11 number
15 january
negotiation stance leaves us no alternative, we have no choice but to call a general strike of all Recent dissent by faculty over faculty, to begin January 25, the salary package presented unless our demands ‘are met imthem by Burt Matthews goes mediately. Solidarity. deeper than dollars and cents. Previously salary was negotia- : The Y ippie Motion : The faculty association, rected between the faculty associaognizing the inflationary nature tion and administration, but this of the economy and everyone’s year Matthews has unilaterally duty as a citizen to be satisfied decided on a 3.8 percent acrosswith less so that our enterprise the-board increase plus a fund for may eventually be prosperous the merit scheme implemented (Pierre Trudeau, 1970)) insists last year. that the administration agree The faculty association has immediately to our unilateral called a special meeting for monand arbitrary demand for and day, jan. 18, at 3:30 pm in physics immediate 10% decrease in all 145, with -the view that “faculty faculty salaries. . We can only are entitled to a meaningful voice hope that the administration, in establishing their working recognizing the justice and selfconditions and salaries. ” sacrifice of our noble stand, will Several members, including follow suit. Henry Crapo (pure math), Denis In an attempt to make the imHiggs (pure math), Bill Hudspact of our action as direct as it peth (psychology), Leo Johnson is noble, we propose a faculty (history), Fred Kemp . (psycholassociation sub-committee to conCladia Morrison (Engogy), sist of 5 faculty members, 1 adlish), Rory O’Day (human relaministrator, 5 staff, and 27 stutions), Case Van Dop (fine arts) dents, to allocate these funds and Doug Wahlsten (psych) feel saved among the following prothat other courses of action are jects : possible. Their aims are partly l scholarship fund for deservcynical, partly humorous and ing students of K-W high largely serious. They have preschools, pared three alternative motions l immediate raises for all aimed at broadening the areas staff, of discussion. While no one, and l support for worthy organcertainly not the sponsors, can izations such as camp Columbia, be exp,ected to endorse all these motions, the support of other in- the baby care center, and On the terested faculty members is be- Line, l heated swimming pool for ing solicited by the authors. president Matthew’s house, and The sincere motion: l any other worthwhile sugThe faculty association begestions. lieves that negotiations and meAmong those supporting the diators and arguments with the motions the general feeling is administration over the faculty the faculty association spends salary package for 1971-72 will too much time on trivia ._while have the effect of distracting all avoiding important issues, but of us from our primary and most opinions regarding the salary important task - -joining toraise differ. gether with students to build a Henry Crapo stated “I suptruly meaningful learning envirport the motions. I’ve been to onment. To avoid such negative faculty association meetings consequences, and to demonwhere serious issues have been strate our committment to serII lightly passed over while matvice, we propose that all faculty ters of salary were subjected to salaries remain static in 1971-72 and that the time and energy thus saved be devoted to serious and thoughtful considerations of how best to achieve our mutual. educational goals. The polarization motion : All power to the faculty! Faculty power to faculty members! The administration, in typical arbitrary underhanded authorLondon (CUP) - The faculty association of the university of atarian fashion has once again subverted the democratic prinWestern Ontario is holding firm ciples with which it whitewashto its power position ,.within the “community.” es its totalitarian dictates. We university the people have finally realized The association voted three to the time is now to throw the one against student representachains from our bodies, the fettion on committees dealing with ters from our minds and the pad- the hiring and promotion of faclocks from our wallets. Faculty ulty (these committees also have salary decisions are faculty de- some say in the firing of faccisions and will be made by fac- u1ty ). ulty members! The faculty voted 329 to 165 Since the administration’s nonagainst participation on those bodies determining promotion. The faculty voted 329 to 129 against a student voice on department hiring committees and 359 to 165 against participation on those bodies determining promotion.
by Krista chevron
prolonged debate. ” He feels that only low salaries should be increased. “In times of economic difficulty those who have more try to isolate themselves from those who have less. The old guard’ with tenure tend to show’ little feeling for newcomers. To avoid letting economic difficulties endanger our relationship as people it’s necessary to level out the economic differences between us. As a positive move in this direction, as a move completely within our control, I’d like to see any salary increases this year issued to narrow existing salary ranges and for new appointments. ” Doug Wahlsten feels that “the faculty is overfed. If they want equity with physicians they should work towards having the doctors’ salaries lowered to relieve the population in general of the burden laid on them by high medical fees.” The motions point out that “there are people who do not agree on the faculty association’s preoccupation with money. I’m simply not interested in most issues discussed at the meetings . . . there are more important issues. ” On Matthew’s decision Leo Johnson comments that it is “typical of the president, without consulting the academic community. Everything is being run this way nowadays.” However he reminds us that “last year the faculty took the position that it is below them to niggle in the market place.” He is “astonished at the faculty’s naive or lack of understanding of history when they express shock at Matthew’s authoritarianism. Anyone who has studied history would know that authority first strikes at the weak (for instance the president’s report on student discipline which the faculty backed) and then turns on its earthwhile friends. ” When contacted on deadline night Burt Matthews made no comment.
UWO fticulty
oppose student 1 r reps for hing, promotion .
Construction, construction, construction. Buildings going up on campus for engineering, chemistry and administration. See stories on pages 7 and 9.
The conditions of appointment of faculty has been an issue at UWO since October when the board passed a resolution leaving students with representation on senate teacher evaluation committees, but no voice on the selection committees. Faculty association chairman John Huma business professor, phreys, said students now have “a fair indication of how the faculty feels about student representation on the committee. ” “The faculty is currently not convinced of the merits of stu- i dent representation.” The results, released this week, were compiled by a mailed questionnaire. About five hundred of 900 faculty members responded.
The only public typewriter receiving information from a terminal room in the math & computer). All machines were computer building is being phasin almost constant ’ use from ed out. about 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. weekdays, The communications terminals by students from all faculties. in the ground-floor center link Three termin-als remain but users with various systems runthey will soon disappear. ning on the university computer, No arrangements have been such as the conversational promade to replace the service, gramming system (CPS) . . leaving former users only four The room once held eight public terminals * in the engineeroperative terminals (they look ing building to divide among like IBM Selectric typewriters themselves. but are capable of sending and
lu)herm booze& d&it-in-the-home Moving from its historical position ’ as a “dry” campus, Waterloo Lutheran University has agreed to drinking privileges for its on-campus students if they are over 21. Dr. Frank C. Peters, president of Waterloo Lutheran University, said the regulations, - ap-. *proved by the executive of the WLU board of governors, will allow the exercise of .drinking rights comparable to that enjoyed by a perso,n in his own home. “We hope that these new regulations’ will ‘provide an opportunity for the development of a more mature attitude to liquor,
enabling its use to be kept in a proper context with regards for the rights of all students.” At present, ‘the university permits liquor only in, graduate residents where all occupants are over the legal drinking age of 21. A problem arose because many other students are of legal drinking age but live in undergraduate residences.
This week .on campus
FRIDAY Films: Funny Girl and The $1 .OO _ advance at Theatre $1.25 at door.. Presented by Film Society. 8 p.m. HUM theatre.
House councils in. each residence will set rules for their own building but, in brief, the regulations will allow1 consumption in a person’s own room as provided by provincial laws.
lxthus Coffee House. love, life and God. featuring Miss Marnie 8: 30 p.m. cc coffee shop. BSA $1.50
is a free column for ,the announce/nent
Come Sponsored from U
movies. $1 .OO U of others. 8 p:m. EL 201.
i -
-Bowling club, 5 pin. New come. 7 p:m. Waterloo Ren Klatt 576-9927. BSA 7:30
talk about by IVCF of Guelph,
membeers Bowling
movie 50s undergrads; and IO:30 p.m. EL 201.
welLanes. ’ others.
Films: Funny Girl and The Wild $1.00 advance at Theatre Box office; at door. Presented by St. Jerome’s Society. 8 p.m. humanities theatre.
Bunch. $1.25 Film
MONDAY Squash exhibition ma;ch (singles & les) U of Waterloo vs”U of Guelph. p.m. Athletic complex courts lC12, 1015. Judo meeting 9 p.m. combatives.
BSA movies. $1 .OO U of W undergrads; $1.50 others. 8 p.m. EL.201. Films: Funny Girl and The Wild Bunch. $1 .OO advance at Theatre Box, Office; $1.25 at door. Presented by St. Jerome’s film society. 8 p.m. humanities theatre.
pregnancy tests than ever beA simple home test for the fore. early and reliable detection ’ of pregnancy hormone in women It is stressed that Confidelle will go on the market across is not intended to replace a docCanada this week under the tor’s diagnosis but rather it is to trade name, Conf idelle. encourage women to seek early I Conf idelle, researched and demedical advice. veloped by Denver Laboratories The , test is done in vitro and (Canada) Limited is the first no medication or internal age@s . such do it yourself kit to be are required. i sold in this country. Clinical testing conducted in Increasing concern about the Canada established an accuracy damage that viruses, drugs and radiation can. do to a fetus in greater than 96% among groups the early stages of pregnancy, ,, of nontechnically trained wommake early pregnancy detection en representing a cross-section of prime importance. As a result of educational and economic doctors are requesting more backgrounds.
SUNDAY Wild Bunch. Box Office; St. Jerome’s
Better buying. aids uvailcmble~ on request
General Everyone
meeting for Russian welcome. 2:30 p.m. ML 352,
Modern Company.
Dance concert. Judy 8 p.m. Theatre of arts.
A subscription
638 the Chevron
student Send
fees address
entitles changes
Judo’colour belts. 9 p.m. combatives. U of W Motorsport Club general meeting with films and ’ rally school. 8 p.m. MC 2065. Israeli Cabaret - music entertainment, refreshments, Sponsored by Hillel Foundation. Everyone welcome. Admission 25~. 8:3C p.m. CC 135, WEDNESDAY Judo
9 p.m.
Bowling Club 10 pin. New . members welcome. 9 p.m. Brunswick Bowl, Waterloo Square. Wayne Bertrand 579-5173. U of W. Amateur Radio meeting. All interested are attend. 4:30 p.m. E 2349A.
tonight. memplayers. fee. 7
Club general welcome to
THURSDAY Noon. Concert “Tall lieve” Free admi’ssion tre of arts. _
TUESDAY Duplicate bridge. Two games One for serious players-A.C.B.L. bership game; and one for social Everyone , is welcome. 50s entry p.m. SS lounge.
Malanka Ukrainian New Year’s Dance. $3.00 per student couple; $1.50 stag. SemiSponsored by Ukrainian Students .-formal. Club. 8:30 p.m. Coronet Motor Hotel Ballroom. Missing Peece coffee house. Recording, artist Walt Gibbons. 25s admission. 9 p.m. Conrad Grebel College. -
doub6:30 1014,
Informal meetings.
Book of 12:30
Make Bep.m. Thea-
9 p.m. combatives.
Christian All are welcome.
Science Testimony 9 p.m. SSc225.
Lecture by Prof. Reinhold of Wisconsin, Topic “The Bert Brecht.” 4:30 p.m. AL 105.
Grimm of Emblems
U of
Classified ads are accepted between 9 and 5 in the’ chevron office. See Charlotte. Rates are 50 cents. for the frrst fifteen ,words and-five cents each per extra word. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 3 pm. ’ LOST
Lost last time? Rally School will you fast tuesday 8 p.m. MC2065. UWMC. Set of car tools in parking lot. Urgent. ward. 576-7618.
wooden *Please
RIDE WANTED Daily ride from Waterloo College. Phone 579-6798; gas costs.
box in village return. Re-
ff You drive a green Cortina and .black purse in your car tuesday please call Marsha 579-5206.
/ to willing
Conestoga to share
prices, breakfast east of Hi-Way Hills. 3233 King 571 I.
and 11 1
promptly. during of-
TWO bedroom apartment available ruary I. Silver Birch road, Waterloo. month free, all utilities paid, $150. ried couples. Days 745-l 108: evenings 1033.
, Typing done efficiently Mrs. Marion Wright, 745-l fice hours, 745- 1534 evenings.
I left a morning
*Person aiding at scene of’ accident friday, january 8, IO.30 p.m. at University and- State street involving red Cuda please phone Bryan Drinkwater, Delhi l-582- 1654 (collect). 1 Would the individual who borrowed the Universide Mural from MC6075 please retbrn it to 6075F. It has great personal value and reward.
Want 7975.
Experienced typist will do thesis essays. Reasonable rates. Phone 744-6255.
576 and -
Free pamphlets giving conThe bureau also provides a Typing done in, my home. East Ward sumers hints in “wise buying” five minute animated film for 1 area. Phone 742-95 14. Will pick up. or help from being shafted by high school students made by Reliable typist will do typing for stubusiness are available from: Destudents themselves on ’ the PERSONAL dents (homework, thesis, etc.) Call ext. partment of. Financial and Comdangers. of ever-extended credit 3803. , Translating Russian, Czech M.A. in Ling\ mercial Affairs, Information Ofbuying, Will do typing in my home. 35s per page. uisticsi Call 578-7378. Victoria street south area. 579-2307. ficer, 555 Yonge st., Toronto, The bureau suggests the folPhysics -and math people. Do you need , ‘Digital \ Computation’ by Southworth Ontario. lowing for people to be aware HOUSI’NG AYAILABLE or ‘Elemental Classical Physics’\ Some of the pamphlets are: of: Weidner/Sells See Al in the chevron office Single room for male student cooking fal low cost TV rental plans - anytime or phone 578-7070 or extension -, ~“Helping the Consumer,‘: listing cilities, ‘- walking distance to university. the various services available that are -sometimes represented 3443. Phone evenings 744-7424. within the department, “Buy- / differently in a written contract FOR SALE Need a .place to live? Co-op ‘has a few ing a Used Car,” “Buying Real than in conversations (eg. one vacancies for winter term. 578-2580. Record player, .4 speed manual, purchas’ Estate,” “Before You Buy,” demay find themselves legally just before Xmas. Tone and volume conBusiness wishes to lady share large tails of consumer’s rights and contracted to purchase a TV in- _ ed . trols. $25. 742-9395. house with mature individual, own room, .’ obligations in credit buying and stead of renting one;advertisements bath. 664-2875. . Because of their popularity the -Birth 0 a special consumer guide for senenticing Control Centre (cc2061 is selling its postRooms for rent from may to September. - ior citizens; that appear to offer a lot in ex- ers at 25~ each to cover printing costs and includes excellent cooking facilities. Only provide a small source of income. They People having problems with change” for little in the way of ‘a ten minute walk from university. Phone can be obtained ONLY at special sales (to 576-2 176. money ; consumer services and products be announced) or by sending them your Summer accommodation available. APcould *write to the above address l other similar products for name, address and phone no. via univerply now Waterloo Co-op. 578-2580. ’ or call the _local representative. comparison shopping helps = to sity mail. ’ , of the Consumer’s Assoc. of Canestablish getting value for your Tourist Lodge. Overnight stay or longer. Heath AR.15. New, need money. Make comfortable accommodation, reasonable ada, Doug Paton, 5764373. ,money. reasonable offer to Andrey 578-3328.
11, a handwritten, 20-page article on the use of force to overthrow the Quebec government. He then allegedly passed the publication on to others. Langevin, a student at south shore Macdonald Cartier school, also faces charges including membership in the FLQ to be heard at a later date. ’ Acting for the defense, lawyer c I Michel Lamarre objected to all .potential jurors on the ground that they had preconceived e‘notions against the accused because of extensive, news coverage. Lamarre wanted to ask prospective jurors if they had formed an opinion as a result of the “present situation,” but Ouimet ruled that the “present situation” was not an appropriate question saying it had nothing to do with ’ the present trial. The I’ judge said even if a juror had -formed an opinion he could still be accepted if- he said he was .prepared to j’udge . the case on the evidence placed before him. “You can’t go on a fishing expedition,” / Ouimet told the .deSense lawyer.
Pregnancy test noti on canadian
explain the criteria on which Mr. Justice Roger Ouimet based his one year prison term on Chartrand. l That superior court judges stop “tossing around the ball” in refusing to make Jean Marchand, federal regional and expansion minister, appear in court to face contempt charges over statements ’ he made against Chartrand. l That active and acknowledged members of the Quebec liberal party no longer _ act as special crown prosecutors and that the Quebec bar association force these lawyers to cease their actions. l ‘That the bar association also intervene to allow lawyer Robert Lemieux, being held under the war measures act, de-‘ fend his clients. As the press conference was! going‘ on, ’ the first trial under the war measures act started. The accused is Robert Langevin, 21, who, along with four others, is said to be a member of an , FLQ propaganda cell. Langevin is charged with publishing a seditious libel on Oct.
MONTREAL (CUPI) - The executive of the confederation of national trade unions has announced plans for massive demonstrations protesting. the one year prison sentence imposed on Michel Chartrand for contempt of court. No date for the demonstrations have been announced yet. The CNTU executive at a press conference also gave its support to Chartrand, president of the 65,660 member Montreal branch, and asked that he be released on bail immediately. Dr. Serge Mongeau, head of the movement for the defense of political prisoners, said his group is formulating plans for the demonstrations against Chartrand’s imprisonment. “There will be more massive demonstrations,” Mongeau said. “We now are making, -plans to show the solidarity of the Quebec population.” The CNTU executive presented a communique to the news conference that asks : l T:hat the chief judge of Quebec, superior court publicly
U of promptly
W students
to to:
receive Chevron,
during of
off-campus Waterloo,
Want to become poration? Come summer. 578-2580.
if Market Street
desired. Vicinity towards Chicopee east. Phone 744-
part owner and live at
feb1st mar744-
of a co-op
Need 4 students for house ret room, washer. dryer. cable TV, complete freedom, very clean. Single and double rooms, parking, close to school. Contact Dave Desorey, 153 Dawson street, Waterloo. 5.79-4848. Available immediately W double with kitchen, sitting room, shower, entrance. High street. 744-7044.
room private
F living . accommo578-2580.
Tired of your present dations? Try co-op this winter. / Private room, male student, kitchen facilities, parking, one block from King street, Waterloo, 5-76-4990. 1 Girl to share double bedroom, kitchen and lounge area, completely furnished. Waterloo. 744-6894. Furnished accommodation for three male students, own entrance, cooking facilities, etc., at 296 Dale crescent, Waterloo. Phone 576-407 1. Singles and double rooms, linen sup- \ plied, kitchen facilities, parking, close to university. Erb street west. 743-8476. HOUSING
Apartment 9 month apartment.
-‘wanted : male student old child urgently needs Call ,579-l 933 anytime.
a term.
OMorio. ’
with cheap .
Victoria (CUP) - Student opposition to hiring, firing and tenure policies at the university of Victoria is fast approaching crisis groportions. A short-notice general meeting tuesday jan 12 attracted most of U Vic’s 5,000 students. They unanimously passed motions demanding the immediate re-appointment, promotion or granting of tenure to 12 U Vic profs. The motions are to be forwarded to I the board of governors. At present 14 faculty members are involved in the tenure-promotion dispute that’ threatens to purge the university of some of its finest teachers. The dispute arose last month when nine professors were denied tenur? promotion, or re-appointment after receiving the support of their departments. The decisions of the english, philosophy, . french and hispanicitalian studies departments and of the school .of visual arts were reversed either by arts and science dean John Climenhaga or administration president Bruce Partridge. In five other cases profs who were popular with the students have been denied support from their departments for tenure, promotion or re-appointment. In one case, that of chemistry professor Tikam Jain, students feel the denial of tenure resulted from clashes within the department. In the past two years, the themistry department has had three heads and two acting heads. Students believe that the turmoil has resulted in hard feelings
among the faculty and that Jain’s denial of tenure has been one of the results. ‘.. In two other cases, students will press for the re-appointment of Robert Sward and Derk Wynand. Both were denied re-appointment, by the english department. Both men are considered poets of high caliber in the creative writing division, but they will be given the axe due to conflicts with the department head. Student president, Bob MacDougall says enrolment in creative writing courses has doubled and is expected to continue rising. I-Ie feels the department can ill afford to cut back on good staff. Part of the difficulty in the present purge is Partridge’s refusal to appoint four lecturers to the rank of senior lecturer except under new terms of reference defined by himself. Under the terms ofI the present tenure, adopted by the faculty association in 1968, a person may remain at the rank of lecturer for a period of four years after which he or she must be considered for promotion to the rank of senior lecturer or assistant professor. If at that time, promotion is not granted, a one year terminal contract is offered. Previous practice was to appoint lecturers to the rank of senior lecturer in order to give them additional time to gain the necessary academic qualification for promotion to assistant professor. Partridge has re-defined the terms of appointment to senior lecturer status without consulting the faculty association and has since had them approved by the r
Student possib;le by Norm chevron
hiring-/firing policy
board of governors. Under-the new terms a senior lecturer will teach-a 15 hour course load instead of the previous nine hour load and waives the right to sabbatical leave. When the faculty association refused to accept the new terms, Partridge decided not to appoint faculty to senior lectureships until the “dispute” was settled. “There is no dispute as far as the faculty association is concerned,” said association president Donald Harvey. Harvey said the executive has been mandated to state a position by jan. 31 for consideration by the members. The students’ council at the university, which called tuesday’s meeting, introduced three motions, all of which received unanimous approval. They were: Immediate re-appointment, promotion or granting of tenure to the nine profs who previously had departmental support; Immediate re-appointment of Sward and Wynard on the basis of their teaching ability and the quality of their creative writing; . Granting of tenure for Jain on the basis of his teaching ability. The remaining two profs of the fourteen, Perkin of the english department and Richard Martin of the philosophy department have decided not- to pursue the issue. The motions will be sent to the board which is asked to reply by tuesday (jan 19) when a second general meeting will be held to Iplan action if the board fails to respond favorably to student demands. MacDougall expects a much higher turnout of students
as the issues receive wider publicity during the coming week. Student unions in the departments involved have begun circulating petitions to be sent to the board and the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) which is currently investigating the cases /of six of the professors. CAUT secrecy Victoria. Any
hearings were held sunday and monday recommendationF
in in be
sent to the n_ational executive before action is taken. Although the members of the CAUT tribunal were to leave late monday afternoon, informed sources said the cdmmittee members remained in Victoria until tuesday afternoon to speak to Partridge. Student leaders generally are preparing for a long militant action to guarantee the security of good teaching at Vic. MacDougall describes the student concern as ‘not just over the good teachers who don’t make it, but also over the mediocre who do. ’
committee to investjgcrte control of LLBO power
hxrs staff
The authority of the liquor licensing board of Ontario (LLBO) is being called into question by a committee formed on campus. The committee arose as a result of the geography and planning club’s being refused the right to hold a pub. There is currently a limit of 13 pubs that can be held in a month, and the geography and planning club’s pub would have exceeded that limit. Tuesday afternoon, represeritatives from the geography and planning club, f acuity societies, WLU, and Conestoga College, met with Jim Breithaupt, the liberal MPP for Kitchener. All those groups had a common concern over the LLBO’s recent -clamp-downs in the K-W area. Breithaupt reported the limit that had been set by, the LLBO was quit& generous under the present policy structure upheld by the government. More booze is poured on the U of W campus than in any other outlet in Waterloo County. ’ Few of the other Ontario university campuses come close to the number of pubs per week at Waterloo. -Finally, there was some trouble recently at a Carlton University pub which has hurt the image of campus pubs in general. In light of these factors, it would’ seem that, relatively speaking, Uniwat has been doing very well. But the main interest at the meeting was not necessarily to extend the quota set by the LLBO.
The hope is that any control by the LLBO might be discontinued, since they should not be empowered to dictate-the social limits of “a community of 12,000 adults”. However various speakers expressed concern that, under the existing set-up, should LLBO arbitrarily choose, they could close up pubs on the campus completely. This situation somewhat binds the committee from taking steps forward, that are too agressive. Breithaupt, who seemed quite aware of the political calendar both for himself and the province, was very much behind the committee in their desires to change policy. -He suggested that as the Conservatives are presently preparing to choose a new leader, students should use the opportunity to corner the leadership candidates on their position with regard
to campus pubs. Burke, student federation president, suggested that the delegates from each campus PC club to the leadership convention might be influential links. Breithaupt says that th& present liquor laws are “silly” and tend to lessen people’s respect for worthwhile laws because of that. Of course the implication was that the Liberal government would change all that. He said that he would discuss the matter with the oppoy,ition caucus in Toronto and with a party policy meeting soon to be held, they would look into the mechanics of the LLBO. It was then decided that there was nothing else that could be done for immediate results. The meeting was adjourned with plans for another in the near future.
Totzke defetds initiation fee as being quite legal The initiation fees paid by members of the faculty club are tax-deductible. - Assessed at two dollars per month, the fees are donated to the university, said Carl Totzke-faculty-club board member and former president of the club. The university could then conceivably use these funds to help pay for the club building. The procedure was described by Totzke _as being quite legal and not uncommon. Initiation fees
of 48 dollars are refundable if the club member quits within a three year period. Faculty club members are also assessed a membership fee of six dollars per month. These fees are tagged to pay off the building’s mortgage. Though currently operating iii the red, Totzke eipects the club to be self-supporting soon. Operating funds come primarily from bar and dining-room profits.
Proposed referendum cm increase student power The history department may, be forced into changing it’s present procedure of decision making if a proposed student referendum is approved. The referendum suggestion to make student influence in the department mbre equitible sprang from a general history meeting held decembw 2 and expanded at a 15-person discussion wednesday. To get full participation and feedback, history students will be asked to reply to three choices of action : l maintenance of the present reps on UGAG (undergraduate affairs group), l student-faculty parity on discussion and voting power ; l a grouping of five student reps (one each from second, third, fourth year and grad history students and history students and history society), with seven faculty and the chairman. If results indicated student interest in participation, the referendum would be presented to the history department. One student said, “This would mean getting invblved eg, “getting in on the dropping friday
of history 103-104.” _ A member of the department said the faculty was not consulted in this action. “Department meetings are not where decisions are made.” One student saw the referendum as serving three purposes: a chance for students to participate in decisions, to know what students really want, and to enable better communication among students on happenings. Peter Warrian, a grad student, said if the voters decide on some kind of change;there would have to be another /referendum to decide on what specific kind of action to take. Most of the time was spent discussing the possibility of a poor voting turnout. Some comments were : “Apathy is a vote for the status quo. ” “Does the minority that votes dictate policy for the rest?” “People want student reps, but don’t want to work on representation. ” “If only ten per cent vote and wan,t some change, then it’s the department’s problem.” a 75 jar-wary
1971 (I 1:37)
103 University
Chapel in Notre Dame Residence Building Masses: Weekdays: 12: 35 and 5: 00 pm Sakurday : 9 : 00 am Sunday: 10: 00,ll: 30 (Folk Mass) 5: 00 and \ 7: 00 pm (Folk Mass) Chaplain : Father Tony Burman Telephone: 576-3722 or 744-0946 Come and bring a friend this Sunday
Ave. W.
Barber Shop & Men’s . Hairstyling Waterloo Square 12 chairs to serve you
Doctor James Mason lawlches erl thusiastically i/l to’ his lcctune on negro slavery in Eilgland. He spoke on the historical problem tuesday night in AL I13.
7 Bob Dyl~~n New Morning ..* reg 6.29 >a.now 4.59 John Lennon w-ereg. 6s29 91. now 4.59 sly and the (family
4.59 Sly and the ‘family Stone 6.29 - now 4.59 reg 6.29 0.e nc~w 4‘59 John 4.59 Sly and the family Stone 6.29 .r> now 4.59 Bo Jo’hn Lennon ox-reg. 6.29 <>Inow 4.59 Sly ‘I+
Sly and?he family Stone itldkAii*<. Al-Klw 4.59 Sly
do you
drug problem? the cost of living is soaring most people cannot afford there when drop you
you have in or give will
parkdale free
640 the Chevron
a p=rescription us a call
be pleasantly
and an illness
to be iill&d
at our
in England
Somehow slavery seems to be a subject best left to history let tures by dull professors. When guest lecturer Dr.’ James Mason spoke on the subject last tuesday -night, he was anvthing but dull and related slavery in human and modern terms. - Mason, a fiery speaker who moves dramatically about the platform, conveyed his subject to the audience enthusiastically. He altogether resembles a preacher in action, and yet his style conveys perfectly his words. He captured his audience from the beginning, easily showing a picture of slavery without the use of wornout phrases so often repeated. Everyone has heard the story of the suffering and hardships of, slavery. Mason pointed out this theme, lightly, stressing instead the impersonalization suffered by slaves. He quoted from ads of 18th century news-
papers published throughout England, particularly in London. The picture these ads present is one of misery, and one ad destribes a run-away as bow-legged -and dressed in a soiled tunic. The run-away was thirteen. Queen Elizabeth passed an edict banning all blacks from entering England, but this did almost nothing to stop the slave trade. Not until late in the 1770’s did any black, either freeman or slave,. have any protection under english law. Even then, these laws were mostly weak or unenforced. Mason’s lecture drew a perfeet picture of slavery, perfect for its realism. That an empire like Great Britain could have allowed such inhuman treatment to continue for three hundred years attests to the indifference men can achieve if they really try.
Council elecfions
Nominations for the office of should have more political power president of the federation of in the university because, “the students opened last Wednesday experience from handling responand as yet there is only one sibility will help them in later definite candidate. life to make them much better persons. ” Lou Mangone, history 3, inHe does not appear to be welldicated his intentions to run after informed about the proposed monday’s student council meetunicameral structure for the ing. He has been president of university. He first said that it the history society since last was a “very good idea,” but after may and is currently an arts further’ discussion with this inrep on council. terviewer agreed that it doesn’t He said he has been disapreally give students any decisionpointed with the last student making power. government, mainly because of Present federation president the federation’s policy of having Larry Burko said that it was all societXzs charge federation possible he would seek re-elecprices at events ‘to , prevent tion “if no one else runs who is profit-making. competent enough to benefit the Commenting on the campus people. ” centre issue, Mangone said that However, he later indicated turnkeys should check for identhat his vice-president, Rick tification cards because he felt may accept nomination Paw, non-university students are descontinue his policies, if troying the university’s reputa- ’ and elected. tion. “I’m really proud of this Nominations close next weduniversity. It’s the most beautinesday and the election is on ful in Canada,” he said. february 3. He believes that students
Striking VANCOUVER (CUPI) - The university of British Columbia is using “hot” duplicating material and may be picketed as a result. Many faculty and administrative offices at UBC use office supplies manufactured and sold by A. B. Dick, an americanowned firm which is a major supplier of office equipment in ’ Vancouver. The A. B. Dick local of the retail, wholesale and department store clerks union is on strike against the company. The union is asking customers to stop using A B Dick supplies for their machines. Simon Fraser university has agreed, but the university of British Columbia has not. John McLean, director of personnel ,for the UBC administration, told the ubyssey he has no power over the use of office equipment. “There is no A B Dick equipment used in the administration building,” he said. McLean said each faculty decides - what machines they use and buy their own supplies. The question now is whether or not the A B Dick local will picket UBC. This cannot be done without the striking union giving 48 hours notice to- the university local of the Canadian union of public employees. Bill Morrison, president of the university local of CUPE, said the A B. Dick local has not contacted his union on the matter yet. The strike is an important one to both union and management. The Vancouver office of A B Dick is the only unionized branch of the company in North America.
Red Visser, spokesman for the striking union, said the issue was not working conditions. “But we want an increase in wages.1 There is nothing do w n in black and white about wages or working conditions. ” The workers became unionized on Sept. 1, 1970. Visser immediately began pressing for higher wages and guarantees of working conditions. “The Vancouver manager is anti union, but he doesn’t have any negotiating rights anyway,”
sent in a Visser said. “They’ve man from head office in Chicago. . .” The man from Chicago has made arrangements for several meeetings, but cancels out at the last moment. “We’ve been on strike since Oct. 27, and the equipment was declared hot by the B C federation of labour in the first week of November,” Visser said. “We’re not asking much. We only want people to buy their supplies from union
Grad students will be questioned about their status in the federation later this month. At tuesday night’s council meeting the council mandated the executive to proceed with a grad referendum. The coun&l elected Rick Page, planning 4, orientation 71, chairman, and Ian Smith, St. Jerome rep, to write the federation brief to the campus center study committee. A report from the board of publications on the status of the telephone directory indicated that the directory will no longer be published because of the exhorbitant costs and the delay in getting student lists at the start of terms. As a compromise the federation will have a phone on campus that students can call to obtain the number of any students on campus. Council passed a resolution accepting the federation brief that was published in the december 12 chevron. They tabled a resolution from the executive
shops and, where possible, to cancel their contracts with A B Dick. ” There are 16 men involved in the strike. A B Dick has hired more than 16 scabs. John Howe, Canadian vice president of A B Dick said he is not willing to negotiate with the striking union until the men return to work. Howe described working-- conditions at his plant as “ideal, with a homey atmosphere. Everyone knows each
for gfuduute
banning all non-students from the campus center after 10 p.m. A discussion on a college entertainment conference to be held in Waterloo resulted in council passing a money bill for 1,500 dollars to set it up. The conference will bring together student representatives from across Canada and the northern U.S. for block booking of entertainment
Ontario 1.
that more co-opers would seek the position if they were adequately reimbursed. Several members disagreed, saying the salary was too high. Council voted to dismiss the suggestion. Burko announced that presidential nominations would open .- on Wednesday, close januasy 20 and elections would be on february 3.
has too many
TORONTO. (CUP) - Another incisive s.tatement from Ontario’s committee on university affairs indicates that there are not enough jobs for doctoral graduates, but notes that it is “improbable” that there are too many of them, PHDs that is. According to the CUA some university graduate programs may be curtailed l&cause of an oversupply of graduates in some fields. . The market for doctoral grad-
Our sights have been set for some time on the most Canadian of programmes in the psychology department. With its demise, we supposed that the remaining programmes in that department would quickly fall into line. Our agent, internally,.was none other than Mr. Tom Hanrahan, the american spokesman for the Canadian students who people that programme. -Brace yourselves. Our agent, burrowing from the outside, was a most trusted member of the Canadian contingent on campus, Miss Una O’Callaghan (you will remember her as the wife of the people’s own J. Malzan). Mr. P. E. Trudeau may believe that the Government has no business in the bedrooms of the nation. But CCWAP does! We are indeed proud of the trail of gossip, enmity and distrust sister CCWAPer O’Callaghan has left in her wake. And then there was women’s liberation, a movement genuinely dear to my heart.\This of course was part of our plot to americanize Canadian home life, to castrate the virile Canadian male. We knew the process of subversion must remain unfinished until that most hallowed of Canadian institutions, the family, had been gutted. I take no little pride in mentioning our fourth exploit, the development of canadian studies which I helped to found. We successfully engineered this programme so that: (1) we were thus able to isolate the few remaining patriots on campus from their fellow students, and so reduce’ possible contamination; and (2) we
other on a first name basis.” He did say that there is no written guarantee of working conditions. A The UBC CUPE local is somewhat in the middle of the dispute but Morrison said he didn’t think the administration would fire employees for honoring the RWDSCU picket lines if they are implemented. “But I can’t instruct . CUPE members to cross or not to cross picket lines. I could be put in jail for that.”
groups. Larry - Burko, heading the conference, hopes to break even on the whole show, which will begin on march 13 and continue for three days. Bob Beggs, math society president, suggested that the federation president’s salary should be raised to 500 dollars a month to allow co-op students to seek the presidency. He felt
uates, it says in its annual report, has ‘softened considerably , ’ due to a reversal of the flow to the U.S. and the tendency to prepare doctoral candidates for university positions no longer in demand rather than. for research and industry. But, it adds, “it seems improbable that _in total too many people are now graduating with higher degrees. ” It cites an “overwhelming need” for applied research relating to poverty, economic de-
Oh --woe! The devil you say---Lambert Oh woe! Oh woe is me! Dedicated, card-carrying Canadian J. Malzan has exposed our activities! Not only do we disagree with him (most heinous of sins), but we are. a conspiracy exposed. It is time to tell all, to confess our activities and our programme for the further subversion of Canada fair. -To begin at the beginning. I am a member of a system of cells known as the Canadian Conspiracy Working for American Power (know affectionately to its members as CCWAP). It has been our mission to penetrate to the highest levels of decision-making and influence I on this campus. We first began our take-over some years ago. The Chevron was our first target, whose seizure has been accomplished through our trusted agent Alex Smith. As editor, fellow CCWAPer Smith saw to it that the last vestiges of humour and coverage in depth of local events were purged from his favourite family journal. This was accompanied by a reliance on reprinted materials from elsewhere, especially from underground american news agencies. All loyal subversives will be forever -grateful for the deftness with which the transformation of the Chevron was exexuted.
have thereby identified all the people to be purged once CCWAP forms a provisional government. Nor was CCWAP about to rest on its hard-earned laurels. I must in all humility confess to further actions which lay ahead of us at the time of our demise. First of these was to be a brave move off campus. We took deadly aim at the moral fiber of the local burghers, and hoped also to create a genuinely people’s movement among them. We have, for the past two years, had designs on .Oktoberfest. During this time, the now notso-sober citizens of Kitchener-Waterloo have been turned onto beer. This was the opening play to our most significant move scheduled for next year: grass. Yes, CCWAP has conspired to turn Oktoberfest into a people’s pot festival! Just as the John Birchers in the US discovered that flouridation of water is a tactic in the communist conspiracy to subvert that country, so we plotted to use grass as a tactic in the American conspiracy to subvert Canada. But our efforts have all come to nought. Oh woe! Then there was the RCMP. Our strategy called for the use of. this esteemed police force as a front- organization, and as a forerunner of our secret police in / a liberated, i.e., american, Canada. We were well on the way,’ as you know now, what with the active collaboration which presently exists between the RCMP here and the high command in the states. Just think, we may never know what J. Edgar Hoover looks like in the stunning red uniform of the moun-
velopment and welfare in Canada, and indicates that “some change in the character of graduate programs may be needed.” However, if Canada should determine to take “a more aggressive line” in research and , development with respect to urban development transportation housing, the north and other fields, “we could possibly find ourselves again endeavouring to force the expansion of graduate enrollment.”
strikes back ties. You have Mr. Malzan to thank for this. We should have known that CCWAP could not long remain underground. The tip-off came shortly before Christmas. In a televised debate with a draft resister in Toronto, Mr. Robin Mathews exposed a plot by which american military refugees in this country would soon participate in the formal take-over of Canada. He announced, gravely and dramatically, that many resisters are not taking out landed immigrant status in Canada, that they are being supported by their well-to-do parents (aren’t all americans well-to-do? ), and that they were following this course of action ‘because Canada would very shortly be taken into the fold by mother america! And then Mr. Mathews, noted Canadian poet and scholar (to quote Mr. Malzan) and puppeteer (to quote me) journeyed from Ottawa to Waterloo to offer counsel and succor to his beleaguered lieutenants. It was then that we knew the nefarious activities of CCWAP would soon be laid bare. And so they have. Humbly RON LAMBERT Sociology & Psychology
16 january
(7 7:37)
64 7 5
interested in the’*’ ,GSU. They grad students be treated&the same, - library committee. .An orientaa desire to bring the grads back for foreign gfad hoped to - improve the mi+rln+ir\n - , as professors, who pay five dol- - tion - program , chbvton staff ’ into the fold. lars if they wish tohse the athstudents was instituted. ‘They . bY making an art gr ad viceThe ,main purpbse for- the gen The ~GSU then concerned itself - letic facilities. As it, turned out Spent, time trying to organize’a President, era1 meeting’of th,e grad student with ,: unemployment probl.&-ns.‘ The ,GSU found it necessary the professors are now supposed ‘grad ‘,house but nothing has union was *for- the present counThey recommended bringing in ‘to increase the fee from one dolto be paying. the full twenty-t,wo~ ’ come of it so far. + , \, cil to say good-bye. ’ “. p’ a grad placement officer making lar, anh sixty-seven. cents to ’ dollars. \ , I -j/ I I The president presented ,a re- (more information ’ available on The GSU encouraged the creathree dollars. The treasurer ‘reA letter was written’ to adport in which he I summarized, employment opportunities in tion of intramural sports-and in- *ported the council to be approxiministration ‘president Matthews the accomplishments of: the year. specific areas of Canada. _volved itself In social activities. ( mately fifty dollarsin the black. requesting that the supervision The most important, and conThe .GSU requested that canaThey af+er2.,in. the process ‘*‘ of Just before the end of the dianj-ohs .be advertised in ca.naof :.,&ad students be considered’ troversial was _the secessidn of\ creating a tine club to show movmeeting I the Freasurer proposed thesame as teaching a class, ’ i the’ grad students .,from the feddian magazines first and that;, I ies of interest to grad students. , a vote of thanks for the presieration. This action was ’ initia-’ -where possible the rjobs be” given ,’ Fuller talked about the special. dent. It received unanim,ous apGrad rens-I. were ‘placed on, ted by the. previous council .and to Canadians. m&y also request-difficulty in getting art grads proval. - : * such as the *. . i -, \_ _ . carried to near completion :.by ed that the citizenship of profes+ :- various I committees, the i presently outgoing j cou.&: 1 sors considered for employment President, ~5Gerald ; Fuller, ex- ‘be published in the gazette,’ pressed a desire that grad stuJohn Carr, headed a commit- ~ dents should .re-evaluate their tee “on Benson’s, white paper & “Learning, from cockroaches! position ‘and what they 1 wish taxation. The committee protestThe same student gave the Semple said, ‘ ‘In an ‘kxperiment we can do things to anifrom the GSU. !He felt this will 1 ed the fact that fellowships&en - Man I lived in the ghetto with exampl,e of people bumping into the cockroaches and I don’t need mals we, can’t do in the2ame be necessary since presently the to grad students are taxable one another on a subway and any more, ” said a student leavand asked the government to remanipula”tive way to, humans. grads* are neither’ in the federaapologizing to one another. She ing man and environment 121. said,“Ask why people have to We also can’t , control the past tion nor completely out and the* consider its present policy of givStudents in T. Semple’s class apologize rather than being con-, history of human subjects. Aniadministration seems to have had. ing a two year tax free holiday &bout man cerned ‘with numbers.:” ’ 2 ma1 work is much cleaner and a change of heart. The grads to professors from foreign coun- 2 questioned , learning through animal experiments understandable than humans. ” Semple gave the example of may have to resort to legal ?c- , tries. and not dealing directly wit1 himself wondering how this class ‘tion since at the last ‘federation Another The GSU inquired into the said she student man last friday . ’ meeting certain people expressed would go after <the\ previous athletic- program, requesting that thought the man :I and environSemple . -explained, : ‘! man ’ is class’, reaction, to -his presentament course ,was 5 suppose .to a complex animal.< To begin to tion. He said, “I .was interested “get at the human aspect.” understand this complex crea- . to see what form your (stuture it is necessary to Start with dent) unhappin& w&d take. I She continued, ‘$The experi-’ a simple consideration,animal ‘had a certain hypothesis. This is ments and statistics are- most experiments. ” , confirmed;, It gives me some i’n- ’ artificial. Man and environment Semple‘ said, “This~‘is the best dication’ about YOU, and’ adds to. is suppose to be Jlumanizing .a collection of short stories. Awards and scholarships to way I-can cope with some degree my impression about you.” Why not talk about informal The rotary foundation of rovarious universities are available of specificity. ’’ Student; “I don’t say I’m runexperiments Ldealing with peotary international offers awards ’ , I. to interested students. One student said, “It see,msningian experiment when I : don’t pie), Whv not get’ more down _. __ ~ to “promote understanding -and Queen’s \ university in Kingston youre (Semple) taking an in- like Tomebody,.” , to eakth and to people?” friendly relations between peooffers several’ 1,500 dollar entellectual approach. You’re miss, ple of different nations.” These trance scholarships tenable in ing something valuable. Some_ awards are made to outstanding the first. year of the faculty of aspects are I intellectual and ra-students or technicians for a’ tional -but it still has, to-be grasplaw to students with outstanding year of study,in. another country. records in -any field of undered emotionally. ,i Also of interest may be the Conestoga college -:students puses from having a ‘continuing% graduate studies. Semple sa,id he got various rei -want to have drinking events liquor permit or bar. announcement by british univerUniversity College in Toronto actions to the comment. “‘It on campus beeause th’eir offsity summer schools that various ” ‘Previous-drinking events were offers-th&Norma, Epstein Award seems like an attack on techventures are too expensuccessful but a cheaper, stucourses, in ‘literature, history, for Creative Writing,, a biennial nique and L secondly you are. campus . ‘i ‘. dent-runbar-,would be doing the philosophy, and art -and archinational ‘prize’ of 1,000 do@&, concerned about’ things ihat $0~ slve* . ’ L b.:-~ii * xi ;;! 1: students a fador’,” said. VandeL tecture.. Six week courses are %of- feel c-an- not be dealt: wi&’ in ‘.a open to -any student regularly ::. , $o,g~q colleges and. most ,.uni.weg. :. : >. . . ‘_ fered for only 150 pounds (fees enrolled . in ._ an undergraduate mathematical statisticalmanner. ’ versities allow liquor under oneresidence . . and Efforts will be made to join include 8boa.rd, or graduate’ degree course. This He went on to explain this was night banquet permits, student : - L\ tuition). *’ other groups in lobbying Queen’s award is for substantial work in a part of the question of relevance. president Peter Vandeweg said Further details on any of these park for a lower of the drinking fiction,. drama or verse. CompePeople informally conducting last week. Provincial governage and a more liberal liquor experiments when interacting titors ‘,may submit, a long poem _ may ,be obtained from the .awards ment regulations forbidcampolicy. I office in the arts library. , with classmates and friends. . . or; $ group of poems; a novel or
by Dianne
- -
, ’
I _
_ __
1I humcrnity
622 the Chevrbh
seeks. ,bar ; 1 I . _
Two buildings
really wants anyways
by Al Lukachko chevron staff
“With a student services building occupying parking lot D, a change in tactical manoeuvres is quite evident. It now affords us with a better position to take over the library, instead of using the banks of Laurel creek and having to run the long open- distance to the fortress. Yes, with troops stationed in the biology and modern languages building, we could easily -place a few 70 millimeter cannons on top of that new building. Great bargaining power!” This was the reaction of one underground student radical to the administration’s decision to call tenders for the new student services building to be built on the parking lot between the library and Laurel creek. At the same time tenders are being called for the new administration building to be built on the north end of south campus. This will house most of the financial aspects of the university administration The location of the student services building was in question in the summer and fall of 1969, when the administration planned to build both the administration and the student building in one giant complex, which would cut off the view of the library from the village. NO
lot D buildings
A meeting of students, faculty and administration was called in june 69 to discuss the use of the parking lot. Most of those at- the meeting opposed any administrative buildings on that location. A week later, interim president Howard Petch announced that no buildings would be built on the site because of the shortage of space in the library and it would. be use for library expansion in 1978. Nothing more was said until the present announcement to build on the site. At the meeting in june 69, Bill Lobban of PP&P, stated the administration’s position. He said that previously the new building \ was planned for the north campus just south of Columbia, but since other plans for the development of north campus were vague, it was a poor idea. Lot D was the only place on south campus where a building could be located without destroying part of- the green area, according to Lobban. Dave Horne presented the architects’ case. He said the first question was whether or not any building should be built on the site. “There is an obligation to protect buildings already on cam-
overtake arts library. we put a building there, people pus, and in this. case the library from the community will have to is of primary concern,” he said. Horne further commented that, park much further away. “In the long run we are going to “The library was designed as an building all-round‘ building, the center of locate a new psychology campus, and ---it must rema>in, in the area of the Minota Hagey residence, and there will probably the center. The design integrity must be preserved.” \ be a need for a new arts lecture hall. Lot D is the only logical loca“As development proceeds more and more in the direction of north tion for a new arts lecture building in the future. ” campus there is a danger the library will be a terminating mass Lobban. answered that PP&P was considering a pedestrian orrather than the center, and south campus will become a kind of iented campus, not a vehicular oriented one. He added that the backyard to the rest to the camplans for the administration pus.” make provision for 70 Horne felt it was advisable to building or 80 parking spaces, underground. have a building on the parking site He added that lot D was already He then proceeded to outline inadequate for the use of those eight different designs that had people using the library and modbeen considered. ern languages building, and, since .The first seven of those were the government would not prorejected because unlike the eighth they did not allow a good view of vide funds for the construction of parking buildings, it would be the library from across Laurel impossible to rectify this situacreek and from the area of the tion. Village. The university could get mortArguments-against gages to build parking structures In the discussion that followed, but then it would have to charge amath lecturer Jerome Sabat outbout 50 cents a day for parking and lined several factors in favor of most people were not willing to placing the administration buildpay that much, he said. ing just south of Columbia street. “In the future, theater nights I “,As the campus expands we are could be held in the new theater, going to move north leaving this which is within close walking distlocation central,” said Sabat. ance to another parking lot,” Lob“Most traffic comes in from the ban added. University avenue entrance, so a Philosophy prof Rolf George crilocation near Columbia street ticized the administration’s prowould relieve the present traffic posal on the grounds that it was congestion and give easy access based -on the assumption that to the administration building, as the administration building should well as convenient parking. be centrally located. He said that “There are two theaters in the since most faculty and students immediate proximity of lot D. If would rarely use such a building,
it should be peripherally located. “Perhaps we could retain a few offices on south campus for fee payments and information, and to provide the president and a few others with centrally located offices, but there is certainly no need to have the whole administration in the center of the campus.” Someone else suggested the coordination and placement offices could go in the engineering complex. Sabat added, “If the phys-ed complex is going to be used for registration and examinations for the next ten years, isn’t this another reason for having the administration building in that area?” Philsophy prof Jan Narveson suggested that for co-op students using the coordination and placement departments, a walk from the engineering building or computer . center to north campus would not be much farther than to lot D. “Eventually we hope to have a fine arts building on campus. Lot D would be the logical location for it, as we would hope that people from all faculties would use it,” added Narveson. “Besides, all academic buildings are more important than the administration building, so it should obviously go somewhere else. ” Depends
on point
of view
“That depends on your point of view,” said Lobban. “There,” said Narveson, “you’ve admitted your premises. ”
- Administration
building x
site preferable
One wonders if the south campus is already overcrowded. The present density of buildings to land is presently about .133 but with the addition of the two new buildings it would rise to .160 with allowance for an expanded library. The north campus site would be more suitable and more central once the campus is fully developed on the north side of Columbia. The only way the site can be saved’ for necessary academic buildings is for students and faculty to pressure the administration to build on the north campus site. If not then academic expansion in arts on this campus could very well be stopped.
to ltor~~ all the ji’narlcial areas oj’u~~iversity to be located 011 the rrovtlz part oj’car~~pus. <
“Many faculties want to reserve space on south campus for their future expansion,” said Lobban. “It’s time we put a lid on the population there. ” Pure math prof Henry Crapo said, “We’ve come to the point where the enrolment for south campus has reached it’s proposed peak, and there are as yet no buildings on north campus which will be ready when enrolment goes over this figure.” Lobban agreed that there would probably be severe overcrowding on south campus for a year or so. At this point someone proposed a motion that the group present take a stand against any building being located *in lot D. The motion was seconded and greeted with applause from the audience. The motion was ignored by the chair and more discussion ensued. Mike Corbett, arts 3, suggested all the alternatives for the site in question be considered. “Then if it is decided a building should be there, the next logical question is ‘what building?’ ” Lobban answered, “The administration building”. At this point the/chairman was reminded there was a -motion on the floor that should be voted on. Lobban asked interim administration president Howard Petch if it was appropriate to take a vote on the motion. “It doesn’t matter.” Petch replied. A vote was taken and the motion carried. A week after the meeting, interim administration president, Howard Petch said that there would be no administration building on lot D. At the time he added that the site, adjacent to the arts library would be saved for a necessary library expansion expected about 1978. He said that the building would be built on the north campus site just off Columbia.
15 january
7977 (17:37)
in skiing=>
’ - .
-. Bus leaves from,Phys., Ed. complex Mon \ ’ ?nd Thurs at.2 p.m. \ i --.\Brinb your dwn equipment >’ . yq$ : ’ s)’ For ~~~~~ners ,& Novice only .. ‘, ’ \ ;F;o&More
Information .*
’ _
Bob Burgess r
’ MONTREAL (CUPI) - The policemen,“Chartrand replied. charge he is facing. Robert Lemieux, a la\?ryer who Quebec courts are moving swift’ Ou’imet also turned down a ly, sorting out the trial dates has defended . members of the second application for bail by and charges of those picked up FLQ in, the past., and himself Lise Balcer who is accused ‘of under the war measures act. But charged with “seditious conspir, membership in the FLQ. Crown * they are not moving with clemacy” along with Chartrand and prosecutor Jacques Ducros OPency. ’ - three others, appeared in court posed bail, saying she had once Michel Chartrand, head of the Friday to argue for his right to lived with Paul Rose in the Montreal branch of the confeddefend clients charged under the ; house where Pierre Laporte had .eration of national trade unions war measures act or accused in the been kept for-- a week, and that Laporte kidnap-slaying. was sentenced to ,one year in she had participated in discussprison for contempt of court friJacques Rose is among those ions about the possible kidnapI who have asked Lemieux to serve day (jan. 8) after he requested: ping of someone: ‘Mr. Justice j Robert ’ O.uimet, astheir’lawyer.. Ouimet “termed the repeated - ,,Lemieux is blocked ‘from rep‘disqualify himself “on the. grounds applications for bail on ‘the part . ‘)- ‘ jI, :,:. resentinghis clients by I his of prejudice.SA,’ ‘of the accused, Balcer and others, T He saidthe justicehas expressI“charge and the fact that he was an “abuse of procedure” indica\ ed opinions about persons detainupable to obtain bail. 4ing ,it isn’t right to return, time Thursday crown .presecutors ed under the public order act and after time with similar applications before different judges.” added : “Morally I would feel clai%med it would be physically impossible for Lemieux to . act wronged to have to be tried before Balcer will stand trial feb. 8 . a judge who is prejudiced and for these . clients, and Justice with five others: Yves ‘Roy, ’ 1 , partial. ‘,’ Ouimet indicated he _ was also Michel Viger, Claude Lariviere, -opposed, saying there was a ‘ques, Ouimet rejected’ the motion Robert Dupuis, Francois ‘Belisle. to disqualify ‘himself, then hand- . tion of ethics arid decency. LeThese five are charged with aced down the one-year sentence A mieux said he took the judge’s ,, cessory after the fact of murder I remarks asa threat and. claimed and kidnapping. Everyone ex‘for contempt. “It’s easy to hand out sententhere -was. a conspiracy against I cept Belisle is also accused of . him. Lemieux was ‘also unable supportiqg the FLQ and hinderces for conte”mpt of court when ing the application of justice; . I ’ r it’s done from behind a row of I~ to gain a separate trial for the
‘576-0763‘ . 7
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. I- At Wterloo
January er!
*- 1 ~
. \
- i -1. . .. We mean it. “‘HOW to separala yo~urself from the herd.” An . * \ -Even if you have no idea- of coming with us, .J,.eight zpage ’ booklet on. how to go to an interview s on ~@ur terms. What to 40: about nervousness. signup for an interview: Come, in and rehearse. About money. How toturn an interview around., whose very Me depends ’ Do it on a’company When to get up and walk out. Things like that. ‘on its ability to come face to face with strangers. -.Ourbooklet is tucked into the new Emplo;ment Opportunities~ Handbook.. The handbook You won’t waste our.time. We’have a number ’ is yours For the asking ‘at thce,placement &ice. of surprises ibout the insura’nce business in g&&al ’ “How and ours in particular. So’ if there’s a latent resto separate yourself from -the herd” ponse in you, we’re confident we can triggtr it. . won’t change the world for you. _ . ’ But it just t&ht help. \ Besides, we’re/perfectly willing toltake the tisk. e F , l.Fyou can’t make-an interview,, take,a look at
r- ’ \
644 the Chevkon
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Here is one example which shows how fast the Department of University Affairs really works. Why, it was just last week that the new psychology
15 january
7971 (7 7:37)
by Bill Payne
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Over On
chevron staff In 190 1, a man went into a- lumber camp in the Algoma region of northern Ontario where 70 percent of the men couldn’t even sign their names. As a frontier teacher he was ‘not able to get anywhere until he picked up a crosscut and put in a full day’s work with them. Such were the humble beginnings of Frontier college. Frontier college established by government charter in 1922 is an educational organization to promote an adult and community educational service including social, cultural and recreational opportunities in outlying parts of’ , ‘Canada. Canada 7has changed significantly in ‘those 70 years. It now ranks\fourthin the world economically, has the- second or third highest standard of living, and in terms of human investment-education-ranks ninth. -@ I 1 percent of urban families fall below the ECC low income line’ but 41 percent of j rural families fall below this line. l 20 percent of Canadian families live in rural areas but 45 percent of low income families live in these rural areas. l 43 percent of adult Canadians have not completed elementary education but only 2 percent of adult education programs in Canada are available to persons at this level. It’ is these groups that Frontier college 7 works with. Two main types ‘of services. are offered by Frontier. First is the labourer- teacher program. They work their regular shift with the-men and in their spare time ’ could devote their efforts toward teaching workers how to read or speak english or french, italian, german or they may create a community recreational program or set-up - a library or teach -
Scott &won,
swimming lessons. They ever the s-ituation demands The success of the encouraged appreciably teacher lives, eats and employees. Since 1963, Frontier a se.cond program. The
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do in fact do what-, of them. individual project is because the labourerworks with his fellow has been establishing aim in this case is to
_ teaches english .
‘and math at night in any >place he can find.
at $I.88 .an hour during day and . . . .
promote adult education in a’ community setting. In addition to doing their regular teaching they become acquainted with -the needs of the community at large and promote the goal of ‘self-help.’ For example, one Erontier college worker taught school as we Y generally know it but at all levels. He in partitular worked on students who could advance faster and chose them to teach the remainder when he left. His main role is as a resource person for the community and j not as a . leader. Frontier college is based in Toronto and administered by a board of unpaid governors and- a principal, Eric Robinson, one of only \ six full- time paid employees. Its budget is $130,000 dollars a year. Roughly a third comes from federal and provin%ial governments, - a third from companies and the rest from universities, student unions, trade unions and private contributions. Until this year, there were iO0 volunteer teacherlabourers.‘ The cost p,er voJunteer was about $1,300 dollars. The company of young\ canadians, the only other national service of this spends approximately $13,000 dollars type, per volunteer annually. Scott Barron, 23, of Montreal, taught a , railway crew north of Sudbury last- summer. “I step t in the top bunk of a railway car, ate week-old steGv and potatoes and worked for $ ! .8% an hour driving spikes,*’ he says. “My best student was a kleptomaniac with a see- \ ond-grade education. He. was _a haJf-Indian . with long kinky hair that he washed every six, months with gasoline and j Javex. In about r two weeks he’d picked up the,” basics of math- _ ematics. ’ Barron also ’ taught spelling, composition, geology L’ whatever the men wanted to learn.
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Take JoVty or jijiy odd kids, &se them up in a hot bus jbr a trip you have a pretty lively trip. With all the antics there are incredibly I yond the limit oj’scrapes, spyains and bruises.
to the swimmirlg -few accidents
hole and that go he-
Camp Columbia was conceived by students at the university of Waterloo to provide free two week summer camps for K-W children who would not ordinarily be able to attend summer camp. Having obtained re-affirmation of the availability of the previous years’ camp site (lake Columbia, on the undeveloped north campus), the next step faced in organizing this year’s camp is the selection I of a staff. For any readers who may be interested . in making camp Columbia their summer project there follows a list of the primary aims of the camp. For anyone with further interests there will be a meeting at 8:OO o’clock pm next tuesday the 19th
in charcoal steaks and chops
for groups
and clubs
in room 113 of the campus centre. Primary aims of the camp : l Provide a unique experience for KitchenerWaterloo and area children .-. l Utilize the resources of the universitv of Waterloo for the benefit of the community and aiea. l Contribute to a spirit of community in the children by emphasizing cooperation over competition through open discussions of problems arising at camp. l Provide meaningful summer employment for qualified students.
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Camp Columbia is loosely orgarlized, showing little of' the discipline camp. The activities and programs are dec.ided by everyone including encouraged to exercise as much freedom and responsibility as possible.
on psych
by Una O’Callaghan chevron
Using the age old game of divide and conquer to advantage, Jim Dyle, chairman of psychology has managed to wipe out the division of social personality in everything but name. \
The fact that the division has not yet been officially dissolved is due perhaps to the fact that Dyle failed to get a vote of confidence in his action decision at a preChristmas meeting of the department. His efforts to get a vote of
or structure the kids. ’
of'atly Campers
from the program. The fact that he apparently can’t transfer to another program in mid-year doesn’t concern Dyle. Mel Lerner has removed himself physically and mentally from the whole hassle by taking himself and his three graduate students off to the psych building, on Phillip street. Thus, despite the efforts of most graduate students and at least half of the active faculty to keep the division together, Dyle in his dictatorial way seems to have won the day. Hopefully the . blood letting won’t be too widespread.
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confidence in Lerner at this same meeting never reached the floor either. As’ expected, the purge is now on to wipe out the dissidents and those who opposed his decision openly have been the first victims of the hatchet job now underway. Harold Miller, who was strongly in favour of keeping the division together, and is one of the most active members academically and otherwise has. been fired. Tom Hanrahan, a graduate student who admitted to having friends on the chevron and to feeding them information has been dropped
Open Hours Monday-Closed & Wed., 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. & Fri. 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat., 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
best skiing conditions are still to come! Diem, Instructor,
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Aubrey Diem ’ instructor, Chicopee Walter,Hundt, Director,
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15 january
7977 (7 7:37)
Group Program Counselling Services will be offering groups that will be available include selling groups. If you are interested, discuss the group program.
several kinds,of groups this semester. The types of vocational, sensitivity discussion, couples and councontact Counselling Services as soon as possible to
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Joy Stratton displays winning form in medley event win
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JANUARY 25th TO 29
Stiff competition seems to be 0-N.Y., will have on hand some in order for the Warrior swimof the better swimmers in the mers this weekend both home and Ontario - Quebec conference. Bob Herman who hails from away as the team prepares for the OQAA’s in just a month’s Calgary will probably be going time. in sprints and the individual This afternoon (5 p.m.) they medley. Other top swimmers for will be going against the strong Queen’s will be John Lucas and Guelph Gryphons and the GeneJoe Smillie, a distance freestyler. seo State Gnats in the agriculMeanwhile the Warriors will ture city to the east. be fielding their strong relay This will be the first outing for team yet to be defeated this Guelph while the _Gnats, ranked season in a dual meet competisixth out of the 12 team New York tion and such individuals as championships last year, have Roy, Brad Walker, only a l-3 record and will be George Daryl Lovejoy and Rolfe Mcpulling all the stops to better Ewan just to name a few of the their standing. team’s key personnel. The Warriors return home for a 2 p.m. meeting against Queen’s The Warriors now with a 7-2 university tomorrow in the phys record will have their hands ed pool. full but believe they can come The Gailes, holding down a off the weekend with a solid 10-2 2-O record so far this season showing, the best compiled by beating McMaster and Potsdam, any swim team at the U of W.
Athena host tourney here this weekend ’ This weekend the volleyball Athenas will also be playing hosts. They will be involved in their fourth annual invitational volleyball tournament, which will feature teams from Ontario and the US. There will be twelve university teams in all, with two of them being from the other side of the border. The action will start at 1: 00 p.m. today and continue from 9: 00 till 6:00 on Saturday. It is expected that the finals will be under way by 4:OO p,m. tomorrow. The Athenas after their xmas break got back to work last saturday in London, in an exhibition tournament - which saw them lose in the semi-finals to an Believing that the ova team. only way to succeed is through hard work, they shook off the cobwebs last t&day by beating the girls from down the road
This win followed typical Athena fashion, as they took three straight games by the scores, 15-7,15-13, and 156. So it looks like the girls are back on the winning track and all set to play poor hosts and win their own tournament. The only ingredient missing is the fan support that the Athenas deserve. Only you can provide that!
Top swimmers here fday I
One week from today the swimming Athenas will be participating in their second annual Waterloo invitational swim meet. Teams will be coming from Western, Toronto and Guelph, as well as some of the top swimming teams from the US. At this date it is not certain ‘just what teams will be participating as negotiations are still underway, but it promises to be one of the best meets ever held in southern Ontario. Further details will be announced next week, so watch the chevron for further news.
Would the real arts society executive please. stand up? -_
by Lou Mangone president
How democratic are the elections held to elect leaders for the various executive positions in the societies? On thursday October 8 the president of the arts society walked into the History Society office to inform me that I was to draw up a budget for the year (i.e. history society). While discussing this with MacPhee, the current arts society presidt=& I informed him, that his treasurer miss Chris Krawczyk was elected in last years Spring election. I also told him that his vice president was John Battye and his secretary was Andrea Mait. Quietly, with confidence, MacPhee specified that this was not true. He explained that he had appointed his own executive. We would, of course, clear up this small technicality at the meeting of the arts society the next night. Tuesday night finally rolled around and the various members of the different societies took their places. 0u.r president took his place with another gentleman and the meeting got under way. The speech from the throne was made, and the business at hand was undertaken. He asked the various society presidents to introduce themselves and made it clear that his was only an informal meeting. He talked about the policy of this years arts society and mentioned that the money alocated to the various societies was to be distributed on a 40 percent - 40 percent - 20 percent basis. He informed us that the decision had been made by an executive meeting of the arts society. Before any further chit-chait was allowed. Battye intervened with a legitimate motion to discover who the executive actually were. This was a sensible proposal, considering the fact that there were at present not one but two vicepresidents, two secretaries, and two treasurers! Well actually there was only one person to fill the roles of secretary and treasurer MacPhee had apparently taken it upon himself to combine the two positions. At this time Battye introduced himself as the elected vice-president. In a rather sarcastic voice Battye said ; “I am your vice-president, Mr. President”. The elected treasurer and secretary followed suit. Being confronted with this paradoxical situation, MacPhee immediately tried to avoid the issue. “This is an informal meeting”, he stated. Immediately Battye and the other elected executives insisted on clearing up the issue. Again the president tried to avoid the issue by saying that it would be brought up at the meeting on the folowing thursday. Immediately the presidents of the other societies joined in to support the elected executives demands. Blushing and embarrassed, white with fear, MacPhee finally tried to justify his actions. He placed the blame on last year’s society president. He informed all present that last year’s president had told him that he was allowed to appoint his executive. Having stated this the validity of acclamation came up. MacPhee was informed that due to the fact that*no-one else ran in the election for vicepresident,_ secretary and treasurer the people who did run won by acclamation. Before a discussion on the format of the arts society constitution developed, Mr. Battye informed the president that evidently someone in the Federation of Students knew that he was the vicepresident because all m&l addressed to the vice-’ president of the arts society had been sent to him. A motion was placed on the floor to determine whether the positions of the executive were appointed or in fact elected. For a while MacPhee blushed and tried desperately to avoid the question. He did not accept or reject the motion. Following this there was some namecalling. Some said MacPhee was incompetent and some that he
. Quebec
QUEBEC (CUPI) - The Quebec teachers corporation criticized the provincial education department friday (jan. 8) for its handling of an investigation into alleged political indoctrination in Classrooms.
On thursday, education minister Guy St. Pierre was quoted as saying 50 teachers would be brought before a special committee investigating the political activity of teachers in classrooms. On friday, the education de-
was arbitrary and that he should not hold such a position. There was some talk of proposing a vote of non-confidence. The original motion to consult Fhe constitution was again mentioned. Again he ignored it and yet again violent talk of a motion of non-confidence was suggested. After MacPhee had ignored all suggestions he was asked by Battye if he had also appointed a vicepr_esident. He demanded caustically “Who is to be my successor? ” MacPhee named some person and I asked if this person was a friend of his. I assumed he was as all the appointed executive were in political science with MacPhee. The secretary, elected, asked if she should take minutes as no one else was. She also enquired if she should waste her ink as the meeting had deteriorated into a farce. we were then informed that the name that appears on the bank account in which the money df the arts society is kept had been changed from that of the elected treasurer to that of the appointed treasurer. Again motions of non confidence were thrown on the floor, and just lay there. Motions to close the meeting also bit the dust. The elected executive offered to resign if it were discovered that the president could appoint his own. This generous offer was also ignored. The motion of non-confidence had previously been objected to by Battye as he declared that he had no wish to hold the position of president (this would have been the legal procedure 1. At this time one member walked out of the meeting due to the fact that this meeting had by this time deteriorated to its lowest point. The president was asked to either accept or reject the proposal that nothing be done until the constitutional crisis had been resolved. Meanwhile murmers of non-confidence were still squirming around on the flbor in a dying effort to gain attention. Fearing that he might be impeached, on the necessary prompting of Battye (who seemed the only member of either executive who was aware of correct procedure) he was advised to call a vote. One the motion was presented to the preisent, he had to be informed that it was customs ary in a democratic meeting to put motions to the vote. Lately it has been discovered that there are strange new developments. First of all the constitution of the arts society had disappeared along with the nomination forms from last spring. It was found the next day. On October 14 a meeting took place with the executive and the constitution was presented. According to section one of the constitution the executive committee must consist of four officers and three elected executive members. According to the structure of the present arts society these four officers do not exist. According to section two the following are the said officers of the arts society (a) the chairman, (b) the vice-chairman (c ) the secretary and (d) the treasurer. From this statement MacPheee assumed that these four officers were appointed and not elected I pe:sonally cannot see how such an assumption can be made as in that case the president (chairman) himself has to be apointed. By this interpretation of the constitution MacPhee himself holds no position as he was elected in his own interpretation he himself holds an illegal or non-existent position. The significance of all this has not yet been revealed, one. thing however is obvious: although the democratic election system on campus is a workable and just one, there are certain members in the system who by their actions are revealed as power hungry dictators. They are pot interested in the welfare of the student community, but in their own visions of glory, and personal remuneration. LOti MANGONE (President) History Society
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partment said only about 10 complaints of teachers allegedly using the classroom as a forum for political indoctrination would be investigated further by the committee. The department said the figure of 50 teachers was a rough one based on a misunderstanding. The QTC is demanding that teachers involved by fully informed about the complaints, that they be allowed recourse to the civil courts, and that they be accom-
probe panied by a person of their choice in any interview with the special government committee set up to investigate the complaints. The head of this special committee, rev Gerard Dion, a professor at Lava1 university, volunteered his help two years ago to the Simon Fraser university administration when they were purging the political science, sociology and anthropoloy department. As well, he aided in the preparation of the anti-labor Woods report.
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The author of The Concept, Austin M. Burton, whose anonym is “lntena” and who has been referred to in the United States as Chief Burning Wood, appears to be calling for a new society in which people replace their trust in specialists with direct experien_ce of their own. To do this, he suggests a ‘rotation’ of liv’ ing and work experience through periods devoted to activity in each of eight ‘houses” -those of natural resources, health, urban fenewal, vocation, communication, art and science, relation and circulation. The entire population would experience these “houses” over a period of 32 months. After which time the cycle is renewed. A ccording to the author, “regeneration 8 of natural resources, alteration of hospitali’ zation, evocation of responsiveness, aboli- tion of imprisonment, mental efficiency, elimination of atomic weapbns and deten traliza tion of administration ” all empower mankind to achieve ‘*a compensation system” for production and work that will replace current y, interest, taxes and inheritance. The purpose of life, suggests Burton, is evolution; the method of fulfilling this purpose is through a rotation of life styles dealing with various responsibilities and an appreciation of a “cosmic ‘I awareness. May it be said, however, that the chevron
which was mailed directly to us last summer. The chevron found parts of the original so complex in terminology as to be completely confounding; so obscure as to be unintelligible._lt was difficult to tell whether Burton was a genius or a dangerous paranoid. His use of the language included such quaint novelties as supposed nouns “unfold-
ment,” abstractum,” “impel,” “proceedment,” and “at-one-merit”. The follow_ ing paragraph, deleted from our presentation, serves as an example of our apprehension. by Austin “While the vecuum paralyses the proC88dment of Creative perfOfmanC8, the unfolding of the motivating impel toward the evolving of communication within the attunement of experience is the channel which relates the unit to the entity and the permeating manifestation of flux. holding the Welding, restive cohesion of the phenomenon; it is the nurturing saturation of the envisioned and the inherent connecting link of the COh8SiV8 factor by which con tact with the capacities is evoked and potencies of I transmuted passages cognized. ** This has not been taken out of context; indeed, almost every paragraph consisted of an autonomous string of four-syllable . words connected in often no apparent pattern. Yet, every once and a while; Burton would say something pertinent, understandable and possibly incisive, and it is these parts we present for your criticism and comment. Burton is apparently a graduate of the university of Washington and was chosen in 1965 as the New Hampshire primary vice-presidential candidate. Known also as Chief Burning Wood, he
\ Burton
sion. Says Burton in a preamble to The Concept ‘the symbol of universal trust, money, subjected to corruption, became the symbol of treason whereas the abuse of power entrusted induces its substitution by the equivalent of Share.” We firesume he means sharing. By printing The Concept, we may be presuming too much.
1971 (II:W)
OBJECTIVE of the House of natural is the preservation of life and its resources on the earth; henceforth the preservation of the property of mankind. One of the effects of the restoration of the soil and preservation of oxygen, which precludes the hectic period during which there was great indifference toward the’ ravages of pollution, is the diminishing of food poisoning, which in turn curtails the expansion of diseases. Natural food requires only one sixty-ninth of the land area now used for the production of meat. The return of the organic material to the earth resolves the actual problem of garbage collection. Cessation of atomic testing contributes to the decontamination of the atmosphere and restoration of the weather pattern, whereas the even precipitation removes the peril of devastating storms. The night-mare of automation has proven destructive to the capacity of human feeling and imagination -man’s most valuable natural resource. The reduction of industry (the only way of liberation from mechanization) re-opens the source of life. resources
The imprisonment of man by man is the crime whose ineffectiveness lies in the fact that man can not be punished other than by his own action. \ To replace confinement with treatment corresponds to the principle of Sharing and results in the change of attitude. * * * The determination to renounce the use of arms is the only proof of the sincerity of intentions to establish peace. The continued conditioning of war by endless challenges of superiority through the construction of nuclear weapronry is destructive not because of the weapon’s existence, but because it detracts from creative processes while focusing the trust upon material power as i only means of defense. * * * Collectively or individually, man evolves through experience, and The conclusion of this experience is the base of decision. Rotation means activity in ‘every field, during which every question concerning the community is experienced. Every individual of the community is enabled by proceeding rotation, to acquire the knowledge which authorizes his opinion to make mankind govern himself and his community without interference of specialists in such fields as politics and religion. By means of his ticipating endeavors, exploitation.
RESERVATION of health -requires the substitution of the hospital by an emergency system which provides constant assistance via health trailers, equipped for operations. This method insures immediacy of action and individual treatment while it avoids contamination by mass congregation. The hospital, where the contact of weak energies is of damage, victimizes the contacted. The spontaneous attitude of unprofessional attendants would benefit the state of mind and includes the factor of joy, basic element of regeneration. * * * The keen comprehension of the significance of the action committed is the only public protection which is of permanent effectiveness. Imprisonment of the malefactor does not accentuate the positive; it does not protect the public permanently from assault, nor does it evoke a dastre within the prisoner to throw light upon the originating motivation of his action. During the meaningless precedent of incarcerations no assistance offered has meant to awaken the interest of the confined in the cause of his own deed. No incentive induced his research toward the origination of his “failure”. The indifference of this situation paralyzed his emotional disposition a fact, which proves no punishment changes man for the better.
independence due to his own parman is no further exposed to
‘As the public experiences its own determination it advances into the position of independence which no longer requires the exclusiveness of a separate entity functioning as government. People are not governed nor are they governed through their leaders, but the people are governing themselves. , * * * Where evolution works toward integration, ‘specialization- disintegrates by dividing. It causes disproportion of the inner and outer cosmic, and misguides humanity toward the unessential. The excessive importance given to specialization over-emphasizes the importance of specific tasts within the total cosmic order, and thus becomes a threat.
HE HOUSE OF URBAN RENEWAL is in charge of the de-centralization of the metropolitan areas and is channeled through-out the octagons, located in the centre of every sixteen (16) square miles. The removal from disease, polluted air, and automation is a fundamental break with the antiquated town and suburban division system where the addition of foreign matter has upset the natural environment to a degree unsupportable to-nature. * * * Corruption has its vortex in heavily industrialized polluted metropolitan centers- and though the giant industrial plants are the prime cause up until now public, criticism has seldom pointed this out, while local news and health departments withheld vital information. Industry
wealth of a minority while simultaneously the air and water of the majority. Future
the Chevron
The four natural elements are the property of mankind, and their misappropriation is’ avoided by the s ystern of rotation which presents an integrated community and which has purpose to enlarge its common prosperity by reducing its members’ personal demands.
EVOLUTIONARY MOTION, produces the yearning which is not only the expression of dissatisfaction but the element which induces inquiry and research toward understanding the unknown. Man induces the acceleration of his evolution while releasing the creation of his own image. His attempt to decipher the relation results in the explanation of his own nature and while extending the visualization of individual integrity he achieves the attuhement. Efficiency in human thought lies with evocation rather than education; it substitutes the accumulation of knowledge with the assimilation of the known. The conditioning of a receptive state-the evocation of expectation-is, the essential motion ; indispensable to the assimilation of reality. With the evocation of expectation, the state of receptiveness which is action in passiveness, results from the release ofthoughts, the actuating factor of emotion. So, where education is applied, evocation works within; it is implied. Apprehension is based upon expectation ! and the evocation of expectation is the fundamental work of a teacher.
I/ 1 i
HE HOUSE OF COMMUNICATION is in charge of elaborating upon new projects which offer efficient means of communication and transportation to the public. The emphasis lies upon swiftness, noiselessness and pollutionlessness. None-of the three requirements have been considered by the current system of transportation, based as it is, on the expansion of a labyrinthical system of expressways with increased congestion and air pollution. Besides that, the suburbanite has found no comfort in the above mentioned system; moreover, casualty rates demonstrate the inefficiency of super-highway construction. Air pollution, due to the internal combustion engine and the production of carbon monoxide * continued
it poisoned
projects are based upon the consideration that the air which man breathes will lengthen or shorten his life span. The experiment to liberate man by means of the machine has been reversed; exposed to be manipulated by circumstances. The transformation from man to marionette occurred due to his assimilation with mechanism. The re-evaluation of means induces the inner-quest for the independence from the illusion of liberation by means of comfort, and seeks to substitute it by the recognized vision of Sharing. The dissipation of natural resources occurred under the disguise of private ownership for the purpose of exploitation of a majority belonging to an era whose idol was comfort. The principle of SHARE is based upon austerity by which its production in common allows personal actualization. ‘-
on page 18
’ -
of health
of urban
House of natural resources
of circulation
House of communication
In the center of each 16 square mile sector are the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;eight housesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; which service a total of 640 people with 80 people assignable to each house. A sector consists of 16 house centers, each house center of eight divisions serving 10,240 people, for a total of 163,840 people per sector. 20,480 people would work in each of the eight divisions for 120 days and then rotate to serve in all houses (divisions) for a total of two. years and eight months (thirty-two months).
of relation
- Tom
64 miles 1
/ Illustrating by means of the arbitrary figure of 100 million people, with a density of 40 Reople per square mile; each of the 8 houses in the center of every 16 square miles is represented by 10,240 people with 1280_ assignable to each house. Every person is active for 120 days in each of the 8 houses,. two years and eight months and rotation through the eight houses is accomplished by the entire population: 640 people to each octagon; 120 days i?n each house; 40 people per acre expanded to 2,500,OOO to maintain 1 OO,OOO,OOO people. The octagon, consisting of 8 houses, is presented in the center of every 16 square miles.
- Tom
15 january
7977 (I 7.37)
, 1
induces the change of means while it reduces the production of cars. The already-tested electromagnetic locomotion will become the future means of transportation. ‘, The house of communication, (the community itself) will work for the benefit of the entire public whose interest is indivisible due to the public ownership of all means of transportation.
’ HENEVER CONTACTING art, Man contacts ‘himself. Art is the symbol whose inter-relation remains intransigent to the artist whose works are the reflection . of his existence and to the spectator vvho receives the <’ r infused communication. At the same profirtion. in ,which ‘the spectator experiences the object- of art, he experiences life itself and as much as he understood of the object, as much he understands of life and while he advances into it, he discovers himselfArt, the evidence of experience transmitted’ within concrete form, is saturated with the infused perception. The purpose recognixed by the artist - in the attempt to reach the essence of his existence is transfused in the visualization whose function is evidenced by the response evoked’ in the spectator. The inexhaustiveness of interpretation of the object of art testifies the timelessness of reality. The performance of art consists in the acuteness of constant observation transforming the contents of the< performance into the image.
On the other hand, the absorption of an object of art proceeds in several simultaneous actions-to the forma1 analysis of the visual corresponds the evolving of a particular psychological apprehension ; to that measure in which the sight is larger, the experience also is deeper Certain objects of art necessitate a certain way of observation, explorable. only in the cause and effect procedure. After one part of the contents is experienced examination of the following sector that the observer of, arts himself as being may reveal a different ~ person. And so it may go, from exploration. is discovering to exploration. ,
PUFtPtXGE -OF the t&e of rehtitm is the awakening of the relation which links the actual to the potential. ~ While anything existing traces its derivation from the fertilising motion which occurs within the essential of contact, the manifested is the product of the relation. Set’ by local standards confyrmity opposes the creative pattern of life and strangles the evolutionary process. Responsibility has been substituted by conformity and the extent of the unpracticability culminates in its classification as morality. , Motion upholds expressionwithin the essential and is ~ in accordance with the l&w of evolution; rotation prevents corruption by means of change,, it averts specialixation and theimbalanmof mind within. The service which the individual renders yhile freeing himself from the limitation of ignorance, is of benefit not only to him- but to the humanity in general, for the attainment of one raises the level of the whole. The motivating element is the yearning for the yet * unattained. The vigorous churning of theunrest is a groping to comprehend somehow the flawed weave of the role of humanity. - In ‘spite of pervasive .hostility, the fight against present trends whose parasitism reduced experience to chaotic adventure, the activity is directed toward the breakthrough which would free mm/ from the addiction of senselessness. The non-involvement attitude set by precedent has ignited the quest for the m-evaluation of means, and the wry ’ mixture of hopelessness and’ rebellion which eventually accompanies the revolutionary movement, is a means of survival from social stagnation. -. I&
Supression and isolation (motivated by fear) ,waged against minorities results in paralysis of action and while crushing rising voices, it wipes out and opposes. evolvement. Denial of recognition under the pretext-of inadequate social , status, is the warmonger element which has provoked the disintegration of community; it is the deceptive web around which parasites,hang on. The assumption that the.vigorous rejecti of the existing moral vacuum could be rebuked by law and order intervention has been proven erroneous while it has increased disorder. The-law is not supposed to suppress the public opinion but to express it: resignation evidences the misinterpretation of order. Adult failure to recognize the need for change divides the present of the generations. Deprivation of recognition hastens the threat to turn the* futureinto an ashen . dese.rt wherein the civilization of purposeless bodies hangs on the calculating callousness of historical perspective. But the new rally defends the violation of principles and has hypocritical conformity, the puritanical shadow, -as target. The reevaluation of means has ignited the quest to explore new passages for survival from social stagnation and to shift the ignoble consummation of the present human condition from the addition of senselessness toward the evolution of communication. ; This generation undertakes to extract a sense of value. The plagent sound, emitted by contemporary generation, is a groping for search to comprehend somehow the flawed weave of the role of humanity. Through the prompted extremism they project the staleness to which they have been submitted and to smother these’ movements would only draw shattering results.
of his actions and while his responsibility increases his potency increases as well which renders him independent from the means. In other words, compensation or, deprivation occurs through action itself. -.% The characteristic of contact is the ensuing elevation or deception, thus \the fundamental co,ntribution -of man, consists in what he evokes rather than what he says or does. “Relation” is the religion which is evidenced by the evoked. .. , ’
HE HOUSE OF circulation is in charge of the accomplishment of contribution and compensation. Rotation preserves life by means of transformation; it is without exception that existence is subject to change and not a question of choice but of survival to comply with elementary laws of nature. Sustaining the uninterrupted continuity of life, trans-’ formation, the means of evolution, expresses the progress. The misinterpretation of decay as extinction of life proves to be erroneous when observing the reintegration of the disintegrating elements. This ignorance of continuity adopted the error of annihilation, motivat-ing the precaution to preserve form and condition for . everlasting duration. The handling of organization and administration as well as creative development is the responsibilit,y of the e,ntire population which circulates through the eight houses: Mankind
taken part in each b&se
One of the characteristics’ of man is the process of * two months which will enable him to have the insight into , the fundamental structure of the cornyunity. transmutation from involvement toward evolvement. People, flowing through the eighth house of the octagon Mental focus illuminates ‘the shadows ,of emotion which is the houke of circulation, are in charge of the disand while. revealing its illusory appearance, it ‘disqualitribution of ’ assignments; of the distribution of the fies the unreal and proffers the space to assert the naessentials ; of horticulture. ture of reality. The same house is in charge of the preparation of food, Unlike the emotional, which involves, physical awareof clothes which are created in the ness evolves by exposing the factor to the light of cogni- , the dispensation 1 of art, and distribution of medicine and phartion. F , \ house maceuticals, prepared in the house of health. The self-reducing belief of man in his 0.wn powerlessLodging for the-people assigned and construction of ness is due to its rely upon mechanical means. the house of urban renewal are processed equally in the To achieve the freedom from the means, he has to unhouse of circulation. dertake the task of decision by which he becomes author Authorized by universal trust, money was that abstract entity which was nothing in itself but presented every5thing else. AS value objective it was the characteristic of scientific centuries, as international measure, it was the ear. liest evidence of world-wide agreement. It was supposed to become the epitome of soberness, instead it became the symbol of greed and due to its abuse, the symbol of , treason. Sharin; is a substitute for money: What does this mean? Work for exchange of the product removes the inter., medium of the interest. With the removal of interest and taxation, the worker receives the full productivity of his labor while accumulation of capital disappears due to the non existence of money. The outlawing of money and interest excludes the war of expoitation; the removal of the interest avoids involvement i.n foreign politics; the elimination of mo%ey terminates the miserable condition of the exploi.ted, the legalized, corruption as the construction of weaponry to the advantage of industrialists only. The merchandising of life-the insurance -company , , business-will come to an end. , A deadly, threat to the majority and profit to a minority money become the threat to human life and only I the extinction of money grants survival.
by Mel Rotman chevron
structure is intimately connected with Levi-Strauss’ doctrine of the primacy of structure in social each discipline which has a life.” structural school. Furthermore From there we are shown some he weaves his analysis not as of the basic concepts required to someone panic-striken over the understand Althusser and his new heretic, methodology now analysis of Marx. The last secin vogue, nor as a missionary ) tion of the chapter deals with trying to convert people to the “Structuralism without strucnew, one and only way, of viewture”, which is a discussion of ing the world. What we have is Michel Foucault and his piece an objective view revealing the Les mats’ et /es tih%ses. A brilpositive and negative attributes liant piece of work but one with of structuralism. It would seem short-comings, the too many to me, therefore, that this book ideas are not pieced together nor is a must, for anyone trying to is the reader given enough inunderstand the nature of strucformation to deal with some of turalism. the blanket statements. . Up to page 106 in the book we Piaget points out that it is imhave a dispassionate, objective, portant to remember that yet extremely interesting, des‘structuralism is a method, not
Piaget, Basic
Book Publishers,
New York, $5.95
long ago
When asked not so about the increased popularity of Levi structuralism, Claude Strauss answered, that if those guys were structuralist then he wasn’t. The problem now arises as to the nature of structuralism. Piaget in this short book gives a smooth flowing account of the various branches in contemporary structuralism. He proceeds with his synthesis by analysing two The problems of structuralism. first being the ‘affirmative ideal’ involved in the very idea of structuralism, and the second is a discription and analysis of the critical intentions of the various varieties of structuralism. In the social sciences structuralism had its origins in linguistics and psychology. At the foundation of structuralism we find three key ideas, as a result of this influence: the concept of ‘wholeness’, the idea of ‘transformation’ and the idea of ‘self-regulation’. An important asset of the book lies in the fact that it delves into the roots and various arteries of structuralism. Piaget traces out the effects, and the method in
page 106 Piaget begins a section on Claude Levi-Strauss. From here on its even more interesting than before, he is no longer dispassionate but rather gets directly involved with whom he is discussing. Piaget identifies much of his own ideas with that of LeviStrauss, as he- himself points we- cannot out: “Furthermore, help thinking that our own constructivist theory of cognitive
a doctrine'.
a methOd
ever it has limited applicability, but even so we find it connetted to other methods. This is due to the value of the structural method, and in that way validity is often lent to other methods requiring a shot in the arm. Piaget is optimistic not only about the .future of structuralism but also has great hopes for the development of the positive, potential fruit it can bear.
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NORTH S. A J 10 4 2 H. 3 D. K1073 C.832 WEST EAST s. 7 S.965 H. A872 HQJlO965 D. AQ65 D. 8 C. 10964 C. J75 SOUTH S.KQ83 H. K4 D. J942 C.AKQ The Auction : South West - North 1 s pass 4 S pass pass Opening Lead : spade 7.
East pass
. ..
, . .
Lockhart office supply 659 King St. W., Kitchener
I We listen - we iare
gold jewellery
fully returned a heart to the ace and scored a second ruff for a one trick set. Observe that declarer has no need for his trump cards except as heart controls. Declarer can afford to and should draw all the outstanding trump from the opponents hands. At least two spades will remain in the dummy to stop the run of hearts when he tries to remove the ace-queen of diamonds. Duplicate bridge is played every tuesday evening during the term. Games start at 7 p.m. in the social sciences ’ lounge. Anyone interested in representing the university at the intercollegiate should come.
diamonds and precious gems ail work done on the premises
., ,....
South opened his solid hand with a bid of one spade. Although west had the pattern, he lacked the strength for a take-out double of one spade, and so he passed. With a good five card fit with partner’s suit and ruffing values in hearts, north proceeded directly to game. With his points. fairly well spread out, west chose to lead a trump in an effort to remove any ruffs from the hand. Onedeclarer won the lead in his hand and carelessly led the jack of diamonds toward the dummy. Given the second chance, west rose with the ace of diamonds and returned the queen to give his partner a ruff. Partner duti-
by Joe Handler 4.
NEW & USED typewriters file cabinets - desks adding machines - calculators Rentals - 7%158Z J (opentil8 p.m.)
260 king st. w.
by Mel Rotman arid Al Lukachko chevron
WUSA WUSA which played at the Fairview till friday, is the best movie, at present, to play in this town. When professionals, who are good, get toglether to ply their trade as best they can you can be sure of excellent entertainment. The actors playing in VI/USA are very good and they are totally professional. If for no other reason that alone makes the movie worth going to.see. Paul Newman plays an alcoholic communicator who has class and a unique style. Problem is he has a degree of consciousness which allows him to recognize reality, but conscience and cynicism add up to alcoholism. Joanne Woodward plays a down and out hooker who is somewhat happily ties up naive. She, of course, with Paul and Paul ties up with radio station UVUSA which is promoting motherhood, applepie, the american dollar, and a return to the good old days of authority and discipline. The third main character is portrayed by Anthony Perkins. His role is that of a physical weakling who is a moral titan. Throughout the movie he plays
the naive liberal trying to cliscover the evil conspiracy. Cotinually demanding to know “what is going on”, he is answered but refuses and throws off those answers as dribble, when in fact the dribble was indicative of the answerer’s beings. The main weakness of the movie lies in this character. For some reason or another, we see him become violent, he attempts to assassinate that person who to him is the embodiment of evil. But no logical explanation is given. The theme of the movie is survival. Not only how to survive but the question “are you really?” Two alternatives are offered : be like Paul or the freaks, as revealed by the movie, deaden yourself to the facts of reality and keep them dead, and yourself as well, by drink and dope or, the second alternative is to worry and eat your heart out. WATERLOO TRIP Waterloo Trip, the administration’s plot to foist the university on high schoolers, is just that. If there is an award for films that best simulate hallucinogenetic trips, this one deserves first place.
The 21 minute colour film begins with the out of tune warriors band and switches to a long distance shot up University avenue The meanderings that follow zoom over .most parts of the university; at least over those that one could shoot from the higher buildings. The scene in the computer pit of the math building is a badly portrayed feudian disappointment. Really, is this university that hard up that it has to resort to the use of sex to sell itself to the province’s adolescents. A discussion at one of the integrated studies general meetings sensationalizes the long ,hair and the boisterou,s nature of a few of the students on this campus. To the naive high school student this looks like where every: things all at. The final part of the film must be praised for without it Waterloo trip would have been a complete bomb. The split film technique that brought the film to a conclusion was adequately done. The overall quality of the movie is poor. I’ve seen better home movies than. this trip. The colour in most places was of low quality.
15 january
7977 (7 1:37)
the theatre of the arts. Kra&s Lsst Tape, the play chosen to begin this presentation of the works of Beckett,
visit Shop pus
your Barber at the CamCentre. We
by Charlotte chevron
Noon Hour Forum
it mean’s
to win
* * *
* Lesley White M issoktoberfest
* Herb Lefcourt Professor .* Lynne Woolstencroft County Education Buard Trustee
* Bob Athlete
McKiilop and Coach
theatre of the arts monday, january 18th 11:30 - 12:30 presented by: Rap Room 81 Birth Control Committee 656 the Chevron
tically successful production. He and Roberts have, through Beck&t, lifted us from our general apathy and forced us to take a good look at ourselves. We may not like what we see, yet we are forced to live with it, for to try and change we run the risk of destroying our false culture, our false way of life and in today’s society we have become so weak that ‘any doubt, any questioning of our lives would ‘blow our paper castle down. So we watch the play with disIn Krepp’s Lest Tape, we tant contempt for a man that is witness the total destruction of a ’ finally trying to find an answer human soul, of a human mind. for his life. We see an old man tear his life He fails, we feel pity for him, completely apart, yet we would but do we realize that he is we? That his failure is ours? The not stop him even if we could, for only out of his destruction play ends, the old man is now will the real self of this man only an excuse of life, the aucome out. He will finally know dience returns into the wheels of its system, yet the question rehimself, his life, naked before him, his true and only emotion mains . . . “be again??’
We cut it the way you want it!-
made 30 years earlier. The real plot, the truth, the reality, perhaps the message of the play, is impossible- to state or to clearly identify. It has the meaning that each individual member of the audience chooses to give it, and each is both totally right and wrong. For Beckett, the situation is not important, the words spoken in it are even less. The only thing that has any value and expresses the truth, is the human emotion.
why not you?
Revised Shop Hours. Tues - Fri - 8:30 - 6:OO Sat - 9:OO - 4:00 Closed Mondays
*\, * * a discussion
is the old man that is within all of us. His moods and expressions are part of us, of our lives. Even when we lis-
Why write book reviews? To sell the book - to put it down? When I write a book review or tell people about a fanfuckingtastic book I’m reading, it’s because I like it and would like to . share my pleasure. There are some authors who write in certain ways about certain things, such that, when’ one has read one work of, theirs, one rushes immediately to the nearest bookstore or library and seeks another. Richard Farina, Joseph Heller, John Barth, Kurt Vonnegut, F. Dostoievski, A. Huxley, and John Fowles are such authors. There are, to me, two things which are very important in literature (and, when I think about it, in life). The oriental philosophers have a lot to say on this, but we won’t bother with that now. . . see the article in tuesdays issue of the chevron. This ‘artificial,’ occidental distinction does not occur in nature (i.e., in man. ) These two ideas are form (style) and content. In great authors (as in nature and some rare human beings) it is almost impossible to talk about them separately. (Although, to talk in english is to separate.) I shall, however, go on an ego-trip of sorts, and attempt a few generalizations. There are others whose styles are charming, but who say very little which is in any way significant or remarkable-or who talk of events or actions which have almost noredeeming merit. Another property of style which I have observed is a national and temporal character - common to artists of that place and/or time. Fowles is very recognizably british, but he is definitely not ‘like’ Hardy or Dickens or Huxley - he has the pattern but the details are uniquely his. He uses various narrative techniques, from first person (character). to first person (editor). He changes time-levels and perspectives frequently. One other quality essential to almost all great authors is humor. Fowles is certainly not deficient here. . As to content - Fowles is concerned with human relationshipshow and why they occur, how they develop, their qualities. He shows us the ethical, social and psychological person. How the person is the product of his environment but also the possibilities of breaking out of his conditioning. I am repeatedly freaked by the depth, acuteness and subtlety of his insights into, and judgments about, his characters. Because his subjects are human beings, he has the widest possible potential kind of outlook on the worlds. He knows all manner of variety of things, from fashion to fossils to butterflys, from the most innocent to the most twisted mind. He is a male writer who writes about women as few others of his sex do. Women are human beings! He is definitely not a Hemingway or a Lawrence or a Miller. His characters are his inventions, but they are also alive and independent of their creator. He discusses the relationships between the sexes in all his books, but is always true and perceptive . . . he doesn’t lie. . I hope that you will read at least one of his books (because, if you read one, you’ll probably be driven to read the others). It will be a relaxing educational and entertaining experience.
~---)c===>(~~~~~ --SALE OF THE YEAR Thousands Youths,
Of Sweaters Ladies,
Pure Wool, Orlon, Machine Washable Banlon-
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1. More’s empty than not ’ . 6. God’s own country (abbn ) 9. 6 across is its greatest obstacle 14. What Spiggy’s head suffers from 16. Exclamation of surprise (2 words) 17. Fox hunters’ cry 18. Approx half a key 19. What’s that? 20. New fish substitute 22. It wasn’t hard, It --2 words) 27. Printer’s measure . 28. Sword 29. Discovered by Freud 30. Kicking device 31. Top sergeant, ferinstance 33. Small city 36. Fascist state 39. Milk by-products 42. State of excitement 43. Pronoun 44. Where filthy hippies live 46. Man’s name -- 48. Make of car 50. Schools like straight ones 53. In this place 54. Racist state 56.Xour average hippie 58. Optometrists’ union (abbn ) 59. Sun god 60. New Toronto oriental league (abbn) 61. What hippies live like 65. Pronoun 66. Father ‘. 67. Roamer 69. Chemical term / 70. Preposition r 71. Response Down
1. Undercover agent 2. Peruvian agriculture origanization (abbn 1 3. Zodiacal sign 4. Stash 5. Antelope i 6. Pronoun 7. Jock magazine (abbn) . 8. Conjunction 9. Synonymous with oppressed , 10. Elicit 11. American empire’s new universal penal institutions (abbn ) 12. Cells \ 13. 15. 18. 20. 21. 22.
Eastern Russia (abbn) Trots (abbn) Still not enough to live on Pronoun Still Sybil Leek, ferinstance
23. Worship 24. Where it’s 25. Therefore 26. Affirmation 32. Kidnapped by authorities inNew York 34. Pronoun 35. Continent (abbn) 37. Woman’s name un38. American garbagemens’ ion (abbn) 40. Westmount Sid 41. Repressed jew 45. Regal greeting ( f r. 2 words 1 46. American newspaper Assn (abbn )
Manufacturers Outlet 2.72 King North Waterloo (Next to trolley loop)1 9:‘oO 6:00 Daily Thurs, Fri til9:OO p.m. 744-4281 4W=H)(====>lDD-D-
47. 48. 49. 51. 52. 53.
Cry about Vegetable (abbn) Crude metal International boxite (abbn 1 Ontario city Racist PM 54. See 24 down 55. Slants 56. Leak slowly (abbn) 57. Westernprovince 62. Nouveau 63. Anger 64. Scar
%. CYcllc constant 68. Preposition
Federation--and mathsoc co-sponsoring - movies
Between the federation’s post- - ing is telling people on campus ers and the &retie’s billboard that at some time during the listings, some confusion seems term the federation will be bringing in all these movies and to have arisen over the situation with movies being shown on that if people want to wait they can see the same movies at half campus. the price. This is being done to While it would appear that the save the general student on camfederation and the mathsoc are pus money. ” running the same movies against Burke. also explained how each other this weekend, Larry: groups on campus can make Burko, federation president, says -it just ain’t so. In fact the two money for operating. It seems that the federation has a policy groups are co-sponsoring the although the posters on record whereby groups may, movies, “if they wish, they don’t have _ indicate- they are sponsored by the federation and the Gazette to” have the federation put up the money for an event and also says the mathsoc. set the price so that all costs are Burko also explained why the covered. Then the group runs federation movies are cheaper, the event and receives a guarsometimes by half than other anteed amount for running it. In groups movies. the. case of a four hour movie “The federation - books its he showing in two lecture halls for movies well in advance,” two nights the amount would be said, “while other groups book them only a couple of weeks be160 dollars, with this amount fore a showing. What we are‘doincluded in ticket costs. --
January Clearance A
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Watches (many models & styles) . . ,. l!% to l/3 off many other specials on gift items
8 King
St. E. Kitqhener
15 january
7977 -(I 7:37)
in town
Wcwriofs partially I comedy writer for CBS couldn’t have written a better script for the early going in this year’s 0-QAA basketball season. The action on Wednesday night did nothing to disrupt the plot, for while our Warriors were beating the Maurauders in Hamilton, our conquerors, the Guelph Gryphons were being stomped 100-81 by the Western Must.angs. It seems that it will be late in the season before any team decides to play steady ball and take the title this year. The Warriors opened up strong against the Mat team and with a good first quarter from newcomer Bob Sharpe with five points, we opened up a four point lead after the first ten minutes. McMaster. switched from a man to man to a zone defense and cooled off the Warriors. But Paul Bilewicz with his scoring and his domination of the boards’ kept the’ Uniwat team in the lead. The half ended with the Warriors ahead by six, 46 to 40. The Warriors once again had *demonstrated in the first hdf that they are capableof playing a good offensive ball game and shot 52% from the floor. Leading the team was Bilewicz who hooped 17 points, unfortunately his aggressiveness around- the boards found him in foul , trouble. Bob Sharpe- also played a strong first twenty minutes and wound up with ,, ten points and a respectable total of rebounds. . \
It was with Bilewicz
in deep foul trou-
ble that the Warriors opened the second half. With Paul destined to play only two minutes in the final going, Walt Lozinsky came on to grab seven rebounds and maintained Waterloo’s mastery of the boards. The third quarter opened to a sustained offensive effort by the Warriors and they took a 16 point lead into the final ten minutes. Again the zone defense seemed to give the Warriors trouble and their sixteen points slowly fell to nine when the game ended. ’ The final score had the Marauder’s losing 87-78. The Warrior’s had their old problem in the second half and their shooting percentage fell to 30%. Tom Keiswetter and Jaan Laniste led the Warriors in scoring with 12 and 11 points in the second half. Our leading point getters for the -game were Bilewicz with 19 and Laniste who threw in 18. Besides the scoring of Laniste, you must mention his defensive effort, as he allowed his two checks, Paul Mazza (Ma&s top scorer last year) and Kaz Naviesus only four points between them. The best effort from the Marauders came from Joe Martin0 whose scoring and overall play kept them close. In analysis this game doesn’t indicate as much as it seems. Sure we just beat the defending 0-QAA champions and the second best team in Canada last year, but they are three or four players weaker now and they have already been beaten by Windsor 76-58. A game in which
for satufcfuy
Don ‘t let the empty stands fbol you, the Marauders had p1e~t-v of’@m ollt fbr the game and our Warriors disappointed them, as they walkd off’ . . wit/l an 87 to 86 win. Windsor held the Mat-men to a meagre 16 points in the first half. The Warriors played very streaky ball, looking at times as if they were unbeatable and then lapsing on defense and showed signs of last Saturday. One definite problem that has not noticably . improved since the shoot-off against the fans is their success. at the charity line. In the second half of this game they made only 9 of 19 and missed six bonus shots that could have added twelve points to the scoreboard. ’ Not meaning to rap the Warriors undeservedly, they do deserve credit for coming off their terrible game last week and lets hope this is the start of an eight -game winning streak, that will leave them in first at the end of the season with a 9-l record. ’ Your next chance to see the team will be tomorrow night when they will take on another unpredictable opponent, the lowly ranked Toronto Varsity Blues.
Statistics 1st
Laniste Kelswetter Bilewicz Dragan Hamilton Sharpe Lozinsky Dimson Skowron Lance
Waterloo Western Windsor Guelph Toronto McMaster
7 4 17 0 2 10 2 3 0 1
(as of January GPW 3 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 0 2 0
11 12 2 7 0 5 4 0 0 0
18 16 19 7 2 A15 6 3 0 1
2 0 ’ 10 8 6 13 ’ 7 0 0 4
13) L 1 1 0 1 1 2
F 253 267 776 168 70 136
APts 232 233 58 184 90 163
4 4 2 2 0 0
It seems that I am always taking extra to complain about poor refereeing -in 0-QAA games, be it hockey or b-ball. But tonight’s officiating was one of the poorest exhibitions in quite awhile. The Warriors should be used to it by now, considering the bum raps they took out in Winnipeg, but why is tolerance necessary. Between the mixed up calls and there were a few of them and the three technicals called on the two teams, there was naturally mutual animosity from both benches. The only good thing to be said is that they were even in their inept_- ness. They called against the Warriors in the first half and the Marauders caught it in the final half. copy
Walt Lozinsky goes high to set up for this jumper. Playing a strong game on the boards after coming off the bench in the second half, he also scored six.
Unless something is done to remedy this situation, the big loser will be not the individual teams, but Canadian basketball in general.
Paul Bilewicz threw in nineteen poifits.
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658 the Chevron
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Bick Dreggoes chevron staff
What’s it all about, Bobby? “Well, my boy, mostly its skating *(fast), passing (quickly), and shooting (accurately). All that’s left is to pat the goalie on the shoulder when he makes a good stop.” It’s not odd that the Warriors should put all this together when you consider that Bob McKillop is behind them. He wants to- win. He wants his team to be number one-, so naturally the players do too. If they play like they have since early december, they might make it yet. - In league play they’ve only lost one game, to Toronto (5-3). After Wednesday’s game the Warriors’ record is five wins and one loss. In amassing this record they’ve scored 31 goals and had 13 against them. Their defensive record is the best in the entire OQAA: In winning their fifth game they beat McMaster Marlins 7-4. The game was played in the dimly lit confines of water100 arena on Wednesday night . The last time the two teams met, Waterloo won 5-l. In that contest the Marlins were hardly in the game as they made too many mistakes. On Wednesday, however, a greatly improved - Marlin team fought a strong battle with the Warriors. That is until the third period. For the most part it was a tight, exciting game. In the third period they just couldn’t keep pace with the sharper Warrior team. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. It was 3-2 after twenty minutes of play. The Warriors went ahead 2-O on goals by Laidlaw and Rudge. Laidlaw, who was benched in the lutheran game last week, scored after only 32 seconds. It looked like a runaway. Rudges’ goal was scored with the ‘Warriors shorthanded. Greg Sephton assisted. The Warriors bungled on the first Marlin goal. Ken Laidlaw tried to carry the puck out of his end, but lost it before he reached his blue-line. The defence was unable to check a sweeping Marlin forward who took a shot at Ian Young. Stephens was there to knock the rebound in. The Warrior defence did it again on the Marlins’ second goal at 19:51 of the first period. They had trouble clearing the puck while shorthanded and finally lost it near their own net. Young had no chance on Picklyk from that close in.
-JANUARYCLEARANCE Warriors’ third goal was scored after he stole the puck from a Marby Laidlaw. Bob Bauer and Jim lin defenceman. Nichleson assisted on both his The second period was extremegoals. ly well played by both teams. The ,Early in the second the Marlins referee let just about anything go tied it up 3-3 on a goal by Popek. and the players took advantage of Believe it or not, the same misit. They threw stunning, crushing take was made by the Warrior de- body checks at mid-ice and along fence. Peter Paleczny and Phil the boards. The crowd felt repayed Branston got their signals crossed for a generally lack-lustre first in trying to pass the puck up ice. period. Popek picked up the-lose puck and Both goaltenders came up with rammed it home. picturesque, important saves as When the Marlins capitalized on both offences picked holes in the Warrior defensive mistakes they opposition’s defence. were very much in the game. This However, this trend wasn’t conis what kept the score so close tinued by the Marlins in the third until the third period. period. Evans managed to score a Instead of being intimidated by goal to narrow the margin to 5-4, the Warriors, as they were in the but the Marlins simply ran out of first period, the Marlins met the steam after that. Warriors head on. They charged into the corners, eager to get po- _ Dave Simpson’s goal at 8: 31 was the major cause of this. Seeing session of the puck. A game can two goals behind with be won by what goes on in the themselves corners. A team has to come up 11 and a half minutes remaining, knew the difficulty with the puck in order to pass to a the Marlins involved in bridging that gap. man in a scoring position. Although the Warriors were better Nichleson’s power-play goal at at this then the Marlins, the Marlo:09 finished off the Marlins. They lins made a game of it by working simply couldn’t penetrate. the in the corners for about 45 minWarrior defence after that. utes. Later on, in the third period, At this point, I think the teams’ they returned t0 their old Ways a!3 training showed The Warriors the players tired. were still going fairly strong at the The Warriors made it 5-3 on final ,buzzer while the Marlins apgoals by Farago and Bauer before peared tired the second period ended. Fargo scored his goal on a breakaway The refereeing of Wednesday nights game deserves a few comments. Offsides weren’t called, players got away with boarding, tripping and elbowing right under the nose of the referee. The crowd booed him and his two back street linesmen. The noteable linesman with a paunch hanging over his belt insisted on holding up play. He continually refused to drop the puck within a reasonable time of a faceoff. The centermen would swipe at the puck one or two times prematurely expecting the puck to be dropped. This was stopped only when the referee reprimanded him at a face-off. The crows naturally gave him an extra big hand. After all, a performance such as his certainly deserves it. The league can do without this type of officiating. It’s supposed to be a 1ocky game not a test of nerves.
Slapshots: - Gord Moore, the chevron
The Warriors have &me it again. They’ve scored goalie
can a team
and made be so mean?
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Shots on goal, as always, were an important part in determining the winner. Warriors had-58 shots, j 24 in the last period, while the Marlins had a total of 30 shots. friday
7971 (77:~~)
Puckstefs ruin Queen’s
by Pierre la Puck chevron
CampusCentre Study Committee Requestfor Briefs _ A Campus Centre Study Committee has been established by Dr. B.C. Matthews, President of the University and Mr. L. Burko, President of the Federation of Students with the following terms of reference. ‘I.
To review and make recommendations on the overall philosophy of the Campus Centre and its functions in relation to students (undergraduate and graduate) staff and faculty. / 2. To review the policy, operation and administration of the Campus Centre and make recommendations in regard to any changes that may be necessary or des, irable. / 3. To present a report by February 15, 1971.
- The Study Committee urges all members of the University Community, individuals or groups, to communicate their thoughts on these matters to the Committee. It would be most helpful if written briefs could be submitted before January 15, 1971. The Study Committee will be calling a public meeting on the Campus, January 27, 1971 to discuss these matters. Oral briefs will be received at that time. In addition, any persons wishing to present an oral brief to the Committee at any other time/may request the Secretary to arrange for this with the Committee. Anyone wishing background information can discuss with one of the Committee members or refer to the Campus Centre Study Committee file at the reserve desk _ in the Arts or EMSLibraries. Members Rena Armstrong Bill Deeks John Nash Rick Page Pat Robertson Peter Warrian Don Weatherbe
660 the Chevron
Please address
all communications
‘R.V. McIntyre, Secretary, Campus Centre Study Committee, Room 742, Library Building. Telephone: 2623 or 2749
Queens university held their first tournament in their new arena complex ,over the holidays. After their fourth game in less than 36 hours, the Warriors came home with the Dutch cup (the miniature replica of said cup). At 10: 00 am monday, the Waterloo team took to the ice against Queens Golden Gaels. Probably due to a two week layover since the team’s last full scale practice, their passes were off and their skating was slow. Even though, Waterloo held on to a 4-3 lead until the last three minutes of the game, Queens then banged in two quick goals to win the game 5-4. Bobby Bauer picked up two goals with Dave Farago and John Hall grabbing one each. With this loss, Waterloo’s backs were ,up against the wall, since they could not lose or tie another
By plqkg u sdid guiw oj’ LIP ~cwsc tllvollg/lorrt tk tollm-‘~’ Phil Brmstorl cumcd f+coguitb7 us a c’12cww2 d-stur. game in the tourna,ment. The next two games were against Guelph and Windsor in which Waterloo took Guelph 5-l. Dave Simpson playing his first game at centre ice, looked right at home and tallied three goals with singles coming from Jim Nichleson and Pete Palezsny. The Windsor game was also a rout and once again Simpson’s line was the big one. Dave Farago got the hat trick and his centreman Simpson padded the lines scoring punch with two goals. Other goals
came from Bobby Bauer, Pete Palezny and Cam Crosby. Crosby who was playing his finest game since starting with the
Warriors at Christmas, had lady luck against him. On a very innocent check he fell to the ice and rebroke the same leg he broke in ’ last year’s playoff in Toronto. Cam is one of the best hockey players to put on a Waterloo uniform and would have been an extremely important man in Waterloo’s playoff drive. The championship game was against Carleton Ravens who defeated Queens earlier in the tournament. An interesting note is that before the game the Carleton coach who felt his team was assured of victory told coach McKillop that he only hoped that the Waterloo1 team could skate with his team. Skate they did! Carleton scored two goals in the first two minutes of the game. However, then the Warriors got into the game and scored six goals from Bauer, Laidlaw, Kropf, Morris, Farago, and Hogan to win the game 6-3.
Outstanding forwards in the tournament for our team were Dave Simpson (5 goals), Dave, Farago (5 goals), and Bobby Bauer (4 goals). On defence Pete Palezny played his best game as a Warrior against Carleton in the championship winning game.
Intramural depurtmenf set only needsi people
St. Jeromes will be out to retain their championship in the men’s competitive basketball league beginning monday, january 18 from 7-11 pm in the jock building. Anyone interested in playing should register as soon as possible. The floor hockey league is scheduled to begin activities on Wednesday, january 20 at Seagram stadium. There is still room for some more fool hardy individuals -but you will have to hustle, registration closes on monday. Looking at the recreational side of intramurals, time is running out for those interested in playing seven man squash, volleyball, basketball and inner tube water-polo. The entry date for basket and volleyball is next friday. Volleyers will begin scrimmages the following tuesday, while waterpolo of the inner tube variety will splash down every thursday at 7:30 from now on. The waterpolo skirmishes require no advanced registrati’on and all that is required is your participation. Any aspiring world cup winners can receive qualified ski instruction on mondays and thursdays from 2 - 4: 30 pm beginning the 25th day of january. Bringing up the nasty side of this announcement, there will be a package deal for this instruction, there will be two lessons, twice a week for two weeks with bus transportation included for only two dollars for ski club members and six dollars for others. I Remember, you must supply your own equipment, and registration for , the lessons will take place on Wednesday, january 20, from noon until 3 pm, in the red north entrance of the jock shop. Special note - there is a limited enrollment, and only the first forty applicants will be accepted. Other intramural events of note include a men’s volleyball tournament on tuesday and thursday from 9-11 pm, january 26, in the main gym. The final match in the men’s snooker tournament will be going on this afternoon from 12 till a winner is decided. And for the squash freaks, the doubles squash tournament will begin on january 26, with grads Watson and Miller on hand to try and retain their championship. Entries should be in to the jock office before next friday.
. demonstrate 5
It has been said that defending champions don’t try as hard, but this is certainly not the case with our 0-QAA champion wrestling Warriors. So far this season the team has been demolishing their opposition without the services of all their top performers. Last term it was veteran George Saunders who was lost due to a work term commitment and last Saturday the vacancy was in the heavyweight class with Bob Padfield out due to injuries. Never the less, the Warriors led by Saunders two wins went on to defeat Windsor and RMC in a meet held.at our gymnasium. Saunders showed up for the meet thirteen pounds lighter and won both his matches at the 177 lb class. George was the 0-QAA 190 lb champion last year and this season must be considered the threat in his new class. Coach Boese maintains that the loss of weight has not been detrimental to his strength and if so, this february 20, there should be a Warrior championship at this weight. Good performances were also turned in by Wim Verhoeven (190): Ross Barable ( 1671, and John Barry ( 134)) who won both their matches. In particular Wim Verhoeven’s two wins were exhibits of what hard work and determination will do. Wim in the 0-QAA’s last year lost both his matches by close decisions and at that time former coach Ed DeArmon expressed the feelings that Wim had the material to become an 0-QAA champ. Maybe this will be Wim’s year and he will defend Waterloo’s championship in the 190 lb. class. Final standings in the tri-meet saw Waterloo with 61% points trailed bv Windsor with 26% and RMC at 21. YThe next meet for the Warriors will be at Guelph this friday against that university and an unknown quantity, Geneseo U from the US. It is hoped that both these teams will give the Warriors a good tune-up for the Guelph Invitational the following weekend.
ret reive power
with forming of council After two organizational meetings, the nucleus of a Women’s intercollegiate council has been formed. This body in representing all female varsity athletes will serve as a sounding board for new ideas or complaints, make the views of the women athletes heard at different administrative levels, and gixe experience in administration and bind the women together in spirit. The entire council shall ’ be composed of the executive-president, vice-president, secretary, publicity director, members, faculty advisor, assistant athletic director (women), eleven sports representatives and four members-at-large. One half of this group will be sports representatives. These individuals shall be chosen, one from each varsity team, by their respective team members. The executive and four members-at-large will be chosen and election bY nomination through the council. Nominations for executive positions are open from Wednesday, january 13 to monday, january 18, while those for a member-atlarge seat will start on monday, january 18 and run until wednesday, january 20. about Further information nominations ie who is eligible,
W/id needs
the senseless
brains (? ) of the jock shop will take a little more time in considering the schedule and quit . misrepresenting visiting teams for future games held at this university. -If it’ necessary tocharge extra money to bring in outside competition for our Warriors at least get them at a time when they will be of some use and not just grab at any team floating through the area. It is a disservice both to the team and the fans who support the team both vocally and financially. - Notes-
Bernie’s Auto Service Ltd .
ing & Young Sts., Waterloo I \ md Mint-w R.cmaire I 1 Maior --a-
-electronic tune-ups -carburetor repairs -motor shampoo -batteries -simonizing -tires -service calls: Free pick up 8~ delivery member .
of O.A.A.
Prop. - Bernie Riedel
Reading and Study Skill Improvement Program
This announcement is for those people who failed to read tuesIt is directed to day’s chevron. anyone who feels that there must be more to university life than just sitting around getting bored and pissed-eyed drunk. This coming tuesday there will be for those interested a jogging club forming. It will consist of a weekly run around the one mile and two thirds ringroad and each participant will be timed. The timing will not be for any competitive reason but for your own interest, so that you will be able to see your own weekly improvement. So it’s next tuesday, january 19 at three o’clock, but try and be there a little early, to find out exactly whats happening. there will be Yes Virginia, representatives from the virile 0-QAA championship track team and even Kipper Sumner will attempt the distance run.
They were the ones who proclaimed them the Australian Nationals and they also scheduled the game between two important 0-QAA games. As if this misrepresentation wasn’t bad enough they had the audacity to refuse to honour season tickets and charge all attending the . game the sum of fifty cents. In these times i know the dollar has been devalued but i sincerely hope that fifty cents will buy more than i got last friday. The reason for this little outburst is in the hope that the
It seems a shame that this universities’ athletic department has to resort to trickery and deceit to bring in spectators for events held on this campus. But this happened last friday night at the physical education complex. In a game billed as the Australian ‘National Team vs our own Warriors, we saw a team from Melbourne playing the third string ball players from Waterloo. Needless to say it didn’t make for a great game. My beef is not with coach Lavelle who must have been thinking towards the Warrior 0-QAA game in Guelph the next night. Nor is it with the team from Australia, in fact I’m for they deserved sympathetic better opposition. The blame for this farcical exhibition must lie with the proper people, the heads of the athletic department.
duties, etc., is available in the physical education building. \ The council will meet on january 19 and january 21 in order to elect those who are nominated. The women’s council is still in it’s formative stages and although it will represent the female varsity athlete, it also needs those girls. who have a keen interest in athletics, but don’t participate. The council needs your support not only as an individual female varsity athlete, but also as a member of it’s first \ official council. Don’t just think about it . . . find out about it!
Mlson-Denn Registration.
Tuesday,Jan. UW
2 Loca thons
B m+’
18 19
2 1
No charge
to students
Counselling Centre 6th floor, Math Bldg.
7977 (11:37)
ispatched YOU
55 King St. N. 24 Aour Seriice
uy two get one free
QZugct~~or Wt .$irtb Uobc
4 1 King
St. N. W8tdOo
’ the
, Waterloo
’-I Don’t call youI;self a secret i . un1es.syOu -meanto keep it. ,
! I
There are times when we just know it’s wrong to isolate ourselves from people or situations to avoid being challenged or hurt. Yet awareness of this fact is not much use until we act to overcome our rigidity or fear, and begin interacting in a self-fulfilling way. When this happens, it is impossible for us to keep ourselves a secret. And this is good, for it means willingness to share human thoughts and emotions fully. Sharing is what the rap room is all about. There are no hard-line professionals who cram -people into categories of neurosis...there are no wild-eyed psychology students on pins and needles to play Freud... Instead, there are people-people to talk to, people to listen; people to understand. People to be with while problems (from girlfriends to drugs) are sorted out.
People, however, who can and will-if an individual wishes it-make referrals to counor other organizations for selling services I Further aid. We are all secrets worth sharing.
The rap room is staffed by volunteer counsellors from many courses, including history, sociology, english, psychology, chemistry, mathematics and engineering, who occasionally meet with counselling services representatives to discuss and evaluate their effectiveness and warmth when being with people. The rap room is a project jointly financed by counselling services and the campus center board and is intended as an absolutely free discussion and referral service to all persons on campus.
In the campus
beside -_
the main
24 hours
a day.
p room. . L26
662 the Chevron
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feedback Pudro, buse your facts on research, not rumour This is in reply to Padro’s letter to feedback on Dec. 4, 1970. He brought up some interesting points which I intend to take up one by one. The first argument, that the problem exists because of the armed resistance of the Arab States to the UN plan created the refugee problem, and that the refugees left their homes at the call of the Mufti (Moslem religious leader) with the intention of returning in triumph is not quite true. The UN partition plan was discarded by the UN and if you recall, a mediator was appointed. The Mediator Count Folke Bernadotte was assassinated by Stern Gang known as Lohamei heruth Y israel, ‘Fighters for the Freedom of Israel.’ Freidman Yellin the head of the organization was sentenced to five years imprisonment, then released and elected to the Israeli Parliament. The Zionist propaganda machine fabricated the idea of the Arab leaders asking the refugees to leave their homes “with the intention of returnihg in triumph”. But until today no evidence of such nonsense has been presented. Further, suppose that the refugees were not forced out, they are still protected under the Geneva Convention which was signed by the State of Israel. Israel would not be allowed into the UN until it had signed this Convention which called for the repatriation of the refugees. The UN General Assemlby on Dec. 11, 1948, adopted a resolution (No. 194 article III) which called for the repatriation and compensation of the refugees, The late William Zukerman, Editor of the Jewish Newsletter (New York) on Dec. 1, 1958, said: “The fact that they (the Arab refugees) fled in panic because of a real, or imaginary, danger is no excuse for depriving them of their homes, fields and livelyhood.” This was Arnold Toynbee’s stand in his debate in Jan. 1916 with the Israeli Ambassador at McGill University in Montreal. I charge that the Jewish refugees from Arab States is a Zionist propaganda fabric. Sure, many Jewish Arabs left to Israel but they were not expelled as Padro charges. The last thing the Arabs wanted to do prior and after 1948 was to fill Palestine with Jews. The fact is that the Jewish Agency smuggled them out of their countries of origin and into T h a-t happened Palestine. when most of the Arab countries were still colonies of the Western Powers. The Zionist movement was interested in creating a one hundred percent pure, jewish state. At times when there was no reason for the Western jew to leave his country to go to Palestine, it was easier to stack the country with Eastern Jews. These were part of the Arabian society and were in no better, or worse, shape than the Christian or Moslem in the Arab World. Many of those recruited from the Arab countries were given the idea that Israel would be a utopia where prophets hang around. The land of “Milk and Honey” was now asking for the Chosen People to populate it.
Address letters to feedback, the chevron, U of W. Be concise. The ch‘evron reserves the right to shorten letters. Letters must be typed on a 32 charac ter line. For legal reasons, letters must be signed with cou& year and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason.
These people were used to perform various services for the Zionist movement, such as the army,- or digging ditches, as described in Mitchener’s book The Source, and other menial jobs. An American Jew is surely not going to go to Israel to sweep the streets nor does he know how to build stone houses as known in that part of the world. The Sephardim are discriminated against in Israel and their political status is nil. The Eshkinazim are running the whole show. Ben Gurion and Golda Meyerson are Russians. Youssef Tekoa was born in Shanghai, Abba Eban is a South African. Padro quite bluntly, and as if he is an ,authority on the subject says that the Arab States “blocked the normalization of the Palestinian refugees life.” The man who could speak with authority is the Commissioner General of the United Nations for Work and Relief Agency (UNRWA). He said, “the host governments (Arab states) have, as in past year, performed notable services on behalf of the refugees . . . They finance certain levels of education for the refugees in an amount greater than that spent for the purpose by UNRWA. “They also give substantial direct assistance to the refugees in the fields of health and welfare. . .” (UN Document A/6313 para. 33 page 10; Table 22 page 70).
The Arab governments also contribute directly to the finance of the agency via the UN. Israel has never contributed a penny neither directly nor indirectly. Kuwait has given around 500,000 citizenships and residences to the refugees. The majority of the refugees are poor and in need of their farms and other. means of livelihood they left behind. Others have been integrated in the neighbouring Arab societies but the fight and the fuss that is put up is for a mixture of pride, principles and poverty. The final charge which I find unbelievable to come from a Jewish Palestinian is the one about Israel’s generosity and the Arab insistance on the removal of the Jewish society. Honestly, Padro, I just can’t belive it. The UN called on Israel to implement this resolution, and it was ignored (No. 194, article III 1. Do you realize that this is the head of the nail? If Israel, as you have said, is willing to offer such thing, there would be no problem. On the other hand, if you think that Israel is not supposed to be bound by what the UN requests, then Israelis like you should not blame the Arabs for rejecting a defunct UN partition plan. The Arabs have never insisted on the removal of the Jewish society. The Zionist regime has always been the target. Fateh in its publication (Vol. 1 No. 6, Beirut 1970) under the title “Profile of the Democratic Palestine” gives three points : l The Country: Pre 1948 Palestine as defined during the Mandate. l The Constituents: All Jews, Moslems and Christians living in Palestine or forcibly exiled from it will have the right to citizenship. l Ideology : Undecided, but the Revolution rejects theocratic, feudalist, aristocratic, authoritarian or racist-chauvinistic form of government. Between brack\ \
ets, “One repeats at this juncture that the term Pdestinian includes those in exile, those under occupation, and all Jewish settlers. ” I Before Mr. Padro should make accusations, he better get things clear through research for truth, not by what he had heard from those who thrive and prosper on war and suck the blood out of the open woundsnamely the Zionists. RAMZI N. TWAL Poli. Sci. III
You will remember last month the United Auto Workers of America was striking for higher wages, and that the Union direct ed its demands towards General Motors in both the United States and Canada. In Canada, the -deadlock issue was over the union demand for wage parity with the newly-settled agreements made in Michigan. The Canadian dispute was settled after the arrival of the American. President of the UAW to the negotiating table in Canada. Labour’s demand was met: the Canadian UAW ‘was given wage parity. . This week I learn that UAW members are being laid-off in Oshawa, and that many of those who are to lose their jobs have been with General Motors for more than five years. These men are skilled workers. Many have families. The very jobs that the canadian ‘UAW members are losing are jobs that are being transferred to factories in the United States. With these events in mind, Captain Canada, you may wonder what was the bargain that General Motors and the president of the United Auto Workers settled. Most certainly, higher wages and new union jobs in the .United States are reasonable goals for the american president of the UAW to seek. Moreover, the movement of jobs from Canadian factories to american factories given the increased cost of Canadian union labour in comparison to the cost and productivity of american union lab-. our, is the best alternative for General Motors to choose. The unpleasant fact is there is no dominant strategy for Canadian UAW members. And yourself, Captain Canada, is there a dominant strategy for you to protect yourself from american corporate’interests? I think not! There has been little or no leadership over this issue of foreign domination. If there has been it has not been decisive or prompt. Otherwise the Globe and Mail or the CBC would not inform me that you contracted an American firm to build a Canadian satellite. Why is Clairtone ailing? Is it likely that Standard Oil of New Jersey will control the legislature of the Northwest Territories? Captian Canada, buy back Ryerson Press! Don’t enter into an energy agreement. Is the auto trade pact so important? Captain Canada, you are grown up now. You have your own future. Stop playing up the wheat sales to the’ communist world as affirmation of your purpose. You are industrialized now. Captain Canada, you must listen. America, benevolent neighbour, is dead. ‘ROB SPROULE plan 4
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him and they all lived happily King Rut, we hate you ever after. Once upon a time in the Pysch We are writing this article building a mouse was born. The to make people on campus aware problem is ; it became a rat, of the fact that a new course King Rat. Being rather large within Env. Studies is now in and stuffy it moved to the hallowprogress. There are openings ed halls of the Biology building. left for more students in this King Rat was boss. He being of course, there will probably be superior intelligence and intellect ’ more openings by next week. deemed it fit that all his subjects The-- instructor running this should learn about personality. course at the present is a auand behavior by studying thority on the subject. In fact, rats. There was one problem. he is slightly more intelligent His ego wouldn’t let him see that than the animals he studies. he himself was being studied. We urge anyone who misses His subjects formed the the nice secure feeling of high Mouseketeer Club and decided to school to enrol1 in this course reform King Rat. But to King Rat immediately. this was a no no. The MousekeDISGRUNTED MOUSEKETEERS teer clan tried to reason with King Rat but to no avail. Newfie fishermen The subject mice then decided are not stupid to use rat poison against King Rat but that didn’t work because If you recall the november 20 rat poison seemed to a g r e e edition of the chevron you will with him. remember that the picture on The only escape against King the front page was a fishing boat set against a small iceRat was to drop out of the club. mouseketeers did this burg. Some the first day that King Rat beUnderneath was the following. came the H.N.I.C. (Head Nigger “If you thought you were Ionely, In Charge) ._ King Rat treated try the life of an iceburg. The only communication with the all his subjects like niggers. No one is allowed to speak out in rest of the world is with fisherhis club. In other words there man and Newfies at that in this were three ways to run the club, case. This contrasts sharpely there’s the right way, the wrong with the endless number of way, and then there’s King Rat’s communications media found on way. You always have to do this campus. ” things his way. So the Mickey Undoubtedly the ‘University Mouse Club is open to all poof Waterloo’ is the nucleus of tenially, indocterniate members. universal communications and the ultimate in The meetings are held every ‘the chevron’ the world of media. If you want Mon. Wed. and Fri in Biology to place yourself upon a pedesBld. 350. So M-i-c-k-y, why beBut tal go right ahead. cause we hate you King Rat, don’t try to suggest to me that M-o-u-s-e. Join today before the rush starts. ‘fisherman and Newfies at that A MOUSEKETEER are unable to communicate or have nothing to communicate Vault Dizzy presents about. U. Of W. Mickey mouse club Fishing is a lonely life, I * Once upon a time on a campus agree but the people who are in never‘ never land there was employed at it are men-mena course to study environment. tally and physically alert. Above It was named Environmenall, they are interesting in contal Studies. One day a man enversation and what they lack in t tered never never land and de- formal education is more than cided that mice were more infor in infinite compensated teresting to study than man. He experience. called his course Mouse EnvironI have been a fisherman and mental. I am a Newfoundlander - I’m t All the club members got very proud of both. I have a slight very sick. They felt that people accent but I feel confident of were more more important. A,‘- being able to communicate to though the head of the Mickey the students and faculty of UniMouse Club was very much like wat with perhaps one excepa mouse himself he appeared to tion. I find some of the media have some human traits. (Like people around campus most having a swollen ego). He wiggled confusing. Perhaps you know his whiskers and told his subthem. -They talk of equality for jects to shut up and stop trying workers ahd injustices of the to improve the cage. He liked the capitalist system, then suggest mouse shit because it was his, that those among the hardest of he felt at home and very the fisherman, are workers, Lt and comfortable in it. One day a stupid. They feel so enlightened big pussy cat came and ate up on matters of race and *ethnic the big mouse and none of his groups so as to‘ interpret it to subjects cried or went to his others, yet make a special funeral because they could now effort to belittle the ‘Newfies’. clean up the cage in never never You damn hyprocrite? land. The big mouse was quickly STAN MARSHALL forgotten and nobody missed them eng 3
Any Arts Student not Regilt&red under a _ Department Club may make arrangements. for l
664 the Chevron
’ is open Mon-Tues-Wed until 9 p.m. Thurs & Fri to 9:30 p.m. - Sat. to 6 p.m.
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Address letters to feedback, the chevron, U of W. Be concise. The chevron reserves the right to shorten letters. Letters must be typed on a 32 charac ter line. For legal reasons, letters must be signed with course year and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason.
sured by the tremendously strong Padfo’s u good example of Zionist lobby. Israel’s misguided youth Padro sounded like saying that It is obvious that Padro was the imperial powers decided to do the colonies a favour by didwelling on a subject he knew very little about. The fact that viding the area among them and the culturally diverse groups. he was born in Palestine under the British and his father was Padro claims that this favour born in Palestine under the Turks was granted between 1930 and does not justify his misconcep1948. This is incorrect. The Imtion about the Palestine Problem. perial powers devastated everyThe main points in his letter thing as they went along. Naturto feedback, Dec. 4, 1970, were: al Syria, a Turkish province, was divided into Trans-Jordan, the Jews lived in Palestine since time immemorial ; Jewish Palestine, Lebanon and Syria in nationalism and principles of 1916 (Sykes-Picot agreement) beself - determination, Zionism, fore Turkey was even defeated. Nazism and Arabism, the JewFrancesco Gabrieli, in his- book ish state of Israel is not a ‘The Arab Revival (p. 93), says, “The reason given for some of theocracy but a democracy. Then finally, he apologitically these divisions was the multiplicsays that he is sorry to be comity of ethnic elements and above pelled into discussing the above all religious creeds, ,and the need mentioned points instead of disfor the protection of minoritiescussing peace. a classic excuse that has so ofI did not, nor will I ever, deny ten served as a pretext for the oppression of majorities.” that Jews lived in Palestine since the dawn of history. But I would The Kurds today live in an area administered by Turkey, not rely on this fact as a reason for expelling an entire populaIran and Iraq. The Druze intion of the area. The Jews, as habit an area which lies bementioned in the Bible, came tween Palestine, Lebanon and from Egypt and ruled ‘parts’ of Syria. Not only that but the inhabitants of Palestine Palestine at various times for a Jewish total of 500 years. Using the come from all parts of the same reasoning, the Arabs ruled Globe, which proves the fact and lived in Spain for a continthat Judaism is a religion not a uous stretch of 700 years. It nationality. Rupert Emerson, in his book would be ridiculous on the part of the Arabs to reclaim Spain. The From Empire to Nation (pp. 313, 314) says: “The conception of Arabs were kicked out of Spain in 1492 AD whereas the Jews creating a Jewish national home in Palestine could not possibly were colonised’ and dispersed throughout the known world bebe squared with the principle of self -determination, or for that fore the birth of Christ. If you consider the Zionist ideas as a matter, of democracy, on the basis of any generally accepted standardized _international law, the Arabs would have a good criteria. “If self-determination were to be applied in the customcase concerning Spain. The “substantial Jewish comary fashion of seeking out what the people of the country wantmunity” Padro mentioned in his article was 47,00 or 9.4% of the ed, there could be no doubt total population in 1895. In .1919, where the overwhelming majorthey increased to 58,000 or 8.3%. ity lay nor of the rejection by In 1944, largely through immithat majority of both Balfour and Mandate.” He gration they became 528,702 or. Declaration 30.5%. The above. figures were goes on to say that nine-tenth of taken from the official papers the majority rejected the creaof the government of Palestine tion of a Jewish state, according (A Survey of Palestine, Jerusalto the King-Crane Commission em, Government Press, 1946, sent to survey Palestine by pp. 141,185,372, 376). President Wilson in Aug. 1919. Padro charged that the Arabs The Jews started pouring into Palestine around 1920. That ’ were allied with the Nazis during World War II. This is an obwas largely due to Britain pres-
vious indication of his ignorance of history. The Arabs did not gain independance until after the war. Jordan and Lebanon were freed in 1945, Jordan in 1946 and its royal family are still British puppets. The British troops left Egypt in 1954 after almost three quarters of a century. Iraq ceased to be a British ally in 1958. Nevertheless, there had been an anti-imperial sentiment (Anglo-phobia ), which could not be called ‘alliance with Nazis and Fascists.’ I challenge Mr. Padro to present evidence that Fateh is receiving arms and assistance from Nazi and Fascist world organizations. The claim that Lebanon and Israel are the only states “which do not have constitutionally sanctioned state religions” is incorrect. The whole conception of “Return to Zion” is fundamentally religious+ Israeli nationality is .,a right exclusively enjoyed by Jews. Anyone, whose either parent is Jewish or proselytized, could automatically become an Israeli citizen. In Lebanon, the French colonial constitution is still in effect. It specifically maintains: The president must be Christian and the prime-minister a Moslem. Padro’s lack of knowledge in many areas of Mideastern politics and history is a perfect example of the misguided youth of Israel. It must be a big shock to realize that the principles they have been fighting and dying to preserve are based on farcical evidences and unfounded facts. Tso . . . Tso . . . Tsooo, Too bad. MO GHAMIAN Grad. Civil Eng. Praises chevron; the best in all of Canada I would like to take about five minutes of my time to give praise to your newspaper for the excellent job that the people putting out the chevron are doing. I am quite impressed by the quality of the stories on its pages. I have seen many papers from across Canada and I would say that the chevron is the <best student newspaper in all of Canada. JAQUES O’BRIEN law 5
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A hollow ill” . dignity for the “mentally -, by Lanny
LOWLY OVER the past two years I’ve come to see myself as belonging to the category of-“mental patient”. It’s hard to write about this when I think of having it read, but part of contending with the problem entails transcending the need to keep the personal also private. There’s a deep, irrational taboo connected with what’s misleadingly called mental illness. People waste great amounts of energy trying to cover up their own serious psychological problems and to refrainfrom dealing with these problems in others. The western attitude toward “mental illness” underwent a major shift in the 16th century when leprosy was conquered and the insane filled the stigmatized void left by lepers. One of the most common methods of dealing with these new-lepers was to banish them from contact with ordinary folk by placing them on boats hence the phrase ‘ship of fools’ - where they spent their entire lives; virtually never coming onto land. The current counterparts to these ships are mental hospitals, where I’ve spent .a lot of time during the past 6 months. The segregation of people with serious psychological problems from the general community is a mistake, one which aggravates the problems and which must be overcome before meaningful solutions can be undertaken. It’s taken me a1 long time to be able to begin moving out from under the shadow of the taboo. Of course, I’m not completelly immune from the taboo, and the easiest course is always to conceal, to follow the forms of ordinary interaction, to keep what is most personal most private. I know the taboo is bullshit; I want to tell my story openly; I want you to respond with openness. Briefly, this is how it happened. It started - well, a long time ago - but I knew it had started in 1966, when my first marriage broke up, A huge depression set in, which my shrink, whom I started seeing then and am still seeing, diagnosed as “reactive depression. ” Over the years, as I got over the specific pain of being separated from wife and son, the depression hung on and the label changed from reactive to endogenous, meaning the cause ain’t outside but inside. Well, I don’t give much credence to those labels, but they do signify an important shift ‘in my feelings about myself. (I really feel myself holding back writing about this, being afraid of naked print, afraid of how she will react, how they will react. I want to get thru with this part fast, get on to the more impersonal theory. I do feel the stigma,) Since the first marriage broke up, I’ve remarried and separated again. (I want to deal with my present discomfort by being flippant about it, about spiritual erosion. ,I’m a slow learner. )
the Georgia
To work
and to love?
When Freud, whose usual practice was‘ to give long germanic answers to even the was asked “What is simplest question, necessary to be happy in life?” he answer“To work and to love. ” ed laconically, There is barrenness now in both those areas, the breakdown is that pervasive, a slow, inevitable crumbling. ’ Work. For the past 6 years I’ve been a graduate student in psychology; I have about 4 months work left to get my Ph.D. I feel I’ve been mangled in the visionless machinery of the university; I don? feel I can finish those months now, maybe never. In june, a few days after I finished my thesis research and had sent a report of the findings to a federal agency that supplied research funds, I had what is called a nervous breakdown, was incapable of the simplest social act, ended up in the general psychiatric ward. I’m now attending a day clinic 40 hours a week. The future is almost entirely without certainty. These are crossroad days, old myths to let go of (marriage, career), new ones to build (communal love, meaningful work). For now I accept that I need to go to the clinic, to be a mental patient. This is hard, I want to be honest, not maudlin, self-pitying. Or is that the taboo operating. 3 “I’ll move on to that now, feeling some sense of accomplishment, but knowing I’ve left out a lot aboutthe pain, the fear. The peculiar brand of stigma that attaches to the category of mental patient shares a lot of properties with other types of stigmas. Our (their) bankrupt mythology reserves countless categories which are shameful to belong to. That’s our legacy, feeling that irrational shame, knowing it’s wrong and knowing what we have to do about it. When it’s better to be this than that, it’s shameful to be that - as it’s -
better to be white than blackbrownyellowred, better to be heterosexual than homosexual, a man than a woman, a boss than a worker, a Christian than a Jew. The feeling connected with membership in the second of these categories is humility, not far from humiliation, at being a niggerchinkqueerpieceofassworkingslobkike. Our humiliation stems from the mythological introjection of the values of the first of these categories-the man inside our head. Liberation begins when we can start to feel -the dignity of who we are, when we can stop hiding it, when we can start to rejoice, openly as Cleaver does in his blackness, Ginsberg in his homosexuality, the one given, the other chosen.
666 the Chevron
is mental
Specifically, what about the stuff called mental illness? Where it differs from the other categories of humiliation, like blackness, is that there’s something objectively undesirable about the experience called mental- illness. Not for all people, but for most, for me, it’s painful, often crippling. It’s a category you want to, I want to, get out of. The romantic fiction that there’s something enviable about ‘insanity’ is simply false in almost all cases. The fiction is a byproduct of the taboo that shades us from seeing what’s really happening when people flip out. They’re suffering. Where ‘mental illness’ is similar to categories like blackness is in the fact that the dehumanizing socio-political instituations which engender suffering in both cases, . also engender shame. The common solution lies in the destruction of those institutions, and at the personal level, in overcoming the introjected shame. What I want to-do here is to expose myself and to affirm the dignity of this exposure, taking Cleaver and Ginsberg as models. How does one make that jump, find dignity in feeling psychologically fucked-up? It’s not easy; at the worst times the feeling of indignity, of pathos, is overwhelming, riveted to the deepest layers of the soul, not being capable of going to the store, of not crying. At the worst times the bleakness washes away - all comrephension, all sense; this has got to be diabolical, biochemical, without rational cause, irreovocable. There’s no dignity then, no energy to make it, you’re leaning out, I’m leaning out, arms busy waiting for the floor to jump up. But that’s only at the worst times. At other times, and this is_ one of the other times, eyes can peer over the wall, gather some idea of how this prison was built. The perception is shrouded in fog, but there are outlines. There is an enemy out there.. . and in here, a monster that
brutalizes, using as his agents parents, schools, police; and an uncanny certainty that we can internalize these agents. At the times when these relations take on some meaningful shape, I known the principal condition of being alive is struggle - against the monster, the anxiety, the depression. This is where I locate the dignity, in the continuous struggle, in the open affirmation ‘of hope, in the open renunication of the death-loving monster. In moments of extreme grandeur I believe there is no greater dignity than taking on this fight, staying alive with myself and others in this nightmare, capitalist, insane, society. It’s almost impossible to make the ‘quality of the fear and depression comprehensible to people who haven’t experienced them, largely because the experience falls outside the boundaries of everyday language. I don’t want that to sound like inverted elitism, for there’s a relentless need to communicate the experience, to transcend the unsought privacy inherent in the feelings.
not genitals
Much of what goes by the name of mental illness can be understood as being private reality. By reinforcing the privy acy, the taboo and stigma are doubly harmful. Most older people who subscribe to the protestant, kick-em-in-the-ass ethic, are beyond communication. A lot of younger people, who’ve gone with and without drugs into new spaces, are not, and a new language is developing to make. possible a sharing of the personal. Knowing that there are people who are open to new, non-institutionalized experience is where I see the beginning of a road out for me, for us - a struggling together. By separating the personal from the public, the old culture created the private, yes, as in private property, as in schizophrenia. By seeing the essential inseparability of these constructed levels, a new culture is struggling to be born; a struggling at the personal level (getting over the guilt, hatred, fear, repression), at the social level (living in communes, being in Gestalt groups together, learning to share), at the political level (building socialism, a decent society, where dec= ency has more to do with the heart than the genitals). The political movement in north america is in a pre-revolutionary state. Growing political awareness is reflected in the organization of oppressed groups, e.g., women, homosexuals, blacks, working separately to expose and eliminate the causes of their oppression. Clearly, there is a need for mental patients to begin organizing. The fact of our oppression is undeniable. For a long time now I’ve thought about doing something about it, getting together with other patients, making our grievances known. So far, not much has gone on excepta lot of talk (but the importance of that fact shouldn’t be underrated. ) Paradoxically, most people in psychiatric wards are incapable of the kind of discipline required to undertake serious political action. The struggle to get through each day takes precedence, leaving little energy for that other struggle. Accepting the obstacles as given has led me to write this article, which I take to be an instance of political action. As the movement matures, there will be a coming together of the various liberation groups. It’s essential that the needs of people in mental insitutions find a recognized place within the converging movement.
. This opinion is from the curreht issue of Prairie Fire, a publication of the Re.gina community media project.
Press of -thepeople? / 0
N DECEMBER 10, the senate commission studying the mass media in Canada made its report public. The commission, headed by senator ’ Keith Davey, concluded that it should “encourage more diversity and arrest the trend to more concentration of media ownership”. ,The Davey report also wants to see an escalation in media “quality”. Among other things, it found that media profits are “surprisingly high”. Major commission recommendations include the following : @Establishment of a government press ownership review board with power to bar further ownership concentration: a $2 million fund to aid new and promising journals ; l national and regional press councils to gather ideas and advice from the public ; emore direct news gathering by Canadian Press (CP) wire service. Sounds nice on paper but what are the facts of the Canadian newspaper and magazine industry? Newspapers are businesses. The Wall Street journal provides this definition of the press : “A newspaper is a private enterprise owing nothing whatever to the public, which- grants it no franchise. It is therefore ‘affected’ with no public interest. It is the property of the owner, who is selling a manufactured product at his own risk. ” Like other businesses, the newspaper and magazine industry is highly monopolistic. Today 77 of the 116 dailies in Canada are owned by big chains. Few cities in Canada have more than one newspaper and only in Montreal and Toronto is there even a semblance of a choice in political viewpoint. All dailies support either the Liberals or the Conservatives. It is the daily newspaper and the wire services it buys from, that collect, choose and interpret the events that take place everyday. It is primarily the daily press in Canada that provides the information on the basis ‘of which people make their political-decisions. The average daily devotes over half of its space to-advertising, and receives 58 to 85% of its revenue from advertising. The importance of advertising as a source of revenue necessitates newspaper and magazine content that offends as few people as possible. Hence, while half the space is taken up in advertising, half of what is left is devoted to “entertaining” the reader - this is known in the industry as “boilerplate”. Most of the “boilerplate” found in Canadian dailies comes from the U.S. - Ann Landers, Billy Graham, the horoscope, Goren on Bridge, etc. This leaves little room for news and services comentary. High quality reporting and commentary means high salaries which threaten to cut into profits. As a result, over three quarters of Canada’s dailies rely entirely, on the CP wire service for Canadian news. CP is largely a clearing house for items sent to it by dailies across Canada. International news originates almost excluseively from the US and Britain. There is very little direct news gathering by Canadians - even CP gets its foreign news from its New York office where editors rewrite stories to suit Canada. And the direct use of foreign wire services is on the increase, eliminating even this minor tailoring to suit Canadian-interests. American syndicates that distribute “boilerplate” also distribute political comment. It is disturbing that Canadian dailies seem to publish more american columnists than Canadian - especially given the very different political and cultural traditions of the two countries. \\ I With regard to the daily newspapers, the conclusions seems obvious. The Canadian public cannot expect public responsibility from a private, profit-oriented press. The commission says it won’t recommend the use of government force to make newspapers accept their responsibilities. The
public must force them, says senator Davey. Mr. Davey’s logic reminds us of that old,adage used by publishers: “if you don’t like’the paper, don’t buy it! ”
lhe nature of the press in Canada today is such as to lead to one conclusion - we need a publicly-owned and kommunityoperated press.
The commission as much-as admits this conclusion when it shows reluctance to break up the big newspaper chains. Diversified ownership would not guarantee higher editorship quality or public responsibility, says the commission, declining to state the obvious - as long as newspapers are run for profit, there can be no socially responsible press. The commission is left in the absurd position of asking businessmen not to be businessmen The report offers almost nothing in the way of solutions to the appalling situation of the Canadian news industry. Its recommendations for subsidizing news journals is entirely inadequate. ‘No local independent weekly could possibly afford the manpower necessary to gather national and international news. At best it could comment on the local political scene. It is time ’ we‘ recognized that the dissemination of information - just like transportation, health and education should be controlled and owned by those whom it serves.
member: canadian wtivoreity pnu (CUP) and underground press syndicate (UPS). subscriber liberation news service (LNS) and chevron international news service (GINS). the chevron is a newsfeature tabloid published offset fifty-two times a year (1970-7 1) on tuesdays and fridays by the federation of students. incorporated university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff. independent of the federation and the universrty administration.offrces in the campus center: phone (519) 578-7070 or universrty local 3443; telex 0295 - 748 ccrculatron.
10.500 (tuesdays) 13.000 (fndays) Alex Smith. edrtor We commend, or rather offer sympathies to the Crapo family (pure math) who have recently taken the oath to her fatuous majesty and become Canadian Citizens, having dissolved all official ties to the Excited States. May the Bird of Paradise be as gracious to you now as it is to the Rest Of Us. We note with interest the cloak-and-daggar allegations by usually reliable sources that as a result of some shady meetings just before the Christmas lay-off (lay-out, hmm. try lay-away) certain faculties professed displeasure with their association with the university and were suggesting alternatives to Burt. The Waterloo Institute of Technology? How fovely, we could turn the math and computer building into an executive motel for visiting honorary degree‘recipients and replace the computer with a host of nimble-fingered Chinese launderers, each with his own abacus and heap of university dirty linen. Now that the faculty club has proclaimed itself Heaven On Earth Through Tax Deductibility, maybe one of its members will invite Us up for a double scotch on the rocks. After all, it isn’t everyday We get invited to the land of Drinken, Bunken and Fraud. The federations presidential nominations are now open, and let us say this about that; that whenever possible we should communicate the hyperboleandneg6tiatethehypotenusefor the benefitofthegreatunwashed, of course, nottomentionailthe grroovy moviesandgoodieswe’vebeengetting,etc. All in all, though, the Burko regime has been basically fair. efficient and coherent despite its lack of sophistication, and to drastically challenge it now could be the wrong thing to do. It seems to have laid a competent groundwork for development now in further areas and does not deserve to be emasculated...more on this in days to come. Oh, yes, the chevron forum. First in a series, hopefully to be in full swing next year; We don’t pretend the movies are earth-shattering, but they should be very good. Both have won prizes. See the ad in today’s paper. Thought for the week: gazokstahagen. production manager: Al Lukachko coordinators: Bill Sheldon (news), Tom Purdy & Peter Wilkinson (photo), Ross Bell (entertainment), Bryan Anderson (sports). rats (features) 4 Gord Moore (senior photographer) bill Payne, tom certain, Colin hamer, una o’callaghan. dane charboneau, eleanor hyodo, dianne carron, krista tomoray, manfred ziegenhagen, brenda Wilson (with her new. sexy. come-hither voice), ed hale, ron smith.. ron ashby, harry rempel, kip sumner, terry morin. rick hankinson. jeff bennett, meredith smye, and curt boese. And Steve izma says hello to the people in the volvo who picked him up the other day. Second thought for the week: happy new year to G.A. Griffin, psychology, 50% of whose class failed statistics 283. Hmmmmmm. .
15 january
N spite of all restrictions and camouflage, whether for purposes of concealment or merely suggestiveness of her body, most races have unwittingly and fortunately left the head or part of the head of woman naked. Even if it were only to allow the eyes to peep through a veil, our society has committed a breach of its moral code, a laxity for which poets through the ages have been grateful. The more daring poets who have seen in a woman’s eyes her sex, have realized that the head contains more orifices than does all of the rest of the body; so many added invitations for poetic, that is, sensual exploration. One may kiss an eye or provoke it to wetness without offending decent y. With the complete exposure of the head a veritable orgy is invited. Either in its natural state or with its embellishments of makeup, je we/s, and elaborate _ hairdos, nothing can restrain the imagination from the most riotous speculations. All the senses are concentrated in this one head: eyes, ears, nose, lips, tongue and the skin which covers all with its network ofvibrating nerves. One imagines the senses, the counterpart of our own, ready to respond in complete agreement. The eyes not only receive an outward image but give forth an image of an invisible thought; the nose breathes invisible odors that may affect all the other senses,. arabesque and impenetrable ears, receptive only to invisible sounds that can inflame the brain, become stereoauditory, just as the eyes are stereoscopic, the nose stereofactory, and the mouth stereosculatory for greater intensity and for surer receptivity. The voice is always monophonic,it need,not be stereophonic. , And the hair, except in a few extreme cases, has fortunate/Y escaped the usual sex taboos fpub& I hairs). so that the eyes, hands and nose can explore and caress this head crown, yielding like a consenting body. Finally, when the lips, two bodies fitting together in perfect harmony, when these lips break into a smile, they dt&lose the menacing barrier of the teeth,.which nevertheless invites further exploration. When l hold this head in my hands I do not ask whether it is a portrait of the woman’s body; I only know that without the head all bodies are alike in that they serve one purpose. My first view of a naked body in a life class was a total disappointment, and my first drawing of a nude brought down on my head the most violent criticism by the art instructor: This is not a woman, it is a horse. Silently, I agreed. Oh, I know, there is the well- turned leg, the perfect breast, the inviting rump, but it is first through the eyes in the head that the final, the sexual sense is aroused. I speak now of my own head which contains the same senses as does that of the woman. My first object is to arouse the same desires in these two heads through their similar openings. It is only by bringina together the heads that any real understanding) and acquiescence can be attained, and consent given for further exploration. -In most places, the kiss has become the password for this unison; in some places it is frowned upon, as would be a public sexual gesture. Since the nakedness of the head is tolerated so is the junction of two heads tolerated; at least our society observes a certain superficial logic. Fortuna tely, again. The head of a woman is her complete physical portrait, but, whatever its fascination, ‘7he portrait of a loved one should be not only an image at which one smiles but an oracle one interrogates,” says Andre Bre ton. So, for all purposes, let us first ask of a woman. has she a head?
668 the Chevron
prose by Man Ray, Self-Portrait,
Little, Brown and Company,
Boston, 1963; photo John W. Alexanders.
the chevron.