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sot, once

by brute murphy the chevron

The engineering society,, as of january 13, is supporting the compulsory fee for t,he federation in the february 23 referendum; Engsoc feels that if the referendum is lost, the federation will most likely collapse. Cited is the case of the university of guelph’s student union which,

a foe,‘etdorses Q


21 january



students should be made aware of hands ’ of the administration‘it. But he does not feel that there is significantly reducing student an alternative being given- in the representation and power at this referendum. university. With no federation, or money The big losers in the end would be the students and the societies. If coming from a federation, the societies would find themselves in the referendum did remove the compulsory fee the federation, financial straits. There is a fee Gino feels, would probably paid by students at the beginning collapse. With no federation to run I of the year called the society fee. things, many of the student serBut this would not constitute vices would likely fall into the enough money for the societiesI to

some years ago, had a similar referendum to uniwat’s. It was lost andit took two years for the union to rebuild back to pre-referendum , days. Gino Nicolini, president of I Engsoc “A”, says that he would 1 not like to see another Guelph. Further, he does not want to see “change for the sake of change” and believes that if thereis a better alternative to the federation then



12 number



vote operate and would have to be increased. But any increase in fees such as this has to’ go through the administration and this takes time. By the time the societies began to receive money, many of them would have been severely weakened. As an example of the importance of the federation to the societies, Engsoc “A” was to receive from the federation the following amounts this term: -1ec ture series, $200: -film series, $100. -A.P.E.O. conference, $200. -C.C.E.S. conference, $500, By the time of the referendum, most of the above money would already have been paid out. But the APE0 conference does not come until march. If the federation were to lose the referendum Engsoc might not receive this amount. Such an occurence might completely stop the society sending’ delegates to the conference. In the past, Engsoc has had many disagreements with the federation of students. These have arisen due to a lack of communication between the two, a great lack of representation by either at the councils of the other and the fact that engineering students are on campus for only four months at a stretch. However in recent terms this situation has been improved and there were many disagreements and misunderstandings eliminated last term by Engsoc “B”. This work is being continued this term by “A” as well as Engsoc improving its links with the other societies on campus. Gino Nicolini summed it up in an interview with a chevron reporter, “I hope that the compulsory f.ee as it is remains. Because if it doesn’t we have more to lose than we have to gain. If the referendum is defeated, if people vote for compulsory voluntary fees, then the federation will probably be very close to the edge of collapse. If the referendum succeeds and compulsory fees remain I would hope that the progress that we in Engsoc have made in communication with ’ the federation will continue to grow.”

PoIiSci collective: faculty counted on stude-nt apathy (Just before the holiday break, the chevron carried several articles about demands from members of the Political Science Union-PSUfor a PoliSci collective and then counterdemands for a more democratic representation. of the students in the PSU itself. In this article, PoliSci undergrad Renzo Bernardini explains why all is now quiet on the PoliSci front-and why it may not stay quiet.) The political science department has once again quieted down. The original issue had a quality that could only give rise to short-run anomie behaviour. And so it did. Now that the minor problem,, has been ironed out, there are no longer any immediate issues that could call for further action. We should not be surprised at this kind of undirected spontaneity. Historically when students have attempted to raise consciousness or to stimulate interest and activity among the mass of the university community, they experienced general apathy, lack of support, and unwillingness to get involved. Thus as soon as the university was able to shift its equilibrium to accomodate an appropriate solution to the immediate issues, one could notice a general petering out of interest. The cork was placed on the bottle. No one worried about the bottle and i‘ts content. ‘The mixture was left to ferment under the cap of institutionalized repression. One of these days the cork is bound to blow off

again. If the cork has been placed very securely the bottle is eventually bound to explode. Within the dynamics of a liberal’ democratic institution each party pursues its own interests often at the expense of other people who become involved in the process. Faculty members must hold on to their security and so must students. The faculty has by and large kept quiet about the affairs of the collective to the point of ignoring it. The claim has been that it was not institutionalized hence it could not be legitimate. Furthermore, the faculty probably counted on the very likely possibility of general apathy among the students. Work loads, incompletes, deadlines, and a general lack of willingness to get involved; this is what the faculty must have counted on from the students, and they were correct. Why, with all these burdens a student could not possibly have time to worry about getting involved in the process of determining his own experience...it’s so much easier to let someone else determine their experience for them. Think of the responsibility that would be placed on a person’s shoulders if he were not spoon fed and led by the hand! Besides the norms of the majority of students centre around getting the required credits as quickly and easily as

possible so that they may graduate. Under a collective system faculty would be relegated to performing the function of resource people. They would become involved in the process of allocating resources only as equal partners with the-rest of the students in the department. Students would have to come to grips with the responsibility of allocating resources... something that is so much easier to let someone else do for them. With the establishment of a collective department, the faculty would lose their power in the bureaucracy of the university. At the same time both the students and, the, faculty would of necessity become more responsible in the decision making process of the department.

Some positions A large number of students and faculty have expressed the sentiment that they at least recognize the superiority of a collective learning process. Each has his own reservations and these are generally well founded. To my mind they represent shifts of emphasis on the multitude of problems in operationalizing a collective department. But everyone has acted as though his particular fetish represents a clear and distinct position of principle in

relationship to the proble,ms of establishing a collective department. Thus instead of uniting themselves they have separated. Some have expressed the opinion that what must be done first is to change the structure of the department in order that resources may be aIIbcated collectively by both students and faculty. Some will maintain that the immediate task lies in developing a principled philosophy that would serve as a guideline for operationalization. Others would like to place the focus on the relationship between the university, the department, and the totality and universality of the society within which it exists. Some other people would maintain that the department is already most open to the participation from students in the allocation of resources. Indeed, it can be shown empirically that some students in this department have had a good influence on the ‘department’s decisionmaking process. These people would maintain that a collective department will evolve out of successful experiments in collective learning, research, and participation in the operation of the department. What they forget is that until now students have participated only within the good grace of the faculty. In reality they have had no responsibility over the final decision making process.

This week on campus is a free column for the announcement of meetings, special seminars or speakers, social events .and other happenings on campus-student, faculty or staff. See the chevron secretary or call extension 3443. Dead&e is tuesday afternoons by 3 pm.

TODAY Warriors swim team vsOaklanciCollege. 7:30 pm phys ed pool. Films ‘In Cold Blood’ and ‘Husbands’. 7:30 pm Admission $1.00 Waterloo Lutheran U RlEl Arts Building. Federation flicks. Woodstock. Feder ation members $1; non-members $1.50. 8 pm Humanities theatre. Sponsored by federation of students. Students aud professors alike who would like to act as moderator for noncommercial community TV station call 576-9870 for further information 9-5. Renison College 4th annual invitation basketball tournament. l-11 pm main guy physed complex. Tournament pass 75 cent available at Renison, rm 130 or at the door. Individual games 25 cents at the door; finals 50 cents at the door.

Toronto express bus leaves campus center 11:30 am, 1:30 and 4:30 pm for lslington subway station. Highway coach tickets $1.95 one way or $3.50 return and school bus tickets $1.25 per ticket. Sponsored by federation of students. lxthus Coffee House. Come talk about life, love, God. 9 pm CC snack bar. Free. Waterloo Cheerleading Society. tryouts for the winter semester both males *and females required. 4: 50 pm physed combatives. Our success this term depends on your support. Leave messages in physed office with Mary. SATURDAY The 3rd Waterloo international invitational wbmens swimming meet will be featuring among other, the universities of Michigan, Michigan State, ,Lake Forest, Kent State, Ball State, Queens, Waterloo, Toronto, McMaster, York, Windsor, Guelph and.Zavier university. This will be the biggest and best women’s international meet Canada will host this year. Meet times: 1 metre diving preliminaries 9 am; swimming diving heats 11 am; 3 metre preliminaries 3 pm and finals swimming and diving 7 pm. physed pool. Meeting of Kitchener-Waterloo Women’s Coalition for Repeal of Abortion laws. All women welcome. 1:30 pm HUM151. Pub with Amish food services.

and Whiplash.


Federation Flicks. Woodstock. Federation members $1; nonmembers $1.50. 8 pm Humanities theatre. Sponsored by federation of students. Renison College 4th annual invitational basketball tournament. 9-11 am main gym physed complex. Tournament pass 75 cents available at Renison rm 130 or at the door. Individual gairies 25 cents at the door; finals 50 cents at the door. Math Weekend pub with Amish and whiplash. 8-12 food services. mathsoc members 25 per cent federation members $1; others 1.50. Math Weekeng car rally registration and briefing in MC3002 llam. $1 per math crew; $1.50 per non-math crew. Films ‘In Cold Blood’ and ‘Husbands’. Admission $1 7:30 pm Waterloo Lutheran U RlEl Arts building. SUNDAY Faith missionary church 110 Fergus avenue invites you to their services. Sundays 11 am and 7 pm. A bus will call at campus center at 9:15 am. Duplicated bridge-novice game. Entry fee 25 cents per- .person. all welcome. 7 pm MC3001.





- G

Math Weekend free concert with “Gemini”. Folk music at its best. 8 pm Village 2 great-hall. Toronto express bus leaves Islington subway station for campus center at 9 pm. Highway coach tickets $1.05 one way and school bus tickets $1.25 per tickets. Sponsored by federation of students. Films ‘in Cold Blood’ and ‘Husbands’. Admission $1. 7:30 pm Wat&rloo Lutheran U. RlEl Arts building. MONDAY Student’s are invited to question Prof Gold, Chairman of the English Department about present policy and future plans for the department of English. 4:30 pm undergrad lounge, Humanities building. Free movie. Strange Passion Bunuel. 9 pm campus center. Faith Missionary church, 110 Fergus avenue invites you to their youth time. 7:30 pm. Students and professors alike would like to act as moderator for ‘commercial community TV station 576-9870 for further information

who noncall 9-5:

Waterloo Cheerleading Society tryouts for the winter semester both males and females required. 4: 50 pm physed combatives. Our success this term depends on your support. Leave messages in physed office with Mary.

Waterloo Cheerleading Society tryouts for the winter semester both males and females required. 4: 50 pm physed com%atives. Our success this term depends on your support. Leave messages in physed office with Mary THURSDAY Federation flicks. “Five Easy Pieces” and “Where’s Poppa”. 8 pm AL116.50 cents federation members; $1 nonmembers. Sponsored by federation of students. History department public lecture by Mrs. - Barbara Schneider, York U. “Canadian Art History” slide presentation. 8-10 pm AL113. Evening of swimming for student wives club. 8pm meet in room 4362 Eng IV. Don’t forget bathing suit, cap and towel. Hellenic Canadian student meeting. Will all Greek students please attend. Light refreshments will be served. 7pm cc113. Lecture by Walter F. Terry, executive vice-president, James W. Rouse and Co. Inc. Columbia, Maryland. Topic: Financing Community Development. 8:15pm MC2066. Informal wine and cheese reception for speaker 9: 30pm MC5135. Sponsored by School of Urban and Regional Planning. Students and professors alike who would like to act as moderator for noncommerciat community TV station call 576-9870 for further information 9-5.

TUESDAY Film Gone With The Wind..Admission $1 licensed. 7: 30 pm Waterloo Lutheran U sub. Duplidate bridge-Swiss teams. Entry fee 50 cents person. All bridge players welcome. Teams can be arranged. 7 pm SS lounge.

Waterloo Cheerleading Society tryouts for the winter semester both males and females required. 4: 50 pm physkd combatives. Our success this term depends on your support. Leave messages in physed office with Mary.

Public lecture sponsored by History department. Prof. D. N. Lammers, U. of W. Topic “The war that had to be” 8 pm AL113. Anyone interested in a course or conversation group in the Slovene languages (Yugoslvia) is asked to contact Tone Janko ML318 7 pm.Waterloo universities’ gay liberation movement meeting. Guest speaker Morley Rosenburg. 7:30-11 pm cc135. Ground school MC3003.

LOST Beige and blue scarf, 9 feet long, great sentimental value. If found please phone 579-2655. PERSONAL


for flying

club. 7 pm

Students and professors alike who would like to act as moderator for noncommercial community tv station call 576-9870 for further information 9-5.

9:O5 a.m. - good

11145 a.m. 12:oo p.m. 4:00 p.m. -

sign on de1 bower

-, world news

- ‘afternoon. music music for dinner-rick dow 6:OO p.m. - un icom news 630 p.m. - kazoo with tim cooper 8:30 p.m. - exposure-derek reynolds. 9:30 p.m. - a bit of alright-andy whittaker 11:30 p.m. - mack’s music tilt two. tuesday 9:00 a.m. 9:05 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 12:Ol p.m. 2:OO p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1090 p.m. 12:00

sign m

barb kerr-light music world news afternoon music gene sandberg un icom news phi1 in -r neil anthesomnibus-peter jazz hyne. p.m. - tom Stevens till two

Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - sign on 9:05 a.m. - morning mania with marg mcgraw 11:45 a.m. - world news 12:Ol p.m. - jake arnold 2:00 p.m. - jim russell 4:OO. p.m. - paul mceachern 6:00 p.m. - on icom news 6:30 p.m.- mind blast 6:45 p.ni. - the folke. art with dave minden 9:00 p.m. - Steve todd 11:00 p.m. - pink pickels and green cheese with smiley. t hursday -9:00 a.m. - sign on

Two female dogs need a home for summer may to September. Large fenced in b&k yard preferred. Willing

Bazoche Placide Bazoche, a roman catholic priest from Quebec, will appear on campus next week to address students. Bazoche, North American secretary of the Christian World Student Federation, will speak on “theology and radical politics in Canada”, Quebec, and other topics. His address, sponsored by the Student Christian Movement on .campus, will be in AL 105 at 8 pm monday.

work on the referendum come down to the chevron staff meeting , , tuesday 8 pee em \

morning-anne stewa rt. 11:45 a.m. - world news 12:Ol p.m. -peter hunt 2:00 p.m. - greg connor 4:00 p.m. - elaine 6:00 p.m. - unicorn news 6:30 p.m. - the rounds with bill faul kner 9:00 p.m. - mor----Phil turney 11: 00 p.m. - john snider and madness till two friday 9:OO a.m. - sign on 9:05 a.m. - - ernie fish (h2o) 11:45 a.m. - world news 12:Ol p.m. - brad Oliver 2:00 p.m. - art kumpat ’ 4:00 p.m. - larry halko 6:00 p.m. - un icom news 6:30 pm. - dave helm 9:00 &m. - gary ware 1l:OO p.m. - peter nieuwhof Saturday 9:00 a.m. - sign on 9:05 a.m. - children’s hour with barbara lo:30 a.m. - music for Saturday 12:00 p.m.‘- alan buchnea 2:00 p.m. - calypso with george mccalman 4:bO p.m. - al foerster supper rock 8:OO p.m. - space probe 9:OO p.m. - stop at struens 11:00 p.m. - mark sully sunday 9:00 a.m. - sign on 9:05 a.m. - classics 12:00 p.m. - smokey valley 2:00 p.m. - jenny 4:oo pm. - gord and or mark 6:00 p.m.- blues with jim Collins 8:00 p.m. - sunday night 9:00 p.m. - dilemna 1l:OO p.m. - vie ragozins.

Classified ads are accepted between 9 and 5 in the chevron office. See Chartorte. Rates are 50 cents for the first fifteen words and five cents each per extra word. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m.


Students and professors alike who would like to act as moderator for noncommercial community TV station call 576-9870 for further information 9-5. Waterloo Cheerleading Society tryouts for the winter semester both males and females required. 4: 50 pm physed combatives. Our success this term depends on your support. Leave messages in physed office, with Mary.

cable fm monday 9:00 a.m. g:o5 a.m. -

to pay for food Phone 579-4845.



Wanted for a fatherless boy, a big brother to take me skiing. Have my own equipment. Call 578-3523. FOR SALE Record changer-dual 1210 with base, cover, magnetic cartridge and lencocleaner $100. 576-8619. Pgssport pictures done quickly. Overnight service at no extra charge. Four pictures $3. Nigel 884-7865. Skis Dynastar 207 solomon bindings. Used one week. Call Claude 744-5984. 19” RCA Victor black and white portable TV in excellent condition. Best offer. Phone 578-2226. 1964 Volkswagen deluxe. AM-FM radio. $450 or best offer. Palit ext 3816 or 744-5614 after 7pm. Panasonic stereo cassette AM-FM radio, 6 month warranty, need bread $300 (new $500) Gene 578-6686. 47-piece china set, beautiful, only $35; VW windshield. 576-5412. Record changer BSR model UA-70 includes walnut base, dust cover and magnetic cartridge. $80. 579-3107. TYPING Experienced typist will do thesis and essays. Reasonable rates. Phone 744-

6255. All typing done efficiently and promptly. Call Mrs Marion Wright 745-1111

during office evenings.



Will do typing at home 35~. per page essays, thesis, etc. Phone 744-4546. I HOUSING AVAILABLE Available May and june only, Westmount fully furnished three bedroom house, garden: table all appliances. $200 per month inclusive. No children. Phone 578-0695. Summer of 72 may to September. Your own bedroom in a furnished two bedroom apartment within ten munutes of any point on campus. All facilities for your use. Write Al Lu kachko, P.O. Box 595, Station “K”, Toronto, 310, Ont. Girls one place available now -in townhouse. No restrictions, full use of home and equipment. Mrs Wright 7451111 weekdays; 745-1534 evenings. Two bedroom apartment available immediately or february 1. Silverbirch Road, Waterloo. $150 rent includes appliances, cable TV and all utilities. Phone days 745-1108; eveniings 7441033. For rent 6 bedroom house on 9th Avenue with garage. Steve White 5787771 evenings-578-1463. Single and double rooms for rent, excellent cooking and washing facilities. Close to university male only. Ca II 743-9568. Looking for a place to live? Co-op has rooms and different meal arrangements to suit you. Phone 578-




by brute

Engsoc It can no longer be a secret to any student on this campus that his rights, privileges and voice, as a member of this university community, are in jeopardy. The time has arrived for a no-nonsense indication of our true thoughts about an effective student representation at Waterloo. The problem, simply stated, is one of genuine partnership in the decision-making process at this university. On february 23,1972 you will be asked to make known your alle’giance. February 23 is the date when the students of uniwat will elect to determine their confidence in a strong student voice through a solid and solvent Federation. The question before you on’ the referendum ballot is whether or o not you want the present compulsory student activity fee of twenty-two dollars per annum made optional. However, the much larger question at stake here is the very existenceof student activities and services as presently provided, by ourselves for ourselves, through the Federation of Students. Clearly, the alternative to a Federation of Students is for us to allow the university administration to arbitrarily implement a “fee” of $25, $30, or $50 per year-out of which sum they will impose their concept of sports, social and cultural ‘progammes. This option, quite obviously, does not allow for any recourse by the students (that is,

the person paying) regarding general budget allocations; priorities of recreational, social or cultural events; and specific student services to be provided. It is my sincere hope that before ‘referendum day’ arrives on february 23rd all societies, clubs and individual student members of the Federation of Students will read the publication soon to be available in the federation office an,d all society offices, “The


- Two reports are now under room. Council meetings are held discussion in the engineering every other monday. department. The first calls for the Enginews will be coming’ otit in -initiation of a liberal degree in the first week of february. engineering similar to that given in Deadline for all articles or items is arts. ’ The student will be given a next tuesday, jan 25. Leave’ your minimum number of engineering articles in the Enginews box in the If you have any questions whatsosubjects to fulfil1 and will make up engsoc office. ever regarding how you relate or , the remainder of his requirements receive benefits through your with courses from other departG a Y 1 i be rat i 0 t”l society or the federation, please ments. ask any member of the federation The aim will be to give the executive and students’ council, or student a liberal education in Gay Liberation Movement anyour society representatives. engineering that wil! allow him to nounces regular office hours by Carl Sulliman continue his education in such Ibeginning january 24 in humanities fields as management, graduate 383 E. There will be people studies, law, medicine and available to give out any inbusiness. This is in line with the formation or counselling desired dolar. A full set of instructions for fact that there are an increasing from 9: 30 to 4 30. Phone extension each vehicle. The Big Brother #number of engineering grads going 2608. organization will be using the into fields that are not strictly money for their camp McGovern. technical engineering. No name has been decided upon for the new degree but graduates of the 1 The Ukrainian Club meets every Nominations - for federation program will be eligible for other Wednesday in the humanities president closed at 5pm. wedrecognition by A.P.E.O. for a undergrad lounge. The next nesday with five candidates slated. P.Eng., the normal degree for meeting is s&heduied for jan 26. Two of the candidates have had engineering students. federation experience, while the The second report was made by others have had none directly. professor Clough of the departDave Blaney , hist. 4 is presently ment of management sciences. He The first planning ‘74 meeting of federation vice-president while calls for the creation of an unthe new year was held december . Abie Weisfeld sci 3 worked on the dergraduate department of 13. In the ensuing discussion it was federation’s war research commanagement science. At present decided to circulate an information mittee. there is only a graduate school. sheet inquiring as the interests of The others are Terry Canus, The purpose of this new program the club members. Students are math 3, Terry Moore arts 3, and would be to marry technical and asked to return this form to the David Simpson, sci lb. administrative qualities in the ESS office. It is hoped that this Yesterday and today the student. form will give the executive the Any comments or feedback federation has been mailing out necessary guidance to determine about either of the two propsed information on the candidates and club projects. programs is asked to be directed to ballots for out-term co-op students. Jim Orgill in the Engsoc office. The chevron will feature more So far only one project has been information and interviews with The second mbeting of Engsoc discussed. This is a field trip to the “A” council will be monday jan 24 Lockwood the candidates in next week’s Air Photography issue. at 6: 00 pm in the board and senate Company. Federation of Studenjs: Students Serving Students.” This brochure has been especially prepared to inform members of the Federation about services, organizations and resources available to them.


Ra~lly for Big Brother The tri country jeep club will be sponsoring a four-wheel-drive rally on sunday january 30. The proceedings froni the rally will be given toward the big brother organization. The proceedings will be raised from drivers who obtain pledges for the number of miles they drive. The rally will be approximately 60 miles in length and starts from the Kitchener Holiday Inn. There is an entry fee of one

Cards to India Old Christmas’ cards are being collected on campus to be sent to India where they can be converted into money for medical expenses and food. The cards can be used for scratch paper, decorations in hospitals or used again. Cards may be mailed to “Christmas Cards, Renison College, University of Waterloo.” Still have some Christmas cards lying around? They can be put to good use.


Five for pres


CAMPUS FORUM What would the loss of the federation’ of students mean to you?by helmutt


John Larocque p sci 3 The loss of the federation would mean the loss of potential vehicles of change in the political structure of the university. The engineered loss of this potential vehicle can only be interpreted as authoritarian and bureaucratic on the part of the administration to further remove from the students any possibility of constructive self determination and change. There is an element of thought on campus that parts of the federation itself are “on the take” so to speak. They have been coopted by the administration and are simply unwitting lackeys of authoritarian bureaucracy. And there is also another school of thought that certain members are not only unwitting dupes of the administration but are definitely consciously in league with the administration.


Richard Goeller phil The loss of a hell of a lot of good movies which I enjoy. That’s about the only ’ thing I see that the federation has been good for, but it’s been very good at that. It also means that the students aren’t going to have a voice, but they don’t have one now anyway. Nobody is saying anything over there. They’re sitting on their asses instead of getting upset about things like towing practices, the’ university act, etc.

Marc Roberts Applied sot sci 3 If there was no federation there would be no support for the chevron and cheap concerts and pubs. The students would be in a poor position for bargaining with the administration. Students are generally unaware of what the federation is doing for them and don’t seem to care. This apathy and alienation could be accredited to the current federation’s policies of closed elitist control. The federation should be open to and representative of all student needs. They should be carrying out an educational programme. This type’of federation would deserve SuPPort.


I’m not criticizing the idea of th’e federation; what I am criticizing are the oeople who are in it now. i ’ now.

Burt Matthews president, university of Waterloo . If the federation as we now it will be know it disappears, replaced by something else. There will be some central governing ’ structure of the student body. Whether it is the present federation or not, there will be something. All we have to do is look at history on this. In those universities where the existing central governingstructureof the student body disappeared for one reason or another it has been replaced by something that will take its place as a central group. And that will happen. I don’t think there is any high school that doesn’t have some sort of central governing structure for the students. And that will also apply here. So in effect whether I support a central governing structure or not, there will be one. And indeed I do support it for the reasons indicated.


Peter Davidson eng 4b As I’m a graduating student, the result of the vote will not affect me. However if the vote indicates a preference for voluntary fees, then in all probability the eiisting federation will collapse and the students will find that they are without a great deal of services that they have become accustomed to taking for granted. There’s quite a considerable list of things such as free use of a lawyer for landlord tenant disputes, the post office, the campus shop, social events like pubs, movies and dances, the chevron, the bus service t/o toronto, the birth control centre, etc. I This vote was precipitated by a group of fourth year engineers in february of 1971 who were displeased with bperation of the federation perhaps without much thought of the consequence of a voluntary fee, the ‘consequences being what I’ve just mentioned.

21 january










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to ask about









The Canadian Council on Social Development has published a twopart report, with recommendations, of an inquiry during the summer of 1971 on transient youth Opportunities for Youth. The report says that since the transient youth situation has apparently stabilized, the federal government should solidfy its commitment in the field of transient youth and concentrate on filling the gaps and inadequacies in services. It urges that OFY be continued in 1972, with further innovations. The Council’s assessment of last summer’s youth programs, carried out in july and august, was published december 14 under the title Youth ‘71. The report contains 12 recommendations on transient youth and 14. on OFY which have been forwarded to the Secretary of State. “It is imperative that the Opportunities for Youth program be continued, with further experimentation”, says Reuben C. Baetz, executive director of the Council. “The overall impression gained in. our inquiry is that the 1971 Opportunities for Youth program enjoyed general public acceptance and created strong student identity and satisfaction with the specific projects in which they were involved, even if it did not always meet their financial requirements. However, it is much more difficult to assess the value to the intended recipients of services of some of the projects with social service components. Our impression is that many projects were most helpful, whereas others, and particularly those requiring a high degree of professional skill and treatment of pathological conditions, were of much less value. Furture projects in these areas will require very close collaboration between youth and the professional involved. “Clearly, Canadians, both employed and unemployed, approve ‘work opportunity’ projects of this nature”, said Mr. Baetz. “A major reason, no -doubt, is that most people are hooked on work, and abhor idleness. Consequently, an opportunities program would seem to be a mutually more acceptable way of dealing with the unemployment crisis, at least at present, than an indefinite expansion of existing transfer programs, even’if the latter are more effective in the short run”. The council report recommends that OFY 1972, while primarily designed for students, should be open to all youth, and that the provinces should develop and expand their own youth programs in close collaboration with the federal government. In line with the criticism about communication problems voiced by participants in the OFY program, the report recommends that the program in 1972 decentralize its administrative procedures on a regional basis, and that consultants be attached to regional offices to help with special problems. The report says that perhaps the most criticized aspect of the project selection process was the failure of OFY bureaucracy to communicate with and seek advice from “community reference points”. Social agencies complained that they were necessary partners once projects got under way, but that they had not been called upon for suggestions or advice in the


planning stages. The report stresses that attention should be given to longer term projects for youth in general, as well as summer student projects, and that’ students be enabled to participate in some projects on a part-time basis throughout the school year. “For transient youth, we urge the expansion and improvement of existing services and a consolidation of federal government commitment in the field,” says Mr. Baetz. “After three years of studying . the transient youth phenomenon, we are prepared to state that from our observation the situation has stabilized. Compared to the summer of 1969 and 1970, there was much less effort at confrontation between adult society and the counter culture adopted by many youth. The underlying suspicion and overt hostility to transients which marredearly attempts to establish hostels and services, and which was reciprocated by many transients, has largely disappeared. Attitudes of police toward transients and conversely of transients to law enforcement agencies have softened. The drug scene is quieter. This may be due to less inclination on the part’ of communities to press the panic button on this issue or to less use of drugs for non-medical purposes or a combination of both. There seems to be much more consensus on the appropriate roles of federal, provincial and local governments, community groups, and youth themselves. “Our principal recommendation is for a network of youth hostels that is federally financed and guided by uniform, but flexible, standards across the country. What we have now is approaching a national network, in that all local communities were able to apply for federal funds for hostels and services this year, but there continue to be some serious gaps and inadequacies that should be filled. Emergency dental care, for example, is needed for transient youth. Local organizing committees should urge local and provincial dental associations to establish such programs as a public service. “Young people want to travel. Although about one-third of the -youth in our survey sample told us they would have worked if jobs had been available, another 60.8 per cent said they would have travelled anyway. “Our report shows that most of the young people appreciated the improved accommodation in 1971: more than 80 percent preferred the 1971 hostels to the 1970 armouries. Criticism centres on the slowness in approving grants for hostels, and the delays in actually getting the funds. We recommend that the amount of the federal grant be set in advance, and that it be paid before the opening of the hostel. We should like to urge, too, that organization of the hostels be handled by a local committee, representing various sectors of the community, including youth.” The information kiosk program should be dropped, the report states. “The formula seemed more suitable to carrying out some propaganda purposel for the federal government than in meeting the real needs of transient youth”. It proposes instead that the federal government finance central youth information and referral services in larger urban communities. Such a service should operate a housing registry and referral program, as well as provide information and referral on medical, legal, drug, welfare and other necessary services.








by Una O’Callaghan the chevron

The history department’s new doctoral program will finally get under way next September, with the admission of five doctoral candidates. The program was approved by Senate before, Christmas despite the Ontario government’s embargo on new graduate programs. As long as the embargo continues history will lose out on the BIU funds which doctoral candidates usually generate, and the candidated themselves will not qualify for Ontario government grants. But the history department is not too concerned about BIU’s. They have decided to go ahead with the program and have the full backing of President Matthews and Senate. “We’ve hired the faculty for the program, first class people with distinguished academic records, some of whom have experience in PhD programs”, says history chairman D.N. Baker. History has also been building up a research library to the tune of half-a-million dollars, and has lured a number of high calibre academics to the department. Among those are professor John New, a specialist in Tudor-Stuart studies, professor G.M. Ostrander, a specialist in american social and intellectual history, and professor Donald Lammers, a specialist in European diplomatic history. A number of- promising young people have also joined the department such as Richard Guisso, a Lieutenant Governor Award winner from the university of Toronto, James Walker who specializes in third world studies and Donald Horton who specializes in French Canadian history. These new additions combined with the more longstanding members of the department make for a pretty impressive group. As the students put it, “history is the most dynamic department on this campus these days.” Baker stresses that the launching of the program is not an act of defiance. The program was favorably appraised last apri,l but fell under the general embargo by the government last march. He addes that the argument about overproduction of PhD’s does not apply in history. During the 1958-68 period Ontario produced a total of 58 PhD’s in history to fill 225 new positions. The


university of Toronto turned out 47 of these, Ottawa10, McMaster 1, and Queens, Western, York and Guelph none. If it’s like this in Ontario its probably worse in the rest of the country”, he stated. It’s simply not true that Canadian universities are producing too many historians,” Baker says. The program which will be brought before senate for, reassessment after a one year trial period, will specialize in the following areas. 0 European history, from the renaissance era to the present. l Canadian and American history, from european discovery to the present; l British history, late medieval, early modern, and modern. l Imperial history and indigenous people’s responses. Apart from the loss of funds to the department Baker feels that the embargo won’t affect the dot-I toral candidates very much. “Only high calibre people will be admitted to the program many of whom whill probable have scholarships anyway. Also, we can pay students for services rendered, offer sessional appointments, and get support from outside. granting agencies such as Canada Council,” he says. Only students holding an MA or M Phil with A standing will be admitted into the program. Since all candidates cannot be admitted however, special attention will be paid to the appropriateness of the departments areas to the students proposed fields of study. Fluency in one language other than English is .a minimum requirement. The program will differ somewhat from traditional PhD programs in that students will write a series of papers (of publishable or near publishable quality) in both their major and minor fields. These papers will replace the usual comprehensive examination, and do-away with the normal course work:’ Also, the candidate will work under a supervising committee (rather than one supervisor) which will establish the candidates course, language and essay requirements. To date the department has received ten applications for the program, eight of which are from outside Waterloo. ,


Campus drivers who feel they’re being taken by the new parking regulations may not be aware that an appeals committee exists to hear their cases. The appeals group-consisting of one student, a faculty member and a staff representative-meets !once a month to judge letters of appeal on all parking violations. A traffic supervisor from security also appears at the ‘meetings to explain the rules and the details of the infractions. Students are not invited to- appear in defense of their appealsare not, in fact, even told when the meetings are to be held-and faculty rep R.L. Porter feels personal appearances might make the appeals procedure too unwieldy. “I’ve never even thought about it,” he said, “but I’m not sure it’s a good idea. The meetings might go on a day or more.” Porter said that some angry motorists have come to committee members “and the arguments just went in cycles, both sides simply repeating their points over and over.” Porter and A.E. Wickson, the staff rep from engineering machine shop, have been on the committee for about three years. The student member is Dave Blaney, federation council member who took the seat when vice-president Carl Sulliman resigned last fall. Porter sees the committee as an “excellent” setup, since faculty, staff and students ar!e equally represented-meaning one eachbut Blaney considers it a less than satisfactory situation. “No one should be able to sit on the board unless they have to walk a half mile from their car to




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campus,” Bla$ney suggested. “In that case, only students would be on the committee. It’s fairly easy for the other two (representatives) to be consistently hard-headed about the appeals, since they are allotted the -best parking spots.” Blaney said that since most of the appeals are from students, the vote generally comes down to the student rep voting against the other two members. But, according to Porter, the three members have always gotten along well and are generally in agreement in the voting. “We don’t make the rules and we can’t decide how fair they are,” .Porter explained. “We can only judge as to whether or not the rules were broken.” Said Blaney : “We can never cope with the absurdity of some of the rules, so its kind of futile.” Porter told the chevron that he has “serious reservations” about <parts of the new towing policy. “I can’t say that I’m against towing as a policy,” he said, “But I can see a case against taking the

cars all the way to Bridgeport. I’m not sure how a private pany

got the rights

And com-


&Bms Outdoor

to do that,"

Although the university gets none of the money from the towing, Porter said he was not sure a return to the ticket svstem would accomplish any good: “After all, a lot of people just never bothered to pay tickets before the controlled-access lots were in force. “In fact, one professor had boasted all over about the large number of tickets he had accumulated over his years here.” Porter and Blaney estimated that about 12-15 appeals are handled a month, with perhaps a quarter of those approved on the average. There is a president’s advisory group which has the power to change the regulations and,’ until then, the appeals committee can only continue to decide infractions of existing regulations. But, as Porter suggested, “I don’t understand why the university can’t just tow cars to someplace on campus.”


from Waterho


The federation photo co-op has started taking graduation photos. Reacting to the expense of grad photos, the federation has undertaken to produce inexpensive grad photos in black and white on a -break-even basis.. The *hoto co-op will also do weddings, baby pictures, project and essay work, also on a breakeven basis. The second phase of the photo coop is a photography club for


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anyone on campus which will have its own darkroom. The main aim will be to bring together the numerous people interested in, ori learning about, photography in a relaxed, social atmosphere. There will be training for people interested in learning camera and darkroom procedures, speakers, films, and exhibits. For further information, contact the federation’ of students office in the campus center.

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The youth adult program (YAP) based in the Fat Angel drop-in centre is presently expanding its services to the young drop-outs in the twin cities. It is doing so with grants recently received through. the federal winter works ’ programme and the department of national health and welfare. YAP was formed in September of 1970 through Conestoga college in an attempt to offer a viable alternative in creative learning to those who found it difficult or impossible to remain in the normal high school system. Although .operating with relative success there was a real possibility of the programme folding last spring when Conestoga college was forced to cut supporting funds due to the tightening of the provincial department of education. Since then “a small nucleus of people including Paul Rubin, who was associate director last year, have stayed on as part-time coordinators of a skeleton programme with about ten participants. At present, with seven hired resource persons the number of persons is to be allowed to raise to about 25 persons. The activities and courses in which persons can become involved is hoped to- be as diverse as the participants interest dictates. For example, last year many persons joined classes at Waterloo Lutheran university for various courses including psychology, philosophy, history, sociology, religion and culture as well as many seminar classes on related topics and music and art classes. The programmes’ purpose is largely to provide a centre from which the participant is able to find resources by which to learn to express himself. There has been a favourable expression of interest from ma ny workman toward the programme. . There are possibilities of setting’ up apprenticeship for various trades which the student may wish to , , enter. While accredidation is not the direct purpose of YAP, it is possible to get tutorial instruction in the various arts and science disciplines. The aim of YAP is to function as a cohesion unit without stifling the individual voice but rather encouraging it. Everyone in the programme is to be accountaable to the others in the sense that he or she is free to pursue their own ideas except in cases where it is ’ deemed impractical by the others. Such decisions are determined by the group in meetings where all are present- and where both the students and staff have the same. vote. Therefore the programme is to be both a community in and of itself but also a collection of free individuals involving themselves and the outer community in various efforts. The youth adult programme is for persons interested in becoming involved in their own education and willing to participate with others working toward this same aend. Anyone interested in participating or in just talking should drop in to the fat angel and rap.


by deanna kaufmap the chevron

Still in full

10% to 50% off.

sttaw dogs One of the most heralded movies of the year could do with a few less Ztrumpets.

Amy compares him with the rough men for whom she still 1as an attraction.

Sam Peckinpah’s “Straw Dogs”, opening today at the Capital, has been highly praised by most reviewers and it was a disappointment to see it and find that it didn’t meet expectations.

Amy is much given to bubble gum, jeans and sneakers and though she seems to be doing her best to learn chess so she can communicate with her intellectual husband, she is far more attracted to the open sexuality .of the work-, men.

Dustin Hoffman plays David, an american mathematician who has retreated from US violence, but who has never taken part or even seen any of that violence except on television. David and his teeny-bopper graduate wife Amy, played by . Susan George, have escaped to a picturesque english village, actually Amy’s home town. -But their pastoral retreat is from idyllic. The villagers given to violent outbreaks in pub and David and Amy both objects of their sex‘ual desires fantasies.

far are the are and

David’s masculinity seems to be in doubt both in the minds of the villagers and his own wife. Because he is more inclined to write equations on the blackboard than fix the garage roof or confront the hired workmen about the death of his wife’s pet cat, David is sneered at by the hired men while

Their interest and lust is incited by her public appearances saris bra and especially by one appearance at a window even the tight sweater. So it only seems just lure David away on a leaving him fruitlessly the mythical beasties, return to the house to

when they snipe hunt, pursuing while they rape Amy.

Peckinpah’s interspersal of the rape with scenes of David stumbling around in the bush; is an interesting technique and one that he uses later in the film at a church social with more compelling results . But the timid mathematicianfinally makes his stand-not in defending Amy’s questionable virtue-but in protecting a mentally retarded man from the villagers.

Barricading, his family and himself inside the centuries old stone house, David makes a oneman stand against six or seven or maybe it was eight, armed men. The invaders, who, unreasonably, fight now to the last man to kill David, die in a burst of blood and gore while David rushes around looking self-satisfied and pleased that he can finally do something besides write on a chalkboard.


evening’s See How They as ‘a light and ribtickling evening of farce’ was also, I believe, to be considered a play. As a play, however, it made a better evening if by ‘evening’ is meant ‘time to be spent’. Once you realize Run is a comedy it is easy to fill up the two hours the performance takes-all you have to do is laugh at the jokes. Light, eh. If the farce is done as well as Run, you may-- enjoy laughing. Run advertised

sustains itself by making fun of ‘british propriety’represented’ by a collection of vicars-‘old maids’ and ‘russian communists’. Like all ‘old maids’, this one, miss Skillon, is a village gossip. She is very down on the local vicar’s (reverend Toop’s) wife, an american ex-actress. Miss Skillon discovers mrs. Toop apparently (to her) making out with an american soldier on the vicarage floor. Not true. They are only acting out a fight scene from; a play they used to do together. Miss Skillon is accidentally knocked out, then left in the vicarage where she gets drunk on the vicar’s cooking sherry. Run

Mrs. Toop and the soldier come back. (Soldier had had to exchange uniform for vicar’s second suit.) Another vicar arrives, one who was to take reverend Toop’s service the next day. Sergeant Towees from the airbase comes looking for the spy. Has to pick him out from four men claiming to be vicars. American soldier tricks russian spy into revealing his true identity. Play ends. Two short plays were presented Saturday evening, one called Adaptation and the other called Next. Adaptation was the name for a TV game show and all the action of the play is the game, following the maturation of a ‘typical’ american male from infancy through school, marriage and job promotions to death. Most of the jokes were conventional wisecracks on what is usually supposed to be contemporary social and family life, i.e. the struggle. to fulfil1 the american dream of materialistic happiness.


TRAPPlnGS~ the







But, “Wild Bunch” was at least set in a historically reasonable context and not openly contrived like “Straw Dogs.” The overly-advertised “heights of dramatic intensity” was never attained. Actually there is probably more emotional intensity in a late-movie version of “Lassie Come Home.” After a while, watching bodies die in various forms of agony, becomes rather like seeing so many billiard balls falling into the corners pockets.

see how they run Mr. Toop -returns from a piano recital he had given that evening. Finds miss Skillon hung over his couch. Receives a’ phone call warning him that a russian spy has escaped from a nearby airbase. Spy comes to vicgrage to steal reverend Toop’s clothes. For the rest of the play the vicar chases the spy wearing only his underwear. Is later joined by an elderly relative dressed in nightgown and cap..


Is Peckipah trying to say that all men “instinctively” want to kill and that all women want to be raped? Probably, since his earlier film “Wild Bunch” also filled the screen with slow-motion death and mutilated bodies.

by lynn bowers 1the chevron

It takes skill to produce not only a fine play, but also a thoroughgoing TV-type situation comedy. Sheer skill saved two of the three evening performances for the kansas state actors, the Continental Theatre Company, and the audience. Only the third and last act was interesting in itself.


MON. JAN 24 12 : 30 P.M. AL 116 Free Admission Films: LISMER: Th e work of Arthur Lismer, member Group of Seven. CORREL,l EU: THE


of the

The life and works of Ozias Leduc, painter of Quebec countryside. INN: Canada of a hundred years ago, seen through the palntrngs of Cornelius Krieghoff.

TUES. & WED. JAN. 25 & 26 11:30 A.M. Drama: THE MONKEY’S PAW by W.W. Jacobs Directed by Maurice Evans Presented by the University Players A story of a magical paw that grants three wishes with unsavorj results. A very thrilling and suspenseful theatre experience. Theatre of the Arts Free Admission THURS. JAN. 27 11:30 a.m. concert - JOHN CONSTANT - Music for catgut Theatre of the Arts Free Admission

and planks

Some of the sight gags were goodthe father’s death, the TV host’s costume-but generally Adaptation was only a good imitation of a TV production. It is possible to feel much more sympathy for the man in Next, a two-character about play loneliness. The man, a forty-two year old, down-and-out assistant manager of a movie theatre, has been called in by his government for a physical examination to determine his draft status. Pathetically, he enters the examining room carrying a urine sample. For some time he gets no at tention. Finally, the examining officer, a female army sergeant, comes in and begins to snap questions at him: At first, the man mocks the cold inanity of the sergeant’s prying: Examiner : ‘Do you have any brothers?’ Man: ‘Yes, one, and he’s fine.’ Examiner : ‘Deceased or living?’ Man: ‘Well, he was alive last night. ’ But under the threat of a 10,000 dollar fine he submits to this ignoblement only to find out that he is probably unfit. The sergeant leaves the examining room and the man breaks down, all his attempts at communication frustrated, his. worth scorned. Bitterly, enragedly, he screams, ‘Next ! ’ The stage goes blank.

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Ian & Sylvia (Columbia C30736) have never been too concerned about keeping up with the latest pop fads, but have been content to charm a steadily growing audience with their own distinctive brand of “folk-rock.” Their latest album is characteristically gentle, quiet, and chock full of what we older flower children would describe as “good vibes.” Half of the songs were recorded in Nashville and thus benefit from the presence of the “Area Code 615” superb session boys, musicians who provide impeccable country backgrounds for the three strongest tunes : “More Often Than Not,” “Summer, Wages,” and “Some Kind of Fool,” the last the familiar theme song of “The Ian Tyson Show.” Everybody cooks, but steel guitarist Weldon Myrick deserves special mention for the whiny, lonesome sound he coaxes from his instrument-fantastic. Also noteworthy is “Midnight,” lament featuring a plaintive Sylvia’s vocal and piano-quiet desperation in the a.m., and very well done. The message songs (“Lincoln Freed Me” and “Needle of Death”) however, are pretty corny, wrapped in a stifling mantle of mid-60’s self-righteousness, and a part of their repertoire which the Tysons should consider discarding, or at least updating. One final accolade for John Hill’s string arrangements, which are unusual, in terms of many recent pop releases, in that they are tasteful, compatible with Ian & Sylvia’s performance style, and never overbearing. On the whole, a very carefully conbeived and executed album, which should appeal to just about everyone I can think of-whoops, not you, speedy. Leon Russell, the crazed okie genius behind such monster efforts as Mad Dogs and Englishmen, has a friend named Marc Benno, withwhom he periodically records as “The Asylum Choir.” Their second album, Asylum Choir II (Shelter SW 8910), is a lightweight, but generally enjoyable, pastiche which succeeds through understatement rather than bombast. Typical is “Sweet Home an affectionate tribute! Chicago,” to Muddy, Wolf, et al., no pretensions of the, “Whitey too can play the blues” variety. Russell’s funky piano provides a solid fQLlndation throughout, especially on “‘Learn How to Boogie”-if Canned Heat arruldn’k-teach you, Leon still mighlr-rd the range of material (whim@@!& to timostheavy helps to compensate for the similarities of arrangement and instrumentation. . _ Since ‘Russell and Benno composed all the songs and played all the instruments, Asylum Choir II bears a marked resemblance to Paul McCartney’s first solo album: both are extended, and perhaps a bit indulgent, selfportraits which help to delineate the character of their respective, authors. Although neither album is particularly innovative, both are amusing, tuneful, and consistently entertaining. Nice to meet you, Marc and Leon. . .you all come back now, hear? Morse Code Transmission (RCA LSP-4575) is a French-Canadian group which has been spiffed up for anglo consumption : translated, , orchestrated, and perhaps even

normanmailered and ~maxwelltaylored. This is a rather strange release, but don’t say the liner notes didn’t warn you: Those who prefer easy listening as well as those who dig the progressive or gummer sounds can easily identify with the Transmission. They are non-offensive yet somehow retain a strong message identity that permeates the complete production.

“Non-offensive” it largely is, offering Guess Who-Moody Bluestype material which defies any effort to listen attentively: hip Muzak, except that it isn’t all that hip. “Hunting and Laughing,” a Canadian Cajun song, is a pleasant idiosyncrasy, as are two short, Chopinesque pieces for piano, but for the most part this is an album which goes in one ear and out the other. “Freedom Train,” however, is an exceptional three and a half minutes of good music : a bona-fide hard rocker, with great organ comping by Christian Simard and a very effective Yardbirdsmysterioso chorus. A full album of this in French (given vocalist Simard’s obvious difficulty in phrasing the unfamiliar. English lyrics) would be something to get excited about, as well as a blow for Canadian unity: so knock on it, RCA, and disabuse yourselves of the notion that “Canadian content” ‘ means “English-Canadian content.” Finally, a sad tale of musical folly : Once upon a time there was a very high-energy band called “Quicksilver Messenger Service, ’ ’ part of the great, west coast explosion which also produced the Grateful Dead and the Jefferson Airplane. All three bands had difficulty in presenting their sound on records but “Q.M.S.” was originally the most successful : after a competent, Electric Flaginfluenced first album, their second effort, Happy Trails, captured one of the few valid extended works in rock history with the 25minute “Who Do You Love” variations on Side One. Then Nicky Hopkins replaced Gary Duncan and Quicksilver became much more organized and much less exciting. They made some very pretty music during this period, but the thrill had gone: they could still hold their own in a jam with The Grateful Dead, but their recorded output was distressingly mediocre. Now Hopkins has gone, and Quicksilver (Capitol SW-8191 9their new album, indicates that the remaining members of the band do not possess sufficient talent to make it on their own. This music stems mainly from the pen of Dino Valente, and it is on a par with his vocals : melodically unexceptionable, harmonically dull, indistinguishable from any other indifferently talented group you care to mention. Sad. Quicksilver has listened-m-The Grateful Dead’s country-andwestern excursions 9mbut Valente isn’t Jerry Garcia ; “Don’t Cry My Lady Lqve” makes it as a tribute to The Everly Brothers but that is it as far as the musical pleasures of Quicksilver are concerned. Forget this, give Happy Trails a listen, and think of what might have been. Yes, those are the saddest words. . . --pad




by david cubberly, the chevron


Hot Shit and Whoopee The current wave of new blues releases indicates that money exists where formerly there was little more than heartache and darkness, studios and facilities are open and people, well, people are buying like mad once again. This spurt leaves the ‘fan’ with yet another set of tantalizing choices at his fingertips, while anyone whose interest runs deeper is placed in a more contradictory position. The public-ization of blues means both that there is more of it available and that the genre is wide open to the distortions of commerce. Money, support and good equipment means the introduction of a lot of new talent and the chance for creative sessions among the best in a manner not formerly possible; a burgeoning market can also mean frenzied recording and the full exploitation of what is yet another saleable commodity. Somewhere in the middle the music may just get lost.

fruits rewarding Happily rewarding


initial fruits are and ‘McKinley Morganfield (Chess-9033-60006) is a prime example. Essentially a compilation of Muddy Waters’ (also known as McKinley Morganf ield > finest pieces, the album stands as a collectors piece in its own right; charting fully the overpowering presence of Waters, it serves as a biographical introduc tion. The sweep of this double set makes one immediately conscious of the huge debt of more recent ’ artists to their less recognized forebearers. ‘I Just Want To Make Love To You’, one of the songs which leant the first Stones lp its innovative punch, was little more _ than a direct incorporation of the Waters’ arrangement, speeded up and showing less talent and depth. Also Johnny Winter’s version of ‘Rolling and Tumbling’ should perhaps be viewed as a tribute to Muddy’s skill at putting it together. The impact of Muddy’s music deprives from its simplicity and depth, a result of the teaming of his voice (try ‘Hoochie Coochie Man’) and unique guitar work (Honey Bee), which buzzes and ‘sails on’ with the superb harp, piercing and, siren-like, of men like Walter ‘Shakey’ Horton and the current Paul Oscher. Throw in, on occasion, the piano work of an Otis Spann and little more need be said concerning the why and the wherefore.

great listening What remains is a whole twentyplus years of superlative listening-there literally isn’t a cut that doesn’t recommend itself completely. Add in the tender crackle of several re-recorded dusty 78 tracks (one from about 1948), just for history’s sake, and the album is complete. The final cut on side four, a live version of ‘Got My Mojo Working’

(Muddy’s theme) taken from the 1960 Newport Festival, opens up another space that record companies are only too happy to fill. If a group is good its real talent shines forth in the live performance more than in the synthetic atmosphere of the recording studio. Noting this, its but a ‘small step to Muddy Waters Live (Chess903350012) which proves the point. Recorded at Mister Kelly’s in Chicago the album sidesteps the worst aspects of large crowd, live performances and develops a very personal mood in the less frenetic, more relaxed atmosphere of the bar. While the product of Waters and Co.‘s labours is excellent, one wonders about Muddy’s perceptions of some of his listeners from the occasionally sarcastic ‘thankyou, thankyou very much’ thrown in at the end of each song, coupled with an at-times paltry applause. Nonetheless, both quickly warm to one another.

effortless talent This time round Muddy makes it with a number of really effortless vocals and a competent and uncluttered band that thrives on Joe Perkins’ piano. Needless to say Oscher (the harp player that -did it to the Waterloo audience) is superb.

Cuts that really stand out are ‘Stormy Monday Blues’, done more simply but no less emotionally than the Allman Brothers recent version ; ‘Boom, Boom’ which, while getting off to a slow start, upstages Hooker’s later renditions; and ‘You Don’t Have To Go’ a moving Jimmy Reed number featuring Oscher and Waters outdoing one another such that the audience wins. One more mention-‘Strange Woman’ is an absolutely flawless cut, slow and haunting, it forces the listener to participate fully in the loneliness and desire expressed. This experience alone makes the lp worthwhile. On another tack, its one hell of a long way from the smoke-filled, dingy surroundings of Silvio’s (a tattered old ‘Howlin’ Wolf’ sign on the wall), packed with people throwing back the Schlitz as hard as they can go, to the bright and regal setting of London’s Olympic Studios, all a-chatter with technology, studio musicians and the glug-glug of coca cola. It must seem a much greater distance if

Now building you’re Howlin’ Wolf (Chester Burnett) and you’re off to record a session with a set of dudes who live in a different world from you. Yet despite the surroundings and the sense of impending doom conveyed at the outset of this review, The London



BEECHWOODAREA 3omes priced from $38,000 tiON.TOTHURS.h7&9:25SAT. AND SUN. 5 SHOWS


(Chess-9033-60008) confounds pleasantly the predictions .


musical Victorianism Maybe its some sort of musical vie torianism, but the so-called super sessions have often struck me as rather superficial, concocted efforts that preyed quite nicely on starved audiences. Not so much attaining new levels of excellence as exhibiting semicompetent jamming with a lot of technical rebuilding after the fact, with horns thrown in to takeoff the sore spots, the musical result is not -so much bad as just plain easy for those involved-contrived in fact. Even given the seemingly unbridgeable and over-developed specialization of the participantsClapton, Winwood, Wyman, Watts and a negro blues vocalist-the Wolf Sessions come off as more than just a technological fudge job-much more. To be simply fair, the above mentioned supercast gets it on in superlative fashion, showing a tremendous amount of collective musicianship. Back this up with fine recording and a bevy of really good backup artists and you’ve got a record thats more than worth it. The main achievement is the pairing of Clapton and the Wolf. Old Wolf brought along that horrendous voice-throat like a dusty country road with a bag of gravel for a larynx’maintaining all its brooding, moody quality while leaving the rougher edges behind; Clapton packed up all that sheer guitar ability, left home almost all of his electrically inspired pseudo-flourishes and played straight, gripping, bluesy guitar. Needless to say all the cuts are good. Even the unnecessary inclusion of 1:58 worth of ‘Red Rooster’ warmup, chock full of ‘c’mon man’ and ‘really man’, presumably for those who are hung on musical chintz, can be disregarded for the stellar qualities of the song itself.

sheer power





.L’ ‘::

:. ~:;j;;;;

“‘Straw, Dogs’ isI. a brilliant feat tiHoffman’s 1 performance is superbly reaiized:’ TIME






NlGliTLY 9:20


@=& .LTm mw




I haven’t listened to Wolf all that much, in the past, but when I have heard him his voice has always dominated the performance. Its sheer power and grating penetration often swamp the band accompanying him, rendering what ’ is usually quite good musicianship secondary. The Wolf Sessions team him with enough (drive and talent, perhaps for the first time, to produce a performance that is integrated and egalitarian through and through. All this may sound like rank heresy, but catch a cut like “Rockin’ Daddy”, where Clapton is all timing and expertise and even Wolf ‘lets us down easy, jus’ like jelly on a plate.’




21 january








HE TASK set for a.ny group of individuals, no matter what social position or affluence, to study a basic, perhaps in this case the most basic, deficiency in our political-economic system is in itself an extremely difficult one. But an investigation which is carried out under the non-verbal, yet accepted, restriction that no action is to be suggested or taken which could possibly shake the foundations of the existing system too seriously is automatically handicapped by a pair of blinkers, preventing an honest approach to the problem. it seems that this method of approach is the”accepted algorithm which is employed by the numerous royal commissions and special committees established by the Canadian govern’ment to study the many different problems our society faces. The handicap is, succinctly, the premise that the system that we have created, the politicaleconomic superstructure if you will, is basicly beneficial. The questioning of our principle ethics y and goals is never allowed to disturb the ‘nonoffensive’ investigations and recommendations of the various commissions or task forces. Unfortunately for the people of Canada, and the report of the special especially the poor, senate committee on poverty, Poverty in Canada, seems to exhibit the above flaw. As the report states “the committee’s mandate was to ‘investigate and report on all aspects of‘ poverty in Canada’ “. i “Such an investigation involves a study not only of the effects but also the causes of povertyspecifically a study of how our society and economy not only tolerate poverty but also create, sustain, and even aggravate - it.” In the above passage the committee defines it’s task, as seen by the members, and if the investigation had been carried out along these lines, there would have been the distinct possibility of a new and much more realistic approach to the economic disparities in Canada. But after an examination of the final recommendations put forward, the ass’essment of society as defined above seems conspicuous by it’s absente. The content of the report does however, present a vivid picture of the desolation and despair faced

by the poor in Canada-especially that of the working poor-ahd the abhorrant state that our welfare system and social services are in, but the conclusions and recommendations drawn from these facts seem hollowly impotent. The poor were not- provided with any kind of explanation for their plight; as the Renegade Report on Poverty put it: “what he (David ‘Croll) really wanted was a rather maudlin discussion of what it was like to be poor, an indignant denunciation of the inadequacies of *the current welfare system, followed by a call for a guaranteed annual income. He certainly did not want to tell people why they were poor.


,EFORE PROCEEDING -further with this &&ssion it is necessary to pass on an observation made during the reading of both reports; the striking similarity, not only in format and data, but also to the point of completely duplicated passages between the two, is disquieting. For a “counter-report” the Renegade Report on Poverty is not exactly -the renegade it paints itself up to be, and the difference is even less noticable when one gets into the body of both reports. T~l-Gintroduction to the unofficial repbrt, published in the Last P&t, summer, 1972, does point out the deficiency in the senate report, in ‘that it does not tadkle the question of why the poor are poor, however, its own discussion of ‘poverty is identical in almost every point to the report it is criticizing. The differences which shall be referred to here will be those aspects, which on the one hand, _within the senat$ report are’ restricted by the political biases of it’s members, while in the renegade report are often more realistically presented, in a slightly less harmless manner. The main body of Poverty in Canada deals with the position of the poor in canada, as they are today, not only economically, but also their situation in the education system, welfare system and legal system-generally, their inferior position in terms of Canadian society as a whole. The picture of Canada’s poor is that of those who have been left behind, and furthermore, those left behind with little hope of regaining economic stability and the opportunity for a meaningful existence. Within the lengthy description of the poor, the fallaciousness of many of the myths upon which r.anadian society is founded is readily brought out, and substantiated by a considerable amount of data. The misconception which is perpetrated by the longstanding protestant work ethic-that by dint of hard work we can survive, and prosper-is soundly repudiated. The image of the poor as shiftless, unambitious, and lazy, and the belief that poverty is largely self-inflicted is a gross misrepresentation of today’s poor, and the

ludicrous nature of this still prevelant defintron is <appropriately exposed. The statistics found within the report stand for themselves: “nearly two thirds (63 per cent) of low-income family heads worked for at least part of the year; 38 per cent gained most of their income from wages and salaries, and another 21 per cent were self-employed; 37 per cent of lowincome family heads worked full-time during the ‘year.” Thus we see the true picture of the poor, not as the lazy shiftless p&asites many visualize, but to‘s large extent as families, working, yet unable to provide an adequate standard of living ‘for themselves -not poor because they have no desire to work but poor in spite of working. ./


IliE. MYTH OF equal opportunity, sustained by OUL publicly accepted system of ‘free-enterprise capitalism’ is similarly no longer a responsible means of discounting poverty as the fault of the poor. The report presents a coherent argument discounting the existence of equal opportunity among the under-priveleged; specifically <,within the area of education the poor are on a decidedly unequal footing in that,they cannot benefit from the education which is supposedly available to them, due to their basic economic insecurity. Both the hardships of economic support while attending whichever institution, and the incompatibility of values expressed through the education system with those of the environment in which the poor must live create a contradiction which is irreconcilable-resulting, in almost every case, in the aborting of the individual’s education. As one brief presented to the committee put it: “how can children attend school regularly on empty stomachs, insufficiently clothed for the cold, without having slept well and moreover when they can hardly understand the teacher.” To compound the restrictions imposed upon the low-income family within the education system, the demand fo.r -high educational attainment, often ‘unnecessarily high levels, by employers, loocks the door to opportunity from the vast majority of the poor. The figures provided, in the report seem to substantiate this point of





QUESTION NATC at.Gove statement: What i economy and society? I: that Canadian society iz mittedly vague, but business. Aside from ih tactics of business and tl

The re a re-h; outdat



view: “eighty-nine pe families were headed k completed high school’ The hopelessriess of tt apparent from this argur of con temporary methoc equally apparent. Thus once a farnil; h chances of the next gent, slim-thus very the_ regenerated. The inequalities built of Canadian society are discriminatory treatment the law; the inequalit\/ portionately heavier upo (56.5 per cent of the incc than 2000 dollars (before to paying taxes...those v dollars pay only 37 to 1 impotence of the elabc services system establish who have the most net (A glaring example is t setup, which, in actuali government-sponsored e it’s prime responsibjli prospective employer worker.) In this respect the rep’ provides us with the con and our present inadeqa does this entail a study ( in Canada’? The discuss troduction of the senatt effectively: “the poor, a still pretend,.poor of the have no uncommon mc apart, let alone cond casualties of the way w and our society-and i obvious to the poor the

by Brian


the chevron

cent of low-income persons who had. not poverty-cycle is readily nt, and the incapability of breaking the cycle is sunk into Ition rising cycle is

poverty, the out of it are continually

it0 almost every asp&t Kpanded at length-the If the poor in the &yes of $ the tax burden, prothe low-income earners ne of those earnink less :ransfer payments) goes th incomes over 10,000 per cent in taxes; the ate welfare and social 1 in Canada to aid those 3 monolithic manpower , is little more than a hloyment agency, with r- being towards the lot the unemployed i t is of consequence-it itions of poverty today, cy to deal with it. But ‘all aspects of poverrty n prec,ented in the inreport states this point er all, are not as some own accord. The poor al flaw that sets them nns them. They are manage our economy at fact is increasingly Iselves.”

ALLY arises from the :he driving force of our s clear to any resident 3ermeated by that adI -pervading entitybdd references to the 5: effects upon society,.

there is no analysis of this primary force within the investigation. It states that “business mergers and changes in corporate struc$re have displaced plan,t workers, white-collar workers, and even middle-management personnel.” From this statemen‘t one would expect an exposition of the philosophy of business and this philosoph’s effect-but such a discussion does not unfold; in fact while the report is to a large extent preoccupied with the inability of government policies to rectify our economic problems, it fails to discuss the role of business practices in the creation and aggravation of these same problems. This quality of the report is evident in =a comparison between it and the Renegade Report on Poverty, within noticeably the respective‘ introductions; in both, the existing ‘social concessions’ are criticized as just thatlittle more than concessions: “behind them’ lay. a delicate political balance between gi_ving enough to take the steam out of social unrest ‘and-teaving the distribution of power largely undisturbed.” However, the emphasis or degree to which this point is taken within the two reports is quite different. (This same statement can be found in the Renegade Report on Poverty, with d small addition: ” Jeaving the power ‘in the hands of the few’ largely undisturbed.” The stress in the ‘counter-report’ tends toward the obvious connection between economic and and the existing hesitancy of .political power, governing parties to rectify it; in fact the government ploicies, adhered to in the past, and still in evidence today, is to leave business almost exclusively’ to it’s own working-aid it, out of public monies, when necessary, but do not restrict it. An examination of the final recommendations of the report is all that is needed to demonstrate that the invulnerability df the business community, fromgovernmental criticism and intervention, is still fecognized. Except for a suggestion for the organization of labour within low-incpme industry,. there are no obligations or restrictions placed upon the business interests within Canada.

BY FAR THE major recommendatioti of the special senate committee was that of a guarnateed annual income, and the presentation of it as a right. not a privelege’ is duly noted as an unexpectedly enlightened outlook. However the relevance seems to wane as one reads further-

the initial minimum’wage is to be set at 70 per cent of the poverty line and single unattached persons under 45 will not be covered upon implementation. What kind of guaranteed annual income is being proposed that will do nothing but maintain a family at a level 30 per cent below the poverty line? What kind of guaranteed annual income is it that is not guaranteed for all members of society? As well as these incongruencies, there is, no mention of controls being plackd upon industry to pay a living wage, except that the minimum wages shotild be raised to 60 per cent of the average wage in the / commuriity. tn other words, if a community is leving with a very low average wage will be 40 per cent wage, the minifnum lower-and in some cases, it is likely to be below inadequacies of the poverty line. The glaring Croll’s. recommendation, as he presents it, are all too obvious, especially to those now living in poverty. The

recommendations embodied in exhibit the all tog common characteristic of impotence-there is almost a predestiny about them, as if regardless of what the investigation unearthed, these, and only these, recommendations were to be forwarded. There is no new approach to the ‘poverty problem’ presented, and the maintenance of the existing social, economic, and political structure, it seems, was the premise upon which the committee worked.





The traditional. maintenance of monetary incentives is limply attempted in Crolt’s vision of a GA. I ., yet the growing inadequacy of this type of’ incentive is visible within the report itself, and the defensive manner in which the argument appears is indicative of it’s waning effect within the proposed guaranteed income system. Working within the framework of a profit oriented economy, the possibility of other rewards is not so much as mentioned. The economic assumption made by the senate committee is an assumption of the validity of the rewards of private enterprisesolely economic rewards, compatible with the profit earning aim of this institution. The committee was not willing to entertain the th9ught of a change in this basic attitude of economic life in Canada. While there are many specific points of incongruity made within the report between the

observations of‘ the situation of the ,poor in Canada and the inherent impotepce of it’s recommendations to rectify these inequities, the over+1 attitude displayed predetermined it’s outcome. -An investigation which establishes the limits to which it will go, before approaching $e problem is fated to project an incomplete picture and present recdmmendations which are little more than the same old policies, reshuffled with the occasional ‘joker’ thrown in to create an air of controversy . The ‘joker’ in this case is the C.A.I. plan, presented in a castrated manner which would have no effect upon the distribution of inch&e, would not even .raise a family out of poverty, yet it’s’ mere mention raises the spectre of the ‘red menace’ in many minds.

by John

-. .




HE RECOMMENDATlONS within the report and indeed the-- report as a whole exhibits a characteristic which creates doubts as to the possibility of relevant social reform, as proposed by the vanguard of thb status.quo. This characteristic was.metaphorically expressed by E.H. Carr, twenty years ago, and it’s longevity has been corroborated by all too recent experiences. “If too manq of our crew too much absorbed in nostalgic contemplation of the. ruins on the backward shore, the navigation of the the ship goes by default, and the prospect of our only means of escape is put in serious jeopardy.”

Until society is willing to question the basic tnents ot its own philosophies, tinti it is wilting to accept the possibility of inherent evils within itself; any proposal of change, any “ptan for the seventies” will be of little consequence. Poverty- in! Canada is not the enlightened report many had hoped-for, and once again our seciaf structure has chosen to make the bes of what it has, instead of attempting a change i’n it’s basic outlook, in it’s essence.

r>ort on poverty: sh of zd solutions


M. Keyes

the chevron ,

friday 21 january 1972 (12:38)


1 1




.. .



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736 the chevron







Judo Monday and Wednesday Corn ba t ives Room-A.C.

7-10 pm



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Victorio 578.6950



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out scr”~CC your near’


petition with social milieu. Their specific club times follows : Archery Monday Deck



Badminton Tuesday 81 Thursday pm Gyms l&2-Athletic

Red Upper

9:00-lo:30 Complex

Bowling (5 pin) Sundays 7:00-9:00 Lanes


Curling Monday & Thursday Curling Club

4-6 pm

Fencing Wednesday7:00-8:30 9:00-10: Thursday

are as



pm Red Upper 30 pm Deck-A.C.

Gymnastics Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 7:00-9:00 pm Blue Upper Deck Sailing Every Tuesday Skiing Contact

in EL 110

Dave Mather

Underwater Wednesday


in v2-East pm


Weightlifting Monday, Wednesday & Friday 7 :00-8: 30 pm at Seagrams Whitewater Sundays ll:OO-1:00

pm in Pbol

Bowling featured 5 Pin bowling is one of the fastest growing club activities on campus. The club started.by an individual named Norm Sargeant approximately a year and a half ago,_ and has evolved through genuine student interest. Last year over 100 bowlers took part in at least one day of bowling and this number is already to be surpassed at the half way mark. The club has operated in the past almost entirely on its own-paying its own way. At the end of last year, they had an $100.00 surplus that they tried to donate to a charity to send children to camp to no avail. This year they have made gains in both interest and quality. From their highly complicated computerized printouts, all bowlers are stated, cross reference, tripled and scores calculated. Bowling club records show that in the 1969-70 season, 10 iin all time single high was 209 pins by Fred Yagi while all time high triple was 549 pins by Dave Neville, In 1970-71 Norm McDonald had the high single in 10 pins with 190 and the high triple tiith 536 pins. 1970-715 pin records show the all time single high being 390 pins by Ron Senda and the triple at 874 pins by Norm McDonald. If you are interested in trying 5 pin bowling regardless of sex, age or ability, simply come to Waterloo lanes this sunday from 7: OO-9:00 pm and enjoy yourself.

toss up with phys ed and ret getting the nod while the unknown ingredients of the lower faculty league show defending champions lower math rated third behind arts and environmental studies. The hockey league should be the There are apclosest ever. proximately 10 teams out of 24 that could win the bullbrook cup. the Although upper math, defending champions are highly favoured, competition will be fierce in the upper faculty league from both phys ed and ret and upper eng. In the village league again village north and west are 1 and 2,, while the other two leagues are a toss up. In the residence league there are no easy touches and each game will be a play-off birth, while in lower faculty, optometry should be the eventual powerhouse. In floor hockey, some 18 teams are competing for the hard to come by seagram award hoarded by coop for the last two years. There are four or five teams that will put the heat on co-op. Grads, mucket farmers and St. Jeromes are the toughest competition.




Mixed Doubles Badminton entry date on mon jan 21st Tournament date wed jan 26th 7-11 pm. The draw will be done at 6:30 pm on the 26th. Enter through phys ed receptionist. Wrestling-There




more instructional clinic left on monday , january 24th 4 : 30-5 : 30 pm in the combatives room. All competitors must attend one session in order to be able to attend. The wresting meet is scheduled to go tuesday, january 26th at 7:00 pm. Weigh in at 66 : 30 pm in the training room. Ground Hog Day Ring Road Relay Race-february 2nd around noon. 5 man teams, each person conipleting 1 lap of the ring road. ‘This event will be held in conjunction with the u of w winter carnival. The federation of students via the b.s.a. are thanked for their donation of the award for this annual event.


Women’s intramurais

Early next week the schedule for the new basketball league will be appearing, the first games being played February 1st. So far about 10 teams have entered and they are looking forward to ‘good play .every Tuesday and Thursday night. If you have any questions about the league see either Lynne Mac,Donald or -Sue Erskin, both of renison. Officials are badly needed for this league, so if you have had some experience refereeing and are available Tuesday or Thursday All sorts of things are happening. night (especially Thursday) phone Basketball, hockey and floor Sally Kemp at ext 3533. hockey leagues have began, each Ret hockey league is starting have the largest entry in their today, so if you can skate come on history. out, and if you can’t skate don’t Basketball has 18 units and 6 forget the instructional skating l2independent teams, each trying for 1 pm fridays at queensmount the conveted condon cup. In the arena. Hockey today as every village league, village south looks friday 3-5 pm at queensmount. powerful with Les Parsneau WIAC council members, don’t leading the scor,ing, in the forget the next meeting monday residence leame, the bagbitters 24th at 6:30 pm in the froniSt. Jeromes will be difficult to january beat. The upper faculty league is a campus centre room 113.

Corn pet it ive sports Red Activity

Instructional squash classes beginners will be announced tuesda y’s chevron.

for in

. . .

Club activities


A & W tonight

Midnight 1 A.M. I209


SHRIMP BASKET . . . . . . . . . . . .


Stop at your nearest Open Friday



45’ Food


Bucket 21 pieces

melted bacon. Good



WHISTLE DOG Hot dog cheese

1.35 2.45 3.75 5.25






Red Activity Area-A.C. Red Activity Area-A.C. Red Activity Area-A.C.

Skiing Early Bird School 8-10 am monday and tuesday for novice and beginner (meet at blue south at 7:45 am). Intermediate to advanced 2-4 pm monday and tuesday (meet at blue ‘south at 1:45 pm).

Corn batives Room Red Activity Area Thursday Combatives Room and ,Area.


. ‘qner



pm pm pm pm pm pm


Junior Golden

Golf Sunday 1: 30-2:30 2 : 30-3 : 30 Monday 6:30-7:30 7 : 30-8: 30 Tuesday 6: 30-7: 30 7 : 30-8 : 30

Karate Tuesday



With the addition of 5 new programs in skating, squash, skiing, golf and survival swimming to our already 9 levels of swimming, judo and karate, our instructional program is becoming an increasingly popular level- of intramural activity. Specific class times are as follows : Swimming Monday 7~30 pm Bronze Award of Merit Award of Distinction Tuesday 7 :30 pm Beginner Senior Red Cross Survival Swimming Thursday 7 : 30pm Beginner Intermediate 8:30 pm Beginner Junior Red Cross Friday 7:3\0 pm Bronze Beginner 8:30 pm Junior Red Cross

check compare our everyday low prices!

Our Burgers

WITH OVER 100 TEAMS in only 5 activities already scheduled and playing, there is till some facility time available. Today is the final day however for entry in the following winter 72, recreational team activities : Co-ed volleyball, organizational meeting on tuesday, january 25 at seagrams - 8:30 pm. Co-ed ret inner tube waterpol? organizational meeting on modday, january 24 in room 1083 at 7:00 pm phys ed building. 5 Man squash organizational meeting on tuesday, january 25 at T :00 pm in room 1083 of physical education building. If you are interested in forming a team in one of these activities complete and return your entry form to the receptionist in the physical activity building by 5 :00 pm today and send a representative to the organizational meeting to pick up your schedule. Already playing are 24 competitive hockey and 24 competitive basketball, 24 co-ret broomball teams, 12 ret hockey teams and 18 competitive floor hockey teams.

Although only 11 of our 14 clubs are physically’ active this term, their programs are superb. They all offer a combination of instruction, recreation and com-



to compete

International .


for seasons

wrestlers came out on top of Cuelph big win.

in Wednesdays


Grupplers down Guelph Before a home crowd of two the university of hundred, Waterloo won their sixth dual wrestling meet of the year. Waterloo matmen have proven . themselves to be a threat in the league again this year. In the’ OQAA championships last year, the Western mustangs tied the warriors but went down 24-12 late last term. In Wednesday’s match the third placed Guelph team was defeated 24-20. The victory was hard-fought as indicated by the first battle between Waterloo’s Jim Skilly whose hustling could only earn him a draw with Albert Tschirhart. Consistent winner John Barry, showing the effect of a rapid weight-loss, had to pose a comefrom-behind spurt to tie Ted Cooper. Tim Wenzel and Pat Bolger finally put the warriors ahead 8-4 with decisive wins over their opponents. Wenzel won 20-2 while Bolger took the gryphon grappler 23-2.

After these two impressive victories, Don Spink thoroughly outclassed one-time Ontario open champ John McPhedran 6-l. Spink’s impressive win puts him in an excellent position to take the 150 pound class in only his second year of varsity competition. One of this year’s surprises is the return of Jim Lotimer on the warrior squad. In his first match for the team this season, he pinned John Pickard while only three minutes had elapsed in the first round. Pat McKinty (1671, Tom Gutoski (190) and h eavyweight Scott Marshall suffered defeats but in all cases displayed excellent wrestling. Gutoski, unfortunately, was matched against the British Commonwealth games silver medallist and Marshall met last year’s OQAA champion. The win was a decisive one for the warriors after losing to the gryphons last weekend in a closely fought 86-85 battle.

77 for ‘95-some That one statistic (17 for 95) tells the entire story of the WarriorsHawks basketball game wednesday night.

You would think that one of those hotshots of last week could shoot for at least 30 per cent accuracy from the floor, but none of them could surpass that milestone. As a team they made only 17 of 95 attempts for an amazingly low 18 per . cent. Even though the hawks shot a little over half as many times, they had double the precision and walked away with a win from the humbled Uniwat squad. From the opening jump the hawks assumed a 7 point lead as few of the Warriors shots even hit the rim. Things carried on through the first half spasmodically with the warriors getting on top only once (14-13). At this point Al Brown of the Hawks ran into foul trouble and was jerked off. Our faltering crew seemed to relax thinking that they would have things in control, but Dean and Woodburn were still in there fighting for the mouldy goldies and the Warriors lost ground instead of gaining. The half ended with WLU ahead 39 to 24. Right after half time Kieswetter and Skowron lead a charge that cut the Lutheran lead to 4 points in what proved to be the only string of good shooting that the team had. However just then Brown got his fourth foul. and got jerked again, whereupon Tommy K. gave the ball away, which turned out to be a crucial turning point as the Hawks never looked back. The final tally showed 72 to 51 (and they were lucky to break 50). Captain Jaan’s field goal percentage fell by 50 from one week ago to a slim 14, making 3 for 21, from the floor (Better luck next time fella). Paul Bilewicz led the dribbling fools with 15 points but the-whole team played the shits. Ballhandling-was sloppy as our dazzling guards’ fancy passes went. to


everyone except another teammate. For the Hawks Dean had 17 points, with Smeenk and Danby both getting 14. The Warriors will play ( ? ? ? ) next Saturday night in Windsor. Requiem High Mass on Monday morning in the jock shop is pending (ie. if they don’t shape up the Lancers will kill them). Warriors

Bilewicz Kieswetter Skowron Laaniste Dragon Ross Schlote Ignatavicius Zuwerkalow Hamilton Hajdu Bigness

for 17) for 14) for 10) for 21) for 3) for 5) for 7) 0 (0 for 2) 0 (0 for 6) . 0 (0 for 4) 0 LO for 4) 0 (0 for 0)

15 11 9 6 5 4 1

Waterloo swimming coach Bob Graham sees this years ladies International Invitati6nal meet as the best intercollegiate swimming event in North America this year. It is by far the universities biggest sporting event of the year. While some may think this. an exageration at first glance, any meet featuring approximately 250 of the best American and Canadian swimmers, many with national, international and Olympic titles, has to be big.

goes tomorrow qdrd Annual\ International

Some nineteen different teams from six states and Ontario were entered at press time and a few more are expected to enter beforethe starting gun sounds on Saturday morning.


Records to fall Needless to say there are a number of Ontario, pool records in jeapordy along with all meet records. Sue Halfacre, Anne Fraser and Linda Kowalewski all sprint freestylers from Lake Forest are expected to litterly boil the water. Opposition in the 100 yd and middle distance events will likely come from Ball State’s Patty Bergman, and Kyle Clarke of Kent State. Merrily Stratten from Toronto will also do well in the middle distance events. Bergman, Linda Gusatffson from Michigan State and Carolyn Nelson of Clarion State will all be hot on the heels of the Lake Forest threesome in the shorter 50 freestyle. Waterloo’s Debbie Farquhar may have a good crack at finishing in the top six. Gusatffson was a gold and silver medal winner at the 1968 Olympics

while Pam Kruse also on Michigan State’s squad won a gold in the freestyle relay, and two silvers, in the 200 and 400 freestyles. Canadian Marilyn Corson, now living in Fort Lauderdale, won a bronze medal in the ‘68 Olympics for this country is also on the powerful Michigan * team which was second to Arizona State in last years International.

Athena flyer In the butterfly events any one of a number of swimmers could take home gold including Waterloo’s Judy Abbotts. Other top flyers are Guelph’s Ann Walton, Lake Forest’s Debbie Burton, who also swims individual medley, and Donna Maeillo of Slippery Rock. Sandra Dowler of Western, another I.M. swimmer was on our

(5 (4 (3 (3 (1 (1 (0


The breaststroke action in last year’s International was fast but fans can be assured that records will fall; possibly even Canadian Open marki.

play best, ball of season

The Waterloo athenas saw their first action of the new year this past weekend in the Hamilton invitational basketball tournament . The athenas playing in the senior A Perth american division played their best ball of the year but it was not good enough to take all the marbles. The north american division featured two teams from the states; a group from Clevelandand one from Tonawanda New York; two university teams, Waterloo and Lakehead; and four club teams from London, Ottawa, Windsor and St. Catherines. This provided some excellent competition and a good caliber of basketball. In their first game against

A number of great backstrokers will be leaving the blocks Saturday. Among them are Clarion’s Bev Axe, Windsor’s Diane Leduc, Queen’s Sue Darby, Linda Ernst of Kent State and again Ann Walton who was at the ‘68 Olympics for Canada. Pool, meet and possible Ontario records are expected to fall in the breaststroke events. Outstanding competitors will be Sue Purchase of York, Pat Kitchen of Western and a fast darkhorse yet to be named from Xavier College.

Top diving

-With three sub-minute 100 freestylers in Halfacre, Fraser and Kowalewski, Lake Forest is the odds on favorite to take the overall team title this year but if the other big named squads along with other outstanding individuals start stealing points, any number of teams have a chance for the crown.


17 14 14 12 10 3 2


Barb Schaefer’ from Clarion State will likely be the best diver at the meet. Schaefer came in fourth at the American nationals last year just missing their Pan Am team. Top Canadian in the event is Ansley Grey of Toronto, while Debbie Dom and Deb Spenser, both from Kent State will provide good competition.


Dean Smeenk Danby Brown Woodburn Goldie I Lockhart

1967 Pan American team and won a bronze and silver medal at the games. Debbie Burton who qualified for the U.S. nationals year can’t be counted out of the gold.

London grads the athenas displayed a maturity on the court which had not been seen in their past starts. They played heads-up basketball all the way, refusing to be rattled by any of the opposition’s tactics. Mary Anne Krzyzanowski played her most impressive game of the season hitting with 75 percent average from the floor and 100 percent from the line for 14 points. This was complimented by a total of eleven rebounds. All the athenas played exceptional basketball putting together a unified team effort that was a pleasure to watch. Final score was 54-40. In the second game of the day, Waterloo met up with a powerful team from Ottawa. The athenas

The Athena’s although in a rebuilding year after loosing some seven swimmers who made the Canadian Intercollegiate’ Nationals last year through graduation are expected to do exceptionally well.

had to play some tough defense as Ottawa tried to employ a singlestack offense. The concentration on defense seemed to slow down the’athena attack so at a half time a switch was made into a zone. From this the athenas were able to control the defensive boards and use some fast breaking tactics to cut down the 15 point spread that had developed. Going into the dying minutes the athenas had it tied at ,5O-50 but they were unable to hold on as they drew several fouls which put the game just out of reach. The final score was 57-50.


The athenas travel to Windsor on Saturday and will play the preliminary game to the warriors on Saturday evening. The Windsor record, at this time is 3-1, their only loss being to Waterloo.

Three metre diving goes at 3pm while the finals in all swimming and diving begins again at 7pm. Swimming fans will have to come early to be assured a seat since last year many were turned away at the door.

There are a number of freshmen along with team workhorses Judy Abbotts, Sue Robertson, Chris Lutton, and Laura Foley who will do quite well. Diver Laurie Martin is also looking good on the boards.


The International begins at 9am with one metre diving preliminaries. At llam the swimming preliminaries and records start-to fall.

friday 21 january 1972 (12138) 757 \





me Warrior basketball team’s trick of winning it’s own invitational, but at the last minute a tough Western team edged them out in the championship match. The Waterloo team and Western had finished tied for first place





w 2

of three games against mps. only two of 16 games to eight opBut Westernand Waterloo each posing teams, though the two had fought back to take two straight not met yet. games from their opponents to set The university of Toronto and up the final play-off. Dalhousie (Halifax) also qualified w-7 4 western usea -1strong net11play ana 1 for the semi-finals and both looked teamwork to take the first to be pulling-----Luystxs -PL-----znni~~close game, 15-9, but the Athenas bounced back and controlled the second game, by the same score. Western’s strong spiking and a ;




defense by Waterloo

thP 1-s-

and thP UIIU VI.” to UWO, 15-6. -

third - b.s.“‘V scamp “-*A-

gave ohamk--- _---

, pionship The fifth annual Waterloo invitational tournament attracted 12 teams from across Canada and the United States. Participating were : Waterloo, Western, Toronto, Dalhousie, Guelph, M&aster, Cortland (New York), York, Carleton, Queen’s, Windsor and Waterloo Lutheran. Interestingly, - _ the Athenas beat Dalhousie two games straight in their last regular match of the tournament, which allowed them


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Then, Waterloo was matched against Dalhousie in the semi- ’ finals within a half hour of their last meeting. Jan Roorda and Penny Green spearheaded a strong spiking attack through the tourney for Waterloo and Irene Kwasniki led a good team blocking effort at the net. Earlier in January, the Athenas had travelled to- ‘London for <Western’s eighth annual invite and wound up in fourth place in a field of seven.

Western won their own meet, also. Last week, the Athenas opened league ,play by defeating Lutheran, 15-7, 15-4, 15-2.

That .win leaves the girls in second place in the league, two points behind Western, who are shaping up to be the team to beat in the OUAA this year. Tomorrow, the team travels to Windsor for another league encounter and returns Thursday the 27th to face Guelph.


by Ron Smith Dennis McGann the chevron *

Chevrongratulations go to York University trackmen Ken Hamilton and Dave Smith for their initiative in organizing and directing a fine meet last weekend in Toronto. The two athletes proved to the competitors, coaches and hopefully the athletic directors that indoor track and field is sufficiently viable to warrant its inclusion in the regular schedule of university teams. Smith and Hamilton ignored the usual ridiculous practice of segregating the point-score total into male and female. The guys and chicks of the competing teams felt a common goal for the first time in college competition as their performance counted toward a single team title. Ten university teams were involved braving the elements to travel from as far away as Sudbury for the event. Organizer Hamilton even found time to get into the competition and claimed first place award in the 1500 metre run to lead York to a fourth place team finish. Not a bad effort for a team without a coach. The warriors are not as unfortunate as the yoemen in that regard, but one wonders what the result would be if Arthur Taylor was not an employee of the University-would the warriors also be without a track and field coach? Queens and western have a full time coach and the results are evident to the competitors. These two teams are the constant threats to the Waterloo track team. Their coach-administrator arranges competitions-a procedure the athletes at Waterloo have to do themselves because coach Arthur Taylor has his position in the personnel department to tax his time. Correspondence with other coaches, especially those in the U.S. becomes almost impossible and the warriors miss out on some valuable competition. The York jocks are hoping to prove to their athletic department that there is a definite need for a coach. The group at Waterloo wishes them tons of needed luck. The warriors had to do without mealmoney on Saturday to ensure sufficient meets this winter. Remember, this is the same team that won four conference championships, had the largest contingent on a conference team at the CIAU championships a few years back, presently have four members who competed with the national team, won the team title in Saturday’s encounter, etc, etc, ad bordum. Maybe the York athletic administration has a different perspective and will come through.. . Messrs. Hamilton and Smith you have our good wishes and probably soon will need our condolences.

thunderbirds are six and two. Maybe the westerners don’t play basketball for forty minutes with low scores like that one. The Manitoba bisons clipped Brandon bobcats 46-41 in league action. 46-41 in university basketball?



Delegates attending the annual meeting of the Canadian Amateur Sports Federation approved in principle an insurance plan - that would provide low premiums for up to 1,,800,,000 amateur w athletes. Under the plan, athletes in low-risk sports such as table tennis would receive protection for as low as one dollar a year. Hockey players would be covered for $2, skiers for $2.50 and high risk athletes such as parachutists for $5. Coverage would include accident benefits up to $5,000; dental care, rehabilitation and special tuition expenses would be covered up to a $500 maximum. Each sport administration will have to indicate whether they wish to participate and if they do, coverage for every participant would be compulsory. Wonder what the cost would be for warrior-basketball-donnybrook-insurance to cover the teams travels to the american south, again?



The cross Canada basketball ranking has been posted and sees the Warriors in second spot behind top ranked Saint Mary ‘s. The ranking looks like this: 1. Saint Mary’s 2. U of Waterloo 3. U of Windsor 4. UBC 5: U of Alberta 6. Acadia 7. Loyola College 8. Dalhousie 9. U of Manitoba 10. Waterloo Lutheran But that was all before the little farce down the road on Wednesday. With breaths bated we await the next ranking to be released by the press. We’re number 10, we’re number lo!

Orieriteering Compass and map in hand, university students have been seen on the north campus running through the bushes and bogs. Usually they are not weird people but members of the ‘wanderers’, an oncampus orienteering group. They invite interested people to join them as they outline the sport and provide an opportunity for a ‘mini-orienteering , competition’. on campus.

Around the leagues Fresh off a win during the Christmas break on the east coast, the Loyola college warriors still rank as the nation’s top hockey team. In their last game, the warriors trounced the Mcgill redmen 11-l in QUAA action to retain first place in the league. Meanwhile, out west the Alberta Golden bears remain in first place in the western Canadian intercollegiate hockey league with a 6-l win over the Brandon bobcats. The victory gave Alberta a 9-l record for 18 points, two better than the University of British Columbia thunderbirds. UBC scored late in overtime to defeat the Saskatchewan huskies 3-2 and remain in second spot. After being humiliated 19-l by the university of Toronto blues, the Ryerson squad made it nine straight (losses, that is) by going down to the Guelph Gryphons 8-l. Mike Fox paced Laurentian to’a 5-4 win over Carleton with three goals. Bill Potter spotted three for Carleton in a losing cause. In basketball, the golden bears form Alberta are presently occupying first position in the western league following a 57-51 win over the Calgary dinosaurs. Alberta has seven wins’ and three losses. The formerly powerful British Columbia

There is no preference for faculty, staff, students, males or females-all are welcome open-armed. The get-together happens next Saturday in the engineering building, but -that’s all we’ll tell you...more info can be reaeived through Dee Smith at extension 2696.

Coaching association How do your find a 100,000 amateur coaches in Canada? This is the task John Hudson the executive director of the Coaching Association of Canada has. Right now Hudson has contacted around 5,966 but there are still lots more to go. The association is not quite sure how many coaches we have in the country but they want to get hold of everyone to find out what they are coaching and more important to let these coaches know how the Coaching Association can help- them become better coaches. Although no one is is saying, you can bet the reason is the ‘76 Olympics to be staged in Montreal. This country will be going all out to create an image of being not only good hosts but also producing good, and that means winning, athletes. The only way this can be accomplished, and this was brought out at the International Symposium on the Art and Science of Sports last fall, is to first \ produce comnetent coaches. It is hoped that the Coaching Association will do the major job in this regard. At the moment Canada has coaches in some 25 to 30 different sports and shortly many of the sports will have the opportunity to select national technical directors. On top of this, the new Association is drawing up a five-tier coaching plan. The first tier will be for coaches at elementary school and lower age levels. Tier 2 for senior levels including high and sports clubs coaches. The third tier will encompass top club coaches and college coaches. The final two tiers will be for national coaches or those capable of coaching Ganadian teams in international competition and veteran national coaches. Hudson also hopes to create a coaches’ information center which will have books, charts, articles, loop films and other coaching aids readily available for all coaches. This association may be of great aid for also getting any research findings done at the university level to all coaches. Often this process is very slow and the time lage for agetting this research out to the coaches at, say the initial tier of coaching the very young, takes many years.

Warrior-Blues Important Hockey

note game fans

hockey to Toronto-Waterloo (are there any aro-

und?). The athletic department has announced that there will be no advance ticket exchange for the January 26 encounter. Season ticket holders only will be admitted until 8 pee em. General admission tickets will be sold after eight if seats are available. Last term these two teams met with disastrous results for the warriors. We can’t remember the final score but who counts after ten goals... however, the warriors are now number one in the western section of the league, does that mean something? While still in the topic of hockey, Ian Young, last year’s Warrior between the pipes is now tending nets for Oakville in the Senior A circuit. On the weekend Young held the Galt Hornets to a 8-3 draw in Galt and on sunday in Oakville the home squad won 6-3. Young of course had a lot to do both nights keeping the league leaders, who were just back from their European tournament, from dominating the scoring. Last year Young held the Toronto attack to just a single goal as the Warriors won 2-l.

Jockjottings Basketballers




A Finnish


hockey friday



championship game was stopped Sunday because the visiting team’s members were believed to be drunk. The Finnish ice hockey federation will investigate the case. Maybe this has possibilities for the warriors when they meet Toronto next.. . Coach blew it: After travelling to Guelph ’ with the women’s swim team, acting coach Ron Smith picked up Monday’s Globe and Mail to read that the relay team had . claimed a second place position in a race he viewed from the deck. The race was the 400 meter freestyle relay. “There must have been a disqualification” Smith said, trying to clear himself. Sure thing Smitty.. . way to be right on top of what’s happening. Worldrecords: Teenage Australian swimmer Shane Gould is busy setting world records in the free style events, but last week got -a short-lived shock from Canadian Leslie Cliff. -Miss Cliff was swimming in the downunder country and stayed with the recordsetter for the first 100 meters of the 200 individual medley. Gould pulled away late in the race to clock 2: 24.4 as both swimmers came in under the existing Australian record. Cliff finished three meters behind the Aussie star, but Miss Gould is predicted to be the Olynpic gold medallist, maybe Leslie Cliff still has a medal chance. Air Canada announced last week that its amateur sports executive-of-the-year dinner, scheduled for January 17 has been postponed indefinitely. At the- time of the announcement, the airline cited travel uncertainty resulting from‘strike plans announced earlier in the day by the Canadian Air Traffic Controllers Association’ as the reason for the postponement... Top choices: Water skier George Athans, named world champion earlier in 1971, was voted Canada’s best athlete by the Canadian Amateur Sports Federation. Canadian and North American figure skating champion, Karen Magnussen, received the female title. The sportscasters association saw Debbie van Kiekebelt and Debbie Brill tying fork the top female athlete while trotracer Herve Filion from quebec led the male polls. Chevron choice for outstanding athletic achievement goes to two fine sportsmen in a deadlocked first place vote. Avery Brundage and Buddy Ohearne earned the title through their constant vigil to aid the continuance of amateur sport in this wonderful world of ours. . Their neverending struggle takes them into ‘dressing rooms and includes trips am.md the globe.. .to ’ these conscious individuals we present Jaque’s highest award, his brass plated strappe. 21 january





, ’


USED: l Typewriters ’ l Desks , l Calculatfws





of the week



by Jock Strappe the chevron

In the midst of the Warrior basketball spirit another basketball league has arisen on campus. The W.B.A. (Waterloo Basketball Association) I was established in order to let those unfamiliar with the intricate psyche of the game have a chance tomlearn and play the exciting sport. There are ten teams in the league with names ranging from Halem’s Hookers to the Deadly Dildoes. The rules of the game were adopted from the American N.B.A. and the excitement that has been generated all but surpasses that of the big league. Latest bulletins favor the Chargers. ‘Led by Mel Counts the CHARGERS exploded into action this week. After getting off to a slow start the CHARGERS took a look at their internal organization and decided to revamp the coaching staff withy two dynamic additions. Since then the CHARGcERS have devastated all their sibbling challengers. The Directors echo the words of Argo coach Leo Cahill-“Only an act of God can stop us now.”

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I this Friday and Tournament” Saturday. Eight teams have -entered, four from the university of ,Waterloo and four out-of-town teams. Along with Renison, the other uniwat squads are St. Jeromes’ (last year’s tournament champions ) , Resurrection College, and Village 1 South. The outsiders are Erindale College, the 1971 consolation champs, and Scarborough College, both from the U of T, Mills Hall from Guelph and University . College from Laurentian. The tournament will get underway today at 1 pee em in the main gym of the phys-ed building. Saturday’s games will go at 9 am and continue through to 3 pee em. Advance tournament passes are

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available at Renison College (in the kitchen) for just 75 cents. Admission for each game at the door will be 25 cents, but the price for the final Saturday night will be jacked up to 50. cents. Games Schedule . 1 pm Mills Hall vs Resurrection 3 pm Erindale vs Village 1

7 pm Renison College 9 pm St. Jeromes

vs University vs Scarborough

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in end

With the fans, the band, the refs and the windsor team on their side the warriors couldn’t get it together to grab off undisputed hold of first place in their division. The warriors opened fast with the first shot off the stick of roger kropf parting the seams. Three minutes later stinson raked one home and by 7: 14 it was 3-9 for the good guys / and the fans were going wild. It was at about thispoint that the repertoire of the band was becoming particularly tiring and sickening and a far reaching survey indicated that 87 percent of the students on campus would prefer new songs. Windsor came back with ‘one marker to end the period’s scoring. The second period was much like a3 comedy of errors with the referees trying hard to steal the - show. By the seven minute mark, windsor had tied- it up. The warriors moved ahead 4-3 on a goal by hall and then began looking tired again with windsor putting one home on a two man breakaway while a man short. Windsor moved out in front to end the- period. The third period looked sadly like the second minus the “actionpacked” scoring. Windsor just didn’t have the ability to play good hockey and the warriors looked’ like they were going in slow motion. The coach pulled the goalie for thb last minute and windsor finished it off at 19 :23. Shots on net were few in number on both sides,‘ as were penalties. Windsor was assessed two penalties for delaying the game. The pace of play was definitely down from the win against lutheran on the larger ice surface of. the auditorium. Next game is tomorrow night against the guelph gryphons. Game time is 8 : 30 pm in the barn.

Eqthusiastic Erindale basketball players ripped the courts apart, literally, to win last year.,

Swimming As a warm-up to the big women’s International meet tomorrow, swim fans will be seeing more Warrior action tonight at 7: 30 when they take on Oakland University from Rochester LMichigan. This is the-first time coach Bob Graham’s team has faced the Pioneers and the americans have an exceedingly tough line-up. Mike O’Connor’s squad has among others Jack Parker, an all american small college diver who placed second on the three metre and fifth on the one metre boards at the last years U.S. nationals. Between the swimming lanes the pioneers best performers are distance freestyler Thomas Zeeb, breaststroker Richard Foxlee and David Groth who can swim anything. The Warriors-will be going with their top lineup tonight of cocaptains George Roy. and Doug Lorriman, Rolfe McEwan, Bruce Henry and Eric Robinson. The evening meet is expected to be a real ‘barn burner’ for the uniwat tankmen. On Saturday the men shuffle off to Buffalo to take on Buffalo State, University College.




Address letters to feedback, the chevron, iJ of W. Be concise. The chevron reserves the right to shorten letters. Letters must be typed on a 32 charac ter line. For legal reasons, letters must be signed with course year and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason.







-non-stop -nothing held back -everything goes You M/WI ‘t be disappointed No

Anal ar>athv I



In reply to the chevron’s cornment on the apathy’of the people of uniwat, I want to take a stand and explain, not justify, their apparent policies of inaction, isolation, and least resistance. These so-called students feel themselves laden with what Ibsen called “the demand of the ideal”, the struggle after the conquest of some impasse. A modern well known example of this complex was shown by the US earlier in the Vietnam war in their ‘divine cause’ of quelling the ‘evils of communism’. . Ask the inhabitants of uniwat why they do not oppose token representation on university governing bodies; why they do not take a stand on the federation; why they continue to fork out $12 everytime their vehicles are towed by some irresponsible, profiteering company from non-marked, non-parking areas; why they do not get together and act for the ‘common good for collective unions land a bigger share of the prof’s Imonopoly on educational methods. Ask the people around you; and the ones that do not mind sparing a few seconds for smug replies say, “Couldn’t give a damn, and besides, if I did, there’s no time”, and off they’d rush to their computers and libraries; their closets and divine causes. This is the majority; the responsible, concerned people of tomorrow. And in their tomorrow worlds ask them again why they do not stop their wars, why they will not share with their poor, why they

can’t stand together in event of conflict and they’ll be sure to “No time”, and “couldn’t reply, give a damn”. So you innocent puppets with all your stagnant, pointed heads, listen while I say, “Get together or get it up yours”. Regan Roy Arts I

Anot her Page What’s this? Rick Page down in the chevron office at the chevron staff meeting, telling me (in abstensia) that my article on Carl Sulliman is “pure shit” (‘shouldn’t have been in the paper’ ) . Has Richard Page finally made it to the point where he will comment on something? What a silly issue to pick. Or perhaps Page has come to a sort of Satori where he can choose what’s silly and what’s not. It would seem he is wasting his time on my little note. The federation does not influence this paper...no. Not a bit. We just get our money from it. How’s it with you these days, Carl Sulliman, old friend? How’s the job? Perhaps you have the right idea. Bruce Steele

Kaufman praise For the first time since I stumbled into this university three years ago, I have found a truly dedicated scholar. I salute you, G.S. Kaufman. Here is a man who has overcome the boredom of Shakespeare, the simplicity of Tolstoy and absurdity ,





of Tolkein to find buried below this slime of english literature, a speck of brilliance in the works of Hart Burman. For this reason, I must warn you to beware and be brave, for there are men in positions of power who will laugh (yes, actually laugh aloud) and bring vast pressures to bear upon your mind and body in an attempt to prevent your journey to the hitherto almost forgotten realm of Artie’s mind. They will claim it leads to a vast empty cavern of down into the depths of mediocrity, but hold your stiff countenance and plunge bodily inward, for once inside your every pleasure will be satisfied. Fortunately, you have come upon the cream of Art’s total output and must wait in agony until he finishes whipping up what will eventually be the sequel to “Midway Mistress”. In the meantime feel free to tap the sap of my knowledge concerning the ups and downs, ins and outs of Mr. Burman’s career. For those readers whose interest have become aroused, -may I suggest the following list of Mr. Burman’s works to prime their minds and bodies before they encounter the mind boggling, hardhitting suspense and drama of “Midway Mistress” : “A View from the Keyhole” “Rodeo in Joliette, La.” “The Jewish Lieutenant’s Mother.” “The Male Eunuch” (the tale of one man’s pointless existence)

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P.S.. Could I possibly borrow your copy of Midway Mistress? My copy has deteriorated to the point where it is no longer readable.





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& STUDIO 576-5170

.Washday Hang-Ups? . ..let us take care of ‘em for


Attitudes and institutions represent nothing more. than the patterns of action that have become predominant through the multitude of times that they have been repeated by human beings. They are not axioms, just well socialized ha.bits; and like all habits they can be altered through conscious human activity. Another aspect of the same social content is that society is the object as it requires the activity of the human subject for its operation. Man and his social activity are one and the same. Internal consciousness -can only exist to be externalized into conscious human activity and vice-versa. Thus when roles come into.play they cannot be devoid of the people that play with them. If weexamine the role of the faculty we should get a fair idea of what the people that play those roles are all about. The faculty’s role in the complicated hierarchical structures of the university and of society is that of an administrative bureaucracy. The faculty has in its possession the affairs of the department, they belong to it as its private property. This concession has been handed down to them by the university administration who acts as its overseer to make sure that the department will not1 step beyond its boundaries of bureaucratic property. Political consciousness is antagonistic to- the bureaucracy. Authority thus becomes the principle of the department’s knowledge, and the deification of authoritarianism the credo to its existence. This highly unprincipled ideal can only turn into the coarse materialism of dumb I obedience. The individual bureaucrat becomes the mouthpiece of’ other bureaucrats. The goals of the in’stitution become his private goals: a hunting for higher~,3 jobs, the making of a career, the production of many needed mediocre intellectuals whose business it will be to further the goals of society. Bureaucrats, by definition of their role, must always behave towards the university, and in turn towards society, as their managers and preservers. In doing so, they best serve their own individual needs and interests. For the bureaucrat the world only exists to be managed by him, even if in managing it he works contrary to human principles. ,

Unprincipled king n just below 1 university






This social content lies in the premise that society is not a given datum, but an outcome of human agency. The patterns of action that become the foundation not only of our attitudes but also of our institutions ;are the result of conscious human activity.


The demand for a department based on collective co-operation from students and faculty in the allocation of resourses stands in an antagonistic position vis-a-vis the faculty’s role in the university and society. It also stands in an

antagonistic position in relation to apathetic students. Many people are going to object to this classification on the grounds that they are aware of their contradictory cposition. But wait! lf such were the case, why have they not taken proper measures to break through, the relationships based on roles? Why did they not help when there was a general movement towards reforming the department in a meaningful way? tias thehprospect of living a life based on role relationships between people suddenly become so attractive that it has overshadowed human principles? Have even the most radical been bought out by the system? Practice is the only way to answer these questions. Practice’s answer to date is yes!

Changing consciousness The philosophy of a collective department would of necessity stand in opposition to the position of the university as a working institution in present society. It would stand in opposition to the premise that human behavior must be dictated by the axioms of prevailing institutional structures. The institutions are there to serve man; not the other way around. A meaningful educational experience is one where all are active in determining that experience. Under this framework students and faculty have equal access and equal responsibility in the allocation of resources. The individ’ualist approach to education is not a mere reflection of societal process, it is an active and important part of that process. In a similar way, the collective approach to education cannot simply reflect a radical critique of society. It must be an active element in reshaping that society. The reform of consciousness means nothing more than acquainting the world with its consciousness, waking the world up from the dream it is dreaming about itself, explaining to the world the nature and import of its own actions. Consciousness must be reformed not through dogmas but through an analysis of the web of mystifications into which it has been entagled be they religious, political, social, economic, cultural, or psychological. Once the realm of imagination has been revolutionized, reality cannot hold out. If some individuals feel that their imagination has been revolutionized, then their job becomes one to revolutionize other people’s imaginations and to change reality. * But watch how problems are solved. Are-these solutions going to strengthen the power ant consolidate the position of privileges in the department of are they going to break down privileged positions? Once the intial steps have been taken, the ball will only be kept rolling at the price of constant mobilization around issues that uncover the contradictions of society. This position places th.e students in an antagonistic position with the faculty. The only way to change this position is for the faculty to forego its privileged position in favor of uniting collectively with the students. It is the real human activity of individuals who are actively -involved in the process of determining their own experience, people who work, play, think, suffer, enjoy, and in every way act as human beings in control of their own destiny will determine through praxis, the outcome of history.

Renzo Bernardini is a third-year political science department.


in the

by Al Lukachko



S THE FEDERATION DEAD? If so then the february 23rd fees referendum is nothing more than a post-mortem. But reconsideration of that. statement is due in light of the federation’s evolution and what it has done in the years since its initiation. Between 19.57 and 1964 several proposals for a constitution to form the federation of students were s’uggested. In march 1964, the students council recommended the student body accept a constitution that would ensure “the right of every student to sound democratic government”. Students voted 93 percent to accept a constitution that would give them a voice in gaining back power in the universi ty. ljniversities in the fourteenth and fifteenth century were originally constituted to give all- power to the students. Over the centuries, students have lost that control. The formation of the federation provided the opportunity for students to win back at least part of that power. In 1966, the federation helped organize a sit-in in the bookstore which resulted in the lowering of the costs of books to all students. In 1967 several students were thrown out of their rooms and apartments. The federation dealt with these and eventually took to court and won three cases involving students and their landlords. Also in 1967, the federation acted on behalf of students in donating the largest non-compulsory pledge made by a student body in Canada to the university’s tenth anniversary fund. Over half a million dollars was made available for buildings on this campus. April 1968 saw the federation work with the various societies to obtain a three dollar compulsory f.ee for society activities. Early -in the summer term of 1968, student-landlord hassles resulted in the federation joining with the tenants’ association in a fight against abusive landlords. A housing shortage in the fall brought about “Tent City/‘-a short term solution to the housing crisis until the federation could help students find more permanent accomodation. In the same year the federation was I instrumental in setting up a block


Now it’s everyone into the pool booking conference that reduced the prices of groups not only for this campus but for just about every university in Ontario. It has since organized two other such conferences that have benefit&d Waterloo students further and student bodies in other provinces and in the 1Jnited States. October 1968 came and the federation initiated student picketing of the construction site of village 2. The issue was overcrawded conditions and administrations’ ignoring student demands when designing the new residence. The administration backed down and met with the federation, which eventually won concessions in the room design of the residence. Earlier, students from vario”us faculties took over the campus center and ousted campus center director, Paul Gerster. The federation met with then-operations vice-president Al Adlington and provost Bill Scott to negotiate the terms under which the federation would run the campus center. The same month the federation put forth a recommendation for a new university government. This came after the administration members of the corn m i ttee had not suggested any change in the current koverning structure of the university, after two years of discussions. The federation basically rec’ommended the formation of a one-tier governing body of 60 members with student members. It also recommended putting students on existing committees and redefining departments to ensure more. student participation in them. It further suggested a review body be created that would include 100-300 persons from every aspect of university and society. The university act committee accepted the proposal of a one-tiered structure and student membership. This occurred only aft?r four more months of deliberation on the pat? of the administration. In march, the federation counci I supported a sit-in by a group of students in the arts library. This resulted in extending library hours to a 24 hour operation during the week and more circulation hours on the weekends. 1969 was the year of the quiet, behindthe-scenes planning and dealing with the administration. It was the year council condemned the exploitation of females in entertainment on the campus. Research into what defense and other

government arrangements the admitiistration had was also carried out. Then 1970 the year of the sandbox. This was the year that the federation cracked down on entrepreneurs who charged outrageous prices for movies and dances. As a result, the federation came to agreement with the administratio‘n that only federation fixed low prices could be charged for dances, pubs -and movies on campus. Although the federation was concerned-about running the entertainment end of student services, it was able to get an increase in the library budget. Federation monies were also made available to set up the birth control center. Earlier this year: the federation wori<ed hard to bring changes in the university act committee and was succezsful in getting student observers on the senate. These will become members on the senate with the approval of the new university of Waterloo act expected to be passed by the Ontario legislature this spring.

The federation has also continued its policy of providing students with more economical and recent release movies, pubs, concerts and dances. The federation retains a lawyer to act on behalf of any student on campus. Money is also available for bail should the need arise. What do you expect from the federation for twenty-two dollars? More than this? The federation is only as strong as its members make it. For an organiz’ation that has little leverage, it is definitely effective. No one can dispute that. Only its members can see that it continues to be an outlet for student voice. Voting to retain the compulsory fee will ensure that.

Al Lukachko is former chevron manager and a third-year student.

production geography

thedk37ml member:-Canadian university press (CUP) and underground press syndicate (UPS), subscriber: liberation news service (LNS), and chevron international news service (GINS), the chevron is a newsfeature tabloid published offset fifty-two times a year (1971-1972) by the federation of students, incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation and the university administration. Offices in the campus c&r; phone (519) 885-1660 or 8‘85-1661 or university local 3443; telex0295-748. circulation

: 13,000 (fridays)

Then there was the mathsoc pub Wednesday night-well attended by about thirty members from the gay liberation movement: the most interesting point of the night was the observation that on this campus, at least, both hetero and homosexuals are equally bad dancers. Then again, who can “dance” crammed into the middling dance area of the campus center pub; there’s room to perform one’s own private exorcism in typical stilted.fashion and nothing more...Then th&-e was the de-’ lousing of the campus center this week: why do you suppose the de-lousing comes after the cleaning and not before? But if that is indeed a fair question, so is this one-who crossed the chicken first, the egg 0; the road? Then there was the matter of Carl Sulliman, former vicepresident of the federation qf students. Where is he, a chevron writer asked recently. He is now in Toronto; dean of students at DeVries institute of technology...Then there is the matter of the up-coming referendum to decide the fate of the present activity fee turned over to the federation of students. Many articles will appear in the chevron in the coming weeks dealing with this subject; you will recognize them by the special referendum logo. For those of you who never think about anything other than how sordid life is, maybe this can be your turning point. But be careful which way you turn-there are long-term aspects to consider...Then there was new year’s eve halfway between St. John and Calais, New Brunswick: celebrated by four in a Volkswagen with a blue cheese sandwich and bottle of Moosehead each. Figure that one out...Then there was the monday staff meeting; then there was the staff for this issue: at it in entertainment with unusual dexterity, savoyer fayr and nasty graphics we were and are: david cubberley, mary e. holmes, ian angus, lynn bowers, paul stuewe,‘george kaufman, and janet stoody who successfully and masterfully handled her first stint at the helm. p.s.-will the mothers who keep ripping-off our books and records think for a moment about whether there isn’t in fact a distinction that should be made between those who exploit the Canadian people and those who are trying to end the exploitation: probably you won’t, cause that’s what constitutes being a mother in the first place...pigies...and photographers were brian cere, gord moore, randy hannigan, doug baird, Scott gray, peter Wilkinson and helmut zisser...and in the sports corner by the fridge (and the beer) the gang was wheels, ron smith, larry burko, george neeland, peter hopkins, dennis mcgann, debbie smith, norm beers, randy hannigan, skrinn, sally kemp, paula jordan, roy pareteno, peter mccarthy and lotsa gutsy enthusiasm...and in news brute murphy, una o’callaghan, helmut zisser, mart roberts, ken hyslop, Charlie plater, dale bender and al lukachko...then, too, george kaufman, bill Sheldon and alex smith. Remember the . party friday night at jan’s.


friday 21 january 1972 (12:38)



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