11 number
The whole university is preparing for september’s onslaught o.f’students, expected to number cence” to be presentedto the university as a lasting memorial to the freshman students who bureacracy and federation of students hard-sell. Of total enrolment, freshmen so far number
Over fifty percent of the university’s grad students have replied to the grad student union’s seeking views on questionnaire withdrawal from the federation of students. Of those replying, the majority recommend federation membership be replaced by a voluntary
Summer by Kathy
This issue of the chevron is being mailed to all first-year students and contains much introductory information for their benefit. Additional copies will be available during registration and orientation in septern ber. The next chevron will appear on September 11.
over 11,890. each year lose 3,431.
grad-only union. Complete results will not be compiled until at least august 21, according to grad union secretary Ann Powell, at which time the executive will draw up its. conclusions and recommendations. The questionnaire deals with what alternatives grad students
list. This means that any change chevron staff will “There will be stupid laws as in Canadian drug legislation implications. long as there are stupid people have international the government would to uphold them.” A student in the Therefore to change the drug class pointed this out to R.W. be reluctant laws until it had obtained some Gould a local lawyer who prosekind of international reaction to cutes the drug cases in the area. Mr. Gould had admitted to the the changes. Gould was then asked why proclass that if you are found guilty of possession of marijuana, the fessional people never get busted. He explained that many of those onus is on you to prove that you people busted deal with young are also not guilty of trafficing, people and that charges layed the premise being you are guilty against them by the RCMP resultuntil proven innocent . Mr. Gould was guest speaker in ed from irate parents calling the local detachment and telling the psychology 348, a summer course on drugs and behaviour. The police the names of those with course, offered by Fred Kemp was whom their sons and daughters were dealing. If the same names one of the three experimental came up five or six times then courses offered to summer school these people were put under surstudents this summer. veillance and busted. When outlining a history of marijuana legislation in Canada, Mr. Furthermore the law is not so Gould stated that Canada had much concerned with adult drug signed a convention with forty abuse but with drug use among other countries in 1961. This con- teenagers who haven’t yet reached vention specified which drugs the proper stage of mental dewhere they can cope would be included in the list of velopment with the effects. prohibitive drugs in each country. A member of the class then Marijuana was included in the
14 august
The picture their virginity
above is of a sculpture entitled “Innoin thpfall line-ups of administration
vohtary would prefer if they originally vote to withdraw from the federation and asks for approval of one of a voluntary organization, a compulsory organization, a split-fee (small compulsory and additional voluntary fee) organization or some other type of organization altogether.
to pot pointed out that an alderman in Ki tchener had - complained about adult pot parties in the area. Chief of police, W. Henrich replied that the police in the area had no knowledge of such parties. The rest of the aldermen then turned on the alderman who had made the accusation. They did not believe that such events could be occurrin the Kitchener-Waterloo ing area. Mr. D. Hughes, a chemist with the food and drug dictorate, also spoke to the class two weeks before. Mr. Hughes stated that alcohol was a bigger problem than drugs. One out of thirty alcohol become alcoholics. At users present there are 150,000 alcoholics in Ontario which represents a great loss to society. But the government retains 85 percent of the price of alcohol through tax. Mr. Hughes had to admit that even his own department did not have much valid information on drugs. Since the labs are still not allowed to do research into drugs. The course may be offered again in the fall.
union The student is asked which type of administrative body he wishes to control any eventual grad organization; the two choices name either the graduate student union or a so-called joint graduate student-faculty committee. The questionnaire attempts to uncover the main interests of grad students by requesting those filling out the form to indicate which activities they would support financially through some form of grad organization. Options include the chevron, the Grad Bag (graduate student newsletter), Radio Waterloo, the Creative arts board and such items as free-admission grad pubs, a grad house, graduate disability insurance and legal assistance. Collection of the $22 student activity fee from graduate students has been suspended by the administration beginning at this fall’s registration until the grad union makes a firm policy decision for or against federation membership. Present grad student fees amount to about 12% percent of the total federation fee revenue of over $200,000. Because the federation stands to increase its fee income possibly by as much as $22,000 through increased firstyear enrolment, little vehement reaction to grad pullout is evident among federation executive members, although president Larry Burko suggested the federation would oppose any attempted withdrawal.
Co-op has rooms by day or week with or without meals. Make arrangements. 743-4083 Girl needs female roommate to share apartment-Waterloo Towers. Contact Roe-Anne Mallard, 94 Southill Drive Don Mills. Phone 444-6835. Want a room for the rest of august? Why pay more than necessary. Call WCRI 743-4083 Montreal-large furnished 4 and half, downtown area. $200 monthly for 2-4 co-op students for fall term. We want it back in january (in one piece!) Contact Don at 744-34 10. HOUSING
Housing wanted in Ottawa sept to december. Will share apartment. 745-2101 ask for Bruce or write B. Henderson, 13788 Riverside Drive, Windsor 31 Ontario
Furnished bachelor or one bedroom apartment for September through december (or longer). Call 744-3143 in the mornings.
Campus Center rm.
PERSONAL 1970 Volvo 1225 renting for fall term. Call J Fomfay 578-3721 or ext 2420 FOR SALE Adult games; posters; party funmakers at Jokebox, Chine Kitchen, 51 King North, Waterloo. Student discount available. Apartment thing you 745-0649
full of furniture. need at bargain
1968 Austin 1 100 with extras without mechanical certificate; without. Phone 744-7232
103 University Ave. W. POST _-__ OFFICE _ Phone 742-2019
$800 $850
A Very
1968 Datsun 2000 sports, mechanically excellent, body and cover good condition. Best offer. Call J. Fomfay 578-372 1 or local 2420
Special From
Powerhouse Harold Maskmakhan Plus
For Only
Sky Enterprises
- Edward Bear Lighthouse The Natural Gas Canadian
Package Arts
8 events - $10 value On sale at registration and central box office
428 Rideau St. Ottawa 2 6 13-232-4223
- outsides WITH:
Delanie & Bonnie & Friends Albert George Oliver and the Natural Gas
Motherlode and lots of free food Admission: 1.50 with UofW I.D. $3.00 without I.D. advance $4.00 without I.D. at door
UofW student tickets available at federation of students office in campus center
orientation 970 2
130 the Chevron
Ff ee misfits check out FUN by FREE chevron un-staff
Rumor has it that a group of yippies, anarchists, nihilists, and assorted unaffiliated misfits are putting their heads together for the purpose of.. . Well, it involves our upcoming fall orientation, registration for classes, free things, and what the university is .about and could be about. Your participation is the only thing that’11 make it work. name, Freaks for Unlimited Nowledge, but that spells fun, and maybe you should keep your eyes and ears and noses open this fall. Watch for longhaired, grinning people, and check it out.
Cleaner loses iob,. family, A campus center cleaner, married with seven children, has suddenly found himself without a job, without a permanent residence and without his family. Fred Lace, up until august 2 an employee of Modern Cleaners, cleaners of the campus center, is facing court action over rent money alledged to be in arrears, and has had the care of his children taken over by the local children’s aid. Within the last several months Lace claims to have been victimized by employers paying low wages and demanding almost impossible tasks. First coming to the university with Circle Sales, a cleaning com-
One of about 25 such programmes in Canada, The Kitchener-Waterloo anti-draft programme is involved in the counseling of american political exiles on matters of Canadian immigration procedure, the provision of temporary housing, and assistance in finding jobs locally. Unlike larger cities such as Toronto and Montreal which have upwards of 20 exiles a day arriving and have separate deserter and dodger organizations, the K-W group assists both classifications of military objectors. At least five Americans, sometimes with their wives or girl friends and children arrive week-
only one man”
pany employing non-union labor, in a certain period of time. “It takes eight hours,” said Lace, Lace was hired by Modern Cleaners when Circle lost its contract “to clean Great Hall, the wash rooms, the tile floors and five to clean the campus center. In the posi tionof ‘ ‘ foreman’ ’ Lace insists other rooms. I said I was only one he and a second person were re- man” sponsible for cleaning with onePrecoor stated that she had third the staff that had been em- - found Lace not working on several ployed by Circle Sales, a company occassions and that he openly who the campus center board had challenged company policies. Lace found was not hiring enough peodenies the charge. ple to maintain standards of cleanMeanwhile, Lace was being evicted from his home for not payliness in the building. He was fired from this position ing rent for a period earlier when he was off-work. Local Ontario for supposedly not completing work set out by the local Modern housing corporation officials have so far been unable to offer any consupervisor Betty Precoor. Lace claimed the manager crete help, but Lace is being as“gave him hell” because he did sisted in his search for a home not clean the whole building withby staff members of On the line,
ly during the summer. The maximum for -any week in K-W has been about 20. There are now as many deserters as dodgers arriving locally. Upwards of 200 po litical refugees have settled in Ki tchener- Waterloo. The political activity of local exiles is largely of an educational nature. Approximately ten men speak regularly on american aggression in Indochina and military resistance to local church and youth groups, and to classes in schools, colleges and universities. Refugees have preferred to go this route because of the immigration risks involved in move
visible political agitation, such as demonstrations. It’s probably safe to say that more heads have been changed by their less dramatic methods than might have been done in any other way. Resisters have generally found either an indifferent or positive reception from local residents. In only rare instances have they met with outright hostility and discrimination. If you wish to assist in the work of the ‘programme, provide temporary housing or financial donations, or to obtain more information about military resistance, please contact either of the programme counsellors (both of
whom are Canadians, incidentally) : Ron Lambert, in the department of sociology, or Chris Laing, at 742-2510. Additional information can be obtained from two publications. The Manuel for draft-age immigrants to Canada, now in its fifth printing, describes Canadian immigration procedures, as well as background information on canadian society. Amex is a monthly magazine out of Toronto reporting on the activities of resisters in Canada and is sold in Kitchener- Waterloo in the Waterloo Lutheran university, Uhuru, and Provident bookstores.
press” publication an “alternate in Kitchener. Campus center board chairman Brian Iler came to Lace’s defence with Modern cleaners, requesting they rehire Lace without delay. No reply has been received from the company. In his letter, Iler states the campus center board has “noticed a marked decline in the quality of cleaning since (Modern) assumed responsibility. . .this appears not to be Mr. Lace’s fault, but rather your firm’s, for failing to assign sufficient staff . . . approximately 170 man-hours per week are allocated by your firm to the campus center, compared to the 240 manhours worked by Circle Sales. The amount of work your firm expected him to do was likely beyond any man’s capability.” Precoor states fewer man-hours are needed because Modern uses “proper training, equipment and supervision. ” Modern does not pay union wages and may be threatened with cancellation of their contract. They clean eight other buildings on campus. Lace has no immediate job opportunities other than the possibility and hope that a position might be found with the university’s physical plant and planning department. Still, he must wait for employment to pay his debts and get his children back-and will continue to ask the OHC for up- to-now, non-existent help in finding a home.
the chevron
Conrad Grebel’s John Bennett and Gord HayMlard try in vain to navigate the flood-swolleiz waters of laurel CI eek. Heavy rains not only raised the water level but washed large quantities of oil off the aspha ‘lt walks and into the drainage system which in turn badly polls ted the stream. .
14 august
1970 (11:12)
is.- pollution
by Jay Thompson
single trash can then politicians would be willing to give it a try. Politicians may not be the most efficient people in the world. It is doubtful as to whether or not they love their electors. But they sure love office. When they hear the bloodhounds of public opinion they are willing to play and cross the ice flows to a better world. All they need is howling inspiration.
In the past the PP article has attempted to give information to its readers on specific issues. This week it will content itself with passing on some food for thought on several different topics. I. So, please bear with us and pick your topics of interest. HUMOUR
Several weeks ago Sandy Baird’s daily column noted the meticulous Kitchener housewife who gathered paper litter from her front lawn and threw it into the gutter. Ironical, yes. But isn’t that what PP is all about? A cartoon seen somewhere, probably the K-W Record. Says a wife, “My husband’s against everything I’m for. He’s the only person I know who’s in favour of pollution. ” PAPER
A long established Kitchener businessman remembers when there was a triple garbage collection. Ashes were set in one bin, items that would decompose were placed in another, while a third was set aside for solid waste. “And,” he says, “they had three different trucks to collect them.” Collecting paper separately from other garbage shouldn’t be too much to ask for now. That is only dual collection. It could even be done by the same truck. All that stands between the idea and reality are lazy people and disinterested politicians. Or maybe just lazy people. If they were willing to make it work and showed an inclination to get off their
Man isn’t the only animal that acts in a manner contrary to his best interests. Moose can also act in a foolish way. It appears they have a naturally acquired taste for the refuse from the poloroid self-developing cameras. Tourists, who ought to know better, snap pictures of the scenic and unspoiled wilderness of-Northern ‘Ontario, dropping their unwanted sections from the poloroid process by the wayside. Moose, who may not know any better, love nothing more than muching upon these toxic delicacies. Last year more than twenty known cases of moose deaths were reported from this cause. To the best of knowledge an I.&. for moose has never been ascertained. In all probability it is lower than man’s. This must be so since only a small percentage of moose are now dying from environmen ta1 pollution. Man’s intellectual prowess is allowing him to aim for the en&ire human race. In the process he will take the moose with him. By then, who cares? WHERE
. . .a11 the flowers gone? “Some of the loveliest wild flowers
15 - September
The E.M.S. Library Monday-Friday Saturday Sunday
13, 1970
will be open: 8:00 a.m. - 12 midnight 9: 00 a.m. - 12 midnight 16: 00 a.m. - 12 midnight
inclusive .
Circulation will be open the following hours: Monday-Friday 8: 00 a.m. - 6: 00 p.m. Saturday 990 a.m. - 590 p.m. Sunday CLOSED
annuals - or biennials - that die in the year of their bloom. By picking these we prevent seeding and doom the plants to extinction.” For those who enjoy sojourns into the great out-of-doors, heed the advice of the federation of Ontario naturalists, “Take nothing but pictures and leave nothing but footprints. ” Please. Moose don’t eat footprints. And others enjoy wild flowers. Next year even you may want to see some again. PEOPLE,
132 the Chevron
Sometimes PP is misunderstood. Th: hurts. We want to represent ourselves i we are and we want to be recognized fc being just that. First, second and last, we donot clai: that pollution can be eliminated. We don 1 think it can be. We believe that Utopia went up with the smoke that extinguisht the originator of that word, Sir Thomi Moore. What PP wants is control of the enviroment. We even find ourselves in the embarrassing situation of agreeing with ‘ ‘ Granny Annie” Landers when she discounts the “mother of the year” as being “a sterilized woman with an adopted child. ” Like, it makes economical and ecological sense to recycle paper rather than destroy trees and waste space that isn’t available. We want to save wildlife in all its varied forms. Asphalt serves an extremely useful purpose. So do trees and all that goes with them. c Even parenthood is acceptable. Every couple, if they so desire, should have a child. Or two. After that there is a’ limit. There is a limit to everything. Including the possibility of survival, That is what PP is all about.
is a vast expanse of ocean. Between north American and over population the distance is far less great. This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t turn our eyes towards India on occasion. As pioneers in this problem there is much they can teach us. POLLUTION
Our source is Mr. K. Vepa, a critic of PP’s article “Defusing the People Bomb.” Here is India and the population problem : l India is one of the first countries to institute a special ministry for population control.. .headed by a demographic expert. l Indians have no institutionalized prejudices, religious or otherwise, against the practice of artificial birth control. :. . 0 . . . .Western countries have a falling birth rate, but this is more a result of industrialization, urban living and greater prosperity than a consequence of official attempts. Mr. Vepa is also correct in pointing out that at the present time neither Canada nor the U.S. have any organization to deal with north american population growth. He doesn’t point out, but it should be mentioned, that the north american “falling birth rate” still produces an increase far in excess of the desirable and necessary “zero population growth” that the U.S. will aim for in the near future. Between India and North America there
(Exception: The E.M.S. Circulation will be open on Labour Day Monday, September 7, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Reference service will be given the following hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. - 590 +m. (Exception: No Reference service on Monday, 7, Labour Day.)
Call Hi-line
for a ffiend
If you are a student who expects to have some free time this year, you might be interested in sitting beside a telephone occassionally helpingHi-line. Hi-line, a confidential telephone service primarily serving the university community is staffed by student volunteers who answer calls between 7 pm and 7 am seven days a week. The philosophy behind Hi-line is that university students are uniquely suited to talk with other students about their hopes, fears, failures and/or
70 to 7 you lose
“I would like to point out that all the discussion about control of air pollution by the new automobile emission devices is a lot of unutterable baloney. The most recently available devices have two effects: number one, if anything, they change the chemical mix of pollution emission; and, number two, they decrease the size of the particles by a factor of about ten. Both these things make the pollution more serious to health and for effects on weather than would be the case if we didn’t try to alter it at all. So we’re deluding ourselves.. . ” Earth Day-The Beginning
successes, personal as well as general, because to some extent, they have had similar experiences. Hi-line volunteers don’t profess’ to be able to give answers to the problems we all have. They do however provide a human ear for a human problem, and using the phone guarantees your anonymity if that is the way you want it. Whenever you have something bugging you or whenever you feel you have to talk to someone, anyone NOW, you can always call 745-4733. If you’re interested in becoming a Hi-line volunteer one of our directors will be in a tent near the registration line between the campus center and the athletic complex during the registration period. The directors for the coming year are Darlene Mathies and Terry Moore of U of W and Mel Coubrough and Hank Cohen of WLU. Training sessions for new volunteers will start about two weeks after classes begin; posters on campus will give the final date and time. No experience or previous training is necessary. Just’ bring yourself. New members are always needed and appreciated.
Nelson, the chevron
Despite government pressure on universities to cut spending, and no special allocation in this year’s Uniwat budget, the board ofgovernors has purchased a house for incoming president Burt Matthews, without the knowledge of the rest of the university community. The house, which will cost more than $100,000, is situated on Kitchener’s Westgate Walk, near the homes of local elitists such as Clifford Dare, Carl Pollock, and John Motz. Matthews, the third UojW president, is the first to be provided with a home with university funds. Burt will be moving in on September 1.
New hearing looms for suspended SW profs-
BURNABY (CUP)-Fearful of being fired outright, four of seven suspended professors from Simon Fraser University have accepted a new hearing on their dismissals. The three-man Palmer committee which reported last week, had accused SFU president Kenneth Strand of “appalling arrogance” in the dismissal of the seven, and had demanded that they be unconditionally reinstated. Professors Briemberg, Feldhammer, Whelldon, and Ahmad of the political science, sociology, and anthropology department, accepted a new hearing committee, but stated in a press release that they did so despite their belief that the Palmer committee’s decision is binding. They believe, however, that they could be fired outright if they did not accept a new hearing. Professors Aberle and Potter have refused to submit to new hearings. In letters to president Strand they stated that the decision of the Palmer committee was “incontrovertible.” Strand had demanded new hearings on the friday
grounds that the Committee “violated due process” in arriving at a decision. Before the committee met, Strand had indicated that he would not accept any findings which were unfavourable to him. The committee, one of whose members had been selected by Strand, accused him of wanting to be “both prosecutor and judge.” The seventh suspended professor, Dr. John Leggett, has been unexpectedly reinstated. The PSA faculty contend that this was done “only because his contract ends on august 31.” They assert that by dropping dismissal charges against Leggett and allowing his contract to run out within the month, Strand has found a way to get rid of Leggett that is easier than undergoing dismissal hearings. It might not be as easy as all that. Leggett was elected acting chairman of; the PSA departmen t immediately after his - suspension was lifted august 4. He replaces Arthur Mitzman who resigned july 27. 74 august
7970 (7 7:72)
Address letters to Feedback, The Chevron, lJ of W. Be concise. The Chevron reserves the right to shorten letters. Those typed (double-spaced) get priority. Sign it - name, course, year, telephone. For legal reasons unsigned letters cannot be published. A pseudonym hill be printed if you have a good reason.
feedback An exposition on trees, pollution und fhhgs If this letter is printed in september it might be read by regular students starting to return to our glorious campus after a five month holiday. No doubt they would notice the beginnings of new structures on this campus which were begun during the summer term. Perhaps they didn’t notice the trees in front of the math building. As I write this on august 11 the carpenters have just returned to work after a strike beginning june 25. During that time there existed a large trench girdling the front of the building. It just sat there for some 48 days. By now one of the trees out front is dead, two are dying ( ? ) and the last, closest to the them building, is starting to die! ! Whose fault is it? Ellis-Don because they left the trench open, the carpenters because they went on strike or PP&P because they didn’t take the steps to insure the survival of the trees? Who will, pay for new trees; new small trees. that have to be nursed for two years all over again? And while I’m in such a pollution-minded mood I would like to congratulate all of my fellow stu-’ dents in their efforts to keep the campus center clean. Its been looking fairly decent this summer. I’d like everyone to bow and/or curtsey and pat themselves on the back at the same time. Now, while you’re all stooped over like that, waddle over to the third floor math lounge and pick up all the garbage there. Nothing
134 the Chevron
depresses me more on ‘campus than to come down for a break from working in the library only to have to struggle amongst the wrappers, cups, tin cans, cigarette butts, lids, spoons and paper bowls to try and find a clean place to sit down. Why are EMS people so proud that they can’t put their garbage in a container as they walk out? Some groups try to be sports about it and play basketball with their waste. But janitors don’t appreciate picking up the rebounds! Why can’t you! ? IAN HARRIS 3a Applied chemistry An open letter to the Uniwot appeal
On tuesday, july Zlst 1970 I drove into the parking lot behind the math building at 8:50 and left at 12:00 PM to find that my car had been towed away at a cost of $10.00 to repossess same. On arrival at the university I asked for a guest sticker and was refused same. I spoke with someone in the security office who informed me that some cars had been towed away and also stated that there was plenty of parking room. I know of one student who wrote the same examination as I did and parked in the same lot with no sticker and his car was there on returning from the examination. WHY ????????? I paid $14.00 for parking privileges during 1969-1970 and intend to do the same for 1970-1971.
I object to this entire procedure as being unfair and discriminatory and would appreciate your comments. GRAHAM ENGLAND math 2
About ‘here’s
those some
pi//s.... corrections
Line by line, I have some corrections to make . . . .the ‘pills don’t prevent the production of ova. The ova are still made in the ovaries, but are prevented from travelling to the fallopian tubes, where they are, under average circumstances, fertilized. (It seems that this might be one factor in the higher incidence of multiple births in women who have been taking the pill and then stop. ) The medical examination and pap smear should be given at least every year-more frequently if there is a non-positive medical history in the woman’s family (e.g., if someone else in the immediate family has had cancer.) Doctors vary very widely in their practice and opinions of these examinations. If you don’t forget to take your pills, you probably won’t get pregnant. Most drug companies suggest that you use a supplementary method of contraception during the first week of the first month of taking the pill. The pills have not kept the egg from developingonly from being in the right place at the right time. When you talk about safety,
effectiveness and the approval of the US food and drug administration, there are a number of pertinent questions which you might ask yourself (and your friends, if you have any)--Prioritiespregnancy or abstinence or other methods-or the pill and the possibility of blood clots, cervical cancer, moles, etc.. .The US FDAdmin also approved thalidomide etc, etc. There’s a very interesting article in Ramparts of about 2 or 3 months ago about the pill. If you
don’t have it, you could probably get it from the library or the publisher. It’s worth getting. , Also, you could, for our edification publish ALL the information on male contraception methods( ? ) and research being done into them. About some things, it is especially important to find out as much as you can. Have fun, and if you need an abortion, you can always go to New York or London or Japan. CHARLOTTE VON BEZOLD integrated studies
15 - September
Monday-Friday Saturday Sunday Circulation
a.m. a.m.
- 12 midnight - 12 midnight
- 12 midnight
be given:
- 10 p.m.
- 5 p.m.
Closed No service
Service will Monday-Friday. Exception:
be open:
8:00 9:00
Exception: Reference
on Labour
be given: 9:OO
No service
- 5 p.m.
on Labour
note: Due further will
renovations changes
be posted
and in hours
in advance.
moving may
be necessary.
at campus
didn ‘t have
to go to Mosport
Fun, games and lots of fun seems to be the theme of orientation’70. Larry Burko, chairman, and the orientation committee have set out a wide range of activi ty that should keep everybody busy. The “weekend” runs from September 8 to 19 and mixes education with sandbox activities. The campus center once again will become Centroid. Information from drugs and birth control to bus schedules and city maps will all be available free at the campus center information desk. Features of this year’s ‘pre-orientation plans include : 0 A more complete coursecounselling program to explain courses - from senior students’ viewpoint. l A program to help students around the red tape of registration. See the “student registrar”. 0 During September 8-11, there
to do their
Minke. the Chevron
will be free folk work shops and concerts in the campus center in the afternoon and free dances or movies in the evenings. l On Wednesday September 9, counselling services will have an all-day open house, concluding with speakers in the evening. l Thursday September 12 at eight p.m. pollution probe will have a program on their activities in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. 0 Circle K takes September 12 for slave day-the day freshmen work for city residents and return salaries to Circle K for charity. There’s a free dance in the campus center afterwards. l On the thirteenth, the engineering society will sponsor a wiener roast on the north campus while Conrad Grebel college will follow with a coffee house. Check flyers and posters for other so-
to solicit
as a nation then it’s time to take the structure apart and put it back together,” state the editors in their plea to colleagues. They are directing their remarks to the special committee on
is big
ciety and college residence activities. l The traditional Warriors football game at Seagram’s stadium on the 14th-this year against Saskatchewan-will -be followed by a not-so-traditional torchlight parade. On the fifteenth, phase I: A debate between an american Black Panther and a member of the press kicks off, followed by a short film on the Panthers. A dance with Lighthouse, ending with Medium Cool occupies the evening. Phase // starts with a concert by Teegarten & Van Winkle, a debate between a member of the Canadian red power group and a representative of the department of indian affairs, and ends with movies-Midnight Cowboy and The Graduate. September
to the Fifth
US-backed Time and Digest. Other support comes from the New Press and This magazine is about schools, Toronto, and Canadian Forum and The lastpost, Montreal.
begins with the Vancouver street thea ter ( an amusing, political troupe banned in their home province), and a dance with Brutus, and finishes with the movie Alice’s Restaurant. Saturda-y September 19th will feature an all-day outdoors rock cancer t featuring Bonnie, Delanie and Friends, Motherlode and Mainline. 2pm at Seagram’s. The most outstanding portion of sandbox for orientation’70 is a coffee house at food services featuring two of the greatest living bluesmen, Sonny Terry and Brownie McGhee. Freshmen can purchase a ticket book for $8.00 that will allow them entry to all events.
The‘ whole idea of the orienta‘tion program can be summed up by the committee buttons which picture a sprig of cannabis in dayglo yellow and green!
74 august
7970 (7 7: 72)
-1 8
136 the Chevron
‘ram the
Muth society the old pink
will revive tie muthscot
A rumour is circulating on campus and elsewhere that the math society’s mathscot will once more make an appearance on campus. Perhaps a brief history of the mathscot would be in order, to educate this year’s frosh and to refresh the memories of those who were on campus monday,, noveml&r 27, 1967 when the mathscot unofficially opened the math and computer science building. It was then that our mathscot made its first appearance. From the top of the math building an 85’ tie stretched all the way to the ground. Why an 85’ pink tie? Well once upon a time there was a dreamer/builder who held the position of chairman of the dept. of mathematics, faculty of arts. Dr. Stanton, Ralph to U. of Woo mathies, dreamed of a separate faculty for his subject math. Ralph worked many years to establish this dream and through his work the faculty of mathematics of the University of Waterloo was created. Soon after the math faculty was formed the students formed the mathematics society. A distinctive symbol was needed to bring math students together. The math sot looked of course for something to tie to the man obviously responsible for their creation. Like all really great men, Ralph didn’t do everything like the rest of us. It seemed that Ralph liked to wear wide, brightly coloured ties. The math sot adopted the pink tie as their mathscot and pink as their un-of f icial official colour.
In 1967 the tie was stolen and auctioned off on CHYM radio station before being returned to the math sot. A plumber delegation then stole it from the show case in the math building. A group of students working on last year’s production of Fass stole it from the plumbers. The math sot orientation committee is now in the process of re-gaining possession of the tie. Hopefully it will become the rallying point of the math sot’s orientation activities which include ‘Mission Impossible’ (a reversal of the old university plays practical jokes on the frosh trick), a hay ride and wiener roast followed by a party-dance in the student lounge of the math building. So if on sunday, Sept. 13th you see some clown wearing a big pink tie you’ll know he’s a member of the math sot’s orientation
committee and he’s probably leading some innocent frosh in some shit-disturbing activity. Carl Miller math sot orientation ‘70 chairman. Are we really leurning be useful to the world?
So Mr. Albert Elliot of 3b Civ. Eng. is “busy training ‘himself’ to become an engineer so that ‘he will be’ in a position to be useful to the world.” Well Mr. Elliot, may I state that many of our present ecological and environmental problems have been occasioned by engineers who have done just that-obtained . a training, succumbed to corporate and other economic pressures of our society (industry, agriculture-the whole bit). By obtaining a train-
to last issue’s
ing they have not in the past been able to think things out as thoroughly as they should. They have not comprehended nor appreciated how their individual and collective attitudes and actions would affect the SPACESHIP-“PLANET EARTH” - a spaceship which is on a never ending journey, a spaceship on which a very thin layer of atmosphere supports life in a very delicately balanced array. Yes Mr. Elliot, I also‘know of many classmates in Civ. Eng. “who did not have big plans for themselves-they too were willing to fit into society as it is”. Within traditional values, they were not thoughtlessmany were alive and sensitive within these bounds. It was a beauty to watch nei-on one-third of my classmates de-
., -.
velop a tremendous social conscious from the time we first started school in 1964. But they developed this due to inter-actions with profs, with other more socialconscious-advanced students. They developed this due to an educational process occuring outside regular classes, and due to such classmates as J. B. The problems we face due to social structures, ecological degradation are things which will not be easily solved. It is small wonder that many students become easily radicalized, especially as they face inflexible structures which seem to hinder solution of these problems-perhaps the best thing is to tear these structures down. It is-rmperative for you Mr. ALBERT ELLIOT to adopt attitudes, methodologies of thinking which make you ask the question “What effect does my design, my work have on other people, on my environment?” Should many current road, structural or reservoir projects ever have been allowed to commence? In many cases, the answer is a totalitarian “no”. The challenge to you Mr. Elliott and your classmates is to adopt the internal fortitude necessary to prevent the commencement of such projects. The attidude expressed by your letter to the chevron lettitor of friday, july 17 makes it appparent to me that you will not or cannot adopt such a fortitude-does the same go for your classmates? It’s Possible! ! ! ! BILL SNODGRASS, dept of environmental sciences Univ. of North Carolina civil engineering, 1969
Don’t call yourself a secret unless you mean to keep it.
There are times when we just know it’s wrong to isolate ourselves from people or situations to avoid being challenged or hurt. Yet awareness of this fact is not much use until we act to overcome our rigidity or fear, and begin interacting in a self-fulfilling way. When this happens, it is impossible for us to keep ourselves a secret. And this is good, for it means willingness to share human thoughts and emotions fully. Sharing is what the rap room is all about. There are no hard-line professionals who cram people into categories of neurosis...there are no wild-eyed psychology students on pins and needles to play Freud... Instead, there are people-people to talk people to understand. to, people to listen; People to be with while problems (from girlfriends to drugs) are sorted out.
People, however, who can and will-if an individual wishes it-make referrals to counorganizations for selling services or other further aid. We are all secrets worth sharing. The rap room is staffed by volunteer counsellors from many courses, including history, sociology, snglish, psychology, chemistry, mathematics and engineering, who occasionally meet with counselling services representatives to discuss and evaluate their effectiveness and warmth when being with people. The rap room is a project jointly financed by counselling services and the campus center board and is intended as an absolutely free discussion and referral service to all persons on campus.
In the campus
the main
24 hours
a day.
heraproom. c friday
14 august
1970 (1 I: 12)
Take a breakxome stroke a game
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Major and Minor Repairs - carburetor repairs - batteries
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your own betrothal
This cryptic puzzle was put together by a reader who became tired of other swifties of ours that he claims require only a thesaurus and the capacity to determine the abbreviation of a phrase like-kill baby kill. ACROSS 1. Dental care is, oddly, prevented by fluorides. (6) 8. The responsibility is ours. (4) 9. Broken par, love? 69 is too too much! (7) 13. Invariably returns in suppurating flesh. (3) 14. A main artery in Algeria or Tangiers. (5) 15. Are back for a long time. (3)
8 King Street East
18. Braggi’s better half? (3) ” 19. Broken gums - just ate the canary? (4) 20. Sat back before setback sticks to her diet if this is all she rinncl fit\ 22. Acronymic Braves lost a speaker tonite. Damn! (5) 25. Ten times 38 ac. (3) 26. Twice double soft in double measure in France. (6) 27. One hundred relax and stop altogether. (5) 28. A broken crate will draw attention to something missing. u-3.
(5) 30. A tombstone
Los Angeles.
for hash’s Right. (6)
33. Guide a horny beast. (5) 34. This tank will clean the shit out of you. (6) 36. Hold on, s o u n d s like it’s heavy. (4) 38. One tenth of 25 ac. (3) 39. Up to scratch, as it were. (5) 41. Perhaps see you are a bitch. In\ 42. Means no time, he asserts (5) 44. You can catch a crab with this. (3) 46. 2dn., perhaps, appealing to voyeurs. (7) 47. All back after nothing wins the pot. (4) 48. Does this sort out the bugs?
D( )WN 1. Pig that’s
in a train.
2. Article
before us is what we all pass through. (4) 3. Lies idle, or rusticates after qq left and ate. (5) 4. That that this, this &c., they
WE WELCOIWE’YOU We would like to take this opportunity
say. (2)
to welcome
5. Measures to stop iac? 6. Get off this and/or smoke (3)
to U. of Vv. and to Westmount
Now in Our 3rd Year Serving 4 SERVICE BAYS-Electronic BRAKE MACHINE SHOP-For
Equipped the Ultimate
7. Drag
back a little make these. (7)
10. Huge broken vats. (4) 11. Separated from its partner, (by brains?) this one usually takes it. (4,3) 12. Trespass without French, very good if you do. (4) 17. Temperature there’s no escape from. (7) 21. 28ac., and is stirred together to make a fatty mixture. (7) 23. Spastic lost a t w i t c h for springs. (4) , 24. Endless balls needed for this trial. (4) 27. They bit the dust, you might
the University
in EngineTuning - For the Finest in Precision Brake Repairs
say. (6)
Just The
In And
Us - Inspect
70 Westmount
Around Corner
29. One of Toronto’s roads and others. (7) 31. How an E.E. student sends home for money? (2,5) 34. Portnoy’s first bedfellow. (4) 35. Coeducational, but with no learning. Could be hot! (4) . 37. Old lover, initially in the part of 44ac. (5) 40. Ivy League. 46ac. (4) 43. Censor the doctor. (3) 45. Put article in nurse - ‘moved quickly! (3) 47. Gold alternative sounds like 44ac. (2)
Let Us Drive You To U. of W. friday
74 august
7970 (7 7: 72) 739 Ill
Reflect-ions on a Silver Win
12 140 the Chevron
by Peter
chevron staff
‘70 year of festivals Ripoff$acid *big *wet * noise IVewport’s gone-Woodstock Nation Mariposa quiet ten years old Joni came back from the canyon Brought with her young baby James Ramblin’ Jack brought Woodie back Olympia, New Orleans Odetta smashed our minds and souls Fred McDowell was soul itself Peace and peaches Perth County brought Edith Butler her soft French tongue Freight Train brought us Elizabeth Cotton Bruce Cockburn the softspring rain Cajun Doug fought the tugboats T.he M4M the peaceful cops Michael Cooney made us children AIith Alanis Obwassin, her people came ‘70 year of festivals Mariposa a silver wing.
Jack Elliot friday
74 august
7970 (7 7: 72)
j47 13
Essays and Theses to Type? I
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142 the Chevron
to service
ES? CAN I HELPYOU? Yes. . . at least I hope so. . . I’m pregnant. How many weeks? About seven, I think. Have you had a pregnancy test done? Yes, it was positive. How can we help you? I want an abortion. I see. Before I discuss that with you, we make it a policy to let a girl know all the ways to get through this whole mess. Regardless of what you decide, we will do anything within our power to help you. First, you can have the child. We can help make arrangements with children’s aid if you wish to put the baby up for adoption. Also, we can help make arrangements for a place where you can stay until the baby is born. You may also continue school during your pregnancy, if you wish. How can I do that? That’s no problem; you would probably miss two-or three weeks of school at the most. During that time, you could keep up with some of your work. I can’t do that; my parents would have to know. Why? Do you live with them? No. Well then, why would they have to know? A lot of girls get through without their parents knowing. Then there are the abortion possibilities. We can give you the name of a local doctor and psychiatrist who will present your case to the board at our local hospital. If you do get a legal one there, it will cost you about 35 dollars. Chances are you will be refused, but our doctor friends will make referrals to other centers where the abortion boards are not so ultraconservative. What if I am covered under my parents’ insurance? No problem. If you pay your ten per cent to the doctor, no bill or statement will be sent to your parents. And if I can’t get a legal abortion? Then there are a few good illegal abortionists around; we are not sure who they are, but if you ask around, you can find one. If and when you do, come to us and we will check his name in the medical directory. Or if you cannot get his name, get a description of the contact arrangement. We can check most of them against a blacklist and tell you whether or not he is a butcher. Remember, your life and health are at stake. Now, may I ask you a few questions? This is to help us determine why girls get pregnant, and hence to block those possibilities. Yes. Were you using any method of birth control? No. Had you ever? No. Why? We thought we were being careful; we never had intercourse at the height of my period. Besides, it spoils the spontaneity, having to fit a diaphragm or use foam. My boyfriend says that wearing a condom spoils the feeling. What about the pill? I didn”t know a doctor who would not hassle me. Besides, it has a lot of side-effects, doesn’t it . . . like cancer, strokes, and stuff like that? We know doctors who would have helped. There may be some side-effects, none of which are usually serious or lasting. If you take the
pill under a doctor’s supervision and have the proper examinations, you should have no problems. Besides, the risk to life involved in taking the pill is something like 4 per hundred thousand, while childbirth has a risk of 24 per hundred thousand. Most of the women who have problems with the pill are starting after the age of 35. Lastly, the new low-dosage pills appear to be even safer, although they haven’t been on the market long enough to get an accurate estimate of how much safer. There is a risk in taking all prescription drugs. It depends on which you consider the lesser of two evils, pregnancy, or running up against some sideeffects. If you can’t use the pill, then there is always the IUD. Yes, but I haven’t had a baby, so I can’t get an IUD. That is no longer true. We know of doctors who will insert special ones in girls who have not had children.
The above conservation is typical of the twenty-five girls that we have seen in the past three months. It’s about time that both parents and youth wake up to the fact that babies are not found under cabbage leaves, but happen because of sex. Amazingly enough, many young people are still willing to play roulette with their futures now that it is not necessary. A few years ago, when even the word “sex” was evil, it was understandable, but now that contraception methods are freely available, there is little reason for an unwanted pregnancy. Then, the obvious question is why does it still happen?
There are some girls with psychological problems. These girls can only be helped by proper counselling. There are many that enjoy love however; that want nothing more, and they are certainly not disturbed in any way. Senior students at this university and others comment on the “stupid frosh”. Wrong, people-by far the highest percentage are in second year or higher, with a good sprinkling of grads. Parents will probably say “promiscuous young people, not my son or daughter”. Wrong again ! It has been our experience that many of these young people have only slept with one, or a very few others. They are not generally the hippie types you might imagine, but the straights. There are a few more facts that might be of interest to you.
Five per week Besides the pregnant girls we have seen, counselling services was seeing five a week in january, and the centre in Toronto, that is affiliated with the University of Toronto, sees twenty a week. Most of these kids get abortions without their parents ever finding out.
Most of the girls are pregnant because they have been-brought up to believe that sex is dirty and bad. This results in their feeling guilty about buying contraceptives and using them. They are frightened about going to a doctor to get the pill, or to a drugstore to get foam and condoms, because they have been taught from early childhood that sex and love are something to fear rather than enjoy. Of course, all this goes for the boys as well. The boy is less likely to see the danger because he is not the one who gets pregnant, so his sexual attitude may be more liberal. I think a quote from a professional source will help clarify my point and give, I hope, a hint to parents. “The boys and girls whose circumstances allow th-em opportunities of sexual adventure never intend to produce a pregnancy. They are experimenting with their emotions more or less light-heartedly or because it has become the fashion in their schools, bizarre as that sounds, to cultivate sexual experience. When, as sometimes occurs, the consequence is pregnancy, it is generally such a shock that the girl may take months to realize what has happened. “Every one of these pregnancies is a tragedy. The responsibility for them lies with us, the older generation. We are allowing adolescents liberty of action without having taught them clearly and practically what powerful impulses they are playing with and what the consequences might be. If no change of behavior takes place in us, the responsible adults, the present tragic situation can on/y get worse. I* (Sex and
Society: Wright H. page 41). I don’t think that young people will agree with everything she says, but it holds some grain of truth. Adults insist on making sex something to be scorned and little discussed. If the whole idea_-& sex was made a little more natural, I think we would see a reduction in oversexed advertising, movies, and the sex crimes that are on the increase.
It is possible that the new interest in sex in all the media is due to the coming of the “new morality”. One statement which sums up the new morality very well comes from an english doctor, who works with the family planning clinics in England. She has given the pill to over five hundred unmarried students in the past two years. Her comment is this: “The girls are full of life and a love of living, which inevitably settles over the years as one descends into the pleasant, routine rut of marriage and maturity; sex to them is still an experiment and a joy instead of just another martial chore. ” (J. of Biosocial Science, 1969, 1,307 - 313). This does not necessarily mean that young people advocate promiscuity. The opposite is quite true. Young people are
even more down on promiscuous youth than adults can imagine. The girls are “pigs” to the uncouth and insensitive. To the others, they are sick and need help; they are looking for love and affection to the point of desperation, and alas, most of them never find it. It is likely in the future that sex with affection will become the college code. Whether this is good or bad is in the future. It is believed by a great many experts, however, that sex is one of the most overrated indicators of morality. And most young people agree! * * * What can a parent do? First, give up condemning -pre-marital sex. This does no good. By the time sons or daughters are ready to go to university, they have minds of their own. They are developing their own morals and code of ethics, which will differ from parents’ as each generation’s has from the last throughout history. To harp on sex, and the necessity of retaining one’s virginity, and to scorn unwed mothers only makes the stress greater for the girl or boy if they end up in trouble. They feel they cannot turn to their parents, for they know they will scorn them as they have when hearing about some kid down the street. Parents should not try to judge their children. A remark made to a friend of mine under these conditions to his parents when he told them he was marrying an unwed mother was, “Well, we had our sights set higher, but we have been proud of you so far. I guess one can’t be lucky all the time.” Every parent has goals for their children but don’t ever figure that they will make it, nor judge them the way this boy was judged. You do not have the right; the young person is an individual, capable of setting his own standards. Show love and understanding, never fear and mistrust. If .you do show love, then you may save yourself and your children a lot of grief.
can you do?
What can a young person do? First, don’t take chances. If there is even the most remote chance of intercourse, take along foam, girls, boys, condoms (these are available in some of the washrooms on campbus). If you have an established relationship, think about the pill or IUD. We can help you here as well by giving you the name of a doctor who won’t hassle you. But above all, think very carefully about what you are going to do. Listen to advice, but remember the decision is yours and no one else’s. If you ever wish to discuss this matter with anyone, come and see us, birth conrol center, room 206, campus centre. We are open now from 7 -9 on wednesday nights; our hours will increase in the winter. If you are in Toronto, why not drop into our office there; it is at 631 Spadina and is open tuesday, Wednesday, and thursday nights from 7 -9. Or call 928-2684 ; anytime, 536-0167. This, of course, goes doubly if you are pregnant. However, it would be nicer to see you first. This article has been prepared by staff members of the university of Waterloo birth control center.
74 august
7970 (7 7: 72)
15 * L
Don’t wait for us to call you, dyp into the Chevron office, campus center, when you first arrive on,S,campus, -> :-
* graphics W&k
L* negs⁢nii for the Chedon
‘page layout this year.
The Chevron is compiling a circulation library of books either not held or in great demand at regular university and off-campus library facilities. While presently consisting of only about twenty volumes, the library is being carefully planned to provide an alternate reading source of material dealing with labor, international affairs and radical viewpoints in as many academic disciplines as possible. The Canadian point of view is emphasized. * * * Some of the books now are: F Essays on mid-Canada l The world and Africa, l The McGill movement l The selected words of l Close the 49th parallel Lumsden
on a regular
(The mid-Canada development corridor) by W. E. Burghardt du Bois (A critical view of cgnadian writers) Lenin (the americanization of Canada), by Ian
For circulation information drop in to see Chevron secretary Charlotte Buchan. 9 - 4:30, or call ext.
Hand-bound copies of last year’s Chevron, volume available in the Chevron office for only $1 5. Includes
10 are now a complete
set of last year’s issues bound ‘in a tough,‘black ripple finish with the Chevron logo, volume number and dates gold embossed on the front. Keep,your library up to date by coming to the Chevron office from 9 to 4:30. Only $1 5 for a lifetime memento.
CHEVRON SUBSCRIPTIONS Send a subscription parts of the country for individual terms.
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of the Chevron to friends or relatives in other or overseas. Only $8 for one full -year, or $3
as gifts or just for fun.
-. By Jim JacobdLNS)
It’s always
k3i&%$%K0P power-at the point
The rap room. Campus
favourite creasingly difficult to cultivate the “labor vote” for its liberal politicians. The most notable recent defeat was Texas Senator Ralph Yarborough. All these difficulties of social democracy appear full-blown as the American dream begins to fall apart. The social democratic ideology looks for order where there is none. It attempts to explain repression as shocking accidents of irrationality, instead of systematic attempts of the old order to continue in power. It is afraid of the actions of blacks and young people because they upset things and ruin all chances of reform, instead of seeing the trend to the right caused by Nixon not the Panthers. It looks for compromise solutions when lines are drawn more clearly than ever before. At his death, Walter Reuther recognized these problems. He was especially terrified of the threat posed by black workers to the UAW, let alone management. Reuther was also concerned about young poeple, and he held a few youth conferences to cultivate young black and white new labor leaders. Yet, he never pushed for even minor reforms within the UAW, such as draft counselling, child day-care centers for young women, and increased SUB benefits for young workers, that would win support of the young workers. Reuther was also concerned with the war in Vietnam and the black liberation struggle. Yet, again, all he could offer was support for liberal Democrats, the American Labor Alliance, and some national programs which were feebly lobbied for in Congress, The bankruptcy of social democratic politics was never more obvious than today. For those in Detroit, Reuther was an important political figure. The UAW has clout in this town. But more broadly, his life teaches us an important lesson. No one can deny Reuther was concerned about the workers. He struggled on their behalf continuously. No one would deny he was an activist. Reuther sacrificed, worked, and fought for a better society. Compared to other american labor unions, the UAW is in the vanguard on social issues. But for all its activity the UAW never turned the government into working for the laboring people of America. It has little understanding of racism and imperialism. It does not understand the role of the government today. More and more as the society begins to tear apart, the UAW plays a reactionary role attempting to preserve order amidst chaos. The lesson we can learn from Reuther’s career is that activism is not enough to insure change. We must recognize that “politics in command” is real. Revolutionaries must never divorce strategy and tactics from politics in their struggles. If we base our actions on the understanding of imperialism, our struggle r’or the end of expoitation of all working people will be rewarded in a way Walter Reuther never dreamed would be possible.
complete DAILY
0 If YOU
need 0 gr ideas we can help
N THE INTEREST OF the workers, the social-democratic union strategy is structured at the top. The local leadership, let alone the rank and file, is kept in the dark concerning the movements of the international. Except for contract ratification, and perhaps in a few union elections, the United auto workers’ rank and file is never engaged in political struggle. The result is a docile membership, which despite all the democratic procedures and educational materials available through the UAW, remains largely apolitical or brainwashed into reactionary positions. This provides the cop-out for the UAW when its liberal friends ask for support on anti-war, antiracist issues. The traditional response of the social democrat UAW is to assume that either “we are too successful in winning material things and the guys don’t care about social issues any more,” and/or “the auto-workers are turning to the right, the leaders are far ahead of them, and we must go slow.” The problem of the UAW, however, lies not with the workers, but with the political philosophy of social democracy. By refusing to attack capitalism as a system, the UAW remains with a piecemeal approach, attempting to reduce issues to technical considerations thereby confusing its membership, not educating them. By accepting the need for harmony and stability for this system to function, the UAW promotes compromise for its own sake, unable to see that it is impossible to compromise about racism and exploitation. By accepting the harmony of labor and capital interests, the UAW is faced with the irresolvable problem of supporting the integration struggles of black moderates and working with the leaders of the same corporations which, at contract time, it denounces as profit-hungry operations. Finally, by believing that political change is possible from within, the UAW remains lost in the machinations of pressure politics with the Democratic party, not wishing to recognize that the power of workers in this country is not at the ballot box, but at the point of production. The politics- of social democracy created some of the particular problems facing Reuther at his death. By believing the Johnson administration would control inflation by ending the Vietnamese war in 1967, Reuther allowed a ceiling to be placed on the cost of living clause during the Ford talks. As a result, with rapid inflation all auto workers are losing $400 to $750 a year in wages. By refusing to fight racism at the workplace, the UAW is now faced with strong challenges from independent black worker groups, most important the League of Revolutionary Black Workers. By not making it clear to the white workers of the union who the enemy is, the UAW is finding it in-
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Harold is manager of the Commerce branch in the Campus Centre Building. He’s a good man to talk to. Come on over and meet him. de knows.that students have specialheeds-and he’ll be glad to discuss them with you. His aim is to become banker to everyone on the campus.
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746 the Chevron
Guy lib- chdenges L,-’ aq,w,~*+Jk
by Sq-,
.:...y. ,.;..:,.;:..: ..;;“: ,.y:. ,.$’ >$.‘;: .:.:. : 0
I\nay .
(LNS) 1 Eighteen women and men of Chicago gay liberation . invaded the american medical association national convention here in Chicago recently. The occasion was a workshop on family medicine at which Dr. Charles Socarides was to speak. A psychiatrist practicing in New York City, Socarides is an “authority” $7 &nosexuals and is for.%st spokesman for the school .,?psychiatry that proclaims that homosexuality is a disease, and must therefore be treated as a CHICAGO
medical cure.
the AMA requires
ing the session. Another doctor suggested that the issue that the gay liberation people were raising should be given legitimacy, and that one homosexual should join Socarides and the other au thorities on the panel.
The members of gay liberation decided that we could not allow our arch-enemy to go unchallenged. We sea ttered ourselves around the hall and waited for him to begin his address. As soon as A gay guerilla raised the obhe said the work “homosexual”, jection that there were women one invaderX&&P ‘nbrmsckxuals -~Q-WOSQ-~L? and men homosexand ten others are beautiful” uals and that botn- grw9ub.c would jumped up to distribute the prehave to be represented. Dared leaflet. We then settled back’ with our arms around each A gay woman and a gay man other to hear all about ourselves. then took their places on the panel and explained that homosexuals At appropriate points throughare not inherently sick, but that out his speech, invaders would society and psychiartrists force shout such challenges as “that’s them to think of themselves as a moral judgment” and “you’re sick. making things up” and “do you cure your straight patients of That evening a man called the heterosexuality??” number on the leaflet and said After Socarides finished, one that he approved of the action furious doctor demanded to know we’d done. “I’m a doctor,” he by what authority we were attendexplained. ‘ ‘I’m gay. ”
for Fall
14 august
An audience of about 100 exchangedthe noon hour heat and humidity for a relaxing hour of choral and instrumental music on tuesday july 28 in the Arts Theater. Alfred Kunz conducted the University of Waterloo summer choir in a program of songs which included traditional english and israeli folk songs and- songs by Purcell, Morley, Kodaly, and Newly. As Mr. Kunz noted at the beginning of the concert, the choir was composed of recreation students, none of whom made any pretentions to being singers. And then after mentioning that they had had only about three weeks of rehearsals, he turned around and they launched into a concert that was really quite exciting.
together and make music. What’s so amazing about that? Well . . . three weeks ago they were just a group of people who were convinced that they couldn’t sing; but on tuesday they were a choir that sang with vigour and a surprising level of musicali ty . The string quartet played Haydn’s Opus 64 No 1 quartet which was, naturally, a fine choice. Unfortunately the quartet wasn’t really up to playing that particular Haydn piece and for those of us who love Haydn the performance was a rather uncomfortable experience. But putting together an amateur string quartet is an incredibly difficult task and tuesday’s performance is probably not any indication of the good playing of which these young musicians are capable
No, they didn’t sound like the New York Pro Musica, or like a choir from some faculty of music, but they sounded good-thus proving that a talented conductor and an enthusiastic choir can get
Judging from this concert, things look good for US at Uniwat this coming year on the music scene.
to fit all the pieces of the puzzle . neatly together, without anybody noticing that the parts were ever
Last week, the Blackfriars thestre group, presented SCHOOL FOR WIVES, a play by Molier, as their-summer production The performance was worth seeing, but LLLICS, prevenLeu too man. rninay it_P-s-dIll elng - a successful show.
You ask for the name of the painter only after you have enjoyed +~t*~ 4bc/LdiiL-j zfi his work, not half-way through it.
The set, even though a beauti- * fully constructed one, was misused. It just stood in the middle of the stage with great emptyness all around. At times it obstructed the view of the characters actions and many times was cumbersome to the actors themselves. The production’s other evident failure rested *on the shoulders of its leading character, Paul Emile Frappier. Playing Arnolphe, a pompous, conceited old man, on whom the whole play lives and rotates. Frappier loses himself, at times he shouts his lines, and at times he just rambles on, making whatever he is saying totally incomprehensable. Patricia Connor, as Agnes, the pretty young girl prisoner of Arnolphe, and Michael Marshall as Horace, the dashing young man that frees her, and finally marries her, give honest, believable performancts. What makes, though, the whole production a positive venture is Colin Stiton, his interpretation of the dum-dum servant, Alain that somehow always manages to do the wrong thing at the right time and vice-versa, is powerful; he is funny, witty and totally foolish when he needed to be, from the way he ,dalks to .the way he holds a broom you are captured into a roll of laughter.
Buck to u,
Director Mita Scott Hedges must take the responsibility for this luck of timing and looseness, from which the whole production suffered. Certainly the mark of a good director must be his ability
148 the Chevron
We give you pause! To consider the excellence of fine traditional suits, sports jackets, trousers and the furnishings that are needed in the long run. All, made to our own standards, all available in widest assortment of colour, fabric and pattern. U. will need a full wardrobe
The production could also have used some more co-ordination and a bit more tying together; too many times the action just slowed down to a crawl, or one scene would give no support to the next one; they would became separate identities, and both would naturally suffer from this isolation.
chevron staff
of the Black
. _Conestoga cdllii~e eC&‘ arts chairman; faculty, students request inquiry Donald Groff, chairman of the applied arts division at Conestoga College was fired for upholding a decision made by a democratic faculty-student council.
UNIVERSITY STUDENTS WELCOME Rent this all new 1970 Admiral Deluxe 19” Portable TV for only $3.50 weekly with option to buy (minimum 8 weeks) or just by the week, weekend, or day at low rates. Full free main= tenance at no extra cost.
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Till 64hurs.
The decision to fire him was made by the administration of the college on July 13 and provoked widespread dissent among faculty and students in the applied arts division. On July 29 the Board of Governors upheld the decision, prompting a letter of appeal to the Council of Regents of the Applied Arts and Technology of Ontario from the students and faculty. This letter was released to the council of Regents today, and reads as follows: Mr. Norman A. Cisco Permanent Chairman Council of Regents Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Toronto, Ontario
Fri. Till 9
Dear Mr. Cisco, The following represents the expressed beliefs of a majority of students and faculty of the applied arts division at Conestoga. College. We believe that what we do must preserve dignity and individual worth in ourselves and those with whom we associate. We know that the best ways of learning are based on this belief. Because of this, the applied arts division has developed a democratic learning system in which students, faculty and administration jointly make the important decisions affecting learning. This system based on shared decision making has resulted in high student motivation and a favorable record of employment on graduation. Our work is a major step toward the fulfillment of objectives laid down by the Ontario department of education, by the board of governors, the president of Conestoga College, and by the permanent chairman of the council of regents. Recently however the administration of Conestoga College has reversed and denied the philosophy and organization of the applied arts division. The adoption of policies and programs which would destroy the learning process in the division has been ordered.
We explained why we could not institute such changes. The re= sponse of the administration has __ been to overide and -discount our objections and on July 13 Don Groff, chairman of the applied arts division was dismissed by the college administration. We appealed to the board of governors, but on july 29 the board supported the majority vote. We therefore respectfully request that the council of regents conduct a full inquiry into the situation. It is our belief that the effectiveness of the inquiry would depend upon the reinstatement of Mr. Groff and of the democratic learning system within the division. This would assure- that both sides of the question would be represented fully and without duress within the college setting. Also, and especially, since many students and faculty were on summer leave when these actions occured, it would allow for the full participation of all concerned in the fall. * * * This letter was signed by a representative of faculty members and student course representatives. The question is of importance to the people of this area because it represents an issue where the needs of *a particular community are not being made by representatives of the business community without regards for the desires of the students and teaching personnel concerned. Education is a right, not a privilege, for all people. It is also the right of all people to choose the way in which they wish to be educated, and the type of education they desire. The applied arts division, composed of students, faculty, and the division administration acting in cooperation and on an equal basis with each other were fulfilling the educational needs of the students. The administration, with no consultation with members of this community are trying to enforce decisions which will destroy that shared learning process. Anyone interested in learning of new developments in this community issue, or anyone with suggestions for dealing with the matter please telephone 653-9916.
Canqcia admits
south deserters
Vietnamese MONTREAL (LNS) - A cana. dian government spokesman has estimated that there are more than 300 south Vietnamese army deserters and draft dodgers, many of them university students, living in Canada. Some were sent here on Saigon government scholarships, some left Vietnam by having their families bribe Saigon officials, while an unknown number
got to means”.
The information was discolosed in an article in Parade magazinea large circulation sunday supplement-which also said that the anti-Saigon students have organized the pro-NLF Vietnamese patriots in Canada organization, based in Montreal.
August 15, 1970 was the last day for registration by mail. have not returned your payment, you can still take advantage vance registration by bringing your payment to the business cashier, 5th floor, library, during business hours. Bring your fee statement, certified cheque or money order, of award or other financial assistance.
If you of adoffice or proof
14 august
1970 {I I: 72)
EFORE IT SCREWS US. That isn’t a quote from Georg Borgstrom’s book, TOO MANY (Macmillan, 1969), but it’s one of the messages to Canadians who read this important book. The absence of forests in the coreland of China has its roots three thousand years back. Already in the famous era of the bronze vases, when the water buffalo was domesticated, China in effect commited the grave ecological blunder of cutting down the forest in order to gain agricultural land. The stage was then set for the catastrophic floods which in recurrent sequences wrought havoc upon the country for centuries to come.. . Tacitus, the celebrated roman historian, depicted during the first century A.D. - the marshy transalpine european continent, with its endless, impenetrable forests, as an inhospitable region indeed. A present day reader can hardly believe that Tacitus was describing the same continent that today is suffering under pressing water shortage and where the forest is pushed back into a few isolated mountain regions covering only a small percentage of the entire continental area. “The forests of the British Isles, which aroused so much awe among the conquering armies of the Romans, soon disappeared in subsequent centuries.. .” When, in the sixteenth century, Spain implemented what may be called its great plan for the underdeveloped countries of that epoch, it applied the deforestation technique in several regions, among them Mexico. Huge acreages were lost in the process. This laid the foundation for the water crisis which now holds that country in its iron grip. A similar attack upon nature *by Western Man was . the annihilation through fire and other means of the rich forests which covered the New Zealand islands. Almost fifteen million acres (almost twice the tilled acreage of Michigan or Sweden) were stripped by the scottish immigrants in order to gain pastures similar to those of the homeland, with the sole purpose of providing the Yorkshire factories back in England with wool. The erosion on the two main islands has nowadays taken on such dimensions that not even the big returns from the present food exports would suffice to reverse the process. The costs for the necessary soil repair would exceed the net gains. The gamble therefore goes on until it will be brought to a halt by reality itself... The capability of the forest to catch water and regulate its flow is in some parts being looked upon, not as . a blessing, but as a luxury man can no longer afford. In several instances man has narrowed down the basis for his existance to such an extent that he can no longer deprive himself of the water that rapidly runs off stripped areas. For this very reason strong opposition frequently arises to even the moderate plans for reforestation.
US prairie states A case in point is the prairie states of the western United States, where in many regions forceful criticism has been raised against reforestation projects involving the upper watershed areas of the rivers, due to the simple fact that the agriculture of the plains has become so dependant on the water falling over the Rockies reaching their land without undue losses. Every drop of water is desperately needed to sustain. production on the farms or ranches. NOTHING can be sacrificed to restore the forest cover on the watershed areas and thus put a halt to the carrying away of soil and sand...it is sheer irony to talk about freedom of expression, of libraries, newspapers, and universal literacy without having first secured forest land adequate to provide for primary needs.. . (Borgstrin here goes on to illustrate the immense needs of water in food production. Examples include: one egg requires 20-150 gallons; one pound of beef-3566 gallons; one quart of milk-l,000 gallons; one 16 ounce loaf of bread-306 gallons. (figures include animal feed production). This water, he states, is lost to the hydrological cycle and cannot be subject to reuse.
150 the Chevron
the Georgia
Screw the
(Furthermore, processing food exerts another water tax. After counting the 1,000 gallons of water gone into the p&u&ion of a quart of milk, add 4-8 quarts of water used in the dairy for its processing. To process a pound of apples into sauce, 4-5 gallons of water are needed. Each can of peas requires 1.5 - 2.5 quarts of water. Each slaughtered cattle - 50 to 375 gallons; each ton of sugar - 60 to 70 tons of water; each quart of beer - 1.2 to 2 gallons of water. Etcetera. Luckily, this water can usually be returned to the cycle. In dry areas of the U.S. and Europe, water in some river basins have been reused up to fifty times before reaching the ocean. However large reserves are still required. Desalination of seawater, which in addition must be pumped up and over the continents, belongs in the category of fancies when it comes to the raising of food crops. . .We can be rather grateful man has not been more successful than hitherto in tapping the ice caps or subterranean water reserves. In both instances man could have easily have raised ocean levels critically, to the point of jeopardizing life for hundreds of millions who now inhabit low-lying lands.. . More than l/4 of the U.S. population in recent years has been faced with water shortage difficulties, and in many instances has been forced to accept inferior drinking water. During 1957, a drought year, it was estimated that more than one-seventh of the nation had water rationing.. .
Quantities Since water works were introduced to european and american cities in the latter part of the 19th century, and water became available largely to the urban population via the faucet, the quantities each citizen takes and consequently thinks he needs, have constantly been mounting. From some ten gallons per day on the farm, when it had to be brought up from the well and largely carried manually, the individual consumption has soared in the U.S. to 160 gallons per person per day. ..This is almost 3 times western european percapita consumption, which is entirely adequate for reasonablehygienic needs - 160 gallons as against 60 gallons. (Urban XTquirements by themselves push this figure up - San Diego uses 566 gallons per person per day. ) examples of where . . . One of the most sensational technological development has brought USis the greet steel of Chicago. The sewage works of this city are in effect the world’s largest industiral plant, a true -technical marvel. . .But sthe pollution load reached intolerable dimensions, and in order to avoid the risk of such excessive pollution, the sewage had to be further diluted with water before it was released into the Illinois river. The easiest way, one reasoned, to accomplish this was by resorting to the water resources of Lake Michigan. . .After year-long negotiations Chicago authorities managed to persuade all the communities around the lake to agree to extra tapping, despite the appreciable losses it would mean for the power stations along the coast and the disruptions it would cause along the beaches, affecting thousands of people. AS a more distant effect, a deepening of major Sectors of the St. Lawrence seaway would have been required.
Canada delivered, however, one of its longest diplomatic protests ever to the federal government in Washington- This note simply amounted to a veto. (The request was for 656 million gallons extra). . .Faced with what amounted to an ultimatum, the United States retreated. So did Chicago. Canada possesses powerful countervailing weapons. It is actually in a position to direct the upper flow of the Columbia river into the Fraser river. This would be a death blow to the economy of the entire western region of the United States.. .
In & out of luxury But it is the irony of destiny as well as of history that the ghost of water shortage is now emerging right in the midst of the rich world and threatens the very food front itself. Daily bread is within this world already entering into direct competition with rockets, atom bombs, cars, and television sets. Consequently, the world is now faced not only with a Hunger Gap but also with the greater gap between those who live in water luxury and those who do not. . .We should not deceive ourselves by believing the social order can remain where, as I have seen with my eyes in Rio de Janeiro, poor people must stand in line for hours, furthermore often in vain, to try to get a couple of gallons of water for daily use, while a few hundred yards away, in the luxury resort of Copacabana, the hotels provide their guests showers without restrictions.
* * * Despite the massive food surpluses discarded or allowed to rot in the wealthy western nations (even though many within these countries are starving), the ‘developed’ countries feed greedily on the food resources of the underdeveloped countries. Although the United States has priority to the tuna of the ocean by combining the entire western Pacific down to Chile, along with the chain of Pacific isles based in the Samoa islands and along with much of the Atlantic including a large new base in Puerto Rico, they further use tuna caught by Japahese, Korean; French, Spanish, and Taiwanese. ) Trade statistics testify to what extent the trans-oceanic flow of foodstuffs moves between the rich and well-fed nations or flows in from the Hungry World, still further boosting the privileged standing of the rich...Crowning this swindle, the western countries receive nine-tenths of the world’s fish-meal production...Proteins from U.S. soybeans are in a similar way indespensable to north american dairy production, so that only a trifling amount of this first-rate human food is allowed to flow into the needy, hungry world.. . A realistic appraisal would seem to conclude that at the best we can expect to use one-fourth of the total available water (for food production and processing). This leaves the world with the prospect of providing for around 500 million people on a U.S. dietary standard, and five billion on a strict vegetarian diet. Man will surpass this latter number by the year 2066...The water crisis, consequently, is far more than a-calamity - it is the birth pains of a new civilization...The era of exploiters is irrevocably coming to an end.
. CIR-
thechevmr~ member: Canadian university press (CUP) and underground press syndicate (UPS): subscriber: liberation news service (LNS) and chevron international news service (GINS): published fiftytwo times a year (1970-71) on tuesdays and fridays by the publications board of the federation of students, incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation and the university administration; offices in the people’s campus center; phone (519) 578-7070 or university local 3443; telex 0295-748; circulation 14,00C Alex Smith, editor.
0, IT’S back to school again . . . ahhh. The sweet smell of clean halls, the virgin blackboard, the. . . “Wait a minute! You’re not going to rehash that entire thing around here, are you?” Marsha looked at him, her eyes damp with the soft tears of remorse. They had come to an end. There was nothing but the physical left to their once vibrant relationship. “Oh come on . . . I refuse to be a part to much more of this nonsense,” she heard Arnold describe with his Mouth. Ta da . . . and now, live from the Waterversity of Uniloo, it’s BACK TO THE CLASSROOM, starring the right reverend Prof. R.L. Fingle and a cast of left, sacreligous thousands. Here, with his opening comments, is . . . PROF. FINGLE! !! Applause and accolades rose from her lips. “Get out of my misery, god-damn it. It’s mine . . . mine, mine, mine.” Arnold bowed his head, moved his foot slightly to the right and gave Marsha a sound clip to the jaw with his open palm. “In my hand, I hold the key to this course . . . the one book that you need to bring . you from a state of ignorance to a life of enlightenment. However, there is only one copy and it’s mine, mine, mine. Fringle’s the name, Math’s the game. ’ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, All good children must go to heaven.’ “We want our writes, and we don’t care how . . We want a Scripto ballpoint . . NOW!” And so . . . Marsha married Prof. Fringle . Marsha married Prof. Fringle last friday with the entire 2b civil aeronotics. class in attendance. The halls smelt clean, the blackboards wore black cause Arnold acted as the Brusher. “Such a simple mind.” “ya ! ” There was something I wanted to tell you . .
The communication of excitment is a fascinating and rewarding phenomenon to see. To actually be touched by another person’s joy, hope, aspirations, convictions-realizing your excitment is at once your spontaneous affirmation of another human being-is an experience too many of us have chosen to drown with our emotions in an indifferent world. Sad. How long has it been since you were truly excited by a friend’s discovery of himself-how long has it been since a friend even assumed you would want to share his discovery. More often than not we presume sharing something like this will only embarrass the poor victim; for humans today talk at one another, not with one-another and joyfully ignore the commitment that necessarily is a vital part of deep and sympathetic understanding. Consequently, there arises an examination of the surface tensions in human relations, and quick, allegorical vignettes are constructed to capture what is found. These are known as Opinions. The world turns on opinion. People move on opinion. Opinion justifies judgement, rights wrong and forever makes it unnecessary to delve deeper into inter-personal communication. Opinion finds its life-blood in immediacy, the bombardment of media and fact which is turning the world into a beehive where communication becomes instantaneous response to given inputs. There is great concern with who, when, where and what. Communication becomes the assimilation by ‘x’ number of people, of the appropriate dogma; there is no time for respect, there is no time for compassion, there is no time for understanding, there is no time for commitment to the discovery of self and self-in-others because these exist no longer. Why? Why are there only selves; commodities, ripe for capitalist or ideological expolitation? We are all drowning in our selves; unable to breath freedom because of our Opinions and choking on the weight of grand designs and instantaneous but meaningless communication. And through it all “I love you” means, nothing more than ‘it is convenient for me at this time, given my financial status and long-range job prospects for the future, to consider supporting you and eventually fulfilling our role as consumers, perhaps one day creating offspring to carry on our tradition.’ Sowho, so-when, so-where and so-what? Why? photo: john nelson news & production: bob epp features: rats kathy dorschner, terry moore, brenda Wilson, renato ciolfi, peter Wilkinson, doug minke, tom purdy. Steve izma, jim griffith, rick page, brute Steele, keith dewar, ron lambert, anita epp, renzo bernardini.
by Bruce Steele copyright.
14 august
1970 (1 I: 12)
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and without a heart 320one can love.... -
“The tin woodman
of 02” (photography,
design: Tom Purdy, the chevron)