucked into writing the

“Promises, promises!”


87 King



488 the Chevron








homosexuality, phdism, etc.

The Chevron has once again proved it is pluralist and unworthy of RSM support. Every ridiculous liberal cause that comes along is automatically adopted by the self-righteous Chevron. The latest one is homosexuality. If the Chevron were truly radical they would know that this kind of deviant lustful behavior is not to be followed by revolutionaries. Only correct behavior-that is arrived at by common struggle to reach a mass line-should be pushed by true friends of the people. when petit bourgeois Only revisionists like the Chevron staff are eliminated will the true revolution be possible. COMRADE STALIN II religion 3 IVCF

Michaels/Stern 3 piece suit. . .the vest reverses match the contrasting slacks, and with the reversible belt you mix and match. There are tit least seven Suitable combinations.


is lowly is enough


. . .A

Address letters to Feedback, The Chevron, U of W. Be concise. The Chevron reserves the right to shorten letters. Those typed (double-spaced) get priority. Sign it - name, course, year, telephone. For legal reasons unsigned letters cannot be published. A pseudonym will be p’rinted if you have a good reason.

would like relevant


to search Christ

We appreciate your exposee on the inhumanity of society’s approach to homosexuality october 31 and your general whole concept of one human being rejecting another is repulsive to us and demands our action. Traditionally, perhaps, the institution of the church has been one of the greater perpetrators of this inhumanity and impersonality. You pointed out in your editorial that this is not as “one Jesus Christ of Nazareth” would have had it, and, as history confirms, you’re right. Your cartoon along with your editorial was accurate in representing the degree of irrelevance and mysticism which surrounds the historical fact or truth of Christ. It’s an irrelevance and mysticism, not only in the minds of some of those who claim to be Christians, but in the minds of most others too. Christ was an important enough figure in world history and is an important enough element

in our society today to warrant exposition as he truly was. We would appreciate your continued presentation of Christ as you historically see him and would in fact challenge you to work with us and pull the “real Christ” out of the mysticism, irrelevance, and fog that surrounds him. A search for the truth like this is difficult because of the prejudice of both antagonists and protagonists of Christ. We see the truth about Christ as significant enough _to warrant investigation without prejudice and bias. “Will the real Christ please stand up. ” It seems save to say that the whole style of Christ’s life work and ministry was such that he accepted all as human beings, When society rejected them. was about to censure the prostitute by stoning her to death, he stepped in and asked who felt faultless enough to start the ex ecution and then accepted the woman by forgiving her. The story of his life was his concern for the next guy and a concern about the establishment that was crushing the individual. In a premeditated fashion, he bucked it time after time, but we’ll leave those stones for more detailed research and other letters. Our personal beliefs in Christ go beyond history in the statement that Christ is a present reality as well as an historical reality, but we won’t hash that over now either. Enough to say that we are interested in a public exposure of Christ. A concerned few of inter-varisty Christian fellowship: Martin Soray, grad psych; Harry Klassen ; Dina Variderspek, math 2A; Barb Ostrander, arts 3 ; Heather Burrell, math 4A; Tom Horsley, math 2; Elaine Scutt, arts 3; Marjorie Snyder ; arts 3 ; Gary Williamson, math 2A ; Norman Beers, arts 2.

Concerf good, criticism by reporter wus unjust

Anyone who went to fridays Iron Butterfly concert for an evening of good music got it, despite what any misguided idiot from the Chevron staff might think. Agreed the first half of the concert failed to impress the audience (to put it mildly) but the Butterfly themselves could not (reasonably) be faulted. I wonder if the Chevron staffer’s ego is suitably inflated when he thinks of himself as individual enough to go against the obvious feelings of 90 percent if not all the people present at the concert. I can conceive only one reason why this article was written and that reason was for sensationalism. In closing I would like to say that in my opinion, and the opinion of all those near me, Larry Burko was a bit of very pleasant comic relief. Might I also add that the Chevron staffer in question(judging by prose) need not criticize anyone for stumbling and fumbling. Yours in sincere hope of improvemen t , FA HENDRY eng 1A

Address fe


letters to Feedback, The Chevron, U of.W. Be The Chevron reserves the right to shorten letters. Those typed (double-spaced) get priority. Sign it - name, course, year, telephone. For legal reasons unsigned letters cannot be published. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason.



If the persons who used the pseudonym, the enlightened would come into the majority, office and sign their letter, it will be printed. -the



I had

a really



1’11 bet good time

Golly! How can I thank you lPYS* Gee, I really want to tell you guys just how much homecoming really meant to me, really! I have always wondered what it would feel like to be involved in the university, you know, like what the radicals are always talking about. Well, I really think that it happened to me this weekend. It all really started when I began buying all those tickets, although at first I felt uneasy about spending all that money. But when I was standing in line with all those other students buying, buying, and buying, there I found out what a student is supposed to do, and then I knew I was really involved. I even put all the tickets in order on my bulletin board so I would know what I would be doing for the entire weekend-that’s the least I could do. I mean I really got involved; why there were all those dances and things. Like the dance with the Iron Butterfly, a dance with the Town Choir, a dance with the Hooker Family, a dance with the M-B Endsemble, a dance with The Generation Gap, a dance with Brutis & Phase III -1 really liked Brutis-three folk groups, a dance with the Penny Arcade, a dance with oldie mouldies, and a concert with the James Cotton Blues Band. Zowie, gadzooks! I’m still dizzy with the excitement of it all! I guess you really know ’ how I feel about it now, eh? I really want to thank homecoming for letting me find out .(giggle) “where it’s all at”-isn’t that what the radicals say? I mean, really, where it’s at is participation and involvement , right? ($3 plus $1 plus $10 plus $1 plus free plus $2 plus $X equals involvement plus participation. ) Right! Most insincerely, DAVID MONOGGIAN sot 3 Solution problem:

found to garbage remove building

There seems to be a strange phenomenon occuring in the campus center. Slowly but surely all the chairs and other conveniences facilitative to sitting are disappearing. When I inquired regarding this situation I was told “Oh its alright, they are just out being cleaned”. Well this seemed logical for a while until more and more started disappearing and less, and less started reappearing. Aha, I said to myself, the inevitable solution to the garbagein-and-by the-seat-problem. Remove all furniture and you won’t have the problem of dirty furniture. Absolutely brilliant, I thought, However, I was to be again disappointed. When I returned the next morning I found the campus center’s fairy godmother had changed the now almost-forgotten furniture into a midget racer and a stock car. (You can’t get rel-

iable fairy godmothers anymore). DO not despair, my wishes were answered, the cars have disappeared (along with more of the furniture). I can see it now; next the rugs will go, then the floor, the lights the walls, the foundation. My god, we are in the mist of a janitors’ orgy of cleanliness. God save us and keep us clean. BERNIE MOHR psych 1 He isn’t Cope/and

lost; the is just

psych 3 misplaced

I could not help notice in a front page article in friday’s Chevron that Vern Copeland, psychology 3, is running against Vern Copeland, psychology 4, for arts representative to council. I would like to appeal to anybody knowing Vern Copeland, psychology 3, to have him get in touch with me’as I cannot locate myself. My purpose is to withdraw in favor of him if he can be located, simply because he has the type of name that I could really put my trust in. VERN COPELAND psychology 4

reflected in the slovenly standard of dress that is seen on campus. . In recent weeks I have seen gross public displays of affection involving students holding hands and even sitting together. Whatever happened to the good old traditional sense of values practised by our forefathers? Coeducational institutions are of dubious value at best but at Waterloo what is happening is that the future leaders of our country are being led astray by these wanton hussies on campus. I must protest! I call for a cleansing of mind and body and a’renewal of spiritual values. P.S. Although I find it distasteful to meet with the type of female that abounds on this campus, I will rebuild their defence at 662-1270. GRAHAM BAILEY civil 3B

There are people who care; he found Sally and Hi-Line

I Tonight a boy was feeling desperate. He felt the world Have you ever thought of was beyond caring-’ asking the guys to dance? about him, or anything he did and he felt depressed. OVERHEARD: University, he thought, Boy: But I have fun at the is too impersonal dances. and the pressure Girl : Yes. It’s all very well is too great, for those who go in pairs. But and no-one really cares. what if you go stag? It surMaybe he was right, prises me to see so many guys but tonightstanding around, not dancing. tonight someone cared. Boy: , But you know as well Someone whom he’d never seen as I do that the boys outnumber or even ever heard of the girls here. was happyGirl: Yes, that’s true, but happy to listen to always I see a lot of girls who his tears and woes, are dying to dance, yet not behis problems and his troubles. ing asked. After all, you guys She talked with him have to take the initiative, you for quite a while know. I just don’t understand because he had reached a wall your complaint about the shortand could not climb it age of girls. Are the guys afraid himself. to ask or something? She helped him up the wall Boy: Maybe they are afraid and showed him every step-afraid to be stuck with one even the ones that girl for a whole evening. were hidden, Girl: They shouldn’t think she helped him to see: that way because that’s not the And when he reached the top case at all. I’ve spoken to a lot she showed him that, of girls; they tell me that they even though it was still dark, just really want to dance and the other side would be enjoy themselves. They don’t much lighter. want to make the boys feel comSure, she said, pelled to stay with them for the \ there are dark places there, too rest of the evening. It seems to but there is, you’ll find, me that it’s you guys who have a way to get through. distorted the whole idea of a He saw that she dance into a matchmaking game. was right. Boy: Oh no! Idon’t think so. It was much brighter, I am quite sure that a lot of guys and he went forward, just want to dance, too. a happier man. Girl : Well, for heaven ‘s Yes Sally, you did help sake! Why don’t they ask, then? a man today. Don’t they have any guts? I He was feeling down don’t understand why they bother and the world was against him to pay $1.50 or $2 just to stand (or so he thought) around. Can you? and he wanted to commit suicide. Boy: Well, not actually, but.. . . I know-1 was that man, Girl: And think of the girls! and you helped me They come because they want from doing it. to dance and it’s up to you guys I thank you to ask. What can we girls do but for a second chance at life. wait. * * * THE RARE ELEMENT Sally is a girl who works for Hi-Line . She helped me immensly ~omno’s occurjng on CamPUSi time for spiritual rebirth -more, perhaps, than she had thought. I just wanted to thank I wish to comment on a facet her and the organization she is of university life which has been part of. They are the type of distressing me for some time, people we need right now-people but which recently has become who care. intolerable. I am referring to the declinSCOTT ing morals of the student body as math 1

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Committee on University Affairs Meeting University of Western Ontario Tuesday, November 18th The Federation If you want Office,

has five Observers’ one, apply

no later


in writing 5 p.m.


Passes. to the Federation


7 november


1969 (10:29)





Alleri Class, the Chevron

Habitat is a crowded double room where there’s almost no place to put your chair

ffuhitut is long, straight corridors


490 the Chevron

with many impersonal doors

Habitat is fee&g

time when-you almost have to meet and talk with jtilEow humans

Let them eat scab-cake L’universite? C’est moi.-Howexperienced, most junior person. ardLouis XV/ Petch. It’s only a small point that he Our administration president reneged on giving the federation certainly exposed his true demo- the choice because he had only cratic feelings in the naming of asked them to name delegates, student delegates to the AUCC even if his secretary did send the meeting (page 1). hotel reservation cards to PatterFirst, ‘since they were univer- son to pass on. sity delegates, he picked them by And it’s a small point that the divine right. gave the campus But more important, he was administration center to the university communwilling to use any kind of decepities to run without giving them tion to get his way. He shrouded his reasons for ask- sufficient money. ing the federation to reconsider But it’s a rather large point with pragmatic excuses, like the when he plays devious political nominees weren’t elitist enough games to which he makes the rules and all were in arts. and then claims that the federaSo who does he pick as a token tion’s officers aren’t playing serfrom the federation list-the least iously.

Logical, liberal, but lost


and his machine

Propaganda backfires Sometimes propaganda backfires. The Gazette’s prominent item on the financing of the physics rest area (see page 3) turned out to be in error. , In the first place it was an administration priority decision or the provincial government would never have granted the funds. It also means an allocation of part -of the university’s supposedly scarce resources-from the capital fund. Five percent of several thousand is significant when the administration has to scalp money from the operating fund to put into a capital fund that failed. But the biggest blame must be on the provincial government for being 95 percent stupid. They will freely grant money for useless bits of landscaping but

universities can’t get similar grants for books. The support staff that’s on strike at the university of Guelph has pointed out this sort of thingtheir university can get money to build a $500,000 brick-covered mall, but it can’t keep staff wages at the level they were before the university of Guelph became an “autonomous” university. Meanwhile back at uniwat, the support staff is paid far worse than Guelph’s and a smaller proportion of the operating budget is spent on academic salaries, too. The hostility of the taxpayers has a proper target in the university and government bureaucrats -but somehow (with the help of the media) the hostility gets directed at radical, students and striking workers. n

Admin war of attrition Except for a few confrontations that didn’t go through proper channels, university administrations have always been able to make the rules for the student power game. And to a great extent, the rules are aimed at making it a war of attrition. Student participation in university government means token numbers which have no hope of makFng any changes other than through brute force logic. Even after hours of difficult research, a conscientious student rep on a committee is apt to be met with something like “that’s very interesting, but we must get on with regular business”. In the university act drafting committee, logic has to come second to satisfying the power groups on campus, because logic is coming from the student rep and power isn’t. At the last board of governors rnccting, nei thcr student nor faculty reps were adequately prepar-

ed to discuss finances with admin treasurer Bruce Gellatly, although the faculty reps were able to make a couple of points. On the campus center board where students do have power, the attrition is accomplished by what are essentially guerilla tactics. The end result is that good representatives tire of doing the necessary but futile work. Fewer and fewer people bother applying for seats on committees and other bodies and the administration asks how could students possibly participate effectively in university government with even more representation. The growth of power of the administrative function is well illustrated by the change in working definition of the word executive. Its Oxford definition is “concerned with executing laws, decrees and sentences” but current usage is more like making laws and decrees, in addition to carrying them out.

C.B. Macpherson (page 17) came to the logical conclusion that the liberal university must become the critical universityand by more than a change in definition. Macpherson gave this compromising, unradical analysis to the Canadian association of university teachers in may. Let us look at what happened since. Administrators across the country laid down the law and order without attempting even token change in the direction of the critical university. The mainstream of faculty lapped it up. The Canadian association of university teachers itself lproduced for discussion a reactionary code of conduct for faculty. A most telling example is the salary demands of the Ontario confederation of university faculty associations and the uniwat faculty association for a 20 percent increase. Some step toward relevance and a university critical of itself and society. Macpherson makes it quite clear that even in liberal terms, the university must meet the basic radical demand that universities serve the people-all the people, not just the corporate elite. He claims hopefully that the student critics reading U.S. analyses into Canadian universities are wrong, but perhaps they are just ahead of time. But the developing facts are different. He asks should faculty welcome the students as allies? At Simon Fraser University, the liberal faculty have already used the students as mere tools to power andare now discarding them. Kenneth Strand came to power as a faculty man but it was only



possible when a student confrontation forced out a totally &ministration man. The end result is a fatter, more powerful faculty ruling-group that serves corporate interests as well as before. Quite prophetically Macpherson remarks on the student rejection of the “market concept of liberty.. . we are too apt to appeal to when (claiming) a larger share of the GNP”. He refers to the defence from outside pressures of the “traditional ideal of the university as a center for the free pursuit of knowledge”. But universities are no longer autonomous, as government financial control has spread to take over most of the operation. Academic freedom is a farce as the purge continues of radicals-the only ones remotely close to the traditional ideal, etc. The faculty have abandoned fighting for freedom of pursuit to accept largesse of paycheck. Defending the university from outside pressures now means keeping the radicals quiet and avoiding the fact that the universities serve the elite and not the, people-the outside pressures now are a taxpayers’ revolt or some political opportunist trimming university budgets for votes. Macpherson sees this too-but he adamantly denies that the liberal university is an offshoot of the violent, repressive, liberal SOciety. But the unconcern of his colleagues proves him wrong. They have rejected the shift in emphasis from “liberty” to “critical relevance” by defining liberty as the status-quo and demanding a fat raise to help preserve it.


Press (CUP) member, Underground

Syndicate (UPS) member, Liberation News Service (LNS) and Chevron I nternationai News Service (Cl NS) subscribers. The Chevron is published tuesdays and fridays by the publications board of the Federation of Students Content is independent of the publications board, the student (inc.), University of Waterloo. Offices in the campus center, phone (519) 578-7070 council and the university administration. or university local 3443; telex 0295-748; circulation 12,500; editor-in-chief - Bob Verdun.

We’re missing midnight deadline by only two hours now. Getting to bed before the sun comes up: Al Lukachko, Eleanor Hyodo, funny jock and frat rat Pete Marshall, Jim Bowman, Alex O’Grady, Luke Jantzi, Renato Cioifi, Jim Dunlop, Nigel Burnett, Alex Smith, David Rees-Thomas who gets really uptight about being insulted in the masthead, Bob Epp, Una O’Caiiaghan, Jeff Bennett, Andre Beianger, David X, Tom Purdy your pizza is in the mail, Rob Brady, David Hart, Donna McCoiium, Louis Siicox, Alien Class, Doug Fisher, Jack Fowier, George Tuck. and thanx to Lewis Vanghan for the ed cartoon and we’d let the RSM have the Chevron but they can’t even meet deadlines with diai-acommie (7444681). friday


1969 (10:29)



Gupta, the Indian boy, Swats a fly on the cow-dung floor; Jackson wakes up early And gathers the small black suns From his rat-dung sky; The buzzard wipes the blood off its beak With a sickle claw, And sleeps in the Biafran sun; A hollow yellow face, Shows the hole Where the thistle bloomed. A rock man, With a forest face, Belts his flower songs Through a gravel throat. A man, In a Botany 500 suit, Wears a steel-grey Luger heart On his lapel, And the naked Pygmies are building an ark.

-BEFORE by Rienzi

THE Cruz




492 the Chevron




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