2: Kukher.,
by nigel burnett the chevron
The new chemistry building with its op art walls is not living up to the expectations of either undergraduates taking courses or research workers. The building originally scheduled for use last September, has only now been officially received from the contractor amidst many apparently unsolved problems. The supply of nitrogen - gassomething taken for granted in the old building-is non-existant in them 2. De-ionized water has just been connected in some of the labs and many people taking second year analytical courses have to walk to ‘the next lab to get anything but tap water. In labs with inter-connecting doors, the standard 6-A3 key-or in fact any key-will not allow a person to get out. It only lets people to come into the , room, This naturally would cause problems in
not s.afety
an emergency if the regular exit could not be reached. George Atkinson, chemistry professor, has talked to the people responsible, at physical resources to no avail. All fire extinquishers except one dry chemical device kept at the door have been removed from teh labs. This presumably was done because by law the extinquishers have to be in the old building. According to safety associations and common sense, the extinguisher should be placed where it can be used by people to enable them to leave a room in case of a fire. Presumably people coming to fight the fire will have equipment of their own. If a person is trapped by fire between himself and the door, there would be nothing he could do to save himself. If a fire alarm is sounded-the’ alarms are not located in the labs eitherthe fume hoods do not shut off. Since the hoods pull a volume of air through the labs, they could fan a fire into a large blaze.
unlike the old building, drains in two are qf plastic them polypropelene instead of Pyrex glass. The plastic is susceptible to certain solvents and leaks have occurred already. One of the most amazing discoveries is that 60 pounds of masonry rubble is held in a plastic bag, wedged between pipes above one ,of the labs on the second floor. If the plastic softens or weakens, the masonry will fall through weak ceiling tiles onto valuable equipment or a staff member or student. Apparently the chemistry department saved&000 dollars by not installing a no-break power system. If the lights go out while someone is holding a bottle of red fuming nitric acid, he cannot see where to put the bottle down. All the windows are in offices, there are none in the labs. However, somewhere between five and ten thousand dollars was spent on the fibreglass sculpture but side the building. So what do you want-culture or safety?
Come on h..
Dogs, Burt Matthews and stud&j power... Cock-Rock
Blues doivn
P3 l
p. 14
thed%vnm \ jD volume
REFERENDUM 1This is thesecond in a special chevron series of opinions dealing with the upecoming federation of students referendum on february 23. Last week federation past vice-president . Carl Sulliman urged acceptance of the compulsory nature of the federation fee, charging the university administration would impose its own compulsory fee if the federation fee were to become voluntary. If this happened, he said, students would be paying the same-if nbt more-money, yet would not have the control over the funds they presently enjoy. In the article below, current federation president Rick Page outlines his reasons for urging students to support the compulsory federation fee.
by rick page
ItIF. FEDERATlON-sf students wil! - be holding a referendum on february 23, 1972. The referendum will be asking the membership whether the twenty-two tlollar student activity fee shoutd be voluntary or. remain compulsory. I catled the referendum in the summer of 1972 after considerable discussion with the clngineering societies A and B and the clnvironmental studies society. .
t hese three bodies are the most powerfu I “grass roots” --. organisations on ~am~~us. At that time t6ey expressed concern that the fee was unethical and if given the chance, students would opt not to Ijay it. l-his rationalization was not believed to be true by the federation executive ,Incl so the referendum was called. These societies have since learned that they tlticl the federation can co-exist. In fact, \vithout the federation they might have a ’ (lifficult time existing at all. My executive mCIcIe it its prime motivation to calm the ,
12 number
28 jantiary
’ ‘Vote mustconfirm _troubled waters. There has never been the amount of communication and rapport between the federation and the societies that now exists. SO the motivating force behind calling the referendum has died. Has the reason died also! I think not.
Three tasks There are thre-e basic things the federation can do. It can be a service organization, that takes the membership’s money and returns to them viable, cheap services. 1 his is being done very effectively. It can be a political force outside the university. This is a little more difficult. Depending on the politics of the students’ cduncii, this happens in dif,ferent ways. Three years ago 10,000 tlollars was allocated to bail but Sir George Williams university students. This year 800 dollars was spent drafting a report for the commission on postsecondary school educatiov. Any a Ilocation for external relocations is tfangerous. Some member is not going to like it, and the image of the organization is endangered. Perhaps the strongest thing the federation should do is exert political pressure inside the university. The job of r~ny student union is to see that the stuc!ents dbn’t get screwed by the bureaucratic red tape-of the university. I-here are two ways to accomplish this lobbying. The organization’s “elite” can w nl,lnipulate situations and get results or the membership can pressure the administrationinto submission. Of the two, the latter is the most desirable and the hardest to accomplish. -1he federation has, this year, attempted t~ compromi’se position. By solidifying our positions with the societies, we have made negotiating conour power
Howevet, it is not siderably stronger. mass political support and therefore still cantails manipulation. What sort of mass participation will Gove the administration to action? Let me cite an example in the not-soYdistant ._ , past. A certain issue arose over who should run an ice cream vending operation in the campus centre. The federation collected 3,000 signatures on a petition asking that the University of Waterloo, incorporated, leave the federation’s machine alone. .Administration’ president, Burt Matthews, when confronted with the petition, told me that anyone could get 3,000 names on an issue so he wasn’t impressed. Petitions aren’t grass-roots politics! This year the federation attempted to bring the drganized groups on campus . together and was successful. We were called elitist. We were! That’s what it took to accomplish what has been accomplished. It is now up to the memto decide whether the bership organization should be allowed to bui!d, on that base, a strong membership union. The average student accused us of being silent. We were. lt is now up tp the average student to elect a council that wil I use the base of the federation to expand the support. me put it ‘this way; if the student body sees no need to become involved, then the federation will remain silent, and manipulatory. If the student body wants involvement, then the federation c?nd the societies could become as loud as you want.
Efforts ignored I think that the membership should get ,111ic!ea of what the federation executive <C&l counciI is up against. So, one last 4tory.
About six years ago, a joint meeting of the board of governors and the senate struck a committee to sttidi-unr-camera! government of the university of Waterloo. For the six years, students had the best record of response and discussions. The student membership asked for four things: rejection of inloco-parentis, rejection of double jeopardy, a fair number of student representatives, and rejection of incamera meetings. Four, simple, realistic clemands. I, sat on that committee for two years and every time I talked about those tlemands I was ignored. When the student membership realized that our requests would be denied, we went to the faculty association and formed a coalition. We would , support their demands if they would support ours. The enci-result was that the committee retained the act’s c’!auses on in-camera sessions, double jeopardy, and in-locoparentis, but did accept a new numerical distribution of representatives. The deans were withdrawn as appointed members. l-he faculty and students cpntrolled the council. At the-senate meeting that followed, a minority report from Matthews (president), Gel latly (vice-president), l+t’ch (vice-president) and Needles (( hancellor) suggested that this part of the report be rejected. It was. In fact, the whole concept of uni-cameralism was thrown out. The students played their token role on the committee and were thanked by a gentle kick in the teeth. -I he whole concept of the student doing anything is ridiculous if the administration feels they can do, what they w ish . A strong vote for the compulsory fee \vill clssure the administration that the \tuclents are behind the federation’s ,l’ctions.
TUESDAY This week,on campus is a free column for the announcement of meetings, special seminars or speakers, social events and other happenings on campus-student, faculty or staff. See the chevron secretary br call extension 3443. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m.
Organizational meetipg for lacrosse club. All interested please attend. Open to guys and gals. Not necessary to be a jock. 7pm 1083PAC. Liberal Club meeting. 3: 30pm SSc352.
TODAY Warriors swimming. Waterloo vs McGill and Oswego state in a doubledual meet. 4pm physed pool. Film “The Ammunition Hunters” Chinese (Mandarin) with english subtitles. 7:30 and 9:30pm MC2065. Sponsored by Chinese Students Association. Admission members 50 cents; non-member’s 75 cents. Last date to enter snow sculpture contest. No entry fee required. 5pm Circle K office. German Liederabend Walker 8pm Conrad chapel.
singer Prof. D, Grebel Cot’lege
Pyb-dance with Hooker Family. Sponsored by Carribean students Association. 8:30pm festival room, food services. Admission $1 federation members; $1.25 others. Toronto express bus leaves campus centre 11:30, 1:39 and 4:30pm for lslington subway station. Highway coach tickets $1.95 one way or $3.50 return and school bus tickets $1.25 per ticket. Sponsored by federation of students. txthus coffee house. Come talk about life, love, God 9pm CC snack bar. Federation flicks-Rio Lobo and Where’s Poppa. 8pm AL116 U of W undergrads 50 cents; others $1. Sponsored by federation of students. SATURDAY Warriors Queen’s
swimming ; Waterloo vs university. 2pm physed pool.
Pub-dance with Hooker Family. 8pm food services. ISA members 50 cents;, others $1. Sponsored by International Students Association. Meeting of Kitchener-Waterloo women’s coalition for repeal -of abortion laws. All women welcome. 1:30pm HUM151. ‘Republic ‘day of India celebrations. Variety programme and light refreshments. Admission free. All welcome. 7:30pm humanities theatre. Federation flicks--Rio Lobo and Where’s Poppa. 8pm AL116 U of W undergrads 50 cents; others $1. Sponsored by federation of students. Orienteering club of the U of W, “The Wanderers” will outline to those interested, the sport of orienteering and provide an opportunity to take part in a mini-orienteering competition on campus. loam to 12 noon. Eng IV rm. 4362. Everyone welcome. SUNDAY Toronto express bus leaves Islington subway station for campus centre at 9pm. Highway coach tickets $1.95 one way and school bus tickets $1.25 per ticket. Sponsored by federation of students. Faith Missionary Chyrch, 110 Fergus avenue invites you to their services. Sundays llam an$7pm. A bus will call at campus centre at 9: 15am. Chapel
at St Pauls College.
7.-./ /JlII.
English and Drama Society are showing Henry 8th series and Elizabeth Rex series. 9pm EL208.
Free concert “David Rae” 12 nbon. Humanities theatre. Sponsored by federation of students.
English and Drama Society are showing the White Oaks of Jalna. Free. 9pm EL209.
Pub “Huron & Washington”. 8:30 Festival room. 25 cents federation members; $1 non-members. Sponsored by federation of students.
MONDAY Waterloo universities’ Gay Ii beration movement general m.eeting. Everyone interested welcome. 8pm CC1’13. Faith Missionary Church, 110 Fergus avenue invites you to their youth time. 7 :30pm. / Pregnant or distressed call Birthright. 579-3990. 9:30-11:30am; 1:303:30pm; and 7-9pm. 50 Church street, Kitchener.
Cap-Au-Vin “Eric Andersen”. Wibe and Fondue. 8:30pm campus centre pub area. $1 federation members; $2 nonmembers. Free federation movies. campus centre great hall. 10pm. Sponsored by federation of students. WEDNESDAY Athena swimming. Waterloo Master 7pm physed pool.
vs. Mc-
* International film show, sponsored by International Students Association. Free admission. This week: Siberia, the Great Experiment. 7pm EL211.
Public lecture by Prof. Keith Eagles, U of W, “The United,States and the PostWar World” 8pmAL113. Sponsored by History Department.
“Truck”12 noon. Free concert Humanities theatre. Sponsored by federation of students.
Groundhog Gambol. 8:30pm food services. Circle K Booze, gambling and dancing.
Fest iva I Room. Pub “Homestead”. 8:30pm. 25 cents federation members; $1 non-members. Sponsored by federation of students.
Representatives from University of Western Ontario will be on campus to discuss Althouse College of Education with interested students. 3: 30pm EL211.
Cap-Au-Vin “Eric Anderson”. Wine and Fondue. 8:30pm campus centre pub area. $1 federation members; $2 nonmembers. Sponsored by federation of students:
Federation flicks-The Organizer, Twelve Chairs, and Mississippi Mermaid. 8pm EL201. 50 cents federation members; $1 non-members. Sponsored by federation of students.
Free Federation movies. 1Opm campus centre great hall. Sponsored by federation of students.
all day.
Free concert “Breathless” 12 noon Humanities theatre. Sponsored by Federation of Students.
12 noon Groundhog Day ring road relay run. Starts at north entrance. Sky divers
over. village moor 12 noon:
Basketball, Waterloo-McMaster physed bldg. 8: 15pm. Monte Carlo Night Pub. “Smokey Mountaineers”. Fest iva I room 8: 30pm 25 cents federation members; $1 nonmembers. Sponsored by federation of students. Cap-Au-Vin “Eric Andersen” Wine and Fondue. campus centre\ pub area. 8:30pm Sponsored by federation of students. $1 federation members; $2 non-members. THURSDAY Public lecture by Senator Eugene Forsey, “Arthur Meighen & Mackenzie king: Canadian Politics in the 1920’s”. 8pm AL113. Sponsored by History dept. Department of English lectures in criticism series no. 1 of 4. Prof. W.K.Thomas illustrates in three examples the relationships between biography and applied criticism. AL105 7: 15pm. Freeconcert “Ginny Green” Humanities theatre, 12 noon Sponsored by federation of students. 4th second annual youth international party smoke-in. Village moor. 2:30pm BYO. Movies: The Organizer, The Twelve Chairs, Mississippi Mermaid. 8pm EL201. 50 cents federation members; $1 others. Pub “Strange” festival room 8:30pm. 25 cents federaaon members; $1 others. Sponsored by federation of students. Cap-Au-Van “Eric Andersen” Wine & Fondue. 8:30pm Campus centre pub area. $1 federation members; $2 nonmembers. Sponsored by federation of students.
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69 t
monday 9: 00 a.m. - sign on g:o5 a.m. - del bopper 11145 a’.m. -, world news 12:00 p.m. - ‘afternoon’ music for dinner-rick 4:00 p.m. - music dow -unicorn news 6:00 p.m. 6:30>p.m. - jazoo with tim cooper 8:30 p.m. - exposure-derek reynolds. 9:30 p.m. - a .bit of alright-andy whittaker 11:30 P.m. - mack’s music till two. tuesday 9:00 a.m. 9:05 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 12:Ol p.m. 2:OO p.m. 6:OO p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7 :00 p.m. l&O0 p.m. 12:00
sign on
bar! kerr-light music world news afternoon music gene sandberg unicorn news Phil in neil anthesomnibus-peter jazz hyne. p.m. - tom Stevens till two
vyednesday 9:00 a.m. - sign on 9:05 a.m. - morning mania with ma rg mcgraw 11:45 a.m. - world news 12:Ol P.m. - jake arnold 2:OO p.m. - jim russell 4:OO P.m. - paul mceachern 6:OO p.m. - unicorn news 6:30 p.m. - mindblast * 6:45 p.m. - the folke art with dave minden 9:OO p.m. - Steve todd 1 ~:OO p.m. - pink pickels and green cheese with smiley. thursday 9:00 a.m. - sign on
a.m. - good morning-anne Stewart:
11:45 a.m. - world news 12:Ol 2:00 4:00 6:00 6:30
p.m. -peter hunt p.m. - greg con nor p.m. - elaine p.m. - unicorn news p.m. - the rounds with bill faul kner 9:00 p.m. - mor--phi1 turney 11 :OO p.m. - john snider and madness till two f tida y 9:OO a.m. -. sign on 9:05 a.m. - - ernie fish (h2o) 11:45 a.m. - world news 12:Ol p.m. - brad Oliver 2:00 p.m. - art kumpat 4:00 p.m. - larry halko 6:00 p.m. - unicorn ne*s _ 6:30 pm. - dave helm 9:00 fh. - gary ware 1l:OO p.m. - peter nieuwhof saturday 9:00 a.m. - sign on 9:05 a.m. - children’s hour with barbara lo:30 a.m. - music’for Saturday 12:OO P.m.‘- alan buchnea 2:00 P.m. - calypso with george mccalman 4:00 p.m. - al foerster supper rock 8:OO p.m: - space probe 9:OO p.m. - stop at struens 11 :OO p.m. - mark sully sunday 9: 00 a.m. - sign on 9:05 a.m. - classics 12:00 p.m. - smokey valley 2:00 p.m. - jenny 4:00 p.m. - gord and or mark 6:00 p.m.blues with jim Collins 8:00 p.m. - sunday night 9:00 p.m. - dilemna 1l:OO p.m. - vie ragozins.
Studen-t member of Wright commission to produce personal minority report
of Publications
of Students
NOTICE Applications
are invited
for the position
The term of office of the editor ends April 30, 1973.
All applications must be received board of publications not later than 11.
May 1, 1972 and
by the office of the noon, friday, february
The choice of editor is made by the chevron staff and ratified by the student council. There are no restrictions on who may apply.
TORONTO (CUP)-One of the two student members of the Ontario government’s commission on post secondary education has expressed dissatisfaction with the draft report of the commission’s findings released last week. David Black, a graduate student from the university of Waterloo, will submit a minority report to the commission this week outling his criticisms of the main report. He said in an in- terview in Toronto that he agrees with most of the report’s recommendations but feels that it completely ignores thecrucial question of the quality of post-secondary education in the province. He also criticized the commission report for not questioning the goals and directions of education. Among the major recommendations of the 13member commission under the chairmanship of former engineering dean Douglas Wright: @ A proposal to raise fees to 50 percent of the cost of’ education. 0 The establishment of a new, government bureaucracy which would control the setting up of all faculties and departments within universities. 0 Payment to organization and institutes which training to students, on the provide “practical” same basis as grants are made to universities. l Abolition of the Ontario student awards system
to be repla>ced with a modified loan-grant scheme. Full tuition grants would be available to those in financial need, but only for the first-three years of their education. Loans, now available interest-free, would be open to all, no matter what the financial status, but on a principal plus interest basis. 0 Para-medical courses would be encouraged and admission to quota courses such as medicine would be done by lottery. l The creation of a university of Ontario which would provide-educational services by means of the mass media to the people of the province. l An evening up of the numbers of male and female faculty members in post-secondary institutions. Black, who signed the draft report with reservations, said that the commission-members were individuals who had personally experienced upward social mobility and were committed to the principle of equal opportunity. - “They see education asa vehicle for social mobility. It is the grease which oils the system. Otherwise capitalism would come to a halt.” The final report of the commission which was originally set up in 1969 by then education minister William Davis is expected in june.
WINNIPEG (CUP&While Canadians outside the prairies remain generally ignorant of the situation ; the National Farmers Union boycott against Kraft dairy products, and the debates surrounding the boycott, continue. Last week at the university of Manitoba, representatives of’ the three major contestants in the struggle were invited to .debate their positions at the university’s student centre.
milk, and distributes it to the various milk users. All Ontario milk producers are bound by law to be members of OMMB which then acts as their exclusive official marketing agent. Kraft is the largest milk user in this country (marketing between 75 and 90 per cent of all the cheese sold in Canada) but have to pay very little money for the milk they receive from OMMB.
Two of the three answered the call: Roy Atkinson, president of the NFU, and Ken McKinnon of the Ontario Milk Marketing Board. The Kraft Corporation refused to send a delegate to the discussion on the grounds that the NFU’s militant movement, toward the right of farmers to collective bargaining, should be directed at the Milk Marketing Board.
For a further analysis of the Kraft boycott, see page 26.
The Ontario Milk Marketing Board (OMMB) is the market agent for all 20,000 Ontario milk producers. Farmers must sell their milk to OMMB which sets milk prices, seeks markets for the
Atkinson explained the union’s two major demands as being the right for individual farmers to deal with whomever they choose, and not exclusively with the Milk Marketing Board; and the right of milk producers collectively to bargain with the companies who buy- milk to manufacture dairy products. _ In this way the farmers-the primary producerscould have some say in the price of milk. Atkinson said he hoped that the
Sensationalistic government ut possible FLQ subversive I
Love’s magic never stops radiating from the moment you slip the dazzling circle on her finger. And our collection of . exquisite diamonds offers you the ultimate in quality and imaginative styling.
JEWELLER Kitchener
OTTAWA (CUP)-Suspicion has. arisen here that solicitor-general Jean-Pierre Goyer has been suffering from a bad case of over-active imagination in, recent statements to the press about the threat of political crisis in Quebec in October, 1971. The cabinet minister who last fall created a special security force to keepr tabs on “subversives” wherever in the country they might be lurking, told the Toronto Star in an interview last Thursday, that only “the rapid intervention of the police” averted a situation that “might have been worse” than the Cross-Laporte kidnappings of October, 1970. “It might have been kidnappings or political assasination.” He’ refused, however, to elaborate on his claim but said that the increasingly sophisticated methods of gathering information on dissident groups enabled police in Quebec to circumvent any ‘terrorist’ threat from the outlawed Front de Liberation du Quebec last October. Goyer’s claims and intimations seem to come as something of a surprise to the men chiefly responsible for sniffing out subversion in Quebec. A senior officer of the combined anti-terrorist squadcomposed of RCMP, provincial and Montreal policewas quoted by Canadian Press as saying, “as far as we know there are no tangible grounds to make that statement (Mr. Gayer’s) stick.. .how can you say something might have been worse if it never happened.” After these statements of bewilderment from Quebec police officials about what was or was not averted last October, the solicitor-general began to retreat.
boyco-tt boycott of Kraft products would in the Kraft cause a shift dominance of the market and perhaps give other enterprises a share of the market. Failing that, in a very short time Kraft could be the only cheese company in Canada. In the last decade, while the American corporation was buying itself into a monopoly positon in this country, the number of small cheese manufacturing industries in Ontario has decreased from over 500 to only 42 today. McKinnon of OMMB saw the situation in a different light. Protesting that the Marketing Board was acting in the farmers best interests, he added that Kraft promotional campaigns have led to increased cheese sales for all cheese producers. _ Meanwhile, outside the struggle goes on: the NFU continues organizing and publicizing the boycott-, Kraft tried to appear aloof and ignorant of any dispute, and the Ontario Milk Marketing Board is sitting tight hoping to ride out the storm.
strikes activity
In a subsequent interview, last week, Goyer said he had not intended to “create the impression” that a crisis had been averted. He refused further comment on his prior claims of terrorist activity and instructed 4members of his staff to remain silent about what he might have meant. Goyer’s mysterious statements did however, bring to public attention some information on the means being used by police in dealing with political -activity in Quebec. In a story appearing in Saturday’s Montreal Star, what the paper describes as a “reliable police source” said the electronic eavesdropping equipment had played a major role in the smashing of an FLQ cell last fall. He said “bugs” had been planted in the homes, offices and autos of a number of suspected FLQ members and sympathizers. “No, as far as I know we didn’t have court orders authorizing us to use the bugs and frankly, I’m not going to lose any sleep over it” the officer said. “And I’m certain there will be a large hue and cry from civil rights groups when they find out about this, especially if you tell them we have other bugs in operation right now,” he added. He went on to say that the cell police broke up was composed of about a dozen persons. “We never did get enough evidence to charge any of ‘them with attempted murder or attempted kidnapping-because those are usually tough charges to make stick in front of a jury-but we charged so-me of them with a variety of charges involving weapons /and such.”
Artsoc by brute
the chevron
Artsoc Last week, january 20, artsoc council voted unanimously to support the federation in the coming referendum. Federation vice-president and presidential candidate Dave Blaney was present at the meeting to explain to council the implications of a negative vote. Points he brought out were the probability of the federation folding if the fees became voluntary. If the federation did fold it would lose the charter that it now has and would not be able to get it back -as the government no longer gives these out (this would mean the federation would have no legal status on campus), that if the federation did fold there would be no concrete voice for the students the adto stand against ministration. The dangers of the administration assuming too much power in the event of the federation folding was also pointed out and, the fact that the referendum date was moved ahead to the arts deadweek was given. For these reasons the artsoc is supporting the federation. The Sociology Union held its first general meeting of the new term last Wednesday. Only a small number of students showed up however and the discussion centred around proposals for union social events to occur during this term.
ESS E.S.S. has in a split vote decided
to support the compulsory federation fee in the referendum. Members feel that the federation is both a valuable and strong lifeline for the societies and a valuable silent partner in society ventures such as the new E.S.S. handbook, financed by the federation, and the coke machines in social sciences. ,Members hope that an increase in the role of societies within the . federation will occur and that the federation will become to a greater degree a federation of societies. The ESS handbooks and telephone directories are now ready for distribution and anybody wishing to receive their free copy can pick it up in the ESS office, ,SSc. 356, or in the ESS coffee lounge. There is a geography club party tonight at 8:30 in the campus . centre pub area. All members are urged to attend.
The Caribbean Students Assoc. is holding a pub-dance tonight in food services featuring the Hooker Family. The affair from 8:30 pm to 12 am will cost federation members $1.00 and others $1.25.
Engsoc _
Due to a typographical error in last friday’s chevron this column was in error. The column should
have read that the general degree in engineering would not be recognized by the APE0 as a PEng the normal degree for engineering grads. Engsoc is sponsoring their engineering weekend on february 10 to the 12. Events planned for the weekend are boat races, a Valentine’s pub-dance (with “Valley”) and a Knight’s Pubdance. The engineering institute of canada road safety committee is organizing an essay competition open to all undergrad engineers. The contest is being sponsored by the north american life insurance company. The essay is to be on ideas or methods of eliminating or reducing motor vehicle accidents’ and accidents involving pedestrians. First prize is $1000, 2nd $600, 3rd $400, and 4th $200. If you are interested get in touch with the engsoc office. All entries must be submitted by the first of june through the engsoc office.
Things are just getting underway for Persa with the formationof a newly elected executive council. Members are : Chairman and Faculty Council Rep Brian Low Vice Chairmen Tom Miceli & Ralph Mutton Secretary Larry Schwartz Treasurer and Social Convenor Tony Dionisi Federation Representative Denis McGann SAC Rep (co-ordination) Doug Bell All Persa members with an interest in Persa functions are asked to come out to the meetings of the association. The success, of the association will depend on the amount of student involvement it gets. The first social engagement of the term will be held at the glenbriar curling club’ next friday, feb. 4. Four hours of ice time have been rented by Persa for curling a for curling beginning at 7 pm and at 9 pm. Members Next Wednesday Circle K is a pub-dance with their kin and ret ID cards sponsoring “Groundhog Gambol” only will be admitted. You must at 8:30 in food services. Booze, gambling and dancing will-be the sign up in the student lounge of the physed activities building on the features of the night. list that will be posted if you wish to curl. Faculty are also invited to Gay Liberation Movement attend. PERSA expresses support for Last friday’s column read that the federation in the february Gay Lib will be holding regular referendum. office hours. This is incorrect. It should have read that people wishing to get in touch with the movement can phone ext 2698 or go to humanities 3833, the office of The physics club held its elections on january 19. The new John Dunbar. executive is : President J. Timothy Sulisz Vice Preident Philip J. De Souza Secretary Marietta Grigoroff Although it is not, and is not going to, GSU feels that the The physics club has’alsoformed a committee of three faculty and federation compulsory fee should four students to air the’grievances be voluntary. Although they admit that there are a great many difof undergraduate physics students. The committee will study a full ferences and, undoubtedly, the change to voluntary fees would spectrum of problem areas inand studentmake a great deal of dofference to cluding curriculum the federation, they do not feel that faculty interaction. The recommendations of the committee will the federation will fold if it loses be presented to the faculty as a the referendum. But they do stress and to the individual that the federation must not fold. whole but they feel confident that it will professors concerned. It is hoped manage. As proof they cite their that a fuller dialogue between faculty and students will result. own case. GSU is totally voluntary. Society fees are collected at the Meetings of the committee will be open and informal. Students with time of payment of tuition but are ‘refunded if the student desires. specific criticisms are urged to attend the first meeting in, the’ GSU claims to retain 70 percent to 80 percent of its members and now physics coffee lounge at 7:30 pm next Wednesday. has a membership around 800.
Circle K
The department of applied analysis and computer science is offering an introductory cobol course this term. This course, of special interest to first year students, will be ‘presented in two sections, one on monday nights from 7-9 pm and the other on tuesdays at the same time in M & C 2065. Both courses have already started but there is room for more. The course is free and non-credit. The cost of donuts at the coffee and donut stand in the third floor math lounge has been reduced to a nickel each.
The club invites’ anyone interested to join them tomorrow in a trip to Hamilton. A festival dance is being arranged by the McMaster Ukrainian students association to commemorate. Ukrainian independence. This “joy of freedom” banquet-dance, featuring Ukrainian groups, food and a licensed bar, is tomorrow night at the Ukrainian cultural centre, 241 Kenilworth Avenue North, Hamilton. Dress is semi-formal. Students get special discounts on their tickets which can be bought by phoning 884-7166.
Moore holds conference with society chiefs by brute murphy the chevron
Last friday Terry Moore, presidential candidate in the federation election in february, met with the presidents of campus societies to outline his platform and to discuss society problems with them. Present at the meeting were Eric Mackie, artsoc president, and two representatives from engsoc . Moore started the meeting by briefly explaining his platform : student education to improve student knowledge of the federation ; an increase in cooperation between the federation and societies with greater communication between them; and feedback from the students coming to the -federation through the society presidents. He noted that the federation president should attend more meetings of society councils to gain a greater understanding of society problems. Moore feels that most students are not apathetic but feel powerless. Educating them to the potentials of the federation, he feels, would dissolve this problem. He would. also like to see a greater tolerance developing between the different faculties. He feels that all students have common interests and problems and that at present the divisions between faculties only serves to weaken the students allowing the administration to rule them easier.
.After the outline of his platform the meeting went into a discussion of’ problems that the societies have. Eric Mackie said that the societies need better rates for advertising done in the chevron. High costs of such advertising prevented many society functions and elections from being properly covered. Perhaps he suggested the federation could give subsidies to -the societies to allow them greater amounts of advertising.
SUzuki tickets Tickets for the 1972 Hagey lectures will be available from the central box office beginning 9 am friday february 4. -The lectures this year will be given by David Suzuki, UBC geneticist, at 8 pm monday, tuesday, Wednesday, february 14, 15,‘ and 16 in the humanities theatre. The topics of the lectures are “The Return of the Fly” “Genetics and the Destiny of8 Man”, and “Science, Elitism, and the Apocalypse.” * During the three days Suzuki will be visiting various faculties and on tuesday afternoon he will hold a bear pit session in the campus centre great hall. Tickets for the lectures will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis, with a limit of four tickets per person. friday
Another problem that he brought to the attention of Moore was that of co-op students on their out term who do not receive election informationor ballots in time to vote in the election. He said that the letters containing this information was usually sent to the students home address and would have to be sent on from there thus causing the delay. Terry Moore wondered why this problem had never to his knowledge been aired by the students and why the letters were not sent to the working addresses or to the company at which the student is working. Another method might be to move the date for nominations ahead to allow more time for the letters to reach their- destinations. Jim Orgill further suggested that the federation office was too isolated and therefore out of reach of most of the students. Perhaps he suggested the federation could move its office to some more accessible position such as the turnkey’s desk in the campus centre. A full time receptionist was also suggested as an improvement as too many times the regular secretaries are too busy to attend to students who come to’the office desks. Although a great deal cameout of the meeting, held in room 146 of the chevron office at 1:OO pm, it was sad to note that only two societies were represented although all had been asked to attend. Apathy on the part of the students can only be compounded by action such as was shown by the presidents of scisoc, ESS, mathsoc and P.E.R.S.A.
CLEVELAND, OHIO (CUPI)Russell C. Means, executive director of the american indian
Jim Orgill, a representative from engsoc “A”, pointed out that the federation is badly advertised itself and as a result little is known about it by engineers. The federation has to make itself better known to the engineers but it must do so in a creative way, rather than the old way sof dry information bulletins.
movement (AIM) and director of the Cleveland american indian centre says the “chief Wahoo” symbol used by the Cleveland baseball team degrades and ‘demeans the american indian. Means ‘said a legal aid society attorney filed a 9 million dollar suit against. owner Vernon Stouffer tuesday, january 18 in Cayahoga county common pleas court and would seek an injunction to stop the use of the symbol. “How long do you think the stadium would stand if the team were called the Cleveland negroes, with a caricature of Aunt Jemima or Little Bl-ack Sambo and everytime a ball was, hit some guy would come out and do a soft shoe?” Means asked. “The whole viewpoint America takes of the indian is that we don’t count,” Means aid. “Can envision YOU the Washingon football team called the Washington Rednecks instead of the Redskins?” A spokesman for the baseball team declined comment.
28 january
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Doctor’s EDMONTON (CUP&The files of Edmonton doctor David Craig have been handed over to the clerk of the supreme court of Alberta by the Edmonton city police as the battle for their possession or their confidentiality continues. The files were seized last week by Edmonton city police when they arrested Craig., for allegedly defrauding the Alberta health care insurance commission of 43 dollars in april 1970. They contain information about the city’s heroin addicts whom Craig treated.
files. confiscated The Canadian medical association is still seeking details on the seizure from a report exThe statement of the union of pected from the Alberta college of human rights and civil liberties physicians and surgeons whose associations said the action spokesman said monday that if the. violates the Canadian bill of rights reports of the seizure are correct, and undermines the doctor-patient it has “implications .of a police relationship. A Canadian medical state”. association spokesman said the The civil liberties groups urged case might harm the relationship the doctors to take legal action for which patients believe to be conthe return of Craig’s files and press fidential. ,for the legal recognition of the confidential doctor-patient Civil liberties groups also said the financial records which the relationship . The law does not recognize the police may have needed in their confidentiality of this relationship investigation and the medical nor does it protect doctors from records which they did not were police seizure of their records. easily distinguishable. calling the reprehensible.
His lawyer, Rostyk Sadownik, was granted a temporary injunction friday which forced the police to hand over the files, plus any copies they might have made, to the court clerk until february 3. At that time Sadownik’s application for a permanent injunction will be heard by court. Help is a phone service operated If the injunction is granted the by the Canadian mental health police will be unable to use any of association. It’s purpose is to- listen to people who the information contained in the primarily files, except imformation per- want to talk about any kind of taining to the alleged fraud. problem they might have. It is also to assist a caller by Considerable controversy has willing referring them to any of the other already arisen over the Craig such as family incident and what eventually will local agencies social services or hospitals who happen remains unclear. could provide other services. \ - Craig has given up dispensing methadone to addicts, a practice he firmly believes in. His entire WLU Program future as a practicing physician in Edmonton is shrouded in doubt as A public program describing the college of physicians and research in archaeology surgeons now has the power to recent suspend his licence if they so will be held by WLU Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. room 1El Arts desire. Building. Police apparently spent nine Dr. Norman Wagner, director of months’ investigating Craig’s research at WLU, will introduce dealings with the AHCIC before the film, “Last Chance for finding nine incidences of what it Recovery”, telling of field work at describes as fraud totalling 43 an early Waterloo county indian dollars. On monday january 17 ’ village. Craig was arrested and jailed for Dr. Lawrence Toombs, chairabout five hours even though he man of WLU’s school of religion & was only four dollars short of the culture, will report on the required bail money. university’s program last summer His files were seized by the in Israel. police at this time. Dr. Fisher will also describe this year’s seminar program in the Civil liberty groups issued a joint near east. statement in Ottawa last monday
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Rledel member
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Help talks trouble
A French language school, the first of its kind in the K-W area is, opening in downtown Kitchener during the first week of february. The school is centrally located at 83 Frederick street, suite C, and is run by belgian graduate, Andre Leroy, whose mother-tongue is french. In the school, he will be assisted by Marie-Cecile Beauvais, a teacher from Paris. Courses are available to all people interested in learning or improving their spoken and written knowledge of the french language, from children of kindergarten age to adults. Classes will be divided into appropriate levels. Apart from beginners’ classes, all proceedings will be conducted entirely in french. Audio-visual aids will be used to, compliment lessons and classes will be arranged to suit the demands of the students. Special emphasis will be given to political and business courses. While most classes will be held in the early evening, a special class for pre-school children will be organized twice a week in the mornings uder the supervision of Marie Beauvais. In addition to this, the director hopes to organize french conversation circles during the afternoons for people travelling to
french speaking countries on business or pleasure. These will deal with a variety of topics, including discussions on life in France, french cooking, wines, cheeses, etc. Courses will be three months long, with two one and a half hour sessions per week, at the cost of 20 dollars a month. Leroy feels that language school, such as this is of particular importance today in a bilingual country such as Canada, where many people in the englishspeaking provinces do not have the opportunity of learning colloquial french. He also believes that fluency in the french language is both useful and advantageous to people in all walks of life: from the teacher and the business executive, to the tourist and the lawyer. A related translation service, ‘which has been in operation since before Christmas under the name of “North American Translation Service” is the only one of its kind in the area. It handles all kinds of translation work, in any language. Some is actually dealt eith on the premises, the rest is given to experts to translate. Anyone wishing to regis #ter can do so in person or by phon ing 5769120 or 576-6515 anytime before february 7.
The phones are manned by trained, volunteers of all types from teenagers to middle aged housewives. Each of them have gone through a twelve week training session that includes a sensitivity weekend and talks with .professionals. The object of the training is to teach listening skills such as responsiveness and compassion. The listener is not supposed to judge or analyze the person’s problem but instead \ to make the caller more aware of himself. A new training session is beginning next month and interested persons are invited to join up. - . During the course of one month, Help receives about three to four hundred calls. Most of the people phone up to ask for information or because they are lonely, or to talk about sexual, marital or drugs problems. A few of the calls are from persons contemplating suicide. In such a case, the Help member will try to find out where the caller lives and, if the caller does not object, then an ambulance or other available services will be sent out to help the person.
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For all calls a policy of strict confidence is maintained. Help will not release information about a call to any agency or person unless it is vitally necessary. About the only example of such an occurrence would be if a hospital needed to know what kind of drug a person had taken in order to treat them for it. Occasionally, prank calls are received and even though the Help listener usually recognizes them as pranks they must be ,given the same consideration as other calls) just in case they are genuine., Anybody wanting to talk about troubles they may be having or wishing to inquire about becoming a volunteer can call 745-1166. The lines are open weekday evenings from 6 till 12 and all weekends from 5pm friday to 6am monday morning. START
Probe seeks volunteers The K-W pollution probe is interested in students wishing to participate in an opportunities for youth program concerning noise pollution in Kitchener. A brief description of reasons and qualifications for working on the project should be addressed to J. Farnady-K-W pollution probe, biology 158. An interest shown will be a definite asset. All letters should be returned by no later than february
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Up From The Pedestal Up from the Pedestal-Selected Writings in American Feminism, Aileen S. Kraditor, Quadrangle Books, 1971.
Complete Dir&r Menu
NOTICE President ial Elect ion 1
Election of the President, Federation ot Students, for the academic year 1972-73, will take place on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2,1972. The polls will be open from 9’:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. I.D. cards must be presented to vote. Voting will be by faculties, with polling stations located in the main fevers of the followina buildings: Arts & Integrated Studies : Arts Lecture E3ldg. .. Engineering : tng. It Environmental Studies : Social Sciences Mat hemat its : Math & Camp. (3rd. Floor) Phys. Ed. & Rec. : Physical Activities (Red North) Science (& optometry) : Chem. -Biol. Link Renison :. Renison College St. Jerome’s : St. Jerome’s College Graduate : By faculty, in building as indicated above
Peter Davidson Chief IReturning Officer Federation .of Students
The long and bitter struggle for women’s rights, despite it’s integral importance to social development has been generally ignored or distorted by historians. Women as a group have been written offas a part of the ‘natural’ setting in which the drama of human history has been acted out. Since the interestin women’s history has coincided with the existence of organized women’s movements, the recent resurgence of feminist groups have been accompanied by the appearance of books such as this one, Up from the Pedestal. Women or men who understand the historically-rooted sources of their oppression and the development of organized movements to overcome it are better-equipped to face the struggle at hand. In addition, an historical perspective helps .destroy illusions about recent ideas being new. Kraditor’s book consists of exerpts from letters, journals, newspapers, essays and lectures form the 16th Century to the 1966’s concerning women’s rights. Other available materials are biographical and anecdotal, which is actually only the raw material for history and presents the problem of integration into a larger context of historical conBefore the actual ditions. emergence of a feminist movement, there were rumblings of discontent among some women for greater freedom, particularly in intellectual activity. of. the women Discussion question as early as the 1600’s has been recorded. In 1790 Constantia wrote “On Equality of the Sexes” which shows an awareness of themes that later feminists stressed. She initially questions the superiority of the male sex and suggests women rise early to study on their own and use idle time creatively to develop their minds. Mary Wollstencroft’s, “Vindication of Women’s Rights”, 1792 (excluded from this volume) indicates the conscious beginning of the struggle. These ‘early misgiving’ laid the groundwork for initial agitators like the Grimke Sisters, Margaret Fuller and Lucy Stone. Organized women’s ‘movements sprung directly from women’s experiences in the abolitionist movement in 1830. (A similar situation in the 1960’s motivated women to leave the student movements to deal specifically with their own problems. ) In the 1830’s women encountered prejudice against public activity for women which prompted them to discover parallels between their own situation and that of the black slave who they were fighting to free. Feminism is customarily thought of as the theory that women should have political, economic and social rights equal to those of men. “In practice, however, feminism has been transformed into 3 levels: one
group asking for rights inferior to those of men but more than women had at the time, a second following a ‘different but equal’ policy, and a third demanding political, economic and social rights superior to those available to either men or women. Essentially however, demands have amounted to a need for autonomy. The shift in attitude necessary was typically described by feminists as “a change from regarding women as females who happen to be human to regarding them as humans who happen to be female”. Historically, feminism has been a luxury afforded only by white middle class women. Partially, this 5;s been caused by prejucices v, lthin the women’s movement but essentially has been a matter of their own priorities. Black and working class women were primarily denied their rights not because they were women but because they were members of a group whose male members suffered prejudice as well. Since feminists could not document their demand for autonomy with empirical evidence to prove inherent equality-equal opportunity in education became one of their first areas of concentration, in order to illustrate that limitations were a result of restricted training and not innate inferiority. Women, such as Emma Hart Willard, who established the first college for women in 1821 did much to promote this cause. Other such as access to causes, professions, prejudice in religion, women’s status related to their clothing, eventually accumulated into concentration on the right to vote, the most specific demand from 1848 to 1920. Overemphasis was placed on the right. to vote because the women basically shared the attitude of men at this time that the vote was an instrument of power and that great changes could be ‘made through reform legislation. In addition, at this point other social rights semmed contingent upon political equality. Despite the practical value of committed women uniting to obtain a single demand, whether it be the vote, daycare, abortion reform or equal pay for equal work, it is usually discovered that legal reforms did not necessarily bring wider goals in their train. Inasmuch as women are no longer legally bound to the domestic sphere it would seem the optimistic feminists of the previous period have underestimated the strength and persistence of old attitudes. Kraditor concludes that contemporary obstacles to equality of the sexes may be attributed to the family structure which has remained essentially the same. “Unless a middle-class feminist is prepared to challenge that family structure head-on, contemporary feminism will perhaps revert to the fate of earler feminism-the generalized urge toward individual autonomy-before feminists concentrated their efforts on winning a long list of specific rights which they assumed would’ add up to autonomy.” --rona
chevron /
GeoTg. Lukacs: essays produce a truncated Aspects of History - Consciousness, ed. Meszaros, Routledge Paul, London, 1971.
analysis has to start+the
and Class by Istvan and Kegan
Georg Lukacs left an ambiguous legacy to Marxist theory and practise. Determined to unite the functions of philosopher and ideologue in his service of the his self -criticism proletariat, amounted to virtual selfrepudiation. Yet his last major work, the ‘Ontologie’ finds him returning to the concerns of his early maturity, the realisation of Hegelian categories designed to occupy a position between positivism and Heidegger or Jaspers. Class and movement were for him the ‘ens realissimum’ but his approach to ontology was exlectic and opportunist. This collection of papers pre sented a year or so before his death,’ last summer. falls short as tribute and investigation. Most of the contributors use History .and class corkciousness (1923) as their only reference-point in Lukacs, and none can be said to use his method. No one discusses the selfsuppression of the proletariat in socialist society. As a consequence, Lukacs’s Marxism seems oddly truncated. Lukacs did make sufficient acid comments-for instance on Rakosi’s condemnation of the Budapest sub-soil for its counter-revolutionary tendencies-to make it worth while to insist that his combination of enthusiasm and asperity, conviction and capitulation, be seen against the experience of socialist societies, and not merely in the light of a book of essays at the start of the institution of global counter-revolution, the successful splitting of the labour .movement, and the virtual proscription of dialectics by official Marxisms. , In the present volume, one contribution, that of David Daiches (Literature and social mobility), is based on the perfunctory, if not downright mindless, observation that ‘successful’ writers are upwardly mobile in their own day, or else achieve posthumous mobility through the executors of the
by john fraser the chevron
literary establishment and the military analogy--‘bourgeois or audience which_ defers to their middle class movements can judgement. Queenie Leavis, let operate as ‘stage armies of the alone Lukacs, might feel she \was good’; proletarian ones can only given short shrift here. This is a operate as real armies with real bank manager’s conception of general and staffs’,-his political literature. analysis is profoundly gloomy. He Lucien Goldmann (Reflecting on asks which classes are now in tune development-but history and class consciousness ) with historical speculates no further. It is odd to had already acknowledged his debt find the ‘escalator’ theory of class to Lukacs (for example, in Pour produced by a Marxist. His terune sociologic du reman), and it is minology is often shaky: he speaks perhaps a pity that he did not of ‘pluralist structures’, he talks of extend his analysis of the but production of exchange value and Ithe CPSU being bureaucratic, specifying whether this the profane, historical forms of without means hierarchical, acting as reified bourgeois thought as the or universal degrad&&m before ruling class, ruling stratum, objet tifying human relations-or which the novel is performed, whatever. He argues that there is transforming problems of the author’s ethic into aesthetics,convergence between ‘liberaland other political rather than these optimistic but. democratic’ speculative on the grounds of observations on systems, weakening electoral influences on strategies available for transforming capitalist societies de Gaulle and Johnson-an which would seem at (‘what sort of conflicts will be irrelevancy necessary to bring about the best a non sequitur, at worst an inability to distinguish between humane and efficient development of Western society’). This seems to structure and ideology. go back rather than forward. He seems to believe the state is However, Goldmann the ideologue becoming ‘detached’ from civil did not cry stinking fish as loudly society-that there is no ruling as do Bottomore and Hobsbawmclass, only a ruling abstraction (or and he does admirably summarise a corporate one). Again, surely no Lukacs on the relation of subject Marxist should make this error. and object. This is ‘alienated theory’, abHobsbawm (Class censtracting the process of reprosciousness in history) throws out’a duction of capital from the activity number of brilliant suggestions, or of the producers. In his desire to deviations. He talks of the teach Lukacs a lesson (not the one ‘national scale’ of proletarian class Brecht tried to teach him in the consciousness-Italian coml%Os-when to keep his mouth munists and recent CGIL shut), Hobsbawm coins the delegations trying to come to grips mystifying statement that ‘real with the implications of the Fiatmembers of the ruling class today type (‘Volga’ auto plant) in are not so much real persons as Togliattigrad may feel grateful for organizations’. It’s a neat turning this formula ! He talks of the of Lukacs’s subjectivism into ‘development of capitalism ‘objectivism’. leaving its former carrier, the bourgeoisie, behind’-but then, , Bottomore’s presentation (Class that was a notion of some interest structure and social conto Marx from the Eighteenth sciousness) of the ‘dilemma’ of Brumaire on! Despite some tough Marxism-that it appears to be
both ideology and theory of ideology-fails not only to -understand Lukacs, but also to perceive the distinction between necessary and contingent class consciousness. Indeed, he ends up knocking on Bernstein’s doorlabelled ‘sociological particularity’-when emphasizing the growth of ‘middle classes’, improvements in the ‘level of living’, perfection of the image of ‘middle class societies’, and the idealization of economic growth. This radicalized pop -sociology, and political sterility, is accompanied condemnations of by ritual socialist ‘excesses’. Even Barrington Moore remarks somewhere that inertia, immobility, have their hecatombs of hecatombs. Bottomore is in fact bound by his methodology to create dualities which he cannot resolyebetween praxis and epistemology, class experience and class consciousness, relativism and totality: unable to achieve a selfconscious method, he falls back on a queasy conscience. I have stressed the negative aspects of the book at some length-not because the papers are, worthless, but because they are like cross-currents in a river in spate. Only with Meszaros’s essay (Contingent and necessary class consciousness), do we see the shore from which we left-Marx; the shore to which we are travelling-proletarian revolution and the self-suppression of the proletariat; and the riverbed andthe river which unites the shores. Tukacs had perforce to rescue from a vulgarizeci Marxism the notions of the determined determina,nt , the morphological relation’ and ‘partial identity, of history and class consciousness. Neszaros kindly and judiciously acknowledges Lukacs’s feat. Then he restates the point from which
structural contradiction of capitalist society, and the necessary consciousness of this contradiction between capital and labour. Proletarian consciousness is conscious of the class in-and-foritself. It entails consciousness of class position (not ‘standing above classes’) and also opposition to ‘the alienated reality of class existence’. Meszaros provides a solid theoretical understanding of the relation of the proletariat to the dominating contradiction of its existence, . that is, of class selfconsciousness embodied in the historical task of the negation of its alienated reality. Meszaros’s essay -perhaps needs this book of lesser efforts to set it off. It is essentially a restatement of theoretical positions made familiar through Meszaros’s own Marx’s
most impressive clarification of Lukacs’s conception of Marxism ‘as the ‘intellectual expression of the -revolutionary process itself’. Unfortunately-though ti is a luxurious criticism-there is something overly hygienic in Meszaros, as though the bacteria of the historical process were not being allowed to digest the garbage. He does, however, gleefully expose Keynes’s solid class patriotism (in a study com‘plementary to Miliband’s on Barnave earlier in the collection) ,-his dismissal of the ‘boorish proletariat’, the ‘turbid rubbish of the red bookshops’ and the ‘certain unpleasant zealous’ radicals, traitors to their class. Meszaros is clearly aware of the duty to polemicize as well as provide cool\ analysis. Though he offers his academic audience neither cataclysm nor lamentation, there is a sense in which his formulations reflect failings of the British intellectual (Marxist > movement-its failure to relate to class ideology, its groping for social contact, its tendency to set up-even after Meszaros-a duality between contingent and necessary class bonsciousness, and in practical activity to concentrate on the latter.
Howlin’ Wolf paints a ,depressing picture Chester Burnett, alias Howlin’ Wolf, backstage is little different from Howlin’ Wolf onstage. He has been described as a senile, cantankerous old man, and he is. At times. And yet, he has a warming, kind smile that creases the width of his broad face & is impossible not to react to. And his eyes are so deep, and mirror so truthfully his soul, that it is sometimes embarrassing to look into them. He has the dignity and bearing which only the great blues singers have, and he knows how important ( he is to today’s music. I found Howlin’ Wolf sitting glumly offstage in a folding chair, near his bassist, Andrew McMann, and a few ‘white fans, watching FredMcdowell tune up 6~ run through preliminary mike checks. Someone handed Wolf an alkaseltzer. He drank, belched, mumbled something about . the quality of Col. Sanders’ chicken (9
copious quantity of whch he’d HW: I know. That’s cause of minutes earlier consumed), and your race. See, that’s the way, your #waited for questions.. . race looks at things. You don’t like SM: Going to play some guitar ‘em, (Winwood, Clapton) cause of how they look. Don’t matter to me tonight, Wolf? HW: Naw. I didn’t bring it with how you look. It’s what you DO. If you can do something good, that’s me. I let Hubert (Sumlin) handle guitar. He’s a young man; got all I need. I don’t care how you look, more energy. SM: He’s been with you a long SM: Maybe you started something. B.B. King just cut an time, hasn’t he? HW: ‘Near 20 years. I taught ’ album in London. him, down in Memphis. HW: More power to him. I didn’t SM : Do you still play? start it. It was some other cat’s HW: Yeah, I play some. Around idea. They had the money and they the house. I teach. Just the basics, wanted me to cut a record. I was up to the 1st or 2nd reader. Then broke, so I cut it. Anyone else come they go on to someone else. to my house with money, I’ll cut for SM: What do you think of the them too. I’m broke. new album? (The London sessions, SM: I thought the album was with Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood, doing real well. HW: It is, but it ain’t helpin’ me! etc.) They’re all making money off it HW: I dunno. Don’t matter what I think. The people.. .they’re the except me. Shit. They release a ones who decide if it’s any good. record in Australia, I’m the biggest thing here. But I don’t see They make it or break it. Onlooker: I like your old albums no money for it! better. SM: How about Kent? (Kent
Records, a Los Angeles firm, has recently re-issued many of Wolf’s early recordings). HW: Sure. Kent too. All takin’ that dumb nigger for a ride. Shit. But I tell ‘em. Go. I don’t care. Play me for a fool. But just remember: every c morning when you get up and sit down to the breakfast table, that’s me you’re eating: I put that food in your mouth. Man, I got some sounds’d put this world on fire, I ever released ‘em. But uh uh. You get burned once, you ain’t gonna jump back in the fire- again. I got some ideas...but if I put ‘em out, other people’d just steal ‘em away, and I wouldn’t get a thing. SM: Are you going to stay with Chess now that GRT (General Recorded Tape) has bought out the company? HW : I reckon. Phil and Marshall Chess, they left the company, but GRT bought the name. It’s still Chess Records.
SM: I’d like to see vou cut an ,‘album with just the band you’ve got tonight. HW: Yeah, but I don’t know. I may be getting ready to hang the whole thing up anyway, come next year. Everybody getting rich but me. They livin’ off me, don’t give me nothin’. Just “recognition.” Shit! And I’m getting old, too. The doctors told me to slow down. SM: How’s your health now? (Wolf has had three heart attacks in the last two years). HW: It’s okay. I got these pills they gave me, for the pain. (Tapping his chest). Your heart’s just like the battery for’ a car. It stop...ain’t nothin’. They thought I was gonna die last time. You don’t know what it’s like, to be that close to dying. The doctors say I gotta slow down, and that’s what I gotta do. -Steve
adapted from the trolley
friday 28 january 1972 (12:40)
stratv dogs encoreun fois
Last Complete at 9:05 Sat. and Sun. at 2:00
Italian Food Pigstails Business Men’s Luncheons 77 KING ST. N., WATERLOO,ONT.
70 794
Straw Dogs, although attracting capacity crowds, remains to my, mind a movie whose creation cannot be justified. Director Sam Peckinpah, who adapted the film from the novel ‘The Siege of. Trencher’s Farm’, is coming to be rated only second to Ken Russel and his exploits. (The Devils). Russel claims that due to media overkill, it is now only possible to shockby going far beyond depicting violence as it actually occurs in the lives of many people. It is unclear as to what he expects the implications of this endeavour to be, or if he has considered at all the results of his productions or those like his, beyond perhaps a guaranteed box office draw. Peckinpah. has said that violence is pleasureable to partake in, in whatever form, and with Straw Dogs it soon becomes obvious that a scanty story has been created, with built in tensions and escalating hostilities, for the sole purpose of giving a rationale for the last half of the movie’s savagery. The story, although lacking in is primarily one of ‘depth, character study. The initial conflict arises between David, (Dustin Hoffman) an american professor 7 whose prime interest in life is mathematics, and his british wife Amy, whose dominant trait is par titularly sexual. energy, David, rather than meek or fearful, is simply riddled with apathy, wanting to be left alone by the world and its distractions, ignoring reality when it does impinge. Amy, who is self-assertive, and not part ,of her husband’s life on several levels, hardly seems to have one of her own with the exception of her cat and her flirtations. And because of this she is sexually _manipulative,dropping her sweater invitingly on David in full view of the antagonists of the film. Wanting to be wanted, yet not willing to give, Amy complains of being, objectified, sensing her freedom of dress and movement to require restriction, yet failing to restrict, hoisting her skirts to complain of a run in her stocking, again not quite alone. Juxtaposed to David and complementing Amy are the villagers, attractive competitive men in the employ of David for whom they ,have malintent, finding him ‘weird’ and unmanly, at best not capable of responding to Amy in the way she so obviously needs to be. _Their first powerful intrusion is the hanging of the cat in the
cloth&closet, indicating to David that the boudoir ‘is not so sacred, and is indeed accessible to them. This fact is realized through Amy’s rape, an exceedingly well-done portrayal of her revulsion in acquiescing yet her desire to live, rejecting and then beckoning with terror as her backdrop. Niles, the local dimwit, is a simple soul, more child than man, who has the unfortunate burden of being village scapegoat, and the butt of the projections of the men. In flight from the corpse of a curious young girl he has accidentally’killed, Niles is struck by David’s car and brought to recover in their home. The viliage men, rather than looking for Francis, chose as their priority the death of Niles. It is in defence of Niles that David takes his stand, muttering how Niles is his responsibility, and how there will not be violence done in his home. With his calculating disposition, further enhanced by his academic training 7 David methodically kills every man laying siege on his ‘castle’. Having previously refrained from barely verbalizing his position in any situation, he glides into the most contorted violent predicaments’with all the finesse of a pro, going so far as to slip into a golf stroke as he bludgeons a man to death, all in the name of the rights of the individual’ private property, and eventually self -survival. Having taken a deep breath, it is with weary satisfaction, and yes, pride, that David realizes he can do more than fill a chalk board. It is obvious that Peckinpah is suggesting that this potential lurks in the soul of every man and that no trauma or identity leap is necessary for one to do what David did. (Significantly this was not extended to Amy, whose genuine shock at the end of the film in no way reflected her husband’s state of mind). But did we not know that before? And is that the point anyway? It is true that a society will produce culturally that which mirrors its internal state. But that which is merely descriptive of violence is no longer sufficient. That violence is common is an inescapable fact. But it now seems necessary, that accounts be made as to why this form of behaviour is common to man. Until this time, the films of Peckinpah, Russel and Kubrick (Clock Work Orange) can only be redundant., -jan
, ,
> the
M rosswbrd
0F 10
- 5 SHOWIhGS FEATURE AT 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:45 - 9:55 LAST SHOW 7:30 LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9:45 MONDAY-2 COMPLETE SHOWS 7 AND 9:25
a film of lstartIing suspense and involvement.
“JUDY’S This weeks crossword courtesy of Norm Macdonald; skeep them coming, but remember, typed, 32 characters per line and all lower case. Across 1. thief 8. ukranian 14; run
famous massacre 19. chimney dirt 20. arabian city 21. mother and canada 22. not as many 24. international organization 26. ostrich relative 28. big man 30. hardened 35. dame 37. russian mountain range 39. back 40. vie tory 42. communique 44. tuons (reverse> 45. associate of the royal academy of music (abbr) 47. men 17.
48. lessee
50. walk slowly 52. hesitation words 53. alternate spelling of night 55. ww2 german bigshot 57. crouch 61. car part 63. suit to 66. swimming stroke 69. piece of man’s jewelry 70. finds 71. curtains 72. everybody present ! Down 1. chief 2. -my 3. everyone
ears in work and his brother want to start one * 4. rasp harshly 5. lovers and losers (abbr) 6. sergeant’s command -7. tear 8. red or bone 9. go quickly afoot 10. western state 11. sear your ass 12. edit the waves 13.views the oceans
colour male voice son of noah floor covering come in code man german river 31 bear constellation 32. property 33. avid 34. female attire 36. short one 38. bullets, e.g. 41. equal (prefix) 43. captain hook’s cohort 46. kosygin 49. snare 51. chemical indicator 54. converses woman 56. biblical 57.posed 58. bristish pound (slang) 59. employer 60. -boy 62. tra-64. pitcher .65. otherwise 67. high card
AT7and9:50 LITTLE NO NO”
at 8:35
16. 18. 23. 25. 26. 27. 29.
68. 250
by rona achilles the chevron
The Liberated Woman’; Appointment Calendar and Field Manual, 1972, by Lynn Sherr and Jurate Kazickas, Universe Books, 1971.
The author’s immediate claim to newly-found militancy is directly questioned by a rather disputable approach to liberation. For instance, the liberated woman’s field manual is equipped with cutout cards to be mailed to Washington to request that Susan B. Anthony’s birthday be recognized as a national holiday. A reformist approach to change is evident in
their introduction in which ‘the next step’ is describedas putting a woman in the white house and karate lessons for females. Women’s liberation is in dire need to counter-act ridicule with a little of their own humor, however, some constructive wit would be more profitable than ‘enemy propaganda’ or dart boards picturing Sigmund Freud. Nevertheless the manual does provide a serious perspective on everyday aspects of women’s lives-how to deal with blantant discrimination for working women and insulting portrayal of women in commersials- and advertisements.
In the calendar itself;each day there is a small anecdote regarding the historical significance in the feminist movement. Sucesses and failures in the past are related dayLbyday in the battle of the feminist vs antifeminists. On the whole the general im-, pression of content and strategy would seem in contradiction to the concluding quotation, “Do we fully understand that we aim at nothing less than an entire subversion of the present order of society, a dissolution of the whole existing social compact ?” Elizabeth Oakes Smith, 1852. friday
28 January
1 1
Alliance Building Corporation proudly presents
“SUNNYDALE ESTATES” TOWN HOUSE 03&4 bedroom OFridge @Stove aDryer ekoadloom *Play Area 579-2890 Don’t
to ask about
Federation of Students
Student’sCouncil 4
Mr I he Year
Nominations open WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARYs2,1972 for the positions of representatives to Students’ Council for-the year 19721973 term of office. The distributi-on of Council seats will be as follows: 4 seats .a Engineering: winter term: 1 spring term: ’
3 sears’ 2 seats
2 seats 1 seat
regular: co-operative :
I seat
/ Kenrson : St. Jerome :
I seat
Integrated Studies:
1 seat 1 seat 1 seat
1 Phvs. Ed. & Recreation:
regular: co-operative : -
1 Mathematics:
regular: ‘winter term : spring term co-op:
Graduate. Studies: Engineering, their
3 seats . 1 seat 1 seat 3 seats 1 seat 1 seat
regular: ._ _ winter term co-op: spring co-op :
2 seats
and Science
will elect
in June.
Nom inations close WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9,1972
796 --
the Campus
are availat\le
and must
be returned
at 5:00 p.m.
Helga Petz in the Federation
to that office by 5:00 p.m. February
W. Davidson
Continuing the “Let’s go to London and record with all those heavy British blues cats” trend, B.B.King in London (ABC/Dunhill ABCX-730) brings together a master of the urban blues with his musical disciples, resulting in a uniformly enjoyable album with several moments of very high quality indeed. “Blue Shadows” and “We Can’t Agree” are masterful: relaxed but compelling funk, with B .B .‘s guitar weaving around the melodies like a senual, sinuous rattlesnake. “Caledonia” and “Ain’t Nobody Home” add horns for a more belting, up-tempo sound, while “Ghetto Woman” is an effective pop-soul piece in the Issac Hayes vein. By comparison, cuts such as “Alexis’ Boogie” 7 an acoustic duet with Alexis Korner, and “Power of but the Blues” 7 a well-intended trivial contribution by Pete Wingfield, come across as “filler” ; pleasant enough, but fefinitely not in the same league as the stronger material. The only near-disaster is “Wet Hayshark”, where B.B. has to come to the rescue of a pedestrian and oppressive horn arrangement. Generally, however, B.B.King in London is a successful contemporary bluesmen, and a particularly good album for anyone who has outgrown John’ Mayall, but isn’t quite into Robert Johnson. Although Eric Dolphy was only 36 years old when he died in 1964, he had already firmly established himself as a major innovator on the modern jazz scene. Iron Man (Douglas KZ 30873) is a characteristically probing set (previously unreleased, as far as I know) with the support of such fine musicians as Bobby Hutcherson (vibes) 7 Richard Davis and Eddie Kahn (basses >7 and J.C .Moses (drums >. Several horns are also present, but their contributions are much less significant. After Dolphy, the major solo space is allotted to trumpeter Woody Shaw, ‘styllistically hung up, at this point in time, between Freddie Hubbard and Booker Little, and not yet up to playing with the big boys. Reedmen Clifford Jordan, Prince Lasha, and Huey Simmons are less in evidence, although their ensemble work is excellent. Dolphy and the rhythm section bring it off, however, with the double basses providing dense, complex foundations overlaid by
Moses’ very “free” and imaginative drumming. Eric : soars, screams, honks, but always returns to the sort of lyrical muscularity which reveals his debt to Charlie Parker, as well as his firm place in jazz tradition. “Ode to C.P.” is the final cut,, and it contains as lovely a sample of Dolphy’s flute playing as you could ever hope to hear. Four of the five tracks are over six minutes long, which results in a maximum of Eric’s soloing and a minimum of stops and starts, and on balance this album is warmly recommended to those for whom Dolphy, Coltrane, Coleman are the seminal names of modern music. Guitarist John McLaughlin, usually associated with jazz or jazz-rock groups, has converted to yoga, added “Mahavishnu” to his name, and come out with My Goal’s Beyond (Douglas KZ 30766)’ an unusual album in that it succeeds in making a more than superficial integration between Indian and Western music. Side One contains “Peace One” and “Peace Two”, which utilize Indian melodies and rhythms to create some hauntingly lovely performances. The major solo contributions are made by exFlock violinist Steve Goodman and soprano saxophonist Dave Liebman, two benevolent devishes who are obviously turned on by McLaughlin’s conception. This music is impossible to categorize, but is somewhat similar to the Ravi Shankar-Yehudi Menuhin collaborations on Angel: extremely emotional, very loose and flowing, but with more rhythmic drive and complexity than we expect in Western classical music. Side Two consists of McLaughlin’s solo versions of eight pieces (jazz standards and his own originals) 7which are more low-key but equally well done. Aspiring guitarists, particularly; will appreciate his incredible technical ability: although this side should be accessible to just about anyone. Taken as a whole, My Goal’s Beyond exemplifies the liner notes’ quotation from Sri Chinmoy : “After Silence, that which comes’ nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.” A beautiful and very special album, for beautiful and very special people.
28 january
f@ay 28 ja.nuary 1972 (12:40)
799 Id- .
CUPE may-strike TORONTO (CUP&Janitorial, maintenance, boiler room and motor pool staff at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute could legally go on strike by the end of january, said Jim Anderson, a representative of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), if conciliation proceedings fail to bring about a satisfactory agreement. “The union could set up picket lines at all the main entrances to the campus by the end of the mpnth,” he added. The contract with the 112 workers of local 233 of CUPE expired September 30, 1971. “Members voted on january 6, rejecting the latest offer of the administration by 80 per cent,” said Anderson, and in addition they “authorized their bargaining committee to proceed with strike action if it became necessary.” Officials of local 233 emphasized that “it is the negotiating team’s desire to continue talks with the administration in the hope of avoiding a strike.” Since the contract expired, a total of ten meetings have taken place between the union and management. The basic rate of pay for janitorial and other staff was $3.00 per hour. Now the union negotiating team is bargaihing for a basic rage of $3.65 per hour. In their last vote thursday, the members rejected an offer of $3.24 as proposed by the administration negotiating team. CUPE members at York university recently negotiated a contract for a $3.50 basic hourly rate. Union members at the public school level had an
USED: @Typewriters l Desks l Calculators
Lockhart’s.h& at student’s
669 KING ST. VU.
them prices
742-l 582
HOTE-L. (Across From Waterloo
Square) The home of the famous. . .
in our
‘Entertainment weekend
every in our
(CUP&Two VANCOUVER factions of the underground newspaper the Georgia Straight fought for readers in the city’s_ streets during the weekend. A collective consisting of writers and production workers occupied the paper’s offices early wednesday, january 19, and published the Georgia Grape (sic) on friday. The Grape contained most of the material that was scheduled to go into this week’s Straight before the workers took over the Gastown office in protest against the refusal of editor, publisher and owner Dan McLeod to agree to a staff decision to collectivize the paper’s ownership and structure. McLeod published a newspaper bearing the Straight’s logo on thursday and vancouverites appeared to be buying both papers at about the same rate by late Saturday-often from vendors standing beside one another. another. The staff collective’s paper was named the Georgia Grape because McLeod has threatened city printers with lawsuits should they print a paper called the Georgia Straight which is not authorized by him. It was ready for publication Wednesday night but the collective couldn’t find a printer until friday, largely because of McLeod’s threats. The collective intends to occupy the office and publish its own paper at least until negotiations with McLeod are arranged. Most of the old Straight’s writers are members of the staff collective, which has been branded “Maoist” and “Trotskyist” by McLeod. In a satirical response to this the front page of the Grape bore a cartoon of Mao Tse-Tung captioned : “Nyag-ha-ha : first China, then the Georgia Straight, tomorrow the world.. .” McLeod appears to have the support of a number of production workers and claims that the staff is evenly divided on the issue of collectivization. He says he has offered the collective the use of the Straight’s office and equipment to get its own paper started, but this has been refused. In another part of the country an other alternate newspaper is also having internal problems.
at Ryerson agreement expiring december ‘1, 1971, which had ensured them of a-basic rate of $3.57 an hour. In a recent labour dispute between the administration of Glendon College and a CUPE local, the union was supported/by the students. Glendon had a student population of 1800 and it is affiliated with York university which has a total enrollment of 23,000.
When it was evident that the CUPE local at Glendon would go on strike to strengthen its bargaining position, the students voted to honour the picket lines in the event of a strike by the local. With the added support of the student body at Glendon, the CUPE local was able to settle the dispute with the administration. “If Ryerson’s staff did go out on strike, at the end ‘of the month, they will betable to draw upon a strike fund of $2,000,000”, said Anderson, “which is the amount the national offices of CUPE has on hand for members who are on strike.” CUPE is the largest independent union in the country which has no formal ties or head offices at an international level. It is the second largest union in Canada,‘ slightly short of the International Steelworkers in total membership. In the Toronto area alone, CUPE has 40,000 members. A union member commented that “in the event of a possible strike at Ryerson at the end of the month, the- administration’s supervisory personnel would have a hell of a time keeping the place heated.”
In Toronto there has been a split within the staff of Guerilla which has resulted in the suspension of ten members of the paper’s general collective and the founding of a new newspaper. The split came to a head two weeks ago when the ten dissidents published a paper using the Guerilla logo and containing regular Guerilla features. A regular issue of the paper also appeared that week. At a meeting of the Guerilla staff the ten people-who were among
-Fight continues teacher
i i
the most experienced on the staffwere criticized for what what was described as their elitism and their hard line on political action. They were then suspended from the newspaper staff. Those suspended have subsequently founded Cabal which hit the streets last week for the first time. The paper which has offices in Rochdale College will go into competition with Guerilla which has existed for about three years and has established a circulation of around 10,000.
who used ‘Straight’
MOOSOMIN, SASK (CUP&The decision of the Saskatchewan education minister to withdraw charges of gross misconduct against a Moosomin high school teacher has been challenged by the local school board which has announced its intention of taking the matter to the court of queen’s bench. Margi Gordon was dismissed in early oc.$ober under a seldom-used section of the education act which makes provision for the firing of a teacher for gross misconduct. The board’s appeal against education minister Gordon Macmurchy’s decision to withdraw the charge will begin on january 25 in regina. The reason given for gordon’s dismissal was that she allowed students under her supervision to read copies of the Georgia Straight a Vancouver underground paper. Specific objection was raised over an article in one issue which was described as “pornographic”. Gordon was teaching on a probationary certificate which restricted her to teaching home economics to grades eight to twelve. The local school board and the Moosomin high school administration assigned her duties beyond the terms of her certificate with the approval of the department of education. Her outside duties included teaching social studies and supervising home room discussion periods. These periods were to be used by the students for purposes of discussion on topics of current interest.’ Periodicals such as time,
newsweek and the regina leaderpost were distributed. Gordon was reading the Georgia Straight in a home room period when a student asked her if she could read the paper. Due to the interest shown by the students Gordon decided to make copies available to be used as discussion material by the class. Later, she was called before a principal, meeting the 9f superintendent and the chairman of the local school board. They informed her that parents were objecting to the use of the paper in the class. When asked not to use the paper again in class, Gordon agreed. After a .meeting with parents from the district and discussion by the school board she was fired from her job. Gordon made appeal directly to the minister of education who set up a board of inquiry to look into the matter. After holding’hearings in Moosomin and Regina a majority of this board recommended charges should be withdrawn. Gordon’s firing was . the culmination of a c,ampaign of insinuations and rumour that had been in progress since the summer. She was said to be addicted to heroin, which was given by the locals as the reason that she was thin and wore long-sleeve sweaters. She was also rumoured to be pushing drugs and birth control pills to students. To top is all off she was also suspected of advocating women’s liberation in the classroom.
Men’s and Women’s Suede .Coats
cents 8ach( per extra word. Deadline is tuesday afkernoons by 3 p.m. ‘ Phone days 745-1108; evenings 7441033. \ For rent _six bedroom ho&e on 9th avenue with garage. Steve White 578-
I Small purse left by hitchhiker in red Vol kswagon on University avenue between weber street and Waterloo Towers Wednesday january 19. Phone Barry Brown 884-3327.
Available immediately: To sublet, two bedroom partly furnished apartment in “married” students residence. 100 Seagram Dr. Apt. 120. Phone from 9 to 5 884-0310
LOST ( A ring 10k gold_ band, lost friday night between the Kent 3ndJillage II. Very ’ sentimental value. 884-7246.
Single and double rooms for rent, excellent caok(i,g and washing facilities,,close to utiiversity, male only. Call 743-9568.
Fridap, hitchhiker’s navy blue toque ip car of second year -math student. Please call 885-0783 .
Coats J
33 53% off
Siblet may - septeinber two bedroom apartment furnished corner Albert and Seagram drive 742-4714 ;O”SING
Looking for a place to live? Co-op has rooms and different meal arrangements to suit you. Phone 578,2580
Lost january 16 in computing centre department and a library book “Manchild and Promise Land” and a blue English notebook. Needed for an exam. Call ext 3421 or drop off in MC2026.
50.% off
Summer of 72 may to September. Your own bedroom in a f.urnished two bedroom apartment within ten minutes of any point dn campus. All facilities. for yo,ur use.’ Write Al Lukachko, P.O. Box 595, Station “K”,, Toronto, 310, Ont.
eveni’ngs 578-1463.
Worried what to do with your house after April? We want to rent a house for summer. 744-8230.
DO YOU have a house or apartment available to share with a couple? 8841047.
‘A mdrbus,ta,jti@ ’ of wine bnd thou ’ in tk wilderness-.
Passport pictures. officially forged. Have camera will photo. Scott Chevron office 885-1660. Wanted for a fatherless boy, a big brother to take me skiing. Have my own equipment. C$l 578-3523.’ FOR SALE Ski boots Kofl&h 5-buckle Phone Pete 884-2042.
size 9%M.
Stereo: Koss Electrostatic headphones, advent frequency balance (looctave\ tone) cqntrol; tivo furry bead chairs. 634-4660. 1966 VW 1300 Deluxe; radio, snowtires, safety check; asking $500. Phone Bruce 745-0919.
Passport, job application, and other _ . photographic work. Three doMars for four pictures. Call Nigel. 884-7865. TYPING Experienced typist will do thesis and essays. Reasonable rate?. Phone 7446255.
The cost is ultra reasonable. And we’ll get you to London from here just as cheaply .as is humanly possible. We’ve got a booklet. that fills in the details and prices. If you’re single,’ under 30 and sli&tly adventurbus, send for it.
Will do typing at home 35 cents per page ‘essays, thesis etc. Phone 8843466. Experienced typist will do work reports, essays etc for students on work term in Toronto area. Contact . Mrs Westby 239-6181. HOUSING
Single rooms, neat, serious students, non-smokers, kitchen privileges, broa dlqomed throughout. II.7 Dalegrove Drive, Kitchener, Five minutes from university, double room for gentlemen, private entrance and bath. 578-9696. . . Sublet april 1,girls only, two bed&m furnished apartment, Waterloo $60, no lease. 745-2065. * Own room in two bedroom d’partment, .. University avenue east. Share all facilities with young couple. 578-6658. Room and a share of two apartment-available anytime $50. 884-1047.
bedroom in co-op.
Furnished rooms for rent, complete kitchen, linen and towels supplied, males only, close to university. 8841381.
Available may and june only,, Westmount fully furnished three bedroom house. Garden, cable, all applianced. $200 per month inclusive. No Children. Phone 578-0695. Two bedroom apartment available immediately or february 1. Silver .birch Road, Waterloo $150 rent includes appliance, cable TV and all. utilities.
We want you to run away to Europ us. We’ll drain out last pint of Guinness at the Tournament Pub in Earlscourt, ,London, hit the road south to the Channel and be in Calais by sunset. . A month later; we could be in Istanbul. Or Berlin or Barceldna. Or Athens. Or Copenhagen. Or just about any place you and your Australian, English, New Zealand and South African mates want to be. . On the way, we’ll camp under canvas, cook over open fires, swim, sun and drink in some of the most spectacular settings on the continent. We’ll provide a small zippy European motorbus and your cainping gear and a , young cat to drive it who knows every wineshop from here to Zagreb, plus how to ask for a john, or how to find your way back home to bed, smashed, later on. k You can go for as little as 28 days or as many as 70. Spring, Summer or Fall. with
Okay. Running away to Europe with you sounds interesting. Please send me details, itineraries and an application.
n m
Name Address
to: Europe, Going Down the Road, 214 A Adelaide St. West, Toronto, Ontario.
Europe, Going DOwrdie A motor I
forinternational _ .
30. Spring, . .
Roait Summer
28 january
joc&lk After two weeks of hectic scheduling, 144 teams composed of over 2,160 students, faculty and staff are playing over 500 games plus playoffs in 9 competitive and recreational activities. Each team is comprised of approximately 15 players and plays a minimum of 6 games excluding playoffs. Besides the team activities, the flow of individuals to the new inStrUCtiOnal activities has been more t,han encouraging. One hundred and fifty have signed for golf, 130 for skiing, 30 for squash, JYI for swimming. I For the first time, if a team does not show or an individual doesn’t turn up, there are k?amS and-or individuals anxious to replace.
Mass participation, 0 Men’s Competitive Volleyball League entry date is Wednesday, February 2nd. All games will be played on Wednesday evenings from 790 to lo:45 pm in gyms 1 and 2 starting Wednesday, February 9th until .Wednesday, March 1st. All teams are asked to be represented at the volleyball organizational meeting Thursday, February 3rd at 7:00 pm in Room 1083.
Upcoming events’ Ground
hog day ring road relay
run on Wednesday, February 2 around noon. T,he relay run is a team competition with a team consisting of five runners each in succession completing one lap of the ring road.
The trophy will be awarded by the B.S .A. Simply form your team and meet at the north entrance Columbia Street just prior to the event. Chicopeti Ski Day on Thursday February 10th from 1: 00 to 5: 00 pm. This day organized by combined the ski club, recreational, instructional and competitive skiing.
0 Annual
Like golf, a‘refund of $1.00 will be given to anyone returning a ticket to the intramural office after the event. The actualcct is-&en only $1.00 if the ticket is pre-bought. on Saturday February 12th at Glenbriar. All team entries are due Friday, Feblruary 11th. Men’s
Around the leagues Hockey
games played, team are beginning to emerge. In the upper faculty league, a ‘three-way powerplay is imminent with upper Math, upper Eng and Phys Ed & Ret, each being undefeated to date. Their games against each other will be the determining factor. 16 of 72
In the village league, there could be a new power look, with V2SE and VS grappling with the normal leaders VN and VW. Another two weeks should tell tale in that league.
Game results: VZ-lndep Renison Optometry
Head Hunters
3 4 2 7 3
St. Pauls St. Jeromes Arts Science Lower Math
STOP Sl(;iN- .
1 1 2 1 0
After 24 games and 2 weeks of action, pre-season favourites are still in contention. In the village league, Vsouth ran their second to l-l while V2-NW remains on top with 2-O. In the residence league St. Jeromes remains intact with 2-O with Renison a close second with l. -. In upper faculty Phys Ed and
means stop here for good food at A&W low prices Women’s intramurals
Here it is January, the time all good organizations figure out whether or not they have made a profit for another year. In the case of WIAC, it is whether or not the women of this university benefitted from the competitive intramural athletic program or whether it is time to get rid of the Ret remain undefeated with 2-O competition and replace it with with the independent team called some thing else. Minus Pink with an identical 2-O Every woman on campus has a record. representative on the womens intramural athletic council who The lower faculty league is the has been doing her best to make scrambled one. Although the the program worthwhile and to let defending champions lower Math 4 the people in her unit know where haven’t lost, neither have Env. and when recreational, co-cd and Studies, Arts and Jocks are close competitive events are being held. behind-with l-l records. The co-ed and recreational events are doing reasonablly well, Results but the lack of interest women Env. Studies 38’ - Lower Eng 33 have in the competitive events has Renison 64 - St. Pauls 23 led the council to believe that these St. Jeremes 86 - Conrad G 31 events are not wanted by’ the co-op 17 - 2A Elect 26 majority of the women at the Arts 30 - Optometry 25 university. Vl-Sout h 51 - Vl-North 31 The problem seems to be in the V2-NW 42 - V2-SE 18 communication around compus. Co-op Math A 44 - VI-West, 23 First of all the reps don’t seem to Lower Math 48 - Jocks 40 know what the units want, and the Upper Eng 38 - St. Jer Ind. 17 executive therefore don’t know Minus Pink 37 - Upper Math 33 what the units want. Phys Ed & Ret 62 - Chinese St. 9 Floor
- $2.00
Due to a special arrangement \with Chicopee anyone wishing to save money must purchase their ticket before 12 noon February 10th. Ticket cost is $2.00 here or $3.00 at Chicopee, if not bought before hand.
Lower faculty, the only question is “who’s number l?” Optometry or Arts. Since they tied 2-2 last week an upset or two could decide their playoff positions. In the residence league, there has already been two upsets with both St. Jeromes and St. Pauls losing their league openers. It is traditional in this particular league that the playoff positions are not decided until the last game of the SeaSOn .
All teams should note a major switch. in the schedule with Co-op and Village North changing places. Therefore Co-op is now team number 17 and Village North team 2. Rnr ’ ‘-All Instructional programs have started. Although three more Ihours of golf were added, all classes are full this term. However, swimming enthusiasts still have an opportunity for instruction in any of our nine levels of swimming plus a new one called “survival swimming”. Specific squash clinic times have been es ta blished . Those interested are asked to sign up in the. closedcourts-corridor as soon as possible. Insturctional . class times are: Tuesday 7 :00-8 : 30 pm Thursday 10~5II:30 am ’ .
ktruction PrGgrams All six recreational team activities are underway. 24 teams entered co-ret Broombah, 17 ball hockey teams, 12 hockey, 10 co-ret volleyball teams, 7 five-man squash teams are scheduled and playing.
428 King N Waterloo
Highland Kitchener
Victoria N Kitchener
Washday Hang-Ups? . ..let us take care of ‘em f0.r
king n just below university -
Babes bitch If you as an individual would like to see the competitive program replaced then why don’t you go and tell your rep who will report to us on the council your opinion and any ideas you might have about changes. The women’s intramurals are not run for the benefit of the Council but so that the most women can get the most use ’ and enjoyment out of the facilities we have to offer. Right now, the Council doesn’t know what you want, and from the small number of people turning out for competitive events we presume that this isn’t too popular. Unfortunately no one on the Council has been endowed with ESP so unless you tell your rep what you would like to do athletically we won’t know what new program is desired. If you are suddenly wondering who your rep might be how about either asking your don, proctor or whoever, or phoning Sally Kemp Ext 3533 to find out. And you reps who think its enough to stick up a flyer on the wall to let your unit know what is available, how about going and talking to them about the program and find out what they want to do. Remember that you are an elected representative and its part of your job to find out if the women in your unit are happy with the program.
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St Jerry
Two hundred basketball fans saw the bagbitters from St. Jeromes college take the the fourth annual small college tournament from seven other competing teams. .Groups from Toronto (Scarborough’ and Erindale colleges), Sudbury (Laurentian’s university college) and the University of Guelph (Mills Hall) travelled here for the competition last weekend. The event kicked off on Friday with a closely contested battle between Erindale and Village 1 south. After a first half of good basketball and accurate shooting, the village team held a ten point lead on the boys from Toronto hoing into the dressing room with the scoreboard showing 32-21. A strong bid by the Erindale squad was stifled by the village team and the home guys led 58-46 at the final buzzer. The tough team from Laurentian U. took a while to get acclimatized and were slow in scoring over the hosting Renison squad. They however, did lead 25-19 at the half after some very bad shooting by both sides. Emerging from the dressing room refreshed, the northern squad went on a scoring spree at Renison’s expense and piled up enough points to wipe the home guys 70-33. To finish off friaay’s activities, the bagbitters from St. Jerome’s rolled over an eight-man team from Scarborough 84-53 which proved to be the highest scoring contest of the tourney. On Saturday, once again Village south supplied some excellent basketball, this time against Mills hall of Guelph. The see-saw battle which ensued ended the half with Guelph team leading by one point, 24-23. Valiant efforts by Ron House and L& Parsineau couldn’t contain former warrior player Bob Sharpe or former Guelph varsity player Mike Patrick, both of whoin scored eight points each in the second half to win the game for Mills hall, 49-41. By the end of the day, the stage was set for two good showdowns. Erindale took on Scarborough for the consolation award and the bagbitters faced Mills hall in the final.
Wurriors in stretch .
Wednesday night the hockey warriors tangled with the varsity Blues in a not too exciting match before a half filled arena. The game, usually sold out the morning the tickets go on sale, started looking like a hockey game and ended in the words of a nearby fan, “finally”. The Blues opened quickly and for the first few minutes were shooting at will. Only tight play by goalie Murry Child kept Toronto off the scoreboard. The play quickly evened off and the fans were treated to the best period of hockey this year. There was no hesitation on offence and is spite of varsity’s Neight advantage the warriors held the blues in check. At 19 :01 with Waterloo a man short the Blues forced one past the line. The Warriors came out for the second period looking as out of tune as the band sounded. At the 20 second mark the Blues slipped thr&e forwards behind the defence and it was too evident that the game was over. By the time a quarter of the period was gone it was 4-O. The play was broken and choppy with the Warriors looking like they weren’t communicating. The blues were slacking which contributed to slowing the game to a walk. The Warriors picked up two and the Blues one to end the period. The action didn’t pick up in the third period. At 3 :28 wright picked up a broken play and beat child. The game dragged a lot from there. Toronto grabbed four penalties in the period to the Warriors none but even with a two man advantage at one point, the team couldn’t put a shot on net. The game ended 6-2. Scoring for the Warriors were Farwell and Morris. For the Blues Lysionek had two, atid Burman, Munroe Mefarlane and Wright had singles. “It was strange” noted ex-warrior Bobby Bauer, “the second period started and we could feel it, like ‘click’ they quit.” Friday night the Warriors go against the Ottawa Gee-Gees. Game time is 8 : 30 in Waterloo arena. Until last Wednesday the Gee-Gees were tied with the Blues for the number two spot in the OUAA eastern division. York holds the number one spot. The Warriors are presently in a foul’ way tie for third plaoe in the west. Western leads the pack by four points. Out west the number one ranked Alberta Golden ,Bears are tied with UBC in the western division and Manitoba holds the lead in the great plains division. In Quebec its Loyola out in front and in the east St. Mary’s university, who ‘dropped the Canadian championship to Toronto last year are undefeated.
The consolation match turned i’nio an unexpected barnburner. Scarborough had just completed a win over Renison to earn their place in’ the consolation only two hours before the actual game. Erindale, on the other hand, had been fortunate in having an eight hour rest prior to the game and were noted for their bench strength.’ ‘rhe first half saw both teams exchange baskets engineered by good passing and unerring outside shooting. As the pace increased its tempo, the Scarborough squad seemed to be tiring, but as soon as Erindale went ahead by more than seven points, the Scarborough team came storming back to remain in the game. The tiring east Toronto squad retired at the half trailing 3531. The halftime break must have been a strategy session for Scarborough, because as soon as the jump ended the team slowed down the second half’s pace considerably. The slowness proved more conducive to the tired team as they caught and surpassed- Erindale’s scoring lead. Scarborough’s accuracy remained with them as they held a 68-64 lead at the buzzer and claimed the consolation. The final game shaped up to be a good battle. The two former varsity players on the Guelph squad were evenly matched by two varsity-calibre basketballers for St. Jerome’s. Phil Goggins and Bill Lozynski (brother of former warrior jock - Phil) provided the strenght for the bagbitters. The final saw *good ball handling by both teams and vicious rebounding. Patrick and Sharpe showed excellent ball control is the bagbitters w&e at odds to control the latter’s long drives as he threw in six baskets, from the floor and was good on six of seven foul attempts. St. Jerries however, were not outdone pith Phil Goggins also adding 12 points of his own and Rick Slowrkowski proving fatal to Mills at the free throw line. At the half, the Guelph squad led 23-22. In the second half, the battle raged on as before, with one exceptionthe bagbitters’ Lozynski became effective, netting twelve points (compared 1 with 3 in the first half). The bagbitters seemed resigned to the fact that Sharpe would hit and didn’t foul him as much, but held Patrick ineffective once again. -Team work paced the Waterloo squad as they gradually tied the score in the fourth half and pulled away to claim their second consecutiv_e title with a 55-46 win.
to Europe & Britain
--noon-stop -nothing held back -everything goes .YOU won’t- be disoppoinfed
Mark Greenspan Ted Asquith Bob Sharpe Mike -Patrick Phil Goggins
Scarborough Erindale Mills Hall Mills Hall St Jeromes
under 18 bdmitied
_ _
1 Special Rate To U of W II Students Faculty & Visitors We welcome you & yours at the
A friendly Complementary coffee 1051f Victoria St. 744-M
place” & morning paper N , Kitchener 71
TWO tr adders in gardens meetAn exam, bad weather, warm beds and light heads kept to a minimum the number of male-’ tracksters tripping to Toronto last weekend for a meet which served as the trials for the Maple LeafToronto daily star indoor games. The group who did make the trek picked vp as many gold medals as was acquired last week. This time round the men took two and the women only one. Marlene Peters produced an outstanding performance by outdistancing Jenny Meldrum and Kitchener’s Liz Damman in the 50 meter hurdle race. Both Meldrum and Damman. have competed for the Canadian national team on many bccasions. Marlene’s win qualifies. her to compete on february fourth in the gala event at the gardens. . George Neeland alsb took his hurdle event even’ though he was left sitting in the blocks aft& the gun. George’s time of 6.7 seconds is only one-tenth less than his personal indoor best. ’ The three mile event also fell into warrior hands as Python Northey slithered to an easy victory. Although Neeland and Peters will be included in the gardens-program, Northey will be preparing for a trip to Puerto Rico for their annual half-marathon and wiI1 pass up the event. -Joan Eddy -met a strong field in the 800 metre event but improved her time of last week to take third place. The,.‘hairy freaks’ two mile relay team which took the event last year at the ‘gardens failed to qualify, finishing out of the money in fifth position. The college section of the meet should prove interesting however, because last year, the warriors won the competition after only two events were completed.
All star team:
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friday 28 january 1972 (12:40)
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The Warrior tankmen dropped two meets on the weekend but discovered how good and how bad they can be in defeat. On Friday night Oakland University from Rochester Michigan paid a visit downing the Warriors by the close score of 5449. However the home squad broke three team records and never looked better. Bruce Henry, a freshman from St. Catherines, broke his own team record in the 50 yard freestyle by a big three-tenths of a second going 22.9. In the second event of the night distance freestyler Rolfe McEwan smashed the 1000 yard mark going 11.27.2, good enough for first place. Gibson of Oakland was just fivetenths of a second behind. The third record came in the final event of the evening’s card when Karl Brubaker anchored the 400 free relay to victory. Brubaker dove into the water a good two seconds behind the final Oakland swimmer but made up the difference and then came stroking in just four-tenths of a second ahead of the opponent. So far this year the Warriors relay team has lowered the 400 free relay mark by 6.6 seconds and are expected to go sub 3 :30 any day, an amazing time for any Canadian club. Other team victories came in the 206 freestyle when Brubaker downed Dave Goth, one of the american clubs better swimmers by nearly a full two seconds, Karl then turned around and took the 500 freestyle in 5:24.4, just 4.4 seconds off the team record. McEwan was a solid second in this event. Eric Robonson won two races the 266 individual medley and the 200
backstroke, the latter just onetenth off the team rebord. Jim Low, who hails from Owen Sound, was second in his best ever time going 2: 18.9 just 4.3 seconds behind Robinson but well ahead of the nearest Oakland swimmer. After catching twelve hours of shut-eye the Warriors tripped off to Buffalo State where they met up with Dick Heller’s squad who took them to the cleaners. The team was only able to conjure up two individual victories these by co-captain George Roy and freshman Eric Robinson. Roy took the 200 fly event in ,2: 12.9, his best time this year while Robinson swam the backstroke in 2:15.7.
Weekend action This weekend sees the -Warriors return to familiar waters and take on three opponents. On Friday afternoon at 4pm they take on the powerful McGill squad who finished , second in the Nationals here last spring behind the Toronto Blues, and Oswego from the state of New York. Last year the Warriors lost 52-63 to the Montreal team in the Quebec city but this year the Redmen are .less one of the Johnson twins, and the uniwat splashers are much stronger. Oswego also drowned the team down in the states last year. On Saturday there is more action with Queen’s coming in for a dual meet. Last year the two teams clashed twice with the Warriors X coming out on top in both occasions. This year, however the Gaels have picked up three outstanding freshmen and will be looking for the Warriors staples. The ‘meet starts at ~Zpm.
The Athena basketballers As of Tuesday; january 25th travelled to Windsor on the Waterloo is now in third place with weekend to confront the university the top’ teams as follows: of Windsor Lancerettes in a league M&laster 10 points 3 remaining game and the Windsor Senior “A” Windsor 10 points 3 femahiiig team in an exhibition match. Western 8 points 4 remaining The Saturday night encounter Waterloo 6 points 4 rembining with the Lancerettes was not exactly a highlight of the season for the Athenas. During the first half, the Athenas If ,Waterloo defeats Guelph on controlled the majority of play Tuesday, january 25th then uniwat with their strong defense however has 8 points. the host club kept pace, sinking a And Western beats Lutheran number of lucky shots. At the half there will be a three way tie for -Waterloo led 24-23 but this was first place with the Athenas 2 shortlived as with 10 minutes to go points behind in second. the girls had slipped to a 40-31 To qualify for the chanpionship deficit. round to be held at Waterloo Poor rebounding and a number february 25th and 26th, the of turn overs as a result of lost Athenas must win their four _ jump balls, resulted in a final 62-49 remaining games ‘as only the first score for u. of Windsor. and second place teams are eligible to play. Patti Bland led the uniwat squad shooting 66 percent from the floor In the exhibition game played and 50 percent from the foul line against the Windsor Senior “A” . accumulating 17 points overall. team, Waterloo were defeated 74Mary-Anne Krzyzanowski shot 50 70. Their play was very much percent and 80 percent respecimproved from that of previous tively resulting in the second top k night as they narrowed a 19 point scorer with 11 points deficit in the second half to a mere Jan .Meyer played well of4 points. If this determination is fensively setting up’ the uniwat any indication of future play, we can look for better things ahead in attack but in general the team couldn’t seem to hit for points. the Athenas’ future.
Specu tat ion has it :
Average percentages of 30 from the floor and 50 from the foul line tell the story. -
Take u waterbaby 20
The Athenas’ next home game will be on Wednesday when they go against MeMaster.
to bed this week
Volleyball The Athena Volleyball team travelled to Windsor last weekend and were able to keep hold of second place in their league. They defeated Windsor ‘girls 3 straight games by scores of 16-14,15-5 and 15-5. The first game, the Windsor girls took a strong lead of 6-0, by catching our Athenas flat on their heels. The Athenas were able to pull up their socks just in time and came from a 14-12 deficit to win 16-14. Being a little mor prepared for the next two games, theeyd idn’t have too much trouble defeating the home team the next two games. Strong defence at the net by Irene Kwasniki and good spiking by Jane Fraser led the Athenas to their victory. The girls, however, will have to work a little harder if they are going to end up in first place in their league. The girls extended their league record to six-and-one by .defeating the university of Guelph three games straight last Tuesday evening. Scores of 15-5, 15-5 and 15-2 were all needed to dispose of the Guelph squad. The athenas seemed to be working well together as a team. Jan Roorda had a particularly good evening at the net spiking all availabe sets to the floor picking holes in the opponents defense. The team’s back row also was moving well together and picked up adequately, spikes that passed the blockers. Next home game is slated for Wednesday, February 4 against McMaster.
Curling Varsity
Wayne Steski defeated Terry Olaskey’s rink in the final. Steski played Gary Cousins’ rink in the best 2 out of 3 competition. Steski’s rink won the first game 8-7 and then defeated Cousins again in the second game 9-8. Members of the Gary Cousins rink were: Terry Norman, Don McEwan and Kent Cochrane. Wayne Steski and his rink of Bill Icton, Axle Larsen and Bob McHugh will represent Uniwat at the OUAA competition on february 4th.
Squishers squashed The university of Western Ontario mustangs dominated the Waterloo invitational men’s squash tournament held here this past weekend. With a total of eight teams entered Western lost only one match in the double elimination tournament and thus amassed a toal of seventeen points, six and a half points ahead of second place Toronto. York managed ten points to gain third spot and Waterloo all with Queens, Trent gaining only four and a half points to tie for MacMaster and Guelph fourth place. rounded out the field. The individual honors went to Richard Fleming of Trent, the only player managing to beat his western opponent. In this case Fleming meet Peter ~Gudewill of Western twice, since it was a double elimination tournament. In the morning Fleming defeated Gudewill 3-0, but Gudewill then defeated his next opponent and then went on to meet Fleming in the finals. Gudewill this time managed to defeat Fleming, so a sudden death play-off game had to be played, and Fleming out steaded his opponent to defeat him 15-9. The warriors lacked the depth and experience of the players from Western Toronto, and York, and were also playing without the services of their number one player Doug Maclean. Paul Dunning of the warriors picked up a total of one and a half points John Cushing gained one point before being defeated by Holmes of Toronto. Neil Richardson also gained one point for his efforts, with the remaining point being picked up by the other team members, John Fredricks and Abe Ibriham. The tournament was a good preview to
the OUAA championships to be held here on February 25th and 26th.
Sports airlift A special Armed forces co-ordinating staff has been set up to help in the training and development of Canadians in international sports competitions, a news release pointed out. The special co-ordinating staff will deal with all majorrequests for the support of top-flight events. Particular emphasis has been placed on athletes preparing for the ‘72 and ‘76 Olympics. Arrangements have been under way since last September for the forces “to airlift personnel to Sapporo, Japan” site of this year’s winter Olympics. That’s the armed force’s way of’saying they’ll fly the participants over there, it does not mean they will be pulled up by helicopter and deposited on the slopes (or does it?). The same staff has been hit by the department of national health and welfare for the loan of 830 beds and bedding for the artic winter games to be held in early march at Whitehorse, Northwest Territories. “These latest moves to support amateur sports at the national level are a fitting extension of the Canadian forces’ goodneighbor-policy under which base commanders have, for years, made every effort to support community sports activities in their local areas”. What if molatov-cocktail-throwing becomes an approved amateur sporting activity... (it seems to be spreading across the globe)...what then, how now?
Carl Waterer, who swam for Saskatchewan, and won two golds and a silver at least years nationals here in Waterloo took the 266 yard butterfly in 2: 14.5 while Andy Keir pulled off an upset in the 500 yeard freestyle with a clocking 5:21.4. Waterer was also named the outstanding’ intercollegiate swimmer last year after returning to the water from after being partially paralized in the fall of 1976, and underwent major surgery. Still talking about swimming, while Waterloo fans were treated to some great action at this year’s international-meetfor-women which featured many past Olympic medalists and some gals who will undoubtedly be on this year’s Canadian and american teams, it was announced this week that Debbie Meyer was retiring from competitive swimming at the age of 19. Debbie won three gold medals at the ‘68 Olympics in the 200, 400 and 866 metre freestyle events and won the Sullivan award that year as outstanding amateur’ athlete in the United States. Over her career, she set world records 19 seperate times and now her final comment was “I have been to the Olympics and I don’t want to work that hard to get there again. My mind tells me to get moving but my arms won’t go.” This story isn’t *uncommon among swimmers.
After the evenings entertainment the men showered away the sweat, neatly did up their ties, donned their pants and overcoats and’walked home none the worse for ware. On chap however had his shoulder popped by another ferocious grappler and was removed from the mats and rushed to the hospital to be patched up, jock strap and all. So ended the tourney.
Around the leagues The Calgary Dinosaurs may be the team to beat in the western intercollegiate hockey loop this year. Last week they tromped the Manitoba Bisons 13-4 in the stampede city. Meanwhile down east St. Mary’s took St. Thomas to the cleaners 13-1. In basketball St. Mary’s thumped, and we do mean thumped, Prince Edward Island, 106-48. The Voyageurs from the nickel capital took York 71-60 to win their first league game after twelve defeats. This was quite an upset for the York squad and the V’s coach Ken Shields who hails from Alberta and played for Mount Royal College and Calgary had to be pleased. This is his initial year as the Laurentian coach. Turning to the swimming scene, the UBC Thunderbirds are rated by many coaches as the team to beat at this year’s national slated for Lava1 in March. Last weekthe west coast tankmen were drowned by the university of Puget Sound 79-32. UBC won two events however.
The uniwat rugger club doesn’t want to give up the ghost but may be forced to if they don’t get some better practice hours. Late evening practices, and we mean real late, especially on Friday kind of cut into their other social activities. With the squad trying to get in shape before heading down to New Orleans early next month maybe they could’trade hours with the ‘other’ football team which has been practicing between 3:3O and 4 at least on Tuesdays. The ‘other’ team doesn’t start its games till August.
Casual recreation? There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that the university of Waterloo provided adequate intramural activities, the number of programs offered far outshines any other Canadian school. There is something to be said however, about the competitiveness being demonstrated in the recreational leagues. The frustrated would-be varsity athletes (both male and female) can have the competitive leagues to bash their heads for all the reasons one does such things. The intramural director has seen the need for another kind of activity geared to those wishing only a casual evening of recreation which incorporates a certain social element as well as a small bit of athletic involvement. Slowly, the forementioned frustrated persons have been creeping in to infiltrate the recreational ranks. where the competition is much less avid and success to the keen competitor easier to realize. We wish these competitive-types would realize the difference in philosophy of the people involved in the recreational leagues andcut out all the play to-beat-the-hell-outof-the-other-guy shit.
Wrestling tourney St. Jeromes took this year’s wrestling tourney held Tuesday. With four individual weight class winners the team scored an impressive fifty points while Renison and Upper Engineering tied for second with 15 points each. Rich Ciupa took two weight classes for St. Jerries, the over 200 class and the 185199‘ pound class. Vincent Connoy also won for the church coll?ge team by pinning Uwe Zundel of village 2-SE and Neil Wrigley. Connoy also took the 111-125 pound class-but only because there were no other competitors. He really worked up a sweat for that victory. In the 156 to 170 class Hans Gross of upper Engineering pinned both Adam Resell and Dune McKinnon who ended up second and third respectively. Brian Thompson of Science knocked off Wendall Wain and John MacIver, both of Renison, in the 141-155 class. In all some 18 wrestlers took part in the seventeen matches which comprised of three one minute rounds.
Waterloo warriors lead the western section of the OUAA basketball card with onegame in hand on the Guelph guerrillas. Jaan Laaniste, league leading scorer for the past two years, is trailing Wayne Morgan of Guelph by 31 points but has a game in hand.
Waterba bies forever ’
Splash: The world champion Waterbabies are back at the jock pool. Well, most of the team showed up for the game, the rest are still somewhere between here and Auckland, New Zealand. Both the “a” and “b” team have been on an international tour. The “a” team is still on the road and are not expected to return until the opposition becomes worthy of their action. The “b” team’s usual ace tubers, after observing the rough house brawling by the rookie learn-to-tube matches, decided to inject their own worthy and unbiased referee. It paid off. The opposition still could not win with the Waterbabies help. The Titanic Floating Points sank to the bottom on their maiden voyage across the wide expanses of the pool when confronted by the long thin line of Waterbabies. The tidal wave created by the Babies’ Janet Stoody guttered a number of inexperienced TFPees tubers. During the second half, the ref and four of the eight Waterbabies were on the sidelines attempting to rally the sinking Titanics who were now down by 9, on to. greater heights. It helped a little but seemed to unnerve them so much, seeing the Waterbabies’ actually cheering for the oppositions like turncoats, that the TFPees soon became flustered and their torpedo homing shots were dropping up among the 1,066 cheering partisand followers. Other teams and scores; slideramas furrie freaks, bio buggers, frands freaks, 18, 3,4,4. The real contest, Waterbabies IO, Titanic Floating Points 3.
friday 28 january 1972 (12:40)
805’ 2 1
do you think
be doing
on this
Art Phelan,
Eng. 3
Don MacAulay,
Margaret Paul Unterman,
Organise dances:’ bring in big bands to provide lots of fun for fresh co-eds, and bring in large shipments of dope so that we can ensure quality and quantity. Organize prostitution with respect for the women (and male counterparts) and bring back Larry Burko. What’s happened to RSM?
could provide They opportunities to get professors and students together more often. This would provide students with an image or a goal to strive for. We are all becoming adults here and want to find some purpose in life. It’s good to get together with older people who are successful so that we can see what some adults have done with their lives.
What they are doing now is organizing activities. I think they should work more on bringing issues to the attention ‘of the students, such as the university Act and the parking problem. There wasn’t enough discussion on the Act, it just sort of appeared all of a sudden. We heard about it only when it was a fait accompli. They are not acting on the parking problem either-more people should be involved in this. Student council itself seems to be cut off from the campus. My problem is that I am a co-op student so I’m off campus every second term and that puts me out of contact.
Council can’t really do anything on the parity question because students are too apathetic to actually participatein administrative committees. This is evidenced by the number of open positions on student council and the fact that they haven’t had a quorum in council meetings for some time now. Most kids right now are so tied up with the fact that they are not going to get jobs after they graduate they don’t really give a damn about things that are happening around them in the university.
computer breakdownbe kind to ducks week
Parkdale Mall 22
the chevron
578-291 0
They should be just an entertainment agency. The people who get elected are not capable of anything else-the students on this campus are not capable of anything else. This is not a reflection of the students abilities but of the’ institution and what they are taught. lf l were a student president l would do the same, as l don’t think l am equipped for anything else. l am trained to be an engineer not a politician. I am a cynic, and the biggest thing that has made me like that is this place. lt’s overpowering-just the physical Size of it is overpowering. lt seems in a Place this , big you never get to know the people in power such as President Matthews, or even the Federation president, unless YOU really push yourself.’ I don’t think either of them are in line with what l am paying my $22 for. That’s probably why a lot of students are negative and why a lot of people are negative. I don’t think I can possibly do anything to change the way things are, either here or in society, SO generally l vote out of a Perverse desire to screw things up. I don’t feel my vote does anything, so why not go sandboxing and have a good time.
Right now they are not anything. I think they should try to govern the campus as they have done in the past, and show that they will continue to if they get a yes vote in the referendum. They sho,uld do something to get the parking gates open even after five or six o’clock. Regular classes are all finished then and the University doesn’t need to collect this extra money.
Western LONDON, ONT. (CUP&-What can you do with a slightly used politician? In the Soviet Union, they don’t have the problem of what to do with old officials. For that matter, they don’t have any old politicians. In France, no government remains in power long enough to accumulate them. South American rulers retire with the country’s treasury to the Riviera after a decent period in office, ‘But here in Canada, it seems, we send them off to pasture in the nearest college or university, offering our long suffering heroes choice administrative plums for which they return money and business savvy. The latest in a series of personnel transfers from government to university management is the recent appointment of Ontario’s ex-premier John Robarts as chancellor of university of Western Ontario. How c’an Robarts help Western in his new unsalaried position? The usual ploy historically in Canadian universities was to appoint a wealthy businessman to the chancellorship in an attempt to morally obligate the businessman into granting money for the creation of new departments or the construction of new buildings. while still an This concept, operable one, is gradually giving way to a, different scheme : that of appointing men to chancellorships, presidencies, a& directorships on the basis of business and political influence, rather than on the basis of personal wealth and experience.
.. UWO, like most other Canadian universities, looks for new members for their board of governors who can establish (or approve) policies and objectives for the university, and who can evaluate the university’s performance against those objectives. They look for board members who can be responsible for ensuring effective continuing management of their university . Management capabilities, however, while desirable to universities who view themselves as businesses, is no longer quite enough. What the universities are looking for are men with strong financial and political connections and affiliations. John Robarts fits the bill perfectly.
cho-oses Robarts Since retiring from political office (and he still maintains considerable influence within the progressive conservative party which has ruled Ontario for more than two decades> he has become an active businessman. Since march 1971, he has joined the boards of directors of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, of Midland-Osler Securities Ltd., and of Metropolitan Life of New York. His political pull, at a time when Ontario’s universities are about to come under a greater degree of state control, will be an invaluable asset to Western in the years agead. And his recently acquired business influence, at a time when money is tight in this country, will make it easier for Western to get massive capital financing for whatever projects they may undertake. So Robarts finds himself as a top cog in a fully integrated bankinggovernment-business-university corporate machine. How does he envisage his job at Western? “The chancellor makes heimself as necessary to the university as the things he chooses to take on,” he said, adding that there were things he would learn
drug charges
as time went on and he attended university board meetings. Robarts in not an isolated example-he is. part of a trend among university administrations who aro are moving closer and closer to the concept of universityas-big-business, and who are looking to old political leaders to supply the lnecessary connections to establish the universities financially .
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Lester Pearson For example, accepted the chancellorship of Carleton university in 1969, shortly after retiring from active partisan Pitman, political life. Walter former Ontario deputy leader and leadership contestant for the NDP, recently accepted the position of dean of arts and science at Trent university.
Job Earnings l
To market
Averaged students
over $3,500 last summer
for our \
Alan Frecker, longtime senior for cabinet minister the Newfoundland Liberals, was appointed chancellor at Memorial university of Newfoundland last spring. And Robert Thompson, former leader of the social credit party, will become administrative vice-president of a religious liberal arts college in British Columbia after the next election. And so on and on until the former ivory towers are crammed with aging statesmen, and the university as a place of value-free education. is forsaken to an evertightening politico-economic system.
Are trained in sales and marketing psychology
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2, 1972
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Women’s GAINSEVILLE, Fla. (CUPI)-Under a special agreement between local officials and student, representatives, the university of Florida will begin policing itself for minor marijuana offences. Students caught with less than five grams of grass will be tried by student honor board rather than the local courts. Students convicted by the honor court, which handles most breaches of university rules by students,. “will either be expelled or work for a certain number hours in the corner drug store,” says the law student chancellor of the honor court, Bob Willis. “The corner drug store is a joint university-community project for aiding those with drug problems. “This will give them a chance to see the drug scene from the hard side,” says Willis.
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (CUPI) Polaroid Corporation’s announcement here on december 30 that it is pleased with an “experimental” program which it says has improved wages and benefits for the black employees of its South African distributor met with sharp ‘criticism from the Polaroid revolutionary workers movement. The PRWM accused the Polaroid! experiment of being “designed to cover the fact that Polaroid produces and sells to South Africa the key to its system of genocide.” Polaroid sells to the South African government their ID-r identification system, similar to systems used on many campuses for producing college ID’s, for use in the production of apartheid pass books.- These X)-page documents must be kept in the possession of
Gas for less
South African blacks under threat of imprisonment. ’ The year-old experimental program-which includes the donation of 675,000 dollars in grants to several black educational groups in South Africa-is Polaroid’s response to charges by the workers’ group and others that it profits, from the labor of blacks oppressed by apartheid. In its reaction to Polaroid’s latest announcements, the PRWM called for a widening of its year-old worldwide boycott of Polaroid products, and said it is striving for “a $40 million dollar loss” by the corporation for 1972. Polaroid’s sales were down $15 million dollars last year, but r there is no way of knowing what part the boycott played in the loss.
group On Wednesday the women’s collective is presenting two showings of a 45 minute film called “The Women’s Film”. It ‘is about working and poor women who discuss the various forms of oppression they have felt at home, on the job and in society. Showing number one will be at 2 :30 pm in Humanities 227. It will be shown again at 7:3O at the Kitchener public library. Both times are free, although donations would help. This goes to cover the cost of bringing in the film, but also to furnish and pay the rent on the collective’s new office.
p.P. of A., Master
P 0 R’ T R A I ’ T S
of Photography
Phone 742-0914 119 King W. Kitchener, Ont; (Opposite Lyric Theatre)
It is located at 131 Mansion street in Kitchener, and when you go to visit, look for the side basement door- on the left side of the house. Starting monday ‘the hours will be from one to four pm. The phone number is 743-7001, and both women and men are welcome to drop in. Literature is available. There are people to talk to and coffee to drink.
The days of three beer for a buck are gone as sales tax invades campus “- pubs. Under the retail sales tax act liquor, wine and bottled beer are taxable at 10 per cent. Thus “3 for $1.00” is joined by “& cents tax equals $l.lO”, and liquor becomes “50 cents & 5 cents tax equals 55 cents” a shot. Each ‘46 cents for a single beer sold is *worth 4 cents to the government, Work for the government, drink for the government. These prices are effective as of january 24, 1972. IO
28 j january
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Straight \
is really run by all the people who VANCOUVER (CUP&Revolution, work on it, and the staff has has hit the Georgia Styaight, the which wanted it to be a co-operative for Vancouver tabloid the underground quite some time.” pioneered He said the decision to change newspaper field in Canada about the paper into a co-operative was five years ago. made at a staff meeting early in In an attempt to democratize the operation of the weekly and turn December. A negotiating committee was set ovnership over to an editorial and production co-operative, staff up following that meeting to discuss the matter with McLeod, members occupied the paper’s Gastown office last week. but “McLeod refused to negotiate,‘* immediately began Mole said. They “He told us that he never inproduction of this week’s paper in tended to give up legal ownership the face of harassment from the of the paper. But the staff wants Straight’s founder, editor, and legal owner, Dan McLeod. *_ the paper to be a collective, with no person having ‘power over anyone McLeod, who was once himself else,” he added. ‘the object of legal repression by city authorities, threatened city Straight co-ordinator Ken Lester printers with lawsuits if they print _ said the staff has always thought of a staff paper bearing the name “a benevolent dicMcLeod as Georgia Straight. tator”. He is attempting to get a court “But things have just gone too order for the removal of Straight far,” he continued. “McLeod has equipment from its office. An an excellent alternate view of edition published by McLeod with things, but he cannot deal with the help of a few loyal staffers unless they are really appeared on the city streets, ’ things radical.” bearing apologies for the hasty ’ He said staff members discussed production. putting out an issue devoted Meanwhile, the approximately strictly to women but added it was 20 staffers who have occupied the vetoed by McLeod who said the Straight office were trying to find a subject “did not relate to printer. Local shops were weighing anything”. the possibility of a lawsuit versus Lester said he thinks the paper the promise of instant cash and a will become m-ore sensitive steady contract from the staff, who operating as a collective. intend for the time being to publish “We will have the same staff as under the Georgia Graight. before and even though we aren’t David Mole, the paper’s business , ideologically together, this is good manager, said the staff’s move is because we’ll get some differences its first blow against McLeod, who of opinion in the Straight.” he described as the paper’s “ruling “We want the paper to take new class”. directions with better presentation and quality of articles and a “McLeod has had the ultimate broader base from which to work.” power over the inclusion or exclusion of anything from the He said the Straight will tempaper,” Mole said, “but the paper porally drop the classified ads to afford more room for articles. The paper staff this week also opened a Georgia Straight collective bank account into which all monies owing to the Straight are being paid. “Also we’ve placed a lock on our cash register so no one but the cooperative staff can get at our now money,” Lester said. In his edition which appeared tuesday headlined “Still Under Old ‘Mismanagement ’ “, McLeod said nights he opposes the collective structure 7:30 because “I believe it is quite possible that the paper will fail under collective ownership, and this must not happen.”
Chevron staff
884-l 550
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He said he has offered the section of the staff which now occupies the office the use of equipment to start its own newspaper because he thinks “the community should decide” whicn paper it wants to be served by. In an article bylined P.X. Belinski, the following statement is made : “The ‘collective’ justifies its action by recourse to Marxist theory and practice. These views s are obviously not the same as those of the ‘underground’ or ‘counterculture’ they wish to preach to. The counter culture has NO general theory of society and politics.” The takeover of the Straight offices is the latest development _ arising out of the political ferment among the paper’s staff which began about two years ago. Questions such as staff democracy and w_orkers’ control were unheard of when McLeod started the paper in 1967. At that time it served Vancouver’s freak community and consisted largely of cartoons and reprinted material from US underground papers with little political analysis. McLeod guided the paper through endless legal hassles with the Vancouver police, prosecutors, and licence inspectors. The paper was charged with everything from obscenity through. criminal libel to counselling the commission of an illegal act-growing marijuana. His paper survived the attempts at repression and gained economic self-sufficiency during the summer of the flower children-1968when sales in one phenomenal week rose to 60,000. As the era of the hippie faded and the paper’s circulation settled at about 12,000, its writers turned their attention increasingly to economic problems and the means of combatting them politically. Especially after the War Measures Act crisis of 1970, the conflicts between this kind of analysis and the counter-culture orientation became sharper. Last year the paper’s office was taken over by radical women who put out a women’s issue in protest against what they saw as the paper’s sexism expressed in cartoons, pit tures , and writing. At this time in Vancouver it remains to be seen whether the city’s politically aware from a iarge enough base to support a liberated, non-counter-culture Straight.
meal: an Eco-Bun-ker
The pollution probe at the university of Toronto is sponsoring Ontario’s first Eco-Bunk contest. The object of the contest is to send in copies of advertisements that are particularly bad from an environmental point of view. If it is a radio or television ad, it should be quoted or described as accurately as possible and the time and stationnoted. Along with the ad, a page or so should be written explaining why the ad is bad. There are ten first prizes. The best ten entries will be selected and the lucky winners will all be
invited to dinner in Toronto with the corporation president or government official responsible for the Eco-Bunk. Everyone will receive the second prize which is a letter suitable for framing from the company or government agency explaining why they think the ad is really true and good. The contest begins ‘at noon, january 15, 1972 and ends at midnight february 29, 1972. All entries should be sent to Eco-Bunk contest, pollution probe, university of Toronto, Toronto 181, Ontario.
Former Artsoc execs demand get it a PO1 WY -and We consider the ar title “Benovoy Charged in Arts Society in your issue of january Fraud”, 14th, 1972, highly improper and quite irresponsible. Your reporters were apparently anxious to make sensational disclosures and went outside of the normal bounds in dealing with various allegations and implying quite pointedly that other members of the executive were equally guilty. $uite obviously in publishing the article, you have disregarded the basic principle that once the matter is before the courts, it is sub judice, and no further, comment regarding the same should be published or discussed until the court determines whether or not the person charged is guilty. , We hold no brief for the individual charged, nor do we wish to discuss the allegations. However, as two of the members of the former executive referred to in the article, we feel it necessary to take the strongest possible exception to the tone of the article, implying wrong doing on our part. Your reporters have obviously been quite careless (even the name of one of us was misspelled) in failing to check and verify their information, as they could- have readily ascertained the material facts, and more particularly the following : 1. The article creates the impression that blank cheques were signed repeatedly “without question”. Your reporters could have verified the fact that no cheques were sent to Mr. Krepakevich and cheques were signed on two occasions only, but in each case questions were asked and reasonable precautions taken that the proposed expenditures ‘were valid and would be supported by the proper vouchers.
2. The article also implies that we were apathetic and unsociety concerned regarding monies, which is completely unwarranted by the facts. When the vouchers were not produced within a reasonable time, no further cheques were signed by us and
contrary to what was stated in the article, Mr. Mackie was informed. Upon leaving office, we informed the new executive of the financial discrepancies in question, and sought outside assistance to procure an accounting of the monies covered by the chaques, which subsequently led to the events referred to in your article. Furthermore, your reporters must be aware of the fact that it is a common practice in business firms and associations for blank cheques to be frequently signed in appropriate circumstances and there is no law prohibiting the same being done. Accordingly we find the article extremely offensive in impugning and maligning our integrity and reputations by implying in the last paragraph of the article that we should also be charged or fined for having signed the blank cheques in question. Having regard to all the circumstances, .the whole tone of the article do& not constitute fair comment regarding a person being charged and the innuendo contained therein, and particularly in the last paragraph thereof, is clearly defamatory and libelous against us. We accordingly hereby require and demand that you publish a complete apology and retraction of the offensive statements insofar as the same are directed against us, in the next issue of the chevron, and in accordance with the law in that regard. Michael Krepakevich Kent Webster
The chevron apologizes to Krepakevich and Webster for the statements contained in the last paragraph of our front story of january 14. That paragraph was not, incidently, a part of the story by Marc Robertcand Bruce Murphy, but was added later during the editing process, so it is not the reporters who were in error. The reporters did not have to make “sensational disclosures” in the body of the story, however, and the chevron did not mean to impugn the integrity of the rest of the’ . executive. the lettitor
Federation closed What I learned today? Last month I decided to run for president’ of the federation of students. Since then, I have been getting together with many people of all faculties to decide what the majority of the students want done, what needs to be done, and what could be done. The majority of the students do not even know what the student federation is or what it is supposed to do. We were working on ways in which this could be changed. But I learned today that instead of
working on student problems, we should have been focusing our attention on finding out when the nominations would be opened and closed .* The 64,000dollar question for next year could be offered to anyone outside the campus centre group who could find out when the federation nominations take place. It’s things like this which make me wonder about the referendum. David Desory Psych 3
Down with Jaque Strappe! In regards to the disparaging statements made about the Warriors. Band.’ First I will discredit the credibility of the story and the reporter Jock Strappe. Anyone who was at the game realizes that the Warriors’ first goal did not come off a shot by Roger Kropf although he is credited with it. His rebound went directly to a Windsor defenceman who skated in unmolested and rifled a shot into the lower right hand corner of the goal. Now that Jock Strappe’s credibility., has been destroyed I shall continue. Your survey cannot possibly be as far reaching as you say (possibly 87 percent of the
chevron staff) because at least 50 percent of the students have never heard the Warriors Band. We in the band have also had a survey and 80 percent of the people we talked to (you’ll notice we don’t try to say the students on campus), have said that the chevron is not only inaccurate in its facts but also unrepresentative of the student body in general. Possibly our repetoire is getting stale, but we have had a budget cut and federation won’t give us support, so we are financially unable to buy new music. John Rudy Deputy Chief Centurian Warriors band
Address letters to feedback, the chevron, U of W. Be concise. The chevron reserv& the right to shorten letters. Letters must be typed on a 32 charac ter line. For legal reasons, letters must be signed with course year and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason.
feedback Federation’s referendum tactics ‘like the PC’s election campaign’ This whole referendum pissing me right off.
Number 1: Carl Sulliman, man in charge df the deal, resigned the federation three months ago because he didn’t like what was going on. Number 2: The presidental elections are being held three weeks prior to the referendum. None of the five people running obviously thinks the federation is going to die or they wouldn’t waste their own money on a campaign, besides the which once the people (us) have gone through all the shit of electing a president, they’re not going to put him out of office three weeks later before he’s even had a chance to move in. Number 3 : To take care 0-f the artsies who would vote against the federation, the referendum is being held during slack. week. SO there’s an advance poll-what small percentage of those who may have voted are going to vote at an advance poll?
a bad thing-I am going to vote with the federation. The point is that the tactics employed to win this referendum are not strictly above board. I
This is exactly the same tactic employed by the PC government in Ontario during the fall election. The taxpayers’ money was used to put out a little blurb informing senior citizens that they need not pay OHSIP anymore. Their little blurb came out not just to senior citizens but to all OHSIPers the day before the election. Sneaky bastards, eh? Number 6 The referendum comes a little too closely to Winter Weekend. Just when everyone’s going to be saying “My, what good times-isn’t the federation wonderful? ’ ’ , it’s going to be time to vote. Also, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see several really good movies and several really good pubs in the few weeks left till february 23. The point I am trying to make in all this is not that the federation is
think the federation could have fair and won the referendum square but now we’ll never know, will we? Anne Banks Civil 4b
What about the athletic fee? First let me commend Carl hulliman and Al Lukachko for their editorials and Gino Nicolini for his support for the compulsory fee for the federation of students. If we have to bitch about a compulsory fee, what about the athletic fee? After all,, when the federation does something about bookstore prices it’s for all the students but when the football team comes through with a---the analogy is cloudy. Secondly for God’s sake let’s keep the federation, inactive lately or not. Wouldn’t it be wonderful for
Number 4: To take care of the engineers who would vote against the federation, the federation has somehow shanghaied the engineering society into running a very strong ‘Vote Yes’ campaign. I still haven’t figured out how this was done since I understood it was the engineers who demanded this whole referendum thing in the first place. In any case, this working together for the purposes of the referendum is going to benefit both the federation and the engineering society since the engineers will be the major part of those left on campus to vote during slack yeek and they will vote yes and the federation will live and t-he federation will support the engineering society and Engsoc will live. Number 5: The federation is spending a lot of our money in this campaign-for example, this cute little brochure ‘The Federation of Students:Students Serving *Students’ due ti> appear just before the referendum-just in time to catch our vote. This brochure may have been printed anyway, who knows, but the point here is the timing.
the administration not to have an organized student body to oppose them? But President Matthews (in doubletalk) has stated that even if the federation dies, he would support some sort of student governing body. He can’t think of any high school that doesn’t have some kind of body like this. Do we remember, folks, how much power high school students have through their student councils? \ Stan Clarke English 3
MON. JAN. 31 - 12:30 P.M. AL 116 FILM - THE ESKIMO FIGHT FOR LIFE An important anthropological record of a way of life fast disappearing. Free Admission COMING SOON SUN. FEB. 20 8:00 P.M. THE MOODS OF MAN Theatre of the Arts Admission $2.50, students $1.50 P Central Box Office ext. 2126
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The ‘nationat farmers’ union of Canada has been conducting a boycott of Kraft corporation since late this summer. 1The boycott has since been reduced to products from Kraft’s main *non-unionized plants and does not include unionized subsidiaries such as Sealtest. -The boycott is being conducted as an effort by farmers, in this case dairy farmers, to gain collective bargaining rights and establish a right to have some control over their products. The boycott has meant demonstrations at Kraft plants anduarious grocery chains across 1 the country, and has stressed the need for urban and rural consumers to realize their common interests in matters such as food control. The following is an interview with the national boycott co-ordinator for theNFU, Don Kossick:
CUP: Why Kraft?
do farmers
to boycott
‘KOSSICK: To try and put it as straight as possible, farmers at the moment in ‘Canada are powerless in any decisions that are being made in what happens in agriculture, FM example, they have no control over the price ot their products. That means that they can produce wheat, hogs, potatoes and so on, but they can’t establish any price on that product. The price is established by agro-business rather than themselves. Agro-businesses are those involved in the marketing and processing of food. iThey control the prices, and the farmer has to toke ‘what they put forward. Because of that w’e have over two thirds of the farmers geared up to be forced off the land in the next JO to 15 years. We are losing a thousand farmers a month right now. The average age of the farmer is 58 years. i would like to point out that since farmers have no control over their product, they also have no control over government policy, because it is government that decides what happens to food. They decide how it is marketed and produced. This is done in league with agro-business corporations.
CUP: But why Kraft? Why not either take on all of the companies, or another company, or ‘go into something like a milk-withholding action? Why a boycott of the Kraft cornorati-on? ot situation where they .-can bargain collectively. Kraft is the biggest in the field and they took Kraft on. They could .have taken on a large number of agro-businesses across the country at the same time, but in terms of resources, finance and strength, you can be much more effective concentrating on one group. Kraft has been ,more blatant in some ways in terms of controlling the dairy industry-in Ontario. For example, mere used to be 500 cheese factories in Ontario; now there are only 42. Part of the process has been that Kraft has had a situation where they control the Ontario milk marketing board. By control I mean that they can have the milk marketing board administer quotas in such a way that the quotas get passed on to groups like Kraft and away from cooperative cheese factories which in a lot of ways helped out the farmer more than a large corporation like Kraft. So Kraft is very intent on establishing a situation where they control dairy from the farm level right to the supermarket level. CUP’: How do you intend,to develop your Kraft boycott? Are you working across Canada or regionally? . KOSSICK: Why a strategy such as a boycott in the first place? We feel that the production of food, the use of food, and so on is of interest not only to the farmers but to the whole population of Canada. It is to the benefit of all people in Canada to be able to get good quality ‘food at a price that they can afford, and also at such a price that both the person who is eating it and the person who is producing it can benefit. it was in this light that we embarked on a boycott. We feel that having a boycott puts the economic sledgehammer on Kraft. One thing th’at has happened often, when certain groups have tried to secure certain rights, is that the power establishment has done a very good job of isolating them so that they appear to be people who are only in there for their own gain, and not for the good of anybody else. We feel that through a boycott, we can really get it across to consumers and other groups that farmers intend to produce food of .good quality and at. a good price so that jboth we can survive and they get what /they need.’
From that situation, farmers have been trying to create a situation where they can have some say over what happens to and essentially what their . product, happens to the economic situation of _t&-. land and what comes back. to them at the, farm level. 6tore specifically, farmers and the farm population have no, control over government policy which I decides what is going to happen to agriculture in the next 10 or 15 years, and’ they have no control at all over their Part of our problem is that consumers product...this means the prices that they are paying very high prices for our get for that product. In a situation like products and the farmer is gettmg exthis the farmer will obviously have a low tremely low prices for his ‘production. income and a great possibility of being thrown, off the land. ,Well, now farmers are starting to do something about it and that is why we are having the Kraft boycott.
[Farmers- blameless
Consumers think that the hi:gp prices they pay are because of the farmer, when actually you have Kraft making a rake-off in the middle ground between the* ‘consumer and producer and nobody considers that. _We are rntenaing to do and talk to consumers by hitting certain, specific centers in Ontario and eventually right across Canada. At these various centers such as Kingston, Sarnia, Cornwall and later on Winnipeg, Edmonton, Moose law, Charlottetown, we are going into the supermarkets and chain stores to explain that farmers are trying to get the right of collective bargaining on behalf of themselves and for their product. We )want to explain how that is important to Ithe food that consumers get, and how the NFU demanding that right is a help to the consumer in assuring that he will get good. quality food at reasonable prices. So far, we have hit 17 centers in Ontario and covered over 75 chain stores. Kraft has spent millions of dollars on so’me very soft advertising. They claim to produce the best quality of food, they have the image of being a nice benevolent company in a free-market system. Our contention is that in a huge corporation like Kraft the quality will go down because they want to maximize their profit and in doing so, they cause unnecessary expenses to both the consumer and the producer. CIIP: Has there been any response from organized labor? KOSSICK: Organized labor has come through very well. For example, unions who have a history in Canada of being for the working’ pwople of Canada for example CUPE, the largest organized group in Canada-with 150,000 members-passed a very strong resolution supporting us, and promised to put out information about what was going on with the Kraft boycott and to help us when we get into direct activity. ‘We have gotten support from other groups such as church groups and community organizations. We have been getting. the support ‘of university students and so on, and consumers who are interested. People are starting to realize that food is just as primary a resource as oil or energy. We have had a lot of debate on the control of that. By our actions we have really pointed out to the people that the food that is produced in the same position of being controlled by multi-national corporations, or of being controlled by the people of this country. If anything is going to come out of the Kraft boycott, it will have to be the awareness of urban people about what is happening in rural Canada. Since farmers only constitute seven percent of, the population, we really don’t have much of a chance unless we make the rounds of the country to show how urban and rural
,interests are ‘“common. Once the7 powerful corporations like Kraft have complete control over the food industry, the quality of food is gomg to go down, and the price is going to go up. It will be easy for them to raise the price of cheese ’ every year and people will not be able tc ao anything about it because there will be no one to organize with in the rural areas. My point is that we need to have this boycott in order to fill people in on what’s going on so that we can organize KOSSICK: Kraft is a company that the dairymen nave had to work with and recognize as a price-setter, and art organization which really does control markets and especially dairy. Kraft is the largest dairy monopoly in North America and it is very strong in Ontario. Ontario is ’ a place’ where dairymen have been working very hard to establish some kind
in order to have good food produced tor the people of Canada, and controlled by the people of Canada. CLIP: What has been the reaction both from Kraft, and from the consumer groups in urban centers that you have contacted so far? KOSSICK: Kraft is being very sneaky with the whole’thing. One of the reasons why Kraft is so powerful is that they do have a lot of influence with certain government agencies particularly in the field of agriculture. They have put pressure on those government agencies to put pressure on us. We are getting accusations of being irresponsible and outrageously militant and unfair to a responsible corporation such as Kraft. As we expand our boycott, this pressure will increase in the form of advertising campaigns. Kraft is doing everything it can to sell Kraft right now. Consumer groups are interedted in more information and are indicating that they will support us.
What food control means To really explain to people in urban areas about the boycott, you have total k , about their own situation. You have to talk about the quality of food they are getting in their store, and what it means to have food controlled by Kraft. Kraft sees one of its biggest markets in the future in institutional food. They are counting on the fact that 95 percent of the population will be concentrated in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. They intend to operate huge cafeterias or institutional food setups. That means that the quality of food will go down. Everyone will be eating inorganic food fu I I of preservatives. When you start talking about things like this to the consumer, showing exactly what is going to happen to the food they eat, and what’s going to happen to the rural community of Canada, you start to get a basis for alliance and things are going to start to happen. They start to see food as a being controlled by primary resource someone other than the people.
Who will control? by Al Lukachko the chevron
UKT MATTHEWS was chosen president of this university by a board of governors and senate who wou Id discretely centralize power on -this campus. They found someone who could almost pacify students into thinking that he was doing them a favor. For Hurt Matthews the february 23rd refer&ndutn is a key factor in securing tinal financial control of students funds. Hasically the referendum is a question of’ who controls student activity fees-Burt Matthews of a federation council elected by students. Former federation vice-president Carl Sulliman has suggested if the activities fee administered by the federation of students becomes voluntary, the administration could very well turn around and impose a higher fee. This would be used for an administration concept of what cultural, social and sports programs students shou Id have. Such a proposition is ludicrous. t-low can other than students know what priorities lie in these areas? The notion of administration control of these funds contradicts a rejection of the in-loco-parentis concept of student discipline agreed upon by both senate and board of governors in the university act committee earlier this year. The idea of the referendum itself opposes ihat same decision. If that is the case, can such a group be <trusted to decide what activities students should be clngaged in? The question is are we mature enough to say, “Look our society considers us fully responsible for our actions, be they electoral, legal or financial. Why should some outside group decide how we spend money that we have contributed to a general fund?” Hurt Matthews talks about high school students having central government structures. Do they have any power? Do they have control of finances? Do they have any say in the running of a high school! Hurt Matthews would rather deal with a high school type of central structure. But will we be content with a high. school governing body or are we willing tb grow, maybe make a few mistakes, but Ieast of all keep open the possibility that the federation can really do something for students on this campus?
In this issue’s front page open letter federation president Rick Page proposes three possibilities for the federationihat of a service organization, that of a political force outside of the university or that of a political force. inside the tie suggests that these university.can be fulfilled by the possibilities manipulation of situations by federation “cllite” or by mass participation on the part of federation membership. The option of mass participation of the membership as a political force in the university is by far the most difficult. to attain but also the most challenging and the most rewarding. Page may have been a bit hasty in discounting mass participation in the ice c-ream row. Maybe the method used was ,It fault, but certainly not the concept of mass participation by the membership. Mass participation can be effective. AII it needs is creative ideas-creative ideas from a strong united membership. Are we willing to come forth with those ideas or are the ideas of an efadministration more ficiency-minded acceptable? But-t Matthews was vice-president academic at the university of Guelph where the student activities fee was made voluntary. tie has experiencewith the failure of the voluntary student union there. If Matthews did not want a similar situation to occur on this campus, why did he as head of the president’s advisory council strike a fees committee last july? ‘This committee was t;> review and makq recommendations on the total fee structure of the university, recommend, the funding of student services and review and #recommend - on the collectjon of the fees. In effect what he expects i> that the c.ommittee bring the activity fee, society tees, athletic and other service fees under a general pool which would be divided up by the administration. (Jnder this arrangement the federation as well as the societies would have to submit budgets to the administration thus giving up the choice of’ freely controlling their own funds. In the case of the grouped funds, membership would have no ,say in what funds would be used for what purposes. IJnder the present situation students are guaranteed a set amount of money. Some may disagree with where the bit if the money e8entual ly goes, ( ompu lsory activity fee administered by the federation-of students does not exist ,Ifter february 23, Burt Matthews will have final control over student activities.
by Doug
the chevron
.member: Canadian university press (CUP) and underground press syndicate (UPS), subscriber: liberation news service (LNS), and chevron international news service (GINS), the chevron is a newsfeature tabloid published offset fifty-two times a year (1971-1972) by the federation of students, incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation and the university administration. Offices in the campus center; phone (519) 8’85-1660 or 885-1661 or university local 3443; telex 0295-748. circulation:
13,000 (fridays)
It’s late and cold outside and no one seems to have gotten any sleep in the past week or, the cherished tradition of the masthed will have to suffer accordingly. Except, of course, to mention the the world-champion chevron waterbaby inner-tube waterpolo team extended its undefeated streak Wednesday night, winning it’s first intramural tilt (dunk?) of 1972 by another wide margin. Way to go waterbabies, stay in there gurgling...lots of parties this time of the year, maybe that’s the reason for no one getting any sleep...wish it were my reason. “I have a horror of weaknesses-l understand them, but I do not like them. I do not agree with those who think it is possible to live life at an easy pace. I don’t want this...“’ -Franz Fanon, 1952. “I have a horror of weaknesses, I understand them, since I have a lot of them...” gsk, 1972.Foto staff-bill lindsay, bob siemon, Scott gray, len greener, Steve izma, nigel burnett, gord moore, brian cere; entertainment-david and janet’and god knows who else? (da shadow do), cause they left without leaving a list of contributors this week...we’II fill them in next week; sports-george neeland (but you can call him Nutsy, everyone else does), ron smith, one-finger-typist larry burko, newly-discovered waterbaby al monks, peter hopkins, and his able assistant stu koch, sally kemp, dennis mcgann and sweet, shy retiring debbie smith (that’> volleyball, not basketball) and heaps of thanks to mary for typing all that copy...with one-nuthin’ after the first period, what did coach mckillop say to the hockey warriors between the first and second...but six-two ain’t bad, better than 19-1, eh guys?; newsies-deanna kaufman, joan Walters (sort of), Steve izma, nigel burnett, rick page,bruce murphy, Charles plater, the langs, len greener, una o’callaghan, bill Sheldon, alex smrth, george kaufman and, o’course, all our ducky buddies at dumont. gsk.
28 january
Famous lost words departmenl
It may be hoped that theI new generatic m of stugents, seeing every day the imp0tence.o If the 1 unions andâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;political. parties which are integrated with the slystem - and which; consciously or unconsciously, are torced to serve the interests. of the exploiterswill soon come to understand at Jast the necessity of organizing revolutionary unions and potitical movements. The sooner the Quebecois unite to sweep away the rottenness that poisons their existence, the sooner they will be able, in solidarity with the exploited, the niggers of all the other countries, to build a new society for a new man, a society that is human for all men, just for all men, in the t service of all men. A fraternal society. \ It is not by adding up little reforms that we will succeed in realizing this ideal. -from White Niggers of Americaâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC; by Pierre Vallieres
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