Videotech by Bruce Steele Ottawa bureau
OTTAWA-A student summer project designed to act as a catalyst for groups and individuals desiring to use, the facilities of cable television will get under way in Ottawa in early june. The group, Videotech, is comprised of students from Canadian universities with an interest and background in mass media. Funds from opportunities for youth and the aid of the Canadian radio television commission, the department of communications, information canada and the arts and cultural support branch ‘of the secretary of state
at CGCA conference
‘Youth ‘quest for -- c.ompassion’ \
by Eleanor Hyodo chevron staff
works with people who are “deeply wounded in the mind”-the Jean Vanier sees the role of mentally retarded. Giving a background of the counsellors in modern day society, as being the bridge between two world in which a counsellor has to cultures-that of the young and work, Vanier said the counsellors are in a world where there are older generations. young people who are He gave a speech on “The coun- many searching andperplexed. sellor: an instrument of peace “There is a smugness of those in a world of confusion.” to the annual Canadian guidance and who have and have not. There are those who possess the truth counselling association conference in Toronto monday. Jean Van- and life; they are self-satisfying,” said Vanier. ier, of L’Arche, Paris, ’ France Looking at the structure of the personality of some young people in the moral world Vanier is one of said, “The personality quest, thirst, the dreamer where there is a fantastic suffering and where the reality is one of war and injustice, and hypocrisy and the lack of models of dynamic men and women.” Tracing the growth of children to their present state of dissatiswith the construction of faction and unhappiness he talked about how a child, conceived of new engineering and student the loving union of a man and services buildings on campus woman is at birth cherished and we had to watch whbt we nourished. ( “At this first stage of existence spent on lighting for COTZVO-there is a tendency to openess,” cation. But this television said Vanier . “The child gets its first education from the attitudes prompter rates right up there parents. with those advances in con- ’ of Asthe an adolescent, the child bestruction; you read the names comes more difficult and parents more impatient and on channel one, turn to chan- become establish laws to correct bei nel two for a pronunciation haviour . guide, channel three tell’s you The parents want the children to how your timing - is -going, , become like themselves, where wealth, the-place in the and,- during the speeches you intellect, city, money, a car and the place can watch ‘Edge of Night’ on in the social ladder are the examples to follow. channel four in colour. . . ” The child enters -this world of (C
social values. Opposed to all of this is compassion. ” L = Vanier explained how people have to trample on one another in industry and commerce; it becomes a place where people learn quickly to break one another. “There is a disdain for those who are‘ of less intellect and less qualifications. The heart becomes more rigid.” In a world filled with generalizations, Vanier sees himself as not being a part of these divisions. He sees “people among people”. He sees the commune communities as being places of trust. In all of this the youth are seeking compassion. “The youth quest for this deep in their hearts. The dream, for a better kindof living, flows through their song and mu, sic”, said Vanier. He ex’plained How youth do- not make the distinctions of black and white, handicapped and able-bodied and normal and abnormal, as do many people. The dream of the youth is “continually being crushed by bulldozers of society and youth fall quickly to discouragement. ” “They are violent with themselves and others. With the bulldozing there is an abyss between the area of reality and their incapacity to do something to day to further peace and justice, said Vanier. There are those who remain apathetic lacking dynamism and motivation; they have nothing to hold onto. “They are obliged to go through the ritual of education. They want to get their diploma. “Many are prostituting their talents.”
Explaining how many young people are trying to transcend the mediocrity of society in spiritual mysticism through yoga, Zen Buddism, and oriental mystics, Vanier said those who wear the costumes of the mystics are unable to live the interior mystical experience, but they had a desire to do so. Vanier concluded, “A counsellor should be more understanding of the young, to judge not, be not paternalistic to sense the hope, and be filled- with compassion as for an equal.”
TV catalyst have given initial momentum to the organization. Videotech hopes to compile information concerning co-operative legislation governing ownership in Canada’s provinces with an eye to community ownership and control of cable television systems. Work will be done to compile data for a canadian cablevision information library which will detail _ available hardware (cameras, recorders, audio equipment ) and personel with television experience and know-how in re- gions of Canada. This information library will be available to community organizations wishing to begin using cable television. Videotech will also ‘gather the biographies of community groups . already involved in programming community channels on local cable systems. These biographies will give working examples of problems and solutions encountered by groups across the country in their efforts- to overcome legislative, corporate, financial a.nd social problems involved with the gaining of access to mass media. It is hoped that the group will _ be able to aid in the process of intercourse between community organizations across the country in hopes that program exchanges will begin from community to community. Special interest will be given to programs and projects -involving tenant associations, consumer groups and social planning councils with the interest but not the funds to take part in mass media work.
StarUggle to peace Ibrahin Aben believes that jews, moslems and Christians can live peacefully in a free social democratic Palestine. He is convinced that only through a armed struggle can the free state of Palestine exist. Aben, a quiet-man who chooses his words carefully, on campus tuesday spoke to several arab students about “events which have been blacked out by the weste’rn press” and the Palestine liberation organization. On a Canada wide speaking tour which has carried to Edmonton, Calgary and Montreal, he will return to Lebanon this weekend to futher his campaign as a member of the central committee of the Palestine liberation organizations. Aben wants to see the liberation of Palestine from Zionist occupation and the dismantling of an economic and political structure that is based on imperialistic motives.
Under Aben’s new democratic Palestine, there would be no discrimination as to religion, ethnic origin or language. He said the Palestine liberation organization plans to accomplish this aim of a liberated Palestine in three ways.. First, by confronting king Hussain of Jordan, they hope to achieve a national government for that country. By escalating palestinean resistance they hope to force the “imperialistic forces” which prevent the freeing of the economic-political structure of Palestine, into accepting their goal. “A political settlement is not possible as far as the PLO is concerned. It is like one man saying 2 plus 2 is four, another saying it is six, and the concilliator saying compromise with five. Only one result is correct. There is no corn-’ promise. ” -“We believe that we have -a settlement that is durable,” Aben concluded.
by Rod Hickman and Dianne Shulman chevrqn staff
up orders
for large
free gold star stamps or a gladiator spectacle-along with the main event would have attracted more to fill the stands. The most difficult part of the play was trying to determine whether it was a comedy or a tragedy. Some have even suggested it was a farce. Nonetheless the main theme hit the audience like a Brechtian exhibition, though they sat dumb-mouthed. People who graduate will no longer be needed on the labour market with the skills they have developed. There was a sad irony in the ‘souvenir program’ given to the actors; it was a request for money for the alumnus fund: Another example of the impersonality and indignity of this performance was the use of the electronic closedcircuit prompter (was Harry Smith really wearing a dress? ) . For those of you who missed this production, there will be a repeat performance this fall with a new ‘cast of thousands’. It is expected that performance will pan as badly’ so bring your own popcorn and peanuts or better yet, stay home and watch television.
‘7 1
Last week witnessed the semi annyal attraction at the university of Waterloo, the production known as ‘graduation’ played with slight enthusiasm to half-hearted, halfcrowds by a half-cast. The casting included such well known greats as chancellor Ira Needles, president Burt Matthews, several assorted americans and a cast of thousands of graduates doing walk-ons. The dialogue consisted of delicately mispronounced names and hearty congratulations to the many bit players who were leaving for the far far greater stage“out there”. The monologues were something else again. Gestures included several well executed tips of the hat. We don’t know who to blame for the staging and direction. Perhaps it was PP & I? Who else could display that remarkable genius that produced the play in the jock building while sun beat merrily down outside. The props must have been borrowed from some other theater because they were spirited out to another engagement even before the four day run of the production was completed. Preparation time was absurd; a minimum of three years for the bit parts and up to nine or more for the others. It seems the price of admission was too high because attendence was noticeably meagre. The only thing’ required was a lively sense of interest. But even the atrtending audience seemed to have only brought half the fare. Perhaps
Lawrence Olivier is treading the boards again this summer as Shylock in the London production of the Merchant of Venice. TO my surprise and his credit, the old star has bowed to the integrity of the play. Indeed, this ‘Merchant’ is often surprising, and unquestionably the best production I have ever seen. The ‘Merchant’, richly drawn yet beset with contradictions, is one of the most challenging and rewarding of Shakespeare’s plays for directors and actors alike. Portia, for example, must combine all the classical sugar and spice with enough (hidden) spirit and cunning to trap the ‘wily Jew’ ; on the resolution of Shylock’s dual roles of tragic hero and villain rests the form and balance of the whole play. The script must be warped to succeed. The only question is how, and how well?
Jonathan Miller has done a masterful job, aided by extremely able performances by Olivier, Joan Plowright (Portia) and Jim Dale (Launcelot Gobbo). Dale set the pace for the first half of the play as an uproarious and unexpected comedy: the doddering Arragon nearly brought down the house! Hut the unity and underlying tragedy were in the- end enhanced, leaving the’ audience in that classic reaction to a wellcrafted play : we didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. There were other unusual and imaginative twists ; Jessica, usually a flat and extraneous character, became sensitive and poignant, a young girl overcome by a swift and foolish love affair, repentant and sorrowing for her father. This, in turn, helped to solve the crucial question of Shylock by showing by reflection real and human, his love for her, and thus the depth of the grief which he sought to wreak on Antonio. Add round shoulders and a slight whimpering and there you have Shylock: a man of tragic stature and circumstance, yet so personally unlovable he almost deserves to be put down. Surely this is the man himself; at any rate, it permits the play to make sense. The play is kept in balance (unlike last year’s production at Stratford) by a strong and able Portia, though Antonio has been sacrificed to maintain the sympathy of the ‘new Shylock’. (Unfortunately Miss Plowright, who is fortyish and plainly made-up, stood out among a carefully typed cast.) For once, though, Leonardo and Nerissa were properly subordinate. The set and costumes, though lavish and well-made, really ought not to look circa 1900! Lighting was good, and the many musical intervals were well handled, if un necessary. In short, this is a sensitive perceptive, and highly enjoyable production. It’s a pity you can’t go see it. At the Old Vic, in repertoire, The Cut, London. G.k.
forget to ask fof your FREE I.D. card hqlder ! ” ” “..A’.‘.‘. .A., c. ....~~.‘.~a..%. .‘.ri~~~~~j~~~:~~.A...‘~~%%v’,,,...,. :.:.:.:.: :.:;..‘.‘::.‘:~,~~~~~.~ ., ...~....~‘.:.:~.:.~~:::j~,:.:::::~~::~~,:: ,, _._. . .. ..,.,.... ~.~ ,_ ~,~~~ .,,,& _,,,$..~~.~,:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: ,.,_I. +<> ,,.,;,‘. ....,)_ _ ‘-:“~~‘-‘y.:.:~~~.~;::.:.~~,:~~~j~.~,~~.:.~~~, ‘.5.,...... ,.,.......,,.,....... ~~ ~ i:,,., ‘VA’ .+,y;;.: (,,,,,,,.... ,,,,, :. ~~~~+A.+-. h“..:.p$yx?.:.. _;* _,.___ ,,~‘~“i.:.‘.‘.:.~:~..~ ,,, ,.‘., ,..I: ‘...>..~,,... . ..,~,, .‘..‘.... .,,-,--, =...:.w ‘.~~‘A,x’.“~. ““~“‘,‘^--““~---.‘,..,.. ““WV.. .,.......A.. ‘2.L.. ..s.. x,,,. “.‘.:.:.:...+: , _.._.__,, ,:-... ,._,,,_ 1 __,, :... y.*,,,____,__,, /_,,,,_,,., __::: ,: ; .,y:y’: ;,,.,,;’ ?--~. ,..,,,,,-Q,,,. +.‘A’.” . y,.,.,~,.:+? . . . .. .. x. .,a: . .. . . . ...__. * i..,:.:.., ,_,,,,,,..,,,._,.,,,,.,., *, _ ,,,.. _.,.y:.*,) _..,:..,~.i:,‘.~. :.c, :~~.~.:~.~~~j~~~~~,~~~~.~~:~.~ zx..........<.> . . . . . ..___.... \
Waterloo University Gay Liberation movement general meeting. Everyone welcome. 8pm HUM 16 1 Grad Students Lounge.
Flying Club ground 7 pm MC 3007
..:.:.:. ~ ,,,.,.,....._
Learn to sail. Come to the sailing club meeting to be followed by film and a lesson on sailing. We want to have you along. 8 pm AL1 24 WEDNESDAY
All Christians interested in forming a prayer group for the summer meet in Waterloo Towers, apt 209. 8 pm or phone 743-1738 ask for John Sponsored by IVCF
OFF . ON THE PURCHASE OF ANY MEDIUM OR LARGER PIZZA Offer expires July 5/71 Eat in, Take out or delivery 103
One pair of gym shoes in men’s locker room phys ed complex on friday*21. Owner may claim by calling 576-9379.
Male students. Two single rooms for summer months. Private bath, cooking facilities. $12 weekly. Phone 576-0466.
Girls double room in town house, use of home, outdoor pool. No restrictions. Mrs. Wright 745- 1111 weekdays; 745-l 534 evenings.
St. N. Wat SALE
Furnished mybile home for sale just outside Waterloo. 745-8320.
at Martin’s
Fender bass with hard shell case. Brand new but need cash $350 or best offer. Call at 137 University avenue west, apt. 805. Must sell 1963 Chrysler dition. $200. 576-5 144.
34 the chevron
student Send
fees address
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prpmptly /’
to to:
receive Chevron,
by of
&ail Waterloo,
off-campus Waterloo,
terms. Ontario.
V8, good con-
Modelling, still photography, posing, experience an asset. Part time, no weekend or night work. Send resume to Mr Hayward, 151 Belleview avenue, Kitchener. TYPING
Will do typing
a term.
in my home.
5 pm
Gay lib has “great According to gay liberation president John Dunbar, the homophile club on this campus has a “great future”. Gay lib was organized two months ago “to provide an alternative by which (a person) may decide what is the most personal, relevant and meaningful sexual experience” he is to hold. Dunbar regrets that most -of the joiners seem to be people with no emotional hangups. He is concerned about the frightened and alienated student with homosexual tendencies who feels he has
no place to go. There is also a noticeable lack of female members, both homosexual and heterosexual. It would seem that most people are frightened to join such organizations. For the most part university reaction has been favorable. The group recently received the support of the student federation and counselling services which feels the club has a lot to contribute by helping people who previously had no place to receive advice if they
were concerned with their homophilic tendencies. Next year’s plans include regular meetings with guest speakers (authorities) to discuss such topics as religion and homosexuality, and homosexuality and the family. Representatives will be helping at registration to make students aware of the organization. Film nights and dances are planned as well as other camp surprises. A meeting to be held soon will determine if gay lib is active through the entire summer.
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_feedback Lawrence
of Arabia
Brian Dumont is a good entertainment editor, but a poor historian. To describe Lawrence of Arabia as “a lengthy character study and a political study of Arabia during the first world war”, is an underestimation of what was taking place at that time. Although Dumont realizes that the film was not successful in depicting the arab people, he failed to back this up with evidence. Lawrence, during the interview with the american journalist after a successful raid on an Ottoman train, said that he was going to give the Arabs their independence. Lawrence is shown leading one successful operation after another, directing bands of Arabs whom you could hardly call revolutionaries. Abu-Tayeh hardly knew what was going on. His name, in Arabic means “the lost one”. The arab revolt was not merely to satisfy their ‘built in? blood thirst. I saw the-movie twice, so I can be sure. Too many things were crammed in and many more were left out. Dumont says that the film should have concentrated on the desert. I think that it should have concentrated on the funeral. “Long before 1914 and World War I, nascent arab revolt was aflame,” wrote a mideast historian. Shariff Hussein (later king), the father of Faisal, had contacted Sir McMahon, the british commissioner in Egypt. The word from Britain was assuring and the gist of which was, “Britain would recognize arab independence in all arab territories”. Hussein-McMahon correspondence did not contain ‘anything about Lawrence, nor did it mention the division of the area ‘which Britain had in mind. In the film, the Sykes-Picot agreement, which divided the arab territories, was mentioned so lightly in spite of its significance. The Balfour declaration was completely ignored. The public hanging of arab intelligentsia and nationalists in Beirut and Damascus by Jamal Pasha, which precepitated Hussein’s revolt was not even referred to in the film. The Ottoman’s attitude towards the‘-Arabs was not honestly depicted. The Arabs did not revolt because they had imbibed a Mae Tse-tung type of ideology. Nor did they have a Lenin ; but, equally, Lawrence could have hardly been considered a substitute for a national leader. Dumont stresses the racist british tendencies when dealing with Arabs. This is quite different from the arab point of view, which will lead us back to what I mentioned above. The arab revolt was not basically against a different race-the Turks. It was against the oppressors, the Ottomans. At that time, the Young Turks, who had racist ideas were heavily in-
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hap,penkd promised to the Zionists by the the Balfour declaration. So, a good steak was made into hamburger patties and distributed among the imperalists and autocrats. The arab revolt was dismantled while still at its prime. But the revival went on. It was good to see Arabia through western eyes. To an Arab, Westerners are child-like people, fascinated by the blowing sands, camels and -our way of life - a part of it. At the same time they can not understand it. Even today, when Westerners go to Arabia, they act as if they are still in the West. Lawrence, Philby, the ambassadors to Arab countries are good examples. Lawrence of Arabia shows how Westerners, though fascinated by the Arabs, fail to understand them and consider their ways ludicrous. A reference to this was made by the old man during Lawrence’s first meeting with Faisal. “You take orders from Faisal while in Faisal’s tent”. Nevertheless, the British, as in North America, spoke to the Arabs with a forked tongue. Lawrence of Arabia superimpos(es a western cowboy hero character on an Englishman who got along well with Arabs and who survived a few days trip through the desert. But at the same time neither he, nor his superiors knew what made Arabs tic. One last thing, I agree with Mr. Dumont that it was entertaining. I laughed a lot. RAMZI TWAL econ 3
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chevron, U of W. Be concise. The chevron reserves the right to shorten letters. Leiiers must be typed on a 32 charac ter line, For legal reasons, letters must be signed with course year and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason.
fluencing Europe’s ‘sick-man’. Racism, if it exists anywhere in the arab world, is an imported idea. If you read the arab historians, old and contemporary, you will find two basic conflicts: arab monotheism vs polytheism and nomadism vs bourgeoisie (in the broader sense of the word). For those interested, you can read IbnBatuta, Ibn-Khaldoun, George Antonius and Phillip K. Hitti. To come back to the point, since the Arabs did not regard themselves superior to other races as such,, it did not occur to them that others did. And, therefore, it did not matter what the Englishman thought. Racism was an incomprehensive concept. The defeat of the Ottomans by the Arabs - from within - was left unclear. The film, so dramatically stresses the problem of weapons. On the other hand, the Ottomans used to pay Abu-Tayeh in order to keep him from attacking them. The problem of tribal rivalry among the Arabs was put to good use by Britain. After they had been dealing with the Hashemite family, the British connived with the Saudis, and gave them what is now known as Saudi Arabia. Hussein was gotten rid of, after Britain had recognized him as the King of Hijaz. His son, Faisal who was given Syria first, but was rejected by France, not the Syrians, was given Iraq. His brother, Abdullah was given a piece of desert east of the Jordan River. Syria was taken over by France who subsequently divided it into two republics,‘ Syria and Lebanon. Palestine was
Lust week’s
: 742-4489 .’
i 742-4488 -+vERhl
4 june
King & Louisa
7977 (72:4)
INb t-vion& team
76 people
fencers -here, -
Young people seeking fresh answers t‘o today’s problems might be well to consider the views of Krishnamurti. Some discussion of his talks and writicgs will be held between Kon Piekarski, some students, and others at Unitarian. House, 136 Allen St., E. (at Moore Ave.), Waterloo, Sunday, June 6, it 1 1:OO a.m. All welcome.
Warriorswordfighter kirk johnston takes a stab at opponent; heavy underwear keeps the guy’in the baseball pants safe. j
Foot tdly
thev caged their bodies bit II; their desires
Anyone interested may contact The action sport of foot rallying has been catching on among many , ’ Gerald Baycroft in physical education or appear for a race. Meet at schools, outdoor clubs and private red north of the phys. ed compiex individuals interested in a new ori Sunday at 9:OO am and registype of .running exercise. 1 ter, pay the small fee, and join in Organized in a manner similar a refreshing experience in the to a car rally, the foot derivative is officially labelled ‘oriente.ering’. ’ out-of doors.
- -
_ _ - -
- - -
A MiNlHaUBermIn crlerU8
Kirk-Douglas 4
- James
/ 4
.36 ,the chevron 7 -
8 N2* Kin 2B 13 4A Civil 16 Chem Eng 4A 10 St. Jeromes .l Philos_opers 25 Civil 74B . 12 4A Mech 2b Math Sot 10 Nl 16 2B Elect 5 Chem Eng 3A 9 ACTIVITIES FURIOUS 11 Iron Ring The intramural department is 3A civ’ii 9 \ plkased to announce that both soc- -3A math ~ I 1 &r and touch football will be N3 6 scheduled this qummer.. Soccer The Abenders \ 4 begins on Monday, June 7th at 4A Elect I 4 , 6: 00 on Columbia Field’ with the 4A Mech 7 Bagbitters from St. geromes bat- _ Math ‘Sot A0 tling with the engineers. CC Nops 5 Follotiing that game, the two 3A Elect 3 mixed Math teams will grapple 3A Elct 3 a shirt and skins game. Specta3A civil ’ ,14 tors are welcome if blindfolded. ,3A math 4 On Wednesday eveniqg, the Furri Freaks ’ 2 touch football league commences Civil 74A ’ .3 with‘ Systems design <playing 4A The Angels Mechanical while at 7 : 00 Math 4A Elect . ,Soc plays lower math. With no basketball last week due f’ol NTS TO NOTE Soccer l&agues start Monday to convocation, there is little to report exceptthat Kin’ 4A is the S:@l i - ‘8:OO on Columbia field. Touch football league starts Wed team to bFat: ’ Ball hockey for the.first time in June 9th at 6: 00 on Columbia,field. At CAPHER 71; _ John, Andru, intraml?Fals was played last president of the Canadian Fencing week with the powerful T-Nuts Association and some pan, am ,out%alling the grads 8-2. Later, Chem Eng outclassed Manage- teain fencers will be on display from two till four in-<he blue upment Science 4-l. 4A Mech. Eng. whiplashed St. Jeromes 5-1. All Per deck area of. the athletic games are played .on ’ Thursdays complex. Rugger and team squash* will from five till nine for those innot_ be scheduled activities this terested in playing or spectating a’ novel intramural activity. The summer. Next one dollar recreational plaqe is Seagram’s gym. golf day is Wednesday June -16th In the popular softball league, ‘several scores to be counted! at FoxwoQd. What the hell ii this open mixed 22 _ two ball foursome-at doon on TuesThe Iron Ring -_ _. 15 - day June 22nd. \ Sounds to be someKin 4A \ I’ r.
on dimpug
Due to the weather,-+he putton and ‘glutton golf toprnament has been . rescheduled for Tuesday, June 15. Tee off time extends from 1: 00 to 2 : 30 pm at Beaverdale golf course. The cost is three and a Y quaiter with a lengthy 19th hole. Register as always with Mary in the jock building.
’ 7 .-
The university of Waterloo phvsical education complex will de the site of a star studded fencing exhibition next Wednesday. National calibre competitors’ will be imported to exhibit their skills to the visiting CAHPER con-. vention dignita$es. The president of the Canadian Fencing Association, John Andru will be present to introduce the group and himself take part in the demonstration. Andru’s this year has achieved a feat very alien to tqp calibre fencing competition in baking the national finals in three weapon divisions. Two weeks ago sixteen canadians were chosen- as representa: tives to the pan amcrican games in Cali, Columbia. Qf this number, six will be in Waterloo next Wednesday. National team members Kay Aoyama and Pacita Wiedel, both current Canadian dhampions will. exhibit their foil capability. Fredb Wach, a possibility for the role o$ coach to the pan am team will be the technical representative on h’and. Wach is one of three fencing masters ifi Canada. The distinction of master is awarded only after ‘five years of study in the sport. In the ‘32 Olym’pics, Walsh gained international acclaim when, at 23, he coached the Hungarian team ’ to victory over ,the favoured Bkitish. Waterloo’s competing coach, Kirk Johnston, himself actively involved at the organizing level has returned as a competitor. At the pa% am trials in Ottawa he ranked tenth in the nation after a five year lay-off. Johnston &ill alSQ be one of Wednesday’s demonstrators. The average age of competitors is between 30 and 40, The .organizers consider this an excellent opportunity for the interested view, at no. cost, canadian fencing of the highest degree.
thing gross. For further -tion call Peter Hopkins, tramurals at 3532.
informamen’s in-
FEMININEACTION Action in the slok pitch league finally took shape this week after a lengthy delay brought on by typical Waterloo weather. Columbia field was the site for the Kin 4A victory over the ‘rec’ing crew by a close 8-6 score. At the same time, the BB kin girls took a beating from tfie physics toed team bj7 the not tod close score of 17-2. The other s&ond year kinesiolo’gy group had better luck as they pound‘ed the staffers 5-1. Next week these four powerful teams go onde again to the plate for two sets of exciting slow pitch games.
A pyramid totirnament in singles b$dminton, will be organized for any women so inclined. The sign’ up sheet is located in the women’s locker room. ’ Another reminder of the squash instructional sessions on Wednes-” day’s from 11:30 til 1:30. Courts are resemed for this activity.
The sailing crew extends an in-’ vite to all on campus to be a part * of the fastest growing sport in’the country. They say the enjoyment gained from sailing is incredible. _ The club meeting is scheduled for Tuesday June 8th in AL 124. ,Fol- ,’ lowing the meeting, there will be a film on the sport and a IessQn on sailing. Apparently the room will be flooded.
CRICKET The cricketers have begun practice sessions on Columbia field. Practices are at Columbia on Wednesdays and Fridays at 5 : 30. ’
still on top
L --
Entering their third league game with a no-loss record, the warrior fastballing team kept -their winning streak intact with a 5 - 3 winover J.N. and R Fina in Waterloo city league action at centennial stadium last Tuesday. During the first seven innings, neither team produced plays -to spark enthusiasm in the handful of spectators who sat numbly in the rapidly’ falling outdoor temperature.
- Beare .-
Honda is mm TheOnly yw l-0Go / Sizes Mini to Maxi n
Don’s Sport . cycle Ltd+ 1138 KING STREET KITCHENER-ONTARIO
runs well
Early in the first inning, warrior Dale Beare kept Waterloo hopes up with some fine running after a single base hit. Beare showed speed more typical of a trackster than a ball player as he raced in for the warriors’ first score. After the first run, the dreary procession of both teams to and from the plate continued until Beare once again approached the plate. With a well timed bunt, the speedster outraced the fielded softball to first base. Hopes soared as experienced slugger Jack Bennett came to bat. With three powerful swings and ’ three close . misses Jack retired to the bench, with playing captain Don Scott muttering something about ‘early season experiments’. After collecting a fast hit on the shin, Paul Driedger walked to first putting Beare once’ again in scoring position. Another example of fine between base running by the small second year jock earned him his second run of the game.-
- Sat.
_ 742-8141 \ 8:30
- 5:30
Federationof Students needs
Jack Bennktt, thrice he swung, thrice he missed, but he \ caught a lot of b.alls.
in the sixth inning recording was thwarted ’ by pitcher Don their first run. Third baseman 1 Scott who raced in to tag the Bennett grabbed a hard groundrunner inches short of the plate. However, the next batter’s hit er but tossed high to first base committing a grave water100 to the outfield tied the score at 2-2. error. The gasmen continued their As the eight inning progressed, Scott seemed to be tiring and attack with a high hit to right field, but outfielder Grog Wood his pitches lost much of it’s formemerged from the darkness to er gusto. One hit on a particularretire the Fina boys and halt ly slow delivery headed for the their scoring progress. left field fence but Driedger Bailey continued his pitching pulled the ball into his glove a foot short of the barrier. consistency when the warriors returned to the plate at the top Despite sharp warrior fieldof the seventh inning. The ‘watering, the inevitable tie-breaking Pitchers slow game loo fastballers retired without a run for Fina came when the hit. third batter for the gasmen poundAlthough neither pitcher showed a hard drive, along the first ed tremendous range of hurling Opponents lead base line. A two base hit and a style, their speed and accuracy* single led up to the scoring play kept the trek to the plate and Bennett redeemed himself as Scott’s pitches were consisaway from it at a constant rate. as a fielder with two consecutently finding their way to the During the ensuing four innings tive on-target throws to first. batter’s club. The Fina guys reno runs were recorded. With two out and two strikes turned to their bench confident Fina pitcher Terry Bailey kept against, the Fina batter pulled that they had seen the last run the warrior batters frustrated a surprise bunt and sprinted to of the game. as he struck out 70 percent of the first base. Another hit and a hitters facing him. Don Scott, base steal placed the gasman on Warriors take control hurling for Waterloo did not show third, but his effort to steal home First up for the warriors at the consistency of his opponent, the top of the ninth was Grog but was supported by sound Photo and story by Wood, graduate civil engineer. fielding on the part of the warDennis McGann, Grog’s first swing sent the riors who committed few,.errors. ball into the greeness of the outThe Fina gasmen came alive the chevron field for a romp around two bags. Southpaw batter Scott drove another two-baser to bring Grog home tying the score. Beare again entered the waterloo scoring picture. On the second pitch, he ,hit an easy pop-up to a sloppy outfielder. As the ball wa3 dropped, Beare reached first. Another Fina error brought, Scott his first run of the game, and put Beare once again one stop away from home. j A high, long fly was the final hit of the day for our boys. Using the sound of the ball hitting the outfielder’s mitt as a signal, Beare sped home seconds before the ball hit the catcher’s mitt, scoring the warriors fifth run and his third. A spectacular reaching catch by infielder Brent Carter resulted in a double play retiring the opponents and ending the close game. The major warrior weakness seems to lie in the pitching. Don Scott, who is doing an acceptable job this summer, was the third pitcher last season. As the only hurler on the team he is required to pitch nine innings each ,game and repeat this performance twice each week. The team desperately needs another experienced hurler this season. Although the players are at a minimum, the spirit of the team remains at a very high A grimaced Don Scott demonstrates fastba’lling hand action. level.
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4 june
1971 /12:4)
,, *
On Wednesday the university act committee published its final draft of the university of Waterloo act which proposes a unicameral governing structure for the university. i Criticism- has been leveled at the committee from various groups, including thefederation of students. Below is the federation position on unicameralism. The renort develons the theme of what the purpose and function of a university is and demonstrates how students should be an integral part of the governing body of the university. The brief is critical of the “in-cam/era sessions suggested by the committee. It is concerned student discipline would be put in double jeopardy if the act went beyond what exists under the present criminal code of Can-.ada.
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ROFESSOR A. W. REES, at the march 15 new industrial systems, and, what is more, to con- toward truth. Without this implied dynamism our tinue to develop these systems. search is worthless-it is static. meeting of the senate study committee on These types of change have continued to the pre- -+ This “community‘of scholars” has to be organizuniversity government, called into question sent day, increasing at an exponential rate. Wherethe present formal definition of the university of ed along practical lines which prove efficient in as before only the clerics, the rich or well-born the performance of the task set out. It cannot exist Waterloo. (From section 2 of the university of Wawere educated, the doctrines of democracy dic- as an ethereal dream incapable of transfer to the terloo act) Though at first such a question may tate that all should have the.opportunity to receive world we are in. However, when considering the seem trivial, it does provide the necessary beginsome form of .education. Whereas before the so- various institutional ning of any serious attempt to examine the uniforms by which education is ciety’s technological advancement did not require versity’s governing structure. How one defines to be transmitted, we must not confuse industrial the term “university” will largely depend upon a high level of specialized competence, industriaefficiency with the type of efficiency which should be characteristic of a university. The university one’s concept of education. Having formulated a lization .has produced a demand for highly skilled of education and a definition of technicians, sophisticated administrators ‘ ‘philosophy ‘+ and does not attempt to produce a given commodity. high level of specialized expertise. . Whereas be- It cannot gauge its successful performance “university”, i the determination of membership in terms in that particular institution is appreciably lessenfore the university’s administration could afford ,of degrees granted or input-output differentials. to be rather rudimentary, it has of necessity be- If the end of the university is to instil in its memed. Once accepting a general outlook,on the institucome highly complex. Whereas before thesize and bers, both professional and novice, the desire to tion and its membership, a government is formed required teaching and research aids could be sup- search out the truth of a given issue, then much -to meet the ends an3 provide theameans for attaining the accepted goals, with the various classes of plied without a great outlay of money, the univer- ’ more than/cost accounting, or head counting or sity has become a multi-million dollar enterprise faculty-student ratios must be taken into considera5 membership and the responsibilities conferred requiring great levels of financial support. 1 tion. upon them being -so planned as to best facilitate One must also-be aware of the limitations which It is in light of these developments that one must the attainment of these ends. review the ephemeral concept of the university as this community of scholars is faced with in 4t-S reTherefore, the federation of students feels that of scholars in search of truth”. If lationship with the federal and provincial govern before presenting any recommendations to the a-“community merits. It would be foolhardly for anyone to supthis phrase is to imply a monkish pursuit of univercommittee, it is paramount that the committee sal questions, then it must be thrown out with the- pose that the university of Waterloo is independent members gain some understanding of our conother ideas of’history, such’as divine right of kings ‘of these governmental bodies. By far the majority cept of the university, so that when it considers of the finance capital behind so large an undertakthese proposals it will do so on the basis .of our to- or the guild system. The search for truth in our ing as this comes from Queen’s park and of necesday is no less universal; however, its unive@ality tal presentation. out the meaning of Sity,this Capital OUtlay COIllet with Specific StIkgS Society has always demanded a number of es- lies in that we are searching is legitimately cancermany more things than our forebears knew. The en- attached. The government pecially educated or trained individuals to carry to its citizens. Howon its many complex tasks. When man’s technologineer looks for the true way to perfect the con- ned with its responsibilities detergical knowledge had expanded beyond the point struction of bridges, buildings, computers or ever, the dangers inherent in the political of university development cannot be equipment. He sees the true order of mination where such traditional, systems as the guild or chemical physical objects as they-appear and as they can be overlooked. The problem created by society’s deapprenticeship or informal tutelage could infuse The mand for skilled personnel cannotbe disregarded,’ the proper degree of technical sophistication, a I arranged to form many varied constructs. that this increasing denew form of training had to be instituted. Historiscientist looks for the true order of organic and in- but it must be recognized mand must not detrail the university from its first organic objects. He seeks to discover and undercally, as the value of utilitarian considerations responsibility: “to seek our truth”. ’ stand -the physical components of our phenoincreased, as practical and material matters gainworld. The mathematician searches ed in importance, the traditional emphasis on ul- menologieal Community of scholars timate or “less practical” questions ceased to do- out-the most perfect and efficient way to calculate fter surveying-,some-of the matters and conand to analyze the manifest forces that confront minate the society’s mind. It became less imporsiderations which must precede our discusor social tant for man to mediate on his own existence and our world. The student of the humanities sion of the university of Waterloo specifimore important to seek out the mysteries of sci- sciences strives to peer into man as he isand has Cally, the point at issue becomes the practical debeen, to find out how he views himself. The search ence and the practical solutions to problems. finition of the community of scholars”-who befor truth in these areas implies an unwillingness longs to it and who deserves to participate in its Systems perpetuated to accept the world as we find it. -7 .gOvemment.If we acceptthatthe UUiVerSity-eXiStS ultural changes dictated a new form for the Truth-the radical pr&%ss to seek out the answers to the question “why? “, university. Knowledge became compartis a member he very fact that we search means that we then anyone engaged in that activity ’ mentalized of necessity as the volume of are not satisfied with what we have discovof that community. Granted- that all are not of things-to be learned multiplied. /Men were forced ered. We are dedicated to the dynamics this does not mean, howof equal skill or experience, to specialize in one area to the exclusion of others. This ever, that the searching out of truth is the monochange, to the quest for an answer to “why?“. Technology and applied science invaded the realm poly of one or another group within that comis, indeed, a radical process. We ourselves advoof the humanities and science within the univerwhere it contributes to the progression munity. Salaryt scale, educational backgroundi lensity. Men had to be- taught the intricacies of the cate change , --\
T \
38 the chevron
of tenure, or proce; not alone define the groups concerned. Bet groups may have a de running of the institutic fluential role in the govc to the exclusion of othl government may not : interest of the entire cc demics as well as the the-making are all sup the academic quest. W of the faculty to lead, to judge the performan govern the universitythe only member. On1 levels between the two university provide the tion and cohesion tha “academic community. Those who are charg the practical asp&s 01 members of the commi ey and the ordering of as the food services, b( and acquisition of uni\
thegrOUn&bUildingS sary to the pursuit should participate
in the
the basic
for truth
he definition of t which underlies dent participation
1 -
must be the various r-r stitution’s goals. The p demics, faculty and stu of the community and 5 emment. Those meml who are in policy-ma make decisions that di of the community, shou emment. However, th
a of t in t para
since money is- a conduct of academic a nor should be divorced The important &tin&j hg the sections of the
. i
If administration cantionships among the jf such factors, some vested. interest in the 1 will have a more in!nt, but if this amounts’ nips, we feel that the s operate in the best unity. The proven aca!es and academics-into be participants in ;t accept the capacity de, to encourage, and the novice, but not to 1 community, but not an interaction on all 3s of learners can the osphere of co-operaluld characterize the th the carrying on of ge institution are also The provision of mony varied aspects such res, libraries, finance T property, cannot be le persons engaged in ieone must look aftei! lterial facilities necesmmon goal. They, too overnment. However, t consideration in the , the two neither can eory and in practice. be drawn when judglmunity which should nt of this community rs’ relation to the in;ional and novice acaare properly the core participate in its govIf the administration positions, those who affect the well-being o take part in the govvho provide services re not intimately conuit of the university.
iiversity of Waterloo presentation on stuthe J- government-is:
university of Waterloo is an academic community of the 1970’s occupied with the “search for truth”. It is made up of its faculty, students and upper level administrators who form the government of that provision of the very-best education possible for those who attend and not simply the education of the very largest number which appears. The university government must seek to instil in the minds of its members an understanding of, and a .desire to participate in, the radical activity of learning and searching, in addition to providing them with the necessary technical, administration or scholarly skills which will fit them for positions in society.
Preliminary ment prepared
by the Joint Committee on Government, and published University march 24,1966, concluded with this statement:
The report continues : “Perhaps the most significant development -has been the growing preoccupation of students with their status in the university and their relationship to the government of a university”. One need only listen to student discussions to realize that “the university” is viewed as something other than themselves and their colleagues, as something alien to them, and if they act in a_ disinterested and occasionally hostile way, it is because of a lack of a sense of mutual goals and feeling of community. If the acade&c community we desire is to become a reality, students must feel that they play a vital role in the‘ operation of the university. We can see only benefits to the university from whole-hearted, responsible student participation. In addition to the improvement of campus climate, we see the advantage of a wider spectrum of viewpoints from which policy decisions may be drawn. And it is only appropriate that there should be signficant participation in university government by the largest segment of the university community in the a more democratic government. Representing, as it does, a significant change in the concept of university government, there will be objections-raised to the changed status of the student.
The problem is a perennial one in all governmental systems -the problem of developing systemsthe problem of developing and maintaining an efficient and workable set of relationships between those who make or should make policy, those who administer it and those who are affected by it. And the efficiency of these relationships must ultimately be measured in the light of the purposes the system is intended to serve.
We have attempted to outline our concept of the university, and the purposes it is intended to serve. Some of our justifications for wider participation in the decision-making process have been intimated in our discussion of the university, but in the light of the generally condescending attitude and distrust exhibited in the Duff/Berdahl Report, University government in Canada, further elaboration may be necessary. In a recent appraisal of higher education in Ontario, from the sixties to the seventies, the authors state, “It is fair to say that in recent years students have been much more concerned with questions relating to the general welfare and status of the student than were the students of the ‘50’s”. (From the sixties to the seventies, an appraisal of higher education in Ontario by the presidents’ research committee for the committee of presidents of universities of Ontario, Toronto, june 1966, page 31). The report alludes to the initiative shown by student organizations such as the Canadian union of students, the Ontario region of the Canadian union of students and the campus co-operative residences, incorporated, and commends the contributions these bodies have made.
irst there is the objection that the turnover rate of students precludes terms of office long enough for the experience presumed necessary for policy evaluation. While it may be true that students are unlikely to serve more than two years, in most cases, we submit that this has little to do with the quality of student participation. We recognize that students will in general be more naive and uninformed as to the background and polemics of the various governing bodies. However, this must not be confused with a student’s ability to comprehend and analyze the issues which these bodies must deliberate upon. Itis requisite that more permanent members of these bodies realize this and show a willingness to fill in necessary background details, but, more important, to appreciate the student contribution for what it is most aptly capable of: the propounding of a legitimate and representative point of view and the injection of frank and new ideas. Short terms and-a certain lack of experience may qualify the role of the student, but they certainly do not preclude it. Secondly, there are suggestions that students have insufficient time. While we appreciate this concern, we suggest that many students already in-
volve themselves deeply in a wide range of activities and that it is evident that students can find as much time as faculty members or outsiders to prepare for and participate in university decision-making. The third objection concerns questions of delicacy and confidence. We submit that students will be as discreet as any other participants provided they see themselves as real -members rather than special delegates or reporters. If students sit as full and integral members, they will naturally respond to the situation appropriately. The major areas of contention which the federation holds, are : l “In camera” sessions, because of their tendency. to underline the elitism of bureaucratic decision-making are totally unacceptable; l and, that any form of student discipline by the university is totally unacceptable as the criminal code of Canada and the statutes and by-laws of our ‘several levels of government seem to serve society in general well enough. University involvement in this area can only be termed as “double jeopardy” for the student; l Finally, until the power structures of this university decisively act to include all segments of the campus community in “decision-making and policy formulation” then we shall continue to strug-x gle, utilizing any and all tactics, against “token-. ism”. Tokenism is rankist of all political ideologies.
he answer lies not in further committees to discuss sticky questions of university government or in the adding of two or three easily ignored or easily co-opted students to committees here and there in the closed-door, powerless “advisory” committee structure of the university. These methods have been tried and they have failed. The answer for students and faculty lies in the creation of strong; articulate and committed “movements” which will represent their interests, which will confront the authority structure with their demands and which will, in the confrontations which result, achieve the recognition of those “fundamental values (on which) the vitality and freedom of the academic community ultimately rest.” It is obvious that only in this way will the university of Waterloo provide the much-needed leadership in the nation-wide challenge to remake the universities into forces to revivify our floundering society.
4 june
7971 (12:4)
rer Unmotivated Journalists
uri ng the evening of October 15, reporter Re& Mailhot of the CBC and his team of a cameraman, a sound technician and a lighting man, were being followed around station 18 by three unidentified cars of the anti-terrorist squad. Ordered to come to the station, the four men , followed the policemen quietly, when Mailhot quickly jumped into his car to call his news director by telephone. The police knocked on the door of the car, asking Mailhot to come along. Mailhot held the mouthpiece of the telephone up to the sergeant telling him to arrange it with the news director, of the CBC. The good policeman refused to, do it. Mailhot therefore went with them. Kept in a small room in station 18, the four men were induced to turn over personal belongings and questioned. In the room next door, it was announced that the federal government was going to promulgate the war measures act. The reporter moved towards the room to find,out what was happening,, but a policeman stopped him brutally, shaking his fist in his face. To Mailhot, who wanted to find out what was happening because that is his job, the policeman retorted: “Goddam bastards, one of these days you’re going to get it; we’re fed-up to here! ” After an hour and a half of explanations, the group from the CBC was freed. How; ever, this was not the only time Rene Mailhot was c-onfronted by the police. On several occasions, he was even roughed up. This happened notably on the night of the discovery of the house on Armstrong st. (where Pierre Laporte was found) . . . Mailhot was the first to arrive on the scene, and was roughed up by sergeant Litvak. During another assignment, the evehing when the rumour was around that the house where Cross was kept was known to the police (there was a tight roadblock outside which Mailhot had succeeded in getting through) he was assaulted by some young policemen in a dark lane and molested. A blow on the arm which he received still hurt \several days later.
ntering his home at 5 a.m. on October Michel Belleau, a reporter with L’Action in Quebec City, was . surprised to find four or five policemen who shone a flash light in his eyes, put him in handcuffs and, without explanation, took him to Orsainville prison. Eight days later, he learned he would be released. But he had to wait another 24 hours-the time it took his jailers to find more discharge forms, their stock having run out-to be set free, with no one giving him reasons for his arrest in the first place. IS,
F or Nick Auf der Maur, of the CBC, the arrest was made by telephone, the
40 the chevron
police having arranged a meeting with him the day after they raided his- home in his absence. Not ,able to meet him at home, the RCMP agents decided to contact him at the office and arranged a meeting at the corner of Dorchester and Stanley sts. After several minutes of discussion, they took him in. Destination: the Parthenais street jail. He remained there three days without even being asked a question.
e case of Uwe Siemens, reporter for the german magazine hr - Stern_(equivalent of Life) ; or, the misadventures of a+ foreign correspondent I in Montreal. Siemens arrived in Montreal after the kidnapping of Laporte. He stayed at the Queen Elizabeth hotel. He hired Labelle as a photographer, interviewed Pierre Vallie’res, took walks, in short, was doing his job. On October 16, at about 7 a.m., he was awakened, and with good reason: four policemen were in his room in the Queen Elizabeth, accompanied by a member of the hotel’s staff. Siemens was sequestered in his room for the whole day, until late afternoon. He was questioned, his baggage searched, he even had to trans‘late notes from german to french which he had in his notebooks. Towards the end of the day, he learned that contrary to arrangements he had made, “his room was rented to another guest” - in other words, the Queen Elizabeth politely showed him the door. A fact worth noting: Siemens had just come from Brazil, where he covered the crisis arising out of the kidnapping of another diplomat (Bucher). In Brazil, yes Brazil, nothing of this nature occurred.
laude Dulac,,at that time publisher of the Buckingham Bu//etin, was arrested and then jailed for four days. Questioned by the victim, the police said they really had nothing on him but they could not release him before being ordered to do so. After these events, Dulac resigned as publisher of the Bdhtin. As a journalist, he did this because of the difficulty of informing the public and the working conditions which prevailed at that time-at the newspaper. He said that these conditions existed before his arrest, ‘and were only aggravated by what happened.
ean Gagnon ( thzn at Point d8 Mire ) and Jacques Masse of the same paper received a visit from the police in an apartment they shared a few days after the kidnapping of James Cross. Taken to the station early in the morning, they were released that evening. Their freedom didn’t last long. The morning of October 16 at 5 a.m. the two journalists were picked up again and offered room and board at the expense of Her Majzsty.. Gagnon was there 18 days and Masse for nine days. Four other persons who were‘ with them were also kept for nine days.
hzal Casavant, of the CBC public affairs department in Ottawa, producer of the regional program Sur 18 Vif, was arrested at 5 a.m. on the morning of October 16, and kept incommunicado for 13 days. He had ,no idea of the motives for his arrest. Six policemen, four in uniform and two in civilian clothes, disturbed his sleep telling him that they had come to arrest him. Casavant asked if they has a warrant. To which they replied that because of the war measures act, they didn’t need one. He was then questioned on whether he had guns, a back door entrance to his place, or a telehone. They then disconnected the telephone and began to empty the drawers and cupboards. After an hour and a half of work, the police left the place taking some documents. Some 30 minutes later they returned and arrested Casavant. At the station, he was told to take off his glasses, his shoe laces, his tie and his belt; then he was sent to join the other prison1 ers. Casavant never knew why he was arrested; the “war measures act” was what he was told when he asked. Two hours later, he was transferred to the Hull jail where he was kept incommunicado until October 29. On the 28th, he was questioned for 10 minutes, and that was all! It was on the pretext of questioning that he had been arrested 12 days before, but once in their hands the police seemed less in a rush to question him.
Duhaime of the Journal d8 was arrested in the newsroom of her paper and was incarcerated for several days, then released without being charged. Montreal,
n wn
October 16, Giles Bourcier and Roger B’elanger, a reporter and photographer for Montreal- Matin, were in Toronto to cover the Paduano-Frazier fight and the quarter finals of the Grey provincial Cup. At noon, the Ontario police burst into their room, pointing their guns. Bourcier and slangec were made to face the wall, their arms in the air, while the police made a thorough _ search of the place. Then they were taken, handcuffed, to the police station. Bourcier was released right away. As for BGlanger, he was kept in a cell for 35 hours. Finally, he was released during the night of Saturday and Sunday. He wasn’t able to take the pictures he was assigned to take and he didn’t know * why he was arrested. During this time, at Pointe aux Trembles in eastern Montreal, the police forced their way into ,his’ apartment: Summoned to appear at ’ Parthenais St. court on monday morning, he then learned that he was the victim of a gross error.
onald Labelle, a freelance . photographer, was arrested and detained for a week at the Parthenais st. jail (see “searches”).
e’rald Godin, reporter for Qusbecand secretary-general of the cooperative association of les Editions Parti-Pris, was awakened suddenly at 5 a.m.- on the morning of October 16. Four policemen, including one in civilian clothes, arrested him saying that they didn’t need a warrant to search or detain people because the war measures act had been in effect for several hours. Taken to the Parthenais st. jail, he was questioned the same day on his civil status only, and then, fingerprinted and sent to the cells. The next day, in the afternoon, he was questioned on the FLQ. Then he was sent back to his cell. He was freed on the following friday at 9 p.m.
ouis CKAC
Fournier, then a reporter for and freelancer with QuebecPr8SS8 received a visit from Constables Rossi and Guertin in the afternoon of October 9. Acting on a verbal warrant (at that time the war measures act had not been proclaimed) issued by coroner Laurin Lapoin te, the constables led him to the headquarters of the Montreal police to question him about a Caisse Populaire holdup in the east end of the city. Fournier tried several times to telephone a lawyer., but each time the phone was taken from him. At no time was he questioned on the Cross kidnapping. The arrest was made to keep the reporter at bay while his house was searched, completely illegally under the circumstances because it was necessary to have a written warrant for the search at that time. The police seized original documents from the FLQ, namely the firstSsecond and third communiques and a copy of the FLQ manifesto. They also took his typewriter. About 8.30 that night he was freed. DIRECT
vn October 10, 1970, Claude-Jean Devirieux questioned Pierre Pascau of CKLM and ‘an old associate of Pierre LaPorte (who had just been kidnapped) on the french network of the CBC. Pascau had received several communiques from the FLQ, and his daily work keeps him in contact with his listeners. The program which Mr. ,Devirieux was moderating had just ended when he received a telephone call from the minister of justice, Jerome Choquette. Devirieux cannot say if Mr. Choquette was speaking in his official capacity, but according to him, Choquette gave the impression of being both very emotional and’ very angry. First, Choquette reproached the reporter for taking part in the special program, saying to him among other things and in an apparent allusion to him Fl and Pierre Pascau: “If this continues, it is you who will be blown up.” Devirieux then told the minister that he was only doing his job as moderatorwork which he had been asked to doand that he was convinced he had respected the rules of objectivity. When he asked the minister if he was putting
* r 3
“DOSSIER Z” - a startling account of intrusion into the lives and affairs of practising journalists in Quebec during and last month to,synthesize the after the FLQ crisis darkest fears of a good number of 330 journalists from every corner of Canada. Researched and produced by the Federation professionnelle des journalists du Quebec, “Dossier “’ became the very real proof to delegates attending I Media 71 in Ottawa (allegedly the first “national” conference of journalists that the repressive forces which ordered the Quebec harrassment was also to blame for the apparent insurmountable barrier to self-determination for reporters in the newsrooms -of the nation: -Prodded and nudged by media notables like Peter Gzowski (former Maclean’s editor) and Keith Davey (senate report on Mas Media) who expressed chagrin with the unseen and unwritten, yet obviously powerful codes of political censorship followed by editors and publishers alike, the reporters, both in print medium and on the air, extrapolated the evidence in “Dossier Z” of what is possible when the press is no longer free to be both an indictment of present journalistic standards and ominous justification for “reporter power”: more control over the presentation of news to the public by those who actually write of it. emerged
his objectivity in doubt or if it was a question of threats, Devirieux received this reply : “I know that you are objective but now one can no longer sit on the fence. Objectivity now means to denounce. ” Then the minister went on to say that he was not threatening but that he was reproving the initiatives of certain journalists in the tragic times we were passing through.
J ’
ournalists covering the trials arising out of the October events have been the victims of numerous problems and disagreeable incidents. First, the extraordinary security measures they had to submit to, even until the last two or three days of the Paul Rose trial; identification needed to obtain a provisionary pass card, valid for a half-day only (the press card given by the provincial police was judged insufficient) ; minute searches both in the morning and afternoon. After a general protest, it finally ended with authorization for all journalists to enter the court freely without searches, with their usual press card.
Llaude-Jean Devirieux also pointed security measures __ out the extraordinary during the trial of Paul Rose, particularly at the Parthenais st. headquarters. The security was carried out by police in civilian clothes mixing among the reporters in the public section which was reserved in the court, or during the recesses, surveillance so obvious that it would have been laughable if it had not at times constituted a genuine hindrance to the private conversations that all reporters hold in such circumstances. Devirieux had ‘the disagreeable impression of being the particular object of this surveillance (colleagues at the court house and Parthenais St. corroborated the stories). He *protested personally to the responsible authorities.
1 ves Fabre, a photographer for the de Monrree/, was interrupted in the practice of his profession several times, when he was not expelled outright from the place he went to do reporting. The first time, last October, when he was talking quietly with a policeman outside station 18, four detectives in/civilian clothes approached him and asked him to follow them into the “terrorist” section of the station. In a room in station 18, they confiscated a film they found in his pocket and exposed it. A second time, when a labourer was killed falling from the police building on Parthenais st., he was expelled from the parking ground, a public place, when he photographed ensuing scenes. He escaped from soldiers who wanted to nail him by taking off in his powerful Mustang. Journal
uring a seminar on “information during the October crisis” organized by the Association of English Media Journalists of Quebec, Pierre Pascau (CKLM)
Although divided on the question of what organization should give muscle to this “reporter power”, delegates agreed almost unanimously to several key resolutions. For example, Media 71 supported Keith Kavey’s recommendation of a publications development loan fund with accessibility to people, not profit, the criterion for receiving support. And’ that the Canadian radio-television commission and cable TV operators guarantee access to cable facilities throughout communities, with professional journalists and production advisors receiving pay available through< aid funds and commensurate with any cable company profits. And that the arrest of two journalists in Toronto under the war meaSureS act be investigated by the attOrneY-!Jefleral of Ontarip. And that the delegates endavor to have all or part of “Dossier Z” published or broadcast locally. ’ (It may be noteworthy that in Kitchener-Waterloo the only Positive steps intO the cable area have been taken bY University students. Two student-initiated projects at this university have been granted over 16,000 dollars this summer to produce community cable television programs and investigate student and university liason <with community cable programmers. Of “Dossier Z”, Media 71 organizer Dick Macdonald has
confirmed that he had experienced direct pressure from the department of justice : PASCAU: “As far as I’m concerned it’s not an opinion, it’s a fact. I have not been allowed to broadcast the news that I had in hand. It’s been direct censure. ” UNIDENTIFIED VOICE : “Who didn’t allow you?” PASCAU : “By the authorities. ” UNIDENTIFIED VOICE : “What authorities? The authorities didn’t allow you, or your station management didn’t allow you? ” PASCAU: “I can do exactly as I like at my radio station because I have complete freedom. The ministry of justice, if you like . . . and all the police forces in Quebec . . . did not allow me to broadcast several pieces of news that I had. It’s as simple as that. And since I was not allowed to broadcast it, I am not able to tell you what it is.” (Later) PASCAU: “First of all, Mr. Choquette would not give his legal opinion. He said, whatever opinion he. gave, the law is stronger and he could be wrong. But he said you are not allowed to broadcast anything about the FLQ, that’s what he told me. There was a communique which was received and not published, only parts of it were published. The FLQ sent me the original copy of the communique and I was not allowed to broadcast that.” UNIDENTIFIED VOICE : “What do you think would have happened if you had broadcast it?“. PASCAU: “I would have been put into prison. I couldn’t take the chance.” ’ UNIDENTIFIED VOICE: “Is it your impression that a normal complaint would have been laid against you which you could have defended in the normal way, or do you mean you think you would have been arrested under the war measures act and simply taken out of circulation for a period of time. It makes a great deal of difference. ” PASCAU: “If’you say too much you can be taken out of circulation for 90 days. Nobody has yet threatened me with arrest or anything like that, but I just do not want to be arrested. And nobody can tell me what I must not do in order not to be arrested. And the minister can’t tellme either.” (Later) PASCAU: “. : . When the government passes a war measures act and the minister of justice forbids me to publish some sort of news, and I say publicly I am not allowed to tell you what I know, that, I think, is not very dangerous. It’s only temporary . . . in a moment of crisis. What-is very dangerous is what was done to a certain extent to Rod Dewar fCJADI and many other people in direct pressures to suppress news.”
1H *
e government learned that the intended to run a story based on information that it had received from a highranking police officer, to the effect that police investigations of the kidnap-
said some editors have justified not carrying the dossier on such grounds as ‘reporters have always been shoved around; let them stand their ground’, “Surely,” he comments, “that journalists have always been subject to outside pressure cannot be invoked as a valid re’ason for virtually’ ignoring attempts to impede the flow of information even given shades of journalistic paranoia. Additionally, that there are attempts to impede that flow must be seen as a matter of concern for the public in a democratic society.” Addressing a conference on campus earlier in may, senator Keith Davey said much the same thing. He criticised publishers for subtle and not-so-subtle news management and surpression and congratulated Media 71 for its attempt to begin drawing journalists together into a professional union to evaluate and articulate national and regional press ethics. (Davey will be returning to address the Canadian association of health, physical education and{ recreation professors june 7-g. Already, a second Media conference is being organized. And probably, already, another “Dossier. Z” is being prepared. May there by many, many more.--rats
pings ‘were getting nowhere. A representative of the Gazeire was asked to come to a meeting where a Choquette aide and a Liberal Party official tried to dissuade the Gazette from running the story. A police officer was called in to explain that “promising leads” were being diligently followed. The Gazette assessed this new information, modified the story slightly, but decided to run it despite the government’s attempts to dissuade them.
he Gazette, through reporter Albert Noel, managed to obtain-a description of the photo of James Cross in FLQ captivity, which had been sent to 0U8bet-Presse and subsequently retained by the department of justice. After they had run a story describing the picture, an aid to justice minister Jerome Choquette called the Gamre’s city editor informing him that he, the executive editor and the reporter in question would be arrested for having done so. The validity of the caller was verified by the Gazette, as was the substance of his statement. A few days later it was learned that the department , had changed its mind, and no prosecution was likely to occur.
n the first few days after the soldier3 came to Montreal, photographer Andre abert of Montreal-Math and Dimanthe Math took pictures from his car of Canadian army trucks. A soldier took down his licence number, but did not stop him from taking pictures. A few minutes later H’ebert was stopped by two trucks as he headed for his newspaper and taken to the station. There he was searched and taken to a cell without being allowed to make phone calls and without getting an answer to his questions. “There’s a charge against ’ ’ was all they-would say. Five hours later he was let go with an apology for the error. The next day, as he left the newspaper for an assignment around 10 a.m., the photographer was arrested again by the anti-terrorist squad and held for over an hour despite vigorous protests. Once again he was denied the right to make ;phone calls. Finally, at police headquarters, they told him it was another errorsomeone had forgotten to cross out his name the night before, so police and the army were still on the look-out for his car licence number.
Searches of Reporters and Press Photographers
e home of Antoine Dssilets, photographer for La Presse, was searched October 24. Police looked everywhere but took nothing away. DCsilets has covered pretty well all demonstrations and separatist meetings for many years.
A lance
more serious photographer
case concerns freeRonald Labelle. He
was visited QPP four
by both the RCMP and the days after the magazine Perspectives published a feature “Palestine-Salim and Salem are Quebecers in training”, written by Pierre Nadeau and illustrated by Ronald Labelle. He was interrogated three times during the month of august, refusing to reveal the identity of the Quebecers interviewed in Palestine (he maintains that he does not know who they are). The third time police came with a warrant and asked for his negatives. Labelle no longer had them in his possession. The police reacted badly: “We could be1 mean and frame you . . . but we’ll catch up with you sooner or later.” On October 16, a few hours after the war measures act was invoked, four policemen arrived (Montreal, QPP and RCMP). They searched Labelle’s eight rooms and seized photographs taken among the feddayim. They searched his files and took 63 rolls of film (40 shots each) showing mainly demonstrations, assemblies, student protests, Company of Young Canadians, Manseau pop festival, Murray Hill, etc. They also took his typewriter, some books and literature. And they took away his passport and his wife’s (.which is significant because Labelle as a ‘freelancer goes abroad often and sometimes has only a few hours’ notice). Labelle was held at Parthenais st. for a week. Two interrogations for a total of one-and-a-half hours. \The police wanted to know where Cross was (!) and why Labelle had been hired as a _ freelance by Stern. It did not occur to them that it was because Labelle was competent’. It must have been because he knew all the ins and outs of the FLQ! Labelle still has not got his passport back nor his wife’s (she was not detained). “Write a letter and send it to Quebec,” he was told by corporal Archambeault at Parthenais st. He got back his typewriter-brokensome of his books and literature. He was not able to get back any of the negatives. He sued the police for $1,000, the equivalent of one week’s pay he lost . while’ under contract to Stern. He will sue for compensation if the negatives are not returned because they are part of his equipment. (A freelancer must keep photographic files. )
hen Pierre Nadeau got home last June after a month filming feddayim and interviewing Salim and Salem, a QPP sergeant phoned him to ask if he could screen the film. Nadeau sent them to Roger Cardinal, owner of Mondo-Vision. Cardinal refused to let the police screen them without a warrant. They came back with a warrant (two policemen, one from the RCMP , and one from the QPP and a special federal’ prosecutor for the RCMP), watched the films and left without a word. The CBC program Weekend showed the filmed interview of Salim and Salem one week after the kidnapping of Cross. The program Format showed *continued
4 june
1977 (12:4)
previous page
it again in French.. The police phoned I Nadeau again, and he refused to be interrogated: _“I know no more than what I wrote in ~er~~ectlvss.” Nadeau informed Claude Pith/e of the -FPJQ and consulted the Federation’s legal advjsor, Serge M&ard. He did not hear from e the police again.
1Fi - _ J
;e police. went three times to the home of Gilles Proulx, journalist at CKfM, while he was out. He was very indignant at finding his home in a mess. A week after the last visit Proulx received more policemen from the -anti-terrorist squad. Reason : some scatterbrain had informed them that Gilles Proulx intended to blow up the’ “studios of station CJMS.
heal Casavant, producer of a regional CBC program -in Ottawa, was in prison for 13 days. They seized several documents from his home, including old files on the RIN, literature on the regional Parti” Q&b&ois congaesq an address book, an envelope from the Vallieres-Gagnon committee, a list - c of members of his Caisse Populaire and an old line-up list on which -were writ-. ten two addresses.
people working for the magazine ,and took away copies of the four issues published to date plus two special supplements. Mr. Burgess said the police acted at all times in a courteous and correct manner. I n the- course of searching, for Cross, police conducted a search in the offices of the magazine OlJf G8n8ietith 3934 st. Urbain) and at trait d’union (youth drop-in centre), ADC commune (for american deserters), underground newspaper : Logos and three independent printers. In the latter cases police had search warrants relating to false lottery tickets. In some of these searches the police were armed. Another search October 18, this time at the home of several people working on the -staff of Our Generation (A house On Sewell street, not far from the OG office ). Police seized five or six hundred iSSUeS Of
the Sewell st. house-who, Miss Casselman notes, has no political involvement whatsoever-was given an ultimatium : either leave Montreal, or get his hair cut. In any case, they told him, they would come back to check on him in a couple of weeks.’ In Miss Casselman’s case, her keys were returned, and she was’ told to remain available for questioning-and the police said they would be sending a couple of men to her ‘house, to take care of any,’ sexual frustration she might be having because of her political involvements. .I n the autumn
of 1970, the editors of decided to 1 have their magazine printed at St-Jean, Que. (by Payette et Payette) having .having difficulties with the8 American. printers’ union. - -, On november 30, the StlJean printing /plant and the Montreal Bindery Service were visited by the RCMP, Quebec provincial police and Montreal police. According to an RCMP spokesman, the issue of Sqsn/an’s was not found to violate any article of the war measures act. On december 1, the Montreal Bindery Service broke its contract with Scanlen’s. On december 10, more than 100,066 copies of the magazine were seized-by Montreal police on the grounds that its contents might be-seditious. On december 16,, the Quebec department of justice issued a directive to the magazine’s distributor (Benjamin News) advising it that the magazine should not be circulated; On december 17, the Montreal police announced that the magazine had been cleared of- possible sedition, but that it would have to pay a $29 fine for not being officially registered in Quebec. On december 19, the copies that had been seized,? were released, but customs authorities held them for another week. The contentious issue concerned urban guerilla warfare in the U.S. (with no reference to Quebec). No distributor would takeit in Montreal. Scenlen s
in the room with a Nikon of equally good quality which was equipped with a telephoto lens. One of the professional photographers present (a man from Ls Presse) recognized a Montreal policeman among J the two “representatives” of Sherbrooke TV. When enquiries were made later, it was discovered that this TV station had not assigned anyone to the press conference. In addition to the photoI> grapher from fa Ppsse, CBC News reporter Peter Daniels was a witness to this incident.
roughout the “political” trials at the palais de justice on Notre-Dame st. and at the Quebec provincial police on Parthenais st., plainclothes policemen identified themselves as journalists and-sat in the seats reserved for the press. At one point during the trial of the “five”, Judge Roger Ouimet expelled the public from the court, allowing into the room, only court reporters and people who had a “press card”. Among these people were policemen disguised as journalists. At Parthenais st., on some days, there were almost as many policemen as journalists in the places reserved for court reporters.
editors share space with Our. Generation. Headline on that issue was “Direct Action and non-Violeit Revolution. ” Police also seized person- j al documents, manuscripts, tools, etc. ’ They hit a young man who asked them’ to identify themselves. They arrested , all residents of the house and took them-‘ for questioning to the police station, then, u laude- Jean Devirieux, a journalist released them without charges. Bewith the french CBC-TV network, had altween October 18 and Christmas’;nine errym Trudel, at the time news desk ready noticed the presence, during the other searches were carried out in that editor at Montred-Matin, was visited press conferences held during the ochouse.’ In the meantime police closed in the middle of the night by police look- , tober crisis, of a team of technicians down the three small independent print-ing for something unspecif,ied. .They recordingthe speakers’ remarks on a shops and arrested several people. left as they had come, empty-handed. _ small Sony taper&order. When someone _ On november 18 at,5 p.m., seven or indicated to him that this was a police eight policemen burst into the Our Genteam, the CBC journalist at first found eration office. Four had machine guns, earches -were conducted in the hom,e the matter amusing. -Then he thought one a pistol . . . and another was armed of Jean Gagnon and Jacques Masse, _ that perhaps - it would be better if the with a pocket flashlight. Yet another both of Point de Mire. Police took their police gathered its own information diwas there to take notes. They made a typewriters and many documents -. and rectly from the source, rather than be- meticulous search of both the outside files relating to their c/personal prof esing obliged, as had previously been the and the inside, ’ forcing open a filing sional business. case, to seize the tapes or films made by cabinet. They %read everything, letters, journalists. documents, etc. They wanted to know * One morning, during a press conferhow the magazine is financed, what it e home of %raneois Demers, ence given at the Windsor Hotel by the published, who reads it, etc. They, seized Point de Mire photographer, was searchBatonnier (president) of the Quebec Bar, several documents. Later they called ed during the. night before the invocaMarcel Cinq-Mars, the team , mention‘. on the landlord, hinting that he should n October 16, shortly after 5 a.m., , tion of ‘the war measures act. Police ar-ed above was present. But instead of not rent to such people. . the police searched the home of G&ald rived without a warrant, took him to Qu~&?c-P~~ss~ and L 8s simply filming the speaker, the cameraGodin, of _ On november 20, at 9 p.m., there was headquarters and questioned him for a man and his assistant ‘focussed on DeEditEons Parti-&is. The search lasted another search, again by seven or eight < long time about current events. virieux, c-thus .recording his personal . two- hours. The police took away two plainclothes men. They wanted to know reactions as he asked questions and durtypewriters, cheque-books, bank-books the whereabouts ‘of a printer they being Cinq-Mars’ responses. and a mass of assorted documents ranglieved to be associated with the magane ’ sunny Sunday afternoon a This was not only unpleasant but also * ’ ing from a poster with the slogan “Qu??zine. ‘There was more questioning about -_ squad of at least 20 Canadian soldiers abnormal. Some journalists use a wellbet sait faire .’ . .’ l’indcpendance” to an the magazine : the board of editors-; surrounded thehome of Journal de Monknown technique which is usually efissue of La Claque: staff, financial support, politics, etc. rf88/ photographer Yves Fabe, while fective in getting their subject to talk: _ They went through the filing cabinets ---. inside - Montreal -police made a routine they act as the devil’s advocate, so to as well as. the personal possessions and search. They took all his police-radio -speak.This is the case with Devirieux. sh ortly after October 16, five police. letters of the managing editor, Miss monitors-for -which he had a valid limen arrived-at the home of Jean &t& >But this journalistic technique, effective Casselman. They also took possession of cence-and gave them back later after owner of the magazine Point de Mire. in a press’ conference or the exercise of k her keys. They opened mail addressed .- looking them over very carefully. They _ They searched for several hours’, but the profession, can, if taken out of context, to other groups such as the american also searched his parents’ home.. did not take anything away with them. . distort the image of the journalists in deserters’ committee and the women’s question. Fearing the use which the liberation movement , (this included _ policemen-cameramen might later make -Policemen Disguised government mail not yet opened). The \ acques Geoffroy, a-senior staff memof the tape of his questions or his ges, AS Journalists ’ police made threats: if the group did -not ber of L8 Quartier-L&in, was arresttures, Devirieux asked the two techniIn Press Conferences co-operate, they said, they could put ed twice. A lot of the copy which was to cians to identify themselves. the whole operation into a truck and make up the October 24 issue was takThey claimed they worked for the naL padlock the place. After an hour’s en in the course of a search a few days tional film board. Being-well acquainted , search, they took Miss Casselman to uring the press conference given by before the ainvocation -of the war mea; with the NFB staff and their method of station 1, telling her she would be deFrank Cotroni Jbusinessman) in Monsures act. work, Devirieux did not believe this. He tained for 90 days. During this time, treal last February, two men were cirasked them brusquely: “Are you from the’ police went to the Sewell street house culating among the journalists, one’was police?” and the answer, in these words, d n&ember 7 at 7.45 p.m., three _ and picked up several people. manipulating a,c%mera and the other did was : ‘-‘We work for the police, but you At the station, ‘Miss Cassehrran was Montreal policemen ‘arrived at the ofnothing. Questioned by reporters who _ mustn’t say so.” fices of the fasr-Pusr, 207 Craig Street questioned for a coupIe of hours.. The were intrigued by their presence, the two \ Devirieux at once notified Cinq-Mars, L -West, room 18. They searched the two questions concerned the nature of her men said c they were journali,sts from a - then the management of the national rooms thoroughly while. asking <editor group and politics, the FLQ, and her Sherbrooke television station. film board and the preside% of the fed- I _ Drummond Burgess about the, magapersonal sex life. On releasing. her, -one It was noteworthy that their camera eration professionnelle hes journalistes , - -, _ zine (“Is it socialist?“). They also of the interrogatorsadmitted that he was a Sony video machin’e, very corn: du Qu’ebec. . knew the Our Genere’tion group was ‘. pact (the communications media do -wanted to know what typeof readers the c a pacifist and had no connection with the magazine had, how many copies of each I noT-“generally have machines of this iissue were -printed, what sort of stories _ FLQ, but added that it was groups like quality), and that the operator of the Conclusion r0 -this f8SrU[8 will eppear in ’ would be in the next issue, etc. They this that gave the FLQ moral support. after filming at length, camera,next week‘s chevroq. took down the names and addresses of at switched machines and took pictures r One of the young people -arrested
- J
H 7
- ‘I
-10 42 -
the chevron
v .
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Avant Garde
, 44 the khetiron