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11 number







26 june






B6ciid kestructwed in tense debate ’ by Alex Smith Chevron staff

The University’s board has announced it has hired the local firm of Lobban Lagubmments Limited to carry out last-minute. touch-up work on the university’s new presidential home, which wjll welcome its first inhabitants-early in august, bne month after Burt Matthews becomes our new President (Permanent). The home, on Kitchener’s ultra-exclusive Westgate Walk was purchased for-see Maudie s column, page 5. ’ --. c-

Adore research

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OTTAWA (CUP )--The LeDain of 100 dollars. drug commission interim report ., The tone of the whole report tabled friday june 19 in the house is summed up in its introduction of commons, calls for the replacewhich reads, “One thing is clear : ment of jail sentences for drug our society is very heavily inA possession with maximum fines volved in non-medical drug use of all kinds. It would therefore be unrealistic to condemn it allin principle. We drink coffee and This weekend- will mark the tea, smoke cigarets, drink alcohol, take tranquilizers and pep pills. beginning of a telephone service for the community which will As adults, we are constantly operate like the university’s hisetting an example of non-medline. ical drug use to our children. The Kitchener-Waterloo distress From infancy we are conditioned center operates under the name to think that there is a pharmaHELP and is sponsored by the ceutical cure for every ailment. Canadian mental health associaThe full resources of modern tion. The group of community advertising are used to reinforce volunteers plan to open up a place the reliance on drugs of all kinds.” The report doesn’t recommend - shortly that will be similar to the rap room. legalization of marijuana however, HELP is prepareg to offer their instead calling for more research. assistance to people:with any sort As-an inter,im measure,, “no one of problem and are in contact should be liable to imprison‘with professionals and organizament for simple possession of a , tions that can be of help in parpsychotropic drug for non-mediticular problems. Their own cal purposes. ” staff will talk to people in person Psychotropic, meaning mindif they so-prefer. altering, covers all drugs used Their advertising explains that illegally including speed (methamphetamine) and heroin. they offer t’confidential listening to any problems. ” Health Minister John Munro They will begin operating only agreed that jail terms for marion weekends and will extend their juana possession should be ended, hours throughout the week as soon but did not want to extend the as they are able. HELP is open same leniency to hashish or, other weekends from 5 p.m. friday to drugs. He said that- legislation 8 a.m. monday and the number is replacing graduated fines for jail 745-1166. terms under marijuana possess-


In a rambling, often voluble four-hour meeting last monday night, the campus’ center board approved broad steps toward complete reorganiza tion and possible .wide policy changes. The board was responding. to the forced intentions of the federation of students which last week replaced all ninestudent members. Among measures adopted was one which overturned the previous board’s decision that Modern cleaners be awarded a cleaning contract. Explaining his motion, new board member and former president of the Canadian union of students, ’ Peter Warrian, stated the motion should be passed be&se Modern does not employ union labor. (A sub-committee formed’ to investigate the ramifications of cancelling the contract-already signed by the university-has since heard university officials promise to revise their .own j,anitorial department bid for the cleaning contract. Its original bid of $35,OQO was higher than ‘Modern’s and apparently based on estimates which deliberately did not meet the university’s “normal standards of cleanliness”. did not say why. Spokesmen Modern cleans six other buildings on campus and pays an average

ion should be ready before christmas. Possession ‘of any drug, the report proposes, should be subject to a maximum fine of 100 dollars. ‘Further, it asks that offenders should not be jailed for non-payment of fines but should be subject to civil proceedings for nonpayment. Trafficking marijuana, were the report accepted, would be punishable to a maximum of 18 months, rather than the life imprisonment maximums now POSsible. The commission ‘also blames police for exaggerating the dangers involved in using marijuana and hashish, and contributing to hysterical attitudes against the drugs. It also asserts that it was unable to unearth the “document-s ed” evidence cited by the RCMP in support of its contention that use of marijuana leads to str‘onger drugs such as heroin, or to crimin: al activity. j Police were also criticized for their use of entrapment and violence to obtain evidence. RCMP plainclothesmen, the report states, have asked young people to obtain drugs for them, and later charged the youths withtrafficking. -PC. Leader ~Robert Stanfield has already indicated support of the recommendations, while many Liberal cabinet ministers are opposed.

of $1,500 less per man yearly than the unionized university labor force.,) ’ Increased turnkey participation in pglicy-making was made official by giving turnkeys equal representation with/board members on re-organizedstaff (hiring and firing ) , operations and_ program committees. (There has been much criticism of federation president Larry Burko’s action ’ in replacing student reps from ousted &urnkey-board members who felt, their program policies to encourage more student use of the building were identical to Burko?s proposals for regular speakers’ tours, movies and dances, and would have eventually been implemented. A major point of contention here was that some board members claimed . they had approached the federation board of student activities for money to run programs but that the federation had either claimed such money had to come from the administration or had : ignored,the requests. Burko denied the charge. As it was, most activities other than standard services were BSA-sponsored. The center’s own program budget ..was.$3,000. ) Considerable discussion center-> ed on new board members’ attempt to change the title and status of the center “manager” to that of “secretary”. According to some members, the concentration of power and resporrsibility in the hands of one person-either by design or by necessity-has been a major factor in what new board members felt was a growing lack of democracy in decision-making and increasing level of bureaucracy in day-to-day center activities. The revised staff committee was requested to clarify a job description and status for the post. (The present salary of the cemter‘s “manager-secretary” is $6,084 and is contingent upon final job description recommendations by the board. Personnel offici&ls stated that if “manager” status was advised, an - upper-middle category 10 or 11 salary-about $8,300-would be appropriate. New board members have complained the previous board was about to change the job de.scription in order to give present “manager” Carol Tuchlinsky a large raise. Other members cautioned that changing the description solely to keep the salary down was just as unadvisable. 1 The most interesting part of the meeting occurred/ when history alumnus Larry Caesar, observing the meeting, claimed what had split students concerned with the board was pressure from the “big boys upstairs” who had used alleged dope smokingon the premises to threaten closing the building. He claimed Burko’s move was “good theater“ because it would “get students back together to work against the real enemiesthe people with the goddamn power.”



$he -Univ&sit$of .Wate&o ani -y clqde deG<ner , Buckmi.nstcp Fuller f,ro>& the uriiirkrsity , of tl$ ‘federal gov&m&nt -’qiil doSouthern fllinois ‘&hd has deceivedspdnsoq- -an international -confer: fnany, sp’ecitil awai-ds, for hi,i . *enok (m-computer design of hospi.; \cofitributions t@ architecture tind ‘tals atid h?alth facilities ‘inOt&wa -_ . planning. ’ : . et is veek..i . ,.” J T ’ It is hoped ‘that the Conference will P Qiir 06 ‘Burt Matthews will’ establish redommendatiohs delitr&i the _dp&$xig address to for/’ the federal department of . / thee - dblega t&s ; many. of,’ wh6ti&+.&h to use in setting up’a ppm’o-are university officials and archi, ‘gram utili@ng computer9 to imtects,> erove hospital designs. ‘- ‘Dktineuished ’ guests will in-

, I

._ minimum . ist ,who ’ will :.provide. j disturbgnce at nig.hts. enteifaining k i; Srr&~l progressive s‘chbol’ in Water-’ the” hoi pol!oi. Coniact %%t-’ for , -lo,o-’ in op’eration 1 year,‘” chiidren Ghelph.- , ~(1Ireservations.; y’’ cal! ,a&+s 6 to I,2 now qticeptinb a@pli822-$16iO-after 5pm. , . ( cations r- September :’ 1.970. _ Mathe1 _I iskills .Yat ma&al and. language Beautiful women, oier 30 yanted public school irade levels, w7di- ’ for mar’sion . Comad‘t Peter CoJoke, ’ -vidtial: work , with resource people . T600 Eagle N. Preston. Experience in areas of;:;!pt&rest, developinlent necessary. 9 ’ of +lf-motivation apd sen?e of corn- ,Co-op has ro’&ms by day 6r wtkk munj;ty de&d end&\ For iriforinatio.6 vyi?h or ._yithout meals. ,Make G7R-A73-7 _ arrangements. 743:4083. , ’ , -xc. ; , rent free ;>cornet -in Fi’rst ’ ‘$,olith .6.1 _MGA,‘.$37,~,,-s$ti$~;..,,?‘check. hi- I’ Phpne- Y * & 646 5ilverbi;rch I ?$,5-24$2 3,, I : --_r f I (’ \ I j&id $&pecf,“EO2 “:: ‘:‘,,, $-$@rn,.; &&&rie_ ’ yil!age, ;&J/a&r: Road, log@),, .I 300, Abstin American. excel-’ ’ loo,. -‘New ‘$~o bedrpom: apa;tm,mtS For. 1 inform,qtion -, lent. . qondi’$on, .!? . modern . 8 TLlnif ’ <apartment : 1576-9074 aker.%pm. ’ r_buildina. $149 rent incltides appljsaver, :- .m ” ,cable “TV’ grid _-all “utilitiek -oak.- *desk space antes, \ an%qeei oak kit-dhen tible, .2 -?jook ma&d coupleS ‘on1.y. Day% 745‘radio - ,4 p.ew, transistor ‘1 3\08; eve!fiir$s 744-l 0331 tybevvri.ter. I’BM ;‘: %&cjric -I- _--. a-..1 /1‘,- 745- 5 154.. P&PS’O+


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$&na hear troiley. $45. ,578-767 . kit&@ ,.‘,f$zil@, ‘g$$.&ir$” ,m, accomm”odation ’ gi” incjuded . in r+jolqy i3aseme’nt .ste@ > etc. . b&hsj 1_share, single rrbeds,.. sitting ’ t-t ‘-tujtiQn- . fee.” ‘(S’haie” four .1 frig, w‘ashrosl 3nd sauna. ‘I rangebte, s@,ti m-kg . ’ _pool ?. to ,U’nive,rsity’ .- prq- - $s; Lakeshqre . VjHagT rc Tr~~~&-&ion -. , ; .vided -*‘&ch ’ mdrning afiet 1.1 ;OO- .. (7441 I-7-05. Thiee room apartment VI Only minutes ‘td sch6ol’ al&g W.&t,and augu Will be+> sharing<’ hou.se roqm, - induntI’ WY ‘leader of ‘, corn-. reesonqble rent: 84 Simec I with upstanding elitd, a #. munity; humble . God-fearing. 743-5388.’ j- ’


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On june 18, Howiepetch, president protem approved a grant of $1200 to Andy Tamas of Integrated Studies to make a film about the The trouble-plagued department. film will be used to help promote the department to prospective students, as well as explain what the new program is all about, from the students point of view. Tamas ‘said he conceived the idea for the film because of the difficulties the students have been having with administration.. “In our meetings with the inter-faculty council, we find that we cannot present our ideas in a coherent manner because we are constantly cut off after a few phrases. Through the film, we hope to force them to sit down for fifteen minutes and listen to what we ,have to r say.” Several students have expressed frustration with the interfaculty council, the senate committee responsible for the unit, because the- council has refused to make decisions on many student proposals. The council has reserved judgement on new resource people



for the unit, a budget for next year which was drawn up by the students, and admitting new students for the fall. During meetings between the council and the students, an admissions criteria committee* was established, consisting of two stu,dents, two faculty and the registrar. Stan Johansson, history and Ken Woolner, physics, were appointed faculty reps, and Tamas and Ross Bell are the students on the committee. The committee met on june 16 and the students said they would begin interviewing applicants on june 22. The interviewing committee is formed from a pool of I.S. students who are available for the summer. There are about 250 applicants, with 20-30 spaces available in the ’ unit. The students are trying to negotiate some form of payment for the students doing the interviewing. This was first proposed some time ago, but like many of the students’ proposals, no decision was made by the inter-faculty council.


The student loans committee has completed a first draft of a brief to the provincial government and decided in its monday’s meeting to publish the draft for comment from the student body.

Text Ff the university of Waterloo report can be found on pages 6 & 7. z The brief, prepared by Leo Albert Dejeet and Johnson, George Chapell, is a response to the Ontario report on financial Cook-Stager assistance, the report. Recent recommendations by a subcommittee for the nationwide council of ministers of education, based on the same ideas as in this report, was endorsed by the ministers over the weekend. These reports suggest a restructuring of university student financing similar to U.S. procedures. The proposed educational opportunities bank would mean that students would repay the full costs of their education by a tax surcharge over 15 years. AS the brief was read at monday’s meeting, some questions previously discussed were again asked. Ken Fryer wanted grants restricted to those in good aca-

-MONTREAL (CUP )-The board of governors at Sir George Williams university will consider. readmitting some students who were suspended in connection with the destruction of the -yniversity’s computer centre february 11,1969. Under the terms of the resolution passed last week, students

This is a filler The Typit division of Mechanical enterprises incorporated of Virginia recently announced an outstanding contribution to the cause of world peace and har0. 1 mony. _ Yes, now you, too, can have the peace symbol added-for a small extra , charge-to your typewriter and can use it, as their press release expounds “in your correspondence, on your envelopes and on club newsletters and handbills.” No doubt _ the Typit organization fits-the symbol right next to the dollar sign.

this week.from

demic standing. Albert Dejeet pointed out some reasons against such a proposal. “A person suffering from illness or who was in the wrong *course would be penalized under such a system,” he said. The report included the proposition that students of lower classes are being discriminated against, first in high school by their teachers and later in the awards program. Fryer also disagreed with this point. Original abuse of the indepen-dence elause of the awards program has apparently resulted in the present stringent rulings. Leo Johnson wanted to know why there was not more prosecution of offenders if the leans were being misused. Dejeet said that prosecution was almost impossible because the government could not decide whether the c provincial or federal governments should prosecute. The brief went on to discuss present problems with the awards systems and p-ecommen-dations to solve these problems. The brief also criticized the Cook-Stager report as lacking objectivity and the adequate research to support its extreme conclusions. ,

Possible re-admission for Sir George fifteen

The campus center b’oard takes a vpte in monday’s meeting. The board with its new student reps passed several motions designed to redistribute decision making powers to committees and get plans for speakers, dances, movies immediately under way. .

.’ 1

who have been acquitted, convicted with no further charges pending, or were juveniles at the time of the incident, may be reconsidered. . Less than 15 of the 87 students charged are eligible at present. The Sir George board of governors had laid a total of 1044 charges against the students, following the student occupation of the university’s computer centre as a protest against racism in the university. I y Only 50 of the charges have been heard in the 16 months since the arrests, and only nine of these have been upheld. ._. Seventy-five of the accused have not yet been tried. Any student who now pleads guilty. to all charges, against him and is fined, will be eligible for reconsideration. “The university wants to make it very clear tha,t it is not trying to force the students to plead guic Sheldon, asty,” said Michael sistant to the principal.




ElOfU by Jay Thompson



rising water to a height of twenty-six feet along the stately limestone walls which now measure up to forty feet. And, since sticks, twigs, branches and various other vegetation would clog the all important water gate of the dam, it is necessary for them to clear the section of the gorge that is to be flooded, of all its natural growth. FAMILIAR?

Once again the K-W field naturalists have shown that there are alternative sites for the dam. To simply move the construction down river several miles would solve the problem and save the gorge. But some records never change. The Grand River conservation authority has already spent ten thousand dollars drawing up plans for the dam at the projected site. There is just no way they are going to throw that money down the Elora rapids to blueprint another set of plans. They would, rather wash out the entire gorge than spend another inflationary penny on planning. “Besides,” they argue, “the flooding of the gorge will have benefits of its own. There will be- water for boating, swimming and fishing.” They also claim that the water surface will allow _ people to get closer to the rock cliffs for inspection. It wasn’t added that they would see twenty-six feet less of them or that many persons went to thegorge to examine species of vegetation peculiar to it. On the other hand, the peaceful whining of motor .. boats polluting reservoir water does offer compensations of its own.

’ -

The first threat is a projected highway to the Bruce Penninsula which will span the gorge-at its most scenic spot, the point where the Grand and the Irvine rivers join. This threat, to be realized within the next year or so, came to the attention of a small organization, the Kitchener- Wa terloo field naturalists, several years ago. They have since spent much time and energy to studythe proposal and have come away with an all ternative route for the highway that offers more advantages than does the now proposed highway. By moving it several miles to the east it would not only by-pass Elora, it would also serve Fergus which, in the next several years, will have to con-‘ struct a by-pass itself. AESTHETIC



Progress is saving forty-five minutes driving up to the Bruce Peninsula. Progress is flooding out the lower two-thirds of a natural beauty spot although alternatives are available. Progress means ruthless and wanton despoilation of an oasis of nature. Progress meansthe end of the.Elora Gorge. Or is it progress? Could it be simple selfishness on behalf of those- responsible for the projected steps to be taken that will rob thousands, hundreds of thousands even, of the pure beauty and splendor of this southern Ontario naturalist haven? _ Strangely enough; little has been written or said_ by the local news media about the double pronged threat that is promising to devastate the Elora \ Gorge. BRIDGE





Wellington county, the organization responsible, has not&en impressed with the alternative. 7 The bridge, they claim, is aesthetic and a completed model of it is now on display in Guelph. (Those who have never seen an aesthetic bridge are presumably welcome to view it). Further, they add, the view of the gorge’s river fork from the bridge will be nothing short of magnificent. “At sixty miles an hour?” asked one incredulous member, from the K-WField naturalists. Wellington county authorities were unaffected. Perhaps scenic look-outs could be constructed at ‘the ends of the bridge. There was even the suggestion of having restaurants. That way people ,could enjoy the gorge’s true natural beauty while drinking coffee and eating a paper cup full of french c, fries. It would almost seem, then, that Wellington county has every%ing under control. Aesthetic bridge, scenic look-out, just a touch of commercialism, waste baskets and “Pleas@ Do Not Litter” signs. They aren’t worried about the beauty of the spot. Why should area residents be. Everything will be ( just fine. Yessir, just fine.

For those who have not seen the Elora Gorge there may be some confusion as to why anyone “aside from field naturalists and a few residents from Elora and Kitchener” would become excited I about the proposed desecrations. -. However, Wellington county, the Grand River conservation authority, and the Ontario government, who is so kindly footing approximately twothirds of the bills to carry on the proposed butchery, to the contrary, the gorge is a concern of the residents of Ontario, attracting people /from all over the province and even further. It is one of the few spots in southern Ontario still in its original form, as breathtaking today as it was in the mid-seventeenth century when the Jesuit fathers described the wonder and beauty of their discovery in the Relations. The gorge is also an unique geological feature of I southern Ontario, having two rivers meet in solid limestone, second in depth only to the mighty . Niagara gorge. Some of its vegetation is kpwn ;o the area only as it is found in the gorge. Wildlife, in its natural state, still exists although it is being threatened even without flooding. With flooding, more than the now extinct red fox will be lost.

A WASHO,UT The second threat


for the projected er up, flooding

is even more dangerous. A dam Montrose reservoir will back wattwo-thirds - of the gorge itself, -,



IT _


are taken


this pro--

/‘ * continued

on page 4



26 june

1970 (17:7)




+ from page-3

tampering” will’ ruin the last posed “ecological strpnghold of nature in this area. According to the authorities nobody outside’ of Elora is concerned with their assault on the gorge, and, obviously it is above their dignity to respect the wishes of the local residents. Secure in their smugness, they have stated that unless it can be demonstrated that people other than those in Elora are inter.ested, “we will not’ consider changing the proposed plans.” Even people as close as Kitchener, they have indicated, probably do not care.


u/l around

The field naturalists of Kitchener-Waterloo know otherwise. Wildlife of the gorge has attracted naturalists from across Canada. The obvious answer, then, is to communicate to the authorities that they ,aren’t as isolated in their ivory committee rooms as they would have one believe. For this purpose the K-W field naturalists have asked for help. They are asking for letters of protest against the proposed by-pass and flooding. to be mailed to themselves at: The Conservation Committee , for K-W Field Naturalists, 188 Lester St., Apt. 7B Waterloo, Ontario. Another means of support is to contact the Pollution Probe office (744-61111, ext. 3780 1 and volunteer to-aid with their summer project. This will consist of patrolling the entrance of the gorge to ascertain how many people visit the gorge, where these people come from and getting names B on petitions to save the gorge. ’ Support the gorge by calling us now.



TODAY Practice for Uniwat Cricket Club. 6:30pm Columbia field. A Dance with the Ohio Express in concert in Seagram for Gym only 5Oa: with a U of W ID card or $1.25 without. 9pm.

* ’

BSA Films. 8pm AL1 16.

T ‘WAS‘A cool, cloudy Sunday tects could never be as beautiful afternoon in downtown Toronto; as nature’s plans. -the heart of Chinatown, more An old woman fell in the crowd, widely known as Nathan Phillips her head thumping against the Square. A young jamaican singer pavement. Her bundle of \papers, stood in front of an orchestra on a rain-hat and an old cellophaned 3 stage, telling the story 01 his sandwich were crushed beneath country. Too bad most of the her. Her clothes were old, her people there.were not more fluent grey hair matted and dirty. The in english,,they missed a lot of his shoes she wore were the only act. things new, but seemingly under“Toronto International Cara- sized. Jan” spoke posters of bright red. A. man came to her rescue; Very good, entertainment as well many scurried away. Even I was 3s culturation. Hooray for the reluctant to- get involved as I man responsible for this one. w_atched the whole thing before Looking around, I saw people me. She might die. What? If many-. nationalities milling The singer cried “If I had the around. Most of them were Chinwings of a dove,” and many smilzse, several Italians and a few ed, many gazed on not undernorth american-looking people. standing, a few were shaken by All of them, smiling, encompass’ the collapse of a dirty old lady. ed by a concrete jungle, and yet , “Anyone got a blanket?” asked they still smiled. the man at her side. No. I wondered where the birds “I’m all right,” came the whimwere, the trees--far away I told per from the old woman, as she myself. I guess it would be uice reached for the camera cord if this were a grass field, with around the man’s neck. He pulled trees and birds. Yes, this mon- away and she went into her shirt ument to city planhers and archifor a multi-colored handkerchief,



TUESDAY BSA Pub 8:3Opm campus center pub. WEDNESDAY Practice for Uniwat Cricket Club’. 6:3Opm’ Columbia field. THURSDAY BSA Films. 8pm AL1 16.




offering it to the man’s wife. “No, you hold on to that,” came the wife’s gentle remark. “Okay,” replied the weakenec old lady. Somebody really cares, really! This wretched old woman, ob. viously alone in the crowd, walr not alone, at least not one hundrec percent alone, I thought. “We’ll be back tonight at seven thirty for another set, so come on out and have a good time,” echoed the singer from the stage. A pleasant sunday afternoon in the big city. I’m sure a good time was had by all, that is, exempting one dirty old lady, and the group of people who ran away and allowed their consciences ta bother them-for the rest of the day


by Peter Desroc~es Chevron staff

Monday July 6 Pub , L















Tuesday July 7 Pub-dance Folk’Concert






of ramn) 4:30pm c*soc%(-


k “,’


, Semkformal



$4 couple



Race 1Pnoon k offlees




\ .

ball, prises) 50~ ’ _ . -. Mederateon members with UotW ID card * non-members advance tickets available In the federation office or by mall sorry only one ticket per Id sponsored, by fe,deratlon of students and eng sot unwersmty of Waterloo 744-6111 ext 2405 1 , ’


76 the Chevron



feedbackco”cise= Free church is good idea Hi People: Just got back from Amerika. The Free Church Has a crashing system set up. There$ a list of people with places and a place for people’who .need a bed for one or two nights to go and announce themselves. The Free Church people put the two groups of, people together. There are only a few rules or common courtesy things to do, mostly about dope. I don’t knowdwhat happens if you blow it--except that you might get yourself and your host busted. It occurred to me that a similar set-up could be started .here. We could learn from the mistakes already made by the Free Church. If anyone is interested in helping in any way, write to Charlotte,a c/o the chevron,, or phone Bonnie, 7446111, ext. 3636. Peace, CHARLOTTE VON BEZOLD India is whipping boy for population growth I have just finished readingyour article on “Defusing the population bomb”. It seems that whenever the subject of population is raised, India for .obvious reasons is the favorite whipping boy. Statements like “India.....resisted attempts to limit their population growth. “India...,is fighting its use (the pill), thru channels both official and unofficial” in contrast to the supposedly progressive attitudes of the western societies, seem to reflect a smug and arrogant attitude -on the part of these countries and glosses over’ a few essential facts. l India is one of the first countries to institute a special ministry

I have had a startling revelation recently. Several of you, no doubt, buy your milk in the three quart plastic jugs. You are also well aware that a‘ forty cent deposit is required on the jugs, too. Well of course you get that ‘back when you buy your next jug. So you really don’t get it back. _i-The milk people keep it. Do you think that the jugs cost jr them forty cents. I don’t. I think that we havelbeen duped into giving the milk people a forty cent investment. Take that forty cents, and multiply it by the number of jugs in circulation, and the dairies have been given an awful lot of capital to get rich with. Much like buying shares in the company. Only in this instance they .don’t have to pay back any dividends and other capitalist stuff. * * * * And while we’re seething with anger at the food industry, jI thought I would tell you that I have applied my mathematical mind to the trading stamp joke being played by Zehr% grocery stores. It takes about one hundred and fifty dollars worth of groceries to get enough stamps to fill one book. One of the “gifts” for filling one book is a rubber mat. This mat retails in several stores f& about one dollar. Employing normal mark-up ratios backwards, it becomes apparent that the mat

letters to feedback, the Chevron, U of W. Be The Chevron reserves the right to shorten letters. Letters must be typed on a 32 character line. For legal reasons, letters must be signed with course year and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason.

for population control (not growth by the way) headed by a demographic expert! Neither United States nor Canada has an official body responsible for population control even today. I fail to see how they are preparing to set “zero pop growth” as their objective.’ ’ ’ ’ 0 Indians have no institutionalized prejudice, religious or otherwise. against the practice of artificial birth control, contrary to popular’ belief in western societies. This stands in sharp contrast to the belief of Catholics who have yet to receive official dispensation from the pope on such practices. ’ l It is true that western countries have a falling birth rate, but this is more a result of industrialization, urban living and greater prosperity than a consequence ,of official attempts. In India, the greater percentage of people are not using artificial birth control, not because they have prejudices against its use, but partly because as a result of a circular argument which has more to do with -economic considerations, than with birth control itself. India has many problems most of which are compounded by population growth, and it certainly needs people who can critically study these problems, and provide solutions. What it does not need is shrill and strident criticism based on misinformation and a smug attitude of superiority. K. VEPA civil grad We should take a lo+ at our big new home... \ High boys and girls Guess what; the administration has done it again! You, me and the board of governors own ourselves

only costs about sixty cents *wholesale. IAf ter some algebraic compu tations we are left with the conclusion that the trading stamps offer a return of forty cents on every one hundred dollars. My heavens, they’re generous. I think we could all raise our returns if we saved our stamps for a while, then took them back to the store and glued them to the windows. What fun it could be watching some member of the “goon squad” (stock boy) scraping them off and cursing the stamps all the while. I was going to try to avoid dickering , about ‘our presidentelect’s new house, . but I can’t stop myself. As another member of the same university community as Burt is, I feel that the board of governors also has a responsibility to proA vide me with a house. It has to be provided for entertaining. I also entertain my friends. It was really nice of Burt to let everybody -know the type of‘person he is before he got here. It saves a lot of dinking about wondering if he might be a nice guy. Have fun keeping your lawn green fella, I think you might have trouble. The final price, according to a university official, was $185,000. * * * * Have you written a letter to the editor lately? Do it. Now.

a piw new home. secured for the university president at a cost of 130,000 (That’s the lowest estimate I’ve heard so far.) It’s rumoured to have cost much in excess of this figure. Nice rumours eh; B&et? i-r’ .I, i.. I% In rea.lity rf’~~$~“~‘lot of 3obs for janitors, a lot of raises for everyone, but will allow%milin’ Burt to hobknob with:“Da&s. Motz and the other fridhil~‘o~‘t~~‘~eop;le who’ run this school. NOW I’m just an ignorant freak but it seems to me that maybe it’s time for all the brothers and sisters from the staff faculty and students to come together and visit our new property and see if it’s worth the bread. Maybe if smilin’ Burt is home he mightexplain to us outside agitators and cynics some of the reasons why he nee-ds this house?” If any of you people think this is a cool idea, you could drop over to the campus centre on Monday 29 at 7 :30 and discuss plans for the first annual w&gate walk july first festival of joy! yours in peace freedom and adultery. larry Caesar b.a., m.f. Don’t knock the big races; they keep the ship afloat Regarding Steve Izma’s report on the Mosport Can-Am in the june 19 issue, he says that the crowds attending the exciting amateur races are far too small. The organisers of professional races shouldn’t be castigated for beating their promotional drums to attract a large crowd. Mosport would go out of business in a very short time if it did- not hold one or two big races each year so they could stay financially solvent. Since Harewood is going to become an oil refinery next year what would happen to-his amateur racing if Mosport went out of business? The racing facts oflife are that you race to win. Usually that means finding a ‘faster more durable car. Unfortunately this costs money. The result is pro races. : APN. OTHER math lb Wish city council would groove to rock groups If the city fathers of K-W are really concerned with the desires of the areas youth they should follow M4M’s lead in the field of free pop concerts. Now that school is finished kids are harp pressed to find things to occupy their time. These free concerts cost very little; a recent one on Center Island in Toronto cost about $20. for a whole afternoon. But it shouldn’t be up to small independent groups to finance these happenings out of their own pocket. That’s what people pay taxes for. I’m sure the town recreation commission could find a few hundred dollars that isn’t meant for graft to entertain a few thousand kinds for a summer. IMAFAN

Sllp’THCONTROL CENTER i 7-9 p,.m. ,

Waterloo’s George Neeland answers the skill testing question that won him a trip to Edinborough, Scotland next month.

wcmrriofs tops at trials Waterloo’s George Neeland sped to victory in the sprint hurdles last weekend. Competing in the british commonwealth games trials in Hamilton, Neeland won the event in 14.2 ‘sec. tying his own Canadian record. This win places George on *the’ Canadian team travelling to Edinborough next month; he will also compete in Italy at the world student games prior to his return on campus this fall. Neeland is a third year arts student atUniwat. A native of Thornhill, Neeland was the Ontario high school champion twice and is the present canadian champion in this event. George’s international experience includes the pan american games in ‘1967’ and the pan pacific games, 1970. Last summer saw our swift Warrior claim the gold medal at the Halifax summer games. The 1972 Olympics will be the peak of Neeland’s career, and within a few years of that Olympiad, George plans to retire as a competitor and ‘go into track coaching. In Neeland’s estimation, there are at least six present Warriors capable of making Canada’s national team within the next year. Last weekend’s meet also- saw

other w,arrior top performances. Graduates Bob Findlay (5000 mt. ) and Andy Boychuck (marathon f also placed on’ the team. Third place in the javelin and fifth in the triple jump went to U. of W.‘s trackmen, Glen Arbeau and Bill Lindley respectively.

lntfcamufuls In the game of the week, Dooner‘s (b-ball) Dunker’s wiped out St. Paul’s 137 - 22. Al Haehn and R. McKewan were top dunkers with 26 and 36 points respectively. Meanwhile, Hoseks Holocosts upset the previously unbeaten Chinese students in a low scoring game. . The ’ men’s volleyball circuit saw the Bagbitters, Czech Students and Kin. 4A turn in victories. To date, the Czech students remain the only unbeaten squad. Uniwat‘s Cricket Club lost a close match to the Waterloo team 154 runs to 135. N. Ansari stroked 54 fine runs for the losers and Maulton Fabien’s pace bowling gained him three wickets for 34 runs. Fabien also shone as a batsman earning 32 runs. Uniwatis next outing will be at Guelph Uni’ versity on June 27.

EECHWOOD AREA mes priced.frorb



on wedneschys Campus Center rm. 206

wy. 8 opposite friday

K-Mart) 26 june

1970 (11:7)





_* .-



j the

accepts responsibiijty for all et-rat-s and omissi,ons. .’ These peopk urge all students to ca’reft;lly consider iheir recommendations before a final draft is forwarded’ to- Ottawa?. -in about- ten’ ,days. Comments from the university should be

. .

” DlJCATION MINISTER William Davis, in the While the problem of the_failure of lower-income &its too mutihj _.-. , 1967 annual report of his department, express--children to reach university must generally remain ’ / ed what must be the primary aim oEany a& outside this studv. deer, concern* must be ex, Another major area of concern regarding POSAP \ l Combine both go1 arises when the argument is advanced by provinceptabl& undergraduate financial aid programme. - pressed that this &diti$h not be- allowed to consity and student into a cial authorities that POSAP costs too much. ’ - _ In introducing the new POSAP- financing plan Mr. ’ tinue indefinitely. subject the whole pack In addition to the $2.1 million of grants received Davis said that it was intended “to establish an im, In order not to ‘exacerbate this situation care recognizes the real costs under POSAP, and $1.9 million of portant principle in that’ a student admitted to a must be taken to establish financing program which . by students l Allow a higher le loans, (these .are .Waterloo figures only), a much full-time program at an eligible institution could ameliorate or remove existing financial barriers larger subsidy-the direct operating grants receiv ’ $1500 a year),’ but based apply for an award regardless of his level of’acawhere they do appear. Since most decisions to en-. the abuses of re-inves made on behalf of all’ demic achievement.” . -, I -ter university apparently are made long before the B ed by the university-was loan component shouldundergraduates. ‘Clearly, in ‘the spirit-of this statement; modificastudent reaches grade J3,’ postsecond8ry aid proof a student’s income F These grants range from approximately’$950 for tions of or%mendments to student aid programmes., ‘gram must appear sufficiently attractive; accesies or to meetemergenc must not depart from this basic concept. first year students to $2500 for upper year optomsible and simple so able students from lower inIf a greater dependel On- the other hand, it is quite-conceivable that ,etry students. come families are not discouraged from entering sired by the lending agt The average direct grant for undergraduates at numerous and substantive alterations. in the-aims, .high school program-capable of leading to post occur only in third and %.,.,.secondary study;. the university equals about $2000 per student-a’ methods, and administration of student aid might $.--. ? graduate program and 1 i ‘. total of about 20 millions’ in all. This subsidy is not, be made provided that this lfundamental principle tion of the first recomm . however, subjected to a means test-procedure as is adhered to. . 1 l - Introduce a more POSAP at Watekloo . . are’the much smaller POSAP grants. -, Partidularly relevant . . criteria in addition to the true costs .of parental , Moreover the direct capital grants (representing’ -, As far as POSAP’s .effectiveness within the uni.. above principle include: subsidize studc 95 percent of all the cost of buildings) are also a ) abilityto is concerned, several major l RemoCe scholars1 % the ability and willingness of society to grant --. versity ~of Waterloo subsidy for all students. At current costs, the value problem areas have appeared. I . tition from means testir support to education at auy particular momentof such subsidy is likely to rest in the $500 per-year According to student aid officer Albert DejeeJ . It should be assume and the .economic trade-offs, tha t might be involved \ range. . current POSAP regulations serve adequately about tradeoff against loans in such-a%decision ; In all, therefore, the student from a well-to-do ’ 95 percent of%11 students who apply for aid,. . student calculates his r family receives, without means tests, subsidies ’ l efficiency in producing the required results; There are two significant exceptions to thisgenarships based on cons through university grants. of approximately $2500 eralization: those who are injured by &he cyrrent should be CC l - social equity and :justic’e in regards to whom the the X competition _ per year. The% student from poorer families,-on definition of “independentstudent” and a number by reducing both loan: ; program serves,^and by whom the cost is,carried; other hand, receive about ‘$500 more in grants (and of students from hom,es in the $6000 to $10,000 in- . the grant as at present. an additional $500 in loans which must be repaid) l due investigation’of the balariee and division of ’ come range.& both cases the application of arbil Extend POSAP a! but is subjected to a means test in order to claim‘ . social and personal benefit ; / . ’ trary rulesrather than an examination of the real condents inorder to ameliol the additional amount. One might-we// raise the l the enhancement of other socially\ desirable ditions works unnec.essary h‘ardships on innocent in’ ens-of foregone part’ tir question as to what would be the result of applying dividuals. goals Such as academic excellence and social serb costs of _ tuition; books . a means test to the whole am‘ount. vice: . ’ / . should cover at least the “‘hdepend~nt” students: Considering the over-representation in the uniMoreover, any investigation of POSAP, CORSAP 0 Speed up-piY.WsSi The arbitrariness of definition involved in the versity of students from upper income homes asavor other program’ calculations and recommendadent. complete POSAI I ing of -perhaps 10 to 20 percent of the operating case of “independent students ‘arose from the betions must recognize not only the funds paid directsupervision of high sch ’ lief (no doubt correctly held) that a number ofstagrant might result - sufficient to pay for the whole ly to the student but also -must include the. vastly present POSAP form&. POSAP program. dents from well-to-do homes were - improperly greater indirect student subsidy paid directly’to the timated 75 percent of,-a, claiming aid to which they were not entitled. The Z university to the form _of operation and- capital ty of Waterloo have- to severe and arbitrary restrictions, however,. which grants:. , .- Discourages - ‘.- and/or the -parent for..+ . require a combination of four years work, and/or ” schdbrship? course, causes much ;tni study after high school before “independent” @atus A third majordraw@ck of POSAP is the degree veriience. If p-ossible,e th is attained creates grave hardships where parents L , ,to which rewardsfor, or incentives _ reported to. the student : , ; _it cldisdourages, refuse to . contribute. the moneys which POSAP ’ : Currently ~the university; and by-. derivation z-,--*to, scnorarsnips. ‘r informed whether or no POSAP serve only a minis&& part of-society and $aims they should, In particular, theylow ($150) limit on the amount ’ the university.. Moreover, counselling services attributes many that section generally consists of the children of the, -” of scholarships which may be exempted from del Redefine the cate( .of the’.drop-outs and failures to the fact that on middle and upper income classes. . , 3 duction from POSAP grants seems to have dis- I dent on a much:more rea threat of withdrating aid, parents force students ’ &-I961, one study pointed out that the distribucouraged those interested in promoting scholar‘. . Certainly no more ti into programs in which?he student is uninterested. ^ tion of parents of undergraduate, students fell into ship from establishing further scholarship funds. . tenance should be requi _.“Middle c/ass’%tu@entsr :_ . , the following economic classes; s_ 0 Moreover, since a trade-off exists among Studstatus. A, greater readir -, \ Here official arbitrariness has been .carried to a ents between time spent earning extra. income &ould do much to elimn ~ I &r&t di 7 percem of total ludicrousextent. through part-time employment and time spent in ing to be designated as G -income , ‘students’ - ’ percent of - all plblid,c&Fue Allowing parents a maximum of $1300 f.or “ordadditional study contributing to- higher’ standards quired to submit \icThaj - I group families earned by etich-’ population ‘ fiary” living expenses on one hand, while on, the of scholarship, the lack of financial recognition : (i.e. affidavits from:& -1961 - . cidss ,196 1,> other allowing married students $3000 for the same ’ of scholarly attainment seems likely to encourage ’ required to establish tht r \ , _ expenses creates a situation which undermines the those with, limited- financial resources to accept , , credibility of the tihole program., 2 than attempt-higher part-time- employmentrather lb+ i : , up to 3000 13.5 -G *, <-'Clearly the $3000 figure for married students was ’ scholastic standing. . . 3000-4999 24.0 $0.5 '. 38 :developed simply because married students could This aspect, -of-course;F bears most heavily on., . _ . The fundamental is&z 500&6999-+ 22.2 18 &iL. a-;"- .';-,.., JQ-Y _ ,'-=:Tg*g .,_I. ,-' , ’’ 7000-9999 -not ‘subsist j b&&v- that leJel.‘~~Eqdtjr~~~ .cdpmon those students from lower. economic ibackground report is an important 0 . 18.7 .'6-' ?. sense demancls that parents of students require a and on married adult students. 10000, up .I', .?4.3 student- benefit from pas 27.5 -4 AS a tesul4 of b&g allowr -\ Pinally,, the lack of recognition of the,additional,&at proportion of his , i - ’ s/mi/ar subsistence/eve/. >, ed so iittle for living expen’ses,,\parents in the FOOOfinancial.-burdens assumed by part time students bear as a just recognition From;.‘this comparison it [s c&i; that the miijor d&_. . $10,000 range find that theyare-expected by POSAP creates. difficulties for a ~19~s pf students which ’ ceives from his per&nal i, parity &&&$ from the failure of the-educationa/ SWI’ to. give .,their studen t-children. moneys >which they -the- government has previously expressed .keen in- . If for no other rea7”soi tern to r&&h ‘children from the lower /ncom~e families. ( I require for their own maintenanze. : terest in 'ehcouli'aging. In particykn, 8 true-cost'S c_ost by open& such a c So many students f-rom such homes suffer unneclevel assessment of fees WOUM necessarily drastic-- that 3 st&ehtjs foregQn, ‘::,, Clearly any changes in-PO&P ,which-work tg peressary hardships me+%Gybeeause the rules refuse ally ‘restrict WMOhl ? nt in part-tim-q programs under’ I +mificant &n(&butiofi to petuate or enhance this maldistribution’ must- be , ./ to fecognize the real costs of parents.4 -J -current student aid regulations. ‘avoided:, _ .,. .* -__ , -, k Secondly the reportn . . - , -: _ I’ 2 --




We recoinme







Cook-Stager n



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tion through its examination of the total subsidization of the student by arguing that grants paid directly to the university should be treated ly than grants paid directly to the student.

no different-

Since some 40.2 percent of university students come from the top 10 percent of the economic class (and 62.2 from the upper 28)) one can rightly ask why-subsidies in the range of $2500-$3500 per year (in the form of operation and capital grants) should be paid on behalf of such well-to-do families. Would not such monies perform a much greater social service if directed into other areas?


grants to univer3nt program, and peans test which of parents. ns (up to $1000 to ns test to prevent speculation. The ed to that portion tvoted to amenit[dent loans is deincreases should !ars of the under-the implementabove. appraisal of the rice in assessing ng. i on open compe!holarships are a me work when a q strategy. Scholother than open as income, thererather than just to part-time stuIem the dual burdgs and the direct :rtainly such aid ;t. rds by having stu-t tions under the rice officers. The icated that an esIS at the universiLed to the student npletion. This, of J delay and inconamount should be ne time. that he is been accepted by independent” stuis. year’s self-main-der to grant that bosecute offenders es. Students wishlent” should be reIporting evidence and/or employers icy of their claim.

ly the Cook-Stager tat extent does the sry education, and Ial cost should he e turn which he ret?


The Cook-Stager report, however, suffers from a number of severe deficiencies which must cast considerable doubt on its over-all usefulness. In particular are its deficiencies in the crucial discussion on the “barrier effect” of loans to lower economic class students which would seem to render suspect its overall conclusions. A prime example of its lack of objectivity occurs in the section dealing with the possible barrier effect of a totally loan-bases program on students from lower income families. For example; the authors engage in an argument intended to convince the reader that there is a “long term decline in the importance of a financial barrier “. This conclusion is ‘arrived-at by comparing a 1957 study of grade 13 students with a 1965 study of those in grade 12, without taking into account the degree to which grade 12 is composed of students kept in school by attendance laws, non-academic stream students and lower achievers. Secondly to totally discount the 1962 A.S. Mqwar Canadian study which concluded that “lack of money was the chief reason for not continuing,” while accepting a series of studies /from England and the US which conclude that the financial barrier was not “the major obstacle”, seems a decision arbitrary beyond scholarly research.





Further, the treatment of the major 1969 study-by Clark leads one to conclude that the credibility of the Cook-Stager study must be seriously questioned.


not culture,?

The Clark group asserted that “income rather that the cultural aspects of class should be the cent& of attention” (and pointed out that while awareness of the availability of government aid did not change over time, those who made a decision at the grades 12-13 level to go on to university were also those who were most likely to count on government assistance as the primary means of financing their education. Such a correlation suggests that students from lower income families do, in fact, break out of ‘family patterns of educational expectations and that the awareness of government assistance plans may have been, if not the cause of such decisions, at least a means of making such a decision possible. 1 On the other hand, Cook-Stager asserts without doing so that they offering factual reason for emphasis to the would give “a slightly greater cultural aspect.” One is astounded by the assertion that one should “discount the problem of economic barriers raised by the 1957 Fleming study of Ontario Grade 13 students because “only 66% of the uncertain students and 24% of the “definitely riots” would continue if adequate bursary assistance were made available. If anything, the fact that “only two-thirds of uncertain students would go on were financial assistance available,” demonstrates the magnitude of the barrier problem and the crucial importance which one must place upon its existence in asses‘sing the relative merits and effects of various financing methods. Clearly, if Cook-Stager disagree with the conclusions of every. major canadian study while accepting the conclusions’ of british and american studies, much further information is necessary regarding the Canadian situation before the Cook-Stager loanfinancing recommendations can be accepted.


centage repayment, the lower. income group finds repayment much more difficult than the upper income group.

Assuming that the repayment rate is l/3 percent per $1000 borrowed, and the true cost per year of undergraduate education is $3500 per year, then an honors B.A. graduate could be expected to borrow $14,000 and repay 4.67% of his gross income per year. Similarly, a PhD graduate might owe as much as $40,000 and repay 13.3% of his gross income.A calculation of the effects of repayment of such sums -on various income-levels points out that although a contingency-repayment program ‘ameliorates, the burden to lower-income alumni, it sti/l levies a more pressing burden on the lower-income alumni than it does on the upper. (While the contingency repayment percentage remains the same at all income levels-say 5% obviously, the man earning $20,000 is much better able to repay $1000 than the man earning $5000 is able to repay $250). Moreover, since it is assumed that no one will be required to repay more than he borrowed, the high-income alumnus is able to repay his debt rather quickly with relatively -small inconvenience, and with a lesser total interest cost, while the lower-income alumnus must suffer greater inconvenience over a much longer period. In such circumstances, equity is not achieved, nor are the students likely to remain unaware of the burdensome effects of even the contingency repayment plan for very long.



One aspect of the results of higher education which Cook-Stager acknowledge, but which they do not fully include in their analysis is the fact that higher education tends to increase the recipient’s income. While Cook-Stager make much of this higher income in their arguments regarding the private benefits deriv,ed from education (and indeed base their whole loan plan on it), they conveniently overlook the fact tha.t the government already receives a return on the additional income due to‘ taxation through the form of increased income tax payrnents. A study of this aspect of repayment of the public investment in a student would have been most informative. One wonders whether a simple surcharge upon taxes on incomes above the $10,000 level would not achieve all the beneficial aspects of the CookStager proposals without incurring all the problems of barrier effects, etc., which are likely to arise in the present proposal. ‘The question of a possible negative doGvry created

by a loan system for female students reveals a major weakness in such plans. Rather than concentrate on the possible failure of married female alumni to repay, the government should concentrate its efforts on raising the standards of pay and increasing the possibility .of employment of females to a position of equality with males-thereby making a salaried career more attractive to married female alumni. The degree to which a shortfall on repayment would exist because married female alumni would absent themselves from employment is a reflection of the discriminatory nature of current employment practices and social pressures, and as such might well be born by the public at large.

We recommend-


changes in student assistance plans should be made unless a much more thorough, objective and comprehensive study is ma-de than is available at present. For example, the substantive caveat raised by George Hanford and James Nelson, (Federa/ student loan plans: the dangers are real, College buard review, spring, 1970) suggests that all is not well with american EOB (Education~NO


al opportunity bank) schemes. Certainly there are a number of alternatives open (several are suggested in the text) which should be considered before a major change is made. l Investigate the effects of higher rates of income tax returned by alumni, and calculate what additions, if any, would be necessary to repay the public investment diverted to private benefit by the student. a Thoroughly investigate the public-private re-’ turns on education and in particular include a *due recognition of the social benefits of an increasingly educated populace. l Investigate alternate avenues to relieve the “negative dowry”’ element, and consider the element of social responsibility for its existence in such calculations. l Investigate effects of various “floors” below which no contingency rate return would be demanded, and also investigate the possibility of a valuable contingency rate based upon income level (i.e., a person earning $5000 per year might be required to return .l percent per thousand borrowed, while an alumnus earning $10,000 per year might be re-- quired to repay .3 percent per thousand, etc. ) . 0 Thoroughly investigate “barrier effects” of loans upon lower income groups. Certainly one would not like to discover five years from now, as Canadians universities discovered ten years agothat so few graduates were being produced that‘ for- ’ eigners would be required to dominate whole fields of study. l Investigate ways of encorporating academic merit awards into the system in order to encourage excellance. The public benefits obviously more from an excellent scholar than from mediocrity.

Despite the disclaimer that there is “growing doubt” that providing grants to undergraduates has increased enrolment, studies such as Clark’s clearly suggest that indeed, from a financial point of view POSAP may have been too successful. Enrolment among students from families eligible for aid has created (to use Gordon’s phrase) “an explosive situation” regarding POSAP financing. The Cook-Stager recommendations are little more than an attempt to escape that financial crunch in a political1 y acceptable manner without serious regard to acade-mic consequences.

The key phrase which points .out the limitations of the study occurs in the Dohell-Judy introduction (page X) , “given existing taxation structures. , . ”



aMoreover, the assertion that theonly likely tradeoff existing is between post-secondary and other forms of education-an assertion that claims students from lower income groups are likely to be aided in advancing to post-secondary education only at the expense- of those already receiving aid there-is patently absurd. Trade-offs, particularly when explained by a thorough educational program, can be made in many areas of the economy, public and private. ’ Finally, the arguments used to justify the with.drawl of public aid.from university students can be applied with equal validity to students in primary and secondary schools-and was the case in the 19th bentury. One only hopes that CORSAP does not mark a return to those discredited theories of 19th century laissez-faire which created the “bad old days” of privately financed education-education for the classes, not the masses (after all, students and parents could borrow to finance education even in those days)-and against which leaders such as Egerton Ryerson struggled in order to create a modern, literate society in Ontario. ’


sport justifies its I and pointing out, ;s constitute a siof education . Jaluable contribu -


26 june

1970 (7 7:7)





1. Thespian 4. Winter stuff . 8. Nil 12. Tree 13. Animal appendages 14. Water vehicle (2 words) 16. American cigarette brand (abbn) 17. Spire is the great silent majority’s 18. Legislator (abbn) 19. Finnish Industries, (abbn) 20. Brunt of ethnic jokes 22. French article 23. Used in navigation 24. Tuesday night (abbn) 25. 3 directions 27. Lost to the Hump 30. What every hippie needs . 31. Beuerage 32. Minkproduct 33. iFor (lat.) 34. International League (abbn) 36. Trucker’s group (abbn) 37. Allows 39. Outasight cactus 41. Article 42. Now being Vietnamized 43. Creates an image (abbn) 44.Slept in 45. Not soft 47. Toronto Police (abbn)

48. LargeTowner of Canadian industries (abbn) 49. Used for writing (2 words) 51. How to keep capitalism alive and well 53. French (abbn) 54. Observe 55. Spelling (abbn ) 56. Conjunction 58. Social order for the people 61. North America , 62. Regal 63. Consume 66. Kennedy In terna tional 67. Man’s name 68. Egg suppository 72. Sibling 75. Letter addendum 76. Questions / 77. Legal suicide DOWN

1. What the economy needs 2. ‘Too 3. Famous blonde actress (abbn) 4. Mast canvas 5. Peachy keen 6. Spanish cheer 7. Star Trek star (abbn) . 8. Mother’s father 9. Euphrates River (abbn) 10. Sun god 11. First to go (3 words) 13. Preposition

15. .... . . ..Tim _ 17. Lets in air 18. Pig spray 21. Guru of the acid-freaks 23. Media mystic 26. ----is right 27. Rookie coach for the Westgate Walkers 28. Turn over 29. How the west was wop 30. Lager 33. Tree transplanter 35. Causing furor in Ottawa 38. Famous movie detective (abbn) 40. Spiffy english title (abbn) 46. Compiles information (abbn) 48. Keeps Thieu in power 50. Eastern povince (abbn) 52. Not down 53. Inhabit the white house , 54. Hot lips 56. Penned ’ 57. What our courts aren’t 58. What most courses are a lot of 59. Chinese leader 60. Not you 64. Agnew, for example 65. Point 69. Like 70. Compulsory subject at WLU (abbn) 71. Trotskyists (abbn) 73. Direction __ 74. Canadian retailer (abbn )

4 SHOWINGS 1:3Q-4:00-6.

4 SHOWINGS DAILY AT ~1:45-4:15-7:00-9:35 2ND LAST SHOW at 6:45 p.m. LAST COMPLETE SHOW at 9:25

White blotter?\ The last ‘couple of weeks “ white blotter” or “white acid” has hit town and sent several kids on bum trips. An hour or so after taking the “acid” they started to have tremors and to shake. About the same time they started to get visual effects like an a&d trip. The shaking freaked out the two kids the Rap Room has seen over the last 7 days.’ The reason is that they took Sernyl (otherwise called PCP) not LSD. Sernyl is an hallucinogen, but it also works on the extrapyramidal system of the brain and produces the Parkinsonian type of tremor that freaked the kids. If you are a blotter user, be prepared to shake. Valium is con sidered by- the Queen Street Mental Health Centre an effective abortor of the trip. 8










Schedule I

4 ’ By Johanna c’

HEAVEN’S RADIO (folk, country and bluegrass)


integrated programming (underground rock, jazz, folk and I classics)

1 /






/ i;s;d




classibal music

classical music

(readings) SPOKEN WORD

(live music show) PEOPLES’ MUSIC

integrated program

integrated program

MONDAY (variety plays, music, nonsense, interview. etc)


integrated programming

integrated programming

classical music

classical music

(discussionprobe ) POLLUTION PROBE

(activity) THIS WEEKENC -1

integrated program

integrated program



j classical music

(interview) S.S. INQUISITION


JAZZ AND JAZZ ROCK (jazz sounds of today’s pop and traditional jazz music)

WORDS ON MUSIC (interview) i

ONE HOUR (documentary)

integrated programming integrated program

‘, ’


Chevron staff

Take about twelve big-name stars, a lot of money, and a bestselling book, and you get a terrible movie. The movie I am referring to is Airport, taken from the trashy novel of the same name the shamedly Canadian \ bY “author” Arthur Hailey. There are not enough adjectives or superlatives in the english language to use in, order to describe the colossal piece of tripe that this movie is. The story is that of (what else) an airport and the personal tragedies of several people who either work there or use the facilities. There are so many subplots it would be ridiculousto enumerate them, suffice to say that they all come to a head in the last part of the film ,when a prane (probably turning in the best performance of the whole show) must make an emergency landing on a snow-blocked runway. It is during those tense minutes that we wait expectantly to see if the little old lady stowaway will band together with the kind and pregnant stewardess girlfriend of the flight captain who is already married, in order to save the rest of the passengers from the bombcarrying maniac sitting beside

her whose wife is wandering athe dialogue was pure Hollywood. round the airport looking for her If it hadn’t been played so husband with the help of the,air’ straight, it might have been funlines passenger relations woman ny but because it was so deadly who is the part-time girlfriend earnest it was boring. There is of the airport manager (also not much even a great actor can married) who is also the brotherdo with lines like “I’m a bigamist, in-law of the captain of the flight I’m married to you and to the and is on the outs with him beairport.” Or f‘When I said I cause...., loved you a little, I was lying-Well you see what I mean about 1 love you a lot.” And those were intricate subplots. And the main the heavier lines. trouble was that I didn’t really Which just shows to go you that care whether the little old lady all the king’s money and all the stowaway et cetera. king’s men can’t necessarily Not only was the story itself a make a silk purse out of a sow’s bit of a bind to work with, but ear.

Radio Waterloo will soon be looking for a station manager. Those interested, prior to official federation announcement, should contact the federation’s commun.ications board, campus center. Call 2405.


I 2 SHOWINGS NIGHTLY 7 andg:15p.m. ’ MATINEE SAT. SUN 2 pm

oq wednesduys Campus Canter rm. 206

Pictured above is a portion of the cover of In and out of the Jb garbage pail -by Frederick Perls, a fascin,ating novel about gestalt psychology-a forerunner of the new wave of humanist















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“We had ‘The Graduate‘. . . here’s the post-graduate! Elliott Gould IS






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GETTJflG SGHT Screenplay on

the novel


by ROBERT b/



and dtrected




Perls. Real People Lafayette California.


In And Out the Garbage Pail is the story of one man’s garbage pail. Many things were dumped into Fritz Perls’ pail-of life, uniting and mixing together to become the man, Frederick S. Perls. Perls experimented with many things during his life, seekingthe final attainment of awareness. Many say he gained this awareness before his ‘\ death this year.

Gestalt is a german word with no direct english translation. In a few words, one might see it as the completion of a unit of life. Most people suffer anxieties, these being caused by the incompletion of a certain desire, want or need. On the completion of the gestalt, or the loss of the anxiety, the person can move on to the next phase of life.




As a disciple of Freud, he saw many fallacies in the psychoanalytic method, and after becoming a psychiatrist in Germany; he still was not satisfied. The second world war forced-him to leave-his home; going to South Africa, then the United States, then Canada.‘ 9\ .>\ > His life in the United States was a very busy one-& practised in New York for some years and gained a very good reputation. But his years of experimentation were not ended, even though he had passed through middle-age. In California he founded his home--Esalen Institute on the Big Sur. Here he formalized the psychology movement which is taking over where Freud left off--gestalt psychology. -



by Frederick Press, 1969,




Through-his discussions on Freud, tbe ego and self-dichotomy, his experiments with LSD and psilocybin, his expose on the humanistic-existential revolution in, California, through to his final resting place at the Gestalt institute of Canada in British Columbia, Perls reveals the man and psychology movement. Erotic, and philosophic, feeling and yet quite ego- centric, Fritz became one of the first gurusin psychology. Free Delivery

/ bn




If the east and west ever meet, they will find a comfortable union in the words of Fritz Perls and gestalt psychology. . hiday

26 june

start to this

7970 (7 7:7/





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-reintroduce meaningful participation by people in the afWG YEA,RS AGO this november, Toronto’; Civic acairs that-are vital to their interaction with other human, -/ tion party publicized i&new. policy program by in-_ ’ / _ th‘e public ta participate= in- =a>eriks ‘of c .beings. The creation -oi anesth&iz&d man=-s@@qtic enyironment -“g;ames” designed, around-problem-solving adventur,’ finteractioz has introduced a whole newconcept of human ‘es-incontemporarycity living. -- I “ecological psychology’> and- it is through conA. year later, it augmented the community particip-a-. study-@on theme with_ a formal statement that more of, a city’s tern with this phenomenon that justification may be ex-i decision-making process should be in the hands of, -or ‘. pressed for giving ‘power back to small groups. of closeresponsible to local, heighborhodd forum types of organily related individuals ( “related” by geographic. /oc&i&; c I- zations. ’ ’ -‘. _special kteiests or co’mmon kcupation; or a c&ibina- In an era’ when media- stimulation, and self-directed tionof these)? Jr . ) The slumber of urban men, who have-been accustomed ‘education have combined to/create in people, anew sense of, responsibility for the direction -of their own affairs ,. to accept the,acted-@on role- in affairs, rather than the activator., role; must be disturbed if they are40 realize ’ ( both )ersonal and ’ community);. such a ‘form’ aspect ,. ap.pears as a fresh alternative --to the all, too-familiar ’ - the danger of allowing themselves only to react to 7what \ . is, becoming a jungle of synthetic,’ artific$ally, created; closed’power blocs controlling l/arge cities, Although exciting when viewed% an attempt to really . needs,*drives and desires. “take controlof urban-andevenguburban affairs back& . -Rower must be transferred from‘thecreators of these ;-- the- people”, the forum concept becomes problematic if synthetic influences (largely capitalist entrepreneurs, and Ithrough their influence, not only media but ‘ ‘represwe consider the amount of-power such a “foru-m” would 5 have within an overcall-. city ,structure. Also ,important en tative” governments ), to the individual&the ordinary no-bodie!+of the community. j r would be the group performance in dealing wXh whatever’degree‘bf powerexisted. c -The basic decentralizing local governments _ .-- question -I*IinL1-‘--a - -- I- i urban or regional scale- r :even’ the desirability - 1 of , Now, it may seem thatthere is a, b-a&c contradiction% calling for decentralized local control to. remedy what is z a far-greaterthan local problem;:- that is, would not lo-/ cal, “neighborhood’_’ autonomy conflict with solutions for I H,.V . . . . v , . . , . , ‘, the3enefit of cities (areas, regions 1 as a whole? 1 The Remember, though,, that’ Reople, -given the autonomy existence/of the anomie phenomeon among modern by Ta sense- of futility, a - to *decide their-own affairs, do not wallow in a poul of -flagrant. self-concern because of +their freedom7 they ‘feeling that “-nothing matters” because lives are so comtend to see such freedom in the context of wider. applicapletely overseen and controiied . _bySocialized,and _ institue.: -5






ii you are the ,first fo bzhg thqqorrec;


tb the che&on

secr&ary . . I.&fare-$

pm thi’s>aft&-, . ’


mped !‘Sp What?” all over a CoDy of : saying so much as “Excuse”me!’ (I -8 .-;: is hapbeaed with?ut g word..At ?pe

-- . -, -< .entertainment: ross bell _ news:epr ./ k c- _ ’ _ -, , -1’ ’ +...’ : : I bhoto: johq nets&n’ I ‘’ . ’ *_ <” j features: rats-’ nigel burnett an’tj. brian- squcie (miSsed last-WC&k), jami‘ brgdks (sorry your initjatioh to. the chev_ron had’to be-just typing):‘stkv~gizma;‘katHy’tlorsdh’nex, p&er desyo&s, .jjm dunlop, _ 1dowg /. _, torney, _ * leo johnsbn ~(I&& in.,“gdd’s ‘-&a&e is;a “substar;ltiGe _ cav&a??), johanna fauIkT.our’ jock dennis _ *ry moot-e, a hefluva nice chap. Gas +,

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by Alex Smith Chevron staff F-


Neighborhood organizations which would organically interact with one another could actualize or fulfil1 their own needs within a broader community structure if the power base from which they operate is viable and not a reflection of a token or condescending relationship taken, for example, by the city of Toronto toward the residents of Treffan Court. Housing ‘experiments prove- that people, when left to organize affairs on their own can-if resources are available to them-do so with remarkable cooperation and thoroughness; or, they can degenerate into divisiveness if hampered by an external body in whose political interest it may be to keep the community forum from being a success. It must be recognized that effective neighborhood forums or community governments undoubtedly reach the stage of socialist-based philosophy if their interaction is to be meaningful. so far, of course, this has only been possible in communities constructed especially for underprivileged familes or in dwelling plans offered to residents on a proportion of income basis-precisely the people who do not benefit as members of the middle-class effluvium represented by the metropolitan Toronto council or the board of control. . A successful socialist experiment in community organization can be a pain to such politicians when other underdeveloped areas attempt to institute their own community action programs to gain both power and better living conditions for themselves.


of course, will force



relative \


which determines



the existing

order of “trust”

’ 4

which is determined





potential success of a “higher fprm of communism’ ’


which .

The psychological fact to be extracted from this paradigm is that (a) the greater the feeling of efforts being “worthwhile” (in other words, the greater the power resource for fulfilling‘ activity) the greater and more successful is each individual’s interaction with others in the local group, and (b) the entire, over-all, success of local interaction depends on the nature of “trust”.

of trust

it is evident that trust becomes manifest among people in a more meaningful and ‘permanent way when control over situations is in turn, manifested in the people (par-

designer rebuilding- on linear “commhnity” -meaning com-





Eventually, street models



Individual’s potential for action within local group

Cbticept Communal

ticipants) themselves., Even participation in only two national “unstructured” seminars (one on anxiety, the other dealing with the nature of the university) has demonstrated this to me. As for a “higher form of communism”. . . the implication here is that such a thing means community in which “trust” constitutes the cohesive bond of responsibility, unlike’other “communal” forms which, it seems to me, replaces “trust” with “authority”. If this paradigm is accepted as a viable plan for proggressive development of local, neighborhood self-government, it must be acknowledged as being vulnerable from all angles to a traditional and hostile status-quo social pattern. For “trust” has limited meaning in a society which has barely learned to accept, let along cope creatively with human openness and cultivation of honest, not artificial, interpersonal relationships. And present governing structures, by their very-defin-

munal concernon the middle class as well when neighborhoods take on a “module” construction and appearance, built for verbal and physical interaction and not for maintaining isolation and protecting private property. Contradictions occur not in trying to suggest that neighborhood power strengthens city-wide cohesion, communication and cooperation, but in suggestingsuch a neighborhood plan be adopted in an environment which cannot handle it: a grid pattern city which ignores natural cultural living patterns-in favor of a private lot and two car garage, and which depends on a basically unequal. capitalist economic system for expansion is not the place to expect socialist interaction to thrive without extensive years of physical redesign accompanied by the similarly liberated socialization of people. These sociological and political aspects of neighborhood political control can be linked in a psychological paradigm that I expect would look something like the one below.


degree of autonomous power, or feeling of efforts being worthwhile

ition could not give up “power” without contingencies c rooted deeply in mistrust. Consequently, development of new individual participatim would revert to the same defensive, inward-turning type of docility which also, by definition, dooms pro’ gressive experimentation to failure. , * * * It seems then, that to remove the real local control issue from the sphere of being merely an intellectual game, a change is required first, in the social and economit outlook of our society, otherwise inherent contradictions between community and private concern will doom any imaginative experiments to stagnation.





T WAS A QUIET sort of day, too early for


but the occasional

not even knowing that she knew or was aware of nothing7 but those feelings. How pure. She always knew that she knew nothing and everything, but she was never obliviou”s to it and always wanted to be. . He had loved her. loved her with every ounce of his soul and he cried now. . tears of happiness. She had achieved herself. He loved to, hear her laugh and scream and watched her often running naked down the hallway, screaming because it wasn’t long enough for her to get totally involved in the movements of her body, both practiced and nafural. She had been a fine partner at all times. a bitch, a mongrel, an /angel, a saint and a loner. She ,had claimed to him that her dedication to his person was total, but he knew that’that was only true insofar as h-e was a tool of her passion. one she cared for and shared with, if only to be fed again by his actions and responses. And he loved her for her selfishness. Their relationship has been total from the beginning. and it was total in the end. He would miss her, yes, but he knew his time would come too. He would someday find a saint who would allow him to scream the insanity passages from Lear while they made love. He had not seen the child, and would never see it. He knew he could not possibly care for it ‘alone. He would put the house up for sale as soon as possible and find an apartment and go back to his life. He went towards-his bed, and just before settling himself, cried out, his mouth forming an enormous, uncontrolled, wild eyed smile. “Good lord god almighty, I- love you ---------!” And then he died. 1


too late for drunks. The doctor had gone hours ago, and so had the I last of the friends who stare at you on such an occasion. They didn’t


feel he should touch booze, but did decide that coffee was just the thing for him. How many cups can one man drink? He had laced each cup with whisky when they weren’t looking, and got so wrapped up in his little game%?nd secret that he began to giggle occasionally. He would catch himself, curse the effect of the booze, but take another slug for it did taste good. The doctor had been gentle, very quiet. What else,could he do? Good Lord, the man was half asleep when he came to the house and obviously wasn’t going to try to console anyone. Besides, hypocrisy creeps into the words of those who console when the mourner shows no signs of response to the, “I’m sorry” of a stranger. How the hell do you respond anyway? “Thank you.” “SO am I.“ “That’s nice.” He had ,known she would die in childbirth, for her pregnancy had been her joy, and her one true ecstasy in life came at the moment of birth. It was what she had always wanted. Her exuberance at conception had been partially due to her hopes for that moment three fourths of a year later.

1 .

Her heart had just stopped! No internal problems. She just ceased to live. Her soul must truly have been in confl’ict at that last moment. He chuckled. He could just,hear the argument rage inside her. . . “Either the child or the ecstasy, but not both.” He knew the dispute added to her utopia. Was she in pain? Probably. But he knew ‘that didn’t make any ‘difference to her. Total emotion, total feeling, total sensory awareness. .



by Bruce








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26 june


7970 (I 7:~) 83 11 1_I.tsJ’I .*_\ i ...I.. .-a. .:













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mSPkiAL; AL Adlin - I I ton.\ issue, . or’ ;_” - 8. ’

-. _

Our gainis Western’s l&Y ..( ,.-

. -’

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Hundreds of invited and oth--, part of the 1Waterloo _-saga Adllngton began his meteor-l by .a sordid group of -speak- - . university ad- ers, preceded by’ dinner erwise coerced guests ‘strag- ever since is55 whenhe told:/ ic career - in __ and.=epilogued by a frantic gled. into ‘the Village- Green Gerry Hagey, at that time ministration. Adlington, who will never search for cars which have ,Room tonight under the ,-President of Waterloo/‘Colsee 49 again, has never look. lege, that “the only way ,to been,.t@wed away from thewatchful -eyes of the University Security force as UW get out of this mess, Gerry; ~ed back-just a few sideways ,car parks to make way for . glances from time to time: ti travelling -circus, due to . L said farewell to operations -is to create a bigger one.” And so Uniwat was born Tonight’s program will open- to-morrow as Waterczar Ad Adlington. Adlington, 39,, has be,en‘‘and with it the 3$-year-old feature assorted speeches loo-‘s answer to the Stratford



, A large number of engineering students_staged-a sit4n last .nightlii the Arts Library-to protest A.K: Adlington’s decision -‘7 to leave Wtiterloo - ,.. ‘.‘We’re-<the radical-demerit,“‘ said E.F. Farthington, I. b 2 ;;fourth year Engineering- student. “And we demand to be w ; . - .,-;-head:” _ *-Adlington -himself appearedidurin& the~height~of-the prp ‘. I‘. 6 test -when six of the-five hundred~~gi~~er~pres~~~~.~~~ ..,:\. .“., _,?I. , , I4._ effigy of-Brenda Stanton @ a-bikini.- r ~- ,: ’ i i 1, 1 3~_-1.F- . --_“1 appreciate the thouglilt,“’ Adlington Isaid, showing. hl$ ,.-Y-, ., . ’ emotion *at the huge turnout by blowing his nosein a, large -” - -z ,red handkerchief. ‘-‘But I have made ‘up my. mind and that’s 1 that;& ’ _ I** ’ -‘. ,* ‘-1ButAl,!: said a first-year student, who had walked on his , knees from, the Engineering Lecture-Hall to the Arts quad ,- a f&hours earlier. “We need you..” i .-I I I- _“I know,? _said Adllngton< blowing his$i&e and wiping, I /’ . , -a tear from~hisruddy_eheek. ~-Come see me in, London.“. ; L j. *ffe handed the fir&year student a piece of kleenex to wipe the l&&l from his kndesand made a hurry call to the Health ’ r Services building-for-somegin.’ _ 1 , . ’ --The protest was-orderly &l peaceful, hiost students slept in-the A-K section of- the stacks and’vowed not to use the EnI+--* gineering library until Adlington ‘changed his tind about , _ I. w ;lea.ving ItheUniversity. . “You can pitch; tents on%est&‘s. campus’ when .you ,; , come to visit,” saldAdlington, in aspurt ofgenero$ty. _-I .I




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-2, 1.1: , :;,!I ~~~~~~~~~E~D;~~~D~~~~.GTON 2 ‘> i-z In a surprise move: the, new administratfon an&u&d


that the ‘,former editor of the Chevron, -Stuart Sax@,would suc-- \ ‘- teed, A:KK:Adlington as Vide:President, Operations. ._ISaxe’s experience on the Chevron covered all areas-of&e -7 ~ 4, university~~ecurity; ‘I”nformation; finan$al, purchasing, “ ; foodservices;. etc. and it was believed he would make an Lx* .^ idealinterpreterof university-/- policies .-to students. and,staff : -/ .^ km‘“‘There’will be no liaison with faculty ,at all,” said- Saxe i ., -ca ,/ +. . - . when\approached bya Gazette reporter.- VThey’ll haveto set - . up their own structure and find’ th,eir own financing-if they +want, to get anything done. We‘:expect >to run- a tightship ‘C . here, and we don’t intend to-put up with faculty- . interfer/ _ ence.” - _ -A ._- -- When asked ,what his reactiodwas to-Saxe’s st&?ment;-illr . coming, President -D.F. Matthews remarked : “ We:&ave an /_, .,J entirely iiew~fioncept of the U$versity &mmuni$y2R~will be ’ I i. 6 i composed~of,bosses~&d worke$,Faculty will be ensidered -, ’ ..:, .. ~ ’ _workers and we donIt want\ --any flack from- them.

I been a faiiure. Now leave US ' One -facet of. the fabulous Let s take a brief look, attended. all repair into the Faculty Adlingtoh career on cdtpus then, at this intriguing,‘part The< committee: is moving that has perhaps never be-. ofXl’slife on the Wa$erloo- to the:final page (prige 96) of Clubrfor a little~libation. And, ’ , . \ fort? been- fully appreciated CainpI,& ’ , ’ - :4 ‘. : ‘- - . a $.$,rt which is mpposed to h@ll with the Board of involves his myriad contri- The- set&ngis a meet$ng of to b&ready& the Board of Governors, .we can finish-the ’ butions to the myriad of the Operations Council, The Gove&& at lo;10 a.m. rest when we meet again h , committee meetings in hour is late. -The Director next day (if\ the typists can nextmonth.” ’ . which he hasparti6pated. of-Personnel and the Presi- , -g& it.ready in time.) Again, NOW. . . a stroke of the true ’ ,. .TrulY, Participating ‘.in_ dent of the Fawlty Associa- it’s late, and the members 9Adlington genius, right from committee meetings has- tion have been loeked in are just about exh,aust.&d. the fninu@ of the, last , constituwd the most: impor- b&r.-conflikt (verbal) for *, _ Chairman : “Now if ~bwq -;;lYl.l; Of the Pre.SlSle)t S : _ , ‘\ tant sing1e function of his half.‘an hour over the USeof can just settle on ;ulis prin& ., _ - : I career. Thereare’many who student’ labour to keep -the pie as to the p.osition the’UniT .- Adlington: ‘It might be a ,suspect parti&patiingi~ f?Ofll- Campus Centre clean. _ __ versity is to take with $es- darned good idea if we conmittee; meetings has beenrL;k,, -1 ’ _ . ; pect’ to &‘&partmehtof sidered. for a _moment the his sole function (tho+re Adlington : .i’hr. &ah’- xniversity AftAirs I’ think p@iblllQZ df a medk$ - .\ .( the peoplewho haye‘-ir@l to man; -may I speak for a mo-.--we cabbrip *is Ude ~9~ school on the north campustelephone him, dr.get to&e ~’ment. I- think there .i,san old _. ~&ng~~: ,“Mr. Chair! -as our next step.” L him), r . F__ .‘_ .I’:, legal principle which ‘may man, -if I may interrupt for First _ Council member: I be helpful here;lexpressed in a-moment. I notice that back’- “‘Listen, Al, why- are you so \ the phrase- -‘quem’ pastsr& *on page: 13; underSection C,> -favorably_di&osed towards . . - au&were, quibus angeli diSubsection. Cl), Item (b), this thing, anyway?” Z y _ _ x&e(whieh freely &ranslated (iv), the w&ding: ‘The UniXdlington : -f “Who, me? _ qgaps the ‘gtud(3?ts shfuld‘ versitywi&&ort,to the De- Listen; I’m dead against- it, -- _ ;’ Tributes tq-&(+dlin&n hi:e $%?the ~~ll’o~t-“. ‘: \’ ’ ’ I’ f&$&t of Universs’ty-,1f=~- m$%elf. Of course,, 2 you ’ been flowing into”:,,& ~6; - .Allj Zphank YdU, Alr.Tfiat 'fair&qu$lyJ , ;-. don’t YOU guys insist; -1’11go along, eslet!? of&e all week,’ some indeed ‘so@% our Problem2 __think that would reada’ little qe~ially if Ira Needle%thinks better if we. said > ‘The UniS it’s, a. good thing $,o, of .’ from as far away asBr&au . Now I leave ~s%Ill repair+ the Fa@ulty’Club * and Petersburg. j: ’ .libation. ,, > for a small versity.y-.will$eport +nnualiy course.?‘. - 2 /to :‘the Department of UniAllf “Al, if ybu too (are - Hereare a few.: ._ . \ versity Affairs?‘??“ J Bill DGvis- -&(We have alot ; ” NOW here’s ‘anoiher perfor-against it;- that makes us uof respect1 for Al-here at - mance that could be dup---.- . All: ‘ihank YOU, Al. With- 1nanimous. Therefore; leave y’ c , DUA ; perhaps f ea@&uld be heated vin ‘-almost any j Corn-- out that shrewd observation us all repair to the’ Facultp a better word, he’s conned -&tee meeting Al-has ever this report would surely have j Club for a little libation.” is out of rpany a &igp Jbhn




C - ,,- . y&V

thinks I should change my ri2

Susy-S&cl+men, sten “Re promised me I’d go


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