1 number
26_ february
197 1
fpow-turnouts for new
Guess who’s coming to dinner? And didn’t show up. Qick Gregory noted author, civil rights demonstrator, comedian and hunger striker was suppose to attend a 25 dollar per plate dinner for the Fat Angel drop-in center but snow kept him away. A rock group perjbrmed in his place.
VVU’C culls for monciuy
years ago this campus had excitTony Watt, likely to be named ing times. I think that this counfederation treasurer, assumed dutcil is going to be in for exciting ies of chief returning officer in times.” commented Carl SulliWednesday’s council elections man. when officer Kathy Dorschner deMath rep Chris Caste1 said, “I cided to give up her appendix for don’t like the apathy. ” lent last Wednesday and as a result Paul, Rice, Tony Wyatt took over duties in another elected math rep felt the same way,” this year’s council elections. , Teaming up with Chris (Castel) Although only 10.6 percent of we hope to generate interest \ in possible voters went to the polls this university. ” fifteen people were’elected in five “I don’t want a decentralized constiuencies. federation. The federation should St. Jerome’s -students elected take stronger stands on unigov Michael Yirka in a campus ,high and the campus center issue. ” 42.3 percent turnout. Rice concluded that, ” students Arts thought that Carl Sullican run this university if they man, Heather Webster, Paul want. I don’t know exactly how this can _be accomplished, but if Dube, Peter Desroches and John Dale 4hould represent them in we all work together, we can make this a great university.” council in the next year. . “I’m very happy with the counRena Armstrong, Chris Caste1 who were elected,” and Paul Rice were elected in a cil members said Rick Page president-elect. 8.8 percent turnout in mathemat“I see them as a hard working ics. council, a council which will presSeven percent of potential engineering voters thought that four \ ent good concrete action, not the bullshit reports that have been freshmen should represent them common.” by electing John Arges, Tim Ken“We plan to immediately set up nedy, Geoff Willard and Gary several working committees to Williams. I study important issues. We’ll set Environmental studies turned up a council committee to study out just under ten percent of the how the federation serves the faculty to elect Larry Hundt and grads and another one to look at Bill Lindsay who want the federathe tenant-landlord relationships tion decentralized. in the community and how it ‘efThe strong support given to arts fects the student. We’re going to rep Carl Sulliman, a firm believset up one to study university serer in a strong federation, indicatvices such as food services and es that students want a strong fedservices. We’ve already eration instead of a federation of health set up a committee to study inter societies as some of the losing university relationships.‘ candidates had suggested. The el“As -soon as the new council ection of Heather Webster and sits we’ll go into the feasibility of Paul Dube reinforces this stand the food-coop.” as does the election of the four “When it comes to dealing with engineering reps. the administration we’re going to “This is a mandate from the show Burt and his boys where the students for a strong responsible hell their places are. ” student government. Several
strrrte over pcmy
The Waterloo Lutheran’student union has called for a two day strike to support parity on contract renewal committees. Monday is strike day. Counter classes will be held in the student union building and professors have been asked to discuss parity with th.ose who attend regularclasses. ,
Support is widespread; students in business, economics, and the graduate school of social work have voted unanimously to strike. Parity became a burning issue as a direct result of the dismissal last -fall of philosophy professor Joel Hartt. He was dismissed on “economic grounds” at the same time raises and promotions were being given to other faculty members. At the time students voted to press for renewal of Hartt’s contract, and parity. It was evident that there was no uniform procedure regarding contract renewals. A committee was formed to create-a new policy. The WLU faculty association refused to consid-
er any change in policy and refused to vote on the amendment presented to them by their executive, taking a firm stand on NO student representation. The next attempt to achieve parity was made february 11th when the senate was presented with the proposal, but in spite of strong support from the student senators, the proposal was turned down. At a general meeting held the -next day a student senator, w-ho previously advocated a rational, process of change peaceful through administrative bodies, publicly apologized to early supporters of Hartt for considering them a minor radical fringe group, and voiced\ his disillusion in the seeming ‘democratic’ processes within the school. Since the fall several other profs have been effected, Robert Quinn, James Kitchen and Peter Downing of business and finance are now being dismissed due to lack of proper qualifica-
tions (PHD) although when originally hired their present degrees were considered adequate. This has spread discontent among the students, and the issue has now changed from the defence of one particular prof to the general principle of administrative authoriterianism versus student participation. WLU prides itself on being an institution of learning, where teaching takes precedence over research, yet competent profs are being dismissed without justification. To protect their own interest, in reference to the Hartt case, students initiated a proposed plan ; any prof being dismissed from his post on economic grounds should be given work elsewhere in the university. This was acceptable by the administration in theory, however the following proved to be the practice : When queried, several departments indicated that they could use Hartt part time. For example
religion and culture, tentatively set up a new course that needed a philosopher. The dean agreed, but when the name Hartt was mentioned suddenly there was no money for the course. Also the graduate school of social work planned to hire him but the decision was vetoed by the dean. Other jobs similarly disappeared, for the faculties feared $0 displease administration whose decision to dismiss Hartt was final. Students demand parity on contract renewal committees in order to prevent such incidents and ensure a true academic freedom, where no internal group- is permitted to dominate. This strike is meant to demonstrate the student solidarity on campus. If parity is granted it will be one more step towards a true learning environment with students having a meaningful say. If administration refuses to listen, they may be in for a series of further strikes or more drastic action on part of the students. --
. _
AOSC FASS preparations
KLM and Caledonian Airways. In addition to the flights to Europe, AOSC can book you on over 1000 student flights within Europe, and flights to Africa, India and the Far East. Most of these flights are about one:third the cost of regular, air f.are. One thing y6u should have if you are heading for Europe is an internationhl student identity card. This card entitles student travellers to discounts at restaurants, art galleries, One of the main programs of student residences, Many other disAOSC is the running of over 60 stu- ’ and theatres. counts can be received by prodent flights a year to Europe. Oneway flights cdst as little as $101.00 ducing the card where ever you with roundtrip flights starting at travel. It also makes you eligible for the special student flights $187.00. These are all jet flights originating in Europe as preoperated by BOAC, Air Canada,
If you are a student planning on travelling this summer, the Association of Student Councils (AOSC) is the place to get information on inexpensive travel. AOSC was formed in 81969 by the student associations of universities in Ontario, Manitoba, and the Maritimes to provide services to the students at member institutions. AOSC is a non-profit organization, totally run by elected student representatives.
for next year
FASS is coming. only fifty weeks ‘72 emerges at the nature of the show ganization must
Yes, there are left until FASS university. The is such that orcommence this
able for. the position. The structure of the company is loose. Consisting of all people interested in the successful production of the FASS Nite show. There are no membership fees. Anyone who helps the show, or even wishes to help the Show is
Applications for producer and director are being accepted now, and should be received by march 5. Applicants should present their proposals for the theme and format of the show. The address for this purpose is FASS President c/o Creative Arts You may, if you wish, nominite someone whom you feel is ‘suit-
vel has benefits
If you missed the fun bf FASS th’1s year and wish to help next year, please contact us at the above address, or phone Bill Crawford (579-1666) or Jeff Pearson (576-4818). TO receive a newsl&&, give your address to Karen Rous (SW 2548 ) .
This,week on campus is a free column for the announcement of meetings, sp&cial seminars or speakers, social events and other happenings on campus-student, faculty or staff. Sek the chevron secretary or call extension 3443. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m.
presents Trial based on the work Dan Berrigan. 8:30 pm Humanities
of Father Theatre.
- ‘The Caine Mutiny’ and ‘Beat the Devil’. Presented by the Graduate Student Union. 8 pm EL201. Robert Mang, baritone singing Lieder and Opera. Free admission. 8:30 pm Kitchener Public Library. First national intercollegiate swimming championships for women. pool. Humphrey
Brand Name Mens Wear as low as
Free coffee, concert and conversation. Come and meet people. Sponsored by IVCF. 8:30 pm CC snack bar. lxthus
and some much
What’s late many must
5 small Clear-out”
it all end cleared soles
. . ? - Star and odds
about of lines at
we decided . . Sale starts
to “liquidate” tomorrow
now and
operates ends
5 of
our everyth 10
merchandise clean ing
2 13
stock” from
St. West
the not
“fashion” locotton
image with in
a ful
. . . Rather a “Gigantic
than Warehouse
X Wmter
89.95 to $140 Now
25~. national
Ukrainian satire, presented by Ukrainian Students’ Drama Grout bf Toronto (sponsored by U of W Ukrainian St;dents Club) Admission $2.00; students $1.00. Bpm Humanities theatre. “Is Terrorism Revolutionary?” Discussion led by Bill Stewart, Toronto chairman of the Communist party. 7;30-9:30pm CC1 13. “iytsar
“Knight theatre.
a White
Play in Ukrainian Bpm Humanities
1 pm
personality 13.
The U of Western Ontario will be on campus to discuss their and application procedures. 3:30-
Law School programmes 5pm EL207.
Canadian studies course lecture. Topic Religions in Canada by J.R. Horne, department of Philosophy 3( Religious studies. 7: 1 Oom EL1 12. Judo beginners. 9pm combatives. TUESDAY Information Session: Summer volunteer programmes will be discusses by S.O.S. (Volunteer Action for Social Change) 3:30-5pm MC 3022. a Duplicate bridge. Everyone fee is 5Oc 7pm SS lounge. Judo
color belts
is welcome.
9 pm combatives
bus leaves lslington subway station and returns to campus center. Sponsored by federation of students. 9pm.
- Joanne Elligsen, pianist. Free 12:30pm Theatre of the Arts. chairman, Department of History, St. Jerome’s College will give a lecture on “Violence in Latin America” 7pm EL1 01. Noon
Workshop and service. Bring anything that you would like to use to express yourself in workshop (poetry, music, films etc). Workshop 2-4pm; service 7:30pm St. Paul’s Colleae McKirdv Hall ChaDel. Contemporary
- ‘on the spot’ a production of second year Conestoga College radio and television arts students presented every two weeks. On this week’s program. student Keith Loucks interviews local
television Channel
main gym.
T’wo French movies 1) Birds in Peru and 2) The Killing Game. Technicolor, French dialog, English Subtitles. Adults only. Member 50~; others $1 .OO. Sponsored by ISA. 2 pm and 7: 30 pm AL1 16
intercollegiate for women. pool
Were 9.95 to 2.49
Club pool session. New welcome. For more informaLaing 742-9998 or Bill Byer .wol. Humphrey Bogart Films - ‘The Caine Mutiny’ and ‘Beat the Devil. Presented by the Graduate Student Union. 7 pm EL201. White
members always tion contact Ken ext 2667. 5-7 .pm
meets for both skin divers and qualified scuba divers. New members welcome. For information call Howie 579-4757. 6: 30-7: 30pm pool.
and CO-ORDINATES Were $45 to $110
with Jazz and Fats. Grebel College.
intercollegiate swimming Swimming and 3 metre diving 1 1 am; finals 4 pm.
- ‘The Caine Mutiny’ and ‘Beat the Devil’ Presented by the Graduate Student Union. 8 pm AL1 13. Humphrey
coffeehouse 9pm Conrad
championships. preliminaries of
swimming diving lo:30 am; 7 pm, pool.
is a sampling
One yetre 1 pm; finals
Toronto express bus leaves the center for Toronto 1:30 & 4:30 prt~. Sponsored by federation of students.
championships. swimming heats
viously mentioned. Other programs of AOSC include low cost student travel insurance, car rentals, Eurailpasses, Student-Railpasses and BritIrail passes, and student tours. Two student guide books are available from AOSC. The first is the Officiel student guide to Europe, which lists all of the student flights, trains, boats, and buses available in Europe. It also contains details on student hostels. The othqr guide, Let’s GO, includes student oriented information on all European Countries. Further information on all of AOSC’s programs can be obtained from the federation or from AOSC at 44 St. George Street, Toronto 5, Ont.
9pm combatives.
Christian Fellowship. Join us for supper and an informal discussion. 5pm CC 122. Prof E Abella - lecture on International Unionism, Communists and the Canadian Labor Movement: some myths and realities. Sponsored bv History Society. 2:30pm AL105. Judo - coldr belts. 9pm combatives.
MONDAY Prospects sion.
for lpm
Canadian farmhouse.
ings. All are welcome.
testimony SSc225.
NOW from
5 SIZES Rcgvlor
10 44
JACKETS TOP SHOESSweaters CardigansL COATS ani outer-wear
JJere 16.95 to 59.95
from .’
5 , to
D 6 C wndth,
SIZES Small Large a
Medaum, x Lorg*
1 l-
glasses in brown and engineering lec-
Size --
Phone 578-2244 for details. (all seasons) casual, formal. Inexpensive. 578-3721 after 6:30
WANTED Would the person who stole my jacket on tuesday february 16th on the third floor of the biology building, be intelligent enough to send me my wallet back? Essays wanted - remuneration. Anything related to: sixteenth century English literature;
to: The
eigh;eenth century English literature; mediaeval philosophy; Marx; problems of language: philosophical, psychological, or linguistic approaches. Out of town student. Phone Don from friday, february 26 until monday midnight march , at 743-g330, , TYPING
Will type 2881. Wil
826 the Chevron
Soon to open, The Book Barn. the first quality used book shop in Kitchener-L;‘aterloo. The Book Barn will have thousands of books, every conceivable topic, at sensible prices. My candle interest is waning, if yours isn’tcome show me. Wende Kitchener Market saturday B-l,
Now from
case. Lost between co-op ture. Phone 579-3858.
Lost U of W yellow notebook with french notes on Voltaire. Please call 5787246. ’
Pullovers Were to 29.95
Were 9.95 to 19.95
Fran. Luv:
lace 8 slipons
all weather 8 winter weights
12). Thanks
Classified ads are accepted between 9 and 5 in the chevron office. See Charlotte. ‘Rates are 50 cents for the first fifteen words and five cents each per extra word. Deadline is tuesday afternoons bv 3 p.m.
theses, essays. information call ext. 3482 typing,
Call letters Karen.
AVAILABLE accommodation
Co-op 578-2580.
tion? Come 2580.
and live
rdom, 285 579-2992.
near U of W avail1. 742-4893.
Lodge. O&night stay or longer, comfortable accommodation reasonable prices, breakfast if desired. Vacinity east of Hi-Way Market towards Chicopee Hills. 3233 Kina street east. Phone 744-57 11. ’
Serrii-furnished apartment s tember. Convenient reK Gail 576-4515.
to sublet may to location, negotiable
available may Call 742- 1018.
Fully firnished modem three bedroom house and garden, close to university. All facilities, available mai - june $200 per month. No children. 578-0695. Student accommodations available single rooms furnished; kitchen priviledges; living room with TV; fireplace. Call 743-6544. Four bedroom townhouse available for summer term, furnished. $185 monthly. Doug 576\ 2341. to
able marc_h 1 and may
part owner of a corporaat co-op this summer. 578-
may to September, two bedstreet. west, No. 507. Phone
single and double rooms for the summer term, full kitchen and bath, near university. 578- 1469. Soundproof two bedroom apartment near U 0f.W. 400 Albert street. 742-4893. Modern
Co-op students-furnished two bedroom apartment for summer term, close to university. Apt 409, Waterloo Towers. 579-3566. three bedroom apartment able may 1st. close to university,‘shopping, sonable. Call Warren 579-5207.
one student for a two bedroom apartment 17th floor, pool, sauna, garage, store in building. Move in anytime. $60 monthly. Call John or Denis 578-8500. Room8 for rent kitchen and laundry facilities, close to university, male only. Phone 743-9568.
Graduateby Una O’CaNaghan chevron
The predicament of the graduate engineer was short circuited last week when representatives from industry, government and the university of Waterloo’s engineering faculty met in the arts theater to discuss the issue.
engineers Most panelists, in the day-long discussion seemed to be more interested in finding a scapegoat than a solution, while the remainder all but beat their breasts whilst uttering mea culpa?. In the midst of all this, graduate students were forgotten as the various representatives stat.-
There is a move afoot to establish a gay liberation movement in Waterloo, based predominantly within the two university communities. Following the examples of well established groups in the US such as Mattachines society of Washington or the gay. liberation movement in Los Angeles. Similar movements have been started within the last year at the university of Toronto, York and Western universities, and there also current attempts at Guelph and McMaster universities. In starting up the group, spokesman point to their problem as a
“struggle to live authentically in what is, overtly at least, an exclusively heterosexual uptight community. They site experts who See page
quota lege, or other institution of higher learning, to 15 percent of the total staff; and aProviding that not more than One quarter Of this l5 percent” _ may come from any one foreign country; and l Barring any foreign national from assuming the rank or duties of department chairman, or any position of higher in rank to that. The petition also demands that further means be taken so that the content of studies take proper account of Canada’s land, its peoples, their history, their culture, their means of livelihood and their relations with other people of the world.
Developments by Eleanor
testify to their normality in their arguments which inherently testify to the bigoted nature of canadian students and the public in general. Gays are one of the groups in our supposedly just society who can really be labelled oppressed without any exaggeration of the use of the word.
75 pc foreign The Canadian quota campaign, limiting the number of foreign nationals in Canadian universities to 15 percent will be kicked off at the university of Waterloo today Gary perly, &airman of the Canadian liberation movement will speak on the takeover of Canadian universities at 1 p.m. in the campus center great hall where a petition will be circulated. The petition, which has been circulating across the country for a few months calls upon the federal and provincial governments to pass legislation establishing a quota: @limiting the number of foreign nationals in any department of a university, col-
19 featuve
Discussing the quality of life in the canadian north, a health officer and two native people talked about their perceptions and how they are being effected by recent resource development in the area. Dr. Brian Brett, health officer, NWT said the indian residential schools were one reason for poor mental health in some of the native population. He explained how the children are flown out to the schools from their homes and are away from their parents for eight months. Brett said, “There is a loss of respect for the parents. The kids are angry with parents who cannot provide physical things the children have been accustomed to at the school. ” He said the white transient worker in the north is often alienated by his ill reception by permanent residents. People picked for work in the north by some Ottawa office is chosen by someone who isn’t even familiar with northern life. Brett said, “The sensory deprivation of the nonresidents is sensed more.” The major portion of his talk referred to the native population’s initial acceptance of birth control methods and their high rate of emotional disturbances. Two native people spoke of life as it really is. They were adamant in their convictions of native people’s integral participation in the development of the north. Mrs. Nellie Cournoyea, station manager, Inuvik, NWT said, “Many problems are not problems according to the Eskimos. The policy of not -planning by government is a patch as you go system.” She explained the Eskimoes traditionally depended on one another to survive and had no welfare or outside help. Those coming from the south are “not resourceful, well educated to the land, or know-
in trouble1 for iobs #
ed their grievances, and hashed out past history. The one thing that all representatives finally agreed on was that government, industry and the universities should co-operate on future programs. . , That an employment problem existed for graduate engineers was also agreed on, but whether it was long-term, short-term or even a present problem was another matter. The university position as expressed by \professor Len Watt was that no real problem existed at the present time, but there would be a problem in the future. This was followed by Archie Sherbourne’s statement that the university was in the business of providing an education and was
Simulated by Rick
University of Waterloo courses in “simulated society”-a method of introducing the uniniated to a situation resembling real life situations-have mimiced most areas of social concern. And most deal with political situations to some degree. Simulating the politics of a community is probably the most difficult type of “society” to work with. In the third year Sim Sot sociology course a recent problem centered on the city of Berlin (formerly Kitchener-Waterloo). The ammalgamation of the two cities would create a new problem for an already problem-oriented political situation. The course demonstrates that petty anomosities, political manipulations, and outright ignorance are all intrigal parts of municipal politics. Here’s what happened.. . Last week the city of Berlin city council called an extrordinary meeting of the city administra-
not necessarily a training ground for industry. Sherbourne, who felt the problem was probably short term, suggested “universities cease accepting the charge of being the whipping boy for industry ,and government. If we are going to plan we need, to plan politically, we need to plan industrially”. . . . .‘. He also stated that there was plenty of talent in the universities political, economical and scientific which was not being used by industry or government. The general feeling among industrial representatives was that traditionally, universities were employers of PhD’s and that industry only took up the slack. Industry was hiring at the same rate now as ever before. Most in-
that and
Graduate students were unanimous in their agreement that a problem definately existed but were not too sure if it was long term. More than half of Waterloo’s 1970 graduates couldn’t find jobs, and are now on post doctorate fellowships according to Gerry Fuller president of the grad,; uate student union. In spite of this unemployment our universities continue to import academics from ,both Britain and the US while their own PhD’s join the breadlines. At a time when every other country is turning protectionist surely Canada should do likewise.
not democratic .
tors, the. planning board and the consultant group hired to study the city administration. The meeting saw the mayor, Adolf Cowen, and his lakey ‘Kitchener’ council censor ’ the entire administrative group, the Ischool board and the COnSUltaht group. Claiming comple te power and representivity the council moved “we recommend that the following proposal go to the planning board for reference back to council : @no change in city school board @no city manager, rather a. committee of the city planner, the welf,are officer, the treasurer and the city clerk. @further discussion on initiative @three new appointments to the planning board” The motion, typical of mayor Cowens regime leaves no latitude for discussion and utilizes the mayors control over the Kitchener faction of the Berlin council. In another disorganized meeting the mayor announced that as
effect lives of northern
ledgeable in survival. The people have a lot to offer for they are educated in their own way. Friends and community are important and traditional. “People coming up north do not adapt; they have to substitute everything. ” She explained how the children were indirectly taught new values with southern education and its inherent cultural differences. “Kids begin to adopt a new and more costly standard of living. Parents just can’t afford it. It’s not too bad if you can afford it and are employed by the right government agency. People have to live according to the equipment (material goods) around them. “How can you work in the north with southern standards if the funds don’t keep rolling in? The northern people begin to feel like second class citizens. The northern way of life should be left alone. “People coming north feel they can do+a job in the same way they did it in the south. They work a nine to five existence and are not involved with the people afterwards. “The northerners do have problems. The problem of birth control in the NWT is because of people moving there. “The high unemployment figures are questionable statistics for many work, but do not have wage employment. “The Eskimo and indian are beautiful people with a lot to offer; they are my people. It’s hard to be realistic; the north is cold, harsh and non confining. We like it! “I get worried when people talk about condoms and foam; I wouldn’t be here,” said Gene Rheaume, Metis, former M.P., and member Native Housing Study Policy Planning Group , ( CMHC ) . Rheaume said, “I get distressed with
dustrial representatives felt PhD’s were over-qualified, specialized in narrow fields.
technicians talking about birth control. It seems those in favour of birth control are already born; it’s always applied to another cultural group.” He then made many criticisms: @“I get pretty nervous after being here two days; you’re a pretty apathetic bunch. You let so much nonsense go by. I hope the apathy shown here is not what happens to the north. ~YOU didn’t question Trevor Lloyd who said the Eskimo had already contributed all that could be contributed by 1920. They’ have nothing to offer. What about stamina and approach to living? ” acommenting on the suggested movement of people to the north because of the last frontier and challenge, just as there was a movement of people from the Maritimes to the west, Rheaume asked. “Why did they move? They couldn’t make a living. , 01 get upset when the young fellow is willing to go up north if he has a job, a guaranteed annual income. The’ territory doesn’t belong to you. It isn’t a gift; we aren’t giving it to them. We owe the Eskimoes and native people and are paying them for keeping the Americans from Alaska long before the gold rush. aIf oil and the technical world are developed in the north, the people already there must have the option to be employed. *Stay the hell out! (southerners) Benefits (from industry) have to go to benefit the people there. They should have control of development. @People can help by taking interest; have mind stretched. @Culture can be kept if you get?id of the missionaries. Get rid of the present educational system. People in the south are
well as three consultant reports the planning board staff had done an identical study. When questioned on the cost of such a study the treasurer replied that it was in the vicinity of 190,000 ‘dollars. Mr. Terry T. Crowe of Crowe Bear and Crowe, initiated the consultant’s reports with a radical proposal of rerouting the administrative activities of the city through a city manager this proposal would take any -political influence the council held over the planning board away and vest it in a purely administrative position. Then in a surprise move the rest of the consultant group rejected the Crowe proposal ani opted for a status quo solution that did not change the structure of any of the council bodies. This reporter was astonished by the lack of democractic prosess in the workings of council. Rick
Page is president
of the
people .
crapping out. Rochdale College is an alternative that people in the south can still ’ cash in on, and @If people are going north, go with a renewed appreciation of the north and more humility. The damage is already done. ” Cournoyea said, “It’s not hard to bring the north and south together. The south is so impersonal. We don’t want to be stampeded. ” Films produced by the national film board, CBC, Esso and Shell, were shown after sessions. One film documented the tanker the Manhattan’s trek through the northwest passage. The film was innocent in its portrayal of unstated motive, (other than building a ship to go through the ice). 1 The tone of the movie had a sense of thrill and achievement in man’s conquering of the elements. This particular conquest is the extraction of oil to maintain a few. Those involved in this development forget to involve the residents in the local areas. One oil spill in the north has unknown ramifications. If tracks remain in the perma frost indefinitely, what happens to crude oil that kills animals, man being one, and the environment. A two part film depicting the old eskimo way of building a stone dam on a creek or river to limit the fish’s space for easy spearing, is a part of Carpenter’s criticism of myth building. The film showed two males, a female and a child in their efforts. They were filmed walking to the stream setting up camp, eating raw fish and popping fish eyes into their mouthes. The new, unusual, and odd are to be gawked at. The visual differences are there. Unspoken are the unique attitudes and customs that are lost in these kinds of visual presentations. friday
26 february
(7 7:45)
Now building
BEECHWOOD AREA Homes priced from $38,006 Does with doing
test anxiety get you? Are you unduly concerned evaluation? Does worrying abut how you are interfere with your studying? - ,
The Counselling Services is providing special procedures for students whose level of anxiety is interfering with their work and who feel this worry is largely due to the specific fear of exams. This assistance may be extended to other relatively specific hang-ups such as class presentations or speaking in public. If interested call Counselling Services, 744-6 7 7 7, Ext. 2655.
Four people related their experiences concerning‘the effects of fame and being known more’ by stereotype than by their own personal selves, during a noon--hour forum sponsored by the rap room and birth colztrol centre. From left to right the speakers are Lynne WoolstenI croft, Leslie White, Doug Torney, Bob McKillop and Herb Lefcourt. \
Forum investigates by Eleanor Hyodo chevron staff
The noon hour forum presented ‘by the ‘rap room and -birth control committee had a discussion of what it means to win acclaim, “Would, everyday in your life be a ball if the world gave you a title?” Held in the theatre of the arts, Doug Torney, counsellor and organizer and four invited guests rapped to a small audience on how people, namely themselves, are exploited when they are known to others not as individuals in their own right, but for one public aspect of their lives, by which they are publicly known. Lesley White, a uniwat student and miss oktoberfest, said her friends “attacked and praised” her for entering and winning the Oktoberfest contest. Lesley said she had entered the contest unexpectedly. The office where she had worked wanted to enter a candidate and she won in the office run out. She said she was feeling “the ego thing of somebody loves you, needs you and the need to be loyal (to her office crew),” and was interested to find out for herself if the exploitation thing was for real in beauty contests. Lesley said she had no intention of winning. “Life went bang. Some friends attacked me with ‘how could you do this ?’ The miss Canada contest was a fiasco. She said she had met and talked with people she would have not otherwise met. She explained people would talk to her on limited topics and find it strange that she would want to talk about mental institutions. “This would make a good sociological study,” she said. Bob McKillop, athlete and coach, explained his situation was a little different. He found if an athlete attained any success and got his name in papers and magazines people recognized him. Strangers talking to him would immediately assume he knew of certain athletes for “You’re supposed to know. They assume you only have a couple of interests.” When introduced to young ladies or if he were in a pub, females’ reactions would always change when they found out he was a professional athlete. McKillop, said “Females would get turned off for there is the stereotype of a jock who only has one thing on his mind.” In Indiana his team was told by the manger, “Listen if you do anything in town, put yourself across as a person. ” “Why do they have to tell someone?” said McKillop. “It is not uncommon after losing a warrior game to have someone call at 4 a.m. and ask why we lost.” People also began to treat him differently when they found McKillop was associated with the university. One occasion he was greeted with, “You’ve got lots of, sexual problems there. ”
stereotypes Origianlly he would go to the pub after games. Now that he has been working for the university, he is no longer invited. McKillop said he found himself getting defensive when used for status reasons. “Someone would come up to him and talk about something quite insignificant. They would then go off and say they were talking with me and I said such and such. ” Lynne Woolstencroft, a county education board trustee, talked about the things that happened to her as a result of being in a public office. She said, “I would get calls at 6:15 in the morning from a woman saying, ‘You bitch’.” Lynne said, “At least I get up. I refused to take the phone off the hook since one of the platforms I had run on was to be available to the public for which the school board was notorious. “Some of the most abrassive calls have been from women. ” She explained the dilemma she found herself in. A woman came up to her after having won the trusteeship and said, “Be nice to me I live in Kitchener. ” “It shattered me,” said Woolstencrof t. “I have to be a little thick skinned.” She, at the same time, didn’t want to be callous or less sensitive to people. Woolstencroft told of a tv show she was on (pre taped) and had forgotten about. During the course of the program a woman called her and said she agreed with some of the ideas she had expressed on the show: “Luckily the person agreed with me; they astound me. People do expect that I should have their opinions. ’ ’ She noted a change on the part of friends and .acquaintances after her win. “My friends have dried up. People who used to talk with me about schools are not quite used to my role yet. When I ask questions about things that happen I get vague answers.” . Talking about exploitation Lesley said she is treated more as a sexual object just walking across campus than she was in the miss Canada contest. Woolstencroft said she didn’t understand the women’s liberation emphasis on beauty contests. She thought it was more meaningful to pick on something like the fact men were more often chosen then women for a program, $64 million question. Herb Lefcourt, a prof and psychologist, said he found people treating him differently when they found out he was a psychologist. On one occasion he found himself at a cocktail party where one old gentleman stood “in fear and awe of him at the other side of the room.” Lefcourt said he found at institutions a regular pecking order where patients try to attain some kind of status through various kinds of therapy and compete with one another in talking about, “My therapist says this” but “My therapist says this about what you say”.
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Social change and the play process is the topic of a planning conference being held this weekend. The meetings, organized by the departmenjtof urban and regional planning, will consist of speeches, panel discussions, workshop seminars, presentations and a buffet dinner. Some of the topics which will be covered during the weekend are social change-inside and outside the system, citizen participation, communications, values in a changing society, politics and change, planning education, individual rights in the planning process, civil rights and liberties, zoning controls, family welfare and political responsibility.
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this weekend Some of the speakers will be June Marks, alderwoman from Toronto; Alan Armstrong of the canadian council urban and regional research in Ot-‘ tawa; Prof. William Bunge, a geographer from Detroit, Colin Vaughan, an architect planner from’s’ ratepayers organization in Toronto and Bill Fisher of the CYC in To_ronto. The bulk of the panel discussions will take place on Saturday morning and afternoon. There is a buffet dinner Saturday night. Sunday will be primarily occupied with the workshop seminars.. The wine and cheese party previous scheduled for friday night has been cancelled.
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BY ,
, Students and unions tnyst unite to solve problems by Bob Garthson chevron staff
In past issues of the, chevron, we have tried to point out who controls the U of W, who those people represent, & how their subordinates have high-handedly treated employees at this Univerr sity. A good example was the treatment given the janitorial staff, who were required to work a permanent night shift against their own will - administration propaganda to the contrary - collectively expressed in signed petition. Unfortunately, neither the union nor the administration saw fit to take any corrective action. Since that time, many of the people who openly dared to express their honest opinions have received reprimands, unfair and unequal treatment, and continuous harassment from their supervisors & administrative superiors. None of these people dare ,to continue to speak out for fear of furt her repercussions. They and other employees belonging to CUPE, the union at U of W (only a small percentage of U of W employees belong to the union) are feeling the pressures that come with working for Waterloo’s largest employer - the university. It acts as a service centre for many large industries. It has no heart - people are useful only so long as they unquestionly perform their jobs. Workers who become sick and receive medical treatment from their doctors as well as advice that they should stay off work and recuperate are forced by the university bosses to go to a doctor, hired by the university, for medical examination. In at least one instance, a man was told by that doctor, who did not even give him a physical, that he was fit to return to work. His own doctor disagreed. Obviously the university does not trust in the competence and diagnosis of local family doctors. Nor is it concerned about the health of its employees. As long as individual people can be intimidated by the university for actions and opinions that if collectively taken and expressed, would benefit the large majority or all of the employees, the university will maintain total control over the working lives of its employees. Members of the union must cooperate and work together to gain control over their jobs and lives. So must the thousands of unorganized staff and students who do not even have a minimum of se-
curity against the power of the university administration. ’ Even union security, unless strong, uni-, ted, and continuous action is taken, may prove to be an illusion. Employees should not serve their bosses ; union members should not act as “policemen” over fellow workers - they should not accept jobs as “lead-hands” which put them in supervisory positions - they are being bought off at the expense of a much needed solidarity with their fellows. If. this solidarity could be shown in practice, it would make a beginning at breaking the autocratic rule of the University by the administration bosses and the board of governors. . With the economic situation in Canada getting worse all the time, there will be pressures on the university to economize. ’ We can be sure they won’t cut their own. salaries or break up their growing burreaucratic empires; i they will force their employees, to work harder, with inferior materials and conditions, for little or no increases in real wages. Students will find it more and more difficult to make ends meet. Loans will be scarcer as will _ summer jobs. But many students will continue to plug along expec- ting to find security and a job at the end of their degree. Other students are too cynical or too scared to face reality. In fact few students will find satisfying jobs many will not find jobs at all. Unemployment, welfare, and all that goes with them will be their immediate future at least. Yet students and university employees continue to live and think worlds apart. They look down on each other because they lack, or have been denied knowledge and understanding - of the important common problems that face them. Obviously these grave problems cannot be solved at once - but they never will be solved so long as people with common problems remain divided. The university management do not of course create the problems to begin with - they grow out of the inhumane, competitive dog-eat-dog society, in which we live. The University exists to provide technologocal facilities (computers), and to produce research and good workers (students) when needed by those who control and manage the society. It does not exist to serve the community or the students, nor to give the staff meaningful and fulfilling jobs. These things can only come when people are ready and willing to take them together.
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26 february
7977 (7 7:45)
by Michael chevron
l.e4 c5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.Nf3 g6 4.d4 cd4 5.N:d4 Bg7 6.Be3 Nf6 7.Bc4 d6 8.f3 Qb6?! _
A risky variant. A more move is 8....O-0 or 8 . . .. Bd7 9.Nf5! N :d5
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The queen sacrifice tory for black. 14.Bh6
Kf8 ll.Nd5
Also acceptable is 12.B: d5 K: g7 13.0-O with the retention of the pair of bishops and good attacking chances. 12....Q:al+
More stable is l2...Be6 13.N: e6+ fe6 14.Q:e6 Q:al+ 15.Kd2 Qf6 16. Bh6+ Ke8 17.Q:f6 ef6 18.Bg7 Ke7 19.B:h8 R:h8 with an even endgame.
Be6 15.B:g7+
19.h4 h6 20.93 f6 21.Kf2 hg5 hg5 23.R:h8 R:h8!
After 24.Kg2, 24...Rh2+! would fo11ow anyway. 24...Rbz+ White resigned because, either they will get mated or they will lose the queen: 25. Ke3 Re2+ 26. Kd4 Nc6+-
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than 23.K: white get
= == a>
Rac8 22.
It was necessary to play 13.Kf2 with the following possible continuations : a) l3...Be6? 14.N:e6+ fe6 15.Bh6+ Ke8 16.Q:c6+ bc6 17.R:al with a win for white; b) l3...Q:g7 14.Bh6 Be6 15.B:g7+ K: g7 16.Qb5, B:c4 17.Q:c4 Rac8 with more or less equal chances;-c) l3...Qf6 14.Bh6 Kg8 15.Ne8
Prevents 19.f4; after the preparatory 19.g3 will now follow l9...f6! and threatening 20.. .Nf3 + black gain a tempo for the defence of its light pieces.
A lot more substantial h8. After -24.f4 Rh2+ mated.
I recently read -an article stating that the new 40% Canadian content was great for the future of Canadian pop groups but that there wasn’t enough talent in country music to make it worthwhile. Stompin’ Tom Connors is just one of the relatively unexposed talents who will benefit and who belies that statement. Take a look also at Anne Murray, Gene McLellan (who wrote Snowbird and Put your hand in the hand ‘of the-*man ) and Ian Tyson, to mention a few others, Stompin’ Tom is pure Canadian. Like Lightfoot, he sings all his own stuff, but unlike Lightfoot, he -also records all his material in Toronto. His songs are firmly entrenched in Canadian life, its folk legends, its people and its places. If you give his music a listen you’re liable to hear the name of your home town. As more people shake off their bias against country music, the appeal of solid, earthy . songs like Bud the spud is -growing. It
K:g7 16.Qd3
13. Ke27
a vic-
Even weaker is 17.Qc3 Rac8 and if 18.f4 ‘then l8...R:c4 19.Qb2 R:e4+ and20... R:f4. _
The move 16.Qb5 is not possible because of 16.. . Nd4 +
After ll...K:g7 follows l2.Rbl Qa3 13.Qd2 h5 14.0-O with a fine game for white. 12.Q:d5?
Qd4+ 16.Q:d4 N:d4 17. Rd! Be6 (or 17 . . . Nc6 18.Nc7 Rb8 19.R:d6! ! with a win) 18.Nf6+! ef8 19R:d4 Rd8 20.g4 with a positional advantage for white. --
s :
C-=I z
is a song about the truck drivers who every week run potatoes from Tom’s native P.E.I. to the Toronto docks, delivered in his typical rollicking style. If you’ve heard Stompin’ Tom at all, you’ve. likely heard something in this vein, maybe Sudbury saturda y night, The coal boat song or Algoma
No. 69.
chartbuster, Big Joe is about the Ottawa Valley’s answer to Paul Bun-‘yan. Picture big Joe the lumberjack riding his giant bullfrog’ through Smith’s Falls and putting out a forest fire near Renfrew with five spitballs. Stompin Tom is less well known in this area, than he is in Northern Ontario and the Maritimes. He has appeared in Toronto though, playing the Horseshoe Tavern. He puts on quite a show and brings his own stompin’ board to performances to protect the stage floors, which he’s been known to put his footthrough. Don valley &ii can be compared with the ‘Canadian flick Going down the road. A young boy writes to his girl back home in Nova Scotia from jail after coming to ‘Toronto to make his fortune. Benny the bum takes a look at life on skid row and brings to mind Phil Ochs’ There but for furtune. The degree to which the artist gets into socially significant topics on this album will surprize those who have only heard his lighter maMufferaw
PROSPECTIVELAW SCHOOL APPLICANTS: Monday, March 1,. 1971 - 3:30 p.m. Professor Brian Arnold of the Faculty of Law, The University of Western Ontario, will be here at the University of Waterloo, Engineering Lecture Building,’ Room 207, to talk to interested students, and to answer questions. _Application forms and calendars are available in the Career, Placement and Planning Centre. Candidates are advised to submit applications and Law School Admission Test results by the earliest possible date.
Further phone, Officer, Ontario, 2989.
Wowie zowie, look, all you competition freaks, the authors of this week’s puzzle, John Dorn and Gary, lelinka, have donated a prize, a modern art sculpture, to the first correct solution brought down to the chevron office. Isn’t that nice? And to the hordes of you contemplating submitting a puzzle, Feedback has some helpful hints on how to type them realneat. Y
Across 1. What Burt Matthews gets for ten years of cocksucking (2 words) 14. What lawyers and drunks use 15. To invest in 16. I go ---over Subway Elvis 17. Sarge’s dog 18. What every frosh misses 19. Dope freaks 20. Inept fighters 23. What the kampus kops did to my head 24. “Good-bye” for kk 26. Slang for I am 27. Keys tone ----29. Any idiot you would find in the Alps 32. Famous quote from oe Million years B.C.
33. Found in campus center 35. Shut your -----( eng) 36. What they said to your student loan application -b,rothers, 37. L ______-_ liberators
. -
39. ----_-----
‘n’ Andy
41. Go to Curly’s, do not pass---42. ---.--------, a dazzle (2 words) 45. 2.2 lbs cocaine (2 words) 46. Famous TV wrestler, ---Arakawa 47. Male goat 49. Initials of famous trapeze artist 50. American hard-hat hero 53. Indian lodging 54. Old austrian king’s coin 59. Bobby --------60. Cockney’s thanks 61. Jackie’s newest stud 63. Where to get your old russian tractor fixed 64. Not for the average Joe to attempt this crossword, Nebacanezzar (abbn) 67. -----mosis 68. Hang a -------69. --------magnon 70. Local high school Down
1. Supper,@ village II 2. US black revolutionary hero j -----Turner , 3. New rubbies organization (abbn) .4. Balling sickness 5. What portugese fishermen did to prevent starvation 6. Type of music ---I& -7. Stop a space mission 8. Hare krishna, hare -----
Not blind opposition to progress, but opposition to b End progress
9. Young Nazis (abbn) 10. To pass wind 11. Black turncoat 12. Personal ID 13. Dynetz soviet people’s democ. (abbn) g 20. US spent four billion for these (3 words) 21. Michael, ---the-boat shore 22. Kk idol, ---Crawford 25. Therefore 28. Lots in a circle 29. She’s a -----30. Supporting role in One million
information can be obtained by mail, teleor a personal interview with the Admissions Faculty of Law, The University of Western London Ontario. 5 19-679-3439 or 5 19.-679-
GOLD& G,EM -SHOP LTD. diamonds and precious gems all work done on the premises
gold jewellery
years B.C.
31. Wiped out by starvation
260 king st. w.
34. Show starring Howie the turtle pig 38. Uncle -L-l-the 40. Aftershave used by famous circus trapeze artist, Pedro Kawalski 41. Swindling hippies 43. Land on -------(2 words) 44. Fierce african tribe 45. Where Chuck Berry goes parking 48. Where it’s -----51. Famous Zionist 52. Archaic you 55. Mickey mouse faculty 56. Gods’ volcano 57. George -----58. -------el Welch 62. On her majesty’s China service (abbn) 65. Greasers’ antenna flag 66. Big Ontario city (not Rexdale)
‘The S-au/t Ste. Marie Board of Education will interview candi-: dates graduating in 1977 who wish to teach in Secondary Schools on March 3, 7977 in .the Cabeer Planning and Placement Office.
26 february
* 7977 f 7 7:45)
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test anxiety get you? Are you unduly concerned evaluation? Does worrying abut how you are interfere with your studying? .
The Counselling Services is providing special procedures for students whose level of anxiety is interfering with their work and who feel this worry is largely due to the specific fear of exams. This assistance may be exiended to other relatively specific hang-ups such as class presentations or /speaking in public. If interested call Counselling Services, 744-617 I, Ext. 2655.
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file cabinets - desks ad,dingmachines - calculators Rentals - 742-1582 (open til8 p.m.)
east-west vulnerable the auction : South West North 1H _3C 4H 4s pass 5H 6H pass pass
Lockhart Office supply 659King St. W., Kitchener
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+ _ south deals. East pass pass pass
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,::fi:::.:: ...":.,._ :y: ,:./; ...................
Opening lead : club ace. , . South opened his hand with a bid of one heart. West then prei empted with-a heavy three clubs. The vulnerability warrants the strength of west’s bid. North bid four hearts and south then made ~a slam try by bidding four spades. North’s five heart response might have dampened south’s hopes, but he carried on to the slam. South ruffed the opening club lead and pulled two rounds of trump ending on the dummy. He then ruffed a second club and, cashed four rounds of spades leaving only red cards in dummy and his hand. At this point two lines of play are open to declarer. He can either play for the diamond king in the west hand by cashing the ace and
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leading toward the queen, or he can play for east to hold the diamond king and at least one other diamond honor. To execute the second line of play declarer must lead a small diamond from his hand without cashing the ace and cover whatever west should play. When east gains the lead on this play he must give declarer a ruffsluff or return a diamond away from his honor. On the actual lie of the cards, the simple lead toward the queen wins. In actual play declarer took the more exotic line of play and went down to defeat. + Duplicate bridge is played every tuesday evening in the social sciences lounge at 7 pm. Entry fees are 5Oc per person and everyone is welcome.
by David
chevron staff ’
THE TRIAL If the preview is any indication, is well worth seeing. The play, reworked and directed by Mita Scott, is an effort to present completely contemporary theatre. Taking as subject matter the life of Father Daniel Berrigan and the group of Catholics who gravitate towards him, the play zeros in on the ‘spi.ritual’ malaise of America. It is a graphic study of those who would live Christ-like in a Philistine society; Father Dan and his cohorts are characterized through the several stages of their attempt to’deal with the savage inhumanity of America within the church and through foreign aid, then by petition and peaceful demonstration. The exhaustion of these methods and the resulting frustration finally prompts the- group to destroy US draft files ; for them it, is an act exemplary of Christian behaviour in a land devoid of sensitivity, humanity, in a word, of love. The play unfolds in the courtroom, the format being a presentation of the agonies of conscience which lead each of the nine individuals to interpret justice for themselves. This setting doubles as a circus, the jury presented as clowns, the lawyers as ringmasters in conflict. This device facilitates a beautiful parody of the conflict between the ‘spirit of the law’ and the word of the law itself, between feeling and responsibility on the one hand and duty and submission on the other. Slavishness is exhibited rite-like through the judge and prosecuting
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834 the Chevron
chevron staff
St.- E. Kitchener
witness a vivid account-of the conflict between institutionalized atrocity and. sensitive, religious consciences; the dilemna is moral, fought in the realm of the mindit is a spiritual matter which appeals to community, brotherhood and love as solutions. These solutions can never be more than wishful> thinking, albeit sincere, in that they fail to grasp man as he really is, in his activity. We are presented with institutions that have gone wrong, are inhuman, rigid, lack love; the disparity between the original intent of the constitution and its current interpretation is clearly indicated-but presented as some fall from an original state of grace, a degeneracy of the spirit. Certainly our institutions are immoral and antiChristian-but surely we should ask how they came to that statea question which cannot be answered in terms of spirit itself. Did this immorality drop from the sky, or are there perhaps more ‘earthly’, non-moral reasons for it? The desire to achieve a community where love is celebrated is a beautiful hope, but it can never be realized until the reality of American life is confronted realistically, in the interplay between the spiritual and the mater-h/ spheres. The outcome of all of this is at best a ‘guilting’ of the audience, self-defeating in that guilt tends to incapacitate people rather than animate them in a progressive way. Nonetheless, Trial is a complex, imaginative and rewarding experience for which we are all indebted to Blackfriars.
by Mel Rotman
8 King 3.
attorney, only to be ridiculed through the world of clowns and show behaviour. Th- play proceeds via a number of inno.lative stage devices-especially el’fective is-the use of slides, interspersed with recordings of concise comments by well-known international figures from Brecht, through Hitler, to Thoreau. This technique enhances the biographical and documentary character of the production, as well as driving home perceptive summaries of the emotional content presented by the actors. The acting itself was quite good. Makeup, costumes and props were all effective, leaving the stage and the cast uncluttered. The one prop which was clearly out of place was the bullwhip which in no way suited the character of the defence attorney. One sorespot was the musical presentation, the movement required making for awkward lapses in the central action, while the content digressed from rather than complimented the major theme. If there is any major criticism to be made, it lies with the content dealt with rather than the acting or production. The play presents itself as a political testament of the Christian conscience which includes an ‘ought’, that is, a message about how other men should <. feel and act. Trial is billed as ‘a new experience in the theatre of a man’s mind’, an event which ‘will be Iplayed out in the consciences of all good men’. This is entirely accurate and sljells out both its strength and its weakness. We
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degree of psychic equilibrium. His only positive attribute is that movie is Frank Langella. He por- . he most appropriately labels her trays an author who is a profeshusband “John-a-thing”. sional lover and an egotistical heart hardened, corruption, heel. His acting is good, though a or His maybe coldness, set in and as bit more development would have I he gives more and more of himself been desirable. This would, of to acquiring material gains, the course, have been difficult around less he has to give for spiritual Miss Snodgrass, while, Langella needs - such as love. is almost incidental to the plot. This of course is pathetic, the Teena, the central figure is continually pestered and imposed up- tradgedy however, lies in the way he ’ twists the personality of his on by husband, children, and their peers. This is the reverse of the children so that they take on his aspirations and values ,and most classical ‘jewish mother’ situasadly, his wife is devoured in the tion, a fact brought into’ focus process. when in a scene used for comic relief, a jewish mama accosts It is her fight for survival that Benjamin with her problems. we view. The surprise ending Teena is finally forced to seek a shows her once more clutching at lover in order to maintain a de- straws, to save herself from gogree of sanity. ing under. One is left with the feelThe lover she chooses hasn’t the ing that it is hopeless, not only for type of personality one would recher but for the rest of society. Her ommend in order to maintain any malaise is ours.
HOUSEWIFE now cinema is in town. It taking the
playing at the Fairview the best movie showing is certainly well worth time to go and see it. The character development is exceptionally well done. Carry Snodgrass’s nomination for the academy award is deserved and quite understandable. One, however, might lament that there are no awards of any value, in the US for american films. The movie centers around‘carry Snodgrass, who portrays an uppermiddle class housewife. in New York. Her husband played by Richard Beniamin. another excellent actor, is a well to do lawyer, who gets out of his depth in upper crust society, and attains the obnoxious affectedness that goes with it. The other main character in the
836 the Chevron
26 february
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T&y Satichuk’s death under iniiestigation by New York police Ry ST.W tISCHLk:R Special la The Star ‘NEW Y0RL-j’erl.y Sawchuk. goaltender Ior the New York Rangers, died yesterday in hospital and police are awaitlng an autopsy report to determineIf a grand jury investigation should be held into the cause of his death. Sawchuk, 40. a former star with Toronto Maple Leafs, died a day after e m e r g e n c y surgery to remove a collectionof blood from his liver. He had been in hospital a monthfollowing an 0per;tion to remove an injured gall bladder. Sawchuk’s OriginaLinjury has been traced back to an incident that occurred the night of April 29,allegedly involving his teammateRon Stewart.also a former Leaf. The Star learned today that the New York Rangers -
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14 838
the Chevron
to protect Stewart’s rights “if any protecting is needed.” He addedthat Stewart will not make any furlher statements to authorities “at the moment.” According to a report r:leasedto The Star by police in Nassau County. LongIsland, Stewart and Sawchuk became involved in ac arSee SAWCHUK’S,page 2 l Other stories, pictures on pages12and 13.
TERRY S.iWCHUK Death follows injury club has hi r e d Nicholas Casteilano, a prominent New,York criminal lawyer, to represent Stewart. Castellano -was retained Saturday before’sawchuk’s death. He said he was hired
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26 february
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18 842
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on. campus
Gay’ group by Robert Rogers chevron staff.
Concern for the plight of the homosexual university student is the focus of a new organization on campus. The approach of this group to be known as Waterloo universities’ gay liberation movement will, in the words of one of the organizers, be “positive and supportive in contrast to the negative and oppressive orientation of the conventionally moralistic society”. The founders of the group are all students at uniwat and wuc and believe that, far from being a problem of mental ilealth, the difficulties that homosexuals experience are due to their struggle to live authentically in what is, overtly at least, an exclusively heterosexual up-tight community. One of the-spokesmen for the group, a grad student in psychology at uniwat, maintains that “... the previously subscribed-to assertions that homosexuality per see represents pathology were formulated on the basis of unrepresentative samples of homosexuals observed by psychiatrists in therapy”. “Some homosexuals are disturbed” he said “but this is due to the difficulties they encounter in living in a sex-negative heterosexual society and the feelings that evolve about themselves as a result of these difficulties.” He further backs up this claim by citing research evidence provided recently by psychologist Dr Evelyn Hooker which showed that a group of nonclinical homosexuals were’ rated as being equally well-adjusted as a group of non-clinical heterosexuals by a group of professional psychotherapists who used their clinical experience and batteries of psychological tests in arriving at their judgements. Within the last decade some researchers such as social-psychiatrist Dr. Martin Hoffman (in the Gay World) have concluded that it is prejudice and discrimination by bigoted heterosexuals that is the cause of the homosexual’s unhappiness. The most realistic and humane solution is being seen by more. professionals and laymen as involving the integration of the overt homosexual into the dominant culture by working for increased understanding and acceptance of gay people as equal by straights. “We believe it is better to change prejudice into tolerance than to attempt the regulation of constructive feelings of same-sexed people for each other” said a groupmember. Similar movements have been started within the last year at university of Toronto, York and Western universities and are currently being organized at Guelph and MacMaster. These movements subscribe to the beliefs and objectives of senior organizations in the United States such as the mattachine society of Washington, the oldest, and the gay liberation front of\ Los Angeles, the most militant. Central to the ideology of- these movements is the belief that homosexuals comprise a minority group which is being denied certain basic civil rights, mainly the freedom to love. Best estimates suggest that this is a very large minority group probably second in size in the United States only to the black minority. Sociological comparisons have in fact been --drawn between the movements working independently for the equality of blacks and gay people. One of the greatest obstacles against organizing, for gay rights has been, according to one member L‘ . . . fear and apathy by gays themselves.” “Many ’ people have feared persecution and exposure by supporting movements of this type and have found it preferable to lurk in the social shadows of large urban centres like Toronto” he said. However, recent cultural trends favoring a movement toward individualism and away from arbitrary conformity has now set the stage for gay liberation he feels. “Just as blacks had to come to an awareness of their personal worth before the movement could gain impetus”, he claims, “so it has been with gay people.” “Blacks coined to phrase ‘black is beautiful’ and gays are now using the slogan ‘gay is good’ “. Another parallel between the two movements lies in their rejection of labels given them by their oppressors ; blacks dropped the term negro in referring to themselves and gay people now reject the term homosexual preferring the term gay. According to one organizer this is because the “former term has many pejorative connotations and unrealistically overemphasizes the sexual aspect of gay relationships. These relationships involve a whole network of complex and positive human emotions such as love, concern for the loved one, tenderness and selflessness” he contends “and are therefore as existentially valuable and sacred as are heterosexual relations.” The problem as this spokesman sees it is to provide a favorable social climate in which these positive feelings may flourish. Again using
it seems to be a
fair guess that there are between five-hundred and a thousand gay students at the two universities and that means, in the words of one member” .. that there are a lot of people yearning to love each other. ” The greatest problem faced by the gay student at university is his alienation from suitable social life in that all social life is coordinated to heterosexual interests. One member who lived through a nightmare in first year at uniwat describes his experiences : “Lacking an awareness of other ’ gay people the new gay student is forced into playing a role which is intrinsically alien to himself he has to play it straight. At an age when his emotional and sexual needs are greatest, he is obliged to conceal his true feelings for fear of ridicule or persecution and is forced into seeking the affection of his fellow students for something that he is not - i.e. straight. This situation is particularly harsh at Waterloo’s universities in light of the increasing tendency toward residence living where everyone is obliged to establish his reputation by bragging about his sexual conquests with -members ofi the opposite sex. So great is this pressure toward conformity that the gay student may come to despise what he is really feeling and may sink into a morass of doubt, guilt and shame that haunts him constant1Y. He feels that he can tell no-one of his dilemma for, what little acceptance he has achieved, has been based on this lie of being straight. Counselling services may seem to be the only resort yet he may be fearful of approaching them as he does not know what he will encounter there.” According to the psych grad organizer for the group many psychologist now try to work with gay clients by helping them to accept their homosexuality and this is more realistic than trying to convince them of the lie they have been living. “Most psychologists are now saying that there is no ‘cure’ for homosexuality because it is not anything like an illness”, he said. Nonetheless it seems that the plight of the gay student at these _ universities in Waterloo is very severe.
6 By meetings pants to love and male and
providing the opportunity, at regular and in private discussions, for particidiscuss any and _all aspects of human sexuality with the emphasis being on female homosexuality
l By educating the general public about the nature of gay love and sexuality through discussion groups, lectures and publications. Overcoming ignorance and fear in the community and replacing .myth and stereotypes with accurate information is seen as eventually leading to integration of the gay citizen into thelarger society. -
7 8:00
University Dance Programme Guest Artist Judy Jatvis Humanities Building Theatre Free Admission tickets available Central Box Office Ext. 2 126
at the
. FRI.
FEB. 12:30 P.M. . Film - Civilisation Series “THE LIGHT OF EXPERIENCE” AL 116 Free Admi,ssion -
3 12:30
Noon Concert - Joanne Elligsen, Pianist Theatre of the Arts t Free Admission Joanne has been studying piano for twelve years. She is presently studying for her A.R.C.T. with Mr. Erhard Schlenker. Her programme includes works by Bach, Beethoven, Chopin and Debusy.
4 12:00
to I:30
Continuous showing of films entitled “Monet” and “The Reality- of Karl Appel” in connection with the opening of the gallery exhibition “DEVELOPMENT OF COLOUR IN WESTERN ART.” Films shown in Theatre of the Arts Free Admission Reception following
The major initial value of gay lib as its organizers see it will be to break the silence regarding homosexuality within the university and, in the words of one member “ . . to shatter the illusions of heterosexuals who think they are living in a world of sexual consensus.” It will provide a student-sanctioned organization that can respond to the needs of the gay student. It will provide him with a sense of community with others, many of whom will share his emotional and sexual preferences, and will offer him opportunities to live with integrity inside himself. The gay student may join the ‘movement and attend regular meetings or he may simply consult with members by dropping into Gay Lib’s .office anytime for personal counselling, information, referral or legal aid and he may do so, if he wishes, with assured confidentiality. * The organization will be open to membership by anyone who endorses the social philosophy and objectives of the group. gay liberation strives to meet the needs of the gay student and to advance the cause of gay freedom in the following ways :
- 36,
with each Big John Sub or two Little John Subs
pick phone
-- -1-------m-B1
up orders
ahead for large orders and avoid waiting
l By working in cooperation with all university and community agencies who have a direct involvement with gay people as clients, wards etc. This would include such groups as counselling services, athletic organizations, children!? aid societies, schools, churches etc. l By exposing and combatting through lawful means all known instances of discrimination against or persecution of any student on the grounds of alleged or actual homosexuality by anyone or c any group whatsoever. l By maintaining contact with and working in close cooperation with other provincial and national movements of similar objectives for the eventual absolute equality before the law of the gay / citizen. l By arranging for social activities that meet the needs of the members and promote objective of integration.
will the friday
26 february
1977 (7 ~-45)
843 19
Going into the ‘final week of men’s intramural competition, with 2 team championships in hockey, basketball and floor hockey undecided, 2 team toumaments in co,-ed volleyball and broomball to be played and an individual table tennis tournament \ to go, the overall Fryer competitive trophy and Townson participation award are anybody’s guess. After 24 activities, St. Jeromes appears destined to capture both awards %but last year they blew it. Will St. Jeromes let it happen ’ twice?
I 11yii~3
, Student
for groups
and clubi
,I’ Oveiallpoints
to d&e:
Fnfer: - I - - .
1 St. jeromes
2 v2-se 3 renison 4 upper eng 5 grads 6 st. Paul’s - 7 lower math 8 science 9v2-nw 10arts
234 183l/2 183 165 164l/2 164l/2 151 137l/2 135
1 st. jeromes, 2vLwest , - 3 renison 4 st. Paul’s 5 vt-se
‘Fdllow the Ball ‘.
7 vl-south 8 lower math 9v2-nw lbvl-east L 10arts
/ i
:: 119 116 112 111 197 103 ::
ment L favourites. Tourn-ament starts tuesday march 2 at Queensmount arena at 9:06. The championship game will be held sunday march 7 at _11 %O pm Moses Springer arena. Table tennis expects large entry. Last year 155 students .participated in the tourney. If that is any indication this year should be bigger.Tournament date wetiesday march 3rd at 7: 00 pm in main gym. Final entry date is today , fridayfebrubary 26. ‘1 , Question : Would the university
playdo wns uptight
Can St. Jeromes keep the Con-’ don cup? All playoff positions are decided except the Residence league. Either St..Jeromes or Renison could .end on top. There are 6 other teams who are all, dark horses in the.league that could win the basketball championship. VlCommunity enjoy a fun night in the South backed by Stan Talisnick gym racing.‘hot wheels and sizzlers and Art Webster put -_the _ sometime in late march? If in- - could -damper on the Bagbitters. The terested phone ’ Peter Hopkins, playoff dates are setdirector of’ men’s intramurals at \ Ext 3532.
Monday - quarter main g;vm
coud 1 7-8:30 1st resid. vs VtNW (A) 8:30-10VlSouth vs PE & Ret (D) court 2 7-8:301. Mathvs2ndres (B) 8:30-10U.Eng vs Arts (0 tuesday - semi finals court
/ \
10:00 pm at Moses Springerarena. Arts has the inside track now that Engineers are Out of it. It could b-e a repeat performance for the Artsmen, who are reigning champions.
Women’s Baiketball
is the up-and-coming
sport of the season this year! results from february 9th are: vl-s defeated by vl-w off campus beat v2-w v2-n over vl-n by default vl-e over phys ed by default copop clobbered vl-w st. pauls ran over v2-n off campus beat notre dame vl-e over v2-e by default
‘9-10130winner of series A vs winner.of series D court 2 9-10:30winner of series B vs winner of Series C thursday, march 4th - championship 8: 45-10:15pm winner of semi’s
A repeat for Coop iit floor hockey?
The 14-9 8-6
12-2\. 10-l , 7-l
The play-offs which are played march 4th at 7: 15 and 8:90 pm are: for 3rd and 4th place - at 7: 15 pm st. pauls vs vl-east for 1st and 2nd place - at 8: 00 pm off campus vs coop Get out and support your team! Get the guys to come out and cheer, too! Doubles .badminton results from febrgary 10th are : 1st place - mary ’ Maddock and Allison Barr from St: Pauls 2nd place - Dianne Hyde and Karen Bumside. from Vl-North Congratulations, girls! Just goes to show what you can do when you get together.
Undefeated Coop reigning masters of floor hockey are a shoo-in Hockey Upsets: for -the Seagram award. Except Tuesday night at Queensmount arena is a night to be forgotten if for the Grads, V2-SE, St. Jeromes, you are an engineer or grad. These \ Upper Math, PE and Ret, VlWest and Env. Studies Coop should two powerhouses of hockey met have little trouble, lead by the upset defeats in overtime. Peter Fred Holmes, they had betBedford, of St. Pauls popped in tiger ter not be as cocky as they were in the winning goal with 2 minutes when they went undeleft in ‘overtime to break the 2-2 lacrosse, tie. This marks the first defeat of _ feated and then blew it in the final. the Upper ,Eng team in three years. In that time they had amas,Playo.ff dates: ’ Semi-finals - Seagram stadium l sed an impressive 28-O record. wednesday march 3rd Most of these Eng are graduating 7: 00-8:30Winner of vbe/grads r and proud they should be of their vs -- -_ excellence in sportsmanship and Winner of st. jer/e. studies’ D6n’t forGet: 8:30-10:00winner of PE(U. Math , ability. Vl-West upset the grads vs with an early goal in overtime 3-2. Bordenball play-offs’ next tuesd winner of Coop/Vi-W Arts continued their power by day march 2nd. ‘thursday march 4 Championships swamping Vl-South 3-O while St. Squash - 7: 00-8: 30 pm in squash Seagram stadium , Jeromes had to extend themselves 7:O&9: 00pm winner of semi’s courts \ to get a win ,from the tenacious - instructional classes on monLower Math crow;-On thursday St. , days. Pauls will play Arts’ (lo‘-11 : 30 pm) Broomball tournament a first. - playing session,on tuesdays. . and Vl-West plays St. Jeromes Some-16 teams are expected in the Synclironized swimming 6/30( 11: 30-l : 00 pm) at Moses Springer first men’s broomball touma7 : 30 pm every thursday night. arena in semi final play with the ment. L. Burko’s Artsmen with ’ Gymnastics - every tuesday two winners advancing to the Bullsuch stars as Seele Haehnel and 7 : 00-9 : 00 pm I- blue upper activity I brook cup championship sunday Cotton appear to be pre-toumaarea. :
Yes! A&diamondfrom ‘1 Dunnette’sis worth whiie’showingoff. ,, Forthe tinest in ,\ v-al’uebndstvle . . . I
2 Locatrons
20 844
Inn of the, Black Walnut .’ -
the, track
George Neeland one of the best hurdlers in Canada, holds ’ the Canadian record for the 110 metre hurdles, and has been competing internationally / for Canada since 1967. His running.has taken him to Scandinavia, Scotland, mkyo, Italy and from coast to coast in Canada. It is probable that he will appear in the Olympic Games in Munich in 1972. In view of these facts. it is somewhat surprising to talk to George and to find that he is a very quiet and reserved person. He has had his ,problems academically since starting at Waterloo in 1966 in the faculty -of science. After failing his year twice,*-he took a year off school and worked as, an apprentice printer. He returned in Arts last year, did’ok and says that he’s doing even better this year. He hopes to be admitted to third year kinesiology next year, having compiled the necessary credits. If he fails to get in here he plans to try Western. ‘He speaks vaguely about _/teaching and coaching. one ‘day but doesn’t have any definite plans about what .he wants to doi ‘,‘I
haven’t really found myself yet,” ‘. on anyway. He also feels that the administration here is he . says. “Maybe some day I athletic will. ” In the meantime, life-cona bit, dhick, what with budget hassles and everything. sists of track, schoolwork and George has been eligible to doing a little work on his car when compete in two outdoor OQAA he. has-the time and money. The meets for the Warriors and has of books take up a lot of George’s time. “I- realize that I have to course won his specialty on both occasions. Last fall he was one of work pretty hard at it to get by,“, the most valuable members of he says. There is not too much the team, contributing thirds in the happening in Waterloo to ‘turn him 100 metre dash and the long jump to go with his hurdling gold. With regard to his track future, all of his training is geared toward the summer of ‘72. He is presently working a lot with weights to see what the effect willbe on his per- formances next summer. Ultimately, George, hopes to be the first Canadian to break 14 seconds for . _ the hurdles but he says that Tony Nelson from Quebec will probably be the one to do it. His present Canadian record stands at 14.2. ,An indication of how reticent George is in the fact that ‘his closi est friends have been that since they were all in grade two. His roommate Russle Gnyp, when George Neeiand may be callasked aboutGeorge, said,‘ ‘Who?‘ed a world travelling hurdler. \ Oh, yeah. He lives herb. ” i ‘7 .
- ,
the Chevron
. ’
Scott and Young
average student. Dr. Dumont traces historical links as far back as - Waterloo arena, that shabby the sacking of Rome, to which he yet hallowed sports mecca to a refers in support of his thesis, nation, was the scene, last friday drawing on facts which, although night of an event which is likely insignificant when’ apparently _ to shine like a brilliant star taken alone, fit together like a through the dark skies of history. giant, intricate jigsaw into an harmonious and convincing whole. In a glorious, tumultuous spectacle, attended by seething hordes By these unorthodox, but ingenious means, he has evolved a of rowdy hockey-buffs, the notorious Waterloo Warriors mercitheory, the distillation of which lessly routed the Guelph club in may be found in that triumph of thought known sincere and savage combat for a modern scientific 5-2 decision, thereby securing as Dumont’s First Law. With reference to friday night’s their rightful place at the top in the fiercely competitive western game, Dr. Dumont smugly points division of the O-QAA. out that the results match exactly The chevron was fortunate this the prediction he made more than three weeks ago when he was week in obtaining an exclusive interview with local hockey punguestof-honor at a faculty club dit Dr. -Gabriel Dumont, the .man party. Dr. Dumont not only foresports fans know as “the Prophet’. cast the score correctly, he even It has been Dr. Dumont’s longnamed John Morris as likely’ to standing contention that, despite score a goal and an assist, and on the gloomy forecasts of those this point too, events have vindine’er-do-well promisbegotten cated his prophecies. phets-of-doom who argue that inThough presently convalescing from a recent illness, the good ter-collegiate hockey as a way-oflife is in its death-throes, there are doctor is planning a series of lec(doctor’s signs that a new and better era is1 tures for late March, orders permitting), to be titled on its way in which this sport will Viewpoint on the Poonce again occupy a central and in- “A Marxist Significance of tegral position in the life of the litico-Cultural by Cousin
. Wutedoo After a big win at the OQAA championships last weekend at Kingston the university of Toronto will be gunning for their sixth national CIAU swimming title in
ISign medals at Quebec When the Central Ontario track team invaded the multi million dollar complex at Lava1 University, there were seven Warriors involved in the subsequent annihilation’ of the Quebecois contingent. The six Warriors involved, returned home with three gold medals and an equal amount of silvers. George Neeland - suffered his second defeat *of the season when he ran a retarded 6.9 seconds in the hurdles event. Python Northey and Sammie Pearson continued the Warrior winning tradition by crossing the line together at the ‘end of the 3000 run. The sharp eyed judges, however, awarded Sammie with the first place finish, with both runners clocked in 8:36.3 Last week when the duo won together in Toronto, Python was given the gold. Waterloo’s rapidly improving jumper Gord Robertson snatched first place in the triple jump with a leap of 44’8”. He also kicked out an impressive 21’9” in the long jump. Replacing Dennis McGann r in the high jump, Gord proved his versatility by adding to the point total in that event. ‘At the end of five rounds in the long jump, McGann was second by less than two inches with a . jump of 23’ 1 l/2”. In his final effort, he took off in what seemed to be the winning leap, but crumbled\ to the sand with a pulled hamstring muscle leaving him with hisfirst season loss and out of active competition for the remainder of the indoor circuit. Tommie Pearson added the final gold to the Warrior total as he outdistanced the field in the-1500 mt. which he covered in 3.58.4. Tommie travels to Winnipeg this weekend for the National Championships, while a large group of 7 the Warriors will compete in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Mass-Spectator-Sports in a preFascist Society,” or, “Jackboots, Jockstraps and the well-dressed Amerikan &Ian. ” /’ Casting aside his newspaper image which would dismiss him as the ‘Self-Appointed Love-Guru to the Beat Generation’, Dr. Dumont describes himself in urlpre-
tentious terms as ‘just another ordinary man with certain intellectual abilities, doing his best to make this world a better place for man to live in. ’ . This unassuming, candid modesty, so different from the typical blow-yourown horn -tactics of the average celebrity is refresh-
ing to find in a man of thisimmense cerebral stature. Yes, Gabe Dumont asks only one thing of the world, the pleasure of being allowed to work for the good of his fellow man. From our very souls let us pray that heaven should grant his wish.
C/AU - swim
seven years at the% u of Waterloo Jim Saw of Toronto who came in physed pool this weekend. 4th at the Mexican Olympics and This is the first time the mens Ken Ward of Alberta. championships have been held Alex Fedko of Toronto, also at Waterloo and if this isn’t on, the Canadian .BCG team is a enough next weekend the first good bet for the 200 individual ever women’s CIAU title will also medley but will be pushed by Doug be decided here. Jameson of Alberta. With the uniwat pool being In the 200 and 500 freestyle one of the fastest short course events Carl Waterer of Saskatchepeals in Canada most coaches ex- wan Mike Guinness, of Toronto, pect nearly all if not all records to and Dave Johnson will all be fall. The big teams to watch battling. it out and anyone could will of course be Toronto and take them. McGill from the OQAA, and the Western’s Ken Fowler the deuniversity of Alberta with twelve fending CIAU champion for the swimmers who could play the 200 breaststroke is swimming very spoilers role at the meet. well this season and-could take the Other leagues represented begold but Ken Morgan of Alberta sides the OQAA and WIAU will be who won the WIAU last weekend the Atlantic conference and the is the big threat. Jim Frost who Ottawa-St. Lawrence conference. won the OQAA crown also last The line up of swimmers is most weekend will definitely be in the impressive with many internaswim. tional stars from across the counTo round out fridays competitry in the meet. tion the strong u of Toronto team Friday’s competition will begin of Shaw, Ballentyne, Heatley and at lo:30 with 1 metre diving. Ron Adams will definitely be shooting Freisen of the u of Saskatchewan for a Canadian record in the 400 has won the CIAU title three years yd medley relay. McGill and Alin a row and it-will take exceptionberta will probably provide the al diving by Doug Darling of Wesbiggest challenge. tern or Mike Boyd also of Saska- ’ In Saturdays events Bob Heattchewan to dethrone Freisen. ley the defending chamipon and The swimming preliminaries CIAU record holder should capwill go at lpm friday with the finture the gold for the 100 butterfly. als at 7 pm. As for the 100 freestyle, the Warriors Brad Walker who chevron will predict a winner but broke the OQAA 200 yd butteras for his name, well it could be fly record by 2.7 seconds and postAdams, Nesbitt, Coke or Hewson ing the fastest time, 2:03.5, in the country for the distance is expected to have a good battle on his hands. His greatest challenge should come from Brian Richie of the u of Saskatchewan who is the defending CIAU champ and Bob Peeling of McMaster. In the 50 yd freestyle- the Chevron sports department will go on the line and favor Don Hewson of Mount Allison university. Hewson an american, has tied the Canadian Open record of 21.9 sec. this year and should be- able to nip Jim Adams, a Brazilian, studying at Toronto and McGill’s Bill Coke. The 200 backstroke should be taken by John Hawes of McGill who was a member of the 1970 British Commonwealth and the World Student Games teams. Hawes, the present Canadian record holder will be pushed by \ Bad Walker swims in CIAU’s
of Mount Allison, or it could be someone else. In the 160 backstroke, Jim Shaw won the OQAA’s in 55.2 seconds and.has to be given the nod over Dalhousie’s John March and ‘John Hawes of McGill. The 100 breaststroke should be a barn burner with any one of four swimmers taking it. Ross Ballentyne, Fowler, Frost and Morgan will likely battle off. Freisen of the u. of s. Huskies should be a double winner and take the 3 metre competition over Hawkes of Guelph. In the 400 individual medley, John Hawes of McGill the OQAA champ will have to go all out to take Norgrove Penny of Alberta and Richard Zajchowski of MC Gill and Toronto’s Terry Bryan. Action begins at 11 am saturday with the preliminaries followed by the finals at 4 pm. .Meanwhile most of the War-
riors wrapped up ‘the season last weekend at the OQAA championships in Kingston where the swimmers placed sixth out of ten teams. Toronto won six of 18 events to outpoint McGill 498 to 421. Guelph was third with 218 points, followed by McMaster with 179, Western 174, Waterloo 166, Queen’s 99, Windsor, 69, Lava1 36 and Montreal 0. The Warriors swim team upped their point total considerably from 129 just a year ago and with a young team are expecting even greater ‘things next year with McGill out of the league and Toronto losing probably half - of their team through graduation. This year every team record fell and-the dual meet record was 11-7 as compared with a 5-5 record of 1969-70. All in all a very successful season.
26 february
797 7 f 7 L-45)
bring ‘home O-QAA
, Gmpplers~ ,-
For the second consecutive year At 118, Larry Bryant by the luck our wrestling Warriors have gain- of the draw, wrestled the second ed the Porter trophy, emblimatic and third place finishers early in of O-QAA wrestling supremacy. the competition but fought this This year however, there is a cat- off to win fourth. ’ ch: the persistent Western MusShaking off the effects of losing tangs have also earned the right thirteen pounds in four days, John to have their name engraved be- Barry came on strong in his first low that of the Warriors. days competition to pin Bob PesIn the action at Kingston we owsky early in the first round. His found ourselves in a first place tie next bout was against his strongwith 62 points, after Western’s last , est competition and again the dehope in the heavyweight division termination that pervaded the finished in third place and-gainedwhole team came out as John them the necessary tying points. fought to a draw with Toronto’s In competition at the different Cooper., weight classes our Warriors sucIn the next day’s matches John’s ceeded in winning& two titles and loss of weight seemed minimal as gained the rest of their points with he virtually ate out western’s Tinsley. It had been rumored before hard fought finishes.
-Gord Mooi-e, the chevron
Introducing (Would unlimited European
you believe rail travel countries*
this match that Tinsley would crush Barry, but this was far from the truth as John ended with a 16-O victory. The final match at this class had Tinsley against Cooper and a win by Cooper would hav.e given him the title. Tinsley proved that Barry deserved the title as he fought Cooper to a draw. This is the last year for Bill Hedderson (134) ; he has wrestled for four years at Waterloo. By his example of dedication; endurance and sportmanship he. has been an example to his fellow wrestlers. , In competition Bill’ decisioned the eventual winner, Roger Boisvert, 6-4 and then lost his third bout to Beamish of Queen’s. As luck would have it Beamish then lost to Boisvert and so Bill had to settle for third behind these two. What can be said about an athlete who has represented both Waterloo and Canada in wrestling and judo? Pat Bolger has the type of strength, agility and pride which propels him to the top class of world wrestlers. At the O-QAA championships Pat lent these qualities to every member of the team. The team responded as only the Warriors can- to pride and dedI ication. ’ One of Waterloo’s fine rookies took on the strong 150 pound field and came out with a third and a great deal of satisfaction. Don Spink entered the third round with a guarantee of third, but of more importance was his bout with Ole Sorenson of Western. Don knew that if he could keep from getting pinned or losing by less than 10 points he could prevent Ole from gaining the crown, and so keep points from the Western total. With this burden on his back Spink wrestled Ole to a 3-O loss and probably gained much experience from this match. Competition was stiff at the 158 level and Fred Scheel was hard
put to duplicate his last years’ effort. Overall Fred finished with two wins, a draw and one loss. Looking at Fred’s record over this year and the amount that he has improved, then it is only fair to warn the 0-QAA that next year Fred will be back to claim his championship. Another rookie, Ross Barrable (167), was undefeated up until his last match. His third win was a 8-2 decision over John Drohan who was last years’ champ at this weight. In his ‘final match Ross met a more experienced Norm Corrin and lost inthe battle for first place. Ross’s ‘dedication to the team was expressed by his disappointment as he left the mat feeling that he had lost the championship for Waterloo. This of course was ridiculous, but with dedicated wrestlers like this how can we help but keep up the fine wrestling tradition? Last year when Wim Verhoeven (177) lost his first two bouts by decisions, coach deArmon believed that Wim would be a threat’to’any wrestler this year. Ed went on to say that, “Wim doesn’t like to lose and functions with the moral and ethical standards of a champion. 3’ The truth of these statements was born out by Wim’s performance on the mats. Wim fought like a tiger as he pinned all four of his early opponents and only in the final match against Don Panagapka did Wim suffer defeat. His second placing ” gave the Warriors much needed points. George Saunders, last years 190 0-QAA champion, had a tough two days at Kingston. His drawings forced him to face tough competition while his final opponents and eventual victor had half a day to rest. George faced Jamie Little-
john in a tough match in the initial round on Saturday and manag; ed to pin him with 10 seconds left in their match. Next he had to face Bob Hartley who had the luck to rest while George was fighting. The result of this match was that Hartley won a 5-2 decision and the gold. While George could be the last to say that the draw jeopordized his chances for first, the fact remains that Hartley had the easier route to victory. Returning to the wrestling scene after a one year absence, Bob Padfield (heavyweight champion ‘69) finished in second place. His only flaw in an otherwise perfect record on the mats came when he lost a match to Don Westlake of Guelph. Bob in the last weeks before the OQ’s had been the inspiration in conditioning and all out wrestling. It was his and Pat Bolger’s lead? ership that helped the team get to this crown. The final words in this article will be devoted _to the hardest worker on the team. This man fought in all the matches and regardless of weight class came out the winner. Kurt Boese, like some of his team, was a freshman this year and like same he came throught in flying colours. Kurt, a five time Canadian wrestling champion himself, brought a new philosophy of coaching to .the team that engendered it with respect both for themselves and for. their coach. Kurt approached his wrestlers as men and respected their abilities as 0-QAA champions. He made the wrestlers more aware of their weaknesses and from his experience and talent corrected their faults. It was these talents that made Kurt known to his team not only as a coach but as ,a true friend.
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846 the Chevron
Wwfiofs Squash those grapes was the sound echoing throughout the gym as the Warriors handed the Western Mustangs a 79-67 defeat. The fast break game proved too much for the mustangs as they just ran out of oats in the fourth quarter. Until then it was anybody’s game but the Warriors conditioning program played off by providing the legs for the winning burst. Leading the Warriors to victory were 3 times OQAA scoring cham-
The formerly invincible Athena volleyers met their match in Toronto last thursday. They competed in the WITCA finals which included 14 Ontario and Quebec universities. The first three teams in each of the WITCA league’s three divisions played in the championship tournament. A consolation roundrobin of the remaining teams saw Ottawa emerge as the consola-, tion winner. Over friday and saturday the Athenas played a total of 10 matches (24 games), . losing 3 matches and winning 7. The strong Toronto team ended the round-robin with the most points and advanced to the final. Waterloo and Queen’s played j a semifinal in which the Athenas were victorious. This allo wed them to enter the final with Toronto. Toronto quickly doused the Athena flame by winning the final 2-O which makes them this year’s WITCA champions. WITCA is a composite trial league made up for the women’s ’ intercollegiate athletic union and in Ontario-quebec women’s conference. Eligibility for national championships is determined by the latter. league’s membership. The university of Toronto is a member of WIAU and will represent that league in national competition. The university of Waterloo is a member of the OQWCIA and have been designated as that leaque’s representative in the national tournament. - This is the first year of women’s national intercollegiate championships and the government is reticent to give financial support before the championships are a fact. Our team, -as with the other league winners, is faced with the problem of getting themselves to the championship. Each team member has guaranteed one-third of their air fare and the league has given the Athenas 600 dollars. Late word to this office has it that the girls will be going and the expenses will be soaked up by the athletic department’with any
heading deficit left until accounted for.
into next
and make
charge our fans packed the gym and never5 stopped cheering until the I final buzzer. The Chevron wishes to thank all of you that have been the backbone behind our playoff bound hockey and basketball teams. For those of you not too familiar with the circumstances behind tuesdays sudden death playoff an explanation is in order. Windsor, Western and Waterloo ended up in a three way tie for first place with 7 and 3 records.
pion Jaan Laaniste with 9 rebounds and 21 points, bouncing Bob Sharpe with 18 rebounds and 11 points and big Ed Dragan with 8 rebounds and 12 points. Top runners for Western were Al Brown with 16 rebounds and 18 points and Marnix Heersink with 8 rebounds and 11 points. The highlight of the game however, was not so much the play of the Warriors but the unbelievable support shown by our fans. despite the unfair $1.00 admission
year to be
This game was largely a test of defensive strengths with the resultant low final score 36-29 in favour of the Athenas. The Toronto team employed an impressive l-2-2 zone defense which proved most successful in checking the Waterloo offense. To counteract the Toronto defense our girls resorted to shots from further out. This proved to be beneficial, especially for Charlotte Shaule as she netted 15 of the total 36 points scored by Waterloo and, backed by a strong team effort, led the Athenas to the victory. This weekend, the Athenas are competing in the championship finals at Queens university. Competition will be tough, as the Athenas meet teams from McMaster,Queen’s and Guelph, but coach Sally Kemp feels the Waterloo team should finish number one.
off ‘to Queen’s
The basketball Athenas could do no wrong last weekend in the second play-offs held here at Waterloo and thus assured themselves of a place in the final championship tournament. In their first game last weekend, the Athenas were outstanding as they soundly defeated the girls from McGill University by a score of 69-32., McGill’s man-toman defense did not provide much difficulty for Waterloo and consequently enabled a much more open game. The game Saturday morning against Toronto proved to be much more of a challenge and demanded a continuous and determined effort on behalf of the whole team.
Since all three teams had split the two games with each other first place was decided by the best plus record in these contests. Waterloo had a plus 1 record against Windsor and a plus 14 record against Western. Windsor had a minus 1 record against Waterloo but a plus 17 against Western while Western was out of contention. For some unknown reason John Metras, Athletic Director at Western, and 0-QAA chairman decided 1to add the two records together thus giving Windsor a 1 point margin and first place. The irony of this so called fair decision is that Waterloo is in second place to a team they have a better record than. I won’t mention thecircumstances that led to Windsor’s 1 point margin as I am sure Bruce Dempster and coach Jerry Gonzer are wishing they had consulted a Ouija board instead of each other. Getting back to tuesdays game we. must commend the efforts-of control guards Steve Ignatavicius and Tom Kieswetter. Rookie Ignatavicius was flawless on offence as he scored 6 points, passed for 9 assists and never turned the bail over to the opposition. On defence he held Vaiceluinas to 4 points without picking up a single personal foul. Kieswetter put on a dribbling exhibition that had Dempster looking like a jitterbug on his way to a yoga lesson. For the final four minutes the Warrior stall led bv
Kieswetter kept the frustrated Mustangs at the post and second place was ours. Today in Windsor at 6: i5 the Warriors play the Queen’s Golden Gaels with the winner to meet the winner of the Windsor game on Saturday at 8: 15. Tickets for the two (fingers crossed) games are available from benevolent Carl Totzke in the physed building. Please try and make a good showing as Windsor is under the mistaken “Assumption” that they have the best fans. We Squashed the Grapes and now lets Boil those Lances.
Karate set for sunday 1 This Sunday our defending champion karate Warriors will host an invitational tournament. In all twelve universities will be participating and action will go from 1 till 5 p:m. The schedule of the afternoon will see fighting matches as well as self-defense and breaking demonstrations. The officials for this meet will be high ranking instructors from Toronto: This promises to be a good afternoon of entertainment and considering that the price of admission is only your attendance, what better way to spend an afternoon. j
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In addition to the regular Summer Session, the University of Toronto is offering degree courses in Nice, July 5 - August 20. Credit courses in French, English and History will be given by professors from the Universities of Toronto and Nice. Classes will be held each weekday morning in the Centre Universitaire Mediterraneen on the Promenade des Anglais Accommodation will be provided in the university residences, private homes and pensions. Cost? Approximately $750.00 (include round trip, tuition for two courses, room and board).
For further information contact: Toronto-Nice Summer Programme, Division Of university Extension, 84 Queen’s Park, Toronto 181, Ontario Telephone:
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Sometimes ,you walk together, sharing your More often, you must walk alone. If you need someone to share your thoughts, Share them with us.
Hi-Line friday
26 february
7977 (7 7:45)
0 t%k
What found
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if you woke Lou didn’t
up and exist?
that .is precisely what Page has done and will continue to do. Glen Richards is right when he says
When,1 asked what day was prethat, “the policies of consumerceding the following day of three ism, followed by the last presidays from the day before yesterdent and probably by the next, are day, one replied that it’s obviously ~ the students enemies not their the day after two days before nine friends. Page. may subscribe to the Yippie philosophy of radicalism but a radical can only be judged by her or his actions and not their retoric. As well as the project being done for the US Air Force on camBRUCE GRAHAM pus, the US Atomic Energy Comeng IB mission is doing its best to build a better and bigger bomb. I don’t expect that Page will be concerned, enough to do anything about it Consumerism of Burke and , \ but what about the rest of us? Page; right on Also to deal briefly with the The letter by Glen S. Richards comment made by Rick Hankinlast friday is right on when it comson in his article “Eaton’s obes to the consumerism of Burko tained its money by exploiting and Page. On the issue of the war the masses - but so what?“, soresearch being carried on campus cialists do not intend to merely he is quite confused. He says, “The have “Eaton’s spread its wealth question of war research etc. is among the masses” in order to indeed a red herring because it is have each individual band togethmerely an appendage of an imer with the next to redevelop their perialist economy.. .but so are cities. The idea behind socialism bread and circuses. Bread from is that the government as conthe welfare office and circuses trolled by the workers or producat the ‘U’ “. At the very least he ers of our society would control gave a reason for calling the issue Eatons, or whatever they may of war research a red herring want to call it, and decide what the . which Alex Smith didn’t think was priorities of manufacturing would necessary. But the reason that he be and to what use the profits gives states merely a fact, that the would be put to. existance of US war research on ABIE WEISFELD campus indicates that this uni1 science 2 versity has imperialist ties with the US. Virgin outha his mind meet What then is your answer to that, ‘so what’? If it ‘is incorrect virgin o&a his mind? to fight against the connections of This is the sexual revolution? our university with the US miliThose who have it, just get more. tary then it must have been equally What about an ugly 3rd year stuincorrect for the Japanese to wage dent who is going out of his mind. a campaign against allowing the 24 and still a virgin. US to store military-type gases r HELP on Okinawa or against the occupation of Okinawa by the US or for Don’t feel so bad; come in’ akd american students to fight for the meet another student, 26 and still a removal of ROTC from their camvirgin, who’s going out of his mind, puses or for .them to kick DOW too. off their universities or for that matter to wage any struggle. And - the lettitor J
CITY HOTEL \ (Across From Waterloo Square) The home of the famous. . .
(Mon. and Tues. Specials) Dining in our @abariatr3Room is a treat with full course meals and Smorgasbord every Tues. to Fri. (noon to 2 P.M.) Entertainment every weekend in our
of the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, a corporation under the laws of the Province of Ontario, to be held Monday, March 8, 1971, at 8:00 p.m. in Room 201 of the Engineering Lecture Building. The directors of the Federation will be appointed ,at this meeting, in accordance with sect-ion 3 of by-law number 1.
The agenda for the Annual Meeting is restricted to this item of business, for which proper notice has been given. I-
Rick Page President-Elect Federation of Students,
Address letters to feedback, the chevron, U of W. Be concise. The chevron reserves the right to shorten te tters. Letters must be typed on a 32 character line. For legal reasons, letters must be signed with course year and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason.
feedback i
Freshmen federation
ask questions and cicimin
questions, since we are only freshmen. However, reading the modern litereria, we have found it difficult to relate any of the pressing issues to our campus. We know little, if anything, about Uniwat. Please help enlighten us and all other interested students.
We happened to be reading this month’s issue of Time magazine when we chanced to run across an article concerning students (p. 20). It stated among other things that students are more concerned with their environment and that “after six years of mot?ting campus turnmoil, students seem suddenly to have reverted to a quiet, private style of life...such square fads as booze, early Beatle records, and card playing are making something of a comeRunning somewhat parback....” allel to this is the book ‘Student PO wer and the Canadian
NORTH B village 2 To answer some of your questions would indeed take more space than we have here but here are a few. The board of governors is similar to a board of directors of a corporation. It looks after the fisical and physical dealings of the university. There are over 35 members on it. They are elected by members of the existing body and are also
(Peter Martin Associates Ltd., 1969) which one of our group is reading for some course or other. . Now, we hate to plead ignorance but there is plenty about our dear “Alma Mater” that has not been revealed to us, Both of these books brought these student “issues” closer to us and created certain questions in -our minds. For instance, what on earth does a Board of Governors do, who are they, and by whom are they chosen? Do we have a Senate; if so, what is it? What does the-federation of students do besides arrange social events? What are the elections that are running ( ?) within the faculties? Is there student representation on the aforementioned Board of Governors ’ and Senate? Is there a published statement of the federation presiAssuming that dent’s income? we have representation on CUS (if it still exists) who is the mem/ her? Please excuse such mundane
appointed by the lieutenant governor of the province. The senate is composed of over thirty members of faculty and administration. For further questions on the board of governors and the senate‘ call the president’s hot line, extension 220 1 or 578-89 18 and ask for Burt. The federation has recently put out a book called what your federation does for you. It has all the answers and can be picked up in the federation office in the campus center, slightly north and a bit east of sick bay. The federation president makes 80 dollars a week and that is the extent of his published income report. Canadian University of Students was dissolved two years ago. THE LETTITOR
COLOR . From ColumbiaPittures
Due to a tie in last monday’s election for the editor, there wilt/ be another election this monday at 8 pin in the chevron office.
The same list friday’s paper
of staff that was posted will apply in monday’s
in last election.
If you cannot make it to the meeting on monday night you may submit your vote on a ballot provided by Charlotte by 5 pm on monday.
Open Evenings 6:30 p.m. 2 Showings 7 & 9 p.m
Evenings - 2 Showings At7 & 9:15 P.M. Mat. Sat. Sun. At 2 P.M.
26 february
7b77 (7 7:45)
With much-fanfare on the part of the national press, for that of course is what it is being &id for, the Canadian development ‘corporation was introduced to -the house of commons last month by Trudeau’s finance minister Edgar Benson. Its job is to buy back Canada wherever possible (profitable?), so Canadians can regain some control ‘ of their economy. What Canadians and the the plan were,,of course, not gone into very deeply by Benson, or the’na’tional press.‘ The. following is an article by Claude Henault,.formb Ottawa bureau writer for the. Toronto Telegram, and now working/as a free-lance journalist. The piece was_ broadcast on-the CBC television L . j sprogram Viewpoint.
had been esMATTER-WHERE you stand in : if the aims of the corporation the political spectrum, the Canada tablished as being the creation of jobs, or _N ” development the setting up of industries for which there corporation offers is a social need, or even if it had been aimsomething for you to criticize. The ultraed at doing .work which the private’sec’tor conservative will see in the “project the to undertake because profit sinister shadow-of that old spectre, creep- ‘- is reluctant ratios are either too low, or profits too far , ing socialism. The progressive (small-p) conservative will probably be angered not -’ -off. . However, the Canada development coron the basis of ideology, but beca.use the poration does not have such, aims. Fingovernment is moving into a holding comante minister ‘-Benson said, and, I for one pany field which already seems saturat- believe him, that the primary considera--ed. tion of the corporation will be profits. BeLiberals will object onsimilar-grounds,cause the corporation plan proposes a mixto which will be added thecomplaint that the corporation will not do’ anything-to of private-and public enterprise, profits must be the only criterion, otherwise, further- canadian economic nationalism. Those further left will be angered by the private capital will not be attracted. fact that, in effect, public money is not to . sY NQ social r& .-I be used to further the interests of the gen, era1 public, but of the investing capitalWhat this means is that; despite the ists. massive government input of funds, the A good case can b,e made, depending on L Canada development corporation will be your original political beliefs;for all these no better a corporate citizen than, for inarguments. However, as my-point of view stance, Dunlop, which; in Toronto for is one from the left on this issue, I won’t reasons of economy, closed a “plant and try for false objectivity, but instead will put hundreds out of work. It means that - attempt a subjective critique. the corporation will not be able to set up low-profit industries, even if these would , S i Money to indufgb have the advantage of stimulating the / creation of private-sector satellite indusThe way I see it, the corporation will tries. In‘ other words,,no specifically souse as its nucleus tax revenue in the ‘acial role-for this organism. mount of a quarterbillion dollars, over do for us? For one three years. This money, which came - What else wl”ilit thing, it-will take part of our collective y from all Canadians, including the poor and present, and our future., Polymer, one of the economically marginal, who have no the rare crown corporations which con. money to invest because all their revenue sistently rewards the taxpayer by making goes for essentials, or in taxes, this moncomes back to the taxpayI a profit-which ey will be put at the d@osal of those with er inthe, way of public spending-will be money to indulge in investment. So, my insold to the corporation which, Mr. Benson --’ itial objection 1s that money collected says, will be mainly inprivate hands. from all classes is to be put at the service _ Panarctic Oils, a private-public mix of a minority, those who are neither poor, which now is effectivelyunder governunemployed or underpaid. m&t control because of its 45 per cent This situation might have been tolerable , in, l
_ *
vestment, will- also slip into private hands, Canada Permanent Trust, Mutual Life Astaking with it oil reserves which show surance Company of Canada, Brascan Ltd tremendous promise. Eldorado Nuclear, I Canadian General Electric Co. Ltd., Im*another federal .property with a shaky perial Life Assurance Company of Canapresent but a glowing atomic future, also da, Ralston Purina of Canada Ltd:, Bell -. slips out of your hands. ’ , Canada, Algoma Central Railway, Canada The faults of the Cana,da development Tungsten Mining Corporation, ConsoliI corporation plan will become glaringly obdated Bathurst Ltd., Atlantic Sugar Refin’ vious the day the first corporation hold-. eries Co,. Ltd., Dominion Stores, Alberta I ing is sold to a U.S. corporation,-for profit Gas Trunk Line Co. Ltd., Royal Trust, F: reasons; the ‘day a corporation holding firP. Publications,. the Investors Group, Can; es staff, for profit reasons, the day Polyadian Pacific Railway, Northern Electric mer, Eldorado and Panarctic, which your Co\ Ltd., Noranda Mines Ltd., Noranda _- money .developed; pay profits not to you, Copper Mills, Kerr-Addison Mines, St. but to a limitednumber of investors. Lawrence Cement ’ Co., The Steel ComOn that day, the Liberal party may realpany of Canada Ltd., Quebec Iron and Tiize that in establishing the Canada develtanium Corporation;, Salada Foods Ltd., opment-corporation, it hung an albatross Dominion Oxygen Co. Ltd., Ocean Maid arounditsneck. - ’ Foods Ltd., Union Carbide of Canada Ltd., * k * Parker Pen Co. Ltd.-,Angl&uyn Mines HE BANK OF Nova Scotia, not the Ltd., International Helium Co. Ltd,, Scott largest by any means of Canada’s Restaurants, -Arthur Guiness Son and Co. ’ -T_. nine national banks, has 32 members Ltd., Empire Life Insurance Co., Great on its board of .directors. *Canadian Oil Sands Ltd., Interprovincial Those 32 directors hold executive posi- c Pipe Line Co., Dominion Foundries, and ~ tions on’: ,ISteel L&d:,, Polymer Corporation, Federal. 1 0147 corporations imanufacturing and Grain, International Nickel Company of industrial kinds) _ -. Canada Ltd., Molson Breweries of Can038 investment and development car ada, Texaco Canada Ltd. ’ porations , This doesn’t mean the Bank of Nova 027 insurance companies Scotia controls these companies, just that \ _ . 023 trust companies 2 the bank’s directors- also hold- director 06 savings, loan and mortgage compan positions or higher on all of them. ieS _ Now, the Canada development corpora-’ 05 real estate companies tion says that no one corporation or indi_ _ 02 newspaper groups I vidual can own more than five’per cent 06 banks other than the bank of Nova of the shares in thecompany. Scotia 1 all of them foreign banks, most A bank like the Bank of Nova Scotia of them in the Caribbean j through its 32 directors and the myriad of 011 boards of universities and colleges. companies they have a voice in because of It isimpossible to estimate how much. the corporate connections could very I all those corporations and companies are quickly, legally and efficiently own all of worth, but the names of some of the inthe Canada development corporationrexstitutions involved will give you some idea cept the government’s 10 per cent. , of how wealth,and power are concentrated But, Trudeau’s finance, minister Benin the hands of a few. . son says that won’t happen, in fact -he. ‘* Many, many . leads us to believe that it couldn’t happen. Corporations,includk Gulf Oil of AmeriWe don’t believe-him. The history of deca, Gulf ‘Oil of Canada, Beruda National velopment in the kind of economic games BankCanadian LifeAssurance Company, .-people-are now into shows that -wealth --Mortgage,Insurance. Company of Canada! and corporate control-tends to centralize.
ILENCE, around him nothing but silence now... five minutes ago or was it ten or sixty? twelve men had been around him, now he was alone... they were all dead... what difference would it make to them now why they were there? he slowly looked around, letting his pupils focus densely on the view around him, he continued to look, as if he was seeing the trees, the distant hills, the sky all for the very last time...there was that possibility. they had told him that he was going to fight for freedom and justice... he believed in his country and what it stood for, he had never questioned the leaders of his country... now... after the battle... that doubt had entered his mind... why had they died? was a reason? . ..what difference did it make? twelve men dead... dead... for democracy and justice!” justice in death? he held his rifle close to his heart, only he now, could defend the life of the soldier of democracy.. he thought of home, his wife, his children, his life, . ..thedoubt remained in his mind... why? but he was only a soldier, did he have the right to ask that why? the doubt...he had to explain it to himself... I he must know,the reason, or he couldn’t go on... theenswer...the doubt... “you have a great-future.” the professor had said \ he lay dead....
by Renato chevron
the Globe & Mail
the chevm~ member: cardian university press {CUP) and underground press syndicate (UPS), subscriber: liberation news service (LNS) and chevron international news service (GINS). the chevron is a newsfeature tabloid published offset fifty-two times a year (1970-7 1)‘ on tuesdays and fridays by the federation of students, incorporated university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation and the university administration, offices-in the campus center; phone (519) 5787070or university local 3443; telex 0295 - 748. circulation: 13,000 (fridays) Alex Smith, editor ’
Nasty of the term award is shared by Conrad Grebel college, which considers its bullet@ boards as sacred as the virginity of its maidens- Two candidates in the federation elections just held were reproached at least twice for attempting to publicize their names; first for attempting to use the “upstairs” board when their place was only to use the “downstairs” board, second for not having the proper authorization. approval, stamps and triplicate forms required to molest the sanctity of the virgin board they were .allowed to use. So if you’ve ever wondered what university is all about that’s it/We noted with interest the Peons of the Propaganda department (Bob Whitton, Gazette editor, Dieter Haag, Gazette minion and Information services mogul Jack Adams) busy holding ,’ up an historical representation of the Gazette’s development to two or three nondescript observers the otherbay. The presentation seemed to consist of Gazette front pages on white board, and . all concerned seemed eager that We should depart, closing the door to indicate same. Rumor has it the Gazette will be tuined out by MacLaren advertizing in Toronto-a $35.000.000 billing outfit-for a fat fee of $244.000 per year. Either that or IBM is selling them a bill of goods? What’s really happening of course, is that the Gazette is selling the campus a bill of goods/Anyway, enough of that. Why was a dollar admittance fee charged for tuesday’s non-scheduled, nonbudgeted basketball game? That’s $3000; and vve wonder how many new night lights for Columbia field stadium will be bought with it, or rather how many lights won’t be bought. Would you . believe an increase in the coach’s salary? Oh, but the coach is leaving...?/And did you know that Royal Militan/ College doesn’t belong to the rapid transit Ontario inter-library loan system?/Finally;‘true or false: “In the province of the mind, what one believes to be true either is true or becomes true.” production manager: Al Lukach ko coordinators: Bill Sheldon (news). Gord Moore (photo). Ross Bell (entertainment), Bryan Anderson (sports & circulation). rats (features) kip sumner. una’o’callaghan, mel rotman. dave cubberley. krista tomory. mark allan. robert rogers, jeff bennett, Steve izma, renato ciolfi. john ford, mike szyjewicz. brenda w&on. janicelee williams, dennis megann, peter hopkins, nick sullivan. rick hankinson. Cheryl ward. norm green, ron smith, peter wilkinson./This week’s back page is dedicated by Gord to Susan. Nalisne alibi vivere? Chow.
26 february
1971 (11~5)
. /
852 the Chevron
quotefro1 n A.J.