For the first time on a large scale, university students physically threw their supportbehind local strikers, hinting of stronger student-worker co-operation the furure.‘Students ref@sed to allow the vice-president of Dare Foods to cross picket lines last fridtiy and are working \ actively with local labor councils.
with, * kgbor?
KITCHENER (staff )-Angry workers and students forced police and a company executive to back down in a major confrontation at the Dare Foods plant, struck here last friday. About 50 of the 300 picketers linked arms to barricade the main door to. the plant after police had attempted to violently force a passage through the picket line for John company vice-president Young. But after 15 minutes of hair-pulling and wrestling, the 20 police gave up and Young eventually went home. , He had earlier tried to drive through the picket line in his new Mercedes, but was prevented by picketers who sat down in front of the car and refused to move.
Description of unrest within labor ranks and how the university could become involved -on page ,6. Previously, two women were taken to hospital after being struck by cars ramming through the picket line. .The two cars striking the women picketers and Young’s Mercedes were heavily battered by furious strikers, The leg,al strike has been on since may 31, following five months of negotiations. Pay at Dare starts at $1.45 per hour for women and $1.55 for men with no fringe benefits. Young’s reaction to the pay scale was “They’re getting more than they’re worth now:” (The recently announced federal minimum wage is $1.65 per hour). This is Dare’s first strike. One man was arrested in another scuffle as police attempt-.
: -i
Of /vvilcfca~ ‘strikes
underinitiatives toward develop some common ed to move six bewildered high make any standing. They plan to distribute further negotiations. school students through the Workers on the picket line forepamphlets to high schools and line to work in the factory. But the public to broaden undersee a long hot summer of strikes inside they received a cold standing of the labor situation and hinted’ that what may be necshoulder from most of the superand prevent scabbing. staff who sympathized essary, “in the face of the capitalvisory ist-oriented labor laws and govwith the strikers. ernment wage policies,” will be Several events the previous wildcat strikes throughout KitOffice workers at Sunar decided day//infuriated the workers and chener-Waterloo in support of led to the call for friday’s mass late Wednesday night to accept a striking workers at any one company offer of a 7 percent wage picket: Many workers -from other twin cities industries and some plant. increase immediately,‘with a fur- 4 A group of students and workther 3 percent increment after , students answered the call. ’ ers, the political action committee l An advertisement in the Kitnine months. In addition to this, is working with of Kitchener, they will receive a bonus of $120. chener-Waterloo Record called for temporary workers for Dare the strikers at Dare and Sunar in Presumably, this bonus was negoan effort to bridge the gulf betiated to offset wage losses during and had specifically invited stutween students and workers and dents. the strike itself. ,To the strikers it was obvious that Dare wanted to break the strike by hiring scabs to perform their jobs. Further, they said that Dare had always refused to hire students for the summer, saying The recently-formed Waterloo chapter of the May fourth move-, that they were “useless.” ment has reacted against what it feels is exfiorbitant rock promol Another woman was injured tion schemes by sponsoring a free concert at the Victoria park when a manager gunned his car pavillion in Kitchener this Saturday at three-thirty. while passing through the picket Featured with “The boogie dick” and “People’s revolutionary line which had to that time been be a local group, “Cook’s band.” band” -both from Toronto-will allowing supervisory personnel At a tuesday night meeting, members discussed the Toronto M4M through without difficulty. activities which have centered around picking up free day-old baked 9 A truck entered the plant to goods for minimum-cost distribution, holding discussion groups and take out a shipment of cookies and a crash pad at Rochdale college and training members in self-devery narrowly missed a group of fence against police brutality. small children as it sped through The Toronto group has also made a .movie based on police’s rea nearby field to avoid the picket action to demonstrators, has’set up a bail fund for those arrested line. in last may’s anti-war demonstration and has begun publishing a Police not only looked the other free paper co-ordinated with other Toronto underground papers to way but halted traffic on the combat narcotics-officer harassment. They hope to expand this street for the truck, waved .it service as an inter-city warning system. through a stop sign;- and escorted As well, the group provides speakers for Vietnam assemblies in it to Highway 401 where they halthigh schools and sponsors free concerts regularly. ed traffic on the entrance ramp for The Waterloo group hopes to initiate such activities itself from it to speed through: ‘its Louisa street offices which now are to be manned on a 24-hour Company president/ Dare, who basis. hovered around the plant in his The May fourth movement was started by the new left caucus Cadillac during the morning, at the university of Toronto after a demonstration there last month later offered to shut down the to mourn the deaths of four Kent state (Ohio) students, and is plant if the union would forego mainly concerned with trying to prevent the “plasticization” of further mass picketing. Howvouth culture. ever to date he has failed to
Sunar settled
-“We’re confbsed oniy tb u+dhted~‘, suys Fdlef
I’ve been on this campus over two years now and, ‘to my-limited knowledge, I have not noticed ‘the Canadian flag flying anywhere on campus! Is there some reason for this, assuming I have not overlooked a cranny- or two around the outer north campus? I suggest that this universitv set a -precedent by placing the Canadian banner high atop ’ PP andP’s stack not only because its the highest place on campus, excluding a few cranial areas, but because it would show the city proper that we don’t polLute the air either! !? IAN RARRIS 3a. applied chemistry
Graduate students in my opin- ion are not confused; therefore I must disagree with Mr. Smith’s statement in the last Chevron regarding this matter, I suggest ’ a distinction should be made between confusion and - individual ._ members of a group having personal interests andneeds. Apparent confusion resulting from attempts to determine the alternative that will satisfy the maximum number of individuals is not an indication of confusion amongst. the individuals them-selves. The fact that the -major _ ’ _priorities of graduate students are given to studies and research, leaving less time> for poliiical ’ An eni’ouruging letter. _. _o’i-ganization and entertainment may result in an impression of 11 just received volume eleven two today, and”1 am confusion- to the uninitiated. But ’ number may I point out that the pracforced to admit I actually enjoyed reading it. Therefore could you - tical results of graduate political _efforts ?n recent ’ months have please. send me volume .eleven -number one? been more than satisfying; LES REDMAN - Later this summer when grad ark 2 students ~111 be given ’ portunity to clearly express their ’ individual wishes, I am .sure that all evidence of confusion in the midst of grad students will be quickly dispelled.. Except for this one point, I greatly appreciated the article in the Chevron as an opportunity c to improve communication be. tween #the undergraduate and graduate bodies. _‘- Thanking you, GERRY FULLE,R president, GSU grad civil eng
-i\ STUDi,NT
REPS ‘ .
engineering , mathematics or 4’b hcjence student -
.-‘ arts
federation students
of office
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&f bdwmih@ btitiid~ 3. _ i -‘Please stop flogging the idea that . the campus centre‘ board is thinking about closing the building . to outside users. -To the best of my knowledge,” while the idea has been . mentioned in passing, it has’- never been considered seriously. ’ ’ Hokever, let’s not forget that the -aim -of the board is to make the campus centre attractive’ to all ’ members of the university, which, quite obviously, is not the case at present.. A little feedback from the rest of, the university ‘would help quite a ‘bit in this respect. * As far as closing the building to outsiders is concerned, let’s lay off the scare stories. I don’t intend to see it happen while I’m on -the board, and I don’t intend’ to be’ on the board if it does happen-. i - DAVE REES-THOMAS .__: --. ,..,‘I‘- ” chairman, cc board \ grad them
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. reiected
The university committee investigating Ontario student loans decided Monday that the true meaning of OSAP loans would be destroyed if they were given out ’ for merit as well as need. Responding to- a statement by clean of women Hildegard Marsden that “there are too many hangerson at university who are wasting their own and -everyone else’s time”, the committee discussed the possibility of allowing larger grants for students with higher -marks than usuafafter first year. But the group noted that although at present there were no or few scholarships to encourage students academically at universitiesreward for merit was not as essential as consideration of need. Also ‘noted was the claim that’ lower classes are actively penalized for scholarships under present OSAP regulations. Forty percent of students receiving OSAP loans
us’ lock
can’t receive -any other scholarships in their first year. Presenting her own brief to the committee, Marsden claimed only the student who is highly motivated, mature and who possesses originality ‘will succeed at university. She went on to suggest that university enrolment should be limited by requiring a 70 percent average from students wishing both entrance and monitary aid.
they could recommend the student receive a larger loan. History professor Leo Johnson endorsed student awards officer Albert Dejeet’s proposal that parttime students become eligible for loans, stating that since education was beginning to become a consum. er object, part-time programs should be exploited more than they are now. The committee further challenged the concept of “negative dowry whereby a husband assumes reDoubting the acceptability of her ideas, the committee pointed out payment of his wife’s student loan debt. They felt such a debt would that some of the most brilliant students entered university with-in fact encourage women to take in some cases--averages even beup careers even after marriage. low 60 percent, and that it would The committee decided to prebe unfair to limit salary potential sent a series of proposals to the by channelling a student arbitraricommittee of presidents of the ly into the community college universities of Ontario later this system. summer. ~ Such proposals would be publishIt was also suggested that high * ed in the Chevron for student school counsellors become aware evaluation and comment before of parental objections to their being forwarded to CUPO. child’s attending university so
, -
this week
from pollution
Are those lakes that greqt?;. by Jay
With 1970 designated as “the year of the lakes”, there is some question in the minds of many as to what should be done about the great lakes. There is even the question as to whether anything will be done, apart from talk. Yet there can be no doubt that unless action is taken, and taken immediately, irreparable-damage will occur. The situation concerning the great lakes has become desperate. Lake Erie has reached the point where it is threatening to become one gigantic weedbed, teeming with decaying vegetation and contributing to further pollution of lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence waterway. To find the causes for the condition of the great lakes it is not necessary to look very far. Municipal waste, inadequately treated, is one of the greatest offenders, adding excess nutrients to the water and contributing to the loss of water life. . Industrial waste is polluting the great lakes in the form of heat pollution, toxic chemicals,< oil slicks, mercury and solid as well as soluble substances. Industrial accidents also occur and these have risen enough to give concern. One firm accidently dumped 20,906 gallons of soybeanoil which ended up in lake Michigan. Radioactive wastes from nuclear power plants, fertilizer and insecticide runoff are t-hreatening the lakes. -_ Lake Erie, the shallowest of the great lakes and therefore the most susceptable to pollution, has been prematurely aged 15,ooO years by man. Many of its fish, such as the blue pike and walleye can no long;
,, campus
Ckming, -
The subcommittee to investigate alternatives to the campus center cleaning contract has decided to awa-rd the contract to Modern cleaners on a trial basis. The subcommittee headed by Dave Kardish was to! look into possibilities that could open part-time work to students without severely lowering the quality of cleaning in the building. -c). Since the time was very limited and it was only fair to give a new firm sufficient advance notice
The circle K-sponsored red cross blood donor clinic closed af-
ter 4 two-day stint at the campus centre with a total turnout er live in its waters. Algae growth try which was only now beginning is heavy. Bacteria pollution is to make a comeback after effectof 303 generous persons. The box-score showed the science dense. ive american-Canadian action a- faculty as winners of the ‘blood bowl” with 24.7 per cent of. As one prominent oceanographgainst the lamprey eel would be the donors. Environmental studies was second wi,th 17.7 per: er has described it, lake Erie is lost completely. This is a multiliterally “choking to death. ” million dollar industry. cent followed by math with 17.3.percent. Along lake Michigan resort Steps taken to prevent these areas have been closed, some indisasters have, to date,been pititermittently, others may well be fully few. Water quality standards permanent, due to pollution. Readhave been set.‘Research on the con ings taken along this lake in other % ditions of the lakes is a continuing resort areas are constantly failing process. to meet the legal standards. But individual communities havr OTTAWA (CUP)--The federal transferred-to control of the food On the south shore, in the Chicabeen left to initiate their own meaand drug administration. government is withholding publicgo area, pollution has taken place sures. The problem is that the cation of the LeDain commission. Such a move would liberalize to such an extent that the lake programs are sporadic with no drug report until the cabinet decidthe law significantly, although there has become am breeding synchroniza tion between them es whether the government will violations of the food and drug act ground for insects. One possible while all too often the standards take a stand on the drug question as it stands, are still subject to solution to this problem would be set and maintained are sadly inprior to its release. criminal prosecution. to dump insecticides into the lake! adequate. It may be some time before the The cabinet appears divided Oxygen levels in the lakes are Taken altogether, the present on the issue. report is made public. Soliciter-general low and decreasing, threatening steps are at best only stop-gap, The 800-page interim report on McIlraith, minister responsible to kill off all life that relies on falling far short of the necessary for the RCMP, and justice ministhe non-medical use of drugs has deep water. Should the decrease measures needed simply to arrest already been delayed several ter John Turner appear &only continue these species also will what pollution has already taken months before reaching health opposed to the liberalization-of the die. Bacteria pollution’ is complace. minister John Munro. law. pounding the problem. The saving of the great-lakes will The commission, headed byi Furthermore, many Liberals are In the meantime algae are demand expenditures in terms of Dean Gerald LeDain of Osgoode worried about how the U.S. will thriving and increasing in these both time and money. It has been and respond to the proposed liberalizarapidly deteriorating conditions, estimated that, if lake Erie is to be law school, has documented tion. One MP claimed, “If we act- made extensive recommendations adding further to the decay. Toursaved, the cost will be 1.4 billion dealing with almost- every drug - ually legalized marijuana, Nixon ism, in the area of lake Ontario a- dollars over the next twenty years. currently in use in North America. would probably do to us what he lone amounts to over 142 million In the case of lake Michigan, a Its scope included alcohol, tobacco, did to the mexicans. It would pracdollars annually. grand inter-state plan to clean up and diet pills as well as the other tically destroy our tourist trade.” The population and industrial the lake is lying on Ia shelf because drugs whose use is a criminal ofLast year the U.S. launched its growth potential of the areas surthe necessary funds are not forthfense. ‘ ‘operation intercept” at the rounding the lakes would be stuntcoming. The commission, private sourmexican-U.S. border, to reduce ed. The present use of 5.72 billion Yet it is known what has to be marijuana traffic into the states. ces report, recommends that marigallons of lake Michigan water done to save the lakes. Wastes, juana a?d hashish no longer be After several weeks, significantly daily is expected to more than both industrial and municipal, will classified as narcotics, but be fewer border crossings were made. triple in the next fifty years. have to receive advanced treatDuring the same period of time ment and be disinfected before be\ the population of the lake Ontario Liirg dumped into the waterways. basin is expected to double. A strict control and closely kept What these figures will be, or records of the types and amounts what the economic figures for of fertilizers and insecticides being dealing with the water problem used in an area would aid in comwill represent, if lake water is batting their effects upon the lakes. putrid by this time, cannot even Laws would have to be passed be guessed at. prohibiting oil dumping. ProcedThe commercial fishing indus. ures for dealing with accidental It was deeided at the council ered to be a step backward after pollutions such as oil seepage and meeting of the GSU last Monday trying so hard to separate from :spills, would have to be worked out > that a general meeting of grad the undergrads. and put into practice. students would be held on June 29 A report was. submitted by A referendum will be issued later Other regulations for dealing Philip;English on a recent meeting in order that the GSU executive with the waste from commercial in London concerning the establish- ’ get “direction from the and pleasure craft would have to ,might ment of a national graduate student people”, of their accepted bid, the contract be drafted. presumably a direction away from the Federation of body. He felt confident, however, will be given to Modern while other Both the United States and that the proposed organization, Students. In fact, the GSU execualternatives-continue to be explorCanada must work together on the to be called the Canadian confered. tive. is already trying to become issue. The fight to eliminate the incorporated if and when it sep- ence of graduate students, would lamprey eel and make the lakes not become a grad CUS. arates from the federation. inhabitable for the lake trout a&DROP YOUR BOOKS A report was submitted on a Reports were also submitted by whitefish was handled, and handlNext week has been designated ’ joint meeting of the GSU and the the’ canadianization committee by joint efforts. “drop your books” week- in the. ed successfully, ISA. Discussion included the estaband the white paper committee. This time the stakes are higher. campus center. If you have ,any lishment of a grad house as a The GSU is very concerned about The very life of the 1lakes, whose modern fiction books that you joint GSU, ISA venture. Concern canadianization and Benson’s ’ surfaces cover over 95,006 square don’t need bring them to the camwas expressed about undergradwhite paper on taxation, particumiles, are in danger of-being lost pus center office for their modern using the prolarly as it applies to taxation of to the use of those now relying on uate ISA members fiction library. posed grad house. This was considscholarships, bursaries and grants. them so heavily.-,, --\ friday 72 june \\7970, (7* 7;5) -,. .- . . . : _./ . . ..& .t 57 I* , 3
GSU. will detertiine ccW;ll of people”
Last Monday, .in the evening I f,ortune to meet “Bumhole” in could really be’ an important step. was watching the best baseball I only hope that other iJems such Woodstock. game I have ever seen. The teams as TIME ads and other junk ite_ins ’ But surely somewhere hidden (two,) were composed mainly of ’ behind the bright lights of Water: , give way to course-related books. (I think) between-the ages loo there exists someone. with the 1 -girls of six and thirteen: ‘The highlight, I would like to know how much initiative, the wit and strength the university receives for putting ’ of most of the plays was ‘the franof character to live outside the tic stampede to first base on the commercial TIME cards all over the place.’ gloss of our. town:third strike. Some af the smaller Please let- me know, I love talkThe next.*t -thing--you know, we’ll ~ players indeed: seemed ’ to ‘ (have . ing to these- people and taking have. billljoards all over; If car- ‘-1 ’ trouble- navigating a safe course, them cookies. porations$ are not to adveri*‘* * avoidingthe catcher’s erratic tise on us, ,.then perhaps the throw to the first base side’ of the:- . -I- was pleased to learn in the last library have its staff mem-’ infield, while preserving a fragile other,’ paper on campus that the ber who doesn’t know the alphabet view under the safety helmet ale uI k.cAbuuun3 ~3 UIIC-WA C&IF; ~LIVOC uuiiy AU1 a WllC lalK1~ ~bllClI1 as+ which balanced on- their nose. V. ital services the bookstore offers. *back to TIME. The campus. center How many games have you seen people did that last year. That really impresses me. That where a popup fly to the second baseman ends in a stand up triple? Real action.. ’ The perce h tage of capturable throws to first was so low that a hit usually yielded a double. The SATURDAY to this week. on cam-, runner then always stole third on Submissions pus are accepted free of charge. Grad Student Union _Discotheque ,’ the next -pitch, which, the catcher 8pm campus ten:, Deadline is four p.m. on tuesdays. - 25~ admission always missed, and the only prob3 J ter: lem was getting.home. r : 4’ THURSD-iY TODAY ’ 8’ Ican’t tell you the score. I don’t T BSA,Films. 8 pm AL116 BSA Films, ‘8pm AL116. think anybody, can, but everyone of the kids sure seemed to have fun, The scene of all this torrid action was Innerkip .(poipulation 400). T” * *Wednesday .morning the city of FORSALE ’ - Co-op,has rooms by the day or Waterloo had some of its intersecweek. Arrange. to suit your needs. One year old stereo tape recorder. tions ,painted. By the same, afterReel to reel, hardly used. .. $150. _ Reservations call 743-408b. ’ noon, a good portion of ,the paint Vd9-fiQClit Large room with twin beds availhad-worn away. Great stuff. -. able 29th. Breakfast included,, full 61 MGA $375 - safety check. Phone L *** _’ use of home and outdoor pool, 745-24326 9 pm. ‘8 j People in the psychology dewashing included, ? Call Mrs. partment are in a bit of a flap Wright 745-1111 weekdays; 745- T-MITJSlNGr/AVATT,AT’H.,E these days over a pretty petty ‘is1534/evenings. Two double rooms (: )wn entrancer ‘sue. It seems one of their grad- stuFirst months rent free. Come,in ’ big kitchen. . I, shower, - . telephone, 6 and inspect. 602 Silverbridge dents went his hair cut. Road Ci 3rs parKingspace in new quiet Well, so much for the psychoIogy Lakeshore Village, ~Waterloo. ‘home near university. Dale Cresgossip. New two bedroom apartments in 1 Wellits not really, but the rest cent. Phone !-578-4170. modern eight unit apartment -.. , One- perso n wishes to share- a ‘, building. $149. Rent includes ap$ is too risque for the new Chevron, and besides that Madeline would two bedroom aparmL -lent with two.: -pliances, cable TV and allutilities. 1~ ’ *WV’ I % walk from be furious if it ever got out in more men. *-15 nminutes T\ _ / nent L Davs 7451108: evenings 744-‘1033. University or w aterioo. print. / $l69 available immediately. Call, 744-0973 between 6 - 11 pm. . Does <anybody know if there is ,a real bum ~JJ Waterloo. Back -Apartment for single person, July and August three rooms-and bathwhere I used ‘to bve’we had wild Bill and $is performing bicycle., room. Reasonable rent. 84 Simeon \ ’ A few -weeks ago I had me good Street. 743-5388. .
. -
- - - - - - -
- -
’ .
isdrawing ’ -? fl l nearand we -” ,.----c‘ 1have something \ , for .hirn .- --
, General hileetin~t GRAD’UATE STUDENT A UNION . ’ 1 Monday, ’ I \ -A. B. _ C. D. E. I
June, 2-9,8:00
113 Arts Lecture / .’ -iiDA.
Building ( ’
I, Constitution Amendments President’s R-mart Treasurer’s Repoit Questions - - , Other Business, ’
integrated programming
HEAVEN’S RADIO (folk,lcountry and bluegrass)
integrated program
(underground rock, jazz, , folkand classics )
/ classical music
-classical music
I( .Y
classical music
,classical I music
classical music /
(readings ) i_ SPOKEN jc WORD
(live musicl show) ’ PEOPLES: MUSIC
. JAZZ AND -. .IAZZ’ROCK (jazz sounds of today’s pop and traditional jazz music)
integrated programming
ONE HOUR (documentary)
integrated ’ program MONDAY’ (variety plays, music, a nonsense, interview, etc) \ integrated prog~mming t
Jinterview )S.S. ’ INQUISITION
integrated program
(discussionprow POLLUTIdN r PROBE
integrated program _ -FOLK MUSIC PROGRAM -
integr&ed program, I > 1.. -JAZZ MUSIC
. WORDS 0N MUSI$J (interview) L
/ \
integrated programming >integrated program I *
5< the Chevron;
- * v - Y - a
Careers * Sex * Marriage * Dru@s * Study Calendars
I The Reading Resources Room offers materials on the above subjects. You are ’ invited to come in and browse or read. i The Room is open weekdays from 9 am to 12 and 1 pm to 4:30, in the Math & Computer room 606 1, near the northeast elevator. .
f rake a break. Zome stroke
.. a game
742-0501 Student
up a little
37. Blows his mind (2 words) ‘ACROSS . 9. I wouldn’t walk a mile for one 38. Dead language 1. Dog dirt I 10. My shirt sleeve is this long 5. Member of America’s true 40. Important business (abb) (3 words)43. Source of Quebec’s problems ruling class 11. Toronto Stock Exchange (abb) 9. Felines 48. Puff a joint 12. Puts down 49. Hotel 13. Preposition, as a division of 15. School in Toronto 50. Acid 14. Furry rectums (2 words) I 16. Pronoun 15. Doctor’s letters 18. Easy to fall off 51. Peril 53. Be sick 18. Give me --- or give me --- (2 20. Registered Nurse (abb) 25. Association for the Salvation 56. French day 4 words) 58. Exterminates 19. Electrical Engineering (abv ) of Narcotics (abb) 20. What TV will do to your mind 59. Dead lake 26. Well-known Canadian pipe63. Acid flash 21. Eastern Manufacturing (abb) smoker _ 22. Existential Youth (abb) 27. Sheep sound 66. National League (abb) 23. Direction 30. Indian tribe 68. Wonder 24. Cowboy country 71. Southern state (abb) 31. Travel on a horse 26. Talk indiscreetly 32. Commuter train 72. Maddox country (abb) _ 28. Manuscript (abb) 34. Thanks - -‘74. Ontario Farmers (abb) 29. Form of russian roulette ’ 35. Over and above 75. Royal Inquiry (abb) 33. Fury ’ 36. Inevitable capitalist curse 39. 19th century political philosopher 40. Not out 41. Forcibly entered 42. Same as 23 across 44. Where it’s --45. Exist 46. Was (Fr. ) 47. Exclusive prep school 49. Industrial Trades Relations (abb) 50. Pentagon,‘s chief fascist 52. Former Argentine die ta tor 54. Society of Kuwaitian Nationalists (abb) 55. Question Y 57. Found in navels 58. Capitalism’s scapegoats 60. North African Enterprises 61. International League (abb) ’ 62. Ancient city 64. Irish Republic (abb) 65. Not off 67. America’s largest oppressor (abb) 68. World-renowned humanitarian (abb) 69. Where AustraIia is (abb) 70. Revealed information ’ 73. Ladies of the night BELIZE, British Honduras 76. Chair control, with openings for more (LNS) -- U.S. economic exploitatshipping magnate 77. Greek penetration in agriculture, fish, ion of Central America may be on forestry 78. Country Joe’s friends and tourist industries. the verge of fully penetrating into DOWN A revolutionary youth movethe last hold-out, British Honduras, 1. Quasi-liberal magazine is arising denouncaccording to a recent report in ment,however, 2. What all good revolutionaries ing both british and U.S. imperialInternational Commerce. 1 must do to the system J ‘. ism. In a recent leaflet they deA colony of Great Britain since 3. Right (abb) clared : “Even before we have 1862, British Honduras has recent-4. ---it! been able to put off the yoke of ly attracted keen interest from 5. 93 pages of economic bullshit colonialism, United U.S. business firms seeking to re- ’ (british) (2 words) States neo-colonialism is already place british investment and mar6. American Automobile Builders taking over the country...We deket domination. (abb) One-third of the markets of mand our right to self-determina7. Father ,-_a British Honduras are now in U.S. tion.” 8. Proper . friday lrjune 7970 (7 7:5) 53 5
the qorner
at .
westmount placepharmacy 578-8800
UNIONS AND metropolitan from across Canada are invited to present their views to the Canadian Labor Council convention by sending resolutions to the Ottawa office of the CLC two weeks in advance. The CLC executive then sets up several resolution committees to review specific aspects of the polICY to be presented at the conference for liscussioq. These cotimittees develop c)LC policy. At the convention, executive nembers are the only people who can Iresent motions, move amendments, and Iresent resoluitions. The people on the convention floor can )nly speak to the presented motions and nove procedural motions. They vote on ill motions and are the only people who ;n theory decide whether or not a motion s passed. At the semi-annual convention held two Jeeks ago, present CLC executive presient Donald MacDonald took full advanage of the fact that motions had to have xecutive approval. Now, the ,average delegate does not ave the experience of the average xecutive member. The average delegate, despite the fact hat he was articulate,,militant, and genrally well-informed could not cope with n executive who had all the information nd knew the procedural tactics well nough to use them for advancement of ts own power. True, all motions can be sent back to heir respective committees, but that fould have meant another two years efore the issues would again be disussed. So the more militant delegates, frusrated because they knew it was virtually npossible to bring about effective change rider the existing structure, spoke in aver of the spirit of the executive’s recmmendation, though they often verbally hastised the executive for not going far nough into the realm of action. On other occassions the executive would )bby among delegates persuading some 1 endorse the committee’s stand, and inacting such speakers at will into the peakers list. Convention delegates would even tully become very tired of hearing the ame w.ords spoken over and over again nd would finally call for a vote on the ommittee’s recommendation. Such a vote would usually swing in favor f the committee despite the fact that nly 25 to, 50 percent of the house would ven bother to vote. By illustration, one motion dealt with _. ould be mentioned here : Be
Reaffirm to the government of our coninuing support of exfiansion through freer rade and urge the government to push or a new and broader range of tariff legotiations with the G.A.T.T. Urge the government to develop a comrehensive ,and generous system of-assisante for cases of injury to individual vorkers, industries and regions resulting irectly or indirectly from the lowering f tariffs and other trade barriers. MacDonald moved a motion of concurence of this resolution on behalf of the xecutive and called for the first delegate D speak to the motion. Delegate: “Brother chairman, fellow or background, see Chevron story f may 29. Anyone wishing to disuss the concept of un6ersity liaion v(lith labor affiliatibns should ontact author Bernardini c/o the hevron office. I
How the I .canadians Labor congress deals with labor exploitation.
delegates, I rise in mittee’s proposal. “Just yesterday with all workers in ter their economic are trying to pass rectly in opposition
to the com-
was not strong enough because most workers were not organized and that the we pledged solidarity labpr movement just look beyond the their struggles to betbargaining table and expand itself into the conditions. Today we political arena through the NDP. a proposal that is di- MacDonald made more‘ points. He to yesterday’s policy. blasted industries for pollution, and came
either starving or undernourished. He “When we call upon-our government to for planning inlower its trade barriers we are effectively I blasted the government flation and for allowing corporations to supporting workers’ exploitation at home do whatever they wished. and abroad. Then he came down on industry beGiant national and multi-national corcause, he said: ‘-‘corporation profits are porations exploit workers in other coun: the burden of working people. The governtries by paying them as low as 10 cents an ment is allowing corporations to dominate hour. Their products would cause unfair the economy, and cause insecurity and competition on the Canadian market to i despair. ” the detriment of our industry and labor force. By passing this resolution we are But while all this ,was being said, the effectively supporting labor exploitation : level of noise on the convention floor rose. at home and abroad, and would be doing More and more people left the hall for coffee. Very few people were listening nothing for the Canadian economy as a whole. attentively to what he had to say. The reason for this is quite simple, and “I am surprised that the committee has overlooked this ‘important aspect of the manifested itself later on that week. Mat-, Donald and the rest of the executive had question. I would therefore like to move a lot of words to say, but none of them referral of this resolution back to the comwould live up to their verbal proposal. mittee”. spoken on any resolutions. “The secretary-treasurer”.
It was during the tuesday session that the question of organizing came to _ the floor. -From an original resolution calling on the CLC to fight for ‘.farmer-labor unity by immediately asking for a meeting with farm organizations to discuss joint action on matters of mutual concern’, the CLC executive concocted a diluted motion to read that the convention ‘call upon all union organizations to strive to increase opportunities for joint discussion and activity between farmers and *workers in as many fields of common interest as possible’. Later the same day several other resolutions were presented to‘the fldor. They called upon the CLC to initiate a solid campaign to organize all unorganized workers with the help of all unions in order to cut through jurisdictional red tape. Others thought that the prime objective of the 70’s was to organize the unorganized and hence called upon the CLC to take immediate corrective measures to - reduce conflicting jurisdictions that prevented such organizing. But the CLC took all such resolutions and lumped them together under a substitute resolution which called upon the congress to simply ‘urge all affiliates to develop a new and imaginative program& me to organize the unorganized’. Once again the CLC executive managed to take the guts out of a resolution. But this time they did not get away with it. Several delegates blasted the executive for unwillingness to provide leadership in such important matters. Some said that certain unions sit on their jurisdictions and do nothing to organize the unorganized. Other delegates pointed out that there are several classifications of workers who cannot be organ&d by any particular union and therefore called upon the CLC to appoint organizers in these fields. There was little or no support from the floor for the executive’s recommendation, and the resolution was referred back to committee with a directive to come up
“Mr. chairman, I would like to point out to our brother delegate and to the rest of the convention that the congress has been traditionally in favor of a free trade policy for Canada. We must consider the whole of the Canadian economy as well as the world’s economic situation when making decisions of this calibre. If we don’t we can be easily mislead by a one-sided approach. The Canadian economy cannot effectively exist except under a free trade agreement with other nations. The import and export market is one of the major contributors to the Canadian economy. “It is axiomatic to expect other nations to raise their trade barriers if we raise ours and this will hurt the Canadian economy. Therefore I would like to caution this convention of a one-sided approach to such an important question.” Chairman: ” Delgate on mike six”. Delegate: “Mr. Chairman I move referral”. Crowd: “Seconded”. At this point MacDonald mumbled indistinguishably to himself, and called for another delegate to speak. Delegate; “Mr. chairman I rise in favor of the committee’s recommendation. As the previous speaker pointed out, it is useless for us to talk without knowing what we are talking about. The committee has spent a lot of time researching into this important issue. They have come with. the most appropriate recommendation since they are trained and must have better experience in the field than any of US. I would therefore call upon this convention to give its support to the committee’s recommendation. ” MacDonald called for a vote on the resolution. It was passed with a clear majority. * * * Secretary-Treasurer:
In his opening speech Donald Mack! ‘Donald had made some very interesting points. He had said the labor movement by Renzo
Chevron staff
54 the Chevron
with a working resolution that would put the CLC into action. A similar referral occurred with a moj tion to “expose the collusion of business and government in creating unemployment and intensify its campaign for full employment in Canada”. . These were probably only moral victories for more progressve elements, for despite the fact that many’ people had many good proposals to put forward, the basic structure of the CLC still makes it virtually impossible for anyone to da something during the congress unless the executive gives its consent. All the rank and file workers could do was to refer questions back, to committee. They could not make effective amendments simply because it is against CLC convention procedures to do so. * * * The Edmonton convention revealed many aspects of the Canadian labour move, ment. Many of the rank and file people at the convention recognized that collective bargaining alone was not the answer to labor’s problems, and that the proposed solution to this problem-closer ties with the NDP-was not enough. The reform caucus, for instance, wanted the question of industrial democracy and workers’ ’ control of production scru’ tinized more closely. One person stood up and blasted the executive, saying until the relationship between labor and monopoly capital were studied, the labor movement would not get very far. Many more people spoke against the federal and provincial governments for “anti-labor” legislation. And still more people blasted MacDonald for red-baiting tactics (see Chevron story, May 29). Yet despite this dissent, the leadership remains mostly unchanged. There is still the need for rank and file control of the CLC and for a leadership which has a far greater interest in the demands of the majority of workers. One of the ways this might happen is for the convention floor to organize itself and seize control of upcoming union gatherings and of the 1972 CLC convention. But this kind of organization takes time to develop because it must be conducted from without the CLC. The basic criteria for this kind of organization is a simple understanding of the workers’ -power both within and without the CLC and a simple knowledge of what the rank and file worker can do if he persists in his actions. Such information is available, it is simply a matter of communication. The university, through its research can provide much of this kind of information to the different union locals. As a community resource, the university should make itself useful in such matters pertaining to groups like labor organizations, or for that matter any other community groups at the local and national level. I This kind of activity would bring the university much closer to the tax payers who are paying most education costs. It would make academic study much more meaningful because it .would involve people in the day-today activities of the community.
HE TERM underdevelopment was intraduced two decades ‘ago in discussion groups and committees of the united nations, in order to describe the
this position due to a lack of serious study of concrete reality which has led to the acceptance of this thesis. What are the essential elements of this thesis? .
but on the maximization
Thus, we must remember that the conquest of the new world was carried out by the mercantilist sectors of the metropolis. They sought markets for commerce, Consequently, the methods of production that were established corresponded to the need for greater exploitation of the Americas. Gold was the prime mover of colonization. It is also true that capitalism will not introduce machinery where direct exploitation of workers is more advantageous. As far as agriculture is concerned, the capitalist utilizes those forms which allow the greatest exploitation with a minimum of investment. It has been pointed out, for example, that even tribal structures wer&e integrated as elements of subjection and exploitation during the. imperialist colonization of Africa in the 1880’s. As a more recent example, Cuba and Brazil have witnessed the creation of latifundia in the twentieth century by means of direct foreign investments. In agriculture, these investments utilize archaic or modern forms of exploitation whenever necessary. Of course, no one will claim that feudalism is being created ’ by imperialism wherever imperialist investment has developed an extensive and latifundist agriculture. Such a statement would be historically false. In fact
beneath the level of” other words, as The thesis claims that the chief obstacle an associative term, it defines a relationto the development of underdeveloped ship with regard to a model. The model, of countries stems from the survival of course, is developed capitalist society. feudalism in agricultural areas. It is arIn addition, the term provides a ouangued that these conditions obstruct protitative vision of the problem. gress and stifle capitalist development. Underdevelopment implies relative ’ There are other analysts who deal with backwardness with regard to a group of the problem in more precise terms. They countries. Several abstract indices are esclaim that there are two different kinds of tablished, for example, per capita income. economies. The first one is open and dyBy means of these indices, different posinamic, and can be traced to the rise of tions on a unilinear scale of progress may capitalism. The second one is closed and be measured. In accord with this procebackward, employs archaic productive dure, it is possible to arrive at simplistic methods, and is the result of the survival conclusions. Thus, all nations possessing of a pre-capitalist or feudal economy. Almore than a $200 annual per capita inthough often the relationship between come are considered developed. In this these two economies is not clearly definfashion it may be concluded that Argened, it is usually claimed that the existence tina as well as the United States can be of the former retards the growth of the classif ied under “developed countries. ‘.’ latter. These are approaches lacking in underIn support of this th_esis they list cerstanding of the movement of history. tain characteristics of underdeveloped Consequently, they provide explanations economies: the use of archaic productive outside the bounds of actual process and methods, the existence of large-scale are incapable of overcoming bourgeoisis agriculture and stockraising tied to lalimitations. What they assert is that undertif undia, share-cropping and similar patthese two forms of plantation economy developed countries must somehow follow terns of land tenure, and residues of serfare methods of imperialist penetration in the path of modern industrialised nations. agriculture. (Examine the case of the Unitdom and’pre-capitalist exchange patterns. Some proponents of this viewpoint, e.g. In addition, they often provide a descriped Fruit Co.) Rostow, claim that these nations are at a tion of social patterns; they refer to a The most important characteristic of stage prior to that of “capitalist takestagnant traditional existence and increthe underdeveloped countries is their deoff” (original accumulation). Therefore, dible patterns of backwardness paralleled pendence on foreign markets as an outlet by studying the growth mechanisms of by the absence of literacy and culture. for their production as well as for the accapitalist countries, the same cycle can Seen as a mere collection of fragmented quisition of goods and equipment., .occur in the underdeveloped world. “facts”, all of these factors give us the The dynamic of their economies is a The analyses based on these analogies image of feudalism. function of the need for raw materials in overlook the fact that, while it may be We, however, do not believe that the the ‘world market. Capitalism produced true that certain indices (per capita inproblem simply involves the description the internationalizatioi of economic accome, gross national product, etc.) can be of phenomena. First, we must ascertain tivity making it impossible to refer to inequal or similar to those which today’s dethe reason for the existence of these reladependent development for one or another veloped capitalist countries once possestional patterns in the twentieth century, region. Lenin’s reference\ to the end of sed, a radically different situation oband the connection between these patterns ’ territorial divisions simply bears out the tains at the present time. and the function of the capitalist economy fact that capitalism had become a univerWhile it may be true that after England in its totality. - sal system. had reached a certain stage of capitalist Another problem is generated by the Understanding the concept of under-vulgar transposition to Latin America of development is not simply an academic development it was necessary to meet some foreign competition, it is equally the four stages of production. The four problem, since political policies and strastages are : primitive-communal, slavery, tegies issue from the ideas s,et forth on the true that there never was any technological gap threatening the development feudalism* and capitalism. The defenders development question. If,. for example, of national production. of this thesis in asserting that all people underdevelopment is viewed as the stage The technological level made possible must pass through each of these developprior to capitalist development; then the first step: creation of the means of mental stages, also insist in superimposbourgeoisis democratic revolution beproduction. Colonial exploitation was the ing their model on reality rather than decomes a plausible goal. (However, it canmost important source of accumulation. ducing the model from reality. not be achieved because capitalism has alToday’s underdeveloped countries have However, this analysis of viewing hisready proved what it is capable of providcontributed to the development of capitatory only as a succession of social formaing in the underdeveloped countries. ) list countries The early history of undertions cannot be confused with the conNevertheless, let us examine the devedevelopment must be sought in colonial crete ‘analysis of individual situation. lopment of this thesis. Since feudalism pillage. Historically, this process began obstructs development, the penetration of in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries capitalism in the agrarian sector is viewed with the expansion of nascent capitalism as a progressive development. Therefore, towards Africa, Asia and Latin America The development of capitalism, of change will be stimulated by the necesand matured during the past four cen- course, has been characterized by its insity of capitalist development that eliminturies. The main expression of capitalist tegration of precapitalist forms of exates feudal remnants. According to this concentration and ten traliza tion in the ploitation or non-capitalist social structhesis, who will be the agents of this 1 twentieth century takes the form of untures. The development of capitalism has change? derdevelopment. not been linear, and, consequently all They will be those progressive forces The most widespread thesis on the oriforms of non-capitalist relations prior to interested in independent development, were not liquidated. Capitaetc., e.g. workers, peasants, the middle gin and continuation of underdevelopmen t capitalism revolves around the survival of “feudalism has developed unevenly. Its ‘iationaclass and the progressive sectors of the lism” in underdeveloped economies. lity” is not based on the maximum utilizabourgeoisie whose interests are opposed Traditional marxist thinking espouses tion of resources, nor on the advocacy of to the feudal oligarchic landowning class.
How L(UndeTdevelopment”- , means expl-oiting loc,al \ labor forces abroad. .fl.
This is the way the famous thesis of the historic mission of the national bourgeoisie to achieve capitalist development is explained. The majority of Latin America’s com,-munist parties have sought out the national bourgeoisie. The strategy’ that they have often followed and * not abandoned, has always led to failure and the deception of the people. These repeated failures are not due to the good or bad intentions of individuals or social groups.
They occur for a very simple reason: a task that does not exist cannot be carried Out. Capitalist development cannot be achieved in those places where capitalism already exists, albeit in an nderdeveloped 5 form. Let us understand it clearly, underdevelopment is the capitalist form of exis-’ tence in the underdeveloped countries.
The dichotomy development-underdevelopment is the expression of a single process: the process of the development of capitalism. This system must be correctly analyzed as a global structure of exploitation of social classes and groups organized internationally and nationally at different levels and among which exploitive relations are apparent. There exists in every structure-a dominant element which articulates and organizes the other elements withinit. This can be simply expressed as the profit motive. The operation of capitalism is shaped by ‘it and, consequently, the mechanism of, exploitation is what produces the separation and distinction between the developed and the underdeveloped areas.
The mechanism of capitalism operates so that once a region advances along that path it begins to integrate others as well, but in a subordinate fashion. The economic surplus generated in the underdeveloped areas benefits the growth and development of the capitalist areas. When stated abstractly, this seems to be an empty generalization. However, a probing examination of the history of coloniza; tion provides proof of the transfer of wealth from the colonies to the metropolis. His-
torical analysis is not the only way to prove the point. Scientific examination of the present relations between the developed and the underdeveloped nations indicated that this tendency continues to operate. It does so where unfair exchange, foreign investment and monopoly capital constitute the instruments and mechanisms by which imperialism appropriates to itself the economic surplus generated in the underdeveloped areas. Con&quently, the development of capitalism in some countries has meant the generation of underdevelopment for others. Nevertheless, the idea that it is possible to make the transition from underdevelopment to development within the capitalist framework is widely shared. It is echoed at many international conferences and many leftist parties use it as the theoretical justification for the aid that the socialist countries provide to the Latin American oligarchies. To refer today to countries on the road to development is to mystify reality and to confuse the possibilities of economic growth with development. The latter can only occur by breaking the chain of underdevelopment. a This becomes possible only by breaking with the capitalist system. There is’no other alternative. The choices are clear: capitalist underdevelopment or socialist revolution. -_ Adapted from Telos, official publication of the graduate philosophy department, the state university of New York ‘at Buffalo. Jose Bell La’ra is from’the university of Havana. friday
12 june
1970 (I 1:5)
T&day7Julym Pub-dance
. -;’
THE GOOD TIME REVUE 8:30pm. 25’* 50’ l
Campus -
Centre: ,
Moor (Campus centre pm free Pub campus Centre 8:30 pm 25c + 50” l Movies AL1 16 7:30 pm 50’ * $1 .OO 0
in case
’ 2:30
Concert Dance
11 July
FIVE pm .
Bo&RAce - 1
Conestogo fee Party
_ ?
to Bridgeport
$1.59 ,’
pm with
for for
Federation non;members . .-_,
of Students ’
members. ’
are available ‘lo
at the
lJ of W ID card
’ /
: ,
available ,
-- /
by mailing name, ID Number, a selfaddressed envelope and $1.50 toTICKETS, c/o THE FEDERATION OF STUDENTS, UNI-, VERSITY OF WATERLOO, WATERLOO, ON.’ , TAm. Allow 6 daysfor handling.
call ,a
2 / .
* federation of students-members l non members’
744-6 --
i 11 extension -
2405 ~.
_-* -
56 the Chevron
wili be available only through the office of the Federation of Students. You must present your U of W ID-card when-buying tickets. Only one ticket per IDSorry for the inconvenience.
’ entry
in advance in advance at the door
.-, $3.00
$1.50 $3.00
. ,
. _
afternoon - (Engineering Sewer Bowl Game, Canoe on the village moor, Jousting, Tandem 3. Bicycle Races) Seagram’s Stadium 3:30 pm $1.507 $3.00 1~0$4.00 at door with MAJOR HOOPLES BOARDING HOUSE . Playing field North of Columbia IO:30 pm free .I
,Tickets ’
1 ._,
.- ,.-
Movies AL1 16 7:30spm 25;’ $1 .OO l ’ Dance with BRUTIS Student Village 900 pm 75”” $1.50 Semi-formal with DON FRISE ORCHESTRA AND PHASE Food Services 960 pm $4.00 \ per couple
d Fun
5 #
; Q$y~$a~ll’Jdy
of rain)
Movies AL1 16 7:30 pm 500 * $1 .OO l .. Pub-dance - cum-beer=garden withTHE RHYTHMIC and THETROLLIE FoodServices 8:30 50’” $1.00 . . I
Food Services 9:OOpm with DON FRISE ORCHESTRA and PHASE Ill I Admission $4.00 per couple. Tickets available through the offike of the Federation of Students.
’ -
10 July
In Quest by Whitmore
q wide.ra,tige
of devant
gram, expounding the women’s lib point was drowned out by Baird’s contention that of view. no one has ever told him what to write. show brought out the imNeedless to say, the question of a conspir- t Last monday’s . acy was not resolved. portance of having a wide range of opinion among the guests. The topic under analysis Programs ,such as in guest serve an imwas religion in education; there were only portant function in that they bring together two guests as opposed to the usual three, a variety of different viewpoints to discuss and there was little disagreement between some of the issues that affect us all, every both them and Kelleher. It was the dullest day. , program of the series that I have seen. This Perhaps the biggest drawback ‘with in can be traced back to the fact that they guest is Kelleher himself. His manner is were in agreement on so many points. Exthat of a car salesman, which he is, and he cept for the occasional freudian slip, there tends to dominate the conversation, asking was really very little to hold the interest questions of the panelists and then answeri ing them himself. He comes across too of the viewer. In sharp contrast to this was a show on loud and his own biases are usually quite drugs. There was much heated debate beevident. This could be blamed onhis rel’ ative inexperience tween Fred Kemp of UofW’s psychology or his arrogance or both. department and Al Barron, a lawyer and In “general it tends to -detract from the ovformer Kitchener magistrate, on the morerall quality of the show. al, legal and social aspects of drug use, esEach week’s edition (there have been pecially the “soft” drugs, such as mari20 so far) usually features some relevant juana and hash. The program was both infilm footage, done by UofW’s audio-visual teresting and educational. department. The selection of panelists has been quite On a program dealing with women’s good, although there is. usually one who has liberation, the camera showed Andy Tamas to take a back seat to the rest. While probcredited with “Ideas” for the show, doing ably unavoidable, this is unfortunate, since the dishes and taking care of baby. Tamas’ each of them undeniably has some relevant wife. Sue. was a nanelist on the same proa ’ ’
P. Ammpleworth
Chevron staff
Each monday night, CKCO, Kitchener’s television station, presents In guest, a pub* lit affairs-type of ,program which attempts to deal with some of the more pertinent issues of the day. The show features a panel of three supposedly knowledgable people, and is hosted by Ned Kelleher of channel 13. Topics for discussion have ranged from the canadianization issue to drugs to religion in education. The guests on the show usually cover a fairly broad segment of the political spectrum. On one recent program dealing with the role of the journalist in influencing public opinion, the panelists included Jim Klinck, formerly of the Chevron, Sandy Baird of the K-W Record, and Peter Smith from Conestoga College’s journalism de, partment. ’ Much of the discussion centred around Klinck’s contention that there is a form of conspiracy within the establishment press, geared to maintaining. the status quo. This was vociferously denied by both Baird and Kelleher, who claimed that each individual newspaper sets its own editorial standards and that any duplication is purely coincidental. Klinck’s argument that it is a conspiracy of circumstame rather than by design
Rock festivals hungup \ CHANGING
-% OWEN /57643500 I’ I Now building
BEECHWilOD Homes priced
from . $38,000
The incredible string band is one of the most prolific recording groups around these days. It seems like every time you go into a record shop there is a new album by the pair. Their latest (I think it’s their latest, you never can tell) is called ChangiFg horses, and it is *certainly up to the standards they have set for themselves on their previous releases. I’m not sure what the title alludes to, but it’s more than likely quite relevant to something. It’s not as important as the music anyway The band (Mike Heron and Robin Wjlliamson, plus their lovely assistants, Licorice and Rose) produces some of the most unusual music that can still be classified, how-
b-y Dennis
Chevron staff
In intramurals last week, Dooner’s (b-ball) Dunkers hit a high of 86 points in annihalating a drooping Bagbiters- (39 points) The Chinese students also posted a lopsided score over the Architects, 60-25.
Alternattves! of utopia, are creating
offers alternative a better
hope, ‘life way
information or a point of view to present. The only time this imbalance was beneficial was during a segment on canadianization. George Haggar and Max Saltsman completely dominated the third panelist, a Prof Weir from WLU’s department of ec’ onomics. Weir’s comments were so reactionary and boring, that he was obviously missing’ the point of the whole issue. Next monday’s show will be on social dissent, and the guests include Kemp, Ross Taylor, grad , psychology at UofW, and Father John Shrier from the Waterloo)Pentecostal Tabernacle. The show will also feature some film coverage of the recent anti war demonstration in Kitchener. After that will be one on education which\ will attempt to answer’ the question: Is it better to teach a 65year-old woman music than to graduate three engineers? The last program in this year’s series is entitled “Why work for a living?” The show can be seen on mondays at 11:45 pm. It may return in the fall, and if so willbe on at l0 pm in an attempt to reach a larger audience. If you haven’t seen it before, tune in this monday; it’s well worth it, and who knows, you might learn something: ,
vision; a glimpse styles, people whb for themselves NOW!
Write for fi-ee newsletter, or’ send $i. 00 for sample pa= of ‘magazine (The Modern Utopian), $paper and newsletter: -* ne ALTERNATI-VES///, 1526 Grovenstein Hwy North, Sebastopol, California 95472. R ’
In softball, the civil plumbers, with six teams, grabbed five wins and admitted only one defeat. , There’s lot’s to keep ‘a guy or gal in shape this summer: soccer, basketball and women’s slowpitch softball mondays ; men’s and co-ed volleyball tuesday ; badminton Wednesday; and touch football thursday ; as well, the doors on those squash courts are finally UP. Waterloo’s Canadian university wrestling champion, Pat Bolger, recently won the national judo title ‘in his 139 pound (feather-
/I ever loosely, as rock. The six numbers on Changing hors& include such diverse instruments as Chinese .banjo, kazoo, and vibraphone. The instrumentation has a heavy eastern influence, mixed with rock, jazz and classical effects. It has a light, breezy air to it, which, counled with frequent changes in tempo makes for stimulating, if somewhat complicated, listening. The incredible string -band may take some getting used to _before they can be fully appreciated. Their music is quite different, but their is no denying their considerable talents, both”as musicians and lyricists. Give a listen to Changing horses and bend your mind a little.
on money
Rock festivals are always a little confusing, because there are a lot of free-ks, but it’s all over money. Like Scarborough Fair, which was <pleasant, because the music was good, the weather was nice, and the crowd wasn’t too big. Lots of people up on the hill, outside, not paying the $4.50 ($5.56 at the door) prices-. When requested, right after Butterfield’s set, to let the free people on the hill in, the “hip” mc laid the whole money scene down for all to see. _ “This all costs money. They do not want to pay. They want to rip youoff. / do my trips and nobody horns in on my trips.” And on and on. The crowd quieted down. He read from Rolling stone, and the, next act came on. The practical points are almost irrelevant. There really was room for more people, people who weren’t going to pay anyway (the bands weren’t all that great), and they would’ve bought the promotor’s apples and oranges and hamburgers. But more importantly, this was a gathering of a nation, Woodstock Nation, and it’s our music, and those were our brothers and sisters, and most of us wouldn’t really have given a shit if we had been “ripped off”. So the cops continued to wander around, the freeks continued to listen to the music, and the people on the hill went -home. We went home later and the money people once again let us ease ourselves into their trap. Up against ourselves, motherfuckers.
Then, be your own driver, navigator and power supply. The sport is weight) division. The victory placa mutation of a es him on the team travelling to orienteering, treasure hunt and cross-country Brazil this fall for the world running. As a beginner, you run championships. through bushes and streams in Pat easily won the Ontario search of “stations” marked on a crown in wrestling last week, and map. Once experienced, you are will grapple with top competitors entrusted with a compass to prein Calgary two weeks from now vent your getting lost. -On camfor the right to represent Canada pus, Gerry -Bancroft, phys ed, is -at the world wrestling championthe man to contact. ships in Edmonton this summer, The basketball warriors will as well as the british commonplay the yugoslavian team in late wealth games in Edinborough next October. . . there is, a possibility month. C,oach Ed DeArmon prothat the Buffalo Braves (N.B.A.) gnoses a victory for the 22-yearwill exhibit their skills here next old, second year recreation student in Calgary, and a medal in season. . . 6’5” John Smith from Simon Fraser will be a warrior ’ Edmonton. this fall. Jim Hall and John Barry, two Trackmen Glen Arbeau, Terry other warrior wrestlers, are Wilson (javelin,) Bill . -LindIey spending six weeks in Edmonton (triple jump), Kip Sumner, and at a -national camp in preparaPaul Pearson (1500 mts.) have tion for the national championr been competing for Waterloo and ships. Ever had the urge to try a -will be in Hamilton next weekend for the british commonwealth car rally but couldn’t get over the games trials. bind of not owning a set of wheels? friday
12 june
7970 (I 1.~5) 57
‘The primary goal of -engineering education is to prepare the student, ideblogically, for constructive particifiation f -e inf the competitive, profit-,motivated economy.’ * /
by Ken Clowes
“Look around you. All you see was made by either god or an. engineer. ”
HE STATEMENT ABOVE was used last year at McGill as the theme of an address to a group of freshman engineers-brand new inputs to the McGill Assembly Line at Engineering freshman reception week. _ During most ,of the week the freshmen had learned about “demolishing forty beers” and so, in this atmosphere, the speech was looked on only as another glorification of the engineer; the freshmen thought about the speech about as much as they’ contemplated “flush that fartsman down the drain”. Unfortunately, what was said was not meant simply as a narcissistic glorification of the engineer but i-s frighteningly true (or perhaps only half true but more frightening if you’re an atheist. ) The freshmen quickly forgot the speech anyway (which is understandable considering the carnival atmosphere in which the dean chose to make his remark) but what is unforgivable is that the speaker and the faculty of engineering totally ignored and still do the social fact that engineers do create most of the things in this society. In fact, nowhere in the engineering program is any effort taken to make the engineer aware of the whole scope of his work and its direct effects on the human environment. The question relating to the “social :relevance of engineering” have been dis-i cussed at great length in the past and there is little point in rehashing familiar points. Most people are aware that technology has a’ great effect on society but there ‘is‘ disagreement as to how far this abstract engineering affects society” idea directly concerns the engineer. As L.A. Woods, director of US air force office of space research, puts it: “Now why is the water pollution problem and the lack of interest in it regarded as an engineer’s problem? Isn’t it a social problem?. . more a matter of social-political activity” This ‘jargument” seems to be based on the somewhat obscure deduction that social a^nd political problems necessarily, have no direct or particular interest to the engineer. Many people seem to believe that although a problem <may be caused by technology, the people responsible for its recognition and solution are the politician or the “they” directly connected /
afrom the goals committee report, american society for engineering education as published in the jotirnal of engineering ed-
with the political system. The engineer’s role is simply that of the proverbial “good citizen” or, at most, that of an advisor to a politician (but the politician makes the first move to seek advice and to define its extent). ‘The idea that an engineer has no special responsibility for the socio-political decisions involved in technological changes ignores the fact that the engineer has a unique understanding of technology. , In fact, the converse is true - the engineer is in potentially the best position to predict the social implications of any given technological change. The engineer is of necessity involved at the first stages in the development of any technological “advance’ ’ . He can be involved in a project whose very existence may only be known to a few people and which may have farreaching consequences which only he can realize. So, it is the engineer’s respdnsibility to consider, from the outset any social consequences of his work. For example, twenty years ago there was very little public interest or work done on the problems of pollution. At that time, the engineer was in a position to realize the consequences of the pollution caused by industry but, as he had not been educated to even think about such things, the public was not aware of the problem and nothing was done to alleviate it. Because of this inaction, we are faced today with a crisis situation in pollution. It has become increasingly obvious that a change in attitude and orientation towards the “humanities and social sciences” is required on the part of the engineering profession in general, and engineering educators in particular. Indeed it is the large role that technology plays and has played in the development of our present society which primarily has necessitated this change. Yet the attitude of engineering educators, in general, has not caught up with the changes which have been wrought by their own profession. They regard the “humanities and social sciences” as a means by which the engineer may broaden his mind and develop interests “outside’-’ the profession. They also feel that any understanding of the social and political implications of the engineer’s work (if at all necessary) will be gained by the engineer through study on his own. As well, the meaning implied by the term “humanities and social sciences” is interpreted almost from a purely “classical” (aristocratic) point of view. R.S. Woodbury, professor of his,tory of technology at MIT, once wrote: “The study of the MIT courses in history and philosophy of science or of the history,of
ucation, 1968. This article was originally published in the McGill Daily, McGill university, Montreal. -
engigeering and economic history will not alone make our students educated scientists and engineers. They need also to be offered literature, music, fine arts, political and social history, ethics, even metap hysics ! ’ ’ While no one would deny that the study of the classical’humanities adds to a person’s educatidn, it is certainly another question altogether whether such study has any true relevance in producing a more- competent engineer. indeed, there is a general misconception that all that is t -required to l civi&‘ze” the engineer is to have him attend a fqw introductory c&uses given by the liberal arts faculty. Of course this
strategy has not been successful, basically because the liberal arts courses themselves have not adapted to the implications of technology in our present society and its effect on the human condition. So, from a practical viewpoint, these courses are, irrelevant to the engineer. As well, it is unfortunate that in general engineering faculties have not realized the fallacy of the liberal arts approach to the social part of engineering education, or having realized the” fallacy, have not -al- $ tered the curricula in a meaningful manner. ~ A new‘approach towards social studies
& Mike Novak
must be taken by engineering educators. This approach must be based upon the realization that the rapid growth of technology and its effects on our present society has forced a merging of the once-distinct and antithetical areas-the humanities and the applied sciences. The social scientists can no longer view society and the human condition without taking into account the dominating role played by technology and the technologist in the world today. Similarly, the engineer can no longer function in our society without analyzing the social and political implications of his work. Lynn White Jr., professor of history at UCLA, writes “The basic professional fact is that the individual engineer today is increasingly threatened with technical ’ obsolescence in proportion as he is not also a humanist”. Just as a graduating engineer who could not manipulate a slide-rule or-program a i computer’ would be considered inade-‘ quately trained, so an engineer who has not consideed his role in society or its effeet on-that society mustbe considered unprepared for his future work: The role of the engineer is expanding to such a large &ent that engineering educators *can no longer realistically ignore the -changing situation. ~
, ALL THAT was futile. I did not exist to write poems, to preach or to paint; neither I nor anyone else. All of that was incidental. Each man had only one genuine vocationto find the way to himself. He might end up as poet or madman, that was not his affair, ultimately it was of no concern. as prophet or criminalHis taskewas to- discover his own destiny-not an arbitrary one-and live it out, wholly and resolutely within himself. {Everything. else was only a would-be existence, an attempt at evasion,. a flight back to the ideals of the masses, con_ formity and fear of one’s own inwardness. The new vision rose up before me, glimpsed a hundred times, possibly even expressed before but now experienced for the first time-by me. I was an experiment on the part of nature, a gamble within the unknown perhaps for a new purpose, perhaps for nothing, and my ’ only task was to allow this game on the part of primeval depths to take its course, to feel its will within me and make it wholly mine. That or nothing! I
58 the Chevron-
by Hermann
Hesse ,
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- H - II
EY, MAN,” said Tim. “I feel like bopping around...just doing something. What do you want to do?” _ “What have you got?” “No, no. Like, I just want to play. You three people over there. Will you play with me?” ‘\ ._ 1) Sorry, Tim. I’ve got to study tonight. Play isn’t relevant. 2) What do you mean, play. The world is in one hell of a mess and you just want to play. That’s what got us in this mess, you know. People like you. Play isn’t relevant. Not now. 3) What’s the object of the game? What’s the purpose? Physical fitness? Developing mental skill and adeptness? What’s the purpose? There must be a purpose...otherwise it isn’t relevant! “‘Hey...look. I just want to play.” 1) Does it provide a balance with my academic life? 2) How does it relate to the world situation; to the revolution? Is it the correct line? 3) Do you really need to play? “I-&y...look. I don’t know what the purpose is or if it does this or that, man. I just want to,play. ” 1) Sometimes you have to give up your selfishness for what is best for you. 2) Sometimes you have to give up your selfishness for what is best for you. x 3) Sometimes you have to give up your selfishness for what is best for you. “What’s best for me? Can you tell me?” 1) Academic advancement for self betterment. 2) Social awareness and political post-action analysis.3) Understanding your needs and wants. L 1,2,3) You are a highly complex animal, Tim.,f A -: “Yes, but I am an animal with instincts as well as a brain.” 1) Rise beyond your instincts...learn to be master of your environment, learn to control your life. 2) Control your instincts...join with others for the common good and-betterment through group action. Five brains are better than one. 3) Learn to understand your instincts, know yourself. “Look.. .could we compromise? I’ll play now, then see how I was affected by environment, see how my actions affected others and see how I was bettered.” 1,2,3) That will never do. How do you know you won’t ruin the environment, hurt others or hurt yourself. You must be controlled ,_l). . .by_education. ’ 2). . . by others’ consent. _ 3) .,.by yourself. -“Don’t you trust me?” 1.2.3) No. 1) I will if you have a BA. 2) I will if you join with me. I 3) I will if you look hard at yourself, constantly., “It appears to me that you feel responsible for me? Why?” 1,2,3) Because you are. “That’s not enough. That’s not a good enough reason. There isn’t a good enough reason. ’ ’ l,2,3) Certainly there are reasons.. . 1) I’m learning the reasons. 2) The people decide the reasons. 3) You must decide the reasons. 1) Nixon is right. 2) Nixon is wrong. I 3) Nixon is wrong and right. “Nixon is.” 1,2,3) That’s not enough. . “Why does it mean so much to you what I think?” 1) I have to work with you. ‘2) You have to join with us. ,I 3) I am here to help you know yourself. \ “Leave me alone ! ” I _1,2,3) We can’t. You exist. “Pretend I don’t.” / 1,2,3) But you do. “How do you know?” 1,2,3) Oh,. come on now. “That’s no answer?” 1,2,3) That’s no question. t‘Oh..-.okay...” 1,2,3) Hey.. .where are you going? “To play...” 1,2,3) With who.. .how? Are you crazy? Didn’t any of us get through to you at all? “Yes. YOU finally taught me never to tell anyone what I’m doing and never to ask if they want to. You finally taught me to just do it.” 1) Wow, are you a prick. 2) Wow, are you dangerous. I 3) Wow, are you fucked-up. “V. 77 -t by Brui
Steele 1970
the chevtin
member: qanadian university press (CUP) and underground press syndicate (UPS): subscribet-: liberation news service (LNS) and chevron international news service (GINS): published fiftytwo times a year (1970-71) on tuesdays and fridays by the publications board of the federation of students, incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation and the university administration; offices in the people’s campus center; phone (519) 578-7070 or university local 3443; telex 0295-748; summer circulation 8,500; Alex Smith, editor. The Chevron will pay $15 to anyone who correctly identifies before 5 pm thursday, june 18, from what novel the following passage is taken: “Of course there are personal differences, but they’re the kind that they’d have with the neighbour next door, or the man down the street with the kids that pick their noses; they have nothing at all to do with the frontier line that runs between her apple trees and their apple trees, between her potatoes and their potatoes, between her narrow peep-hole on the world and theirs.” No, its not a puton, its for real: fifteen bucks to the one who knows. There are some credits I should mention for the back p”age which I didn’t want to put on the page itself, thereby screwing up the lovely design (7): photographs courtesy Alan Aldridge associates, the quotation, surprisingly enough, is from an advertisement for Elektra records. You will notice there is no ss inquisition this week. Sad, yes, but quite a few .circumstances conspired to force such a situation upon us. Hopefully there will be another next week. Questions’you might ask someone imp’ortant the next time you run into him in the sauna: *why has nothing been said about the proposed co,-ed residence policy for village 27 “why should the federal government want to initiate no-smoking campaigns when the exise taxes paid by the one Imperial tobacco plant in Guelph alone amount to over $45,006,b00 annually? *why do the furry freaks win all their baseball games? *why did B,ruce Steele submit his resignation as head of Radio Waterloo, effective june 307 *why is it that sometimes we get the/elevator, but most often get the shaft? *why? And now its time to say goodnight. .. news: bob epp . _ entertainment: ross bell photo: john nelson features: rats jock this week: dennis mcgann stan simister, kathy dorschner (ever since she was a little girl she’s wanted to be a teacher) arno schortinghuis, Steve izma, gary robins, brian iler and brute meharg, who dropped in and blessed us all. Actually, Saxe was here too at one point, passing through on his way to Vancouver. I’m going home this week-end for my brother’s 21st birthday the old man is going to take us out somewhere la-dee-da for dinner. I’m sorry, but I’m in the mood right now to be decadent and bourgeois. Anyway, it’s free. Enough.
12 june
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. the Chevron