
Page 1

“No r-nore c/asses, no more They have done that easily


books, no more teacher’s dirty looks...” enough, but there are accompanying problems.

dye,mu.nce . - student

Patnphlef The factional infighting within the political science department which surfaced last week with a demand by some students for a professor’s withdrawal from an position has administrative blossomed into full verbal warfare. At least two pamphlets decrying the demand and denouncing ’ student elitism have been circulated since monday to political science students, and a “working has been issued by the paper” students for collective department-SCDthe group that presented the original demand. The most recent leaflet, the working paper,, explains the philosophy of the collective proposal which was passed by the political science union in October. It does not mention the original demand issued last week of the resignation of c. h. grant as undergraduate affairs officer in the political science department. The other pamphlets, however, directly respond to the first papers attack on grant as authoritarian and arbitrary.





This IS the last chevron of the term. The next regular issue is tuesday, january 11. Cnanges in caused production have misnumbering of pages this week, but any way you slice it there are 56 pages.

The a//en loan



free takes

school a look

is trying

to get

at the free school,



its students

the traditional and its problems


of schoo/s.

on page 5 of this issue.


wuF iaging A leaflet issued by political science students for constructive change-PSSCC(like the SCD it does not enumerate its membership) criticizes the levelling of a personal attack on a particular professor because of personal views on education and the learning process. However; the PSSCC also say they do not disagree with the idea of a collective, according to the pamphlet, but “the main point of this statement is to emphasize the futility of this method of attempting to restructure the political science department,” it continues. The PSSCC leaflet says the group “would like to protect you from those ‘elitist students’ ‘who are not interested in you but mainly trying to achieve their own political ends.” It asks students to sign a petition to voice opinions against the demand. “If these people are serious about bringing about some constructive change in this department, they should cease this childish attempt at having one member of the department removed from a position which cannot possibly have any bearing or effect on whether this change comes about or not.. . ,” according to the leaflet. The pamphlet issued by PSSCC claims “the isolated stances of discontent which cured in the political science class have nothing to do with position as an undergraduate affairs officer of the department.”

the inoc350 his

The original pamphlet issued by the SCD described an incident in one of grant’s classes in which he

ii9 polisci


reportedly demanded that a student who refused to sign a compulsory attendance sheet either leave the course,. stay in the course and sign the sheet or stay and not sign the sheet and suffer the ‘academic’ consequences.

collective. Although the concept of a collective was approved by the political science union, it has not gone further than the undergraduate affairs committee that said it should be referred to a larger body.

The first SCD pamphlet called grant authoritarian but claimed that he was not alone in the department, but “simply lacks the subtlety of other members of the faculty in exercising his control over the classroom.” The SCD pamphlet demanded the acceptance of a student-faculty collective which would be responsible for all decisions in the department such as course content, course structure and the hiring and firing of faculty. A second leaflet written in response to the SCD demands was issued by two political science graduate students, yvon geoffroy and mike rohatynsky. It claimed that the students for a collective department committed a grave error in strategy with a personal attack on grant. Ceoffroy and rohatynsky suggest that the SCD should redirect its efforts toward more constructive issues than grant’s resignation and said that one of the issues should be eradication of elitism among students. The two graduate students seemingly support the collective idea by concluding:

The working paper says the collective will take the real decision-making power on education matters away from the faculty and give it to all concerned-faculty, students and ..C,PP

“For you see when we have parity it doesn’t really matter what the undergraduate officer or any other administrator in the department says or does. He or she will be directly controlled 1by the student-faculty collective.” The most recent SCD describes

paper issued by the proposed

All parties need to be involved, the SCD statement says, because faculty interest does not always coincide with the interests of students or staff.


“Yet it is necessarily their interests which gain predominate The present consideration. structures of the political science department reflect this fact,” it says. With the present system a faculty member has a perfect right to consider or not consider student interest, the paper continues, and proposes the collective as an answer to the situation. “The present system assumes that education consists of an authoritative (in both senses of the word> teacher, dropping the occasional tidbit of enlightened knowledge to the masses of ignorant students,” the SCD paper says.

on it%...s Trees?

Wh’uf trees?


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FOUND Men’s Latch, silver found monday by the bridge over sick bay. Contact deane 744-1111. .


. One

ladies 14 green nylon squall jacket. Found at moses springer arena njte december 1. Contact security dept. _


‘Please send me complete details of the Campus Life‘Plan. No obligations:



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Unique Rings,

pieces of silver jewellery. pins, earrings, necklaces,

A single room is vacant at 34 ezra, private enVan+. ~nd.‘i.aIlr::fa~il~t.i.~s;:’ parking. Apply +r hu&on; 34)$zra,.or phone 742-6165.


Sue and brute irvine announce the birth of their son patrick on november 20, 1971.


Three bedroom semi-furnished g;een briar apartment. May to august. Phone 745-3852 or see bernie MC3033. -_

Must sell ADC 230XE stereo cartridge brand new, list $60. Best offer, 5765019, village lw3 001.

Used camera in good condition. Minolta or pentax preferred. Phone Chris 744-7424 between 7 and 10 pm.

People’s canada daily news releasereports anti-imperialist struggles of the peoples of canada and quebec. In U of W bookstore.

to last a lifetime!

1970 Midget reasonable, 5945.

\ .r-

WCRI married student division has two bedroom apartments availqble for January 72. Four, eight, twelve month leases with rent adjusted accordingly Apply now to ‘Byision admissions. 578-2580.

Uher 4000 report-L tape recorder with microphone and transfoJmer. Good condition $300 or best offer. Call Luke 742-4802 mornings.



Tape * Decks engineered

Browh+pcn$l: casecontaining glasses somewhere between U of W and westmount ,and glasgow on tuesday, november 30. Phon& 745-0486 after 6 pm.

Need witness for car struck by north exit ‘gate lot C, lo:30 am friday, -novem ber 26. 744-6242.



bracelets and men’s jewelIry.Groovy gem settings. Call margit gatterbauer 745-0902.

1966 volkswagon bug with radio, snow LOST tires, ski rack. Price $500. Phone brute If .yq.u hq,ve.seep;q gi,rl’s Frnest bore1 : .745-9919 (Phone works,now). _A ’ . ‘sw,~&,::@I~$~:~“($+$$ with t%tating <entr&)~ .I&, d@+lday night at the pub 1962 valia;t 4 door, radio, snow tires, goog condition. Phone 578-8607 after pl&ase:c&Jact %j6-2968. 6 pm. L’ I Asahi-pentax 35 mm hamera and case 1965 mustang convertible very good friday, nobember 26 in phys ed comcondition., $850 or best offer. Call 744plex. Generous reward. Contact doug 7736 or ext 2663. at chevron,office. : .

Not going home Christmas. Buy a scotch pine Christmas tree. Choice. Delivered. $4.00. Order now. 745-0947 or 576-7255.

Reel to Reel.

Ch@tid ads iwe accepted between 9 and 5 in the chevron offike. See ChartoWe. Rates are 50 cents for thLi ‘first fifteen wvrds and five ’ cents uach per extra -rd. Deadline is tuesday atknqons by 3 p.m.


Unfurnished house to rent till september. Three to six bedrooms, fireplaces, trees, broadloom. .Near btidgeport road, conestoga parkway. Call peter hoffman 222.9,3484 or 5792876.

_r -.

Two people to share a beautiful house in kitchener january to april. 578-7941 pr ext 3621.


Girls place available after Christmas in townhouse. No restrictions. Full use of home and equipment. Mrs wright 7451111 weekdays ; 745- 1534 evenings.

All typing done efficiently and promptly. Call mrs marion wright 745-1111 during office hours; 745-1534 evenings.

Student accommodations-l. sin& and half of double rooms available at 189 albert street. i

Experienced typist will do work reports, essays etc for. students on work term in torontp‘area. Contact mrs westby 239-6181.

accommodation available, 193 albert street for spring and summer term. kitchen and all facilities, parking. Apply mr hudson at 34 ezra or phone 7426165.

RIDE WANTED Ride wanted to mexico, southern states or California. Will share expenses. call john or niki 742-3883.



Three or four bedroom townhouse wanted January to may, furnished if possible. Write or phone al mcclughan, 96 rushley drive, Scarborough 416759-0407.

Ride for. three to thunder bay or partway after noon december 21. Share expenses, driving 744-3088 or 6533624.


745-0482 LancasterSoundEquipment dZer Bridgeport





Toronto express bus leaves campus center 11:30 am, 1:30 and 4:30 pm for the lslington subway station. Highway coach tickets $1.95 one way or $3.50 return and school bus tickets $1.25 per ticket. Sponsored by federation of students.

Faith missionary. church, 110 fergus avenue it?vites you to their services. Sundays 11 am and 7 pm. A b;s’will call at campus center at 9:15 am.

Movies: down hill racer and big halsey and little fauss. Admission $1.00. 7:30 pm Waterloo lutheran u ballroqm.

Film show ‘raat aur din’. 2 pm AL116. Organized by india canada assdciation.


lxthus coffee house. Free. Come talk about life, love and god. 9 pm CC snack bar.

Pub dance with Appelton Century. 50 cents federation members. $1 others. 8 : 30 pm food services. Sponsored by federation of students.

VVITIi A HOCIIBAY DI[AMOND This Christmas do something dazzling. Deck.her hand with a diamond ring. J&‘ll help you select a brilliant diamond to slip in her‘Chrigtmas stocking. It will be a beautiful surprise. To sparkle on her finaer like DerDetual snowflakes, And be her most prec&us oria&ent for all the Christmases to come.

Federation fticks. 50 cents U of W undergrads; $1 others. 8 pm Ail 16. Sponsored by federation of students.

Federa’tion flicks. 50 cents U of W undergrads; $1 others. 8 pm AL116. Sponsored by federation of students.





Federation flicks. 50 cents U of W undergrads; $1 others. 8 pm AL116. Sponsored by federation of students.

Toronto express bus leaves lslington subway station for campus center at 9 pm. Highway coach tickets $1.95 one bay and school bus tickets $1.25 per ticket. Sponsored by federation of students. MONDAY

Informal Christian science testimony meetings. ‘All are welcome. 9 pm SSc228. Watertoo”.ch;istian fellowship invites yap to join us for supper. Special speakers and just plain people getting together in jesus. 5 pm CC113.

Faith missionary church, 110 fergus avenue invites you to their youth time. 7:30 pm.


\ Tuesday

Women’s liberation meeting. All women welcome. 7:30 pm CC135.



Sailing meeting - racing seminar. 7 pm EL1 10.

SATURbAY Opening warriors swim meet against Wayne state of detroit and buffalo state in a double dual meet. 7 pm U of W pool.’ ._

, , 638 -2 _.0

This week on campus is a free column for the announcefient of meetings, special seminars or speakers. social events and other happenings on campus-student, faculty or staff. See the chevron secretary or call extension 3443. Oeadtibe is tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m.

Sailing meeting - beginners no.5. 7 pm ELllO.


Duplick bridge - open pairs. All bridge players welcome. Partnerships can be arranged. Entry fee 50 cents per person. 7 pm SS lounge.

Duplicate bridge - Swiss teams. All bridge players welcome. Eritry fee SO cents per person. 7 pm SS lounge: Friday january


Pub dance. 8: 30 pm food services. 50 Movies: down hill racer and big halsey ’ cents optometry students assoc. and little fauss. Admission $1.00. 7:30 members; 75 cents others. Sponsored pm Waterloo lutheran ballroom. by optometry students association.

_ -’ J’


which cume first:. roosfe


r or comb?


by brute hahn the chevron ?

Recently, in many social circles, from .the kiwanis club of armarillo, texas, and their ladies auxillary (founded in 1937 by mabel wrightwaithe whose husband herbert is editor of the a’rmarillo


and free press),

to the president of the upper volta literary society and his pretty (though, many say, fickle) wife, marjorie, talk has almost exclusively centred upon the bright red appendage f0un.d at the upper end of most roosters. 1 However, relatively few people, -(and in this case I am omitting thekinesiology department of the university of cedar rapids at peoria, who operating a $35,000 federal opportunities for youth grant’ have made an intensive study of the social significance of. ornithological head coverings), know the reason for the rooster’s strange topping. The fact is research at c.r.a.p. has indicated that a rooster’s comb exists chiefly for the protectioe of the female of the species. It seems that most roosters are blessed iyith, (or cursed with if you happen to be a hen), the desire to have sexual intercourse (with a hen of

Rap room


The rap room will close for Christmas from december 17 until january 5. Too few volunteers are .on campus over the holiday to keep open. Right now, shifts are sparsely filled with exams already on. If you come to the ro5m and no one is on duty, there are some alternative places to call posted on the door. In the new year, more volunteers will be needed. There will be an organizational meeting on thursday, january 13 in the campus centre.

course; I once heard of a rooster that made it with a duck but the results are nothing. to write home about >. as often as possible. Naturally, the females prefer to have . the above-mentioned relations at their convenience, and they generally view the appearence of a rooster with the same anticipation and excitement as that of Prometheus watching his vulture drop in for lunch. To circumvent th‘e natural ininstincts of the males, (mother) nature has provided them with a bright red covering .on the top of their heads in order to provide hens (even in a crowded room) advance warning of approaching roosters with but one thought in their minds. However, as you know (or if you didn’t you do now), nature Often slips up (take a look around you), and occasionally a rooster is born without a comb (or as he is known in technical terms : combless), who consequently enjoys better than average relations with females (of the opposite sex). As a matter of fact, one of the most successful roosters I know, is a young bird named ernest, who being blessed by. the absence of any colorful headgear, makes himself even more inconspicuous by wearing tennis shoes. Rut be that as it may, there 1s more to this than meets the eye, (unless you are blind, in which case nothing has more of something than meets your eye). For as a hen, who at the time was more than slightly under the influence of fermented corn mash (or is it mash? >, once admitted to me, the females don’t really mind the constant advances of the males. Actually, to quote onk of my old chemistry teachers when he explained to us why our high school was such a shit hole, it’s the principle of the thing.

‘PoliSCi group Last week a group of political science students handed out leaflets tailing for the resignation of professor c,h. grant as undergraduate affai.rs officer. The Issue received front page treatment In the chevron, but was presented in such a way as to be misleading both in what was said and in what was not said. ,Flrstly, the group was referred to as “students in the political science department”. Th.is seems to say “all the students”, when in fact the people involved are a min&ity of the 113 poli sci students. Secondly, the Keference to the meeting to .discuss the leaflets resolution describes the “more than twenty” people at the meeting. It does not mention that this figure constitutes less than 20 per cent of the. members of the poli sci union, and the grad students in the department. These objections are significant in that the group presents itself as the political science union and not a segment of it. This is essentially the same minority that drew up


power-tripping the resolution for a collective of students, staff and faculty to run the poli sci department, and prosented the minority resolution as that of the union as a whole. Tuesday, december 7, there was a meeting of the union in the campus center, apparently to discuss the issue. Signs were put to notify members of the union. However, there are at least three members of the ,“students for a collective department” in prdf. preece’s poli sci 251 class, and tuesday morning at the class they make no mention of the important meeting later that day. At least one person found out about it o’nly after it was over. It is interesting that earlier preece had informed _ those collective supporters that the participation of all the students in the poli sci union could only hinder and-or moderate the stated objectives of the collective. By not announcing in preece’s class the meeting only hours away, they shut out those others who may be more conservative than they (though just as deserving of

ready to go

For all those who have been rumours. We hope this figure is in twondering.about the next steps in keeping with everyone’s needs. helping get the food co-op going, This deposit will be refundable if the following information is any member wants to leave the copresented as a public service op and gives one months notice. message : The deposit can be paid to nikki In order to cover initial cash in the federation of students’ office expenditures, a minimum deposit from monday, december 13 to of 3 dollars per person is being friday, the 17th from 1 pm to 4 pm asked. We stress, the word daily or mail it to the food co-op,do minimum in the hope that people federation of students, university will give the co-op more support if of Waterloo, Waterloo, ont., they can. complete with name, address, ’ The three-dollar minimum . telephone, number of people. The deposit was a final figure arrived deposits will be listed with each at, so please ignore any previous members account. I

conslderatlon) and gave UW‘ decision making power to ahhe crnner circle. The silence od thfose three. especially jim Campbeif, V&W had the original dispute With grant, must then be S~~SPK~. The members of the poilitical science union did not grant them any power. They apparently took it because ttiey thought nobody else cared. But we do. By hiding the business of the union from us they do not make it easier for us to participate. The “students for a collective”” accuse grant of being _ :“beaucratic”. It is their own methods that display the small-minded power hunger of the bureaucrat, who has no popular mandate but tries to gain power over other-k lives, while hiding his power grab from the people he claims to serve. There is a drastic need for change In the teaching structures in the poli sci dept., as in the university as a whole. However, one group has no right to impose its will in a _ larger group which it claims to represent, but does not. Some of us may favour a collective in principle, but do not want it to be controlled by someone who can’t spelI”bureaucratic” right after five or ten years’ pract‘ice. ’ Others do not want any part of acollective, and their wishes must be respected, inconvenient as that may be, and thoughthat’s what the administration prays for. It is unfortunate that the legitimate Issue has been obscured by a personality clash cum bad-faith power trip. But that‘s power biz . lionel koff ler polisci student

doug baird. the chevron


10 december





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n II

MONTREAL (CUPI)- In a gesture of solidarity, quebec labour leaders have called for a “solid front” of unionized workers, far,mers and teachers which they hope will grow into a mass movememt to overthrow capitalism in qubec. This was the message of louis laberge, president of the quebec federation of labour (QFL); marcel pepin, president of the confederation of national trade unions (CNTU) ; paul couture, vice-president of the catholic farmers union and yvon charbonneau, president of the quebec teachers corporation brought to the annual convention of the QFL Wednesday dec 1. With memberships of 225,000 in both the QFL and the CNTU, 30,000 in the catholic farmers union and 70,OoO in the teacher’s group, the call for unity could mean 550,000 workers, farmers and teachers might .start struggling together for the election of a socialist government. The four organizations have heen moving toward a unified front for several months, culminating in the massive joint la presse demonstration October 17. Now their leaders are asking the membership to go further and create permanent ties and continued common front action.. “When you get beat on the head together like we did outside la presse, you learn to think together,” laberge told newsmen. Laberge, who in a major speech to the convention tuesday called for a workers’ struggle to overthrow capitalism in quebec, stressed that the common front is not yet ready to align itself with any political party. “Our first task is to politicize our people and make them aware of what is going on” he said. He described the parti quebecois as “the party at the moment best representing the interests of the workers” but added: “I am myself not a separatist and don’t think workers should recognize any frontiers.” Others at the convention criticized the PQ as being too middle class and not socialist in outlook. Speaking to the convention pepin, couture and charbonneau stressed some’ of the problems to be faced in acheiving-a workable common front but also emphasized traditional rivalry between the two union centrals in organizing workers complicated this goal. But a unity is essential to advance the interests of all workers, he said. Couture told delegates of the hopes of the catholic farmers union to become a recognized labour body with formal bargaining rights. “It is true that the men I represent are really not workers but are small landowners. Still they realize we have the same fight as you do,” he said. Charbonneau said quebec teachers want to move from a state of “verbal solidarity” amongst common front leaders to a formal organization representing the aspirations of all quebec workers. “Enthusiasm without organization never frightens the authorities,” he warned. La berge supported the possibility of staging general strikes saying that unions should push jointly for establishment of a system of industry-wide bargaining in quebec. The labour centrals have been seriously considering a generaI strike in Montreal over the la presse dispute to emphasize the workers’ demands demands for a settlement with la presse and its owner the giant power corporation. Such a strike could mean about a quarter of a million workers walking off their jobs in montreal alone.

my wssdhnd


for a

A group of residents in laheshore vi//age-a subdivision near the university-are protesting the destruction oi a stand of trees adjoining the suburb, but the protests may have come too late. It seems the developer is not waiting for approval from the city, but is going ahead &hout a permit and cutting projected roadways through the woodlot, in anticipation of building yet another subdivision. The citizens, who want to retain the land for park or woodland area, appealed to the city planner’s office and were told that the /and belonged to the developer. The planning council will hold a meeting in three or four weeks on re-zoning the presently to the planning board how agricultural-zoned area, but by that time the damage will have been done. “He’s more or less dictating their plans should go/said one angry home-owner next to the woods. So, instead of trees, it looks like lakeshore village will just get more of the same, like in the picture to the right, above. “I think that I shall never see...”

t old pro lems, f

Free sch by joan Walters the chevron

Three years ago, out of dissatisfaction with the public school system and a conviction that a child could learn in an unstructured environment, a free school started to grow in an old grey house on allen street. Although the people involved with it are quick to point out that there are some problems in realizing the aims of a free school, they are convinced that peculiarthings can happen to a child in a regular school. Sandra sacks, mother of two children at the school, says that when you put a child in public

by joe fraracci the chevron


The general attitude towafd treating people on bad drug trips at health services is different from other years. The people at health services are very willing to helpno hassles. There are several qyiet rooms where trippers can go. Also, rap roomers will come over to health services and stay with the person. The present policy for bad trips is to talk down i-ather than to sedate. Someone on a bum-voyage coming into the rap room or health services will be talked down and will be sedated only in extreme cases.

school, you are placing him in an environment that stifles his development as an individualShe feels that the very nature of the public school system is opposed to “what kids norI;ally want to do”. They can’t talk in class, they relate to teachers as purely authoritarian figures, and they have no way of forming close friendships during school hours. Not so at allen street school. The tumul tous giggles and smiling faces running through the house are indications that the kids are pleased with their situation. It is the children who are the first to point out that things get a little

residences? Yes, if possible. Will they take names? No, they will keep their “usual confidentiality”. Some people might worry that if they are treated for VD, their parents will find out because they are using their parents’ OHSIP number. This won’t show up on the bill. It will simply show that they visited HS. Also, this information won’t be given out if parents phone. An alternative-pay cash (the same applies with birth control pills etc.) The morning-after pill is available for free at the moment. For best results, it must be taken within 24 hours. If started in time, five a day for five days will stop pregnancy. These pills can’t be used as a regular method of birth control and are not available for repeaters. I’or general information, students can go to the birth control

chaotic sometimes but out of the chaos comes a ’ happy wish to learn. One of the ten attending explained that when a ‘new kid’ comes to the school for the first time he dosen’t do much because he isn’t used to the freedom but that he soon gets bored in ‘doing nothing’ and starts to pursue something that interests him. Regular school subjects (science, math, english) are offered, partly as a safeguard for the time a child might return to the public school, but the children are not forced to take them. Instead, the child is left to himself until the interest develops. And different methods are used to teach regular subjects. Michael tabor, one of the numerous resourse people, teaches math through art and history. In a work room on the second floor, karate is taught once a week and guitar lessons are given. Sometimes, an older child will take a younger one under wing to read to him or teach him rudimentary arithmetic. Field trips are also arranged according to interest expressed.

The kids are given freedom of the house and have assigned specific rooms to read, play, work and be*quiet in. They pursue their learning at their own speed and can take as much time as they wish on any particular interest. There is no one to interrupt them or tell them what to do and they grin when they explain it,. Sandra sacks feels that it is the removal of the authorita&an teacher role that encourages them to relate to the adults on an equal basis. They are sensitive to’ adult emotions and exhibit maturity themselves. They like being able to use the first names and speak angrily of the former teachers at public school. The kids share duties in pai.rs on a rotation basis and operate communally in matters of disagreement. When conflict arises, they hold discussions to solve it. They also develop close friendships with all ages instead of being separatred by grades as in public school. Ten children attend the school ranging from five to thirteen

years. One of the mothers points out that hers are the only kids in the neighbourhood to fly out the door happily every morning at 8 : 30 and return happily at five. Marlene rubin is the full-time coordinator of the school and is helped by a core of part time resource people in various fields. The school is situated in a university community with community colleges to draw resourse people from but it is still difficult to find enough resource people to encompass‘ all the interests of the kids. As in all experimental programs, money is a problem. The usual tuition is 55 dollars a month per child but the school will accept partial payment to allow the child to attend. c The kids at the allen street free school are encouraged to develop independence and individualism. No pressure is placed upon them to learn and yet they are highly motivated to do so. They develop at their own pace in whatever way is best for them and as one of them put it, “it’s exciting this way.”

center in the campus center r3r to Trs. N~;ri--(;ii.ld~_jnls i,y-lJJ$l go to ‘&Q j]j:-t]] C’(>l]tj“)~ (L‘4;eii(A;*‘ I I1,:!C,‘fL:i’ii:i,: !i[2!:ci‘:i 3b e. 3. 1 -3; f, :C.:-i t-3 _ -, 1,L’ il’ ^ ~;:)j;-~! Lli$‘i f>: ;>?f 1:r .i ’ .I’ iI


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-nothing held back -everything goes won’f be disappointed No one under 18 admitted



opp. Waterloo 6: 30-12: 30 2:00-12:30



4:oo 5:30 7:30 9:oo lo:oo 12:oo


/ 44


insanity dark of the moon andy robertson Caribbean music john peplow jay’s place barfish hahn & friends paul morton

12:oo 2:00







ed plocienni k yola ra kowsky chicken giblets jazz bag with don beange mal news collections-doug thomas canada house radio gazette news dave booth john banks

lo:oo 12:oo

2:30 pm 5:oo 6:30 7:oo 9:15 9:30


lo:oo 10: 15 12:oo

I.D. will be required)

john dorn bob ‘n’ eric yves sa bourin childrens theatre judyjudyjudy community affairs port ugese program india association lewis coulson’s company frank Preston

RATES from

9100 am 12:oo 2:30 pm

5:oo 6:30 7:oo 9:oo lo:oo 10: 15 10: 30 12:oo


HOST Overnight


bob Pearce

lo:oo 12:oo

news lawrence


classical grass-Philip bast gayli b news peoples music news and sports roundun --r roman charabaruk jamie

9:oo 9:30 lo:oo 10:30 12:oo


out at 6PM - in at 9AM



!2:00 lorne langdon 2:30 pm community affairs 3:oo eric lindgren 5:oo nicoll bagg 6:30 news 7:oo baruch zone jazz 9:oo in the dark-matt stoody

7:oo jim ayres klean filth by kirk szalai jeff Patterson rick hall news

5:oo . 6:30

9:30 10:30 11:oo


david assmann mark leute Steele trap john hall news david tanner’s jazz news one hour news federation reports gil zurbrigg fred moss

f riday 9:OO am 12:oo 3 00 Drn

uncle tom the dynamlst John hall Cindy Campbell country music news r eflections with al sterling monday night theatre news synopsis bob and graham till two

12:oo 2:00 pm 3:30 5:oo 6:30 7:oo



9:00 am



-12:oo 2:oo 4:oo 4:30 6:00 6:30 8:30 lo:oo 12:oo


Students & Faculty of the University of Waterloo will be given a

monday 9:00 am



next day

Bridgeport Rd -. Waterloo 578 7440


filling stockings Suzuki 360 Nomad The

Nomad and quallty


I I S class relnforced dlsslpatlng


55 mph, one-piece track; special heatsystem, k&per



Overall Weight




speed rubber exhaust

31 I In 37.8 I” 359 Ibs

with elec. type



No. of cvllnder Bore and stroke Dlsplocement output torque speed and

Track Track Track

width length


cooled, system


50.39 m. Leaf spring Boggle with torsion co11 spring 38.62 in. x 4.84 in. Callper disc 4.5 U.S. Gal. Flywheel mogneto I 3ottel motor

0.4 kw* 0.18 kw’ 12v 24 AH’ 12v 35 35w 12v3W 1% low Speedometer Tachometer, Horn, Rear view mirror

Toil lamp Brake lamp Instruments Optional equipment



378 Ibs. 2 cycle, air volve Intake

front rear

Ski size Brake type Fuel tank capocjty lgnitior system Electric starter AC generator Battery Head lamp

parkdale pharmacy



ground Suspension, Suspension,


2 2.40 x 2.42 IIT. 359.3cc (21 .9 cu. Id 28 hp @ 6500 rpm 23.1 lb. ft. @ 5.500 rmp 55 mph Vanable torque sensitive converter I Reinforced rubber 1.5 in.


Max. Max. ‘Max. Clutch

more performance, any snowmobile






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Mon-Thurs 8am-llpm Fri & Sat $am - lam SUI3

wated~0 had an election on december G. I ran for a council seat and lost. This, of course, is waterloo’s loss. Running for public office is something that everyone should . try at least once, but before they do they should read the rules of the game. I do not mean the election act or anything like that. The rules I am refering to are on fine print, and written between the lines of any life-long bureaucrat’s face. Municipal politics are a good game to play because the players are still bush league, and a rookie can spot many of the plays in his first game. As I have just recommended the game, I will describe a couple of fancy plays that I observed during the last election. Loquacious lying, (LL) , and media mind manipulation, MMM) along with a few of their many variants were the plays used in the offensive that prompted me to write this letter so those are the ones that I’ll describe. I tried to conduct a door-to-door campaign as much as possible, and 4n the course of my campaigning I discovered that a good many people were left off the voters list. I the common soon found denominator for this problem. Anyone who had moved in the last seven or eight months. This of course included most students, working men living in apartments and even some home owners. A conservative estimate of the number affected was 5,000 or about a quarter of the voter’s list. A quarter of the voter’s list and not an eyelash batted. The voter’s list for municipal elections is prepared from the assessment rolls, which in the case of Waterloo are prepared by the regional assesment office in galt. Persons on the list had until november 15 to make an appeal. Enter the first, and primary liar: derword Preston, the Waterloo city clerk. Preston had news releases which stated that the assesment rolls were updated to September 30, 1971 (see the K-W record nov. 6 1971). He said that the voters should check the voters list because there was d possibility of error in transcribing names from the assesment rolls to the voter’s list. No mention of the danger of an out of date list. In fact, I phoned the clerks department on dec. 2 I tried to have this story released in the local papers and radio stations. A few people could vote if they were on the list from an old address. Nothing. The first stage of MMM. H.D. Wilson mentioned that there might . be some problem on his CHYM show, action line, after he learned that 2,000 home owners were affected in kitchener-no report of the general problem. On dec. 7 in the record, it is mentioned that Preston was lamenting the small turnout for the election, especially among apartment dwellers. No mention of the fact that almost all apartment dwellers were left off the voter’s list. - Then this afternoon the final blow ; a power play with more LL and MMM than I have seen together in a long time. On CKKW Ilews the story I tried to get on before the election. . First, they had kitchener’s clerk

lying, then they had Waterloo’s own preston lie. Preston said that it was the systems fault, and that they should change to enneumeration. He said that the assesment rolls were dated april 31, 1971, and that he estimated 2,000 people were affected. In the end he came out smelling like FDS. His estimate was at least 3,000 people too low. I’ll reiterate a little so that there will be no difficulty in anyone suing me for liable if am wrongPreston lied to the public when he told them that the assesment rolls were revised to Sept. 30. This disenfranchised a large segment of the community. -The local media buried the story.:until it was too late to do any good. -The blame was shifted off the shoulders of two incompetent lying bureaucrats by a combination of some very fancy LL and MMM. rickard

Complete Dinner Menu



Thank you An open letter to all u of w students : Asa member of the unemployed, non-student rabble, it was my unfortunate plight to find myself botk: without shelter and sustenance over the past few months. I wouId like to take this opportunity to thank all the u of w students who helped see me through my time of misfortune and who find me now neither dying of exposure to the elements nor of malnutrition or anemia. I came to you homeless, penniless and aimless. I leave you now as a productive, working, rentpaying member of the community. Your student villages are, and I believe this is contrary to your popular belief, very much cozier and much cheaper than the local ‘y’ and although the food did seem occasionally dietetically unsound (too high in fat and carbohydrate for my taste) it was more appetizing than the bread and water at the local jail. Your village residence system makes things extremely difficult for people like me and the most disconcerting experience I had was when they added the sign ‘freeloaders not welcome’ to the decor of the village dining room. This seemed a most uncordial way of welcoming those less fortunate members of society such as myself. Aside from the occasional affront to my ego as an undocumented welfare recipient, I found my stay with you most comfortable and enjoyable. When I was not job hunting I did have the pleasurable opportunity to attend a number of lectures on campus and found them even more entertaining than daytime tv or chym radio. Thanking you again for your kindness-a grateful member of the proletariat. p.s.-rather than leave myself open to investigation by your ‘extremely efficient campus police I will remain anonymously yours.

. _

&am-w&s amd preciousgems all uwwktithe on t&e pfemises


m w&



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Books to go on reserve for next termPlease send US your lists by December 15 ,so material can be processed in time for the beginning of. term.

the ultimate iti ‘rental townhouse accomodation featuring 3 and 4 bedrooms, refrigerator, stove, drier, broadloom, playarea, Furnished models open daily, 12:00 noon to 9:OOpm. Call Mr, Mrs Douglas Welsh at 579-2890. I

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ofor nationalism

by captain america the chevron


On monday evening, december 6, Canadian studies 200 called upon its speakers in the social environment section to come together for a panel discussion (professor richard mundell, department of economics, who was unable to be there sent his apologies, professor donald gordon, who has never been able to be there sent no apologies). The panel was made up of professors leo johnson (history), ronald lambert (sociology), robert Williams (political science 1, with je kersell (political science) in the chair. The theme of the evening’s discussion emerged when leo johnson made an almost persuasive case that canada had no national identity. Ron lambert developed this theme to suggest that-there was an emergent identity, but it was an american one. and he suggested only half-humorotisly what really prevented the prairie provinces from joining the united states was their fear that if this happened, some black americans might join them.

Why gloomy? Gloom of this kind is a tried and true opening for a panel discussion, and the audience immediately asked the panel “why so gloomy?” and pointed to the recent convention of&he committee for an independent cariada in th..pder bay which a@racted a large audience. This gave lei; johnson one more opportunity to claim that it was he wh& had first: suggested that the initials of the organizaiion really‘ 3 stood for the committee of-. iridigenous capitalists, which said as much as he wanted to say about this group. Ron lambert was slightly more optimistic, pointing out thtit capitalists with a stake in a country had been a powerful nationalists in the past. B6b Williams added that the. presence of three Canadian publishers on this committee was the most heartening thing about it. Yet the panel was generally gloomy about the prospects of this group acting as a catalyst for Canadian nationalism, and

the discussion moved to group who were more direct ways to shape this country’s and future. ’

trying in present

Misread mood Johnson argued that the quebec separatist movement was not a reliable index of the state of Canadian feeling about unity, and that the FLQ one year ago, badly misread the mood of workers in quebec and the rest of canada who were not ready to rush to the barricades to wrest their country from the hands of its exploiters, Canadian or american. Someone suggested that the NDP was also mislead by its own rhetoric in the last provincial election when it offered to lead Ontario, and canada, to independence through socialism, and the panel agreed. Not even grassroots movements like the community and neighbourhood associations in kitchener and Waterloo which have protested the city hall development project are likely to succeed.


Europe & Britain


Vested interests

Lambert and leo johnson bath pointed out that pressure from vested interests in the twin cities which persuaded city, councillors to hold secret meetings, and to ban the press, has also managed to persuade them to regard these neighbourhood groups as rivals for their power. So, not even at the grassroots level, can Canadians make decisions about their own future. On this note the panel discussion car&e to an e;di -A canvas of what the panel had said suggests thai capitalists, separatists, radical and etiolutionary socialists, and grassroots democrats iri canada are all floundering, and are powerless to shape Canada’s future. The audience which was a small one, joined in this tale of woe except when one questioner asked ron lambert why he became a Canadian ci+ .zen and the answer came back quickly that: he had nothing to do withit, he was born one. Th@ question was prompted, apparently, by a case of mistaken identity-but it was the most positive identification of something or someone Canadian all evening..







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--by -brute hahn the chevron

Well, here I am again, proving that the pen, is mightier than just about -anything ; except perhaps the razor sharp wits of a calculus teacher. My last venture into the world of journalistic expression (which was essentially a critique of math 132computer science), met .with mixed reactions in the various mathematical circles present at uniwat. Reactions among the faculty ranged from almost total ridicule to serious considerations of my opinions. I was particularly pleased to hear of at least one professor who spent part of his class time discussing such matters with his class; i.e. suggestions etc. After several discussions with s&me of my teachers and a lot of student feedback I have come. to the conclusion that- th& is a need for more student-fa’culty corn-a

certain courses exist the way uiey do. Some of the reasons I discovered for the flaws in first-year comput’er science are : o there are something like 1400 students enrolled in math 132 o major changes- in a course of this nature can take up to two years to be fully implimented o first-year camp. sci. tutors do not represent the “cream of the crop”. However to those of you who will be around next term, I hope that this., is the beginning rather than end of student involvement at a. first-year level. From a seemingly reliable source I have heard that Prof. beaumont, an assistant to the dean of math, has been heard to say that uniwit has not been iiving up to its high reputation in the area of computer science, and that in two or three years. when the word gets around to t$e high schools, there might be’ a severe fall in -, li


f&r. work

us. will be on our work terms; would be nice to come back to moreenlightened compute Science course. Take up our struggle; fight for math, To you, in whom ideas hath Been born; r Become involved and do not shirk, If ye break faith with us who work, We shall not sleep, though programs run at uniwal

birth control products for men .

Staff Xmas party The staff association presente their annual children’s christma 1s party last Saturday in the sout h campus hall. Although both el tertainers were late, the childre !n waited patiently for the magicia n and the ventriloquist. After thes ‘acts: food services gave so f.t drinks, jello, , ice cream, chocolate cake to. the ,lQds;-


*.Y ~,;~eliab~~‘~~.~traception is a matter of vital con-cam -td.theT” rnajdrity of the world’s population today. And the majority of the world3 people ‘- :. practicing contraception rely on th’e condom, which is also known as a protective, prophylactic, or sheath. . - The finest protectives made by Julius Schmid are well known to your doctor THE and druggist-Fourex, Ramses and Sheik. They are available at HO.zW;-TO , c,~‘rtr.rA all drugstores. - l.c.i,.P.L, For more information on birth :I.“” “. control, send for “The HowNot-To Book”.


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JULIUS SCHMID OF CANADA 32 Bermondsey Rd., Toronto 16, Ont. Please send me the HOW-NOT-TO Book. (Print clearly) TO: Name



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Extended Books Books

on extended loaned to September


to all borrowers and faculty members prior to’ 7 are due December


note :



be returned

--An overduecharge after December



17, 1971

to the library

of 20 cents

to be renewed

per day will be made



You name t we probably have new

it (we articles

sell used also)

House of Furniture 46 King St. North Waterloo - 576-5440


I’d fill with you, my Land, mother of flowers Flowering garden of my hopes. This poem, written by ovanes shiraz of armenia, typifies the spirit of unifying his people. This snirit was in full force sunday Ghen hundreds of armenians from southern Ontario and eastern new York state gathered in the humanities theatre for the armenian night. They were treated to a program including dances, songs, poems, and a beauty pag&t of ancient queens. Armenian refreshments were served in the foyer at intermission. A display of authentic armenian rugs was arranged by set adourian and haig tootikiap. John bezdikin, master of ceremonies, for the evening was rather unsure of himself at first but sooned warmed to the primarily armenian audience. cultural The armenian association of new york provided three colorful dances depicting the old and new styles of dance in their

Hockey Bicycles Table Tenn.is

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& Erb)



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W. Kitchener

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Eliz and nizag hovagimian provided a humorous singing duet depicting the complaining housewife and the irate husband. The highlight of the evening was a band called the dupont st. five. They are comprised of a drummer, electric piano player, recorder, and two female vocalists. They played old armenian songs upbeated with a jazz and rock tempo. The audience responded with thunderous applause and demanded an encore from the group. The sponsor and organizer of the fete, the armenian student association was founded in I Waterloo last year and is cqnstantly striving to keep the armen& culturC alive. -


Skiing Tennis Squash Golf


4th century. The costumes were donated by the armenian relief society of toronto and boston.


Have your youngster photographed in color with Santa only $1.45 FAIRVIEW PARK SHOPPING _ CENTRE Fairview

Rd at Hwy


by randy hannigan the chevron

Walkabout There have been many movies produced around the central theme of an individual seeking freedom from the pressures of modern society. Walkabout is also a movie about freedom; it’s about a girl who suddenly finds herself faced with an ultimate freedom, but being conditioned by years in modern society,- and restricted by the barriers placed around her by other members of society, she cannot comprehend what freedom means until she returns to society and a husband whose ideal is the great american dream. The girl, who remains nameless throughout the movie, as do all the characters, and her young brother, find themselves lost in the desert after an attempted murder suicide hy her father while on a picnic. At first the separation from society does not itself create freedom for the girl, since survival now becomes a first priority, something that was always taken for granted at home. The brother, however, regards this new situation as total freedom from parental rule, his sister now assuming responsibility of feeding and protecting him. The freedom that the girl finds is a freedom found only in the cultures represented “primitive” in this movie by the aborigine race of australia and in particular an aborigine boy on his Walkabout. (All aborigine boys upon reaching a certain age are required to go out for four months and live from the land and the animals that inhabit the land. It is in this setting that the girl meets the aborigine. >

The aborigine boy soon takes on the responsibility of feeding and protecting the girl and her brother, and acquainting them to the means of survival in the desert. It is only then that the girl begins to enjoy the freedom of nature, even though ahe is not fully aware of the scope of her freedom. One of the stronger points in the movie is to show how modern society has made the human body an object of lustful desire rather than treating it as a natural part of nature and not to be ashamed of it’s exposure if it is simply more convenient not to wear clothes. Or, perhaps that nudity really doesn’t, or shouldn’t - be related to immorality. * The point is illustrated in this movie by the juxtaposition of scenes where the girl and boy are swimming in the nude and accepting it as natural, something the girl would not have accepted at home, and scenes of a white weather crew with only one female and several men present showing how the men are competing for the prized female body. Even the sight of a partly exposed female breast excites the men on the crew. The movie is filled with many such visual analogies, since dialogue is kept to a minimum. Perhaps a very strong comment on modern society. Perhaps the most intense part of the film is when, as the boy is hunting, he comes upon a white hunting party, equipped with a land rover and powerful guns. The aborigine watches the hunters

slaughter what could well have been a years supply of food for him, and is very deeply hurt and confused by their actions. It is then he realizes that there is another society besides his own and that the two cannot be reconciled. The next part is very vague in be left meaning and may ‘unresolved in order for the audience it interpret the scene-for themselves. However, the boy leaves the scene of the slaughter and later returns to the girl painted up in some ritual design, and performs a dance outside her hut. The girl cannot comprehend this and therefore is afraid of what is happening. She withdraws from him but he continues his ritual. In the morning the aborigine is dead; he hung himself, however the reason for this is veryobscure. Did he feel that he was betraying his tribe by protecting these white people after he saw what the other white hunters did, or did he want to help the girl escape from her culture; and when she was afraid of‘him did he feel that he had failed on his walkabout?


0 Nortkl onlv


this Christmas


the hard

to find





are” Square

Even with the social comment throughout the movie this is not the strongest point in the movie. The photography was at times the only means of holding the viewers attention to the screen, often with the effect of having overshadowing the theme. One does not have to interpret the theme to enjoy this movie ; the photography is well worth seeing for itself. This does not mean however that the theme is weakened by the photography, rather it is made more visual and perhaps more universal in it’s presentation.






by nigel burnett the chevron

Whole earth catalog

The pair of them collaborated on ‘ten surefire methods of ‘how to tell

fuckers’, spiritual

probably the offering of all.


Herein lie the ways and means of gaining access to the hardware, firmware, and software offered by people throughout the world. These are the people who wish to make accessible that ‘realm of intimate personal power’ promised by the catalog’s statement of purpose. A hefty volume, four hundred and fortyeight pages, each and every one a full ten and a half by fourteen and a half inches. The large format, while it makes reading on the john a little awkward, lends itself beautiflly to the formatting of graphical ideas. To create a continuum, gurney norman has authored a folktale about a stoned freak from the west who meanders across the country. The novel traces his trip, both physical and spiritual as he loses first his girl, then almost his life. He then regains both in a beautiful wedding in the kentucky hills.


The last supplement, edited by paul krasner and ken kesey, is a very religious trip. .Kesey starts with a review of the ‘bible’, krastner follows with the ‘Parts left out of the bible’, Ken continues with a ‘I thing thing’, and paul returns with a transcription of the dialogue with the hoover vacuum company, a trio who had destroyed the files of a couple of new jersey draft boards.


your own

I V .




- .


8 King Street East


. , -



deeember 1971 (12:3ic)




6 Brut aPub





look on as another

Wrestlers by Jan Laube the chevron

westmount harmacy

place 578-8800

Last Saturday’s battle of giants saw, the warriors come with a decisive 24-12 win over mustangs. This was the first meeting of two teams which tied in


Some things make us nervous. Some things turn us into a kind of stranger to ourselves. The old dryness of the mouth sets in. The sweat starts down. .How about those job’interviews, where ail of a sudden you’ve got to stand out very clearly from the herd? Inside half an hour you’ve got to establish yourself to a world you never made and may not even like. ’ Does the prospect make you just a little nervous? No? You’re lucky. Oh, it does? Join the club. It gets us all, even those over thirty. You could write a book about’being nervous shout interviews. As a matter of fact, we have written a book, A little one: “How to separate

yourself from the herd”. It’s packed with practical tips on how to go to an interview on your own terms. We wrote it because we’ve been there. Without any modesty whatsoever we can tell you we’re a company whose very life depends on our skill at coming face to face with strangers. Our little book is tucked into a bigger one: The Employment Opportunities Handbook, a kind of dictionary of the companies who are looking. This brand new handbook is yours for the asking at the placement office. “How to separate yourself from the herd” won’t work any magic between now and your first interview. But it just might help.

IcN>cNllFE InsuranceCo’mpany,London,Canada

12 \


‘;i7e chevron


goes down

to the mat.

top stangs ’ the up the the the

OQAA championships in Kingston last spring. The stangs and also taken the uniwat squad by a half point during regular season


Determined to win abefore a packed gym of partisan Western supporters the warriors were lead by captains pat bolger and john barry . The team fell behind after their first two matches as barry bryant lost. to the OQAA champion, guy zink in the 118 lb class. Two rookies, warriors jim skelly and bob mitchell of western met in the 126 lb match and after nine minutes of tough wrestling the score ended in a 2-2 draw. John barry, representative for canada at the pan american games this year showed-why he had been chosen to go to a world calibre meet. Wrestling - Stanley boisvert the ’ OQAA 134 lb champion john completely mesmerized Stanley with his crackling speed and lightening reflexes to the tune of an 13-3 lopsided score. This resounding victory was followed by another this time by a rookie who is certain to have a place on future Canadian wrestling teams. Tim wenzel alias the weasel defeated clive leudyn 4-i. Captain pat bolger continued t@e warriors momentum by taking rick finkenzeiler 7-O. Fink&zeller who had represented canada at the world junior wrestling championships was really no match for the likes of bolger on saturday. The next two bouts were fought as the deciding matches of the meet. Don spink wrestled to a draw while fred scheel, our prussian ironman hammered his opponent to the mat time and time again. Waterloo now had a 16-8 lead and needed only one more win to end up on top. In years gone by it has always been these freshmen who have proved the margin of victory in key meets. Saturday was no exception as pat mckinty at 177 and Scott marshal1 gave Waterloo an insurmountable lead. . Mckinty, a former warriors swimmer, was wrestling in only his fourth meet but soundly defeated the western mat man 10-O and heavyweight Scott marshal1 took his man 8-2. Our second loss occurred at the 191 lb class as george Saunders, our past representative at this weight, was away swimming for the warriors on their us swing. He was replaced by tom cutoski. The wrestlers now take a little rest and don’t see action again until january 8th and the queen’s invitational. To date the squad have won all four meets this fall and not come close to losing.


reg 6.29 Bee Gee’s Trafalgar reg 6.29 Black Sabbath . ..*......................................... ’ reg 5.98 Jefferson Airplane ,......*.............*...,........ Ray Stevens . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . reg 5.49 reg 11.98 Isle of Wight . . . . . . ..L........................................ Uriah H6ep . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..~.*....*......... reg 6.29 reg5.98 W h.o’s Next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...‘..................... .

F(uisdl and trumbo: shock.for shock’s sake? Two motion pictures now showing in K-W, though ostensibly dealing with completely different topics, invite comparison. The two-ken russell’s “The Devils” and dalton trumbo’s “Johnny Got His Gun”-have met, with almost interestingly, uniformly opposite criticism from the professional reviewers, but both are enjoying success at the box office so far. Russell’s interpretation of aldous huxley’s book, “The Devils, of Lovdon”, relates the story of a roman catholic priest in 17thcentury fiance, \grandier . Grandier was finally burned at the stake due to a combination of ihrewd political enemies and a guillible, superstitious congregation. He was a rebel in the church of his time, openly engaging in sexual .relationships with the town ladies and indiscreetly itisulting the town’s and the church’s influential gentlemen. When mass hysteria sends the local nuns into a sexual frenzy, grandier becomes the central figure in their possession, with the open encouragement of his enemies. The naming of grandier as the sexual devil in their midst is led by the mother superior, who is led-at first *willingly, then hesitatinglythrough the full range of exorcisms in vdgue at that time, including a series of intriguing tortures by which to arrive at the “truth.” Russell has forced one of Oliver reed’s finest performances onto the screen, and the word forced is meant literally. Russell has come in for a lot of critical attacks due to his direc-, torial -metho&, which include driving b$ own actors into a frenzy ( before ,the cameras. . S&q& young actresseq w&e actually,raped befqre the cameras in some of his orgy scenes, but he dismisses such incidents as the wages of having a _genius like himself creating. Unfort,unately-or, perhaps, you fortunately-these would prefer, scenes had to be cut before north american audiences saw the picture. It is difficult to imagine what the uncut version was like, because the censoted movie is one of the most visually shocking statements to appear.

He is. hidden away in army hospitals until he eventually learns to communicate crudely with those “caring”. for him.












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But, of course, they will not listen to him or grant either of his requests-show him to the outside world, or kill him. The movie uses flashbacks and7 again-surreal dream sequences to establish the boy’s background and his changing thoughts about the world and‘ what it has done to him. The boy, of course, is a symbol of all young men who have been killed or maimed. by war-the unspeaking dead whom the living call “our glorious war dead” without their cbnsent.

Trumbo weaves a powerful case, although the movie is obviously too downbeat for john Wayne fans, -several of whom were yawning the night I saw it. Trumbo uses m&y, pain, and psychological torture to pull from his viewers the emotions he desires, and his story is entirely fictive. - Russell uses nudity, torture and psychological cruelty by -which to relate something. which actually happened in the sqme carnival sense of madness with which he depicts it. Many of the’ thtnqs rtissell put?on the screen did ’ not hap=n literally, but the manner in w&h he states them do not misfepresent what did happen. The same can be said of trumbo-. While no one like trumbo’s basket case has exist& to our knowledge, the young man is still a fair representation of the -men who have been killed’and wounded. Trumbo’s book was banned in, the US during WW II, and he was one of the blacklisting victims in hollywood during the mccarthy .communist witchhunts of the 1950’s.. He continued to write screenplays during the 1950’s Iand 60’s, but had to use assumed names. He once even won an Oscar for best screenplay-f6r “Spartacus”which he could not claim because it wasn’t written under his real name. Reportedly, he still hasn’t bothered to pick it up. But many who reacted favorably to trumbo’s movie were either disgusted or disappointed with russell’s movie. Because of his powerful images, The answer I got from several russell has been accused of over- friends was that trumbo’s use of exaggerating and sensationalism. over-statement served only to He would probably admit to both illustrate his anti-war comments, the charges, but would see nothing while russell ,uses overstatement as shock just for the sake of shock. w-rong with ‘it. His almost-surreal presentation It’s an answer that troubles me, of grandier’s story puts his movie yet-given russell’s admitted above and beyond that story; it penchant for visual violence-it:s becomes, not the story of granalso hard to refute. dier’s death, but a fir&-stated In the end, the question of case against the church and man’s overuse-or manipulation-of absurd treatment of himself. over-statement relies, as in all Trumbo can be accused of both media, not so much with the inexaggeration and sensationalism tentions of the artist, but with the in bringing “Johnxiy Got His Gun” perception of the audience. to the screen, also. So, I can only recommend that But, instead, he has been met both motion pictures be, seen, since with critical acclaim and mostly these types. generally get shortr’~s i.n this area; both-for the favorable reactions. kL: awrmt and the use of the Trumbo w@e the book in 193% .A(&IJ>i - ;;I-2 -&;ell worth about a soldier in WW f who loses a arms, legs and face in an explosion i 1W’JJlg . on the battle front.‘All the boy is ge kaufman left with is the capacity to think..

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by j. hue&s-jourda the chevron

Sq&ose they gave you a world, on rolling off-spaceship earth myself seeing me world about me and you wanted no part of it? emitting noises until darkness and with new eyes. It is a caustic silence prevail 1 vision, both pleasant and biting, Suppose all the members of this Director tasso lakas has a keen but one which I am glad to have, world were peculiarly bewitched, and graphic eye. His sense of and inlent about mesmerized now. Some will say that it is not pictorial metaphor is unerring. -wholly new ; I would reply that that performing as puppets in weird, From the uniformed nuns-or is true, in theme and idea, this is machine-like (weird ways, net really new---this movie belongs tnachine-like functions, how would 1rm-e they mennonites?--to the frame.9 to the to the tradition I have mentioned you bell them ? How could you get dancing autobody five o’clock crowd to the beauty earlieii-. But, in its executions in its through tu them? Did the little boy contestants to the cows, be builds a “style”, its use of camera and ever .get through to the emperor and self-referrel2l sound, it s tenuous yet fla\vlle§s w7ho didn’t ‘ want :o know that 13e continuing equilibrium, it is a K-lliilOlwas naked? sequence on the analogy nhofowhich augurs wel”: of graphy sketches between what we masterpiece H&e, in this flawless parable, we have a little boy falexander > arc and the mechanical and the the talents of its author. Moreover : Cth you nicely, and The tragedy is it ‘“stays” who escapes the \ ‘railroading” a*e mass-produced. hollows this most solid that we would make alexander one nicely all go through. Off he tumbles world we live in with the ghostly of us. Its poignancy is continously dvwn the embankment in the crazy by the fact that, as a presence of what the world might iVEWk. Jkhrough the fence. He underscored be ,like should we refuse to gevu <railroad follows for 8 while akgrotesque and 9jj small boy wandering--on behind I tractors and in railroaded. malevolent tractor but is obviously \ tracks, ---____l_l_____ -..~ in ’ left behind: And it is too l&e for factories, i-he is’ continuously ., . I him. II@ joins the evergrow~ing list danger of getting maimed if not I ’ killed. As indeed he is, and, if we of epic, ‘outsiders. from whose divergent glance the world, we take look at what we have become, so to for grk?rited appears xas a mon- were we who have consented join in the factory games, pigs strous aberration. He too will walk about the ramshackle abode we rushing in to become sausages. Tasso lakas never loses the pre.call civilization, peering in from CariOLiS balance he establishes time to time, wandering in every right from the beginning between now and then, but always apart, the threatening undertones and the always astonished, always amused and bewildered by the strange arad innonence of the child. He never falls into the mal!dlin. Me never meaningless show we present with preaches but nips, with a quick its ominous undertones piercing &w, :Gng the soundtrack to good ~pwpose to em~A~a.size a great 0;' pictcri3l caricatl:1-e. 8ne :jf iii:3 i22iljCfr ya.jalities is indeed his


it-1~ wrilderness of his predecessors, :ind give himself in&ead to the delights of sun and flowering Lvceds along the mud of embankmcnts made cloudy with exhaust fun, es. Meanwhile this hapless ball of cooling lavas will go

sue of pic~~ori2.1 \iiiit. It has been said of great artists that they irnpoULqc 1_._ Inon their con temporaries a new vision of the world they live in. To my mind, lMr. lakas shows great promise, for after seeing this movie every so often I catch

by nigel burnett the chevron

, Carol fantasy has been for a while and no doubt, will be forever. Last friday and Saturday it was again. With a format similar to previous years’, carol fantasy was well executed under the directorship of alfred kunz. Because of the shakesperian stage, the arts theatre is more suited to this type of production than is the humanities theatre. Four groups performed this year’s programme: the concert band, the concert choir, the little symphony orchestra, and the chamber choir. Over one hundred sixty people are involved in these groups. The first of two pieces by the concert band was ralph Vaughn Williams folk song suite, a well-spirited collection of english folk melodies. This was followed by ieroy anderson’s Christmas festival, a typical collage of various tunes. Although this tended to bog down a little in the middle, the ending was well polished.

The next piece was concerto for orchestra by john elenor. Unfortunately this selection, although played well, did not have nearly the appeal of haydn’s toy symphony which was played at carol fantasy two years ago.1 The concert choir and the little symphony orchestra then performed four choruses from handel’s the messiah. A very popular Christmas selection, the choruses were performed beautifully. The last, the hallelujah chorus, was executed with the same degree of excellence expected of professional choirs. After a brief intermission, the chamber choir came on stage to perform an original work composed by alfred kunz. The title, my reaches but cannot touch, and the music, both portray the difficulties one has in relating and communicating with each other in today’s world. With excellent control of pitch and emotion, this free form piece was rather well done. However, I do not think that toy

the place for this experimental music is in a joyous carol fantasy. The chamber choir and the double brass choir combined for a three movement Christmas cantata by daniel pinkham. A short work, the cantata once again showed the fine choral work of ‘which this choir is capable. The last selection was also written by alfred kunz. Entitled christmas kaleidoscope, the piece was performed by all members of the orchestra and both choirs. Interesting effects were obtained by having the chamber choir in the tunnel under the theatre and by placing four trumpets backstage. The collage was well designed and the audience joined in the singing of the first noel and angels we have heard on high. The finale of this kaleidoscope was probably the richest, most full sounding piece of music that I have heard since beethoven’s ninth. Several minutes of well-deserved applause followed this final selection of the seventh annual carol fantasy.


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Those of you who are still quivering after reading last week’s review. of 260 Motels will be delighted to learn that the soundtrack album has now been released (on United Artists UAS 99561, and that this two record set is at least as weird to listen to as the film was to watch. In the context of zappa’s previous work, 200 Motels is an extension of the orchestral experiments found on Lumpy Gravy and We’re

of 0iA.A.

742-l 351


Mothers everywhere



In It For The


Roach” and “Magic Fingers” are nice changes of pace, but they are only a small part of what’s really happening. What’s happening is a musical satire on such typical zappa concerns as sexual hang-ups, small- town life, and the foibles of both “straights” and “hippies.” While “Dance of the Just Plain Folks” and “Redneck Eats” attack fashionable targets, zappa is equally aware of the idiocies of the “now generation” as exemplified by the youthful protagonist of “Dental Hygiene Dilemma : ” --

and bears little resemblance to either his “greaser” music (Rubin and the Jets) or his ventures into Man, this stuff is great! avant-garde jazz (Hot Rats). Zappa’s orchestral writing is It’s just as if Donovan himself had rather like that of bela bartok: appeared on my very own TV spare, simple melodies, complex screen with words of peace, love, and occasionally atonal harand’ eternal cosmic wisdom! monies, with an underlying Leading me, guiding me, on paths rhythmic impetus supplied by of everlasting pseudo-Karmic percussion and the lower-pitched negligence in the very midst of my string instruments. drug-induced nocturnal emission! Bela bartok, however, didn’t The music is extremely well . write too many pieces with titles and ex-Turtles mark like “Half A Dozen Provocative ’ l&formed, volman and howard kaylan seem Squats” or “Shove It Right In” and particularly happy to be Mothers. it is precisely th-ese fruits Jimmy car1 black fans, among ( “fruits”) of zappa’s maverick whose miniscule numbers I count genius which give 200 Motels its myself, will thrill to his gritty distinctive character. Combining vocal on “Lonesome Cowboy crudity and sophistication seems Burt ,” and The Royal Philharan almost impossible task, but that monic Orchestra also deserves is just exactly what has been acspecial mention: they are an incomplished here. tegral part of the proceedings, as There is some more conventional rock and roll on this set, but as was not the case with Deep Purple’s abortive attempts at a rock1 tried to emphasize in reviewing classical synthesis. the film, 200 Motels is not a Mad A nicely laid out booklet of Dogs and Englishmen-type highlights from the film is indocumentary about the groovy life eluded, which enables the listener of the touring musician. “Mystery to reexperience some’. of the cinematic shennanigans of 200 Motels. Both film and soundtrack album are crude, irreverant, and immensely enjoyable glimpses into frank zappa’s psyche, two biodegradable advertisements for the advantages of mental fertilization. There are also mothers present on Freedom Flight (Epic E 30752), as george duke and aynsley dunbar back up shuggie otis on his new album. Although shuggie has been saddled with the twin handicaps of a famous father (johny Otis) and the label of “child prodigy,” Freedom Flight demonstrates that he must now be considered a mature artist in his own right. As a fellow guitarist, I’m very impressed with shuggie’s ability to synthesize different techniques ’ and come up with a fresh approach to conventional material. “Sweet Thang,” for example, is the sort of guitar-organ funk which has been done to dath by jack mcduff, grant green, and myriad others, but shuggie solos on the bottleneck guitar and imparts a clean country flavor to what could have been merely “hip cock tail lounge” music. “Strawberry Letter 23” and “Someone’s Always Singing,” on the other hand, are circa-1967 exercises in feelin’ groovy, but this time it’s an ethereal, spaced out, jimi hendrix-influenced guitar line which saves the day. Both songs also benefit from appropriately psychedelic production by johny = Otis. The 12-minute “Freedom j Flight” closes out the album with extended lyrical statements from shuggie and saxophonist richard aplanalp, and their collaboration is as intricate and intermeshed as a john ‘mclaughlin-Wayne short-er duet. It’s also further proof of shuggie’s incredibly broad range of talents: whatever direction he chooses to go, it will be the right one. 1 can’t think of anything else to say except “Encore!” --pad







ok to be written tion into

’ Unfort~at~ly, “They Can’t Go published by a Home Again”, united church company, is just another in the line of disap~intin~ books on the subject. Like most things which come from the church, this book obviously has good in~nti~~ but it

est that

the community

There are places, however, where the young people who are interviewed voice some of the deep-felt reasons they left the US for Canada. One recalls with distaste the prowar rallies he saw at his large university, with signs such as ~~~apalrn is good for VC acne.“’ That person was, until that time, a ROTC officer candidate because it was a way to avoid the draft. oon afterwards .thou~h~ he quit TC and then came to Canada.



friends and partners seems preosterous.” But then, they backtrack on their own upholding of the myth: “Ltbis has led, in fact, to american dominance of the ~ana~an economy. There are few porations.. not affected this economic might .” refuse to alit then ndence of economic control and friendliness. Several insights into the american psyche are offered, such as:







koch, US congressman

‘“The southeast one part of the america we are leaving,” he says. resisters and deserters. But, it doesn’t seem fair that he Her husband is a Canadian union Over tea and cookies, u ignores the fact that the draft is the reason he left, not the other a little. reas~s. does being an imA lot of americans in canada like ~o~s~llor mean?” I to feel, now that they are here, that asked. it was a rational decision they “ ‘It means taking a fri made rather than a r~nin~-away yoga american recently arrived in a strange country and providing would be hard to uphold. him with friendships and contacts, and making it possible for him to lift his head without fear, and to find a place for him to live, and a

s I am out of


these ‘6yo~~ men” here; nor do they bother to explore the question of how they can find a “new life” here in canada when canada in increasingly becoming like, and bromine controlled by, the united states. It might be a comforting book for parents of resisters in the US to d, but it fails to sincerely intigate the real questions it only asks.

, Lennon Remembers, Straight Arrow Books, $4.95, 197 1. Rolling Stone has been described as “the time magazine of the youth




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a little

culture,” and this true to the extent that both are encyclopedic, opinionated, and difficult to get along without. Rolling Stone, however, of ten transcends its chit-chat from the world of rock format with “The Rolling Stone Interview”, an extended and indepth conversation with one of our musical cultural heroes. Lennon Remembers appeared as one of these interviews some two years ago, and the present volume also includes over sixty photographs of john, yoko, the maharishi, and various other contemporary luminati, presumably added to justify the five dollar price tag. They do enhance the book, but since an unillustrated edition could hardly retail for more than a dollar, one may regret Rolling Stone’s high opinion of our relative affluence. Chronologically, Lennon Remembers comes just after public knowledge of The Beatles’ disintegration, and interviewer jann wenner obviously felt that we would all be interested in the gory details: so there’s a lot of “allen klein said this” and “Paul (mccartney) did that,” which may intrigue rock historians, but leaves me pretty cold. John lennon, however has much more to him than this sort of trivia, and as he is often “eminently quotable,” here are a few eminent quotations : On love and yoko: Both of us could survive apart, but what for?... I don’t want to be a swinger...I’ve been through it all and nothing works better than to have somebody you love hold YOU.


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On the “now





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if there

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I’m sick of all these aggressive hippies or whatever they are the Now Generation...demanding my attention as if I owed them something. I’m not their fucking parents...they frighten me, a lot of uptight maniacs going around wearing fuckin’ peace symbols.

These may strike

you as cynical

and even misanthropic remarks; but when I compare Lennon Remembers to the usual mediahype “interview,” which consists largely of “wow!,” “far out!,” and profundities on the order of ‘can you dig where my head is, man, I mean I’m into some really weird space...dig?,’ I’m tremendously impressed by lennon’s forthrightness. Bob dylan thinks so too: in the nov. 28 New York Times Magazine he comments : Lennon was completely out of control (in the Rolling Stone interview) . He’s leaving no place for himself. Me, I gotta keep a place for me.

“Out of control,” or “brutally honest?” I guess that depends on how open you think you can afford to be. For lennon, such openness is a response to pain: to the pain of becoming a “superstar” and doing “exactly what yoy don’t want with people you can’t stand.” For those of us who conceive of “superstars” as fantastically affluent, happy-golucky groupie screwers, Lennon Remembers is a revelatory glimpse of the other side of success, of how we torture our “heroes” by projecting onto them all the frustrations of our miserably mundane lives. After reading this book, one might assume that lennon was ‘(a burnt-out case : “but the available evidence, particularly the John Lennon Plastic Ono Band album, indicates that he is once again engaged in the process of self-creation. Let’s try ‘to grow along with him this time around; we tried living through him, and Lennon Remembers shows that we only caused him pain. Here’s lennon on what we did to our- ’ selves : The people who are in control and in power and the class system and the whole bullshit ,bourgeois scene is exactly the same...nothing happened except that we all dressed up. . ..the dream is over. It’s just the same only I’m thirty and a lot of people have got long hair, that’s all. -pad


by dennis mcgann the chevron . ,

Pro-football: The Plastic Orgasm Laverne Barnes, McClelland and Stewart, Toronto, 1971

“When my husband hung up his jock strap and retired from professional football, I made myself two promises. One, never to go to another football game. Two, to write a book about it from a personal viewpoint. Untricked up. I have been able to keep both promises. ” Laverne barnes, the white-wife of a black-Canadian league-footballer produced the Plastic Orgasm to fulfil1 that promise. The book represents Canadian pro football as the most mammoth con job to hit a society, and on this premise she wrote an expose-ofsorts as an eyeopener to the many followers of the greatest-show-onearth. The frank openess of someone intimately involved with a’ big-business machine always makes good reading and in this vein, Plastic Orgasm is worth experiencing (in the reading sense>. Most of the book deals with the problem closest to the author, the black-white never ending society struggle: in this instance, pro football sets the stage.

the plastic orgasm can in the same way another member of society is renumerated for filling a less glamorous position. At this point commences the snow-job of the media and the owners. Ball players are totally psyched into the belief that their talent is much superior to that of any other society-member. The ego-seeking player buys this concept then sets out to sell his now-hybrid, taped-together, dope-shot body to the highest bidder.

endless interviews on identical topics with players mouthing the same concepts changing the verbage slightly.

‘turned off’ Mrs barnes although apparently ‘turned off’ by the jock-image seems to have been too far involved to be totally open on other ways of life. She mentions being at a party where there were no footballers and being introduced to a flautist. The musician was the ‘most fantastic flautist in the city’ yet she immediately labelled him queer.. ‘I really needed a gay musician. Swell. A flautist.’ ‘I know my husband is balling it up in the east, and I’m stuck in the living room of an elegant fairy:.’ There was no mention made of the musician’s sexual attitudes, but based on his appearance, the author showed her own special brand of bigotry .by immediately labelling him a ‘fairy’, probably ’ because he did not stand six-and-ahalf-feet tall, weigh three hundred pounds and go after the nearest guest head-first as soon as someone said ‘hut-hut’. Another hard to swallow bit of hypocracy was the author’s ease of bending to the ‘system’ she so obviously detested. The high incidence of a sex theme throughout the book is too consistent to be coincidental.

‘ludicrous career’

To keep working at his ludicrous career, the player must play the game as long as he can walk. The team physician steps in and does his job along with the trainer to ensure that the machine functions at least until the play-offs are complete. Millions of fans watch from freezing seats within the arena or in their living room as, amid cheers and hopes of a good battle, the doped, needled, nylon-polyurethane-covered ball players head for mid-field to begin what is appropriately titled ‘the plastic orgasm’. The personal viewpoint of laverne barnes is most evident in her bitterness toward Canadian women and their juvenile attitude Discrimination is not the only toward the small group of black target for mrs. barnes’ tainted ball players in this country. She words ; the team physician, refers often to those who continugeneral managers, coaches, ally question her on the old tale ‘of trainers are also victims of her black-male sexual prowress exembittered attack. She also strikes pecting the author, of course, to out at the ever-evident groupies have tried all other races of males and lays most of the blame for the and in a position to produce a present football state at the feet of qualitative (and quantitative) the people who pay to keep this analysis of the situation. situation alive-the superfans. Laverne barnes, her obvious bitterness at the system notThe television and press media-withstanding, provides an inmen are continually reprimanded teresting synopsis of Canadian in Plastic Orgasm for their major Plastic Orgasm, role in blinding the public and in footballers. themhowever, could have been conmany cases, the players densed into a slim paperback from selves, The book shows, unequivocably the football player its 150 pages without losing - as a worker doing a simple job. credibility or much content. The The ball-jock is paid, all-be-it far book drags in the middle as one has too much, to play a game as best he to wade through the padding of

‘tainted words’

Chapter titles such as ‘Emery’s rap :, the system hard on’; ‘The ballsie player’ ; ‘Metabolic Masturbation’ and, of course, the ‘plastic orgasm’ title of the book should do good for sales. Her insistance that players not buckle to the system seems easy for her to say, but more difficult to follow. There is a prolific use of four letter words to add spice to the book and keep it within the jock context. Plastic Orgasm, however, still stands as a very readable and necessary book from a content-standpoint but will not be one of the best written books of the year.



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by brute Steele the chevron

Cohen and Chicago This notice is printed as a reminder to Cohen fans 1 who have not yet purchased the album.. How is leonard Cohen these days? Fine, just fine. Tasteful chorus (not like ‘Marianne’), tasteful drums and bass and guitar in places. Can leonard Cohen be recorded alive? Yes. Will they ever give his voice presence and not just bass? They have. Does the album scratch like all the rest? Yup. Can he tell a joke? Will he dance to the music? Will I dance to the music? Yes. Yes. Yes. Will the album be more universally popular or will it be less purchased because the fad has worn off? And a thousand other pins. This notice is printed as a reminder to Cohen fans who have not yet purchased the album.. Chicago.. .again The synthesized super-group from the name-sake town has put out their first double album and their first live album in one dismal, commercial shot. Just in time for Christmas, this release features four albums, pleasantly packaged with “2 Giant Wall Posters (22” X 33’7, 1 Colossal Wall Poster (49” X 78”), 1 Full Colour 20-Page Photo Album, The

, Complete Works”, all of it yours for only $12.00 and / up! The record? Oh, ya. Recorded over a week at Carnegie hall before live audiences, the 8 sides contain just about anything Chicago has done before, plus some new numbers such as “A Song For Richard and His Friends” dedicated to the president. It sells. Between sparks of brightness (some of the songs on the first and second albums don’t come_ off too badly 1, the set is pretty dismal. Just some notes... e in some places, the horns are very badly out of tune. l drumming and horns are sloppy much to often. l someone forgot to mike the guitar...production is generally bad. l side 8 opens with about two minutes of crowd noise, as does every side to a greater or lesser degree. All in all, it’s just not worth it. You get the feeling that Chicago’s contract is running out with Columbia, management and producer and no one seems worried. It’s a “get as much as you can before the party’s over” sound. Good musicians sour imagination. Wait for their next “in studio” album to come out if you want to hear their new material.


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10 december



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brain,’ Ijiss an irregular stream into the dirt of the corral. In general, and even from a distance, the scene was recognizable as a drug-crazed OW I which in the finest, sense of the phrase it certainly was. .


NlmO let-M SCENE of gay abandon, about the time the sun was beginning to disappear behind the mountains, came a woman of some 50 years. She was attired Cls you wou Id expect a woman her age to IF, wearing a print dress hemmed at midcalf, and her hair was so sitvery-gray it At first looked to have been dyed. in fact, only one thing* would gla rice, (listinguish her from your mother or aunt; her coml,anions. One, a man at least 15 years her junior, seemed to be a kind of va-let. tie was dressed like a madison tlvclnue advertising executive, complete with silk tie and wing-tipped shoes, and \2’as carrying a two-and-a-ha If gal Ion thermos jug and a paper bag full of unbreakable plastic cups. -1he other was an 18 or 19-year-old c hinese boy, dressed in flowing tie-dyed velvet and snakeskin boots, who stood at least six feet two inches tal I. I must confess that, as I was a bit stoned at the tinit>, this lady and her strange assemblage looked like some kind of apI)arition. She walked right into the barn, ‘1~ if following a plan, and summoning

torth the man with the thermos just and bag, began filling cups full of a ghastly I)urplich-pink juice and passing them around. All this time she was beckoning those of us still in the barn to come and taste her wonderfu I punch. “Come,” she wou Id hay,“ha’ve some of my punch. It will make listening to the music so much nicer, won’t it john?” John would nod, his nlustache curling down almost in a sneer, ,\ncl answer, “Yes, jean, of course it wi,lI my dear.” The Chinese kid passed the ( ups around, taking an occasional sip himself. I refused the cup when it was first Ijassecl to me, saying no thank you, I (Ion’t really care for any punch right now, I’ve still got some beer. This didn’t seem _ to upset the kid, but a little later when it became obvious that everyone else in the barn, at this point somewhere around 50 I,eol,le, had taken the punch, this woman /eroecl in on me. It wasn’t very subtle, the way she did it. Standing at least 30 feet away across the barn, she stared at me for a good two minutes. I found it extremely difficul; not to stare back. Then, when she saw she had caught my gaze, she motioned with her hand for me to come over. I turned nly head. She waited. When I again looked over there, she motioned the same way, smiling this time. I looked at her eyes, and they seemed at least 30 feet turther away than her body. I hey were large, with dark circles surrounding them, and when she smiled, the circles got deeper, making her eyes look to be sunk in two holes that got tleeper and deeper as you stared at them. Suffice to say that her eyes were extremely weird, and to make a long story

I was fascinated by her, by her and I walked over and took the I,unch she had been holding in her hand for me.

short, >yes,

As I approached she held out the cup and smiled, saying, “Now there, it isn’t all that bad, is it?” All I could do was shake my head negatively. She seemed to have known my reaction and how to deal with it. I felt better. Returning to my seat atop some haybales, I sipped the punch, and entering !-??Y mouth, it felt ative, vibrating with a strange power of its own. The punch was, in fact, alive with acid. The lady, still smiling, gathered her little brood, and summoning several of the people in the barn individuallyincluding me-went outside. She had Apparently gone through a Ijrocess of selection. When she got outside, she formed the group into a c ircle and sat down on the grass at the tdge of the meadow. There she in4tru cted the Chinese kid to read tbveryone’s palm and tell their fortunes, which he did obediently. _ tier manner of dealing with her two charges, the Chinese kid and the middle‘Igecl valet, seemed very curious to me then, and it still do& now. It seemed to be baded on total submission and obedience. They did whatever she told them to do, and didn’t ask questions. The valet sometimes made a sarcastic t om men t, as the lady asked him if


something wasn’t as she said it was. “Isn’t that right, john,” she would say. If his reply wasn’t one or two words in the affirmative, however, she silenced him with a glare. At that point he would shut up and literally hang his head. She had no such trouble with the Chinese kid. He seemed to be a stoned automaton, responding to her every beck and call with a conditioned grin and unintelligible mumble.


HIS LADY MOVED about the group slowly, scooting from person to ‘person with probing,personal questions. “What are you doing here? Why did you join the group? Do you like this group? Aren’t you glad you’re with us, and not OUT 1 t-1t RE!” She emphasized the importance of the group and the undesirability of OUT THERE, as if everyone outside the group were in a lesser br lower’state. Before she got around to me I left the group and staggered across the meadow to a spot where I could see, but not hear, what was going on with them. It didn’t take long for her to notice that I had left, however, and again she beckoned to me from across the meadow to join them. “Come join the group,” she said. continued

10 december



over page



from previous



F~-om that f ar away, her voice sounded like a whisper. I got up and-walked back toward the barn, skirting the group as I went. As I got closer to the group, she became more insistent. “Why don’t you join us!” she asked, almost plaintively. “L1o you really like it better OUT THERE. Wouldn’t you rather be IN THE CROUP?” My steps slowed as once again she c.aught my eye. This time, huwever, I wasn’t just slightly stoned on a little grass and a lot of beer. My head felt like it was coming apart. Reason was escaping me, and I could feel jolts of electricity shoot across my brain. I was even beginning to lose some . control of the phy&al functions. Walking was a chore, turning my head next to impossible. It seemed that all I could do was stare straight ahead and stumble, and when she caught me eye again, the pull was almost unbearable. I sat down at the edge of the group, not as an act of will, but in complete psychic clxhaustion. This woman, who by this time had complete control of the group, again -began to zero in on me. Almost everything, as before, was in the form of questions. “Come, move in closer to the group.” I moved closer. “Now,!’ she said with another calm, knowing smile, “aren’t you glad you’re not OUT THERE?” I couldn’t answer, so I nodded. Affirmatively. I was glad I wasn’t out there, because out there I had been a spastic fool: I had stumbled. I had fallen down. I couldn’t think. Sitting there in the group, my mind had something to focus on, and that something was the woman. She was’ beautiful, I thought, in an odd sort of way. tier face was lined, and yet it seemed ageless. tier eyes ,were all knowing. tier mouth w& all telling. Her hands were as expressive as the deepest of my inner thoughts. After I nodded yes, the woman began telling us of the party she was holding for us that night at h&r house. We would all be coming, wouldn’t we? We were now, after all, in the group. There were things we knew, known by no one else. At the ljarty, we would know more. Her house, she said, was large, and we all could stay there, as long as we want. “Isn’t that right, John,” she said. ‘YYes,” he replied, “as long as you want.” The party, she said, would be much better than the one that afternoon. More ORGANIZED. More to do. More to learn. More to feel, More to experience. “You can leave your cars here,” she explained. “John has a station wagon to take us there.”


POINT, responding T THAT to some unknown impulse, I got up and began walking away from the group, The woman called after me, and this .time there was anger in her voice. “Why are





vou leaving the group?” she demanded. “After all I’ve done for you. Come back here! ” The order rang out with the authority of someone well accustomed to giving them. I turned, only to find her smiling and beckoning again. -1his time I opened my mouth and said that I didn’t want to be in the group. That I was going home. Again, she intimated that I was somehow in her debt. “You drank my punch,” she said, “now stop this and come back to the group.” It was all so very logical, so perfectly set up. I owed it to her to at least listen, she explained. Why wouldn’t I listen? I backed away, and still she said “Come back, come back, come back, join the group,” over and over again. I backed further away, and her voice dimmed. I broke in&o a run across the meadow toward my car, and looking back I could .still see her with her hand held out. By the time I reached my car, panting, I was in a cold sweat. As I slid behind the wheel, I could see her leading the group away. I buried my head in my hands and shook. I never found out what happened at her “ijarty.” Most pf the people she had gathered together were apparently homeless hippies., young runaways, freaks too stoned or too lonely to care why or what was happening. I found it difficult to explain to others what had happened, and more difficult to pin[joint, for myself, why this woman had Ijassed out the acid punch, why she had gathered together her “group”, and, in the end, what she was going to do with them. She WAS and they WERE and that’s all that seemed to matter. ,For by the time it was over, I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that she was in total and complete control of the individua!s who made up the group, beginning withe her two assistants, who looked to have been under her control for so long that the line between themselves and her had blurred to the tlxtent that it was non-existent. -1his is the first time I’ve written about this experience, which I now look back on as a living nightmare. I never found anyone I could talk to about it until one nig,ht in a bar I saw ed sanders. I knew he was working on a book about Charles manson, and by that time I had the idea that the woman might have been part of an occult scene of some sort, so I described the whole thing to sanders. He was fascinated, for what I described to him was the same kind of psychedelic fascism he had encountered time and time again in research into the enigma of c,harles manson.


SYCHEDELIC FASCISM. In a way, it was inevitable. The drugs, beginning in the flower-power days of yesteryear, and their accompanying expanded . consciousness, got weirder and weirder. ‘A-s Ken Kesey predicted on the front of his bus in the early days, everything went “further”. Beyond that which was there just before, past that which would come not long after. Kesey and some of the

smart ones “graduated” from acid some years back. Others journeyed “further” Jong the psychedelic trail. The search became a quest, and the quest. . .an obsession. I here had to be an answer at the end of the long acid r’ainbow in the sky, there had to be something there that would> give it all meaning. That would prove, beyond anyone’s doubts or fears; that it was all RIGHT. The woman in aspen had reached this acid point of n, where for her, there was only the “group”, and “out theres” Nothing else mattered. The group KNFW.The group was RIGHT. All else was WKONC,. She knew this, with her smile and her’ valet and her Chinese fortune tbller and her little stash of 5uppIies for the future, and her eyes . . . her magnifice?t, all seeing, all knowing, I still see them unreachable eyes. sometimes, if I let myself slip. And they’re one reason among only a few why I’ve stopped taking drugs. Sander’s book, “The Family: The Story of Charles Manson’s Dune Buggy Attack /<atta/jon” (published by E. P. Dutton), tells the story of how one man’s psychedelic fantasy became a reality; how the scene, not stopping to ask where or why, evolved past good into evil. just as rusty c.aIIey is, in a perverse way, the ultimate \,rociuct of the military machine-an unthinking, unquestioning robot capable of premeditated murder on his own wellconditioned initiative-manson is the ultimate product of our society and its I,sychedelic revolution. I he machine that created acidJs exIlanded consciousness allowed man to vicariously SEE DEATH. Once you have seen death, if you don’t have anything tllse to look forward to, you can also clnvision the end of the world, which for you, death certainly is. If yoti expand your consciousness OUTSIDE YOURStL.F, where you become just one of an tlntire host of beings, your death I~ecom~~s the death of all. Die, self. Die, world. I-he coming of Doom. Imminent death, of course, justifies 011. Imminent death for the world, doom, can be all the more self-satisfying. Once you believe it’s all gonna end,-anything becomes possible. Enter Chop. Enter Snuff. tnter Gore. Enter the staggering o the c-01 lective american imagination. L>oom, the l?lanson folks say, is nigh, ,lnci no longer is the message being carried across times square on a grayhaired old man’s futile placard. Mansonstyle, doom was carried into the living room of Sharon tate and friends, and clnacted, not announced. Five people died that night, two were to die later, and one had been killed Ijrevious to the days of “helter skelter.” All of the manson family murders are

taithfully recorded in sander’s book, in i)reviously unavailable detail. It is some of the goriest reading you’ll ever come Clcross in y&r life. Sanders calls it and the reason is obvious. NO “C hop,” tewtlr than IO2 stab wounds were found 1,~ the coroner in the bodies at the tate house, and a similar number were found in the labiancas. Later, according to \anclers, leslie van houten would write 1)oems about the stabbings. How fun it was.



M OK t

IMPORTANT than 5anders’ amazing descriptions of the C1ctual murders, however, is the body of the body of the book itself. Sanders spent (1 year and a half researching the book, (luring which time he enlisted, the aid of up to three private investigators, ~omctimes working simultaneously. His t ‘lpes and files on’ the Manson I)henonienon weigh more than 100 pounds and take up the better part of one room of his house. As he says in his introduction, he became a data junkie. I IV was totally absorbed in the thousands of bits and pieces of information that, sorted out and related to one another, ( rested the picture sanders gives us of md nson. One result of sander’s private ob>tlssion with data is that the book sometimes bogs down in facts and t~~comes boring. On the whole, however, the. book is a fantastic document that i)rovides, for the first time, many of the clues, and several of the keys, that taken together unlock the mystery of this horrifyin’g, fascinating man. -1he scope of sander’s book is necessarily narrow. L<c~cause he was collecting not only on nlClnson, but also on 20-odd members of his family as well sanders did not concern himself with manson’s distant past, nor with the personal histories of the tamily. Had he done so, the maze of oxc‘ess infromation would have rendered the book compIeteIy inaccessible. As it is, the book deals with manson cltlcl his- family from the day he was released from terminal island prison on mC1rch 21, 1967, until they were charged with murder in november of 1969. -1he book follows tnanson’s day-to-day moves, from the beginnings of his haremlike collection of females to his involvem~nt with some of the biggest names in hollywood. In the course of the book’s 412 pages, 4anders draws no conclusions. There isn’t clnough room. The conclusions must be your own. Sander’s tracing of tnanson’s actions,

’ l


right clown to the minute particulars, I)rovides the clues to what created the “I~oust~ of manson.” For c~xaniI)Ie, sanders says that the “jc),n” I encountered last year in ;!spen rc>minds him of jean brayton, the head of ,In obscure evil-worshipping occult sociclty in southern caiifrornia known as the \olar I edge of the OTO. Brayton has Ijclcn wanted on state and federal fugitive L~~nrrclnts for child cruelty and has rc~I~c)rtclclly turned herself in. she was ch arged with locking up a sixyclar-oId boy in a closed wooden box for 50 dc1ys (15 “punishment”. in any case, I)r,3yton’s occult society was well known in southern california for its use of acid, chlltw~l, scopolamine, . jimson weed, (l,~tura root, ether, and belladonna in ~I)sycht~dclic brainwashing. * Ac cording to sanders, brayton used (I( itl to “Ijrograni” people while they \lorc on tl trip, a dandy little trick that Illtln\on w’as to put to great use with the tClniily. ‘I Ih~l hype was similar to other groups, including manson’s.” sanders. .- writes ‘I I cl,1r-ing do\;vn the mind through pain, I)(~rsuasioti, drugs, and repetitive \\,oirdnessjust like a magnet erases r~~corcling taI)e-Cclnd rebuilding the mind tl~ c orcling to the desires of the cult.” Itl~ hrclyton cult, interestingly enough, tll\o subscribed to the imminent end o-f t IIV 12,orld, d00t11 theory, and like nlclnson, believed armageddon would be I,rought on by race wars. The simiiarity I~t~twclen the two groups even extends to thtk fact that the brayton cult also I,lClnncltl to escape to the desert when the t~ntl

( dnlt’.

I 1~~1 brayton cult is probably best known, however, for its belief in blood (lrinking, clninIal sacrific&, death worship, ,tnd ~aclo-mclsochistic sex as a part of the ( lilt’s Ijersonal brand of perverse \acranitints, practices that the family t~kid in great esteem. At the tate house, \usan dtkins licked the blood of Sharon t,ltcl off her fingers. What went on at the Ijorty <after the party in aspen last summer is still c\ chilling mystery to me.


1 ttitiAPS FOKEMCXT among the “~Ica~o inputs,” as sanders calls them, t h,lt influenced manson was the process c hurch, also known, rather ominously, as thcl church of the final judgment. The ~ll’OC~‘5.~, as it is commonly called, is ,1nothcr occult group that subscribes to the “there is no good, there is no evil” line of bullshit. (‘hrist and satan exist equally in each Ijerson, they believe, as in the writings of the church’s head, robert de grimston: “Christ said: love thine enemy. Christ’s ~lnt~my was satan and Satan’s enemy was c hrist. Through love, enmity is destroyed. I hrough love, saint and sinner destroy the enmity between them. Through love, c hrist and satan have destroyed their clnmity and cotne together for the end, ( hrist to judge, satan to execute the Iudgm~~nt. Salvation or doom.” If that sounds to you like manson’s the(lnd-oi-the-world-is-coming rap, it’s underhtandabIe. It is known, according

to \nnders, that manson read some of the I)rocess-printed material, which was Iltling Ijassed out in great quantityon the 4iinset strip in 1968, and also that nltlnson attended at least one process , nlclcting at the old digger house on wailer street in san francisco. ’ Sand&t-s says that manson has written ,In ,lrticle for the just released sixth issue .oi the process magazine, called -the “tltvth issue.” Manson probably glommed his end-ofthe-world act from the process, as well <IS, Ijossibly, their use of drugs to int Iuence members. I he process, like the solar lodge cult, is leased on obedience and punishment. According to sanders, manson also c~setl the Christ satan scam on family nitwl hers. Manson would get one of the girls \toned, and then instruct her. “I am c hrist, I am Satan,” he would intone. And then: “l-uck me. You are fucking god. t uck meI. You are fucking Satan.” The tiffcct this might have on a teenage mind, c omI)Ietely mrped bn 1000 or so nlicrograms of acid, can only be guessed tl t Iwo things emerge from sander’s c~Iabor~te description of the birth and growth of the “house of manson”. The tirst is the inevitability of the ‘murders themselves. In reading the book, by the time you ~x~ach the two chapters devoted entirely to chop, yo1i know so much about mclnson’s complete control over the nlinds of those in his family that his orders for them to kill, and their blind obcbdience, seem completely logical. A favorite head game manson would I)1ay with his followers went something Ii k e t h i s : I hc follower would be ripped on acid, or <In tiquivalent drug iike belladbtipa, ,Ind mClnson would hand him her a knife ,~nd say, “Kill me.” The follower would tnclvitably say that he she couldn’t, at ~2hit h Iloint manson would accuse him or her of disobedience, and say that I>~~cause of this he had to kill the tollowclr. This would go until the follower c ou 1d (accept simuItaneousIy the death of him\c~If and the death of manson. Of c ourse, no one would die, but can you im,lginc the lingering effect on that ~~~o~~nclccl brain! When you’ve accepted your own death, as well as that of your god, would a “piggie” death really nlC1ttcr! I he second thing that emerges from sander’s massive body of research is the IiIurring of the distinction between the killers and the killed. At the time of the tatcl la bianca murders, the papers I)ointed the picture as a dirty-hippies-killgood-gyp-hoIIywood-sociaIites-and-husinessnian-coupIe. -1he real story told in detail by sanders mclkes that look Iike a typical Daily News nlock-up job. Sanders reports that several nights before they were murdered, 5haron tate and crew whipped-and tilmcld it-a drug dealer from the sunset \triI, who had burned one of them on a \everaI-thousand dollar cocaine deal. Family mcm bers, sanders believes, n1,1y have been present at the tate residents for the filming of certain home niovies, the contents of which are unknown, but which are widely believed to have celebrated the freer aspects of the hippie love scene. It is known that the mans’on family had several 8mnl cameras of its own and was tend of making “helter skelter” movies of various kinds. According to several people sanders interviewed, the family regularly showed nlovies at the spahn ranch. I hose movies, says sanders, dealt with three subjects: (1) fatnily dancing (often with knives) and fucking; (2) animal \acrif ices; and incredibly, (3) human sacrifices. Sanders says it is well known that some of these movies are available in the L.A. area at understandably outrageous prices. What would you pay to see <I movie of t’he manson family, in which a dog is killed, blood from the dog

is drunk and poured over numerous family members fucking? What would you I’ay to see a movie in which a redhaired young hippie girl has her head cut off by a band of black-capped, blackhooded ghouls on a lonely stretch of beach! These and other film scenes were described to sanders by several differ&t sources duririg interviews. Significantly, none of those interviewed knew each other, and in cross-exposing details and itiforni,ltion, everything checked out. If what sanders says is true, as he puts it, the age of “video vampirism” is here., And according tq sanders, several films with unknown contents were confiscated by the police when they searched the I ate house and when they raided the Spahn and ,Harker ranches. Who was in those films, and what they were doing, is ,Inybody’s guess.


-0 -1HE SOCIETY that spawned those murdered by the Mansonoids was far from idyllic. In the course of his investigation, Sanders uncovered the li\ietous fact that the sons and daughters of several prominent movie-types were trequent visitors at the spahn ranch. He ,~lso discovered an underground agency which, if you’re bored with parlor games, puts yoc~ only a phone call away from ci tresh, I)re-heated corpse for your bel air Ijarty. Why play charades, you jaded hollywoodite, when you can order up a little necrophilia for your net cozy superhip bash! Be the first on your block... ActctaIIy, it doesn’t take much imagination to conceive of what has the typical modus operandi. Several of these death-gore ()roups; in attempts Iegitimize themselves, are seeking out high-placed government officials on the guise of \etting up drug programs or neighborhood feeds. They hope their linkage to the big names will make them virtually untouchable by the law. This has been I,articuIarly true in Boston. I he saddest aspect of this story is that it’s c bntinuing. The phenomenon so widely reported at the time of the tate-la bianca murders as the ragged horrible cldge of the hippie scene was something njore than that, and it wasn’t something we left behind in the 60’s. -1ake Cl look around ~OLI. tiow many of (he new crop of pseudo-religious cults that are springing LIP every day hold the tried and true manson end-of-the-worldis-c oming-and-we’ve-got-to-get-ready-forit doom rap as’ the basis for their belief? t low many of them worship satan, as wtlll as Christ or god? t-low many of th’em profess abstinence trom drugs in their teachings, but use nlonster quantities of the most horrible Ijsychedelics secretly in their sacraments <ls C1 brainwash! Just what is the “final .judgment” that the I>rocess talks about? Why for instance are there still 80 unsolved murders of young, unidentified white females, listed as jane does one




through 80 in police files in California, ranging back over the last feiv years? Why have there been at least 44 un\oIved muiders across the united states in the past few years that have shown signs of some sort of ritualistic sacrifice? Many readers will doubtlessly scoff at sanders’ book as the latest paranoid gibberish to see print. And, indeed, hluch of what I write here can only be alleged‘ at this point. Evil has not yet become such ‘a large national Ijroduct that statistics and facts are readily available to prove every allegation. Still, the indicators that something has run amuck with the spirit of this country tire here. At this time, no fewer than three quasi-religious occu It groups are operating openly in new york city. They <It-e similar in their seemingly insatiable CII,13etite for legitimizing publicity, and tlach has been the subject of an innocuous article in at least one national magazine. 0 n e so-called religious sect is I)yramidaI in structure, with its leader, who is said to believe himself to be god, ,\t its top. It is rumored that this “leader” convinces his followers status by feeding them 1500 micrograms of LSD and instructing them what to believe. This is done over a 12-hour period in a locked 1-00111. The followers, it is said, emerge as ,Irdent believers, and if at any time they show signs of losing their faith, they are rp-indoctrinated with another I500 mikes clnct a “talk” with the leader. This time, however, the talk is not so simple. tie plays the most devious, evil head games with them, preying upon their weaknesses and fantasies until total submission is achieved. Sound like manson! Well that isn’t all. I he group is also alleged to indulge in such mansonoid obedience-punishment &vices as locking a member in a tiny cell for several days if he proves especially intransigent in his disobedience of the ways of the cult.

So the word, though until now well guarded , is getting out. The age of Ijsychedelic fascism, of “video vamI,irisni” and high society spank-spank Ijarties, of dial-a-corpse and living room nc~crophiIia, of evil worshijs that goes t~eyotid the cover of Look magazine, of blood-suck-ing death cults that worship IJoth god and satan and have “thou shalt Ikill!” as an absoluteif unadvertisedcommandment, of the knife movie, the blood-fuck movie, the snuff movie-the cage of psychedelic fascism is here. I looked into what sanders calls “the t ixed gaze of imminent punishment” that (laminated the eyes of that woman in tlsI,en,-ancJ for an instant that now seems infinitely too long, I was under her c omI,Itlte control. I shudder to think of it. And I shudder, too, to think of the locust-swarm of tlviloids that are devouring some of the t,ost young-minds of the country at this very moment. Ii~~ad ed sander’s book. liead about Charles manson and his I)rivate little hell that all of a sudden isn’t \o Ijrivate any more, and you’ll see what I













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to celebrate

and hockey go to math

Lower math ’ wins basketball


a mickey “.

After the preliminary round was played, the winners were pitted against the top teams in each league. Ail but one team represented the top two in each league that ad-

vanced. Village 2-south east - dzaba with 8 points and ed betetto with 10 points won the basketball finishing third in their league managed to edge by renison in championship Wednesday night prior play. defeating phys ed 52-41. In the quarter finals it was still Math jumped out to an early IOthe first place teams dominating point lead only to have phys ed fight back to within 2 points at the play, with all advancing to the semi-finals: Village l-south ran half. into 7the most serious opposition The second half was all lower a$‘tx being down 6 points at the the r&ou.nds r math. Controlling half, fightbg back to beat arts 3% nlath outscored phys ed 21-8 in the 25. third quarter and never looked :- ) jt?ymes, a.>*-. back i’rom that point. Final Scot highly favoured by f)Z..~il for l&:wer maul. ilnm; l0 diliC%! the cliampionshlp, ;i:racjny(j vi&ye 2.:jorpt ygpst 55-37.. 7’1;~ ~t4i-y g::~:~?;; \xjel’e a&q 110 iliatcjj _ js-‘i?saTC’ eci beat ‘JiJJage 2south east 48-20 and lower math out -hooped upper math 66-28. Upper math, a hard fast skating The big teams finahy got to meet dub f)roved their taicnts op.ce each olher in the semi-finals. Some again sunday night defeating phys surprise:; to say the least. Even the Cd 4-2, t0 win the father bulbrook “ace computer” seemed to foul up cup. Upper math were never on a prediction, a first this year. seriously hard pressed throughout The first upset found phys ed and the first 2 periods. ret taking st. jeromes to defeat 4’7 With the score 2-O for upper to 39. Fhys ed combined excellent math, nc%ring ihe end of pWiod team play, brilliamt shooting and one, phys ed popped in a goal only board control to out hustle st. to have it disallowed due to the net jeromes. moving off the posts. Leo mcbrjde with peter hedford A break for phys ed, which they controlled the board with sauli never really seemed to get over “the fin” ahvenniemi deadly until late in the game. The third from- the outside. period was by far the best. In the other semi-final game, Phys ed moved the puck better last winters champions village land managed to put 2 in behind south went do-yn to defeat in the upper math’s goalie. This sudden *last minutes to lower math 46-41. upsurge however was a little late. Lower math somewhat of a Upper math had scored 4 good surprise team this year has looked goals by this time and had no in. very impressive thns term. tention of blowing the, game. Lower math led by willy Time soon ran out, with upper melnychuk with 7 points, chuck math the new fall hockey champs !


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Address letters to feedback, the chevron, U of-W. Be concise. The chevron reserves the right to shorten letters. Letters must be typed on a 32 charac tef line, F of legal reasons, letters must be signed with course year and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason.

db ac Cl.ue ‘_ to- opening ‘magic gates’

1. would like to suggest ati at both ends of the lots. However, if alternative method for opening the pr salts the area heavily so that the Using my 22 dollar ‘magic gates’ . heads of the finishing nails might fed&ration fee, the federation could be seen, then sprinkle sand over purchase 22 dollars worth of the heads. roofing nails (the ones with the You should use a punch to set the large flar heads> from pp&p (now nails deeper so that the sand can called the pr’s), and nail them into cover the heads better. the, asphalt above the metal If the directicns are carefully detector. followed, the results should yield SQould be no sweat nailing into hours of fun during the festive asphalt. The only drawback is that season. If you want to screw things the Earnpus kops *a. will have to .IspendA up, use nails. 1 . 11 several hours pulling the nails out. A-more permanent solution is to gate-crasher use .iinishing nails (no head> as all math 4 professionals do if they want a nice GC’s suggestions do not quite live up job.:A dense layer of metal can be to the standards required for the assured by using. .thGMer ,n& UT .-TM@M’%Fig of the 200 piastr&, $hd, ’ and hammering them as clq$e as besides,-he did net include the man:$ ;:‘ .y .$ possible. I. .$‘$.&‘@-y fi@hy $fctures wifh- which to., If this is done durhg ?h45 ‘nighP+ t%,&e +2+ out+. h??ny* staff members ( pun and the nails are covered with Intended). snow and hopefully ice the next However, in an effort to award day, the kampus kops will, in all. initiatives, a consolation prize of 25






are malfunctioning and have to open the lot until the gates are supposedly ‘repaired’. I recommend screwing up gates

piastres will be awaiting gate-crasher at the chevron off ices for a night out on the town for him and his girl-or-boy friend. --the lettitor.

After the foetus...what then?? Yes, if we could, without remorse, assassinate everyone who gets in our way, we would have plenty td do... Yes, mother-in-iaws can be seen and heard (they talk) where as the child in the mother’s womb in neither seen nor heard, it cannot protest. Therefore we fee! justified when we say: “After all, it hasn’t yet human form, it has no soul, it is not alive”. Yet, everyone knows that from the moment the egg is formed, it already exists. It is necessary to wait until it says “papa” and “nlama” to decide that this is really a person? Looking at it from this point of view, what is the difference between a three-week old human foetus and a new-born child? If there were any difference, why do some couples feel such a sense of loss when the mother has a miscarriage. This problem of abortion is truly dramatic. It does occur and quite frequently too. Statistics are difficult to establish, because for the most part, abortions are clandestine. However, many people are of the bpinion that the number of abortions is almost equal to the number of births: in one year we kill as many children as we bring into the world. Gynaecologists generally agree that there are no longer cases where interruption of pregnancy is the only way to save the pregnant woman whose life is in danger. In any. case, ,can we accept the idea of killing, wilfully and directly, an innocent person, just to save another life? If so, after the human foetus why not mother-in-laws? I take up a position for the child’s life. True, all women who have abortions are not all conscious criminals. There are many. distressing situations that can make them lose their head. “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do,” said Christ, dying on the cross and praying for his executioners. I do not believe that women have abortions for the pleasure of doing so. No, they feel compelled to do so for many reasons, which are perhaps debatable, but surely Most assuredly, dramatic. something is wrong somewhere. families, Certainly, in normal

there is no question

of abortion.

One more child? A little tiresome perhaps, so be it, but a place will be made for him and things have a way of working out. What can we say about families of four or five living in three rooms? Do our governors have a realistic policy toward the family? For some time there has been talk about moderate priced lodging. Will we build accomodations according to the needs of these people, or will we park them all together in one building in apartments far too small? There is also the drama of the young girl caught in a trap, who knows her parents will not forgive her. What solution does she have? Do you think she will undergo an abortion with a light heart, or that she will joyfully risk her life? Even if “abortion on request” were possible, do you think this young girl will look forward to it with eagerness? Furthermore, if her parents do not forgive her, do you think this will solve the problem? No, we are all responsible for this problem. We must help our governors provide a hum,ane solution. We must write our deputy, our governors, telling them that legalizing “abortion on demand” will be tacking only the consequences of a problem. We all know that this is not a real 1 solution. The only one of any value, can be provided ‘only by tackling the true causes of this problem: poverty, lodging, sexual and family education, etc. ~ If we only provide answers to the consequences of the problem of abortion, then after the human foetus, why not mother-in-laws? Why not invalids, cripples, the aged, the neighbor? Last October, Pierre laporte was assassinated. The F.L.Q., by this gesture told our governors: “You are intruders, you keep us from changing society”. No, after the human foetus, it probably won’t be mother-in-laws, but will it perhaps be our governors? jean-claude bergeron diocesan chaplain for the ’ “foyers notre-dame” victoriaville, quebec







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that each team reqeived a budget . which is broken ‘tf~ni’~ht~ ~~~~~~;- ~ areas as t@ve@ng,d sq@@n;re& l.fi, etc. The prio&i&fd<e&h t;ea& is entirely decided by the coach involved. Since the equipment budget of 200 dollars plus has not been spent, according to women’s athletic director pat davis, are there other priorities which were not presented to council? . In regard to the adequacies of’ the double knit sweats to the swim team, it was also pointed out that ‘track and field and. field hockey were in the same position. If sweat suits are of such impotance, they should receive priority in the team’s budget. There are but two team rooms in the women’s locker room. Only three coaches had requested lockers in a team room, thosebeing basketball, field hockey and volley ball. Apparently no reqest was made by the swimming and diving team until the letter was presented to council by members of the team. Council enquired as to the availability of an additional team room since there are more people than there are lockers. It must be remembered that five lockers in each room must be kept for visiting teams. In addition, there is insufficient physical room to allow twenty-five to thirty people changing at the same time ih a team room which would be the result if two of the larger teams shared a team room since they have similar practice times. Every effort is .being made to solve these problems by the women’s intercollegiate council as the women athlete’s voice.

For Everyone


Women’s lockers At our last regular women’s intercollegiate council meeting, a letter from the swimming and diving team was read and then discussed. In that letter, the swimming and diving team were concerned with the following two points. 1 ) To receive adequate varsity sweat suits and 2 > To obtain lockers in a team room. In addition, the suggestion was put forth that basketball and ;, volleyball share the same team room while swimmin, diving, .


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17, 1972.


THE REGISTRAR Sheridan College 98 Church St. E. Brampton, Ontario (area code 4 16) 364-749

edith polland W.I.C. president.

vers I really enjoyed the reporting on page 3 of the chevron’s nov. 26 issue ( “haggar incompatible with IS fads”). Maybe this could be expanded into a regular series of campus-wide exposes. Do I detect chauvinism in the choice of an expose of exclusively heterosexual scandals? Can we count on future exposes to report on the affairs of prominent campus gays as well? Please mister lettitor, don’t forget that we love gossip just as much as straight people do. gay liheraiion

A pity, that




WITH A DAZZLING CkIRIISTMAS DIAMOND Why wear yourself out Christmas shopping? Give her one wonderful unforgettable gift. An exquisite diamond ring, pin or earrings. We’ll help you choose a beautiful diamond glowing with sparkling fires. It will be her most glorious gift. And make all her christmases be bright.

jim parrott, movement.

the lettitor.


10 december



679 4



With only a pushover game left in the schedule at the time of printing-against the dumont, duckwalkers-the experts consider the waterbabies to be the undisputed contenders for the world, championship games to be held this year in inuvik NWT. For the benefit of the waterbabies myriad fans we have taken the liberty to enclose some historical data from the scrap books.

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On the seventh day the lord gazed upon his grand creation and was distressed. He discovered some element to be,missing. So it came to pass that the lord hid himself in far places till such time as he found the missing link. Thus he was absent from men’s eyes for many a year. Then one da,y as the lord sat upon the high crapper a great burden was lifted from his shoulders and the lord said “ah”. So it came to pass that the lord appeared to his most devout _’ worshippers, the chevron staff, and he spake unto them: “Go forth and create a waterpolo team in my own glorious image and call this team the waterbabies”. Thus in such a manner was the team created. The lord gazed upon his new creation and thought many heavy thinks and having a really far out think he phoned in for another staff meeting. But the chevron was sore beset by staff shortages and thus the lord found only a lowly photog was present. So the lord spake onto the lowly photog and he sayeth “henceforth thou shalt create stories that hold the waterbabies to be exhalted by the populous”. Thus he hoped to attract people to see these far-out flings. Verily the lord was pissed off and he said “to hell with it”. So now the waterbabies play in a steam room. Twenty-eight tubers and almost as many tubes crowded’ the people’s pool for the well. publicized match of the freaks. As the waterbabies strode onto the pool deck a hush descended upon the assembled multitudes in the pool gallery and not a sound , was heard as the waterbabies went into their famous warm-ups. In order to prevent boredom the final score in this doomed from the onset mismatch was officially 17 to 15, but according to impartial chevron judges the score was more like 17 to 8 for the waterbabies over the campus center tommies. The referree got a waterbabie shirt in spite of his bad calls. Although the game was no contest, the players enjoyed themselves. Willie Sheldon was happy because he didn’t have to move, as if he could.Larry Caesar was heard to utter “oh wow” a number of times. Dennis mcgann froze up three times, cub got a cramp, nikki got in

serving designated



Histoyical data

/he chevron waterbabies get. Ioj-~thcr for their annual post\t orItl-c/~an7pionship team /)ictc/re. I ram bottom to top are: on t> waterbaby, another \w t&bAy, three, four and a \I hole bunch more.

the water, bruno got drowned, randy got wet and ruth got a goal. This game does not rate any more words so lets talk about tonite’s game, which the waterbabies should take from the dumont duckwalkers. Game time is 7:31:30 this evening in the jock pool. Come out and support the waterbaby of your choice.

U of W f&e Marauders After being downed by geneseo state last weekend in the fredonia state tourniment, the warriors came back in full force last wednesday _to depose the marauders from mcmaster 94-76. While in the states, the Waterloo team took the consolation prize by defeating the elmiracstate team 7668. On that occasion, jaan lanniste led the team with 21 points, but against the marauders he had to take second place to paul bilewietz who led the team at the boards, in hustling as well as tipping in 25 points of his own. Lanniste managed 15 points in a solid 4 game.

The warriorsseriously outclassed mcmaster from *the first w’histle outracing the ’ hamilton team to place 53 points on the board at the break. Bilewietz was responsible for 15 of those. The second half saw a slower warrior squad and after seven minutes, the team upped their lead by a mere six pooints. Paul mazza with twelve and bob nagy with eight were the top scorers for the marauders. The Waterloo basketballers go into action again tonight at 8:30 against the laurentian squad at cameron heights co!leg:ate in ki tchener .


in luxurjous

PIGSKINSUEDE \lin.wn, \~drrior~

paleczney and sephton won I L-3 over guelph.










to win


picking two Last friday night saw a crowd of great opportunities 400 ’ (minus the warriors band) more posts. The third period opened explosively with greg treated to an U-3 romp over the The sephton poking home a loose puck brock university generals. 52 warriors consistantly ouplayed the at the twelve second mark. seconds later hall had made it 7-2. generals but encountered trouble Late in the-third period, with the putting the disk in the net. During the first period the starting brock goalie maimed as he played a puck with a bare hand warriors managed to pick off four the fans were treated to a display goalposts but had to settle for a l-l of the talents of brock second tie. The edge in play was very goalie, arkell farr. Farr was in for noticeable with wat,erloo outthree warrior scores. shooting the brock squad 17-8. Jim Overall, the warriors outshot morris opened the second period scoring at the one minute mark but brock 47-25 and brock picked up to the warriors brock managed again to follow up eight penalties with a marker to tie it up only one three. were Scoring for the warriors minute later. After too much broken play and paleczney with three, Simpson and sephton with two each and stinson almost-goals the warriors slammed home three big markers to hall, nickelson and morris potting end the period with paleczney singles. Maroney, smith and girrard were the brock marksmen. nabbing two and nickelson one. The warriors host the western The period was once again warriors mustangs tonight at 8:30 pm in dominated by the although ~.%hcy.-‘missed numerous -!Waterloo arena.

Last ,rock-end York university again won the annual uniwat -mixed k curling bonspiel., held Saturday. Two uniwat teams placed second; and third, just a few points behind the york tea’m. The york team are the defending champions, of the presidents trophy, donated by burt mathews, having won the first bonspiel l&t year. York defeated WLU, western and uniwat on the way to their victory. Brian fishers Waterloo rink defeated guelph’s rink and then defeated their fellow uniwat rink skipped by mark shcacter before going on to defeat the WLU rink. Axle larson’s rink finishing third defeated both the guelph and trent rinks before being defeated by


Mla ker









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York defeated larson’s rink-with the last rock in the last end to score a 5-4 victory. York-ended up with a total point score of 46% with the uniwat team scoring 45 points. Waterloo rinks are defending champions in several upcoming bonspiels in the intercollegiate league. Waterloo won the brock invitational last year and will be defending that title on december 11. In the new year the Waterloo teams will be defending titIes won at the western mixed bonspiel, the bowling green men’s open and the western mens bonspiel. In addition to these the OUAA western division finals will be held at Waterloo on

dgc?in won the annua/ uniwat with a 5-d win over water-loo.





428 King N Waterloo, 2685 King E Kitchener \d 1,~



good price.





reasonable stone

been with.


490 Highland 1209 Victoria

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Seventy-five activities and 158 teams played 700 games; instructional classes conclude their testing, and the 14 athletic clubs take a much needed rest, one can only conclude that this fall, our intramural program has come of age. In every area of the program competitive, recreational, instructional or club, student participation increased. Activity became a novel part of the students day.



the chevron

lower eng 108/ 108. #The smallest unit on campus with 48 students, made a first by winning the delahey trophy for flag football ; Conrad grebel. e The first time village south won the quash singles tournament by les parsneau. e St. jeromes duplicated their rugger supremacy but added the vinnicombe cup for iacrosse for the first time. e A competitive mixed broomball tournament was held for the first time with 12 teams entered. o Tennis for the first time had its lowest entry-mostly due to lack of our own courts. e Basketball had 24 teams competing-the largest number in its history. Science captured its first fall event as jack kubar wgn the badminton singles. For the first time an engineering team did not make the hockey play-offs. For the first time the assistant director made a correct prediction in taking upper math to win hockey.


I o\?z(v-



Seventeen different events, the most ever, were competed for by the most teams in history. o In golf, st. jeromes captured its first title by ted maccahill after a 18 hole play after the regular 36 hole play-off was concluded. l A new record by phys ed and ret in the second annual ring road

bicycle race in a time of 16 minutes 44seconds. o A new event-the engineering challenge run was won by a team from st. jeromes. Individual champion, peter camani from st. pauls set a new record of 15 :35. o Track and field had its largest field of competitions with seven of fourteen records being broken; most outstanding being high jump-@%? by brute Clarke of coop. e The co-ed novelty swim meet and mixed curling bonspiel both had increased participation and were won in the final race or end by st. jeromes and upper eng respectively . e For the first time in their history upper math captured the mackay bowl for soccer and bullbrook cup for hockey. o The first time a person shot a perfect record in archery accomplished by ross munroe of




the tricky



The recreational-intramural program is the number one level in participation. So much so that the demand exceeds the facilities. Would you beIieve that possibly a week may be needed to book a squash court? -80 percent usage of squash courts from fall to november. -7 recreational team activities entailing 60 different teains played numberbus games without officials and few defaults. -Seagrams stadium was used from 7 :00-11 :00 pm four nights a week; every available ice time booked with broomball and hockey. --WouEd you believe free skating to music doubled participation? --Even our obscure table tennis table was so used, someone felt it necessary to hide the nets-both of them. -The recreational swim‘ program is so popular the’lifeguards have to work and the diving boards adjusted. -And what about those waterbabies-since their talent matches their press releases they must be good. --Co-cd volleyball went without a default at seagrams. --Reacreational hockey was becoming so much fun, they didn’t want play-offs. -The other fans of hockey, ball and floor, again were successful enough to have 7 and 10 teams entered. -The drop-in conceit of free time has been so well used that the weight machine may go on strike. What does all this tell us? That there is a dire *need for certain recreational facilities. ,Would you believe a ice arena, lighted fields and tennis courts and the building open sunday evenings?


the in thing

n n n








and greater participation sums up your fail intramural program.

Winter ‘72 Competitive



;!J~v an opponent

in the dust flag footballer action during the fall.



instructional Between the instruction ~GIthe 14 athletic clubs and the special programs of judo, karate and swimming, the need for an even larger program was evident. Judo and karate needed double the time for their classes plus additional time for kung fo karate. The instructional program will be increased next term with the addition of golf, skiing and squash . instruction.

Athletic clubs Although not the largest in participation, athletic club’s, 14 of them, are a extremely motivated and active group. The whitewater and underwater club went on several excursions to open-water mixed with their pool seasons. The cricket club engaged’ in several friendly matches this summer with various established on tario teams. Badminton club is now fully organized with 75 members operating 4 hours a week. The rugger club enjoyed a better social season than competitive-one and is looking for,ward to their sojourn at the mardi gras in february . The fencing club has already engaged in two invitational tournaments at queen’s for men and toronto for women. The weightlifting club has been active in training sessions and faired extremely well in a lift-off at kincardine. The sailing club is in full sail boasting a growing membership, weekly instructional sessions and excellence in competition. Although the curling club’s membership decreased this fall their activity and enthusiasm upserged. Their 4 hours-a-week of curling for $2.00 per team is a bargain as well as hosting a successful intramural mixed bonspeil with 9 other universities. Bowling is now computesized. A fast growing activity on campus that encourages greater participa tion. Gymnastics and orienteering are special interest groups that do their own thing. Interesting the


a flying

iun at

latter has increased nationally, as well as locally in the past two years. Archery is now a well established group on campus offering instructional, recreation and competition. The ski club has the largest membership and program. Their plans for the winter include excursions to collingwood, prof’s hill, chicopee, camp fortune as well as free instruction. All this, by student-interest alone. Other


of Interest

Both engineering and optometry societies held activity days in conjunction with intramurals.


Intramurals is doing research in co-operation with various groups on campus. Areas being studied are k-w high school intramural program, inter-faculty study or total university of water100 recreational intramural program, squash usage by females, weight room, etc. o A successful intramural pub was held for the first time.


Generally, few protests, few player ejections, fewer defaults




‘L (‘/~VOlJ(’ jl/.,f





Along with karate, judo and aquatics, skiing! squash and golf will be offered. Special emphasis will be made on the beginners level.

For Student and Charlie Vanez

All 14 clubs will be in full gear. The winter offering a variety in instruction, movies, lectures, active participation and social nights. Although not a club per se, interest in sky diving is high,and the possibility of some formal .body is closer to a reality. Special emphasis in march will be made to encourage facultystudent activity nights, whereby students and their faculty can engage in friendly competition. For detailed information about your misc activities, reps, schedules, dates, organizational meets, entry deadlines and the like-watch for your intramural newsletter at registration or simply pick one up on the intramural office-Room 2049 physical activities building.






















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It came from across the sea. Quietly. Timidly. Unassumingly. It grew. Suddenly there were 4,000,OOO of them. It was attacked. Detroitlings flung secret weapons at it and not only did it survive, but was fortified. See this amazing thing now running at 2500 King E. Continuous performances since 1952.


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Eccreational Basically the same programs will exist-why disturb a successf;l program‘? Team sports will include ball hockey, broomball, hockey and inner tube waterpolo with either co-cd volleyball or basketball continuing. Watch for the entry deadline. More detailed free-time facilities will be published.


be ,disappointed,


Approximately 15 events will be . staged this winter, ranging from team sports of hockey, basketball, floor hockey and volleyball, to team tournaments in men’s broomball and curling, co-ed volley ball with individual tournaments being run in doubles badminton, squash, singles table tennis, snooker, co-ed badminton doubles and giant slalom ski day and a special event ring-road joggers run. A ivre;itlil-lg teiurname~~~t may be y’cxg ii‘ :;uf<icignt I(-rl;;yibi’.r’s a&+J ijjp ;i;s tmc: ion28 c-l inics, More ir?Cj,cyPi)(jallt j (~~~.ip?~$ &I”(3 F,ZI\J8zc$edf0 pi-ltp[ thp va !~if.;s jc’;ili:; i,prts, as 1LOX“i-4 ,. tis t;r I’c.ji;i@5 ;!I k? ai,-a-;;$b;& ‘:‘l;:;i ];1i(3 ;y-,c.c~‘op by “, _L_+ / r_r~pzr math, yi~[;qy :‘,-north ‘\:‘es;:. au@.! $iys ed and I‘PC may cae?s@ st. ,jer0nM% to be upset in the overall trophy races i’or ihe f’rye~ and to,wnson awards.




Many changes are in the offering this winter. New programs on all levels will be introduced.









10 decem











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a jump shot within the hoop _ score against Windsor last

over windsor

Last week- the athenas played ’ two games; one successfulthe other not so successful.. , The macmaster game played in hamilton was a poor sh&v all && way. The athenas started out with a man to man press that was so sloppy that macmaster had drawn two fouls against Waterloo in the first minute of play and by the third minute they were defeating the athenas by a score of 10-2. The quick start for ma&aster rattled the Waterloo offence which was having great difficulty getting organized. It was not until late is the first half that Waterloo brdught the score to a tie, but this was short lived ai Waterloo continued to turn over the ball to macmaster who capitalized on their opportunities and advanced the score to 37-26 at the half. ’ There was not much change evident in the second half. The Waterloo team continually tried to go inside the weak zone,-but their> 30 per cent shooting average took.+ the toll of the Waterloo scorir)g;; effort. . The, Waterloo, teaE managed to draw. 20 fouls fio*rni macmaster and could have won’ the game at the line had th&ir shooting average been better than! 50 per cent. Waterloo showed a last quarter rally, but macmaster never let up equalizing everything that Waterloo put in-the hoop. The final score was 60-50 in favour of macmaster. The game friday was an important game for- the athenas. Their opponents u of Windsor, had just come from two wins, one against guelph and the other againsy - macmaster. The -athenas knew that they had to pull it together for this -game. The usually fast team from Windsor was slow. to react in the first quarter which gave the athenas a chance to establish their style of play. Towards -the end of the first half the Windsor team began to apply. some pressure on the Waterloo team, but the athenas confident in their play, maintained

control of- the game. At the half the score’ was 3~3 in fav‘our of the athenas. Windsor came back .much stronger in the second hali. andi took advantage of double teaming efforts to score a few points, but never enough to threaten the Waterloo team. Loretta .,~ckenzie played an outstanding game for the athenas filling in much needed leader role at the guard position. She directed ‘the offence to a fine team effort. The athenas also played a strong p resstie defence and mcketizie led the way in this department with 13 Stolen ba11s. The athenas now have a month off while exams and Christmas take over, but they will be hitting the courts in hamilton on january 14th and 15th for the hamilton invitational. Their next home game is on janu,ary 25 when they host guelph.

Volleyball ’ Ficday night the iirls volleyball team ended ‘their pre-christmas season with a four win and one loss record, b3j ‘defeating the Windsor t&a&. The. team played effectively with new’ @lays learned in the last two weeks and won the match in three stra,ight games. The ’ scores were 15-5, 15-6, and 15-7. The athenas played one. of their strongest games at the net with both strong spiking and excellant blocking. Their new serve reception proved fatal to the Windsor girls since Windsor serving in the past has always been a threat. The athenas this year are very fortunate to have a very versatile group of rookies who are all able to adjust to either a spiking or setting ’ position. The girls will be having light practices next week, then will ease practicing until january 3, when they will start to prepare for the invitational tournament at western the following weekend. The girls wish to extend a merry Christmas to all; and to all a gooh night.














fhis suturday

wurriors swim After splitting the weekend meets in the us of a the warriors swimming squad will be going all out to knock off both american teams at their home opener Saturday night. Wayne state, from the motor city, and buffalo state will be the big opponents, both with strong teams. Last weekend the Waterloo bathtub boys (alias carp> drowned Geneseo state 62-51 on friday night. The meet was a hard fought battle that went down to the last event. The warriors short of men spread themselves thin in an attempt to destroy the knights and come out on top. The uniwat squad grabbed the vital number one place in nine of the thirteen events, good for the season’s first victory. The uniwat squad only let geneseo have both diving events, the 100 and 500 freestyle events. The dual meet resulted in unforseen disaster (namely in juries) for a number of the waterboys as lighting in the pool was nonexistant. It was rumored the athletic department will be receiving a bill from geneseo for damages as freshman sprinter brute henry tried to swim 26 yds in the 25 yd pool and drove his right arm through the starting block. Just to show everyone the canucks are tough henry came right back in the 100 yd freestyle and tried to drive his right foot through the concrete end wall. Unfortunately cement when in a dry state is harder than henry’s foot, and the foot suffered extensive damage. Several other Waterloo swimmers tried cracking tiles in the pool as they also tried competing against the walls. The friday meet saw three team records fall, in the 100 and 200 yd backstroke by eric robinson, and in the medley relay. ’ Robinson went sub-minute in the 100 yd back going a speedy 59.8 leading off the medley relay team, and a fast 2: 13.3 for the 200 yd distance. The medley team of robinson, doug munn, paul sharpe and brian cartiledge powered the team to first place in a record time of four minutes three and three tenths seconds. Other first place victories were registered by wrestler-swimmer, or swimming-wrestler, george Saunders in the-1000 yd freestyle in a time of .12:51.7 and brute murray -in the 200 yd freestyle. B!oth times, “were, the best ever swum by ,the two warrior& : : ; :, I 1. : i , : ! Bruce henry ’ won,‘ : the G51’ : yd ’ the & , . freestyle. event covering tended distance. in ’ a’ ‘fast “23.4 seconds. Eric robinson, \k& the* $I). yd. individual medley ;in: a: @od time of 2: f9.8,Lvhile -jim ;low went’ his best, e*vet to comehome seeor@‘ + just 2~ sygnds behind ~!obinson.; 1 Doug nrunn ‘StoleJhe show in:the. 200 yd breaststroke when he we& the fastest he. has ever gone in his life-a 2:36.0 and winning the event with nearly a -full length of calm water between him and the genesceo competitor. The 200 yd butterfly was also taken by a warrior swimmer, paul sharpe in 228.5. Again this was a Iifetime personal best performance. Eric robinson also won the 200 backstroke and set the team record. After the host squad won the diving events the meet climaxed with the final freestyle relay. The winner of the relay would end up on top. With some 20 personal best performances and fourteen lifetime bests being established by warrior swimmers in just an hour and a half it was unknawn to all whether the small squad would



have enough to pull the meet out and win the final relay. With only sheer guts and super human efforts did the warriors streak home to victory. The margin of victory was less than a yard and just a silly one tenth of a second-but worth a big seven points and victory. The next day the fishermen limped into fredonia state which is near the penn state line with four injured swimmers. Fredonia was waiting with open arms and the results of the geneseo meet. The warriors however surprised the hosts and blew some of their major studs out of the pool winning six events. Unfortunately . fredonia’s distance men turned the, meet as they came one-two in both the 500 and 1OOO yd events. Both of the warriors first string distance men were unable to make the trip stateside but the warriors

held the blue’devels down to the last event but went down to defeat by the same 62-51 decision that they themselves handed out to geneseo. Solid performances were registered by doug munn winning the 200 breaststroke in 2: 36.5, lester newby in three metre diving, and brute murray winning the 200 yd freestyle in his best ever time of 2: 00.5 and the 100 yd freestyle in a fast 54.0 seconds. Saturday’s meet slated for 7 pm will feature Wayne state and buffalo state, both having some mighty fast swimmers. Wayne has among others all american backstroker dale baggett, while buffalo has undergone a rebuilding this season. Last year the ‘warriors lost to Wayne state by just nine points but took buffalo and are looking for an all-out victory tomorrow.

baggage ! Warrior’s swimming wrestler george saunders mig~ht thid SO, but for sprinter brute henry accidents in the water are o WY of life. &nry won the 50 yd freestyle at geneseo ny but drove hi4 h,mtl through the starting block doing it. He then tried to destroy rho ~.nd MI/ with his right foot in the 100 yd event. After that he ( o~ltln ‘1 \/t~all\. I /is only comment, “They don’t make the natatoriums



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a xl t i

Prior to the championships, both At present the puckers hold teams had won most of their warm fourth place in their division but up meets. Proving a major threat shouldn’t have much trouble Gary. buckley , acting as warrior early in the season, improving their standing in the in encounters tennis coach, led his raquet new year with a weak lutheran the western purple gang were warriors through three warm-up . considered the men’s team-toteam_ riding on __early - season comnetitions and into the western __ beat. Psychological warfare ran division of the OUAA in mid oc- pushover games giving them first rampant in the league as western place in the division. The hawks tober . and Waterloo both witheld their should drop out of sight when they In the championship event, strength throughout the small start playing some of the stronger number-one-seed john pezzack had meets not wishing to expose their teams. trouble deposing his counterparts weak events. The teams, however, The warriors have an extremely and could salvage only one win in came as close to full power as hard working team that has his series. John beatty, axe1 larson possible during their home inpotential to play good hockey. and brian robertson -made up the vitational and took these They should have a respectable rest of the squad which took second respective meets handily. season and could, if they put a few in the team competition. Unknown to the rest of the steady good games together, robertson, Pezzack and surprise some of the more ex- league, toronto and queens also however, teamed for the doubles harbored talents unexposed until win and advanced to the all- _ perienced teams in the league. arose. Coach The warriors are going to have to the championships province playdowns where they griebenow used similar improve drastically however, if gerhard met defeat and ended the warrior tactics with the female team but they are to compete with toronto tennis participation for another and York, the two super-squads in unfortunately the team could not season pull off a victory in one of their two the province. home meets.


* f

r e e 2i e



- tur&-up

KEN HAMJLTON432 King N (next to A&W) Waterloo


You may have already noted that this is rebuilding year for the hockey warriors. The team is made up mainly of first and second year players who lack alot of the experience that took the warriors to a fisrt place finish last year.

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The men’s and women track and field teams represent the only qonference champions of the fall term. In late October, the men travelled to the university of western Ontario while the women tripped to the nation’s capital to claim the titles.


Led by strong performances from national team member joan eddy in the 400 meters and shorter sprints, the girls invaded Ottawa with a strong contingent and wellstacked relay teams (so to speak). At the end of the day’s activity in, the rainy late fall weather, the athena-tracksters had compiled 84 points to far outdistance the remaining teams and claim the first intercollegiate track and field trophy for Waterloo women. Marlene peters in the hurdles, marg cumming in the distance events, sprinter karla peters and ellen hunter in the long jumps accounted for most of, the points tallied. Having exhausted their budget, the girls hope to hitch with the guys to indoor meets slated for the upcoming term ., While the girls were annihalating the competition in ottawa, the men’s team were experiencing a see-saw battle for first place in london. At the lunch break in the OUAA competition, the Waterloo gang _ were in second position behind the, favoured western team. Scoring morning-points for the warriors were dan anderson in the distance events and ed malloy in the shot put circle. The long jump saw a warrior sweep as dennis mcgann took the event for the third time in OUAA competition and triple jumper bill lindley outleaped the opposition for second. Having placed sprinters in all the afternoon events, the warriors came on strong and began to establish a lead as george neeland took the sprint hurdles and al monks claimed the 400 meters. Mike murray placed well in both sprint events and anchored a tired sprint relay to second place. Terry Wilson took a silver medal in the javelin as mcgann and lindley placed first and third in the triple jump respectively. The reigning Canadian champion from toronto interplaced the two warriors. Al schwieger and brute Clarke were responsible for the silver and bronze high jump medals as the Waterloo team walked away with the title with 14 points to spare. ’ Coach arthur taylor now has his sights set on the OUAA indoor title next term as well as a possible national championship if held.

Volleyball Off a very losing season, the warrior volleyballers upped their record tremendously during the short season now-completed. Playing all day tournaments on Saturdays, the weary warriors were consistent losers to the university of western Ontario mustangs but .managed on one occasion to overpower the purpleclad powerhouse. That outburst of talent however, was not to continue as the warriors crept from their second-place position into third as the season’s end approached. There they remained, quite a bit elevated from last year’s cellar but not yet at the summit. Western did take the western section of the league, but queen’s university proved too strong for the mustangs and took the league title. The team now hopes for a longer season next year extending into the second school term.

swimming The uniwat swim teams under coach robert graham have just begun their long season of competition but already indications are that the squads are as strong as any in Ontario and the northern US. The athenas won their initial dual meet against guelph but were dropped by buffalo state in the american city. In hamilton two weeks ago, they placed a respectable fourth at the eight team invitational meet. After xmas the gals swing back into action at the guelph relays on january 16 then prepare for the Waterloo international slated for the 22nd -which will feature top competition from canada and the us. Team records are falling in nearly every meet the warriors have gone into this year, and coach graham feels this will be by far the best year for the squad-that is if everyone keeps healthy.

&bounding ~qc~nI\ed t/f>-coming

Last weekend in the states three records went by the boards. Freshman eric robinson lowered the 100 yd backstroke to 59.8 seconds, the first time a warrior has gone sub one minute for the distance. Robinson also lowered the 200 yd backstroke mark to 2: 13.3, and the medley relay team of robinson, doug munn, paul sharpe and brain cartiledge took a second off the 400 yd event to lower the mark to a good 4:03.X Three team records also fell in the kingston relays two weeks and more are expected to fall tomorrow evening when the warriors take on Wayne state and buffalo state. So far the warriors record stands at one win, a loss and third place in the OUAA relay meet, but the season has just begun. There are some sixteen more dual meets to go-

Field hockey One of the warmest fall seasons t,his year seemed to spur the athenas field hockey team on to exciting hockey. In the last three years the team has progressed steadily from fourth, through third and this season, second place. The popularity of this sport seeems to be increasing. During the exhibition schedules, the team travelled to toronto to play a brockport, new york team. These were exciting games which exposed the athenas to a faster game caliber . The first part of the tournament at guelph, showed the desire of the team. From this weekend, the atheans picked up a 3-O record, thus providing the only real threat to the rest of the tournament. Western hostessed the final tournament where the university of Waterloo girls showed very well with a 5-1-l record behind a dynasty of university of toronto. , Three seniors leave large positions to be filled next year. These girls (pat binnersley , nora

bahry and jan meyer) gave all out , efforts. The team worked tremendously hard and certainly proved their worth to themselves and the coach. An even better 1972 fall season is anticipated.

Football The footballing warriors ended the seventy-one season with a fourand-four record after a less attractive result last year. Losses werre suffered at the hands of the western mustangs twice, once to Windsor and the other to queens. The warriors took lutheran, Windsor, guelph and macmaster . Good quarterbacking proved invaluable as chuck Wakefield showed consistency in his passing accuracy and engineered good plays. Rick chevers played a solid season and earned a berth on the national all star team along with defenseman john buda. Rick house’s running was well recognized by the spectators and number-fourteen was seen grinding out yards on many warrior-carries. Tight end al haehn gained many important yards on short pass plays to vary the offensive repertoire. Swift running behind solid blocking paced rick wiedenhoeft to many scores for the Waterloo team on kickoff returns. Quarterback Wakefield’s talents were recognized by the pro football industry and he attended a short try-out period with the edmonton eskimos of the western football conference. Coach waily delahey glued together a team lacking superstars to produce a cohesive unit of ball players. Last year’s unfortunate disagreements seemed to have been buried as the team pulled together in the search for a championship.

from a resounding thrashing by the toronto blues, the warrior pucksters by lutheran then got together to trounce brock last week. Predictions for the new year see the warriors pulling through in the west,ern section to improve a

Synchronized SWimming Although 1970-71 is only the second year of its intercollegiate participation, the university of Waterloo synchronized swim team has already one victory to its credit: a first place finish in an invitational meet at the university of western ontario on november 27. One meet in january and another in february at the university of Windsor will round out the team’s agenda; at each of these, the team will offer two solo routines, two duets and one group number. Swimming one solo, and having finished in first place at western, will be karen gibson who is swimming for her first year at the university of Waterloo but has several years of experience with the east york club. In second place at western, the other soloist, mary ann finn is a veteran to the team and of synchronized swimming in the montreal area. Karen and mary ann will swim a duet routine, as will marg love and jenny cawley, both third year recreation students who are getting their start in synchronized swimming from the university of Waterloo. Along with marg and jenny, Sharon houselander, Celia ross and jackie mcmillan will be working on a group number. Sharon and Celia are both new to the sport this year, but jackie calls upon a wealth of experience as both a swimmer and a coach for the Peterborough ornamental swim club. The team is a small one, but one which has taken its first step already on to the winner’s path and now has hopes of continuing in the same vein.

Badminton - The athenas badminton team placed third in the OWIAA league this year behind western and toronto in a close competition. These same two schools shall pose

Quarterback -Wakefield whizzes ,Iuother blistering pass in nowcomplete football action.

a threat this year. donald and maureen first in the doubles

Soccer The soccer warriors had conflicts with classes to limit their practice hours and conflicts with tougher teams to lower their win average. The team finished the season with a more-lost than won record. Playing on Columbia field, the soccer-guys had no trouble with spectator crowd-control as the turnouts for their activities were usually dismal. A strong defense held the scores low on most encounters, but the offense had trouble capitalizing on many possible scoring situations. Rob gillespie held a solid defense together with his netminding ability to spark coach brian anabal’s group to a respectable season.

iourfh p/ace standing. Action resumes on january 6 at brocl\ Lurrention and LItheran before the Windsor-waterloo-bout /~IlJl/i~/~y

Nancy macsmith placed competition.

fo//oN,ed by gC~m~~.stlg:‘tlj/)ht ,lt the b,?rn on J s~III(/,I\,



10 december




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by una o’callaghan



&like Smith Rlath 213

Ila rb Ptwlington It twrea tion 2

Tony K&one i’hilosophy 3

I wanted to come, it was a conscious decision. I am here because I want to be here. I need the discipline of an educational system. I really need a professor to Push me. It has lived up to my expectations nicely. I like the atmosphere on the campus. You can always talk to people if you are willing to make the first move. I was in a seminary in Resurrection College studying for the priesthood. I am now out for a year to make up my mind if I want to pursue theology- Right n&V 1 am experiencing a sense of freedom which makes me very happy to be here. I am only a part-time student this year. I was supposed to SadUateinrnaY but 1 didn't get a high enough average. I am back to get the BA, to indulge myself in philosophy and to acquire knowledge.

Why, are


and len greener,

i came here because I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I couldn’t imagine going into any old job. It was a “may as well” type of decision because I had nothing better to do I didn’t know what to expect. I was afraid it would be like high school but there’s a lot more here than I expected. I have always wanted to, do modern dance but I never knew how to get into it, and there’s a group here that I was able to join I think* generally that the classes are good and the professors are good but there’s not enough interaction between students and professors or even between students. I’ can get along with recreation students but I don’t come into very much contact with people outside my own faculty . 1 am still here because I like it and need it, and because I want to geta good job when I leave. Even if 1 don’t get a job though, it will still


I felt I was going to learn something here that would get me a job, and also learn something that would be of interest to me later on in life. I come from a middle- class area where everybody went to university and if you didn’t you were an outcast. The choice of this universi&y was a conscious one as I heard they offered co-op math programand I felt this was the only way to get a good education. To learn here and then go out and apply what I had learned. I was hoping to have an education free of restrictions where I could learn what appealed to me and what I was interested in. This is not SO. Its not a free education when you have to take certain courses to get that piece of paper. Although my academic expectations were not lived up to, other expectations were. I have learned a lot more on the campus than in the classroom. I’m sticking around because I’m two grades away from a degree and it would be silly to drop out when I am so close. The degree is worth a few thousand dollars to me. It will assure me a better job in society.



at University?


Moore Geography 2

Nancy Morgan Alath ::

My decision to come to university was a conscious one. I had the idea that there was a lot to be had at university that could improve my intelletual capacity. The university has not lived up to my expectations as far as courses and professors are concerned. Professors are really behind the times, teaching material they have had for 15 years. They have their material down pat but are not relating to the students anymore. I feel that a lot of the stuff we are taking in the 2nd year in geography should be taught in the first year, and the first half of 2nd year turns a lot of people off, geography and environmental studies as a whole. A lot of what you see in the university is how you look at it and how much you know of what goes on behind the scenes. If you understand that the system is here to produce a product and that you’re it, then you can deal with it. There’s not enough discussion in class, no flow among students or between students and professors. That’s because students are prepared to ‘sit there and take everything in, without question. This is what they have been trained to do in high school and no one is prepared to break out of the pattern. This is a pity, because you are here, you have the chance to do it, but it’s really hard.

Coming to university was an unconscious choice. I felt that I was obligated to go to university. This attitude is, I think, a carry-over from high school. Somehow if I had been allowed then to find out for myself what I wanted to learn, I wouldn’t have gone on to university automatically. My expectations, I guess, was a good job but here I am graduating now with no job in sight. Our educational system is, it would seem, out of tune with the movement of society. Here I am graduating to expect something that was there three to five years ago, but not anymore. Our educational system should look more to the future so that people can come out and find a place in society. I feel now that education should be a striving for knowledge rather than a training school for the corporate structures, where learning is losing out to the training function. There are some individual professors who are interested in opening up doors for students to explore but they are too held down by the structures. This is my last term, but if I had to do it again I would not go to university. I would get myself a job and travel.

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filhig (christmas)

by alex smith NO.heavy raps about the federation ; no tales of woe about this department or that-all this will be coming next term. For now, merely a few predictions for the coming year. The chevron will return january 11; have a good holiday.

parkdale pharmapy 578-2910

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1. Federation president rick page will announce he will run again for the presidency and will resign unless elected. 2. The Gazette will publish a complete list of who is sleeping with whom on campus and then will print an abject apology stating there were “positive” aspects to the story that were omitted. The positive omissions will be: (a) Students sleeping . with professors were graded. (b) A course critique was prepared on the basis of the professors’ performance. (c) Professors sleeping with deans were granted tenure. 3. The optometry society will establish “a myopia treatment center in the administration services building. 4. The university administration will buy all the new townhouses in beechwood and rent them to students on an option-to-buy lease. 5. Oxlea development corporation will build a new stadium for the university to be called Eaton’s Bargain Basement. 6. The addiction research foundation will establish a drug treatment center at administration president burt matthews’ home for thenight of his annual dinner for student members of the federation council.

‘7. Former university act _ committee chairman lynn watt will be named chairman of a new administration committee within the department of student services, called Pulse. Terms of reference of the committee will be: (a) “to observe, investigate, research, report-on and otherwise feel the pulse of the student body; (b) “to observe, investigate, research, report-on and otherwise determine the mood of the student body; investigate, research, cc> “io observe, report-on and otherwise estimate the activity of the student body, and (d) “to recommend to senate procedures, - methods, formulae, strategies, and other theorems for the anticipation, calculation, formulation and affectation of policies, attitudes, directives, rules, and platforms to be conceived, undertaken, and implemented in respect to the determined pulse, mood and activity of the student body.” Watt will be named vice-president, personnel and services on the basis of his four reports which will be released in consecutive terms from march, 1972 until march. 1973. 8. Dlrector .of security al romenco will announce a new service by which the university will prosecute towing firms for dam.age to towed cars and pay for repairs In the event of an unsatisfied claim. 9. The administration will hire former chevron editor and technical consultant alex smith as an ombudsman to mediate disputes between students and faculty. 10. The first act of the new campus center board will be to eliminate the 6-cent coffee service, claiming. it competes unfavorably with the food, services coffeeshop outlet in the same building. 11. The department of physical resources will initiate a new “consumer involvement” program in order to “deepen ‘the involvement of the university community with its immediate environment.” The program will consist of the following:


(a) Plant-A-Tree.: For five dollars students, fa,cu.ity atid staff will be provided with a tree of their -choice and carteblanche to pla? it anywhere on campus, provided they alter the initial location at least three times through the ensuing twelve months. ( b) Make-A-S’ tgn: For fifty cents members ,of. the university community may buy the right to make a sign of their choice. An extra ten dollars will allow them materials to make the sign. And for another $79.95 the department will install the sign anywhere on campus. 12. Village warden ron eydt will announce a new co-ed residence policy. Girls and boys will be assigned rooms and floors together, may use the same washrooms and may be free from restriction with the exception that they will be required to eat meals In segregated dining halls. Similarly, homosexuals will be allowed to share rooms. though male homosexuals will eat meals in one dining hall and female homosexuals will eat In another. Eydt will say “we feel these progressive measures reflect the new awareness and accebtance of human relationships that have become a part of our social pattern.” 14. “The 13 Doctrine” will become the byword of new-year economics as the united states will move to require that for every dollar it spends on foreign goods, other natlonswlll be required to spend 13 In the united states. Explaining his complicated formula for reaching this decision president nixon will say “we arrived at the number 13 because, you know, there were thirteen founding members of our republic and we felt this number most appropriately represented a people’s

struggle for self-determination and freedom.” Wishing his trading neighbours well in adjusting to the new scheme nixon wItI say “I sincerely hope doctrine 13 will bring them rotsa ruck.” 15. The trudeau baby will, indeed, be born In a manger in Saskatchewan. 16. In selling the arts library to Cadillac Investments limited for construction of a vacation condominium high-rise the administration will say the sale will “not only reduce costs for land and building maintenance, but will allow great savings installing and lighting in costs for Christmas decorations. 17. Waterloo’s entire engineering student body WIII march on parliament hill demanding repeal of the abortion laws. 18. Marriage will become grounds for divorce. 19. The chemistry department’s publication Chem 13 News will be renamed Catalyst and will become a fourcolor magazine containing transcripts of PhD orals. The experiment will- garn Canada-wide acclaim and the magazine’s name WIII be changed to Reaction. 20. Premier smallwood of newfoundland will call another provincial election and announce he will resign unless elected.

member: Canadian university press (CUP) and underground press syndicate (UPS), subscriber: liberation news service (LNS), and chevron international news service (CINS), the chevron is a newsfeature tabloid published offset fifty-two times a year ( 1971-72) by the federation of students, Incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation and the university administration. Offices in the campus center; phone (519) 578-7070 or university local 3443; telex 0295-748. summer circulation: 8,500 Alex Smith, editor Instltutionalized newspapers get away with murder. The gazette this week managed to apologize profusely t6 IS for reporting on their closely-knit relationships and then finished up by saying that thi’s was natural in a faculty of 80 people. It’s right and natural that the people who sit on IS senate council obviously are open to charges of flagrant conflict of interest. Thechevron reported that george haggar has been fired and that those selecting his successors could be severely prejudiced by close contact with the candidates. That is true. Any implications are up to the reader. At last the goddamn end is here, the denouement, the down is, literally, upon us; at entertainment we were dennis mcgann (in the process of being seriously tempted by the multifaceted lures and glories of the critic’s lot), george kaufman who writes purty good for a professional journalist, brute Steele (a late entry), paul stuewe who will produce a hundred ,articles over the xmas retreat, jose huertas-jourda (who hopefully won’t mind the added graphic touch??), randy hannigan (also a snaffle from the sports--photog set), nigel burnett (a jack-of-all-trades, odd-job handyman who thinks thAt pictures can replace the agony of creation-boo..), lynn bowers (who dropped in), a. difrancb (who offered), gary robins (who stopped iq to say hello--which only cost 8 bucks for a parking fine), janet stoody who made it happen, david cubb&ley who loves his job...and a kind xmas note .to all 6f you who owe us reviewsgit off yer asses ya lazy bastards...and a special thanks to dumont press grafix whose gifted ways with the printed word made this extravaganza possible...at the jock dept. were: ron smith, george neeland, sally kemp, herclean peter hopkins, terry morin, brian cere, norm beers, byron olver, dennis mcgann, sandy froese and una o’callaghan; and the sports section reminds you not to leave your love out in the cold-it may freeze to death....bring it into someone for Christmas; were: Scott gray (natch), gord moot-e, brian cere, randy hannigan, doug baird, len greener, peter Wilkinson, dean sprout, mr. john w. alexanders; newsies: joan Walters, joe fraracci, deanna kaufman, iionei koffler, una o’callaghan, niki brigette and Paul, gord mooye, bill lindsay and a visit from mary, jan goeller and sandy froese lending two hands, and alice the dog; bit1 Sheldon on trombone back in mahn-rayal by now; alex (mad hatter) smith at the keyboard; and george (3-tmgers) kaufman on drums for your listening pleasure this week. Make it happen this christmas and come, all ye faithfuI..uo and gsk.





friday 10 decembe’r 1971 (12:34)




poems by rienzi cruz


And then you were born, with an alien rib of stone, some other bitter sap of soul, reaching for another wind, clawing the air about your wet ears, until finally, you found your tempest. And thin

I saw the sun eyes dissolve, strands of hair blow Ii ke leaves, your temple bell raped of its golden tongue, and silence staring from a nameless face. That day, I stood alone, and felt the thunder of your blood merge with the morning sun. Now every morning, I see the sun preach this other face, il hear the splintering of mirrors in my empty red house.


of old wine

after ten years on replay in slow motion the way’ she killed me off seems clean and surgical a poem spilling from the tongue of the jewelled


The spring moment when I searched her eyes, jumped the cool mercury to summer pitch she slowly turned her polished head caught me In pale blue gun-sights and gently squeezed the trigger At the time it was sound and -lightning pain of whiplash blue scrapnel demanding silence All along she knew the ways




of flowers

chevron 0

KARlVlA The going away at April was cruel. I saw the gull flee the salty spray and linger on wet rock with the fading smell of frangipani.


How purple grape crushed in the black hands havocked in the purple heart. The empty space shaped to the slim body mocking mocking the bleeding eyes, the nerves stretched along the fluid horizon. How the eye turned, the mind shifted, and the hills stirred to the valley deeps, and the healing sun sealed the hemophiliac


How the valley bloomed to buckets of poems written on olive skins, the empty space to giant pizzas from. Ponzanelli’s, the thirsty rock to cocktails brewed and shaken to Valentino’s recipe; . how the smell of frangipani gently surrendered to Jergens Lotion, Lilac Spray, and brandy on the rocks. How the small linear star melted to the fluid circle of the sun, and her gilded voice leaped from the cougar’s throat. How the evening moon spilled her lotus eyes, and white rock burgeoned with raven hair. How the blue water at Fergus Dam thrashed to the soft brown skin and sun face. A slim Singhala girl stretched in his bones across the wide open world, The vine hangs heavy with purple grape.


my birthday

the dream went something like this: in a naked house, white, breathing the smell of Dettol, like an empty ward with its mouth open for the coming of the lame and the limp.

For Daphne Once I had all; and all was the olive skin warmed in the sun, eyes black as hell, and ravens nesting in your hair. Love, safe as a foetus, happy and dancing at the end of an umbilical cord. .


again I

My Spanish furniture, pictures, poetry books, all gone. The flight of velvet drapes, warm dust of trivia, forty-four years of matured griefs, red joys that burned in dark corners, and the smell of children scraped out by some detergent hand. My ex-wife crawls, a fluid limbo-dancer from under the slit of door: all rags, her face caked like a ghost, she asks: where are the children? Fled, fled, I cry, Noah’s doves seek the olive branch. And the gods of Kataragama bleed in their shrines as a whiff of frangipani curls through the antiseptic air and disappears. And Into with

I am born my forty-fifth the taunt of burnt out, faces of children in the jungles of old scars hurting the



year warm lost new



like wounds, of love.



toys on the battlefield buried by snow whispering blanket easily heard by Iisten ing crow


.MY above unanswered un-shooed overfed waiter perching on toys which resting awake await sleeping children asleep beneath blankets whiter than snow

I’d made a date with hate and bought her coffee which I carried across the room and when I spilled some YOU across the room didn’t laugh




My nows

are knots on the line

spanning the chasm of death taut between first and last forward I tiptoe on time



I sat alone and you walked to me


I would have had I been any less embarassed




poems by norman skolnick

RESPITE we rested on the rim beholding all there was whenever we rolled over and passing fingers to be kissed we blinked unafraid of missing any beauty

I am never



while mister

shadow clings though hiding shunning conversation

day do you know ‘do you know YOU are dead

at noon

day mister day do you know ,t hat YOU are dead

and mister

image apes though untouchably distant blatantly staring protected in mirrors and puddles and ice

have you heard the word mister bird Iife’s absurd

and mister

all that was was all around below

-echo mocks though holding his hiding place while taunting back all salutations but fainter




had you any not ion mister ocean there’s no motion


and from the do they fly down to die


in the spaces in between your lips and his

day do you


10 december







ad- u rnr\






by don ballinger

’ On the edge of your mind, in the structures of your consciousness, hanging at a precipice over a chasm in life: Here you struggle even to ask a question, thought is torn from thought, feelings ure thrust outwards info coldness but only the fear of falling prevents the leap into warmth.


Steve izma


10 december





A split second. One part falling this way and one that. Duck! It almost hit you! Shall we follow it? And snatch it? . And open it? And see pearls of rust and jagged bits of metal. Shall we find a strangers swollen breast eager to give milk? Or a fish head uncaring and uncarved Or a giant roaring and swinging his hammer while villagers race cattle for an exit bridge? Shall we find lovers in the spring as sleazy as dandelions as uneager to have their legs ripped off? Will there be canoes of rabid snow? Can I have popcorn or a candied apple or a plastic locomotive to hold and threaten my mother with? Can I bury my head in rhubarb and sob over pits full of canary waste? May I use the telephone? Shall I brush my host with the powder of bursted heart, of / flaked .beak? Dare I borrow an aeroplane to buzz forced laborers and drop leaflets saying “Don’t fret” ‘You’ve been found” “Help is on the Will they be satisfied when a 3 inch caboose comes tooting by, is in town” hop in fellows ” “The circus Will they be pleased? I Or will they roll their drunkenbellies in a jelly cabbage twist and insist on the queens personal fleet? And then on the Queen?


Open up a Setolin, And let the good times roll. Whether it’s an eye shade party Or a clairvoyant sprinkling system Open up a Setolin and let the good times roll Could be you’re waiting for that rare moment of illumination 10r relaxing with congenial matches of croquet. . Well, open up a Setolin And let the good times roll. Whichever you prefer, Chameleon toadsters or midget racers, Open up a Setolin and let the good times roll. Announcing a bankruptcy Charming a sweetheart Roasting a mouse Or dusting that minnow Open the setolin. It comes in many varieties.






wa Y"


to a fine


A five year old boy was rushed to a broken thermometer where he pleaded with Satan for repossession of his mother’s soul. As she stripped, stagehands rushed from behind the curtains to hurl poorly wrapped cumbersome bundles of freshly laundered rubber disguises. Giant moth wings fell from the ceiling splitting heads and delighting escapees. The thermometer had a soiled face mask on that decieved many into mistaking it for the swollen carcass of a Mr. Brian McGill who was last seen at the Golden Drop Burlesque Palace. His briefcase was open, Inside, all was pandemonium. Many guests curled into small balls and hid under their auditorium seats. The wind was so fierce that a five-year old could hardly survive. Like a beserk heliumballoon tiny and limping Carl McGill smashed time and time again into the corregated tin walls, As Lily McGill finished her performance a small door on her right cheek opened and out flew a squadron of transparent biplanes. They are searching for survivors in the cold water below but the weather has been so stormy and dark they may not find anyone. friday

10 december








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1 i . v _L <

Having all and nothing to compare with you. To compare with you having simply the air where birds breathe and flowers bloom. The promise of life, and rainbows of light sliding avalanche out of the sky.







What have you become to I he jpirlt of my hair ( rles light, the Imma of 17‘ 'Y ebyes wtleps ravens tc> th e nigh





W’CIlking close c <in you forget I;eltl mv hands t I(q ‘ribbons ‘llld told n1e of ,~ncl tracking of And most thing ot water.


Hethany, ycIU, this, as doves in nc for my ha ir ew 3-y spr ing; bir ds. s ir I me d ied



have I become to lhe Iaunia of my eyes c rips (love, the spirit of my hair

burning autumn, hot to the journey of geese. This, and the tumbling of butterflies out of the air. The’ kissing of lilies still nodding to where the sun sighs. Deep


IC1ughs lilies to the day. And I, (an I forget this, \I h I Ie 4prIng:Ing 1IP -0 Bet .han\ tllone I held yc eyes

There in the morning a drinking df dew to compare unfaded, my image of you. The blessing of red from the sun-blasted skies. The willow of trees and the water of eyes. This, and the blending of colours to sun. All this to compare and every day done, all this to renew!

Cl\ tIam~1 -in fire I Ion& sunrise In y‘our ha rids; thy tracking of bit-c3s at dkwn And most thing .s ir I you t:3orn ot wa tel

+vtost thmgs

In J


c)f lig ht.



What force in my wonder yet moves me to you?




Sitting in the cabin by fire, by wind, and free. You there, softly reading Walden to me. Sad, to know our past rips future from our

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I tong for you once more evening skylights form? May I Place you by our fire hinging Walden, singing warm?

Which gladly, when morning reserve of you. Accept dawn’s night crawlers

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These nights with out YOU, my hunger seeks 1the air. The hope of your eyes upon my eyes, your soft hands through my hair. All blending to a thirst of youness.

by Susan


A Mid-Term’s Dream story by mark hertzberger drawings by brian hill

Another blank space appeared in my workbook, another opening so that I could “go-on-.with-the-otherquestions-and-come-back-to-finish-the-hard-oneslater”. Unfortunately, this was the fifth such blank space in an assignment of ten questions and it was becoming painfully obvious that I would finish my work in statistics for the next day-even if I ma naged to stay awake for the rest of the night. I gave my dormant pencil a flick with my finger and watched it spin off the edge of the table. Then I put my head down on my rolled-up coat, closed my eyes, and waited for the little numbers to stop dancing around on my eyelids. It was eleven o’clock now. The psychology building was virtually empty and I sat alone in a quiet, stuffy calculator room. It was to my great surprise, then, that I felt something nudge my back and someone breathing rather heavily down the back of my neck. I turned around in my chair and, much to mygwat terror and amazement, I found myself staring into the pink beady eyes of an albino rat! Far from ordinary, this particular rat ‘happened to be seven feet tail, standing on its hind legs. Almost as soon as I gazed upon it, however, the rat vanished in a puff of greenish-brown smoke and suddenly, in its place, stood a man grinning a piano keyboard grin, wearing a Nazi storm trooper uniform, and holding a nine foot long bullwhip in one hand. “Hi there,” he said, “I’m Joe Research and this is , YOUR lucky day!”

hand clamped comfortingly over the subject’s face but blood still leaked in dribbles between his gloved fingers. He smiled spologetically at us, showing a row of cheese coloured teeth. “Have that mechanism fixed, will you, Cronch?” said Joe patiently. “Cronch?” I said in wonder. “Nickname,” mumbled Joe. After the interruption was over and the subject and his private nurse had stumbled and scraped out of the room, I turned to Joe and said, “But I still don’t see what real purpose all this serves.” “My Lord, how na,ive can one young man be?!” laughed Joe kindly. . “My Lord, how naive! My Lord, how naive!” gleefully shrieked the research elves clustered about him. Joe went .on, “It’s high time YOU had a talk with our CHIEF FACULTY ADVISOR!” “Really?” “Really.” And with that, he clicked his heels together twice, turned around three times on his tiptoes, and disappeared in a cloud of pinkish chartreuse smoke which blinded me and caused me to cough and choke most violently.

objectively but suddenly she stopped, became silent, and p began glaring at me, her face turning so red that I was afraid she was going to burst a blood vessel. “Is something wrong?” I asked. “Well?” she said. “Well what?” “What the HELL are you doing in my office?” “But I have an appointment.” “Appointments last five minutes. What time do you I suppose it is?” I looked at the grandfather clock in the corner and saw that it was six minutes after four. Realising my horrendous mistake, I cried, Oh my GOD, I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry...!” and backed quickly through the-open door just as Dr. Poptart took a heavy brass paperweight from a drawer and lobbed it at me as one would a hand grenade. I pulled the door closed just in time for the paperwight to crash against it, then leaped up a nearby flight of stairs, taking four stairs at a time until I arrived safely but exhausted on the next floor. From somewhere at the far end of the hall I was standing in came the strains of honky tonk piano music. Thinking that this might indicate a lounge or someplace where I could relax and rethread my nervous system, I ’ followeflthe music until it seemed loudest behind a door on which was emblazoned: CLINICAL LOUNGE What I saw when I opened the door was almost too much for my defeated mind to grasp.

. And INDEED it WAS my lucky day for, no sooner had the gentleman spoken than we found ourselves on the back of a giant flying squirrel being spirited away high above the muddy fields and grassy knolls towards what Joe (he was quite a friendly fellow and allowed me to address him by his first name) called “THE MARVELLOUS RESEARCH PALACE”. Our navigator was a good one and the journey was over in the twinkling of.an instant. Flying through an open window of the palace, we soared through the spacious halls while below us a multitude of little men in spotless white laboratory smocks scampered and hippity-hopped everywhere in an impressively busy fashion. Finally, we alighted in “THE MASTER LABORATORY” which sparkled with gilded cages, ruby studded mazes, and other wondrously glittering magical devices. This room too was literally swarming with bustling elves wearing laboratory coats. “Welcome to THE MASTER LABORATORY”, said Joe. “Thank you,” I said. Joe continued. “Before we begin our tour, I want you to get something straight-So far as our human ‘volunteers’ are concerned, no painful tests are administered at all. With our lab animals, no pain is caused that is not absolutely necessary-in the best interests of science. Understand son?” “What about them ?” I inquired timidly, pointing to a nearby table where eight small male rats, having very obviously just been relieved of their maleness, lay writhing in what seemed to be agony. “Some were so allergic to ether that they could have died and spoiled the experiment for us. Unfortunately, we didn’t know which ones couldn’t have the anaesthetic so they were all ‘inconvenienced’ a little-in the interests of science, of course. You see, boy?” “But what purpose does such an experiment serve?” I asked, realizing that it was probably a very silly question. “Well obviously to study anxiety! How would YOU feel if somebody...” “Ah yes, I understand now,” I said hurriedly, “How foolish of me!” “HOW foolish of you, INDEED!” said Joe. ’ Suddenly, we were interrupted by a primitive, skull shattering scream which made me wish thatthere was a wash-room nearby. “I didn’t know they held anthropology classes in this building” I said shakily. “They don’t. That was one of our human subjects.” “But I thought you said your experiments on humans don’t cause any pain.” “They don’t-usually. I guess the apparatus in our human anxiety experiment has gone on the fritz again. The walls of the room are supposed to stop moving before they get that close together. I hate to say it, but I’m afraid we’ve broken another nose.” Joe, as usual was quite right for at that very moment the subject of the experiment came stumbling through the laboratory supported firmly but gently by a bald, burly fellow dressed in black leather and wearing a large gold ring through one earlobe. The man in black had one

When the smoke cleared, I found myself standing in front of a closed, heavy oak door which bore a shiny brass eplaque: ’ DR. LAVEENA POPTART: FACULTY ADVISOR (My door Is Always Open) I knocked several times on the door and then, having recieved no answer, I tried the iron latch which clinked open. Cautiously, I creaked the door open ahead of me and peered ‘round its edge. There, seated at a desk about ten feet long and five feet wide (on which was nothing but a pair of slippered feet) sat a woman in a faded flowered dress who could easily have passed for a scullery maid and who looked curiously like Tugboat Annie. Indeed, her voice was strongly reminiscent of Tugboat Annie (or Ma Kettle, if you prefer): “Well?” she croaked. “Well, what?” “Well, do you have an appointment?” “No,” I said hesitantly. “Then get out!” liWhat?” I iaid, not believing my ears. “Get out !” “B-But you didn’t seem busy,” I stammered. “I was THINKING!” she screamed, “We on the faculty have to THINK too, you know! Otherwise, HOW could we do our research and WHAT would there be for RUNTS like you to idolize us for?” . - “Teaching ability, maybe?” I ventured, blushing as I realized that I had said something unbelievably stupid again. “Shut your smart mouth and get out!” I complied hastily but decided to give it another try, eager for more conversation with this fascinatingwisewoman. Locating Dr. Poptart’s secretary in the next office, I asked when I could have an appointment. “How about four o’clock?” she asked (It was five minutes to four then). I said that was just fine and, at four on the nose, I walked back into the doctor’s office. Her mood seemed to have changed somewhat and she welcomed me with: “Hi honey, how’s your skin response?!” “My what?” “Galvanic Skin Response. That’s one of them psychological terms we use around here. You new here or something?” “Yes,” I said, “I’ve come to ask you about the purpose of all the research that’s done here.” She chuckled softly to herself: “I know exactly what :you’re thinking. I used to be young and idealistic like you. You’re going to ask me why I’m not out helping people instead of fooling around with rats in a lab and sitting in my office, aren’t you?” “Well, I...” “I’ll answer you in two words: scientific progress.” “Scientific progress?” “If you don’t understand now, you never will. Give,up.” Then she added, “Of course, some-of the people upstairs in CLINICAL psychology could probably argue me under. the table with THEIR side of the story.” She chuckled again at her own foolish outburst of


Through a confusing haze of orange smoke and the fragrant mists of rat manure, I gazed upon the room’s denizens, tears streaming down my face. Around a table in the middle, of the room sat five men-seemingly quintuplets, each wearing identical wire-rim spectacles, each having a black beard grown down to his waistplaying cards silently, staring straight ahead, moving in synchronis?d motions like mechanical toys. The wall in back of the men was being clawed methodically by three kneeling women all of wtiom bore a startling resemblance to Dr. Laveena Poptart and who did not seem to notice their broken fingernails or bleeding fingers. In one corner of the room, seven great danes abused themselves openly and in unison while in the opposite corner, at the source of the honkytonk piano music, sat a large, brilliant red boa constrictor. Seated around the edge of the room in easy chairs were more giant albino rats (like Joe had been). Each one wore bedroom slippers, smokea a Sherlock Holmes pipe, and read a newspaper through a pair of horn-rimmed glasses.

One of the rats saw me. It threw its newspaper on the floor and angrily ripped off its glasses. Striding towards me on its hind legs, it squeaked: “INDEED! This lounge is for faculty members and graduate students only!” It kept on walking-directly into me, pushing my head against the wall behind me with a thud, and stood against my face, smothering me with its fat, furry stomach. Gasping and splutterirtg, I awcke in the calculator room -my face buried in the borg lining of my “Young College Man” winter coat. “Good Heavets, man,” I thought, “Get ahold of yourself or you’ll have a mental breakdown. Editor’s ’





10 december

he did!






6. In the final hours the corner creaked under the weight and the traffic slowed and sighed wheezed into the whirl roundabout reeling, concerned that the. old road has gone and Dover lies in waiting

poem by jon mcgill

What i saw on the corner 1. closed in the tomb they were the dead and dying secluded, fine and dusty march to the sea with them dropping at the cliff face staring from the stones they were the gold and living surrounded, close and shifting stroll to the end with them jumping across the abyss grin

curbed, confined, afraid to step even though the garages have done their work again as the sun shines slowly i was once again propped strung on the walls brick-bitten’, almost burned rubbing my back in the sand


2. watching the streets pass as the world meets on the corner harmless buzz of the new sign cracked heels hole held tapping messages to the macadam thanatos drifting with the others as arachne spins in the shelter of the underground


where were the buses going? empty, arrivals marked by strewn survivors of an early age conducting affairs and fallacies despite the shiver through the world 3. into the shops, counter motions careening among the fish, hands picking in the piles a head turned, eyes wide with anger short-changed again and turned out into the street loww the men pass, looking left and right struck by the passers-by and the shops change into evening dress gilded, awning chain released and covered over in the new


active, primly gathering in the folds of an old gown painting faces on the young town river rift, rending the city in two 4. more gentle now, in the dark less pious or pitiable as the sun fades the overcoat crowd falling from the doorways curry smells and whores treading up the stair well hung down trapping the older webs perched at the stop, crouched springing to the platform the speed increases and one man is left to die a


5. the best hours are ahead green and laughing finger crooked and crafty striding to the call every still stranger struck in the oval cafe cup container pushing back at the mouth as the plastic melts and covers the floor the counterman calls closing and the only relief was hours away restrained, certain i could keep the slow time at bay i walked to the station and read day old papers strewing the chips behind





7. the rock rolled top covered in fire orbital around the grass * flat-bottomed, finally deferred crushed and crushing yet not as hard as it once was involved in vain attempts to reach we will smack the stone, hard content if it continues fearful of the weight it stuffs inside leaking from sad sides split open gouged, out of luck

the street

8. the wheelbarrow stood, full and blooming tipsy on the one wheel turning at the tilting hand spent seeds die upon the ground flinching as the withered worms spread above the sky


market voices display tones and tons of rotten feed horse troughs emptied from the carts I hunger scratching, tongue-tied to the ground-gravel ~ In my throat and the barrow wheels full circle settling on the floor . ‘round and ‘round, wheeling, spinning, above.

8 e


up and down emphatic as

9. waiting for the lights to change amazed that everything is new the daylight strikes the clock reversed, time tampered tired traffic wander, somehow spent now gasping at the sounds, lost again as i run out dry, dreamless in the flicker able, now, to touch the pole at my side wishing only that it were longer allowing me to straighten up and walk ~ once the lights call.

the words


friday 10 decembk- 1971 (12:34)


3 1




co-ordinated by; a. di franco, d. j. Osborne, mary weberco, i.m., brian hill Steve izma, jon mcgill,




e. holmes,



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