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12 number



18 june


fi l

a newsfeature tabloid serving the university of Waterloo



Senate favors revised by Al Lukach


the chevron

Morley Rosenburg, federation lawyer and Kitchener alderman prepares to drive last stake at the Llistaljnk Hostel in the indz~sthl basin of Kitchener. Tent city located in the city ‘s east szkbur~s is Kitchener ‘3 contribution to Canadu ‘s travelling youth.

“Ten people in this room decided unicameralism is not acceptable,” said federation vice-president Carl Sullirrran to last thursday’s senate meeting on unicameral government for the university. . “I assure you that if students had a voice on this body there would not have been one who abstained from voting on such an important issue. They would have done their homework before coming to the meeting.” After four years under two committees, students have seen the possibility of a voice in the governing of the university forced from their hands. The special meeting of senate called to discuss unicameralism was attended by 58 percent of the 49 members of senate. Forty-two percent of the members felt the matter not important enough to attend. The meeting commenced with a motion to allow radio Waterloo to record the proceedings for later rebroadcast. The motion carried. Chairman, Burt Matthews requested that the report of the university act committee be received by senate for purposes of discussion. The request was accepted and Lynn Watt chairman of the university act committee reviewed the background of the stages leading to the draft of the university act and by-laws contained in the report of the committee. In the general discussion that followed, four points were brought up. The first concerned that of aeans on the governing body. The argument used for the cutting of deans evolved from the principles set for reducing the number of exofficio members from the governing council itself. The faculty association and the federation of students contended

that the deans would actively and vigorously support only those motions affecting their own faculties. It was submitted that the wishes of deans could be transmitted to the governing council in a variety of ways. It was suggested in turn that deans were necessary on the council in ‘order to perform their proper function. If the deans had the confidence of their cons ti tuencies the faculty association’s contention that the deans would be working for their own faculties instead of the university as a whole was false. The deans would be automatically elected to the governing council should they be elected by faculty: A motion calling for the acceptance of the Matthews Gellatly - Needles - Watt minority report reinstating deans as exofficio members was carried with three opposed. The second point raised was that

Committee Indications that the proposed vice-president of personnel may be replaced by a lesser title at least in the area of student services have arisen after yesterday’s meeting of the vice-presidential search committee. Leading contender for the position until yesterday was Al Evans, university counsellor affiliated with St. Paul’s college. Administration president Burton Matthews confirmed that there had been “significant difference of opinion” over the appointment of a vice-president but that he still needed help in the area of student affairs and services.




of representation of the church colleges under the new act. Renison college principal A. W. Rees explained that the directive given by the joint board-senate meeting of march, 1969 to the committee to sponsor negotiations between the university and the colleges had not taken place. Act chairman Lynn Watt acknowledged that such discussions did not take place, and that they did not seem necessary until after the committee decided on the final draft to alter the number of representatives from the church colleges. . It was suggested that since the church colleges had been so valuable to the university, the addition of four more ex-officio members would not present a serious problem. A motion giving the church colleges a representative each carried with one opposed. The next point concerned the principle student membership on

stalls choice Federation of students president Rick Page indicated to Matthews last week that based on an interview Evans had with the federation executive and other student representatives, Evans was acceptable to students. Sources indicated at least half of the committee agreed with the federation’s opinion. Matthews added he didn’t know when there would be a new vicepresident and that until the committee had chosen he would continue to be the channel for “student affairs.” Speculation is that Evans will. be offered a position, but not at vicepresidential level.

any governing body of the university. A reason for no student representation at present was that the present university act ( 1959) did not allow for representation. Former federation president Larry Burko pointed out that the same arguments used to justify four representatives instead of one from the church colleges equally applied to student representation. Therefore four students should also represent the four church colleges. The intent of the wording refering to part-time students was clarified by including the part-time graduate students in the graduate student body. A motion accepting the principle of student representation carried unanimously. Another concern of’the body was the number of people from the outside community which would be included on the governing council. Several members felt tha! the fifty percent quota set by the government of Ontario for the university of Toron to governing council would be unworkable at Waterloo. Others thought it would be politically naive to take an act to the provincial government that contained less than 50 percent plus one majority of outside community. The body passed a motion limiting the number of outside people, including alumni to one third of the governing body. Finally senate felt that the easiest step from bicameralism to unicameralism would be a form of revised bicameralism, thus ending speculation of its views. The two contentions of students on closed meetings and double jeopardy were just about ignored by senate. It decided to do nothing about student representation until September.




941.rnghz GRAND RIWR CABLE FM Friday, june 18th: 5;O0 p.m. Jazz & Blues 6:00 University and Community news .. 7:oo Classical Music 9:oo University & Community news 9:30 “People’s Music” ... Partll: with Greg Warren & Bob.Robb lo:OO Mixed music format ‘til 2:00 a.m. *interrupted at 11:00 University & Community news

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Free Dance. Summer Solstice with Appleton Century. Many surprises. 8pm CC great hall. Fish-In. Feed the vicious perch, the deadly catfish and the voratious minnows (all are formerly of sick bay) Keep food organic if possible (ie meat, lettuce, fingers) as too much bread tends to make the fish sick. Eng II, fountain all day


Campus Center Pub., 7 hours of conversation, beer, listening music by Whiplash, movies. 25 cents members; 75 cents non-members. 5Pm CCpub Sponsored by federation of students.

Flying Club ground school. Everyone welcome. 7pm MC3007.

MONDAY Lib Waterloo University Gay movement general meeting. Everyone welcome. 8pm HUM161 Grad student lounge.

5 four pub-dance with Whiplash and dancing with the band Gaslight. 50 cents members; $1 non-members. 7pm CCpub. Sponsored by federation of students.

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of ‘meetings, special seminars or speakers, social events and other happenings on campus-student, faculty or staff. See the chevron secretary or call extension 3443. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m.

’ -

Federation Three Flicks$l for U .of W undergrads; $1.50 others. 8pm AL1 16 Sponsored by federation of students.



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building last thursday night. Please call Chris at 744-2552. Wallet, black, with drivers license etc. Call Bob Ka’dis 579-4508, St Jeromes (Room ‘19)

Federation Three Flicks $1 for U of W Jndergrads; $1.50 others. 8pm AL116 Sponsored by federation of students







“Thoughts to You”...this week with CBC’s Earl Cameron and Warren Davis Mixed musical format %I 2:oO a.m. . interrupted at University & Community news


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Classified ads are accepted between 9 and 5 in the chevron office. See Charlotte. Rates are 50 cents for the first fifteen words and five = cents each per extra word. Deadline is tuesday _

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Mixed music format University news & Community

news chit chat

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Tuesday, june 22nd : 5:00 p.m. Mixed music. format 6:00 University news &Community

West of on Erb St.

5:OO p.m. 6:00


Monday, june 21st: _ - -” . 5:OO p.m.*Tim Wight’s “Country &%ommunity”* 6~00 _ _ University news & Community news 7:oo Mixed music format 9:oo University news & Community news “Tempo Theatre--presents ‘The ‘Dock Brief’ 9:30 Blues with J.J. Pie lo:OO University news & Community news ’ 11:OO 11‘: 15 ’ Mixed music ‘format “til 2:OO a.m.

- Green Fee PlayersWelcome

news game” ‘til


Mixed musical format Programming contributed by our listeners and produced’ in their homes; 9:oo University & Commupity news _ 9:30 ’ -. “Orie Hour” hews and public affairs I featuring the-community in’ depth. I ZsVVladness, to %lidnite”--music interview and L 10:~00 . _: satire to 2 :00 a.m. interrupted at , _ 11:00 University % Community news \ -. /





june 23rd : “God Knows What” Mixed music format University news & Community “On the Go...with Patrick Butler” with the folks at home in Gait Richard’s Music Place--jazz University news & Community “Federation Reports” Mixed musical format University news & Community “J.W. is my name...andSoul is my




Wilkie’s Folkish music , University news & Community news “Radio Gazette” Mixed music with Dave Booth ’ University news & Community news Mixed music format ‘til 2:00 a.m. 1


Fish-in. Feed the vicious perch, the deadly catfish and the voratious minnows (all formerly of sick bay) Keep food organic if possible (ie meat, lettuce, fingers) as too much bread tends to make the fish sick. Eng II fountain all day. “THURSDAY Fish-In. Feed the vicious perch, the deadly catfish and the voratious minnows (all formerly of sick bay) Keep food organic if possible (ie meat, lettuce, fingers) as too much bread tends to make the fish sick. All day Eng ’ II fountain. Federation Three Flicks. 75 cents for U of W undergrads; $1.50 others. 8pm AL116 Sponsored by federation of students







Since the university act comAnother regard is that “until all mittee was formed in march of the power structures of this 1969, several groups have sub- university decisively act to include mitted minority reports to the all segments of the campus committee. community in ‘decision-making A. W .Rees, principal of Renison and policy formation’ then we shall college submitted a minority continue to struggle, utilizing any report on behalf of the church and all tactics, against ‘tokenism’. colleges federated with the Tokenism is rankist of all political university. The minority report ideologies. ” was critical of the university act The federation asked of the being written in such a way as to university study committee in reduce the number of represenoctober 1968, basically the same tatives from the church colleges to goals in the formation of a new governing structure. It is apparent the governing body that would exist when the university of to student leaders that playing the Waterloo act, 1972 is approved. - proper channels game just isn’t the He specifically referred to the I contradiction in the act which under section 27 in the latest draft stated that the university would continue to honor obligations and rights that it had with the federated and affiliated colleges. Senate expressed it’s wish last thusday that the number of representatives be changed to three ex-officio members from the An interesting item on the one presently in the draft. agenda of the upcoming meeting of Last month the federation of the board of governors, june 22, is students submitted a minority the motion of the senate regarding report to the committee con- the dispute over the payment of the demning in camera sessions as money collected for the student unacceptable. The federation felt activity fee to the federation. The that such sessions tended to un- senates would like to reconfirm the derline the elitism of bureaucratic basis for the collection of the fee by decision-making. a student referendum, and be The minority report also hit hard repeated at not less than three at the form of student discipline. It year- intervals. contended that the criminal code of Because the agreement to pay Canada and the statutes and by- the compulsory student activity laws of the several levels of fee is still in effect between the government effectively cover board of governors and the situations that might arise. federation of students, and Senate made no attempt to because the federation has clarify these points or to make mechanisms to resolve such motions’ to change the act to ac- disagreements, the federation comodate the two concerns. president would like to present. a

way to gain control over their lives. A final minority report issued in june presented the views of administration president Burt Matthews, chancellor Ira Needles, staff rep, Bruce Gellatly and senate rep Lynn Watt. They dissented with the majority of the committee which removed section 12 (a) (iv) of the September, 1970 draft. The section would make deans ex-officio members of the governing body. Under the present draft deans are not included as exofficio members.

Board of governors to discuss activity fees



report to the board for its October meeting. Also on the agenda are items concerning the guaranteed housing loan plan, the math society fee, the appointment of architects for the jock building addition, and a report from the coordination and placementpeopleon the summer employment situation. ’


to Gal?




In an interview with Bill Sussex of radio Waterloo last tuesday, Don Scott, senior planning officer for the city of Waterloo, said that he is concerned about the area at the north end of Waterloo along King and Weber streets. He said that now designated inthis area, dustrial, is rapidly being bought for commercial use, and provides a very unattractive entrance to the city. The area can be made more attractive, he said, by encouraging the development of multiplefamily high - rise units-in this area. He said that this is not a “shotgun approach” to rescue the area, but that it falls in with a definite plan of the county area planning board to develop high


rises along the, “KitcheherWaterloo corridor”, along King street through Galt and Preston. This would lend itself to the development of a mass transit system from north Waterloo to south Galt, in order to encourage a greater proportion of the cities’ populations to use mass transit rather than their own private cars. While this may be true for the people living in the suburbs who now have very little choice but to use their own cars to get to their jobs, often quite far away. Already there are two developments going up in the north end of Waterloo-one at the corner of King and Columbia streets. The accessibility of this area to the



davce iConference held warscattered about the

city may result

The graduating class in ar- chitecture degree is honours. chitecture are firm in their Dennis Mahon and other graduating students were shocked demands for an honours degree Burt Matthat has since been withdrawn by to find the president thews, unaware of the change. the registrar’s office. The originally promised honours The students wonder what kind degree bachelor of environmental of communication exists among studies, honours architecture, is ,the administration buffs. now changed to a general degree. , Architecture students have received permission from Rick. Page, federation president, to use the federation lawyer to handle the situation . A letter has been sent to the university stating the students will not accept a general environmental degree. The graduating students want the honours environmental studies degree with architecture as a SASKATOON (GINS) Branch consultants across Canada major. Municipal leaders were angered found in the past year “that most They are willing to sue the ad- when. told by Ottawa on tuesday disadvantaged and minority ministration, not for damages but that citizen protest groups are groups do not believe that for the degree itself. desirable and will continue to democracy, as practiced in The same students have to date receive federal Government Canada, works on their behalf. To received no positive response to grants. them, it appears to work only for their queries. Robert Stanbury, minister those who have power or money, There are claims that tranfor Information responsible and an established and relatively scripts are being held back penCanada and immigration, told a unassailable place in society .” ding acceptance of the degree. A meeting of the Canadian Most of the municipal politicians possible alternative of sending out federation and ’ who were of mayors uptight about the transcripts listing the degree as municipali ties (CFMM) that government’s stand came from the “pre-professional” is less ap“confrontation can be positive and Toronto and Vancouver areas,. pealing to the students than the productive,” and is becoming a where the struggle between citizen change of the degree from honours fact of life in urban areas. action groups and the municipal to general. Toronto mayor William Denbureaucracy is well publicized. Students wanting to leave uniwat nison asserted municipal governYork alderman Ben Nobleman and needing to send transcripts to ment is the only level ‘of governobserved that a radical alderman other schools, are unable to do so. ment that listens to citizens. He draws front-page coverage, but if a High school students intending to drew loud applause when he delegation of 1,000 people voiced come to uniwat for environmental criticized the federally-financed their support of Mayor Dennison, studies, are unaware they will not hell-raisers the story would be relegated to the who upset local be getting an honours degree, for government. back page. the uniwat calendar under enStanbury said the deep “Satisfied ratepayers don’t vironmental studies states only “must be faced make front-page news,” he discontent 1 geography as being a general squarely by responsible governquipped. ments.” Asked if the federal government degree, thus implying the bachelor would provide money for a group of environmental studies arHe pointed out that Citizenship


If+iprovisation was the stress of the h-national this past week in the phys-cd complex. Paper gym floor. More pits and story on page 9.

desiiable’ in favor of a project like the controversial Spadina expressway, Stanbury replied it would depend on the specific group’s application for a grant. “Ottawa is now trying to Stan-: d.ardize the criteria and procedures .for such funding,” he admitted.He added that no groups supporting the status quo had previously sought financial support. Toronto alderman -June Marks criticized Stanbury for ignoring a year-old request that Ottawa consult municipal councils before money is given to citizen’s groups. Her motion, with other critical motions, will be put to the convention later this week. The annual meeting is sparking discussion and rhetoric on social unrest seldom heard at previous meetings of the CFMM. Meetings in the past were chiefly concerned with problems like getting more federal money for sewage plants and railway crossings.

university makes is favourable for residential use. Scott alsa hopes for urban renewal downtown. Since Waterloo is not eligible for government grants to undertake this, he wants the city to encourage the development of high rise multiple family units in the downtown area, just outside of a somewhat more concentrated central business district than the present one. These buildings will be built on land now occupied by older homes. The new apartments will most likely be for people in the middle income bracket. ’ When asked whether Waterloo’s plans are compatible with those of Kitchener, he said that he was “lead to believe” that Kitchener had adopted a similar policy. He said that that there was no direct communication with Kitchener, but that their efforts are coordinated by the county area planning board. He also said that the development of these apartment buildings would not significantly i ncrease * Waterloo’s growth projections, but would instead alter the kind of housing that Waterloo’s future population would occupy. Scott was also questioned about the possible reactions of the people of Waterloo to this proposal. He said that individual property owners approve of, apartment buildings, but only out of sight and away from their own property, They would encourage multiple family developments in a concentrated area, but they would not want high rise apartments scattered throughout the suburbs. Of course suburbanites are justified in objecting to the random, unplanned placement of high rises in the suburbs. However, when an area is planned ahead, using care and good judgement, single family homes and multiple family units including high rises placed in close proximity,ca n still be attractive and interesting, with a stimulating variety of people. However, as Scott pointed out, there is a difference between sound planning philosophy and the opinions of property owners.

friday 18 june 1971 (126)

59 3

Last week’s iolution

feedback “Please,




Indeed. As I turned through my chevron of friday, may 28, my eyes came to rest on an article by Rod Hickman on page ten. I understand that there are many problems in Canada, that the “role of formal education must be reconsidered”, that there are practicable alternatives, that A.S.



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For the past few days, the arts library has been displaying tourist apposters on its main floor, parently provided by the israeli government or one of its agencies. arab One poster depicts Jerusalem with its mosque and churches and is labelled “israel” in english and hebrew. In defiance to the numerous UN resolutions concerning the status of the Holy City, Israel has annexed the jordanian sect0 of Jerusalem and has made the “united city” its capital. The still Canadian government maintains its embassy in Tel Aviv to express its disagreement with the israeli tactics of fait-accompli. Another poster shows the town of Bethlehem .% The town, along with other areas, was conquered by Israel’s “defence army” in 1967. The UN refers to these areas as “the oc-





following the Recently, federation of students by-election, “1 he chevron” telephoned me to ascertain my views on the federation. Upon reading the story “the chevron” of friday 11th ill june, I found that I had been quite seriously mis-represented. I wish, therefore, to voice my dissatisfaction with the treatment of thestory and straighten the record as regards my opinions. It, is apparent that “the chevron” attempted (successfully) to portray me as an uncritical, semiconsumer of the moronic federation’s facilities.. This type of reporting, I feel, reflects the unchanging attitude of “the chevron” towards engineers. I believe that federation fees should be made voluntary. If, as a result of this policy, the federation were to lose ‘a significant fraction of its financial support and perhaps collapse, then this would emphasise in the most realistic manner that there was no genuine interest in the federation. At federation present, the “representatives” are permitted to ego-trip freely in the vacuum of apathy that exists on this campus. Without mandatory fees, these “representatives” would have to justify to each and every feepaying member their existence as representatives. I would hope that I could justify my position as representative to the engineering undergraduates at the end of the coming year. Finally, in this spirit, I would remind the editor and staff of “the chevron” that the grant of $50,000 which they receive from the federation, would, if present trends continue, be in jeopardy if a truly representative federation were to review the worth of “the chevron” to the student body. IVAN GATI engineering rep. federation of students The chevron regrets any misunderstanding of mister Gati’s request not to be quoted. --the lettitor.


60 the




Address letters to feedback, the chevron, U df W. Be concise. The chevron reserves the right to shorten letters. Letters must be typed on a 32 character line. For legal reasons, letters must be signed with course year and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason.


Neil thought of this a long time ago, that we all have to act, etc., and blah, blah. I don’t wish to belittle the importance of the topic under discussion, but really, in speaking about these problems, to suggest, to hint - Christ, even to mystically allude that what we need is “the resolute leadership of a




cupied territories”, while the Israelis prefer to call them “the administered areas”. The action of displaying these posters, with all its implications, by the library administration consents to and perpetuates, intentionally or otherwise, the expansionist israeli policies. The Arab students association on this campus strongly deplores such action on the part of the arts library administration and ex-‘ presses its deep regret that such a thing could happen on our campus. We insist on the removal of these posters from display, as we consider it the only way to maintain the neutrality of the university at large concerning the Palestine problem. This is a free forum for knowledge-seekers rather than a propaganda exhibition. M. MUTAH GHAMIAN president Arab students association

diletantes.” MacKenzie-King or an F.D.R.” is . at once confusion, frightening, ’ thoughtless and damn repugnant; this is certainly not what we “sadly lack in this desperate age”. God, there are enough bloody liberal political diletantes running things these days without hoping for more. What about the role -both these “gentlemen” played in creating the very conditions that Roddy is rightly bitching about? From what I know, King almost . singlehandedly introduced the notion of the “corporate ideal” (cf. James Weinstein) into the Canadian political arena. The man’s history is a triumph in successfully obscuring the objective differences between the working class and the capitalists. He accomplished an aggregation of control in the hands of the P.M. which bordered on the dictatorial...small-minded, self interested, business-oriented and tough - is that what we want in our desperate age? Further, it seems to me that we have just that type of leadership in Ottawa today: Trudeau is nothing if not “resolute”, and he is eminently liberal. Finally, if the political orientation itself is of so little importance, why not opt for the resolution of an Adolf Hitler? Indeed.

DAVID CUBBERLY grad political science

On being awarded the PuliTzer Prize I’ve been informed that I have been awarded the Pulitzer Prize for poetry : for 1971. I am pleased to know of the judges’ regard for my work, and I want to thank them for their wish to make their opinion public. But after years of the news from southeast asia, and the commentary from Washington, I am too conscious of being an American to accept public congratulation with good grace, or to welcome it except as an occasion for expressing openly a shame which many Americans feel, day after day, helplessly and in silence. I want the prize money to be equally divided between Alan Blanchard (Cinema repertory theater, Telegraph avenue, Berkeley, California)-a painter who was blinded by a police weapon in California while he was watching american events from a roof, at a distance-and the Draft Resistance.

W. S. A4erwin






GUERILLAS IN POWER: THE COURSE OF THE CUBAN The depth of revolutionary change cannot be fully captured within the covers of a book - its basis is such that it frustrates final analyses and last words. Commentary on revolution is all too often supportive of dogma of one type or other; however, some observers rise above this condition and manage to create an informative work by recognizing the given limitations. Motivated by strong sympathies for the struggles of revolutionary nations, these writers maintain and utilize their right to criticize and explain nonetheless. It is with this type of work alone that we, as outsiders, have any hope of understanding what is happening elsewhere in the world. K. S. Karol reveals a picture of Cuba that is most helpful to those of us with little or no introduction to her history. The effectiveness of this contribution derives from

by Dave


the chevron

personal experience with the revolution, based on visits to the island and extended conversations with the guerillas. Karol’s compact journalist’s style is built upon a simplicity of form and word use which make for easy reading; mixing political acuity and an opein statement of bias, he forges a smoothly written, unlaboured account of the activities of this little island. Cuba, smothered by judgements from all sides of the political spectrum, appears as a montage


only dimly outlined; simultaneously she is manifested as symbol, myth and reality. Karol dispeis this mist by historically tracing the development of her long strtiggle for national independence both externally, from the successive rapes of Spanish and American imperialism, and internally, from the grip of her own business-men and bureaucrats. This brief chart, which focuses on the development of a radical politics, delivers a simple, effective iindictment of the crudities

by Hilda


the chevron

THE CONCEPT Unlike most plays where the audience can dismiss the action on stage as acting, the play as a story, and the characters as actors, the play, “The Concept” is people playing themselves as they confront both the audience and themselves of the reality of drug ad-, diction. The play centres around a young man entering a drug addiction withdraw1 program and the interaction of other members in the group. Brought to Toronto from New York for the Canadian guidance and counselling association, the play is a culmination of the experiences of the originators of the play addicts, and the actors who are presently or have been a part of the Daytop treatment . centre for drug addiction. The play opens with all the members of the cast giving their names, ages, and short emotional bursts J of: “I need love.” “I don’t care.” “I’m frightened.” “I hate everybody.” . and “I haven’t any problems.” The audience is immediately confronted with nice clean cut youngsters who look like the kids next door of down the street. A scene opens on a house meeting where- new members are introduced, bitches are aired, and household tasks are assigned to each member. One member is.pissed off since a communal stereo had been left on. The matter is cleared up after the person responsible gives an explanation for his action, owns up and is reminded of his responsibility to share in maintaining the house. Another member is concerned about his feelings of rejection by discrimination. The group asks both parties what kinds of things happened and the guilty member is finally pressed into answering, “Are you prejudiced? ” No answer. “Are you prejudiced? ” Finally, “Maybe a little bit.” A member retorts angrily, “That’s like being a little bit pregnant. Here at Daytop we talk about prejudice feelings ! ” The guilty member finally admits his true feelings. The play follotis thryugh with the new member chattingabout the pr’ogramme, his beefs about how he’s being treated, his battle with himself to bring his beefs to the group, general group discussions and the final group marathon.

The change of scenes flow smoothly-as each actor with a simple prop of a small box which they sit on or arounq, thump the boxes on the stage as actors move into thei: new places. The newest member is asked how he feels about various members reactions to himself. Pushed to be honest, he is told, “There is no free lunch,” meaning he gets nothing without giving of himself to the group. Prodded he resists; gives in; and admits his fears of self-doubt and need to be loved. He is.asked to ask one member to love him. He hesitates. He mumbles. He is asked to-repeat the request. He asks a little louder, “Will you love me?”

“You’re not asking him to pass the sugar,” retorted another member commenting on the lack of feeling in the plea. After many attempts wrought with dispair he again asks to be loved. The member responds and hugs him and the group follows suit. The tension and anxiety of the audience is then heightened by another member being forced to face herself and her constant efforts to escape this awareness. The girl faces the audience and as one critic &s&bed it, “In a cry wrung from the depths of her loneliness she asks if we could love her. Her cry is not that of the drug addict but a cry that could have come from any one of us.” The entire cast walked down into the aisles and quietly asked members of the audience, “will YOUlove me?” The mood in the theatre was mixed, one of apprehension, fearing to be personally confronted and one of 40~ wanting to be with one another.

Some looked away in embarrassment. Some hugged the actors, male with male, female with female and male and female. ’ Some giggled nervously. At the signal of lbud clapping members of the cast returned to the stage to the applause of the audience. The audience rose to a standing ovation only after one enthusiastic man left his seat, went into the aisle and motioned people to get up. After the play the entire cast returned to the stage to informally answer questions from the audience. Here again the audience was confronted with the nice young kids who have and are struggling through addiction. As a cast averaging 21 years they have a total of forty years experience with heroin addiction and as a group have completed twelve drug free years at Daytop. One member was asked about educating people about drugs. He felt if he had been introduced to drug information prior to or during his addiction it wouldn’t have made any difference in his getting into dope. The actors spontaneously ended the show with the Daytop philosophy : “We are here because there is no refuge, finally, from ourselves.

inflicted upon this people and conveys a sensitivity to their determined spirit.

0 bstacles to progress Karol praises the aspirations of the Cubans and their recent achievements by sympathetically portraying them against the formidable oppositions with which they must contend: the harsh, reality of a single crop economy which undercuts and contradicts an ideology developed for advanced industrial civilizations ; the many social tensions, a legacy of ‘obstacles inherited from the past’ - widespread illiteracy, poor housing, almost no technical expertise, not to mention the everpresent business spirit so happily encouraged under Batista; finally, her discouraging political experience as a simple and destitute pawn in the power play between Russia and the United States. The impossibility of these restrictions displayed against the enormity of the Cuban dream imbues in us a feeling of kindredship with Cuba. Karol’s work is a step forward in that his analysis is not based on simplisitc parallels with the Russian revolution ; graciously he saves us from airy paeans to the glory of everything styling itself communist - he is interested in the reality of a particular situation, in its problems and contradictions, though no less in the unique beliefs that guide the struggle against them. Through this endeavour many things become clear - the old socialist bogeymen are all there authoritarian institutions structure social and political life; the requirement of a strong material base is again being emphasized, hinting that the struggle for the development of primary industries may again take precedence over the satisfaction of social needs in the realm of consumer goods. Fortunately, for the most part these dangers lay dormant to date,taking the form of tendencies or possibilities rather than hardening into fixed realities.

Fidel Castro This situation, bad, owes to a biguity in the exercised upon In most respects of Cuba appears

both good and fundamental amnature of control the Cuban people. the recent history as the personal

story of Fidel Castro, so closely is this isolated figure identified with the eruptions in her development. Karol has manifest, though not uncritical respect for Fidel. He emerges as a gargantuan individual, untiring, relentless, optimistic and stubborn; he intends to example the socialist ‘new man’ himself - omnipresent, slways giving, stressing personal contact and involvement, he is always on the move, always doing. Still, Karol’s praise is bittersweet Fidel’s commitment is above question, yet he and his people are locked in many contradictions that cannot be overcome by goodwill and bull work alone; as much as he identifies himself with the Cuban future, so he is that future - for t,he Cuban people lack the institutions through which to control gheir own destiny. Fidel’s sugar socialism, while attractive to those outside ’ the dogma of the US$R, is plagued by similar structural problems the revolutionary effort proceeded from the top down, including the masses only in a secondary fashion. Born of the advanced ideological development of the guerilla leaders, the revolution was inserted over the heads of the majority of the populace. Since the needs were felt most strongly by those at the top, the institutions of socialism were not developed in the process.

Socialist man The symbolic potency of the Cuban effort lies within the tendency to stress the development of a truly socialist mentality, a trend which is the negation of the involuntary , self-denying, ascetic worker encouraged by Russian practise; its potential tragedy is that this effort, while noble, exists in isolation from the concrete powers which would render it permanent. What is missing from Karol’s account is a detailed breakdown of ihe attempts by the ’ Castroist leadership to create the basis for this control - we are given no clear picture of the actual state of the Communist Party, its relations with the working class and peasantry, nor of factory conditions and the relations of production. While this absence is regrettable it does not lessen the value of this book as a healthy introduction to Cuba. Perhaps most telling is that Karol ends his work with a personal exhortation to Fidel concerning the dangers of the premise ‘accumulation fir3 , solution of social problems next’ by. portraying Cuba’s future as openended he lends credence to the suggestion that ‘benevolent socialism’, while displaying an interim viability, is also something to be overcome.

“Until a person confronts himself in the eyes and hearts of others he is running. “Until he suffers them to share his secret, he has no safety from it.

“Afraid to be known, he can know neither himself nor any other; he will be alone. “Where else but in our common ground can we find such a mirror? “Here, together, a person can at last appear clearly to himself, not as the giant of his dreams nor the dwarf of his fears, but as a man, part of the whole, with his share in its purpose. “In this ground we can each take root and grow, n& alone anymore, as in death, but alive.. .to ourselves and to others.” Sa;,,ii?. this play the distance between the play and the audience was crossed as some members were asked fo ci-\me through and show their feeling when they had come to be entertained to.

friday 18 june 1971 (12:6) 61 5

The spoiled

Seemingly numb from the waves of worship Stewart mechanically responds to the crowd


flowing his way, Jackie as he returns to the Ms.

Deep in the heart We arrived in Indianapolis along with the sun, but I think both we and the daylight came unnoticed among the lineup of cars that must have formed throughout the night, or, perhaps the whole week before. The cops must have concealed a fair bit of tiredness, but a lot of power tripping revealed itself whenever an eager and independent motorist got out of his lane in order to improve his position. They used barricades and pretty mean looks and heavy sticks to keep people in two hour lines. We somehow managed to get parked in an area reserved for track employees, which was probably illegal as it was within normal walking distance of the. track. As we walked toward breakfast, we noticed the hungry-looking parking-lot barons : people who owned property close to the track, whose businesses existed under the shadow of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway’s incredibly huge enterprise, as well as the hawkers of balloons, checkered flags and model racing cars, all adding to the hype and artificially increasing the fan’s emotional attachment to the race. The barons were up by six o’clock at the latest with their change purses flashing, their sons and daughters directing and attracting cars onto their front lawns and back yards and their wives selling coffee. From kids waving armfuls of flags, to veterans fighting to push hundreds of thousands of badges; from two-bit hot dog stands through elaborate game and food stands (corn dogs?) to the logical extreme, the Holiday Inn: they all surround the track like a village spreading out from its church; the bartering of money changers is a verse in the “Consumer Hymn of the Republic”.


of Indiana,


Breakfast at the Speedway Motel (by the way, this part of Inianapolis is actually Speedway, Indiana) was a $US 2.25 buffet for which we used our own colourful currency at no penalty for our noncitizenship. The American Mid-west sat down to eat with us: very little variation among men other than their relative bulks, and even less variation among the women. All the men dressed the same; their hair was either short or shorter, their shallow laughter arose out of the same sort of humour. And their humour was rather irritating: a pointed, personal sarcasm. Complaints to the waitresses were laughed at and forced an embarrased laugh from her. They laughed at each other’s manner of doing things in a way that ignored their own ineptness. The women were the most subjugated that I have ever seen: carefully bred throughout life (various stages of growth could be seen throughout the attendence) to fit the same mold physically and emotionally. As we walked out I watched the wife of a bull in trousers and short sleeves. From a distance she was typically good-looking and happy, but within a few yards I noticed her eyes as she looked up. and I felt the stare of a frightened, domesticated pet. Walking back to the Speedway’s gate, I realized how numb everyone seemed to be. You could do almost anything around them, dance in the street, take pictures of them, stare at them; as each individual is to them the same as the other 300,000. Motorcycle police with sirens screaming, dashing up and down the street; motorcycle gangs; cavalcades of cars and buses: it’s a multi-ring circus even before one enters into the main attraction. We had seats very high in the infield grandstands.

All that repressed


62 the



is bound

to I

. , , the

sort ojprojectile

that draws blood-money

on sight.


man r

But where


3it0p photos stories

Before us was a sea of faces in the midst of which Speedway owner Tony Hulman waved his flag and parted the waters to reveal a mile-long ashphalt straight-away (except for a one-yard nostalgic width of brick). There were, of course, the real parades and festivities inside the walls of the colliseum, and ritual parading of drivers, incantations to “Old Glory”, moments of silence for past heroes (“who have made this sport the spectacular sport it is”), and the sacramental starting of engines. This last bit of grandeur, the keynote saluting that the spectacle was to begin, was heralded by a feeble voice grotesquely magnified through the world’s largest P.A. system: “Gentlemen, start your engines! “Someone behind us, a bearded fellow and obviously some sort of freak as everyone else ignored him, commented: “He still has to read a script to get it right.” The engines roared out, producing so much noise that you’d figure they had no energy left for motion. Without further ado, not even the sacrifice of a few maidens, the cars set off for a couple of laps behind the pace car. From just as they left until as long as I stuck around, which was about the seventh lap of the race, everyone, most irritatingly the great percentage of the 300,000 in front of me, stood up.When everyone stands up, no one sees anymore than when everyone sits down, but no one seems to realise it; that’s just one one more deep-rooted contradiction in the Indy-American life. But the freak behind us was aware: “What Indianapolis needs is compulsory seat belts.“So they came <around the final turn of the pace lap, accelerating for the green flag. I watched the pace car enter the pit lane as if being chased by the shock wave of an atom bomb and remembered the hue and cry of a few years ago when the first lap crash was blamed on the pace car driver’s lack of ability to drive at a reasonable pace. It actually

:ed in a car dealer’s

4 vik



;..- _/ by Notes, by Steve

Pete lzma

and Steve lzma



seemed they had rectified the situation. Forty minutes later, while walking through the infield, I was reminded of Indy’s arch-conservatism : paper boys were peddling newspapers, with a big bold headline reading : “Pace Car Crashes”. In the first few laps of the race, I became very much aware of the ZOO+ mph speeds, especially because of all the fragile things, like people, that were so close-by the missile-shaped projectiles. The hordes of people packed together in the huge grandstands, the concrete walls and barriers and the blaring PA were making it obvious that this wasn’t at all a race: it was like a huge dream-machine powered by the collective frustrated consciousness of the people in the grandstand. What excitement they saw on the track was merely their own projections. J could not see any racing at all; I had no idea what sort of ability the drivers had, or for that matter, wnere the drivers ended and the cars began, The promoters were tapping all the frustrations inflicted on the spectators by their own society. I don’t enjoy watching a motor-race from the point of view of a spectator who wants to be entertained in the same way that a Roman citizen wants blood. I have seen motor-racing in the form of a creative activity, where drivers have either completely built or rebuilt their cars or else understood completely the mechanical make-up of them. They drive their cars to the limits of their skill, at the optimum n&cture of physical ability and imagination. I certainly can’t appreciate this among 300,000 tense people clogged into an area less than one mile square, each person expecting something to happen for himself . . e It was complete for us before the race was half-way over for them. That was a good time to make an escape.




18 june




The modern Most of the 45,000 spectators watching the Can-Am race at Mosport last weekend were kept safely behind fences. To Mosport’s credit, no spectator has ever been killed there. However, does the only danger to those who attend take the form of an out of control racing car crashing through barriers into crowds of the eager but innocent? Racing promoters seemed to have prevented the possibility of this sort of disaster, but they are I exposing spectators to, a more widespread danger. What relevance has motor-racing to other problems of our society? Is it merely a pastime attracting and affecting only a small percentage of the population? Its appearance on the sports pages is not nearly as common as those of the well-established sports of the western culture: baseball, football, and hockey. But L&M, a tobacco company which is a major sponsor of professional motorsport this year, states in a press release: “Five years ago, all the major sports were as familiar as they are to-day - except the sport using automobiles.” Most automobile journalists and race promoters tend to agree that auto racing is the fastest growing sport in North America and brag that its spectator attendance is second only to horse racing (which, they say, doesn’t really count because horse racing has the possibility of monetary return for the spectator). Their point of view is such that it probably enhances the importance of the sport that is supporting them, but, nevertheless, there are many factors, some much more subtle than attendance figures, that give substance to this importance.

The automobile as idol The basis of this relevance is neatly implied by the wording of L&M’s quote: “. . .the sport using automobiles.” The automobile is not only the vehicle through which racing drivers derive their sporting pleasure, but it is also the vehicle through which industry, its advertising consultants, and, of course, the race promoters and organizers attract and exploit spectators. They are successful at this only because the automobile is established as an essential part of western culture. The presence of the automobile in North .4merican life has come to be taken ’ for granted. As a saleable product it has gone beyond the point of merely filling the basic need for transportation. The automotive market has been shaped by social and economic factors used to full advantage by the marketing people of the industry to the extent


64 the




that people believe that the automobile satisfies many additional but false “needs”.

A castle on wheels Early this century, the swing towards private transportation, instead of the development of public transportation (which by now would have been the most efficient method), was only logical in terms of the growing ideas of free enterprise in the U.S. Henry Ford was more interested in turning out many hundreds of thousands of single, private transportation vehicles than in the much smaller returns of group transportation. Because Ford was able to produce large quantities of automobiles through’ his production line techniques, the automobile became more of a commodity in America than it did in Europe, where cars were originally developed. The whole concept of the car as it related to the public changed in the west. It is now available to everyone (although many people must go into debt in order to buy one), and has come to be one of the most important pieces of private property in the American culture. Many problems exist directly because of this private property attitude. It is quite common for a person .to buy an automobile instead of buying something more necessary to his life, merely because of what that ownership symbolises to him. Because of the large number of private vehicles there exist problems of congestion, smog, and huge amounts of money spent on highways which use up land that could be put to a far better use than just to be layered with concrete. The system of highways and the driver’s stubborness to drive his own vehicle are also factors causing low standards of driving ability. When a driver is encased by a car that is built to be as comfortable as his own living room, and is used to boring straight-line but high speed roads, he becomes dangerously isolated from situations that may arise while he is driving.

impotent mobility Although people have a realistic need for mobility, that which is afforded by the automobile is very much a false mobility or freedom. Peopfe need relief from the alienation of industry and the uncomfortable social relations that they are forced into, or else they become incapable of production or consumption. The automobile is a channelled relief valve that does not help to solve the problems or even give real escape, because

participation their freedom is restricted to highways and governed by gas stations. These places are just as much a part of the American culture as the situations left behind. However, temporary satisfaction may be obtained merely by the feeling of self-direction which a driver feels behind the wheel of a car. driver feels behind the wheel of a car. Although everyone can own an automobile, not everyone owns the same kind of automobile. Because of the various cost levels of cars and the extensive range of options that differentiate the values of cars, the automobile has become a symbol of the class system and the competitive nature of. this society. Again, a false need for a “better” automobile can prevent a person from filling a real need, as well as endangering his relationships with other people.

The phallus of non-love In a society where there is little creative activity in jobs and the frustrations arising out of repressive family relationships and unreal love are aggravated and exploited by commercialism, there are vital vacuums formed in the personalities of consumers. A creative or sexual vacuum is seemingly filled by the pleasures derived from driving and owning a car, and the industry advertises this aspect to the fullest. This is the main form of exploitation by the industry and .perhaps the most dangerous: it continues the sterilization of a person’s real creative energies. The automobile industry is so well integrated into the economic system that its demise would drastically affect the rest of the system. Because of this importance, the industry has often been politically supported, e.g. strike breaking, restrictions on foreign car importation, policies that favour private transportation. Professional motorsport fits very well into this integration. In the way in which it is being promoted it reinforces all these false attributes of the automobile. This, in turn, intensifies all the problems. The unity of,the racing driver and the car he drives strengthens the private property aspect in the spectators head: “Jackie Stewart in his own personal Lola”, with his name on the side and his own colour scheme. Pople identify winning makes of racing cars with their own street automobiles. Motorsport draws people out of the city in the guise of a form of entertainment which is supposedly escape not only from jobs but from the whole urban situation. What people usually find at race tracks is a situation that is

reversed far more crowded than the city, where food is more expensive, and where actual mobility is more difficult. Yet they are “relieved” at the sight of speed which they translate into terms of freedom. Recent ideas of prestige in an automobile have almost directly resulted from racing. The important aspects of a car to the American customer is a powerful engine, big tires, and other racing attributes. These are sold in terms of prestige, not for the sake of performance because the buyer has no real idea as to how they affect performance. Real performance means safety: better braking, better handling, but the industry has put big engines in cars that do not’ have adequate suspension and brakes, and this affects all customers, not just race-goers. The automobile industry, in order to intensify this prestige, participates to a very great extent in racing through factory and dealer teams, and by posting prize money. -

A racing driver as god Hero-worshipping of the drivers in motorsport is probably more serious than in any other sport. The spectators are constantly reminded that the drivers are risking their lives whenever they race. People flock around the winners stand at the end of the race; they applaud drivers leaving broken down cars after they have marvelled at him doing spectacular things to keep it under control. And they identify with the drivers: here are their dreams manifested; their frustrations are vicariously relieved, but again, only in a false sense. Automobile racing excites people. They are willing to pay large amounts of money not only just to see a race, but to reproduce the feelings of a race on their own. This results in dangerous drivers or drivers not concerned with what is really happening on the road, as well as poorly engineered and dangerously marketed cars. But, actually, the nature of motorsport should cause the very opposite to happen: racing drivers are very safe drivers; they understand the cars they drive and know the limits within which they must drive. They have caused many positive engineering advances, but, unfortunately, these advances do very little to solve the problems of a private transportation oriented society. It is industry in its methods of promoting motorsport in order to perpetuate the system that continues the problems and hides the roots.


jocktalk, This tuesday june 22nd, approximately 15 mixed golf teams will tee off from l:OO-2:00 pm at Doon Valley. The basic rules of play state that all golfers will drive following with alternating shots be team partners. The new and novel summer recreational event should prove interesting and especially the bickering and coaching between -co-ed partners. If you still wish to enter, simply phone Mary, the Phys Ed receptionist at Ext 2156 by tuesday am and be ready to tee off at 1:OO pm at Doon. Cost is $3.50 for green fees per participant .

Court 1 Chem Eng Hippies 27 - 3A Mech 26 L. Math 2 - 4A Mech 0 Kin 4A 59 - Us 42 I Court 2 Farkel Family over Msagros - tie Math Sot 23 - The Grads 22 St. Jeromes 28 - Psych Grads 26 Standings League A GP- W ; T P l.Kin 4A 3 3 0 0 6 2. us 3 2 10 4 3. St. Jeromes 32104 4. Psych Grads 31202 5. Farkel Family 3 1 2 0.2 League B

BALL HOCKEY After three weeks of play in the new recreational team sport of ball hockey-league standings to date : Team


Nl Kin 28 Armadillos T-Nuts 4A Mech St. Jeromes Management Grads

3 2 3 2 2 3 2 3’


3-17 16 2-634 2 1 22 12 2-11 3 1 1 10 16 - 3 321 _ 2 2 7 - 3 210

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

L.Math Math Society The Grads Mech 3A Chem Eng Hippies

3 3 3 3 3 1 31202 3 1

0 0 2

0 0 0

6 6 2




4 4 2 0 0 0

Anyone wishing to play or ;pectate this exciting activity simply go to Seagrams Thursday evenings from 5:00-9:00 pm. The game to watch on thursday june 84th is Armadillos vs T-Nuts at 1:OO pm.

TIE IN BASKETBALL After three weeks of play, eagues A and B are in close alignment. Although there appears o-be one’ overtly strong team in tach league, there is much better valance among the other 10 teams. Thursday’s results :

to watch thursday june Society vs Lower Math on court 2 for first place in League B.

24th Math at 8 : 00 pm

LIB SOCCER In the Liberated Soccer League a little dissention has been created over the free substitutions of the two Math teams. Some teams are complaining that this coaching maneuver disrupts their playing ability and therefore creates insurmountable problems. However, since it is a Recreational “fun” league and not a “win at all costs” confrontation, the director of men’s intramurals, Peter Hopkins has permitted this technicality of substitution. The spirit in math society and the fact that young ladies are playing were the over-riding factors in this decision. Game results show the engineers

. ,*

outshooting math society 4-l while liberated studies scored on a penalty luck to down the Chinese students 1-O. Next games are Monday, june 21st at 6:00 pm with Chinese students vs math society and at 7:00 pm liberated studies vs St. Jeromes.

SOFTBALL In Softball scores were

action, the following recorded this week:

Chem Eng 4A 10 - 4A Elect 1 4A Civil 8 - 3A Civil 5 Angels 7 - Civil 74A 8 Kin 28 11 - 3A Math 8 Abenders 6 1 N3 3 3A Mech Eng 24 - Elect Eng 4 4A Mech Eng 5 - Iron Ring 4

With three weeks to go the following teams are leading their respective league : League League League League

A B C .D

Chem Eng 3A Iron Ring Kin 4A Philosophers

3-l tied 4-l 4-o 3-0

GIRLS SPORTS Action is still high. at Columbia field as women’s slow pitch teams continue to play ball. This past Monday %he’ 2B Kin team met their match when they played the powerful Physics co-ed team. Until this game,’ both teams had been sharing.first position and boasting a no loss record. The score remained fairly close throughout the game which provided the many T?) spectators with much excitement. The game ended with Physics co-ed on top with a close 6-4 score advantage. Also playing in the 6: 30 time slot were Kin 4A and the Staffers. Both teams continued to display their unusual and entertaining skills, which are gaining, them wide


Dancer nasium

Sue Russell strikes during freaky finale



a reflective pose in the people ‘s gymsession of h-national dance conference,

acclaim’in the humerous aspect of the sport. At first, the two teams seemed evenly matched, but the 4A girls soon began to spark and from then on it was their game all the way. In the second series of games that night, a major upset occurred. The suffrajocks and the ‘rec’ing crew (both sharing a reputation for being the worst in the league) met in an out and out battle for second

to last place. At first it looked like curtains for the potentially super suffrajocks, as the ‘rec’ing crew grabbed an early lead. By the 4th inning, a change came over the jocks and they slowly pulled away from the ‘rec’ers to post a 17-12 win. The suffrajocks, however, can accept little glory from this win because they fielded 14 players . to the ‘rec’ers 6.

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photo by Ralph Riener, the chevron The wet side of sport on campus is represented Id the white water canoe club. The sailing club made it’s debut on conestoga lake last sunday. Tipping a cataaran on a waveless lake proved easy for the Waterloo crew. However, they did znture out and returned with all the crew aboard and a few burnt noses. The wwcc headed for the north country the same day in an amalgamated run at le rapids with the Ontario voyageurs kayak club. Fifteen stalwarts completed the gged 10 mile run from Hanover to Walkerton before retiring to the pub.


now for


-the open road. 4 ServiceBays - 3 licensed Mechanics proprietor

_ l





Gary Voigt’


LetU8Dfive Tou.ofw.

_ -,,,,,,,---I-I----



18 june




65 ‘9



1 RINTED BELOW is an interview with philosophy professor Les Armour whose leaving to become chairman of the philosophy department at Cleveland university next year has aroused controversy here. Dr. Armour feels his departure was, in large measure, forced upon him by a department hostile to him, unfair to his graduate students and indifferent to . areas of philosophy he considers important.(chevron -- apri12) The Waterloo rumor mill now claims Armour is leaving simply for the “promotion to chairman” and that by going to the U.S., his concern for things “canadian” is revealed as a sham. Not to mention that he was, anyway, an “impossible colleague.” This-interview hopes to dispel this kind of backstabbing and provide some insight into the reasons w’hy education at Waterloo seems to take the joboriented, mindlessly analytic direction that it does. CHEVRON: Professor Armour, you’ll be leaving the department of philosophy this summer. One version of ‘why’ suggests that life became largely impossible in that department. Another version is that you left for little other reason than statueseeking and careerism. Would you care to comment? ARMOUR : l don’t think that it can be said that I was seeking status in leaving. I think it’s fairly well known that l have an interest in staying in Canada, in Canadian philosophy, things of that kind. Other things being equal, I would have been glad to stay here. At a certain point, though, it becomes impossible to function in this kind of atmosphere.

No tolerance here I think that philosophy, especially, requires a large amount of tolerance, respect for other people’s views, and a willingness to reckon with the fact that people don’t agree with you. All of these things I have found increasingly missing here. I’ve ,had to fight innumerable battles in behalf of my graduate students, in particular. I’ve had to deal with people who wanted to say “there is no Canadian philosophy.” One of the former chariman of the department in fact wrote a memo to’ Dr. Minas (presently director of operations analysis) in which he said there is no Canadian philosophy, but went on to the next paragraph to say that there is americai philosophy. This kind of thing is not just discouraging, it creates an atmosphere in which it becomes increasingly difficult to get on with one’s own work. I think by and large, I’ve won the battles over my graduate students, but each time one wins one of th.ose battles one loses a certain amount of good-will. Eventually, one finds there is no goodWill Also, I think being a foreigner in one’s own country is eventually very unpleasant. Being a foreigner in someone else’s country can be rather fun. But being a foreigner in one’s own country makes own feel dispossessed, uprooted, and so on. I haven’t had any luck in getting people into the department who represent what I think of as the mainstream tradition of Canadian philosophy. So it was necessary to look somewhere else. Now, the situation which obtains in Waterloo obtains over most,of the country. It’s very hard to find in Canada adepartment which has a majority of Canadians, a serious commitment to pluralism, or a concern for Canadian philosophy. CHEVRON: Why did you not seek and accept a


66 the


position in Canada? ARMOUR : I think that you’re assuming, that there were positions to accept. I think you’re assuming that there are opportunities in Canada to overcome the kinds of problems I found here. If one is a senior full professor there are not many jobs at any one time, to begin with. This year, there were two jobs that I was particularly interested in, one at a Canadian university and one, as it happened, at an american university. In both cases they got down to a couple of candidates in the end and I was one of them I, but the Canadian job went to an american, and I got the american job. There were a couple of other jobs in Canada that I inquired about, but those inquiries didn’t in fact amount to anything. CHEVRON: In what ways do you find the ills characteristic of the department of philosophy to be some sense typically “american?” ARMOUR: I don’t know quite what it means to ask whether the ills of the philosophy department are characteristically american. In some sense they are characteristic of the reaction of Americans to living in Calnada, perhaps. That is, the predominant popular kinds of philosophy in the United States at present time, as it happens, are certain sorts of analytic philosophy, mostly imported from central Europe and England, and certain kinds of existentialism and p henomenology.

Missionary mentality? But a great many other things go on, of course, in american universities. One of the difficulties is that when these people come here they look back over their shoulders and they’re constantly asking whether what they’re doing here would be acceptable at home. They tend to take, I’m afraid, a rather narriwer view of what would be acceptable than people “at home” do.They’re much like the British were In India, and so I suppose that the ills of the philosophy department are, in a way, characteristic of the reactions of these people to living in Canada. They think they’re coming to a culturally backward country (except to the extent that it’s the USA in miniature). They also think that there can’t be any Canadian philosophy because if there were they would have heard about it at Harvard or Illinois, or wherever they were’: and they didn’t. They react to it a different way here, I think, than they would at home. If you put it to them at home that there was Canadian philosophy they might be mildly intrigued by the thought; they

wouldn’t think it totally outrageous, you know. But since they see themselves as bringing civiliration to a backward country, when they come here they tend to develop this kind of attitude. It’s partly the attitude people get then they live together in enclaves in other peoples’ countries. You can listen to gatherings of Frenchmen who happen to be living in London, or gatherings of Englishmen who happen to be living in Paris: They tend to reinforce one another‘s prejudices. I don’t think this is characteristic of Americans as Americans; I think it’s characteristic of people living jn other people’s cbuntries, particularly people from large and powerful countries living in what they think to be foreign, backward countries. And so I would be inclined to put down our problems in large measure to that. I think if these people were scattered about the country in one’s and two’s, amongst lots of Canadians, that they would certainly react differently. CHEVRON: In what ways do you feel that the ills department to be characteristic to your characteristic to this university? ARMOUR: Well, there is certainly something about this university which has become increasingly disturbing. It’s very hard to put your finger on. Part of it is the arrival in our midst of the efficiency expert, as such. The kind of people with this sort of mind have indeed invaded ’ the philosophy department. The same people have been influential in the higher regions of the administration also.

Technocrats & Utilitarians The notion of higher education which they seem to have--perhaps characteristic of an age of worship of technology and efficiency as such, an age in which the calculation of utilities has become popular, and so on -- shows itself more in new universities than in old universities which not only have a tradition to draw on, but have an older generation of scholars amongst whom some of the traditional scholarly virtues survive. One doesn’t get much of that in a new university. Also, by their nature, the young technocrats and utilitarians are, of course, intolerant. I don’t know that that’s any more obvious in the philosophy department than anywhere else in the university. It’s certainly characteristic of much of this university, and contributes greatly to the peculiar feel that it has. CHEVRON: Surely the troubles Canadians find themselves in at Canadian universities are not entirely the fault of pushy, second-rate Americans. There must have been a ‘class’ of Canadians who permitted, or even encouraged, this sort of thing: some people call them quislings. Have you noticed an identifiable group of so-called “sellout” Canadians on this campus? ARMOUR: What you are calling quislings are yet another group of people, I think different from the “sellouts” in the pressures acting on them. That is, when you get a power structure there will always be people who seek to make use of that power structure, and pander to it, and I’m afraid that, yes, we do have Canadians on campus

who want who have important whatever

to ingratiate themselves with people power, and those people are, in many cases, Americans or Englishmen, or it happens to be.

Quisling Power And these Canadians are quite prepared, very ofter, to denigrate their own countrymen in order to secure their own advantage. This is perhaps the ugliest phenbmenon that we have produced. It’s this which generates in me very real anger. I think, however, that one should realize, if one can in one’s calm and rational moments, that if you create a power structure, and subject people to it, that they will react in the ways that human beings all toq.often do whn they’re being pushed by power structures: Rather than be squashed’ to the wall they’ll come to terms with that structure. CHEVRON: A locally emminent psychologist sociologist has termed you and others as Do you have any answer to his “whiners”. definative classification? ARMOUR: Yes, I remember the occasion of which you spoke, in which a learned colleague in the social sciences made that very curious statement. I was unable to discover who it was who was supposed to be a whiner. It appeared that it wasn’t me. One of the graduate students I admire most was alleged to have “led a chorus” of these beings, but I don’t think that anyone would claim that she ever whined either, and so who her “chorus” was remains something of a mystery. I suppose, though, if you really want to take that issue seriously, then when one faces problems, and actual injustices, then one has two choices: one either is silent, and then one is, I yuppose,a good, solid, truly academic citizen. Or one cornplains, in which case one is put down as emotional, or one is said to be whining, or one is regarded generally as somewhat unstable.

Pvublic secrets These choices are rather queer,though. I suspect that statements of that kind are really complaints about freedom of speech as such. They come from people who don’t like to be made to feel uncomfortable by hearing opinions of which they disapprove - or, even worse, opinions which they approve of, but cannot publically admit lest they find themselves in the same difficulty as the person making the complaint. This brings about a degree of discomfort which, I think, is likely to lead to truly irrational responses of the kind you mentioned. CHEVRON: Do you see advantages in going to Cleveland over staying in philosophy at Waterloo? ARMOUR: Well, yes I see advantages to myself in going to Cleveland, in philosophical terms. They hired me knowing what kind of philosophy I do, and what my philosophical interests are, and they obviously are willing to tolerate these; indeed, more than tolerate them. They welcome my views, even if they don’t ail agree with them. One doesn’t want a philosophy department consisting of people all of whom agree with each other. But I do think one does want a department consisting of people who have respect for each other. It’s that that I hope to find there.

Minutes of the senate Polluting committee: rubbish or, how the senate plays ego games at the expense of students I.

WATERLOO that Radio Waterloo could tape the entire proceedings, but only if they agreed to include the recording with a number of other suitable items to be locked in a time capsule and buried 100 feet into the foundation of the New Student Services Building. The other items will include a bill of goods sold to the university by the famous University Act Committee; the convocation robes used by once - obscure engineering dean Lynn Watt; and the pint of blood from every Tom, Dick and Harry on this campus who read about, wrote of, winced at of choked on the Senate University Act Committee-- meticulously extracted from each person by administration president Burton Matthews during the <period july 1,197O until the day june 10,197l. II. RECEIPT OF REPORT The chairman briefly outlined the justification of the meeting and stated that although Senate would profess until it was blue in the face that this Report was not officially approved by Senate, any straw votes expressing opinion on principles would be a subtle directive to the Board of Governors that This Is The Way It Was Going To Be, Baby. III. GENERAL DISGUSTING














following points of view and principles were raised and discussed by various members of senate and observers at the meeting : A. The Chairman pointed out that the committee’s recommendation to remove the Deans from the senior Polluting body of the university should be examined, and that while the committee would appear to be a Good Guy to faculty and students by recommending to cut down exofficio power on the Polluting Council, the Chairman had convinced the Deans their Bread was Buttered elsewhere and that together they should See To It that they kept their fingers in the Pie. Thus, the chairman of the Act committee (which removed the Deans) supported a motion to * have the Deans reinstated. B. Some discussion centered around the Act committee’s recommendation that the Church Colleges be allowed only one member, instead of the originally proposed four members to Consecrate the Pollution of the new Polluting Council The Principle of Renison argued that the Church Colleges had now been drawn into an internal power struggle over Who would Consecrate the Pollution and claimed attempts to curb the influence of the Colleges ignored the fact that they were not part of the university,s dung-slinging establishment. Other members of Senate commented that: -an “act of statesmanship” is necessary to ensure the continued role of the Church Colleges in the Polluting process. -what must be given serious consideration is whether or how a change from Waste Distribution to Polluting will provide more effective academic leadership and what alternatives there may be to Polluting - e.g. Revised Waste Distribution. C. Senate then considered and took adOh on the following motions : 1. “That Senate accepts the recommendation that all Deans continue to be represented on the Polluting heirarchy.” In discussion of this movement, members of Senate heard the following arguments : (a) That it really disn’t matter a hoot because the President has decided that Revised Waste Distribution is better that Polluting. The movement carried with three carried away. 2.The next motion: “That the drafty Act be amended to include on the Polluting Council, four ex-officio representatives, one From each of the four Church Colleges.” Discussion. (a) That it really didn’t matter a hoot because the President has decided that Revised Waste Distribution is 3etter than Polluting. This movement carried, with one obstruction. 3.The next motion: “That Senate accept the principle of student memDership on any Polluting body of the University.” Discussion. (a) That student can pollute as well as anyone else. (b) That it really didn’t matter a -hoot -because the

President has decided that Revised Waste Distribution is better than Polluting This movement passed unanimously with the explicit Understanding that once again, in-loco-parentis had done its Student Thing. 4. The next motion: “That Senate approve that the number of outside people, including alumni, be one-third of the total membership of the Council.” The points raised: (a) That since it really didn’t matter a hoot because the President has decided that Revised Waste Distribution is better than Polluting, the Senate would assume and presume that the Ontario government has decided 50 percent of the Polluting body be composed of lay representatives. This supposed criterion based on the best of heresay and grape-vine rumor available certainly need not be supported by any official government letter and should be sufficient to conclude that 50 percent will indeed, be required, and will, therefore make the Council too big and unworkable. Therefore, to propose one-third will make the Senate look like Good Guys in‘ the eyes of the polluting community, though, of course; it really doesn’t matter a hoot because Senate, itself, has by now divined that ‘Revised Waste Distribution is much better than Polluting. The movement was successful for all, four were constipated. . 5. The next motion: “That this body favors Revised Waste Distribution.’ The points raised: (a) That it really didn’t matter a hoot because the minutes of the meeting were written before the meeting took place. The movement was flushed. And so was the Act. A suggestion that the issues of closed meetings and double jeopardy for students should be referred for placement on the agenda for Senate’s September meeting did not appear to receive approval of Senate. A motion that Senate consider immediately the addition of students to Senate as full voting members, although it received momentary consideration, was not made; the advice of legal counsel was that‘ the current Act precluded such action. Sixteen members of this university’s senate voted last thursday to over-turn the recommendations of a committee that in two forms has been sitting at least four years to establish a one-tier government on this campus. Over 40 percent of the senate members didn’t even show up for the meeting. Why? Point. Amidst remonstrations that any votes taken last thursday were not to be construed as the opinion of senate, the almost railroaded smoothness with which four years of work were blasted away obviously was intended to show the board of governors - indde, the whole university “community” - that the senate wants to be boss. Why? Point. The recommendation of the act committee to reduce the ex-officio membership on the governingcouncil was designed co-operatively by the federation of students and the faculty association last summer to reduce the power of administrative deans and administration officials on the new body, thereby making the voice of rankand.file students and faculty more potent. Clearly seeing this a threat to their - control of the university, these people have negated this move by voting confidence only in a revised form of the present senate.. board of governors heirarchy. Why? Point.

Everyone happy but students Administration would be happy because it will likely win seats for its representatives in a revised senate. Faculty will be happy for, while they made a nice (if hollow) gesture to support the federation of students in its attempt to reduce ex-officio membership, they secured a bargain in the process: the federation agreed to less than parity representation with faculty on the governing body - an agreement surely that will be used against the interests of proper student representation when it comes time to decide how many students will sit on a revised senate. One almost thinks the tactic was calculated from the beginning to eke conciliation from the federation with the advised knowledge that administration president Burt Matthews would scuttle the one-tier concept...the only concept where less-than student-faculty parity makes sense.

The great concept of a student-faculty coalition outvoting administration on the proposed governing council seems to have gone up in a cloud of hot air. Why? Point. The fact that the Ontario government has required the university of Toronto to increase lay membership to 50 percent on its one-tier university act presently before the Ontario legislature is not a valid reason for assuming the same will be required here. However, several senators dutifully parroted the line that this was inevitable, and if it were so the governing council would be completely unwieldy and unworkable.

Absolutely laughable Who said it would be required? Listening to president Mathews say he thought this would be the case was absolutely laughable. If there was confirmation from the department of university affairs,why wasn’t it presented? Even more astonishing was that no-one even asked for it. Point. Gestures. Nothing but gestures. Act committee chairman Lynn Watt chairs a report with recommends deans not be ex-officio members. Then endorses a ‘minority report which states they should. “I think a unicameral body can work effectively, he says. A bicameral division is artificial,’ he says. But if we must have 50 percent lay representation (and the gods have proclaimed it, so it must be so), then bicameralism is the only amswer...(he says). Perhaps it is unfair to charge that Watt, who has doubtless spent hundreds of tomented hours tying to make coherent proposals from vested interests has now been reduced to the state of making only gestures, but his willingness to admit so readily that a bicameral act is actually no problem, his ‘well, we weren’t mandated to study bicameralism, but...’ attitude expressed over again leads to wonder, if not suspicion. Point. Students will be without any vote and voice on either the senate or the board for god-knows-how-muchlonger because 40 percent of the senate had not bothered, as federation vice-president Carl Sulliman pointed out, “to do their homework.” But why should the senate care? It has successfully cultivated a feud between a major student society and the federation; it knows students are too busy studying to “really” care about unicameralism or bicameralism - or it they do care, will soon forget about it in the face of unemployment, The senate is counting on the board of governors perhaps to leave the ball in its possission, so it may make the plays it wishes in securing final power in the revised two-tier government it will establish. The board must not allow this to happen. Point. This is no time for students to be nothing more cnan spectators of the game. Grante,d, as participants, they have been ignored by seante before: their pleas for student rights have never received more than “momentary consederation”; their official channels amongst themselves have beennegated by pious senate blundering; their expectations have been smothered in phoney parental concern for the well-being of their children - but this last stand must be taken. Whether it is in opposition to the paternalism of some senators (dean Cross, notably), or the not-caring of others (where were over 20 of them on thursday) or the mediocre opportunism of others (‘perhaps revised bicameralism is the best transition ‘ - dean Cornell), students now have to solidify their position. If the faculty is prepared to strike when the board of governors refuses to accept the principal of salary arbitration, then the students should consider the same action to support an even more morally sound stand. How much longer will students watch the big boys throwing around their futures? The tape of last thursday‘s meeting lasts, three hours. How long will the tape be of the board meeting, and ultimately the joint board and senate meeting that will decide the recommendation for or against a one-tier university governing body? Whatever its length, it will be too long, Everything has been too long, Everything has also been too much. -Alex Smith, editor


18 june

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member: Canadian university press (CUP) and underground press syndicate (UPS), subscriber: liberation news service (LNS), and chevron international news service (CINS), the chevron is a newsfeature tabloid published offset fifty-two times a year (1971-72) by the federation of students, incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation and the university administration. Offices in the campus center; phone (519) 578-7070 or university local 3443; telex 0295-748. summer circulation: 8,000 Alex Smith, editor We come with an urgent plea this week to try to read everything in the paper. We think you won’t be sorry. Actually, never has our ad content been so low and our proportion of locally-written material in all departments so high. Each week is a struggle, though, and if any of you can submit original drawings and cartoons based on local area and campus events, We would be Much Amused.-Yowsa, yowsa, yowsa, to Rick and Burt; Burt and Rick: tripping off together to a conference this week-end, they are. And tripping off to Radio Waterloo to do a show together next week they are.Communication must be pretty good, these days.-The federation has just had a complete audit, and all seems to be exceptionally in order. Not like one of the student societies, whose books apparently were somewhat up in the air (should we say thin air) when called in by the federation’s business manager. All this really proves, of course, is that people who live in glass houses shouldn’t stow thrones.-A small note from R.F. to A.K...an alto recorder always plays true to score for F above middle C.-Really?-We feel obliged to make some sort of statement about the procedure of interviewing carried out by the chevron. Let everyone here be warned that whether Our reporters remember to inform the interviewee or not, anything anybody says to a chevron reporter may be quoted in print. Asking that you not be quoted on something is a waste of tim,e: if you have nothing to say, say simply no comment. We cannot accept any responsibility beyond accepting that one comment. That’s the way they do it in the big cities, and that’s the way it will be done here.-If you haven’t already noticed, the chevron may look somewhat different this week. Yes, the printer is different, as are some of the type styles you see. This is phase one of a redesign of the paper; phase two will even be more drastic and will probably come in September. Everything is aimed at cleaner lines and increased readability. Please be patient, though, while a few new bugs get Ironed out: you may see the odd mistake you ordinarily wouldn’t. Good luck to Dumont Press Graphix. May all your troubles not be perforated ones.-The Gazette will also be changing slightly in the near future, having bought IBM equipment, they will be doing their own typesetting and paste-up-Finally, the quote of the week: “If you’re hot, you’re hot; if you’re not, you’re not.” Dedicated lovingly to the senate production editor: Al Lukachko coordinators: Steve lzma (photo), Mel Rotman (entertainment), Dennis McGann (sports), Rod Hickman 81RACS (features) At it again: ralph riener, jane liddell, peter hopkins, barry brown, eleanor hyodo, dave cubberley, tom purdy, hilda eastern, brian switzman, evelyn falk, dianne shulman, paul hartford.

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